Company srl
Elenco delle migliori vendite company srl

Catania (Sicilia)
EASYTEL SRL, Internet Company attiva nel settore delle telecomunicazioni, Energia Luce e Gas, ricerca operatori di call center per presa appuntamenti, da casa. La risorsa ha maturato esperienza nel settore e/o settori affini, è intraprendente e possiede ottime doti relazionali. Si offre un compenso provvigionale sugli appuntamenti presi + bonus al raggiungimento di obbiettivi.
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Breeders & Breeders company srl - Family Dog Azienda BREEDERS & BREEDERS COMPANY s.r.l.cerca Agenti di vendita in Veneto nellambito di un piano strategico di crescita della rete commerciale. Vendiamo alimenti per cani (crocchette) allingrosso e al dettaglio. Il candidato dovrà avere esperienza nel settore e conoscenza del territorio assegnato. Cerchiamo, in particolare, chi abbia voglia di mettersi in gioco sviluppando un progetto di crescita di una piccola realtà, promuovendo linserimento dei nostri prodotti nei negozi specializzati del territorio. Solo trattamento provvigionale. Le Caratteristiche Del Candidato Ideale · determinazione al raggiungimento dei risultati dellArea assegnata. · capacità organizzative e di pianificazione dellattività. · motivazione ad operare nel settore del pet food in forte crescita. · propensione a sviluppare relazioni durevoli e fiduciarie con il cliente e lazienda. Offriamo · percorso formativo. · remunerazione legata ai risultati con provvigioni di vendita + premi sullincremento delle stesse. · assistenza commerciale-tecnico aziendale con unico referente Settore: Vendite Ruolo: Commerciale/Vendite Gestisce altre persone: No Tipo di occupazione: Lavoro autonomo Inquadramento: Libero professionista
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Agrigento (Sicilia)
META COMPANY SRL, per la nuova apertura Mauri's zona Prenestina (Rm) ricerca personale per le seguenti mansioni: -Cassieri -Scaffalisti -Magazzinieri Si offre regolare contratto di lavoro. Si richiede disponibilità immediata per orario Full-Time. Si valutano anche prime esperienze. Per un colloquio conoscitivo inviare il curriculum al seguente indirizzo E-mail.
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Roma (Lazio)
Azienda RG COMPANY SRL in forte espansione nel campo della depurazione e sanificazione ad ozono ed a vapore seleziona due figure commerciali esperte per la zona di Roma e Provincia. A) Il candidato A dovrà avere esperienza nella gestione dell'acquisizione diretta dei clienti presso spazi espositivi organizzati dalla società e nella vendita diretta. B) Il candidato B dovrà avere buona dialettica, per attività telefonica di presa appuntamenti. Entrambi le figure dovranno avere propensione relazionale e senso organizzativo. Fa parte di questi ruoli rappresentare al meglio l'immagine aziendale. Saranno valutate, come titolo di merito nella selezione, esperienze pregresse nei relativi ambiti. Offriamo: Candidato A) Contratti norma legge + Corso formazione teorico pratico retribuito + Rimborso spese mensile Euro 1.000,00 più premi ed incentivi + Carriera nazionale. Opportunità gestione di Agenzia territoriale in esclusiva. Candidato B) Rimborso spese di Euro 450,00 + premi ed incentivi Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03.
