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Engineering automation

Elenco delle migliori vendite engineering automation

Verona (Veneto)
Per azienda strutturata nostra cliente leader nel settore componenti automotive ricerchiamo un automation software engineer. Il candidato si occuperà della gestione della parte elettrica/elettronica/software dei progetti di engineering. Dovrà verificare lo stato avanzamento dei progetti interfacciandosi con i fornitori per garantire il rispetto dei tempi e del budget a disposizione. Infine coordinerà l’installazione elettrica, lo start up ed il collaudo delle nuove apparecchiature. Si richiede una precedente esperienza nello stesso ruolo in ambito automazione industriale. E’ necessaria la conoscenza PLC Siemens, della progettazione elettrica, della Direttiva Macchine sulla sicurezza oltre a cognizioni elettrotecniche e reti informatiche. Titolo preferenziale la conoscenza della lingua inglese. I candidati ambosessi interessati possono inviare il proprio cv a selezione@studiotadiello.it specificando il rif. INGAUTO20.
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Genova (Liguria)
Experis, brand di ManpowerGroup - leader in 54 paesi nella Ricerca e Selezione del personale, sviluppo di Career and Skills, Consulenza IT and Engineering e System Integration ' è alla ricerca di un/una: Software Test Automation Engineer ' Railways - Genova Per inserimento su progetti in ambito Segnalamento Ferroviario, lavorando in uno strutturato contesto in ambito Telco & Railways. Principali requisiti: Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica/Informatica Linguaggi di programmazione Python - IronPython Utilizzo e configurazione ambiente Jenkins per esecuzione prove automatiche Utilizzo e configurazione macchine virtuali (VirtualBox) Linguaggio di programmazione SQL (query, store procedure) Ambienti di sviluppo Microsoft SQL Server/Microsoft.Net Framework 4 o superiori Capacità di versionamento del software con GIT (branch, git flow, squash) Familiarità con sistemi di bug tracking (JIRA) Buone doti relazionali, capacità di lavorare in gruppo, autonomia e flessibilità completano il profilo ideale. E' preferibile una seppur breve esperienza nel settore ferroviario. Sede di lavoro: GENOVA Per candidarsi direttamente scrivere a: [*vedi modalità di candidatura*] Clicca sul link sottostante "sito web" per inviarci la tua candidatura.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Nexum, leader nellinnovazione tecnologica, alla ricerca di un Data Automation Scientist. Se senti di non riuscire a esprimere appieno il tuo potenziale nel tuo attuale ruolo o ti consideri un outsider nel settore, potresti essere leroe/eroina che stiamo cercando! Unisciti a un ambiente dinamico dove la tua creativit e competenza possono fare davvero la differenza. Descrizione della posizione: Siamo alla ricerca di qualcuno che sia appassionato di concetti come lanalisi dei dati, il machine learning, tecniche statistiche avanzate e la trasformazione di dati complessi in informazioni strategiche utili. Il candidato sar responsabile della progettazione e sviluppo di soluzioni enterprise utilizzando tecnologie avanzate, condurre analisi statistiche e data mining, valutare le performance dei modelli nel tempo e apportare miglioramenti per garantire risultati sempre accurati e rilevanti. Responsabilit principali: ● Progettare e sviluppare modelli di machine learning e algoritmi avanzati per risolvere problemi complessi. ● Collaborare con il team di ingegneria per portare prototipi analitici in produzione e generare insight utili per il miglioramento aziendale. ● Analizzare dati grezzi, pulirli e strutturarli per il successivo processamento. ● Costruzione e manutenzione pipeline di ML ● Realizzazione di pipeline ML mediante lutilizzo di tecnologie cloud. ● Collaborare con il team di ML Engineer e Data Engineer Competenze Tecniche Richieste: Eccellenti capacit di problem-solving e pensiero critico Percorso di studio in Matematica, Fisica, Ingegneristica Informatica, Statistica o affini rappresentano un plus. Ottima conoscenza di Python Conoscenza di almeno un altro linguaggio di base dei linguaggi Java Oriented (Java, Scala) o funzionali tipo R Familiarit con i concetti di Feature Engineering Conoscenza dei principali metodi statistici Conoscenza approfondita dei vari modelli di apprendimento automatico Buona conoscenza delle basi del linguaggio SQL Conoscenza di GIT e dei sistemi di versionamento Conoscenza almeno di un DataBase Relazionale e uno non relazionale Familiarit con almeno uno dei seguenti framework: TensorFlow, PyTorch e Keras Esperienza con tecniche di modellazione predittiva, classificazione, regressione, clustering e tecniche di apprendimento supervisionato/non supervisionato. Conoscenza di strumenti di data visualization (Tableau, PowerBI, Looker, ecc.). Conoscenza delle metodologie per la progettazione di sistemi di alta affidabilit e business continuity Conoscenza di aspetti di autenticazione e autorizzazione utenti e di sicurezza del dato Conoscenza dei principi di Responsible AI Conoscenza approfondita dei sistemi Cloudera Big Data Certificazioni preferenziali (nice to have almeno una): Google Cloud: Google Professional Data Engineer, Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer Azure: Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Scientist Associate Teradata: