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Fully flat seats system

Elenco delle migliori vendite fully flat seats system

Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione 8 altoparlanti, Abitacolo con "Ambient Light", Airbag anteriori laterali e a tendina (1ª e 2ª fila sedili), Airbag frontali "Dual Stage" (Lato passeggero disattivabile), Alette parasole, Alternatore ad "alta efficienza" + doppia batteria, Blocco differenziale posteriore, Calandra con cromature, Cappelliera copribagagli, Cappelliera posteriore, Center multifunction display, Cinture di sicurezza con limitatori di forza, Colonna sterzo collassabile, Controllo automatico abbaglianti (Automatic High Beam), DAB (Digital Audio Broadcast), Fari Xenon autolivellanti con lavafari, Fascia parasole nel parabrezza, Filtro aria abitacolo, Fully Flat Seats System (1ª e 2ª fila sedili), Illuminazione strumenti regolabile, Inserti Paraurti Silver, Interni in pelle + sedili elettrici, Luci diurne a LED, Maniglie e specchi esterni in tinta con luci di cortesia, MASC/MATC + EBAC (Engine Brake Assist Control), Mitsubishi Power Sound System (8 altoparlanti, 420W), Parabrezza con base sbrinabile, Parafanghi allargati, Paraurti e sottoparaurti in tinta, copriruota di scorta,griglia ant. con cromature, Parking Rear View Camera, Pedane laterali, Protezioni laterali e portaruota di scorta in tinta, Regolazione altezza cinture anteriori, Retrovisore lato guida asferico, Retrovisori esterni con luci di cortesia e frecce integrate, Retrovisori in tinta carrozzeria, Riscaldatore ad effetto immediato dopo l'avviamento, Sensori luci + sensori pioggia, Sistema audio 1 CD e scheda audio SD, Specchi esterni con frecce inegrate, Tetto apribile elettrico aut. e panor. + barre longitudinali sul tetto, TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitor System - Sensore pressione pneumatici), Trazione Super Select 4WD (SS4-II), Vernice standard, Vetri Privacy, Volante con comandi audio & cruise, leve cambio, transfer e freno a mano in pelle, ABS con EBD, Radio/CD con MP3 + porta USB, Bluetooth con comandi al volante più controllo vocale, Bracciolo ant. scorrevole con doppio portaoggetti, Cambio automatico "Ivecs II" con Sport Mode, 5 cerchi in lega 18"x 7.5JJ (9 razze) con pneum. 265/60 R18, Chiusura centralizzata con doppio telecomando, Climatizzatore automatico con filtro aria abitacolo, Fendinebbia, Filtro antiparticolato DPF, Immobilizer, MMCS con Navigatore integrato, Pretensionatore cinture anteriori, Specchi esterni elettrici e riscaldabili (lato guida asferico), Retrovisori ripiegabili elettricamente, Sedile guida regolabile in altezza, Sedile posteriore abbattibile 60/40 con schienale reg. e ISOFIX, Servosterzo, Alzacristalli elettrici con dispositivo sicurezza, Volante regolabile
32.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione Vuoi maggiori informazioni su questa vettura? Chiamaci ora: MOSTRA NUMERO Consulenti sempre disponibili per te, anche in pausa pranzo! Scopri di più sul nostro sito www.autotorino.it ID VEICOLO AUTOTORINO: U 575844   * Prezzo promozionale abbinato all'iniziativa Mobility Autotorino che ti permette di accedere all'acquisto di quest'auto con un extra sconto di euro 2500 rispetto al prezzo di listino che troverai in salone di euro 38900. Offerta valida dal 01/07/2022 al 31/07/2022.   TUA CON L’INNOVATIVA FORMULA SODDISFATTI O RIMBORSATI! Hai 15 giorni per provare l’auto. Non sei soddisfatto? Puoi restituirla e ti rimborsiamo l'intero importo pagato. Scopri l’informativa completa su www.autotorino.it/soddisfatto-o-rimborsato La Pajero è un'automobile veramente eccezionale. Nel senso più letterale del termine inteso, appunto, come al di fuori della norma. Sì, perché si potrà dire tutto di questa Pajero, ma non che sia un'auto comune; per le dimensioni, innanzittutto, ma soprattutto per le prestazioni che promette di fare in fuoristrada. Dentro al cofano c'è un poderoso 3.2 turbodiesel da 190 cavalli ma, soprattutto, con una notevole coppia motrice. Qualche vibrazione arriva fin nell'abitacolo e il rumore non sarà di certo nobile, ma la risposta è davvero pronta e la verve più che sufficiente per muovere con una discreta agilità i quasi cinque metri di questa mega Suv; infatti da la sensazione di essere inarrestabile e di poter spingere la Pajero su qualsiasi tipo di terreno.    La vettura è completa nella dotazione optional di: Climatizzatore automatico, Climatizzatore automatico, Illuminazione abitacolo, Sedili anteriori elettrici, Sedili anteriori riscaldabili, Volante in pelle, Bracciolo anteriore, Bracciolo posteriore, Tappetini, Sedili abbattibili, Badge - Ricamo interno, Ombrello «alluminium big size» 100th Anniversary, «Fully flat seats system» (prima e seconda fila sedili), Parafanghi allargati, Protezioni laterali, Battitacco, Pedali in alluminio, Leva cambio, transfer e freno a mano in pelle, Cappelliera posteriore copri bagagli, Orologio Locman Montecristo automatico personalizzato Pajero, Trazione integrale, Alette parasole, Antifurto Immobilizer, Chiusura centralizzata, Display multifunzione, Radio digitale DAB, Cambio automatico, Cerchi in lega da 18, Bluetooth con comandi al volante, Connessione iOS - Android, Alternatore, Fari autoadattivi allo Xenon, Fendinebbia, Fari automatici, Airbag frontali, Airbag a tendina, Controllo della stabilità e della trazione, Regolatore di velocità - Cruise Control, Blocco differenziale, Indicatore pressione pneumatici IL VEICOLO È COPERTO DALLA GARANZIA AUTOTORINO PARI A 12 MESI
36.400 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione Vernice metallizzata, Abitacolo con 'Ambient Light', Airbag anteriori laterali e a tendina (1ª e 2ª fila sedili), Airbag frontali 'Dual Stage' (Lato passeggero disattivabile), Alette parasole, Alternatore ad 'alta efficienza' + doppia batteria, Blocco differenziale posteriore, Cappelliera copribagagli, Center multifunction display, Cinture di sicurezza con limitatori di forza, Colonna sterzo collassabile, Fari Xenon autolivellanti con lavafari, Fascia parasole nel parabrezza, Filtro aria abitacolo, Fully Flat Seats System (1ª e 2ª fila sedili), Illuminazione strumenti regolabile, Interni in pelle + sedili elettrici, Maniglie e specchi esterni in tinta con luci di cortesia, MASC/MATC + EBAC (Engine Brake Assist Control), Parabrezza con base sbrinabile, Parafanghi allargati, Paraurti e sottoparaurti in tinta, slitte sotto-paraurti Silver e calandra con cromature, Parking Rear View Camera, Pedane laterali + Fendinebbia + Vetri privacy, Protezioni laterali e portaruota di scorta in tinta, Regolazione altezza cinture anteriori, Retrovisore lato guida asferico, Retrovisori esterni con luci di cortesia e frecce integrate, Retrovisori in tinta carrozzeria, Riscaldatore ad effetto immediato dopo l'avviamento, Sedile 3ª fila ripiegabile nel pavimento, Sensori luci + sensori pioggia, Sistema audio 1 CD e scheda audio SD, Specchi esterni con frecce inegrate, Tetto apribile elettrico aut. e panor. + barre longitudinali sul tetto, Trasmissione 'Super Select' 4WD, Volante con comandi audio & cruise, leve cambio, transfer e freno a mano in pelle, ABS con EBD, Premium audio Rockford Acoustic Design (12 altoparlanti, 860W), Bluetooth con comandi al volante e controllo vocale + porta USB, Bracciolo ant. scorrevole con doppio portaoggetti, Cambio automatico 'Ivecs II' con Sport Mode, 5 cerchi in lega 18'x 7.5JJ (9 razze) con pneum. 