Account manager access control
Elenco delle migliori vendite account manager access control

Firenze (Toscana)
Master formula weekend in Management Farmaceutico: Marketing, Market Access and Sales Durata: 100 ore/25 moduli 4 ore in Full Interactive Sessione Learning OBIETTIVI DEL MASTER: Il Master MAMS è un percorso formativo finalizzato alla formazione manageriale in campo farmaceutico. Attraverso una metodologia didattica innovativa, che si avvale delle nuove tecniche interattive di insegnamento, permette ai partecipanti di conoscere e apprendere le dinamiche del mercato farmaceutico. Il percorso formativo MAMS è indirizzato a chi ha l’ambizione di svilupparsi come Manager, nel settore farmaceutico. Il programma didattico e la tipologia di moduli formativi sono un tratto distintivo di attualità e concretezza del MAMS. Ulteriore valore aggiunto è il contributo e l’esperienza diretta dei docenti, professionisti del settore che tutti i giorni svolgono ruoli manageriali negli ambiti di lavoro che compongono i differenti moduli del Master MAMS. 1) Trasferire: obiettivo formativo principale del master è trasferire nozioni tecniche e approcci manageriali, realmente utili ai propri partecipanti, focalizzandosi in ambiti del settore farmaceutico che oggi offrono le maggiori opportunità professionali e di sviluppo nel settore, quali: il Marketing, il Market Access, il Medical Management, il Regulatory Affairs e le vendite (Sales). 2) Far conoscere e orientare: all’interno del percorso è dedicato ampio spazio all’analisi dei principali ruoli ricercati dalle aziende farmaceutiche, descrivendone compiti, azioni quotidiane, ambiti di competenza e le caratteristiche che ogni figura manageriale deve acquisire, possedere e sviluppare in modo da rendere più concreto e coerente l’orientamento professionale di ogni partecipante. La testimonianza quotidiana dell’esperienza diretta dei docenti e lo studio di “case study” permette ai partecipanti di orientarsi ed imparare allo stesso tempo. 3) Applicare: comunicare efficacemente, sperimentare il ruolo di manager farmaceutico e presentare al meglio la propria professionalità sul mercato, sono gli obiettivi della parte finale del Master MAMS, che verranno affrontati durante i moduli di “comunicazione” e il “DEEPLY IN ROLE: PHARMA BUSINESS GAME”. Questa parte finale permette ai partecipanti di applicare concretamente le nozioni acquisite, simulando il lavoro del manager farmaceutico. I due moduli, altamente interattivi e innovativi preparano lo studente a proporsi al mercato del lavoro in modo professionale e competitivo. In aggiunta, il master si pone come ulteriore obiettivo di creare un network integrato e duraturo tra la direzione del master, i docenti e i partecipanti, utile dopo il percorso formativo per lo sviluppo delle carriere. DESTINATARI I destinatari del master MAMS sono laureati che intendono acquisire competenze di management farmaceutico. I contenuti formativi sono studiati per trasferire ai differenti livelli di destinatari le nozioni e le competenze per un loro primo inserimento professionale o per il loro avanzamento o sviluppo naturale di carriera. Il percorso formativo è studiato per Neolaureati in discipline scientifiche o economiche, Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco, Product Specialist, Farmacisti, Key Account Manager, Regulatory Affair Specialist, Public Affair Manager, Ricercatori Scientifici, jr Product Manager, Market Research Specialist. Gli sbocchi occupazionali comprendono tutte le figure manageriali che all’interno di un’azienda farmaceutica lavorano nell’ambito della gestione commerciale di prodotti farmaceutici. In sintesi, il Master MAMS è un percorso formativo finalizzato alla formazione di professionisti che ambiscono a completare o sviluppare la loro formazione ed il loro profilo professionale con un