Elenco delle migliori vendite during

Firenze (Toscana)
During cerca per conto di un'azienda cliente addetto all'inventario per la città di FIRENZE. Azienda leader nella realizzazione di inventari esternalizzati, cerca addetti all'inventario da inserire per ampliamento organico: la risorsa si occuperà di effettuare la "conta fisica" dei prodotti presenti nei negozi dei nostri clienti. Stai cercando un’occupazione in cui puoi decidere tu quando collaborare? Noi siamo quelli giusti per te! Con noi puoi conciliare la tua prima occupazione come l’università o un lavoro part-time senza nessuna difficoltà! Cerchiamo inoccupati, studenti/studentesse, neo laureati, giovani lavoratori part-time, affidabili e disponibili, precisi e motivati, con tanta voglia di mettersi in gioco. Valuteremo tutte le candidature ricevute. L’attività non è continua ed è in orari serali/notturni. Il lavoro consiste nel conteggio dei prodotti esposti nei punti vendita dei nostri clienti. La registrazione dei codici a barre avviene tramite lettore elettronico. Non è necessaria alcuna esperienza lavorativa. Requisiti ideali: disponibilità a lavorare su turni flessibili in orari serali e notturni, e piena disponibilità a brevi spostamenti sul territorio regionale e nazionale con mezzi messi a disposizione dall’azienda, nessun pagamento sarà richiesto. Offriamo un lavoro in squadra, molto semplice, ma di responsabilità ed attenzione con concrete opportunità di crescita professionale e di formazione. I candidati interessati possono inviare un CV via e-mail a milano@during.it Inserire nel CV il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi della legge 196/2003. Informativa privacy consultabile sul sito www.during.it. Aut. Min. del Lavoro Prot. n.1180 SG del 13/12/2004. La ricerca è rivolta ad ambosessi (L. 903/77 e 125/91), e a tutte le nazionalità ai sensi dei D.Lgs. 215/03 e 216/03.
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Ancona (Marche)
)During cerca per conto di un'azienda cliente addetto all'inventario per la città di Ancona: Azienda leader nella realizzazione di inventari esternalizzati, cerca addetti all'inventario da inserire per ampliamento organico: la risorsa si occuperà di effettuare la "conta fisica" dei prodotti presenti nei negozi dei nostri clienti. Stai cercando un’occupazione in cui puoi decidere tu quando collaborare? Noi siamo quelli giusti per te! Con noi puoi conciliare la tua prima occupazione come l’università o un lavoro part-time senza nessuna difficoltà! Cerchiamo inoccupati, studenti/studentesse, neo laureati, giovani lavoratori part-time, affidabili e disponibili, precisi e motivati, con tanta voglia di mettersi in gioco. Valuteremo tutte le candidature ricevute. L’attività non è continua ed è in orari serali/notturni. Il lavoro consiste nel conteggio dei prodotti esposti nei punti vendita dei nostri clienti. La registrazione dei codici a barre avviene tramite lettore elettronico. Non è necessaria alcuna esperienza lavorativa. Requisiti ideali: disponibilità a lavorare su turni flessibili in orari serali e notturni, e piena disponibilità a brevi spostamenti sul territorio regionale e nazionale con mezzi messi a disposizione dall’azienda, nessun pagamento sarà richiesto. Offriamo un lavoro in squadra, molto semplice, ma di responsabilità ed attenzione con concrete opportunità di crescita professionale e di formazione. Candidati subito! I candidati interessati possono inviare un CV via e-mail a milano@during.it Inserire nel CV il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi della legge 196/2003. Informativa privacy consultabile sul sito www.during.it. Aut. Min. del Lavoro Prot. n.1180 SG del 13/12/2004. La ricerca è rivolta ad ambosessi (L. 903/77 e 125/91), e a tutte le nazionalità ai sensi dei D.Lgs. 215/03 e 216/03.
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Milano (Lombardia)
During - Agenzia per il lavoro Filiale di Milano ricerca e seleziona per importante azienda nel settore eventi: Addetto/a alla selezione. Si richiede: esperienza nel settore di almeno due anni enell’ambito di segreteria generale,ottima conoscenza del pacchetto Office e disponibilità’ immediata. Zona di lavoro: Assago. I candidati interessati possono inviare un CV via e-mail a elisabetta.luparia@during.it Inserire nel CV il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi della legge 196/2003. Informativa privacy consultabile sul sito www.during.it. Aut. Min. del Lavoro Prot. n.1180 SG del 13/12/2004. La ricerca è rivolta ad ambosessi (L. 903/77 e 125/91), e a tutte le nazionalità ai sensi dei D.Lgs. 215/03 e 216/03.
