Gennaker 2019
Elenco delle migliori vendite gennaker 2019

Italia (Tutte le città)
Specifying and building Outbound 56 BAREFOOT was a labour of love for her owners. They wanted (and have) the best quality and most practical cruising yacht that they could sail easily, as a couple, and that would carry them and their young children in safety and comfort, even to remote areas. The yacht is a very highly specified and much improved version of the well-known Hylas 56. Even after delivery the owner continued to improve and upgrade the yacht – including changing out the main engine! No cost has been spared to produce this wonderful yacht.
With her hydraulic in mast furling main, hydraulic furler to both of the headstays, electric furling gennaker, electric sheet winches - all controlled at the cockpit – she may be sailed singlehanded (and has been). The interior provides a delightful aft “stateroom”, a double cabin forward and a versatile third cabin that may be used as a single or double and serves as a stowage area and workbench.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Nieuw in onze selectie een prachtige Najad 440CC /"Venture of the Seas/" uit 2008. Ze presenteert een uitzonderlijke kans voor degenen die op zoek zijn naar luxe en prestaties in een blauw water cruiser en is in uitstekende staat, voor haar leeftijd, en klaar om de zeeën te bevaren met haar volgende eigenaar. Door haar lay-out biedt ze een goed beschermde middencockpit die ideaal is voor oceaanzeilen waar alle zeilhandelingen en instrumenten dicht bij u zijn en ook een goede bescherming in het koude klimaat zeilomstandigheden. De besturing is gemakkelijk gemaakt door elektrische in-mast furling, elektrische furling genua, samen met elektrische lieren.
Als u op zoek bent naar een jacht dat de perfecte mix van comfort, prestaties en betrouwbaarheid biedt, vraag dan onze jachtmakelaars van CB Selections voor meer informatie. Voorlopige brochure, hoofdfoto zusterschip.
Rompvorm: Rondspant romp in wit met rode trimlijnen
Roer: Spade roer met 2x lagers inclusief onderste bollager
Besturing: Roestvrij staal bedekt met elandenhuid.
Waterverplaatsing: Ca. 14T
Ballast: Gietijzeren kiel met loden bol
Bouwnummer: Romp nr 123
Materiaal, kleuren: Handgemaakt interieur van geselecteerd Afrikaans mahonie, vloerdelen van gelakt donker hout met ingelegde stroken, Alcantara bekleding in salon
Verblijfsruimtes: L-vormige bank aan bakboord en 2x stoelen aan stuurboord. Opklapbare eet-/koffietafel een exclusieve toegangstrap met gevormde voetstappen.
Hutten: Ruime achterkajuit met gesloten toiletruimte en voorkajuit met tweepersoonsbed, gesloten toiletruimte.
Slaapplaatsen: Slaapruimte voor 4 personen in 2 hutten
TV: LG flatscreen 2024 in salon
Kooktoestel b'&' brandstof: Force 10 gasfornuis, 2 branders met oven
- Navigatie tafel met comfortabele zitting
- Kombuis met corian werkblad (gebroken wit, savannah)
- Hoofden met Corian werkblad en vloerplaat
- 6x Dorade type ventilatoren
- Ventilatieroosters in het luik van de stuurhut
- Hemelbekleding van crèmewitte beklede panelen
- 2x Bulkhead lampen in salon (Cantalupi Zeus)
- Wasmachine (Candy) 2014
- Verwarmingssysteem gereviseerd 2024
-Gasinstallatie gecontroleerd 2024
Motor, electra, water
Draaiuren: Ca. 971 motoruren
Brandstoftank aantal: Ca. 425 L, roestvrij staal
Koeling: uitlaatpijp uitgewisseld 2019
Voortstuwing: 3 Blad klapschroef met touwsnijder, saildrive afdichting 2024
Dynamo: Alternator 24V/80A, Alternator 12V/60A
Warm water: Isotherm Boiler ca. 40 L
Watertank b'&' materiaal: Roestvrijstalen tanks Ca. 522L
Vuilwatertank b'&' materiaal: 2x Vuilwatertanks ca. 60 L/tank, evacuatie aan dek en op zee
Walstroom: Walstroom systeem, 220V, 4x stopcontacten, 20 mtr kabel
Serienummer: Nr 5103919797
Rondhouten, verstaging: Aluminium mast Selden
Lieren: 2x Elektrische Andersen 58 STE, 4x Andersen 40ST
Voorzeil rolsysteem: UK vaart hydranet, elektrisch Furlex (2013)
Gennaker: Gennaker 130m2 met knijper UK
- Tuigage 2019
- Selden Rodkick met gasdemper
- Hydraulisch, verstelbaar achterstag, Holmatro
- Gennaker uitrusting
- Haken aan spreiders voor vallen
- Dektuig (Lewmar)
- Lijnkoppelingen (spinlock)
Navigatie en electronica
- Antenne VHF, TV en FM (RR Antiqua)
- Ethernet-aansluiting voor invoer van gegevens van computer/navigatiesysteem
Ankerlier: Elektrische ankerlier, benedendeks, voor boeg en achtersteven
Buitenkussens: Cockpit kussens 2015
Zwemtrap: Veiligheid/ Zwemtrap
Davits: Davits Bensenzoni, intrekbaar type
- Hoogglans gelakte cockpit tafel
- Verwijderbare verhoogde vloer achter stuurwiel
- Teak gelakte glashouder op voetstuk
- Warmteafvoer in cockpit
- Boegladder /"Timo
- Grijpreling achter de buiskap, elandenhuid bekleed
- Dekwaspomp, zoet water 2016
- Buitendek douche
- Pushpit teak beslag voor buitenboordmotor
Radarreflector: Passieve radarreflector op mast
Noodvuurwerk: Plastimo offshore verpakking
- Zeeanker (onverpakt) conditie onbekend
- Dagherkenning (ankerschip b'&' motorzeilen)
- Ankarolina
- Kriklijnen in kuip
- Veilig
- Afstandsbediening gaskraan
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Deze prachtige Camper & Nicholsons 70 Ketch is een Raymond Wall ontwerp en werd in 1977 te water gelaten als romp nr. 8. Na oplevering zeilde haar oorspronkelijke eigenaar haar naar de Seychellen en later naar het Caribisch gebied, waar ze in 1999 werd omgebouwd. Haar dubbele motoren werden later vervangen in 2004. Haar huidige eigenaar kocht haar in 2012 en stuurde haar naar Scarlino om te worden omgebouwd door Nautor Swan scheepswerf. Haar systemen en interieur werden geüpgraded. Spirit of Sangoma is een zeer goed onderhouden jacht met een solide basis in termen van zeewaardigheid en GRP constructie. Haar centrale cockpit, dubbele motoren en gebalanceerde ketch tuig maken haar een zeer veilig en comfortabel jacht voor alle weersomstandigheden. Haar interieur bestaat uit een master cabine achter, drie dubbele gastenhutten en een dubbele crew cabine in de voorpiek. Haar salon midscheeps is verhoogd, wat zorgt voor een goed zicht rondom. Een prachtig jacht, klaar voor nieuwe eigenaren om er ten volle van te genieten. Dit is een voorlopige brochure.
