Antifouling double
Elenco delle migliori vendite antifouling double

Italia (Tutte le città)
Toutes les caractéristiques détaillées du bateau SPÉCIFICATIONS
Année : 1925
Matériaux : Acier
Motorisation : DAF 575
Dimension : 21,10 x 3,90m
Tirant d'air/d'eau : 3,10m / 1,10m
Capacité carburant : 500L
Capacité Fioul: 2000 L
Capacité eau : 3000L
Capacité eau noire : 500L
Capacité fioul: 2000 L
Prix: 135 000 € PONT
Pompe eau noire à l’extérieur
2 Poteaux d'amarrage
Robinet lave pond
Main courante
Echelle de bain
Baille à mouillage
Coffre a gaz
Bittes d'amarrage
Pont anti-dérappant
Guindeau électrique
2 Ancre
Coffre de pont
2 Passerelle
Vitrage dans cadres alu anodisés
Feux de navigation
Nombreux rangements
Pression d'huile
Température moteur
Indicateur d'angle de barre
Commandes moteur
Commande propulseur d'étrave
Barre à roue hydraulique
Feux de navigation
Feux de mouillage
Prise 220 volt
AIS Classe A
Prise de quai sans différentiel
Chargeur de batteries
Panneau solaire
Groupe électrogène
Propulseur d'étrave
Batterie servitude
Batterie de démarrage
Coffre de rangement
Nombreux rangements
Siege pilote
Banquette en L
Table de cockpit
Nombreux rangements
Prise 12 volt
Prise 220 volt
Coffre de rangement
Sol parquet
Double vitrage
Réfrigérateur 2 portes / congélateur
Réchaud 4 feux
Eau chaude / froide
Hotte aspirante
Prise 220 volt
Sol parquet
Plan de travail
Radiateur chauffage central
Armoire avec penderie
Nombreux rangements
Rangements sous lit
Sol parquet
Prise 220 volt
WC séparé
WC electrique
Lavabo eau chaude / froide
Accessoires de toilette
Sol revêtement plastique
Radiateur chauffage central
Prise 220 volt
Groupe electrogène
Chargeur de batterie
Chauffage central avec radiateur
Réservoir à eaux noires
Pompe de lavage de pont
Pompe a eau sous pression
Ballon eau chaude moteur + resistance 220 v
Pompe de cale électrique
Lave linge
Eclairage cale moteur
Bateau non fumeur
Double vitrage
Seche linge
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
En EXCLUSIVITÉ chez Med' in Boats: ce magnifique Irwin 65 de 1981. Bateau très sûr (coque en polyester renforcée) et comfortable qui propose de larges espaces de vie aussi bien à l'intérieur que sur le pont. Il possède 4 cabines, dont une grande cabine propriétaire à l'arrière, pour 9 couchages au total. Le carré est spacieux et la poupe peut recevoir une grande table pour partager des moments conviviaux en extérieur. Vous aurez le plaisir de préparer vos repas dans une /"vraie/" cuisine tout équipée avec un évier double bacs, un piano 5 feux à gaz, un grand four, un micro-ondes, deux réfrigérateurs et un congélateur. C'est un bateau idéal pour la vie à bord en famille et pour accueillir des amis. Cet Irwin 65 offre une très grande autonomie avec notamment 4000 L d'eau, 2500 L de gasoil et près 1500 W de charge avec 3 panneaux solaires et une éolienne. Tout l'éclairage a été refait en LED. Le carénage et l'antifouling viennent d'être réalisé en novrembre 2022 et le génois est neuf. Le popriétaire actuel, très méticuleux, vit à bord depuis 10 ans et a toujours veillé au bon entretien de son bateau. À noter que la longueur totale (hors-tout) du bateau est de 22 mètres. Sa longueur administrative sur l'acte de francisation est de 19,90 mètres, soit 65 pieds, qui correspond à la longueur de flottaison. Bateau visible en Guadeloupe et prêt à partir. La TVA et l'octroi de mer sont payés. Possibilité d'aide à la prise en main. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus d'information et des photos supplémentaires. Broker: Vincent Vallée +33(0)7 49 42 89 57
English EXCLUSIVELY, Med' in Boats is proposing you this beautiful Irwin 65 from 1981. Very safe (reinforced polyester hull) and comfortable boat that offers large living spaces both indoors and on deck. It has 4 cabins, including a very large owner cabin at the back, for 9 beds in total. The square is spacious and the stern can accommodate a large table to share convivial moments outside. You will have the pleasure of preparing your meals in a /"real/" fully equipped kitchen with a double sink, a piano 5 burner gas, a large oven, a microwave, two refrigerators and a freezer. It is an ideal boat for life on board with family and to host friends. This Irwin 65 offers a very large autonomy with 4000 L of water (1060 Gal.), 2500 L of diesel (660 Gal.) and nearly 1500 W of battery charging with 3 solar panels and a wind turbine. All lightings has been redone in LED. The fairing and antifouling paint have just been realised in November 2022 and the genoa is brand new. The current owner, very meticulous, has lived on board for the last 10 years and has always ensured the proper maintenance of his boat. Note that the total length (overall) of the boat is 22 meters. Its administrative length on the act of francization (ship's french license) is 19.90 meters, or 65 feet, which corresponds to the waterline length. Boat visible in the French West Indies and is ready to go. VAT and dock dues are paid. Possibility of help in the handling. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information and additional photos. Broker: Vincent Vallée +33(0)7 49 42 89 57
Italiano ESCLUSIVAMENTE a Med' in Boats: questo magnifico Irwin 65 del 1981. Barca molto sicura (scafo in poliestere rinforzato) e confortevole che offre ampi spazi abitativi sia all'interno che sul ponte. Dispone di 4 cabine, di cui una grande cabina armatoriale a poppa, per 9 posti letto in totale. La piazza è spaziosa e la poppa può ricevere un grande tavolo per condividere momenti conviviali all'aperto. Avrete il piacere di preparare i vostri pasti in una /"vera/" cucina completamente attrezzata con un doppio lavello, un pianoforte a gas a 5 fuochi, un grande forno, un forno a microonde, due frigoriferi e un congelatore. È una barca ideale per la vita a bordo con la famiglia e per ospitare amici. Questo Irwin 65 offre un'autonomia molto lunga con 4000 L di acqua, 2500 L di diesel e quasi 1500 W di carico con 3 pannelli solari e una turbina eolica. Tutta l'illuminazione è stata rifatta a LED. La carenatura e l'antivegetativa sono state realizzate solo nel novembre 2022 e il genoa è nuovo. L'attuale proprietario, molto meticoloso, vive a bordo da 10 anni e ha sempre assicurato la corretta manutenzione della sua barca. Si noti che la lunghezza totale (complessiva) della barca è di 22 metri. La sua lunghezza amministrativa sull'atto di francizzazione è di 19,90 metri, o 65 piedi, che corrisponde alla lunghezza della linea di galleggiamento. Barca visibile in Guadalupa e pronta a partire. L'IVA e le tasse portuali sono pagate. Possibilità di aiuto nella gestione. Non esitate a contattarci per ulteriori informazioni e ulteriori foto. Broker: Vincent Vallée +33(0)7 49 42 89 57
Deutsch EXKLUSIV bei Med' in Boats: diese prächtige Irwin 65 aus dem Jahr 1981. Sehr sicheres Boot (verstärkter Polyesterrumpf) und komfortabel, das sowohl innen als auch an Deck große Wohnräume bietet. Es verfügt über 4 Kabinen, darunter eine große Eignerkabine am Heck, für insgesamt 9 Betten. Der Platz ist geräumig und das Heck kann einen großen Tisch erhalten, um gesellige Momente im Freien zu teilen. Sie werden das Vergnügen haben, Ihre Mahlzeiten in einer /"echten/" voll ausgestatteten Küche mit einem Doppelwaschbecken, einem 5-Flammen-Gasklavier, einem großen Backofen, einer Mikrowelle, zwei Kühlschränken und einem Gefrierschrank zuzubereiten. Es ist ein ideales Boot für das Leben an Bord mit der Familie und um Freunde zu beherbergen. Dieser Irwin 65 bietet eine sehr lange Autonomie mit 4000 L Wasser, 2500 L Diesel und fast 1500 W Last mit 3 Sonnenkollektoren und einer Windkraftanlage. Die gesamte Beleuchtung wurde in LED erneuert. Die Verkleidung und das Antifouling wurden erst im November 2022 hergestellt und die Genua ist neu. Der jetzige Besitzer, sehr akribisch, lebt seit 10 Jahren an Bord und hat immer für die ordnungsgemäße Wartung seines Bootes gesorgt. Beachten Sie, dass die Gesamtlänge (insgesamt) des Bootes 22 Meter beträgt. Seine Verwaltungslänge nach dem Françisierungsgesetz beträgt 19,90 Meter oder 65 Fuß, was der Länge der Wasserlinie entspricht. Boot sichtbar in Guadeloupe und bereit zu gehen. Die Mehrwertsteuer und die Sondersteuer /"octroi de mer/" werden entrichtet. Möglichkeit der Hilfe bei der Handhabung. Zögern Sie nicht, uns für weitere Informationen und zusätzliche Fotos zu kontaktieren. Makler: Vincent Vallée +33(0)7 49 42 89 57
Español EXCLUSIVAMENTE en Med' in Boats: este magnífico Irwin 65 de 1981. Embarcación muy segura (casco de poliéster reforzado) y cómoda que ofrece amplios espacios habitables tanto en el interior como en cubierta. Tiene 4 cabinas, incluida una gran cabina del propietario en la popa, para 9 camas en total. La plaza es espaciosa y la popa puede recibir una gran mesa para compartir momentos de convivencia al aire libre. Tendrá el placer de preparar sus comidas en una cocina /"real/" totalmente equipada con un fregadero doble, un piano de gas de 5 quemadores, un horno grande, un microondas, dos refrigeradores y un congelador. Es un barco ideal para la vida a bordo con la familia y para recibir amigos. Este Irwin 65 ofrece una autonomía muy larga con 4000 L de agua, 2500 L de diesel y casi 1500 W de carga con 3 paneles solares y un aerogenerador. Toda la iluminación ha sido rehecha en LED. El carenado y el antifouling se acaban de fabricar en noviembre de 2022 y el génova es nuevo. El actual propietario, muy meticuloso, ha vivido a bordo durante 10 años y siempre ha velado por el correcto mantenimiento de su barco. Tenga en cuenta que la longitud total (total) del barco es de 22 metros. Su longitud administrativa en la ley de francización es de 19,90 metros, o 65 pies, que corresponde a la longitud de la línea de flotación. Barco visible en Guadalupe y listo para partir. Se pagan el IVA y los derechos insulares. Posibilidad de ayuda en el manejo. No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros para obtener más información y fotos adicionales. Agente Comercial: Vincent Vallée +33(0)7 49 42 89 57
Россию ЭКСКЛЮЗИВНО в Med' in Boats: этот великолепный Ирвин 65 с 1981 года. Очень безопасная лодка (усиленный полиэфирный корпус) и удобная, которая предлагает большие жилые помещения как внутри, так и на палубе. Он имеет 4 каюты, в том числе большую каюту владельца на корме, в общей сложности на 9 кроватей. Площадь просторная, а корма может принимать большой стол, чтобы разделить праздничные моменты на открытом воздухе. Вы будете иметь удовольствие готовить свои блюда на «настоящей» полностью оборудованной кухне с двойной раковиной, газовым пианино с 5 конфорками, большой духовкой, микроволновой печью, двумя холодильниками и морозильной камерой. Это идеальная лодка для жизни на борту с семьей и для размещения друзей. Этот Irwin 65 предлагает очень длинную автономность с 4000 л воды, 2500 л дизельного топлива и почти 1500 Вт нагрузки с 3 солнечными панелями и ветряной турбиной. Все освещение было переделано в LED. Обтекатель и противообрастание были сделаны только в ноябре 2022 года, и генуя новая. Нынешний владелец, очень дотошный, прожил на борту 10 лет и всегда обеспечивал надлежащее обслуживание своей лодки. Отметим, что общая длина (габаритная) лодки составляет 22 метра. Его административная длина по закону о франчайзинге составляет 19,90 метра, или 65 футов, что соответствует длине ватерлинии. Лодка видна в Гваделупе и готова к работе. НДС и портовые сборы оплачиваются. Возможность помощи в обращении. Не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам за дополнительной информацией и дополнительными фотографиями. Брокер: Винсент Валле +33(0)7 49 42 89 57
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
- Barco nuevo a estrenar, en stock en nuestra exposición, para entrega inmediata.