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Pavia (Lombardia)
During - Agenzia per il lavoro Filiale di Milano ricerca e seleziona per prestigiosa azienda: Carrellista. Si richiede: diploma, esperienza nel settore di almeno due anni, patente del muletto e disponibilità immediata. Zona di lavoro: Stradella (Pv). I candidati interessati possono inviare un CV via e-mail a milano@during.it Inserire nel CV il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi della legge 196/2003. Informativa privacy consultabile sul sito www.during.it. Aut. Min. del Lavoro Prot. n.1180 SG del 13/12/2004. La ricerca è rivolta ad ambosessi (L. 903/77 e 125/91), e a tutte le nazionalità ai sensi dei D.Lgs. 215/03 e 216/03.
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Milano (Lombardia)
During - Agenzia per il lavoro Filiale di Milano ricerca e seleziona per prestigiosa azienda operante nel settore Telecomunicazioni addetti/e riparazione Pos Categoria Protetta. Il candidato ideale è in possesso dei seguenti requisiti: diploma/tecnico in elettronica/telecomunicazioni, esperienza in centri di assistenza su tablet, smartphone, pos, stampanti e ottima conoscenza di lavoro (tester, trapano, ecc). Zona di lavoro: Cernusco sul Naviglio I candidati interessati possono inviare un CV Inserire nel CV il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi della legge 196/2003. Informativa privacy consultabile sul sito www.during.it. Aut. Min. del Lavoro Prot. n.1180 SG del 13/12/2004. La ricerca è rivolta ad ambosessi (L. 903/77 e 125/91), e a tutte le nazionalità ai sensi dei D.Lgs. 215/03 e 216/03.
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Milano (Lombardia)
During - Agenzia per il lavoro Filiale di Milano ricerca e seleziona per prestigiosa azienda operante nel settore Telecomunicazioni addetti/e riparazione Pos. Il candidato ideale è in possesso dei seguenti requisiti: diploma/tecnico in elettronica/telecomunicazioni, esperienza in centri di assistenza su tablet, smartphone, pos, stampanti e ottima conoscenza di lavoro (tester, trapano, ecc). Zona di lavoro: Cernusco sul Naviglio I candidati interessati possono inviare un CV Inserire nel CV il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi della legge 196/2003. Informativa privacy consultabile sul sito www.during.it. Aut. Min. del Lavoro Prot. n.1180 SG del 13/12/2004. La ricerca è rivolta ad ambosessi (L. 903/77 e 125/91), e a tutte le nazionalità ai sensi dei D.Lgs. 215/03 e 216/03.
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Milano (Lombardia)
During - Agenzia per il lavoro Filiale di Milano ricerca e seleziona per importante azienda in settore telecomunicazioni: Tecnico Field service. La risorsa si occuperà dell’assistenza esterna dei pos, effettuando installazioni, collaudi,,manutenzioni ordinarie e straordinarie nel territorio della provincia di Milano e Piacenza. Si richiede: diploma tecnico, disponibilità immediata e buona conoscenza del pacchetto Office. Zona di lavoro: Milano e provincia. I candidati interessati possono inviare un CV Inserire nel CV il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi della legge 196/2003. Informativa privacy consultabile sul sito www.during.it. Aut. Min. del Lavoro Prot. n.1180 SG del 13/12/2004. La ricerca è rivolta ad ambosessi (L. 903/77 e 125/91), e a tutte le nazionalità ai sensi dei D.Lgs. 215/03 e 216/03. essi (L. 903/77 e 125/91), e a tutte le nazionalità ai sensi dei D.Lgs. 215/03 e 216/03.
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Milano (Lombardia)
During cerca DATA ENGINEER per Azienda cliente, leader nella consulenza informatica. La risorsa inserita sarà coinvolta in progetti di consulenza e sviluppo di soluzioni innvoative web e mobile per mercati eterogenei. Luogo di lavoro: Milano Ottima opportunità in Azienda struttura dove vengono effettuati corsi di formazione on the job e corsi di specializzazione in base ai progetti. Requisiti E' richiesto almeno un anno di esperienza Conoscenze tecniche necessarie: SCALA SPARK Gradita conoscenza di Cloudera Soft skills: • capacità di imparare velocemente nuovi linguaggi di programmazione; • capacità di adattamento; • capacità di lavorare secondo la metodologia agile. Altre informazioni Inserimento full time.
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Milano (Lombardia)
During cerca un DATA ANALYST SQL per Azienda cliente leader nel settore informatico e tecnologico. La risorsa ideale deve saper leggere e interpretare i Data, sviluppandone modelli di business. Inoltre la risorsa deve avere una buona conoscenza del linguaggio SQL e di Excel. Inserimento full time. Luogo di lavoro: Milano Inserimento diretto con inquadramento commisurato all'esperienza effettiva. Requisiti • Buone capacità di comprendere il contesto aziendale e di parlare con interlocutori interni delle linee di business per capirne le esigenze • Saper leggere e interpretare i Data, sviluppandone modelli di business; • Buona conoscenza del linguaggio SQL e di Excel; • Familiarità sia con le tecniche di modellazione che interrogazione dati e dimistichezza con la manutenzione dei db; • Capacità comunicative e rappresentative Altre informazioni Inserimento full time.
