Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone by J.K.Rowling 1°Ed:Bloomsbury Paperbacks, luglio 2013
Dettagli prodotto
Editore:Bloomsbury Paperbacks; 1° edizione (18 luglio 2013)
Lingua: Inglese
Copertina flessibile illustrata a colori;
224 pagine
ISBN-10: 1408834960
ISBN-13: 978-1408834961
Peso articolo: 0,165gr.
Dimensionn: 198 x 129 mm.
Panoramica del libro:
Strange things always seem to happen when Harry Potter is around. Things that unsettle his guardians, the Dursleys. They strongly disapprove of strangeness. It's only when a letter arrives, delivered by a shaggy giant of a man called Hagrid, that Harry learns the truth that will transform his entire future: his parents were killed by the evil Lord Voldemort, and he, Harry, is a wizard.
Whisked away to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, Harry discovers a world of enchantments, ghosts, Quidditch, and friends who will stand, through everything, by his side. But when Harry hears of a stone with great powers, he finds that his school has its own dark secrets – and an adventure that will become the stuff of legend begins.
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Dettagli prodotto
Editore:Bloomsbury Paperbacks; 1° edizione (18 luglio 2013)
Lingua: Inglese
Copertina flessibile illustrata a colori;
224 pagine
ISBN-10: 1408834960
ISBN-13: 978-1408834961
Peso articolo: 0,165gr.
Dimensionn: 198 x 129 mm.
Panoramica del libro:
Strange things always seem to happen when Harry Potter is around. Things that unsettle his guardians, the Dursleys. They strongly disapprove of strangeness. It's only when a letter arrives, delivered by a shaggy giant of a man called Hagrid, that Harry learns the truth that will transform his entire future: his parents were killed by the evil Lord Voldemort, and he, Harry, is a wizard.
Whisked away to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, Harry discovers a world of enchantments, ghosts, Quidditch, and friends who will stand, through everything, by his side. But when Harry hears of a stone with great powers, he finds that his school has its own dark secrets – and an adventure that will become the stuff of legend begins.
Il Mondo Cartaceo non morirà mai! Scopri il piacere del gustarti un libro, un fumetto o una vecchia rivista.
Tutto ciò trovi nella nostra libreria:
Le tariffe postali sono:
- Raccomandata .........€. 5,30 sicura e tracciabile
- Piego libri ordinario .........€. 2,00 non tracciabile quindi poco sicura.
È possibile pagare tramite bonifico bancario, ricarica Postepay o PayPal.
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