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Italia (Tutte le città)
Guaranteed Instant cash offer here Online apply now Fast cash offer for you today at just 2% interest rate, both long and short term cash of all amounts and currencies, no collateral required. We give out from a minimum range of $2000. contact us via email loanlendercom@gmail.com Kind regards/Respect Mr J. Timothy Leverage Pvt Ltd.
9.000 €
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Pescara (Abruzzo)
La Your Deal per conto di società leader mondiale operante nei servizi di pagamento alle aziende ricerca urgentemente 4/5 operatori telefonici da casa di ambo i sessi su tutto il territorio nazionale, a supporto della propria rete commerciale in continua espansione. Nessuna vendita richiesta, ma semplice presa incontri per i nostri consulenti. Il lavoro prevede - il contatto telefonico di aziende preselezionate per presa/conferma incontri e gestione agenda consulenti. - compenso a singolo incontro il più alto del mercato e slegato dal buon esito della trattativa - importanti bonus al raggiungimento di obiettivi mensili - pagamenti entro la prima settimana del mese o max il 20esimo giorno del mese successivo all'inizio della collaborazione - formazione gratuita online Si richiede pertanto: - Competenze Informatiche di base necessarie per comunicazioni, gestione agende e planning formativi - Ottima copertura del servizio Internet (linea dati senza perdita di pacchetti /test ping) - Disponibilità di almeno 3 ore al giorno da dedicare alla mansione propedeutica al soddisfacimento delle proprie aspettative - esperienze anche minime in call center e/o nella vendita costituiscono requisito preferenziale - Massima serietà Maggiori informazioni previo invio cv a mezzo mail utilizzando il form nella pagina. NON VERRANNO PRESE IN CONSIDERAZIONE CANDIDATURE SENZA CV ALLEGATO A seguire, contatto telefonico, colloquio conoscitivo in zona o tramite Skype, formazione con inizio collaborazione a prestazione occasionale della durata di 1 mese. Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03.
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Roma (Lazio)
L’Azienda Selectra è una web company che aiuta privati e aziende a scegliere il fornitore di luce, gas, telefonia e internet. Mette a disposizione dei consumatori un servizio personalizzato e gratuito, selezionando le proposte più adatte alle loro esigenze ed accompagnandoli nelle pratiche contrattuali. Attualmente conta più di 100 collaboratori in Italia, mentre al livello globale impiega più di 1000 persone. In Italia dal 2015, è oggi uno dei principali portali nazionali sulle utenze energetiche. Nel 2021 ha ottenuto la certificazione "Great Place to Work Italia" come "un ambiente di lavoro di qualità" attento a creare un clima aziendale positivo e stimolante, entrando in Top-10 delle aziende definite Best Workplaces d’Italia di 50-149 dipendenti. Posizione Stiamo cercando una risorsa che andrà ad integrarsi nel team Web Marketing per ricerca di nuovi partner web (siti internet, media, blog, siti istituzionali). L’obiettivo è quello di identificare e creare il maggior numero di relazioni durevoli per la promozione dei siti web aziendali. Attività principali - Attività di ricerca dei possibili partner seguendo le linee guida aziendali - Contattare telefonicamente e via mail tutti i siti web individuati in collaborazione con il proprio supervisore - Creare una partnership concreta e mantenere le relazioni - Raggiungere mensilmente gli obiettivi sul numero di partnership attivate - Follow-up costante e reporting sullo status dei contatti in corso - Reportistica sulle attività - Requisiti fondamentali Diploma - Propensione al raggiungimento degli obiettivi - Conoscenza della lingua Inglese - Conoscenza del pacchetto Office con particolare riguardo ad Excel - Nice to have: Esperienza pregressa di almeno 1 anno in commerciale/partnership web - Passione per le tematiche relative alla digitalizzazione e in particolare al web Soft Skills - Flessibilità - Forte perseveranza - Approccio commerciale - Capacità di comunicare efficacemente e costruire relazioni di fiducia - Teamwork Cosa offriamo? - Regolare contratto di assunzione CCNL Commercio a tempo determinato di 3 mesi con possibilità di proroga - Part-time 20 ore sett. dal lunedì al venerdì orario 9.30-13.30 (per i primi 3 mesi) - Prospettiva full-time con orario 9-18 (superati i 3 mesi iniziali) - Retribuzione fissa per il part-time di 600€/mese lordi - Bonus fino a 600 €/mese lordi - Ambiente giovane e dinamico - Contesto internazionale: confronto con i colleghi e i reparti di Selectra Group situati negli altri paesi - Possibilità di crescita professionale - Sede di lavoro: Roma (zona Policlinico)
