Capannone trifamiliare be
Elenco delle migliori vendite capannone trifamiliare be

Carrara (Toscana)
Carrara Località Torano...! ! ! ! Vendesi Opificio ex… Carrara Località Torano...! ! ! ! Vendesi Opificio ex labortorio marmi su lotto di 1500 mq composto da quattro capannoni per un totale di superficie coperta di circa 570 mq di cui edificio in muratura per produzione di circa 118 mq, capannone diviso in parte uffici 48 mq, e parte deposito con bagni e docce per operai di 60 mq, capannone con copertura a pannelli termoisolanti di 195 mq, capannone per lavorazione di 175 mq, oltre tettoia per carico e scarico di materiali di 75 mq. Terreno uso piazzale e deposito di 890 mq. Dotato di cabina elettrica prefabbricata per la Alimentazione del complesso e impianto di depurazione dell'acqua. Disponibili macchinari in linea per modul marmo!!! N.B. Alcuni dati descrittivi dell'immobile, potrebbero essere solo approssimativi, (esempio: spese riscaldamento, indirizzo preciso, spese condominiali, e metri delle superfici..) e pertanto verranno forniti in modo completo telefonicamente oppure in fase di appuntamento Grazie. Immobile gestito in esclusiva da Fondocasa GardaeVersilia Carrara Location Torano...! ! ! ! Factory for sale former marble workshop on a plot of 1500 sq m consisting of four sheds for a total covered area of about 570 sq m of which masonry building for production of about 118 sq m, shed divided into part offices 48 sq m, and part storage with bathrooms and showers for workers of 60 m2, shed with heat-insulating panel covering of 195 m2, processing shed of 175 m2, plus a shed for loading and unloading materials of 75 m2. Land for yard use and storage of 890 sq m. Equipped with a prefabricated electrical substation for supplying the complex and a water purification plant. Machinery available in line for marble modul!!! NB Some descriptive data of the property could only be approximate, (for example: heating costs, precise address, condominium expenses, and surface meters..) and therefore will be provided in full by telephone or during an appointment. Thank you. Property managed exclusively by Fondocasa Garda e Versilia Emplacement de Carrare Torano...! ! ! ! Usine à vendre ancien atelier de marbrerie sur un terrain de 1500 m² composé de quatre hangars pour une surface totale couverte d'environ 570 m² dont b'timent en maçonnerie pour production d'environ 118 m², hangar divisé en partie bureaux 48 m², et partie stockage avec sanitaires et douches ouvriers de 60 m2, hangar avec revêtement en panneaux calorifuges de 195 m2, hangar de traitement de 175 m2, plus un hangar de chargement et déchargement des matériaux de 75 m2. Terrain à usage de cour et de stockage de 890 m². ??quipé d'une sous-station électrique préfabriquée pour l'alimentation du complexe et d'une station d'épuration des eaux. Machines disponibles en ligne pour module marbre!!! NB Certaines données descriptives du bien ne pourront être qu'approximatives, (par exemple: charges de chauffage, adresse précise, charges de copropriété, et mètres de surface..) et seront donc fournies en intégralité par téléphone ou lors d'un rendez-vous. Propriété gérée exclusivement par Fondocasa Garda e Versilia Carrara Ort Torano...! ! ! ! Fabrik zu verkaufen ehemalige Marmorwerkstatt auf einem Grundstück von 1500 qm bestehend aus vier Schuppen mit einer überdachten Gesamtfläche von ca. 570 qm davon Mauerwerksgebäude für die Produktion von ca. 118 qm, Schuppen unterteilt in Büroteile 48 qm, und Teilelager mit Bädern und Duschen für Arbeiter von 60 m2, Halle mit Wärmedämmplattenverkleidung von 195 m2, Bearbeitungshalle von 175 m2, plus eine Halle zum Be- und Entladen von Materialien von 75 m2. Land für Hofnutzung und Lagerung von 890 qm. Ausgestattet mit einer vorgefertigten Umspannstation zur Versorgung des Komplexes und einer Wasseraufbereitungsanlage. Maschinen verfügbar für Marmormodul!!! NB Einige beschreibende Daten der Immobilie können nur ungefähr sein (z. B. Heizkosten, genaue Adresse, Kosten für Eigentumswohnungen und Flächenmeter...) und werden daher vollständig telefonisch oder während eines Termins mitgeteilt. Exklusiv von Fondocasa Garda e Versilia verwaltetes Anwesen Classe energetica: N/D. Condizioni immobile: Buone Dimensione: 570 mq Inserzionista: Massa