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Varese (Lombardia)
During Agenzia per il Lavoro cerca un operatore su tornio tradizionale parallelo. La risorsa sarà inserita in organico di Azienda cliente, leader nel settore, sita in Olgiate Olona. La risorsa si dovrà occupare di lavorazioni su tornio parallelo, fresa e trapano tradizionale. Requisiti: Esperienza maturata di almeno 5 anni Conoscenza e lettura dei disegni meccanici
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Varese (Lombardia)
During Agenzia per il Lavoro cerca un operatore su tornio tradizionale parallelo. La risorsa sarà inserita in organico di Azienda cliente, leader nel settore, sita in Olgiate Olona. La risorsa si dovrà occupare di lavorazioni su tornio parallelo, fresa e trapano tradizionale. Requisiti Esperienza maturata di almeno 5 anni Conoscenza e lettura dei disegni meccanici Altre informazioni Inserimento full time. Ottime prospettive di assunzione diretta in azienda. Requisiti Esperienza maturata di almeno 5 anni Conoscenza e lettura dei disegni meccanici
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Verbania (Piemonte)
During - Agenzia per il lavoro ricerca e seleziona ADDETTA/O ANTINCENDIO. Si i richiede: esperienza nel settore, disponibilità full- time su turni 7 su 7 con due giorni di riposo compensativi, patente c e attestato Antincendio. Zona di lavoro: Montecrevola (Vb). I candidati interessati possono inviare un CV via fax al n. 02 54090049. Inserire nel CV il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi della legge 196/2003. Informativa privacy consultabile sul sito. Aut. Min. del Lavoro Prot. n.1180 SG del 13/12/2004. La ricerca è rivolta ad ambosessi (L. 903/77 e 125/91), e a tutte le nazionalità ai sensi dei D.Lgs. 215/03 e 216/03.
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How It Works Natural full All-l Breast Enlargement Cream in essence stimulates and replicates the natural growth process experienced during both puberty and pregnancy Call During puberty, estrogen unique to breast tissue development are produced naturally by a woman's body. Ultimately, the size, shape, and fullness of the breasts are completely dependent upon the duration of puberty and the overall amount of the unique breast tissue hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Commonly women experience a shortened period of pubescence and/or a reduced production of these and other hormones critical to breast development. The result is underdeveloped breasts...conditions that are experienced by a majority of today's women. As a woman ages, her body naturally tapers of the production of these hormones. However, when pregnant, a woman's body again begins producing the hormones synonymous with breast development, specifically to enable the retention of milk and other fluids. However, this cell growth is only temporary. Natural full safely stimulates mammalian tissue growth, without promoting milk production. Because Natural full is simply encouraging the body's natural growth process, the product is safe and the results are real and long term! As featured in many national media, Natural full is a soothing, all natural and safe topical cream designed to give you larger, firmer breasts by stimulating new cell growth in the mammary glands. This safe and very affordable alternative to cosmetic surgery can provide measurable results within weeks, has no adverse side-effects, and actually helps regulate female hormones and reduces the symptoms of PMS. Benefits of Natural full Creams are : www.drmamasuzzan.webs.com +27782842465
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Roma (Lazio)
Hi, I am a 22 year old American female living in Rome seeking part-time work such as date night/ weekend work. I am located in Piazza Fiume area. I am open to walking/caring for animals, babysitting children ages birth-13 years of age. I am able to walk animals during lunchtime hours during the school days. I have had 10 years of babysitting experience and 4 years of child-care experience (working at a daycare in America). I am an animal-lover and enjoy all kinds of animals. I only speak English but am willing to work with Italian speaking families.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Main Accountabilities: Support the Key account Manager AO (EMEA + APAC) in the implementation of the customer strategies (prepare operative sales plans, lost order analysis, review contracts to ensure that the negotiated terms are followed and fulfilled, prepare and maintain the relevant documentation) Provide an ongoing support to the customers as regards all technical issues and ensure high quality customer service (follow-up of orders, customer visits, cost/revenue analysis in cooperation with the project controlling, prepare and conduct the customer presentations) Support the KAM AO in the liaison between the customers and the internal departments, processing the customer complaints and initiate improvements (e.g. initiation of new product concepts in the R&D department). Provide support in preparation of the price/cost analyses as well as the operational sales planning Provide support to KAM in the preparation of the price negotiations for the new projects, in cooperation with the project controlling during the offer/development phase. Support the customer projects from a technical as well as commercial perspective from the initial phase until delivery in regards to budget, deadlines, respect of payments due dates, etc. Support in preparation of the negotiations regarding the product modifications and prices during the production phase within given limits. Support the KAM AO in the market researches of the competitors´ activities and products Support KAM in performing timely invoicing/billing for the prototype samples, tools, etc. Multinazionale leader del settore industriale ricerca un Key Account Junior OE Job Requirements: University degree or equivalent education in the field of Engineering. Customer orientation, organization and coordination skills, self-initiative and ability to work under pressure communication skills Relevant IT tolls (MS Office, SAP, etc.) Fluency in English. The knowledge of German language is also appreciated. Availability to travel Sales orientation Multinazionale leader del settore industrialeOttima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 30.000 /anno a 40.000 /anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Responsible for the installation, service and maintenance of GPI machinery in constumer facilities. The incumbent is a key member of the Technical Service team and oartners with our converting and sales teams to meet the needs of the customers. Key Responsibilities: Conducts top-level troubleshooting, diagnosis and repair of electrical, mechanical and controls related problems on machines installed at customer locations, including overhauls and field upgrades as necessaryParticipates in