My name is Zoe, I'm a nineteen year old Canadian living here in Milan with my husband to gain experience, and enjoy the culture this city has to offer. I'm a very friendly, social girl with a passion for food, music, art and film! From the age of sixteen to eighteen I was a part time nanny overseas to one baby, and three girls ages six, seven and eight in New Zealand, so I'm no stranger to the responsibilities of caring for little ones. I'm responsible, patient and filled with creative playful energy which I believe is what makes me a perfect fit for a nanny. I am able to cook, clean, help with homework, play games, stay at home or go out and about with your little ones. I am also more than comfortable caring for multiple children at once, as well as babies. I am very flexible and have no current obligations tying me down.


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Baby sitter Zoe a Milano
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