Basic bartender working
Elenco delle migliori vendite basic bartender working
- ✅ Set professionale per shaker: il numero 1 set da cocktail di barman professionali assemblati – con shaker da 700 ml (con colino integrato), un colino extra hawthorne, 2 misurini doppi 2 cl|4 cl + 1,5 cl|3 cl, cucchiaio da bar/forchetta, 2 beccucci, pinza per ghiaccio, bistecchiere e un ricettario per cocktail. il. Questo set per cocktail All in One Premium offre tutto il necessario per preparare i vostri cocktail preferiti anche a casa.
- ✅ Il regalo perfetto – con questo set completo potrete preparare ogni mix di ricette – Pina Colada, White Russian, Margarita, Bloody Mary o Martini: con il nostro libro da cocktail creato direttamente dopo l’acquisto non sarete soddisfatti, per mescolare i vostri cocktail preferiti in un batter d’occhio.
- ✅ Materiali per uso alimentare di alta qualità – tutti i pezzi sono lavabili in lavastoviglie e non sono assolutamente innocui per la salute. Le vostre bevande non vengono compromesse in alcun modo dal sapore dell'acciaio inox spazzolato. I materiali di alta qualità garantiscono inoltre una lunga durata del vostro set da cocktail.
- ✅ Stupite i vostri ospiti su ogni festa – Che si tratti di un barman esperto o di uno squalo, con il set Barman Choice Barkeeper di Bartender impreziosite il vostro bar domestico e diventerete il perfetto ospite. Lo shaker in dotazione offre molte funzioni. Può essere utilizzato come classico Cobbler Shaker o con un bicchiere come Boston Shaker. Il frullatore da cocktail viene fornito in una scatola regalo finemente fabbricata in stile vintage a casa vostra. Perfetto per il bar o come regalo.
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- ? [E’ UTILE] L’appendiabiti di metallo modello Mario si presenta come una rella in acciaio con aste appendi abiti estensibili e con scarpiera o vano portaoggetti nella parte inferiore. Lo stand appendiabiti economico è in acciaio leggero ma resistente.
- ✔️ [E’ FACILE DA MONTARE] Non sei un esperto di assemblaggio? Nessun problema! Mario è semplice da montare, conta pochi pezzi da assemblare e ha un montaggio estremamente rapido e veloce. Inoltre, l’appendiabiti con scarpiera è economico e può essere tuo con un semplice click!
- ⛓️ [E’ REGOLABILE] E’ possibile regolare sia l’estensione della barra superiore che l’altezza delle aste verticali, per rendere l’attaccapanni salvaspazio. Le quattro rotelle permettono allo stender di scivolare con facilità e possono anche essere bloccate. Il vano scarpiera può sorreggere scarpe ma anche oggetti e ceste organizer.
- ? [E’ SALVASPAZIO] Le dimensioni del portaabiti con ruote possono variare in quanto si tratta di un modello allungabile. Completamente aperto misura 170 cm x 132 cm, oppure le due aste verticali si possono accorciare fino ad arrivare ad un’altezza dello stender appendiabiti di soli 100 cm.
- ✨ [BASIC ISTINCT] La rella di metallo appendiabiti Mario ha un design semplice e minimale che le permette di inserirsi in qualsiasi tipo di ambiente: provala nell’ingresso di casa tua, in corridoio, nel tuo negozio o anche in ufficio, se dotato di spogliatoio. Con l’acquisto per porta abiti Mario riceverai subito in REGALO un set da 3 pratiche grucce in colori assortiti.
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Milano (Lombardia)
Working Tree, Agenzia per il Lavoro, seleziona e ricerca Bartender sul territorio di Milano città. Le risorse si occuperanno di gestire l'attività del banco bar (preparazioni, attrezzature e pulizia); interagire con clienti e staff per gli ordinativi dei drink; controllare le scorte e fare le ordinazioni di bevande e prodotti. Si richiede 2/3 anni di esperienza nella mansione, buona presenza, preferibile la conoscenza della lingua inglese e preferibile diploma alberghiero. Flessibilità oraria e disponibilità a lavorare nel week end e nei festivi. Si offre contratto iniziale in somministrazione ai fini di assunzione a tempo indeterminato. Zona di lavoro: Milano
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Crotone (Calabria)
Selezioniamo bartender con esperienza COCKTAIL a Crotone. Richiediamo: pulizia, capacità di lavorare sotto stress, capacità di lavorare in team, buona conoscenza della miscelazione, dimestichezza nello speed Working, disponibilità orari serali (no caffetteria). Inviare C. V. Messaggio rivolto a candidati sia maschi che femmine.
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Selezioniamo con urgenza un/una: Bartender/Barlady per inserimento in ristorante fronte mare sito a Monopoli. La figura che stiamo ricercando si occuperà della preparazione e servizio di cocktails, da semplici ad elaborati. Skills richieste: - Esperienza nel ruolo; - buona conoscenza della lingua inglese; - attitudine al rapporto con il pubblico; - Dinamismo. Completano il profilo: solarità, estroversione, attitudine al rapporto con il pubblico e forte orientamento al team working. Inserimento con iniziale contratto stagionale da Luglio a Settembre con possibilità di conferma annuale.
