The asking price is the starting amount of the online auction. Bid along until September 26, 2022 on boatauction.com
Former Minesweeper for sale. This unique boat was used as a backdrop for the Flemish film /"Allemaal Familie/".This minesweeper is a former MSI Belgian naval vessel. The boat is 34m long and 6.50m wide. The ship is furnished as a cafe and is non-motorized. The propeller shafts are present and the propellers available. The ship has 2 clean water tanks of 1200 liters, 1 /"gray water/" tank of 2000 liters, 3 septic tanks of 1200 liters, electricity installation 220V, Central control panel Bathroom - Bathtub and 2 sinks - Lower deck Toilet room Men Ladies - Lower deck Men - 2 urinals - 1 toilet - 1 sink Ladies - 2WCs - 1 sink Café area above deck - Gas stove Inverter 12V 3600W Wooden hull, Triple-layer. 3 layers with bitumen in between. The hull needs to be inspected and repaired and painted where necessary.
The hull is currently sanded on the port side, some planks show drag marks or are superficially damaged because they were covered with copper plates. The boat is built according to the triple-layer system, these outer planks are only 2 cm thick and not like classic wooden ships several cm thick, which does make any replacement easier.
About the condition of the underwater ship is not known.
Engine, electrics, water
Other: No engine present, but propeller shafts. Electrical installation present.
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