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Forward of the superstructure

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Italia (Tutte le città)
Bateau phare (Light Vessel LV94 de 1939 - initialement au Port d’Amsterdam), transformé en ERP (Etablissement recevant du public - de 4eme cat (300 pax) et en standby sur le Port de SETE (France) Le bateau a été entièrement restauré en 2018 – 2020 (conformité sécurité publique) et a déjà participé au centenaire Georges BRASSENS en 2021 sur la ville de SETE / France. Le dernier sondage coque a été réalisé en Décembre 2016 par la COMEX nucléaire. Les aménagements du bateaux sont neufs. Un restaurant 70 places intérieures + surpont bar évènementiel et restauration 80 pers + Salle de concert 150 places debouts et un bar, terrasse avant bar desserte. Le Bateau RAZZLE est vendu hors équipement cuisine, lumières et son (en loc). Phare, mâts et superstructure terrasse pont démontable Les papiers de conformité sont Français (européen); le bateau phare est visitable sur le Port de SETE, mais en cas d’acquisition, devra quitter le Port. Le bateau a déjà été remorqué d’Amsterdam à Marseille en 2017. Le bateau est toujours sous immatriculation des pays bas et possède tous les papiers règlementaires français pour recevoir du public. English Lightship (Light Vessel LV94 of 1939 - initially at the Port of Amsterdam), transformed into ERP (Establishment receiving the public - 4th cat (300 pax) and standby on the Port of SETE (France) The boat was completely restored in 2018 – 2020 (public safety compliance) and has already participated in the centenary Georges BRASSENS in 2021 on the city of SETE / France. The last hull sounding was carried out in December 2016 by the nuclear COMEX. The facilities of the boat are new. A restaurant 70 seats inside + overdeck event bar and catering 80 people + Concert hall 150 standing places and a bar, Terrace before bar served. The RAZZLE boat is sold excluding kitchen, lights and sound equipment (in loc). Lighthouse, masts and removable deck terrace superstructure The conformity papers are French (European); the lightship can be visited on the Port of SETE, but in case of acquisition, will have to leave the Port. The boat has already been towed from Amsterdam to Marseille in 2017. The boat is still under registration of the Netherlands and has all the French regulatory papers to receive the public. Italiano Lightship (Light Vessel LV94 del 1939 - inizialmente al porto di Amsterdam), trasformata in ERP (Stabilimento che riceve il pubblico - 4 ° gatto (300 pax) e standby sul porto di SETE (Francia) La barca è stata completamente restaurata nel 2018 – 2020 (conformità alla sicurezza pubblica) e ha già partecipato al centenario Georges BRASSENS nel 2021 sulla città di SETE / Francia. L'ultimo sondaggio dello scafo è stato effettuato nel dicembre 2016 dal COMEX nucleare. Le strutture della barca sono nuove. Un ristorante 70 posti all'interno + bar per eventi sul ponte e catering 80 persone + sala concerti 150 posti in piedi e un bar, Terrazza prima del bar servito. La barca RAZZLE è venduta esclusa cucina, luci e apparecchiature audio (in loc). Faro, alberi e sovrastruttura della terrazza del ponte rimovibile I documenti di conformità sono francesi (europei); la nave faro può essere visitata sul Porto di SETE, ma in caso di acquisizione, dovrà lasciare il Porto. La barca è già stata rimorchiata da Amsterdam a Marsiglia nel 2017. La barca è ancora in fase di registrazione dei Paesi Bassi e ha tutti i documenti normativi francesi per ricevere il pubblico. Deutsch Feuerschiff (Leichtes Schiff LV94 von 1939 - zunächst im Hafen von Amsterdam), umgewandelt in ERP (Einrichtung für die Öffentlichkeit - 4. Kat (300 Personen) und Standby im Hafen von SETE (Frankreich) Das Boot wurde in den Jahren 2018 – 2020 komplett restauriert (Einhaltung der öffentlichen Sicherheit) und hat bereits 2021 am hundertjährigen Jubiläum von Georges BRASSENS auf der Stadt SETE / Frankreich teilgenommen. Die letzte Rumpfsondierung wurde im Dezember 2016 von der nuklearen COMEX durchgeführt. Die Einrichtungen des Bootes sind neu. Ein Restaurant mit 70 Sitzplätzen im Inneren + Eventbar und Catering über dem Deck 80 Personen + Konzertsaal mit 150 Stehplätzen und einer Bar, Terrasse vor Bar serviert. Das RAZZLE-Boot wird ohne Küche, Licht und Tontechnik (vor Ort) verkauft. Leuchtturm, Masten und abnehmbarer Deckterrassenaufbau Die Konformitätspapiere sind französisch (europäisch); Das Feuerschiff kann im Hafen von SETE besichtigt werden, muss aber im Falle eines Erwerbs den Hafen verlassen. Das Boot wurde bereits 2017 von Amsterdam nach Marseille geschleppt. Das Boot ist immer noch in den Niederlanden registriert und verfügt über alle französischen Zulassungspapiere, um die Öffentlichkeit zu empfangen. Español Lightship (Light Vessel LV94 de 1939 - inicialmente en el Puerto de Amsterdam), transformado en ERP (Establecimiento de recepción del público - 4º cat (300 pax) y standby en el Puerto de SETE (Francia) El barco fue completamente restaurado en 2018 – 2020 (cumplimiento de seguridad pública) y ya ha participado en el centenario Georges BRASSENS en 2021 en la ciudad de SETE / Francia. El último sondeo del casco se llevó a cabo en diciembre de 2016 por el COMEX nuclear. Las instalaciones del barco son nuevas. Un restaurante 70 asientos en el interior + bar de eventos sobre cubierta y catering para 80 personas + sala de conciertos 150 lugares de pie y un bar, Terraza antes de bar servida. El barco RAZZLE se vende excluyendo cocina, luces y equipos de sonido (in loc). Faro, mástiles y cubierta desmontable superestructura de terraza Los documentos de conformidad son franceses (europeos); el