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Global sales

Elenco delle migliori vendite global sales

  • 1. Questo prodotto può fornire tre tipi di terapie: terapia a ultrasuoni, terapia del calore, terapia di massaggio a micro correnti/terapia di massaggio elettrico.
  • 2. Terapia a ultrasuoni: la sonda del massaggiatore può creare vibrazioni a ultrasuoni alla velocità di 1.000.000 di volte al secondo adatte per la cura del corpo e della pelle. La vibrazione ultrasonica può apportare modifiche di volume e movimento a ogni cellula, comportando quindi un effetto di massaggio molto fine, chiamato massaggio cellulare.
  • 3. Terapia del calore a infrarossi: i raggi infrarossi possono arrivare in profondità nella cute e nei tessuti sottocutanei. La lunghezza d'onda degli infrarossi creata dal dispositivo è molto simile alla frequenza di vibrazione delle molecole cellulari del vostro corpo ed è in grado di provocare vibrazioni simpatiche all'interno delle cellule del corpo. Tramite l'assorbimento di risonanza, l'attrito tra le molecole genera calore, aumentando così la temperatura dei tessuti sottocutanei e acceler
  • 4. Terapia di massaggio a micro correnti/terapia di massaggio elettrico: questa terapia EMS a micro correnti è un metodo di tecnologia avanzata per promuovere la salute del corpo e il benessere. Il movimento passivo dei muscoli consuma calore e brucia i grassi. Le micro correnti vengono inviate nel corpo secondo schemi specifici per ottenere un'azione snellente tramite una serie di terapie. Questo metodo dimagrante è pensato per ridurre il grasso in eccesso intorno alla vita, all'addome, alle co
  • 5. Bonus !! Vieni con uno speciale omaggio gratuito da parte del Global Care Market. 1 anno di garanzia soddisfatto solo da Happy Healthy Life (Global Care Market)!
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  • Design unico (brevettato) della piattaforma vibrante per ottenere ottimi risultati – La plattaforma di massaggio vibrante è suddivisa in 3 zone di esercizio: Passeggiata – Jogging - Corsa
  • Potenza: 95 W - 3 Modalità Automatiche / 10 Modalità Manuali – Timer per selezionare il tempo dell’esercizio da 05 fino a 30 minuti – Simulatore delle calorie consumate e dei chilometri percorsi
  • Dispone di alcune corde elastiche di fitness per combinare il movimento vibrante della piattaforma con un’ampia moltitudine di esercizi (in piedi; disteso; allungamento della braccia, spalle e gambe; ...)
  • Connettore USB per riprodurre la musica in formato MP3 / Sincronizzazione musicale con il sistema di massaggio - Pannello di controllo LED a Colori di facile uso, situato sulla piattaforma di massaggio – Bracciale di controllo wireless per configurare comodamente tutte le funzioni del massaggiatore
  • QUALITÀ EUROPEA: Venduto da Global Relax Italia (TO) - GARANZIA UFFICIALE di 2 ANNI - Opzionale: Estensione di GARANZIA PLUS 5 ANNI (2 3 Anni). Per ulteriori informazioni contattate il Servizio Clienti di Global Relax - Manuale di Istruzioni in Italiano - Dimensioni: 42 X 20 X 80 cms. - Peso: 18 kgs
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Vedi prezzi in Amazon
  • Design unico (brevettato) della piattaforma vibrante per ottenere ottimi risultati – La plattaforma di massaggio vibrante è suddivisa in 3 zone di esercizio: Passeggiata – Jogging - Corsa
  • Potenza: 95 W - 3 Modalità Automatiche / 10 Modalità Manuali – Timer per selezionare il tempo dell’esercizio da 05 fino a 30 minuti – Simulatore delle calorie consumate e dei chilometri percorsi
  • Dispone di alcune corde elastiche di fitness per combinare il movimento vibrante della piattaforma con un’ampia moltitudine di esercizi (in piedi; disteso; allungamento della braccia, spalle e gambe; ...)