the development, processing and follow up of specifications during machinery tests, debugging and start up, as well as, during the development and field testing of new carton designsDevelops and maintains productive working relationships with customers and acts professionally and proactively to resolve equipment, cartons or service-related issuesAs the technical expert, partners with sales and converting manufacturing individuals and teams to resolve customer issues, as well as, support new business opportunities and product development projectsApplies continuous improvement concepts and techniques to increase equipment productivity. Participates in process improvement and cost reduction initiatives.Effectively utilizes IT systems (in-house and standard applications)Maintains skill base necessary and consistent with machinery and carton technologyProvides instruction and training to customers' staff on safety, operations, machinery maintenance and proper carton handling proceduresPrepares service reports, modified schematics, standard operating procedures and carton specification updates to support field initiatives and changesReports on progress of projects / assignments to all internal and external stakeholdersConducts audits, evaluations and assessment of machine systems / performance resultsLiaises with other companies / OEM's working on common projects This is a summary of the key responsibilities of this position. The Company reserves the right to require the role-holder to undertake such additional tasks or duties as may be within their capabilities and abide by all reasonable rules and instruction given by the Company. Qualifications and Experience Important Graphic Packaging Holding Company Good career opportunityMain Skills:Higher level of English reading, writing and speaking skills4 or more years of related experience and/or formal training in equipment maintenance, repair and troubleshooting. Knowledge of packaging or similar equipment is advantageousTechnical training with graduation or education of industrial or mechanical engineeringDemonstrated ability to ready electrical, mechanical engineering PLC and operator interface knowledgeWorking knowledge of continuous improvement methods, i.e. Six Sigma methodologyMust be prepared to travel if required on short notice. Working hours are flexible to meet Customer demands. Some shift / out of hours working will be required as necessary.Full clean driving license Key CompetenciesEffective communicator, both orally and written, with internal and external customersSuccessfully identifies root causes and resolves problems and issuesDevelops positive customer relationships through customer-focused mindset, build trustIs a team player, works well with others inside and outside the organizationIs a self-starter, has initiative, can effectively work independently with minimal direct supervisionEffectively manages time, plans, projects and related tasksFlexible approach to ensure timely and professional service to support customer and the internal manufacturing processContinuously meet targets and objectives, accountable for results Important Graphic Packaging Holding Company.Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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Milano (Lombardia)
Società di consulenza di direzione e organizzazione aziendale ed executive research cerca: Analyst Junior Purpose of the role To provide process and research support on client assignments and other projects. Can be located in local offices or in virtual/physical hubs globally. Can be deployed for local or regional assignment execution and support local or regional initiatives CORE RESPONSIBILITIES - Manages projects (assignments, pitch preparation, etc.) in partnership with the consultant, creating an effective project plan that ensures the team delivers on client expectations and timelines; - Creates high quality client documentation (profiles, status reports, powerpoint slides) for projects; - Develops the search strategy with the supervision of the consultant, fully understanding the needs and critical issues of the search and the client; - Undertakes market interaction for insights and systematic coverage (sourcing executives to seek recommendations of candidates and insights on companies and markets, as well as talking to job seekers, but not approaching candidates with specific opportunities), after training and with appropriate support; - Validates, calibrates and prioritizes candidates on assignments in preparation for, and during, discussions with consultants; - Provides candidate identification for assignments and gathers actionable information on key moves and market news for business development opportunities. SHARED ACCOUNTABILITIES - Reports to local or regional Head of Research for deployment on projects; - Supports senior researchers and consultants requests during the course of an engagement. Location Milan
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Alessandria (Piemonte)
The Windows system engineer expert our company is looking for, will be involved in highly challenging and complex projects. Good relational and team work skills, dynamic autonomy, flexibility and a great desire to get involved are fundamental requirements. Open position in Turin Required Mandatory Skills Deep knowledge of installing and managing Windows Server VMware vSphere Powershell Very Appreciated Skills Cisco UCS architecture Active Directory Azure basic knowledge Microsoft Certifications The ideal profile will be involved full-time and he/she must have gained an experience of at least 2 years in this role. Good relational and team work skills, dynamic autonomy, flexibility and a great desire to get involved are fundamental requirements. The contractual hiring form, remuneration and any benefits will be discussed during the job interview and will be parameterized with the actual skills of the candidate. We are waiting for your applications!! The Windows system engineer expert our company is looking for, will be involved in highly challenging and complex projects. Good relational and team work skills, dynamic autonomy, flexibility and a great desire to get involved are fundamental requirements. Open position in Turin Required Mandatory Skills Deep knowledge of installing and managing Windows Server VMware vSphere Powershell Very Appreciated Skills Cisco UCS architecture Active Directory Azure basic knowledge Microsoft Certifications The ideal profile will be involved full-time and he/she must have gained an experience of at least 2 years in this role. Good relational and team work skills, dynamic autonomy, flexibility and a great desire to get involved are fundamental requirements. The contractual hiring form, remuneration and any benefits will be discussed during the job interview and will be parameterized with the actual skills of the candidate. We are waiting for your applications!!
