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Electric top

Elenco delle migliori vendite electric top

Italia (Tutte le città)
Colore Bianco, Veicolo nuovo, Km 0, Cambio Automatico,60kW potenza di picco,carico 10q,dimensioni 2.53 x 1.45 x 1.20.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Propulsion: pod drive, Water tank: 1200 ltr, Black water tank: 650 ltr Equipment extractor hood, glass ceramic cook top, dishwasher, icemaker, washing machine, dryer, on-board computer, toilet electric, owner cabin, guest cabin, bow cabin, salon, head, steering position inside, steering position on quarterdeck, fire extinguisher system, smoke alarm, shore supply 220V, main circuit breaker, blue-ray player, radio, pressurized water system, warm water system, transom door to bathing platform, teak deck, cockpit table, bathing ladder, tender garage, 220V plugs, holding tank, anchor windlass bow electric, bathing platform hydraulic, trim tabs, electric/hydraulic, stern shower warm/could NEW BOAT !!! Basic price + options !
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Milano (Lombardia)
DEK:[4665325] ID DMS: U-21844 Le immagini pubblicate sono a scopo illustrativo. Le caratteristiche tecniche, di equipaggiamento, omologazione anti inquinamento ed i colori possono differire leggermente da quanto rappresentato. In nessun caso i prezzi pubblicati su questo sito rappresentano un impegno contrattuale. Annuncio pubblicitario con finalità promozionale Il prezzo esposto non comprende passaggio di proprietà o nazionalizzazione. Equipaggiamenti: ABS, Airbag ginocchia, Airbag lato guida e passeggero, Alzacristalli elettrici con azionamento comfort e protezione antincastro, Apertura a distanza del tetto con chiave a 3 tasti, Batteria ad alto voltaggio (17,6 kWh), Borsa per cavo di ricarica, Box portaoggetti aperto, Brake Assist attivo - Sistema attivo di ottimizzazione della frenata, Caricatore di bordo da 4,6 kW, Cavo di ricarica per wallbox / stazioni di ricarica pubbliche, Cellula di sicurezza TRIDION Black, Cerchi in lega da 15" (38,10 cm) a 8 razze bicolor torniti con finit. argento, Cielo in Grey, Cinture a tre punti con pretensionatore e limitatore della forza di ritenuta, Consolle centrale con portabevande doppio anteriore, portabevande posteriore, Contenitore portaoggetti, Controllo elettronico della trazione, Copertura vano bagagli, Crosswind Assist - garantisce stabilità in caso di raffiche di vento (attivo da 80 km/h), Custodia per cavo di ricarica, ESP - Controllo elettronico della stabilità, Fari alogeni H4, Funzione segnalazione cintura non allacciata lato guida e passeggero, Griglia a nido d'ape in black, Headbag, Indicatore stato di carica e potenza della batteria, Logo "electric drive" posizionato su cofano, paraurti e tridion, Luci diurne a LED, Occhielli di fissaggio del carico, Pacchetto Cool & Audio, Punti di aggancio del seggiolino per bambini ISOFIX, Retrovisori esterni a regolazione manuale, Retrovisori esterni nel colore del tridion, Rivestimento tetto in tessuto black, Sedile passeggero con possibilità di carico passante (schienale completamente ribaltabile), Sidebag testa/torace lato guida e passeggero, Smart Control, livello di carica, autonomia e info vettura, Soft top black, Soft top elettrica con lunotto termico, Specchietto di cortesia nell'aletta parasole lato guida e passeggero, Sterzo diretto (servoassistito in funzione della velocità, rapporto demoltiplicaz.var.), Strumentazione con display multifunzione e computer di bordo, Tempomat, Terza luce di stop, Vano per supporti capote nel portellone posteriore, Vano portaoggetti nelle porte anteriori, Volante a 3 razze e pomello del cambio Black, i-Size Telefono: 02661511 KM: 19565 Anno: 2018 Porte: 3 Colore: Argento Posti: 2 Comune: Milano Concessionario: Milano
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Frauscher Alassio 650 Electric 60 kW - Antrieb: 60 kW Torqeedo Deep Blue 80i Wellenantrieb mit 40 kWh Gesamtbatterieleistung (BMW i3 Hochvolt-Lithium Batterie) Ausstattung: Rumpf und Deck in Dunkelblau Unterwasseranstrich Vordeck, Seitendeck und Badeplattform in Teak Handreling neben Liegefläche aus Edelstahl Armaturenbrett aus Carbon Rahmenlose, getönte Windschutzscheibe zwei Schalensitze große Liegefläche (gepolstert) Teakholzboden im Cockpit 6 Gläser mit Halterung Fusion 755 Marine Radio mit USB, Bluetooth und 2 Fusion Marine Lautsprecher Polsterung weiß mit Nähten in dunkelblau Schwalbennester seitlich in der Cockpitwand Kühlschublade dreistufige Badeleiter Badehaltegriff aus Edelstahl Sonnenverdeck-Bimini RS 174 blau Ambientebeleuchtung für Cockpit, Schwalbennester und Badeplattform Persenning Neue Modelle 2022 Wir haben das passende Boot für Sie! Alle Modelle bereits ab 20.000,-- Verschiedene Lagerboote zu Top-Konditionen. Ausstattungen und Optionen: Motoren von Ilmor und Indmar, CE Pakete, verschiedene Tower`s mit Optionen (Speakers, Lichter..usw) Bootscover, Bimini Top, Zero Off - Perfect Pass, Wakeboard Pro, KGB Ballast, Radio CD, I-Pod Anschluss, Heizung..uvm. Wir liefern alle Neuboote von MasterCraft und Bayliner als Generalimporteur für Österreich sowie auch alle Gebrauchtboote wie Mastercraft, Malibu, Bayliner, Supra, Moomba, Centurion, Quicksilver, Classic und NEU im Program COMITTI Wir liefern alle Neu-und Gebrauchtboote auch mit BSO II Zulassung und zwar ohne Aufpreis. Neuheit: MasterCraft XT und NXT Electric! Das erste Elektroboot made in Reifnitz, Motorleistung 150 kW, Batterien Lithium-Ionen Akku. Auch Wörtherseezulassungen sind bei uns verfügbar! Weitere Informationen unter www.mastercraft.at oder 0043 664 3410131 Anzeige vorbehaltlich Irrtümer und Änderung
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Bologna (Emilia Romagna)
LEXUS UX Full Electric UX Hybrid Business Caratteristiche del veicolo Chilometraggio: 19500 Immatricolazione: 01/2020 Tipo di veicolo: semestrale Carburante: Elettrica/Benzina Potenza: 112 kW / 152 CV Tipo di cambio: Automatico Marce:0 Colore esterno: Grigio scuro Colore interno: Antracite Garanzia: 36 Carrozzeria: Fuoristrada Cilindrata: 1987 Cilindri: 4 Porte: 5 Posti: 5 Equipaggiamenti: Luci diurne, Luci diurne LED, Controllo vocale, Vivavoce, Controllo automatico clima, Marmitta catalitica, Cronologia tagliandi, Monitoraggio pressione pneumatici, Alzacristalli elettrici, Controllo elettronico della corsia, Specchietti laterali elettrici, Autoradio, Airbag, Airbag Passeggero, Riconoscimento dei segnali stradali, Bracciolo, Airbag laterali, Bluetooth, Chiusura centralizzata, Controllo trazione, Immobilizzatore elettronico, Airbag testa, Sistema di navigazione, Sedile posteriore sdoppiato, Fari LED, ESP, ABS, Telecamera per parcheggio assistito, Sensore di pioggia, Cruise Control, Climatizzatore, Antifurto, Autoradio digitale, Servosterzo, Adaptive Cruise Control, Cerchi in lega Descrizione fornita dal venditore: Codice veicolo: 1098700 Totale Listino del Nuovo con Optional & Accessori €.39950 Sconto del -35,04%! Risparmio di €.14.000,00 Allestimento ancora modificabile, prenotala subito e guidala gia dal  20/08/2021 FOTO: Le foto su alcune automobili "Semestrali Come Nuove" e "Next Top Quality" sono da considerarsi di repertorio, quindi è da considerarsi veritiera, precisa e conforme la descrizione di questa offerta. Trattiamo settimanalmente automobili che sono in deposito nei grandi stock e logistiche di smistamento Europei, per cui le foto, come in questo caso, potrebbero non essere ancora state fatte e caricate! Sarà nostra premura inviarvele appena possibile, scriveteci! Non esitare a contattarci per qualsiasi dubbio o necessità, siamo a completa vostra disposizione! AUTO IN PERMUTA: Hai un'auto da decere in permuta? Con noi è possibile effettuare una valutazione comodamente da casa! Contattaci con tutti i dati della tua auto da cedere in permuta! FINANZIAMENTO-LEASING-ASSICURAZIONE: Abbiamo un sistema di brokeraggio Finanziario/Leasing & Assicurativo interno con l'obbiettivo di proporvi la miglior soluzione possibile calcolata su misura delle vostre esigenze!   Possiamo proporvi soluzioni All-Inclusive senza alcun anticipo che includono garanzie accessorie quali Furto+Incendio+Rapina+Atti vandalici+Eventi atmosferici+Cristalli oltre che la rassicurante Estensione della Garanzia sull'auto!   Abbiamo soluzioni studiate ad hoc per lavoratori dipendenti che godono di una retribuzione fissa mensile sicura e garantita; con Mini-Rate calcolate in base alla vostro salario mensile, perchè l'acquisto della automobile possa risultare una piacevole esperienza e non un impegno che obbliga a dei sacrifici!   Altre soluzioni per clienti business che devono sostituire l'automobile ogni 2/3/4 anni, con Mini-Rate e valore futuro garantito, in questo modo avrete tutti i vantaggi di un costo certo mensile unito alla deducibilità dell'auto! CHI E' EURO TARGET: Acquistare un'automobile significa anche scegliere un Concessionaria, è appunto per questo che il nostro punto di riferimento è il Cliente e tutto il nostro operato si focalizza sulla piena soddisfazione delle sue esigenze e necessità! La Euro Target è una Concessionaria Multimarche che in più di 17 anni ha soddisfatto più di 15.000 clienti! Commerciamo automobili "Semestrali Come Nuove" (Utilizzate per solo 6 mesi, condizioni pari al nuovo, chilometri 5.000/30.000, sconti dal 20% al 50%!) di tutte le marche a prezzi imbattibili, le auto esposte sono solo una piccola parte della nostra disponibilità! Seguici sulla nostre pagine Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linked-In, Instagram e cerca i tuoi amici fra le migliaia di clienti che hanno già acquistato da noi! L'automobile è già allestita dei seguenti accessori inclusi nel prezzo: -Vernice metallizzata €.1050.00