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Torino (Piemonte)
Academy Bartending Flair Torino bartender torino maita Dal 25 agosto si apre ufficialmente. La nuova sede sara' a Grugliasco, a 8 minuti da Torino centro,comoda ai mezzi pubblici ( 76, 17 oppure Metro ) Scuola privata registrata, allestita per formazioni American Bartending, dal Basic Drink passando per le nuova era di cocktails, al Working Flair utile per lavorare dietro un bancone e il Flair da show e gara. 4 postazioni drink e 4 postazioni d'allenamento per il Flair, ovviamente alla fine di ogni corso potrete avere accesso alla scuola per esercitarvi sia con i drink che con l'acrobatica. Attestati di frequenza e la possibilita' di collaborare in scuola. Grazie alle nostre collaborazioni avremmo la possibilita' di fornire anche attrezzatura di ultima generazione Bartending. Possibilita' di personalizzazione di formazione oppure di avere delle agevolazioni se studenti di istituti alberghieri o interessati a piu' formazioni. Ancora qualche settimana e tutto questo sara' attivo. Academy Bartending Flair Torino sara' presente come prima gara alla Loola Flair Championship a Milano di novembre valevole per il titolo italiano e internazionale di Flair. Cell. 349.96.22.737 E-mail: Facebook: ---------------------------------------------- Corso Bartender Basic : differente dai comuni corsi barman base, questo corso è ottimo se vuoi iniziare una carriera lavorativa come bartender in cocktail bar, american bar, lounge bar, discoteche. E’ adatto a chi non ha mai lavorato dietro ad un bancone Il programma ti fornisce tutte le tecniche pratiche e le nozioni indispensabili per intraprendere una carriera lavorativa come bartender già al termine del corso stesso. Il corso comprende lo studio dei prodotti, l'educazione al bere, le classiche e nuove tecniche di preparazione drink con lo studio dei classici Internazionali e non solo. 40 ore di formazione con frequenza continua di 5 giorni per un totale di 2 settimane piu' le ultime 10 ore suddivise nella terza settimana, dispensa cartacea studio e dispensa telematica per cellulari da portare sempre con se, con esame finale teorico e pratico e rilascio certificazione di frequenza Academy Bartending Flair Torino. Corsi Flair per Barman : Corso base working flair: Permette di approfondire le nozioni e le tecniche apprese nel Corso Basic Bartender elevando notevolmente il livello professionale del barman, nonché di allenarsi nella pratica avanzata del Flair Bartending, ossia l’aspetto acrobatico e più scenico del lavoro di un bartender. Questo corso è suggerito a coloro che hanno già superato il corso di Bartending Basic o vogliono arricchire il loro lavoro gia praticato, all’interno del quale vengono insegnati fondamenti del Flair Bartending, tuttavia viene data la possibilità di parteciparvi sia a coloro che provengono da altre scuole, sia a coloro che non hanno frequentato alcun tipo di corso da barman. In questo corso con il nostro trainer, affronterete tutte le dinamiche lavorative acrobatiche,ovvero il lavoro con bottiglia calibrata a 35 cl e boston per creare il o i nostri drink. Grazie all'appoggio dei nostri trainer o nel caso di corso personalizzato potrete richiedere di essere seguiti personalmente da competitor di gare nazionali e internazionali di disciplina, vi verranno insegnate routine lavorative acrobatico con la finalizzazione al drink, quindi spettacolarita' ma soprattutto servizio in tempo minimi. L'evoluzione del Bartender. Non perdere l'occasione di frequentare il nostro corso con professionisti del settore al tuo fianco e sempre pronti a consigliarti. La durata del corso e' di 40 ore suddivise in 15 ore settimanali con le restanti 10 ore (spalmate?) nella terza e ultima settimana. Esame finale con rilascio di certificato di frequenza Academy Bartending Flair Torino e la possibilita' di affittare per 6 ore settimanali il proprio spazio flair per potersi allenare rinnovabile mensil
10.139 €
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Messina (Sicilia)
Ristorante con sede al centro (Piazza Duomo) è alla ricerca delle seguenti figure professionali: Barman/Barlady MANSIONI: La risorsa si occupa di: - accoglienza clienti - presa in carico ordinazioni - preparazione e somministrazione di cocktail e bevande servizio al cliente - pulizia e manutenzione delle attrezzature del bar - controllo scorte magazzino REQUISITI: - Ottima conoscenza della lingua italiana e inglese - Esperienza in contesti di ristorazione - Massima serietà ed etica professionale - Completano il profilo capacità comunicative, orientamento al cliente e team working - Costituirà titolo preferenziale la residenza in zona. Disponibilità a lavorare su turni SI OFFRE: - Possibilità di regolarizzazione - Retribuzione di: euro 1200 NO PERDITEMPO, SOLO PERSONE SERIAMENTE INTERESSATE Chiama per proporti o Invia il tuo CV completo di fotografia e di autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali in conformità al Regolamento UE n. 2016/679 - GDPR e saranno utilizzati esclusivamente per la selezione in corso. L'offerta di lavoro si intende riferita ad entrambi i sessi secondo il disposto delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91.
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Udine (Friuli Venezia Giulia)
About us Madico is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of innovative window film, coating, metallizing and laminate solutions. Headquartered in Tampa Bay, Florida, Madico, Inc. innovates, manufactures, and distributes a broad range of protective, functional and decorative materials-based solutions including films, coatings and laminates for various industries worldwide from automotive and architecture to healthcare and aerospace. ProtectionPro, the device protection division of Madico, is the global-leader in on-demand device screen protection. We are present in over 146 countries around the world offer premium level support and assistance to our clients and distributors around the clock. Job Description Looking for a person to assist with providing tech support related assistance to our clients, distributors and team. This person will regularly do data entry, field calls or messages for assistance from the EMEA region, and work as a team on various product and material tests from time to time. Requirements: • Fluent in English both written and spoken (mandatory), any additional language (Arabic, French, German, Hebrew, Polish, Russian, Portuguese) is a plus • Customer service oriented • Team player • Strong analytical skills, technology minded and attention to detail • Ability to prioritize, multitask, and manage time productively • Willing and able to travel • Basic experience working with Microsoft Office • Previous experiences in Tech support, customer service, IT, product development and/or design (any field) are welcome but not required • VAT Number (Partita IVA) Please apply writing to and attach your CV and a brief Cover Letter.
