MENTOR is a round bilge steel schooner, the hull design is a copy of the Royal Navy’s sea cadet training brigantine “TS Royalist”. She was built to Lloyds A1 survey requirements with 4 main watertight bulkheads and a total of 6 watertight doors. The vessel was built in Fremantle Western Australia by Hoffland Boatbuilders and was completed in time for chartering during the 1987 America’s cup Challenge in Fremantle that year. Designed for chartering, she did so for five years including three years in the Whitsunday islands on the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland. MENTOR moved into SE Asian waters some decades ago as home to her original owner and he has enjoyed life afloat for these past years but now sees the time to move to a smaller yacht. He hands the vessel to a new owner in constantly maintained condition, can help with all manner of technical information, indeed he has written manuals on all aspects of maintaining his yacht from refrigeration to removing the rudder.... In fact the vessel has also spent many years ashore here in Langkawi when the owner was away to work. The vessel is a truly well maintained vessel and deserves the attention of anyone seeking a charter yacht or expedition type vessel.


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1986 Custom Schooner
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