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Box life

Elenco delle migliori vendite box life

With this convenient pillar pocket, you will no longer have to worry about how to put some small articles in your car. It is made of excellent material to make your driving life convenient. It is non-toxic, tasteless, reasonable design and good safety performance. Not only does the pillar pocket can be a good helper of your driving life, but also easy for storage and use freely. Such a practical and convenient item, you are worth it!^#^ ^#^Features:^#^Brand new, high quality, stand wear and tear^#^Mobile phones, tobaccos, etc, could be put into the pillar pocket^#^Soft materials are used to prevent children be injured^#^The simple and easy design for your use^#^Fashion good-looking car things^#^A good helper of your driving life ^#^Material: Plastic^#^External Size: approx. 7.5cm(W) * 8.7cm(H) * 3.3cm(T)^#^Inner Size: 6.5cm(W) * 2.5cm(T)^#^Color: Black, Beige, Grey^#^ ^#^Package Contents:^#^2pcs * Car Pillar Organizer Boxes
3,25 €
Vista prodotto
Roma (Lazio)
VOLKSWAGEN Golf 2000 TDI LIFE 116CV DSG SERIE8 NAVI CARPLAY LED Caratteristiche del veicolo Chilometraggio: 15000 Immatricolazione: 06/2020 Tipo di veicolo: usato Carburante: Diesel Potenza: 85 kW / 116 CV Tipo di cambio: Automatico Marce:6 Colore esterno: Bianco Colore interno: Garanzia: Carrozzeria: 4/5-Porte Cilindrata: 1968 Cilindri: 4 Porte: 5 Posti: 5 Equipaggiamenti: Vetri oscurati, USB, Touch screen, Sedile posteriore sdoppiato, Frenata d'emergenza assistita, Fari LED, Controllo elettronico della corsia, Bracciolo, Bracciolo, Autoradio digitale, Airbag testa, Adaptive Cruise Control, Immobilizzatore elettronico, Cerchi in lega, Antifurto, Volante multifunzione, Sistema di navigazione, Bluetooth, Autoradio, Specchietti laterali elettrici, Servosterzo, Sensori di parcheggio posteriori, Sensori di parcheggio anteriori, Sedili riscaldati, Park Distance Control, Isofix, Cruise Control, Controllo automatico clima, Chiusura centralizzata, Boardcomputer, Alzacristalli elettrici, ESP, Controllo trazione, Airbag Passeggero, Airbag laterali, Airbag, ABS Descrizione fornita dal venditore: 2 Ingressi USB 4 V.E. Antenna shark Apple Carplay & Android Auto Auto Hold Bluetooth Bracciolo Cambio automatico/sequenziale Cambio F1 al volante Car-Net Cerchi "16 Clima automatico Computer di bordo Controllo pressione pneumatici Controllo trazione Cruise control adattivo Disattivazione airbag passeggero Fari led anteriori e posteriori Front assist Ingressi USB posteriori Isofix Lane assist Navigazione Park pilot Parktronic anteriore e posteriore Phone box Rilevamento corsia Rilevamento stanchezza Sedili regolabili in altezza Sedili riscaldabili Sedili sdoppiabili Sensore luce Specchietti elettrici Specchietto retrovisore fotocromatico Stereo con schermo touchscreen TFT Vetri scuri Volante multifunzione Possibilità agevolazione IVA al 4% PREZZO EXPORT 21.300 € GRANDE NOVITA' D'ESTATE: SOLO PER I NOSTRI CLIENTI, IN ESCLUSIVA, ASSICURAZIONE INCENDIO/FURTO CON BLOCCO DEL VALORE PER 60 MESI!!E NON FINISCE QUI...MARCHIATURA VETRI E ANTIFURTO SATELLITARE IN OMAGGIO!!SCOPRI TUTTI I VANTAGGI DIRETTAMENTE IN SEDE AUTOLANCIANI... DA OLTRE 50 ANNI... SOLO AUTO DI QUALITÀ...
25.470 €
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
DEK:[5418553] Per maggiori informazioni, accessori e foto su questa auto chiamaci al numero 800911476. IVA deducibile da ogni professionista. SCEGLILA ONLINE SENZA MUOVERTI DA CASA CON 6 BENEFICI GARANTITI. Fai tutto da casa, dall'acquisto alla consegna (gratis entro 100km dal piazzale). Ogni auto possiede KM certificati, unico proprietario, tutte le manutenzioni effettuate, no danni strutturali. Le auto sono sottoposte a disinfezione completa e godono di garanzia estensibile fino a 36 mesi. Inoltre, hai un prezzo agevolato e con Soddisfatti o Ricambiati hai 10 giorni o 1000km per provarla e decidere se tenerla o cambiarla con un'altra. ---- Le seguenti informazioni SONO INSERITE AUTOMATICAMENTE e prelevate da database standard. VERIFICARE LA CORRETTEZZA CON IL ns. CONSULENTE COMMERCIALE - 1TONS Vernice Mono-tono speciale - 2 freni a disco con 2 dischi ventilati - 2 poggiatesta sedili ant., con reg. in altezza, 3 poggiatesta sedili post., con reg. in altezza - 4 altoparlanti - 5 posti, config: 2+3 - ABS - Airbag anteriore conducente intelligente, airbag anteriore passeggero intelligente con interrutore di disattivazione - Airbag laterale anteriore e include protezione testa - Airbags 4 - Allestimento: LIFE - Alzacristalli elettrici anteriori e posteriori - Antenna - Assistenza alla frenata di emergenza - Avvisatore cinture sicurezza 2 - Capacit vano carico sedile in posizione/linea finestrino (litri) 455 e sedile abbassato al tetto (litri) 1.235, std misur. VDA - Carrozzeria berlina 2v e 5 porte - Chiusura centralizzata a distanza, incl. cristalli elettrici - Cinture sicurezza ant. conducente e passeggero con pretensionatori e reg. in altezza - Cinture sicurezza post. conducente, cinture sicurezza post. passeggero, cinture sicurezza post. centrale a 3 punti - Climatizzatore - Comandi audio al volante - Comando luci manuale - Computer con velocit media, consumo medio, consumo istantaneo e autonomia - Conness.dispositivi est.intrattenimento include ingresso AUX anteriore e include porta USB anteriore - Connessione bluetooth con connessione telefono e con musica in streaming - Console al pavimento - Contagiri - Contenitore box bagagliaio e fisso - Controllo elettronico trazione - Copertura bagagli rigida - Dimensioni esterne lunghezza (mm) 4.122, larghezza (mm) 1.778, altezza (mm) 1.566, altezza minima da terra (scarico) (mm) 170, passo (mm) 2.606, carreggiata ant. (mm) 1.531, carreggiata post. (mm) 1.516, diam. sterzata marciapiedi (mm) 10.800 e diam. sterzata muri (mm) 11.300 - EBD - Fari principali ellissoidali, lampada alogena alogene - FARIAN Fari fendinebbia - Filtro antiparticolato - Hill holder - Indic. pressione insuff. pneumatici sensore sul cerchio - Inserti pregiati: look alluminio sul pomello leva cambio, colore brillante sul cruscotto e nessuno - LED luci diurne - Limitatore di velocit - Luce vano bagagliaio - Luci di emergenza automatiche - Luci di lettura anteriori - Luci funzionamento diurno - Lunotto tergicristallo intermittente - Modanature laterali - Motore 4 cilindri in linea, 2 valvole per cilindro, cilindrata (cc) 1.461 e 1,5 litri - Pesi: massa complessiva: 1.729, peso a vuoto: 1.379, peso rimorchiabile (frenato): 1.200, peso rimorchiabile (non frenato): 620 e EU - Pneumatici anteriori e posteriori con larghezza 205, profilo 60 e indice di velocit V, indice di carico 92 a basso indice di rotolamento e 16 - Porta conducente, porta posteriore lato conducente, porta passeggero e porta posteriore lato passeggero a battente - Porta posteriore basculante - Portabicchiere ai sedili anteriori e sedili post. - Potenza max kW 66, 90 cv, regime potenza max 4.000, nm 220 e regime di coppia max 1.750 - Presa di corrente 12v ant. - Pulsante accensione veicolo - Recupero energia frenante - Regolatore di velocit - Regolatore stabilit - Retrovisori esterni regol. elettrica, riscaldati, colore nero e indicatori di direzione - Rivestimento sedili in stoffa (principale) e stoffa (addizionale) - RSGALT Ruota di scorta ridotta - Ruote anteriori e posteriori di acciaio 16" e calettatura cerchio 6,5 - Sbloccaggio a distanza del bagagliaio con telecomando - Sedile conducente individuale, sedile passeggero individuale - Sedili posteriori panchetta con 0 regolazioni elettriche, ribaltamento asimmetrici, fisso e 3 posti abbattibile piatto nel pavimento - Selettore modalit di guida include mappatura motore - Serbatoio carburante principale, 45 l. e 9,9 - Servosterzo ad assistenza variabile e elettrico - Sistema audio comprende radio AM/FM, include lettore CD singolo integrato e lettore CD MP3 - Sistema di ventilazione con filtro antipolline - Sistema Isofix - Smart card/chiave manuale - Sospensioni anteriore a montante con barra antirollio, sospensioni posteriore a traversa torsione - Specchietto di cortesia per conducente e passeggero - Specchietto retrovisore int. - StarteStop - Strumentazione principale - Temperatura esterna - Tergicristallo - Tire kit - Trasmissione manuale a 5 velocit leva cambio sul pianale - Trazione anteriore - Turbo - Vano busto, ant. 905, vano busto, post. 860, largh. al bacino, ant. 1.380, largh. al bacino, post. 1.370, largh. alle spalle, anteriore 1.386 e largh. alle spalle, post. 1.330 - Verniciatura pastello - Vetri colorati/atermici - Volante in plastica reg. in altezza, reg. in profondit e multifunzione