faro se puede visitar en el Puerto de SETE, pero en caso de adquisición, tendrá que abandonar el Puerto. El barco ya ha sido remolcado de Ámsterdam a Marsella en 2017. El barco todavía está bajo registro de los Países Bajos y tiene todos los documentos regulatorios franceses para recibir al público. Россию Lightship (легкое судно LV94 1939 года - первоначально в порту Амстердама), преобразованный в ERP (Учреждение, принимающее публику - 4-й кат (300 человек) и резервный в порту SETE (Франция) Лодка была полностью отреставрирована в 2018–2020 годах (соответствие требованиям общественной безопасности) и уже участвовала в столетнем юбилее Жоржа БРАССЕНСА в 2021 году на городе SETE/Франция. Последнее зондирование корпуса было проведено в декабре 2016 года атомным COMEX. Оснащение лодки новое. Ресторан на 70 мест внутри + бар на выезде и кейтеринг на 80 человек + концертный зал на 150 стоячих мест и бар, Терраса перед баром обслуживается. Лодка RAZZLE продается без учета кухонного, светового и звукового оборудования (in loc). Маяк, мачты и съемная надстройка палубной террасы Документы о соответствии являются французскими (европейскими); Маяк можно посетить в порту SETE, но в случае приобретения, придется покинуть порт. Лодка уже была отбуксирована из Амстердама в Марсель в 2017 году. Лодка все еще находится на регистрации в Нидерландах и имеет все французские нормативные документы для приема публики.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Designed to offer contemporary on-water living with an apartment-like style, the MC82P is an appealing all-rounder: a confident long-range cruiser, family yacht and coastal weekender, as well as offering a desirable platform for commercial charter. The yacht's internal volume has been maximised and every space configured with distinct purpose in a layout that dispels all preconceptions of yacht interiors. She features a huge saloon lounge with a dining area and open plan galley on the main deck, a spacious aft deck with sofas and al fresco dining space, and a cosy exterior lounge forward of the superstructure. On the flybridge there is another informal dining area and freestanding lounge furniture, with sun loungers positioned aft to make the most of the elevated and uninterrupted views. The flybridge itself is sheltered by a fixed bimini with a retractable centre 'sun roof' panel. The accommodation arrangement allows for four seaward-facing double cabins, three of which can be converted to twin berths, and there are two additional cabins for crew. The accommodation occupies both the port and starboard hulls and all of the accommodation is en-suite. With small production runs, McConaghy's focus on quality control and their close working relationship with the client, delivers all the benefits of a full-custom build yet affords the confidence of a proven hull design and for a fraction of the cost. For further information please don't hesitate to contact Geraint Skuse on +44 (0) 7917 838933 or email geraintskuse@ancasta.com
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Designed to offer contemporary on-water living with an apartment-like style, the MC82P is an appealing all-rounder: a confident long-range cruiser, family yacht and coastal weekender, as well as offering a desirable platform for commercial charter. The yacht's internal volume has been maximised and every space configured with distinct purpose in a layout that dispels all preconceptions of yacht interiors. She features a huge saloon lounge with a dining area and open plan galley on the main deck, a spacious aft deck with sofas and al fresco dining space, and a cosy exterior lounge forward of the superstructure. On the flybridge there is another informal dining area and freestanding lounge furniture, with sun loungers positioned aft to make the most of the elevated and uninterrupted views. The flybridge itself is sheltered by a fixed bimini with a retractable centre 'sun roof' panel. The accommodation arrangement allows for four seaward-facing double cabins, three of which can be converted to twin berths, and there are two additional cabins for crew. The accommodation occupies both the port and starboard hulls and all of the accommodation is en-suite. With small production runs, McConaghy's focus on quality control and their close working relationship with the client, delivers all the benefits of a full-custom build yet affords the confidence of a proven hull design and for a fraction of the cost.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Toy 68 NOI TOY presents a unique design by Nauta Yachts, highlighting the attention to detail in every Toy Marine custom yacht. With the low freeboard typical of the Lobster concept, these yachts create a sense of openness and connection to the sea, while providing ample space for an active cruising lifestyle. Notable features include an oversized garage under the aft deck with a tender lift for towing and launching the tender and a convenient aft platform for access to the sea.The interior design of NOI TOY is practical and well thought out. The saloon is bright and welcoming, with natural light enhancing the warm atmosphere, complemented by the tones of the teak joinery. A retractable sliding window connects the interior to the exterior, emphasising the Lobster's natural affinity with outdoor living. NOI TOY comes in a three cabin version. The guest accommodation is forward of the saloon and the crew cabin, engine room and galley are in a separate area. Powered by twin 1050hp CAT engines, the Toy 68 has a cruising speed of 22 knots and a top speed of 25-27 knots. NOI TOY is based in Savona and ready for any customisation and refit at the Toy Marine shipyard.