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Roma (Lazio)
Buongiorno Italia Il lavoro da casa ormai e' una cosa comune, un lavoro stabile(per circa 3-6 mesi) con possibilita' di prolungamento per una casa editrice in Norvegia di Carl Muller Torgland sponsorizzata da Atlantic Library puo' essere un oppurtunita' per i freelancer 1) Requisiti: Buona conoscenza con il computer e il sapere di lavorare con tempi limitati e avere una stabile conoscenza di scrittura in lingua inglese 2) Contributi: Una paga di assicurazione per la compagnia in caso di vacanza o altro per il lavoratore(varia in base al piano di lavoro scelto dal copy-writer che puo' essere di 19 euro,34 euro e 68 euro) Abbiamo gia pubblicato i nostri annunci in piu di 75 siti in diversi paesi la lista delle quali e' la seguente: Estonia Norway Sweden Italy France Germany Spain Russia Belgium Netherlands 3) Cosa proponiamo a te? Un lavoro stabile di circa 3-6 mesi lavorativi dove avrai un proprio salario alla base del tuo piano di lavoro. Il nostro lavoro e' sicuro,abbiamo un ufficial teaser and details page with all info for you! WE LOVE OUR WORK,AND WE HOPE TO FIND THE COPY-WRITERS THAT LOVE IT TOO MUCH CONTACT OUR FIRST MANAGER ON THE E-MAIL THANKS! STAY SAFE PUBLISHING HOUSE "Carl Müller Frøland" the photo is just to show you a sample of your work,for all details and teaser CONTACT US ON OUR E-MAIL
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Avellino (Campania)
DK Global Recruitment is a multilingual recruitment agency, based in Dublin, Ireland. We specialize in finding European language-speaking jobs for job seekers in many European countries. With years of experience in the multilingual BPO sector. Our fully-trained expert recruiters help and advise job seekers throughout the recruitment process, and always treat the candidate as a high priority. Our clients are highly-reputed companies with constant growth in the international market and we are pleased to find good employees for them. Thus, you should not hesitate to contact us regarding any kind of queries you have, related to jobs and career advice. Responsibilities Solving customers queries by phone or emails Provide excellent level of customer services Maintain strong professional relationships with all clients and customers Reporting to team managers or team supervisor Requirements Fluent Italian Advanced English Very good  knowledge of computers No previous work experience required Willing to relocate to Athens, Greece Enjoy talking with people by phone and emails Able to work in fast- pace  and competitive atmosphere EU passport / ID card Relocation package for the candidate coming from abroad Flight ticket booked by the company 2 weeks of free accommodation at a company hotel (breakfast included) Taxi transfer from the airport Support in finding an apartment to rent Benefits Excellent Salary Flight ticket provided to Athens Taxi pickup service from the airport 2 weeks free hotel accommodation (breakfast included) Free Greek language courses Monthly performance bonus 175% day salary if work on Sunday or Greek holidays Overtime paid 2 extra full salaries paid per year (pro rata) Training provided (paid) International working environment On-site canteen (discounts for employees) Welcome event Why use a Recruitment Agency You are given extra support in preparing for interviews You have a contact person who gives you all the details of the job You can ask for your application feedback anytime via email or phone You don’t have to face the situation where company do not reply to you for days All our services to job seekers are free of charge. We also offer bonus scheme to candidates Note: Applying to this job advertisement would be considered as GDPR consent given to DK Global Recruitment. We may share your profile details directly with hiring company for initial screening of your profile suitability and duplicate check.