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione Per maggiori informazioni, accessori e foto su questa auto chiamaci al numero MOSTRA NUMERO. IVA deducibile da ogni professionista.Finanziamenti personalizzati e Ritiro dell'usato. Questa auto e'lontana da casa tua? Ariel Car te la porta nel piazzale piu' vicino a te con un preventivo su richiesta! |KIT AUTOCARRO |2 altoparlanti |2 freni a disco con 2 dischi ventilati |2 poggiatesta sedili ant. e sedili post., con reg. in altezza |5 posti, config: 2+3 |ABS |Airbag anteriore conducente intelligente, airbag anteriore passeggero intelligente con interrutore di disattivazione |Airbag laterale anteriore e include protezione testa |Airbags 4 |Allestimento: LIFE |Alzacristalli elettrici anteriori |Antenna |Assistenza alla frenata di emergenza |Avvisatore cinture sicurezza 2 |Avvisatore cinture sicurezza 5 |Barre longitud.al tetto nero |Carrozzeria wagon e 5 porte |Chiusura centralizzata a distanza |Cinture sicurezza ant. conducente e passeggero con pretensionatori e reg. in altezza |Cinture sicurezza post. conducente, cinture sicurezza post. passeggero, cinture sicurezza post. centrale a 3 punti |Cinture sicurezzaant. conducente e passeggero con pretensionatori e reg. in altezza |Comandi audio al volante |Comando luci manuale |Conness.dispositivi est.intrattenimento include porta USB anteriore |Connessione bluetooth con connessione telefono e con musica in streaming |Console al pavimento |Contagiri |Contenitore box bagagliaio e fisso |Controllo elettronico trazione |Copertura bagagli flessibile |Dimensioni esterne larghezza (mm) 1.732, altezza (mm) 1.445, altezza minima da terra (scarico) (mm) 120, passo (mm) 2.589, carreggiata ant. (mm) 1.506, carreggiata post. (mm) 1.506, diam. sterzata marciapiedi (mm) 10.600 e diam. sterzata muri (mm) 11.000 |Dimensioni esterne lunghezza (mm) 4.267, larghezza (mm) 1.732, altezza (mm) 1.475, altezza minima da terra (scarico) (mm) 120, passo (mm) 2.589, carreggiata ant. (mm) 1.506, carreggiata post. (mm) 1.506, diam. sterzata marciapiedi (mm) 10.600 e diam. sterzata muri (mm) 11.000 |Dispositivi di fissaggio carico |EBD |FARIAN Fari fendinebbia |Fari principali a superf.complessa, lampada alogena alogene |Filtro antiparticolato |Hill holder |Indic. pressione insuff. pneumatici |Indic. pressione insuff. pneumatici sensore sul cerchio |LED luci diurne |Luce vano bagagliaio |Luci di emergenza automatiche |Luci di lettura anteriori |Luci funzionamento diurno |Lunotto tergicristallo costante |Motore 4 cilindri in linea, 2 valvole per cilindro, cilindrata (cc) 1.461 e 1,5 litri |PK8030 Climatizzatore manuale |Pesi: massa complessiva: 1.702, peso a vuoto: 1.195 e EU |Pesi: massa complessiva: 1.703, peso a vuoto: 1.119, peso rimorchiabile (frenato): 1.200, peso rimorchiabile (non frenato): 595 e EU |Pesi: massa complessiva: 1.711, peso a vuoto: 1.260, peso rimorchiabile (frenato): 1.200, peso rimorchiabile (non frenato): 625, peso a vuoto include conducente e EU |Porta conducente, porta posteriore lato conducente, porta passeggero e porta posteriore lato passeggero a battente |Porta posteriore basculante |Portabicchiere ai sedili anteriori e sedili post. |Portabicchiere ai sedili anteriori esedili post. |Potenza max kW 55, 75 cv, regime potenza max 4.000, nm 200, regime di coppia max 1.750 e principale |Presa di corrente 12v ant. |Pulsante accensione veicolo |Recupero energia frenante |Retrovisori esterni regol. elettrica, riscaldati, verniciati e indicatori di direzione |Rivestimento sedili in stoffa (principale) e stoffa (addizionale) |Ruote anteriori e posteriori di acciaio 15" e calettatura cerchio 6,0 |Sbloccaggio a distanza del bagagliaio con telecomando |Sedile conducente individuale, sedile passeggero individuale |Sedili posteriori panchetta con 0 regolazioni elettriche, ribaltamento asimmetrici, fisso e 3 posti |Serbatoio carburante principale, 45 l. e 9,9 |Servosterzo ad assistenza variabile e elettrico |Sistema Isofix |Sistema audio comprende radio AM/FM |Sistema di ventilazione con filtro antipolline |Smart card/chiave manuale |Sospensioni anteriore a montante con barra antirollio, sospensioni posteriore a traversa torsione |Specchietto di cortesia per conducente e passeggero |Specchietto retrovisore int. |Spoiler al tetto |StarteStop |Strumentazione principale |Temperatura esterna |Tergicristallo |Tire kit |Trazione anteriore |Turbo |VOS Vernice opaca speciale |Vano busto, ant. 880, vano busto, post. 862, largh. al bacino, ant. 1.363, largh. al bacino, post. 1.378, largh. alle spalle, anteriore 1.370 e largh. alle spalle, post. 1.307 |Verniciatura pastello |Vetri colorati/atermici
9.950 €
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione Per maggiori informazioni, accessori e foto su questa auto chiamaci al numero MOSTRA NUMERO. IVA deducibile da ogni professionista.Finanziamenti personalizzati e Ritiro dell'usato. Questa auto e'lontana da casa tua? Ariel Car te la porta nel piazzale piu' vicino a te con un preventivo su richiesta! |2 altoparlanti |2 freni a disco con 2 dischi ventilati |2 poggiatesta sedili ant. e sedili post., con reg. in altezza |5 posti, config: 2+3 |ABS |Airbag anteriore conducente intelligente, airbag anteriore passeggero intelligente con interrutore di disattivazione |Airbag laterale anteriore e include protezione testa |Airbags 4 |Allestimento: LIFE |Alzacristalli elettrici anteriori |Antenna |Assistenza alla frenata di emergenza |Avvisatore cinture sicurezza 2 |Avvisatore cinture sicurezza 5 |Barre longitud.al tetto nero |Carrozzeria wagon e 5 porte |Chiusura centralizzata a distanza |Cinture sicurezza ant. conducente e passeggero con pretensionatori e reg. in altezza |Cinture sicurezza post. conducente, cinture sicurezza post. passeggero, cinture sicurezza post. centrale a 3 punti |Comandi audio al volante |Comando luci manuale |Conness.dispositivi est.intrattenimento include porta USB anteriore |Connessione bluetooth con connessione telefono e con musica in streaming |Console al pavimento |Contagiri |Contenitore box bagagliaio e fisso |Controllo elettronico trazione |Copertura bagagli flessibile |Dimensioni esterne larghezza (mm) 1.732, altezza (mm) 1.445, altezza minima da terra (scarico) (mm) 120, passo (mm) 2.589, carreggiata ant. (mm) 1.506, carreggiata post. (mm) 1.506, diam. sterzata marciapiedi (mm) 10.600 e diam. sterzata muri (mm) 11.000 |Dimensioni esterne lunghezza (mm) 4.267, larghezza (mm) 1.732, altezza (mm) 1.475, altezza minima da terra (scarico) (mm) 120, passo (mm) 2.589, carreggiata ant. (mm) 1.506, carreggiata post. (mm) 1.506, diam. sterzata marciapiedi (mm) 10.600 e diam. sterzata muri (mm) 11.000 |Dispositivi di fissaggio carico |EBD |Fari principali a superf.complessa, lampada alogena alogene |Filtro antiparticolato |Hill holder |Indic. pressione insuff. pneumatici |Indic. pressione insuff. pneumatici sensore sul cerchio |LED luci diurne |Luce vano bagagliaio |Luci di emergenza automatiche |Luci di lettura anteriori |Luci funzionamento diurno |Lunotto tergicristallo costante |Motore 4 cilindri in linea, 2 valvole per cilindro, cilindrata (cc) 1.461 e 1,5 litri |PK8030 Climatizzatore manuale |Pesi: massa complessiva: 1.702, peso a vuoto: 