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Monfalcone (Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Briand at his best, with CNB's know-how and, the CNB 66 provides plenty of space, excellent voyaging capabilities and first class elegance, all within a manageable 20 metres. She is an ideal vessel for couples and families alike, and already as popular in the big yacht charter market as she is in the elite of performance cruiser regattas. The hull is designed for speed, making for quick passages, whilst the vertical stem, aft chine and good weight distribution makes the 66 easy to manoeuvre and a joy to helm. Down below, Jean-Marc Paiton has once again created a bright and airy space that is not only luxurious, but superbly practical too. The 270 degree panoramic windows and in hull glazing reveal incredible vistas over the ocean and a magical brightness throughout this spacious interior Inventory DECK GEAR HATCHES, PORTLIGHTS, WINDOWS Eight (8) opening flush tinted acrylic deck hatches in the foredeck Two (2) opening flush tinted acrylic deck hatches in the coach roof Two (2) opening hatches in the cockpit Two (2) opening portlights for the galley Eight (8) fixed portlights 700 mm x 250 mm Two (2) fixed portlights 900 mm x 250 mm Eleven (11) linear meters of windows in pilothouse Teak covered deck hatches for windlass access and lazarette access x 2 SAILING HARDWARE Primary winches - Harken ST 70 Performa Secondary winches - Harken ST 60 Performa Mainsheet winch - Harken ST 60 Performa Halyard/Reef line winches - Harken ST 60 Performa Option to upgrade all winches to Electric Navtec multi-function hydraulic panel Hydraulic boom vang, backstay cylinders, transom hatch TWIN HELM STATIONS Composite steering wheels laquered in black (options for carbon & teak or all carbon wheels) Composite pod with compass CANVAS Sprayhood at companionway TRANSOM Large hatch door opens for access to the tender garage and to create an expansive swim platform (2,90 x 1,30 meters), integrated foldable stairs for cockpit access, detachable swim ladder and access to 3.2m tender storage Gangway hatch to port (hydraulicly deployed gangway or carbon fibre folding gangway are Optional) Engine exhaust and shorepower connection behind louvers to starboard The tender garage is a waterproof monocoque constructed box with no penetrations. So there is no chance of water from the garage entering the boat. ANCHOR 40 kg CQR anchor with 100 meters of 12mm galvanized chain Anchor roller integrated in fixed bowsprit Windlass control in sail locker GALLEY APPLIANCES Miele induction cooking hob Miele Oven/Microwave combined Vitrifrigo 157 liter refrigerator and 75 liter freezer Stainless steel sink w/ tap Bridge LOA: 20,61 m 67.61 ft Hull Length 19,86 m 62.20 ft Length w/ bowsprit 21,36 m 70.07 ft LWL 18,45 m 60.53 ft Max Beam 5,51 m 18.07 ft Draft (standard keel) 2,95 m 9.67 ft Displacement (Light) 31,100 kg 68,500 lb Ballast (standard keel) 9,350 kg 20,600 lb Fresh Water 1,000 liters 132 gallons Fuel 1,200 liters 158 gallons The low profile pilothouse, off center companionway, large cockpit with twin wheels, twin rudders, plumb stem, and powerful hull with chine all reflect the Phillipe Briand and CNB heritage. Built with the exacting process and tolerances of CNB's world class standards the 66 is configured for owners who do not want to sail with professional crew. The CNB 66 is a semi-custom build with a multitude of options available to allow you to configure the boat so it best suits you and your family. The yacht features flush teak decks, only one 12 cm step from the cockpit to the weather decks, gel coat finish topsides and house, flush deck hatches, large hull portlights, large sail locker that can be converted to a crew cabin. Keel Options Standard Option 1 Cast Iron "L" shaped Lead Bulb and steel fin "T" shaped Draft - 2.95 m Draft - 2.40 m Ballast - 9,35 tons Ballast - 9,80 tons Option 2 Option 3 Lead Bulb and steel fin "T" shaped Lead Bulb and cast iron fin "T" shaped Draft - 2.95 m Draft - 3.50 m Ballast - 7,9 tons Ballast - 7,1 tons Machinery MAIN ENGINE Volvo Penta D4-180hp @ 2800 rpm 4 blade 635 mm diameter feathering bronze propeller F16PH 50 mm stainless steel shaft Hydrolube non-metallic cutlass bearings (x2) Engine controls at Starboard Helm Bow thruster in tunnel ELECTRICAL Service Battery Bank 420 A/h 24V Gel batteries Start Batteries 12v x2 one for engine one for generator Battery Charger Victron 24V - 100 A/h Inverter Victron 3000 Watt Generator - Cummins 13.5 kW TANK CAPACITY Water 1000 liters in two tanks Fuel 1200 