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Milano (Lombardia)
Hello, my name is Maya Wadhwa and I am from Junior in college, from Connecticut. I am currently studying abroad in Milan, and would love to babysit during my free time. I am flexible, energetic, and would love this experience to learn more about Italian families and explore more of Milan! I have experience babysitting all ages. I am not yet fluent in Italian, but I am enrolled in a class during my time here.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Specific training courses in Italy or in your country. From 1.500,00 USD. The activities aimed at training are aimed at aspiring sports operators or tour operators who want to enrich their skills. The guides and instructors of the Rafting Center Patrick Rafting are dedicated to different sports: Rafting, Hydrospeed and Kayaking; mainly along the Italian waterways but also on those of Europe and extra-continental. The proposal includes different educational paths: * specific training courses for those who wish to become Rafting Guide, * specific courses for those wishing to become a Hydrospeed Guide, * Kayak and Safety Kayaker courses, * BLS courses, * First Aid course. The Patrick Rafting Center is specialized, where required, also in the management of activities for groups and companies, events and outdoor activities, as well as in travel, but also in feasibility studies for the implementation of new commercial waterways addressing the different issues that may arise. Patrick Carafa, owner of the rafting center Patrick Rafting of Italian origin, Hungarian mother, spends his early childhood in Rimini, will start his career in Trentino, on the river Noce, among the ten best in the world for river activities, also for the National Geographic, Kayaking and European Rafting World Championships in the past. The first overseas experience takes place in New Zealand, a land that after traveling far and wide (living for three months as a native or with indigenous people), proposes cyclically as an international rafting destination: among the destinations the Kaituna River, near the city of Rotorua - also known as Sulfur City, in the lake district (at least 15, located in the North Island, in New Zealand) - famous for being the river with the highest waterfall in the world (about 7 meters), navigable commercially with neophytes. During the year the Patrick Rafting Center offers courses - guides, rafting descents, events (such as the Italian Rafting Tour) or team building experiences and / or company outings with the help of multi-ethnic staff and different professional training in water sports and in the outdoor. First Aid and Basic Life Support courses (cardiac resuscitation awaiting the arrival of a mobile rescue unit) are also included; as well as those of gradual approach to river kayaking and the supplementary activities reserved for experienced kayakers (specialization in river rescue). Without disdaining rafting, hydrospeed and kayaking descents. As regards the overseas destinations proposed seasonally, there are: New Zealand, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru (Winter - Spring program), Japan, Nepal and Australia (Summer- Autumn programming). The musts of the Patrick Rafting Center are: leisure, training, education (free time, training and education). Today,Patrick Rafting Center /Journeys /Events,is busy all the year and all around the world for the summer season in Italy,events from June to October every weekend in 10 European countries combining water and air,rafting and windtunnel,and one - month trips to 9 destinations on 4 continents with about 80 rafting/hydrospeed/kayak instructors,mountain guides and outdoor instructors of multiethnic origin;a melting pot of people and experiences.
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Catania (Sicilia)
2005 - currently offering consecutive interpretation and translation services from Italian and English into Russian and vice versa: Interpretation: exhibitions, trade talks, corporate training, telephone negotiations, and secretarial assistance; interpreter during assembly of equipment. Written translations: legal documents, business correspondence, personal correspondence, catalogs, advertising and promotional materials: brochures and flyers, web pages, general texts.