390.000 €
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Carrara (Toscana)
Marina di Carrara- Avenza vicinissimo al litorale e all… Marina di Carrara- Avenza vicinissimo al litorale e all Autostrata A.A.Affittasi capannone uso artigianale di circa 150 mq con piazzale h 3,30. Gia Libero. N.B. Alcuni dati descrittivi dell'immobile, potrebbero essere solo approssimativi, (esempio: spese riscaldamento, indirizzo preciso, spese condominiali, e metri delle superfici..) e pertanto verranno forniti in modo completo telefonicamente oppure in fase di appuntamento Grazie. Per informazioni ed appuntamenti tel 3493535763 Agenzia CHEAFFITTI Massa Via Pisa 22 email: ****@****.** (utilizza il modulo di contatto per inviare email) Marina di Carrara - Avenza very close to the coast and to the Autostrata AA Free already. NB Some descriptive data of the property, could be only approximate, (example: heating costs, precise address, condominium expenses, and meters of surfaces..) and therefore will be provided in full by telephone or during the appointment. Thank you. For information and appointments tel 3493535763 CHEAFFITTI agency Massa Via Pisa 22 email: ****@****.** (utilizza il modulo di contatto per inviare email) Marina di Carrara - Avenza ganz in der Nähe der Küste und der Autostrata AA Schon frei. NB Einige beschreibende Daten der Immobilie können nur ungefähr sein (Beispiel: Heizkosten, genaue Adresse, Kosten für Eigentumswohnungen und Meter der Fläche...) und werden daher vollständig telefonisch oder während des Termins mitgeteilt. Vielen Dank. Für Informationen und Termine Tel. 3493535763 Agentur CHEAFFITTI Massa Via Pisa 22 E-Mail: ****@****.** (utilizza il modulo di contatto per inviare email) Classe energetica: N/D. Condizioni immobile: Buone Dimensione: 150 mq Inserzionista: CasaStabile 2018 SRLS
1.300 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
Real estate portions, forming part of a larger industrial complex located in the Municipality of Parabiago, Via Sempione, described as follows:- Shed sub on the ground floor consisting of a large room as well as ancillary rooms and services;- Shed sub on the ground floor consisting of a large room as well as ancillary rooms and services;- Electric substation sub located on the ground floor consisting of a single compartment.The presence of asbestos on the roof should be noted.Energy class: "F"Developed area: 3.037 square meters;Full ownership:D / 1 (CF): Sheet 1 - Particle 265 - Subordinate 501D / 7 (CF): Sheet 1 - Particle 265 - Subordinate 4 and 3Any discrepancies hindering the transfer will be regularized by the property.The price is to be understood excluding VAT (typically a rate equal to 22%). The property becomes available for the application of the VAT reverse charge. Superficie: 3037 mq Agenzia: NEPRIX S.r.l. Telefono: 0289741561
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Brescia (Lombardia)
COSA SAPERE DELL'IMMOBILEProponiamo esclusivamente in locazione un capannone di circa 330 metri quadrati inserito al piano terra di un complesso artigianale.DESCRIZIONE E PARTICOLARITA’Il capannone proposto in locazione dispone di una superficie artigianale di circa 330 metri quadrati che si sviluppa lungo un unico livello al piano terra. Internamente troviamo un ambiente open space, interrotto solo da un pilastro portante, avente un’altezza di circa 5 metri, mentre l’accesso è consentito tramite un portone alto 4 metri circa. Il capannone è dotato di impianto elettrico ed impianto di illuminazione. E’ presente inoltre un servizio igienico.UBICAZIONE E CONTESTOLa costruzione sorge nella zona Ovest del paese. E' situata in un contesto tranquillo, non isolato, facilmente raggiungibile da ogni direzione dalla quale si provenga. Dista poche centinaia di metri dalla strada provinciale che collega ai centri di Chiari ed Orzinuovi e solo sei chilometri dall'ingresso del casello autostradale di Chiari Ovest della Bre.Be.Mi.