265/60 R18, Chiusura centralizzata con doppio telecomando, Climatizzatore automatico con filtro aria abitacolo, Filtro antiparticolato DPF, Immobilizer, MMCS con Navigatore integrato, Pretensionatore cinture anteriori, Specchi esterni elettrici e riscaldabili (lato guida asferico), Retrovisori ripiegabili elettricamente, Sedile guida regolabile in altezza, Sedile posteriore abbattibile 60/40 con schienale reg. e ISOFIX, Servosterzo, Alzacristalli elettrici con dispositivo sicurezza, Volante regolabile
24.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Vernice metallizzata, Abitacolo con 'Ambient Light', Airbag anteriori laterali e a tendina (1ª e 2ª fila sedili), Airbag frontali 'Dual Stage' (Lato passeggero disattivabile), Alette parasole, Alternatore ad 'alta efficienza' + doppia batteria, Blocco differenziale posteriore, Cappelliera copribagagli, Center multifunction display, Cinture di sicurezza con limitatori di forza, Colonna sterzo collassabile, Fari Xenon autolivellanti con lavafari, Fascia parasole nel parabrezza, Filtro aria abitacolo, Fully Flat Seats System (1ª e 2ª fila sedili), Illuminazione strumenti regolabile, Interni in pelle + sedili elettrici, Maniglie e specchi esterni in tinta con luci di cortesia, MASC/MATC + EBAC (Engine Brake Assist Control), Parabrezza con base sbrinabile, Parafanghi allargati, Paraurti e sottoparaurti in tinta, slitte sotto-paraurti Silver e calandra con cromature, Parking Rear View Camera, Pedane laterali + Fendinebbia + Vetri privacy, Protezioni laterali e portaruota di scorta in tinta, Regolazione altezza cinture anteriori, Retrovisore lato guida asferico, Retrovisori esterni con luci di cortesia e frecce integrate, Retrovisori in tinta carrozzeria, Riscaldatore ad effetto immediato dopo l'avviamento, Sedile 3ª fila ripiegabile nel pavimento, Sensori luci + sensori pioggia, Sistema audio 1 CD e scheda audio SD, Specchi esterni con frecce inegrate, Tetto apribile elettrico aut. e panor. + barre longitudinali sul tetto, Trasmissione 'Super Select' 4WD, Volante con comandi audio & cruise, leve cambio, transfer e freno a mano in pelle, ABS con EBD, Premium audio Rockford Acoustic Design (12 altoparlanti, 860W), Bluetooth con comandi al volante e controllo vocale + porta USB, Bracciolo ant. scorrevole con doppio portaoggetti, Cambio automatico 'Ivecs II' con Sport Mode, 5 cerchi in lega 18'x 7.5JJ (9 razze) con pneum. 265/60 R18, Chiusura centralizzata con doppio telecomando, Climatizzatore automatico con filtro aria abitacolo, Filtro antiparticolato DPF, Immobilizer, MMCS con Navigatore integrato, Pretensionatore cinture anteriori, Specchi esterni elettrici e riscaldabili (lato guida asferico), Retrovisori ripiegabili elettricamente, Sedile guida regolabile in altezza, Sedile posteriore abbattibile 60/40 con schienale reg. e ISOFIX, Servosterzo, Alzacristalli elettrici con dispositivo sicurezza, Volante regolabile
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Equipaggiamenti di serie: - 7 posti - Airbag - Airbag frontali - Alette parasole - Alternatore - Altoparlanti 6 - Alzacristalli elettrici - Antifurto immobilizer - Assistente alla frenata - Badge - ricamo interno - Badge esterno identificativo - Barre sul tetto - Battitacco - Blocco differenziale posteriore - Bluetooth con comandi al volante - Bracciolo anteriore - Bracciolo posteriore - Cambio automatico - Cappelliera posteriore copri bagagli - Cerchi in lega da 18 - Chiusura centralizzata - Climatizzatore - Climatizzatore automatico - Connessione iOS - Android - Controllo della stabilità e della trazione - Display multifunzione - Fari autoadattivi allo Xenon - Fari automatici - Fendinebbia - Fissaggi isofix - Illuminazione abitacolo - Indicatore pressione pneumatici - Interni in pelle - Leva cambio, transfer e freno a mano in pelle - Ombrello «alluminium big size» 100th Anniversary - Orologio Locman Montecristo automatico personalizzato Pajero - Pacchetto - Parabrezza antiriflesso - Parafanghi allargati - Pedali in alluminio - Pedane laterali - Personalizzazione colori esterni - Pneumatici - Protezioni laterali - Radio digitale DAB - Regolatore di velocità - cruise control - Retrovisore interno anabbagliante - Rockford Acoustic Design - Sedili abbattibili - Sedili anteriori elettrici - Sedili anteriori riscaldabili - Sensore pioggia - Sensori parcheggio posteriori - Sistema di frenata anti collisione - Specchietti retrovisori elettrici - riscaldabili - Tappetini - Telecamera posteriore - Tetto apribile panoramico - Trazione integrale - Vernice metallizzata nera «total black style» - Vetri scuri - Volante in pelle - «Fully flat seats system» [Cod: 1065319-2100]
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Immatricolazione: 28.05.2020, UFFICIALE PORSCHE. Km: 26.500. Colore esterno: Blu Genziana met. Colore interno: Pelle totale nera con cuciture a contrasto Colore capote: Nera PARAGONABILE AL NUOVO MAI SINISTRATA BOLLO E SUPERBOLLO 2025 GARANZIA PORSCHE APPROVED Accessori: - Specchi reclinabili elettricamente - Scarico sportivo PSE con terminali argento - Servosterzo plus - Serbatoio 90 litri - Copri mozzo con logo colorato - Cerchi 20-21? Carrera S - Pacchetto Light Design - Sedili Sportivi completamente elettrici a 14 vie - Sedili riscaldabili - Volante Sportivo GT - Volente riscaldabile - BOSE Surround Sound System - Radio digitale DAB - Fari Full LED con PDLS - Specchi autoanabbaglianti con sensore pioggia - Parabrezza con fascia scura - Park Assistant con telecamere 360° - Assistente cambio corsia - HomeLink - Pacchetto pelle totale con cuciture a contrasto Registration: 28.05.2020, OFFICIAL PORSCHE. Km: 26.500 Exterior color: Gentian blue met. Interior color: Fully leather black Soft top color: Black BRAND NEW CONDITIONS ACCIDENT FREE PORSCHE APPROVED WARRANTY Options: - Electrically folding mirrors - PSE sport exhaust with silver ends - Servotronic plus - 90 L fuel tank - Cover cap wheel with colored logo - 20-21b'"' wheels Carrera S - Light Design pack - Sport seats electrically adjustable 