25.950 €
Vista prodotto
Bologna (Emilia Romagna)
LEXUS UX Full Electric UX Hybrid Business Caratteristiche del veicolo Chilometraggio: 23000 Immatricolazione: 02/2020 Tipo di veicolo: semestrale Carburante: Elettrica/Benzina Potenza: 112 kW / 152 CV Tipo di cambio: Automatico Marce:0 Colore esterno: Nero Colore interno: Antracite Garanzia: 36 Carrozzeria: Fuoristrada Cilindrata: 1987 Cilindri: 4 Porte: 5 Posti: 5 Equipaggiamenti: Controllo vocale, Vivavoce, Controllo automatico clima, Marmitta catalitica, Cronologia tagliandi, Monitoraggio pressione pneumatici, Alzacristalli elettrici, Isofix, Hill holder, Luci diurne, Luci diurne LED, Sound system, USB, MP3, Controllo elettronico della corsia, Specchietti laterali elettrici, Autoradio, Airbag, Airbag Passeggero, Riconoscimento dei segnali stradali, Bracciolo, Airbag laterali, Bluetooth, Chiusura centralizzata, Controllo trazione, Immobilizzatore elettronico, Airbag testa, Sistema di navigazione, Sedile posteriore sdoppiato, Fari LED, ESP, ABS, Telecamera per parcheggio assistito, Sensore di pioggia, Cruise Control, Climatizzatore, Antifurto, Autoradio digitale, Servosterzo, Adaptive Cruise Control, Cerchi in lega Descrizione fornita dal venditore: Codice veicolo: 1097660 Totale Listino del Nuovo con Optional & Accessori €.38900 Sconto del -28,15%! Risparmio di €.10.950,00 Allestimento ancora modificabile, prenotala subito e guidala gia dal  22/10/2021 FOTO: Le foto su alcune automobili "Semestrali Come Nuove" e "Next Top Quality" sono da considerarsi di repertorio, quindi è da considerarsi veritiera, precisa e conforme la descrizione di questa offerta. Trattiamo settimanalmente automobili che sono in deposito nei grandi stock e logistiche di smistamento Europei, per cui le foto, come in questo caso, potrebbero non essere ancora state fatte e caricate! Sarà nostra premura inviarvele appena possibile, scriveteci! Non esitare a contattarci per qualsiasi dubbio o necessità, siamo a completa vostra disposizione! AUTO IN PERMUTA: Hai un'auto da decere in permuta? Con noi è possibile effettuare una valutazione comodamente da casa! Contattaci con tutti i dati della tua auto da cedere in permuta! FINANZIAMENTO-LEASING-ASSICURAZIONE: Abbiamo un sistema di brokeraggio Finanziario/Leasing & Assicurativo interno con l'obbiettivo di proporvi la miglior soluzione possibile calcolata su misura delle vostre esigenze!   Possiamo proporvi soluzioni All-Inclusive senza alcun anticipo che includono garanzie accessorie quali Furto+Incendio+Rapina+Atti vandalici+Eventi atmosferici+Cristalli oltre che la rassicurante Estensione della Garanzia sull'auto!   Abbiamo soluzioni studiate ad hoc per lavoratori dipendenti che godono di una retribuzione fissa mensile sicura e garantita; con Mini-Rate calcolate in base alla vostro salario mensile, perchè l'acquisto della automobile possa risultare una piacevole esperienza e non un impegno che obbliga a dei sacrifici!   Altre soluzioni per clienti business che devono sostituire l'automobile ogni 2/3/4 anni, con Mini-Rate e valore futuro garantito, in questo modo avrete tutti i vantaggi di un costo certo mensile unito alla deducibilità dell'auto! CHI E' EURO TARGET: Acquistare un'automobile significa anche scegliere un Concessionaria, è appunto per questo che il nostro punto di riferimento è il Cliente e tutto il nostro operato si focalizza sulla piena soddisfazione delle sue esigenze e necessità! La Euro Target è una Concessionaria Multimarche che in più di 17 anni ha soddisfatto più di 15.000 clienti! Commerciamo automobili "Semestrali Come Nuove" (Utilizzate per solo 6 mesi, condizioni pari al nuovo, chilometri 5.000/30.000, sconti dal 20% al 50%!) di tutte le marche a prezzi imbattibili, le auto esposte sono solo una piccola parte della nostra disponibilità! Seguici sulla nostre pagine Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linked-In, Instagram e cerca i tuoi amici fra le migliaia di clienti che hanno già acquistato da noi! L'automobile è già allestita dei seguenti accessori inclusi nel prezzo:
27.950 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione [Rif. 20475440] IVA A MARGINE Infoline MOSTRA NUMERO -Concessionaria autorizzata vendita e assistenza Volvo, Jaguar,Land Rover,Subaru,BMW e Mini. Invitiamo la clientela a contattare l' AmbrosiSpa per informazioni sulle vetture.Specializzati nella vendita e consegna in tutta Italia Le nostre auto vengono sottoposte ad elevati standard di ricondizionamento: di meccanica e di carrozzeria; viene effettuata una corretta attestazione di conformità(garanzia legale di conformità) e viene accesa una garanzia convenzionale Tutti questi fattori posizionano in nostri prodotti al top delle offerte commeriali sul mercato, alla luce del valore aggiunto alla nostra Concessionaria. E' per questo che dai prezzi che noi pubblicizziamo, non sono possibili ulteriori sconti, e va sempre aggiunto il passaggio di proprietà.
37.900 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione [Rif. 20475440] IVA A MARGINE Infoline MOSTRA NUMERO -Concessionaria autorizzata vendita e assistenza Volvo, Jaguar,Land Rover,Subaru,BMW e Mini. Invitiamo la clientela a contattare l' AmbrosiSpa per informazioni sulle vetture.Specializzati nella vendita e consegna in tutta Italia Le nostre auto vengono sottoposte ad elevati standard di ricondizionamento: di meccanica e di carrozzeria; viene effettuata una corretta attestazione di conformità(garanzia legale di conformità) e viene accesa una garanzia convenzionale Tutti questi fattori posizionano in nostri prodotti al top delle offerte commeriali sul mercato, alla luce del valore aggiunto alla nostra Concessionaria. E' per questo che dai prezzi che noi pubblicizziamo, non sono possibili ulteriori sconti, e va sempre aggiunto il passaggio di proprietà. Importo comprensivo di bonus finanziamento agevolato (termini, condizioni e note legali disponibili in concessionaria)
37.521 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
La vettura è dotata di due motori elettrici e una batteria ad alta capacità, per un?autonomia record fino a 98 km a zero emissioni. In più, quando necessario, un efficiente motore termico 2.5l, per garantire sempre la trazione ibrida e ricaricare il sistema. 306 cavalli, vera trazione 4x4 elettrica, 0-100 in 6 secondi. I tre motori di ACROSS combinano efficienza e potenza, perché la sostenibilità non deve essere una alternativa all?emozione. Linee poligonali robuste, un?ampia griglia frontale e cerchi da 19?, per delineare un profilo deciso e sportivo. Skid plate e modanature silver, dettagli in nero lucido e fari full led, per sottolineare l?eleganza e il carattere della vettura. Performance da vero SUV 4x4, sempre in modalità full electric. La trazione 4x4 è sempre garantita dai due motori elettrici, uno anteriore da 182 cavalli e uno posteriore da 54 cavalli, che ripartiscono automaticamente la coppia, fino all?80% al posteriore, per muoversi in totale libertà a zero emissioni nel rispetto della natura. Modalità Trail inseribile per ottimizzare il grip anche sui fondi a bassa aderenza. Prezzo promo considerando l'incentivo statale per la rottamazione. Colori a pagamento (? 850,00) BLU, GRIGIO SCURO, NERO,  IPT escluso. ·         I TEMPI DI CONSEGNA VARIANO IN BASE AL COLORE RICHIESTO ·         POSSIBILITA' DI FINANZIAMENTI PERSONALIZZATI A TASSI AGEVOLATI IN CAMPAGNA SUZUKI ·         POSSIBILITA' DI RITIRO USATO ·         PER QUALSIASI INFORMAZIONE POTETE CONTATTARCI AL NUMERO 0383/804785
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione [Rif. 17404740] Codice veicolo: 1122708 Totale Listino del Nuovo con Optional & Accessori ?.41650 Sconto del -20,89%! RISPARMIO DI ?.8.700,00 Pronta consegna presso sede logistica (BL_N1) Siediti e guidala su appuntamento entro una settimana! FOTO: Tante altre foto e dettagli di particolari disponibili per questa automobile, contattaci immediatamente! Se hai qualsiasi tipo di dubbio o perplessità, non esitare a contattarci! Siamo a tua completa disposizione! AUTO IN PERMUTA: Hai un'auto da decere in permuta? Con noi è possibile effettuare una valutazione comodamente da casa! Contattaci con tutti i dati della tua auto da cedere in permuta! FINANZIAMENTO-LEASING-ASSICURAZIONE: Abbiamo un sistema di brokeraggio Finanziario/Leasing & Assicurativo interno con l'obbiettivo di proporvi la miglior soluzione possibile calcolata su misura delle vostre esigenze!   Possiamo proporvi soluzioni All-Inclusive senza alcun anticipo che includono garanzie accessorie quali Furto+Incendio+Rapina+Atti vandalici+Eventi atmosferici+Cristalli oltre che la rassicurante Estensione della Garanzia sull'auto!   Abbiamo soluzioni studiate ad hoc per lavoratori dipendenti che godono di una retribuzione fissa mensile sicura e garantita; con Mini-Rate calcolate in base alla vostro salario mensile, perchè l'acquisto della automobile possa risultare una piacevole esperienza e non un impegno che obbliga a dei sacrifici!   Altre soluzioni per clienti business che devono sostituire l'automobile ogni 2/3/4 anni, con Mini-Rate e valore futuro garantito, in questo modo avrete tutti i vantaggi di un costo certo mensile unito alla deducibilità dell'auto! CHI E' EURO TARGET: Acquistare un'automobile significa anche scegliere un Concessionaria, è appunto per questo che il nostro punto di riferimento è il Cliente e tutto il nostro operato si focalizza sulla piena soddisfazione delle sue esigenze e necessità! La Euro Target è una Concessionaria Multimarche che in più di 17 anni ha soddisfatto più di 15.000 clienti! Commerciamo automobili "Usate Next Top Quality" (Automobili di massimo 4 anni di vita, rigido processo di controllo qualità, sconti dal 30 al 60%!) di tutte le marche a prezzi imbattibili, le auto esposte sono solo una piccola parte della nostra disponibilità! Seguici sulla nostre pagine Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linked-In, Instagram e cerca i tuoi amici fra le migliaia di clienti che hanno già acquistato da noi! L'automobile è già allestita dei seguenti accessori inclusi nel prezzo: Lexus Navi Pack ?.1250