Teradata Certified Professional Teradata Certified Vantage Master Teradata Certified Database Administrator Teradata VantageCloud Associate Cosa offriamo: Nexum investe costantemente nella crescita professionale dei propri collaboratori attraverso il programma Continuous Improvement, uniniziativa che promuove lempowerment tecnico e professionale. Offriamo compensi competitivi, in linea con i pi aggiornati standard del settore IT, inclusi i dati forniti dal Global Knowledge IT Skills and Salary Report. Se ti senti pronto/a per affrontare nuove sfide in un ambiente internazionale e dinamico, e desideri far parte di un team che valorizza leccellenza, candidati ora e diventa parte di Nexum. Il presente annuncio rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, nel rispetto delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91 sulla parit di trattamento lavorativo e contro le discriminazioni di genere. Siamo aperti a candidati di ogni et e nazionalit, conformemente ai decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03. Nexum incoraggia inoltre la candidatura di persone con disabilit, nel rispetto della normativa vigente. Job Type: Full Time Job Location: Hybrid
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Our client is an independent IT service provider with a focus on consulting, individual software development and integrating software into companie’s core business processes. It is part of a Group which works with a team of more than 5,800 employees at numerous locations in Europe. We are looking for devops engineers with 2 - 5 years professional experience in system - network engineering acquired in Telco environment. Skills required: Technical degree (Uni/UAS/technical college) or equivalent Experience in an agile environment Scripting skills for automation, e.g. Bash, Python, Ansible Some years of experience with build automation, ideally knowledge of Gradle, NPM Hands on experience with CI/CD tools and creating pipelines (Jenkins) Experience with testing and test automation (BDD, Cucumber, Gherkin) Knowledge in Cloud-technologies (Kubernetes, Docker) Vendor and Stakeholder relations in a extended framework of interfaces German and English spoken and written skills ITILv3 (Incident and Change Mgmt) engagement Basic Knowledge in network engineering (e.g. TCP/IP, VLAN, routing, switching, IPSec) is a must (CCNA level or equivalent) Experience with Network Testing Suites (Spirent, Ixia, CyberFlood) is strongly favored Some basic experience with virtualization (e.g. OpenStack, VMWare, KVM, or equivalent) is helpful
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Process Engineering Specialist brings operations-expertise to help the organization in order to optimize production processes and realize substantial efficiency and cost saving. Act as a strategic partner, providing value-added solutions, developing and implementing hands-on measures in order to realize the required process improvements and ultimately improve margins; Drive changes and efficiencies by recommending new ways to operate, contributing actively to their actual implementation and providing feedbacks; Build realistic and comprehensive action plans to reduce cost, increase quality and improve service level; Participate at meetings with Automation department in order to define the technical requirement specifications for new equipments considering R&D, QA and Operations requests; Define, execute and validate the production process of new product in collaboration with R&D; Define, write and update production manual (MOP) and guarantee the quality for the entire process; Transfer production process; Execute process changes related to: methods, parameters and material changes; Execute Operational Qualification (OQ) and Performance Qualification (PQ); Execute equipment and production validation using statistical tools such us Gage R&R, Capability analysis, DOE, Regression, Hypothesis tests and others. Promote process improvements using Lean Six Sigma Approach.Medical DevicesGreat growth opportunityGood English level (B1 Level) Management of the validation documents necessary for the process control and improvement and deep knowledge of validation strategy (IQ - OQ - PQ); Knowledge and experience with statistical tools: DOE study, Gage R&R, Capability analysis (Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk), sampling size definition preferably by means Minitab sw. Green Belt Certification will be a plus Degree in Engineering At least 4-5 years of experience holding position in process engineering dept.Multinational Company leader in medical devicesGreat growth opportunity
