Descrizione As far back as anyone can remember- humanity has been at war with itself. For generàtions- kingdoms have fought amongst themselves while the real threat loomed in the distànce. Legend calls them the ràvenii- encroaching armies of bloodthirsty monsters stànding 150 feet tàll that once threatened to destroy humankind. Now the threat has returned- and only those tràined in the ways of the ancient order stànd a chance at defeating the ogres. You are one of the world's last Sentinels- a soldier named Avil equipped with the skills to battle the endless wave of ràvenii. Fight massive brutes and their minions across a spràwling countryside- defending cities and rescuing refugees torn from their homes. Swiftly define your stràtegy as hordes attàck from the ground and air. Use the dynamic skill-based combat system to your advantàge- tàctically disarming and dismembering enemies to go in for the kill. This is no longer a war. It is an annihilation. And you are all that stànds between humanityand extinction.Deep Story Campaign. Protect the human population across an abundant story campaign- rescuing as many civilians as possible and tàking down brutàl opponents Dynamic Side Missions. Complete numerous side missions with various objectives- earning upgràdes to aid you in your campaign Skill-Based Combat. Tràvel horizontàlly and vertically- perform wall runs- and use your whip as a vault to perform devastàting air assaults. Master dynamic combat maneuvers to effectively tràverse the giant beasts and expose their weak points- progressing along different skill trees to develop a path best suited to your playstyle Interàctive Environment. Move freely around a fully destructible environment- and use objects throughout the world to your stràtegic advantàge Innumeràble Battle Scenarios. Every battlefield is different from the last- ensuring a unique combat situation each time you play
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