English lessons every level
Elenco delle migliori vendite english lessons every level

Milano (Lombardia)
​Hello everyone! My name is Marzia, I'm a journalist and translator and I have been teaching English part time to children (from 3 years old) and adults for many years. I have attended bilingual schools since I was eleven, so I developed a strong passion for this language and I always make sure that my students have fun while learning English. Thanks to my job I have flexible hours and I am available for home-based lessons in Milan city from morning to evening. References available. I look forward to your e-mail:)
25 €
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Salerno (Campania)
Hello, I'm an english teacher from Italy and based in Italy. I'm offering english classes remotely (online). I'm a certified TEFL (teach english as a foreign language) teacher and have also years of life and work experience UK, such as around the world. My approach is flexible and open to students' needs and suggestions (from general english to more specific needs), my focus is to let the student work and practise in the most confortable (and enjoyable) way possible; a lesson will then be tailored for the student. You'll be asked to make a test to see what your actual level is, we'll also get in touch to get to know more each other and see if we can work together. The first trial lesson will be free of charge. Should you have any further queries do not hesitate to contact me. All the best ---- Ciao, sono un insegnante d'inglese certificato TEFL (acronimo che significa "Insegnare l'inglese come lingua straniera"). Vi scrivo per offrire lezioni d'inglese online, sviluppate in base alle esigenze singole o di gruppo (se, nell'ultimo caso ci si trova davanti a persone con lo stesso livello di comprensione della lingua). Il mio scopo è quello di offrire del tempo di qualità nel quale sarà possibile apprendere sempre qualcosa di nuovo nel modo migliore possibile. Qualora siate interessati potete contattarmi parlandomi brevemente di voi, del livello in cui credete di trovarvi attualmente e di quello che vorreste raggiungere. Ulteriori linee guida ve le darò nel corso della nostra corrispondenza. La prima lezione di prova darà l'opportunità a me e a te di capire se possiamo lavorare insieme. Ultimo ma non meno importante, la lezione di prova è Gratuita. Per maggiori informazioni o richieste non esitate a contattarmi. See you:)
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Genova (Liguria)
Are you aged 15+ with a good level of English and an interest in Shakespeare? Are you applying to drama schools in the UK and need assistance with the English language? Would you like to practice your diction and accent? Do you need help with deciding which drama schools to apply for and which ones to avoid? I can help you with all of this. As a drama school graduate and actor I can assist you with: • Which schools to apply for • Your personal statement and UCAS application (for UK drama schools) • Diction and accent • Some vocal and physical warm-ups • Casting type • Audition speeches o Modern Piece o Classical Piece ? Shakespeare and his contemporaries – we will look at language, hidden meanings, and characters Even if you are not applying to drama school but would like to learn then get in touch! As we are all stuck inside, I am currently offering these lessons on Skype for €25 per hour.
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Padova (Veneto)
Posso fare le lezioni on line. I Can deliver online lessons: # Matematica (e Fisica) per le superiori e l'Univerista'. # Preparazione ai test d'ingresso per l'Universita'. # Preparing for the SAT, Scholastic Assessment Test, the standardized test widely used for college and university admissions. # Preparazioni agli esami inclusi Diploma e Terza Media. # Traduzioni di testi tecnici: Italiano - English and English - Italian. # Aiuti per ricerche, tesi, tesine and coursework. # I can deliver my tuition sessions in English too (UK qualified with masters). # I can teach maths in English to any level up to university courses. # Utilizzo del Personal Computer, sul sistema operativo Windows, su Internet e la posta elettronica. # Utilizzo del pacchetto Microsoft Office: Word document, PowerPoint, Excel worksheet, Publisher.
35 €
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Vicenza (Veneto)
Posso fare le lezioni on line. I Can deliver online lessons: # Matematica (e Fisica) per le superiori e l'Univerista'. # Preparazione ai test d'ingresso per l'Universita'. # Preparing for the SAT, Scholastic Assessment Test, the standardized test widely used for college and university admissions. # Preparazioni agli esami inclusi Diploma e Terza Media. # Traduzioni di testi tecnici: Italiano - English and English - Italian. # Aiuti per ricerche tecniche, tesine, tesi and coursework. # I can deliver my tuition sessions in English too (UK qualified with masters). # I can teach maths in English to any level up to university courses. # Utilizzo del Personal Computer, sul sistema operativo Windows, su Internet e la posta elettronica. # Utilizzo del pacchetto Microsoft Office: Word document, PowerPoint, Excel worksheet, Publisher.