1.195 e EU |Pesi: massa complessiva: 1.703, peso a vuoto: 1.119, peso rimorchiabile (frenato): 1.200, peso rimorchiabile (non frenato): 595 e EU |Pesi: massa complessiva: 1.711, peso a vuoto: 1.260, peso rimorchiabile (frenato): 1.200, peso rimorchiabile (non frenato): 625, peso a vuoto include conducente e EU |Porta conducente, porta posteriore lato conducente, porta passeggero e porta posteriore lato passeggero a battente |Porta posteriore basculante |Portabicchiere ai sedili anteriori e sedili post. |Potenza max kW 55, 75 cv, regime potenza max 4.000, nm 200, regime di coppia max 1.750 e principale |Presa di corrente 12v ant. |Pulsante accensione veicolo |RSEC01 Ruota di scorta |Recupero energia frenante |Retrovisori esterni regol. elettrica, riscaldati, verniciati e indicatori di direzione |Rivestimento sedili in stoffa (principale) e stoffa (addizionale) |Ruote anteriori e posteriori di acciaio 15" e calettatura cerchio 6,0 |Sbloccaggio a distanza del bagagliaio con telecomando |Sedile conducente individuale, sedile passeggero individuale |Sedili posteriori panchetta con 0 regolazioni elettriche, ribaltamento asimmetrici, fisso e 3 posti |Serbatoio carburante principale, 45 l. e 9,9 |Servosterzo ad assistenza variabile e elettrico |Sistema Isofix |Sistema audio comprende radio AM/FM |Sistema di ventilazione con filtro antipolline |Smart card/chiave manuale |Sospensioni anteriore a montante con barra antirollio, sospensioni posteriore a traversa torsione |Sospensioni anteriore a montante con barraantirollio, sospensioni posteriore a traversa torsione |Specchietto di cortesia per conducente e passeggero |Specchietto retrovisore int. |Spoiler al tetto |StarteStop |Strumentazione principale |Temperatura esterna |Tergicristallo |Tire kit |Trazione anteriore |Turbo |VOS Vernice opaca speciale |Vano busto, ant. 880, vano busto, post. 862, largh. al bacino, ant. 1.363, largh. al bacino, post. 1.378, largh. alle spalle, anteriore 1.370 e largh. alle spalle, post. 1.307 |Verniciatura pastello |Vetri colorati/atermici
10.700 €
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione [Rif. 18745656] LINK MOTORS COLLEGNO PROPONE IN VENDITA: Bellissima e nuovissima GOLF 1.0 TSI LIFE Motore Benzina, 81 KW /110CV, Cambio Manuale. Immatricolazione 12/2020, 22500 KM. Auto compresa di kit pneumatici estivi La manutenzione verra' effettuata tra 6.000 km Pregi: Macchina in perfette condizioni, sempre ricoverata in box auto Difetti: La vettura non presenta difetti in evidenza. VEICOLO VISIONABILE SU APPUNTAMENTO AGENZIA LINK MOTORS COLLEGNO DI VIA CIMAROSA 16 10093(TO) I nostri servizi: Spedizioni nazionali ed internazionali Valutazione permute No scambi Finanziamento da 12-84 mesi GARANZIA guasti attivabile su richiesta 12-36 mesi Gestione Burocrazia e Passaggio di Propriet�� Assistenza e Tutela Link Motors TELEFONO UFFICIO:01119214244 TELEFONO MOBILE: MOSTRA NUMERO MAIL: MANDA UNA MAIL Attenzione: Il presente annuncio e' valido salvo errori di trascrizione e non costituisce vincolo contrattuali
21.900 €
Vista prodotto
2 x Car Pillar Organizer Box^#^Mobile phones, tobaccos, etc, could be put into the pillar pocket^#^Fashion and good-looking ^#^Non-toxic,odorless, reasonable design with good safety performance^#^Package Contents:^#^Size: approx. 7.5cm(W) * 8.7cm(H) * 3.3cm(T)^#^A good helper of your driving life^#^Simple and easy design to facilitate your use^#^Brand new, high quality, stand wear and tear^#^Color: Black / Gray / Beige^#^Material: Plastic^#^Soft materials are used to prevent children from being injured
3,08 €
Vista prodotto
"Introduction: ^#^Safe and flame retardant, fast and convenient, has a long service life.^#^Easy to operate, no need for a professional electrician, saving time and effort. ^#^Insulating material, no leakage, which is safer. ^#^Boxed for better storage and sorting, protecting the terminals. ^#^No loose wires, tape embrittlement danger, safe and transparent visible. ^#^It not only solve the inconvenience caused by high-altitude operations, but also solve the technical problems of soft and hard wire connection. ^#^^#^Specifications: ^#^- Main material: flame retardant plastic ^#^- Color: Orange, Blue, Red^#^- Rated voltage: 450V ^#^- Rated current: 32A ^#^- Applicable to: 0.14-4mm; single-strand hard wire and multi-strand soft wire. ^#^- Item size: ^#^2 Way: 1.9 x 1.3 x 0.9cm/0.7"" x 0.5"" x 0.4"" ^#^3 Way: 1.9 x 1.9 x 0.9cm/0.7"" x 0.7"" x 0.4"" ^#^5 Way: 3.0 x 1.9 x 0.9cm/1.2"" x 0.7"" x 0.4"" ^#^- Package size: 17.0 x 9.5 x 2.2cm/6.7"" x 3.7"" x 0.9"" ^#^^#^Package list: ^#^24PCS:^#^8 x 2-way Wire Connector ^#^8 x 3-way Wire Connector ^#^8 x 5-way Wire Connector^#^^#^75PCS:^#^35 x 2-way Wire Connector ^#^25 x 3-way Wire Connector ^#^15 x 5-way Wire Connector"^#^^#^85PCS:^#^40 x 2-way Wire Connector ^#^30 x 3-way Wire Connector ^#^15 x 5-way Wire Connector
5,42 €
Vista prodotto
Feature:^#^[MULTI FUNCTION INTELLIGENT CHARGING]: ^#^*Microprocessor-controlled - automatically adjusts the charge current and maintainability. automatically switching from fast charge, to top-off, then to trickle charge.Pulse repair function can help to repair your loss battery and extend battery life^#^^#^[HIGHLY COMPATIBLE FAST CHARGING]: ^#^*It works with SLA, WET, MF, FLOODED, GEL, VRLA, AGM, EFB batteries, meaning that it can be used for the batteries in cars, motorcycles, boats, mowers and others. Calcium type deep cycle automotive or marine 4Ah-100Ah 12V battery. Upgrade enhanced 6A for faster charging^#^^#^[TOTAL PROTECTION]: ^#^*The battery charger offers safety features including reverse-polarity protection, over-current protection, overload protection, over-voltage protection, over-charge protection, and over-temperature protection^#^^#^[SIMPLE AND PRACTICAL TO USE]: ^#^*Using a backlit LCD display, the battery charger clearly and visibly shows LCD screen displays charging status and battery status; charge voltage, charge current, inside temperature, battery full, summer mode, winter mode, etc^#^^#^[USE CASE]: ^#^*This 6 amp automatic battery charger needs to be plugged into wall outlet. Work with 12 volt 4-100 ah batteries, keeps batteries warm even under cold temperatures^#^^#^Specifications:^#^*Battery Type: Fit all type of 12V AGM, GEL, Flooded(Wet), Calcium type deep cycle, VRLA maintenance free lead acid batteries ^#^*Battery Capacity: 4Ah - 100Ah^#^*Charge Current: 6 Amp^#^*Input Voltage: 110-240VAC 50/60Hz 85W^#^*Input Current: 0.5A(RMS) 230VAC^#^*Charge Voltage: Summer Mode: 14.4V, Normal Mode: 14.7V, Winter Mode: 15.5V^#^*Operate Temperature: -20 to +45(-4 to 113)^#^*Cooling: Fan^#^*Size: Approx.21.5 x 13 x 7cm^#^^#^How to Use:^#^1. Check your battery parameters is compatible to the charger (at the back of the charger)^#^2. Connect the red clamp to the positive pole(+), black clamp to the negative pole^#^3. The LCD display will show battery voltage, charge current and inside temperature (Temperature is for reference only, allowed tolerance)^#^4. Wrong battery connection: "EI-I-" will displayed on screen, the indicating lamp will flash^#^5. Connect the charger with AC power source, the charger will start to operate (the Charge-lamp will start to flash in red)^#^6. Once the battery is fully charged, the battery bar on screen will in "FUL" status, meanwhile, the charge indicating lamp will keeps on. Keep the charged status in 1-2 hours is highly recommended^#^7. Charging completed, remove the charger^#^^#^Remark: ^#^*For 4Ah-15Ah battery, we suggest use "Repair" mode, because the battery size is too small, use pulse charge is very good for small size battery^#^^#^Package Include:^#^*1 x Car Battery Charger^#^*1 x User Manual^#^^#^Note: ^#^1.The real color of the item may be slightly different from the pictures shown on website caused by many factors such as brightness of your monitor and light brightness.^#^2.Please allow slight manual measurement deviation for the data.