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Caluanie product is use to crush and treat precious metals and semi precious stones,it is use to treat gems and semi gems and to crush minerals in the chemic@l industry. Caluanie makes it easy to break nails with naked hands after diving 10-20 seconds. Heavy water changes the properties making it fragile but once heavy once heavy water evaporates, the ruck returns to original state. Buy Caluanie: https://muelearwaterllc.com/caluanie-muelear-oxidize-parteurize For more details, contact us via info below: (Note: Any email or contact details that is not below does not belong to MUELEAR WATER LLC) Email: sales.muelearwater@gmail.com, Email: muelearwater@gmail.com, Text/Whatsapp: +1 (980) 458-2609‬, WeChat ID: willdaveson Telegram: doriantravis Website: https://linktr.ee/chemicals Caluanie Vietnam, Caluanie legit, Caluanie Thailand, Caluanie China, Caluanie Laos, Caluanie UAE, Caluanie Europe, Caluanie Kazakhstan, Caluanie Kyrgyzstan, Caluanie Australia, Caluanie one liter, Caluanie Worldwide Supplier, Caluanie New York, Caluanie Saudi Arabia, Caluanie Dashoguz, Caluanie Paypal, Caluanie experiment,
1.100 €
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Ateleta (Abruzzo)
We are urgently looking for a nanny to come and work in our family compound as a nanny or babysit . if you are interested in this job offer , do contact us for more information and processing of your traveling documents at email (wb727730@gmail.com) with your CV
6.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This disposable N95 Health Care Particulate Respirator and Surgical Mask is designed to help provide quality, reliable respiratory protection for health care workers. CDC guidelines state N95 respirators may be used for M. tuberculosis exposure control.* As a disposable particulate respirator, it is intended to help reduce wearer exposure to certain airborne particles including those generated by electrocautery, laser surgery, and other powered medical instruments. As a surgical mask, it is designed to be fluid resistant to splash and spatter of blood and other infectious materials. 3M uses a variety of innovative technologies and features to help you meet your respiratory protection and comfort needs. We have stock available. Kindly contact us if interested for detailed information, specifications and prices. Email: fahadcomltd@gmail.com
3 €
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3 foto

Perugia (Umbria)
Offriamo presso la nostra Sede Operativa di Perugia Servizio Cura e Accoglienza / Assistenza Diurna / Counseling a Bambini, Adolescenti, Adulti e Anziani autonomi e/o con disabilita' accertata e comprovata (esempio: pensione di accompagnamento /assegno care giver). Per accedere al nostro Servizio di Cura e Accoglienza / Assistenza Diurna / Counseling e presentare Domanda tramite modulo di richiesta per un Vostro familiare e/o amico, Vi chiediamo gentilmente di contattarci direttamente presso la nostra sede operativa di Perugia rispondendo a questo annuncio tramite telefono, sms o email specificando il Vostro Nome, Cognome, Data d Nascita, Residenza, tipo di Cura e Accoglienza / Assistenza Diurna / Counseling richiesto e dieta eventuale richiesta. Si offre un Servizio di Cura e Accoglienza / Assistenza Diurna / Counseling serio e puntuale, attento alle necessita' dei nostri clienti e soci, con personale esperto, bravo nella preparazione di piatti di cucina sana e variabile ad ogni necessita' dietetica, in lingua italiana e Inglese, residente a Perugia Citta' (Centro Storico). Zona di lavoro Perugia Citta' (Centro Storico) Offresi massima serietà, referenze ed esperienza lavorativa significante in Italia e all'Estero. Si richiede max serietà, astenersi perditempo. Grazie. Contatti: +39 328 833 50 44 +1 864 907 5775 - (For English Speakers) Care and Hospitality Service / Day Care / Counseling at our Headquarters of Machaseh shel Tikvah (Shelter of Hope) for Counseling in Perugia, Italy We offer Care and Hospitality Service / Day Care / Counseling for Children, Adolescents, Adults and Seniors who are autonomous and / or with (ascertained, proven) disability at our Headquarters in Perugia (example: Invalidity/Disability pension / Care giver allowance). To access our Care and Hospitality Service / Day Care / Counseling Service and Submit an Application with our Appication Form for a Family Member and / or Friend, we kindly ask you to contact us directly at our Headquarters in Perugia by answering this announcement by telephone, sms or email specifying your Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Residence, type of Care and Hospitality Service / Day Care / Counseling and specific diet details required. We offer a serious and punctual Care and Hospitality Service / Day Care / Counseling, attentive to the needs of our Customers and Members, with professional and experienced staff, also good in the preparation of healthy dishes which can be varieted subject to every specific dietary need, in Italian and English, living in Perugia City (Downtown Perugia). Working area: Perugia City (Downtown Perugia) We offer Professionalism, References and significant Work Experience in Italy and Abroad. Respect is highly reccommended, to refrain time-wasters. Contacts Details: +39 328 833 50 44 (Italian) +1 864 907 5775 (English)
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Italia (Tutte le città)
We are the most reputable vendors of Caluanie online. Caluanie Muelear Oxidize pasteurize is available for sale, with fast shipping worldwide! Caluanie is a chemic@l used by many chemic@l industries for crushing metals and precious stones. Website: https://linktr.ee/muelearwater Email: sales.muelearwater@gmail.com, Email: muelearwater@gmail.com, Text/Whatsapp: +1 (980) 458-2609‬, WeChat ID: willdaveson For more details, contact us via the info above. Buy Caluanie: https://muelearwaterllc.com/caluanie-muelear-oxidize-parteurize Caluanie Test Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKuHl3fmaPs Caluanie Available In Stock: https://youtu.be/QKuHl3fmaPs Caluanie India, Caluanie five liters, Buy Caluanie from USA, Caluanie Muelear oxidize, Quality Caluanie, Buy Caluanie USA, caluanie muelear oxidize chemical, How to buy caluanie, Caluanie Texas, caluanie muelear oxidize formula, Caluanie China, caluanie muelear oxidize uses, caluanie muelear oxidize price, Caluanie Canada, Caluanie face to face, Best Caluanie, Premium Caluanie, Resuable Caluanie,
1.100 €
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Salerno (Campania)
CONTACT CENTRE SUD S.R.L., call center operante nel settore delle telecomunicazioni, ASSUME 50 ADDETTI CALL CENTER INBOUND per la sede di BATTIPAGLIA. La risorsa si occuperà di gestire e risolvere le richieste del cliente attraverso tutti i canali di contatto (voce, chat, mail, social). E’ gradita un’esperienza pregressa in analogo ruolo. L’azienda richiede: o Doti comunicative, orientamento al problem solving, capacità di lavorare in team o Ottimo utilizzo dei sistemi informatici o Flessibilità oraria a lavorare su turni inclusi festivi e weekend o Titolo di studio diploma o laurea o Disponibilità immediata L'azienda offre: o Percorso formativo tecnico-specifico remunerato o Iniziale assunzione a tempo determinato con profilo orario part-time o Inserimento in ambiente dinamico altamente professionale o Possibilità concreta di crescita professionale
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Caserta (Campania)
Contact Group, azienda specializzata nei servizi di teleselling, ricerca per la propria sede di Aversa n 10 operatori call center. Il nostro Team è in forte crescita! Siamo alla ricerca di talenti che condividano la nostra energia e il nostro entusiasmo per creare la miglior esperienza possibile per i nostri clienti. Offriamo: - fisso mensile fino a 800 euro più provvigioni e bonus extra su risultato mensile; - possibilità elevata di carriera; - location in posizione centrale; - innovativi strumenti e back-office interno altamente specializzato. Flessibilità sugli orari lavorativi! Scrivici alla nostra mail, chiama al numero *vedi modalità di candidatura* oppure *vedi modalità di candidatura* e visita la nostra pagina! Contratto di lavoro: Part-time, Tempo determinato, Lavoro a progetto Stipendio: da euro400,00 a euro800,00 /mese Clicca sul link sottostante "sito web" per inviarci la tua candidatura.