32.950 €
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione Optionals Cerchi in lega 20'' a 5 razze doppie Nero Diamond Cut (ant. 235/45 - post. 255/40) Vetri oscurati delle porte posteriori e del bagagliaio Vernice Premium Sage Green metallizzato Garanzia Volvo Selekt 24 mesi dalla scadenza dell'ufficiale Prezzo Sicurauto: € 51850 IPT: € 366 Passaggio: € 484 Prezzo chiavi in mano: € 52700 Possibile prenotazione con bonifico km certificati Unico proprietario aziendale Volvo Garanzia Volvo Selekt fino 01-27 Garanzia Volvo Selekt Puo’ comprendere anche una parte di garanzia ufficiale; E’ necessario contatto telefonico per la visione del veicolo; Per ulteriori foto, descrizione pacchetti e maggiori informazioni copia il seguente link: http://www.sicurauto.com//18185 Dotazione principale Driver Assistance Sedile guida regolabile elettricamente con memoria Sedile passeggero regolabile elettricamente Sedili anteriori riscaldabili Park Assist Camera (posteriore) Controllo automatico velocità Specchio retrovisore interno con sistema elettrico antiabbagliamento Climatizzatore automatico bi-zona a controllo elettronico con ''Clean Zone'' Lavafari ad alta pressione Illuminazione 'top line' Keyless Entry - Apertura veicolo con sensore di prossimità del telecomando Freno di stazionamento elettrico Portellone posteriore con apertura e chiusura a comando elettrico Computer di bordo con termometro temperatura esterna Spoiler integrato sul tetto Hill Start Assist - (ausilio alla partenza in salita) Volvo Guard Alarm - Antifurto con allarme e telecomando Luci diurne a LED Fari fendinebbia a tecnologia LED ESC - (Electronic Stability Control, con Advanced Stability Control e Corner Traction Control)....prosegue su http://www.sicurauto.com/
51.850 €
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
TOP gepflegte Numarine XP26 aus 2018, 4 Kabinen Version + Skipper und Crew, Klima/Heizung am gesamten Schiff, 2x Generatoren 27 KW + 17 KW, Li-Ion Batterie System 8x24V / 220 Ah und 32 KW Inverter, Electric Fin Stabilisatoren, Hydraulische Plattform 1000 kg, hydr. Gangway 3,6 Meter, Bug- und Heckstrahlruder, Teakboden am gesamten Aussenschiff, 2x Ankerwinden, Watermaker 220 L/Std., Hardtop auf der Fly, Wetbar auf der Fly mit Kühlschrank, Grill und Icemaker, aut. SAT TV Anlage incl. LCD TV´s in jeder Kabine + Salon, FUSION Marine Audio Soundsystem, BOSE Soundsystem in Eignerkabine, Unterwasserbeleuchtung und vieles mehr... Schiff wird inkl. Probefahrt, Motorservice und neuem Antifoulinganstrich übergeben. 1 Jahr Gewährleistung auf Motoren und Antriebe. Irrtümer und Änderungen in der Beschreibung sowie Zwischenverkauf vorbehalten. BAVARIA YACHTS Generalimporteur Österreich BAYLINER Generalimporteur Österreich BRYANT Boats Generalimporteur Österreich und Deutschland PRINCESS YACHTS Kooperationspartner Österreich AZIMUT YACHTS Kooperationspartner Österreich Weitere Infos auf www.boote-riedl.at Ship will be delivered incl. test drive, new engine service and antifouling painting. 1 year limited warranty on engines and drives. Subject to change or sell without prior notice. BAVARIA YACHTS general distributor Austria BAYLINER general distributor Austria BRYANT Boats general distributor Austria and Germany PRINCESS YACHTS partner Austria AZIMUT YACHTS partner Austria More details at www.nautika-riedl.com Eignerkabine, Gästekabine, Salon, Achterkabine, Bugkabine, Marinerokabine, Ruderhaus, Flybridge, 2. Steuerstand auf Fly, Innenfahrstand, Herd mit Ceranfeld + Backofen el., Dunstabzugshaube, Spüle, Kühlschrank el., Mikrowelle, Gefrierschrank, Geschirrspülmaschine, WC elektr. + Waschbecken + Dusche, Echolot mit Tochter, Sumlog mit Tochter, Kompass mit Tochter, Radar, UKW-Funk, Kartenplotter, GPS mit Tochter, Autopilot, Bimini-Top, Flybridgepersenning, Hafenpersenning, Generator Diesel, Batterieladegerät, Suchscheinwerfer, Scheibenwischer, Gasspürgerät, Ankerkasten, Rettungsinsel, Landanschluss 220 Volt, Batterie-Hauptschalter, Suchscheinwerfer el. verstellbar, Waschmaschine, Anker mit Kette, Bug-Ankerwinde el., Badeplattform integriert, Seereling, Warmwasseranlage, Heckdusche warm/kalt, Bugstrahlruder, Feuerlöscher-Anlage, Icemaker, Farbfernseher, Sonnenpolster auf Vorschiff, Hecktür zur Badeplattform, Badeplattform mit Kran, Gangway elektrisch, Geräteträger, Aufbereitungsanlage f. Seewasser, Heckstrahlruder, Heizung Klimaanlage, Wetbar, Cockpittisch, Unterwasseranstrich, Badeplattform, Badeleiter, Druckwasseranlage, Bilgepumpe elektrisch, Kühlbox, TV Antenne, Radio, weitere Extras,
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
As with all /"Approved Advantage/" stock boats, this boat will come season ready, having gone through a vigorous 300 point check and operation of all systems, fresh antifouling, new anodes, hull & top sides polished and waxed, Engine & drive serviced at point of delivery, full set of fenders and warps, shore power lead, 1 day full handover & tuition, preferential allocation of 12 months berthing agreement in the UK's only 5 star marina, 3 months engine and drive warranty with opportunity to extend and include boat ancillaries plus much much more. A rare opportunity for a 2 owner from new /"stock boat/" Grandezza 27OC with a good level of specification boasting 4 berths,(2 Doubles), Sliding sports hard top, Large Raymarine Plotter, Bow Thruster, Single Volvo D4 260 EVC with low hours (371) and service history. New cockpit canopy fitted January 2023. Full season preparation completed for 2023 season.  A great Sports boat package presented in turn key condition ideal for UK & European waters.  Part exchange and finance facilities available. Warranty provided with opportunity to purchase extended cover. SPECIFICATION Shore Power Inlet 2 batteries 12v Battery Charger Trident 25A-3 Volvo Computer Depth & Speed Log Raymarine Large Touchscreen Plotter Fusion Radio - MS-RA205 2 Cockpit Speakers 2 Cabin Speakers Single VOLVO D4 260 EVC Bow Thruster  Electric & Manual Bilge pumps Pressurised Hot & Cold Water Waeco Cockpit Fridge Wallas twin burner hob Webasto cabin heating Electric Marine Toilet Teak Cockpit Floor & Bathing Platform LED Lighting throughout Seafire  Engine Fire Suppression System Cockpit Shower Cockpit Upholstery In Matte grey Bathing Platform Ladder  Cockpit table in Teak Electric Engine Hatch Opening & Close Sliding Hard Top Sun Roof Electric Windlass Operated From The Cockpit Roof Mounted Search Light  Cockpit Fire Extinguisher 4 x Fenders 2 x Mooring Lines  
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Price: plus broker's fee, Condition: very good, Propulsion: shaft drive, Water tank: 1386 ltr Equipment 2nd refrigerator, extractor hood, glass ceramic cook top, sink, dishwasher, barbecue, icemaker, washing machine, dryer, coolbox, watermaker, toilet electric, separate crew cabine, pantry in crew cabin, owner cabin, guest cabin, bow cabin, salon, steering position inside, steering position on flybridge, fire extinguisher system, generator (2x), shore supply 220V, main circuit breaker, sat. antenna auto search, satellite system, anchor chain, anchor box, hard top, flybridge cover, winter cover, sun shade / aftdeck, suncushion, anchor windlass electric, pressurized water system, warm water system, teak deck, deck hatch, deck cleaning system, wetbar, cockpit table, bathing ladder, jacuzzi, holding tank, anchor windlass bow electric, anchor windlass stern electric, windscreen wiper w. washer, searchlight, bathing platform hydraulic, gangway electric, trim tabs hydraulic, deck shower hot/cold, stern shower warm/could, dinghy with motor (Williams 395), flat screen