18,14 €
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione FM412WC, *** PREZZO VALIDO SOLO PER ACQUISTO CON FINANZIAMENTO E PRODOTTO ASSICURATIVO *** GARANZIA UFFICIALE KIA FINO AL 11/2024 Vernice Soul bi color ABS / EBD / BAS / ESS / TCS / ESP / HAC Airbag frontali, anteriori e posteriori a tendina e laterali anteriori Kia Media Box (Radio con schermo Touchscreen LCD 5" con com. al vol. e tel. post.) e 6 altoparl. Luci diurne anteriori e fari posteriori a LED Predisposizione ISOFIX Rivestimenti interni in tessuto Sedili guida regolabili in altezza Tire Mobility Kit Total Connectivity System (USB/Aux/Conn. iPod) Vernice standard Volante e pomello del cambio in pelle Bluetooth con comandi al volante Bluetooth con vivavoce e audio streaming Cambio manuale a 6 marce Cerchi in lega da 17" con pneumatici 215/55 R17 Chiusura centralizzata con telecomando e chiave ripiegabile Climatizzatore manuale Fari fendinebbia Cinture di sicurezza anteriori pretensionate e reg. in altezza Retrovisori riscaldabili e ripiegabili elettricamente Sedili posteriori abbattibili separatamente 60/40 Sensore crepuscolare Servosterzo Alzacristalli elettrici anteriori (funzione auto down lato guida) Alzacristalli elettrici posteriori Volante regolabile in altezza e profondità
13.200 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione [Rif. 17424703] 2 Ingressi USB 4 V.E. Antenna shark Apple Carplay & Android Auto Auto Hold Bluetooth Bracciolo Cambio automatico/sequenziale Cambio F1 al volante Car-Net Cerchi "16 Clima automatico Computer di bordo Controllo pressione pneumatici Controllo trazione Cruise control adattivo Disattivazione airbag passeggero Fari led anteriori e posteriori Front assist Ingressi USB posteriori Isofix Lane assist Navigazione Park pilot Parktronic anteriore e posteriore Phone box Rilevamento segnaletica stradale Rilevamento stanchezza Sedili regolabili in altezza Sedili riscaldabili Sedili sdoppiabili Sensore luce Specchietti elettrici Specchietto retrovisore fotocromatico Stereo con schermo touchscreen TFT Vetri scuri Volante multifunzione riscaldabile Possibilità agevolazione IVA al 4% PREZZO EXPORT 24.970 ? GRANDE NOVITA' D'ESTATE: SOLO PER I NOSTRI CLIENTI, IN ESCLUSIVA, ASSICURAZIONE INCENDIO/FURTO CON BLOCCO DEL VALORE PER 60 MESI!!E NON FINISCE QUI...MARCHIATURA VETRI E ANTIFURTO SATELLITARE IN OMAGGIO!!SCOPRI TUTTI I VANTAGGI DIRETTAMENTE IN SEDE AUTOLANCIANI... DA OLTRE 50 ANNI... SOLO AUTO DI QUALITÀ...
29.970 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
28.900 €
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Colore Bianco, Veicolo nuovo, Km 0, Cambio Manuale,ABS, Chiusura centralizzata, Servosterzo, Cruise Control, Filtro antiparticolato, Dinette centrale, Gavone posteriore, ARIA CONDIZIONATA MOTORE, Cucina di bordo, Letto basculante,Veicolo Pronta Consegna Knaus Box Life 600MQ equipaggiato suFiat Ducato 2200cc jtd 140cv trazione anteriore, portata 33q., carrozzeria bianca, lungo m. 5,99 e largo m. 2,07. equipaggiato con meccanica 140cv euro 6 Final, clima motore manuale, stufa a gasolio 6D, frigorifero a compressore, zanz.porta, scalino elettrico, oscuanti bliss remis, cerchi in lega 15b'"', oblo panoramico 70 x 50, illuminazione frontale Led, paraurti in tinta, letto posteriore supplementare opzionale, pack stiling black. Il veicolo completo di due anni di garanzia totale e 10 anni garanzia infiltrazioni, il prezzo del veicolo chiavi in mano comprensivo di Iva, Immatricolazione, Preparazione e messa in strada di. 71.500,00..
71,5 €
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Colore Bianco, Veicolo nuovo, Km 0, Cambio Manuale,ABS, Cruise Control, Filtro antiparticolato, Letto basculante, Servosterzo, ARIA CONDIZIONATA MOTORE, Chiusura centralizzata, Cucina di bordo, Dinette centrale, Gavone posteriore,Veicolo Pronta Consegna Knaus Box Life 600MQ equipaggiato suFiat Ducato 2200cc jtd 140cv trazione anteriore, portata 33q., carrozzeria bianca, lungo m. 5,99 e largo m. 2,07. equipaggiato con meccanica 140cv euro 6 Final, clima motore manuale, stufa a gasolio 6D, frigorifero a compressore, zanz.porta, scalino elettrico, oscuanti bliss remis, cerchi in lega 15b'"', oblo panoramico 70 x 50, illuminazione frontale Led, paraurti in tinta, letto posteriore supplementare opzionale, pack stiling black. Il veicolo completo di due anni di garanzia totale e 10 anni garanzia infiltrazioni, il prezzo del veicolo chiavi in mano comprensivo di Iva, Immatricolazione, Preparazione e messa in strada di. 71.500,00..