- Homologación inferior a 8 metros de eslora.
- Precio indicado del barco + 2 motores Mercury de 250 CV cada uno + equipamiento estándar y opcional indicado.
- I.V.A 21% incluido.
El equipamiento opcional de la unidad es el siguiente:
Pack Privilege.
Edición Smart: Pack Comfort Cabina, Pack Comfort Bañera, Pack Cocina y Kit de amarre.
Casco color (Gris oscuro).
Extensión plataformas de baño con suelo en teka sintética Flexiteek.
DOBLE GPS PLOTTER SONDA 9/" Simrad evo 3 con VesselViewLink.
Equipo estéreo FUSION con 4 altavoces.
Molinete eléctrico.
Flaps electrónicos.
Toma de tierra.
Hélice de proa (No compatible con motores JPO).
Toldo bimini.
Lona de fondeo.
Lona de consola y asientos.
Transporte de astillero a Palamós.
Montaje motor + equipo baterías.
Inscripción Marítima en Lista 7ª/Zona 6.
Antifouling + Tratamiento Anti-osmosis.
Botadura y Entrega (incluye material salvamento básico).
Pack Privilege: Suelo en cubierta en teka sintética blanda Flexiteek, solárium de proa con respaldo ajustable automático, mejora en tapicerías, mejora en el volante, cofres de estiba con tapicería interior, luces LED de cortesía interior de cabina y cortina corrediza con malla de protección anti-mosquitos en escotilla de cabina.
Pack Comfort Cabina: Nevera 50 L, Microondas y Cortinas.
Pack Comfort Bañera: Asiento abatible módulo central, Asiento abatible estribor y Solárium Bañera.
Pack Cocina: Hornillo LPG y cajonera de hielo 20 L.
- Solicite financiación a medida con el sistema de leasing o crédito náutico SYSFINANCE (desde 4 hasta 15 años, con cuota de entrada mínima 30%).
- Brand new boat, in stock in our showroom, for immediate delivery.
- Homologation less than 8 meters in length.
- Price indicated for the boat + 2 Mercury engines of 250 hp each + standard and optional equipment indicated.
- V.A.T. 21% included.
The optional equipment of the unit is as follows:
Privilege Pack.
Smart Edition: Comfort Cabin Pack, Comfort Cockpit Pack, Galley Pack and Mooring Kit.
Hull colour (Dark Grey).
Bathing platform extension with Flexiteek synthetic teak floor.
DOUBLE GPS PLOTTER SONAR 9/" Simrad evo 3 with VesselViewLink.
FUSION stereo system with 4 speakers.
Electric windlass.
Electronic trim tabs.
Bow thruster (not compatible with JPO engines).
Bimini top.
Anchor canvas.
Console and seats canvas.
Transport from shipyard to Palamós.
Mounting engine + battery equipment.
Maritime inscription in List 7ª/Zone 6.
Antifouling + Anti-osmosis treatment.
Launching and delivery (including basic salvage material).
Privilege Pack: Flexiteek soft synthetic teak deck flooring, bow sundeck with automatic adjustable backrest, upholstery upgrade, steering wheel upgrade, stowage lockers with interior upholstery, interior cabin courtesy LED lights and sliding curtain with mosquito screen in cabin hatch.
Comfort Cabin Pack: 50 L fridge, microwave and curtains.
Comfort Cockpit Pack: Folding seat central module, Folding starboard seat and Cockpit Solarium.
Cooking Pack: LPG cooker and ice box 20 L.
- Ask for customised financing with the SYSFINANCE leasing or nautical credit system (from 4 to 15 years, with a minimum down payment of 30%).
- Bateau neuf, en stock dans notre showroom, pour livraison immédiate.
- Homologation moins de 8 mètres de long.
- Prix indiqué pour le bateau + 2 moteurs Mercury de 250 cv chacun + équipement standard et optionnel indiqué.
- T.V.A. 21% incluse.
Les équipements optionnels de l'unité sont les suivants:
Pack Privilège.
Smart Edition: Pack Cabine Confort, Pack Cockpit Confort, Pack Cuisine et Kit Amarrage.
Couleur de la coque (Gris foncé).
Extension de la plateforme de bain avec plancher en teck synthétique Flexiteek.
DOUBLE PLOTTEUR GPS SONAR 9/" Simrad evo 3 avec VesselViewLink.
Système stéréo FUSION avec 4 haut-parleurs.
Guindeau électrique.
Trim tabs électroniques.
Alimentation à quai.
Propulseur d'étrave (non compatible avec les moteurs JPO).
Toit bimini.
Toile d'ancre.
Console et sièges en toile.
Transport du chantier à Palamós.
Montage de l'équipement moteur + batterie.
Inscription maritime dans la liste 7ª/Zone 6.
Traitement antifouling + anti-osmose.
Mise à l'eau et livraison (y compris le matériel de sauvetage de base).
Pack Privilège: plancher de pont en teck synthétique souple Flexiteek, bain de soleil avant avec dossier réglable automatiquement, amélioration de la sellerie, amélioration du volant, coffres de rangement avec sellerie intérieure, lumières LED de courtoisie à l'intérieur de la cabine et rideau coulissant avec moustiquaire dans le hayon de la cabine.
Pack cabine confort: réfrigérateur 50 L, micro-ondes et rideaux.
Pack Cockpit Confort: Module central de siège pliant, siège tribord pliant et Solarium de Cockpit.
Pack cuisine: cuisinière GPL et glacière 20 L.
- Demandez un financement personnalisé avec le système de leasing ou de crédit nautique SYSFINANCE (de 4 à 15 ans, avec un acompte minimum de 30%).
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Engines: 2 x Twin Cummins QSB 6.7 (550hp) diesel engines - Approx 320 engine hours
Stunningly beautiful, exceptionally comfortable, and customizable with two distinct interior design moods, the Ferretti Yachts 500 marks a new chapter for the brand. This fresh addition to their line-up merges the thrill of nautical adventure with the comfort typically found on larger vessels. The result is a warm, family-oriented atmosphere that envelops guests in a sense of complete wellbeing. Whether enjoying time alone or with loved ones, this yacht invites you to experience it as an exclusive, authentic, multi-sensory retreat.
