Montevideo short st
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Guanti in pelle di capra e poliestere. Membrana Solto-Tex e fodera interna in tessuto. Barriera contro l'acqua alle estremità del polsino. Palmo della mano in pelle con doppio strato e imbottitura in Superfabric. Inserti in mesh sul mignolo e sul dorso della mano. Stampaggio in TPU infrangibile sulle nocche rivestito in Superfabric. Inserto elasticizzato sul dorso della mano. Doppio strato di pelle sul mignolo. Polsino regolabile in larghezza con chiusura in velcro. Polso elasticizzato con chiusura in velcro. Pollice e indice con materiale compatibile con touchscreen. Sicurezza: secondo la norma EN 13594:2015 Guida misure guanti IXS UOMO Taglie Circonferenza XS 19,5-21 cm S 21-22 cm M 22-23 cm L 23-24 cm XL 24-25 cm 2XL 25-26,5 cm 3XL 26,5-28 cm 4XL 28-29,5 cm 5XL 29,5-31 cm DONNA Taglie Circonferenza XS 15,5-17 cm S 17-18,5 cm M 18,5-20 cm L 20-21,5 cm XL 21,5-23 cm 2XL 23-24,5 cm Le informazioni sulle dimensioni sono fornite dal produttore e non garantiscono una perfetta vestibilità. Come misurare CIRCONFERENZA DELLA MANO: La circonferenza del palmo è la misura massima presa intorno alla parte più ampia della mano, escluso il pollice.
69,94 €
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Guanti in pelle di capra e poliestere. Membrana Solto-Tex e fodera interna in tessuto. Barriera contro lacqua alle estremità del polsino. Palmo della mano in pelle con doppio strato e imbottitura in Superfabric. Inserti in mesh sul mignolo e sul dorso della mano. Stampaggio in TPU infrangibile sulle nocche rivestito in Superfabric. Inserto elasticizzato sul dorso della mano. Doppio strato di pelle sul mignolo. Polsino regolabile in larghezza con chiusura in velcro. Polso elasticizzato con chiusura in velcro. Pollice e indice con materiale compatibile con touchscreen. Sicurezza: secondo la norma EN 13594:2015 Guida misure guanti IXS UOMO Taglie Circonferenza XS 19,5-21 cm S 21-22 cm M 22-23 cm L 23-24 cm XL 24-25 cm 2XL 25-26,5 cm 3XL 26,5-28 cm 4XL 28-29,5 cm 5XL 29,5-31 cm DONNA Taglie Circonferenza XS 15,5-17 cm S 17-18,5 cm M 18,5-20 cm L 20-21,5 cm XL 21,5-23 cm 2XL 23-24,5 cm Le informazioni sulle dimensioni sono fornite dal produttore e non garantiscono una perfetta vestibilità. Come misurare CIRCONFERENZA DELLA MANO: La circonferenza del palmo è la misura massima presa intorno alla parte più ampia della mano, escluso il pollice.
69,30 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Veicolo proposto e visionabile presso la Filiale LINK MOTORS - ROMA OVEST AURELIA PRONTA CONSEGNA FORD FIESTA 1.6 182CV 3 porte ST Motore: 1597 cc Potenza: 134 kW / 182 CV C?ambio: Manuale Porte: 5 / Posti: 5 Immatricolazione 2014 Percorrenza 147.000 km Colore: BLU Carburante: BENZINA Classe Emissioni: Euro 5 TAGLIANDO COMPLETO a 144.500 Km 01/2024 CAMBIO DISTRIBUZIONE, POMPA ACQUA, SUPPORTI MOTORE, CANDELE a 133.000Km 02/2023 SHORT SHIFT MOUNTUNE TUBI IN TRECCIA AEREONAUTICA KIT MAPPA MOTORE MOUNTUNE MP215 CERCHI da 17 VIDEO disponibile sul nostro canale YouTube: POSSIBILITA' DI FINANZIAMENTI da 12 a 84 MESI GARANZIA da 12 a 36 MESI CONTRATTO A DISTANZA POSSIBILITÀ VISIONE A MEZZO VIDEOCALL E SPEDIZIONE A DOMICILIO CONSEGNA A DOMICILIO: Hai acquistato il veicolo a distanza e non puoi venire a ritirarla in sede? Il nostro processo format di