750 €
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Genova (Liguria)
Genova Vendita Capannone Altro SL IMMOBILIARE: Proponiamo, nella zona industriale di Genova Voltri, comodo all'uscita di Genova Prà, capannone industriale di ampia metratura, con soppalco. Al piano terreno è presente il capannone produttivo i servizi.
AL primo piano soppalcato sono presenti gli uffici, oltre ai servizi igienici.
L'ampia metratura del fabbricato permette di sfruttarlo per molte tipologie di attività produttive, oppure come esposizioni e vendita di prodotti. L'immobile presenta comunque in buono stato. SL REAL ESTATE: We offer, in the industrial area of Genoa Voltri, convenient to the Genova Prà exit, a large industrial warehouse with a mezzanine. On the ground floor there is the production shed and the services. On the first floor there are the offices, as well as the toilets. The large size of the building allows it to be exploited for many types of production activities, or as exhibitions and sales of products. The property is still in good condition. CLASSE ENERGETICA: G (DL 192 19/08/05) IPE: 265.28 kw/mc - Mq: 660 - Bagni: 2 - Zona: Voltri - Piano: Terra - Piani Edificio: 1 - Stato: Buono - Classe energetica: G - Consumo: 265,28 Kwh/m3 - SC8153044. Inserzionista: SL Immobiliare
356.000 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
For sale portion of shed with offices, thermal power plant and exclusive courtyard, located in Trezzano Sul Naviglio (MI), via Buonarroti 34-36-40-42. The assets are located in the semi-central area in an industrial area, the neighboring areas are located in a mixed artisan / industrial area; traffic in the area is local, parking is sufficient. There are also primary and secondary urbanization services.The property falls within the PGT-territorial governance plan, in the production area.The unit develops on the ground floor, and consists of an office area and outdoor area with storage and canopy as well as an electrical substation (a small part of the building has an easement in favor of a company as an electrical substation). The main entrance is located on via Buonarroti, with an automated sliding gate for the offices (civ. 34), while on via Galilei there is the driveway and pedestrian entrance which serves for the production area and also for the external area of ??the neighboring property. It should be noted that the part owned by third parties is represented in the cadastral plan with dashed lines.Driveway door with metal frame and doors (large to allow the entry of vehicles); aluminum or PVC windows with double glazing; in the office area the windows are in aluminum with double glazing and adjustable external sunshades. Floor in synthetic material (resin type), parquet in offices, tiled bathrooms. In the production area the ceiling has been lowered through a false ceiling and the panels are light in color.Installations: electrical; air heating and cooling system consisting of external units of different powers and sizes, with ceiling and split vents; hot water produced by electric boilers; intercoms near the entrances.Overall, the property is in a fairly good state of conservation and is free.It should be noted that the cadastral plan does not correspond to the current state of affairs, some areas have been modified and the external canopies have also been modified. By submitting an appropriate building practice, it is possible to regularize the discrepancies present (as better reported in the report on page 6).Commercial area: 1,997.90 sq.m.Office area: 309 sqmProduction: 1,215 sq.m.Deposits and services: 342.50 sqmElectric cabin: 47 sqmShed: 23.20 sq.m.External area: 1,162 sqmFull ownership of:Industrial building (CF): Sheet 6 - Particle 97 (stapled with 98-99) - Subaltern 702 - Cat D / 7Urban entities (CT): Sheet 6 - Particle 97-98-99 Superficie: 1998 mq Agenzia: NEPRIX S.r.l. Telefono: 0289741561
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Milano (Lombardia)
Real estate complex shed located in the Municipality of Trezzano Rosa (MI) in Via I Maggio n. 22 consisting of two buildings built in adherence. The first consists of an office building and the second of a shed for productive use. All divided as follows:• basement: fire-fighting tank;• ground floor: boiler room with silo, technical room, laboratory, garage, entrance, storage room, changing rooms,• maneuvering area, canopy;• first floor: two offices, meeting room, toilet, bathroom and closet;• second floor: three archives, two closets, bathroom.An external area completes the property.Energy class: "D"Commercial area 1689 sqmExternal area: 2,465 sqmFull ownership:D / 7 (CF): Sheet 1 - Particle 632 stapled Particle 646Any discrepancies hindering the transfer will be regularized by the property.The price is to be understood excluding VAT (typically a rate equal to 22%). The property becomes available for the application of the VAT reverse charge. Superficie: 2465 mq Agenzia: NEPRIX S.r.l. Telefono: 0289741561