15 €
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Torino (Piemonte)
Provides the best service, assisting the store team and clients through the selling ceremony Welcoming, understanding customer’s needs and orienting them into the departments Providing support while trying the products on Serving as a liason between the sales team and the clients Interacting with customers to ensure client satisfaction Packing and providing support during payment Stock & Inventory Management: Support colleagues with product replenishment and stock activities, to ensure store efficiency Visual Management: Ensure that products are ready for sale by following visual guide lines Administrative Activities: Support colleagues with administrative activities, to ensure store efficiency Job Requirements: Excellent Interpersonal and communication skills Strong understanding of Customer Service needs and Customer priorities Strong attention to detail and multi task Your Skills and Experience: Fluent English and Italian language; knowledge of other languages would be a plus. Ability to adapt to frequent change and a high pressure environment. Ability to initiate contact and communication. Motivated by being a team player with a common goal. Excellent Communication and interpersonal Skills with the ability to build and maintain relationships. Problem solving Contratto di lavoro: Tempo pieno, Tempo determinato Stipendio: €1.250,00 /mese
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Firenze (Toscana)
HLI is a leader in home tuition: 1:1 and 2:1 EFL immersion programmes delivered in teachers' own homes and is currently looking for native English speaking hosts in Italy. Hosts are expected to teach English to students participating in our Network. Students are all ages - from ten to seventy plus - and come from many different countries around the world. All are motivated by the opportunity to quickly learn English in a unique, family environment, together with a top-quality Host Tutor. As a host of this Network you will still be able to.continue your main teaching job provided that this job does not require more twenty hours work a week, while you are hosting a student. Flexible schedule to host a student Some teachers choose to host students for the entire year, while others only host them during the school holidays. Once you have been accepted as a host family, you may decide when you wish to offer hospitality. You will always remain free to accept or decline to host a guest. The job offer Hosting means that the student is accepted in your home and takes part in your daily family life for the duration of their stay. HLI host tutors teach students between three and five hours per day and provide three meals per day as well as a hospitable and welcoming host family environment. Courses generally last one or two weeks, though occasionally longer. Finally, guests may choose a â€Å“study-stay†experience which contains all of the above items as well as recreational activities. The remuneration for hosting will vary based on the amount of lessons provided and on recreational activities. In general however, one will earn an average of 500 Euros per week. Prerequisites to hosting In order to host one must have a Batchelor's degree or a recognised ELT qualification (TEFL, CELTA, etc.), as well as substantial ELT experience coupled with a sound knowledge of effective language teaching techniques and how these may be applied to teaching young learners. In addition, one must have an apartment in good condition and a single bedroom in which the guest will stay. Finally, HLI appreciates teachers who have children between the ages of 8 and 17, since many of the students are from his age group and appreciate having a person of a similar age in the house. If you believe that you meet these requirements, and are interested in becoming a host family, please contact me at the address indicated here. Please note that we cannot place students with Host Tutors who live in one bedroom flats / studio flats and we do not offer courses on a tuition-only basis.
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Bari (Puglia)
RENEWABLES PROFILES FOR SITE SUPERVISION EUROPE For a 3-years-European project of Site Supervision during Construction of PV and Wind Plants, BFP is looking for various expert profiles in the Solar & Wind sectors for: Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Greece, Poland. Please, send us your CV together with your monthly/daily/hourly rate. Candidates shall propose their profile in the following way: Object of the mail: Country of Residence – Technology - Description of the Service – Years of experience (Ex: “Spain – Wind - WTG ExWorks Inspector – 8 years”). In the body of the mail, please insert your rate. Please, send your CV to: a.brigido@bfpgroup.net; c.demarinis@bfpgroup.net NB: CVs without monthly/daily/hourly rates will not be taken into consideration. Profiles requred: 1 Contract Coordinator 2 WTG ExWorks Inspector 3 WTG Transport & Assembly Inspector 4 WF Civil Works Inspector 5 PV Civil Works Inspector 6 PV Works Inspector - electromech. & modules 7 PV Works Inspector - LV DC & LV AC 8 MW Works Inspector 9 SS Works Inspector 10 HVL Works Inspector 11 Works Inspector for communication 12 Construction Adm. Assistant 13 Surveyor Engineer 14 Backoffice 15 CAD Draftsman 16 WF Expert 17 PV Expert 18 SS Expert 19 HVL Expert 20 H&S Coordinator
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Italia (Tutte le città)
S&A CW-5000 is refrigeration type industrial water chiller of 800W cooling capacity and the temperature control in ±0.3℃ precision. Its mainly used to have the heat generated during the laser device working that gone through the refrigerating cycle in compressor refrigeration system and eventually transferred to the air. The water temperature is able to be adjusted. It is popular for its 2 temperature control modes as constant temperature and intelligent temperature control. Multiple alarm functions: compressor time-delay protection, compressor overcurrent protection, water flow alarm and over high / low temperature alarm. CW-5000 video: http://www.teyuchiller.com/Article/02SAwaterchillerCW5000_1.html CW-5000 water chiller parameter: Voltage:110V-220V; Frequency: 50/60Hz; Refrigerant: R-134a Pump power: 0.03KW/0.051KW/0.1KW; Tank capacity:6L Max.lift:10M-25M; Max. flow: 10L/min- 16L/min N.W:24Kgs; G.W: 27Kgs; Dimension: 58 X 29 X 47 cm (L X W X H); Packing dimension: 70 X 43 X 58