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Torino (Piemonte)
Academy Bartending Flair Torino bartender torino maita Dal 25 agosto si apre ufficialmente. La nuova sede sara' a Grugliasco, a 8 minuti da Torino centro,comoda ai mezzi pubblici ( 76, 17 oppure Metro ) Scuola privata registrata, allestita per formazioni American Bartending, dal Basic Drink passando per le nuova era di cocktails, al Working Flair utile per lavorare dietro un bancone e il Flair da show e gara. 4 postazioni drink e 4 postazioni d'allenamento per il Flair, ovviamente alla fine di ogni corso potrete avere accesso alla scuola per esercitarvi sia con i drink che con l'acrobatica. Attestati di frequenza e la possibilita' di collaborare in scuola. Grazie alle nostre collaborazioni avremmo la possibilita' di fornire anche attrezzatura di ultima generazione Bartending. Possibilita' di personalizzazione di formazione oppure di avere delle agevolazioni se studenti di istituti alberghieri o interessati a piu' formazioni. Ancora qualche settimana e tutto questo sara' attivo. Academy Bartending Flair Torino sara' presente come prima gara alla Loola Flair Championship a Milano di novembre valevole per il titolo italiano e internazionale di Flair. Cell. 349.96.22.737 E-mail: Facebook: 3499622737 robyflairtorino at Twitter : @maita_roberto TAGS: acrobatic bar torino, bar maita rivoli, bar torino cocktail, barman rivoli, barman torino,bartender rivoli, cocktails acrobatico torino, cocktails torino, corsi flair barman torino, CORSI FLAIR TORINO, flair academy torino, flair bartender room torino, lavoro bar torino, lavoro barman acrobatico, lavoro barman torino, lavoro caffetteria torino, maita cocktail rivoli, offerta bar torino,roberto maita bartender flair, roberto maita cocktails, roberto maita flair torino, roberto maita rivoli,scuola barman, scuola barman acrobatico, scuola bartender, show bar torino, show barman torino,show spettacolo bar, torino, torino acrobati, torino bar,lavoro bartender torino,corso da barmantorino,corsi di formazione barman torino,corso bar torino,corsi barman torino gratuiti,corsi barman torino serali,corso preparazione cocktail torino,corsi barman torino 2015,,corsi barman torino gratuiti,corsi barman torino serali,corso preparazione cocktail torino,corsi barman torino2015,corsi barman torino 2016,corso barman torino mago di oz,corsi per barman torino e provincia,sweet and sour torino,corsi barman acrobatico milano,bartender acrobatico,fbs it,migliori corsi barman,corso di barman,bartender corsi,corso base barman,corso barmanavanzato
10.139 €
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Fermo (Marche)
Live and Work in the United Kingdom as an Appliance Service Engineer You and your family can enjoy a high standard of living in the UK. Legal employment with long term work and residence permit. High basic salary and performance bonus. Full technical training provided Employment program paid by the employer This is a life-changing job opportunity for English-speaking electrical engineers and technicians in the United Kingdom. Our client is one of the leading home appliance repair specialists in London fully licensed as a Tier 2 work permit sponsor with a long-term history of successful employment of none UK citizens. Our home appliance specialists repair different home appliance equipment in customer homes like washers, dryers, stoves, microwaves, and refrigerators. You have a background as an electrical engineer but specific home appliance repair experiences are not required. You will be provided with full maintenance repair training for different appliances and brands. You need to have intermediate English language skills. We will provide you with training and certification options if you have pre-intermediate English skills and have the desire to qualify for one of our next recruiting programs. Family relocation is possible after 6-12 months. Job Requirements You should have: Hands-on experience in the electrical or engineering field Strong understanding of electrical and/or electronic principals Intermediate English skills Valid local driving license Strong desire to learn new skills You should be: Self-motivated Customer-focused Ready to relocate to the UK permanently We offer 3-year work permit sponsorship with an unlimited extension option. Basic salary first year: 2266 GBP = 87494 UAH / month Basic Salary second year: 2493 GBP = 96259 UAH / month Basic salary third year: 2625 GBP = 101355 UAH / month Overtime is paid 1.25 times the basic salary with plenty of opportunities for Saturday work Performance bonus depending on individual results. An engineer with average performance earns between 5000 GBP (193000 UAH) and 7000 GBP (270000 UAH) per year extra in bonus. We have also many engineers who consistently earn above 40000 GBP per year. About us Clarus Eastern Europe is one of the leading recruiting and human resource service companies in Ukraine with a special focus on international clients in Ukraine and abroad. We are licensed for labor export by the Ukrainian government. Our international management follows professional and ethical business standards. Our recruiting programs are paid for by our clients and are free of charge for our candidates. We are checking our clients very carefully and cooperate only with reliable employers. Housing options are evaluated by us. We control the immigration process and make sure that our candidates are working legally abroad without any concerns. Questions and answers Starting a new life in the UK is an important step for our candidates. We are proud to provide our candidates with the best level of transparency and information in the market. Here are some common questions and answers: Question: I would love to use the opportunity to move to the UK but my English is not good enough. Answer: We can provide you with many free and paid options to improve your English level so that you can pass the B1 English Language Test (SELT). We are recruiting regularly for technical positions so that your time investment will be worthwhile. -------------- Question: Why is your customer recruiting in Ukraine? Answer: Our client is recruiting since 2011 foreign staff for their growing business in the UK with the main focus on staff from European Union countries. With the conclusion of BREXIT, Ukrainian candidates are treated equally to EU citizens. --------------- Question: Why is your agency not charging candidates for its services? What is the catch? Answer: Our customers are paying us for our services. It is our task to find the best suitable candidates for our clients. Charging candidates would be unethical as we would have a conflict of interest.