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Roma (Lazio)
CONTACT CENTRE SUD S.R.L., call center operante nel settore delle telecomunicazioni, ASSUME 30 ADDETTI CALL CENTER INBOUND per la sede di ROMA (Zona Eur, località Torrino). La risorsa si occuperà di gestire e risolvere le richieste del cliente attraverso tutti i canali di contatto (voce, chat, mail, social). E’ gradita un’esperienza pregressa in analogo ruolo. L’azienda richiede: o Doti comunicative, orientamento al problem solving, capacità di lavorare in team o Ottimo utilizzo dei sistemi informatici o Flessibilità oraria a lavorare su turni inclusi festivi e weekend o Titolo di studio diploma o laurea o Disponibilità immediata L'azienda offre: o Percorso formativo tecnico-specifico remunerato o Iniziale assunzione a tempo determinato con profilo orario part-time o Inserimento in ambiente dinamico altamente professionale o Possibilità concreta di crescita professionale Sede operativa: via Mar Della Cina 272 (Zona Eur, località Torrino) 00144 Roma Contratto di lavoro: Part-time, Tempo determinato
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Roma (Lazio)
CONTACT CENTRE SUD S.R.L., call center operante nel settore delle telecomunicazioni, ASSUME 30 ADDETTI CALL CENTER INBOUND per la sede di ROMA (Zona Eur, località Torrino). La risorsa si occuperà di gestire e risolvere le richieste del cliente attraverso tutti i canali di contatto (voce, chat, mail, social). E’ gradita un’esperienza pregressa in analogo ruolo. L’azienda richiede: o Doti comunicative, orientamento al problem solving, capacità di lavorare in team o Ottimo utilizzo dei sistemi informatici o Flessibilità oraria a lavorare su turni inclusi festivi e weekend o Titolo di studio diploma o laurea o Disponibilità immediata L'azienda offre: o Percorso formativo tecnico-specifico remunerato o Iniziale assunzione a tempo determinato con profilo orario part-time o Inserimento in ambiente dinamico altamente professionale o Possibilità concreta di crescita professionale Sede operativa: via Mar Della Cina 276 (Zona Eur, località Torrino) 00144 Roma Contratto di lavoro: Part-time, Tempo determinato
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Bari (Puglia)
BFP GROUP is looking for a free-lance Portuguese Senior Electrical Engineer for a specific PV project in Portugal Requirements: – Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering – Proven Experience in the design of PV plants, HV Lines & electrical substations (minimum 3 years) – Proven experience in Preliminary, Definitive and Final Design of Solar & Wind Plants (minimum 3 years) – Mandatory excellent knowledge of Portuguese language (Being a native Portuguese speaker will be preferential) - Good English and/or Italian and/or Spanish Knowledge - Availability for short business travels in Portugal, if necessary (for possible Site Surveys, Meetings, etc.) - To be an Authorized Engineer in Portugal to sign and stamp PV Projects, Substations, HV Lines is mandatory, - Knowledge of Portuguese legislation Main Activities: - Design review of one Solar Project in Portugal (Lisbon Area), - Sign and stamp all Basic and Detailed Designs of PV Plant, HV Line and Electrical Substation produced by our team - Direct contact with local authorities, in order for the project to be authorized according to the Portuguese legislation, - Reference contact point between local authorities and our team of engineers about all administrative, legislative (and technical) aspects of the project. - weekly calls and continuous contact by e-mail (possibly calls) with the rest of the team, Please, also provide us with a hourly quotation or better a lump sum for this kind of activity. Job duration: 4-5 months, Contract type: free-lance, Availability: starting from middle-end of March 2020, Workplace: Lisbon area (Portugal), Please send your application and your quotation to the following addresses: a.brigido@bfpgroup.net c.demarinis@bfpgroup.net Reference Code: P-EL-PV-LIS-27022020
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Milano (Lombardia)
Ricercamy.com, the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST. Job Purpose: the CSS is the Customer reference point being responsible for order management – from incoming order to the invoicing – ensuring satisfaction through timely product delivery. Key Duties and responsibilities: Order management in the ERP system. Sending of purchase orders to vendors (intercompany or third parties) Delivery time monitoring interacting with vendors (by e mail, calls) Monitoring and managing deliveries to the customer. Sales orders invoices creation and support in solving e-invoicing issues. Support to finance department for solving issues linked to purchase orders and sales orders. Support to the Customer Service Manager for the monthly Net Sales forecast. Manage any product return process following the reverse process from customer to the warehouse. Skills: Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening Familiar with CRM systems Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively Adaptability Ability to Work Under Pressure Positive Attitude Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. Temporary contract is offered. The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Milano (Lombardia)