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Milano (Lombardia)
The subject of this sale is a portion of an artisanal building located in Arluno MI, via Arturo Toscanini n. 17, The property is located in a peripheral area for industrial / handicraft use, easily reachable from the Arluno motorway exit. The shed is made up of a building on the ground floor that is spread over a footprint of approximately 675sqm. The property has two open sides, with a fenced courtyard, and part of the appurtenant area is outside the fence, and is for public use, including the roadway in via Toscanini. Internally it has a large room in which a small volume for office use made of plexiglass has been created. To make up for the lack of bathrooms, a mobile toilet module in insulated sheet metal was also positioned. The building was built in 1974 and has a roof made of asbestos-cement slabs. The electrical system is almost entirely removed and needs to be redone, exposed heating system in good condition featuring air heaters, fire-fighting system in need of overhaul. The property has some discrepancies as better clarified in the attached appraisal. Overall it is in a fairly good state of conservation.Energy class: G.Overall GFA area: 675mq,Total area of ??fenced lot: 1400sqm,Area of ??external relevance, for public use: 250sqmC / 3 (CF): Sheet 15 - Map 165 - Subaltern 702 stapled with map 736F / 1 (CF): Sheet 15 - Map 734The price is to be understood excluding VAT (typically a rate equal to 22%). The property becomes available for the application of the VAT reverse charge. Superficie: 675 mq Agenzia: NEPRIX S.r.l. Telefono: 0289741561
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Milano (Lombardia)
For sale in Abbiategrasso (MI) in Via Fra Pampuri n. 9-11 and 13-15., Two production buildings, built on two different plots of land adjacent to them.Mapp. 119: independent shed on four sides with attached low building. The internal distribution includes a production area, with adjoining accessory compartments such as: staff refectory, changing room with attached services and showers, storage room. Upstairs, accessible by internal staircase for office use, dining area, toilets, another internal staircase connecting with the production, two archive rooms. The low building located on the north side of the property is divided into seven rooms all for warehouse use, with an adjoining open canopy.Mapp. 183: independent shed on four sides. The internal distribution includes a production area, with adjoining accessory compartments such as: changing room with adjoining services and showers, and storage rooms. Upstairs, accessible by internal staircase for office use, dining area, toilets, another internal staircase ofconnection with the production, two archive rooms.Year of construction: 1973 renovation 2007Total commercial area: 3,674 square metersShed area sub 119: 1.889 sq.m.Shed area sub 183: 1749 sqmArea of ??relevance: 4,871 square metersProcessing area (h = 10 m),Storage area (h = 8 m)Full ownership:D / 1 (CF): Sheet 25 - Particle 119 and 183;F / 1 (CF): Sheet 25 - Particle 333, 335, 338;T (CT): Sheet 25 - Particle 84, 313, 296, 331, 301, 294 The price is to be understood excluding VAT (typically a rate equal to 22%). The property becomes available for the application of the VAT reverse charge.Any discrepancies hindering the transfer will be regularized by the property. Superficie: 3674 mq Agenzia: NEPRIX S.r.l. Telefono: 0289741561
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Cremona (Lombardia)
Vendo Capannone commerciale_artigianale in Vailate(Cr) PIP 2 con superficie di mq. 260,00 ed area esterna di mq. 101,00 classe energetica D, indice di prestazione energetica (IPE) 93,79 KWh_m2a, altezza sotto trave mt. 6,60, con ufficio interno, bagno di servizio, spogliatoio, completo di impianto elettrico, antifurto, videosorveglianza, in prossimità della Strada Rivoltana (SP 14) e collegamento a soli km 2 con infrastruttura autostrada A 35 Disponibilità immediata Trattativa riservata CLASSE ENERGETICA: D INDICE PRESTAZIONE ENERGETICA (IPE): 93,79 KWh_m2a
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Milano (Lombardia)
