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Freezer oven induction hob kettle

Elenco delle migliori vendite freezer oven induction hob kettle

  • Genuine Original forno fornello piastra manopola interruttore (Black/Silver)
  • Per modelli: pcc615b80e/01, pcc615b90e/01, pch615b90e/01, pch615b90y/01, pch615 m90e/01, pci815b80e/01, pci815 m90e/01, pci815 m90j/01, pcp612b80e/01, pcp612 m90e/01, pcp615b80e/01, pcp615b80r/01, pcp615b80z/01, pcp615b90b/01, pcp615b90b/07, pcp615b90e/01, pcp615b90 V/01, pcp615b90y/01, pcp615 m90e/01, pcp616b80e/01, pcp616 m90e/01, pcq715b80e/01, pcq715b80 V/01, pcq715b90e/01, pcq715b90e/07, pcq715b90y/01, pcq715b90z/01, pcq715 m90e/01, pcq716b80e/01,
  • pcr715 m90e/01, pcr715 m90e/07, pcr715t90e/01, pcs815b90e/01, pcs815b90e/07
  • Parte di Ricambio Originale Bosch/di ricambio
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  • OVEN KETO BREAD contiene oltre l'80% in meno carboidrati del pane normale, contribuisce quindi a ridurre il consumo di zuccheri e fornisce molte proteine, con il sapore meraviglioso del pane appena sfornato.
  • SI CUOCE IN FORNO O CON LA MACCHINA PER IL PANE basta aggiungere acqua e lievito, impastare e cuocere nel forno di casa. Se usate la macchina per il pane non servirà impastare, basterà mettere gli ingredienti dentro il cestello della macchina per il pane e azionarla.
  • INGREDIENTI - La farina è fatta solo di ingredienti naturali: glutine di frumento, proteine di soia, proteine di lupini, grani di soia, semi di lino, semi di girasole, farina di soia, farina integrale di frumento, crusca di frumento, fibra di mela, sesamo, sale, farina di malto d’orzo tostato, lecitina di soia. Allergeni: glutine
  • OK BREAD è adatto a chi segue un'alimentazione chetogenica low carb, e che ama il sapore del pane fragrante.
  • Con 200 grammi di farina si preparano circa 300 GRAMMI DI PANE OVEN KETO BREAD.
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  • 2 CONF. Super pulitore forno Scioglie il grasso bruciato
  • OVEN STANHOME Schiuma detergente intensiva per forni 400ml
  • delicata combinazione delle note floreali e dolci comunicano profonda tenerezza
  • Note di Testa: Bergamotto (sono le prime del profumo a essere apprezzate) Note di Cuore: Camomilla (rappresentano l'anima del profumo) Note di Fondo: Iris (danno profondità al profumo
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Milano (Lombardia)
[ITA] Appartamento in Viale Bligny, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 09/03/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/95451 [ENG] Apartment in Viale Bligny, Milano, Italy Available from: 09/03/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/95451 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 1 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: Nessuna preferenza Costi apertura contratto: COSTI PULIZIE € (CHECK-OUT) 110,00€ Minimum months rental: 1 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: No preference Contract opening fees: COSTI PULIZIE € (CHECK-OUT) 110,00€ ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l’inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi evitare la visita e prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su affitta subito. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can avoid the viewing and book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on rent now. If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* [ITA] Contattaci per ricevere il preventivo per affitti mensili! Moderno e recentemente ristrutturato monolocale sito a pochi passi dall'Università Bocconi L'appartamento di circa 30mq è sito al quarto piano, di un caratteristico stabile vecchia Milano. La pavimentazione è in parquet ed è dotato di riscaldamento e raffreddamento autonomo. Entrando si accede all'ambiente unico nel quale troviamo un comodo divano letto francese, la zona tv con una smart tv 50 pollici, un tavolo per 2 persone, un armadio e una cassettiera. La cucina è completa di frigorifero, freezer, forno, piano a induzione e bollitore. Di fronte al bagno dotato di lavatrice, lavandino, bidet, wc e ampia doccia, troviamo un piccolo ripostiglio. [ENG] Contact us to receive a quote for monthly rentals! Modern and recently renovated studio apartment located a few steps from Bocconi university The approximately 30m2 apartment is located on the fourth floor of a characteristic old Milan building. The flooring is parquet and it is equipped with independent heating and cooling. Entering you enter the single room in which we find a comfortable French sofa bed, the TV area with a 50-inch smart TV, a table for 2 people, a wardrobe and a chest of drawers. The kitchen is complete with fridge, freezer, oven, induction hob and kettle. In front of the bathroom equipped with washing machine, sink, bidet, toilet and large shower, we find a small closet. Zona: Milano Superficie: 36 mq Numero di stanze: 1 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
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Milano (Lombardia)