Rompvorm: Rondspant GRP romp. (Rood geschilderde bovenzijde - opnieuw geschilderd in 2013).
Roer: Roer in scheg gemaakt van met schuim bekleed GFK, gelijmd op roestvrijstalen basis.
Besturing: Wielbesturing via kabel, ketting en hydraulische aandrijving.
Ramen: Ramen rondom in de salon.
Waterverplaatsing: 58.000kg
Bouwnummer: Nummer 8 in haar serie (semi-custom ocean cruising ketches).
CE: Vrijgesteld van CE-bevestiging omdat zij vóór juni 1998 in de EER in gebruik was.
Boven de waterlijn is balsa-kern-GVK gebruikt en onder de waterlijn massieve lagen. De romp is verder versterkt met een rastersysteem. De structurele schotten zijn gelijkmatig met de romp en het dek verbonden. Het dek is balsa-kern met massieve pads waar de dekuitrusting is bevestigd.
Materiaal, kleuren: Teakhouten interieur. Witte lederen salonbekleding. Rood alcantara plafond. Massief teakhouten leuningen rondom interieur. luiken en patrijspoorten voor ventilatie.
Gordijnen: Witte gordijnen.
Verblijfsruimtes: Verhoogde salon met wit lederen bekleding op de banken en een rood alcantara plafond (2019. Accomodatie voor maximaal 9 personen met eigenaarshut achter, dubbele hut in achterste gang, twee voorste hutten en twee bemanningsbunkers in de voorpiek).
Hutten: 4 hutten in totaal.
Kooktoestel & brandstof: Roestvrij stalen kachels met twee pitten en twee elektrische kookplaten.
Overal LED-verlichting.
Motor, electra, water
Draaiuren: Ongeveer 2.600 uur.
Brandstoftank aantal: Ca. 2.400 liter totale brandstoftank in 2 onafhankelijk.
Koeling: Zoetwaterkoelsysteem via inlaat van ruw water en warmtewisselaar.
Voortstuwing: Bruntons driebladige feathering propellers (2020). Roestvrij stalen schroefassen ondersteund door p-beugels.
Verbruik: Ca. 20L/hr bij 1600 rpm.
Meetinstrumenten: Ja
Voltage: 24vDC en 24vDC huishoudelijk systeem met 220vAC via walstroom, generator of omvormer.
Dynamo: 24v - 150ah hoog vermogen dynamo op bakboordmotor.
Watersysteem: Gianneschi 24vDC zoetwaterpomp systeem.
Warm water: Warmwatervoorziening via motorverwarmer en 220vAC dompelverwarmingselement in warmwatertank gevoed door walstroom of generator.
Watertank & materiaal: Ca. 2.800 liter in 2 onafhankelijke (tanks 1.100 en 1.700 liter).
Vuilwatertank & materiaal: 2x zwart water tanks, 2x grijs water tanks (achter en voor, de laatste nieuw 2022).
Watermaker: 24vDC Schenker Smart 100L/Hr watermaker - 2013, onderhouden 2019.
Walstroom: 220vAC walstroom systeem met ringleiding en 230vAC stopcontacten door het hele jacht.
Voltmeter: Ja
Toerenteller: Ja
Watertankmeter: Ja
Brandstoftankmeter: Ja
Oliedrukmeter: Ja
Uitlaatpijp voor motor generator vervangen in 2018.
Victron Argofet isolator.
Type tuigage: Ketch tuig
Rondhouten, verstaging: Roestvast stalen staander (vervangen in 2023).
Lieren: 1 x Lewmar 43 2 speed lier voor het grootzeil. Andersen 62 2 speed aangedreven grootzeillier. 4 x Lewmar 55 2 speed selftailing lieren op de grote mast. 2 x Lewmar 43 2 speed lier op de grote mast. 2 x Lewmar 48 3 speed lier. 3 x Lewmar 2 speed lieren op de bezaanmast. 2 x Lewmar 2 speed hoofdlieren.
Zeilen materiaal: Spectra en Dacron zeilen.
Bezaan: Grootzeil
Bezaan rolsysteem: Slab reefing
Genua: Spectra yankee fok (2016)
Genua reefsysteem: Bamar elektrische genua-roller - 2017
Fok: Dacron stay zeil (2013)
Voorzeil rolsysteem: Elektrische genua- en stagzeilroller
Gennaker: Gennaker 230m2 - 2013
Aantal masten: 2 geschilderde aluminium masten. Kielgestreepte hoofdmast met 2 sets spreiders. kielgestreepte bezaanmast met 1 set spreiders.
Meer reserve zeilen beschikbaar op aanvraag.
Aluminium tuigage schroefbeschermers.
Rigid Master vang (2022)
Alle lopende tuigage van 2013.
Navigatie en electronica
Roerstandaanwijzer: Op stuurautomaat
Windvaanbesturing: Ja
Ankerlier: 1 x Lofrans Falken 24vDC (1500w) Ankerlier.