  • Pannello di controllo LED a Colori di facile uso, situato sulla piattaforma di massaggio – Bracciale di controllo wireless per configurare comodamente tutte le funzioni del massaggiatore
  • QUALITÀ EUROPEA: Venduto da Global Relax Italia (TO) - GARANZIA UFFICIALE di 2 ANNI - Opzionale: Estensione di GARANZIA PLUS 5 ANNI (2 3 Anni). Per ulteriori informazioni contattate il Servizio Clienti di Global Relax - Manuale di Istruzioni in Italiano - Dimensioni: 42 X 20 X 80 cms. - Peso: 16 kgs.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Per Gruppo industriale con una posizione di mercato di assoluta leadership a livello italiano ed internazionale, che opera in un mercato B2B2C, con approccio strutturato MULTICANALE sia wholesale che retail per il potenziamento della propria struttura ricerca: GLOBAL SALES DIRECTOR – MULTICHANNEL - PADOVA Il candidato assumerà la responsabilità della gestione e sviluppo della funzione commerciale sia esterna che di customer service a livello globale. Andrà a gestite i responsabili commerciali dei differenti BRAND organizzati sia per MERCATI che per CANALI di vendita, risponderà direttamente alla DIREZIONE GENERALE per la definizione e il raggiungimento degli obiettivi prefissati. La figura ideale ha maturato una precedente esperienza in un ambiente a forte RESPIRO INTERNAZIONALE, ha ottime doti di coinvolgimento e leadership, approccio moderno al business e al rapporto con il mercato. Laurea, MBA, ottima conoscenza di almeno una lingua estera oltre all’inglese, costituiranno elemento preferenziale per la valutazione del cv. PRINCIPALI RESPONSABILITA’: Gestione e sviluppo dei responsabili commerciali e relative forze vendita Gestione e sviluppo del dipartimento di customer service Ottima collaborazione con il demand planning e il mktg aziendale Definizione delle strategie di sviluppo e presidio dei nuovi mercati COSA OFFRIAMO: DIRIGENTE – RAL 120/150 K + MBO + BENEFITS Per candidarsi https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_GLOBAL_SALES_DIRECTOR_MULTICHANNEL_PADOVA_175777790.htm I dati saranno trattati e conservati esclusivamente per finalità di selezioni presenti e future, garantendo i diritti di cui al GDPR 679/2016. Gli interessati/e sono invitati a leggere sul sito l’informativa sulla Privacy GDPR 679/2016. La ricerca è rivolta a persone di entrambi i sessi L.903/77. MODULO Group Autorizzazione Ministero del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale ai sensi GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298/MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Per azienda italiana e multinazionale, leader nella produzione e commercializzazione di componenti per veicoli industriali ricerchiamo il: GLOBAL SALE DIRECTOR – COMPONENTI VEICOLI INDUSTRIALI - TREVISO Rispondendo al General Manager avrà l’obiettivo di consolidare e sviluppare l’attività di business per tutte le aree nelle quali opera il gruppo, condurre trattative e negoziati commerciali, gestire risorse dedicate alle vendite e al post vendita e implementare ulteriormente il portafoglio clienti principalmente rappresentato da aziende e partner che necessitano di componenti standard o personalizzati in genere utilizzati nella produzione di veicoli industriali. Il ruolo dovrà essere di stimolo per l’area R&D che sarà indirizzata alle aree dell’innovazione e diversificazione di prodotto e quella di Marketing nella individuazione di nuovi e differenti mercati e opportunità commerciali. Per maggiori info e candidature https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_GLOBAL_SALES_DIRECTOR_COMPONENTI_VEICOLI_INDUSTRIALI_TREVISO_175161762.htm I dati saranno trattati e conservati esclusivamente per finalità di selezioni presenti e future, garantendo i diritti di cui al D. Lgs. 196/03. Gli interessati/e sono invitati a leggere sul sito l’informativa sulla Privacy D. Lgs. 196/03. La ricerca è rivolta a persone di entrambi i sessi L.903/77.MODULO Group Autorizzazione Ministero del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale ai sensi del D.lgs. 276/2003: PROT. 39/001298/MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Per azienda italiana e multinazionale, leader nella produzione e commercializzazione di componenti per veicoli industriali ricerchiamo il: GLOBAL SALE DIRECTOR – COMPONENTI VEICOLI INDUSTRIALI - TREVISO Rispondendo al General Manager avrà l’obiettivo di consolidare e sviluppare l’attività di business per tutte le aree nelle quali opera il gruppo, condurre trattative e negoziati commerciali, gestire risorse dedicate alle vendite e al post vendita e implementare ulteriormente il portafoglio clienti principalmente rappresentato da aziende e partner che necessitano di componenti standard o personalizzati in genere utilizzati nella produzione di veicoli industriali. Il ruolo dovrà essere di stimolo per l’area R&D che sarà indirizzata alle aree dell’innovazione e diversificazione di prodotto e quella di Marketing nella individuazione di nuovi e differenti mercati e opportunità commerciali. COSA OFFRIAMO: Contratto a tempo indeterminato RAL in grado di soddisfare le esperienze più qualificate Per info e candidature https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_GLOBAL_SALES_DIRECTOR_COMPONENTI_VEICOLI_INDUSTRIALI_TREVISO_175161762.htm I dati saranno trattati e conservati esclusivamente per finalità di selezioni presenti e future, garantendo i diritti di cui al D. Lgs. 196/03. Gli interessati/e sono invitati a leggere sul sito l’informativa sulla Privacy D. Lgs. 196/03. La ricerca è rivolta a persone di entrambi i sessi L.903/77.MODULO Group Autorizzazione Ministero del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale ai sensi del D.lgs. 276/2003: PROT. 39/001298/MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Per azienda italiana e multinazionale, leader nella produzione e commercializzazione di componenti per veicoli industriali ricerchiamo il: GLOBAL SALE DIRECTOR – COMPONENTI VEICOLI INDUSTRIALI - TREVISO Rispondendo al General Manager avrà l’obiettivo di consolidare e sviluppare l’attività di business per tutte le aree nelle quali opera il gruppo, condurre trattative e negoziati commerciali, gestire risorse dedicate alle vendite e al post vendita e implementare ulteriormente il portafoglio clienti principalmente rappresentato da aziende e partner che necessitano di componenti standard o personalizzati in genere utilizzati nella