[ITA] Appartamento in Viale Bligny, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 31/05/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/95451 [ENG] Apartment in Viale Bligny, Milano, Italy Available from: 31/05/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/95451 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 1 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: Nessuna preferenza Minimum months rental: 1 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: No preference ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* [ITA] Contattaci per ricevere il preventivo per affitti mensili! Moderno e recentemente ristrutturato monolocale sito a pochi passi dall'Università Bocconi L'appartamento di circa 30mq è sito al quarto piano, di un caratteristico stabile vecchia Milano. La pavimentazione è in parquet ed è dotato di riscaldamento e raffreddamento autonomo. Entrando si accede all'ambiente unico nel quale troviamo un comodo divano letto francese, la zona tv con una smart tv 50 pollici, un tavolo per 2 persone, un armadio e una cassettiera. La cucina è completa di frigorifero, freezer, forno, piano a induzione e bollitore. Di fronte al bagno dotato di lavatrice, lavandino, bidet, wc e ampia doccia, troviamo un piccolo ripostiglio. [ENG] Contact us to receive a quote for monthly rentals! Modern and recently renovated studio apartment located a few steps from Bocconi university The approximately 30m2 apartment is located on the fourth floor of a characteristic old Milan building. The flooring is parquet and it is equipped with independent heating and cooling. Entering you enter the single room in which we find a comfortable French sofa bed, the TV area with a 50-inch smart TV, a table for 2 people, a wardrobe and a chest of drawers. The kitchen is complete with fridge, freezer, oven, induction hob and kettle. In front of the bathroom equipped with washing machine, sink, bidet, toilet and large shower, we find a small closet. Zona: Milano Superficie: 36 mq Numero di stanze: 1 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
Affitto residenziale [ITA] Appartamento in Viale Bligny, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 31/05/2023 Prenota online: https: //roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/95451 [ENG] Apartment in Viale Bligny, Milano, Italy Available from: 31/05/2023 Book it online: https: //roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/95451 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 1 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: Nessuna preferenza Minimum months rental: 1 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: No preference ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* [ITA] Contattaci per ricevere il preventivo per affitti mensili! Moderno e recentemente ristrutturato monolocale sito a pochi passi dall'Università Bocconi L'appartamento di circa 30mq è sito al quarto piano, di un caratteristico stabile vecchia Milano. La pavimentazione è in parquet ed è dotato di riscaldamento e raffreddamento autonomo. Entrando si accede all'ambiente unico nel quale troviamo un comodo divano letto francese, la zona tv con una smart tv 50 pollici, un tavolo per 2 persone, un armadio e una cassettiera. La cucina è completa di frigorifero, freezer, forno, piano a induzione e bollitore. Di fronte al bagno dotato di lavatrice, lavandino, bidet, wc e ampia doccia, troviamo un piccolo ripostiglio. [ENG] Contact us to receive a quote for monthly rentals! Modern and recently renovated studio apartment located a few steps from Bocconi university The approximately 30m2 apartment is located on the fourth floor of a characteristic old Milan building. The flooring is parquet and it is equipped with independent heating and cooling. Entering you enter the single room in which we find a comfortable French sofa bed, the TV area with a 50-inch smart TV, a table for 2 people, a wardrobe and a chest of drawers. The kitchen is complete with fridge, freezer, oven, induction hob and kettle. In front of the bathroom equipped with washing machine, sink, bidet, toilet and large shower, we find a small closet. Riferimento: 95451 36 mq. 3 vani 1 servizi Roomless Rent Via di ruota 1/A (LU). Riscaldamento: nd Condizionatore: S? Dimensione: 36 mq Stanze: 3 Bagni: 1 Arredato: Sì Inserzionista: Roomless Rent
1.600 €
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
[ITA] Appartamento in Via Ciro Menotti, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 26/01/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/31449 [ENG] Apartment in Via Ciro Menotti, Milano, Italy Available from: 26/01/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/31449 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 1 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: Nessuna preferenza Minimum months rental: 1 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: No preference ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l’inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi evitare la visita e prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su affitta subito. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can avoid the viewing and book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on rent now. If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* [ITA] Contattaci per ricevere il preventivo per affitti mensili! Elegante bilocale in centro a Milano in un quartiere molto frizzante e giovanile, frequentato e abitato da professionisti. L’appartamento si trova tra le fermate della metropolitana di Palestro e Porta Venezia, facendo una passeggiata di 15 minuti si raggiungono Piazza San Babila e Via Montenapoleone. Questo bellissimo appartamento di circa 65 mq si trova al piano terra, è silenzioso e si caratterizza per essere dotato del sistema di doppi vetri, di aria condizionata e di travi a vista in tutti gli ambienti ed è stato totalmente rinnovato e ristrutturato negli impianti e negli arredi ad inizio 2022. L’appartamento si apre su una zona giorno che include un tavolo per sei ed una cucina totalmente arredata ed equipaggiata e che include una lavatrice che funge anche da asciugatrice, un frigorifero ed un freezer “Miele”, un piano cottura ad induzione, un forno elettrico ed un forno a