Stootwillen, lijnen: Ja, spatborden en lijnen beschikbaar.
Dekzeil(en): Hoezen voor stuur, ramen en luikzonwering (allemaal beige).
Zwemtrap: Ja
Zeerailing: Roestvrij stalen preekstoel, preekstoel en relingen.
Bijboot: Quicksilver 380 aluminium kieltender - 2019.
Bijboot buitenboordmotor: 20pk Mercury buitenboordmotor - 2019.
Davits: Roestvrij stalen davits.
Openschuivend hek.
Aluminium & Teak fodling passarelle.
Gelakte teakhouten verschansing en relingen.
Rvs dekluiken.
Noodvuurwerk: Ja
Reddingsvesten: Ja
Gasbun met afvoer: Ja
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Italia (Tutte le città)
AMEL FANGO de la version Luxe. Splendides menuiseries. Bon état. Electronique récente, avec de nombreux équipements récents: Moteur Volvo D1 30 de 2020, GV et Génois de 2023, Gennaker de 2019, mat et bôme repeinte, bossoirs, annexe et HB, traceur, électronique remplacé, batteries de 2021, Chargeur de 2018, mouillage récent, réfrigérateur et congélateur etc.
AMEL FANGO luxury version. Splendid woodwork. Good condition. Recent electronics, with lots of recent equipment: Volvo D1 30 engine from 2020, mainsail and Genoa from 2023, Gennaker from 2019, mast and boom repainted, davits, tender and HB, plotter, electronics replaced, batteries from 2021, Charger from 2018, recent anchor, fridge and freezer etc.
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Fara in Sabina (Lazio)
Very good condition, ready for new owner to enjoy General Other: Sails Jibs 1 x Jib 1 (2018) – 34 m2, 85%, Carbon Technora 1 x Jib 2 (2015) – 31 m2, 60%, polyester 1 x Jib 3 (2015) – 25 m2, 70%, polyester 1 x Jib 5 (2015) – 15 m2, 100%, Dacron 1 x Code 0, 70 m2 with furler, 90%, taffetta (2015) 1 x stay sail and wind seeker, nylon (2018), 95%, with Lufftech furler, closed loop sheet 1 Storm Jib – 5 m2, 100%, Dacron Mainsails 1 x 40 m2, Carbon Technora for racing (2018), 85% 1 x 36 m2, laminated for cruising (2018), 50% 1 x storm main sail, 12 m2, Dacron (2015), 100% Asymmetric Sails 1 x A2 113 m2, nylon (2018), 90% 1 x A1 108 m2, nylon (2018), 90% 1 x A 1.5 116 m2, nylon (2015), with funnel, 100% 1 x A0 70 m2, ZL02 (2018), with Scamo furler, closed loop sheet, antitorsion cable, 95%% 1 x A0 65 m2, ZL02 (2018), with Karver furler, closed loop sheet, antitorsion cable, 90% Accommodations Sleeps 6 2 cabins with double berth 2,00 m / 6’7’’ long, mattresses with removable fabric covers, 1 large port opening into the cockpit per cabin, 2 fabric hanging lockers in each cabin, complete access to engine compartment, access to battery switches, cabin doors of the same fabric as the hanging lockers, holding tank. 2 x antirolling sheets Mattresses for cruising (grey) and additional light weight mattresses for racing mode (black) Head at bow with shower, sink and toilet. 1 x 100l holding water fabric tank Table with folding leaves + fabric made folder 2 bench seats with back rest 2,00 m / 6’7’’ long, Storage under bench seats and behind back rests Fixed ports along coachroof 1 opening deck hatch Cushions and back rests have removable covers - Sunbrella Taupe Removable floorboards Watertank 100L under saloon seating Chart table to port with storage within desk Panel for mounting electronics, designed to be compatible with a laptop and tablet computers 2 x ergonomic seats for racing mode Hot and cold running water Galley L-galley to starboard Storage with countertop Stainless steel sink Pressurised cold water tap Seawater foot pump Storage for flatware and rubbish bag mount Fixed port above galley Fridge/coolbox 60L 1 burner stove with oven Electrics USB plug 220V socket Electrical panel for “Offshore” use 12 V plug Voltmeter for house battery bank Tricolour LED navigation lights on masthead. 1 x Battery 75Ah for engine 4 x Battery groups 120 A/h (total 480 A/h house group) – new 2019 1 x Hydrogenerator Watt&Sea 600 W with two propeller sizes. 1X Solar panel 50W – new 2019 1 x Water Heater 1 x Fridge 12 V 1 x Shore Power connector 1 x Battery monitor display Deck and Cockpit Mainsail traveller track on cockpit floor Harken deck hardware Line jammers on coachroof for halyards and control lines 2 turning blocks for genoa sheets 2 tracks for genoa lead cars on sidedecks Chainplates for shrouds on side of hull and for backstay Deck Step for mast with blocks Handrails on coachroof Swimming ladder Tiller steering 2x Pockets in cockpit for storage Winch handles Hiking protection 2 x winches Harken Performa 46 2 x winches Harken Quattro Performa 40.2 1 x additional pad eye for wind seeker and stay sail 2 mooring cleats without fairleads aft (on deck edge) and 2 forward (on deck edge) Anchor locker Rigging Deck-stepped mast, 2 levels of pushing spreaders - 19/20 fractional Stainless steel Dyform® shrouds Adjustable backstay with returns to each helm Forestay with hardware for hanked-on sail 2 x Carbon bow sprit for asymmetric configuration (1 length 70 cm for IRC, one 110 cm optimized for ORC certificate) Rigid boom vang. Lazy bag for cruising Lazy bag for racing Running rigging All sheets are in Dyneema and have been renovated in 2018 by Armare. 