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WFP seeks candidates of the highest integrity and professionalism who share our humanitarian principles. Selection of staff is made on a competitive basis, and we are committed to promoting diversity and gender balance. ABOUT WFP The United Nations World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. The mission of WFP is to help the world achieve Zero Hunger in our lifetimes. Every day, WFP works worldwide to ensure that no child goes to bed hungry and that the poorest and most vulnerable, particularly women and children, can access the nutritious food they need. ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT The HR Policy & Compliance Branch ("HRMOP") is a small specialized team that provides advice to WFP globally on the interpretation and application of HR policies. The team is specialized and technical in nature, and requires a combination of analytical, legal and policy drafting skills, and a legal understanding of the implications of policy changes on the regulatory framework. The P3 HR Policy Officer ("HRPO") will report to the Chief of the HR Policy & Compliance Branch ("HRMOP"), and work under the overall guidance of the Director of HR. JOB PURPOSE The HRPO will provide advice and guidance to HR partners, staff and managers on the interpretation and application of WFP's HR policy framework and the FAO Staff Regulations & Rules, on the basis of formal rules and guidelines, practice and precedents, rulings and opinions of the Legal Office. The HRPO will contribute to the design, development and formulation of HR policies and procedures in line with the objectives outlined in the HR strategy, UN General Assembly resolutions, decisions made by the International Civil Service Commission and in response to organizational changes and reforms. To inform the direction of the policy design and formulation phase, the HRPO will carry out research on best practices and conduct benchmarking with other UN organizations. The HRPO will also monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of HR policies and procedures and identify potential policy gaps and areas where further guidance is required. In addition, the HRPO will monitor compliance with the HR policy framework and promote consistent implementation across WFP offices in the field and across functional divisions at HQ. The HRPO will also contribute to the effective roll-out of new or revised policies by participating in HR policy briefing sessions, communications, and awareness raising activities. The HRPO may be called on to represent the HR Division in inter-agency working groups and task forces established to review specific HR policy matters of common interest. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES (not all-inclusive) At WFP, we are looking for a talented Human Resources Officer hired at a P3 level to join the Human Resources Policy and Compliance Branch in Rome, Italy. Under the guidance of the Chief, Human Resources Policy and Compliance Branch, and together with other Policy Branch colleagues you will: - Draft WFP policies and procedures papers to support the organization's goals and strategic plan while ensuring consistency with GA resolutions, ICSC decisions as well as other UN Common System group (CEB, HLCM, HR Network, etc.) - Coordinate consultations with all stakeholders (e.g. HR community, staff associations, senior management) on any new policy development to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of existing or coming HR policies. - Provide interpretation and advice on HR policy matters and prepare recommendations to the Chief, HRMTP, for senior leadership, HRM Directorate or other senior managers as well as HR chiefs on waiver requests. - Develop an appropriate communication strategy to inform HR communicate and staff concerned on policy changes; Contribute to the effective roll-out and implementation of new or revised HR policies by conducting/participating in HR policy briefings, communications, and awareness-raising activities, including visits to HR teams in the Regions and Country Offices. - Assist with leading and influencing inter-agency matters, including preparation of position and concept papers. - Represent WFP's interests at inter-agency working groups or meetings where designated by the Chief HRMTP (e.g. HR Network Standing Committee on Field Duty Stations (Field Group) - Build networks and engage with counterparts in other UN agencies on the above matters and share experiences and best practices. STANDARD MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Education: Advanced university degree in Law, Human Resource Management, Public or Business Administration, International Relations, or similar relevant fields, or First University degree with additional years of related work experience or trainings/courses. Experience: Typically five years or more of postgraduate progressively responsible professional experience in Human Resources with an interest in international humanitarian development. Experience of managing small teams of staff with related areas of expertise. Languages: Fluency (level C) in oral and written English with an intermediate knowledge of another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish) or Portuguese (one of WFP's working languages). OTHER SPECIFIC JOB REQUIREMENTS - Specific experience developing HR Policies, procedures and guidelines is required. Policy and legal experience within the UN system would be highly desirable. - Knowledge and understanding of the legal processes of the UN common system (including the tribunals) and/or International organizations; Sound theoretical understanding of HR concepts and principles with a broad knowledge of best practices, techniques and processes. - Knowledge of common business principles and processes and the ability to quickly assimilate UN/WFP specific processes and systems. - Good knowledge of the conditions of service for International civil servants as regulated by the ICSC is highly desirable. - Good communication skills with the ability to persuade, influence and adapt communication style to different situations and individuals; ability to draft complex and detailed policy documents and clear concise reports or rationale for human resources decisions. - tailored to different audiences are required. - Strong organizational skills with an ability to plan, anticipate requirements, problems and obstacles and an ability to juggle competing priorities successfully, and to work with tight deadlines. - Ability to establish priorities, and to plan, coordinate and monitor own work plan and those under his/her supervision. - Ability to lead, coach and motivate a team. - Ability to partner with a wide range of people at all levels and across different cultures and to act with credibility and diplomacy. - Ability to build and maintain effective work relationships with human resources counterparts, managers and staff within HQ/regional/country office. - Ability to work independently. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Non-Rotational Nature: mobility is and continues to be a core contractual requirement in WFP. This position is however classified as "non-rotational" which means the incumbent shall not be subject to the regular reassignment process unless the position is reclassified as rotational. WFP offers an attractive compensation and benefits package, including basic salary, post adjustment, relocation entitlement, travel and shipment allowances, 30 days' annual leave, home leave, an education grant for dependent children, pension plan and medical insurance. ________________________________________________________________________ This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. - When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support. This service is offered free of charge to Swiss nationals. Interested in a career with multilateral institutions? Read more: Working with the United Nations Working with International Financial Institutions For Swiss nationals ____________________________________________________________________________________
