Customer support team manager
Elenco delle migliori vendite customer support team manager

Milano (Lombardia)
Are you: passionate about managing teams? Leading people within a growing project and company? Excited to provide exceptional customer service by motivating your team? If your answer is Yes, then Apply now! For our business in Milan we are currently looking for a Team Manager (male/female), for our e-commerce partner. You’ll join a well-established and high performing project looking to achieve success on our long term strategy. As a Team Manager you’ll be responsible for leading your team to deliver exceptional support to the clients. You will do this by motivating and leading from the front, developing effective measures of coaching, supervision and training regarding the development of your staff. Ensuring optimal compliance with agreements while always putting people first and performing the necessary day to day tasks. Requirements: • Excellent language skills in Italian (C2) and English (C1) • Work experience in team management, ability to motivate and coach team members • Knowledge and experience in customer service (preferably in Outsourcing companies) • Strong administration and organization skills • Very good PC skills - proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office (especially Excel) • Very good analytical skills, productivity with a keen eye for detail • Excellent communication skills & high focus on customer satisfaction • Availability to work on shifts, 5 days a week, Monday to Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Offer: • Excellent reputation as responsible employer; • Modern working environment at an attractive location in Milan with good public transport connection; • A welcoming and inclusive environment; • A team ready to help you develop and grow; • A multinational environment, different nationalities and cultures to work every day. Join us in a vibrant, multi-cultural city center environment. Explore your career possibilities and work on your Personal Development. Above all, enjoy the experience of working with highly prestigious brands! At Majorel, we guarantee compliance with preventive regulations to ensure the care for the safety and health of workers in our facilities or in teleworking. This job opportunity is addressed to both sexes, in accordance with Laws 903/77 and 125/91.
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Italia (Tutte le città), innovativa società di Ricerca e Selezione del Personale all’avanguardia per metodologia e infrastruttura tecnologica, è alla ricerca di: Customer Support Per Swep International, fornitore leader mondiale di scambiatori di calore a piastre saldobrasate per applicazioni HVAC e industriali, stiamo ricercando un Customer Support SWEP è un'azienda eccitante e in crescita, dedicata alla creazione di soluzioni per affrontare le sfide energetiche del mondo ed è alla ricerca di profili che credano nei loro principi legati alla tutela dell’ambiente. La risorsa ricoprirà un ruolo fondamentale a contatto con i clienti e con la divisione commerciale della società. Sarà inserita all’interno dell’ufficio di Arcore che si occupa principalmente della gestione di clienti italiani, francesi e spagnoli. Si relazionerà via mail o tramite call con parte amministrativa, commerciale e produttiva presenti all’estero. Le mansioni affidate includono l'elaborazione degli ordini, il follow-up degli ordini e delle consegne, il follow-up dei pagamenti e la risposta alle domande dei clienti. Supporterà l’ufficio logistico per la preparazione eventuale di documentazione import/export. Competenze necessarie: Laurea gradita indirizzo Business Administration o similari Almeno un anno di esperienza in assistenza clienti, preferibile la provenienza da contesti internazionali Conoscenza fluente della lingua italiana, inglese e francese (scritto e parlato). Gradita dello spagnolo Gradito utilizzo di Oracle e Salesforce Ottime capacità di comunicazione, empatia. Forte spirito di lavoro di squadra, anche con team internazionali e multiculturali Orientamento ai risultati Flessibilità, Gestione di attività differenti Disponibilità a viaggiare in Europa per eventuali formazione e meeting con le altre sedi Si offre: Realtà in continua crescita Team dinamico e internazionale, molto affiatato CCNL Commercio, tempo determinato con obiettivo inserimento, RAL adeguata all
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Lecce (Puglia)
EverUp è una società inglese con fondatori italiani. Cerchiamo in Italia due customer support executives. Il lavoro, da remoto/casa, consiste nell'analizzare le richieste di apertura conto savings e valutare il profilo del cliente facendo una dettagliata due diligence. Inoltre ci saranno dei turni per supportare i clienti via chat (Intercom). Cerchiamo full time o anche part time. Rigorosamente richiesto inglese eccellente scritto. Buona/ottima compresione dell inglese parlato per poter sostenere il training che è ovviamente gratuito. Laurea è un plus ma non indispensabile. Sito web: Apps disponibili solo in inghilterra. Descrizione della società: EverUp ( is a UK fintech on a mission to change the way people save and growing very rapidly. The management team is very experienced and the company is well funded. Our venture is partially outsourced near-shore and we integrate the development with internal resources we want to keep for the long term. We are based in London but we all work remotely, as we build a fully distributed organisation driven by an international and diverse team.