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Condition: very good, Launched: 2010, Flag: Great Britain, Propulsion: shaft drive, Previous owners: 0, Water tank: 1560 ltr, Black water tank: 330 ltr Equipment 2nd refrigerator, extractor hood, glass ceramic cook top, sink, dishwasher, barbecue, icemaker, washing machine, dryer, watermaker (180l/h), plotter with GPS (Furuno), radar (Furuno), harbour handbooks, rudder angle indicator, rev indicator, NAVTEX, sea charts, on-board computer, AIS - Autom. Identif. System, toilet vacuum, owner cabin, guest cabin, aft cabin, bow cabin, salon, head, wheelhouse, steering position inside, steering position on quarterdeck, steering position on flybridge, entrance: side entrance, entrance: rear entrance, bilge alarm, fire extinguisher system, radar reflector, life ring, life jackets, dan buoy, smoke alarm (in allen Kabinen), first-aid kit, safe, flags, distress signals, shore supply 220V, main circuit breaker, VCR, radio, cockpit speakers, sat. antenna auto search (m. 6 Receivern), single control (Bosch Rexroth), thruster - bow thruster (Hydraulisch), thruster - stern thruster (Hydraulisch), anchor (2 Stück), anchor chain (13mm in VA 2 x 100m), second anchor, hard top (innen El. auffahrbar), window cover, suncushion, anchor windlass electric, pressurized water system, warm water system, front screen vent, transom door to bathing platform, pulpit, guard rail, teak deck, deck cleaning system, trim indicator, wetbar (Fly), cockpit table, bathing ladder, 220V plugs, underwater paint (zuletzt 2019), window frames stainless, holding tank, engine battery, voltmeter, anchor windlass bow electric, anchor windlass stern electric, windscreen wiper w. washer, search light remote controlled, boat crane, gangway electric, cushion cover leather, cushion cover, trim tabs electric, trim tabs hydraulic, radar arch, stern shower warm/could, flat screen
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Available now with a substantial discounted seasonal offer. The all new Cormate Chase 32 Pro with 600hp V12 Mercury outboard for 50 knots + performance. Sleeps four in fore and aft cabins, separate wet room with electric marine WC, sink and shower, forward sundeck, wet bar with sink, fridge and ceramic cook stove, seating for 8 around a fold away teak table, aft supad conversion, storm canopy and bimini top options. Standard boat includes underwarter lights, LED bow light, 100w solar panel charger, cockpit and deck lights, freshwater transom shower, bow thruster, zero effort digital racing controls, bluetooth premium sound system, two 12/" Simrad plotters / engine management system, coast key remote kill cord, soft grip deck. ​The Cormate Chase 32 has its world launch during this year’s “Båter i Sjøen”! It is a further development of the Chase 34, which has won 2nd place in the prestigious “Concours d’Elégance” during the boat fair in Cannes. The Chase 32 is optimized for single engine installation by, among other things, changing the weight distribution and the bottom structure. Good predictable sea characteristics and the ability to maintain high speed even in rough seas have had the highest priority during the design process. Nevertheless, the Chase 32 are also very versatile and user-friendly with their open walkaround solution, and a living comfort in the day cruiser class. The following items included I-Tech hull. Infusion, full sandwich, multiaxial and vinylester Softgrip heat reducing antiskid surface (deleted if opted teak deck)) 2 x 12/" Simrad GO chart plotter, touch screen, echo sounder, bath temperatures, with Euro chart Music system with Bluetooth, 6 speakers Electric free-fall windlass with radio control and stainless steel anchor Bow thruster Hi quality Zero effort racing controls Wet bar with Wallas ceramic top and 75L drawer refrigerator 100W Solar panel with 100A Lithium consumer battery (equivalent to 200A lead batteries) Coast key electronic kill switch with keyless go and engine start and anchor winch control Cockpit and deck lights Leather Touch interior with Isotta steering wheel Quality teak cockpit table LED bow light, stainless steel Underwater light Shower on swim platform Integrated carbon fibre electric flush toilet with holding tank and electric pump Cockpit cover (2 pieces) High performance stainless steel propeller (4 or 5 blade) ​​Full CE certification, Delivery throughout Europe. Part exchange offered.
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
NAVIGATION AND ELECTRONICS: Cockpit: Autopilot Autohelm ST7000 Chartplotter Raymarine eSeries hybridtouch - new 2018 Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Saloon: Autopilot Autohelm ST7000 Wind Raymarine ST60+ Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Radar Raymarine - new 2018 ENTERTAINMENT: Radio Alpine, speakers Mac Audio, Fusion speakers in cockpit, TV philips in saloon GALLEY AND WATER SYSTEM: Kitchen: 3 burner gas stove, oven, microwave Bosch, 2x refrigerators, freezer, sink Water heater Shower box in master bathroom 1 x El. toilet (master bathroom) 2 x Marine toilet PROPULSION, POWER AND HEATING: Shaft drive Perkins 88.2kW (120hp) Bow thruster Max Power Generator Westerbeke Battery charget Victron Energy Centaur 24v 60amp Heating SAILS & RIGGING: Genoa hydraulic. furler Mainsail hydraulic. furler Winches cockpit: 3 x Barient 27 3 x Barient 32 2 x Barient 36 - Electric Winches on deck: 3 x Barient 32 1 x Barient 27 MOORING AND ANCHORING: El. anchor windlass Lofrans GENERAL: Teak in cockpit / side passage / deck / stern platform Wooden table in cockpit Sprayhood new 2022 Bimini top new 2022 Shower on stern platform Gangway 2018: The yacht was renovated in 2018: All valves replaced, all pumps renewed, all refrigerators renewed (2 x refrigerators and 1x freezer) All three toilets were replaced Mast and boom were repainted New radar and GPS 2022: Antifouling New bimini and Sprayhood 06-2023: Antifouling New bow thruster New batteries Broker's comission excluded Don't hesitate to call us! We kindly invite you to contact us by e-mail or on our mobile phones bellow for any further information. PARLIAMO ITALIANO, WE SPEAK ENGLISH, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔/ Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Marina - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔/ Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Available from Monday to Saturday 09-13h, 14h-18h Sunday CLOSED --------------------------------------------------------------------------- info@ads-marine.com The visit of the boat is possible with min 3 days previous notice (subject to prior sale) Disclaimer The Company provides the information about this boat in good faith, but cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information and the condition of the boat. The offer of this boat is subject to prior sale, price change or withdrawal of the offer without prior notice. Price notes: Broker's comission excluded Italiano NAVIGATION AND ELECTRONICS: Cockpit: Autopilot Autohelm ST7000 Chartplotter Raymarine eSeries hybridtouch - new 2018 Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Saloon: Autopilot Autohelm ST7000 Wind Raymarine ST60+ Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Radar Raymarine - new 2018 ENTERTAINMENT: Radio Alpine, speakers Mac Audio, Fusion speakers in cockpit, TV philips in saloon GALLEY AND WATER SYSTEM: Kitchen: 3 burner gas stove, oven, microwave Bosch, 2x refrigerators, freezer, sink Water heater Shower box in master bathroom 1 x El. toilet (master bathroom) 2 x Marine toilet PROPULSION, POWER AND HEATING: Shaft drive Perkins 88.2kW (120hp) Bow thruster Max Power Generator Westerbeke Battery charget Victron Energy Centaur 24v 60amp Heating SAILS & RIGGING: Genoa hydraulic. furler Mainsail hydraulic. furler Winches cockpit: 3 x Barient 27 3 x Barient 32 2 x Barient 36 - Electric Winches on deck: 3 x Barient 32 1 x Barient 27 MOORING AND ANCHORING: El. anchor windlass Lofrans GENERAL: Teak in cockpit / side passage / deck / stern platform Wooden table in cockpit Sprayhood new 2022 Bimini top new 2022 Shower on stern platform Gangway 2018: The yacht was renovated in 2018: All valves replaced, all pumps renewed, all refrigerators renewed (2 x refrigerators and 1x freezer) All three toilets were replaced Mast and boom were repainted New radar and GPS 2022: New bimini and Sprayhood Replaced all batteries (10x) Antifouling 06-2023: Antifouling New bow thruster New batteries Comissione mediatore esclusa Don't hesitate to call us! La invitiamo a contattarci via e-mail o telefonicamente ai numeri sotto riportati per ulteriori informazioni in merito: PARLIAMO ITALIANO, WE SPEAK ENGLISH, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp / Viber) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Marina - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp / Viber) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disponibili dal Lunedì al Sabato ore 09-13, 14-18 Domenica CHIUSO -------------------------------------------------------------------------- info@ads-marine.com La visita dell'imbarcazione è possibile con almeno 3gg di preavviso (salvo venduto). Disconoscimento La Società fornisce le informazioni su questa imbarcazione in buona fede, ma non può garantire l'accuratezza di queste informazioni e le condizioni dell’imbarcazione. L'offerta dell’imbarcazione e’ valida salvo venduto ed è soggetta a modifiche del prezzo o ritiro dell'offerta senza preavviso. Française NAVIGATION ET ÉLECTRONIQUE: Cockpit: Pilote automatique Autohelm ST7000 Traceur Raymarine eSeries hybridtouch - nouveau 2018 Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Saloon: Pilote automatique Autohelm ST7000 Vent Raymarine ST60+ Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Radar Raymarine - nouveau 2018 DIVERTISSEMENT: Radio Alpine, enceintes Mac Audio, enceintes Fusion dans cockpit, TV philips en berline CUISINE ET SYSTÈME D’EAU: Cuisine: cuisinière à gaz 3 feux, four, micro-ondes Bosch, 2x réfrigérateurs, congélateur, évier Chauffe-eau Cabine de douche dans la salle de bain principale 1 x El. WC (salle de bain principale) 2 x toilettes marines PROPULSION, PUISSANCE ET CHAUFFAGE: Entraînement par arbre Perkins 88,2 kW (120 ch) Propulseur d’étrave Max Power Générateur Westerbeke Charge de la batterie Victron Energy Centaur 24v 60amp Chauffage