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Lecce (Puglia)
Cerchiamo Cuoco con esperienza pregressa in PUB/RISTORANTI. La risorsa sarà RESPONSABILE della Cucina collaborando con il Manager di sala. Si occuperà di tutte le attività operative di preparazione cibo e conservazione prodotto garantendo standard di pulizia, qualità e igiene. Mansioni principali: Preparazione dei prodotti per la clientela mantenimento dell’ordine e della pulizia di tutte le postazioni, degli ambienti di lavoro e delle attrezzature; rifornimento e inventario di prodotti e materiali necessari per lo svolgimento delle attività della cucina. Requisiti: Esperienza Pub/Ristoranti (Almeno 2 anni) Auto/moto munito/a, Orientamento al cliente; Capacità di lavorare in team; Problem solving e proattività Il candidato sarà selezionato dalla società di consulenza IBS Company srl. In seguito assunto e distaccato presso la sede operativa specifica del cliente che ne fa richiesta
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Lecce (Puglia)
Cerchiamo MANAGER settore FOOD con esperienza pregressa nella gestione di PUB/RISTORANTE. Si occuperà della gestione della sala vendita, accoglienza e soddisfazione clienti, qualità del servizio, gestione e coordinamento risorse, raggiungimento Budget e obiettivi aziendali. Mansioni principali: Gestione personale Fidelizzazione clienti Garantire target aziendali Gestione operativa Requisiti: Esperienza PUB/RISTORANTI (Almeno 2 anni) Auto/moto munito/a Orientamento al cliente Capacità di lavorare e gestire un team Problem solving e proattività Il candidato sarà selezionato dalla società di consulenza IBS Company srl. In seguito assunto e distaccato presso la sede operativa specifica del cliente che ne fa richiesta
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Lecce (Puglia)
Cerchiamo Camerieri con esperienza pregressa in PUB/RISTORANTI. La risorsa si occuperà del servizio ai tavoli, della gestione, soddisfazione e fidelizzazione clienti. La risorsa risponderà direttamente al MANAGER di sala dell'attività Mansioni principali: Servizio e fidelizzazione clienti Vendita prodotti Organizzazione e pulizia area vendita Requisiti: Esperienza PUB/RISTORANTI (almeno 2 anni) Predisposizione al contatto con il pubblico Orientamento al servizio e al cliente Orientamento alla vendita Capacità di lavorare in team Problem solving e proattività Il candidato sarà selezionato dalla società di consulenza IBS Company srl. In seguito assunto e distaccato presso la sede operativa specifica del cliente che ne fa richiesta
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Trapani (Sicilia)
Rea Company SRL agenzia business partner FASTWEB da oltre 10 anni, ricerca consulenti con e senza esperienzaper la vendita del prodotto Fastweb Possibilità di appuntamenti prefissati. Formazione Back office interno
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Padova (Veneto)
Descrizione dell'azienda NEW ZEALAND COMPANY SRL azienda in forte crescita nel settore degli isolamenti termici e proprietaria di un innovativo brevetto legata ad isolamenti termici che sfruttano la tecnologia del sottovuoto, ricerca una figura da inserire nel reparto Magazzino nella filiale di Zona industriale di Padova/Saonara. Descrizione della posizione In affiancamento al tutor ti occuperai di dare supporto nella gestione degli ordini e nella movimentazione della merce, garantire il buon funzionamento delle attività necessarie per preparare il flusso delle operazioni di magazzino, redigere e aggiornare il planning di carico e scarico, controllare tutta la documentazione per la merce in entrata e in uscita. * Sei il candidato ideale se: Sei una persona dinamica, flessibile, ordinata e precisa, orientata a elevati standard qualitativi -Possiedi un'ottima capacità di organizzazione e di pianificazione; - Hai una minima conoscenza del pacchetto Office, in particolar modo Excel; - Sei orientato/a al dettaglio e al Problem Solving; - Sei disponibile - Sei in grado di costruire e coltivare rapporti interpersonali basati sulla fiducia. Cosa offriamo Inserimento tramite stage 6 mesi, retribuito da 500-700€ /mese in base all’effettiva esperienza, finalizzato all'inserimento in azienda. Disponibilità: Dal lunedì al venerdì. Orario-full time a partire dalle ore 9.00 Costituirà un requisito preferenziale ma non vincolante, il possesso del patentino per la guida del muletto. Se ami percorrere nuove strade e credi nel team. Se credi nella costante innovazione. Se desideri essere parte di una realtà giovane, dinamica e dove non sei solo un numero, ma si creano legami anche di vera amicizia. Questa è l’occasione che fa per te! Invia il Tuo curriculum COMPRENSIVO DI FOTO e sarai contattato per un colloquio conoscitivo. * Durata contratto: 6 mesi Contratto di lavoro: Tempo pieno, Tirocinio formativo/Stage Stipendio: €500,00 - €700,00 al mese
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Milano (Lombardia)
10.900 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