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Roma (Lazio)
Sei un professionista esperto nella gestione di un team di risorse in ambito Customer Service? Un Leader nato con la missione di guidare e motivare gli altri nel percorso di crescita? Hai a cuore la qualità del servizio offerto dal tuo team e punti al miglioramento continuo? Stai cercando l’opportunità di far parte di una realtà giovane e dinamica, in un ambiente sereno e in costante ampliamento? Se la risposta è sì: APPLICA SUBITO! Chi Siamo: Majorel. Creiamo obiettivi e promesse che raggiungiamo, facendo la differenza nella Customer Experience, al fianco degli altri brand e partner mondiali. Abbiamo alle spalle l’esperienza delle nostre case madri, Bertelsmann e Saham, che grazie al loro prezioso contributo e partnership di lungo termine, siamo diventati un nuovo leader globale e un player fidato per i nostri clienti. Siamo implacabili, resilienti e rapidi. È l'unico modo per fornire una totale affidabilità e seguire il trend della digital transformation, in un mondo in costante evoluzione. Siamo al servizio dei clienti di tutto il mondo, in 36 lingue, grazie ai nostri 48.000 dipendenti e alle sedi presenti in 26 paesi tra Europa, Medio Oriente, Africa, America e Asia. Parliamo la loro lingua ovunque si trovino e qualunque sia la loro cultura. La nostra Mission: Creare esperienze incredibili per i nostri clienti Valorizzare le persone e renderle fiere di far parte della nostra Realtà Combinare Talento, Informazioni e Tecnologia Siamo portati per andare oltre: We are driven to go further. Descrizione: Per la nostra sede di Roma, stiamo cercando un Team Manager (m/f) Customer Service, per il settore Banking/Finance, che verrà inserito in un contesto fortemente dinamico e altamente qualificato. La figura sarà responsabile di guidare un team di 15/20 risorse e contribuirà al raggiungimento degli obiettivi condivisi in azienda e, in particolare, della nostra Vision di fornire un eccellente servizio di supporto ai clienti. Le parole chiave sono motivazione, guida, coaching, supervisione, monitoraggio e formazione continua. Principali attività: • Team Leadership e Coaching e quality activities • Implementazione, analisi e sviluppo di Action Plans • Motivare il Team nell’ottica di raggiungere obiettivi condivisi • Organizzazione delle attività quotidiane del team (turni, etc.) • Partecipazione attiva nella creazione e realizzazione di piani di formazione per lo sviluppo dei Talenti; • Supporto nella realizzazione del monitoraggio degli Agenti, al fine di assicurare la compliance con i criteri di qualità del servizio prestabiliti; • Reportistica relativi ai dati quantitativi di monitoraggio degli agenti, al fine di espletare le opportune analisi. Requisiti • Esperienza di almeno 2 anni nel ruolo preferibilmente in aziende di Outsourcing • Esperienza nella gestione dei Team e competenze strutturate in ambito organizzativo • Buone competenze di comunicazione verbale e scritta • Padronanza della lingua italiana • Conoscenza della lingua inglese (almeno livello B2) • Buona abilità in ambito informatico (pacchetto Office, applicativi di posta elettronica e browser Internet) • Disponibilità a lavorare su turni • La conoscenza di sistemi di monitoraggio qualità strutturati costituisce titolo preferenziale Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91. In Majorel garantiamo il rispetto delle normative di prevenzione al fine di garantire la sicurezza e la salute dei lavoratori nelle nostre strutture o durante lo smart-working.