For sale in Cinisello Balsamo (MI), Via Giacomo Matteotti 66, an industrial complex characterized by offices, warehouses, deposits and showrooms. The property consists of 3 buildings. The first, which overlooks Via Matteotti, has a rectangular plan and is characterized by offices, showrooms (commercial spaces) and warehouses / deposits. The second body, also with a rectangular plan, is placed transversely with respect to the previous building and collects office spaces and warehouses inside; overlooks an internal road. The third body of the building also has a rectangular plan and is delimited to the north by the first building and on the remaining three sides by the external area constituted by the parking lots. Independent heating system with 2 wall-mounted boilers.The property is located in the peripheral area of ??the municipality about 2.4 km away from the city center, in a purely industrial fabric characterized by the presence of different small-medium size production and artisan realities. The closest motorway is the A4 Turin-Trieste, about 1.4 km awayEnergy class: "D"; "F"Commercial area: 1,798 sqmWarehouse area: 1,300 square metersStorage area: 89 sqmOffice area: 372 sq.m.Full ownership:D / 8 (CF): Sheet 45 - Parcel 2 - Subordinate 773 stapled Parcel 10 - Subordinate 738D / 8 (CF): Sheet 45 - Particle 2 - Subordinate 717The proportional share of co-ownership of the common areas of the entire building is included, in particular of the building used as a power plant of the complex registered in the Real Estate Registry of the Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo on sheet 45 map 2 subordinate 712.The price is to be understood excluding VAT (typically a rate equal to 22%). The property becomes available for the application of the VAT reverse charge. Superficie: 1798 mq Agenzia: NEPRIX S.r.l. Telefono: 0289741561
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Milano (Lombardia)
For sale in the Municipality of Cologno Monzese (MI) in via Francesco Ingegnoli at n. 39, industrial-type real estate complex, consisting of a warehouse, a laboratory, an office building and courtyard area. The office building consists of two floors above ground and one underground, on the mezzanine floor there are two rooms for office use with attached services, on the first floor there are three rooms for office use with an adjoining bathroom and a balcony, while on the there is a cellar in the basement. The laboratory consists of a large open space room with an adjoining boiler room and driveway gate. The deposit consists of an open space room. In the courtyard there is a large shed used as a material storage, a small toilet and a boiler room. The building is completed with an outdoor area used as a maneuvering and parking area.The property is located in the southwestern suburb of the municipality, near major roads, near the Mediaset and Radio Italia studios. Numerous free parking lots are nearby.The asset is sold in its current state of repair.Energy class: "G"Commercial area: 901 sq.m.Total gross area: 1,276 sq.m.Full ownership:D / 7 (CF): Sheet 36 - Parcel 119 - Subordinate 1, stapled Parcel 246 - Subordinate 1The price is to be understood excluding VAT (typically a rate equal to 22%). The property becomes available for the application of the VAT reverse charge. Superficie: 901 mq Agenzia: NEPRIX S.r.l. Telefono: 0289741561
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Imperia (Liguria)
Questo è il piano terra di una bellissima villa costruita negli anni '70; ci sono voluti quasi due anni di lavori per rinnovarla ad un livello molto alto. Tutto è nuovo, cosa rara da trovare! C'è un giardino su tre lati della casa, che offre un riparo confortevole dal caldo estivo sul lato est e ovest, pur conservando una splendida esposizione soleggiata con una splendida vista sul lato sud! Nel lato est del giardino c'è una zona barbecue coperta con forno a legna!! L'alloggio L'appartamento dispone di 150 mq di spazio interno, con una grande cucina aperta, sala da pranzo/salotto, con una terrazza coperta all'aperto di fronte al mare, perfetta per rilassarsi e divertirsi! È la soluzione ideale per due famiglie con quattro bambini in totale, che vogliano trascorrere le vacanze insieme, grazie alle due splendide camere da letto matrimoniali e alla grande camera per bambini con due letti a castello! Ci sono due bagni moderni con due docce, tre lavandini, un sacco di armadi e spazi di stoccaggio. Le due camere da letto matrimoniali sono dotate di aria condizionata (la camera da letto per bambini può essere facilmente raffreddata perché è posizionata tra quelle due). L'ampio salone dispone di due condizionatori indipendenti per il massimo comfort. This is the ground floor of a beautiful villa built in the 70s and all renovated to a very high standard. Evertyhing is new, which is rare to find! There's a garden on three sides of the house, providing comfortable shelter from the summer heat on the east and west side, while preserving a beautiful sunny exposure with great sea view on the south side! At the end of the east garden there's an indoor barbecue area with wood fired pizza