14 ways - Heated seats - Sport GT steering wheel - Heated steering wheel - BOSE Surround Sound System - DAB digital radio - Full LED with PDLS - Automatic mirrors with rain sensor - Windscreen tinted upper part - Park Assistant with 360° camera - Lane keep assist - HomeLink - Fully leather equipment www.gfautomobili.com - [email protected] - EFFETTUIAMO FINAZIAMENTI E LEASING PERSONALIZZATI - VALUTIAMO PERMUTE ED ACQUISTO DI AUTO MODERNE, CLASSICHE E DA COMPETIZIONE CHILOMETRI CERTIFICATI CON SERVICE BOOK VERIFICABILE PRESSO CONCESSIONARIA UFFICIALE POSSIBILE CONSEGNA A DOMICILIO GUARANTEED MILEAGE AND SERIVE BOOK ACCIDENT FREE - VISIBLE TO THE DEALER ALL CARS HAVE THE DOCUMENTS FOR EXPORT HOME DELIVERY POSSIBLE GARANTIERTE LAUFLEISTUNG UND SERVICE BOOK UNFALLFREI - SICHTBAR FUR DIE HANDLER ALLE AUTOS HABEN DEN EXPORT DOKUMENTE HOME DELIVERY MÖGLICHE KILOMETRAGE GARANTI ET CARNET D'ENTRETIEN SANS ACCIDENT VISIBLE CHEZ LE GARAGE LES VOITURES ONT DES DOCUMENTS D'EXPORTATION LIVRAISON À DOMICILE POSSIBLE G.F. AUTOMOBILI Srl declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali imprecisioni nella descrizione che non rappresenta un impegno contrattuale, al fine di poter dare il massimo servizio per ogni auto proposta è consigliato il contatto telefonico o email per verificare i dati, gli accessori e la disponibilità a magazzino della vettura.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
A beautiful Hanse 460 with a 5 cabin layout and a long list of options, including Airconditioning. This yacht is fully equipped for charter including Airconditioning and available for handover. Meet the new Hanse 460 - the latest chapter in the Hanse success story. She is the first Hanse yacht designed by the French yacht designers Berret-Racoupeau. This modern beauty combines maximum innovation and traditional Hanse values, such as fast cruising and easy sailing concept- all with a consistently modern sporty look. The result is a yacht that provides adrenaline for skippers and an individual stylish home at sea for families. Some of the innovations included in this radically redefined yacht are the super hydrodynamic hull shape, tall rig for the maximised sail plan and standard bowsprit with integrated anchor arm. This new Hanse 460 offers from eight to ten berths, 4 heads and a navigation table. With the new Hanse 460 – the journey is the destination. Price comment: Fully equipped and ready for charter. The listed price is valid if the yacht stays in our Hanse Yachting World charter management program, otherwise a 6% surcharge applies. List of options and packages added to the standard equipment: Engine: Yanmar 4JH57, saildrive,fixed prop. LAYOUT b'&' INTERIOR5 cabins, 3 heads layoutA3: 2 fwd cabins with double berth, storage space and separate headsB3: Saloon with full functional L-galley on stb and dining area with bar on port C4: Head with separate shower stall and dayhead door on port and cabin with double bunkbed on stb WOOD (FURNITURE, FLOORBOARD)Furniture - Canadian ChestnutFloorboard - Noce Nero UPHOLSTERY, CARPETS b'&' CURTAINSUpholstery - Sorrento (Stone) Bb'&'G Navigation Package2 instrument pods (1 per helm station)2 Bb'&'G Triton² multifunction displays, 1 per helm station, incl. transducer (wind/depth/speed/temperature)Bb'&'G VHF V60 at chart table, incl. wireless remote handset H60 Bb'&'G Zeus³S 9/" chart plotter at helm station, stbBb'&'G Autopilot with Triton² control unit with WR10 remote control and Precision 9 compassWireless charging at helm station (waterproof)VHF preparation with antenna and splitter for FM and AIS Cruising PackageTeak on cockpit bottomTeak on cockpit benchesTeak on bathing platformHelmsman footrests (free mountable)2 additional cleats, midship (1 each side)Anchor windlass, electrical, 1000 W, automatic fuse, remote controlDelta-anchor 20 kg, galvanized with 60 m galvanized chainCockpit portlight, aft cabinsBattery set, capacity: 1x 90 Ah + 2x 160 Ah AGMDeep charge protection for service batteriesShower unit in cockpit, warm-/coldwaterWater akku for pressure equalizationWind indicatorFlagpole6 fenders4 mooring linesAdd. winch handleMast stepsHanse maintenance kit Comfort PackageCourtesy lights in cockpitCourtesy lights at companionway2 vents for coach roof hatchesCourtesy lights in saloonIndirect lights in saloon and cabinsLED overhead lights in saloon and cabins, dimmableSLS - Scenario light system - touch screen controller and dimmer in saloon and fwd cabinCockpit cushions (colour selection)Blind set with flyscreens for deck hatchesBlinds for hull windowsBlinds for side coach roof windows DECK b'&' OUTSIDE EQUIPMENTTeak on helmsman seats (only with XC9060)Cockpit table with teak top, electrically lowerable into sunbed incl. upholstery and cockpit bench extention, on stbCockpit table with teak top, electrically lowerable into sunbed incl. upholstery, on ps2 LEWMAR 45 ST EVO manual secondary winches2 helmsman seats, foldable Composite bowsprit with integrated anchor and forestay fitting with double mooring roll incl. 2nd forestay and gennaker eye NAVIGATION b'&' INSTRUMENTSMyHanse Safety Cloud hardware with 30 days free trial subscription and an interior light, switchable by APP PROPULSIONBowthruster, 24 V, retractable, incl. battery EQUIPMENTAir conditioning, 28.000 BTU, 3 units: saloon, fwd cabin, aft cabin, incl. 2nd shore power Additional components: Airconditioning 28.000 BTUBimini top, stainlees steel frameSprayhood, stainless steel frame, 3 windowsInverter (12V-220) 350 WUpgraded charger 75 A b'&' battery pack Radio CD (MP3/USB) player with saloon and cockpit speakersCharter equipment (deck, safety, navigational, galley, bedlinen…)Charter make-ready pack
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Hallberg-Rassy 36 MKII is well respected and proven blue water cruiser with good performance and sea kindly motion. Hussar IV is in excellent condition with impressive upgrades and maintenance during 2023 b'&' 2024. All ships papers present and correct including VAT Paid Cert and Builder Cert. Rare to market in this condition. Blink....! and you might just miss this one. MINT! Hull HIN: SE-HRM36-358A797 Boat Category: A – Ocean Max persons: 9 Fin Keel Antifouled with Hempel Tiger Extra (True Blue) - March 2024 Engine VOLVO PENTA MD22, 4-cylinder diesel engine 57 HP Professional service – March 2024 Full professional service inc. water pump b'&' timing belts, idler bearing, tensioner, stop solenoid replaced - March 2023 Freshwater cooled Volvo shaft seal replaced - November 2022 Classic 17 inch 3-blade MAXPROP feathering propeller with Rope cutter Prop was reconditioned by Darglow Engineering Ltd - October 2023 Engine lifted and fitted with new engine mounts and bolts – March 2024 Cutlass bearing b'&' housing replaced – March 2024 Prop shaft removed and inspected by fabricator – March 2024 Cutlass bearing replacement – March 2024 Engine realignment – March 2024 Part of exhaust hose replaced – March 2024 Volvo raw water strainer seal and hose tails new – March 2024 2 x Stainless steel fuel tanks – Removed and cleaned 2022 Total capacity 345 litres Electrics1 x 12v 75Ah battery for engine start. 