produzione di veicoli industriali. Il ruolo dovrà essere di stimolo per l’area R&D che sarà indirizzata alle aree dell’innovazione e diversificazione di prodotto e quella di Marketing nella individuazione di nuovi e differenti mercati e opportunità commerciali. COSA OFFRIAMO: Contratto a tempo indeterminato RAL in grado di soddisfare le esperienze più qualificate Per candidarsi https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_GLOBAL_SALES_DIRECTOR_COMPONENTI_VEICOLI_INDUSTRIALI_TREVISO_175161762.htm I dati saranno trattati e conservati esclusivamente per finalità di selezioni presenti e future, garantendo i diritti di cui al D. Lgs. 196/03. Gli interessati/e sono invitati a leggere sul sito l’informativa sulla Privacy D. Lgs. 196/03. La ricerca è rivolta a persone di entrambi i sessi L.903/77.MODULO Group Autorizzazione Ministero del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale ai sensi del D.lgs. 276/2003: PROT. 39/001298/MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Our Sales and Marketing teams sell our services to the world's largest global corporate customers. Our expert sales professionals are dedicated to managing the communications of multinational corporations by simplifying corporate systems and helping our customers reduce costs enabling them to be a ready business. There has never been a better time to join as our Global Account Manager and be a part of our success. As a Global Account Managers or GAMs you will be accountable for the overall relationship management for one or more global clients. Our Global Account Managers are focused on driving business outcomes for accounts; aligning operating companies, affiliates and partners in order to drive profitable and long-term revenue contribution, customer satisfaction and increased market share. These successes will result from knowledge and expertise on integrated products, IT services, converged/unified communications / IoT and mobile solution offerings. Our Global Account Managers lead a client-focused virtual team which include National Account Managers in different regions, commercial solution and service functions depending upon the size of the Client and the complexity of their relationship. Key Accountabilities:Ensures delivery of all financial targets including revenue, connections for voice and data, market share and net margin contribution, as well as responsibility for the delivery of the P&L Responsible for developing and implementing a clear strategic Account plan for driving profitable growth in the Account by aligning key stakeholders across Marketing, Lines of Business, Presales etc. Establishes appropriate relationships with customers and leverages those relationships to win new business. Introduces new products and propositions to key decision makers within the customer through relationship and stakeholder management at C level within all key customers. Understands up front through engagement at the right business level the customer's strategic and operational issues. Works with OpCo corporate sales areas and customer Fulfilment and delivery areas to ensure that international and national strategies are aligned, complementary and deliver to customers Responsible for driving multi product penetration increasing revenue from the account. Global Account Manager - IT vendor companyTop 10 worldwide ICT companyYou will be a proven and credible operator at C level and have a track record of delivering successful solutions for multi-national corporations. You will be commercially adept, technically sound and able to deliver results through geographically disparate teams. Essential:Track record of global accounts/ enterprise solution selling within multi-national companies Deep understanding of the customer's business, it's market and industry alongside key decision-makers and influencers in account organisation Manage global customer relationship up to C-Level Ability to translate customer's objectives and strategy into relevant propositions Well-versed with consultative selling approach Robust understanding of account P&L. Top 10 worldwide ICT companyOttima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 70.000 €/anno a 85.000 €/anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
We are looking for an experienced sales leader to manage the growth in Italy. As Italy Sales Manager, you will act as an entrepreneur to acquire many new clients and lead a team to achieve your objectives. Your main responsibilities will be: Identify target accounts and proactively acquire new clients in the Italy (from hunting plan setting & execution to deals closing & new clients on boarding). Exceed sales and revenue targets by effectively managing quarterly sales goals. Accountable for client retention and new profitable revenue growth. Recruit, manage, and develop a highly driven team of sales, customer sucess managers and Marketing Manager. Lead by example: as an individual contributor, by hitting your own sales quota; as a manager by helping your team progress and reach their targets. Develop and maintain a personal network with clients and partners, predominantly at senior executive level. As a member of the sales management team, participate in the implementation of the global strategic sales objectives and contribute in identifying and implementing continual process and practice improvements. Ensure accurate sales reporting, metric analysis, sales recognition, and other ad-hoc sales operations support activitiesSales Manager Italy - Multinazionale settore HRMultinazionale settore HR - Talent5+ years experience in new business acquisition sales, including 2+ years of management roles HR industry experience & personal network in HR Previous experience of selling B2B SaaS solutions is a plus Strong operational leader with demonstrated success in driving growth, getting tangible results, and improving sales KPI Positive and creative, with strong willingness to win despite all challenges, thrives in a fast paced entrepreneurial and competitive environment Familiar with CRM systems (Salesforce.com ideally) Outstanding communication, negotiation, persuasion, and interpersonal skills with a natural ability to build relationships Data-driven, results-oriented, and accurate Italian native speaker, Fluent EnglishOur Partner is an international company who helps HR professionals provide a unique candidate and employee experience while liberating them from low added-value tasks. Their Talent Experience Platform, delivering a chatbot, interview scheduler, AI-driven video interviewing, language assessments and career management solution, allows their customers to optimize and digitalize their hiring, internal mobility and employee career development.Ottima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 50.000 €/anno a 70.000 €/anno