71,5 €
Vista prodotto
Fara in Sabina (Lazio)
GREEN DRAGON is the most perfect Volvo 70 Class boat to combine serious racing, race charter, cruising and conversion project. There are several features making her preferable to other Volvo 70s, such as: · contemporary Carbon C6 Rigging not having any expiry date like Kevlar or PBO · large spare rigging inventory · engine Saildrive transmission fitted (reliable and safe - no further hassle with retractable shaft) · no hydraulics for trimming · extremely weel built hull, no structural problems during the Volvo Ocean Race and since · very little use and almost no serious racing after the Volvo Ocean Race · thanks to her interior layout and original structure, she is very well suited for an interior conversion project General Builder: MC CONAGHYS Naval architect: REICHEL PUGH Type: VOLVO 70 Year: 2007 – some new interior accommodation in 2015/2016 Flag: Austria Displacement: 14.50 tons Construction hull: Carbon composite superstructure: Carbon composite deck: Carbon composite Keel: canting keel with hydraulic rams Dagger boards: 2 (+ 2 spares) Engines 75 HP VOLVO PENTA D2-75 - approx. 1,600h (March 2016) VOLVO PENTA Saildrive 150S transmission 3 blades VOLVO PENTA folding propeller Generator VOLVO PENTA D1-30 Electrics Batteries Service Batteries 14 x Optima YT S 4,2 55Ah (new in 2016) Start Battery 2 x 12V (new in Oct 2015) Tankage Fuel: 350 L plastic main tank 130 L spare plastic tank Electronics B&G WTP 2 B&G 5 x 20/20 Mast Displays, 8x MFD-Displays sounder B&G Autopilot/Smart Pilot S3G 1 x ST7002 + 2 x ST6001 controllers + Type 2 linear drive AIS Class A: AIS Transonder with own GPS Antenna Comar CSB200 computer: Beta Version of Transas Tsunamis ’99 Program with world wide maps on Board PC LAN network Netgear Serial server Moxa nPort 4 channels NMEA WiFi Comar NMEA-to-WiFi NMEA Buffer 2 units of SB1324 Fleet 500 (powers up, ready to work but without SIM Card). Satcom C (condition unknown) VHF radio: Silva S15 DSC (= Nexus NX2500) VHF/FM Antenna Splitter NAVICO Emergency VHF Antenna NAVTEX receiver Nexus NX2600 (display on VHF and/or PC) NAVTEX / VHF Silva S15 (= Nexus NX2500) NASA Meteoman Barograph GPS: FURUNO GP-90 (Furuno GP-31 in spare) RAYMARINE Raystar 130 SeaTalk / NMEA Plotter Raymarine E80 Raymarine 2kW Colour radar Epirb DECK AND COCKPIT HARKEN winches (all Carbon Series): 2 x Primary 1 Main 2 Runner 3 Halyard 2 Traveller 3 pedestals Various blocks, clutches, jammers, etc. Complete set of ropes (sheets, tack Lines, halyards, runner tails, spares, etc.) Dagger Boards: 2 fitted + 2 in spare Electric anchor windlass (new on board but not fitted yet) Bow roller for anchor (new on board but not fitted yet) Anchors: 30 kg stainless BRUCE anchor 2nd FORTRESS aluminium anchor Anchor lines: Wrap approx. 60 m Anchor Lead Rope 50m (new) ACCOMMODATION Salon with 2 upholstered benches (retractable for serious racing) 2 removable tables L-shaped Galley with 2 sinks (retractable for serious racing) One burner cocker with canting system (additional spare cocker) 2 refrigerators Electric head Electric fresh water pump Aft ballast tank of approx. 1,000 L, can used as fresh water tank TV HD LCD, connected to board PC Media Box Maxell Board- PC Mini ITX Hercules Monitor Domestic equipment (Nespresso Coffe machine, Water Heater, Toaster, etc. Galley fitted with cutlery, pots, pans, etc. Rigging SOUTHERN SPARS carbon mast: · 31 m of height · completely rebuilt in July 2015 · Hydraulic Jack System (electric pump) SOUTHERN SPARS carbon boom Carbon bowsprit Standing rigging: SOUTHERN SPARS Running rigging: SPECTRA Furlers: HARKEN & KARVER SOUTHERN SPARS C6 rigging with Titanium fittings Spare rigging (same as above) SOUTHERN SPARS C6 forestay with Titanium fittings Spare forestay (same as above) SOUTHERN SPARS C6 runners with Titanium fittings, each 1 pair Top, Frac, upper Checkstay Spare Runners (same as above, TBC weather set is complete) Luff cables for MH Code-0, FRO, J4, SJ Various Spare Luff cables Furlers: · 1 x KARVER racing, · 1 x HARKEN Sails Numerous sets of sails Sail area *upwind: 375 m² *downwind: 675 m² Main sail max.: 175m² Code-0 max.: 350m² Genoa 1 max. 200m² Gennaker max.: 500m² Sails inventory Racing set Code type of sail material hoisting type condition MN-A main 3Di cars on track excellent MH0 masthead Code 0 3Di furled very good FRO fractional Code 0 3Di furled excellent G1 Genoa 1 3DL hanks on forestay very good G2 Genoa 2 3Di hanks on forestay excellent G4 Genoa 4 3Di furled excellent G5 Genoa 5 3DL hanks on J5 stay very good SJ Storm Jib Spectra hanks on J5 stay good TS Trysail Spectra cars on track dood A1 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A2 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A3 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled very good A4 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A9 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled excellent Training, cruising, delivery, spare MN-2 main 3Di cars on tack good MH0 masthead Code 0 3DL furled fair FRO fractional Code 0 3DL furled good G1 Genoa 1 3DL hanks on forestay good G4 Genoa 4 3Di furled fair SJ Storm Jib Spectra hanks on J5 stay good TS Trysail Spectra cars on track good A3 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled very good Further there are many additional unchecked sails in various conditions partly like new. ELECTRICITY VOLVO PENTA D1-30 Auxiliary Engine Service Batteries 14 x Optima YT S 4,2 55Ah (new in 2016) Start Battery 2 x 12V (new in Oct 2015) Additional 24V/140A Alternator on Main Engine with Balmar Charger Controller Sinus Inverter 2kW Charger 24V 30A Sterling Power Monitoring Systems for Batteries SAFETY AND SECURITY 2 Life Rafts 16 persons each (serviced in October 2015, next service in October 2018) 20 Life Jackets with lifelines (new in 2015) 2 Jon buoys (serviced in Jan 2016), one of them includes AIS Jackstays (new) 2 Floating Flash lights EPIRB (new) Flares (Parachute, Hand Flares, Orange Smoke Pots) Anchor Ball Motor Cone 2 Fog Horns plus Spare Can 3 Fire Extinguishers (new) Fire Blanket Search light Emergency Nav. Lights MISCELLANEAOUS EQUIPMENT Boarding ladder (telescopic, new on board but not fitted yet) Rope bags (original ones repaired + a completely new set made Jan 2016 to be fitted) Covers for pedestal and winches (new in Jan 2016) Boom cover (new in Jan 2016) Hardware and Tools: Bag with deck equipment (soft shackles, loops, blocks, etc.) Toolbox with var. hand tools for hardware jobs Toolbox with var. hand tools and bits & pieces for electric jobs Toolbox with var. hand tools and bits & pieces for electronic jobs Toolbox with var. bits & pieces for plumbing jobs Box with var. electric tools (drill, lamp, hot air gun) and cables & spares Box with var. bits & spares for rigging jobs Box with var. hardware bits & spares, tapes, sealants Box with var. lubricants, cleaners, etc. Box with var. thinners, paints and tools for paintjobs Several Diesel 20 litres Canister Boathook Bowman Chair Climbing Harness Container (located in Galway, Ireland): Boat Cradle (dismounted) Spare Rudder Spare Dagger Boards Satellite Systems, some Media Hardware, Wireless Cams, etc. Loads of sails Spares for winches, rigging, deck hardware Carbon spares Sail bags Covers Detail given in good faith with no guarantee nor warrant for accuracy or conditions. A Buyer should instruct his surveyor to investigate such details as he desires validated. This is NOT a contractual document....Read full description
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
GREEN DRAGON is the most perfect Volvo 70 Class boat to combine serious racing, race charter, cruising and conversion project. There are several features making her preferable to other Volvo 70s, such as: · contemporary Carbon C6 Rigging not having any expiry date like Kevlar or PBO · large spare rigging inventory · engine Saildrive transmission fitted (reliable and safe - no further hassle with retractable shaft) · no hydraulics for trimming · extremely weel built hull, no structural problems during the Volvo Ocean Race and since · very little use and almost no serious racing after the Volvo Ocean Race · thanks to her interior layout and original structure, she is very well suited for an interior conversion project General Builder: MC CONAGHYS Naval architect: REICHEL PUGH Type: VOLVO 70 Year: 2007 some new interior accommodation in 2015/2016 Flag: Austria Displacement: 14.50 tons Construction hull: Carbon composite superstructure: Carbon composite deck: Carbon composite Keel: canting keel with hydraulic rams Dagger boards: 2 (+ 2 spares) Engines 75 HP VOLVO PENTA D2-75 - approx. 1,600h (March 2016) VOLVO PENTA Saildrive 150S transmission 3 blades VOLVO PENTA folding propeller Generator VOLVO PENTA D1-30 Electrics Batteries Service Batteries 14 x Optima YT S 4,2 55Ah (new in 2016) Start Battery 2 x 12V (new in Oct 2015) Tankage Fuel: 350 L plastic main tank 130 L spare plastic tank Electronics B&G WTP 2 B&G 5 x 20/20 Mast Displays, 8x MFD-Displays sounder B&G Autopilot/Smart Pilot S3G 1 x ST7002 + 2 x ST6001 controllers + Type 2 linear drive AIS Class A: AIS Transonder with own GPS Antenna Comar CSB200 computer: Beta Version of Transas Tsunamis 99 Program with world wide maps on Board PC LAN network Netgear Serial server Moxa nPort 4 channels NMEA WiFi Comar NMEA-to-WiFi NMEA Buffer 2 units of SB1324 Fleet 500 (powers up, ready to work but without SIM Card). Satcom C (condition unknown) VHF radio: Silva S15 DSC (= Nexus NX2500) VHF/FM Antenna Splitter NAVICO Emergency VHF Antenna NAVTEX receiver Nexus NX2600 (display on VHF and/or PC) NAVTEX / VHF Silva S15 (= Nexus NX2500) NASA Meteoman Barograph GPS: FURUNO GP-90 (Furuno GP-31 in spare) RAYMARINE Raystar 130 SeaTalk / NMEA Plotter Raymarine E80 Raymarine 2kW Colour radar Epirb DECK AND COCKPIT HARKEN winches (all Carbon Series): 2 x Primary 1 Main 2 Runner 3 Halyard 2 Traveller 3 pedestals Various blocks, clutches, jammers, etc. Complete set of ropes (sheets, tack Lines, halyards, runner tails, spares, etc.) Dagger Boards: 2 fitted + 2 in spare Electric anchor windlass (new on board but not fitted yet) Bow roller for anchor (new on board but not fitted yet) Anchors: 30 kg stainless BRUCE anchor 2nd FORTRESS aluminium anchor Anchor lines: Wrap approx. 