ARMADIO FRIGO 700LT IN ACCIAIO INOX TN 0+10°C - PRONTA CONSEGNA Temperatura 0/+10°C., Dimensioni: 70x80x200h LT 700 Potenza assorbita W 385. Alimentazione V 230 - 1 - 50. - Interno ed esterno in acciaio inossidabile, eccetto fondo, soffitto e schienale esterni in Acciaio Galvanizzato; - Angoli arrotondati interni; - Poliuretano ad alta pressione iniettato senza gas CFC pericolosi per l’ambiente; - Spessore di isolamento: 60 mm; - Porta a chiusura automatica con guarnizione magnetica. Spessore 60 mm. - Pannello di controllo elettronico frontale con 1 sonda NTC per modello TN (Temperatura Normale), con 2 sonde NTC per modello BT (Bassa Temperatura); - Sbrinamento ed evaporazione dell’acqua di condensa completamente automatici; - Piedini regolabili in acciaio inossidabile (110/190 H mm); - 3 kit ganci - 3 griglie plastificate GN 2/1 - Fermo ventola CONTATTI Gaetano - 345 06 96 219 - 02 91 32 64 62 Instagram @fimacompanysrl Facebook Fima Company SRL
990 €
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2 foto

Bologna (Emilia Romagna)
Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. FIELD TECHNICIAN Report to: GM Europe Purpose of the role: the purpose of the Field Technician is to support the commercial operations department to implement the activities associated with project execution, delivery and customer support post project completion. This should be completed to a high standard in line with contractual obligations and with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role is based in Northern Italy and the focus will be on assisting local Italian clients. In addition to this, some travel may be required to other European countries to provide installation and service support. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities • Ensure projects are installed and delivered on time in accordance with Company Standards and with a focus on customer satisfaction • Inquisitive mind, able to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. Able to think proactively about how to resolve/mitigate any potential issues during product installation, commissioning and support. • Documentation of all key data required for gate/meter selection, product installation and commissioning as agreed/signed by customer and/or engineering firm Technical Skills · Willingness to perform aspects of masonry work subsequent to proper training · Able to understand engineering data and plans/drawings · Mechanical and electrical skills as pertaining to but not limited to: o Assembly and disassembly of product o Replacement, programming and support of RTU, instrumentation, solar power systems and motor drives o Replacement of gearboxes o Steel cable tensioning and replacement IT Knowledge · Ability and experience with PLC, SCADA and RTU systems as it pertains to but not limited to: · Data table adjustment/entry · Knowledge of I/O as it pertains to floating point registers and digital points · Communication protocol knowledge Other Skills/Knowledge · Basic understanding of electronics · Knowledge of the agricultural irrigation industry · Occupational health and safety · Knowledge of control theory is beneficial · Strong customer service skills Language Skills: fluent in Italian and strong in English; other languages are beneficial (Spanish, French, Romanian, Arabic) Skills and Qualifications: technical trade qualification; valid driving licence; 2 + years of experience Attribute: Demonstrated effective matrix skills (crosses geography’s and departments) Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders (internal/external) Results oriented, motivated, reliable and trustworthy working style Excellent interpersonal skills. Able to communicate with ease at different levels and with people in different locations Excellent written and verbal communication skills Business minded, logical, analytical, good strategist and implementer Well organized, quick thinker Able to work independently and as part of a team Employment type · Full-time · Permanent contract · Salary will be discussed with the selected candidate · Benefits: Company car, PC, mobile phone, company credit card, tools, etc Starting date expected: mid January 2021 Location: Mantova – Bologna – Reggio Emilia The selection is open at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality is guaranteed KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: AUTORIZZAZIONE MINISTERIALE A TEMPO INDETERMINATO Prot. 39/0003074 / MA004.A003
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Ferrara (Emilia Romagna)
Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. FIELD TECHNICIAN – ITALIAN PLANTS WATER TREATMENT - FERRARA Report to: GM Europe Purpose of the role: the purpose of the Field Technician is to support the commercial operations department to implement the activities associated with project execution, delivery and customer support post project completion. This should be completed to a high standard in line with contractual obligations and with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role is based in Northern Italy and the focus will be on assisting local Italian clients. In addition to this, some travel may be required to other European countries to provide installation and service support. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities • Ensure projects are installed and delivered on time in accordance with Company Standards and with a focus on customer satisfaction • Inquisitive mind, able to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. Able to think proactively about how to resolve/mitigate any potential issues during product installation, commissioning and support. • Documentation of all key data required for gate/meter selection, product installation and commissioning as agreed/signed by customer and/or engineering firm Technical Skills · Willingness to perform aspects of masonry work subsequent to proper training · Able to understand engineering data and plans/drawings · Mechanical and electrical skills as pertaining to but not limited to: o Assembly and disassembly of product o Replacement, programming and support of RTU, instrumentation, solar power systems and motor drives o Replacement of gearboxes o Steel cable tensioning and replacement IT Knowledge · Ability and experience with PLC, SCADA and RTU systems as it pertains to but not limited to: · Data table adjustment/entry · Knowledge of I/O as it pertains to floating point registers and digital points · Communication protocol knowledge Other Skills/Knowledge · Basic understanding of electronics · Knowledge of the agricultural irrigation industry · Occupational health and safety · Knowledge of control theory is beneficial · Strong customer service skills Language Skills: fluent in Italian and strong in English; other languages are beneficial (Spanish, French, Romanian, Arabic) Skills and Qualifications: technical trade qualification; valid driving licence; 2 + years of experience Attribute: Demonstrated effective matrix skills (crosses geography’s and departments) Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders (internal/external) Results oriented, motivated, reliable and trustworthy working style Excellent interpersonal skills. Able to communicate with ease at different levels and with people in different locations Excellent written and verbal communication skills Business minded, logical, analytical, good strategist and implementer Well organized, quick thinker Able to work independently and as part of a team Employment type · Full-time · Permanent contract · Salary will be discussed with the selected candidate · Benefits: Company car, PC, mobile phone, company credit card, tools, etc Starting date expected: mid January 2021 Location: Zona CENTO - FERRARA The selection is open at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality is guaranteed KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: AUTORIZZAZIONE MINI
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Lucca (Toscana)
Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. FIELD TECHNICIAN – ITALIAN PLANTS WATER TREATMENT - LUCCA - TOSCANA Report to: GM Europe Purpose of the role: the purpose of the Field Technician is to support the commercial operations department to implement the activities associated with project execution, delivery and customer support post project completion. This should be completed to a high standard in line with contractual obligations and with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role is based in Northern Italy and the focus will be on assisting local Italian clients. In addition to this, some travel may be required to other European countries to provide installation and service support. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities • Ensure projects are installed and delivered on time in accordance with Company Standards and with a focus on customer satisfaction • Inquisitive mind, able to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. Able to think proactively about how to resolve/mitigate any potential issues during product installation, commissioning and support. • Documentation of all key data required for gate/meter selection, product installation and commissioning as agreed/signed by customer and/or engineering firm Technical Skills · Willingness to perform aspects of masonry work subsequent to proper training · Able to understand engineering data and plans/drawings · Mechanical and electrical skills as pertaining to but not limited to: o Assembly and disassembly of product o Replacement, programming and support of RTU, instrumentation, solar power systems and motor drives o Replacement of gearboxes o Steel cable tensioning and replacement IT Knowledge · Ability and experience with PLC, SCADA and RTU systems as it pertains to but not limited to: · Data table adjustment/entry · Knowledge of I/O as it pertains to floating point registers and digital points · Communication protocol knowledge Other Skills/Knowledge · Basic understanding of electronics · Knowledge of the agricultural irrigation industry · Occupational health and safety · Knowledge of control theory is beneficial · Strong customer service skills Language Skills: fluent in Italian and strong in English; other languages are beneficial (Spanish, French, Romanian, Arabic) Skills and Qualifications: technical trade qualification; valid driving licence; 2 + years of experience Attribute: Demonstrated effective matrix skills (crosses geography’s and departments) Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders (internal/external) Results oriented, motivated, reliable and trustworthy working style Excellent interpersonal skills. Able to communicate with ease at different levels and with people in different locations Excellent written and verbal communication skills Business minded, logical, analytical, good strategist and implementer Well organized, quick thinker Able to work independently and as part of a team Employment type · Full-time · Permanent contract · Salary will be discussed with the selected candidate · Benefits: Company car, PC, mobile phone, company credit card, tools, etc Starting date expected: mid January 2021 Location: Zona LUCCA - TOSCANA The selection is open at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality is guaranteed KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: AUTORIZZAZIONE MINISTERIALE A TEMPO INDETERMINATO Prot. 39/0003074 / MA004.A003