2 x 12v 150Ah Lithium Sterling batteries for domestic use on board – New 2023 The Lithium batteries are located under the berth in the aft cabin Charging by 2 x Solbian SR 124 (120 watt each) solar panels mounted on stern to davits – New 2024 Balmar 100A engine driven alternator, MC-618-H Regulator, MC-TS-A b'&' MC-TS-B temp sensor, Victron IP43 12/50 3 output Phoenix Smart charger – New 2024 2 x 120 watt (each) Solbian solar panels with Victron MPPT 100/30 Smart Solar Charge Controller – New 2023 Aft cabin plug also has a Victron Phoenix 12/500 inverter for use while on anchor – New 2023 Full 230v shore power system with earth leakage device, ring main, immersion heater 220v sockets in interior accommodation via ring main12v sockets in cockpit and interior accommodationElectrical switch panel located at the chart table. Fuel and water gauges, voltmeter. 12v sockets at the chart table, forward cabin and in the cockpit along with USB outletsFull 230v shore power system with earth leakage device, ring main, immersion heater Rigging Mast, boom and running rigging from SELDEN.Standing rigging - Replaced 2016Double spreader sloop rig Backstay tensionerAluminium rigging screw protectionSELDEN Furlex 300 S jib furling and reefing system Spinnaker pole on track with blocks for stowing pole on mastSpinnaker halyard replaced - New 2024 Steaming light and deck floodlightThe mast is stepped on deck over reinforced bulkhead Selden bowsprit (removable) Sail Suite Fully battened mainsail radial cut from NORTH SAILS with FREDERIKSEN cars - Cleaned b'&' serviced 2022Furling NORTH SAILS radial cut genoa - cleaned and serviced 2022Selden top down furler kit with GENNEKER from NORTH SAILSCruising chute with snuffer Mainsail and Genoa sheets - New 2023 Canvas Bespoke cockpit royal blue Bimini with stainless steel frame - New 2024 Stack pack in royal blue - New 2019Sprayhood in royal blue - New 2019 Electronic Navigations Suite Raymarine Evaluation Autopilot Kit: EV-200 Sail, with p70s Auto Control Head, ACU-200 b'&' EV1 Sensor Core with new Sea TalkNG cabling kit. – New 2023 Scanstrut Scanpod panel at helm – New 2023 Raymarine p70s Auto pilot control head – New 2023 Raymarine i70 Multifunctional display – New 2023 Icom VHF radio command mic – New 2023 Standard Horizon HX890E DSC Handheld radio – New 2022 Autopilot comes with Raymarine Smart Remote Controller b'&' base station – New 2023 Raymarine Axiom Pro 12 Hybrid Touch 12 inch display with sonar – New 2023 3 x Raymarine i70s multifunction displays mounted over the companionway – New 2023 Teltonika 5G router with QuSpot RUTX50 for longer range of 5G connectivity while out at sea – New 2024 (SIM card not included) Icom IC-M423GE Fixed DSC VHF radio with built-in GPS. Comes with Command mic that is mounted on the Scanstrut at the helm position – New 2023 Raymarine i70s multifunction display fitted above chart table – New 2023 New Raymarine Sea TalkNG cabling/backbone/connectors fitted throughout Fusion MS-RA210 Marine Stereo with 2 speakers in galley and 2 speakers in cockpit – New 2023 2kw Digital Raydome radar scanner mounted on mast AIS Transceiver Suunto steering compass on pedestal Nav6 Navtex Ocean Signal RescueMe EPIRB1 – New 2023Radar reflector Navigation Lights On DeckUltra 21 Stainless Steel Anchor with Ultra Marine Flip Swivel – New 2023 40M – Lofrans Grade 40 DIN766 chain with 30M of LIROS 16MM Octoplait Polyester Spliced to chain equaling 70M total – New 2024 Lofrans Electric anchor windlass winch with wired on deck remote control Mar Tek 370 Stainless Steel Davitt System with dinghy lifting lines b'&' hooks – New 2023 Side decks, bathing platform and cockpit seats in solid teak laid in rubberToe rail, hand rails and all other woodwork on deck in solid teak.Teak pushpit seats and outboard bracket.Stemhead fitting with twin anchor rollers.Protective brass strips to entry gates and mooring cleats.Sheet winches LEWMAR 48 CST self-tailing.Jammer on toe-rail for furling lineNew Cockpit cushions – New 2023Cockpit table – Refurbished 2023 Accommodation Upholstery and curtains - New 2024 Mattress toppers - New 2024 Pressurised freshwater system to heads and galley Insulated calorifier with 230v immersion heaterWEBASTO Airtop 3500 diesel heater, thermostatically controlled Air outlets in forward cabin, saloon and aft cabin LED lighting throughout 2 x stainless steel water tanks Total capacity 355 litres Galley to starboard Twin stainless steel sink with pressurised hot and cold water Large top loading fridge Refrigeration unit serviced and pressure checked in - December 2022 Eno Gascogne Allure 3 Burner Hob b'&' Oven – New 2023 Ample stowage Navigation Station to port Large forward facing navigation table Navigator seat Desk light Desk tidy Saloon Saloon seating to port and starboard. Double as 2 single berths Large bi-fold teak table Ample stowage Hatch to foredeck Fore Cabin V-Berth with infill Hatch to foredeck Ample stowage Heads to starboard Jabsco Marine toilet 40L toilet sewage tank fitted with tank pump out fitting on deck – New 2023 Sink with pressurised hot and cold water Shower Flojet shower pump - New 2023 Vanity unit with stowage Hanging Locker to port Owners Cabin Large aft cabin with double berth Light and airy 2 x Hanging lockers at entrance