microonde. Una rampa di scale conduce ad un soppalco che include un divano ed una smart TV. Dalla zona giorno si accede alla camera da letto matrimoniale che inlcude: - un ampio armadio a sei ante illuminato internamente con luci a led che si accendono automaticamente all'apertura delle ante; - una libreria; - un soppalco che include un divano letto singolo ed un tavolo per due; - un bagno en-suite con doccia. La pavimentazione è in parquet in tutti gli ambienti. [ENG] Contact us to receive a quote for monthly rentals! Elegant two-room apartment in the center of Milan in a very lively and youthful neighborhood frequented and inhabited by professionals. The apartment is located between the metro stops of Palestro and Porta Venezia, a 15-minute walk will take you to Piazza San Babila and Via Montenapoleone. This beautiful apartment of about 65 square meters is located on the ground floor and is quiet and is characterized by being equipped with a double glazing system, air conditioning and exposed beams in all rooms and has been totally renovated and refurbished in the systems and furnishings. at the beginning of 2022. The apartment opens onto a living area that includes a table for six and a fully furnished and equipped kitchen that includes a washing machine that doubles as a dryer, a "Miele" refrigerator and freezer, an induction hob, an oven. electric and a microwave oven. A flight of stairs leads to a mezzanine which includes a sofa and a smart TV. The living area leads to the double bedroom which includes: - a large wardrobe with six doors illuminated internally with LED lights that turn on automatically when the doors are opened; - a library; - a mezzanine that incl
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Milano (Lombardia)
[ITA] Appartamento in Via Ciro Menotti, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 07/02/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/95455 [ENG] Apartment in Via Ciro Menotti, Milano, Italy Available from: 07/02/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/95455 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 1 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: Nessuna preferenza Costi apertura contratto: Costi pulizie € 120 Minimum months rental: 1 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: No preference Contract opening fees: Costi pulizie € 120 ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l’inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi evitare la visita e prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su affitta subito. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can avoid the viewing and book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on rent now. If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* [ITA] Contattaci per ricevere il preventivo per affitti mensili! Spazioso e silenzioso bilocale sito in un tranquillo palazzo storico, in zona Porta Venezia a breve distanza dalla fermata della MM1 (linea rossa) Porta Venezia e del passante ferroviario Dateo. Bilocale di circa 75 mq con pavimentazione in parquet e aria condizionata in tutti gli ambienti. Entrando nell'appartamento troviamo un ampio doppio soggiorno con divano letto singolo, divano a 3 sedute, 3 poltrone, armadiature, caratteristica veranda e accesso al balcone che da sul giardino interno. Abbiamo poi la zona tv con 2 poltrone e un'ulteriore armadiatura. Sulla sinistra troviamo un comodo bagno di servizio finestrato con wc e lavandino. Completa la zona giorno la cucina con forno, frigorifero sotto top, microonde, piano cottura ad induzione, bollitore e tavolo allungabile fino a 6 persone. Accedendo alla zona notte troviamo uno spazioso sgabuzzino e il bagno padronale, con ampio box doccia, bidet, wc e lavandino. Abbiamo infine la camera da letto con letto matrimoniale, comodini e televisione, l'ampia cabina armadio con armadio a 6 ante e la zona lavanderia. [ENG] Contact us to receive a quote for monthly rentals! Spacious and quiet one bedroom apartment located in a quiet historic building, in the Porta Venezia area, a short distance from the MM1 (red line) Porta Venezia and the Dateo railway link. One bedroom apartment of about 75 square meters with parquet flooring and air conditioning in all rooms. Entering the apartment we find a large double living room with single sofa bed, 3-seater sofa, 3 armchairs, wardrobes, characteristic veranda and access to the balcony overlooking the internal garden. Then we have the TV area with 2 armchairs and another wardrobe. On the left we find a comfortable service bathroom with window with toilet and sink. The living area is completed by the kitchen with oven, under-top fridge, microwave, induction hob, kettle and extendable table for up to 6 people. By accessing the sleeping area we find a spacious closet and the master bathroom, with a large shower cubicle, bidet, toilet and sink. Finally we have the bedroom with double bed, bedside tables and television, the large walk-in closet with 6-door wardrobe and the laundry area. Zona: Milano Superficie: 36 mq Numero di stanze: 1 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