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Milano (Lombardia)
Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT / SALES MANAGER -NORTH EUROPE / USA Our customer: Solid and renowned production company in the textile sector flooking to expand their team has commissioned us to recruit a BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT / SALES MANAGER - USA / NORTH EUROPE Hierarchical / functional reporting: Owner Main responsabilities: - Development of new business activities, identification and acquisition of new customers within the reference market (specifically in the cruise sector); - Independent management of the relationship with customers; - Data analysis and monitoring of the target sector. Requirements: Qualification: Diploma or Degree. Specific training in the sector is welcome. Years of experience gained in a similar position: minimum 5/8 years of experience gained in a similar role. Reference sector: cruise, food and beverage, food, textile or related. Language skills: fluent English. Applications without this requirement will not be considered. Good knowledge of Italian would be a plus. Computer skills: Excellent use of PC, Office package, e-mail. Personal skills: excellent communication skills, strongly goal-oriented, flexibility and dynamism. Preferential requirements: knowledge of the structure and of the purchasing department within the cruise sector. Offer: Level of placement and proposed salary: to be assessed on the basis of the profile found: subordinate contract, or collaborator with VAT. The salary will be commensurate with the actual experience gained. The goal is a lasting insertion over time. Workplace: Italy, USA and Northern Europe (mainly). Home based is not necessary in a particular place, but availability for travel (including medium-long term) to the reference markets (mainly USA) is required. Planned insertion date: immediate or compatible with the notice of the selected candidate. The selection is aimed at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality and personal hearing with all profiles consistent with what is sought is guaranteed. KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: MINISTERIAL AUTHORIZATION FOR AN INDEFINITE TIME Prot. 39/0003074 / MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Main responsabilities: AP/AR invoice bookings General ledger bookings including depreciation Bank posting and reconciliation Preparation of all payments including F24 Intercompany reconciliation VAT reports Support the collection of the credits Support Le Creuset Italia Srl in financial and accounting activities Accountant Milan cenrtreMultinational company operanting in RetailReqirements: Bachelor Degree in Economics or Business Administration. Minimum 3 years' relevant experience. Good communication skills (written and verbal) in Italian and English. Software: Office, Navision or similar ERP. Customer focused with a sense of urgency, ability to work under pressure, assertive and deadline driven. Attention to detail, impeccable organizational, planning and project skillsMultinational company operanting in RetailThe company offers a permanent contract plus benefits. The compensation is based on the candidate's skills and experience. The place of employment is in Milano CentreSalario da 27.000 /anno a 30.000 /anno
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Mantova (Lombardia)
For our Client, an important Company, operating in the Welding Industry, working with international customers from Agricultural, Construction, Paving and Lifting sector, we are selecting the Welding Coordinator ISO 3834 Welding Quality Assurance The position reports to the Quality and Development Manager and will be part of a strategic project referring to the achievement of ISO 3834. The Welding Coordinator will be responsible for the internal welding processes qualification and welding operators training, he will: • Approve the feasibility studies of new products and the preliminary welding process design • Co-develop quality strategic plan and execution on products and manufacturing processes • Collaborate with the Quality Manager in the definition of the quality KPI • Supervise the activities of the quality team ensuring their correct execution • Share the related results and information with the Quality Manager producing analytical reports • Cooperate with Suppliers in order to coach and improve their quality culture The ideal candidate has: • An IWE (International Welding Engineer) or IWT (International Welding Technologist) or IWS (International Welding Specialist) documented certification as per the IIW (International Institute of Welding) or EWF (European Welding Federation) • Technical background developed in manufacturing industries • Good knowledge of ISO 9001:2015 quality system, writing and control of quality system documentation • Good knowledge of ISO 3834, Welding Quality Assurance • Significant experience within Quality Management system preferably as Supplier Quality Specialist • Ability to use technical tools and equipment for quality assurance • Knowledge of Quality Methodologies (DFMEA, PFMEA, APQP) • Knowledge of Problem Solving tools (8D, Ishikawa, 5why’s, Defect Pareto, X-Y matrix) • Strong analytical and communication skills, trainer skills • Good communication skills in English, both written and spoken – knowledge of German will be considered a