35 €
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Torino (Piemonte)
Certified English Teacher with experience of over 25 years. I love the idea of transfer my knowledge to another human being and in doing that being completely immersed in it, taking the other person to a higher level of knowledge and life. I apply to teach the project management skills developed during my own activity done in China. I create lessons packages or courses personalized to every student, starting from his/her present level and arriving at ambitious results. I am very good at teaching all levels to young students up to professional adults. I am strong in preparing students to pass any exams. I developed tailored materials for each student, made up of articles, books, documents, listening that will remain in the student's hands. All this is in my immense library where I can find any special need for any special student. I am at complete assistance and support to the student who can call me anytime in case he/she has problems or has a question. I arrive at the very interesting MasterClass in Executive Business English, thanks to that the professionals who follow that will become Global no 1 Players! Tra i servizi che offro c'è insegnare dalla terza elementare, poi student find all'Università che hanno bisogno di oassare esami (IELST o TOELF) molto difficili, ma avendo io il cosa fare (segreto tea me e lo students e studiando un sacco di avranno exceptional goals. Una dellle coe che adoro di più e' insegnare agli adult, qialsoasi livello fino ad una MasterClass per proessionist. Come sempre ogn piano di studio è fatto in base al livello di patenza dell'Inglese, io ho lavorato belle HR 5 anni e so benissimo che anche qui in Italia le grandi aziende vogliono un Inglese Fluente. Io ho davvero tanto materials in question aspetto, quindi glli student seguendo le limee uida che io dò e facendo afidamentte a Libri e documenting di grande valore, arriveranno ad essere uno tea i pochi reali Top Global Manager!
20 €
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Roma (Lazio)
(Italian below) Ciao a tutti/e! My name is Ilaria and I am a native, qualified, and passionate teacher of the Italian language as a second/foreign language in Rome (Trastevere, Testaccio, Monteverde, Aventino, Marconi, city center, etc.) and/or online (Zoom or Skype). I have been working as a teacher since 2010 and online since 2015. Qualification: - Degree in Foreign Languages - DITALS 2 Certification of competence in teaching Italian as a foreign language, University of Siena - Elocution, phonetics, and voice training course - CELI examiner. Experience: I have 10 years of experience teaching adult students (from total beginner to advanced level) from more than 50 different countries! Method: I am patient, resourceful, and supportive of students' learning needs. My lessons are conducted only in Italian and every student -including total beginners- will be speaking Italian from the very first lesson! Lessons: I offer lessons in Italian grammar, conversation, preparation for exams CELI, CILS, PLIDA, preparation for job interviews, etc. I am available for individual, semi-individual and small group lessons (up to 5 students). All levels welcome! Competitive rates, fun lessons, fast improvements! Contact me:) ---------------- Mi chiamo Ilaria e sono un'insegnante qualificata di italiano per stranieri. Insegno a Roma (Trastevere, Testaccio, Monteverde, Aventino, Marconi, centro, ecc.) e online (Zoom o Skype). Insegno italiano a stranieri dal 2010 in presenza e dal 2015 anche online. Formazione: - Laurea specialistica in Lingue - Certificazione Ditals 2 - Diploma di dizione - Esaminatrice CELI. Esperienza: Ho 10 anni di esperienza nell'insegnamento a studenti stranieri adulti, livello A1-C1, provenienti da oltre 50 paesi differenti! Metodo: Sono paziente, ascolto i miei studenti e mi adatto ai loro obiettivi e stili di apprendimento. Durante le lezioni parlo solo italiano, anche con i principianti assoluti! Lezioni: Offro lezioni complete (grammatica, lessico e conversazione), lezioni di conversazione, preparazione per esami CELI, CILS e PLIDA, preparazione per colloqui di lavoro, ecc. Offro lezioni individuali, semi-individuali e per piccoli gruppi (massimo 5 studenti), per tutti i i livelli. I miei prezzi sono competitivi, le lezioni divertenti e i miglioramenti veloci! Scrivimi:)
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Torino (Piemonte)