2 x halyards for asymmetric sails + Tylaska 1 x halyard for head sail + Tylaska – new 2019 (Gottifredi Maffioli) 1 x halyard for stay sail + Tylaska 1 2:1 halyard for main sail with Tylaska block (new 2019). Ubi Maior block for spare 1 x back stay 2 x sheets for gennaker + Tylaska 2 x sheets for A0/C0 + Tylaska 2 x sheets for stay sail 2 x sheets for barbers + blocks 1 x sheet to be used as uncontrolled jibe preventer Engine Diesel engine Yanmar 3YM20C - 21 HP Saildrive SD20 transmission 125 A alternator 2-blade folding propeller Flex-o-Fold Electronics and Navigational Gear 4 x B&G TRITON 4 1 multifunction display 2 x B&G Maxi displays at mast 1 x B&G ZEUS T7 GPS multifunction with WIFI router at the cartography table 1 x ASTRA multifunction display in the cockpit with cartography and boat performance analysis, useful for routing without getting down to the cartography table 1 x PC with Windows 1 x wifi keyboard for the PC 1 x B&G AC42 autopilot (hydraulic) 1 x B&G Autopilot remote controller 1 x BG AIS 400 transponder 1 X SIMRAD VHF RS12 1 x satellite phone IRIDIUM 9555 with USB cable and external antenna 1 x wifi antenna with international SIM card to access internet when sailing near the coast 1 x Radar B&G 4G Safety Fire extinguisher Fenders Liferaft Plastimo Offshore 4 person, more than 24 hours 1 x lifejacket Spinlock with automatic firing system 3 x lifejacket Marinepool with automatic firing system Various torches, also waterproof Manual water evacuation pump Additional electric bilge pump with 3m length pipe EPIRB (new 2019) Emergency and safety tools without limits from coast 1 x Personal AIS 1 x Personal PLB (new 2019) Additional Italian flag. Maintenance up to date. Engine spares (filters, belts, etc) onboard...Read full description
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Fara in Sabina (Lazio)
Very good condition, ready for new owner to enjoy Algemeen Overig: Sails Jibs 1 x Jib 1 (2018) – 34 m2, 85%, Carbon Technora 1 x Jib 2 (2015) – 31 m2, 60%, polyester 1 x Jib 3 (2015) – 25 m2, 70%, polyester 1 x Jib 5 (2015) – 15 m2, 100%, Dacron 1 x Code 0, 70 m2 with furler, 90%, taffetta (2015) 1 x stay sail and wind seeker, nylon (2018), 95%, with Lufftech furler, closed loop sheet 1 Storm Jib – 5 m2, 100%, Dacron Mainsails 1 x 40 m2, Carbon Technora for racing (2018), 85% 1 x 36 m2, laminated for cruising (2018), 50% 1 x storm main sail, 12 m2, Dacron (2015), 100% Asymmetric Sails 1 x A2 113 m2, nylon (2018), 90% 1 x A1 108 m2, nylon (2018), 90% 1 x A 1.5 116 m2, nylon (2015), with funnel, 100% 1 x A0 70 m2, ZL02 (2018), with Scamo furler, closed loop sheet, antitorsion cable, 95%% 1 x A0 65 m2, ZL02 (2018), with Karver furler, closed loop sheet, antitorsion cable, 90% Accommodations Sleeps 6 2 cabins with double berth 2,00 m / 6’7’’ long, mattresses with removable fabric covers, 1 large port opening into the cockpit per cabin, 2 fabric hanging lockers in each cabin, complete access to engine compartment, access to battery switches, cabin doors of the same fabric as the hanging lockers, holding tank. 2 x antirolling sheets Mattresses for cruising (grey) and additional light weight mattresses for racing mode (black) Head at bow with shower, sink and toilet. 1 x 100l holding water fabric tank Table with folding leaves + fabric made folder 2 bench seats with back rest 2,00 m / 6’7’’ long, Storage under bench seats and behind back rests Fixed ports along coachroof 1 opening deck hatch Cushions and back rests have removable covers - Sunbrella Taupe Removable floorboards Watertank 100L under saloon seating Chart table to port with storage within desk Panel for mounting electronics, designed to be compatible with a laptop and tablet computers 2 x ergonomic seats for racing mode Hot and cold running water Galley L-galley to starboard Storage with countertop Stainless steel sink Pressurised cold water tap Seawater foot pump Storage for flatware and rubbish bag mount Fixed port above galley Fridge/coolbox 60L 1 burner stove with oven Electrics USB plug 220V socket Electrical panel for “Offshore” use 12 V plug Voltmeter for house battery bank Tricolour LED navigation lights on masthead. 1 x Battery 75Ah for engine 4 x Battery groups 120 A/h (total 480 A/h house group) – new 2019 1 x Hydrogenerator Watt&Sea 600 W with two propeller sizes. 1X Solar panel 50W – new 2019 1 x Water Heater 1 x Fridge 12 V 1 x Shore Power connector 1 x Battery monitor display Deck and Cockpit Mainsail traveller track on cockpit floor Harken deck hardware Line jammers on coachroof for halyards and control lines 2 turning blocks for genoa sheets 2 tracks for genoa lead cars on sidedecks Chainplates for shrouds on side of hull and for backstay Deck Step for mast with blocks Handrails on coachroof Swimming ladder Tiller steering 2x Pockets in cockpit for storage Winch handles Hiking protection 2 x winches Harken Performa 46 2 x winches Harken Quattro Performa 40.2 1 x additional pad eye for wind seeker and stay sail 2 mooring cleats without fairleads aft (on deck edge) and 2 forward (on deck edge) Anchor locker Rigging Deck-stepped mast, 2 levels of pushing spreaders - 19/20 fractional Stainless steel Dyform® shrouds Adjustable backstay with returns to each helm Forestay with hardware for hanked-on sail 2 x Carbon bow sprit for asymmetric configuration (1 length 70 cm for IRC, one 110 cm optimized for ORC certificate) Rigid boom vang. Lazy bag for cruising Lazy bag for racing Running rigging All sheets are in Dyneema and have been renovated in 2018 by Armare. 