Ricercamy.com, the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST. Job Purpose: the CSS is the Customer reference point being responsible for order management – from incoming order to invoicing – ensuring satisfaction through timely product delivery. Key Duties and responsibilities: Order management in the ERP system (SAP) Knowledge of goods handling systems (MB51, MB04, MMBE) Sending of purchase orders to vendors (intercompany or third parties) Delivery time monitoring interacting with vendors (by e mail, calls) Monitoring and managing deliveries to the customer. Sales orders invoices creation and support in solving e-invoicing issues. Support to finance department for solving issues linked to purchase orders and sales orders. Support to the Customer Service Manager for the monthly Net Sales forecast. Manage any product return process following the reverse process from customer to the warehouse. Skills: Excellent knowledge of SAP Good english, written and spoken Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening Familiar with CRM systems Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively Adaptability Ability to Work Under Pressure Positive Attitude Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. Temporary contract is offered. The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Milano (Lombardia)
Ricercamy.com, the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST. Job Purpose: the CSS is the Customer reference point being responsible for order management – from incoming order to invoicing – ensuring satisfaction through timely product delivery. Key Duties and responsibilities: Order management in the ERP system (SAP) Knowledge of goods handling systems (MB51, MB04, MMBE) Sending of purchase orders to vendors (intercompany or third parties) Delivery time monitoring interacting with vendors (by e mail, calls) Monitoring and managing deliveries to the customer. Sales orders invoices creation and support in solving e-invoicing issues. Support to finance department for solving issues linked to purchase orders and sales orders. Support to the Customer Service Manager for the monthly Net Sales forecast. Manage any product return process following the reverse process from customer to the warehouse. Skills: Excellent knowledge of SAP Good english, written and spoken Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening Familiar with CRM systems Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively Adaptability Ability to Work Under Pressure Positive Attitude Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. MEMBERSHIP IN PROTECTED CATEGORIES WILL BE PREFERENTIAL Temporary contract is offered (3 months) The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Roma (Lazio)
We have exciting opportunities for Business Developers, to drive new business opportunities for one of our Clients by qualifying, nurturing and setting appointments in existing and prospect accounts. 3D2B has enjoyed rapid growth and at present, we are searching for experienced professionals to join our team. Location: Rome, Italy Languages: English (native) You Will… • Qualify leads from marketing campaigns as sales opportunities. • Contact potential clients through cold calling, emailing, and may also include the use of LinkedIn Sales Navigator. • Present client company to potential customers. • Identify prospects’/customers’ needs and suggest appropriate products/services. • Set up meetings between prospects/customers and Account Executives and/or relevant Sales Team. • Report to a dedicated Project Manager. • Stay up to date with new products/services. Apply If You… • Like helping people to find solutions to resolve their challenges. • Like to work in an international environment. • Are a highly motivated person with a competitive personality, strong attention to detail and a hunger to reach and/or exceed your goals. • Have exceptional communication skills, both oral and written, coupled with excellent listening skills and a positive and energetic phone presence. • Can demonstrate an aptitude for technology. A Plus If You… • Are fluent in any other EMEA language (written/spoken – at native level) • Are experienced in telesales, customer service, help desk, and/or inside sales role for at least 1 year • Demonstrate a history of achieving and exceeding sales targets/goals, or other KPIs • Have experience and good working knowledge of CRM technologies/business applications Be part of an innovative, collaborative and winning team! About Us… 3D2B is a leader in the B2B sales arena. Founded by American executives with decades of business to business lead generation, marketing and sales experience, 3D2B's mission is to provide its clients with the highest quality service, strong ROI, and ease of collaboration. What makes us different from other B2B agencies? We do not sell! We create opportunities! Our services help our clients to expand and develop their business, relying on our professionalism, quality, dedication, commitment, and expertise. Mandatory documents required • Valid EU identity card or valid passport • Fiscal Code or documentation providing proof of issue • Valid Foreigners permit to stay and work for non-EU citizens (Permesso di Soggiorno)
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