Hello, how's it going? Mi chiamo Anna e sono parlante nativa di inglese da Atlanta, Georgia degli Stati Uniti! Ho esperienza nell'insegnamento degli studenti al livello sia elementare, sia avanzato. Durante le lezioni la GRAMMATICA è più importante per me! Credo che sia l'aspetto base di ognuna lingua - quando capisci la grammatica, puoi fare tutto! Ho un approccio un po' scientifico per quanto riguarda le lingue - ognuna di loro ha un sistema che si deve capire prima. Credo anche che il miglior modo di imparare le lingue sia attraverso conversazioni, nonostante il tuo livello. Se ti sei interessato/a, puoi prenotare una lezione di prova. La lezione dura 30 minuti e costa NIENTE, è una prova gratuita! Se decidi di continuare a studiare con me, dovrai pagare 16.50-17.50 € per ora. A presto! *VERSIONE INGLESE/ENGLISH VERSION* Hello! I am Anna and I am an English Native Speaker, originally from Atlanta, Georgia! I have experience in teaching students at universities and high schools. When teaching, I put my main focus on GRAMMAR! I believe this is the most important part of every language - when you understand its grammar, you can do anything! I look at every language in a scientific way - it has a system, which needs to be understood. I also believe that you learn best through conversation, no matter what level you are at. If this sounds at all interesting, book a FREE trial with me now! If you decide on working with me, I charge 16.50-17.50 €/h. See you soon!
16 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
Come insegno? Credo che una lingua debba essere insegnata e praticata attraverso la pratica della stessa. La maggior parte dei materiali che utilizzo sono video, canzoni, immagini, brevi articoli o materiali progettati appositamente per lo studenti e i suoi obiettivi. Potremmo usare alcune sezioni di alcuni libri di testo fantastici e altamente raccomandati, ma la maggior parte dei materiali sono creati da me e tutte le lezioni sono completamente su misura per lo studente, il suo livello e le sue esigenze. Cosa insegno? - Inglese generale (lettura, scrittura, ascolto, conversazione, grammatica e vocabolario). - Preparazione accademica IELTS. - Classi da 1 studente. - Le lezioni di 55 minuti sono adattate al tuo stile, alle tue esigenze e ai tuoi obiettivi. - Tutti i materiali sono inclusi. - I controlli dei compiti vengono effettuati al di fuori delle lezioni. Per ulteriori informazione visita il mio sito: www.not-only-english.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I Teach? I believe that language should be taught and practised through the real language. Most of the materials I use are videos, songs, images, short articles, or materials which are specifically designed for you. We may use some sections from some fantastic and highly recommended textbooks, but the majority of materials are created by me and all the lessons are fully tailored towards you, your level, and your needs. What do I teach? - General English (reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, and vocabulary). - IELTS Academic Preparation. - Classes are 1 to 1. - 55-minute lessons are tailored to your style, your needs, and your goals. - All materials are included. - Homework checks are made outside the lessons. For further information: www.not-only-english.com
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Roma (Lazio)
Hey there! I am looking for a Mother tongue English Teacher! I will be having some upcoming work in the area of Rome. There will be lessons on Skype and also at the students' home. This is a part time job, I will contact you every time I have a new lesson come up. I will send you all the needed material on google drive (by request) or you can also prepare it if you'd like. *Requirements: -access to a printer -be dependable -Skype -creative -google drive Pay Rate: €15/h At students' home €10/h Skype lessons or your home If interested please contact me at: lezioniprivate@outlook.com
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Vicenza (Veneto)
Italian Language Course for beginners and for basic level (A1) in small group (2-5 students) starting on Monday, MAY 8th and Thursday, MAY 11th. LAST FEW PLACES LEFT MONDAY at 13.00-14.30 (beginner) THURSDAY at 13.00-14.30 (A1 level) START DATES: Monday 8th May and Thursday 11th May Course lenght: 3-5 attendees = n. 14 lessons - 1,5 h each (tot. 21 hours) 2 attendees = n. 14 lesson - 1 h each (tot. 14 hours) ENGLISH SCHOOL BASSANO organises Italian language courses in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Learn this beautiful language with a native Italian teacher, using real life situations. Each lesson consists of teaching pronunciation, conversation, listening, grammar, comprehension and writing.