Equipment Hull Colour
White hull
Deck Equipment
Teak decking in cockpit, side-decks and foredeck
Seating around high/low fold-out teak cockpit table
Hydraulic high/low transom platform
Gate and steps leading to transom platform
Letterbox passarelle
Flybridge wetbar
Foredeck sunbeds
Navigation Equipment
2 x Simrad navigation screens at flybridge helm
3 x Simrad navigation screens at the main helm
Simrad radar
Simrad autopilot
Ship's Systems
Joystick control at lower and upper helm
Seakeeper Gyro stabiliser
Bow thruster
Humphree interceptors
Air-conditioning with outlets in all cabins, inc. crew cabin
Interior Fitout
3 cabins accommodating 6 guests
Crew cabin
Saloon with seating around dining table plus additional sofa
Sliding doors from saloon to cockpit
Master cabin with large double bed, sofa, sideboard and ensuite bathroom
VIP cabin with double bed and ensuite bathroom
Guest cabin with bunk beds
Interior Equipment
TV’s in saloon, master cabin and forward cabin
Induction hob
Broker's Comments
Priced to sell
Fresh antifouling, zinc anodes and engine service (March 2024)
2023 October – mechanical servicing
2023 February – hull antifouling and anodes
1 owner from new, maintained to a very good standard by an experienced motor boat owner
Joystick manoeuvrability for close quarter docking
Seakeeper Gyroscopic stabiliser
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Nice Bavaria 42 Cruiser (2005) 3-cabin version, located in Almería, Spain. Only 2 owners, correctly maintained and ready to sail. Bavaria Yachts combined 3 essential cruising aspects - construction quality, sailing pleasure and spaciousness - in this world-wide popular ocean cruiser. Cockpit area is commodious with double wheel steering and folding cockpit table. Lots of comfort inside with 1 double owners cabin, 2 double guest cabins, kitchen with 2 fridges and 1 freezer, large dining table, chart table and 2 bathrooms. Equipped to sail the med: solar panels, dinghy, outboard, washing machine, salt water pump and Raymarine plotter/autopilot. Volvo Penta engine D2-55 in good condition. Polish flagged, VAT not paid. Interested in a viewing? Call Frans Bennekers, tel +34 629 979 667, email
General Steering system: 2x Other:
Last antifouling may 2022
Accommodation Cabins: 1 Double owners cabin with 1 bathroom, 2 double guest cabins with 1 bathroom Berths: 1 Extra bed possible in saloon Engine, electrics, water Engine hours: September 2023 Rig and sails Spars, stays: Original 2005 Sails material: Original, in good condition Genoa reefing system: Furling genoa Furling foresail: Furlex Equipment Other:
Teak (original) in cockpit
Type interieur: Modern, wood look; Kleur stoffering: Blue
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
The boat was built in 2007 and launched in 2008. She has had two owners who have done cruises and regattas in the Mediterranean. It is a versatile boat which is very maneuverable and comfortable for cruising for 6 and very efficient in regattas with a crew of 10-11 people. In regattas it can be used in both Inshore races and Offshore races. The boat has always been methodically and professionally maintained to keep it in perfect working order. All spare equipment is packaged and stored in a garage protected from bad weather. The boat has been extensively refitted and optimized in recent years and the main works were redone in 2022 with sandblasting, sanding, smoothing and regatta antifouling. The boat is visible in St Maxime until December and then in Port Pin Rolland, where it will be put dry for winter storage. It is ready to sail since everything necessary is on board and in perfect working order. The boat is for sale for two major reasons: change of regatta program and decision to invest in a round-the-world boat in 2024. The boat is performing well in his class and has reached very good results in many regattas in different racing fields.Hull and deck Polyester and GRP fiberglass, polyester fiberglass sandwich with galvanized steel structure Keel: cast iron sail and lead bulb, bulb weight 2,730kg Saffron: carbon wick, infused resin, carbon steering wheel Self-guiding lower bearing replaced 2023, as well as all the steering wheel bearings. Pickling and anodizing of all aluminum parts. Steering wheel stripped and repainted March 2023.
Volvo Penta 40hp engine overhauled 2020, 189kg, Engine hours to be confirmedZDriveRetractable two-blade propellerDiesel tank capacity 100L
Berths: 8
Cabins: 3
Cabin height:
Shower: YES
Heating: YES
Accommodations notes: 3 double cabins with wardrobes 2 square beds with saloon table Bathroom, WC Card table Kitchen with 2 burners, oven, sink, storage, fridge Cabin cushions and mattresses redone in 2023, and saloon in very good condition. Interior layout with anti-roll canvases for the regatta
Hot water: YES
Refrigerator: YES
Water system: YES
Galley notes: Kitchen with 2 burners, oven, sink, cupboards, fridge.
Automatic pilot: NEW NAC3 with remote control from Bb'&'G.
Radar: YES
Navigation instruments notes: New equipment installed in March 2023Bb'&'G - 20/20 HV display Qty 3 at the base of the mastBb'&'G - DST810 Depth/Speed/Temp Probe PlasticBb'&'G - ZEUS 3S 9-inch multifunction display at chart table with C-MAP - 4DMAX+ Zone Wide mappingBb'&'G - Triton 2 Color multifunction display in cockpit.Original material.Bb'&'G remote control for autopilot, Remote vision with wireless portMagnetic compassRadar deflectorVHFNEW AUTOPILOT: type NAC3 with remote control from Bb'&'G.WIFI miniplex 3 internal AIS repeater and instrumentation.Radio and internal and external speakers.
Batteries: 3
Battery charger: YES
Electrical notes: 3 65/75Ah service batteries 1 65/75Ah engine battery LED lights cabins, saloon, chart table, kitchen, bathroom 12V/230V inverter 230V/12V charger + adapters Master volt BTMIII
Sails (approximate surface area: Mainsail 55m2, Genoa 44m2, SPI 150M2)1 lightweight Carbon/Kevlar battened genoa – delivered in 2023 – Quantum – New1 medium Carbon/Kevlar latte genoa – 2020 – Quantum – Good condition1 heavy Carbon/Kevlar battened genoa – delivered in 2023 – Quantum – New1 GV Carbon/Taffeta - 2020 – Quantum – very good condition1 heavy symmetrical spinnaker 1.5 OZ – 2015 – Quantum – very good condition1 medium symmetrical spinnaker superkote 75 – 2021 – Quantum – very good condition1 light symmetrical spinnaker 0.5OZ – 2015 – Quantum – very good condition1 conveyor mainsail – contender super cruise 9.4 - Quantum 2021 - New, never used1 furling genoa – 3DI North 20181 medium asymmetric spinnaker - 20152 genoas, 1 light, 1 medium quantum for spare regatta 2015 good condition1 GV Carbon/Kevlar for spare regatta 2015 good condition.
Rigging: Navtec Rod.800 series
Spinnaker pole: CARBON
Running rigging: ROD
Standing riggingNavtec Rod, 800 series (stay, shrouds, diagonals and backstays) complete refit 2020Harken “Tuff Luff” hollow prop for regatta (double throat)Genoa furler for cruising
Running rigging (All rigging is spectra/dynema, Tylaska carabiners)All halyards and sheets replaced in 20212 12mm spinnaker halyards1 12mm capping halyard1 12mm genoa halyard1 8mm swing2 12mm genoa sheets
2 spinnaker sheets 8mm2 spinnaker arms 12mmI mainsheet 10mm2 8mm spinnaker barbers1 “short sheet” of 10mm genoa(spare listening)
- Mast, Spreaders, Boom and Outrigger- Carbon mast and boom from Nordic Mast- Mast installed on the keel, crossing the saloon- 2 stages of pushing spreaders- Carbon pole and aluminum “spare” pole- Adjustable aluminum vang- Hydraulic MastJack revised 2022.
Hatches: YES
Winches: YES
Deck equipment notes:
Hardware2 Harken GV self-tailing crank winches2 Harken Génois self-tailing crank winches2 Harken self-tailing crank winches and halyards including one electric for cruisingHarken Spinlock for SPI Tb'&'B, Genoa, Capelage, Balancine, Mainsail halyards
lifelines, 10 life jackets 2019, EPIRB beacon, pharmacy redone 2022, safety kit (lights), manual pump, 2 electric pumps, including 1 automatic, crown buoy, MOB system on VHF, 2 kg fire extinguisher in each cabin and square.Survival 6 people revised 2022.Anchors and 40ml chain 8MM + Orin 20ML
Hull and deckPolyester and GRP fiberglass, polyester fiberglass sandwich with galvanized steel structure
Keel: cast iron sail and lead bulb, bulb weight 2,730kgSaffron: carbon wick, infused resin, carbon steering wheelSelf-guiding lower bearing replaced 2023, as well as all the steering wheel bearings.Pickling and anodizing of all aluminum parts.Steering wheel stripped and repainted March 2023.
Electric windlass engine replaced 2021, with remote controlCabin heatingWatermaker brand Dessalator Like new installation 2021.
End locks (4X), crank location (4X) replaced 2023.MooringsMainsail awning (light and heavy), Sun awningBar Cover
IRC 2023, ORC 2022 certificate
RADAR: deflector Navigation instruments notes:New equipment installed in March 2023 Bb'&'G - 20/20 HV display Qty 3 at the base of the mast Bb'&'G - DST810 Depth/Speed/Temp Probe Plastic Bb'&'G - ZEUS 3S 9-inch multifunction display at chart table with C-MAP - 4DMAX+ Zone Wide mapping Bb'&'G - Triton 2 Color multifunction display in cockpit. Original material. Bb'&'G remote control for autopilot, Remote vision with wireless port Magnetic compass Radar deflector VHF H2000 Autopilot WIFI miniplex 3 internal AIS repeater and instrumentation. Radio and internal and external speakers. ELECTRICAL: Batteries:3 65/75Ah service batteries 1 65/75Ah engine battery LED lights cabins, saloon, chart table, kitchen, bathroom 12V/230V inverter 230V/12V charger + adapters Master volt BTMIII
SAILS:Sails (approximate surface area: Mainsail 55m2, Genoa 44m2, SPI 150M2) 1 lightweight Carbon/Kevlar battened genoa – delivered in 2023 – Quantum – New 1 medium Carbon/Kevlar latte genoa – 2020 – Quantum – Good condition 1 heavy Carbon/Kevlar battened genoa – delivered in 2023 – Quantum – New 1 GV Carbon/Taffeta - 2020 – Quantum – very good condition 1 heavy symmetrical spinnaker 1.5 OZ – 2015 – Quantum – very good condition 1 medium symmetrical spinnaker superkote 75 – 2021 – Quantum – very good condition 1 light symmetrical spinnaker 0.5OZ – 2015 – Quantum – very good condition 1 conveyor mainsail – contender super cruise 9.4 - Quantum 2021 - New, never used 1 furling genoa – 3DI North 2018 1 medium asymmetric spinnaker - 2015 2 genoas, 1 light, 1 medium quantum for spare regatta 2015 good condition 1 GV Carbon/Kevlar for spare regatta 2015 good condition.