master farmaceutico altamente professionalizzante o che ricercano una chiara identificazione del proprio curriculum tramite l'acquisizione di skill professionali indispensabili per il prorio sviluppo in aziende del settore farmaceutico. PROGRAMMA (per una versione completa e dettagliata compilare il form di richiesta informazioni) Il piano didattico è suddiviso in: MARKETING FARMACEUTICO SALES MANAGEMENT RICERCHE DI MERCATO E FORECASTING MEDICAL MANAGEMENT DI PRIMO LIVELLO MARKET ACCESS DI PRIMO LIVELLO REGULATORY AFFAIRS PROJECT MANAGEMENT RISORSE UMANE: ORIENTAMENTO E COMUNICAZIONE "DEEPLY IN ROLE": PHARMA BUSINESS GAME ESAME FINALE “Reale, Attuale ed Integrato”: Tre sono i punti di forza che caratterizzano il piano formativo del Master MAMS: Reale: la metodologia utilizzata prevede delle sessioni frontali, approfondimenti pratici basati su esperienze dei docenti ed esercitazioni su business case. Attuale: i contenuti delle lezioni di ogni modulo del percorso formativo si basano sulle più attuali metodologie di management utilizzate in ambito farmaceutico. Integrato: le lezioni sono caratterizzate da un’intensa interattività, sperimentazione e feedback bidirezionale tra partecipanti e docenti. Queste tecniche consentono di creare un team integrato tra partecipanti e docenti massimizzando il trasferimento delle competenze. L’integrazione tra i partecipanti e docenti si concretizza ulteriormente durante il modulo “Deeply in role” che prevede la simulazione di dinamiche di lavoro reali per mettere in pratica tutti i contenuti appresi durante i moduli, in un coinvolgente e stimolante “Pharma Business Game”, unico nel suo genere. Il MAMS, dunque, si connota come un percorso formativo manageriale pensato sia per coloro che ricercano un master di alta formazione dopo aver conseguito la laurea in farmacia, chimica e tecnologie farmaceutiche, biologia, biotecnologie, informazione scientifica del farmaco, medicina, ecc., sia per coloro che già ricoprono un ruolo tecnico o manageriale in un'azienda farmaceutica e desiderano acquisire maggiori competenze per favorire lo sviluppo di carriera. TITOLI E SPENDIBILITÀ All’esito del conseguimento del monte ore minimo del 70%, per i partecipanti in regola con la posizione amministrativa, verrà rilasciato (in doppia lingua italiano/inglese) il DIPLOMA DI MASTER IN: “MANAGEMENT FARMACEUTICO: MARKETING, MARKET ACCESS AND SALES” Tale diploma, costituisce un’importante valorizzazione curriculare delle competenze e un elemento distintivo nell’ottica competitiva del mondo del lavoro. Il Master di Alta Formazione in Management Farmaceutico: Marketing, Market Access and Sales in virtù degli accreditamenti che possiede e rilascia ai partecipanti all’esito del percorso formativo, gode di una concreta spendibilità nel mondo del lavoro. In primo luogo gli attestati ed il diploma sono rilasciati da ISTUM in qualità di azienda certificata ISO 9001:2015 (Sistema di gestione per la Qualità) con accreditamento nel settore EA 37 (Formazione) con il seguente scopo: “Progettazione, direzione ed erogazione di corsi di formazione e master di alta formazione manageriale, continua, professionale, aziendale, specialistica, riconosciuta e di orientamento professionale post formativo dei partecipanti”. Tale aspetto conferisce riconoscimento e titolo di preferenza fondamentale per acquisire un vantaggio competitivo stabile da parte del professionista nel momento in cui propone la sua candidatura all’aziende. Ulteriore elemento distintivo di grande utilità, è costituito dal grande novero di aziende sul territorio nazionale, sempre in crescita, che accreditano i Master di Alta Formazione di ISTUM, quale elemento di garanzia della qualità della formazione erogata, in quanto conforme agli scopi dei partners aziendali nella ricerca di profili che posseggano specifici requisiti formativi.