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Milano (Lombardia)
Synergie Italia, agenzia per il lavoro filiale di Milano, cerca CUSTOMER SUPPORT per azienda leader nel settore dell’assistenza clienti e nello specifico per un servizo nell'ecommerce Le nuove risorse saranno inserite all’interno di un team composto da 80 colleghi a cui si aggiungono i team leader e si occuperanno di offrire assistenza ai clienti privati in tutte le problematiche che riscontrano. Le attività riguarderanno ad esempio la verifica e le modifiche sulle prenotazioni/ acquisti effettuati, la gestione dei reclami e la guida nell’uso del tool gestionale per i clienti. Questi ultimi potrebbero aver bisogno di aiuto sul pagamento, sulle modifiche o sulla cancellazione del loro ordine Nello svolgimento delle loro attività utilizzeranno il telefono per interagire con clienti e il pc per la risoluzione delle problematiche, la gestione dei ticket e il controllo delle attività. Stiamo cercando candidati che abbiano voglia di mettersi in gioco e che siano pronti a gestire lo stress e situazioni di difficoltà per il cliente. Un ottimo uso del pc è fondamentale per le attività di back office quotidiane da gestire. Problem solving e flessibilità sono un valore aggiunto, così come la conoscenza della lingua inglese che sarà richiesta per la gestione di mail e chat o inserimento dati a gestionale. NECESSARIA LA CONOSCENZA DELLA LINGUA SPAGNOLA ALMENO LIVELLO C1. Preferibile esperienza anche breve nel settore del customer care, a contatto con i clienti non solo telefonico ma anche face to face. Ti offriamo un percorso di formazione gratuito e rimborsato prima dell’inizio del contratto DAL 6/05 per poter essere autonomo e preparato nella gestione delle attività, da frequentare da remoto, da casa in tutta sicurezza. Ti offriamo un ambiente di lavoro stimolante, dinamico e in forte espansione. Il contratto iniziale sarà di circa 1 mese di prova più proroghe di lunga durata. I turni di lavoro andranno nella fascia tra le 8 e le 22 (con flessibilità su tutta la fascia oraria), il contratto è part time 20 da Lunedi a domenica. L’attività si svolgerà presso la nostra azienda cliente in zona facilmente raggiungibile con i mezzi pubblici. I candidati ambosessi (L.903/77) sono invitati a leggere l'informativa privacy Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 Aut. Min. Prot. N. 1207 - SG del 16/12/2004
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Chi siamo HAL Service, societ attiva dal 1990, offre soluzioni ICT e TLC su misura per Aziende e Pubbliche Amministrazioni, accompagnando i clienti nel loro percorso di digitalizzazione con servizi innovativi e di alta qualit. Attraverso il marchio WiC, propone soluzioni complete di connettivit, voce, cyber security, cloud e datacenter, tutte supportate da un team di esperti qualificati che forniscono assistenza proattiva e personalizzata. In qualit di Societ Benefit, HAL Service integra la sostenibilit e la responsabilit sociale in ogni attivit, promuovendo pratiche che favoriscono il benessere delle comunit e il rispetto per l'ambiente. Chi stiamo cercando: Il/la candidato/a ideale sar inserito nella divisione Assurance e gestir le chiamate dei Clienti assicurando loro supporto specialistico per la risoluzione di tutte le problematiche tecniche inerenti lerogazione dei servizi Voce (Voip), connettivit (Xdsl, FTTx, Fibra dedicata), connettivit IP, servizi Vas (Mail, Fax2mail, Pec) fino a garantire la completa soddisfazione del Cliente stesso. Gestir la relazione con le strutture territoriali dei fornitori per la risoluzione delle problematiche riguardanti la rete di accesso, controller la qualit e la conformit degli interventi svolti da outsourcer e supplier, coerentemente a quanto previsto dagli standard di servizio richiesti. Il candidato ideale sar in possesso dei seguenti requisiti: - Laurea o Diploma Tecnico/Scientifico - Esperienza pregressa in aziende di Telecomunicazioni in qualit di Customer Support - Conoscenza media delle reti IP LAN/WAN ed Internet - Conoscenza base delle tecnologie e delle architetture di accesso (FTTH, FTTC, FWA, LTE) - Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese Completano il profilo mentalit orientata al Cliente, attitudine al problem solving, elevata attitudine al lavoro di team, elevate capacit comunicative, di apprendimento e affidabilit, forte orientamento al raggiungimento degli obiettivi. Sede di lavoro: Borgosesia (VC)
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Milano (Lombardia), the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST. Job Purpose: the CSS is the Customer reference point being responsible for order management – from incoming order to the invoicing – ensuring satisfaction through timely product delivery. Key Duties and responsibilities: Order management in the ERP system. Sending of purchase orders to vendors (intercompany or third parties) Delivery time monitoring interacting with vendors (by e mail, calls) Monitoring and managing deliveries to the customer. Sales orders invoices creation and support in solving e-invoicing issues. Support to finance department for solving issues linked to purchase orders and sales orders. Support to the Customer Service Manager for the monthly Net Sales forecast. Manage any product return process following the reverse process from customer to the warehouse. Skills: Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening Familiar with CRM