VOILES ET GRÉEMENT: Gênes hydraulique. Enrouleur Grand-voile hydraulique. Enrouleur Cockpit des treuils: 3 x Barient 27 3 x Barient 32 2 x Barient 36 - Électrique Treuils sur le pont: 3 x Barient 32 1 x Barient 27 AMARRAGE ET ANCRAGE: El. guindeau d’ancre Lofrans GÉNÉRALITÉS: Teck dans le cockpit / passage latéral / pont / plate-forme arrière Table en bois dans le cockpit Capuche de pulvérisation nouvelle 2022 Bimini top nouveau 2022 Douche sur plate-forme arrière Passerelle 2018: Le yacht a été rénové en 2018: Toutes les vannes remplacées, toutes les pompes renouvelées, tous les réfrigérateurs renouvelés (2 x réfrigérateurs et 1x congélateur) Les trois toilettes ont été remplacées Le mât et la flèche ont été repeints Nouveau radar et GPS 2022: Antisalissure Nouveau bimini et Sprayhood 06-2023: Antisalissure Nouveau propulseur d’étrave Nouvelles batteries Commission du courtier exclue N’hésitez pas à nous appeler! Nous vous invitons à nous contacter par e-mail ou sur nos téléphones portables ci-dessous pour toute information complémentaire. PARLIAMO ITALIANO, WE SPEAK ENGLISH, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Marina - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disponible du lundi au samedi 09-13h, 14h-18h Dimanche FERMÉ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- info@ads-marine.com La visite du bateau est possible avec un préavis minimum de 3 jours (sous réserve de vente préalable) Démenti La Société fournit les informations sur ce bateau de bonne foi, mais ne peut garantir l’exactitude de ces informations et l’état du bateau. L’offre de ce bateau est soumise à une vente préalable, à un changement de prix ou à un retrait de l’offre sans préavis. Deutsch NAVIGATION UND ELEKTRONIK: Cockpit: Autopilot Autohelm ST7000 Kartenplotter Raymarine eSeries hybridtouch - neu 2018 Tridata Raymarine ST60+ UKW Raymarine Ray55E Salon: Autopilot Autohelm ST7000 Wind Raymarine ST60+ Tridata Raymarine ST60+ UKW Raymarine Ray55E Radar Raymarine - neu 2018 UNTERHALTUNG: Radio Alpine, Lautsprecher Mac Audio, Fusion-Lautsprecher im Cockpit, Fernseher Philips im Salon KOMBÜSE UND WASSERSYSTEM: Küche: 3-Flammen-Gasherd, Backofen, Mikrowelle Bosch, 2x Kühlschränke, Gefrierschrank, Spüle Warmwasserbereiter Duschkabine im Hauptbadezimmer 1 x El. WC (Hauptbad) 2 x Marine-Toilette ANTRIEB, LEISTUNG UND HEIZUNG: Kardanantrieb Perkins 88,2 kW (120 PS) Bugstrahlruder Max Power Generator Westerbeke Batterieladung Victron Energy Centaur 24v 60amp Heizung SEGEL & TAKELAGE: Genua-Hydraulik. Furler Großsegel hydraulisch. Furler Winden-Cockpit: 3 x Barient 27 3 x Barient 32 2 x Barient 36 - Elektrisch Winden an Deck: 3 x Barient 32 1 x Barient 27 ANLEGEN UND ANKERN: El. Ankerwinde Lofrans ALLGEMEIN: Teakholz im Cockpit / Seitendurchgang / Deck / Heckplattform Holztisch im Cockpit Sprayhood neu 2022 Bimini Top neu 2022 Dusche auf der Heckplattform Gangway 2018: Die Yacht wurde 2018 renoviert: Alle Ventile ausgetauscht, alle Pumpen erneuert, alle Kühlschränke erneuert (2 x Kühlschränke und 1x Gefrierschrank) Alle drei Toiletten wurden ausgetauscht Mast und Baum wurden neu lackiert Neues Radar und GPS 2022: Antifouling Neues Bimini und Sprayhood 06-2023: Antifouling Neues Bugstrahlruder Neue Batterien Maklerbeauftragung ausgeschlossen Zögern Sie nicht, uns anzurufen! Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, uns per E-Mail oder auf unseren Mobiltelefonen unten zu kontaktieren, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. PARLIAMO ITALIANO, WE SPEAK ENGLISH, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Marina - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verfügbar von Montag bis Samstag 09-13h, 14h-18h Sonntag GESCHLOSSEN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- info@ads-marine.com Die Besichtigung des Bootes ist mit einer Frist von mindestens 3 Tagen möglich (Zwischenverkauf vorbehalten) Verzichtserklärung Das Unternehmen stellt die Informationen über dieses Boot nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen zur Verfügung, kann jedoch die Richtigkeit dieser Informationen und den Zustand des Bootes nicht garantieren. Das Angebot dieses Bootes unterliegt dem Zwischenverkauf, der Preisänderung oder dem Widerruf des Angebots ohne vorherige Ankündigung. Español NAVEGACIÓN Y ELECTRÓNICA: Cabina: Autopiloto Autohelm ST7000 Plotter Raymarine eSeries hybridtouch - novedad 2018 Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Taberna: Autopiloto Autohelm ST7000 Wind Raymarine ST60+ Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Radar Raymarine - novedad 2018 DIVERSIÓN: Radio Alpine, altavoces Mac Audio, altavoces Fusion en cabina, TV philips en salón COCINA Y SISTEMA DE AGUA: Cocina: estufa de gas de 3 quemadores, horno, microondas Bosch, 2x refrigeradores, congelador, fregadero Calentador de agua Cabina de ducha en baño principal 1 x El. WC (baño principal) 2 x WC marino PROPULSIÓN, POTENCIA Y CALEFACCIÓN: Transmisión por eje Perkins 88.2kW (120hp) Propulsor de proa Max Power Generador Westerbeke Batería cargada Victron Energy Centaur 24v 60amp Calefacción VELAS Y APAREJOS: Génova hidráulica. Furler Vela mayor hidráulica. Furler Cabina de cabrestantes: 3 x Barient 27 3 x Barient 32 2 x Barient 36 - Eléctrico Cabrestantes en cubierta: 3 x Barient 32 1 x Barient 27 AMARRE Y FONDEO: El. molinete de ancla Lofrans GENERAL: Teca en cabina / pasaje lateral / cubierta / plataforma de popa Mesa de madera en cabina Campana de pulverización nueva 2022 Bimini top nuevo 2022 Ducha en plataforma de popa Pasarela 2018: El yate fue renovado en 2018: Todas las válvulas reemplazadas, todas las bombas renovadas, todos los refrigeradores renovados (2 x refrigeradores y 1x congelador) Los tres baños fueron reemplazados El mástil y la pluma fueron repintados Nuevo radar y GPS 2022: Antifouling Nuevo bimini y Sprayhood 06-2023: Antifouling Nuevo propulsor de proa Baterías nuevas Comisión del corredor excluida ¡No dudes en llamarnos! Le invitamos a ponerse en contacto con nosotros por correo electrónico o en nuestros teléfonos móviles a continuación para cualquier información adicional. PARLIAMO ITALIANO, HABLAMOS INGLÉS, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Marina - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disponible de lunes a sábado 09-13h, 14h-18h Domingo CERRADO --------------------------------------------------------------------------- info@ads-marine.com La visita del barco es posible con un mínimo de 3 días de antelación (sujeto a venta previa) Renuncia La Compañía proporciona la información sobre este barco de buena fe, pero no puede garantizar la exactitud de esta información y el estado del barco. La oferta de este barco está sujeta a venta previa, cambio de precio o retiro de la oferta sin previo aviso. Россию НАВИГАЦИЯ И ЭЛЕКТРОНИКА: Кокпит: Автопилот Autohelm ST7000 Картплоттер Raymarine eSeries hybridtouch - новинка 2018 года Tridata Raymarine ST60+ УКВ Raymarine Ray55E Салон: Автопилот Autohelm ST7000 Wind Raymarine ST60+ Tridata Raymarine ST60+ УКВ Raymarine Ray55E Радар Raymarine - новинка 2018 года РАЗВЛЕЧЕНИЕ: Радио Alpine, колонки Mac Audio, динамики Fusion в кабине, телевизор philips в салоне КАМБУЗ И ВОДНАЯ СИСТЕМА: Кухня: газовая плита с 3 конфорками, духовка, микроволновая печь Bosch, 2 холодильника, морозильная камера, мойка Водонагреватель Душевая кабина в главной ванной комнате 1 х Эл. туалет (главная ванная комната) 2 х Морской туалет СИЛОВАЯ УСТАНОВКА, МОЩНОСТЬ И ОТОПЛЕНИЕ: Привод вала Perkins 88,2 кВт (120 л.с.) Носовое подруливающее устройство Max Power Генератор Вестербеке Заряд аккумулятора Victron Energy Centaur 24v 60amp Отопление ПАРУСА И ТАКЕЛАЖ: Генуэзская гидравлика. Меховщик Грот гидравлический. Меховщик Кабина лебедок: 3 х Бариент 27 3 х Бариент 32 2 x Barient 36 - Электрический Лебедки на палубе: 3 х Бариент 32 1 х Бариент 27 ШВАРТОВКА И ПОСТАНОВКА НА ЯКОРЬ: Эл. якорный брашпиль Lofrans ОБЩЕЕ: Тик в кокпите / боковом проходе / палубе / кормовой платформе Деревянный стол в кокпите Защита от водяной пыли новинка 2022 года Бимини топ новый 2022 Душ на кормовой платформе Проход 2018: Яхта была отреставрирована в 2018 году: Все клапаны заменены, все насосы обновлены, все холодильники обновлены (2 холодильника и 1 морозильная камера) Все три туалета были заменены Мачта и гик были перекрашены Новый радар и GPS 2022: Противообрастающие Новый бимини и Sprayhood 06-2023: Противообрастающие Новое носовое подруливающее устройство Новые аккумуляторы Комиссия брокера исключена Звоните нам! Мы приглашаем вас связаться с нами по электронной почте или по нашим мобильным телефонам ниже для получения дополнительной информации. PARLIAMO ITALIANO, МЫ ГОВОРИМ ПО-АНГЛИЙСКИ, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Алекс - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Марина - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Доступно с понедельника по субботу с 09 до 13 часов, с 14 до 18 часов. Воскресенье ЗАКРЫТО --------------------------------------------------------------------------- info@ads-marine.com Посещение лодки возможно с предварительным уведомлением минимум за 3 дня (при условии предварительной продажи) Отказ Компания добросовестно предоставляет информацию об этом судне, но не может гарантировать достоверность этой информации и состояние судна. Предложение этой лодки подлежит предварительной продаже, изменению цены или отзыву предложения без предварительного уведомления.