[ITA] Appartamento in Via Ciro Menotti, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 09/05/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/95455 [ENG] Apartment in Via Ciro Menotti, Milano, Italy Available from: 09/05/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/95455 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 1 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: Nessuna preferenza Minimum months rental: 1 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: No preference ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* [ITA] Contattaci per ricevere il preventivo per affitti mensili! Spazioso e silenzioso bilocale sito in un tranquillo palazzo storico, in zona Porta Venezia a breve distanza dalla fermata della MM1 (linea rossa) Porta Venezia e del passante ferroviario Dateo. Bilocale di circa 75 mq sito al piano rialzato con pavimentazione in parquet e aria condizionata in tutti gli ambienti. Entrando nell'appartamento troviamo un ampio doppio soggiorno con divano letto singolo, divano a 3 sedute, 3 poltrone, armadiature, caratteristica veranda e accesso al balcone che da sul giardino interno. Abbiamo poi la zona tv con 2 poltrone e un'ulteriore armadiatura. Sulla sinistra troviamo un comodo bagno di servizio finestrato con wc e lavandino. Completa la zona giorno la cucina con forno, frigorifero sotto top, microonde, piano cottura ad induzione, bollitore e tavolo allungabile fino a 6 persone. Accedendo alla zona notte troviamo uno spazioso sgabuzzino e il bagno padronale, con ampio box doccia, bidet, wc e lavandino. Abbiamo infine la camera da letto con letto matrimoniale, comodini e televisione, l'ampia cabina armadio con armadio a 6 ante e la zona lavanderia. [ENG] Contact us to receive a quote for monthly rentals! Spacious and quiet one bedroom apartment located in a quiet historic building, in the Porta Venezia area, a short distance from the MM1 (red line) Porta Venezia and the Dateo railway link. One bedroom apartment of about 75 square meters located on the mezzanine floor with parquet flooring and air conditioning in all rooms. Entering the apartment we find a large double living room with single sofa bed, 3-seater sofa, 3 armchairs, wardrobes, characteristic veranda and access to the balcony overlooking the internal garden. Then we have the TV area with 2 armchairs and another wardrobe. On the left we find a comfortable service bathroom with window with toilet and sink. The living area is completed by the kitchen with oven, under-top fridge, microwave, induction hob, kettle and extendable table for up to 6 people. By accessing the sleeping area we find a spacious closet and the master bathroom, with a large shower cubicle, bidet, toilet and sink. Finally we have the bedroom with double bed, bedside tables and television, the large walk-in closet with 6-door wardrobe and the laundry area. Zona: Milano Superficie: 36 mq Numero di stanze: 1 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
Affitto residenziale [ITA] Appartamento in Via Ciro Menotti, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 09/05/2023 Prenota online: https: //roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/95455 [ENG] Apartment in Via Ciro Menotti, Milano, Italy Available from: 09/05/2023 Book it online: https: //roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/95455 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 1 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: Nessuna preferenza Minimum months rental: 1 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: No preference ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* [ITA] Contattaci per ricevere il preventivo per affitti mensili! Spazioso e silenzioso bilocale sito in un tranquillo palazzo storico, in zona Porta Venezia a breve distanza dalla fermata della MM1 (linea rossa) Porta Venezia e del passante ferroviario Dateo. Bilocale di circa 75 mq sito al piano rialzato con pavimentazione in parquet e aria condizionata in tutti gli ambienti. Entrando nell'appartamento troviamo un ampio doppio soggiorno con divano letto singolo, divano a 3 sedute, 3 poltrone, armadiature, caratteristica veranda e accesso al balcone che da sul giardino interno. Abbiamo poi la zona tv con 2 poltrone e un'ulteriore armadiatura. Sulla sinistra troviamo un comodo bagno di servizio finestrato con wc e lavandino. Completa la zona giorno la cucina con forno, frigorifero sotto top, microonde, piano cottura ad induzione, bollitore e tavolo allungabile fino a 6 persone. Accedendo alla zona notte troviamo uno spazioso sgabuzzino e il bagno padronale, con ampio box doccia, bidet, wc e lavandino. Abbiamo infine la camera da letto con letto matrimoniale, comodini e televisione, l'ampia cabina armadio con armadio a 6 ante e la zona lavanderia. [ENG] Contact us to receive a quote for monthly rentals! Spacious and quiet one bedroom apartment located in a quiet historic building, in the Porta Venezia area, a short distance from the MM1 (red line) Porta Venezia and the Dateo railway link. One bedroom apartment of about 75 square meters located on the mezzanine floor with parquet flooring and air conditioning in all rooms. Entering the apartment we find a large double living room with single sofa bed, 3-seater sofa, 3 armchairs, wardrobes, characteristic veranda and access to the balcony overlooking the internal garden. Then we have the TV area with 2 armchairs and another wardrobe. On the left we find a comfortable service bathroom with window with toilet and sink. The living area is completed by the kitchen with oven, under-top fridge, microwave, induction hob, kettle and extendable table for up to 6 people. By accessing the sleeping area we find a spacious closet and the master bathroom, with a large shower cubicle, bidet, toilet and sink. Finally we have the bedroom with double bed, bedside tables and television, the large walk-in closet with 6-door wardrobe and the laundry area. Riferimento: 95455 36 mq. 4 vani 2 servizi Roomless Rent Via di ruota 1/A (LU). Riscaldamento: nd Condizionatore: S? Dimensione: 36 mq Stanze: 4 Bagni: 2 Arredato: Sì Inserzionista: Roomless Rent
2.350 €
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