liters in two tanks Rig STANDARD OPTION: Aluminum mast and boom by Sparcraft, Dyform stainless standing rigging, aluminum spreaders Manual headsail furler Self tacking jib track Harken 26mm switch Battcar system RIG DIMENSIONS: I - 25.00 m J - 7.67 m P - 24.13 m E - 7.80 m LP - 110% 8.30 m SAIL AREA: Mainsail - 112 m² Blade Jib - 103 m² Asymetrical Spinnaker - 330 m² Code 5 Spinnaker - 250 m² Code - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - ² Upwind Sail Area - 215 m² Downwind Sail Area - 440 m² CARBON SPARS OPTION (Performance option) Hall Spars - Standard Modulus Carbon spar and spreaders with clear coat finish Nitronic rod rigging Harken 26mm switch Battcar system V boom with hydraulic outhaul RIG DIMENSIONS: I - 26.15 m J - 7.67 m P - 25.65 m E - 8.00 m LP - 110% 8.30 m SAIL AREA: Mainsail - 120 m² Blade Jib - 107 m² Asymetrical Spinnaker - 355 m² Code 5 Spinnaker - 270 m² Code - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - ² Upwind Sail Area - 227 m² Downwind Sail Area - 475 m² MAINSAIL HANDLING OPTIONS Slab reefing with Harken switch car system In-Mast hydraulic furler with hydraulic outhaul In-boom furling with Hall Carbon V-boom HEADSAIL FURLING OPTIONS Electric headsail furler Staysail rigged on fix stay with running backstays with either a manual or electric furler Accommodation The CNB 66 is a semi-custom yacht and it is here in the interior where you can build a boat best suited to you and your family. Choose from three interior finishes Would you like to turn one cabin into an office? You can. Would like to change one of the four bathrooms into a walk-in wardrobe? You can. Would you like to convert the large port cabin in a game room for the kids? You can. CNB and Ancasta look forward to working with you to create the right boat for you. STANDARD LAYOUT 4 cabin, 4 heads, Owner's cabin forward, galley aft, fixed port lights in all cabins with two meter headroom throughout. The stylish, contemporary interior is finished in "Levanter Ambience" - walnut wood with an open pore finish, light oak floorboards, white overhead and ceiling panels. Saloon cushions in Trojan water repellent fabric ARRANGEMENT Full width Owner's Cabin forward with double berth off centerline to port, to starboard settee and desk with large hanging locker on aft bulkhead. Forward of the cabin is a full width head with separate shower stall, toilet, vanity, mirror and lockers. Aft of the owner's cabin are two guest cabins. Port cabin features a double berth with the berth side cabinet inboard. There is a hanging locker inboard. Forward of the cabin is the ensuite head with shower, vanity, toilet and storage. The Starboard Guest cabin features upper and lower berths, with hanging locker inboard. Forward of the cabin is the ensuite head with shower, vanity, toilet and storage. The heart of the interior is the spacious, light filled, clean contemporary saloon. The panoramic views from the pilothouse windows combined with the large portlights in the hull ensure uninterrupted views of the anchorage. To port is an L shaped settee wrapping around two sides of the table that comfortably seats eight. Aft of the dining table is the bar & navigation area. To starboard is an innovative and comfortable modular settee when fully assembled creates an expansive sofa. Two of the modular "benches" within the settee can be slid across the saloon floor to become seats at the table. Aft of the saloon and down two steps is the modern galley to port, open to the saloon with access to the cockpit as well. The galley features Miele and Vitrifrigo appliances, double bowl stainless steel sink, Corian© counter tops, 12 cupboards and three drawers. To starboard is the fourth cabin with a double berth, hanging locker on the centerline and ensuite head with separate shower stall, vanity, lockers and toilet....Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Sunreef Supreme 68' Power -  Built 2017 - Boat in Good Condition - Fully Equipped - Sunreef Supreme 68 'Power - Baujahr 2017 - Boot in gutem Zustand - Voll ausgestattet -  Sunreef Supreme 68 'Power - Construido en 2017 - Barco en buen estado - Full Equipment    SUNREEF SUPREME 68 POWER: The Sunreef Supreme Range embodies a very specific philosophy of yacht creation. It is an audacious line of yachts and superyachts designed to become the world’s most comfortable and spacious range of lifestyle-oriented boats. The Sunreef Supreme 68 Power is a 68 ft power catamaran with a total living space of 302 sqm offering the surface of a superyacht on a unit below 24 m. The Sunreef Supreme’s architecture