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Boat location: Wanssum / The Netherlands This VAT paid  April 2000 delivered Riva 70 Dolce Vita comes fully packed with exceptional options for an even more exceptional price and in good condition. Many upgrades after purchase by her second owner. This just is a spectacular yacht and most likely the only example sailing the Dutch waters. Due to her location she benefits of having rare extra’s as a completely new (2020) Kabola HR central water heating system that has been seamless integrated with her full air-conditioning system. Furthermore a large Victron Quattro 24/5000/120 inverter/charger combination with digital remote control. This last option enables you to limit the shore power to any desired value. Once you have foot on deck you instantly sense the quality and feeling only a brand like Riva can produce. Her saloon provides ample space and light throughout, a very comfy dinette is placed on starboard opposite of the luxurious helm position with teak flooring preventing dirt entering when coming from deck trough her huge side-door. Behind you find the large saloon with crème leather upholstery and a on starboard side placed cabinet packed with storage, tv, bose sound system etc. A large cabinet with the original Riva cutlery and crockery is found directly near the corridor that leads to her full beam super huge galley. The accommodation on board is a typical 6 plus crew layout in a king size double and super-sized double twin with en suite facilities.   Deck: Twin large electric stern winches are covered by a full teak cover that also can be used as stern side seats. A 350kg Besenzoni hydraulic crane is found under an electric operated lid that also houses the electric powered cable drum for the Riva’s shore power cable and little storage for cleaning items. Furthermore you find a hydraulic Besenzoni gangway in a cassette that slides nearly invisible below deck. Solid teak decks, original Riva wooden table and foldable super sturdy polished Riva chairs can convert her cockpit to a dining for eight. Under the starboard cockpit seat is the entrance to a very fancy crew cabin with twin beds, a large shower, sink and own head. In 2020 a new Waeco fridge has been installed for the comfort of her permanent crew.   Owners cabin: The owners cabin has been refitted with new alcantara headliners just weeks ago and for her king size bed a special mattress was produced. Beautiful lighted lockers are found throughout the master and a very comfortable make up table is integrated. En suite a very large head with all facilities as shower compartment, wash basin, toilet and bidet are found with the last two beautiful hidden under a grp Riva design lid. Corridor: In between Master and guest cabin the central connecting corridor is placed and also functions as super large storage for appliances as for example a vacuum cleaner and other householding items.   Guest cabins: On both port and starboard there are two ample sized guest cabins, both with own en-suite heads and identical facilities as the Dolce Vita’s Master head. Optionally the guest cabin twin berth layout can be changed to a double or even two double guest cabins. Helm position: On starboard a very well equipped helm station gives you full control of this beautiful Riva, a very nice feature is the remote control that enables full control from wherever you are. Quad digital interfaces powers the MAN engines as well as bow and stern thrusters. Although the navigation systems are a little outdated the systems work fine and give you all information you need. Imagine this Riva 70 with all new black flush mounted touch screen panels…   Galley:   The enormous fully airconditioned and full beam galley is found on the Riva’s full beam and the entrance is located on her starboard side with only 4 steps down. Very large L-shaped Avonite® worktop with double integrated stainless steel sinks with hot/cold mixer tap and a separate salt water sink and salt water tap. Bosch 4 zone ceramic HOB Bosch full size dishwasher Bosch extractor fan Bosch full size oven Bosch 5kg washing machine Bosch dryer Bosch R-Class refridgerator American supersize with left opening door Bosch R-Class refridgerator American supersize with right opening door Bosch R-Class 3-zone freezer American supersize with left opening door Bosch R-Class 3-zone freezer American supersize with right opening door Candy microwave Literally tons and tons of storage lockers and drawers. If you can’t make it in this galley, you just can’t cook…!   Fly bridge: The fly bridge comes with identical instruments as the lower helm position and is furthermore equipped with a wet-bar with sink, fridge and grill. It also accommodates a large L-shaped settee and sun chairs on the back of her fly. A complete set of covers as well as a Bimini comes with the yacht. Forget about the exterior staircase as you find far more comfortable stairs to the fly from inside.   Engine room: The true masterpiece is found below deck, her engine room! Once you enter from her electric operated entrance you will notice that time stood still. After 20 years it is still as it was delivered by Riva. It was just kept very well and very tidy. All is original except for the 2020 Kabola central heating and the new superheavy Victron Quattro 24/5000/120 inverter/charger.   This Riva 70 Dolce Vita is ready to go anywhere!
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Monfalcone (Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Briand at his best, with CNB's know-how and, the CNB 66 provides plenty of space, excellent voyaging capabilities and first class elegance, all within a manageable 20 metres. She is an ideal vessel for couples and families alike, and already as popular in the big yacht charter market as she is in the elite of performance cruiser regattas. The hull is designed for speed, making for quick passages, whilst the vertical stem, aft chine and good weight distribution makes the 66 easy to manoeuvre and a joy to helm. Down below, Jean-Marc Paiton has once again created a bright and airy space that is not only luxurious, but superbly practical too. The 270 degree panoramic windows and in hull glazing reveal incredible vistas over the ocean and a magical brightness throughout this spacious interior Inventory DECK GEAR HATCHES, PORTLIGHTS, WINDOWS Eight (8) opening flush tinted acrylic deck hatches in the foredeck Two (2) opening flush tinted acrylic deck hatches in the coach roof Two (2) opening hatches in the cockpit Two (2) opening portlights for the galley Eight (8) fixed portlights 700 mm x 250 mm Two (2) fixed portlights 900 mm x 250 mm Eleven (11) linear meters of windows in pilothouse Teak covered deck hatches for windlass access and lazarette access x 2 SAILING HARDWARE Primary winches - Harken ST 70 Performa Secondary winches - Harken ST 60 Performa Mainsheet winch - Harken ST 60 Performa Halyard/Reef line winches - Harken ST 60 Performa Option to upgrade all winches to Electric Navtec multi-function hydraulic panel Hydraulic boom vang, backstay cylinders, transom hatch TWIN HELM STATIONS Composite steering wheels laquered in black (options for carbon & teak or all carbon wheels) Composite pod with compass CANVAS Sprayhood at companionway TRANSOM Large hatch door opens for access to the tender garage and to create an expansive swim platform (2,90 x 1,30 meters), integrated foldable stairs for cockpit access, detachable swim ladder and access to 3.2m tender storage Gangway hatch to port (hydraulicly deployed gangway or carbon fibre folding gangway are Optional) Engine exhaust and shorepower connection behind louvers to starboard The tender garage is a