60 m Anchor Lead Rope 50m (new) ACCOMMODATION Salon with 2 upholstered benches (retractable for serious racing) 2 removable tables L-shaped Galley with 2 sinks (retractable for serious racing) One burner cocker with canting system (additional spare cocker) 2 refrigerators Electric head Electric fresh water pump Aft ballast tank of approx. 1,000 L, can used as fresh water tank TV HD LCD, connected to board PC Media Box Maxell Board- PC Mini ITX Hercules Monitor Domestic equipment (Nespresso Coffe machine, Water Heater, Toaster, etc. Galley fitted with cutlery, pots, pans, etc. Rigging SOUTHERN SPARS carbon mast: · 31 m of height · completely rebuilt in July 2015 · Hydraulic Jack System (electric pump) SOUTHERN SPARS carbon boom Carbon bowsprit Standing rigging: SOUTHERN SPARS Running rigging: SPECTRA Furlers: HARKEN & KARVER SOUTHERN SPARS C6 rigging with Titanium fittings Spare rigging (same as above) SOUTHERN SPARS C6 forestay with Titanium fittings Spare forestay (same as above) SOUTHERN SPARS C6 runners with Titanium fittings, each 1 pair Top, Frac, upper Checkstay Spare Runners (same as above, TBC weather set is complete) Luff cables for MH Code-0, FRO, J4, SJ Various Spare Luff cables Furlers: · 1 x KARVER racing, · 1 x HARKEN Sails Numerous sets of sails Sail area *upwind: 375 m² *downwind: 675 m² Main sail max.: 175m² Code-0 max.: 350m² Genoa 1 max. 200m² Gennaker max.: 500m² Sails inventory Racing set Code type of sail material hoisting type condition MN-A main 3Di cars on track excellent MH0 masthead Code 0 3Di furled very good FRO fractional Code 0 3Di furled excellent G1 Genoa 1 3DL hanks on forestay very good G2 Genoa 2 3Di hanks on forestay excellent G4 Genoa 4 3Di furled excellent G5 Genoa 5 3DL hanks on J5 stay very good SJ Storm Jib Spectra hanks on J5 stay good TS Trysail Spectra cars on track dood A1 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A2 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A3 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled very good A4 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A9 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled excellent Training, cruising, delivery, spare MN-2 main 3Di cars on tack good MH0 masthead Code 0 3DL furled fair FRO fractional Code 0 3DL furled good G1 Genoa 1 3DL hanks on forestay good G4 Genoa 4 3Di furled fair SJ Storm Jib Spectra hanks on J5 stay good TS Trysail Spectra cars on track good A3 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled very good Further there are many additional unchecked sails in various conditions partly like new. ELECTRICITY VOLVO PENTA D1-30 Auxiliary Engine Service Batteries 14 x Optima YT S 4,2 55Ah (new in 2016) Start Battery 2 x 12V (new in Oct 2015) Additional 24V/140A Alternator on Main Engine with Balmar Charger Controller Sinus Inverter 2kW Charger 24V 30A Sterling Power Monitoring Systems for Batteries SAFETY AND SECURITY 2 Life Rafts 16 persons each (serviced in October 2015, next service in October 2018) 20 Life Jackets with lifelines (new in 2015) 2 Jon buoys (serviced in Jan 2016), one of them includes AIS Jackstays (new) 2 Floating Flash lights EPIRB (new) Flares (Parachute, Hand Flares, Orange Smoke Pots) Anchor Ball Motor Cone 2 Fog Horns plus Spare Can 3 Fire Extinguishers (new) Fire Blanket Search light Emergency Nav. Lights MISCELLANEAOUS EQUIPMENT Boarding ladder (telescopic, new on board but not fitted yet) Rope bags (original ones repaired + a completely new set made Jan 2016 to be fitted) Covers for pedestal and winches (new in Jan 2016) Boom cover (new in Jan 2016) Hardware and Tools: Bag with deck equipment (soft shackles, loops, blocks, etc.) Toolbox with var. hand tools for hardware jobs Toolbox with var. hand tools and bits & pieces for electric jobs Toolbox with var. hand tools and bits & pieces for electronic jobs Toolbox with var. bits & pieces for plumbing jobs Box with var. electric tools (drill, lamp, hot air gun) and cables & spares Box with var. bits & spares for rigging jobs Box with var. hardware bits & spares, tapes, sealants Box with var. lubricants, cleaners, etc. Box with var. thinners, paints and tools for paintjobs Several Diesel 20 litres Canister Boathook Bowman Chair Climbing Harness Container (located in Galway, Ireland): Boat Cradle (dismounted) Spare Rudder Spare Dagger Boards Satellite Systems, some Media Hardware, Wireless Cams, etc. Loads of sails Spares for winches, rigging, deck hardware Carbon spares Sail bags Covers Detail given in good faith with no guarantee nor warrant for accuracy or conditions. A Buyer should instruct his surveyor to investigate such details as he desires validated. This is NOT a contractual document.
Vista prodotto
Note: This item comes with plug, please confirm the voltage of your area before purchasing. ^#^^#^Description^#^^#^You will receive a intelligent pulse repair charger with manual for 12V/24V general motorcycle or car. Good quality and long-serving life to meet your daily needs. Made of premium material, it is durable, strong and practical with long service life.^#^^#^Features^#^^#^-Color: Red.^#^-Material: ABS, copper, rubber.^#^-Size: About.80X9.50X6.20cm/6.21X3.73X2.44in.^#^-Length of output line: 65cm.^#^-Input voltage: AC: 110-220V 50-60HZ.^#^-Input line length: 90 cm.^#^-Input power: 180W.^#^-Output voltage: 12V-15 5V/24V-31V (-15¡æ~45¡æ voltage automatic compensation).^#^-Recharging current: 12V10A/24V5A.^#^-Note: lithium battery disabled.^#^-EU: 220V.^#^- This intelligent battery charger is designed for all types 12V/24V batteries or any common automotive.^#^- Compatible with all types of vehicles, charges and maintains, electric vehicles agricultural vehicles, and more.^#^- One key to repair, activate battery, pulse repair function can help to repair your loss battery and extend battery life.^#^- Automatically adjust the charging voltage, easy to deal with a variety of harsh voltage environments. ^#^- This car battery charger ensure the adaptive charging process, with maximum safety.^#^^#^1 x battery charging repairer ^#^1 x manual^#^1 x packing box
18,12 €
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Audi A6 Avant 40 2.0 tdi mhev Business Design  Auto in perfette condizioni esterne ed interne Mai incidentata, non fumatore Equipaggiamento del veicolo: Mild-Hybrid Serbatoio carburante maggiorato Terminali di scarico Zone climatiche standard Volante sportivo in pelle multifunzionale e pulsanti a slitta Audi drive select Isofix Sedili anteriori a regolazione elettrica con funzione memory Riscaldamento dei sedili anteriori Portellone elettrico Parabrezza in vetro atermico Chiave comfort con sbloccaggio del bagagliaio gestito mediante sensori Pacchetto cromo Spoiler posteriore Bracciolo centrale comfort Assistente alla guida adattivo con emergency assist Audi pre sense front Specchietti esterni regol riscald. e ripiegabili elettr. con funzione memory Limitatore di velocita' Riscaldamento aria supplementare elettrico sistema di localizzazione antifurto audi connect Listelli con inserti in alluminio Supporto lombare a 4 vie Inserti decorativi in radica di betulla grigio agata Sistema di navigazione MMI plus Audi pre sense basic Sistema di controllo per il parcheggio plus Regolazione automatica degli abbaglianti Fari a led Fanali di coda a led Sistema regolazione automatica velocita' con limitarore velocita', assistente di efficienza, di elusione ostacoli e di svolta Climatizzatore comfort 4 zone Sistema key&less Tergicristallo adattivo con ugelli spruzzatore Audi virtual cockpit plus Audi sound system Audi phone box Cerchi in alluminio a design 10 razze dinamico Supporto LTE per audi phone box Sistema di navigazione MMI Plus con MMI touch response Retrocamera Pacchetto assistenza tour Pacchetto business CONSEGNA A DOMICILIO IN TUTTA ITALIA Hai delle particolari esigenze successive alla firma del contratto? Car for Life segue i suoi clienti in tutto il percorso di acquisto dell'auto. In particolare ci occupiamo anche di effettuare la consegna della tua nuova vettura a domicilio. Ci occuperemo di far recuperare la tua auto davanti a casa tua. Tu dovrai soltanto metterti alla guida e goderti la tua nuova auto, noi penseremo a tutto il resto. Car For Life via Niccolò Tommaseo, 98 Padova, 35131 www.carforlife.it
