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Engineering expert bigliettazione

Elenco delle migliori vendite engineering expert bigliettazione

CESI has got decades of experience in consultancy services on Distribution Systems Planning & Operation, were innovative and modern paradigms like Smart Grids, Smart Metering, Internet of Things are recently contributing, more strongly than elsewhere in Power Systems, to Grid Modernization. In this context CESI consulting offering includes conventional network studies (e.g. losses reduction) and innovative technological services (e.g. SCADA, DMS, ADMS, EDRMS), oriented to introduce advanced methodologies for distribution network planning and operation. All these activities are leveraged on active continuous participation of CESI personnel to the main standardization committees and international working groups, in addition to the daily effort to stay on the functional and technological leading edges. Team & Location As Advanced Distribution Management & Metering Systems Expert, the candidate will be part of CESI team devoted to Grid Modernization and Innovation that assists the final clients, typically DSOs, in advance network modeling and analysis, functional specification, tendering process support, design review and owners engineering, FAT and SAT of all the equipment involved in Smart Grid and Smart Metering roadmaps. After a first period of integration and training in CESI Headquarters in Milan, the business activity will require periods of time abroad (one week / ten days per mission) for meetings and on-site activities, both in Factory and at Client premises. Job Description The candidate will be called to contribute in different phases of ADMS projects devoted to CESI Clients, eventually starting from an initial assessment and gap analysis of the existing Smart Grid and Smart Metering infrastructures, as well as of the applications and platforms operated by the DSOs, passing through conceptual design, detailed functional specification, support to tendering process and overall owners engineering activity, including detailed design review and participation to FAT and SAT. The candidate will take the responsibility for the organization of the experts allocated to DMS projects, as well as for the coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the activities assuring timely/quality deliveries to the Clients. What CESI is looking for Education Level - Master Degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering or Information Technology or Telecommunication (with high degree score) Expertise - Distribution Network Planning and Operation - Distribution Management Systems (DMS) - Smart Grids and Smart Metering Standards - Information and Operation Technology - Automation and Control Systems - Grid and Power Station Control Years of Experience at least 10-15 years Languages Italian, English Fluency in English is required. The knowledge of other languages will be considered a plus. What CESI is offering A challenging varied and responsible job in a dynamic and international environment. Naturally, the position is rewarded appropriately, including good fringe benefits. Job type Permanent position Settore: Ingegneria Ruolo: Ingegneria/Progettazione Gestisce altre persone: No Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato
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CESI has been involved for decades in consultancy on High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) and High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) infrastructures, studying the feasibility of the interconnections, developing technical specifications, providing services of owners engineering, quality assurance and commissioning. CESI carried out outstanding activities all over the world from Italy to Europe, China, South America, North America, Central Asia and Middle East. CESI skills and experience are worldwide recognized having worked on behalf of the most important Transmission System Operators and International Investors. Team & Location As HVDC Senior Expert the candidate will be part of our team that works on the main Power Equipment/Systems of both HVDC Stations. After a first period of integration and familiarization with our methodology and approach in the Headquarters in Milan, the business activity will also require the availability of periods abroad the duration of which can be in the range from few days to few weeks. Job Description The candidate shall have good knowledge of the fundamentals of the electrical power system and shall also be acquainted on the application of the most common software tools for network modeling (e.g., PSCAD, ATP, EMTP-RV, PSSE, DigSilent or equivalent). According to the various projects, the candidate will be called to develop different activities. In feasibility stage, he/she shall contribute to the selection of the optimal parameters for the HVDC equipment, to be chosen by means of networks and performance studies. During the specification of a HVDC substations, he/she shall define the station layout, the electro-mechanical arrangement, the main equipment selection (e.g. transformers), as well as the possible filter banks (shunt compensators, smoothing reactor,...), the ancillary equipment and the control & protection systems. In construction / commissioning phase, he/she follows the factory and site acceptance tests, assuring the quality of the supplied products. The candidate shall directly interact with the clients and shall guarantee the excellence of the delivery in