oven!! L'alloggio The apartment has 150 sqmt of indoor space, with a great open space kitchen/dining room/lounge, with an outdoor covered terrace facing the sea, perfect for relaxing and entertaining! It's the Ideal solution for two families with four children in total, that want to holiday together, thanks to the lovely two double bedrooms and the great kids bedroom with two bunk beds! There are two modern bathrooms with two showers, three sinks, plenty of cupboard and storage spaces. The two double bedrooms are air conditioned (the kids bedroom can easily be cooled down as it's positioned in between those two). The large lounge has got two independent air conditioners for maximum confort. All the appliances, tvs, floors and windows are brand new, with almost invisible mosquito nets to allow exchange of air even in the evening in the summer without having to worry about bites! The "Green Bedroom can be arranged as a SuperKing or as a twin. Its generous floor space easily allows to deploy the "floor mattress" for a young child or a cot, (provided, brand new, with full mattress, pillow and bed linen, for an infant) Richiesta € 539.000,00
539.000 €
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Vicenza (Veneto)
INCREDIBLE SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE 16 MINUTES AWAY FROM EDERLE Two-story semi-detached house for rent at Lanzé di Quinto Vicentino (16 minutes by car from Ederle). It is located near the centre of this peaceful and quiet area The access of the house is through an automatic gate, the porch welcomes us immediately before the living room, on the left we can access to the eat-in kitchen, there is an anteroom with a wardrobe and a bathroom with shower on the ground floor, as well as a spacious laundry room that connects with the back yard and the spacious 2 car (if European size) garage. On the first floor, there are 3 wooden floor bedrooms, a terrace, and a second bathroom with a tub that can be closed and be transformed into the shower. Most of the rooms have ceiling fans and smoke detector alarm. There is 1 air conditioner on the ground floor and the landlord just added 1 air conditioning per bedroom. Very bright property has screens in all rooms, ADSL hook up and satellite dish connected for AFN. GREAT PROPERTY! Requested rent € 1.450/month. The Tenant will also pay 150 euro per month to the property owner for the below-mentioned expenses: Minor maintenance, Septic tank emptying, Annual cleaning and maintenance of the Furnace, Annual cleaning and maintenance of Air Conditioner, Hedge trimming and tree pruning if needed. For any info call: 393-4320263 (whatsapp/Telegram).
1.450 €
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Massa (Toscana)
Massa..alla Marina...A A. Affittasi villetta singola con ingresso indipendente e giardino in comune col proprietario composta da soggiorno con angolo cottura, 2 camere 2 bagni arredata. contratto transitorio per non residenti. solo referenziatiN.B. Alcuni dati descrittivi dell'immobile, potrebbero essere solo approssimativi,(esempio: spese riscaldamento, indirizzo preciso, spese condominiali, e metri delle superfici..) e pertanto verranno forniti in modo completo telefonicamente oppure in fase di appuntamento Grazie.Per informazioni ed appuntamenti tel 3493535763Agenzia CHEAFFITTI Massa Via Pisa 22 email: Contatta l'Agenzia con il servizio "Invia Richiesta"... to the Navy... AA. Single villa for rent with independent entrance and garden shared with the owner composed of living room with kitchenette, 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms furnished. transitional contract for non-residents. only referenced NB Some descriptive data of the property, could be only approximate, (example: heating costs, precise address, condominium expenses, and meters of surfaces..) and therefore will be provided in full by telephone or during the appointment phase. Thank you. For information and appointments tel 3493535763 CHEAFFITTI agency Massa Via Pisa 22 email: Contatta l'Agenzia con il servizio "Invia Richiesta" à la Marine... AA. Villa individuelle à louer avec entrée indépendante et jardin partagé avec le propriétaire composée d'un séjour avec coin cuisine, 2 chambres 2 salles de bain meublées. contrat transitoire pour les non-résidents. uniquement référencé NB Certaines données descriptives du bien, ne pourront être qu'approximatives, (exemple: frais de chauffage, adresse précise, charges de copropriété, et mètres de surfaces..) et seront donc fournies intégralement par téléphone ou lors de la phase de rendez-vous. Merci. Pour informations et rendez-vous tel 3493535763 Agence CHEAFFITTI Massa Via Pisa 22 email: Contatta l'Agenzia con il servizio "Invia Richiesta"
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