revisits the way catamarans have been so far designed. A new, radical concept of the superstructure allows keeping the saloon and exterior deck on the same level. As a result, the Sunreef Supreme 68 Power boasts an enormous main room surrounded with floor to ceiling glass - a smooth, seamless space opening onto the cockpit and giving direct access to the deck through sliding doors on both sides of the yacht. The exterior and interior surfaces of the boat merge into one panoramic lounging and dining area. The design of the main deck and hulls offers a total versatility in the possibilities for a smart, individually tailored layout matching every single Owner’s lifestyle. With an infinite choice of materials for the décor of the saloon, cabins, and bathrooms, each Sunreef Supreme 68 Power reflects her Owner’s style and personality. The Sunreef Supreme 68 is equipped with an aft garage - a truly revolutionary feature on a catamaran under 70 feet. This voluminous space allows us to conveniently store a 5m tender, up to two jet-skis, diving gear, and numerous water toys. The garage door, when lowered, creates a large aft platform that is perfect for water sports.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
“Grietje” is a wonderfully looked after original sailing Dutch Tjalk that has been converted into a two/three bedroom liveaboard. Built in 1898 by DREWS HOOGEZAND as a working vessel, she is an originally riveted iron hull that has been fully over platted with 6mm steel. The vessel has been drydocked in 2021, with a full 35,000 PSI blast/strip back to a WJ2 standard. She then went through a full ultrasonic underwater survey, steel welding repairs completed, full suite of 14 new anodes and finally coated with a 10 year 2pac epoxy International paint system meaning she does not need to be re slipped until 2031. The bilges have also been cleaned and resealed from the interior.  She is sold with a complete 2021 boat survey (as well as survey/service history dating back to 2004) and also the option to take on the mooring at the Embankment Marina, Gravesend. With a keenness to keep the original lines of such a beautiful vessel, the only detraction from the original specification of the build is the fully collapsible wheel house at the stern. Outside of this, the original rigging, sails, deck equipment, mast, lee boards are all accounted for and in working order. The deck coaming has also been raised slightly to allow generous head room in the living area, but not so much it detracts from the lines.  She also comes fitted with a DAF 6 cylinder 195 HP engine that was serviced at the beginning of 2021 and was used to transport her from Gravesend to Hoo to be slipped and back again without missing a beat. The external topsides and coach roof have also benefited from full repaint recently so she is looking extremely pretty! Internally, the barge has received a full renovation using proper insulation covered over with painted marine moisture resistant ply. Coming down from the wheel house you come into an area affectionally known as the skippers cabin that could be used as an utility space or a home office or children’s play room. A new bathroom with full height stand up shower is on your right as you move through the boat and a toilet with a heated seat! Moving further on, a fully renovated kitchen sold with all white goods including a washing machine, full size gas double oven and hobs, plenty of storage space leading into  a wide open plan saloon living area. The saloon benefits from beautiful brass port holes and authentic brass skylights leaving the saloon area flooded with natural light. Forward of the mast step there is option of fitting in another bedroom before finally coming to the master cabin with has a built in queen size bed. The barge is warmed by an oil based boiler that takes it’s feed from the fuel tank, and with 11 radiators in the system leaves the living space toasty warm even in the coldest winter months. It also benefits from a beautifully ornate log burner in the main saloon. Grietje has been in our family since 2006, and took part in the 2012 Queen’s River Thames Pageant as one of the oldest boats on the river Thames. She has been very well looked after and cared for, and is ready to be moved onto straight away we look forward to passing over this fantastic piece of history. More photos can be seen, please check links for a full video walkthrough and to the interactive 3d walkthrough.