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ABOUT WFP The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is the world's largest humanitarian agency, fighting hunger worldwide. WFP Technology Division (TEC, formerly known as IT) is the digital business engine of the World Food Programme, providing the business with multi-pronged and resilient technical capabilities able to respond with the agility required in humanitarian operations, be they manmade or in a natural disaster setting. TEC Division continues to increase its activities to meet the constantly growing demand from the organization and implement the initiatives related to digital transformation. ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT The Architecture branch (TECA) is seeking a Business Transformation Officer with a passion and vision for building quality technology solutions to support WFP operations. Reporting to the Chief of IT Architecture Branch of the Technology Division, the Business Transformation Officer will play an important role in transforming business objectives into a cohesive and effective WFP Digital Landscape. They will use their substantial technical knowledge, with a focus on technical solution architecture, to analyse business needs and build the blueprint of a modern digital foundation for WFP. Working with the Architecture Team, Solution Architects and other TEC units, the Business Transformation Officer will also be part of thought leadership activities and provide strategic and tactical advice to WFP business units. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES (not all-inclusive) - Develop and evolve WFP's digital platform strategy, aligned to and prioritized by business priorities; - Support the development of functional work plans, ensuring compliance with the digital platform strategy; - Continuously improve guidelines, processes and procedures to assist Business Relationship Management, Business Analysis and IT Project Management functions; - Participate in identifying business needs and propose well-researched ideas (by maintaining up-to-date knowledge of technology products) for new or improved systems and solutions that assist in meeting WFP objectives; - As a principal role in the TEC Product Journey, use evidence-based criteria to provide in-depth analysis of IT solutions: make key decisions (example: 'Buy before Build'), identify risks and prepare related documentation to support the design and delivery of digital solutions; - Seek out and establish collaboration mechanisms with all teams and branches of the Technology Division, and subject-matter experts from Business Units, to ensure WFP's digital landscape is effective, efficient, secure and robust; - Build and nurture relationships with the business counterparts to understand and anticipate the direction of the business and ensure alignment of solutions with changing business requirements and priorities; - Manage business expectations in servicing business needs and oversee success of solutions, seeking ongoing opportunities to support or increase the business value from those solutions; - Propose change and continuous improvements that supports business capabilities and keep WFP's digital landscape in good health by determining when existing solutions should be retired, rebuilt or transitioned to off-the-shelf solutions to ensure delivering value for business priorities; - Manage a team of staff and/or contractors (as applicable), providing coaching, training and guidance to ensure appropriate development and enable high performance. OTHER SPECIFIC JOB REQUIREMENTS - Broad, conceptual understanding of solution architecture trends with demonstrated proficiency of technologies, frameworks, and languages. - Excellent understanding of software and very strong technology knowledge covering Cloud, ERP (e.g. SAP/HANA) and web (e.g. Python/HTML/CSS/JavaScript). - Ability to work on different levels of abstractions; application frameworks, service-oriented architecture (SOA), microservices, cloud solutions, containers, networking & infrastructure, IAM/CIAM etc. - Deep understanding of modern API platform design, security practices, data architectures. - Technically curious with appetite to learn and master emerging technologies. - Communicate the alignment between business objectives, requirements and solution architecture to make it accessible, understandable and usable in support of decision-making by those involved, at various levels, in technological and architectural decision. DESIRED EXPERIENCE - At least five years' experience in designing and implementing platform architecture and cloud-native application development projects; - Experience working in organizations that apply: Agile, DevOps, Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), and Human-Centred Design (HCD); - Demonstrated experience in managing technology projects and supervision of team members; - Experience in transforming business trends into target architectures and new solution designs. INTERPERSONAL COMPETENCIES AND ATTRIBUTES - Building consensus, particularly in the face of competing design requirements; - Ability to influence / coach solution architects on modern evolutionary platform architecture principles and practices; - Well organized and detail oriented with strong judgement/decision-making skills; - Ability to effectively coordinate multiple responsibilities simultaneously; - Ability to plan and organize work and communicate effectively; - Ability to handle a large volume of work and to meet strict deadlines; - Ability to deal tactfully with people of different national and cultural backgrounds. STANDARD MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Education Advanced University degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics or Engineering or other related fields or First University Degree with additional years of related work experience and/or training/courses. Language - Fluency in oral and written English is essential. - Intermediate knowledge of another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish) or Portuguese (one of WFP's working languages). TERMS AND CONDITIONS Mobility is the essence of WFP and continues to be a core contractual requirement. These positions are rotational which means that you shall be subject to the regular reassignment process to any other location on a period of 2 to 4 years unless the position is reclassified as non-rotational. The selected candidate will be employed on a fixed-term as well as a rotational contract with a probationary period of one year. Depending on the duty station, the position may be eligible for Rest and Recuperation (R&R) scheme. WFP offers an attractive compensation and benefits package, including basic salary, post adjustment, relocation entitlement, travel and shipment allowances, 30 days' annual leave, home leave, an education grant for dependent children, pension plan and medical insurance. More details on ________________________________________________________________________ This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. - When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support. This service is offered free of charge to Swiss nationals. Interested in a career with multilateral institutions? Read more: Working with the United Nations Working with International Financial Institutions For Swiss nationals ____________________________________________________________________________________