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Parma (Emilia Romagna)
Leader in innovative hydraulic pumps technology. The Company operates in major market segments such as: Industrial as well as Mobile Equipment, Oil & Gas, Power Generation and through Dealers or with OEM’s. The company is situated in the northern part of Italy. For the European Sales Team we are selecting a dynamic and goal oriented SALES AREA MANAGER German Speaking Countries –Area DACH The Candidate will operate in close collaboration with the European Sales Director. He/She will also have frequent interactions with different internal functions for: • quotations and orders processing • the development of specific projects and • new products and applications. The candidate will be part of the European Sales Team. Her/his primary role and responsibility will be to develop the Company’s sales to the German and other German Speaking industrial companies in the hydraulic market. She/he will be responsible for the following: • develop the Sales of the Company • scout new application opportunities and Customers • deal with and manage customers like system integrators and OEM’s • sales budget by market segments, product lines and area of responsibility; • develop and expand relationships with existing Customers; • build and manage Client relationships, including contract negotiations; • work as part of the global key accounts sales team to support local key accounts; • report, track and follow-up on contacts and projects using the company support tools; • attend business-specific fairs and exhibitions; • propose and implement market development activities in collaboration with the marketing department; • deal with the technical department for the development of new products and customized solutions. SKILLS Technical competence combined with sales experience, preferably within the hydraulic market. Knowledge of English and German language, as well as a track record in dealing with German and/or other DACH markets is preferential. The candidate we like to meet has 3-5 years Sales Experience, is curious, eager to learn and motivated by success and good results, which he/she achieves through strong team spirit, committed work and attention to details. Willingness to travel in order to visit existing and potential Customers. Very good knowledge of Office Package and flexible minded, a good communicator and “time manager”. The Company offers an excellent opportunity for professional growth in a challenging and stimulating environment represented by major industries and dealers on the territory, the European Head office is situated in Italy. Company Head Quarter: Piacenza, Area Emilia-Romagna
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Milano (Lombardia)
Leader in innovative hydraulic pumps technology. The Company operates in major market segments such as: Industrial as well as Mobile Equipment, Oil & Gas, Power Generation and through Dealers or with OEM’s. The company is situated in the northern part of Italy. For the European Sales Team we are selecting a dynamic and goal oriented SALES AREA MANAGER German Speaking Countries –Area DACH The Candidate will operate in close collaboration with the European Sales Director. He/She will also have frequent interactions with different internal functions for: • quotations and orders processing • the development of specific projects and • new products and applications. The candidate will be part of the European Sales Team. Her/his primary role and responsibility will be to develop the Company’s sales to the German and other German Speaking industrial companies in the hydraulic market. She/he will be responsible for the following: • develop the Sales of the Company • scout new application opportunities and Customers • deal with and manage customers like system integrators and OEM’s • sales budget by market segments, product lines and area of responsibility; • develop and expand relationships with existing Customers; • build and manage Client relationships, including contract negotiations; • work as part of the global key accounts sales team to support local key accounts; • report, track and follow-up on contacts and projects using the company support tools; • attend business-specific fairs and exhibitions; • propose and implement market development activities in collaboration with the marketing department; • deal with the technical department for the development of new products and customized solutions. SKILLS Technical competence combined with sales experience, preferably within the hydraulic market. Knowledge of English and German language, as well as a track record in dealing with German and/or other DACH markets is preferential. The candidate we like to meet has 3-5 years Sales Experience, is curious, eager to learn and motivated by success and good results, which he/she achieves through strong team spirit, committed work and attention to details. Willingness to travel in order to visit existing and potential Customers. Very good knowledge of Office Package and flexible minded, a good communicator and “time manager”. The Company offers an excellent opportunity for professional growth in a challenging and stimulating environment represented by major industries and dealers on the territory, the European Head office is situated in Italy. Company Head Quarter: Area Emilia-Romagna How to apply for this position Please send your application, including your CV updated, a covering letter is appreciated also indicating your current salary, to our Senior Executive Consulting: Susanne Kristiansen - mail: s.kristiansen@kpconsulting.it All applicants in line with the “ideal candidate profile" will be contacted within (1) one week time by phone or for a first Skype Interview. K&P Consulting is a registered Company, Ref. No 39/0002041, K&P Consulting invites all candidates (Law 903/77) to read the privacy statement (Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003) on the website www.kpconsulting.it ?