Rigging:Navtec Rod.800 series. Mast:Carbon. Boom:Carbon. Vang:Aluminium. Spinnaker pole:carbon. Running rigging:Rod. Spars and rigging notes: Standing rigging Navtec Rod, 800 series (stay, shrouds, diagonals and backstays) complete refit 2020 Harken “Tuff Luff” hollow prop for regatta (double throat) Genoa furler for cruising Running rigging (All rigging is spectra/dynema, Tylaska carabiners) All halyards and sheets replaced in 2021 2 12mm spinnaker halyards 1 12mm capping halyard 1 12mm genoa halyard 1 8mm swing 2 12mm genoa sheets 2 spinnaker sheets 8mm 2 spinnaker arms 12mm I mainsheet 10mm 2 8mm spinnaker barbers 1 “short sheet” of 10mm genoa (spare listening) - Mast, Spreaders, Boom and Outrigger - Carbon mast and boom from Nordic Mast - Mast installed on the keel, crossing the saloon - 2 stages of pushing spreaders - Carbon pole and aluminum “spare” pole - Adjustable aluminum vang - Hydraulic MastJack revised 2022 / DECK EQUIPMENT: Hatches:yes. Winches:Harken. Deck equipment notes:Hardware 2 Harken GV self-tailing crank winches 2 Harken Génois self-tailing crank winches 2 Harken self-tailing crank winches and halyards including one electric for cruising Harken Spinlock for SPI Tb'&'B, Genoa, Capelage, Balancine, Mainsail halyards / SAFETY EQUIPMENT CE Registration:yes. Fire-extinguishers:yes / Safety equipment notes:lifelines, 10 life jackets 2019, EPIRB beacon, pharmacy redone 2022, safety kit (lights), manual pump, 2 electric pumps, including 1 automatic, crown buoy, MOB system on VHF, 2 kg fire extinguisher in each cabin and square. Survival 6 people revised 2022. Anchors and 40ml chain 8MM + Orin 20ML.
CONSTRUCTION: Keel:cast iron sail / Construction notes:Hull and deck Polyester and GRP fiberglass, polyester fiberglass sandwich with galvanized steel structure Keel: cast iron sail and lead bulb, bulb weight 2,730kg Saffron: carbon wick, infused resin, carbon steering wheel Self-guiding lower bearing replaced 2023, as well as all the steering wheel bearings. Pickling and anodizing of all aluminum parts. Steering wheel stripped and repainted March 2023. SPEAKERS: YES / NOTES: Electric windlass engine replaced 2021, with remote control Cabin heating Watermaker brand Dessalator Like new installation 2021. Fenders End locks (4X), crank location (4X) replaced 2023. Moorings Mainsail awning (light and heavy), Sun awning Bar Cover IRC 2023, ORC 2022 certificate.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The ESPACE POWER team is pleased to present a new boat for sale!
JEANNEAU CAP CAMARAT 9.0 WAYear 2022Dimensions: 9.12 m x 2.94 m (7.96m on the papers)Mercury V6 engines White color 2 x 225 HP with only 94 hours
Owner's boat, sold by us. 1st handKept dry every winter
Engines under manufacturer's warranty until 2027Boat guaranteed for 1 year
1 front saloon convertible into a double bed, 1 rear cabin with a double bed, 1 bathroom with shower / WCApproved for 10 people
MAIN EQUIPMENT:- Electric engine controls- Electric windlass with control at the cockpit and in the anchor locker- Teak cockpit and bathing platforms- Bimini- Bow thruster- Garmin electronics pack with 9-inch touch screen- Fusion Bluetooth / FM audio pack- Teak bow platform with ladder- 65L 12v interior refrigerator- 49L 12v stainless steel exterior refrigerator- 220v shore power + battery charger- 220v water heater- Interior curtains cabin- Cockpit kitchen gas stove- Ski mast- Folding side benches to starboard and port- Aft cockpit table convertible into a sundeck- XXL forward sundeck with folding backrests + protective cover- Additional double saloon berth- Toilet with black water tank- Shower screen + seat on the toilet- VHF garmin 215- Electric trim tabs- Swim platforms- External sink- Internal sink- Set of protective covers (console + aft bench + table)- Horn- Mooring kit- Anchoring kit- Coastal equipment for 10 people
The sale price is understood to be /"ready to sail/" including engine overhaul for the 2025 season, antifouling, complete washing, launching and handover.With Espace Power you have only one contact for the acquisition, financing, maintenance and after-sales service of your boat. Nothing like it for your greatest pleasure.ESPACE POWER dealer of the brands Jeanneau, Prestige, Wellcraft, Four Winns and Nuova Jolly300 rue des rapugues83230 Bormes Les MimosasTel:
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Italia (Tutte le città)
lengte is 11.98 mvinkiel is volgens mij van looddoorvaarthoogte is 16 meterer zijn 3 huttenstahoogte is 1.85mankerketting is 50 meterbrandstoftank is volgens mij kunststofgenua is 150% genua en van 2013 net als grootzeil.radarreflector is van het dure en beste type, van 2014? zie factuur, goed om type te vermelden.Tot zover, dank, en met vriendelijke groet,lengte is 11.98 mvinkiel is volgens mij van looddoorvaarthoogte is 16 meterer zijn 3 huttenstahoogte is 1.85mankerketting is 50 meterbrandstoftank is volgens mij kunststofgenua is 150% genua en van 2013 net als grootzeil.radarreflector is van het dure en beste type, van 2014? zie factuur, goed om type te vermelden.Tot zover, dank, en met vriendelijke groet,***** FOR ENGLISH AND GERMAN DESCRIPTION SEE BELOW***
Dufour 38 Classic
De Dufour 38 is een prachtig allround cruising yacht. Dit jacht is snel en makkelijk te bevaren met een kleine bemanning. De 38 cc classic combineert traditioneel met een uitgebalanceerde tuigage en het ontwerp is tijdloos. Dit is een hoogwaardige betaalbare boot en ze heeft een mooi afgetimmerd en zeer sfeervol interieur. De uitstekende prijs/prestatie verhouding maakt deze boot een geduchte concurrent voor andere werven. De “New Wave” is sinds 2018 van de 2e eigenaar, die het jacht altijd goed heeft onderhouden. Het jacht is nooit in de verhuur geweest, heeft altijd op zoet water gelegen en staat sinds 2019 iedere winter in een overdekte loods. Kortom, mooie klassieke cruiser en vaarklaar!
Algemeen:New Wave, lengte 11,98 m., breedte 3,85 m., diepte 1,90 m., bouwjaar 2000, bouwnummer FR Duf C 1596B000, bouwer en afbouw casco Dufour Yachts Frankrijk, ontwerper J b'&' J Design, rondspant, vinkiel lood, bouwmateriaal polyester, uitvoering dek polyester, waterverplaatsing 6,2 ton, ballast 2,1 ton, betimmering klassiek mahonie, teak kuipvloer, 6 slaapplaatsen (ruime tweepersoonsbedden zowel voor als achter), 2 hutten, stahoogte salon 1.89 m., elektrische ankerlier Lofrans, anker CQR ploegschaar, zeereling rvs, uitklapbaar zwemplateau, rvs zwemtrap, reddingsboei, 4 pers. reddingsvlot (nieuw 2022) in container, kuiptafel, teakhouten schuurlijst, teak in de kuip. Verder: het onderwaterschip is geheel kaal geweest en voorzien van een anti osmose nieuw epoxy systeem met 2 x harde antifouling.
Motor:Volvo Penta MD 2040 MD, 39 PK, bouwjaar 2000, motornummer 5102933078, diesel, motoruren circa 2500, motorbeurt en filters (2024), overbrenging saildrive, saildrive manchet vervangen (2014), 3- blads Volvo Penta klapschroef (2019), rvs brandstoftank 160 liter.
Tuigage:Doorvaarhoogte 17 m., top getuigd, materiaal rondhouten aluminium, halfwinder oprolbaar, grootzeil laminaat (2021), rol HA Fok laminaat (2021) met schuimbanen radiaal gesneden, materiaalverstaging rvs std. vernieuwd/staand want (2018), vallen (2018).
Navigatie en apparatuur:Walstroom, acculader, Volt/Amp meter, ST 60 autohelm instrumenten, kaartplotter Raymarine JR (2018), radar Furuno, AIS 700 klasse B (2018). radarreflector is van het dure en beste type,
Gas en water:Kunststof watertank (2 x 180 liter), elektrisch waterdruksysteem, warmwaterboiler 40 liter (2020), binnen- en buitendouche, toilet handmatig, koelkast, vriesvak, kooktoestel 2 pits (gas), oven, heteluchtverwarming diesel (Webasto), lenspomp handmatig + elektrisch, gasslangen (2022).
Disclaimer:Gegevens worden verstrekt naar beste eer en geweten, echter eSailing is niet aansprakelijk voor de kwaliteit en/of de omschrijving van het vaartuig.
ENGLISHDufour 38 ClassicThe Dufour 38 is a beautiful all-round cruising yacht. This yacht is fast and easy to sail with a small crew. The 38 cc classic combines traditional with a balanced rig and the design is timeless. This is a high-quality affordable boat and she has a beautifully finished and very attractive interior. The excellent price/performance ratio makes this boat a formidable competitor for other shipyards. The “New Wave” has been owned by the 2nd owner since 2018, who has always maintained the yacht well. The yacht has never been for rent, has always been on fresh water and has been in a covered shed every winter since 2019. In short, a beautiful classic cruiser and ready to sail!
General:New Wave, length 11.98 m., width 3.85 m., depth 1.90 m., year of construction 2000, construction number FR Duf C 1596B000, builder and finishing hull Dufour Yachts France, designer J b'&' J Design, round bilge, fin keel lead, building material polyester, deck design polyester, water displacement 6.2 tons, ballast 2.1 tons, classic mahogany panelling, teak cockpit floor, 6 berths (spacious double beds both front and back), 2 cabins, standing height saloon 1.89 m., electric anchor winch Lofrans, anchor CQR ploughshare, stainless steel guard rail, fold-out swimming platform, stainless steel swimming ladder, lifebuoy, 4-person life raft (new 2022) in container, cockpit table, teak shed strip, teak in the cockpit. Furthermore: the underwater hull has been completely bare and fitted with an anti-osmosis new epoxy system with 2 x hard antifouling.
Engine:Volvo Penta 2040 MD, 39 HP, built in 2000, engine number 5102933078, diesel, engine hours approximately 2500, engine service and filters (2024), saildrive transmission, saildrive sleeve replaced (2014), 3-blade Volvo Penta folding propeller (2019), stainless steel fuel tank 160 liters.