acquisto a distanza ci permette di consegnarti il veicolo direttamente a casa, con servizio di consegna a domicilio in tutta Italia, comprese isole. TUTTE LE FOTO sono originali e realizzate da noi in ALTA RISOLUZIONE LINK MOTORS - ROMA OVEST AURELIA Via Degli Aldobrandeschi 35 - 00163 Roma Tel. 06.24303127 - Mob. 338.2215521 Mail. [email protected] ? *I NOSTRI SERVIZI* - Tutela dalle truffe - Assistenza Personale Link Motors - FINANZIAMENTO da 12 - 84 mesi - GARANZIA guasti attivabile su richiesta 12 - 36 mesi - Possibilita di trasporti nazionali ed internazionali - Gestione Burocrazia fino al passaggio di proprieta - Novita veicoli a KM ZERO - Noleggio a lungo termine 12-60 mesi - NO SCAMBI - Foto in alta risoluzione sul sito Link Motors? La dotazione tecnica e gli accessori indicati nella presente scheda potrebbero non coincidere con l effettivo equipaggiamento del veicolo, a causa della non uniformità dei dati pubblicati dai diversi portali. Ci scusiamo per l inconveniente e vi invitiamo a verificare le caratteristiche dello specifico veicolo. Si declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali involontarie incongruenze, che non rappresentano in alcun modo un impegno contrattuale.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione [Rif. 21279180] Veicolo proposto e visionabile presso la Filiale LINK MOTORS - ROMA OVEST AURELIA PRONTA CONSEGNA FORD FIESTA 1.6 182CV 3 porte ST Motore: 1597 cc Potenza: 134 kW / 182 CV C?ambio: Manuale Porte: 5 / Posti: 5 Immatricolazione 2014 Percorrenza 147.000 km Colore: BLU Carburante: BENZINA Classe Emissioni: Euro 5 TAGLIANDO COMPLETO a 144.500 Km 01/2024 CAMBIO DISTRIBUZIONE, POMPA ACQUA, SUPPORTI MOTORE, CANDELE a 133.000Km 02/2023 SHORT SHIFT MOUNTUNE TUBI IN TRECCIA AEREONAUTICA KIT MAPPA MOTORE MOUNTUNE MP215 CERCHI da 17 VIDEO disponibile sul nostro canale YouTube: POSSIBILITA' DI FINANZIAMENTI da 12 a 84 MESI GARANZIA da 12 a 36 MESI CONTRATTO A DISTANZA POSSIBILITÀ VISIONE A MEZZO VIDEOCALL E SPEDIZIONE A DOMICILIO CONSEGNA A DOMICILIO: Hai acquistato il veicolo a distanza e non puoi venire a ritirarla in sede? Il nostro processo format di acquisto a distanza ci permette di consegnarti il veicolo direttamente a casa, con servizio di consegna a domicilio in tutta Italia, comprese isole. TUTTE LE FOTO sono originali e realizzate da noi in ALTA RISOLUZIONE LINK MOTORS - ROMA OVEST AURELIA Via Degli Aldobrandeschi 35 - 00163 Roma Tel. MOSTRA NUMERO - Mob. MOSTRA NUMERO Mail. MANDA UNA MAIL ? *I NOSTRI SERVIZI* - Tutela dalle truffe - Assistenza Personale Link Motors - FINANZIAMENTO da 12 - 84 mesi - GARANZIA guasti attivabile su richiesta 12 - 36 mesi - Possibilita di trasporti nazionali ed internazionali - Gestione Burocrazia fino al passaggio di proprieta - Novita veicoli a KM ZERO - Noleggio a lungo termine 12-60 mesi - NO SCAMBI - Foto in alta risoluzione sul sito Link Motors? La dotazione tecnica e gli accessori indicati nella presente scheda potrebbero non coincidere con l effettivo equipaggiamento del veicolo, a causa della non uniformità dei dati pubblicati dai diversi portali. Ci scusiamo per l inconveniente e vi invitiamo a verificare le caratteristiche dello specifico veicolo. Si declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali involontarie incongruenze, che non rappresentano in alcun modo un impegno contrattuale.