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Nexum, leader nellinnovazione tecnologica, alla ricerca di un DevOps Engineer. Se senti di non riuscire a esprimere appieno il tuo potenziale nel tuo attuale ruolo o ti consideri un outsider nel settore, potresti essere leroe/eroina che stiamo cercando! Unisciti a un ambiente dinamico dove la tua creativit e competenza possono fare davvero la differenza. Descrizione della posizione: Siamo alla ricerca di un Cloud DevOps Engineer altamente motivato e con esperienza per unirsi al nostro team. Il candidato ideale sar responsabile della gestione, implementazione e ottimizzazione delle infrastrutture cloud e dei processi CI/CD. Lavorerai a stretto contatto con i team di sviluppo per garantire che i nostri sistemi siano scalabili, sicuri e altamente disponibili. Responsabilit principali: Applicare i principi di Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) per migliorare laffidabilit, la scalabilit e la disponibilit dei servizi.. Automatizzare la gestione delle infrastrutture utilizzando strumenti di Infrastructure as Code (IaC) come Terraform o Ansible. Gestire e ottimizzare ambienti containerizzati utilizzando strumenti come Docker e orchestratori come Kubernetes. Collaborare con i team di sviluppo e operation per garantire il corretto funzionamento e la continuit dei servizi su piattaforme cloud (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud). Progettare, costruire e implementare pipeline CI/CD per accelerare e automatizzare il processo di sviluppo e distribuzione delle applicazioni. Gestire e rispondere a incidenti dei servizi, risolvendo i problemi in modo rapido ed efficace, e implementare piani di miglioramento per ridurre il tempo di inattivit Competenze Tecniche Richieste: Apply site reliability engineering principles to a service Optimize service performance Implement service monitoring strategies Build and implement CI/CD pipelines for a service Manage service incidents Ottima conoscenza di strumenti di gestione di containers (Architecting with Docker, Kubernetes) Ottima conoscenza dei processi e strumenti di Site Reliability Engineering di Google Cloud o CI/CD di altri cloud provider Ottima conoscenza di strumenti di Continuous Integration (Jenkins o Codeship) e Continuous Delivery Buona conoscenza di uso di architetture Cloud (Google Cloud Platform o AWS o Azure) Buona conoscenza di strumenti di configuration management e provisioning (Ansible, Puppet, Chef) Conoscenza di linguaggi di programmazione (Java,Python, Bash) Conoscenza di (almeno 2 dei prodotti/strumenti elencati): Ottima conoscenza Kubernetes (nello specifico GKE) Ottima conoscenza HELM Ottima conoscenza IaC con Terraform Buona conoscenza delle tecnologie oggetto della migrazione (Varnish, Nginix, Apache, PHP-FPM) Buona conoscenza in ambito Configuration Management (Ansible, AWX,..) Buona conoscenza sistemi Linux Cloud automation & DevOps (Jenkins, Spinnaker, Google Cloud Build) AWS (EKS / ECR / RDS / DynamoDB) NGNIX Redis GitHub Action Cloudwatch DataDog RabbitMQ Codeship Certificazioni preferenziali (nice to have almeno una): AWS: AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Google Cloud: Google Professional DevOps Engineer Azure: Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert Linux Foundation: Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) LPI: LPIC-3 300: Linux Enterprise Professional Certification Cosa offriamo: Nexum investe costantemente nella crescita professionale dei propri collaboratori attraverso il programma Continuous Improvement, uniniziativa che promuove lempowerment tecnico e professionale. Offriamo compensi competitivi, in linea con i pi aggiornati standard del settore IT, inclusi i dati forniti dal Global Knowledge IT Skills and Salary Report. Se ti senti pronto/a per affrontare nuove sfide in un ambiente internazionale e dinamico, e desideri far parte di un team che valorizza leccellenza, candidati ora e diventa parte di Nexum. Il presente annuncio rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, nel rispetto delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91 sulla parit di trattamento lavorativo e contro le discriminazioni di genere. Siamo aperti a candidati di ogni et e nazionalit, conformemente ai decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03. Nexum incoraggia inoltre la candidatura di persone con disabilit, nel rispetto della normativa vigente. Job Type: Full Time Job Location: Hybrid
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CESI has got decades of experience in consultancy services on Distribution Systems Planning & Operation, were innovative and modern paradigms like Smart Grids, Smart Metering, Internet of Things are recently contributing, more strongly than elsewhere in Power Systems, to Grid Modernization. In this context CESI consulting offering includes conventional network studies (e.g. losses reduction) and innovative technological services (e.g. SCADA, DMS, ADMS, EDRMS), oriented to introduce advanced methodologies for distribution network planning and operation. All these activities are leveraged on active continuous participation of CESI personnel to the main standardization committees and international working groups, in addition to the daily effort to stay on the functional and technological leading edges. Team & Location As Advanced Distribution Management & Metering Systems Expert, the candidate will be part of CESI team devoted to Grid Modernization and Innovation that assists the final clients, typically DSOs, in advance network modeling and analysis, functional specification, tendering process support, design review and owners engineering, FAT and SAT of all the equipment involved in Smart Grid and Smart Metering roadmaps. After a first period of integration and training in CESI Headquarters in Milan, the business activity will require periods of time abroad (one week / ten days per mission) for meetings and on-site activities, both in Factory and at Client premises. Job Description The candidate will be called to contribute in different phases of ADMS projects devoted to CESI Clients, eventually starting