Rigging:Bridgewaterclearance 16 m., top rigged, material spars aluminum, halfwinder furlable, mainsail laminate (2021), roller HA Jib laminate (2021) with foam panels radially cut, material stays stainless steel std. renewed/standing rigging (2018), halyards (2018).
Navigation and equipment:Shore power, battery charger, Volt/Amp meter, ST 60 autohelm instruments, chartplotter Raymarine JR (2018), radar Furuno, AIS 700 class B (2018).
Gas and water:Plastic water tank (2 x 180 litres), electric water pressure system, hot water boiler 40 litres (2020), indoor and outdoor shower, toilet manual, refrigerator, freezer compartment, 2 burner stove (gas), oven, hot air heating diesel (Webasto), bilge pump manual + electric, gas hoses (2022).
Disclaimer: All information given herin is to our best knowledge and belief, however eSailing declines all responsibility for the quality and/or specification of the boat.
GERMANDufour 38 ClassicDie Dufour 38 ist eine wunderschöne Allround-Fahrtenyacht. Diese Yacht ist schnell und einfach mit einer kleinen Crew zu segeln. Der 38 Klassiker verbindet Tradition mit ausgewogener Ausstattung und das Design ist zeitlos. Dies ist ein hochwertiges, erschwingliches Boot und sie verfügt über eine wunderschön verarbeitete und sehr attraktive Innenausstattung. Das hervorragende Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis macht dieses Boot zu einem hervorragenden Konkurrenten für andere Werften. Seit 2018 gehört die „New Wave“ dem 2. Eigner, der die Yacht stets gut gepflegt hat. Die Yacht wurde nie vermietet, war immer auf Frischwasser und wird seit 2019 jeden Winter in einem überdachten Schuppen gelagert. Kurz gesagt, ein wunderschöner klassischer Kreuzer und bereit zum Segeln!
Allgemein:New Wave, Länge 11,98 m, Breite 3,85 m, Tiefe 1,90 m, Baujahr 2000, Baunummer FR Duf C 1596B000, Bau- und Endrumpf Dufour Yachts France, Designer J b'&' J Design, runde Bilge, Flossenkielführung, Baumaterial Polyester, Deckversion Polyester, Wasserverdrängung 6,2 Tonnen, Ballast 2,1 Tonnen, klassische Mahagoni-Verkleidung, Teak-Cockpit-Boden, 6 Kojen (geräumige Doppelbetten vorne und hinten), 2 Kabinen, Salon-Stehhöhe 1,89 m, elektrische Ankerwinde Lofrans, Anker CQR-Pflugschar, Edelstahl-Geländer, ausklappbare Badeplattform, Edelstahl-Badeleiter, Rettungsring, 4 Pers. Rettungsinsel (neu 2022) im Container, Cockpittisch, Teakholz-Schleifgestell, Teakholz im Cockpit. Außerdem: Das Unterwasserschiff wurde komplett entleert und mit einem neuen Anti-Osmose-Epoxidsystem mit 2 x Hartantifouling ausgestattet.
Motor:Volvo Penta 2040 MD, 39 PS, Baujahr 2000, Motornummer 5102933078, Diesel, Motorstunden ca. 2500, Motorwartung und Filter (2024), Saildrive-Getriebe, Saildrive-Manschette ersetzt (2014), 3-Blatt-Volvo Penta-Faltpropeller (2019), Edelstahl-Kraftstofftank 160 Liter.
Takelwerk:Durchfahrtshöhe 16 m., oben getakelt, Material Holme Aluminium, Halbwickler aufrollbar, Großsegel Laminat (2021), Rolle HA Fock Laminat (2021) mit Schaumstoffstreifen radial geschnitten, Materialstreben Edelstahl Std. erneuerte/stehende Takelage (2018), fallende (2018).
Navigation und Ausrüstung:Landstrom, Batterieladegerät, Volt-/Amperemessgerät, ST 60-Autohelminstrumente, Kartenplotter Raymarine JR (2018), Radar Furuno, AIS 700 Klasse B (2018).
Gas und Wasser:Kunststoff-Wassertank (2 x 180 Liter), elektrisches Wasserdrucksystem, Warmwasserboiler 40 Liter (2020), Innen- und Außendusche, manuelle Toilette, Kühlschrank, Gefrierschrank, 2-Flammen-Herd (Gas), Backofen, Heißluftheizung Diesel (Webasto), manuelle + elektrische Bilgenpumpe, Gasschläuche (2022).
Disclaimer:Die Angaben werden auf bestem Wissen und Gewissen gemacht, aber eSailing haftet jedoch nicht für die Qualität und/oder Beschreibung des Fahrzeugs.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Uniesse 72 ft. A 22 meters motor yacht built from a high class shipyard, with excellent construction, high performance and luxurious, with plenty of interior and exterior volumes. She accomodates 8 people in one Master double cabin, one Vip double cabin and two twins, all with their own wc (ensuite facilities). One crew cabin with 3 beds and wc.She is in very good condition with proffesional maintainance, many upgrades and new eqquipment in 2017. Engines have only 300 total hours since new!
READY TO CRUISE from summer service, antifouling, polishing (April 2019)
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2005 Coverline 640 Cabin Mercruiser 4.3 V6 -210 hp Video overview of the vessel: A beautiful family speedboat with 3/4 sleeping places, a closed toilet room with a sea toilet, a gas stove with a sink in the cockpit, a refrigerator, the vessel is fully equipped for a multi-day stay at sea. Electric anchor winch, double bimini top with the possibility of complete closure, bow sun deck, bow bridge, extended stern platform, water tank with shower, double battery system, 220 v shore connection with new battery charger, preparation for solar panel. Garmin fishfinder, stereo system with speakers in the cockpit. The engine was serviced 70 hours ago and brand new original Mercruiser exhaust manifolds were installed. The vessel is registered under the Croatian flag, the technical inspection is valid until 07/2027. The vessel has just been inspected, the engine and drive are in excellent condition, the awnings are 2 seasons old, all cushions and upholstery are like new, new antifouling has just been applied, new zincs, the engine is preserved and ready for the season. The vessel is located in our showroom in Zaprešić, delivery to the customer's destination is possible by agreement.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Dutch design from 2nd owner
The Piewiet 1000 was built by the yard Van der Rest in Kats, Zeeland (NL). This boat is from 2nd owner and has always had all the necessary maintenance and many things have been renewed since 2019. (See PDF). Once aboard this Piewiet you immediately notice how spacious and easily accessible the boat is. The cockpit is spacious and offers more than enough room for all aboard. What is striking is that the teak deck is originally laid with rivets. The deck is completely leak-proof and has no loose parts.
The salon is spacious with U-shaped bench on the left and longitudinal bench on the right. To port is the galley and enclosed aft cabin. To starboard is the navigation corner and toilet with hanging locker for sailing clothes. In the bow is the second cabin with a large double bed.
This Piewiet 1000 is in sail-ready condition.
Appointments for viewings can be arranged 6 days a week in advance directly with the White Whale Yachtbrokers Noord-Nederland; office in Sneek. mail: or call +31 515 423 467
Would you also like to sell your boat? White Whale Yachtbrokers has 11 offices in Europe. We sell your boat from your own mooring, at a low brokerage fee. Free advertising on the most relevant and leading websites including No start-up costs, always no-cure-no-pay! Feel free to ask us for a proposal for your own yacht.
Windows: plastic
second owner
2019 Anti Osmosis treatment: new Gelcoat 4 x primer + 2 x AntFouling
Each year winter storage
Everything can be operated and reefed from the cockpit
Helm extension Spinlock EA900S 06/2019
Material, colours: teak
Curtains: cream
Saloons: saloon with galley and navigation corner
Cabins: double
Berths: 4 + 3
Cooker b'&' fuel: 2021
Electric water pump in salon (optional as foot pump) 06/2019
Toilet seat in the toilet suitable for cactus bags when the toilet may not be used in port or... 07/2019
Heater Autoterm Air 4d (4kw hidden in aft) Exhaust adapted to sloping transom of the vessel. With insulated, very robust air hoses (toilet, saloon and front cabin. Rear cabin currently without heating). With GSM module to start heating via app. Air intake optionally on the outside or inside, and inlet damper. 08/2020
Autoterm Comfort Controller, 05/2023
New 2-burner gas stove with oven from Eno, 06/2021
Engine, electrics, water
Number of identical engines: 1
Engine hours: unknown
Fuel tanks: 80 ltr
Measuring instruments: yeah
Control panel: yeah
Water system: + foot pump
8-way switch panel additional installed and wired, 08/2019
12V and 5V USB receptacle installed and wired. Small locker lot new, 08/2019
8 outlets 230V, one with 2x USB charging sockets, 05/2020
1 new fuse (earth leakage switch) for shore connection 05/2020
Bow thruster: Vetus Bow7524d.
New Morse gas control with single lever CH2800.