plus. • Strong analytical and communication skill The position requires availability to travel across Europe. The Company offers: • A challenging and strategic job in a dynamic and growing organization. The candidate will be a member of the team dedicated to develop the Quality Culture • Permanent contract • Salary commensurate with previous experience Work Location: Provincia di Reggio Emillia INFORMAZIONI PER SEGNALARE LA SUA CANDIDATURA Si prega di creare, o aggiornare, il Suo Profilo K&P allegando CV aggiornato e breve Lettera di Presentazione, indicando il riferimento “Rif. 270/19 IWC" Il Profilo K&P è il documento che ci autorizza alla gestione dei dati oltre a permettere una conoscenza piu completa della candidatura. In una prima fase è possibile inviare mail a, indicando il riferimento successivamente è obbligatorio, completare i dati on line sul sito Per eventuali ulteriori informazioni, siamo disponibili al Tel. 0522 512067. Si chiede di esplicitare l'autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs196/03). K&P Consulting Srl, iscritta all'Albo delle Agenzie per il Lavoro, Prot. n° 39/0002041, invita i candidati ambosessi (L. 903/77) a leggere l'Infomativa sulla Privacy (art. 13 D.Lgs. 196/2003) sul sito
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Como (Lombardia),the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: JUNIOR PROJECT ENGINEER Our client is a multinational company in the automotive sector and ask us to search a JUNIOR PROJECT ENGINEER. Job description: ▪ Set up of project plan and independent planning, coordinating and completion of projects; ▪ Guiding the project team (Kick-off & regular team meetings) and ensure that each member completes the assigned tasks according to project plan; ▪ First point of contact to customer. Ensure customer satisfaction with open and proactive communication; ▪ Financial control of project. Ensure project is finalized with at least the precalculated margin; ▪ Management of changes in scope of delivery. Relate commercial changes to sales department; ▪ Responsible for regular project reporting. Skills: ▪ Completed education in business administration, business engineer, industrial engineer etc.; ▪ Further training in project management e.g. IPMA Level D or comparable; ▪ First experience in operational project management and project business (plant construction) and series business (automotive); ▪ Very good analytical skills and a cross-linked mindset; ▪ Effective und independent way of working; ▪ Hands-on-mentality and organizationally versed with a process-oriented mindset; ▪ Communicative, reliable, persistent and structured; ▪ Willingness to global travelling up to 25%; ▪ Languages: Business fluent in English, German is a plus Place of work: Provincia di Como “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Milano (Lombardia), the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST. Job Purpose: the CSS is the Customer reference point being responsible for order management – from incoming order to the invoicing – ensuring satisfaction through timely product delivery. Key Duties and responsibilities: Order management in the ERP system. Sending of purchase orders to vendors (intercompany or third parties) Delivery time monitoring interacting with vendors (by e mail, calls) Monitoring and managing deliveries to the customer. Sales orders invoices creation and support in solving e-invoicing issues. Support to finance department for solving issues linked to purchase orders and sales orders. Support to the Customer Service Manager for the monthly Net Sales forecast. Manage any product return process following the reverse process from customer to the warehouse. Skills: Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening Familiar with CRM systems Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively Adaptability Ability to Work Under Pressure Positive Attitude Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. Temporary contract is offered. The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Milano (Lombardia), the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST. Job Purpose: the CSS is the Customer reference point being responsible for order management – from incoming order to invoicing – ensuring satisfaction through timely product delivery. Key Duties and responsibilities: Order management in the ERP system (SAP) Knowledge of goods handling systems (MB51, MB04, MMBE) Sending of purchase orders to vendors (intercompany or third parties) Delivery time monitoring interacting with vendors (by e mail, calls) Monitoring and managing deliveries to the customer. Sales orders invoices creation and support in solving e-invoicing issues. Support to finance department for solving issues linked to purchase orders and sales orders. Support to the Customer Service Manager for the monthly Net Sales forecast. Manage any product return process following the reverse process from customer to the warehouse. Skills: Excellent knowledge of SAP Good english, written and spoken Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening Familiar with CRM systems Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively Adaptability Ability to Work Under Pressure Positive Attitude Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. Temporary contract is offered. The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Milano (Lombardia),the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: KEY ACCOUNT