waterproof monocoque constructed box with no penetrations. So there is no chance of water from the garage entering the boat. ANCHOR 40 kg CQR anchor with 100 meters of 12mm galvanized chain Anchor roller integrated in fixed bowsprit Windlass control in sail locker GALLEY APPLIANCES Miele induction cooking hob Miele Oven/Microwave combined Vitrifrigo 157 liter refrigerator and 75 liter freezer Stainless steel sink w/ tap Bridge LOA: 20,61 m 67.61 ft Hull Length 19,86 m 62.20 ft Length w/ bowsprit 21,36 m 70.07 ft LWL 18,45 m 60.53 ft Max Beam 5,51 m 18.07 ft Draft (standard keel) 2,95 m 9.67 ft Displacement (Light) 31,100 kg 68,500 lb Ballast (standard keel) 9,350 kg 20,600 lb Fresh Water 1,000 liters 132 gallons Fuel 1,200 liters 158 gallons The low profile pilothouse, off center companionway, large cockpit with twin wheels, twin rudders, plumb stem, and powerful hull with chine all reflect the Phillipe Briand and CNB heritage. Built with the exacting process and tolerances of CNB's world class standards the 66 is configured for owners who do not want to sail with professional crew. The CNB 66 is a semi-custom build with a multitude of options available to allow you to configure the boat so it best suits you and your family. The yacht features flush teak decks, only one 12 cm step from the cockpit to the weather decks, gel coat finish topsides and house, flush deck hatches, large hull portlights, large sail locker that can be converted to a crew cabin. Keel Options Standard Option 1 Cast Iron "L" shaped Lead Bulb and steel fin "T" shaped Draft - 2.95 m Draft - 2.40 m Ballast - 9,35 tons Ballast - 9,80 tons Option 2 Option 3 Lead Bulb and steel fin "T" shaped Lead Bulb and cast iron fin "T" shaped Draft - 2.95 m Draft - 3.50 m Ballast - 7,9 tons Ballast - 7,1 tons Machinery MAIN ENGINE Volvo Penta D4-180hp @ 2800 rpm 4 blade 635 mm diameter feathering bronze propeller F16PH 50 mm stainless steel shaft Hydrolube non-metallic cutlass bearings (x2) Engine controls at Starboard Helm Bow thruster in tunnel ELECTRICAL Service Battery Bank 420 A/h 24V Gel batteries Start Batteries 12v x2 one for engine one for generator Battery Charger Victron 24V - 100 A/h Inverter Victron 3000 Watt Generator - Cummins 13.5 kW TANK CAPACITY Water 1000 liters in two tanks Fuel 1200 liters in two tanks Rig STANDARD OPTION: Aluminum mast and boom by Sparcraft, Dyform stainless standing rigging, aluminum spreaders Manual headsail furler Self tacking jib track Harken 26mm switch Battcar system RIG DIMENSIONS: I - 25.00 m J - 7.67 m P - 24.13 m E - 7.80 m LP - 110% 8.30 m SAIL AREA: Mainsail - 112 m² Blade Jib - 103 m² Asymetrical Spinnaker - 330 m² Code 5 Spinnaker - 250 m² Code - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - ² Upwind Sail Area - 215 m² Downwind Sail Area - 440 m² CARBON SPARS OPTION (Performance option) Hall Spars - Standard Modulus Carbon spar and spreaders with clear coat finish Nitronic rod rigging Harken 26mm switch Battcar system V boom with hydraulic outhaul RIG DIMENSIONS: I - 26.15 m J - 7.67 m P - 25.65 m E - 8.00 m LP - 110% 8.30 m SAIL AREA: Mainsail - 120 m² Blade Jib - 107 m² Asymetrical Spinnaker - 355 m² Code 5 Spinnaker - 270 m² Code - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - ² Upwind Sail Area - 227 m² Downwind Sail Area - 475 m² MAINSAIL HANDLING OPTIONS Slab reefing with Harken switch car system In-Mast hydraulic furler with hydraulic outhaul In-boom furling with Hall Carbon V-boom HEADSAIL FURLING OPTIONS Electric headsail furler Staysail rigged on fix stay with running backstays with either a manual or electric furler Accommodation The CNB 66 is a semi-custom yacht and it is here in the interior where you can build a boat best suited to you and your family. Choose from three interior finishes Would you like to turn one cabin into an office? You can. Would like to change one of the four bathrooms into a walk-in wardrobe? You can. Would you like to convert the large port cabin in a game room for the kids? You can. CNB and Ancasta look forward to working with you to create the right boat for you. STANDARD LAYOUT 4 cabin, 4 heads, Owner's cabin forward, galley aft, fixed port lights in all cabins with two meter headroom throughout. The stylish, contemporary interior is finished in "Levanter Ambience" - walnut wood with an open pore finish, light oak floorboards, white overhead and ceiling panels. Saloon cushions in Trojan water repellent fabric ARRANGEMENT Full width Owner's Cabin forward with double berth off centerline to port, to starboard settee and desk with large hanging locker on aft bulkhead. Forward of the cabin is a full width head with separate shower stall, toilet, vanity, mirror and lockers. Aft of the owner's cabin are two guest cabins. Port cabin features a double berth with the berth side cabinet inboard. There is a hanging locker inboard. Forward of the cabin is the ensuite head with shower, vanity, toilet and storage. The Starboard Guest cabin features upper and lower berths, with hanging locker inboard. Forward of the cabin is the ensuite head with shower, vanity, toilet and storage. The heart of the interior is the spacious, light filled, clean contemporary saloon. The panoramic views from the pilothouse windows combined with the large portlights in the hull ensure uninterrupted views of the anchorage. To port is an L shaped settee wrapping around two sides of the table that comfortably seats eight. Aft of the dining table is the bar & navigation area. To starboard is an innovative and comfortable modular settee when fully assembled creates an expansive sofa. Two of the modular "benches" within the settee can be slid across the saloon floor to become seats at the table. Aft of the saloon and down two steps is the modern galley to port, open to the saloon with access to the cockpit as well. The galley features Miele and Vitrifrigo appliances, double bowl stainless steel sink, Corian© counter tops, 12 cupboards and three drawers. To starboard is the fourth cabin with a double berth, hanging locker on the centerline and ensuite head with separate shower stall, vanity, lockers and toilet....Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione [Rif. 17538758] 06.2015, UFFICIALE PORSCHE NAZIONALE. 