full compliance with the technical and economic targets of the project. For the execution of the projects, the candidate will coordinate the activities of junior engineers. What CESI is looking for Education Level - Master degree in Electrical Engineering Expertise Managerial skills: - Optimization of internal and external resources, - Project coordination and scheduling, - Flexibility to lead consultancy in very different countries, - Capability to interact with the client. - Skill in managing complex and challenging projects Technical skills: - Main HVDC components (transformers, breakers, disconnectors, filters, bushings, switchgears, smoothing reactors and surge arresters); - Software tools for network modeling (e.g. PSSE, PSCAD, ATP, DigSilent or equivalent); - Applicable standards for Converter Stations. Languages English, Italian Fluency in English is required. The knowledge of other foreign languages will be considered a plus, particularly Spanish, Arabic or French. Years of Experience: at least 10 years What CESI is offering A challenging, varied and responsible job in a dynamic and international environment. The position is rewarded appropriately. Job type: Permanent position Settore: Ingegneria Ruolo: Ingegneria/Progettazione Gestisce altre persone: No Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato
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Caltanissetta (Sicilia)
Supervisori Lavori Elettrici e di Strumentazione (Expert)_Gela PROGECO ENGINEERING SERVICE Srl (P.E.S.) è un'Azienda Italiana che fornisce servizi di: Ingegneria polidisciplinare, manutenzione e montaggio di impianti industriai, Service Management e Recruitment tecnico specialistico come Agenzia per il lavoro, autorizzata dal Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali. Ha sedi principale a Rosignano Solvay (Li) ed uffici a Firenze, Vibo Marina (VV), Pomarance e Bari; è presente sul mercato internazionale con filiali dirette in Messico, Sudafrica, Stati Uniti, Brasile, Cile, Bulgaria e Romania. Ad oggi PES conta su oltre 200 dipendenti, operando nei settori Oil & Gas, Petrolchimico e delle Energie Rinnovabili (Eolico e Geotermico) per primari clienti nazionali ed internazionali. Per realtà operante nel settore Oil&Gas ricerchiamo: Supervisori Lavori Elettrici e di Strumentazione (Expert)   Lo scopo del lavoro consiste nel supervisionare i lavori di costruzione e realizzazione di un impianto di trattamento e compressione gas. In particolare le attività sono focalizzate su: Analisi delle pianificazioni proposte dalle Imprese di montaggi ele-stru indicando possibili modifiche e/o miglioramenti ai programmi. Monitorare che le attività procedano secondo le pianificazioni stabilite (progress verso baseline), evidenziando eventuali deviazioni e proponendo azioni di recupero. Verificare la disponibilità/adeguatezza dei documenti tecnici e dei materiali certificati e in accordo ai requisiti di progetto per l’esecuzione dei lavori programmati, eseguendo solleciti se mancanti e/o proponendo azioni correttive; Accertare che i montaggi elettrici e strumentali vengano effettuati in accordo alla normativa ATEX e che pertanto le installazioni, sia in termini di materiali che di lavoro, siano pienamente conformi alla norma. Partecipare alle riunioni di coordinamento delle attività giornaliere Supervisionare montaggi / installazioni verificando la corretta esecuzione lavori in accordo ai documenti di progetto, a standard/norme applicabili e secondo l’avanzamento previsto dal programma di progetto. Supervisionare / coordinare le attività di “Mechanical Completion a fine attività di costruzione. Durante l’esecuzione dei lavori, assicurare la piena applicazione dei requisiti HSE previsti, in accordo alle policies societarie, ai documenti di progetto e agli adempimenti contrattuali e di Legge. Assicurare inoltre una corretta gestione dei rifiuti nel rispetto delle norme vigenti. Garantire la correttezza dei quantitativi e dell’applicazione delle misure per i lavori eseguiti, supportando la predisposizione della contabilità nel periodo di riferimento (Stato Avanzamento Lavori, Libretto delle Misure, Lista delle Provviste, ecc.) relativamente alle verifiche di quantità ed attribuzione delle corrette misure/progress. Verificare i report periodici contrattuali delle Imprese esecutrici dei lavori (daily, weekly, monthly) archiviandoli opportunamente in cantiere (hard copy e soft copy). Verificare che prove, controlli e collaudi vengano eseguiti da parte delle Imprese di montaggio in accordo ai "Piani di controllo qualità" applicabili e relativa documentazione QAQC di riferimento, collaborando con i QC Inspectors per la certificazione di rispondenza ai requisiti di qualità. Tenere “Daily Reports dei lavori eseguiti, inclusi records di manpower, mezzi e attrezzature di cantiere, ecc. Assicurare che eventuali Punch List siano prontamente rilevate e integrate nella Mechanical Completion Master Punch List e successivamente chiuse in accordo ai requisiti progettuali. Monitorare che le Imprese attuino il corretto trattamento dei casi di non conformità / deviazioni in accordo alle specifiche procedure di progetto applicabili. Gestione, controllo e archiviazione in cantiere della documentazione progettuale (detail design, Method Statements, QAQC ecc.), gestionale (Site Instructions, Corrispondenza Interna/Esterna, Minute di Meeting, ecc.) e HSE (Reports, Permessi di lavoro ecc.) inclusi servizi di segreteria posti a supporto dell’attività. Procedere alla redazione di report periodici (Weekly Report e Monthly Report). Requisiti richiesti: - Esperienza di minimo 5 anni nella mansione; - Ottima conoscenza della lingua italiana e buona conoscenza della lingua inglese - Ottima capacità di gestione del team e capacità relazionale. Sede di lavoro: Gela (CL) Tipologia contrattuale sarà commisurata alla reale esperienza della risorsa.    . Inserzionista: PES Progeco Engineering