systems Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively Adaptability Ability to Work Under Pressure Positive Attitude Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. Temporary contract is offered. The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Milano (Lombardia), the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST. Job Purpose: the CSS is the Customer reference point being responsible for order management – from incoming order to invoicing – ensuring satisfaction through timely product delivery. Key Duties and responsibilities: Order management in the ERP system (SAP) Knowledge of goods handling systems (MB51, MB04, MMBE) Sending of purchase orders to vendors (intercompany or third parties) Delivery time monitoring interacting with vendors (by e mail, calls) Monitoring and managing deliveries to the customer. Sales orders invoices creation and support in solving e-invoicing issues. Support to finance department for solving issues linked to purchase orders and sales orders. Support to the Customer Service Manager for the monthly Net Sales forecast. Manage any product return process following the reverse process from customer to the warehouse. Skills: Excellent knowledge of SAP Good english, written and spoken Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening Familiar with CRM systems Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively Adaptability Ability to Work Under Pressure Positive Attitude Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. Temporary contract is offered. The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Milano (Lombardia), the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST. Job Purpose: the CSS is the Customer reference point being responsible for order management – from incoming order to invoicing – ensuring satisfaction through timely product delivery. Key Duties and responsibilities: Order management in the ERP system (SAP) Knowledge of goods handling systems (MB51, MB04, MMBE) Sending of purchase orders to vendors (intercompany or third parties) Delivery time monitoring interacting with vendors (by e mail, calls) Monitoring and managing deliveries to the customer. Sales orders invoices creation and support in solving e-invoicing issues. Support to finance department for solving issues linked to purchase orders and sales orders. Support to the Customer Service Manager for the monthly Net Sales forecast. Manage any product return process following the reverse process from customer to the warehouse. Skills: Excellent knowledge of SAP Good english, written and spoken Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening Familiar with CRM systems Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively Adaptability Ability to Work Under Pressure Positive Attitude Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. MEMBERSHIP IN PROTECTED CATEGORIES WILL BE PREFERENTIAL Temporary contract is offered (3 months) The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione Are you always the local guide, restaurant-picker and hotel connoisseur in your friend circle? Is traveling in your blood? Feels like you and Majorel should have a talk! Is traveling what makes you talk? And on top of that, you love to help people out? Let’s combine spirits and join our team as a travel and tourism success agent! Who we are: We’re Majorel. We design, deliver and differentiate customer experience on behalf of some of the world’s most respected brands. At Majorel we serve customers accross the world. We support them at any time, through every device and in the manner they expect from their brands. We speak their language wherever they are and whatever their culture. At Majorel we combine the best of people, technology and innovation to deliver real value to our clients. We are committed and we believe in equal opportunities between men and women. In the same way, our offered positions are open to people with disabilities. We ensure compliance and all prevention regulations are met, guaranteeing the care for our people’s health and safety both at our facilities and teleworking. Our mission: We create amazing customer experiences that people value and we are proud of. By combining talent, data, and technology. We deliver real impact for our partners. We are driven to go further. Your Responsibilities: •Providing superb support the way you would want to be treated during your vacation! •Inform your customers about the products and services the project provides, and make sure this also includes their policies and processes in a friendly manner •Be aware of current traveling destinations and holiday trends •Evaluate problems and complaints of the callers and provide proper solutions to them (chat, e-mail, phone calls) Your profile: •Excellent communication skills & high focus on customer satisfaction •Excellent language skills (at least C1) in Italian and English, both spoken and written •Customer service-orientated and a high focus on customer satisfaction •Strong administration and organization skills •Keen eye for detail to ensure high accuracy •Very good PC skills •Availability to work on shifts •Team work •A previous experience in Customer Service or similar business is a plus (B2B) Our offer: •Starting paid training path •Continuous improvement and product training •Modern and multinational working environment at an attractive location in Milan with good public transport connection •Excellent reputation as responsible employer •Welcoming and inclusive environment •Shift system (from Monday to Sunday from 7am to 11 pm; festivities included) •Work is performed in our facilities and in teleworking •Belonging to a great international company where you will constantly be learning