11.490 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
lengte is 11.98 mvinkiel is volgens mij van looddoorvaarthoogte is 16 meterer zijn 3 huttenstahoogte is 1.85mankerketting is 50 meterbrandstoftank is volgens mij kunststofgenua is 150% genua en van 2013 net als grootzeil.radarreflector is van het dure en beste type, van 2014? zie factuur, goed om type te vermelden.Tot zover, dank, en met vriendelijke groet,lengte is 11.98 mvinkiel is volgens mij van looddoorvaarthoogte is 16 meterer zijn 3 huttenstahoogte is 1.85mankerketting is 50 meterbrandstoftank is volgens mij kunststofgenua is 150% genua en van 2013 net als grootzeil.radarreflector is van het dure en beste type, van 2014? zie factuur, goed om type te vermelden.Tot zover, dank, en met vriendelijke groet,***** FOR ENGLISH AND GERMAN DESCRIPTION SEE BELOW***
Dufour 38 Classic
De Dufour 38 is een prachtig allround cruising yacht. Dit jacht is snel en makkelijk te bevaren met een kleine bemanning. De 38 cc classic combineert traditioneel met een uitgebalanceerde tuigage en het ontwerp is tijdloos. Dit is een hoogwaardige betaalbare boot en ze heeft een mooi afgetimmerd en zeer sfeervol interieur. De uitstekende prijs/prestatie verhouding maakt deze boot een geduchte concurrent voor andere werven. De “New Wave” is sinds 2018 van de 2e eigenaar, die het jacht altijd goed heeft onderhouden. Het jacht is nooit in de verhuur geweest, heeft altijd op zoet water gelegen en staat sinds 2019 iedere winter in een overdekte loods. Kortom, mooie klassieke cruiser en vaarklaar!
Algemeen:New Wave, lengte 11,98 m., breedte 3,85 m., diepte 1,90 m., bouwjaar 2000, bouwnummer FR Duf C 1596B000, bouwer en afbouw casco Dufour Yachts Frankrijk, ontwerper J b'&' J Design, rondspant, vinkiel lood, bouwmateriaal polyester, uitvoering dek polyester, waterverplaatsing 6,2 ton, ballast 2,1 ton, betimmering klassiek mahonie, teak kuipvloer, 6 slaapplaatsen (ruime tweepersoonsbedden zowel voor als achter), 2 hutten, stahoogte salon 1.89 m., elektrische ankerlier Lofrans, anker CQR ploegschaar, zeereling rvs, uitklapbaar zwemplateau, rvs zwemtrap, reddingsboei, 4 pers. reddingsvlot (nieuw 2022) in container, kuiptafel, teakhouten schuurlijst, teak in de kuip. Verder: het onderwaterschip is geheel kaal geweest en voorzien van een anti osmose nieuw epoxy systeem met 2 x harde antifouling.
Motor:Volvo Penta MD 2040 MD, 39 PK, bouwjaar 2000, motornummer 5102933078, diesel, motoruren circa 2500, motorbeurt en filters (2024), overbrenging saildrive, saildrive manchet vervangen (2014), 3- blads Volvo Penta klapschroef (2019), rvs brandstoftank 160 liter.
Tuigage:Doorvaarhoogte 17 m., top getuigd, materiaal rondhouten aluminium, halfwinder oprolbaar, grootzeil laminaat (2021), rol HA Fok laminaat (2021) met schuimbanen radiaal gesneden, materiaalverstaging rvs std. vernieuwd/staand want (2018), vallen (2018).
Navigatie en apparatuur:Walstroom, acculader, Volt/Amp meter, ST 60 autohelm instrumenten, kaartplotter Raymarine JR (2018), radar Furuno, AIS 700 klasse B (2018). radarreflector is van het dure en beste type,
Gas en water:Kunststof watertank (2 x 180 liter), elektrisch waterdruksysteem, warmwaterboiler 40 liter (2020), binnen- en buitendouche, toilet handmatig, koelkast, vriesvak, kooktoestel 2 pits (gas), oven, heteluchtverwarming diesel (Webasto), lenspomp handmatig + elektrisch, gasslangen (2022).
Disclaimer:Gegevens worden verstrekt naar beste eer en geweten, echter eSailing is niet aansprakelijk voor de kwaliteit en/of de omschrijving van het vaartuig.
ENGLISHDufour 38 ClassicThe Dufour 38 is a beautiful all-round cruising yacht. This yacht is fast and easy to sail with a small crew. The 38 cc classic combines traditional with a balanced rig and the design is timeless. This is a high-quality affordable boat and she has a beautifully finished and very attractive interior. The excellent price/performance ratio makes this boat a formidable competitor for other shipyards. The “New Wave” has been owned by the 2nd owner since 2018, who has always maintained the yacht well. The yacht has never been for rent, has always been on fresh water and has been in a covered shed every winter since 2019. In short, a beautiful classic cruiser and ready to sail!