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Lady SHARON GALE is in a fantastic charter program that we spent the last 6 months really getting dialed in top the point we are selling a business here more than we are simply a yacht.  She has excellent charter revenue and is in a turn key business situation for the next owner including rented crew housing, prepaid dockage, a crew vehicle and more.  She recently had a ton of upgrades and features a 28 Southport tender with new electronics, (2) wave runners, RIB tender and loads of toys.  Presently she has seen 12 charters over a 12 month period with numerous others being declined by the owner making this represent a chance to own a yacht that actually produces.  She is easy to show, but please give a weeks notice as we have to work around her busy charter scheduled and ownership use.     Upgrades in November 2021 New carpeting in all staterooms and lower landing/stairway for staterooms New wall coverings in all bathrooms New bedding for all beds New wall coverings in VIP Removal of old window treatments in salon Headliners in salon Rebuilt davit Refinished tender with new Garmin electronics, new cushions and fiberglass work. New aft deck cushions New bridge helm cushions and aft area cushions New icemaker New fridge in bar of salon New dishwasher in galley New ceramic cooktop in galley New oven in galley All new silver faucets, shower heads, fixtures and hardware (removal of gold ones) All new flooring in the crew quarters and a full revamp to the crew quarters Upgrades Since 2018: (3) New Frigomar chillers  New Furuno Navnet TZ2 Touch electronics at both helms New Simrad FU80 and A2004 Autopilot New Control4 system for the lighting, entertainment, and sound system throughout the interior New LED lighting throughout the interior New Smart TVs in the salon, VIP, and Master New LED TVs in the galley, Guest staterooms, and crew quarters New HD exterior security camera system  New exterior JL Audio sound system  New distressed wood tiling in the salon New granite accents and counters New Bosh 500 Series dryers New GE washing machines (3) New Headhunter Mach5 pumps Vessel Highlights: MTU power plants - much more desirable than 2-stroke Detroit Diesels, which most Broward of this vintage will have  Naiad at speed Stabilization with 45/" by 30/" fins Naiad hydraulic bow thruster with 16/" tube and four-blade propeller  (2) Maxwell 4500 Hydraulic windlass. (2) Aftdeck Ideal Mooring capstans  Nautical Structures 2000 LB hydraulic davit on the bridge Hardtop Raised pilothouse  All freestanding furniture in the salon Cockpit ideal for prepping the water toys  (4) Staterooms and (4) heads plus one day head near the salon Accommodations for (4) crew Huge privately accessed VIP forward Well equipped country kitchen  (2) Large bars for entertaining (1) in the bridge & (1) in the mains salon  Day head just forward of the salon (2) 55 kW Northern lights generators Solid and spacious crew quarters with separate washer & dryer (2) Seadoo Waverunners  28' Southport center console tender Brigg ribbed inflatable tender
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For sale is a beautiful Solaris 72 Deck House in good condition from 2006 METEOR is a beautiful example of the Solaris 72 Deck House in very well maintained condition built in 2006. She offers all desired features for a Blue Water Cruising Yacht like i.e. Airconditioning, Generator, Watermaker, In-Mast Furling, Reckmann Head Sail Furlers, diving compressor and much more. The cockpit is safe with twin helm and seperate guest area with Bimini forward. The foredeck is spaciuos with storage for a tender, the self-tacking jib ensures easy sailing. Below Deck METEOR features a comfortable Deck Saloon with navigation area to starboard. forward of the salon is the galley to port and a small lounge starboard. The Master cabin with ensuite head is located in the forecastle. Two guest cabins are located aft of the main saloon with crew quarters in the lazaret. HIGHLIGHTS: In-Mast Furling Mainsail (Mast and Boom repainted 2021) Service and Replacement of Rod Rigging where necessary, 2021 Reckmann Headsail Furlers Self-Tacking Jib and Genoa Full Teak Deck in very good condition (Refit with new caulking 2021) Air Conditioning, 45.000 BTU Generator ONAN 17,5 kW (1.560 h as of November 2021) Volvo-Penta TAMD63L, 318 hp (3.850 h as of November 2021) 2x Mastervolt Battery Chargers, 24V / 100Ah Watermaker HEM, 208 l/h 2x Mastervolt Inverter, 24V / 2500 W Hydraulic Gangway New Millenium Arche Laminate Sails, 2016 New Copper Coat Antifouling, 2021 The Yacht is located in Germany at the Baltic Sea ready for inspection. We have inspected the yacht personally, lot´s of actual high-res pictures and videos available. Please don´t hesitate to contact us for any further questions or to arrange a viewing. Your judel/vrolijk & co - brokerage Team!