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Nexum, leader nellinnovazione tecnologica, alla ricerca di un DevOps Engineer. Se senti di non riuscire a esprimere appieno il tuo potenziale nel tuo attuale ruolo o ti consideri un outsider nel settore, potresti essere leroe/eroina che stiamo cercando! Unisciti a un ambiente dinamico dove la tua creativit e competenza possono fare davvero la differenza. Descrizione della posizione: Siamo alla ricerca di un Cloud DevOps Engineer altamente motivato e con esperienza per unirsi al nostro team. Il candidato ideale sar responsabile della gestione, implementazione e ottimizzazione delle infrastrutture cloud e dei processi CI/CD. Lavorerai a stretto contatto con i team di sviluppo per garantire che i nostri sistemi siano scalabili, sicuri e altamente disponibili. Responsabilit principali: Applicare i principi di Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) per migliorare laffidabilit, la scalabilit e la disponibilit dei servizi.. Automatizzare la gestione delle infrastrutture utilizzando strumenti di Infrastructure as Code (IaC) come Terraform o Ansible. Gestire e ottimizzare ambienti containerizzati utilizzando strumenti come Docker e orchestratori come Kubernetes. Collaborare con i team di sviluppo e operation per garantire il corretto funzionamento e la continuit dei servizi su piattaforme cloud (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud). Progettare, costruire e implementare pipeline CI/CD per accelerare e automatizzare il processo di sviluppo e distribuzione delle applicazioni. Gestire e rispondere a incidenti dei servizi, risolvendo i problemi in modo rapido ed efficace, e implementare piani di miglioramento per ridurre il tempo di inattivit Competenze Tecniche Richieste: Apply site reliability engineering principles to a service Optimize service performance Implement service monitoring strategies Build and implement CI/CD pipelines for a service Manage service incidents Ottima conoscenza di strumenti di gestione di containers (Architecting with Docker, Kubernetes) Ottima conoscenza dei processi e strumenti di Site Reliability Engineering di Google Cloud o CI/CD di altri cloud provider Ottima conoscenza di strumenti di Continuous Integration (Jenkins o Codeship) e Continuous Delivery Buona conoscenza di uso di architetture Cloud (Google Cloud Platform o AWS o Azure) Buona conoscenza di strumenti di configuration management e provisioning (Ansible, Puppet, Chef) Conoscenza di linguaggi di programmazione (Java,Python, Bash) Conoscenza di (almeno 2 dei prodotti/strumenti elencati): Ottima conoscenza Kubernetes (nello specifico GKE) Ottima conoscenza HELM Ottima conoscenza IaC con Terraform Buona conoscenza delle tecnologie oggetto della migrazione (Varnish, Nginix, Apache, PHP-FPM) Buona conoscenza in ambito Configuration Management (Ansible, AWX,..) Buona conoscenza sistemi Linux Cloud automation & DevOps (Jenkins, Spinnaker, Google Cloud Build) AWS (EKS / ECR / RDS / DynamoDB) NGNIX Redis GitHub Action Cloudwatch DataDog RabbitMQ Codeship Certificazioni preferenziali (nice to have almeno una): AWS: AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Google Cloud: Google Professional DevOps Engineer Azure: Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert Linux Foundation: Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) LPI: LPIC-3 300: Linux Enterprise Professional Certification Cosa offriamo: Nexum investe costantemente nella crescita professionale dei propri collaboratori attraverso il programma Continuous Improvement, uniniziativa che promuove lempowerment tecnico e professionale. Offriamo compensi competitivi, in linea con i pi aggiornati standard del settore IT, inclusi i dati forniti dal Global Knowledge IT Skills and Salary Report. Se ti senti pronto/a per affrontare nuove sfide in un ambiente internazionale e dinamico, e desideri far parte di un team che valorizza leccellenza, candidati ora e diventa parte di Nexum. Il presente annuncio rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, nel rispetto delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91 sulla parit di trattamento lavorativo e contro le discriminazioni di genere. Siamo aperti a candidati di ogni et e nazionalit, conformemente ai decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03. Nexum incoraggia inoltre la candidatura di persone con disabilit, nel rispetto della normativa vigente. Job Type: Full Time Job Location: Hybrid