Additional battery charger Mastervolt Chargemaster 12/50 - 3 (set to constant charge voltage) + Victorion Orion - Tr Smart DC-DC 12/24 15 Charger Non-Isolated, 08/2021
Battery balancer Victron, 09/2021
Rig and sails
Winches: Lewmar 2 x self-tailing; 2x standard
Genoa reefing system: reel
retractable spinnaker boom
New halyards: 2x main + 1x genoa and spival 07/2019
The furling genoa will be a Genoa reef with 1x Easylock Midi, 07/2019
Lap genoa 14mm + 2 snap wraps 07/2019
5x new flag rollers placed in the spreader, 05/2020
Winches 2x Lewmar 43 and 2x Lewmar 16, serviced and pawls and springs renewed. 06/2020
Lazybag system mounted for the mainsail, from the old sail cover is sewn a solar sail (color white). 06/2021
New VHF antenna in masthead and new cable 06/2021
Custom made winter sail 300 g/m², sewn and adjusted in two parts. 10/2021
3Lenzz radar reflector attached to mast. 06/2022
Navigation and electronics
VHF radio Icom 423G replaces 30-year-old radio. + 2. Micro Icom HM-195 installed in the cockpit. 06/2019
Raymarine: Axiom 7, EV1 (autopilot + remote control), P70s, i70s (lot, log, wind direction and speed as well as temperature), ACU 100, ITC 5, wind transmitter and new log, all NMEA 2000 integrated 07 /2019
Wiring Seatalk NMEA 2000, 07/2019
AIS 700 Tranceiver incl. UHF antenna splitter installed with external GPS antenna and AIS switch (can also /"listen only/") 05/2020
VHF antenna in masthead and new cable 06/2021
Outdoor cushions: 4
Boat cover: 2
Retractable water hose in cassette
Stainless steel bow stairs
Anchor Cobra II 1x 14 KG + 1x 8 KG (+anchor line with chain leader) + anchor Cobra II 1x 6 KG (+anchor line with chain leader) + 2 plate anchors
Gas bottle locker with drain: including 2 bottles
2 x lifelines
searchlight on 12V
New Antifouling dark blue. 03/2022
Type interieur: Classic, warm;teak
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Dutch 21% VAT PAID (not deductible)
Hardtop with low windsreen
Trim Level Premiere 2020 package
Teak on cockpitfloor, terras and swimplatform
Garmin upgrade pack 2 x 8416-XSV (16 Inch Multidisplays)
Joystick besturing Optimus 360
Stuurpiloot Garmin voor Optimus 360
Bow Thruster
Garmin Marifoon / VHF ATS
Fusion premium upgrade audio package
Airco / Verwarming Webasto 16.000 BTU
Inverter 4000 Watt met afstandsbedining montage (omvormer 12v naar 220v)
2 x Extra accu's 200 AMP Semitraxie
2 x Solarpanel 180W
Cockpitgrill 220 volt cockpitbar
Extra refrigerator cockpitbar
Complete Closing kit for hardtop (cabriokap)
Stamoid Boatcover over gehele boot
Sunawning / Biminitop graphite
Protectiv covers
XL Bow Sundeck
Mooring kit
Anchor kit
Stainless steel bow protector
Double berth in salon
2 x Teaktable in cockpit
Horren in de boot
2 x ITC RVS onderwaterverlichting Vlaggenmast RVS
2 x RVS Fenderkorf
Antifouling 2 lagen met 3 lagen Gelshield
For more information, please contact:
Boatservice Dannijs /
Setheweg 18
7942 LB Meppel
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The boat was out of the water in October 2021 and got fresh antifouling, zinc anodes and trim tabs service. We also did a full boat 3-stage gel coat polishing and teak wood treatment. Therefore the boat is ready for the upcoming season and its new owner.
This exquisite example of Ferretti Yachts 810 is presented in excellent condition and is ready for a new owner. Beautifully maintained and professionally serviced by its previous owners, it is a real time capsule and a rare opportunity to own a piece of Ferretti Yachts history.
Broker commission is included in price.
ACCOMMODATION2 cabins with large double bed and bathroom2 cabins with twin beds and bathroom4 heads in total2 crew cabins with twin beds and a bathroomENGINES2x MTU V12 1.500HP1.935 engine hoursLast service in 2018 at 1.915 engine hours
EQUIPMENTBow thruster hydraulic ABT TracMain generator Kohler 19 EFOZ 20kW - 4.011 engine hoursNight generator Kohler 9 EFOZ 10kW - 9.379 engine hoursAir conditioning Condaria 90.000 BTU/h installed new in 2014 to comply with EU regulationsFresh water-maker Idromar MC2J 130L/hSAT TV antenna KWH G8Third command lever in the cockpitDishwasherWashing machinePlotter Geonav 11 FlashRadar FurunoAutopilot Raymarine ST7001+Tridata Raymarine ST60SAT telephoneTender Avon 360 equipped with 30HP Yamaha outboard
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Jeanneau Cap Camarat 12.5 WA, Triple Suzuki 300 HPDutch 21% VAT PAID (not deductible)
Hardtop with low windsreen
Trim Level Premiere 2020 package
Teak on cockpitfloor, terras and swimplatform
Garmin upgrade pack 2 x 8416-XSV (16 Inch Multidisplays)
Joystick besturing Optimus 360
Stuurpiloot Garmin voor Optimus 360
Bow Thruster
Garmin Marifoon / VHF ATS
Fusion premium upgrade audio package
Airco / Verwarming Webasto 16.000 BTU
Inverter 4000 Watt met afstandsbedining montage (omvormer 12v naar 220v)
2 x Extra accu's 200 AMP Semitraxie
2 x Solarpanel 180W
Cockpitgrill 220 volt cockpitbar
Extra refrigerator cockpitbar
Complete Closing kit for hardtop (cabriokap)
Stamoid Boatcover over gehele boot
Sunawning / Biminitop graphite
Protectiv covers
XL Bow Sundeck
Mooring kit
Anchor kit
Stainless steel bow protector
Double berth in salon
2 x Teaktable in cockpit
Horren in de boot
2 x ITC RVS onderwaterverlichting Vlaggenmast RVS
2 x RVS Fenderkorf
Antifouling 2 lagen met 3 lagen Gelshield
For more information, please contact:
Boatservice Dannijs /
Setheweg 18
7942 LB Meppel
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Italia (Tutte le città)
A truly spacious and comfortable boat, accommodating 8 guests with a wonderful saloon and flybridge area.
Spacious saloon with fully enclosed galley gives a lot of comfort to socialize on the main deck supplemented with a day head.Four cabins accommodate 8 guests on the lower deck, 2 double and 2 twin bed each equipped with own en-suite.Crew cabins for three with direct access to the engine room with a dedicated workshop area, allows the crew member to service the boat without affecting the guest’s privacy and comfort.
Full engine, generator and all systems service done in 2023. Antifouling and polishing were also completed. All batteries (total number 24) replaced.Full interior refit was done in 2015.Visits are available with prior notice.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The 77m Piriou, Yersin, expedition vessel is now exclusively for sale with Edmiston. Yersin boasts self-sufficient cruising capabilities and engineering prowess in extreme conditions. Created to face challenging expeditions in the utmost comfort and safety, the 76.6m full custom-built expedition vessel YERSIN brings unparalleled capabilities.Compliant with SOLAS passenger ship regulations and currently completing its 10-year class survey, YERSIN is the only full diesel electric expedition vessel available for sale. This vessel was designed for cost-effective operations, with maintenance costs factored into her technical concept. Building such a vessel with an identical comprehensive specification today would require more than double of her value.This vessel's defining characteristics lie in her ability to venture into remote and unspoiled environments in waters from -20°C to +50°C. Equipped with a dynamic positioning technology, she adheres to a protocol of no anchoring to prevent seabed damage. Her underwater hull coating with silicon “non-biocide” antifouling enables access to maritime protected regions. With her azipods enhancing manoeuvrability, YERSIN is well-equipped to navigate diverse waterways, from open seas to inland lakes and rivers.YERSIN’s Schottel diesel electric propulsion system provides economical fuel consumption with an autonomy of 12,000 nm, and is paired with a 99.8% exhaust filtration system. Onboard she has advanced water treatment and recycling solutions with an oversized dry and cold food storage and garbage treatment facility allowing for extended self-sufficient cruising. YERSIN’s autonomy is also obtained by an extensive spare parts stock and a fully equipped engineering department allowing to carry on most maintenance and repairs onboard.YERSIN’s interior features a guest elevator serving all six decks, expansive living spaces and class certified furnishings. She has accommodation for up to 18 guests across eight cabins.Key features:*The only full diesel electric expedition vessel available for sale*Full custom built under experienced project management *SOLAS passenger ship compliant, ice class, polar coded and clean ship certified*Engineered to navigate the most remote and protected areas in extreme conditions from *-20°C to +50°C *Extended self-sufficient cruising capabilities*Cost effective to run *Guest elevator serving all 6 decks
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
The 77m Piriou, Yersin, expedition vessel is now exclusively for sale with Edmiston. Yersin boasts self-sufficient cruising capabilities and engineering prowess in extreme conditions. Created to face challenging expeditions in the utmost comfort and safety, the 76.6m full custom-built expedition vessel YERSIN brings unparalleled capabilities.Compliant with SOLAS passenger ship regulations and currently completing its 10-year class survey, YERSIN is the only full diesel electric expedition vessel available for sale. This vessel was designed for cost-effective operations, with maintenance costs factored into her technical concept. Building such a vessel with an identical comprehensive specification today would require more than double of her value.This vessel's defining characteristics lie in her ability to venture into remote and unspoiled environments in waters from -20°C to +50°C. Equipped with a dynamic positioning technology, she adheres to a protocol of no anchoring to prevent seabed damage. Her underwater hull coating with silicon “non-biocide” antifouling enables access to maritime protected regions. With her azipods enhancing manoeuvrability, YERSIN is well-equipped to navigate diverse waterways, from open seas to inland lakes and rivers.YERSIN’s Schottel diesel electric propulsion system provides economical fuel consumption with an autonomy of 12,000 nm, and is paired with a 99.8% exhaust filtration system. Onboard she has advanced water treatment and recycling solutions with an oversized dry and cold food storage and garbage treatment facility allowing for extended self-sufficient cruising. YERSIN’s autonomy is also obtained by an extensive spare parts stock and a fully equipped engineering department allowing to carry on most maintenance and repairs onboard.YERSIN’s interior features a guest elevator serving all six decks, expansive living spaces and class certified furnishings. She has accommodation for up to 18 guests across eight cabins.Key features:*The only full diesel electric expedition vessel available for sale*Full custom built under experienced project management *SOLAS passenger ship compliant, ice class, polar coded and clean ship certified*Engineered to navigate the most remote and protected areas in extreme conditions from *-20°C to +50°C *Extended self-sufficient cruising capabilities*Cost effective to run *Guest elevator serving all 6 decks *10-year class survey completed