84.000 KM TAGLIANDATI E CERTIFICATI CON SERVICE BOOK E FATTURE. CONDIZIONI PARAGONABILI AL NUOVO PRIMA VERNICE - MAI SINISTRATA 111 CONTROLLI PORSCHE APPROVED BOLLO E SUPER BOLLO PAGATI FINO A MAGGIO 2023 Colore esterno: Nero (A1)  Colore interno: Bi-color nero - beige luxor con cuciture a contrasto Manutenzioni: - 06.2017 - 30.247 km Porsche Padova Est Verardini - 04.2019 - 59.965 km Porsche Padova Est Verardini - 04.2021 - 77.508 km Porsche Padova Est Verardini Accessori: - Fari full LED PDLS - Cambio PDK - Cerchi 20" Carrera Classic - Tempostat Cruise control - Pacchetto Light Design - Sensori parcheggio anteriori e posteriori - Telecamere di retromarcia - Scarichi sportivi modulabili PSE - Pacchetto Sport Chrono Plus - BOSE sound system - Servosterzo plus - Pelle totale Exclusive bi-color con cuciture a contrasto - Volante sport Design con paddles - Sedili sportivi a guscio - Guscio sedili sportivi in pelle - Fascia scura sul parabrezza - Sedili riscaldabili - Fondo strumenti alluminio - Fondo Cronometro nero - Sospensioni PASM con assetto - 10mm - Supporto motore dinamico PADM - PTV plus - Navigatore PCM - Interfaccia audio universale - Specchi automatici con sensore pioggia - Specchietti reclinabili elettricamente - Pacchetto Comfort - Distanziali 5 mm - Modanature alluminio - Rete portaoggetti lato passeggero 06.2015, OFFICIAL PORSCHE. 84.000 KM DOCUMENTED AND CHECKED WITH SERVICE AND INVOICES. BRAND NEW CONDITIONS FIRST PAINT - ACCIDENT FREE 111 TESTS PORSCHE APPROVED Exterior color: Black  Interior color: bicolor black - beige leather with contrast stitching  Maintenances: - 06.2017 - 30.247 km Porsche Padova Est Verardini - 04.2019 - 59.965 km Porsche Padova Est Verardini - 04.2021 - 77.508 km Porsche Padova Est Verardini Options: - Full LED headlight PDLS - PDK gearbox - 20" wheels Carrera Classic - Tempostat cruise control - Light Design pack - Park assistant - Rear camera - Sport exhaust PSE - Pack Sport Chrono Plus - BOSE sound system - Servotronic plus - Fully leather equipment bi-color  - Sport steering wheel with paddles - Sport Seats with backrest shell - Upper part windscreen darker - Backrest shell in leather - Heated seats - Alu colored instrument dial - Black colored chrono - PASM suspensions - 10mm - PADM dynamic engine supports - PTV Plus - Navigation PCM - Universal multimedia - streaming audio - Automatic dimmable mirrors - Electrically folding mirrors - Alu interior inserts - Comfort pack - Wheel spacers 5 mm www.gfautomobili.com - MANDA UNA MAIL - EFFETTUIAMO FINAZIAMENTI E LEASING PERSONALIZZATI - VALUTIAMO PERMUTE ED ACQUISTO DI AUTO MODERNE, CLASSICHE E DA COMPETIZIONE CHILOMETRI CERTIFICATI CON SERVICE BOOK VERIFICABILE PRESSO CONCESSIONARIA UFFICIALE POSSIBILE CONSEGNA A DOMICILIO GUARANTEED MILEAGE AND SERIVE BOOK ACCIDENT FREE - VISIBLE TO THE DEALER ALL CARS HAVE THE DOCUMENTS FOR EXPORT HOME DELIVERY POSSIBLE GARANTIERTE LAUFLEISTUNG UND SERVICE BOOK UNFALLFREI - SICHTBAR FUR DIE HANDLER ALLE AUTOS HABEN DEN EXPORT DOKUMENTE HOME DELIVERY MÖGLICHE KILOMETRAGE GARANTI ET CARNET D'ENTRETIEN SANS ACCIDENT VISIBLE CHEZ LE GARAGE LES VOITURES ONT DES DOCUMENTS D'EXPORTATION LIVRAISON À DOMICILE POSSIBLE G.F. AUTOMOBILI Srl declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali imprecisioni nella descrizione che non rappresenta un impegno contrattuale, al fine di poter dare il massimo servizio per ogni auto proposta è consigliato il contatto telefonico o email per verificare i dati, gli accessori e la disponibilità a magazzino della vettura.
114.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione [Rif. 17601955] 06.2015, UFFICIALE PORSCHE NAZIONALE. 84.000 KM TAGLIANDATI E CERTIFICATI CON SERVICE BOOK E FATTURE. CONDIZIONI PARAGONABILI AL NUOVO PRIMA VERNICE - MAI SINISTRATA 111 CONTROLLI PORSCHE APPROVED BOLLO E SUPER BOLLO PAGATI FINO A MAGGIO 2023 Colore esterno: Nero (A1)  Colore interno: Bi-color nero - beige luxor con cuciture a contrasto Manutenzioni: - 06.2017 - 30.247 km Porsche Padova Est Verardini - 04.2019 - 59.965 km Porsche Padova Est Verardini - 04.2021 - 77.508 km Porsche Padova Est Verardini Accessori: - Fari full LED PDLS - Cambio PDK - Cerchi 20" Carrera Classic - Tempostat Cruise control - Pacchetto Light Design - Sensori parcheggio anteriori e posteriori - Telecamere di retromarcia - Scarichi sportivi modulabili PSE - Pacchetto Sport Chrono Plus - BOSE sound system - Servosterzo plus - Pelle totale Exclusive bi-color con cuciture a contrasto - Volante sport Design con paddles - Sedili sportivi a guscio - Guscio sedili sportivi in pelle - Fascia scura sul parabrezza - Sedili riscaldabili - Fondo strumenti alluminio - Fondo Cronometro nero - Sospensioni PASM con assetto - 10mm - Supporto motore dinamico PADM - PTV plus - Navigatore PCM - Interfaccia audio universale - Specchi automatici con sensore pioggia - Specchietti reclinabili elettricamente - Pacchetto Comfort - Distanziali 5 mm - Modanature alluminio - Rete portaoggetti lato passeggero 06.2015, OFFICIAL PORSCHE. 84.000 KM DOCUMENTED AND CHECKED WITH SERVICE AND INVOICES. BRAND NEW CONDITIONS FIRST PAINT - ACCIDENT FREE 111 TESTS PORSCHE APPROVED Exterior color: Black   Interior color: bicolor black - beige leather with contrast stitching  Maintenances: - 06.2017 - 30.247 km Porsche Padova Est Verardini - 04.2019 - 59.965 km Porsche Padova Est Verardini - 04.2021 - 77.508 km Porsche Padova Est Verardini Options: - Full LED headlight PDLS - PDK gearbox - 20" wheels Carrera Classic - Tempostat cruise control - Light Design pack - Park assistant - Rear camera - Sport exhaust PSE - Pack Sport Chrono Plus - BOSE sound system - Servotronic plus - Fully leather equipment bi-color  - Sport steering wheel with paddles - Sport Seats with backrest shell - Upper part windscreen darker - Backrest shell in leather - Heated seats - Alu colored instrument dial - Black colored chrono - PASM suspensions - 10mm - PADM dynamic engine supports - PTV Plus - Navigation PCM - Universal multimedia - streaming audio - Automatic dimmable mirrors - Electrically folding mirrors - Alu interior inserts - Comfort pack - Wheel spacers 5 mm www.gfautomobili.com - MANDA UNA MAIL - EFFETTUIAMO FINAZIAMENTI E LEASING PERSONALIZZATI - VALUTIAMO PERMUTE ED ACQUISTO DI AUTO MODERNE, CLASSICHE E DA COMPETIZIONE CHILOMETRI CERTIFICATI CON SERVICE BOOK VERIFICABILE PRESSO CONCESSIONARIA UFFICIALE POSSIBILE CONSEGNA A DOMICILIO GUARANTEED MILEAGE AND SERIVE BOOK ACCIDENT FREE - VISIBLE TO THE DEALER ALL CARS HAVE THE DOCUMENTS FOR EXPORT HOME DELIVERY POSSIBLE GARANTIERTE LAUFLEISTUNG UND SERVICE BOOK UNFALLFREI - SICHTBAR FUR DIE HANDLER ALLE AUTOS HABEN DEN EXPORT DOKUMENTE HOME DELIVERY MÖGLICHE KILOMETRAGE GARANTI ET CARNET D'ENTRETIEN SANS ACCIDENT VISIBLE CHEZ LE GARAGE LES VOITURES ONT DES DOCUMENTS D'EXPORTATION LIVRAISON À DOMICILE POSSIBLE G.F. AUTOMOBILI Srl declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali imprecisioni nella descrizione che non rappresenta un impegno contrattuale, al fine di poter dare il massimo servizio per ogni auto proposta è consigliato il contatto telefonico o email per verificare i dati, gli accessori e la disponibilità a magazzino della vettura.
