DUFOUR 430, 2020, U. Felci, SCAFO BIANCO, DUFOUR YACHTS, 850 ORE DI MOTO, ELICA DI PRUA, 3 CABINE, 2 BAGNI, 2 BOX DOCCIA, CLIMATIZZATORE PORTATILE, AIS, RADAR, CAPPOTTINA PARASPRUZZI, BIMINI-TOP, +39 06 65 22 258/9, www.mediaship.it - CODICE ANNUNCIO W177339/V Il DUFOUR 430 del cantiere Dufour Yachts, è un elegante Cruiser progettato per offrire comodità e ottime prestazioni a vela. Gli interni spaziosi, con tre cabine e due bagni e la cucina a prua via dell'ampio living sono pensati per il massimo comfort, con finiture e soluzioni moderne. Il DUFOUR 430 è ben equipaggiato, con: elica di prua telescopica, bagni dotati di box doccia e WC elettrico nella cabina armatoriale, dinette trasformabile, randa full-batten su carrelli, elettronica Raymarine completa, climatizzatore portatile, forno a microonde, impianto Hi-Fi con altoparlanti esterni e interni. Nel 2024 sono state sostituite le 7 batterie. - Entra in MediaShip.it e consulta le Schede descrittive, con oltre 6.000 tra Immagini e Video, potrai prenotare la tua Video Visita a bordo, acquistare e vendere il tuo Posto Barca e riservare le migliori imbarcazioni e Location per le tue vacanze in barca.
Note sul prezzo: IVA Inclusa
English DUFOUR 430, 2020, U. Felci, HULL WHITE, DUFOUR YACHTS, 850 ENGINE HOURS, BOW THRUSTER, 3 CABIN/S, 2 WC(S), 2 SHOWER BOOTHS, PORTABLE HOT/COLD AIR CONDITIONER, FUEL OIL, AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM, RADAR, SPRAYHOOD, BIMINI-TOP, +39 06 65 22 258/9, www.mediaship.it - AD CODE W177339/V The DUFOUR 430, built by Dufour Yachts, is an elegant Cruiser designed to offer comfort and excellent sailing performance. The spacious interiors, featuring three cabins, two bathrooms, and a forward kitchen adjacent to the large living area, are designed for maximum comfort, with modern finishes and solutions. The DUFOUR 430 is well-equipped, featuring: retractable bow thruster, bathrooms with shower booths, and an electric toilet in the owner's cabin, convertible salon, full-batten mainsail on a traveler, complete Raymarine electronics, hot/cold portable air conditioner, microwave oven, Hi-Fi system with internal and external speakers. In 2024, the 7 batteries were replaced - Check the full brochure, the video and the sea trial on our Web site MEDIA SHIP
Française DUFOUR 430, 2020, U. Felci, COQUE BLANC, DUFOUR YACHTS, 850 HEURS DU MOTEUR, PROPULSEUR D'éTRAVE, 3 CABINES, 2 SALLES DE BAIN, 2 CABINES DE DOUCHE, CLIMATISEUR PORTABLE, SYSTèME D'IDENTIFICATION AUTOMATIQUE, RADAR, CAPOTE DE PROTECTION, BIMINI-TOP, +39 06 65 22 258/9, www.mediaship.it - CODE DE L'ANNOUNCE W177339/V - Consultez le dossier complet, le vid�o et l'essai en mer sur notre site Web MEDIA SHIP
Deutsch DUFOUR 430, 2020, U. Felci, RUMPF WEIß, DUFOUR YACHTS, 850 BETRIEBSSTUNDEN, BUGSTRAHLRUDER, 3 KABINEN, 2 BADEZIMMER, 2 DUSCHKABINE, TRAGBARE KLIMAANLAGE, AIS, RADAR, SPRAYHOOD, BIMINI-VERDECK, +39 06 65 22 258/9, www.mediaship.it - ANZEIGENUMMER W177339/V - Sehen sie das komplette techinischen broschure, das video und die wassertest, auf unserer website MEDIA SHIP
Español DUFOUR 430, 2020, U. Felci, CASCO BLANCO, DUFOUR YACHTS, 850 HORAS MOTOR, HÉLICE DE PROA, 3 CAMAROTES, 2 BAÑOS, 2 CABINAS DE DUCHA, CLIMATIZADOR PORTÁTIL, SISTEMA DE IDENTIFICACIóN AUTOMáTICA, RADAR, CAPPOTTINA PARAROCIAR, BIMINI-TOP, +39 06 65 22 258/9, www.mediaship.it - CóD. ANUNCIO W177339/V - Consulte la ficha completa, el video y la prueba de mar en nuestro sitio Web MEDIA SHIP
Русский DUFOUR 430, 2020, U. Felci, HULL WHITE, DUFOUR YACHTS, 850 ENGINE HOURS, BOW THRUSTER, 3 CABIN/S, 2 WC(S), 2 SHOWER BOOTHS, PORTABLE HOT/COLD AIR CONDITIONER, FUEL OIL, AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM, RADAR, SPRAYHOOD, BIMINI-TOP, +39 06 65 22 258/9, www.mediaship.it - AD CODE W177339/V The DUFOUR 430, built by Dufour Yachts, is an elegant Cruiser designed to offer comfort and excellent sailing performance. The spacious interiors, featuring three cabins, two bathrooms, and a forward kitchen adjacent to the large living area, are designed for maximum comfort, with modern finishes and solutions. The DUFOUR 430 is well-equipped, featuring: retractable bow thruster, bathrooms with shower booths, and an electric toilet in the owner's cabin, convertible salon, full-batten mainsail on a traveler, complete Raymarine electronics, hot/cold portable air conditioner, microwave oven, Hi-Fi system with internal and external speakers. In 2024, the 7 batteries were replaced - Check the full brochure, the video and the sea trial on our Web site MEDIA SHIP
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