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Price: negotiable, Condition: well maintained, Flag: Germany, Propulsion: shaft drive, Previous owners: 1, Water tank: 1600 ltr, Black water tank: 200 ltr Equipment 2nd refrigerator, extractor hood, glass ceramic cook top, sink, dishwasher, barbecue, icemaker, washing machine, dryer, watermaker, coffee maker, dishes, harbour handbooks, rudder angle indicator, rev indicator, Intercom, on-board phone, sea charts, toilet vacuum, owner cabin, aft cabin, bow cabin, salon, steering position inside, steering position on flybridge, entrance: side entrance, entrance: rear entrance, bilge alarm, fire extinguisher system, life ring, life jackets, generator (Fischer Panda), shore supply 220V, main circuit breaker, VCR, radio, cockpit speakers, sat. antenna auto search, satellite system, twin control, anchor chain, second anchor, anchor box, camper canvas, window cover, suncushion, pressurized water system, warm water system, bathing platform integrated, transom door to bathing platform, guard rail, teak deck, trim indicator, wetbar, cockpit table, bathing ladder, 220V plugs, underwater paint, manuals, holding tank, engine battery, anchor windlass bow electric, windscreen wiper w. washer, search light remote controlled, bathing platform, boat crane, gangway electric, cushion cover textile, radar arch, stern shower warm/could, dinghy with motor (3,20m Rib mit 40 PS 4Takt Außenborder), flat screen, satellite TV
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Condition: very good, Flag: Netherlands, Propulsion: surface drive, Previous owners: 1, Water tank: 900 ltr, Black water tank: 310 ltr Equipment air conditioning (Condaria in allen Kabinen und Salon), 2nd refrigerator, sink, washing machine (mit Trockner 5kg), watermaker (Idromar 130L/h), plotter with GPS (Raymarine Neu in 2015), radar (Raymarine Neu in 2015), harbour handbooks, rudder angle indicator, rev indicator, sea charts, toilet electric, separate crew cabine, owner cabin, guest cabin, bow cabin, salon, life raft (2 Stück a 8 Personen), bilge alarm, fire extinguisher system, life jackets, flags, distress signals, generator (Kohler 20KW und Fischer Panda 8000PMS beide in 20/21 komplett überholt), inverter (1500W), shore supply 220V, main circuit breaker, VCR, radio, cockpit speakers, sat. antenna auto search (NT 65), single control, thruster - stern thruster (10Hp), anchor chain, anchor box, window cover, suncushion, pressurized water system, warm water system, bathing platform integrated, transom door to bathing platform, teak deck (im Cokpit und Gangbord), wetbar, bathing ladder, under water light, 220V plugs, window frames stainless, manuals, holding tank (310L), engine battery, anchor windlass bow electric, windscreen wiper w. washer, bathing platform, gangway electric, cushion cover leather, trim tabs hydraulic, radar arch, stern shower warm/could, dinghy with motor (2,70m Aermarine mit 20Hp Honda), flat screen (in allen Kabinen und Salon)
Vista prodotto
Product parameters^#^Waxer car wax^#^Material: ABS / PC / Sponge^#^Size: 110 * 10 * 92mm^#^Color: Dark green / black^#^Car wax^#^Car wax composition:^#^Cetearyl alcohol, stearic acid, mineral oil, carcassone, essence, toning cream oil^#^Status: emulsion-like^#^Capacity: 100ml^#^Shelf life: 5 years^#^^#^Selling point introduction:^#^1. Apply for quick waxing while pressing^#^Press out the wax and gently press down on the top of the wax box. Easy to grip and wax evenly.^#^2. Scratches and flaws, need to be repaired once applied^#^It can not only brighten car paint, but also repair scratches and remove stains on the surface of the car. It is easy to use and will not damage the car paint.^#^3. Easy to hold, easy to wax^#^The handle and wax storage box combine rounded corners for easy gripping.^#^4. High-quality liquid wax does not hurt the car paint^#^Circular waxing is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it is easy to leave wax chips. It waxes quickly without residue, saving time and effort^#^5. Accurate capacity ratio, use for half a year^#^Experts recommend waxing the car every three months. One can of car wax can be used for car wax twice.^#^^#^Notes:^#^1. 1 inch = 2.54 cm^#^2. Please measure by yourself to select the appropriate size.^#^3. Due to the differences between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the project. Thank you!
14,51 €
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[product name]: vehicle mounted air pump product size]: About12*6.5*16cm[product material]:ABS[product weight]: gross weight (about)0.7kg[power line length]: About285Cm [product packaging]: color box packaging color box size170*80*155mm[MAXAir pressure]:150psi[rated voltage]:DC12(V)[MAXCurrent: less than10A[inflation time]:5-8min[inflation flow rate]:35L/min,[product features]:1This machine is suitable for12VAutomobile tire,2Also suitable for motorcycles, bicycles, ball games, rubber boats, beach floating beds, inflatable toys, etc.3When you go to work on the highway, in the field or in the morning, if the tire leaks suddenly or the tire is injected, it can be used as first aid.4The correct tire pressure can ensure driving safety and save gasoline. It can be used with the car in case of emergency.5It is equipped with a complete set of inflation nozzles, which can be used to inflate tires, rubber boats, air cushions, inflatable toys, balls and other purposes. [instructions for use]:1Insert the air nozzle on the rubber pipe head directly into the tire valve. When the sound of air leakage from the tire is heard, it indicates that the air is in circulation. Continue to tighten the air nozzle, and the air will no longer leak out.2, insertDC12VIn the cigarette lighter3When inflation occurs, the indicator of the meter rises with the saturation degree of the tire. When the pointer reaches the appropriate tire pressure (the tire pressure of general passenger car tire is 0223kpa=35PSI)Take out the plug and air nozzle to complete the work.4Please use the professional ball needle and plastic nozzle equipped with the machine to connect with the air nozzle to inflate the ball and other air equipment. [precautions]:1It is not allowed to inflate the tires of large and overweight vehicles, such as trucks, trucks, container trucks, etc;2When using, please start the car engine to enhance the power without consuming the battery power;3This machine is limited to DC(DC12V)Power supply, do not use household high voltage AC(AC220V)Power supply;4When inflating, please work continuously10Shut down in minutes10Minutes of cooling to prevent damage to the air pump and accessories, and to extend the life of the motor. When the rubber boat is inflated, it can work continuously30minute;5When the general tire is inflated, it is about3-5Minutes away30PSIIf the tire pressure is normal, the large tire will take a longer time; for example, when the inflation starts, the pointer of the meter will quickly rise to50-100PSI, it means that the air is blocked and the air does not enter the tire. At this time, it is necessary to pull off the air nozzle connector immediately and operate again, otherwise the motor and instrument are easy to be damaged.6When using, do not leave the body, pay attention to the tire pressure at any time, and do not be too saturated;7After the machine is used, the air mouth wrench must be straightened to avoid the rubber elasticity fatigue inside;8If the air pump doesn't start, please open the plug to check and replace it10A);9The machine should be protected from dampness, heavy fall and sand and mud invasion, so as to avoid children's playing with it to avoid damage;10The pressure required for each tire is different. Please refer to the label on the side of the tire or ask the manufacturer
21,78 €
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Brescia (Lombardia)
[rif. 13022998] moto rifatta completamente vite su vite, perfetta in tutto, era la versione r con canotto di sterzo regolabile e ammortizzatori ohlins (sterzo e mono), velocissima.  ecco alcuni dei lavori e componenti utilizzati_ sabbiatura completa e riverniciatura totale / anodizzazioni varie / vaschette rizoma / marmitta racing artigianale in fase di omologazione/ vari pezzi al cnc / dado corona rosso / dado ruota / tappo olio/ cover ispezione / kit molle /kit piattelli / impianto elettrico ripristinato / ripristino ammortizzatori / supporto targa posteriore a traliccio / tagliando in ducati appena effettuato dimostrabile con fattura / gomma ant gomma posteriore racing / dispositivo cnc sx / clakson tubi freno rifatti / filtro olio / frecce ant / frecce post / batteria al litio con controlle e cariuca batterie / accensione a blocchetto / motogadget pro box motogarget / filtro benzina / fili e guaine + manicotti in silicone / resistenze per frecce / cornice targa + catadiotro e luce / olio freni / manopole / sella in neoprene / serba 749 con modifica / tappo 749 in ergal racing / spercchietti and bar / coperchio frizione aperto / kit did / pastiglie racing / anodizzazione foderi e piastre / piastra porta numero codino fatto a mano in metallo / spingidisco  la moto a zero chilometri ed e' stata fatta su commissione. seconda classificata in due eventi nell'anno 2019 sport modified e italian style. pubblicata su biker life ottobre 2019 bontempi moto show room con 200 occasioni selezionate e garantite i nostri servizi esclusivi: - acquistiamo per contanti moto e scooter - permuta tra auto e moto - contovendita gratuito del vostro usato - finanziamenti personalizzati - consegna in tutta italia i nostri orari: 9.00 - 12.30  /  14.30 - 19.00 - lunedì mattina chiuso - domenica chiuso venite a trovarci a concesio (bs) 25062, via della stella, 114 ufficio vendite: 030/2753052 fax:030/2750668 contatto diretto: 328/3266657 (davide) www.bontempimoto.it - info@bontempimoto.it facebook.com/bontempimoto.it - instagram attenzione: per correttezza si fa presente che involontariamente possono esserci errori di corrige (accessori, colore, dati tecnici), nel dubbio chiedere conferma.