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Role purpose: The National Account Manager (NAM) will manage the local customer relationship for a portfolio of Enterprise accounts across the group operating companies, affiliates and partners and drive profitable revenue contribution and increased market share from integrated product, IT service and solution offerings.Leads account planning and strategy development for a defined portfolio of Enterprise accounts supporting and aligned to the global account plan (as defined by the Global Account Manager, Regional Account Manager and customer)Drive accelerated revenue growth by identifying potential markets for new and existing products and servicesIdentify and pursue sales opportunities and leads which may come from meetings, clients, other sales force, vendors and others. Maximises internal network to get results for customers and to ensure effective problem resolution and problem management Introduces new innovations and concepts to key decision makers within the customer through relationship and stakeholder management of CEO's and Sales Directors within all key clients. Understands up front through engagement at the right business level the customer's strategic and operational issues. Oversees new products, services and mobile solutions of account. Works in partnership with Customer fulfilment and pre and post sales areas to ensure seamless introduction of new product services and solutions to accounts Key performance indicators: New business contract value Yearly revenue Customer retention National Account Manager - Vendor multinazionale leader nel mercato IT Vendro multinazionale leader nel settore ICTCore competencies, knowledge and experience:Maintain expertise of internal procedures and systems (e.g. SFDC) for resigns and acquisitions and managing the progress of quotes through commercial processes to contract production To have the ability to manage own time to ensure market and product knowledge is up to date Ensure sales and churn targets are achieved every month. Experience in solution sales and relationship management (track record of global accounts/enterprise solution selling) within multi-national companies. Knowledge of ICT development and operations, and a technical sales background preferableExperience of identifying customer requirements and developing creative and innovative customer-centric solutions with an international context. Demonstrated understanding of important financial concepts, the IT&T environments, purchasing practices and industry specific aspects of corporate customers An understanding of corporate governance in complex organisations. Demonstrated success in networking at senior levels amongst industry leaders with strong relationship management skillsAccount management with full P&L responsibility for around 20 accounts with combined worth of €5M International IT vendor company - one of the Top 10 companies in the world.Ottima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 50.000 €/anno a 68.000 €/anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Consumer & category insightsDefines and sizes the target of the brand, taking into account the consumption and social trendsTransforms the deep consumer & shopper understanding into insights and opportunities at brand / range levelDefines the direct and indirect competition and the key sources of growth for the brandTransforms the deep category understanding into insights and opportunities at brand / range levelFeeds the sales department with relevant category insights at a brand / range level Category and Brand strategyDefines an exhaustive diagnosis at a category, brand and range levels: drivers and barriers, key marketing activities that worked and didn't workDefines the brand positioningLeverages the brand vision and the brand purpose in all brand activitiesBuilds and sizes the yearly marketing plan in line with brand strategyRecommends relevant KPIs Product innovation & renovationBuilds differentiated innovation /renovation concepts in response to insightsAssesses the ideas / concepts vs business opportunities, brand strategy, R&D constraints, trade, supply constraints, expected profitabilityRecommends and implements actions on product (formula) and packaging to reach the best mixPuts in place research to test innovation/renovation ideas with CMI department Pricing strategyRecommends a price and format strategy considering the brand positioning, other products of the brand, competitive set, elasticity, potential cost of goods evolution and global profitabilityRecommends adjustments if necessary on the global price and format strategCo-defines trade promotion strategy with Sales department: promotional mechanics, relevant format, visibility strategy, seasonality Brand ExperienceWrites a clear integrated communication brief based on the brand ideaAligns internal partners & agencies on the brief, timing, roles & responsibilitiesDefines the overall touch points orchestration for the campaign: roles of the claim / play / talk and prioritization of the touch point planRecommends the right budget for each touch point including the media planDefines the right KPIs for each touch point and for the overall campaignFinancial managementRecommends the brand / range budget aligned with yearly marketing planManages and controls the brand /range budget aligned with defined priorities Communication and Digital leader Transversal responsibilities:Lead and coordinate Communication and Digital strategies with MD and another BMLead and coordinate Communication Digital transversal processes with communication agenciesImplementation and assessment of digital performance toolsInspire the team with updated external digital knowledgeCollaborate with MD, GM and HR in the Company´s digital transformation process FMCG Multinational CompanyInteresting & Challenging OpportunityUniversity Degree and ideally Master in Business, MKT or DigitalMinimum of a 5 years' experience in MKT brand management in multinational environments dealing with Headquarters, media/communication, and digital oriented agencies. FMCG ideallySolid in Digital environments to challenge agencies and inspire local teams: Strategy, content, Social Media, data management, media planning (on line video, programmatic, youtube, facebook, etc.). influencersExperience and knowledge on agile methodologiesExperience in product developmentBusiness holistic approach: MKT, trade, financeStrong analytics strengths: market trends, consumer understanding, media and digital performance, etcStrong communication and persuasive skillsHigh level of English and ItalianUser level computer skills. Databases (SAP; Nielsen; internal computer programs).Solid Social Media and digital tools knowledgeIT skills: daily user of IT tools (SAP, windows, internet) FMCG multinational company guided by a sense of purpose and responsibility and respect for the world. Fast-growing FMCG Company High internal exposure