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Palermo (Sicilia)
Innovaformazione, scuola specializzata nella formazione IT, eroga corsi di formazione su Magento 2. Per informazioni contatteci e lasciateci i vostri riferimenti. Sarete ricontatti. Il corso si rivolge agli sviluppatori. Sono necessarie basi di programmazione in PHP, MySQL e Apache/Nginx (sviluppo web), Javascript, html,css per la parte front-end. Programma didattico (40 ore): Introduzione a Magento: architettura e tecniche di customizzazione • Architettura module-based • Struttura Directory • Configuration XML & Variables scope • DI (Dependency Injection) • Event observer • CLI (Command Line Interface) Request Flow Procedures • Magento Modes • Frontend Controller • URL Rewriters Personalizzazione Magento UI (User Interface) • Temi Magento UI • Personalizzazione blocchi e templates UI • Tipi di blocchi • Magento Layout XML Database in Magento • Concetti base di modelli, risorse di modelli e collections • Caricamento e salvataggio dati dal database • Ordinare, filtrare e specificare i valori per raccolte e repository • Installazione/Upgrade scripts in Magento • DDL class nelle setup scripts Sviluppo con adminhtml • Controller per adminrouter • Magento cache • Configurazione XML, scopes • ACL (Access Control List) • Setup Menu oggetti • Permessi • Estensioni Magento e differenze tra i tipi di estensioni (Community, Core, Commercial) • Installazione e configurazione Magento Personalizzazione Magento Business logic • Tipologie di prodotti in Magento (semplice, configurabile, bundled) • Proprietà delle categorie • Relazioni categorie • Comportamento dei tipi di prodotto nel carrello • Funzionamento delle spedizioni • Sezione my account • Personalizzazione della sezione my account • Attributi cliente ed indirizzo INFO: - - tel. 3471012275 (Dario Carrassi)
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Messina (Sicilia)
Language coaching is a boutique company dedicated to organizations, adults and children worldwide, who creates à la carte language training solutions, tailored to their needs and long-term growth objectives. Our goal is to enrich your life by inspiring you to communicate better internationally and in the foreign language of your choice (English, French, Mandarin, German and Spanish). Our clients are our top priority and remain at the epicenter of everything we do. OUR MISSION: As communication experts, we offer high value personalized linguistic services by advising and accompanying our clients all the way. Our language training programs offer an immediate return on investment, which, in the long term, generate sustainable results. To reach such goals we leverage our experience and our teaching skills where our client's objectives are our top priority. Our innovative services foster trustworthy, productive and dynamic environments, which bring unique value and meaning to the lives of customers. WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? • The language Coaching team has over 25 years of combined experience working with local and international firms, enabling them to: • Understand and meet your training needs • Create personalized high-value language training programs • Generate an excellent return on investment • Unrivaled language trainers We select experts according to strict criteria such as: • Excellent professional 'coaching' mentality • Extensive corporate experience, fluency and certification in foreign language training for adults and children and flexibility working with you all the way • First-rate follow-up Our 'boutique' organization guarantees you unconditional peace of mind thanks to: Margot Rischmann, our founder, who is the sole and permanent contact involved at every stage of the training program eliminating the usual account manager high turnover. WHY LANGUAGE COACHING • First-class customer service: Our quality follow-up on courses, complete transparency on progress and outstanding quality. • An innovative methodology: The key to our success lies in leveraging our experience and teaching skills to make your goals our top priority. Our entertaining programs accelerate your communication skills. • Demonstrated quality: Our quality control processes enable us to adjust the program at any time to ensure an effective training program within the agreed deadline and budget. • Unique flexibility: We teach individuals and groups online by Skype/Zoom at the time of your choice as frequently as you wish and with our most competent trainers. SERVICES The wide range of possibilities we are able to put in place can vary from business language courses specific to your industry to help you prepare a speech or a presentation in the foreign language of your choice to traditional foreign language learning for everyday life. Our services include: 1) Business language trainings 2) Foreign language courses FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSES We offer language courses for everyday life via individual and small group courses, mostly in English and in French, but also in Spanish, Mandarin, etc. Our high-yield tailored language training programs are suitable to anyone and can be taught anywhere at anytime. Once we analyze your needs and define your goals, we agree on a schedule to allow us to select the right trainers and validate the planning. Throughout every training program, we perform progress assessment and quality control checks. At the end of every session, we organize a briefing to validate whether objectives have been met. We then provide you a recommendation on progress and training continuation. OUR TRAINING PROGRAMS • Core learning skills Conversation • Writing • Reading • Listening • Pronunciation • Language Exams Price: 130 USD/hour
110 €
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Messina (Sicilia)