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WFP seeks candidates of the highest integrity and professionalism who share our humanitarian principles. Selection of staff is made on a competitive basis, and we are committed to promoting diversity and gender balance. ABOUT WFP The United Nations World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. The mission of WFP is to help the world achieve Zero Hunger in our lifetimes. Every day, WFP works worldwide to ensure that no child goes to bed hungry and that the poorest and most vulnerable, particularly women and children, can access the nutritious food they need. ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT The Ethics Office was created to assist the Executive Director in nurturing a culture of ethics and accountability. The overarching objective is to enable employees to observe and perform their functions with the highest standards of integrity, as required by the UN Charter, the Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service, the WFP Code of Conduct and other issuances and practices. The Director of the Ethics Office reports directly to the Executive Director and is also a member of the Oversight and Policy Committee (OPC) in an advisory capacity. The Ethics Office is an independent and formal office. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES (not all-inclusive) - Formulate, review and disseminate policies, standard-setting, training, and guidance related to all ethical issues (e.g. conflicts of interest, outside activities, gifts, honours and decorations, political engagement, financial disclosure, whistleblower retaliation, and independence) in coordination with relevant units of WFP, as appropriate, as well as the Ethics Panel of the United Nations, in order to ensure a uniform and consistent application of ethics-related issues within the United Nations system - Provide guidance to management and advocate for the incorporation of ethical standards into the organizational policies, practices, and operations - Raise staff awareness within the Programme on ethical standards and expected behaviour in cooperation with relevant units of WFP and develop mandatory and non-mandatory ethical training programs (initial and refresher) and workshops for all staff - Provide management and employees with confidential advice and guidance regarding ethical behaviour and standards - Administer the Whistleblower Protection Policy to enable employees to report misconduct and cooperate with duly authorized audits, investigations and proactive integrity reviews (PIRs) without being subject to retaliation - Administer the Annual Conflicts of Interest and Financial Disclosure Programme (ADP), as an annual, mandatory disclosure programme to identify, mitigate and address actual, perceived and potential conflicts of interest - Issue an annual report, through the Executive Director, to WFP's Executive Board - Participate regularly in the work of the Ethics Panel of the United Nations and the Ethics Network for Multilateral Organizations; Collaborate with other UN agency's Ethics functions - Provide effective leadership to the unit to ensure the continued development and coaching of a cohesive and high performing team. - Take responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives in all areas of work, to ensure equal participation of women and men - PSEA activities may be added pending JIU review on the Ethics function and management decision. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Education: - Advanced university degree in Ethics and Compliance, or advanced university degree in Law, Social Sciences, Public Policy, Business Administration or Human Resources Management, with emphasis on courses covering corporate compliance, business ethics, or corporate social responsibility/sustainability. Experience: - Proven track record (at least 13 years) of postgraduate progressively responsible professional experience in the areas of ethics and related fields, such as design of ethical standards, ethics and compliance programmes, conduct and discipline programmes, accountability and compliance frameworks, and/or financial disclosure policies - Experience working in developing countries would be an asset - Experience in change management - Strong knowledge of UN system, international organizations, or public service sector ethical policies, rules, regulations and procedures is highly desirable. Competencies: - Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively on highly sensitive issues with staff and managers at all levels, with particular emphasis on developing trust and demonstrating fairness - Proven conceptual, analytical and evaluative skills; and an ability to conduct independent research and analysis - Experience and demonstrated sensitivity in working with - cross-cultural aspects of human relations and the ability to influence appropriately - Strong sense of impartiality and objectivity - Ability to work in a complex, decentralized organization - Knowledge of current industry best practices relating to corporate ethics and business conduct/practice would be an asset - Ability to manage, coach and motivate diverse teams and deliver effectively through others to achieve results. Language: - Fluency (level C) in English language - Intermediate knowledge (level B) of a second official UN language: Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish, and/or Portuguese (a WFP working language) TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Director of the Ethics Office's tenure will be for a four-year term, renewable once, without the possibility of further employment within WFP at the end of the term. WFP offers an attractive compensation and benefits package, including basic salary, post adjustment, relocation entitlement, travel and shipment allowances, 30 days' annual leave, home leave, an education grant for dependent children, pension plan and medical insurance. ________________________________________________________________________ This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. - When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support. This service is offered free of charge to Swiss nationals. Interested in a career with multilateral institutions? Read more: Working with the United Nations Working with International Financial Institutions For Swiss nationals ____________________________________________________________________________________
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WFP seeks candidates of the highest integrity and professionalism who share our humanitarian principles. Selection of staff is made on a competitive basis, and we are committed to promoting diversity and gender balance. ABOUT WFP The United Nations World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. The mission of WFP is to help the world achieve Zero Hunger in our lifetimes. Every day, WFP works worldwide to ensure that no child goes to bed hungry and that the poorest and most vulnerable, particularly women and children, can access the nutritious food they need. ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT The position is located in the Office of the Ombudsman and Mediation Services (HQ, Rome, Italy) and reports to the Senior Ombuds Officer and Mediator. Frequent travel to WFP Country and Field Offices is required. JOB PURPOSE This role will provide informal conflict resolution services to all employees, and assist in identifying systemic issues, trends and patterns, and facilitate change at the systemic level (policies, procedures, practices, structures, culture or attitude). KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES (not all-inclusive) - Provide a comprehensive range of ombudsman services to WFP employees while safeguarding and maintaining the principles of the International Ombudsman Association: confidentiality, neutrality, impartiality, informality, and independence. - Explore with employees and managers in confidential one-on-one meetings their options for addressing their workplace concerns - Provide coaching to address their issues autonomously, and guide them to adequate sources of information - When required and deemed appropriate, provide the following ombuds services: mediation, facilitation, shuttle diplomacy or other intervention. - Act as office case manager ensuring accurate and timely logging of all incoming cases, assign cases to Ombuds Officers and liaise with them on background and context; organize quarterly case reviews and visitor surveys. - Conduct regular official visits to WFP regional, country, and sub-offices to provide in-person conflict resolution services to employees, as well as outreach and training. - Work collaboratively with relevant actors in various offices to achieve informal resolution to work related problems raised by the parties. - Follow up with the parties to receive feedback and where needed or requested, to advise on further services or steps. - Contribute to collecting and interpreting data, and to the writing of the OBD annual report. - Contribute to the identification of both systemic issues encountered during informal conflict resolution, and recommendations for addressing them. - Identify lessons learned for feedback into the system through other avenues than the annual report. - Participate, as