118.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Excel Marine offers this aluminium-hull EXCEL Vantage 560 in stock. This stunning example has a black aluminium hull with black PVC tubes. Black with white lines, EVA decking has been installed across the entire deck. Why wait? You can take the Excel Vantage 560 home this season and launch it directly into the water on its EXTREME EXT 1300 Swing Trailer. No hassle, just pure convenience. This boat is an ideal choice for any occasion, catering to both adventurous individuals seeking to explore the waters and those looking for a leisurely experience at sea. Carry up to 12 persons on this Excel Vantage 560 or 8 without sitting on the Tubes. The layout includes a spacious bow seat b'&' locker, helm standing /sitting seats, a console seat, and a large crew seat. The ample storage spaces beneath the seats ensure the safety of your gear. Enhanced with premium black upholstery with diamond stitching, the boat guarantees a comfortable experience. Included is a large sundeck where you can relax. Dive off from the back of the boat from the two swim platforms. Climb back to the RIB boat using the attached swim ladder. Power and performance are at the heart of the Excel Vantage 560. The Suzuki DF115BTL engine, known for its exhilarating performance and quiet operation, perfectly matches this aluminium-hull boat. With a good range and an under-floor fuel tank, you can be assured of a smooth and efficient ride. The onboard locker can hold additional fuel for longer journeys. This package includes fly-by-wire throttle control and hydraulic steering, which gives you a smooth, effortless driving experience. The Excel Vantage 560 has a high-spec electronics pack featuring Suzuki Digital Gauges for a clutter-free console. Complete control with digital switching is fully controlled through the Garmin twin screens, making this console sleek and modern. The Garmin 115 has a GPS receiver, GARMIN Echomap UHD2 Chartplotter/Sounder, and, not to forget, it controls the vibes with the FUSION Apollo hidden Sound System with XS Sports Speakers. A keyless start button with a ROKK wireless charging phone mount completes this fantastic tech line-up for an aluminium RIB boat. The Excel Vantage 560 and Suzuki 115 have a comprehensive 5-year warranty.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
AB JET 350XP The definition of innovation, performance, comfort and style.Features:Dual Rear Seat Integrated Stainless Steel Stern Hand Rails Removable Lateral Seat LED Navigation b'&' Anchor Lights Gas Springs Single Solid Rubrail Rotax® ACE 90 ECT Engine Silencer 4 ChambersSpecifications:Overall length: 11'3,5/" / 3,44mOverall Beam: 5'10/" / 1,78mHeight (With Removable Wheel): 2'10/" / 0,87 mTube Diameter: 16/" / 0,41mNumber of Chambers: 4Person Capacity: 5Weight: 345kg / 761 LbFuel Capacity: 11 gal / 42 lt - EPA compliant fuel tanks, 7% reduction approx.Installed HP: 90HPRD Design Category: CStandard Features:Integrated Marine Grade Aluminum Fuel Tank (11 Gal) (EPA compliant fuel tanks, 7% reduction approx.)Diamond Non-Skid DeckDual Rear Seat (Up to 4 People)Fully Upholstered Seating - Spradling®Molded-In ConsoleIntegrated Bow LockerEasy Port b'&' Starboard AccessIntegrated Stainless Steel Stern RailsAmple Engine AccessStainless Steel Bow Eye2 Stern Stainless Steel Foldable Cleats3 Stainless Steel Davit Lifting PointsStainless Steel Removable Ski-Pole and Stern Hand RailStainless Steel Transom Tie DownsBattery BoxRecessed Cup HolderWater Tight Engine Compartment SealRemovable lateral seatORCA® (CSM) FabricNon-corrosive Push-Push Inflation ValvesSingle Solid Rub RailReinforced External SeamsORCA® (CSM) Fabric Handles on TubesSelf-Bailing Deck System with Non-Return ValvesStainless Steel Drain PlugsAutomatic Fire ExtinguisherSafety Lanyard SwitchAutomatic 500 GPH Bilge PumpRemovable Stainless Steel LED Navigation Light b'&' Anchor LightBattery SwitchMaintenance-Free BatteryEngine Compartment In-Line BlowerSport Adjustable Steering WheelSteering SystemComplete Tin Wiring b'&' (Head) Heat Shrink Seal TerminalsControl Panel (Includes Fuel Gauge)Shift ControlStainless Steel Gas Springs for Engine ComparmentUnder Platform Sliding Stainless Steel LadderHand Pump b'&' Maintenance KitOwner's ManualRotax® ACE 90 ECTCatalytic Exhaust SystemMuffler b'&' Silencer Our ABJET® line seamlessly marries performance with luxurious style, providing comfort, safety and the unparalleled quality craftsmanship that AB Inflatables® is known for.The unique and meticulously designed deck maximizes space while optimizing boat stability and promoting better weight distribution. The ABJET® deck is made from a single unit of fiberglass, meaning no added or moving parts, quiet navigation, easier maintenance and increased longevity.The ABJET® is designed to seat comfortably two people at the pilot’s seat and offer the best person capacity in the segment for better moments when enjoying the sea. With a flat floor deck free of obstacles, an ergonomically positioned throttle, a sport console with cupholders, a convenient platform with a stainless-steel sliding ladder, stainless steel handles and rails and, many other accessories of the highest quality, the ABJET® guarantees a seamless experience on the water. It also comes with a wide-range of customizable options to match the mother vessel.Powered by BRP–Rotax® (OEM) the ABJET® guarantees peace of mind. In addition, owners are fully backed-up by a dedicated aftersales and engineering ABJET® team and an international service network.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
EXCELLENT!!! 2018 - 2022 constantly upgraded LENGTH: 23.90 m BEAM: 5.04 m DRAFT: 2 m ENGINES: 2 x 1150 V12, MAN BUILD | REFIT: 2018 / 200 hours after overhaul CRUISING SPEED | FUEL CONSUMPTION: 20 KNOTS | 300 liters / hr CREW: Captain + 1 GUESTS & ACCOMONDATION: Cabins: 4 + crew cabin / Heads: 4 + crew head. Sleeps 9 guests in 2 spacious Guest cabins Master Suite with a double bed and en suite heads. 2 twin cabins, each with two single beds and en suite heads One of them has Pullman bed. Crew enjoy their own separate cabin & head TENDER RIB: 4 meters + 30 hp outboard engine  LEISURE TV flat 55 new’ (salon) TV flat 32’ (master cabin) Stereo Radio/CD Player (all over the yacht, separate zones) new GALLEY EQUIPMENT & APPLIANCES: Electric Stove, Electric Oven, Microwave Oven,  Dishwasher Miele, Refrigerators 1 at Galley regular size with freezer new Osmosis treatment 2021 (Preventive) - New Anchor 130 kg with 120 m of chain - Anchor windlass 3600 w - Air Conditioning system 90000 BTU - Heating - Coolers generator 18.5 kw 1400 working hours - Safety equipment - 3 life rafts (serviced) - EPIRB - Extended bathing platform with teak 2021 - Wrapped blue color hull 2021 - All carpets new - Cushions at fly 2021 - Front deck sunbathing cushions 2021 - Cockpit cushions 2022 - Cushions in saloon 2022 - All curtains new - Bimini for fly (it will need new bimini tend as was not used), Raymarine Radar new - All batteries 2021 - 2 hot water boilers new - Satelit - Raymarine plotter 9'' new - 2 depth sounders (one is with monitor) - Autopilot - Speed instruments - Crane for dinghy electrohidraulic - Gangway hydraulic - Water maker fully serviced 2022 150 l / h ---- For further details please contact us.  
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