Modern and bright one bedroom apartment of 67sqm, located on the first floor of an elegant building with lift just 5 minutes walk from Central Station. Present concierge service. Finely renovated and equipped with every comfort, this brand new flat is located in a strategic area just a few minutes walk from the green and yellow underground line (MM2 - MM3) and buses to and from Malpensa Airport, Linate and Bergamo Orio al Serio. Designed and built according to criteria of eco-sustainability, the flat consists of a bright living room with fully equipped KITCHEN equipped with dishwasher, fridge with freezer, extractor hood, induction hob, electric oven, microwave oven, tea kettle, De Longhi coffee machine. Finished in black marble and stoneware tiles, the kitchen is equipped with brand new appliances, all energy class A+. There is a 4-seater table and a small balcony. A LIVING area with comfortable sofa bed with 3-seater seat, crystal design coffee table, 43" smart TV LED 4k. The sofa bed (easy to open) is equipped with new and very comfortable double memory mattress. A BEDROOM with a double bed with wooden slat bedsprings, 32" full HD smart TV, large wardrobe with 6 doors with automatic LED lighting, dresser, laptop desk, suitcase bench. There are also pvc double glazed windows and mosquito nets. A BATHROOM equipped with all essential services, shower box with chromotherapy, towel warmer, hair dryer. The flat is completed by a hallway with a foldaway laundry corner equipped with washbasin, washing machine, iron and ironing board. There is air conditioning in the living area and bedroom, electric shutters with single and centralised control, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, emergency lights in the living area and sleeping area in case of blackout. Included in the living room Wi-fi fibre optic internet connection and supply of towels, sheets and blankets. Located in a neighborhood served by transport (tram, metro, train) there are restaurants, bars, pizzerias, takeaways, shops and businesses of all kinds, trendy places, shopping centre all 'inside of the Central Station. All within walking distance of the apartment. Carrefour supermarket just 50 meters from the house. Nearby are the Pirelli Skyscraper, Copernico Co-Working Space, Palazzo della Regione Lombardia and Piazzale Gae Aulenti - Bosco Verticale (Garibaldi, Porta Nuova and Corso Como). Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!
2.000 €
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
[ITA] Appartamento in Largo Corsia dei Servi, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 02/03/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/95452 [ENG] Apartment in Largo Corsia dei Servi, Milano, Italy Available from: 02/03/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/95452 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 1 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: Nessuna preferenza Costi apertura contratto: COSTI PULIZIE € (CHECK-OUT) 120,00€ Minimum months rental: 1 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: No preference Contract opening fees: COSTI PULIZIE € (CHECK-OUT) 120,00€ ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l’inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi evitare la visita e prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su affitta subito. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can avoid the viewing and book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on rent now. If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* [ITA] Contattaci per ricevere il preventivo per affitti mensili! Moderno bilocale in Central Tower, uno dei contesti più esclusivi della città a pochi passi da Duomo di Milano. Spazioso monolocale di circa 40 mq sito al sesto piano di Central Tower, progetto residenziale tra i più prestigiosi di Milano. A disposizione degli ospiti un servizio di concierge operativo 7 giorni su 7 per ogni esigenza e un'ampia terrazza panoramica con vista su tutta la città all'undicesimo piano. L'appartamento presenta pavimentazione in parquet, arredo di design, impianto di riscaldamento e raffrescamento centralizzato e domotica per la gestione degli accessi e della casa. Entrando troviamo un ampio disimpegno con un ripostiglio con area lavanderia. Dall'altro lato abbiamo il bagno cieco con ampio box doccia, lavandino, bidet e wc. La zona giorno è dotata di divano a due sedute, un letto singolo estraibile e smart tv. Troviamo poi un tavolo estraibile per 4 persone e una cucina con piano cottura ad induzione, frigorifero, freezer, forno, macchina per il caffè e bollitore. Un ampio armadio separa la zona giorno dalla zona notte, allestita con un letto matrimoniale (170x200cm) e comodini. [ENG] Contact us to receive a quote for monthly rentals! Modern one bedroom apartment in the Central Tower, one of the most exclusive contexts of the city, a few steps from the Milan Cathedral. Spacious studio apartment of about 40 square meters located on the sixth floor of the Central Tower, one of the most prestigious residential projects in Milan. At guests' disposal a concierge service operating 7 days a week for every need and a large panoramic terrace on the eleventh floor with a view over the whole city. The apartment has parquet flooring, designer furnishings, centralized heating and cooling and home automation for the management of accesses and the home. Upon entering we find a large hallway with a storage room with laundry area. On the other side we have the blind bathroom with large shower cubicle, sink, bidet and toilet. The living area is equipped with a two-seat sofa, a single pull-out bed and a smart TV. Then we find a pull-out table for 4 people and a kitchen with induction hob, fridge, freezer, oven, coffee machine and kettle. A large wardrobe separates the living area from the sleeping area, furnished with a double bed (170x200cm) and bedside tables. Zona: Milano Superficie: 36 mq Numero di stanze: 1 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