Language coaching is a boutique company dedicated to organizations, adults and children worldwide, who creates à la carte language training solutions, tailored to their needs and long-term growth objectives. Our goal is to enrich your life by inspiring you to communicate better internationally and in the foreign language of your choice (English, French, Mandarin, German and Spanish). Our clients are our top priority and remain at the epicenter of everything we do. OUR MISSION: As communication experts, we offer high value personalized linguistic services by advising and accompanying our clients all the way. Our language training programs offer an immediate return on investment, which, in the long term, generate sustainable results. To reach such goals we leverage our experience and our teaching skills where our client's objectives are our top priority. Our innovative services foster trustworthy, productive and dynamic environments, which bring unique value and meaning to the lives of customers. WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? • The language Coaching team has over 25 years of combined experience working with local and international firms, enabling them to: • Understand and meet your training needs • Create personalized high-value language training programs • Generate an excellent return on investment • Unrivaled language trainers We select experts according to strict criteria such as: • Excellent professional 'coaching' mentality • Extensive corporate experience, fluency and certification in foreign language training for adults and children and flexibility working with you all the way • First-rate follow-up Our 'boutique' organization guarantees you unconditional peace of mind thanks to: Margot Rischmann, our founder, who is the sole and permanent contact involved at every stage of the training program eliminating the usual account manager high turnover. WHY LANGUAGE COACHING • First-class customer service: Our quality follow-up on courses, complete transparency on progress and outstanding quality. • An innovative methodology: The key to our success lies in leveraging our experience and teaching skills to make your goals our top priority. Our entertaining programs accelerate your communication skills. • Demonstrated quality: Our quality control processes enable us to adjust the program at any time to ensure an effective traning program within the agreed deadline and budget. • Unique flexibility: We teach individuals and groups online by Skype/Zoom at the time of your choice as frequently as you wish and with our most competent trainers. SERVICES The wide range of possibilities we are able to put in place can vary from business language courses specific to your industry to help you prepare a speech or a presentation in the foreign language of your choice to traditional foreign language learning for everyday life. Our services include: 1) Business language trainings 2) Foreign language courses FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSES We offer language courses for everyday life via individual and small group courses, mostly in English and in French, but also in Spanish, Mandarin, etc. Our high-yield tailored language training programs are suitable to anyone and can be taught anywhere at anytime. Once we analyze your needs and define your goals, we agree on a schedule to allow us to select the right trainers and validate the planning. Throughout every training program, we perform progress assessment and quality control checks. At the end of every session, we organize a briefing to validate whether objectives have been met. We then provide you a recommendation on progress and training continuation. OUR TRAINING PROGRAMS • Core learning skills Conversation • Writing • Reading • Listening • Pronunciation • Language Exams Price: 130 USD/hour
110 €
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Messina (Sicilia)
Language coaching is a boutique company dedicated to organizations, adults and children worldwide, who creates à la carte language training solutions, tailored to their needs and long-term growth objectives. Our goal is to enrich your life by inspiring you to communicate better internationally and in the foreign language of your choice (English, French, Mandarin, German and Spanish). Our clients are our top priority and remain at the epicenter of everything we do. OUR MISSION: As communication experts, we offer high value personalized linguistic services by advising and accompanying our clients all the way. Our language training programs offer an immediate return on investment, which, in the long term, generate sustainable results. To reach such goals we leverage our experience and our teaching skills where our client's objectives are our top priority. Our innovative services foster trustworthy, productive and dynamic environments, which bring unique value and meaning to the lives of customers. WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? • The language Coaching team has over 25 years of combined experience working with local and international firms, enabling them to: • Understand and meet your training needs • Create personalized high-value language training programs • Generate an excellent return on investment • Unrivaled language trainers We select experts according to strict criteria such as: • Excellent professional 'coaching' mentality • Extensive corporate experience, fluency and certification in foreign language training for adults and children and flexibility working with you all the way • First-rate follow-up Our 'boutique' organization guarantees you unconditional peace of mind thanks to: Margot Rischmann, our founder, who is the sole and permanent contact involved at every stage of the training program eliminating the usual account manager high turnover. WHY LANGUAGE COACHING • First-class customer