2 x halyards for asymmetric sails + Tylaska 1 x halyard for head sail + Tylaska – new 2019 (Gottifredi Maffioli) 1 x halyard for stay sail + Tylaska 1 2:1 halyard for main sail with Tylaska block (new 2019). Ubi Maior block for spare 1 x back stay 2 x sheets for gennaker + Tylaska 2 x sheets for A0/C0 + Tylaska 2 x sheets for stay sail 2 x sheets for barbers + blocks 1 x sheet to be used as uncontrolled jibe preventer Engine Diesel engine Yanmar 3YM20C - 21 HP Saildrive SD20 transmission 125 A alternator 2-blade folding propeller Flex-o-Fold Electronics and Navigational Gear 4 x B&G TRITON 4 1 multifunction display 2 x B&G Maxi displays at mast 1 x B&G ZEUS T7 GPS multifunction with WIFI router at the cartography table 1 x ASTRA multifunction display in the cockpit with cartography and boat performance analysis, useful for routing without getting down to the cartography table 1 x PC with Windows 1 x wifi keyboard for the PC 1 x B&G AC42 autopilot (hydraulic) 1 x B&G Autopilot remote controller 1 x BG AIS 400 transponder 1 X SIMRAD VHF RS12 1 x satellite phone IRIDIUM 9555 with USB cable and external antenna 1 x wifi antenna with international SIM card to access internet when sailing near the coast 1 x Radar B&G 4G Safety Fire extinguisher Fenders Liferaft Plastimo Offshore 4 person, more than 24 hours 1 x lifejacket Spinlock with automatic firing system 3 x lifejacket Marinepool with automatic firing system Various torches, also waterproof Manual water evacuation pump Additional electric bilge pump with 3m length pipe EPIRB (new 2019) Emergency and safety tools without limits from coast 1 x Personal AIS 1 x Personal PLB (new 2019) Additional Italian flag. Maintenance up to date. Engine spares (filters, belts, etc) onboard...Read full description
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Fara in Sabina (Lazio)
Special version of Beneteau hull and deck of vinilester infusion not solid like other First 40 standard. General Other: Farr project with ORC 2016 optimization by cossutti. • New Carbon Rudder by Cossutti. • Carbon spinnaker pole • T Lead keel • GPH 577.5 READY TO RACE Asking price excludes brokers commission, which will be added on top of the sales price. REFIT New ball bearing rudder Jefa 2019 2 batteries services 110 amp 2020 hull to zero epoxy and antifouling new carbon bowsprit 2019 new tuff luff harken 2019 new spi halyard 2019 Gennaker 144mq, jib 2 43,71 mq, new mainsail 53,40 mq new 2019. full engine service 2020 new antifouling speed carbon 2020 This is a special First 40 with optimization of keel, carbon rudder, hull infusion of vinilester etc. Accommodation Other: 3 cabins • Head with shower, toilet and sink • Watertank 200L Galley • 2 burner stove with oven • refrigerator Engine, electrics, water Other: Yanmar Electrics • Boiler 25L • Electric bilgepump • 12/220V • Battery charger • Batteries Rig and sails Other: Spinnakers • 1 VMG 2017 • 1 run 2017 Jibs • JIB 1-2-3-4 CARBON WITH BATTEN 2016 • STORM JIB Mains • MAINSAIL 2016 • STORM MAINSAIL SAILS FOR TRANSFER • 1 MAINSAIL DACRON • 1 LIGHT JIB Navigation and electronics Other: • Compass • Log, speed, wind • Barometer • Chart plotter • Autopilot • GPS • VHF • 3 JUMBO AT MAST • 2 COCKPIT DISPLAY, 1 VELOCITEK, 1 ASTRA PERFORMANCE UNIT Equipment Other: • Electric windlass • Cockpit shower Rigging • Alu mast • Rod rig • Removable carbon bow sprit • All Halyards Dyneema with Tylaska • Genoa and spi sheets all dynema with tylaska Additional • Bruce anchor with 50m chain • 4 mooring lines • 6 fenders • Folding 2 blade propeller...Read full description
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Fara in Sabina (Lazio)
Special version of Beneteau hull and deck of vinilester infusion not solid like other First 40 standard. Algemeen Overig: Farr project with ORC 2016 optimization by cossutti. • New Carbon Rudder by Cossutti. • Carbon spinnaker pole • T Lead keel • GPH 577.5 READY TO RACE Asking price excludes brokers commission, which will be added on top of the sales price. REFIT New ball bearing rudder Jefa 2019 2 batteries services 110 amp 2020 hull to zero epoxy and antifouling new carbon bowsprit 2019 new tuff luff harken 2019 new spi halyard 2019 Gennaker 144mq, jib 2 43,71 mq, new mainsail 53,40 mq new 2019. full engine service 2020 new antifouling speed carbon 2020 This is a special First 40 with optimization of keel, carbon rudder, hull infusion of vinilester etc. Accommodatie Overig: 3 cabins • Head with shower, toilet and sink • Watertank 200L Galley • 2 burner stove with oven • refrigerator Motor, electra, water Overig: Yanmar Electrics • Boiler 25L • Electric bilgepump • 12/220V • Battery charger • Batteries Tuigage Overig: Spinnakers • 1 VMG 2017 • 1 run 2017 Jibs • JIB 1-2-3-4 CARBON WITH BATTEN 2016 • STORM JIB Mains • MAINSAIL 2016 • STORM MAINSAIL SAILS FOR TRANSFER • 1 MAINSAIL DACRON • 1 LIGHT JIB Navigatie en electronica Overig: • Compass • Log, speed, wind • Barometer • Chart plotter • Autopilot • GPS • VHF • 3 JUMBO AT MAST • 2 COCKPIT DISPLAY, 1 VELOCITEK, 1 ASTRA PERFORMANCE UNIT Uitrusting Overig: • Electric windlass • Cockpit shower Rigging • Alu mast • Rod rig • Removable carbon bow sprit • All Halyards Dyneema with Tylaska • Genoa and spi sheets all dynema with tylaska Additional • Bruce anchor with 50m chain • 4 mooring lines • 6 fenders • Folding 2 blade propeller...Read full description
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Forlì-Emilia Romagna (Emilia Romagna)