SALES MANAGER ATM/BANKING Our client is a multinational company in the automation sector and ask us to search a KEY ACCOUNT SALES MANAGER ATM/BANKING. Job description: ▪ Experience in Key Account Management and Business/Market Development. Ideally some background in Product Management and Marketing for technical products; ▪ Several years in the Italian banking industry with a network to some of the major Italian banks, ideally in the ATM Business. ▪ Sales & Relationship Management to Key Prospects/Customers in the Italian banking industry (Key Account Management). ▪ Develop and establish KEBA as a solution provider at this Prospects/Customers ▪ Enhance and execute the Go-To-Market Strategy and the Business Plan together with the Italian and Austrian Team ▪ Managing the Business relationship to Key Partners in Italy (IT-Centers, SW and local HW Development Companies, …) Skills: ▪ Very good communicative and social skills. ▪ Analytic and strategic thinking / (ideally technical background) ▪ Willingness to travel ▪ English – business fluent Place of work:Milan “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Milano (Lombardia), the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST. Job Purpose: the CSS is the Customer reference point being responsible for order management – from incoming order to invoicing – ensuring satisfaction through timely product delivery. Key Duties and responsibilities: Order management in the ERP system (SAP) Knowledge of goods handling systems (MB51, MB04, MMBE) Sending of purchase orders to vendors (intercompany or third parties) Delivery time monitoring interacting with vendors (by e mail, calls) Monitoring and managing deliveries to the customer. Sales orders invoices creation and support in solving e-invoicing issues. Support to finance department for solving issues linked to purchase orders and sales orders. Support to the Customer Service Manager for the monthly Net Sales forecast. Manage any product return process following the reverse process from customer to the warehouse. Skills: Excellent knowledge of SAP Good english, written and spoken Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening Familiar with CRM systems Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively Adaptability Ability to Work Under Pressure Positive Attitude Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. MEMBERSHIP IN PROTECTED CATEGORIES WILL BE PREFERENTIAL Temporary contract is offered (3 months) The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Our client, Getinge, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of SENIOR PRODUCT SPECIALIST. With a clinical background, the Senior Product Specialist is the clinical partner of customer training on his/her related products use and application. He/she architects of the success for assigned the product line (advanced monitoring). He/she is also the information gateway between market, customers, sales force and company’s internal resources being the point of reference for all product related enquiries to enhance the customer satisfaction. Key duties and responsibilities: Market analysis Marketing strategies & activities Tender managementKnowledge/Skills/Experience: Key competences/skills & personal qualities: · Strong clinical preparation and competence. · Complete product knowledge and preparation. · Strong presentation and communication skills (verbal and written) · Competence on development of sales tools based on specific USPs · Marketing dynamics knowledge. · Customer satisfaction oriented. · Team Oriented. · Interpersonal relationship skills. · Open minded and creative. · Outstanding organizational skills. · Positive thinking attitude. Experiences: previous background and work experience in the clinical field (1/2 years). IT Skills: Microsoft Office package. Languages: Fluent Italian and fluent English. Please send your application, using this link: The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Teramo (Abruzzo)
Consulenza Certificazioni Bandi di Gara ed Appalti Pubblici Inizia il 2021 con il per-corso giusto! Il Gruppo SiTe è alla ricerca di giovani smart da coinvolgere a 360° nei Servizi di Consulenza, nella Progettazione e Sviluppo di Sistemi di Qualità, nella Gestione della Partecipazione a Bandi di Gara ed Appalti Pubblici. I prossimi progetti lancio: AMMINISTRO con manifestazione di interesse da parte della Pegaso srl, CERTIFICO secondo il fabbisogno della J Cert srl, e PROGETTARE all’attenzione della Company Management System srls, sono la prima finestra di visibilità su queste realtà all’avanguardia pronte ad investire per e sulle proprie risorse. Acquisire i tricks of the trade nell’amministrazione consulenziale e maturare le competenze di management di una rete di servizi aziendali, sono solo i primi passi verso il mondo del lavoro… il resto vien da TE. Inviaci il tuo curriculum all’indirizzo ****@****.** (utilizza il modulo di contatto per inviare email): - hai tra i 18 e i 29 anni; - hai conseguito il Diploma di Scuola Secondaria Superiore; - non sei impegnato in alcun corso di studi, pubblico o privato; - non stai conseguendo un tirocinio o attività stagistiche di ogni sorta; - sei disponibile a mettere in campo il tuo know how e a farti suggerire l’azienda che meglio metterebbe in risalto il tuo valore aggiunto… Saremo entusiasti di conoscerti! . Inserzionista: Roberta Porta
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Salerno (Campania)