General:New Wave, length 11.98 m., width 3.85 m., depth 1.90 m., year of construction 2000, construction number FR Duf C 1596B000, builder and finishing hull Dufour Yachts France, designer J b'&' J Design, round bilge, fin keel lead, building material polyester, deck design polyester, water displacement 6.2 tons, ballast 2.1 tons, classic mahogany panelling, teak cockpit floor, 6 berths (spacious double beds both front and back), 2 cabins, standing height saloon 1.89 m., electric anchor winch Lofrans, anchor CQR ploughshare, stainless steel guard rail, fold-out swimming platform, stainless steel swimming ladder, lifebuoy, 4-person life raft (new 2022) in container, cockpit table, teak shed strip, teak in the cockpit. Furthermore: the underwater hull has been completely bare and fitted with an anti-osmosis new epoxy system with 2 x hard antifouling.
Engine:Volvo Penta 2040 MD, 39 HP, built in 2000, engine number 5102933078, diesel, engine hours approximately 2500, engine service and filters (2024), saildrive transmission, saildrive sleeve replaced (2014), 3-blade Volvo Penta folding propeller (2019), stainless steel fuel tank 160 liters.
Rigging:Bridgewaterclearance 16 m., top rigged, material spars aluminum, halfwinder furlable, mainsail laminate (2021), roller HA Jib laminate (2021) with foam panels radially cut, material stays stainless steel std. renewed/standing rigging (2018), halyards (2018).
Navigation and equipment:Shore power, battery charger, Volt/Amp meter, ST 60 autohelm instruments, chartplotter Raymarine JR (2018), radar Furuno, AIS 700 class B (2018).
Gas and water:Plastic water tank (2 x 180 litres), electric water pressure system, hot water boiler 40 litres (2020), indoor and outdoor shower, toilet manual, refrigerator, freezer compartment, 2 burner stove (gas), oven, hot air heating diesel (Webasto), bilge pump manual + electric, gas hoses (2022).
Disclaimer: All information given herin is to our best knowledge and belief, however eSailing declines all responsibility for the quality and/or specification of the boat.
GERMANDufour 38 ClassicDie Dufour 38 ist eine wunderschöne Allround-Fahrtenyacht. Diese Yacht ist schnell und einfach mit einer kleinen Crew zu segeln. Der 38 Klassiker verbindet Tradition mit ausgewogener Ausstattung und das Design ist zeitlos. Dies ist ein hochwertiges, erschwingliches Boot und sie verfügt über eine wunderschön verarbeitete und sehr attraktive Innenausstattung. Das hervorragende Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis macht dieses Boot zu einem hervorragenden Konkurrenten für andere Werften. Seit 2018 gehört die „New Wave“ dem 2. Eigner, der die Yacht stets gut gepflegt hat. Die Yacht wurde nie vermietet, war immer auf Frischwasser und wird seit 2019 jeden Winter in einem überdachten Schuppen gelagert. Kurz gesagt, ein wunderschöner klassischer Kreuzer und bereit zum Segeln!
Allgemein:New Wave, Länge 11,98 m, Breite 3,85 m, Tiefe 1,90 m, Baujahr 2000, Baunummer FR Duf C 1596B000, Bau- und Endrumpf Dufour Yachts France, Designer J b'&' J Design, runde Bilge, Flossenkielführung, Baumaterial Polyester, Deckversion Polyester, Wasserverdrängung 6,2 Tonnen, Ballast 2,1 Tonnen, klassische Mahagoni-Verkleidung, Teak-Cockpit-Boden, 6 Kojen (geräumige Doppelbetten vorne und hinten), 2 Kabinen, Salon-Stehhöhe 1,89 m, elektrische Ankerwinde Lofrans, Anker CQR-Pflugschar, Edelstahl-Geländer, ausklappbare Badeplattform, Edelstahl-Badeleiter, Rettungsring, 4 Pers. Rettungsinsel (neu 2022) im Container, Cockpittisch, Teakholz-Schleifgestell, Teakholz im Cockpit. Außerdem: Das Unterwasserschiff wurde komplett entleert und mit einem neuen Anti-Osmose-Epoxidsystem mit 2 x Hartantifouling ausgestattet.