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Price: plus broker's fee, Condition: good, Propulsion: shaft drive Equipment 2nd refrigerator, glass ceramic cook top, washing machine, dryer, watermaker, toilet electric, separate crew cabine, owner cabin, guest cabin, bow cabin, salon, head, shore supply 220V, main circuit breaker, hard top, sun shade / aftdeck, suncushion, pressurized water system, warm water system, bathing platform integrated, transom door to bathing platform, cockpit table, bathing ladder, 220V plugs, underwater paint, holding tank, engine battery, voltmeter, anchor windlass bow electric, windscreen wiper w. washer, searchlight, gangway electric, trim tabs hydraulic, stern shower warm/could, flat screen, satellite TV
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Price: plus broker's fee, Condition: good, Propulsion: shaft drive Equipment 2nd refrigerator, glass ceramic cook top, washing machine, dryer, watermaker, toilet electric, separate crew cabine, owner cabin, guest cabin, bow cabin, salon, head, shore supply 220V, main circuit breaker, hard top, sun shade / aftdeck, suncushion, pressurized water system, warm water system, bathing platform integrated, transom door to bathing platform, cockpit table, bathing ladder, 220V plugs, underwater paint, holding tank, anchor windlass bow electric, searchlight, gangway electric, trim tabs hydraulic, stern shower warm/could, satellite TV
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
This incredible 2011 Key Largo Sessa 27 is in impeccable condition, ready to provide unforgettable moments on the water. With a hull length of 7.80 meters and a beam of 2.64 meters, it offers space and comfort for your outings. Equipped with **2 Yamaha F150 engines** with a total power of **300 HP**, powered by gasoline, you will experience the performance and reliability that only Yamaha can offer. **Equipment Highlights:**- **1 comfortable cabin**- **1 WC** and **1 shower** for convenience on board- Water tank, refrigerators, and 220V outlets for all necessary comfort- Complete safety equipment, including life jackets and a horn- Teak in the cockpit and comfortable cushions for a cozy environment- Onboard barbecue for leisure moments- Navigation equipment: GPS plotter, depth sounder- Bimini top, protective cover, and swim ladder included- Anchor with electric windlass and anchor chain for easy anchoring- Freshwater system with electric pump and automatic bilge pump- Battery charger to ensure power on board **Extras:**- **Anchor with electric windlass**- **Bimini top and protective cover**- **Swim ladder and cockpit cushions** Schedule a visit today!
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Miscellaneous comments / Summary BARRACUDA 9, 2019, first hand, SUZUKI DF 250 APX (x2), 2 x 250 hp (170 hrs), Bow thruster, Fishing Edition Barracuda Tour 2019, 2 sliding side doors for the wheelhouse, Upholsteries, mastresses, cushions - Diamante Meteor, Pilot and co-driver bench with bolster function, Interior curtains, Retractable saloon table, Cockpit aft sliding bench with cushion, 2 side folding benchs with cushions, 2nd wheelhouse wiper, Deck light with remote control from wheelhouse, Cockpit table (wood), Cockpit bimini top, Electric windlass, Wheelhouse electric windlass remote control, Stainless steel rod holders on the coachroof, Starboard after water circulation tank, Electronic package 2019, GPS and chartplotter (wheelhouse) - Lowrance HDS 12, Electronic navigation charts, DSC VHF - Lowrance Link 8, Fusion MS-RA70N + speakers, Fridge unit 12 V (front opening door), 220 V shore power + battery charger, Holding tank, Electric sea water pump, Leds interior b'&' cockpit lights, Liferaft - SeaSafe 8 men, 3D Tender dinghy, Located Brittany. Actual first owner, never chartered. For more information or to make an appointment for a visit, contact: Jean-Baptiste Lemaire https://www.antipode-yachts.com/en/BARRACUDA-9-for-sale-BENETEAU/1779.html Divers / Résumé / Commentaires BARRACUDA 9, 2019, 1ère main, SUZUKI DF 250 APX (x2), 2 x 250 cv (170 h), Propulseur d'étrave, Version Fishing Edition Barracuda Tour 2019, 2 portes latérales coulissantes, Sellerie, matelas et coussins - Diamante Meteor, Banquette pilote et co-pilote avec bolster, Rideaux intérieurs, Table de carré escamotable, Banquette cockpit coulissante avec coussins, 2 banquettes latérales repliables avec coussins, 2 ème essuie glace électrique, Projecteur de pont avec panneau de commande à distance à la timonerie, Table de cockpit bois, Bimini top cockpit, Guindeau électrique, Télécommande guindeau au poste de timonerie, Portes cannes inox sur roof, Vivier arrière tribord, Pack électronique 2019, GPS / lecteur de carte à la timonerie - Lowrance HDS 12, Cartographie électronique, VHF ASN - Lowrance Link 8, Système audio Fusion MS-RA70N + HP, Unité réfrigérante 12 V porte frontale, Prise de quai 220 V + chargeur de batteries, Réservoir rigide eaux noires, Pompe électrique eau de mer, Eclairages intérieurs et cockpit à Leds, Radeau de survie - SeaSafe 8 pers. côtier, Annexe 3D Tender. 1ère main, jamais loué, Visible Bretagne. Pour plus d'informations ou pour fixer un rendez-vous de visite, contact: Jean-Baptiste Lemaire https://www.antipode-yachts.com/fr/BARRACUDA-9-occasion-BENETEAU/1779.html
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Powerboat Axopar 37 Cabin Brabus Line Edition.. Spacious social area and solarium in the bow, equipped with complete set of cushions. From the bow, entrance to the cabin, wc equipped with electric maritime toilet. In the stern various storage areas and 3 seats. Cabin with helm station totally protected, and cabin with double berth. Some equipment: Electronic and navigation: GPS, plotter multifunction, VHF with DSC, bow thruster, depth sounder, speed, Energy: 12/220v, battery charger, engine battery (2024), domestic batteries (2024), bow thruster battery (2024), shore power, LED illumination Comfort: Bow solarium, 3 seats, electric winch, double berth, interior protected helm station, doors in both boards, sportive openable top (electric soft top), 2 fridges, swimming ladder, Fusion sound system with speakers Safety: Several safety gear. Others: Fenders, mooring ropes, anchoring kit. Maintenance and shape: Boat as good as new.