Affitto residenziale [ITA] Appartamento in Largo Corsia dei Servi, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 08/05/2023 Prenota online: https: //roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/95452 [ENG] Apartment in Largo Corsia dei Servi, Milano, Italy Available from: 08/05/2023 Book it online: https: //roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/95452 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 1 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: Nessuna preferenza Minimum months rental: 1 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: No preference ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* [ITA] Contattaci per ricevere il preventivo per affitti mensili! Moderno bilocale in Central Tower, uno dei contesti più esclusivi della città a pochi passi da Duomo di Milano. Spazioso monolocale di circa 40 mq sito al sesto piano di Central Tower, progetto residenziale tra i più prestigiosi di Milano. A disposizione degli ospiti un servizio di concierge operativo 7 giorni su 7 per ogni esigenza e un'ampia terrazza panoramica con vista su tutta la città all'undicesimo piano. L'appartamento presenta pavimentazione in parquet, arredo di design, impianto di riscaldamento e raffrescamento centralizzato e domotica per la gestione degli accessi e della casa. Entrando troviamo un ampio disimpegno con un ripostiglio con area lavanderia. Dall'altro lato abbiamo il bagno cieco con ampio box doccia, lavandino, bidet e wc. La zona giorno è dotata di divano a due sedute, un letto singolo estraibile e smart tv. Troviamo poi un tavolo estraibile per 4 persone e una cucina con piano cottura ad induzione, frigorifero, freezer, forno, macchina per il caffè e bollitore. Un ampio armadio separa la zona giorno dalla zona notte, allestita con un letto matrimoniale (170x200cm) e comodini. [ENG] Contact us to receive a quote for monthly rentals! Modern one bedroom apartment in the Central Tower, one of the most exclusive contexts of the city, a few steps from the Milan Cathedral. Spacious studio apartment of about 40 square meters located on the sixth floor of the Central Tower, one of the most prestigious residential projects in Milan. At guests' disposal a concierge service operating 7 days a week for every need and a large panoramic terrace on the eleventh floor with a view over the whole city. The apartment has parquet flooring, designer furnishings, centralized heating and cooling and home automation for the management of accesses and the home. Upon entering we find a large hallway with a storage room with laundry area. On the other side we have the blind bathroom with large shower cubicle, sink, bidet and toilet. The living area is equipped with a two-seat sofa, a single pull-out bed and a smart TV. Then we find a pull-out table for 4 people and a kitchen with induction hob, fridge, freezer, oven, coffee machine and kettle. A large wardrobe separates the living area from the sleeping area, furnished with a double bed (170x200cm) and bedside tables. Riferimento: 95452 36 mq. 3 vani 1 servizi Roomless Rent Via di ruota 1/A (LU). Riscaldamento: nd Condizionatore: S? Dimensione: 36 mq Stanze: 3 Bagni: 1 Arredato: Sì Inserzionista: Roomless Rent
4.500 €
Vista prodotto
Firenze (Toscana)
Piazza Alberti Apartment with Terrace Are you working professionals, students or couples? We have a cozy and colorful one-bedroom apartment on the 2nd floor without elevator for 4 people in the heart of Florence, one step away from the main tourist attractions of the city. Ideal for students, workers or small families. Comfortable 90sqm apartment with terrace, able to accommodate up to 6 people, located on the second floor (without elevator) of an ancient building in the Campo di Marte district, renowned for hosting the Artemio Franchi Stadium and the Church of the Seven Holy Founders. Not far from the historic center and well served by public transport, the apartment is a 5-minute walk from Lungarno Colombo and 15 minutes from Florence Campo di Marte station. The apartment is organized as follows: -BEDROOM 1: double bed, wardrobe, desk, armchair and ceiling fan. -BEDROOM 2: double bed (possibility of 2 single beds), wardrobe and ceiling fan. -BEDROOM 3: double bed (possibility of 2 single beds), wardrobe, armchair and ceiling fan. -LIVING AREA: sofa, TV, desk. - KITCHEN: induction hob, fridge, dishwasher, oven, microwave, kettle, moka pot, dining table and TV. -BATHROOM 1: bath with shower, bidet, toilet. -BATHROOM 2: shower, bidet, toilet. -20m2 TERRACE, furnished with umbrella, dining table and outdoor chairs. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: unlimited wifi, independent heating, washing machine, iron, ironing board, clothesline, hairdryer. The whole house is for the exclusive use of guests during their stay. The apartment is located in the Campo di Marte district, not far away and well connected to the historic center, an area in strong expansion and now considered almost a natural extension of the historic center of Florence, ideal for fully enjoying the city while staying away from chaos. The property is a few minutes walk from Lungarno Colombo and in 20 minutes on foot you can reach the Artemio Franchi Stadium, the venue of the Fiorentina matches, and the Church of the Seven Holy Founders. Reaching the center, by public transport or on foot (about 30 minutes), you are immediately enveloped by the charm and atmosphere of the city, with its history and culture. Ponte Vecchio with its jewelers, the Boboli Gardens with its majestic blooms, the "Uffizi" museum and the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella are certainly must-see attractions during your stay in Florence. Do not miss the opportunity to dine in the many local restaurants and trattorias, where you can taste the typical products of Florence and Tuscany. ***unlimited wifi, independent heating, washing machine, iron, ironing board, clothesline, hairdryer, dishwasher, oven, fridge, microwave, kettle, moka pot, tv,*** EXTRA PAYMENT To be done by 10 days after the booking confirmation and before the move-in date. In order to complete the booking, we will kindly ask you to pay through the platform: - the deposit (one month rent) that we will give you back at the end of your stay. - one-time final cleaning fee is €70, your flat will be clean and ready to be lived in and you won’t have to worry about it at the moment of leaving. Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!
1.500 €
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
Wonderful one bedroom apartment of 40sqm just renovated located on the sixth floor of a building with lift a few steps from the station S.Cristoforo. Finely renovated and equipped with every comfort, this brand new flat is located in a strategic area a few steps from the station S. Cristoforo where there are the S31 line (which leads to Porta Genova Station directly in 8 minutes) and the S9 link that leads in a few minutes to Romolo and Porta Romana. It consists of: a bright living room with an open KITCHEN fully equipped with induction hob, fridge with freezer, extractor hood, dishwasher, electric oven, microwave, Nespresso coffee machine and tea kettle. There is a dining table for four people. - a LIVING area with comfortable double sofa bed (easy to open) and 55" LED TV; - a DOUBLE BEDROOM with comfortable mattress, 32" LED TV, large wardrobe and safe; - a BATHROOM equipped with all essential services, shower box and hairdryer; - a small hallway with washer/dryer and utility room equipped with ironing board, iron, drying rack and hoover. There is air conditioning in the bedroom and living room and electric shutters. Included in the living room Wifi Internet and supply of towels, sheets and blankets. Located in a neighborhood served by transport (bus terminal 49, bus 50 and tram 14) there are bars, restaurants, pizzerias and basic services. CONAD supermarket at 350mt from the house. Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!
1.450 €
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
Bright and cosy three-room apartment on the 7th floor, in a strategic area of the city, well connected to the center and the main tourist attractions. The kitchen is complete with accessories, dishes, dishes and appliances: kettle, induction hob, microwave, dishwasher, refrigerator and oven. The sleeping area consists of 1 bedroom with 1 double bed and 1 bedroom with 2 single beds. The apartment is for non-smokers only and is equipped with wifi, television, courtesy line, washing machine, iron and ironing board, hairdryer, lift and air conditioning. The house remains completely at your disposal and every detail has been designed to welcome you in a clean and comfortable environment, whether you are traveling for work, whether you are passing through to visit the city. You're welcome, take care of it! RENTAL CONDITION: - The monthly rent includes all the utilities for normal usage (wi-fi, electricity, water, heating, contract registration); if you exceed with the usage, there will be an extra fee based on your consumption. - We apply a daily contract: We calculate the rent in proportion to the number of days of your stay. - Early termination of the contract: After the minimum required stay of one month, you can terminate the contract earlier and without penalties by informing us 21 days before your expected move-out date. - Check-in and check-out times will be specified once the booking is finalized. - As per Italian Law, it is mandatory to apply for a valid Italian Tax Code (in italian is called "codice fiscale") in order to sign the rental agreement. You can apply for one by contacting your local Consulate before arriving in Italy, or by going to the Agenzia Delle Entrate office in Italy no later than one-week prior check-in. It's for free and you don't need to book an appointment, you can just go to the office. If you can’t get one on time a charge will be applied; - The rental agreement must be signed prior to check-in. Failure to do so will result in the impossibility to enter the apartment; EXTRA PAYMENT In order to complete the booking the following payments must be completed through the platform, at least 2 weeks before the check-in date: - the deposit, that we will give you back at the end of your stay within 30 business days after the check-out date (in case you want to cancel the booking before the check-in, the deposit will be fully refunded, but the first month’s rent will not be refunded) - one-time initial and final cleaning fee (starting from €255) depending on the size of the flat: your flat will be clean and ready to be lived in and you don’t have to worry about it at the moment of leaving. For all apartments located in Rome, the cost of the city tax is required at check-in. This is equal to €3.50 per person for the first 10 days. Contact me if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer you!