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This role is responsible for the management of Production and Materials Planning, Inventory Control and Planning, Sales and Operations Planning, Warehouse Operations and Logistics. This position will work with Manufacturing, Quality, Finance, Sales & Project management and other relevant functional teams at the site. The Supply Chain Head must be able to negotiate and implement lean processes by developing creative solutions and forward-looking strategies and must have demonstrated ability to lead through influence. In collaboration with site teams, develop processes and Key Performance Indicating metrics, utilizing the ERP system to provide timely visibility and tracking of materials and finished goods status across the supply chain. The main responsabilities are:Direct the work of the Master Schedulers, providing expertise and assisting functional leads in identifying risks and evaluating capacities required to support production, storage and other capacities.Maintain best practice KPI metrics and dashboard(s) to measure site execution, customer service and performance of Supply Chain processes.Ensures the management of the introduction and obsolescence of materials throughout product life cycle. Positively affects cash flow and cost of goods by consistently maintaining costing accuracy, supporting the order execution process and managing inventories.Continual and transparent communication with peers to determine the status of assigned projects. Expedites operations, including all functional groups, to prevent delay of schedules. Alters schedules through the Sales and Operations Planning to meet unforeseen conditions.Utilizes a collaborative and consensus approach to ensure customer needs are well represented and met.Manage the team providing professional guidance in terms of performance appraisals and team empowermentPerforms other job duties as required. Supply Chain Head - Multinational API companysupply chain - multinationalTo perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Education and/or Experience Minimum 5 years' experience in turning around supply chain organizationsDegree required: Bachelors, preferred: Masters or MBA focused in Supply Chain, Business Management, Finance, EngineeringFamiliarity with Supply Chain concepts, Import/Export rules, transportation and warehousing requirementsMust be organized, possess time management skills, have the ability to deal with ambiguity and be able to manage changing priorities. Leads, motivates, and develops direct reports and peers.Possesses excellent communication, analytical, problem solving and decision making skills.Ability to perform work under general direction and normal business pressuresVery good English Knowledge Preferred ExperienceKnowledge/experience with SAP ERP system or comparable ERP systems.Previous process manufacturing and planning experience.Pharmaceutical environment or similarAPICS certification & Lean Six Sigma Certification as a plusClear understanding of Supply Chain Best PracticesAbility to work and succeed in a global environment and people management Our client is an important American multinational company that deals with active pharmaceutical ingredients. We are looking for 2 Supply Chain Head figures for 2 Italian sites in the north-west Milan area and south-west Milan.Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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Siena (Toscana)
Descrizione del ruolo: Imaginewe are recruiting for a marketing coordinator to join the team at rosewood castiglion del bosco, in tuscany.as marketing coordinator, you will support the director of communications in managing rosewood castiglion del bosco communications and provide administrative and operational support to the sales & marketing team. you will build and nurture relationships with your team to ensure they provide an engaging, intuitive and refined service.this person must demonstrate the highest level of hospitality and professionalism in order to achieve the highest standards possible. being part of rosewood castiglion del bosco team means that training and development opportunities are available and with the hotel being a key part of rosewood’s global expansion plans, this role could be a stepping stone to exciting international career opportunities. Caratteristiche del candidato: This role will require an exceptional level of attention to detail, excellent written and spoken english and italian,  advanced microsoft office and indesign.this role's primary responsibilities are the positive promotion of the resort public image, the coordination of messages to always achieve brand consistency and the highest standards for external communications along with a particular focus on social media and all digital initiatives planned.  he/she must demonstrate ability to perform multiple tasks in a busy environment and remain flexible.rosewood hotels & resorts® has been appointed to manage castiglion del bosco, the bucolic italian resort located in montalcino, tuscany. founded by massimo ferragamo, the resort is set within one of the oldest and best-preserved estates in italy and is located in the heart of val d’orcia, a unesco world heritage site.castiglion del bosco is an 800-year-old estate comprising the ruins of a castle, a medieval church, and the borgo, a village that was once an important farming and social hub. the borgo now forms the heart of the resort and 23 suites are housed within its buildings. the resort also offers 10 villas which have been created from restored farmhouses and feature antique furniture, artisanal pieces and modern comforts. an expansion of additional 19 suites will be in place from 2020 season.rosewood hotels & resorts® manages 27 one-of-a-kind luxury properties in 15 countries, with 21 new hotels under development. each rosewood hotel embraces the brand’s a sense of place® philosophy to reflect the individual location’s history, culture and sensibilities. the rosewood collection includes some of the world’s most legendary hotels and resorts, including the carlyle, a rosewood hotel in new york, rosewood mansion on turtle creek in dallas and hôtel de crillon, a rosewood hotel in paris, as well as new classics such as rosewood beijing. rosewood hotels & resorts targets to double its number of hotels in operation by 2020. explorewe believe that life is made of many journeys: inspiration, wonderment, curiosity, or the simple joy of discovering something new every day. we dedicate ourselves to constantly evolve our skills, our practices, our standards and our technologies. we move forward by never standing still. at rosewood, we know that our future depends upon the development for our associates. that is why we devote multiple levels of programs to address the various needs of our associates' career aspirations.