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Milano (Lombardia)
Mediacom, azienda specializzata nell'erogazione di servizi in outsourcing, per la gestione delle Customer Operations: Contact Center Inbound e Outbound, Credit Management, Marketing e Ricerche di Mercato, è alla ricerca di:1 Team Leader OutboundLa risorsa si occuperà di coordinamento e sviluppo del team in termini di coaching, raggiungimento degli obiettivi e monitoraggio delle attività, collaborando con il Customer Project Manager.Requisiti richiesti:- Esperienza pregressa in ruoli analoghi di almeno cinque anni (Settore Telecomunicazioni edEnergy)- Determinazione, precisione e forte orientamento al raggiungimento degli obiettivi- Competenze analitiche per la comprensione del budget personale ed aziendale- Propensione all'ascolto, all'apprendimento e alla relazione- Mentalità manageriale, intraprendente e propositiva- Disponibilità a lavorare su turni Titolo di Studi: Diploma di Scuola Media SuperioreSedi di lavoro: Milano (Mi) Clicca sul link sottostante "sito web" per inviarci la tua candidatura.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
We are looking for an experienced sales leader to manage the growth in Italy. As Italy Sales Manager, you will act as an entrepreneur to acquire many new clients and lead a team to achieve your objectives. Your main responsibilities will be: Identify target accounts and proactively acquire new clients in the Italy (from hunting plan setting & execution to deals closing & new clients on boarding). Exceed sales and revenue targets by effectively managing quarterly sales goals. Accountable for client retention and new profitable revenue growth. Recruit, manage, and develop a highly driven team of sales, customer sucess managers and Marketing Manager. Lead by example: as an individual contributor, by hitting your own sales quota; as a manager by helping your team progress and reach their targets. Develop and maintain a personal network with clients and partners, predominantly at senior executive level. As a member of the sales management team, participate in the implementation of the global strategic sales objectives and contribute in identifying and implementing continual process and practice improvements. Ensure accurate sales reporting, metric analysis, sales recognition, and other ad-hoc sales operations support activitiesSales Manager Italy - Multinazionale settore HRMultinazionale settore HR - Talent5+ years experience in new business acquisition sales, including 2+ years of management roles HR industry experience & personal network in HR Previous experience of selling B2B SaaS solutions is a plus Strong operational leader with demonstrated success in driving growth, getting tangible results, and improving sales KPI Positive and creative, with strong willingness to win despite all challenges, thrives in a fast paced entrepreneurial and competitive environment Familiar with CRM systems ( ideally) Outstanding communication, negotiation, persuasion, and interpersonal skills with a natural ability to build relationships Data-driven, results-oriented, and accurate Italian native speaker, Fluent EnglishOur Partner is an international company who helps HR professionals provide a unique candidate and employee experience while liberating them from low added-value tasks. Their Talent Experience Platform, delivering a chatbot, interview scheduler, AI-driven video interviewing, language assessments and career management solution, allows their customers to optimize and digitalize their hiring, internal mobility and employee career development.Ottima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 50.000 /anno a 70.000 /anno
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Torino (Piemonte)
Provides the best service, assisting the store team and clients through the selling ceremony Welcoming, understanding customer’s needs and orienting them into the departments Providing support while trying the products on Serving as a liason between the sales team and the clients Interacting with customers to ensure client satisfaction Packing and providing support during payment Stock & Inventory Management: Support colleagues with product replenishment and stock activities, to ensure store efficiency Visual Management: Ensure that products are ready for sale by following visual guide lines Administrative Activities: Support colleagues with administrative activities, to ensure store efficiency Job Requirements: Excellent Interpersonal and communication skills Strong understanding of Customer Service needs and Customer priorities Strong attention to detail and multi task Your Skills and Experience: Fluent English and Italian language; knowledge of other languages would be a plus. Ability to adapt to frequent change and a high pressure environment. Ability to initiate contact and communication. Motivated by being a team player with a common goal. Excellent Communication and interpersonal Skills with the ability to build and maintain relationships. Problem solving Contratto di lavoro: Tempo pieno, Tempo determinato Stipendio: €1.250,00 /mese
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Cagliari (Sardegna)