Motor:Volvo Penta 2040 MD, 39 PS, Baujahr 2000, Motornummer 5102933078, Diesel, Motorstunden ca. 2500, Motorwartung und Filter (2024), Saildrive-Getriebe, Saildrive-Manschette ersetzt (2014), 3-Blatt-Volvo Penta-Faltpropeller (2019), Edelstahl-Kraftstofftank 160 Liter.
Takelwerk:Durchfahrtshöhe 16 m., oben getakelt, Material Holme Aluminium, Halbwickler aufrollbar, Großsegel Laminat (2021), Rolle HA Fock Laminat (2021) mit Schaumstoffstreifen radial geschnitten, Materialstreben Edelstahl Std. erneuerte/stehende Takelage (2018), fallende (2018).
Navigation und Ausrüstung:Landstrom, Batterieladegerät, Volt-/Amperemessgerät, ST 60-Autohelminstrumente, Kartenplotter Raymarine JR (2018), Radar Furuno, AIS 700 Klasse B (2018).
Gas und Wasser:Kunststoff-Wassertank (2 x 180 Liter), elektrisches Wasserdrucksystem, Warmwasserboiler 40 Liter (2020), Innen- und Außendusche, manuelle Toilette, Kühlschrank, Gefrierschrank, 2-Flammen-Herd (Gas), Backofen, Heißluftheizung Diesel (Webasto), manuelle + elektrische Bilgenpumpe, Gasschläuche (2022).
Disclaimer:Die Angaben werden auf bestem Wissen und Gewissen gemacht, aber eSailing haftet jedoch nicht für die Qualität und/oder Beschreibung des Fahrzeugs.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The boat was built in 2007 and launched in 2008. She has had two owners who have done cruises and regattas in the Mediterranean. It is a versatile boat which is very maneuverable and comfortable for cruising for 6 and very efficient in regattas with a crew of 10-11 people. In regattas it can be used in both Inshore races and Offshore races. The boat has always been methodically and professionally maintained to keep it in perfect working order. All spare equipment is packaged and stored in a garage protected from bad weather. The boat has been extensively refitted and optimized in recent years and the main works were redone in 2022 with sandblasting, sanding, smoothing and regatta antifouling. The boat is visible in St Maxime until December and then in Port Pin Rolland, where it will be put dry for winter storage. It is ready to sail since everything necessary is on board and in perfect working order. The boat is for sale for two major reasons: change of regatta program and decision to invest in a round-the-world boat in 2024. The boat is performing well in his class and has reached very good results in many regattas in different racing fields.Hull and deck Polyester and GRP fiberglass, polyester fiberglass sandwich with galvanized steel structure Keel: cast iron sail and lead bulb, bulb weight 2,730kg Saffron: carbon wick, infused resin, carbon steering wheel Self-guiding lower bearing replaced 2023, as well as all the steering wheel bearings. Pickling and anodizing of all aluminum parts. Steering wheel stripped and repainted March 2023.
Volvo Penta 40hp engine overhauled 2020, 189kg, Engine hours to be confirmedZDriveRetractable two-blade propellerDiesel tank capacity 100L
Berths: 8
Cabins: 3
Cabin height:
Shower: YES
Heating: YES
Accommodations notes: 3 double cabins with wardrobes 2 square beds with saloon table Bathroom, WC Card table Kitchen with 2 burners, oven, sink, storage, fridge Cabin cushions and mattresses redone in 2023, and saloon in very good condition. Interior layout with anti-roll canvases for the regatta
Hot water: YES
Refrigerator: YES
Water system: YES
Galley notes: Kitchen with 2 burners, oven, sink, cupboards, fridge.
Automatic pilot: NEW NAC3 with remote control from Bb'&'G.
Radar: YES
Navigation instruments notes: New equipment installed in March 2023Bb'&'G - 20/20 HV display Qty 3 at the base of the mastBb'&'G - DST810 Depth/Speed/Temp Probe PlasticBb'&'G - ZEUS 3S 9-inch multifunction display at chart table with C-MAP - 4DMAX+ Zone Wide mappingBb'&'G - Triton 2 Color multifunction display in cockpit.Original material.Bb'&'G remote control for autopilot, Remote vision with wireless portMagnetic compassRadar deflectorVHFNEW AUTOPILOT: type NAC3 with remote control from Bb'&'G.WIFI miniplex 3 internal AIS repeater and instrumentation.Radio and internal and external speakers.