Sei alla ricerca di un lavoro? CARPE DIEM… Noi possiamo darti la possibilità di entrare in un team coeso, disponibile nell’accoglierti in una nuova avventura. Next srl è alla ricerca di Customer Care per ampliamento sede a Battipaglia zona industriale. Cosa offriamo: - Turno Lavorativo: 5 ore - Fisso Mensile 600€ - Provvigioni più alte sul mercato - Bonus e obiettivi che ti danno la possibilità di crescere professionalmente La risorsa dovrà: - Assistere e supportare i nostri clienti - Fornire ed implementare informazioni - Ricercare soluzioni al problema attraverso le proprie skills NON HAI PIU’ SCUSE, ORA PUOI! INVIA LA TUA CANDIDATURA! WebSite: LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram: Cellulare: 348 5683107 – 351 2987410
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Treviso (Veneto)
ALPHA SISTEMI SRL ( Agenzia Zucchetti per l’area del Triveneto con sede a Treviso, in continua crescita e sviluppo, per ampliamento CERCHIAMO HELP DESK, CONSULENTE APPLICATIVO Per la sede di TREVISO La persona si occuperà dell’avviamento dell’applicativo Zucchetti Presenze, prestando assistenza on site, telefonica ed a distanza (post avviamento). Elaborerà la reportistica richiesta dal cliente (tramite realizzazione report con funzioni applicative specifiche). OFFRIAMO: contratto a tempo determinato finalizzato all’assunzione a tempo indeterminato, formazione e affiancamento costanti fino alla completa autonomia, ambiente di lavoro molto stimolante e accogliente. CHIEDIAMO: diploma o laurea a indirizzo informatico/statistico o precedente esperienza in ruolo simile; utilizzo dei database, di Sql, pacchetto office. Disponibilità a trasferte. Buone capacità di relazione e di analisi, orientamento al lavoro in team. Per inviare il CV, consulta le ricerche in corso sul nostro portale: e clicca su "Apply Now" in coda all’annuncio. Per ulteriori informazioni, ti invitiamo a contattarci all’indirizzo: Il presente annuncio si rivolge a candidati di ambo i sessi (L. 903/77). I dati personali da voi forniti con il CV sono trattati per l’esclusiva finalità di reclutamento e selezione del personale diretto all’instaurazione di un rapporto di lavoro con la nostra azienda. Il conferimento dei dati è necessario ed in sua mancanza non potremo perseguire la suddetta finalità. I dati saranno da noi conservati per 2 anni dalla raccolta del CV e successivamente cancellati dal nostro database, salvo la vostra volontà di rimanere censiti.
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Catania (Sicilia)
EASYTEL SRL, Internet Company attiva nel settore delle telecomunicazioni, Energia Luce e Gas, ricerca operatori di call center per presa appuntamenti. La risorsa ha maturato esperienza nel settore e/o settori affini, è intraprendente e possiede ottime doti relazionali. Si offre un compenso provvigionale sugli appuntamenti presi + bonus al raggiungimento di obbiettivi; formazione a carico dell'azienda.
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Calcinaia (Toscana)
BE ESCO srl è una Energy Service Company certificata 11352 ed è alla ricerca di Geometri e Periti per potenziare il proprio Studio Tecnico. Le risorse si occuperanno della progettazione di sistemi di efficientamento energetico quali impianti fotovoltaici e termici, gestione delle pratiche edilizie e della connessione degli impianti alla rete di distribuzione, redazione APE, sopralluoghi, pianificazione interventi. REQUISITI Diploma di geometra/perito industriale Conoscenza del programma AutoCAD; Buon utilizzo del pacchetto Office. Disponibilità a brevi trasferte anche fuori regione Per candidarsi, inviare il CV via mail all'indirizzo [email protected]
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Ricercamy, innovative company Research and Selection of Personnel for advanced methodology and technology infrastructure, is seeking: Performance & Reward Manager - Italy and Balkans Our client, is a global leader in the elevator and escalator sector, classified as one of the most innovative companies in the world, has commissioned us to search for a Performance & Reward Manager, Italy and Balkans. Skills required: - Minimum 5 years experience in the job, in the management of bonuses / wages and benefits, preferably coming from a structured multinational; - Experience in driving compensation, benefits, recognition and performance management, policies and processes across an organization; - Fluent knowledge of the English language; - Possess good leadership skills and ability to involve and collaborate with the various stakeholders; - In possession of excellent analytical skills, capable of having a strategic vision with a practical approach Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. Place of work: Pero (Mi) The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Pisa (Toscana)
BE ESCO srl è una Energy Service Company certificata 11352 ed è alla ricerca di Geometri e Periti per potenziare il proprio Studio Tecnico. Le risorse si occuperanno della progettazione di sistemi di efficientamento energetico quali impianti fotovoltaici e termici, gestione delle pratiche edilizie e della connessione degli impianti alla rete di distribuzione, redazione APE, sopralluoghi, pianificazione interventi. REQUISITI Diploma di geometra/perito industriale Conoscenza del programma AutoCAD; Buon utilizzo del pacchetto Office. Disponibilità a brevi trasferte anche fuori regione Età max 25 anni
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