The Role: We are currently seeking a Project Manager to join our team based in Paris. This is an exciting opportunity for someone who is looking to become part of a hardworking, forward thinking and growing business. With the opportunity to develop your career. JOB RESPONSIBILITIES Client Management 1. Build and sustain strong relationships with all company’s department. 1. Work as a liaison between the client’s design agencies and other client’s representatives, build a relationship with leading contacts. 2. Establish and maintain a strong client relationship. Act as a point of contact for client personnel assigned to project within your control. 3. Keep abreast of trends in the retail market and how they may affect the client. Be commercially aware and responsive to client needs. 4. Attend client and supplier tours as required. Assist the Account Director with mock-up and bid phases for all technical aspect. 5. Be able to troubleshoot issues and keep the client updated on any corrective action. Project Management 1. Own and be responsible for ensuring that all projects are managed in a professional manner. 2. Work directly with clients to develop and define projects from the beginning through to project end, taking responsibility for their successful delivery. 3. Manage the delivery of projects, producing the required deliverables including budget, time constraints and quality requirements. Manage critical paths according to the clients’ launch schedule and knowledge of the internal production and the construction site 4. Implement and maintain Project Reports focusing on TIME/COST/QUALITY, Provide status report to Company / Client / Suppliers on a weekly basis, either 1:1 or via conference call. 5. Manage design for projects within your control, manage the approval process. 6. Advise and implement service supply appointments including tender selection and documentation etc. 7. Arrange and attend pre-production meetings with suppliers, client and production technician. Ensure any concerns are discussed. 8. Work with on-site site manager to ensure site production Information Management 1. Successfully communicate production issues to/from the company and work effectively with the on-site and production department. 2. Raise any issues whether client, production or team related, to the Account Director. Team Management 1. Be positive and calming influence in the team and ensure that team members maintain a professional attitude. 2. Assist the Director to mentor and train new team members. 3. Build a strong relationship with the extended team. 4. Buddy team members for holiday and sickness. QUALIFICATIONS / REQUIREMENTS Degree educated in an appropriate field of study Have up to 3+ years of experience Experience of Retail and Residential industry sectors are desirable Knowledge and experience of using Microsoft Office suite, AutoCAD and MS Project Ability to work flexibly with strong organisational skills to manage workload Innovative and adaptable to change with a professional and dedicated attitude Possess strong communication skills and can consistently offer an excellent standard of customer care Strong organisational skills along with ability to multi-task Good attention to detail A team player, with an efficient and proactive approach. TRAINING AND BENEFITS We believe in professional and personal growth and support this through training, sponsorships and apprenticeships at all stages of your career, with access to; 1. Cross-sector experience 2. Professional development training 3. Flexible but structured career path 4. Friendly working environment 5. Open communication with Senior Management
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Udine (Friuli Venezia Giulia)
About us Madico is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of innovative window film, coating, metallizing and laminate solutions. Headquartered in Tampa Bay, Florida, Madico, Inc. innovates, manufactures, and distributes a broad range of protective, functional and decorative materials-based solutions including films, coatings and laminates for various industries worldwide from automotive and architecture to healthcare and aerospace. ProtectionPro, the device protection division of Madico, is the global-leader in on-demand device screen protection. We are present in over 146 countries around the world offer premium level support and assistance to our clients and distributors around the clock. Job Description Looking for a person to assist with providing tech support related assistance to our clients, distributors and team. This person will regularly do data entry, field calls or messages for assistance from the EMEA region, and work as a team on various product and material tests from time to time. Requirements: • Fluent in English both written and spoken (mandatory), any additional language (Arabic, French, German, Hebrew, Polish, Russian, Portuguese) is a plus • Customer service oriented • Team player • Strong analytical skills, technology minded and attention to detail • Ability to prioritize, multitask, and manage time productively • Willing and able to travel • Basic experience working with Microsoft Office • Previous experiences in Tech support, customer service, IT, product development and/or design (any field) are welcome but not required • VAT Number (Partita IVA) Please apply writing to and attach your CV and a brief Cover Letter.
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