service: Our quality follow-up on courses, complete transparency on progress and outstanding quality. • An innovative methodology: The key to our success lies in leveraging our experience and teaching skills to make your goals our top priority. Our entertaining programs accelerate your communication skills. • Demonstrated quality: Our quality control processes enable us to adjust the program at any time to ensure an effective training program within the agreed deadline and budget. • Unique flexibility: We teach individuals and groups online by Skype/Zoom at the time of your choice as frequently as you wish and with our most competent trainers. SERVICES The wide range of possibilities we are able to put in place can vary from business language courses specific to your industry to help you prepare a speech or a presentation in the foreign language of your choice to traditional foreign language learning for everyday life. Our services include: 1) Business language trainings 2) Foreign language courses FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSES We offer language courses for everyday life via individual and small group courses, mostly in English and in French, but also in Spanish, Mandarin, etc. Our high-yield tailored language training programs are suitable to anyone and can be taught anywhere at anytime. Once we analyze your needs and define your goals, we agree on a schedule to allow us to select the right trainers and validate the planning. Throughout every training program, we perform progress assessment and quality control checks. At the end of every session, we organize a briefing to validate whether objectives have been met. We then provide you a recommendation on progress and training continuation. OUR TRAINING PROGRAMS • Core learning skills Conversation • Writing • Reading • Listening • Pronunciation Price: 130 USD/hour
110 €
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Messina (Sicilia)
Language coaching is a boutique company dedicated to organizations, adults and children worldwide, who creates à la carte language training solutions, tailored to their needs and long-term growth objectives. Our goal is to enrich your life by inspiring you to communicate better internationally and in the foreign language of your choice (English, French, Mandarin, German and Spanish). Our clients are our top priority and remain at the epicenter of everything we do. OUR MISSION: As communication experts, we offer high value personalized linguistic services by advising and accompanying our clients all the way. Our language training programs offer an immediate return on investment, which, in the long term, generate sustainable results. To reach such goals we leverage our experience and our teaching skills where our client's objectives are our top priority. Our innovative services foster trustworthy, productive and dynamic environments, which bring unique value and meaning to the lives of customers. WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? • The language Coaching team has over 25 years of combined experience working with local and international firms, enabling them to: • Understand and meet your training needs • Create personalized high-value language training programs • Generate an excellent return on investment • Unrivaled language trainers We select experts according to strict criteria such as: • Excellent professional 'coaching' mentality • Extensive corporate experience, fluency and certification in foreign language training for adults and children and flexibility working with you all the way • First-rate follow-up Our 'boutique' organization guarantees you unconditional peace of mind thanks to: Margot Rischmann, our founder, who is the sole and permanent contact involved at every stage of the training program eliminating the usual account manager high turnover. WHY LANGUAGE COACHING • First-class customer service: Our quality follow-up on courses, complete transparency on progress and outstanding quality. • An innovative methodology: The key to our success lies in leveraging our experience and teaching skills to make your goals our top priority. Our entertaining programs accelerate your communication skills. • Demonstrated quality: Our quality control processes enable us to adjust the program at any time to ensure an effective training program within the agreed deadline and budget. • Unique flexibility: We teach individuals and groups online by Skype/Zoom at the time of your choice as frequently as you wish and with our most competent trainers. SERVICES The wide range of possibilities we are able to put in place can vary from business language courses specific to your industry to help you prepare a speech or a presentation in the foreign language of your choice to traditional foreign language learning for everyday life. Our services include: 1) Business language trainings 2) Foreign language courses FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSES We offer language courses for everyday life via individual and small group courses, mostly in English and in French, but also in Spanish, Mandarin, etc. Our high-yield tailored language training programs are suitable to anyone and can be taught anywhere at anytime. Once we analyze your needs and define your goals, we agree on a schedule to allow us to select the right trainers and validate the planning. Throughout every training program, we perform progress assessment and quality control checks. At the end of every session, we organize a briefing to validate whether objectives have been met. We then provide you a recommendation on progress and training continuation. OUR TRAINING PROGRAMS • Core learning skills Conversation • Writing • Reading • Listening • Pronunciation • Language Exams DELF/DALF Price: 130 USD/hour
110 €
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