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Fara in Sabina (Lazio)
GREEN DRAGON is the most perfect Volvo 70 Class boat to combine serious racing, race charter, cruising and conversion project. There are several features making her preferable to other Volvo 70s, such as: · contemporary Carbon C6 Rigging not having any expiry date like Kevlar or PBO · large spare rigging inventory · engine Saildrive transmission fitted (reliable and safe - no further hassle with retractable shaft) · no hydraulics for trimming · extremely weel built hull, no structural problems during the Volvo Ocean Race and since · very little use and almost no serious racing after the Volvo Ocean Race · thanks to her interior layout and original structure, she is very well suited for an interior conversion project General Builder: MC CONAGHYS Naval architect: REICHEL PUGH Type: VOLVO 70 Year: 2007 – some new interior accommodation in 2015/2016 Flag: Austria Displacement: 14.50 tons Construction hull: Carbon composite superstructure: Carbon composite deck: Carbon composite Keel: canting keel with hydraulic rams Dagger boards: 2 (+ 2 spares) Engines 75 HP VOLVO PENTA D2-75 - approx. 1,600h (March 2016) VOLVO PENTA Saildrive 150S transmission 3 blades VOLVO PENTA folding propeller Generator VOLVO PENTA D1-30 Electrics Batteries Service Batteries 14 x Optima YT S 4,2 55Ah (new in 2016) Start Battery 2 x 12V (new in Oct 2015) Tankage Fuel: 350 L plastic main tank 130 L spare plastic tank Electronics B&G WTP 2 B&G 5 x 20/20 Mast Displays, 8x MFD-Displays sounder B&G Autopilot/Smart Pilot S3G 1 x ST7002 + 2 x ST6001 controllers + Type 2 linear drive AIS Class A: AIS Transonder with own GPS Antenna Comar CSB200 computer: Beta Version of Transas Tsunamis ’99 Program with world wide maps on Board PC LAN network Netgear Serial server Moxa nPort 4 channels NMEA WiFi Comar NMEA-to-WiFi NMEA Buffer 2 units of SB1324 Fleet 500 (powers up, ready to work but without SIM Card). Satcom C (condition unknown) VHF radio: Silva S15 DSC (= Nexus NX2500) VHF/FM Antenna Splitter NAVICO Emergency VHF Antenna NAVTEX receiver Nexus NX2600 (display on VHF and/or PC) NAVTEX / VHF Silva S15 (= Nexus NX2500) NASA Meteoman Barograph GPS: FURUNO GP-90 (Furuno GP-31 in spare) RAYMARINE Raystar 130 SeaTalk / NMEA Plotter Raymarine E80 Raymarine 2kW Colour radar Epirb DECK AND COCKPIT HARKEN winches (all Carbon Series): 2 x Primary 1 Main 2 Runner 3 Halyard 2 Traveller 3 pedestals Various blocks, clutches, jammers, etc. Complete set of ropes (sheets, tack Lines, halyards, runner tails, spares, etc.) Dagger Boards: 2 fitted + 2 in spare Electric anchor windlass (new on board but not fitted yet) Bow roller for anchor (new on board but not fitted yet) Anchors: 30 kg stainless BRUCE anchor 2nd FORTRESS aluminium anchor Anchor lines: Wrap approx. 60 m Anchor Lead Rope 50m (new) ACCOMMODATION Salon with 2 upholstered benches (retractable for serious racing) 2 removable tables L-shaped Galley with 2 sinks (retractable for serious racing) One burner cocker with canting system (additional spare cocker) 2 refrigerators Electric head Electric fresh water pump Aft ballast tank of approx. 1,000 L, can used as fresh water tank TV HD LCD, connected to board PC Media Box Maxell Board- PC Mini ITX Hercules Monitor Domestic equipment (Nespresso Coffe machine, Water Heater, Toaster, etc. Galley fitted with cutlery, pots, pans, etc. Rigging SOUTHERN SPARS carbon mast: · 31 m of height · completely rebuilt in July 2015 · Hydraulic Jack System (electric pump) SOUTHERN SPARS carbon boom Carbon bowsprit Standing rigging: SOUTHERN SPARS Running rigging: SPECTRA Furlers: HARKEN & KARVER SOUTHERN SPARS C6 rigging with Titanium fittings Spare rigging (same as above) SOUTHERN SPARS C6 forestay with Titanium fittings Spare forestay (same as above) SOUTHERN SPARS C6 runners with Titanium fittings, each 1 pair Top, Frac, upper Checkstay Spare Runners (same as above, TBC weather set is complete) Luff cables for MH Code-0, FRO, J4, SJ Various Spare Luff cables Furlers: · 1 x KARVER racing, · 1 x HARKEN Sails Numerous sets of sails Sail area *upwind: 375 m² *downwind: 675 m² Main sail max.: 175m² Code-0 max.: 350m² Genoa 1 max. 200m² Gennaker max.: 500m² Sails inventory Racing set Code type of sail material hoisting type condition MN-A main 3Di cars on track excellent MH0 masthead Code 0 3Di furled very good FRO fractional Code 0 3Di furled excellent G1 Genoa 1 3DL hanks on forestay very good G2 Genoa 2 3Di hanks on forestay excellent G4 Genoa 4 3Di furled excellent G5 Genoa 5 3DL hanks on J5 stay very good SJ Storm Jib Spectra hanks on J5 stay good TS Trysail Spectra cars on track dood A1 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A2 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A3 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled very good A4 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A9 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled excellent Training, cruising, delivery, spare MN-2 main 3Di cars on tack good MH0 masthead Code 0 3DL furled fair FRO fractional Code 0 3DL furled good G1 Genoa 1 3DL hanks on forestay good G4 Genoa 4 3Di furled fair SJ Storm Jib Spectra hanks on J5 stay good TS Trysail Spectra cars on track good A3 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled very good Further there are many additional unchecked sails in various conditions partly like new. ELECTRICITY VOLVO PENTA D1-30 Auxiliary Engine Service Batteries 14 x Optima YT S 4,2 55Ah (new in 2016) Start Battery 2 x 12V (new in Oct 2015) Additional 24V/140A Alternator on Main Engine with Balmar Charger Controller Sinus Inverter 2kW Charger 24V 30A Sterling Power Monitoring Systems for Batteries SAFETY AND SECURITY 2 Life Rafts 16 persons each (serviced in October 2015, next service in October 2018) 20 Life Jackets with lifelines (new in 2015) 2 Jon buoys (serviced in Jan 2016), one of them includes AIS Jackstays (new) 2 Floating Flash lights EPIRB (new) Flares (Parachute, Hand Flares, Orange Smoke Pots) Anchor Ball Motor Cone 2 Fog Horns plus Spare Can 3 Fire Extinguishers (new) Fire Blanket Search light Emergency Nav. Lights MISCELLANEAOUS EQUIPMENT Boarding ladder (telescopic, new on board but not fitted yet) Rope bags (original ones repaired + a completely new set made Jan 2016 to be fitted) Covers for pedestal and winches (new in Jan 2016) Boom cover (new in Jan 2016) Hardware and Tools: Bag with deck equipment (soft shackles, loops, blocks, etc.) Toolbox with var. hand tools for hardware jobs Toolbox with var. hand tools and bits & pieces for electric jobs Toolbox with var. hand tools and bits & pieces for electronic jobs Toolbox with var. bits & pieces for plumbing jobs Box with var. electric tools (drill, lamp, hot air gun) and cables & spares Box with var. bits & spares for rigging jobs Box with var. hardware bits & spares, tapes, sealants Box with var. lubricants, cleaners, etc. Box with var. thinners, paints and tools for paintjobs Several Diesel 20 litres Canister Boathook Bowman Chair Climbing Harness Container (located in Galway, Ireland): Boat Cradle (dismounted) Spare Rudder Spare Dagger Boards Satellite Systems, some Media Hardware, Wireless Cams, etc. Loads of sails Spares for winches, rigging, deck hardware Carbon spares Sail bags Covers Detail given in good faith with no guarantee nor warrant for accuracy or conditions. A Buyer should instruct his surveyor to investigate such details as he desires validated. This is NOT a contractual document....Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
GREEN DRAGON is the most perfect Volvo 70 Class boat to combine serious racing, race charter, cruising and conversion project. There are several features making her preferable to other Volvo 70s, such as: · contemporary Carbon C6 Rigging not having any expiry date like Kevlar or PBO · large spare rigging inventory · engine Saildrive transmission fitted (reliable and safe - no further hassle with retractable shaft) · no hydraulics for trimming · extremely weel built hull, no structural problems during the Volvo Ocean Race and since · very little use and almost no serious racing after the Volvo Ocean Race · thanks to her interior layout and original structure, she is very well suited for an interior conversion project General Builder: MC CONAGHYS Naval architect: REICHEL PUGH Type: VOLVO 70 Year: 2007 some new interior accommodation in 2015/2016 Flag: Austria Displacement: 14.50 tons Construction hull: Carbon composite superstructure: Carbon composite deck: Carbon composite Keel: canting keel with hydraulic rams Dagger boards: 2 (+ 2 spares) Engines 75 HP VOLVO PENTA D2-75 - approx. 1,600h (March 2016) VOLVO PENTA Saildrive 150S transmission 3 blades VOLVO PENTA folding propeller Generator VOLVO PENTA D1-30 Electrics Batteries Service Batteries 14 x Optima YT S 4,2 55Ah (new in 2016) Start Battery 2 x 12V (new in Oct 2015) Tankage Fuel: 350 L plastic main tank 130 L spare plastic tank Electronics B&G WTP 2 B&G 5 x 20/20 Mast Displays, 8x MFD-Displays sounder B&G Autopilot/Smart Pilot S3G 1 x ST7002 + 2 x ST6001 controllers + Type 2 linear drive AIS Class A: AIS Transonder with own GPS Antenna Comar CSB200 computer: Beta Version of Transas Tsunamis 99 Program with world wide maps on Board PC LAN network Netgear Serial server Moxa nPort 4 channels NMEA WiFi Comar NMEA-to-WiFi NMEA Buffer 2 units of SB1324 Fleet 500 (powers up, ready to work but without SIM Card). Satcom C (condition unknown) VHF radio: Silva S15 DSC (= Nexus NX2500) VHF/FM Antenna Splitter NAVICO Emergency VHF Antenna NAVTEX receiver Nexus NX2600 (display on VHF and/or PC) NAVTEX / VHF Silva S15 (= Nexus NX2500) NASA Meteoman Barograph GPS: FURUNO GP-90 (Furuno GP-31 in spare) RAYMARINE Raystar 130 SeaTalk / NMEA Plotter Raymarine E80 Raymarine 2kW Colour radar Epirb DECK AND COCKPIT HARKEN winches (all Carbon Series): 2 x Primary 1 Main 2 Runner 3 Halyard 2 Traveller 3 pedestals Various blocks, clutches, jammers, etc. Complete set of ropes (sheets, tack Lines, halyards, runner tails, spares, etc.) Dagger Boards: 2 fitted + 2 in spare Electric anchor windlass (new on board but not fitted yet) Bow roller for anchor (new on board but not fitted yet) Anchors: 30 kg stainless BRUCE anchor 2nd FORTRESS aluminium anchor Anchor lines: Wrap approx. 60 m Anchor Lead Rope 50m (new) ACCOMMODATION Salon with 2 upholstered benches (retractable for serious racing) 2 removable tables L-shaped Galley with 2 sinks (retractable for serious racing) One burner cocker with canting system (additional spare cocker) 2 refrigerators Electric head Electric fresh water pump Aft ballast tank of approx. 