from an initial assessment and gap analysis of the existing Smart Grid and Smart Metering infrastructures, as well as of the applications and platforms operated by the DSOs, passing through conceptual design, detailed functional specification, support to tendering process and overall owners engineering activity, including detailed design review and participation to FAT and SAT. The candidate will take the responsibility for the organization of the experts allocated to DMS projects, as well as for the coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the activities assuring timely/quality deliveries to the Clients. What CESI is looking for Education Level - Master Degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering or Information Technology or Telecommunication (with high degree score) Expertise - Distribution Network Planning and Operation - Distribution Management Systems (DMS) - Smart Grids and Smart Metering Standards - Information and Operation Technology - Automation and Control Systems - Grid and Power Station Control Years of Experience at least 10-15 years Languages Italian, English Fluency in English is required. The knowledge of other languages will be considered a plus. What CESI is offering A challenging varied and responsible job in a dynamic and international environment. Naturally, the position is rewarded appropriately, including good fringe benefits. Job type Permanent position Settore: Ingegneria Ruolo: Ingegneria/Progettazione Gestisce altre persone: No Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato
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Are you ready to take your career to new heights? At D-Orbit, were pioneering the future of space logistics and transportation. Established in 2011, our company is leading the way in helping businesses profitably and sustainably unlock the full potential of the final frontier. As a member of our team, youll have the opportunity to work alongside a diverse group of highly skilled individuals, all driven by a shared passion for innovation and excellence. Join us in our global mission to push the boundaries of whats possible and take your ambition to new heights. Apply now and join us in shaping the future of space. We are looking for a number of Embedded Software Engineers with different experience levels to join our team. You will become part of a software design group responsible for the delivery of software components across a range of embedded and high performance applications in space. Within a continuous integration environment, you will contribute to the requirements definition, design of SW architecture, coding and testing of mission critical real-time embedded software, running on the D-Orbit latest generation spacecraft. Through these activities and by working with the key stakeholders in the development process you will deliver exciting new features and support spacecraft operations. Tasks and Responsibilities: - Contribute to the entire application lifecycle, focusing on requirements definition, design, coding, debugging and integration with the flight hardware (note that the coding language used during the daily job is mostly embedded C and the software spans multiple layers, ranging from low-level components to middleware and application software) - Preparation of flight software technical documentation - Validation of features including integration with software-in-the-loop and hardware-in-the-loop test suites - Contribute to the continuous improvement of the teams processes and methodologies Additional duties may be assigned as needed by each project, like: - Define software system specifications during co-engineering activities with the system team - Improve and develop new features to shared libraries - Maintenance of existing flight applications - Support to AIV activities and spaceflight operations Required Technical Skills: - Minimum of 1 year experience in embedded software development. - Experience delivering embedded software in any C-family language - Knowledge of any typical embedded communication interfaces such as USART, SPI, I2C, CAN - Experience using and configuring any common build tool chains or similar development environment (such as ANT, WAF, Makefile, Visual Studio etc.) - Familiarity with Git versioning system or any similar DVCS - Ability to communicate technical concepts clearly and effectively - Degree, in any relevant area such as computer engineering, electronic engineering, aerospace engineering, robotics or automation. - Full professional proficiency of English language is mandatory. Nice-to-have skills: - Good understanding of SW design and testing lifecycle in regulated environment (ideally ECSS standard) - Knowledge of real-time operating systems (such as RTEMS or FreeRTOS) and/or operating systems targeted for embedded applications (such as any embedded Linux) - Experience in debugging embedded software using standard laboratory equipment - Basic understanding of Assembler language - Experience in defining software system specifications and software requirements - Knowledge of Python - Familiarity with using any Linux based distribution and appreciation of application development - Familiarity with typical software development methodology and release versioning processes - Familiarity with OBDH and TMTC architectures used in space systems - Capability of working in autonomy