2.090 €
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
Bright and cosy two-rooms apartment on the first floor in a strategic area of the city, well connected to main tourist attractions. The kitchen is complete with dishes and appliances: kettle, oven, fridge, dishwasher, microwave, and induction hob. The sleeping area consists of 1 bedroom with 1 double bed and 1 sofa bed. The apartment is for non-smokers only and is provided with air conditioning, lift, hair dryer, iron and ironing board, washing machine, toiletries, television, and wifi. The house is at your complete disposal and we've put care in every detail in order to welcome you in a clean and comfortable space, whether you're staying for business or just passing by to visit the city. You're welcome, take care of it! RENTAL CONDITION: - The monthly rent includes all the utilities for normal usage (wi-fi, electricity, water, heating, contract registration); if you exceed with the usage, there will be an extra fee based on your consumption. - We apply a daily contract: We calculate the rent in proportion to the number of days of your stay. - Early termination of the contract: After the minimum required stay of one month, you can terminate the contract earlier and without penalties by informing us 21 days before your expected move-out date. - Check-in and check-out times will be specified once the booking is finalized. - As per Italian Law, it is mandatory to apply for a valid Italian Tax Code (in italian is called "codice fiscale") in order to sign the rental agreement. You can apply for one by contacting your local Consulate before arriving in Italy, or by going to the Agenzia Delle Entrate office in Italy no later than one-week prior check-in. It's for free and you don't need to book an appointment, you can just go to the office. If you can’t get one on time a charge will be applied; - The rental agreement must be signed prior to check-in. Failure to do so will result in the impossibility to enter the apartment; EXTRA PAYMENT In order to complete the booking the following payments must be completed through the platform, at least 2 weeks before the check-in date: - the deposit, that we will give you back at the end of your stay within 30 business days after the check-out date (in case you want to cancel the booking before the check-in, the deposit will be fully refunded, but the first month’s rent will not be refunded) - one-time initial and final cleaning fee (starting from €147) depending on the size of the flat: your flat will be clean and ready to be lived in and you don’t have to worry about it at the moment of leaving. For all apartments located in Rome, the cost of the city tax is required at check-in. This is equal to €3.50 per person for the first 10 days. Contact me if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer you!
2.200 €
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
Bright and cosy two-rooms apartment on the second floor in a strategic area of the city, well connected to main tourist attractions. The kitchen is complete with dishes and appliances: oven, fridge, dishwasher, microwave, induction hob, and kettle. The sleeping area consists of 1 bedroom with 1 double bed and 1 sofa bed. The apartment is for non-smokers only and is provided with air conditioning, lift, hair dryer, iron and ironing board, toiletries, television, and wifi. The house is at your complete disposal and we've put care in every detail in order to welcome you in a clean and comfortable space, whether you're staying for business or just passing by to visit the city. You're welcome, take care of it! RENTAL CONDITION: - The monthly rent includes all the utilities for normal usage (wi-fi, electricity, water, heating, contract registration); if you exceed with the usage, there will be an extra fee based on your consumption. - We apply a daily contract: We calculate the rent in proportion to the number of days of your stay. - Early termination of the contract: After the minimum required stay of one month, you can terminate the contract earlier and without penalties by informing us 21 days before your expected move-out date. - Check-in and check-out times will be specified once the booking is finalized. - As per Italian Law, it is mandatory to apply for a valid Italian Tax Code (in italian is called "codice fiscale") in order to sign the rental agreement. You can apply for one by contacting your local Consulate before arriving in Italy, or by going to the Agenzia Delle Entrate office in Italy no later than one-week prior check-in. It's for free and you don't need to book an appointment, you can just go to the office. If you can’t get one on time a charge will be applied; - The rental agreement must be signed prior to check-in. Failure to do so will result in the impossibility to enter the apartment; EXTRA PAYMENT In order to complete the booking the following payments must be completed through the platform, at least 2 weeks before the check-in date: - the deposit, that we will give you back at the end of your stay within 30 business days after the check-out date (in case you want to cancel the booking before the check-in, the deposit will be fully refunded, but the first month’s rent will not be refunded) - one-time initial and final cleaning fee (starting from €138) depending on the size of the flat: your flat will be clean and ready to be lived in and you don’t have to worry about it at the moment of leaving. For all apartments located in Rome, the cost of the city tax is required at check-in. This is equal to €3.50 per person for the first 10 days. Contact me if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer you!
2.150 €
Vista prodotto

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