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Upgrades in November 2021 New carpeting in all staterooms and lower landing/stairway for staterooms New wall coverings in all bathrooms New bedding for all beds New wall coverings in VIP Removal of old window treatments in salon Headliners in salon Rebuilt davit Refinished tender with new Garmin electronics, new cushions and fiberglass work. New aft deck cushions New bridge helm cushions and aft area cushions New icemaker New fridge in bar of salon New dishwasher in galley New ceramic cooktop in galley New oven in galley All new silver faucets, shower heads, fixtures and hardware (removal of gold ones) All new flooring in the crew quarters and a full revamp to the crew quarters Upgrades Since 2018: (3) New Frigomar chillers  New Furuno Navnet TZ2 Touch electronics at both helms New Simrad FU80 and A2004 Autopilot New Control4 system for the lighting, entertainment, and sound system throughout the interior New LED lighting throughout the interior New Smart TVs in the salon, VIP, and Master New LED TVs in the galley, Guest staterooms, and crew quarters New HD exterior security camera system  New exterior JL Audio sound system  New distressed wood tiling in the salon New granite accents and counters New Bosh 500 Series dryers New GE washing machines (3) New Headhunter Mach5 pumps Vessel Highlights: MTU power plants - much more desirable than 2-stroke Detroit Diesels, which most Broward of this vintage will have  Naiad at speed Stabilization with 45/" by 30/" fins Naiad hydraulic bow thruster with 16/" tube and four-blade propeller  (2) Maxwell 4500 Hydraulic windlass. (2) Aftdeck Ideal Mooring capstans  Nautical Structures 2000 LB hydraulic davit on the bridge Hardtop Raised pilothouse  All freestanding furniture in the salon Cockpit ideal for prepping the water toys  (4) Staterooms and (4) heads plus one day head near the salon Accommodations for (4) crew Huge privately accessed VIP forward Well equipped country kitchen  (2) Large bars for entertaining (1) in the bridge & (1) in the mains salon  Day head just forward of the salon (2) 55 kW Northern lights generators Solid and spacious crew quarters with separate washer & dryer (2) Seadoo Waverunners  28' Southport center console tender Brigg ribbed inflatable tender
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Magazzu M-11 is significant big in the large RIB sector. They are sought after, luxury crafts based on stylish elegance and top-quality finishing touches. The Coupe versions enhances these standard characterizations with top quality finishing touches in the cabin. The vast internal living space is well disguised from the outside thanks to careful studies carried out at the design stage in order to limit the size of the superstructure while still maintaining the appearance of a RIB. This provides the added advantage for large sunbathing areas at bow. Externally, there is also a hob and fridge under the steering bench and further sunbathing areas at stern. Top quality materials have been used in its construction: a mix of Kevlar, unidirectional carbon fiber and epoxy-vinyl resin for the hull and solid teak on the deck tread, while the bulkhead cabinetwork and furniture in the Coupe interiors are done in maple wood. On board equipments: Flaps Gps (simrad) Nmea 2000 system Bluetooth sound systemBattery Charger
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Take advantage of a customizable build project at a fraction of a new build cost. Greg Marshall exterior design, H2 interior design. The vessel is currently 40% Complete. Current interior layout- Bridge deck Master facing aft, Galley on the main deck forward, VIP Cabin forward of the galley, Three staterooms on lower deck, two aft with queens, one larger VIP suite forward (below galley). Vessel inventory included with purchase: (2) New Cat C-18's (2) New Twin Disc gearboxes (2) New CAT 60KW generators (1) Chiller plant & Dometic AC controls for all staterooms Trac Zero Speed stabilizer system Freeman watertight doors Bow thruster equipment, steering equipment, thru-hull valves & more. Current condition: Hull sides faired  Interior bulwarks insulated Electrical wiring & plumbing ran Interior joint work completed in the Galley, Fwd Cabin, Lower cabins. More photos, drawings, renderings by H2 Yacht Design are available upon request. The vessel is located in Seattle, WA.