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
The 77m Piriou, Yersin, expedition vessel boasts self-sufficient cruising capabilities and engineering prowess in extreme conditions. Please enquire to schedule a viewing. Created to face challenging expeditions in the utmost comfort and safety, the 76.6m full custom-built expedition vessel YERSIN brings unparalleled capabilities.Compliant with SOLAS passenger ship regulations and having completed its 10-year class survey, YERSIN is the only full diesel electric expedition vessel available for sale. This vessel was designed for cost-effective operations, with maintenance costs factored into her technical concept. Building such a vessel with an identical comprehensive specification today would require more than double of her value.This vessel's defining characteristics lie in her ability to venture into remote and unspoiled environments in waters from -20°C to +50°C. Equipped with a dynamic positioning technology, she adheres to a protocol of no anchoring to prevent seabed damage. Her underwater hull coating with silicon “non-biocide” antifouling enables access to maritime protected regions. With her azipods enhancing manoeuvrability, YERSIN is well-equipped to navigate diverse waterways, from open seas to inland lakes and rivers.YERSIN’s Schottel diesel electric propulsion system provides economical fuel consumption with an autonomy of 12,000 nm, and is paired with a 99.8% exhaust filtration system. Onboard she has advanced water treatment and recycling solutions with an oversized dry and cold food storage and garbage treatment facility allowing for extended self-sufficient cruising. YERSIN’s autonomy is also obtained by an extensive spare parts stock and a fully equipped engineering department allowing to carry on most maintenance and repairs onboard.YERSIN’s interior features a guest elevator serving all six decks, expansive living spaces and class certified furnishings. She has accommodation for up to 18 guests across eight cabins.Key features:*The only full diesel electric expedition vessel available for sale*10-year class survey completed *Full custom built under experienced project management *SOLAS passenger ship compliant, ice class, polar coded and clean ship certified*Engineered to navigate the most remote and protected areas in extreme conditions from *-20°C to +50°C *Extended self-sufficient cruising capabilities*Cost effective to run *Guest elevator serving all 6 decks
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Extra equipment:
Mediterranean Air Conditioning 50Hz with split units, shore socket and cableFourth aft cabin air cooling system with split unit (50/60 Hz)Ultra stainless steel 45kg (99 lbs) anchor with non foul-chain bar and twisterBlack self polishing antifouling (propellers not included)On/off bow thruster with double control in main deck and fly with dedicated automatic fire extinguishing system19Kw ca. generator (230V-50Hz) with fume and water separators and Racor fuel pre-filter with filter cartridge and water separator - Extra priceLED lighting kit (courtesy lights all along the floor, on deck and Flybridge, mooring lights (two), retractable bow decorative lights (two), blue LED lighting along the main deck dashboard, blue LED lighting for aft mooring area)White aft underwater LED lights (two) (multi-color underwater lights not available)Electro-hydraulic retractable gangway, with teak floor and handrailHydraulic platform lifting capacity 400kg (882lbs), with solid teak covered floor and ladder for descent and ascent to platform and removable stainless steel rail hoop for platform central sectionManual opening door for access from right side walkway to the piloting place - Extra price
Fourth aft cabin with bathroom (WC, basin and shower), accessible from the aft platform, instead of the aft storage compartmentGyroscopic stabilizer (Seakeeper 9 Gyro)BBQ in the Flybridge wet-barIcemaker with integrated tank in the flybridge cabinet (50Hz)Dishwasher (50/60Hz)Washing machine-tumble dryer (230V-50Hz) with additional storage cabinet, in fourth aft cabinWinecooler (50Hz) in salonSafe (in master cabin)Mooring winches (two) with foot switch in housing and lightingFibreglass Hard Top with microfibre-covered ceiling and LED lighting (it excludes Hard Top with solar panels)Cockpit covering sheetCovers for wet bar, sofas, sunpad on the FlybridgePrivacy electrical sunshades at the sides in the cockpit (two)Privacy electrical sunshade in the cockpit towards the aftVolvo DPS digital anchorDigital terrestrial TV antenna with TV connection cables, satellite wiring and antenna HDMI connection cablesSatellite TV dish diam. 60 cm (24”) (with second dome)GPS chart plotter 12” displays (one Fly + two main deck) - Extra price
Electronic/Navigation Instruments: “Safety” Package (Weather Station, AIS, echosounder, Fishfinder)Volvo Interceptor Active - Extra priceCameras in the engine room and in the cockpitVolvo ACP anti-corrosion kitTV lift electrical mechanism for TV in the salonWiFi + 4G data connectionRadio Stereo Fusion with optical digital input for connecting the radio to the TV, with USB port and Bluetooth connection, connected to four loudspeakers and subwoofer in the salon, with party mode functionTF terrace atmosphere modules (with or without storage base) with grey colour structure, for cockpit area, with coversHeight-adjustable synthetic teak cockpit table with aluminium leg, foldable wings, non-dismountable, with adjustable positionPiece of furniture in the cockpit on starboard sideMarble tops for bathrooms - Extra priceManual blinds in the cabins (roller blind in master and VIP cabins, snap ones in central cabin)Watertight door for direct access to the engine room from fourth aft cabinFlyscreens for cabins portholesExtra driving leather seat at steering position on main deckHeated towel rack in bow master bathroom
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
UNI BATEAUX vous propose à la vente un Saxdor 400 GTO millésime 2025. Il est motorisé en 2 X MERCURY 400CV. Le Saxdor 400 GTO est un modèle phare très attendu qui incarne des performances et une efficacité de croisière exceptionnelles. Construit sur une coque à double étrave et conçu pour deux moteurs hors-bord, le Saxdor 400 GTO promet une expérience exceptionnelle sur l'eau. Options: - Sellerie gris clair et coque blanche- Pack de navigation /"Advanced/".- Pack /"Mercury Technologie/" et /"JPO Advanced/" - Pack de climatisation- 4x batteries lithium UE- Pack audio /"Basic/" - Pack cabine arrière - Pack /"Saxdor lifestyle/" - Pack batteries - Guindeau électrique avec ancre ultra Anchor - Cuisinière électrique dans la cuisine - Matelas bain de soleil arrière sur le toit de la cabine arrière - Feux sous-marin - Barre lumineuse sur le toit - Table à l'avant avec housse de table incluse - Portillons arrière vitrées - Matelas bain de soleil avant - Rideaux dans la cabine avant et moustiquaires, y compris des pare-soleil - Réfrigérateur supplémentaire de 51 litres dans la timonerie - Deuxième rangée de sièges à commande électrique pour réglage vers l'avant ou l'arrière- Ensemble de coussins pour canapé avant Prix public dans cette configuration: 524 362 € TTC.Manutention, antifouling et transport compris. Possibilité de financement en LOA, gestion/location et place de port. Profitez d'une offre clef en main chez UNI Bateaux.Contactez nos commerciaux pour tout renseignement complémentaire:- PIETRI Romain au 06 17 86 88 33 - MOLINAS Marion au 06 32 29 50 89- NAKO Léo au 06 49 18 56 61UNI BATEAUX, concessionnaire exclusif pour la Corse BENETEAU, Prestige, Fountaine Pajot, Lomac, De Antonio Yachts, Wellcraft, Saxdor, Higfield, Rigiflex
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Océanis 34.1
Offre exceptionnelle 140 ans Beneteau Au prix de 195 000 € ou 797€/mois* au lieu de 237 000 €
Caractéristiques principales:
Moteur YANMAR 3YM30AE 21 kw (29cv) DieselLest fonte GTEVersion 2 cabines 1 Salle d'eau - Alpi Chêne FlotteSellerie Carre Winner Silver 139
Plateforme arrière lattée bois massif
Assises barreur, lattées en teck
1 Sac à drisses (À bâbord)
Douchette de cockpit eau chaude / froide
Cuisine: Cache sur évier en compact avec planche à découper
Hifi Fusion + Haut-parleurs intérieurs b'&' Haut-parleurs extérieurs
Prises USB double port: 1 dans le carré, 2 dans la cabine avant,
1 dans les cabines arrière
Circuit 230 V complet (6 Prises intérieures, 1 Prise de quai)
Chargeur de batterie 40 Ampères
2 Batteries servitudes AGM -100 Ah (en remplacement du standard 75 Ah)
Moustiquaires pour les hublots ouvrants
Carré: Éclairage indirect LED
Cuisine:Réchaud four/grill inox 2 feux sur cardan (en remplacement
du standard)
Guindeau électrique 1 000 W + Télécommande
Protection tableau arrière
Protection d'étrave en inox
Table de cockpit /"/"Luxe/"/" abattants polyester
Support moteur hors-bord
Réservoir eau douce supplémentaire (130 L / 53 US Gal)
Cuisine: Pompe à pied eau de mer avec fonction vidange de la glacière
Carré b'&' Cabines: Ventilateurs
1 Winch manuel de manœuvre tribord (H35.2 STA) + Sac à drisse Cadet
2 Winches manuels d'écoute de génois (H40.2 STA)
Delphinière polyester avec mouillage intégré et sous barbe textile (pour utilisation Code 0 et spi asymétrique)
Gréement de spi asymétrique / Code 0 (Écoutes, Poulies, Drisses)
Génois sur enrouleur, Dacron haute tenacité (en remplacement du foc autovireur standard)
Bloqueurs supplémentaires (sur roof pour drisse ou sur hiloire pour écoute de génois selon pack)
Manoeuvres ramenées au cockpit (sauf balancine de bôme)
Anneaux d'écoutes de génois réglage 3D sur le roof (en remplacement du rail de foc auto-vireur et du chariot)
1 Afficheur i70s, à tribord de la descente
Sonde (Loch, Speedomètre, Température)
Wind Sensor (Girouette, Anémomètre)
Girouette Windex
Lazy bag - lazy jack
Capote Roof Luxe couleur au choix
Amarrage et Mouillage complet premium
Chaumards Arrière
Commande De Guindeau Au Cockpit Avec Compteur De Chaîne
Ouverture De Coupée À Babord Et À Tribord
Sellerie extérieure coussins De Cockpit Dolce 51
Prise Eau Douce De Quai
Marches De Descente En Bois
Capitonnages Macadamia - Carré Et Cabines
Planchers Stratifiés Chêne Brun
Housse Pour Table De Cockpit Luxe
Housses De Barres À Roue
Armement hauturier 6 Personnes Premium
Carte Électronique
Frais D'immatriculation
Transport Usine - Concession
Primaire + 2 Couches D'antifouling
Préparation Mise A L’eau
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour de plus amples informations ou pour fixer un éventuel rendez-vous.Notre équipe dévoué à votre passion vous accompagne dans toute la durée de votre projet nautique en passant par une prise en main complète du bateau.