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Verona (Veneto)
offro corso Italian for foreigners Italian native translator with Master&8217;s degree in Foreign Languages (English and German) and Cedils certification (Italian didactics as a foreign language) offers Italian lessons via Skype and mail. For every level, students and adults. Available also for: - English lessons, from beginners to advanced, for any purpose (study, travel, profession); - translations into Italian of legal documents, CVs, correspondence, commercial texts, websites, books Sant'ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR)
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Roma (Lazio)
Sono una persona estroversa e amichevole che ama insegnare e condividere le mie conoscenze su lingue e culture diverse. Come insegnante di inglese credo sia importante adattare la lezione alle esigenze e alla personalità dell'individuo. Che si tratti di conversazione o specializzazione in un determinato campo. Il mio percorso di formazione é iniziato in una scuola bilingue in spagnolo-inglese, per poi proseguire con la laurea in Relazioni Internazionali. Parallelamente ai miei studi universitari, ho lavorato privatamente con bambini effettuando baby-teaching in lingua inglese. L’alto livello professionale di conoscenza della lingua inglese mi ha permesso di trasferirmi a Londra e lavorare immediamente nel settore del turismo di lusso. Inizia a parlare inglese fluentemente con me oggi! _ My name is Patricia, I'm originally from Argentina and have a bilingual level of English, which I learnt throughout my childhood and teenage years attending a bilingual school. I am an outgoing and friendly person who enjoys teaching and sharing my knowledge on languages and different cultures. As an English Teacher I believe it is important to adapt the lesson according to the needs and personality of the individual. Whether it is conversation or specialising in certain field. Start English Lessons with me today!
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Firenze (Toscana)
Lessons will be conducted in Italian but I also speak English, Portuguese and I have experience with Spanish, in case you need some explanation in your native language at the beginning. I really enjoy teaching and have already an ample experience. I graduated in Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies at the University of Florence and I obtained the DITALS certificate at the University of Siena, a specific qualification for teaching the italian language to foreigner students. I have been giving single and group Italian lessons both privately and at language schools for many years. I offer Italian lessons for foreigners of all ages and all levels. Having spent periods abroad myself, I am well aware of the dynamics and difficulties that can be encountered in a new country; I will therefore be more than happy to help the student as may be needed (I've already assisted in the comprehension of employment contracts, bills, ect., and writing theses and resumes). The program will be agreed according to the student's learning needs (personal interest, work related, exams, etc.) as well as the number of weekly meetings. In addition to the language itself (grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and spelling), we will also focus on cultural differences and conversation in different situations. Usually I also include in the lessons notions of typical uses and customs of Italian culture to get to know better this wonderful country, rich in history and art. All study material is provided by me, but if you already have an Italian manual that you like, we can integrate it into the lessons. If you are a beginner, we will start practically from the essential, most frequently occurring words, phrases and situations. If your level of Italian is already advanced, we will consolidate it by developing the specialist vocabulary related to your profession, or by analyzing more complex texts to grasp all the nuances of meaning and style. Knowing the student, his interests and his mindset is fundamental in my opinion to be able to get the best results. Not all of us learn in the same way, we have very different systems of memorization or mental association. The goal is to make best use of the student's strengths so that the acquisition process becomes stimulating and rewarding. I am a friendly, precise, persevering and very patient person. If I realize that the teaching strategy that I am using does not produce the desired results, I quickly adapt to the person in front of me, approaching the concept from another perspective. Online lessons only at the moment. My rate is 15 euros per hour. Contact me via email to get more information or schedule our first lesson! Marianne
15 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
Ciao Sono insegnante di inglese (per stranieri). Inglese e mia madre lingua. Parlo italiano poco. Di solito vado in Italia ma quest anno insegno online. Hi How are you? If you need some help perfecting your British English language skills, then please get in touch. I can help you via Zoom. I am an English as a foreign language teacher. English is my first language. I usually come to teach in Italy every year but this year I am only teaching online. 20+ years experience teaching: Business English IELTS Academic English Conversational English IGCSE Medical English English for children English for teachers (for Italian teachers teaching English) Bespoke 1:1 lessons given Adults and Children Welcome for 1:1 lessons Group Courses Online English Conversation (for adults) half termly Courses Nov/Jan/ Feb/ April 4/5 students per group Less than thirteen pounds per lesson Book a week before each course starts Places allocated on a first come, first served basis Book now to guarantee your place Grazie mille, HL Tutoring Services Leeds UK Email me for further information Find me on any search engine No agencies please
14 €
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