Batteries: 3
Battery charger: YES
Electrical notes: 3 65/75Ah service batteries 1 65/75Ah engine battery LED lights cabins, saloon, chart table, kitchen, bathroom 12V/230V inverter 230V/12V charger + adapters Master volt BTMIII
Sails (approximate surface area: Mainsail 55m2, Genoa 44m2, SPI 150M2)1 lightweight Carbon/Kevlar battened genoa – delivered in 2023 – Quantum – New1 medium Carbon/Kevlar latte genoa – 2020 – Quantum – Good condition1 heavy Carbon/Kevlar battened genoa – delivered in 2023 – Quantum – New1 GV Carbon/Taffeta - 2020 – Quantum – very good condition1 heavy symmetrical spinnaker 1.5 OZ – 2015 – Quantum – very good condition1 medium symmetrical spinnaker superkote 75 – 2021 – Quantum – very good condition1 light symmetrical spinnaker 0.5OZ – 2015 – Quantum – very good condition1 conveyor mainsail – contender super cruise 9.4 - Quantum 2021 - New, never used1 furling genoa – 3DI North 20181 medium asymmetric spinnaker - 20152 genoas, 1 light, 1 medium quantum for spare regatta 2015 good condition1 GV Carbon/Kevlar for spare regatta 2015 good condition.
Rigging: Navtec Rod.800 series
Spinnaker pole: CARBON
Running rigging: ROD
Standing riggingNavtec Rod, 800 series (stay, shrouds, diagonals and backstays) complete refit 2020Harken “Tuff Luff” hollow prop for regatta (double throat)Genoa furler for cruising
Running rigging (All rigging is spectra/dynema, Tylaska carabiners)All halyards and sheets replaced in 20212 12mm spinnaker halyards1 12mm capping halyard1 12mm genoa halyard1 8mm swing2 12mm genoa sheets
2 spinnaker sheets 8mm2 spinnaker arms 12mmI mainsheet 10mm2 8mm spinnaker barbers1 “short sheet” of 10mm genoa(spare listening)
- Mast, Spreaders, Boom and Outrigger- Carbon mast and boom from Nordic Mast- Mast installed on the keel, crossing the saloon- 2 stages of pushing spreaders- Carbon pole and aluminum “spare” pole- Adjustable aluminum vang- Hydraulic MastJack revised 2022.
Hatches: YES
Winches: YES
Deck equipment notes:
Hardware2 Harken GV self-tailing crank winches2 Harken Génois self-tailing crank winches2 Harken self-tailing crank winches and halyards including one electric for cruisingHarken Spinlock for SPI Tb'&'B, Genoa, Capelage, Balancine, Mainsail halyards
lifelines, 10 life jackets 2019, EPIRB beacon, pharmacy redone 2022, safety kit (lights), manual pump, 2 electric pumps, including 1 automatic, crown buoy, MOB system on VHF, 2 kg fire extinguisher in each cabin and square.Survival 6 people revised 2022.Anchors and 40ml chain 8MM + Orin 20ML
Hull and deckPolyester and GRP fiberglass, polyester fiberglass sandwich with galvanized steel structure
Keel: cast iron sail and lead bulb, bulb weight 2,730kgSaffron: carbon wick, infused resin, carbon steering wheelSelf-guiding lower bearing replaced 2023, as well as all the steering wheel bearings.Pickling and anodizing of all aluminum parts.Steering wheel stripped and repainted March 2023.
Electric windlass engine replaced 2021, with remote controlCabin heatingWatermaker brand Dessalator Like new installation 2021.