Optimiser vos coûts avec notre service de Gestion/location par abonnement:
Optimiser largement vos cout global de financement, d'entretien avec notre service clé en main de gestion. Pour de plus amples informations n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
Offre de financement possible*
Crédit ou LOA ou LOCASSURANCE: exemple de financement: 797€/mois pour 144 loyers avec 50 % d'apportSous réserve d’acceptation par SGB financeUn crédit vous engage - assurez-vous de pouvoir le rembourser avant de le contracter
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 powered by a Yamaha F150 mechanical control outboard engine.
First launched in 2018. Presented in good condition throughout. Well configured with the following specification:
* 2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795.* Yamaha F150 DETX – mechanical control outboard engine (473 hours).* Premiere Pack. (opening roof hatch, aft cockpit cushions, two windscreen wipers, screen wash, sliding side windows, cockpit shower).* Garmin echoMap UHD 95 sv GPS chartplotter and fishfinder* Electric anchor windlass.* Anchor and mooring kit.* U-shaped cockpit saloon with table and sundeck conversion.* Swim platforms with teak.* Bow thruster.* Shore power and battery charger.* Luxury galley with gas hob and gas bottle.* Fridge.* Twin batteries.* Curtains.* Sea toilet.* Antifouling.
Further details and photos to follow.
* National or international delivery available.
* Trade in available - valuations on request.
The Merry Fisher 795 adopts a dynamic and rewarding design, both inside and out. All the innovations of the recent Merry Fisher 695 can be found onboard, plus many more!
With a lot of light, the Merry Fisher 795 combines a new dynamic profile with a large number of innovations to improve on-board comfort and to ensure that it remains the market reference.
Designed with family cruising in mind, the Merry Fisher 795 features a large aft cockpit with plenty of seating arranged in a sociable U-shape with a large central table. Inside the sliding doors there is a wide and accessible walkway down the centre, a dinette with seating for four to the portside and the well-appointed galley to the starboard side.
The helm is well designed with lots of space for the array of electronics and control. The steering is hydraulic and the engine controls are electronic, for simple operation. Included is a 9/" Garmin touchscreen GPS chartplotter and fishfinder, and a Garmin VHF radio with DSC and AIS. To hand are the bow thruster controls, engine display and all other control switches.
In the bow is a good sized heads compartment with a door, sea toilet and sink, forward is a double berth.
BHG Marine are part of the Berthon Boat Company group. Situated within Berthon Lymington Marina on the Lymington River, we have a wealth of services and facilities within our 20-acre site.
Visit our sales office and showroom to see a wide range of new and used powerboats and yacht tenders. Specialising in Jeanneau powerboats, Zodiac and AB RIBs, inflatables and yacht tenders, Linder aluminium boats, Yamaha outboard engines, davit systems, Propguards and much more.
With such a large boatyard and a 300 deep water berth marina, we are well facilitated to not only help you buy your boat, but also find it a home with the best facilities to make ownership simple.
BHG Marine was originally founded in 1947 and has a long-standing, and leading, presence in the outboard-powered powerboat market. Berthon has been synonymous with yacht services and yacht building since 1877, and as a result, we have a combined wealth of knowledge and experience that is rivaled by no other.
With 100 skilled craftsmen, at modern boatyard facilities in Lymington, Hampshire, BHG Marine and Berthon have the ability to deal with all aspects of yacht and motor boat repairs, refits, maintenance and servicing. We also project manage yacht and boat construction or fit-out projects of the highest quality.
At our Lymington boatyard, the dedication to providing the best marine services is key to the yard’s success; we constantly invest in new equipment and carry out very regular lean management exercise to ensure the utmost efficiency as well as operating an award-winning apprenticeship scheme which embraces modern technology whilst allowing many of our craftsmen who have been with us throughout their working life to pass on their skills and best practices.
We pride ourselves on our very comprehensive handovers and training with our own technically skilled boat handlers. We ensure you are confident in handling the boat, as well as using all systems onboard and the correct maintenance.
BHG Marine can also arrange for your boat to be delivered anywhere in the UK and Europe, making sure it's shrinkwrapped and carefully prepared for the journey.
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
2017 Jeanneau Cap Camarat 7.5 WA Series 2 – Powered by a Yamaha F300 outboard engine.
Supplied with the largest engine available, the 4.2 litre V6 Yamaha F300 with electronic controls.
An ever-popular sportsboat, with a two berth cuddy cabin, separate heads compartment with sea toilet and holding tank, galley with sink, pressurised running water and 12v fridge. Everything required for a comfortable weekend away.
On deck is a large console, with a Lowrange GPS chartplotter, Fusion stereo system, digital Yamaha engine display, Yamaha electronic engine controls, Zipwake automatic trim tabs, two swivelling and adjustable helm seats, cockpit table, and wraparound aft cockpit seating and aft sunbed conversion.
On the bow is a large sunbed with lifting backrests and cupholders, an electric anchor windlass and sturdy pulpit rails.
The boat also features a ski frame for towing waterskiers and wakeboarders, an auxiliary engine bracket, and a nearly new overall cover. In 2019 the boat was upgraded with new Zipwake automatic trim tabs, a new anchor windlass and a new Sidepower bow thruster.
BHG Marine have carried out an annual engine service, polished the hull and topsides and reantifouled the hull, end of October 2024.
Note: Gearbox removed as the photos were taken mid-service.
Yamaha F300 outboard engineYamaha digital engine displayZipwake automatic trim tabsSidepower bow thrusterElectric anchor windlassFusion stereoLowrance GPS chartplotterCockpit tableCockpit sunbedBow sunbed with lifting backrestsCabin cushions with double berth conversionFridgeSink and pressurised water systemTransom showerSea toilet with holding tankAuxiliary outboard engine bracketSki frameOverall cover (nearly new) and original console cover
Works carried out by BHG Marine, end of October 2024:
Full annual engine service New water pump kitNew anodes Hull and topsides polish New antifouling Complete detail valet throughout
Manufacturer Provided Description
Already the reference in the 7-metre boat category, and based on the magnificent streamlined hull by M. PETERS, the CAP CAMARAT 7.5 WA Série 2 boasts a distinctly young, dynamic and sporty style.
At the helm of the all-new American-style cockpit, you will experience exhilarating speeds. The spacious saloon and cabins provide for unforgettable evenings, while the fore and aft sundecks allow you to enjoy every instant of being at sea. Unforgettable moments await you aboard this family sport boat!
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 powered by a Yamaha F150 mechanical control outboard engine.
First launched in 2018. Presented in good condition throughout. Well configured with the following specification:
* 2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795.* Yamaha F150 DETX – mechanical control outboard engine (473 hours).* Premiere Pack. (opening roof hatch, aft cockpit cushions, two windscreen wipers, screen wash, sliding side windows, cockpit shower).* Garmin echoMap UHD 95 sv GPS chartplotter and fishfinder* Electric anchor windlass.* Anchor and mooring kit.* U-shaped cockpit saloon with table and sundeck conversion.* Swim platforms with teak.* Bow thruster.* Shore power and battery charger.* Luxury galley with gas hob and gas bottle.* Fridge.* Twin batteries.* Curtains.* Sea toilet.* Antifouling.
Further details and photos to follow.
* National or international delivery available.
* Trade in available - valuations on request.
The Merry Fisher 795 adopts a dynamic and rewarding design, both inside and out. All the innovations of the recent Merry Fisher 695 can be found onboard, plus many more!
With a lot of light, the Merry Fisher 795 combines a new dynamic profile with a large number of innovations to improve on-board comfort and to ensure that it remains the market reference.
Designed with family cruising in mind, the Merry Fisher 795 features a large aft cockpit with plenty of seating arranged in a sociable U-shape with a large central table. Inside the sliding doors there is a wide and accessible walkway down the centre, a dinette with seating for four to the portside and the well-appointed galley to the starboard side.
The helm is well designed with lots of space for the array of electronics and control. The steering is hydraulic and the engine controls are electronic, for simple operation. Included is a 9/" Garmin touchscreen GPS chartplotter and fishfinder. To hand are the bow thruster controls, engine display and all other control switches.
In the bow is a good sized heads compartment with a door, sea toilet and sink, forward is a double berth.
BHG Marine are part of the Berthon Boat Company group. Situated within Berthon Lymington Marina on the Lymington River, we have a wealth of services and facilities within our 20-acre site.
Visit our sales office and showroom to see a wide range of new and used powerboats and yacht tenders. Specialising in Jeanneau powerboats, Zodiac and AB RIBs, inflatables and yacht tenders, Linder aluminium boats, Yamaha outboard engines, davit systems, Propguards and much more.
With such a large boatyard and a 300 deep water berth marina, we are well facilitated to not only help you buy your boat, but also find it a home with the best facilities to make ownership simple.
BHG Marine was originally founded in 1947 and has a long-standing, and leading, presence in the outboard-powered powerboat market. Berthon has been synonymous with yacht services and yacht building since 1877, and as a result, we have a combined wealth of knowledge and experience that is rivaled by no other.
With 100 skilled craftsmen, at modern boatyard facilities in Lymington, Hampshire, BHG Marine and Berthon have the ability to deal with all aspects of yacht and motor boat repairs, refits, maintenance and servicing. We also project manage yacht and boat construction or fit-out projects of the highest quality.
At our Lymington boatyard, the dedication to providing the best marine services is key to the yard’s success; we constantly invest in new equipment and carry out very regular lean management exercise to ensure the utmost efficiency as well as operating an award-winning apprenticeship scheme which embraces modern technology whilst allowing many of our craftsmen who have been with us throughout their working life to pass on their skills and best practices.
We pride ourselves on our very comprehensive handovers and training with our own technically skilled boat handlers. We ensure you are confident in handling the boat, as well as using all systems onboard and the correct maintenance.
BHG Marine can also arrange for your boat to be delivered anywhere in the UK and Europe, making sure it's shrinkwrapped and carefully prepared for the journey.
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