Breve descrizione Barca tenuta bene con interni in teak (da riprendere in alcuni punti) - motore e piede revisionati completamente nel 2014, prese a mare sostituite nel 2019 - plancetta di poppa con scaletta bagno - Meteosat, Vhf, 8 winchs tutti ST, di cui 3 elettrici(uno per drizze e due per scotte) - 3 pompe di sentina elettrica + una manuale - albero e boma maggiorati - tender 4,5mt, con 2 motori FB (4Hp e 8Hp) ---------------------------------------- ----------- Boat well keeped with teak interiors (to be restored in some places) - engine and foot completely overhauled in 2014, sea water intake replaced in 2019 - swim platform with swim ladder - Meteosat, Vhf, 8 winchs all ST, of which 3 electric (one x halyards and two x sheets) - 3 electric bilge pumps + and one manual - oversized mast and boom - 4.5m tender, with 2 outboard engines (4Hp and 8Hp) Interni Cabine (3), Bagni (2), Toilettes (2), Interni (in teak), Frigorifero (nuovo), Congelatore, Forno, Cucina, Wc marino, Pompa di sentina elettrica, Pompa di sentina manuale Strumentazione Ecoscandaglio, Log/speed, Stazione del vento, Gps/plotter, Pilota automatico, Bussola, Vhf, Radar, Caricabatterie, Boiler, Circuito 220V, Presa banchina, Autoclave, Elica di prua Armamento Albero (maggiorato 3 crocette), Randa steccata, Genoa Avvolgibile, Gennaker (con calza), Vang rigido, Lazy bag, Lazy jacks, Wich manuali (5), Winch elettrici (3), Stopper, Salpaancore elettrico...Read full description
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Venezia (Veneto)
Breve descrizione ITALIANO Stupendo Dufour 38 Classic in condizioni eccellenti. Unico proprietario, barca che è stata sempre curata nei minimi dettagli. Legni interni pari al nuovo! Comprensiva di tutta la documentazione relativa a vari interventi effettuati, tagliandi motore da meccanico Volvo Penta, storico interventi effettuati. - 3 pannelli solari amovibili con regolatore, batterie nuove, trattamento preventivo antiosmosi effettuato nel 2017, vele sostituite nel 2011 (durante il periodo invernale rimosse e stivate) - Batterie servizi con impianto di raffreddamento ENGLISH Superb Dufour 38 Classic in excellent condition. One owner, boat that has always been treated in detail. Interior woods like new! Including all documentation relating to maintenance done troughout the years, engine checks from Volvo Penta mechanic. - 3 removable solar panels with regulator, new batteries, preventive osmosis treatment in 2017, sails replaced in 2011 (during the winter period removed and stored) - Service batteries with fan cooling system Interni Cabine (3), Bagni (2), Toilettes (2), Interni (Legno di noce), Frigorifero, Cucina, Fuochi cucina (2), Prese corrente a terra, Boiler acqua calda, Impianto TV, Antenna TV, Wc marino, Wc chimico, Pompa acqua di mare, Pompa di sentina elettrica, Pompa di sentina manuale, Cuscineria, Oscuranti per osteriggi (+ zanzariere), Oblò apribili cabine di poppa, Tavolo dinette abbattibile, Luci interne (LED) Numero batterie (3 - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - Tipo batterie e Ampere (3 VARTA 105 Ah + 1 x motore VARTA 80 Ah), Caricabatterie, Extra batteria servizi, Boiler, Presa banchina, Luci di navigazione (LED), Pannelli solari (3 amovibili), Autoclave Strumentazione Ecoscandaglio, Log/speed, Stazione del vento, Gps/plotter, Pilota automatico (Raymarine 2015), Bussola (2019), Vhf, Radar, Wich manuali (5 lewmar), Stopper, Riflettore radar, Salpaancore (elettrico LOFRANS 1000W), Pozzetto in teak, Passavanti in teak, Scaletta bagno in acciaio inox, Supporto motore fuoribordo Armamento Randa steccata (2011 ULLMANSAILS), Genoa Avvolgibile (2011ULLMANSAILS), Gennaker, Lazy bag, Lazy jacks, Bimini (2012), Capottina (2012)...Read full description
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Lavagna (Liguria)
Barca a vela - Vela Del pardo 43 be c Barca a vela - Vela Id: 93121 Anno: 2006 Dimensioni: 12.95mt Motorizzazione: Volvo Penta d 55 1 x 55 HP - Diesel DESCRIZIONE: BArca intonsa e sempre ben manutenzionata. Collare sail drive nuovo, revisione sail drive. Tagliando, vele del 2019- Possibilità di permuta con barca di 34 36 piedi a vela con particolari requisiti INTERNI: versione tre cabine matrimoniali con 2 bagni e rispettive docce. Piano cottura a murta. Dinette ampia. Wc manuali, cucina a due fuochi con forno. STRUMENTAZIONE: 4 diplay: log eco, vento, vmg bolinometro, pilota automatico, cartografico gps alla timoneria e un secon gps cartografico al carteggio. Vhf raymarine 240 dsc con seconda stazione alla timoneria. Stereo cd con altoparlanti in pozzetto. Tv con impianto antenna in testa d'albero carica batterie. Autoclave inverter, pompe di sentina elettrica e manuale. ARMAMENTO: Boiler, riscaldamento a gasolio Eberspacher, elica tre pale abattibile flex o fold, ancora 16 kg con 50 mt di catena, pozzetto in teak, ponte in teak, 6 parabordi, capottina paraspruzzi, supporto fb, attacco 220V banchina, verricello Quick 1000 watt. Prese interne 12/ 220volt. Vele: VAng rigido, randa german sheet, attrezzatura spinnaker con tangone in carbonio, fiocco 105% one sail del 2018 Gennaker con calza, lazy bag, spinnaker, genoa 130%, Randa millenium del 2019 full batten 3 d, 6 winch, avvolgifiocco a scomparsa. Albero con tre ordini di crocette, tendi paterazzo idraulico. Inserzionista: yacht4web
145.000 €