required, in corporate initiatives under WFP's cultural change process and the Comprehensive Action Plan (CAP); pro-actively contribute to the desired workplace changes; provide relevant input into related corporate policy initiatives and reviews. - Actively work towards the strengthening of the organization's system of internal justice. - Deliver outreach and learning activities on informal resolution and conflict management to support all employees to efficiently utilize services of the office of the Ombudsman and Mediation Services, and to acquire individual capacity to effectively deal with (potential) conflict. - Keep abreast of developments in the field of conflict resolution and within the Organization. - Contribute to developing state-of-the-art and client-oriented Ombudsman, Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution practices within OBD. - Take responsibility for an equitable and inclusive workplace which incorporates all dimensions of the WFP diversity and inclusion framework such as but not limited to racial equity, gender equality and disability inclusion. - Perform any other duties or special projects to support OBD in carrying out its functions, as assigned, including research in the field of conflict resolution and contributions to reports. STANDARD MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Education: Advanced University degree in social sciences, administration, human resources or other relevant field, or First University degree with additional years of relevant work experience and/or training/courses in alternative dispute resolution or conflict management. Experience: 8 years of relevant progressively responsible experience of which ideally, two years of relevant UN experience and 6 years in the field of international development, civil affairs, ethics, ombudsman, Staff Relations Management, Training or Coaching. Knowledge & Skills: - Conflict Resolution: Demonstrates in-depth knowledge of alternate dispute resolution mechanism, e.g. mediation, reconciliation, restorative practices. Demonstrates professional competence in conflict resolution, seeking fair and equitable solutions to and prevention of employment related problems. Demonstrates ability to creatively respond to problems and to mobilise, empower or enable other actors to respond where necessary. Able to assist in developing a deeper understanding of conflict prevention, conflict management and conflict resolution. - Analysis: Able to analyse a wide range of factors affecting conflict dynamics and to identify systemic issues (with regard to policies, procedures, practices, structure, culture or attitude) and to formulate clear recommendations for addressing those issues in order to facilitate change at the systemic level. - Communication: Able to create a safe setting in which visitors feel comfortable in being able to bring forward issues or concerns by demonstrating advanced listening skills and the ability to establish rapport and gain trust and respect; speaks and writes clearly and effectively tailors language, tone, style, and format to match the audience. - Outreach and Stakeholder Management: Understand the importance of outreach and is able to deliver oral presentation to various audiences; able to diplomatically handle sensitive information and cultivate productive relationships with target audience and stakeholders. Language: International Professional: Fluency (level C) in English language. Intermediate knowledge (level B) of a second official UN language: Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish, and/or WFP's working language, Portuguese. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Non-Rotational Nature: mobility is and continues to be a core contractual requirement in WFP. This position is however classified as "non-rotational" which means the incumbent shall not be subject to the regular reassignment process unless the position is reclassified as rotational. WFP offers an attractive compensation and benefits package, including basic salary, post adjustment, relocation entitlement, travel and shipment allowances, 30 days' annual leave, home leave, an education grant for dependent children, pension plan and medical insurance. ________________________________________________________________________ This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. - When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support. This service is offered free of charge to Swiss nationals. Interested in a career with multilateral institutions? Read more: Working with the United Nations Working with International Financial Institutions For Swiss nationals ____________________________________________________________________________________
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The United Nations World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. The mission of WFP is to help the world achieve Zero Hunger in our lifetimes. Every day, WFP works worldwide to ensure that no child goes to bed hungry and that the poorest and most vulnerable, particularly women and children, can access the nutritious food they need. WFP's regional bureau for the Middle East and North Africa provides strategic guidance, policy/technical support, and oversight to WFP's operations in 14 countries: Algeria, Armenia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and Yemen. The regional vision is to deliver on zero hunger and contribute to peace. Robust and reliable data analytics on food security, nutrition, vulnerability and emergency needs are fundamental in achieving this vision. JOB PURPOSE: This position is to provide leadership to a dedicated regional team of food security analysts and geographic information system (GIS) experts as well as technically overseeing and supporting country level vulnerability analysis and mapping efforts to ensure that the most reliable and up-to-date evidence is available at all times to inform WFP's portfolio of work. Responsibility will include leadership and strategic guidance in areas such as emergency needs assessments, food security monitoring, climate analysis, context analysis, beneficiary targeting, market analysis, nutrition assessments, cost effectiveness and operational efficiency. The Senior Vulnerability Analysis & Mapping Officer will work under the direct supervision of the regional Head of Programme. MAIN TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The Senior Vulnerability Analysis & Mapping Officer will be responsible for delivering quality analytics in the following key areas: Emergency need assessments - With the application of the latest technology and methods ensure that data and analysis on food assistance needs (who needs assistance, where, when and for how long) are available to WFP and partners at the right time to make key decisions for any required emergency response. - Ensure data readiness for the purpose of rapid emergency needs assessments to guide an initial emergency response. - Support country offices on the implementation and maintenance of WFP's Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and maintain current systems. Work with VAM advisors at WFP HQ in Rome to improve and expand the SDI. - Support Country Office surge requirements for assessments, vulnerability analysis and mapping, including emergency situations. Economic and market analysis - Ensure robust market analysis across the region as early warning for economic shocks and to adequately inform transfer modality choices (food, cash, vouchers). - Contribute to the refinement of cost-efficiency analysis especially for national social protection programme support. - Undertake market-related field missions to support operations –emergency, recovery and rehabilitation, development and capacity building, with emphasis on cash-based interventions. Nutrition assessments - Initiate and guide state-of-the-art nutrition analyses such as Cost of Diet and cash/voucher expenditure patterns for recommendations for improved nutrition programming. Beneficiary targeting - Provide guidance and support to country offices on methodologies and procedures for beneficiary selection that minimize inclusion of non-eligible beneficiaries and exclusion of vulnerable and food insecure households and individuals. Vulnerability and climate change impact analysis - Collect, manage, prepare and analyse remotely sensed climatological data. This includes supporting the efforts by country offices to conduct a Consolidated Livelihoods Exercise for Analysing Resilience (CLEAR) and rolling out 3PA that consist of an Integrated Context Analysis and Seasonal Livelihoods planning. - Conduct urban specific analyses that provide detailed data and analysis on food security situation in urban contexts. Monitoring and evaluation systems: Lead the regional VAM function to support country office outcome monitoring and the M&E function to support country office process and output monitoring. Partnership and representation: Enhance WFP's leadership role in food security analysis by representing WFP in meetings with strategic partners, contributing to high-level technical discussions, exchanging knowledge and experience with other institutions and identifying areas of comparative advantage in both emergency and non-emergency settings. Effective staff management: Lead, motivate and manage a geographically dispersed team of technical staff, providing coaching and guidance to ensure appropriate career development and enable high performance. - Build relationships and collaborate closely across the programme team and with other divisions, regional bureaux and country offices as required. - Ensure that gender perspectives will be incorporated in all areas of assessment and analysis. The post-holder will be expected to perform other duties as required. SPECIFIC QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED: Work experience & skills - Minimum of 11 years of relevant professional work experience in international development and/or humanitarian work, at least 4 of which in an international organisation within food security related domain(s) - Experience in managing complex activities in a humanitarian as well as in development context. - Proven knowledge and ability to comprehend complex sets of data and generate analyses. Economic and market analysis as well as focus on food security/nutrition domain considered to be an added-value - Expertise in international financial institutions, including previous work experience, is an asset. - Experience in the design and implementation of new policies, processes, and vulnerability analysis systems to improve efficiency and effectiveness of assessment efforts. - Experience in creating and cultivating a broad range of relationships with key stakeholders including NGOs, national authorities, UN agencies, donors and academia. - Demonstrated ability to lead and build multi-functional and cross-geography teams and to collaborate with others to achieve collective results. - Ability to deliver results through efficient planning and organisation and by enabling more junior colleagues to excel. - Proven ability to develop quality reports and analysis. - Experience in the Middle East and/or North Africa is preferable. STANDARD MINIMUM ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: Education: Advanced University degree in Economics or First University degree with additional years of related work experience and/or training/courses. Language: - Fluency (level C) in English language. - Intermediate knowledge (level B) of a second official UN language: Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish, and/or Portuguese (a WFP working language). Arabic is an advantage TERMS AND CONDITIONS International Professional positions are open to all nationalities. The selected candidate will be employed on a fixed-term contract with a probationary period of one year. Mobility is and continues to be a core contractual requirement in WFP. This position is based in Khartoum, Sudan, and would require the incumbent to relocate. After completing this assignment, you will be expected to apply internally for other assignments in WFP. WFP offers an attractive compensation and benefits package including basic salary, post adjustment, relocation entitlement, travel and shipment allowances, 30 days' annual leave, home leave, an education grant for dependent children, a pension plan, and medical insurance. For more details, please visit ________________________________________________________________________ This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. - When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support. This service is offered free of charge to Swiss nationals. Interested in a career with multilateral institutions? Read more: Working with the United Nations Working with International Financial Institutions For Swiss nationals ____________________________________________________________________________________
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Milano (Lombardia)
Ciao a tutti! My name is Samx 26 years old and I am an experienced nanny from England. I am passionate about working with children from a range of abilities and helping them all to reach their individual goals, be happy and healthy. I have 9 years experience working with children and young people in the family home and educational settings. I am able to understand and hold basic conversations in Italian, although would love to offer some English conversations with the children. I am active, reliable, caring, fun and very professional. I love meeting new people, so please don’t hesitate to contact me! I can provide CV and references directly. Thank you
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Palermo (Sicilia)
Descrizione completa della posizione Selezioniamo nuove risorse per attività di marketing diretto, pubblicità, promozione e vendita in stand. Valutiamo con piacere candidati con esperienze pregresse nel campo della ristorazione (cameriere, cameriera, bartender, cuoco, cuoca, caposala ecc.), dell'animazione (animatore, animatrice, team team leader, capo villaggio ecc..) e/o con ogni tipo di esperienza di contatto diretto con il pubblico (promoter, hostess, receptionist, addetto e addetta all’accoglienza clienti, baby sitter,..) Prendiamo in considerazione anche neodiplomati, neolaureati o laureandi alla prima esperienza di lavoro. L'attività sarà svolta in Team presso stand brandizzati allestiti nei pressi di Eventi, Store, Negozi, di vario genere (Eventi Invernali, Esselunga, Golf Club, Parchi Tematici, Catene GDO, Pet Store ecc.). Tutto il nostro team lavora attenendosi scrupolosamente alle disposizioni in materia di contenimento e contrasto del Covid-19. Per questa ragione ad oggi il lavoro è svolto principalmente all'esterno. Offriamo Inserimento immediato: all'interno del percorso formativo - a spese aziendali orientato a preparare ogni nuova risorsa inserita. L'offerta formativa prevede una ricca agenda di webinar, workshop, role play, simulazioni e tavole rotonde, su zoom. Accesso esclusivo ad un portale formativo dedicato con contenuti digitali, audio e video aggiornati settimanalmente. Certificazione delle competenze acquisite. Regolare contratto, pagamenti con bonus ed incentivi, affiancamento e tutoraggio paralleli all'attività lavorativa: in aula/ su zoom e on the job. Ottima opportunità di crescita personale e professionale negli ambiti di gestione Team, Cliente e Campagna evento. Indispensabili: ottime doti comunicative, propensione al contatto diretto con il pubblico, carattere socievole e predisposizione al lavoro di squadra. Mentalità da studente, buona conoscenza del panorama socio economico internazionale. Diploma di maturità. Ottimo livello di italiano scritto e parlato. Domicilio a Palermo o vicinanze. A parità di candidature diamo priorità a chi possa offrire una disponibilità full time o di almeno 3 giorni pieni a settimana. Visita il nostro sito e la nostra pagina instagram. Se ti senti in linea con il mood del nostro Team, invia subito la tua candidatura! Non vediamo l'ora di conoscerti! Contratto di lavoro: Tempo pieno, Part-time, Tempo indeterminato Stipendio: €900,00 - €2.500,00 al mese Benefit: Orario flessibile Viaggi premio Disponibilità: Orario flessibile Smart working: No Precauzioni contro il COVID-19: Colloqui da remoto Dispositivi di protezione individuale forniti o richiesti Misurazione della temperatura Predisposizione di linee guida sul distanziamento sociale Riunioni virtuali Predisposizione di procedure di sanificazione, di disinfezione o di pulizia
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