7.500 €
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Concesio (Lombardia)
7,5 €
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Description^#^Brand New & High quality.^#^Long Lasting, Up to 100000+ hours life time^#^Specifications:^#^Wattage:2.16W^#^Beam angle:360¡ã^#^Lumen: 240LM^#^Color temperature:White^#^Voltage: DC12V^#^LED Quantity: 12 LEDs per bulb^#^Function: Indicator or Side light^#^Working temperature:-40-+75 degree^#^Direct Plug In Replacement - no tools needed^#^Much safer, prevent the rear-end collision danger^#^Energy-Saving, Low temperature^#^Compatibility:^#^T10 168 194 W5W 147 152 158 159 161 184 192 193 259 280 285 447 464 555 558 585 655 656 657 1250 1251 1252 2450 2652 2921 2825 W16W 921 912^#^Application:^#^Side Parking Light, Interior Light, Dome light, Map light, Door light, Cargo/Trunk light, Glove Box light, License Plate light ect., Turn Signal Light, Corner Light, Side Marker Light, Tail Light, and Backup Lights, ect.^#^Package includes:10X T10 LED Lights
3,80 €
Vista prodotto
BM420 Battery tester Specification:^#^Color: Gray^#^Voltage Range: 4V-12V^#^Material: ABS industrial material^#^Product Size: 4.7 inch*1.9 inch*0.7 inch^#^Display: Threeoolor LED light display^#^Weight: About 100g^#^^#^How to use BM310 12V Digital Car Battery Tester ?^#^Connect the test clips to battery positive and negative position, check the LED display to^#^know the car battery condition.^#^^#^Main Functions:^#^1. Checking charge level^#^2. Functional test of dymano^#^3. Checking battery starting capability^#^4. Battery overload display^#^^#^Description£º^#^1.Accurate data for Early warning: Using Pure copper wire and clip which is good conductivity(accuracy reaches 0.1V) can accurately read the battery voltage,even if your car has not shown it, it can give you an early warning.^#^2.Reverse protection function: Misoperation will not lead to burnout of the product, the same product on the market does not have this function.It helps to extend product life and protect car batteries^#^3.Alternator check+ Battery Mate: Alternator check accelerate your engine to 2000 rpm when the green light is lit,charging circuit is ok. Battery Mate for 12V Car battery health condition checking with 6 LEDs display indicates condition^#^4.Multi-language: Multi-language User Manual: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Slovak, Czech, Russian^#^^#^Packing List:^#^Color Box *1^#^User Manual *1^#^Main Unit*1^#^Testing Clips*1^#^^#^Notes:^#^1. 1 inch = 2.54 cm^#^2. Please measure it yourself to choose the right size.^#^3. Due to the difference between the different displays, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you!
11,42 €
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Specifications:^#^Mobile phones, tobaccos, etc, could be put into the pillar pocket.^#^Simple and easy design to facilitate your use.^#^Fashion and good-looking.^#^A good helper of your driving life.^#^Non-toxic, odorless, reasonable design with good safety performance.^#^^#^Type: Car Pillar Organizer Box^#^Quantity: 2 Pcs^#^Material: Plastic^#^Installation Way: Adhesive Tape^#^Features: Easy Installation, Durable, Solid Color^#^Size: 65mm x 35mm x 90mm/2.56" x 1.38" x 3.54" (Approx.)^#^^#^Notes:^#^Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures.^#^Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement.^#^^#^Package Includes:^#^2 x Car Pillar Organizer Boxes
4,53 €
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Item Feature:^#^100% brand new and high quality.^#^Super bright white, long lasting life^#^Built-in CANBUS and Heatsink^#^Low Power Consumption and Low Temperature^#^Easy to install, Direct replacement, no wiring needed^#^Cross Reference: W5W 194 192 158 168 921 2825 147 152 159 161 184 193 259 280 285 447 464 501 555 558 585 655 656^#^657 1250 1251 1252 2450 2652 2921504 2821 12256 12961 M158 M155^#^^#^Application: Interior Light, Dome light, Map light, Door light, Cargo/Trunk light, Glove Box light, License Plate^#^light etc. Side, Parking, Position, Eyelid Light, etc.^#^^#^Specification:^#^Voltage: DC 12V^#^Shell color: Silver^#^LED Color: HID White (6000K-6500K)^#^LED Type: 5630 SMD, 10 SMD in toal.^#^Size (L*D): 3.5 x 1.2cm/1.37x0.47inch(approx)^#^^#^Package include:^#^2 X 5630 SMD T10 canbus light
1,79 €
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Specifications:^#^ SMD 5630 LED + COB projector, super bright, low heat.^#^ Easy to Install, suitable for T10 socket, long service life time. ^#^ There is a convex lens on top, with the function of focusing lights.^#^ Low temperature, low power consumption.^#^ Many light applications for your vehicle: interior light, dome light, map light, door light, cargo/trunk light, glove box light, license plate light, etc.^#^ ^#^ Type: Car Light^#^ Quantity: 2Pcs^#^ Shell Material: ABS^#^ Socket Type: T10^#^ Light Color: White^#^ Voltage: 12V DC^#^ Power: 3W^#^ Lifespan: About 50000 Hours^#^ Length: 3cm/1.18" (Approx.)^#^ ^#^ Notes:^#^ Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures.^#^ Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement.^#^ ^#^ Package Includes:^#^ 2 x Car Lights
2,83 €
Vista prodotto
BM310 Battery tester Specification:^#^Color: Gray^#^Test Method: Positive and negative test clips^#^Voltage Range: 4V-12V^#^Material: ABS industrial material^#^Product Size: 4.7 inch*1.9 inch*0.7 inch^#^Display: Threeoolor LED light display^#^Weight: About 100g^#^^#^BM310:^#^Testing Clips^#^Used to clip on the car battery,Red clip to positive,Black clip to negative.^#^^#^How to use BM310 12V Digital Car Battery Tester ?^#^Connect the test clips to battery positive and negative position, check the LED display to^#^know the car battery condition.^#^^#^Main Functions:^#^1. Checking charge level^#^2. Functional test of dymano^#^3. Checking battery starting capability^#^4. Battery overload display^#^^#^Description£º^#^1.Accurate data for Early warning: Using Pure copper wire and clip which is good conductivity(accuracy reaches 0.1V) can accurately read the battery voltage,even if your car has not shown it, it can give you an early warning.^#^2.Reverse protection function: Misoperation will not lead to burnout of the product, the same product on the market does not have this function.It helps to extend product life and protect car batteries^#^3.Alternator check+ Battery Mate: Alternator check accelerate your engine to 2000 rpm when the green light is lit,charging circuit is ok. Battery Mate for 12V Car battery health condition checking with 6 LEDs display indicates condition^#^4.Multi-language: Multi-language User Manual: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Slovak, Czech, Russian^#^^#^Packing List:^#^Color Box *1^#^User Manual *1^#^Main Unit*1^#^Testing Clips*1^#^^#^Notes:^#^1. 1 inch = 2.54 cm^#^2. Please measure it yourself to choose the right size.^#^3. Due to the difference between the different displays, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you!
6,15 €
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