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Ala (Trentino Alto Adige)
Giuseppe Diano, noto in banchina come Beppe Diano, fu uno degli yachtsmen italiani più noti e più preparati nello sport della vela. Negli anni 1967-’69-’71,per meriti sportivi ottenuti sui campi di regata del Mediterraneo il suo “prima classe RORC ” Levantades fece parte della squadra italiana all’Admirals Cup e si piazzò sempre prima tra le italiane.Nel ’67 unica barca italiana presente, ottenne l’ottavo posto in tempo corretto ed il nono in tempo reale con una partecipazione di 139 barche; nel’69 era in squadra con Mabelle e La Meloria; nel 1971 con il nuovo Mabelle e Tarantella. Ma già nel 1961 Beppe Diano aveva ordinato allo studio Sparkman&Stephens una barca da regata crociera di 32’ al galleggiamento e nel ’60 fu costruita dal rinomato e storico cantiere Costaguta di Voltri col nome di Levantades. Questa è la barca che stiamo presentando. LEVANTADES: Progetto n°1330 di S&S ebbe il numero di costruzione #601 del cantiere Costaguta Levantades è un delizioso yawl gemello di Madrigal costruita nel 1958 da Paul Luke in Maine che tutt’ora partecipa a regate di barche d’epoca e ancora appartiene alla stessa famiglia che la commissionò a S&S ! Sia il Madrigal, che il Levantades non hanno mai sfigurato in regata, avendo come andatura prediletta il lasco, che con l’uso della Carbonera è una gioia. Levantades oltre ad essere estremamente elegante nel suo modo di navigare, stupisce per le sue prestazioni con venti leggeri, considerando i suoi 32 piedi al galleggiamento, la sua stazza e la sua incredibile versatilità all’armo di differenti vele di prua, ma più importante che le sue prestazioni che legavano il bel passo sull’onda e l’estrema sicurezza e stabilità percepita a bordo, convinsero la sezione sportiva della marina militare del tempo a ordinare a Sparkman& Stephens il progetto di una barca grande ma con quell’armo e quelle linee e a farla realizzare dallo stesso Cantiere Costaguta: il Corsaro II vanto della sezione velica della Marina Militare Italiana. L’attuale proprietario, dopo quasi 10 anni di cure e manutenzioni a Levantades ha deciso di cedere l’onore e gli oneri della proprietà. Molte manutenzioni sono state effettuate, e la barca può navigare in sicurezza, ma un simile gioiello merita un restauro totale e una presenza sui campi di regata e nei meetings di barche d’epoca in splendida veste. Visibile in Toscana. Situazione attuale e suggerimenti per il nuovo armatore: SCAFO - Opera viva: appena eseguito esteso lavoro sul 30% del fasciame e sui madieri della scassa d’albero. - Murate: pitture da rinfrescare - Coperta: Originale avvitata sui bagli.Locale calafataggio permetterebbe ancora di tirare avanti qualche anno, poi dovrà essere sostituita. - Passa scafo, prese a mare, valvole: sostituzione completa effettuata nel 2020/2021 RIG - Albero maestro: check effettuato 2021, piccoli interventi di cosmetica necessari - Boma principale: check completo ferramenta e cosmesi 2019 - Albero mezzana: Va fatto nuovo. (presenti misure dimensioni e rig con winches originali ottimo stato); - Boma mezzana: da effettuarsi manutenzione ferramenta e cosmesi, - Sartiame: datato - Winches coperta principali e secondari in buono stato - Arridatoi: datati - Bozzelli: datati - Manovre correnti:datate VELE Eccetto un Gennaker con calza nuovo, le altre vele (numerose) sono datate MOTORE - Volvo Penta MD21 a: 9660 ore, da sostituire fasce raschia olio e da effettuare revisione completa, IMPIANTISTICA - Elettrica 12V/220V + pannello solare 90W: sufficiente - Idraulica: sufficiente ACESSORI - Sicurezza: a) Ancora: Danfort da 12 kg + 70 metri di catena zincata da 10 mm, b) Ancora di rispetto: CQR da 7 chili + 10 metri catena zincata da 10 mm e 50 metri cima da 10 mm; c) Pompa sentina elettrica; sostituita 2020, 22 lt/min, d) Pompa sentina lupa: idraulica, revisionata 2020, e) Zattera salvataggio EV, 6 persone, oltre le 12 miglia: da effettuare revisione straordinaria; f) Dotazioni sicurezza entro le 12 miglia: scadenza 2024; g) Certificato sicurezza RINA: rinnovo 2023; h) Verricello salpa ancora idraulico: buono stato i) Verricello elettrico tonneggio poppa j) Log: datato - Diporto k) Tender: usato l) Motore fuori bordo tender: Honda 2 cv m) Tendalino non strutturale n) Boiler 25 litri: installato 2018 o) Pilota automatico a braccio idraulico (20 ton) Raymarine: INTERNI Da rinfrescare le pitture e vernici e qualche miglioramento. Declinazione di responsabilità La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Costruita dai cantieri Barberis nel 2000, è una barca pensata per le grandi navigazioni d'altura senza rinunciare alla cura degli interni e della falegnameria ed alla semplicità di manovra. Un "blue water" per famiglie pensato dal famoso studio di progettazione Finot, solida, ben costruita, dalle linee classiche e marine. Lunghezza fuori tutto mt. 15,25, larghezza 4.70, pescaggio 2.40, pozzetto e coperta in teak, doppia ruota del timone, 3 cabine e 3 bagni di cui uno elettrico, motore Nanni 85 hp del 2019 con 200 ore di moto, 2 serbatoi da 240 lt di gasolio, trasmissine in linea d'asse, elica di prua a scomparsa. E' dotata di un grande calavele, bulbo in piombo, avvolgifiocco, avvolgiranda elettrico nel boma, 4 winch elettrici, gennaker, firgorifero, congelatore, gas con forno, cricabatterie, 8 batterie da 100 ah, serbatoi acqua 800 lt., doccia in pozzetto, boiler, plancetta di poppa apribile, passerella, capottina, tendalino, gruetta per motore tender, tender con motore 2.5 hp, salpancora eletrico,elettronica completa con vhf, gps cartografico, ecoscandaglio, log, stazione del vento, pilota automatico, stereo, tv con antenna, barca classica nelle linee dotata di ampi spazi interni ed esterni. Utilizzata solo per brevi crociere in Mediterraneo, le sue "gemelle" hanno effettuato lunghe navigazioni oceaniche in tutte le condizioni meteorologiche, la sua solidità e le prestazioni a vela sono notevoli. per informazioni [email protected]