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Responsible for the installation, service and maintenance of GPI machinery in constumer facilities. The incumbent is a key member of the Technical Service team and oartners with our converting and sales teams to meet the needs of the customers. Key Responsibilities: Conducts top-level troubleshooting, diagnosis and repair of electrical, mechanical and controls related problems on machines installed at customer locations, including overhauls and field upgrades as necessaryParticipates in the development, processing and follow up of specifications during machinery tests, debugging and start up, as well as, during the development and field testing of new carton designsDevelops and maintains productive working relationships with customers and acts professionally and proactively to resolve equipment, cartons or service-related issuesAs the technical expert, partners with sales and converting manufacturing individuals and teams to resolve customer issues, as well as, support new business opportunities and product development projectsApplies continuous improvement concepts and techniques to increase equipment productivity. Participates in process improvement and cost reduction initiatives.Effectively utilizes IT systems (in-house and standard applications)Maintains skill base necessary and consistent with machinery and carton technologyProvides instruction and training to customers' staff on safety, operations, machinery maintenance and proper carton handling proceduresPrepares service reports, modified schematics, standard operating procedures and carton specification updates to support field initiatives and changesReports on progress of projects / assignments to all internal and external stakeholdersConducts audits, evaluations and assessment of machine systems / performance resultsLiaises with other companies / OEM's working on common projects This is a summary of the key responsibilities of this position. The Company reserves the right to require the role-holder to undertake such additional tasks or duties as may be within their capabilities and abide by all reasonable rules and instruction given by the Company. Qualifications and Experience Important Graphic Packaging Holding Company Good career opportunityMain Skills:Higher level of English reading, writing and speaking skills4 or more years of related experience and/or formal training in equipment maintenance, repair and troubleshooting. Knowledge of packaging or similar equipment is advantageousTechnical training with graduation or education of industrial or mechanical engineeringDemonstrated ability to ready electrical, mechanical engineering PLC and operator interface knowledgeWorking knowledge of continuous improvement methods, i.e. Six Sigma methodologyMust be prepared to travel if required on short notice. Working hours are flexible to meet Customer demands. Some shift / out of hours working will be required as necessary.Full clean driving license Key CompetenciesEffective communicator, both orally and written, with internal and external customersSuccessfully identifies root causes and resolves problems and issuesDevelops positive customer relationships through customer-focused mindset, build trustIs a team player, works well with others inside and outside the organizationIs a self-starter, has initiative, can effectively work independently with minimal direct supervisionEffectively manages time, plans, projects and related tasksFlexible approach to ensure timely and professional service to support customer and the internal manufacturing processContinuously meet targets and objectives, accountable for results Important Graphic Packaging Holding Company.Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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The EMC Engineer is an expert with more than three years experience, who provides for the inclusion in the laboratories of Electromagnetic Compatibility of CESI Milan. He/she will take care of the testing activities and the drafting of the related reports, in accordance with the standards, corporate procedures and reference regulations. Active participation is required in the revision of test procedures and the deepening of regulations, with a view to periodic adjustments and expansion of activities into sectors (for example EMC tests in the field of e-mobility, aereospace, etc.). The test engineer for EMC will interface with customers and coordinate CESI for the planning and execution of testing activities. Part of the work will be on shift (both morning and evening). Education and training • Degree in Electronic Engineering, preferably in telecommunications (Radio Frequency) Knowledge • Basic knowledge of analog and digital electronic circuits; • In-depth knowledge of industrial and laboratory electrical and electronic measurements. Mastery of the main EMC laboratory instruments, such as oscilloscope, multimeter, spectrum analyzer, EMI receiver, antennas, etc.); • Ability to interpret regulations and set up compliant test setups; • Experience in drawing up operating procedures and technical documentation; • Knowledge of the main document processing software of the Office package (Word, Excel, PowerPoint); • Knowledge of EMC laboratory software for testing; • Previous experience in Project Management (schedule management, risk-analysis, use of MS Project). Experiences • At least one years experience in electronic design activities or, preferably, at electromagnetic compatibility laboratories, with active involvement on topics of electromagnetic compatibility tests; Abilities and aptitudes • Problem-solving orientation • Collaborative and open-minded approach with adaptability, resilience and rapid and independent response • Ability to establish open and competent relationships with colleagues • Ability to motivate and positively influence other colleagues • Technical/scientific curiosity • Organisation and planning • Flexibility and ability to work in virtual and multicultural teams • Readiness and willingness to travel both domestically and internationally • Good written and spoken English Settore: Ingegneria Ruolo: Ingegneria/Progettazione Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato
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