RIVAL 41 C ‘TEXION’The Rival 41C was designed by Peter Brett and built by the Southern Boatbuilding Company (Southampton, UK) to the highest quality and safety standards, Lloyds 100A1 class.The sail area versus displacement ratio suggests that the Rivel 41C will, in the right conditions, readily approach her maximum hull speed and satisfy the sailing performance expectations of cruising sailors.The ballast versus displacement ratio means that the Rival 41C will stand up well to her canvas in a blow, helping her to power through the waves. A displacement vs length ratio tells us the Rival 41C is a heavy displacement cruising boat, you can load her down with all your cruising gear and equipment, and it will hardly affect the waterline.The comfort ratio of the Rival 41C in a seaway is excellent. Her motion through the waves is slow and predictable. The heeling is such that the decks stay dry, except for some splash water in caseof heavy seas. The capsize screening formula tells us that the Rival 41C is very safe for ocean passage sailing. The keel is incorporated in the S shaped bottom hull, which is a very safe design.To the owner’s experience, the best sailing performance of a Rival 41C is close to the wind,approx. 30°. In a blow of 7 Beaufort, with a reef in the main sail, she ploughs through the waves at the speed of 7,5 knots. Half-wind and downwind sailing with a backstay wind is very comfortable, with good speed and easy steering. Cruising downwind at 180°, she needs at least 10 knots of apparent wind to keep the course steady with the wind vane. Sailingdownwind in very light airs requires some attention, but the Code Zero sail will keep the yacht moving. It is the owner’s experience that a few degrees off course steering in this particular condition makes passage-making comfortable and easy.The present owner, for 28 years, made passages of more than 200 miles per day in a force 8-9, with speeds through the water between 6-11 knots in big waves. The steering remained very easy by hand, using the electronic autopilot or the wind vane. Despite high breaking waves, no water was coming on the deck, even not behind the aft cabin. She was not running off the rudder. There was no condition where the yacht couldn’t keep her course.Like a train on the tracks, the yacht remained on her rump line.The present owner bought the Rival 41C in 1995 from an English surgeon who maintained her meticulously. Since he acquired the yacht, he has made yearly investments in maintenance to the highest standards and upgrades: (1) new teak deck (2013), (2) new rigging and stow away mast (2013), (3) 220V generator, (4) complete set of Raymarine instruments and communication system, (5) all the electrics, wiring, switches and dashboard have been replaced, (6) a new Mitsubishi engine was installed in 2014 and again rebuilt in 2022, replacing all the gaskets and pumps, (7) an electric cooker was installed as well as (8) a 3-bladed feathering* VarioProp (9) a powerful bow thruster was installed and (10) new upholstery of the cushionsand seats. Every winter season, the yacht has been placed out of the water on the hard. All the cushions, sails, and ropes have been stored in a dry room during winter.This Rival 41 c is now berthed in Antwerp - Belgium. The Rival 41C Texion is very easy to sail; all the lines to manipulate the main sail and foresails are let to the cockpit. Unrolling and reducing sail area can therefore be done easily and safely.The Rival Texion sailed the Mediterranean, went around the UK, crossed the Atlantic Ocean,and sailed the last four years between the nine islands of the Azores. She was sailed back to Antwerp, without trouble from the Azores during summer 2024.The main remarkable aspects of the yacht are the safe cockpit, her beautiful shear lines, together with the quality of the gel coat of the rump, the cockpit and the deck without cracks. She looks great. When moored in a harbour, the yacht gets a lot of attention from sailors and people walking close by because of her immaculate state. A full specification sheet and a file with 87 photos are available upon request.


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1980 Rival 41 C
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