120.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Bandiera Italiana, Anno 2010, Lunghezza 12.93, Pescaggio 2.10, Baglio 4,13, Chiglia in ghisa SCAFO: Materiale scafo VTR, Materiale coperta VTR con passeggiate e pozzetto in teak anno 2018, Colore Scafo bianco MOTORE: YANMAR H.P. 54HP, Ore moto 750, Linea asse, taglia cime, Elica Max Prop passo variabile INTERNI: Cabine 3, Bagni 2, wc elettrici (1 da montare), dinette trasformabile, Frigorifero con congelatore, Forno/Fuochi, TV, radio CD, Micro onde,Salpa ancore, Elica di prua, 1 Winches elettrico su tuga, Doppia timoneria, Doccia esterna, Catena 40 mt, Ancora Delta 20 Kg, Cuscineria pozzetto, Copri ruota, Copri winch, Copritavolo, Tavolo pozzetto in Teak, Cappottina, Bimini, Scaletta da bagno, Luci pozzetto, Passerella in carbonio,Voltaggio 12V, Caricabatterie, Alternatore, Batterie servizi e motore anno 2020/2021, Aria condizionata, Riscaldamento (pompa di calore), Generatore, inverter VELE E RIGGING: Randa Rollabile anno 2019, Genoa rollabile originale in buono stato, Code 0 anno 2020, Gennaker 2010. VARIE: Zattera 8 POSTI da rinnovare, Tender nuovo 2.10 MT, Fuoribordo 2 CV, Scadenza RINA 2023, Dotazioni Sicurezza, Dotazioni Ormeggio, prese a mare 2018/2020, unico proprietario, barca in condizioni generali molto buone.
145.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Elica a tre pale Flex-O-Fold con tagliacorda Elica di prua Aurora 6KW riscaldamento/sbrinatore da motore Riscaldamento a gasolio Webasto Frigorifero aggiuntivo da 49 l nel salone Doccia in pozzetto (fredda e calda) Scaldabagno Isotemp da motore + presa banchina VHF + telecomando della cabina di pilotaggio + antenna nell'albero ricevitore AIS Raymarine Axiom Lighthouse Plotter x 2, del 2019 Radar Autopilota Tridata (profondità, velocità, log) Misuratore del vento Sistema a pannelli solari Banco batterie, batterie AGM da 160 Ah aggiornate 4 + 1 Presa da terra + caricabatteria Invertitore Zanzariere Armadio riscaldato per abbigliamento da pioggia nel salone Ancora + salpa ancora elettrico + catena da 50 m a prua Ancora + 50 m di piombo a poppa (può essere azionato con salpa ancora elettrico) Sprayhood (esteso) + tendalino Plancetta di prua con scaletta Coperture per verricelli Ponti in teak Genoa avvolgibile North Sails + randa avvolgibile + gennaker Salpa ancora elettrico Harken x 3
77.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Refit 2019:
All technical systems refitted, the underwater ship redone and a saildrive installed.
Owners comments: Her big strength is power reaching which her design had been optimised for.
Special features make her outstanding from most other Volvo 70:
The new saildrive istallation was done in a way that the original retractable shaft stayed in place. For serious racing the saildrive can be removed and the original gearbox connected to the retractable shaft within few hours e.g. while the underwater is being cleaned. This feature is unique in all the sailing world.
The runner winches are connected to the pedestal system so they can be used for gennaker or genoa sheets when peeling or other sail maneuvers like furling without swapping winches for the sheets
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Italia (Tutte le città)
DUFOUR 36 Classic de propriétaire, Volvo 2030D. Nouveau mât 2023 + gréement révisé, joint saildrive de 2017, équipé pour la navigation hauturière. REPRISE, FINANCEMENT ET PLACE DE PORT POSSIBLES...Contact Frédéric:
Owner's DUFOUR 36 Classic, Volvo 2030D. New mast 2023 + revised rigging, saildrive joint from 2017, equipped for offshore navigation. POSSIBLE RECOVERY, FINANCING AND PORT PLACE...Contact Frédéric: 00336.
. Infos comp: Répétiteur(s) ST 50 et ST 60, Cockpit teck, Capote de descente, Sellerie refaite en 2019, Taud de barre à roue, Hi-Fi, Enrouleur de génois FACNOR 2023, Génois de 2016, Bande anti-UV, Grand voile full batten Deltavoile de 2011, Spi symétrique, Tourmentin, Gennaker CODE D sur emmagasineur de 2016 + SAKACODE, Lazy bag 2015, Lazy jack, Spinnaker, propulsion motorisée sail-drive, nombre de moteurs: 1, guindeau électrique, ancre, anémomètre, girouette, GPS, VHF, loch, speedomètre, pilote automatique, sondeur, compas, batteries, nombre de cabines: 3, nombre de couchettes: 8 personne(s, panneau solaire, équipement audio, bimini, taud, chargeur de batteries, cuisinière, système de chauffage de l'eau, dispositif d'éclairage, équipement 220V, pompe cale, réfrigérateur, prise de quai, carré transformable, douchette de cockpit, plateforme de bain, échelle de bain, table de cockpit, éclairage de cockpit, reservoir eaux noires, capote de roof, foc, spi, état de l'item nautisme: occasion, pont en polyester, coque en polyester
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