End locks (4X), crank location (4X) replaced 2023.MooringsMainsail awning (light and heavy), Sun awningBar Cover
IRC 2023, ORC 2022 certificate
RADAR: deflector Navigation instruments notes:New equipment installed in March 2023 Bb'&'G - 20/20 HV display Qty 3 at the base of the mast Bb'&'G - DST810 Depth/Speed/Temp Probe Plastic Bb'&'G - ZEUS 3S 9-inch multifunction display at chart table with C-MAP - 4DMAX+ Zone Wide mapping Bb'&'G - Triton 2 Color multifunction display in cockpit. Original material. Bb'&'G remote control for autopilot, Remote vision with wireless port Magnetic compass Radar deflector VHF H2000 Autopilot WIFI miniplex 3 internal AIS repeater and instrumentation. Radio and internal and external speakers. ELECTRICAL: Batteries:3 65/75Ah service batteries 1 65/75Ah engine battery LED lights cabins, saloon, chart table, kitchen, bathroom 12V/230V inverter 230V/12V charger + adapters Master volt BTMIII
SAILS:Sails (approximate surface area: Mainsail 55m2, Genoa 44m2, SPI 150M2) 1 lightweight Carbon/Kevlar battened genoa – delivered in 2023 – Quantum – New 1 medium Carbon/Kevlar latte genoa – 2020 – Quantum – Good condition 1 heavy Carbon/Kevlar battened genoa – delivered in 2023 – Quantum – New 1 GV Carbon/Taffeta - 2020 – Quantum – very good condition 1 heavy symmetrical spinnaker 1.5 OZ – 2015 – Quantum – very good condition 1 medium symmetrical spinnaker superkote 75 – 2021 – Quantum – very good condition 1 light symmetrical spinnaker 0.5OZ – 2015 – Quantum – very good condition 1 conveyor mainsail – contender super cruise 9.4 - Quantum 2021 - New, never used 1 furling genoa – 3DI North 2018 1 medium asymmetric spinnaker - 2015 2 genoas, 1 light, 1 medium quantum for spare regatta 2015 good condition 1 GV Carbon/Kevlar for spare regatta 2015 good condition.
Rigging:Navtec Rod.800 series. Mast:Carbon. Boom:Carbon. Vang:Aluminium. Spinnaker pole:carbon. Running rigging:Rod. Spars and rigging notes: Standing rigging Navtec Rod, 800 series (stay, shrouds, diagonals and backstays) complete refit 2020 Harken “Tuff Luff” hollow prop for regatta (double throat) Genoa furler for cruising Running rigging (All rigging is spectra/dynema, Tylaska carabiners) All halyards and sheets replaced in 2021 2 12mm spinnaker halyards 1 12mm capping halyard 1 12mm genoa halyard 1 8mm swing 2 12mm genoa sheets 2 spinnaker sheets 8mm 2 spinnaker arms 12mm I mainsheet 10mm 2 8mm spinnaker barbers 1 “short sheet” of 10mm genoa (spare listening) - Mast, Spreaders, Boom and Outrigger - Carbon mast and boom from Nordic Mast - Mast installed on the keel, crossing the saloon - 2 stages of pushing spreaders - Carbon pole and aluminum “spare” pole - Adjustable aluminum vang - Hydraulic MastJack revised 2022 / DECK EQUIPMENT: Hatches:yes. Winches:Harken. Deck equipment notes:Hardware 2 Harken GV self-tailing crank winches 2 Harken Génois self-tailing crank winches 2 Harken self-tailing crank winches and halyards including one electric for cruising Harken Spinlock for SPI Tb'&'B, Genoa, Capelage, Balancine, Mainsail halyards / SAFETY EQUIPMENT CE Registration:yes. Fire-extinguishers:yes / Safety equipment notes:lifelines, 10 life jackets 2019, EPIRB beacon, pharmacy redone 2022, safety kit (lights), manual pump, 2 electric pumps, including 1 automatic, crown buoy, MOB system on VHF, 2 kg fire extinguisher in each cabin and square. Survival 6 people revised 2022. Anchors and 40ml chain 8MM + Orin 20ML.
CONSTRUCTION: Keel:cast iron sail / Construction notes:Hull and deck Polyester and GRP fiberglass, polyester fiberglass sandwich with galvanized steel structure Keel: cast iron sail and lead bulb, bulb weight 2,730kg Saffron: carbon wick, infused resin, carbon steering wheel Self-guiding lower bearing replaced 2023, as well as all the steering wheel bearings. Pickling and anodizing of all aluminum parts. Steering wheel stripped and repainted March 2023. SPEAKERS: YES / NOTES: Electric windlass engine replaced 2021, with remote control Cabin heating Watermaker brand Dessalator Like new installation 2021. Fenders End locks (4X), crank location (4X) replaced 2023. Moorings Mainsail awning (light and heavy), Sun awning Bar Cover IRC 2023, ORC 2022 certificate.
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