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Piacenza (Emilia Romagna)
Rolleri Cultura d’Impresa Ricerca e selezione VM1054 – INGEGNERE INFORMATICO SENIOR Per prestigiosa azienda del settore metalmeccanico con sede in provincia di Piacenza. REQUISITI RICHIESTI: -Formazione ad indirizzo tecnico o informatico; -Ottima conoscenza dell’ambiente di programmazione “.NET”, “vb” e “C#”; -Buona conoscenza del linguaggio programmazione “JAVA” (J2EE) e del webserver Apache Tomcat; -Buona conoscenza del linguaggio di markup HTML5 combinato con CSS3 e JavaScript; -Lingua Inglese fluente; -Residenza in zona Piacenza. ATTIVITA’ ASSEGNATE: La risorsa, rispondendo direttamente al Process and Development Engineer e funzionalmente al Global IT Manager, presso l’Ufficio Tecnico della sede, si occuperà di: -Gestire e migliorare l’ambiente PLM secondo indicazioni dell’Ufficio Tecnico, rispettando al contempo la compliance con le direttive del dipartimento IT; -Sviluppare e sostenere proattivamente relazioni con la funzione sales & marketing al fine di fornire e sviluppare Custom e Out Of the Box; -Guidare/Supervisionare le revisioni e le analisi dei requisiti aziendali, comprendere i problemi e le opportunità commerciali nel contesto di riferimento per consentire all’organizzazione di raggiungere i propri obiettivi strategici. Si offrono inserimento diretto in azienda e retribuzione allineata alle effettive competenze. Prego inviare candidature solo se in possesso dei requisiti necessari. I candidati ambosessi sono invitati a leggere l'informativa sulla privacy sul sito di Rolleri Cultura d'Impresa.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
You will:Leverage the expertise of organization design and knowledge of business needs to design and implement an effective organization structureActs as a champion of a coaching culture and drive employee advocacy, while being an internal coach for leadersExecute long-term employee / labor relations strategy with regard for applicable laws and regulations that ensure fair and consistent treatment of all associates while securing the company's competitive advantageProvide counseling opportunities and consult leaders and associates to maximize experience and potentialDrive the succession planning process and talent management agenda, including capability building, talent assessment, and acquisitionAs a part of change management, create an open and transparent communication platformPartner with the leader to champion associate engagement activities and build a high performing, inclusive cultureImplement consistent HR policies that support business needs while advocating associate's best interests.Champion Shared Service to ensure positive associate experienceAnalyze trends and indicators in partnership with HR group to deliver solutions to the businessImplement Total Reward policies and practices in the most fair, competitive and cost-effective manner Challenging OpportunityMultinational CompanyTo join our team you will need:University Degree (Bachelor) - MA desiredAt least 7 years of working experience, of which minimum 2 in a generalist HR RolePrevious experience in a sales and marketing environment desired.Successfullybalancing multiple prioritieswithintheorganizationwhilemaintainingemployeeengagementandsatisfactionExperience in driving Talent Management strategy through matrix organizationsEmployee / Labor Relations experience in Italy. Experience with works councils in Italy is important.Experience with addressing business risks and opportunities effectively and efficiently Our client is a Multinational Company.Interesting job position in an international environment.Contract of full-time employment with appealing employment conditions,Great career development opportunities in one of the world's largest companies with global footprint and recognition. We can offer Temporary contract: 12/18 months as Freelance Salary: 80/90.000€ Location: Assago (Mi) Salario da 80.000 €/anno a 90.000 €/anno
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Piacenza (Emilia Romagna)
Rolleri Cultura d’Impresa Ricerca e selezione VM1054 – SOFTWARE DEVELOPER Per prestigiosa azienda del settore metalmeccanico con sede in provincia di Piacenza. REQUISITI RICHIESTI: -Formazione ad indirizzo tecnico o informatico; -Ottima conoscenza dell’ambiente di programmazione Visual Basic e.Net; -Buona conoscenza lingua inglese; -Residenza in zona Piacenza. ATTIVITA’ ASSEGNATE: La risorsa, rispondendo direttamente al Process and Development Engineer e funzionalmente al Global IT Manager, presso l’Ufficio Tecnico della sede, si occuperà di: -Gestire e migliorare l’ambiente PLM secondo indicazioni dell’Ufficio Tecnico, rispettando al contempo la compliance con le direttive del dipartimento IT; -Sviluppare e sostenere proattivamente relazioni con la funzione sales & marketing al fine di fornire e sviluppare Custom e Out Of the Box; -Guidare/Supervisionare le revisioni e le analisi dei requisiti aziendali, comprendere i problemi e le opportunità commerciali nel contesto di riferimento per consentire all’organizzazione di raggiungere i propri obiettivi strategici. Si offrono inserimento diretto in azienda e retribuzione allineata alle effettive competenze. Prego inviare candidature solo se in possesso dei requisiti necessari. I candidati ambosessi sono invitati a leggere l'informativa sulla privacy sul sito di Rolleri Cultura d'Impresa. CANDIDATI