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La Spezia (Liguria)
"Less fat, more speed" was the ethos taken when designing and building KUKA LIGHT. This is a special machine, crafted by a very talented and passionate team, with a pure focus on creating a boat that delivers performance and enjoyment in equal measures. The boat was designed to be the fastest 40 footer in the world and excel on offshore races with a small crew. "High spec" is an understatement with this boat and for those looking to go places fast on a very stable and manageable platform, this one is for you! Inventory MACHINERY: Engine: Lombardi LDW1003 M TMC 60 A 30 HP Propeller system two blade propeller, fully retractable into carbon casing. Fuel capacity 60 lt Diesel. Throttle control in cockpit. STEERING: Twin rudder steering with single central tiler arm. Fully integrated kick up rudder system (180deg) KEEL: Solid carbon keel fin, with canting Cariboni system. 1000 kg bulb on 3.5m fin. Twin retractable dagger board system. Canting keel fin safety systems installed. SAFETY ISAF CAT 3 compliant. Bilge and manual pumps to match category A CE regs Life raft and life jackets. Emergency steering tiller arm Bridge Kuka Light was built to be the fastest boat ever built in it’s class (40-42 feet) for offshore races. The full-carbon autoclave built yacht is designed and engineered to be raced in long distance races by a small crew of 6. The super light boat (3.4 tons displacement) has demonstrated to be as fast as the best 50 and 60 footer in races like Giraglia and Middle Sea Race. Equipped with a canting keel and a rotating mast, Kuka-Light has been constantly developed during the last few years and has highlighted her pedigree under ORC. The boat has been professionally maintained and serviced throughout the years. Every year the carbon fin and the structural parts of boat and mast have been checked by QI-Composite with ultra sound testing. All hardware of the boat has been checked and replaced during every winter. Specs: Length - 12.80 mt (with bowsprit 15.00 mt) Width - 4.60 mt Draft - 3.50 mt Displacement - 3.400 kg Designer - Schickler/Tagliapietra Yacht Design Builder - Marstrom Composite/ Soleri boatyard Built year - 2012 Hull type - Carbon composite Keel - full carbon fin with lead bulb. Canted with single ram with electric pump (Cariboni) CE-certificate CIN SCSSMK42E213 The interior of the yacht is fully stripped out with a typical race boat, minimalist layout. 6 bunks (3 each side) are installed, with a simple galley and WC arrangement. The boat is very open plan with no full bulkheads between companionway and bow, allowing for a big open space to move around in. The cockpit area was designed with reduced crew numbers in mind and all sail handling and trimming can be controlled without going forward of the mast. The huge beam ensures a very large working space in the cockpit, but with some protection for the crew in the form of a dog house. Since launching the boat has been consistently upgraded and tweaked with simply blistering results. No doubt this boat will thrive under distance racing, particularly those races geared towards reaching and downwind conditions. Machinery INSTRUMENTS NKE with regatta processor and 3D sensor. Portable computer with nav. software Ais system Radio VHF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 24 Volt with 240 Amp at 24 Volts by European Batteries. Auto-pilot system HYDRAULICS Cariboni canting keel ram system with locking track system for safety. Hydraulic mainsheet adjustment. Hydraulic outhaul Hydraulic Vang Rig High modulus, rotating carbon wing mast from Marstrom Sweden. Built in an auto clave, from pre-preg carbon construction. Single spreader on diamond shrouds. Deck stepped arrangement. PBO standing rigging and running back stays. Dyneema and PBO running rigging package with assorted spares. Mast head wand and windex. Fixed, solid bowsprit with single and 2:1 tackline arrangements. All control lines lead back to cockpit area and sail handling manageable with 2-3 persons. Accommodation All regatta sails from North Sails 3Di construction throughout. Mainsail - 3 reef, square top, fully battened with cars. Jib 1 on soft hanks Jib 2 on soft hanks Jib Top - on furler, flying mid-bowsprit. A1 - VMG runner A2 - VMG runner. Reacher - Masthead Code 0 flown off bowsprit. Drifter Staysail Storm Jib + delivery sail...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
“OOMKA” features a large Saloon with comfortable seating, the latest sound/AV equipment, bar and a large dining table. Forward of the Galley is the Helm station, next to which is a relaxed area at which you can sit and watch the world go by. The interior is finished in Black American Walnut, with cream furniture in the Saloon and cream carpets throughout each cabin. Her accommodation comprises a central Master Cabin, 2 Twin Cabins and a forward VIP Double Cabin, all of which have ensuite facilities. Both Twin Cabins convert to doubles if required. On the Flybridge, there is comfortable seating around a fixed dining table, separate bar and plenty of sunbathing. The separate spacious Crew Quarters are aft, next to a full-width hydraulic bathing platform.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
*Prelimenary listing more photos and walkthrough video to come* MARBELLA is a very unique, contemporary-styled yacht with numerous upgrades throughout the years. She is fin-stabilized, providing a comfortable ride at sea. Whether you wish to relax for the weekend or take an extended cruise for a week, she is ready for her new journeys to come. She boasts 7' or more headroom throughout, and the interior surfaces are finished in a combination of warm Brazilian burlwood and designer wall coverings. Her large windows allow for warm natural lighting throughout the salon. She features a large full-beam master stateroom with a king-size bed, two guest cabins forward of the master with queen size beds and Pullmans, and a large VIP suite forward with a Kingsize bed. Her 23' beam allows for a spacious interior, and comfort while underway. Marbella is a very economical yacht to operate, burning only 28 Gallons per hour at 12 knots.  She is owned by a fully transferrable LLC, along with a MARAD waiver.
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