1,000 L, can used as fresh water tank TV HD LCD, connected to board PC Media Box Maxell Board- PC Mini ITX Hercules Monitor Domestic equipment (Nespresso Coffe machine, Water Heater, Toaster, etc. Galley fitted with cutlery, pots, pans, etc. Rigging SOUTHERN SPARS carbon mast: · 31 m of height · completely rebuilt in July 2015 · Hydraulic Jack System (electric pump) SOUTHERN SPARS carbon boom Carbon bowsprit Standing rigging: SOUTHERN SPARS Running rigging: SPECTRA Furlers: HARKEN & KARVER SOUTHERN SPARS C6 rigging with Titanium fittings Spare rigging (same as above) SOUTHERN SPARS C6 forestay with Titanium fittings Spare forestay (same as above) SOUTHERN SPARS C6 runners with Titanium fittings, each 1 pair Top, Frac, upper Checkstay Spare Runners (same as above, TBC weather set is complete) Luff cables for MH Code-0, FRO, J4, SJ Various Spare Luff cables Furlers: · 1 x KARVER racing, · 1 x HARKEN Sails Numerous sets of sails Sail area *upwind: 375 m² *downwind: 675 m² Main sail max.: 175m² Code-0 max.: 350m² Genoa 1 max. 200m² Gennaker max.: 500m² Sails inventory Racing set Code type of sail material hoisting type condition MN-A main 3Di cars on track excellent MH0 masthead Code 0 3Di furled very good FRO fractional Code 0 3Di furled excellent G1 Genoa 1 3DL hanks on forestay very good G2 Genoa 2 3Di hanks on forestay excellent G4 Genoa 4 3Di furled excellent G5 Genoa 5 3DL hanks on J5 stay very good SJ Storm Jib Spectra hanks on J5 stay good TS Trysail Spectra cars on track dood A1 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A2 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A3 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled very good A4 Gennaker Nylon free flying excellent A9 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled excellent Training, cruising, delivery, spare MN-2 main 3Di cars on tack good MH0 masthead Code 0 3DL furled fair FRO fractional Code 0 3DL furled good G1 Genoa 1 3DL hanks on forestay good G4 Genoa 4 3Di furled fair SJ Storm Jib Spectra hanks on J5 stay good TS Trysail Spectra cars on track good A3 Gennaker Cuben Fibre furled very good Further there are many additional unchecked sails in various conditions partly like new. ELECTRICITY VOLVO PENTA D1-30 Auxiliary Engine Service Batteries 14 x Optima YT S 4,2 55Ah (new in 2016) Start Battery 2 x 12V (new in Oct 2015) Additional 24V/140A Alternator on Main Engine with Balmar Charger Controller Sinus Inverter 2kW Charger 24V 30A Sterling Power Monitoring Systems for Batteries SAFETY AND SECURITY 2 Life Rafts 16 persons each (serviced in October 2015, next service in October 2018) 20 Life Jackets with lifelines (new in 2015) 2 Jon buoys (serviced in Jan 2016), one of them includes AIS Jackstays (new) 2 Floating Flash lights EPIRB (new) Flares (Parachute, Hand Flares, Orange Smoke Pots) Anchor Ball Motor Cone 2 Fog Horns plus Spare Can 3 Fire Extinguishers (new) Fire Blanket Search light Emergency Nav. Lights MISCELLANEAOUS EQUIPMENT Boarding ladder (telescopic, new on board but not fitted yet) Rope bags (original ones repaired + a completely new set made Jan 2016 to be fitted) Covers for pedestal and winches (new in Jan 2016) Boom cover (new in Jan 2016) Hardware and Tools: Bag with deck equipment (soft shackles, loops, blocks, etc.) Toolbox with var. hand tools for hardware jobs Toolbox with var. hand tools and bits & pieces for electric jobs Toolbox with var. hand tools and bits & pieces for electronic jobs Toolbox with var. bits & pieces for plumbing jobs Box with var. electric tools (drill, lamp, hot air gun) and cables & spares Box with var. bits & spares for rigging jobs Box with var. hardware bits & spares, tapes, sealants Box with var. lubricants, cleaners, etc. Box with var. thinners, paints and tools for paintjobs Several Diesel 20 litres Canister Boathook Bowman Chair Climbing Harness Container (located in Galway, Ireland): Boat Cradle (dismounted) Spare Rudder Spare Dagger Boards Satellite Systems, some Media Hardware, Wireless Cams, etc. Loads of sails Spares for winches, rigging, deck hardware Carbon spares Sail bags Covers Detail given in good faith with no guarantee nor warrant for accuracy or conditions. A Buyer should instruct his surveyor to investigate such details as he desires validated. This is NOT a contractual document.
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Propulsion: shaft drive, Water tank: 1500 ltr Equipment extractor hood, glass ceramic cook top, sink, dishwasher, barbecue, icemaker, washing machine, dryer, watermaker, on-board computer, toilet electric, shore supply 220V, main circuit breaker, suncushion, anchor windlass electric, teak deck, wetbar, cockpit table, tender garage, anchor windlass bow electric, anchor windlass stern electric, windscreen wiper w. washer, gangway electric, trim tabs hydraulic, stern shower warm/could
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Price: plus broker's fee, Condition: very good, Propulsion: shaft drive, Water tank: 1500 ltr Equipment 2nd refrigerator, extractor hood, glass ceramic cook top, sink, dishwasher, barbecue, icemaker, washing machine, dryer, watermaker, rudder angle indicator, rev indicator, on-board phone, on-board computer, toilet electric, pantry in crew cabin, owner cabin, guest cabin, bow cabin, salon, steering position inside, steering position on quarterdeck, steering position on flybridge, fire extinguisher system, shore supply 220V, main circuit breaker, radio, sat. antenna auto search, anchor chain, anchor box, suncushion, pressurized water system, warm water system, transom door to bathing platform, teak deck, deck hatch, deck cleaning system, trim indicator, wetbar, cockpit table, bathing ladder, tender garage, underwater paint, holding tank, anchor windlass bow electric, anchor windlass stern electric, windscreen wiper w. washer, search light remote controlled, searchlight, gangway electric, cushion cover, trim tabs electric, trim tabs hydraulic, deck shower hot/cold, stern shower warm/could, dinghy, flat screen
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Price: plus broker's fee, Condition: very good, Propulsion: shaft drive, Water tank: 1700 ltr Equipment 2nd refrigerator, extractor hood, glass ceramic cook top, sink, dishwasher, barbecue, icemaker, washing machine, dryer, watermaker, rudder angle indicator, rev indicator, sea charts, on-board computer, toilet electric, separate crew cabine, owner cabin, guest cabin, bow cabin, salon, steering position inside, steering position on quarterdeck, steering position on flybridge, entrance: side entrance, entrance: rear entrance, fire extinguisher system, shore supply 220V, main circuit breaker, radio, sat. antenna auto search, anchor chain, anchor box, cockpit cover, suncushion, pressurized water system, warm water system, transom door to bathing platform, teak deck, trim indicator, wetbar, cockpit table, bathing ladder, 220V plugs, underwater paint, holding tank, engine battery, anchor windlass bow electric, anchor windlass stern electric, windscreen wiper, bathing platform, boat crane, gangway electric, gangway, cushion cover, trim tabs electric, trim tabs hydraulic, stern shower, flat screen
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Price: plus broker's fee, Condition: very good, Propulsion: shaft drive, Previous owners: 0, Water tank: 1000 ltr Equipment 2nd refrigerator, extractor hood, glass ceramic cook top, sink, dishwasher, barbecue, icemaker, washing machine, watermaker, rudder angle indicator, rev indicator, on-board computer, toilet electric, separate crew cabine, owner cabin, guest cabin, bow cabin, salon, steering position inside, steering position on quarterdeck, steering position on flybridge, entrance: side entrance, fire extinguisher system, shore supply 220V, main circuit breaker, radio, sat. antenna auto search, satellite phone, anchor chain, anchor box, cockpit cover, suncushion, pressurized water system, warm water system, transom door to bathing platform, teak deck, deck hatch, wetbar, cockpit table, bathing ladder, 220V plugs, underwater paint, holding tank, engine battery, anchor windlass bow electric, anchor windlass stern electric, windscreen wiper w. washer, bathing platform hydraulic, boat crane, gangway electric, gangway, cushion cover, trim tabs electric, trim tabs hydraulic, stern shower warm/could, flat screen, satellite TV
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Price: plus broker's fee, Condition: very good, Propulsion: shaft drive, Water tank: 1000 ltr Equipment 2nd refrigerator, extractor hood, glass ceramic cook top, sink, dishwasher, barbecue, rudder angle indicator, rev indicator, sea charts, on-board computer, toilet electric, owner cabin, guest cabin, bow cabin, salon, steering position inside, steering position on quarterdeck, steering position on flybridge, entrance: side entrance, entrance: rear entrance, fire extinguisher system, shore supply 220V, main circuit breaker, radio, TV antenna, sat. antenna auto search, anchor chain, anchor box, cockpit cover, suncushion, pressurized water system, warm water system, transom door to bathing platform, teak deck, wetbar, cockpit table, bathing ladder, tender garage, 220V plugs, underwater paint, holding tank, engine battery, anchor windlass bow electric, anchor windlass stern electric, windscreen wiper, search light remote controlled, searchlight, bathing platform, boat crane, gangway electric, gangway, cushion cover, trim tabs electric, trim tabs hydraulic, stern shower, flat screen
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Price: plus broker's fee, Condition: very good, Propulsion: shaft drive, Water tank: 950 ltr Equipment glass ceramic cook top, sink, dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, rudder angle indicator, rev indicator, on-board computer, toilet electric, owner cabin, guest cabin, bow cabin, steering position inside, entrance: rear entrance, fire extinguisher system, shore supply 220V, main circuit breaker, radio, sat. antenna auto search, anchor chain, anchor box, sun shade / aftdeck, suncushion, pressurized water system, warm water system, transom door to bathing platform, teak deck, wetbar, cockpit table, bathing ladder, tender garage, underwater paint, engine battery, anchor windlass bow electric, anchor windlass stern electric, windscreen wiper, gangway electric, gangway, cushion cover, trim tabs electric, trim tabs hydraulic, stern shower, dinghy, flat screen
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