Language: This role requires professional proficiency in English. At D-Orbit, diversity and inclusivity are not just values, they are integral to our mission and the way we operate. We are committed to fostering an environment where all individuals are respected, valued, and celebrated for their unique backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. We believe that a diverse and inclusive workplace is not only the right thing to do, but it also leads to better decision-making, innovation, and overall success. We actively strive to build a culture where everyone can bring their authentic selves to work, and where all voices are heard and valued. We are dedicated to creating a workplace where everyone feels safe, supported, and empowered to share their ideas, and where everyone is given equal opportunities to grow and excel. We believe that our differences make us stronger, and we will continue to work diligently to create an inclusive culture at D-Orbit that reflects this belief. Settore: Industria aerospaziale Ruolo: Ingegneria/Progettazione Gestisce altre persone: No Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato Inquadramento: Impiegato
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Act as a strategic partner, providing value-added solutions, developing and implementing hands-on measures in order to realize the required process improvements and ultimately improve margins; Drive changes and efficiencies by recommending new ways to operate, contributing actively to their actual implementation and providing feedbacks; Build realistic and comprehensive action plans to reduce cost, increase quality and improve service level; Participate at meetings with Automation department in order to define the technical requirement specifications for new equipments considering R&D, QA and Operations requests; Define, execute and validate the production process of new product in collaboration with R&D; Define, write and update production manual (MOP) and guarantee the quality for the entire process; Transfer production process; Execute process changes related to: methods, parameters and material changes; Execute Operational Qualification (OQ) and Performance Qualification (PQ); Execute equipment and production validation using statistical tools such us Gage R&R, Capability analysis, DOE, Regression, Hypothesis tests and others. Promote process improvements using Lean Six Sigma Approach.Multinational Company leader in medical devicesGreat Growth OpportunityGood English level (B1 Level) Management of the validation documents necessary for the process control and improvement and deep knowledge of validation strategy (IQ - OQ - PQ); Knowledge and experience with statistical tools: DOE study, Gage R&R, Capability analysis (Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk), sampling size definition preferably by means Minitab sw. Degree in Engineering Green Belt Certification will be a plusAt least 2-3 years of experience holding position in process engineering dept.Multinational Company leader in medical devicesGreath Growth Opportunity
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Angel Position Mission The candidate will learn to design and implement a scalable, distributed infrastructure to manage large volumes of video data and process it in real time using artificial intelligence algorithms. Furthermore, you will gain experience in the management of video surveillance systems and IT security to ensure the correct functioning of the system and data protection. Programming ability in languages ​​such as Python, Java, and C++ and familiarity with artificial intelligence platforms such as TensorFlow or PyTorch are necessary characteristics to be able to carry out the tasks. The ability to collaborate with other team members, such as software engineers, data analysts and security experts, will ensure the effective integration of AI solutions into existing infrastructure. During the activities, the principles of cloud architectures and containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes will be explored in depth to support the implementation of a flexible and scalable infrastructure. The candidate for this position must possess a combination of skills in software engineering, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and distributed architecture, in order to develop and maintain the AI-powered video surveillance system AiDA with distributed processing capabilities. Responsibilities - Analyzing the functional and performance requirements of application problems, to identify the most appropriate algorithms to be implemented - Designing the most effective and efficient algorithms and data structures for solving application problems, with particular focus on AI technologies - Analyzing the completeness and quality of the input data for the algorithms to be developed - Contributing to the choice of the technology stack, programming patterns and frameworks to be adopted - Developing the software starting from writing the source code until field tests - Drawing up the necessary documentation - Estimating the time required for algorithm design and software development - Testing the developed software to highlight any bugs - Monitoring the quality and functionality of the software applications over time. Technical Skills, Qualifications and Professional Experience Masters degree in