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Provide 1st Level systems support, maintenance and administration within theorganization's computing environment. Performsonsite and remote analysis, diagnosis, and resolution of complex problems for end users. Recommends and implements corrective solutions. Installs, configures tests, maintains, monitors, and troubleshoots end-user related hardware and software (in person, by telephone, or via e-mail) in order to meet or exceed published SLA's; with effective management of the customer relationship during the entire support process Aministers enterprise class tools suche as SCCM to analyze the enterprise computing environment OS Windows, Windows Server, Active Directory VMware Router, Switch, Firewalle PC, mobile devices World's leading manufacturing company Lainate (MI) Good level of conversational and written English Scripting for automated deployments and managements tasks Able to read and understand technical manuals, procedural documentation and OEM guides. Good communicational skillsOne of the world's leading manufactures of medical products, since 1980. Available in over 100 countries. 3 R&D facilities worldwide. About 4.000 employees. Italian offices in Lainate. Permanent ContractRAL and benefit will be discuss with the client Very healty work environmentSalario da 30.000 /anno a 40.000 /anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Asset Management Director will:Assist the dedicated Project Management team and the external consultants (master planner, local architects, town planning lawyers, etc.) for the strategic review of the existing masterplan and the implementation of a revised town planning agreement and remediation plan Manage the relationship with the current land owner during the pre-development phase in order to ensure the feasibility of the envisaged business plan and maximize the expected returns for further lots to be potentially developed Finalize the onboarding of the institutional investor, already scouted for the development of the first lot, through the signing of investment agreements, joint venture agreements, advisory mandates, etc. Manage, in coordination with the dedicated Project Management team, the relationship with the asset management company, monitor its team activity in order to ensure the implementation of the business plan Support the dedicated Project Management team in defining the strategical design of each asset to maximize efficiency, attractivity for prospect tenants and target highest revenues and returns Successfully lease up the assets, coordinating third party brokers for offices, retail and hospitality buildings Keeping the ownership of the business plan with the goal to maximize the returns of the business plan coordinating the disposal process Manage the preparation of Teasers (portfolios presentations) to investors Develop the dedicated team through personal development planning and coaching Advise as in further lots development and roll ups with investors Manage relationship with investors and European Top Management Asset Management DirectorImportant global real estate investment firmIn terms of skills this function requires in-depth knowledge of real estate asset management activities, including legislation and licensing of assets. It also entails a having a strong commercial focus and strong expertise in keeping institutional relationship. Above all, this is a management function requiring ability to manage teams and people, keeping them focused and oriented to work by objectives. Must:Have 10+ years experience in the real estate sector, especially in the asset management field Have a Master Degree in Economics or technical degree Achievement & Drive - tenacity and focus as well as flexibility in executing ideas Self-Starter - ability to organise own workload and identify what needs to be done Communication - strong verbal and written skills both in Italian and English, capable of liaising with multiple levels within an organization Excellent relationship management skills - working with the Executive/ Management Team, internal and external stakeholders and clients Team management - ability to manage matrix team structure and get all relevant people involved in generating ideas and decision-making Prioritisation - able to meet deadlines under multiple competing priorities Working Together - Flexibility - engaging with people and gaining their buy in to the changing plans Judgement - consider a range of complex, interrelated variables that underlie superficial problems Creativity - interpret/evaluate information critically, challenging suggestions and assumptions The client will act as a Development Advisor, for the overall strategic design and the review of current town planning and environmental scheme, and as Principle through co-investment in the lots to be developed. Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Main Responsibilities:Analysis and design of enterprise applications solutions;Provide solid knowledge and skill about integration of applications; Liaise with business analysts and business leads to ensure the solution design meets requirements;Liaise with client Technical Teams to understand how solution fits into wider client Technical Landscape;Write and develop technical design specifications and solution documents;Ensure that developed or modified application components are aligned with the business, architecture and solution performance goals;Guide and support team members in defining structured practices in both the development and release phases;Promote and adopt the use of best practices and new methodologies;Technical point of contact for client architects;Escalation point for technical questions;Oversight of technical approach;Responsibility for overall project technical delivery;Technical feasibility support during pre-sales phases. International Hi Tech OrganisationFast Career ProgressionThe Ideal Candidate:A self-starter with an ability to work with deadlines in a fast-paced environment;Experience with Java (or other OOP), HTML, SQL or Oracle technologies are required;Understanding of system integration, web services, etc;Excellent written and oral communications skills;Strong analytical skills;Experience in all aspects of software project life cycles