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Piacenza (Emilia Romagna)
Rolleri Cultura d’Impresa Ricerca e selezione VM1054 – SOFTWARE DEVELOPER Per prestigiosa azienda del settore metalmeccanico con sede in provincia di Piacenza. REQUISITI RICHIESTI: -Formazione ad indirizzo tecnico o informatico; -Ottima conoscenza dell’ambiente di programmazione Visual Basic e.Net; -Buona conoscenza lingua inglese; -Residenza in zona Piacenza. ATTIVITA’ ASSEGNATE: La risorsa, rispondendo direttamente al Process and Development Engineer e funzionalmente al Global IT Manager, presso l’Ufficio Tecnico della sede, si occuperà di: -Gestire e migliorare l’ambiente PLM secondo indicazioni dell’Ufficio Tecnico, rispettando al contempo la compliance con le direttive del dipartimento IT; -Sviluppare e sostenere proattivamente relazioni con la funzione sales & marketing al fine di fornire e sviluppare Custom e Out Of the Box; -Guidare/Supervisionare le revisioni e le analisi dei requisiti aziendali, comprendere i problemi e le opportunità commerciali nel contesto di riferimento per consentire all’organizzazione di raggiungere i propri obiettivi strategici. Si offrono inserimento diretto in azienda e retribuzione allineata alle effettive competenze. Prego inviare candidature solo se in possesso dei requisiti necessari. I candidati ambosessi sono invitati a leggere l'informativa sulla privacy sul sito di Rolleri Cultura d'Impresa.
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Como (Lombardia)
Ricercamy.com,the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: JUNIOR PROJECT ENGINEER Our client is a multinational company in the automotive sector and ask us to search a JUNIOR PROJECT ENGINEER. Job description: ▪ Set up of project plan and independent planning, coordinating and completion of projects; ▪ Guiding the project team (Kick-off & regular team meetings) and ensure that each member completes the assigned tasks according to project plan; ▪ First point of contact to customer. Ensure customer satisfaction with open and proactive communication; ▪ Financial control of project. Ensure project is finalized with at least the precalculated margin; ▪ Management of changes in scope of delivery. Relate commercial changes to sales department; ▪ Responsible for regular project reporting. Skills: ▪ Completed education in business administration, business engineer, industrial engineer etc.; ▪ Further training in project management e.g. IPMA Level D or comparable; ▪ First experience in operational project management and project business (plant construction) and series business (automotive); ▪ Very good analytical skills and a cross-linked mindset; ▪ Effective und independent way of working; ▪ Hands-on-mentality and organizationally versed with a process-oriented mindset; ▪ Communicative, reliable, persistent and structured; ▪ Willingness to global travelling up to 25%; ▪ Languages: Business fluent in English, German is a plus Place of work: Provincia di Como “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Piacenza (Emilia Romagna)
lleri Cultura d’Impresa Ricerca e selezione VM1054 – SOFTWARE DEVELOPER Per prestigiosa azienda del settore metalmeccanico con sede in provincia di Piacenza. REQUISITI RICHIESTI: -Formazione ad indirizzo tecnico o informatico; -Ottima conoscenza dell’ambiente di programmazione Visual Basic e.Net; -Buona conoscenza lingua inglese; -Residenza in zona Piacenza. ATTIVITA’ ASSEGNATE: La risorsa, rispondendo direttamente al Process and Development Engineer e funzionalmente al Global IT Manager, presso l’Ufficio Tecnico della sede, si occuperà di: -Gestire e migliorare l’ambiente PLM secondo indicazioni dell’Ufficio Tecnico, rispettando al contempo la compliance con le direttive del dipartimento IT; -Sviluppare e sostenere proattivamente relazioni con la funzione sales & marketing al fine di fornire e sviluppare Custom e Out Of the Box; -Guidare/Supervisionare le revisioni e le analisi dei requisiti aziendali, comprendere i problemi e le opportunità commerciali nel contesto di riferimento per consentire all’organizzazione di raggiungere i propri obiettivi strategici. Si offrono inserimento diretto in azienda e retribuzione allineata alle effettive competenze. Prego inviare candidature solo se in possesso dei requisiti necessari. I candidati ambosessi sono invitati a leggere l'informativa sulla privacy sul sito di Rolleri Cultura d'Impresa.
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