STEM subjects, preferably Computer or Automation Engineering Programming experience in C/C++ and/or Python Knowledge of the principles underlying cloud architectures and containerization technologies (docker, kubernetes). Excellent knowledge of Italian and English It is considered a plus - Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence/Machine/Deep Learning technologies, with particular focus on Computer Vision issues (TensorFlow framework, PyTorch, Keras...) Sosteniamo la parità di genere e promuoviamo un ambiente equo ed inclusivo. Accogliamo candidature da qualsiasi persona indipendentemente dal background di provenienza, riconoscendo il valore della diversità nel nostro contesto lavorativo. Il nostro processo di selezione si basa sul principio base di favorire luguaglianza professionale promuovendo principi di non discriminazione basati sul genere, età, etnia, nazionalità, disabilità, religione, orientamento sessuale, stato civile ed appartenenza o meno a organizzazioni sindacali o politiche Settore: Industria metalmeccanica Ruolo: Ingegneria/Progettazione
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Main Job Scope:Economical and functional main responsibility for all respective programs throughout the entire product life cycle (from pre-acquisition through end of production). Implementation of agreed project goals and responsible contact person to all external and internal costumers Key ResponsibiltiesAttainment of all agreed project goals according to defined criteria (Deadlines, Costs, Quality)Implementation (concept, quoting, program award, product development, supplier selection, launch, post-production performance, & lessons learned) of all supported programs according to Company Program Management System and according to all Program Management related standardized methods and proceduresPlanning and Coordination of all concerned Company locations and of all project tasks related to the following process steps: offer phase, series development phase and series production phase (if applicable).Ongoing controlling and reporting of progress regarding the current programs (Deadlines, Costs, Quality). In case of deviation, definition and implementation of corrective action.Ongoing documentation on program progress and reporting to management. Global Automation brandVery interesting job opportunityRequirements, Qualifications & Competencies:Degree of a Technical University, University of Applied Sciences or Polytechnic Engineering.Several years of relevant experience in the area of Program Management (processes, planning and mentoring of programs)Leading experience in lateral guidance in a matrix environment: drive results and decisions, self-initiative, team orientation, orientation on solutions, communication skills, assertiveness, motivating, people, conflict-solving skills, multi-frame and multinational collaborationMethodological skills: analytical competence, planning and implementation methods, moderating and presentation skills, mentoring and controlling skillsProfound customer orientation and relationship building skills: Keen listener, eloquence both to internal and external costumers on different hierarchical levels, credibility, ability to create trust and commitmentKnowledge of relevant automotive quality standards (GQS, APQP/VDA 6.3, PPAP) Global automotive brand, leader in electro-mechanical componentsVery interesting career opportunity
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Roma (Lazio)
SORINT è un Next Generation System Integrator Il nostro obiettivo è aggiungere innovazione, flessibilità e agilità al Business Digitale dei nostri Clienti. Il nostro Focus: • Agile, DevOps • Cloud Adoption • CI/CD • Modern Application Development • Application Modernization • Next Generation IT Operations • Site Reliability Engineering Opportunità Per la nostra sede di Roma stiamo cercando profili con diverse Seniority che entrino a far parte del nostro Team. Skill richiesti: - Metodologia DevOps - Ottima conoscenza ambienti Linux - Ottima conoscenza strumenti di Automation (Concourse, Ansible) - Conoscenze in ambito Middleware (Application Server, API gateway) - Conoscenza ambienti Hybrid Cloud (Kubernetes, Docker, Openshift, Pivotal, Micro Focus) - Conoscenza tool di CI/CD (Jenkins, CircleCI, GitLab, GitHub) Completano il profilo la buona conoscenza della lingua inglese, scritta e parlata, e un buon standing professionale. La forma contrattuale di inserimento, la retribuzione ed eventuali benefit saranno discussi in sede di colloquio e saranno commisurati agli effettivi skills del candidato. Valutiamo sia assunzioni dirette che collaborazioni in regime di partita iva. La nostra azienda garantisce un percorso continuo di crescita professionale avvalendosi della propria accademia interna supportando i propri dipendenti nell’acquisizione di certifiche e organizzando anche corsi fruibili dalla nostro sito dedicato. Si prega di inviare il cv solo se in linea con quanto ricercato. Si prendono in considerazione candidature anche di profili non di Roma, se gli interessati valutano anche ipotesi di trasferimento. Il presente annuncio si rivolge ai candidati di ambo i sessi (L. 903/77). I dati saranno trattati e conservati esclusivamente per finalità di selezione presenti e future, garantendo i diritti di cui all’art. 13 DLgs 196/03.
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