from requirements gathering, through design, development and implementation;Experience with Agile development methodologies is preferable;Experience with Atlassian tool suite (Jira, Confluence) is a plus;Ability to work on own initiative and as part of a team;Experience with AWS cloud native applications using Elasticsearch, Lambdas, CloudFront, ELB, Route53, RDS, etc. across multiple regions is a plus.;B2 (upper intermediate) English level is mandatory;Spanish or Portuguese is a plus. EDUCATION:Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or the equivalent combination of education, training, or work experience. International Leading Organisation in customer communication management (CCM) solutions. They support the customer experience with innovative technologies to ensure the best client engagement.Great Career Opportunity.Salario da 35.000 /anno a 42.000 /anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Main responsabilities:understand the short / medium / long term business requirements of the business and determine the most appropriate HR solutions; partner with key stakeholders and leaders to support the achievement of business priorities, building business leadership capabilities through coaching and support, and making suggestions for continuous improvement; understand the business priorities to offer suggestions and/ or challenge from both an HR and commercial perspective, as well as organisation design and change; proactively plan and implement the people aspects of business change, in a fast paced environment, responding to the needs of an expanding Group, contributing to the development, implementation, embedding and maintenance of HR processes and policies;identify short, medium and long-term resourcing requirements and work with other HR colleagues to support the process and meet the demand, working in partnership with the business from a customer service perspective and with strategic attitude to deliver top-notch candidates;equip the business units with appropriate HR tools and knowledge to effectively manage their people in line with their plans;actively contribute to, and provide advice on, change management initiatives, organisational structures, job role design, etc. to meet business needs;educate and embed HR policies, procedures and practices across the business and maintain effective and regular communication with colleagues on employment legislation changes;support, challenge and coach the business areas on colleague and management development through collaboration with managers and HR colleagues to identify high potential, career paths and succession planning, as well as personnel changes, salary, career, training recommendations and key people retention;embed the performance management culture in the entities assigned as a means of driving business improvement / delivery ensuring clear objectives, feedback and behaviours in line with the company values;liaise with other offices regarding on boarding and assignments during the employees' life cycle, ensuring they are managed timely, safely, appropriately and in line with the local legislation and company policies, dealing with HR administration and/or external providers if necessary;work in partnership with the relevant HR and business units to manage employee relations issues through building management capability and responsibility for these situations;support and challenge the implementation and embedding of the company values through education, follow up and integration into key people processes and communication/ engagement plans;coach managers to ensure they take the most appropriate course of action and support appropriate behaviours to ensure colleagues do the right thing in the right way;lead and organise engagement, team building and cultural changes initiatives and activities, as well as support the implementation and embedding of the company values through education, follow up and integration into key people processes and communications plan;ensure the appropriate HR reporting for the entities (eg. colleague attrition, HC/FTE), as well as management meetings attendance. International company operating in financial services sectorGreat professional opportunity The ideal candidate for the role of HR Business Partner will be demonstrate the following features:Solid experience with HR practices and employee management;In-depth experience advising and managing HR matters;Depth experience with financial sector and international HR processes and capabilities (including, if possible, experience in the debt collection industry);Strong experience in people management for a variety of functions and a demonstrated capability to manage multiple requisitions and strategic initiatives at once;Good knowledge of the local labour laws;Good knowledge and use of Microsoft packages;Fluent in Italian and in English;University Degree (HR or Economics preferably);Analytical skills and goal oriented;Excellent communication skills (listen, analyse and influence people);Presentation skills, strong planning and organizational skills;Hands-on mentality which fits team and company culture;Confident and comfortable to work independently and on a small team;Highly motivated and organized with a strong sense of can-do attitude;Strong influencing and resilience skills;Strategic thinking;Experience of working in a fast paced and ever-changing organisation would be an advantage;Team building. Listed leading European financial services Group, operating in multiple geographies across Europe. Great growth opportunity.
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Milano (Lombardia)
I’m Josefina from Argentina, I'm 33 years old and I have Bachelor Degree in Psychology. During my years of study I dedicated myself to taking care of children of different ages. I am dynamic, responsible and easily adapt to what each child needs. In the years that I have dedicated to the care of children I have learned about the care also of their behavior and emotions to contribute to their full development. My knowledge and experience have provided me with a series of fundamental skills for work in this area, such as a great facility for interpersonal communication and problem solving, as well as being able to contribute from my formative base as a Psychologist being the children my passion.
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