Headu make your world
Elenco delle migliori vendite headu make your world

Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio posate argento 800,pezzi 31,6 forchette,6 coltelli, 6 cucchiaia,6 forchette frutta,6 coltelli frutta,1 mestolo, firmati calegaro,azienda leader nel settore argenteria e con la passione di ricercare i particolari del designer, gr tot.2,221,7, vendo ¤ 2,287,00,allego scatola e garanzia delle mie gioiellerie. no email. solo chiamate. 136 trusted checkout top review / recensioni top best price/quality for condition world miglior rapporto qualita prezzo per condizioni best price world / miglior prezzo del mondo per condizioni instagram massimiliano_massaro follow me 7800 followers facebook 3 profile two full massimiliano massaro 20000 contacts with gerarda sarni on facebook mother of massimiliano massaro follow us both add us on facebook auction/asta orologi watch gioioielli/jewels massaro 1000 members add members pagina facebook put like follow us 2000 followers like 3 physical store show room 5 on line orogeria massaro chrono 24 349 offers make your best offer/fai la tua offerta massimiliano 3485575362 pagina facebook massaro oro srl instagram massimiliano_massaro welcame paypal il nostro successo il vostro sorriso 3 negozi fisici pescara/ chieti scalo/ chieti 300000 visite mese 1)sito web massarooro sia it che com 2)venditore pro seller orologeria massaro chrono24 +349 offerte di orologi di valore 3)sito web massaro gioiellerie orologerie subito impresa +499 annunci 4)negozio kjjj annunci massaro gioiellerie orologerie +1499 annunci vuoi vendere il tuo orologio o gioiello manda foto con descrizione anno referenza prezzo e corredo e avrai la massima valutazione phone/whatsapp 3485575362 our smile is our success 3 physical stores pescara / chieti scalo / chieti 300000 visit month 1) website massarooro sia it and com 2) seller pro seller watchmaking massaro chrono24 +349 offers of valuable watches 3) website massaro jewelers watchmaking immediately business +499 listings 4) shop kjjj ads massaro jewelers watchmakers +1499 listings want to sell your watch or jewel send photo with description year price reference and kit and you will have the maximum rating phone / whatsapp 3485575362 spediamo in tutto il mondo. per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è solo previo appuntamento. contattateci liberamente. le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono fedelmente l'orologio in vendita. per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. acquistiamo e permutiamo i vostri orologi. we ship worldwide. for safety reasons, we can show the watch only after appointment. call us to make appointment. the photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.for more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. we buy and exchange your watches.
2.287 €
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Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio 12 pezzi di coltelli con manico argento 800,lama acciaio inox,gr tot. 830,40, firmati calegaro, azienda leader nel campo argenteria,dal 1959, vendo ¤ 690,00,allego scatola e garanzia delle mie gioiellerie. no email. solo chiamate. 136 trusted checkout top review / recensioni top best price/quality for condition world miglior rapporto qualita prezzo per condizioni best price world / miglior prezzo del mondo per condizioni instagram massimiliano_massaro follow me 7800 followers facebook 3 profile two full massimiliano massaro 20000 contacts with gerarda sarni on facebook mother of massimiliano massaro follow us both add us on facebook auction/asta orologi watch gioioielli/jewels massaro 1000 members add members pagina facebook put like follow us 2000 followers like 3 physical store show room 5 on line orogeria massaro chrono 24 349 offers make your best offer/fai la tua offerta massimiliano 3485575362 pagina facebook massaro oro srl instagram massimiliano_massaro welcame paypal il nostro successo il vostro sorriso 3 negozi fisici pescara/ chieti scalo/ chieti 300000 visite mese 1)sito web massarooro sia it che com 2)venditore pro seller orologeria massaro chrono24 +349 offerte di orologi di valore 3)sito web massaro gioiellerie orologerie subito impresa +499 annunci 4)negozio kjjj annunci massaro gioiellerie orologerie +1499 annunci vuoi vendere il tuo orologio o gioiello manda foto con descrizione anno referenza prezzo e corredo e avrai la massima valutazione phone/whatsapp 3485575362 our smile is our success 3 physical stores pescara / chieti scalo / chieti 300000 visit month 1) website massarooro sia it and com 2) seller pro seller watchmaking massaro chrono24 +349 offers of valuable watches 3) website massaro jewelers watchmaking immediately business +499 listings 4) shop kjjj ads massaro jewelers watchmakers +1499 listings want to sell your watch or jewel send photo with description year price reference and kit and you will have the maximum rating phone / whatsapp 3485575362 spediamo in tutto il mondo. per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è solo previo appuntamento. contattateci liberamente. le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono fedelmente l'orologio in vendita. per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. acquistiamo e permutiamo i vostri orologi. we ship worldwide. for safety reasons, we can show the watch only after appointment. call us to make appointment. the photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.for more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. we buy and exchange your watches.
690 €
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Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio cucchiaini caffè in argento 800, 12 pezzi, gr tot. 151,2,manici intarsiati, marchio italiano, realizzati con grande cura nella ricerca dei materiali preziosi e nei particolari del designer, vendo ¤ 151,00,allego scatola e garanzia delle mie gioiellerie. no email. solo chiamate. 136 trusted checkout top review / recensioni top best price/quality for condition world miglior rapporto qualita prezzo per condizioni best price world / miglior prezzo del mondo per condizioni instagram massimiliano_massaro follow me 7800 followers facebook 3 profile two full massimiliano massaro 20000 contacts with gerarda sarni on facebook mother of massimiliano massaro follow us both add us on facebook auction/asta orologi watch gioioielli/jewels massaro 1000 members add members pagina facebook put like follow us 2000 followers like 3 physical store show room 5 on line orogeria massaro chrono 24 349 offers make your best offer/fai la tua offerta massimiliano 3485575362 pagina facebook massaro oro srl instagram massimiliano_massaro welcame paypal il nostro successo il vostro sorriso 3 negozi fisici pescara/ chieti scalo/ chieti 300000 visite mese 1)sito web massarooro sia it che com 2)venditore pro seller orologeria massaro chrono24 +349 offerte di orologi di valore 3)sito web massaro gioiellerie orologerie subito impresa +499 annunci 4)negozio kjjj annunci massaro gioiellerie orologerie +1499 annunci vuoi vendere il tuo orologio o gioiello manda foto con descrizione anno referenza prezzo e corredo e avrai la massima valutazione phone/whatsapp 3485575362 our smile is our success 3 physical stores pescara / chieti scalo / chieti 300000 visit month 1) website massarooro sia it and com 2) seller pro seller watchmaking massaro chrono24 +349 offers of valuable watches 3) website massaro jewelers watchmaking immediately business +499 listings 4) shop kjjj ads massaro jewelers watchmakers +1499 listings want to sell your watch or jewel send photo with description year price reference and kit and you will have the maximum rating phone / whatsapp 3485575362 spediamo in tutto il mondo. per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è solo previo appuntamento. contattateci liberamente. le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono fedelmente l'orologio in vendita. per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. acquistiamo e permutiamo i vostri orologi. we ship worldwide. for safety reasons, we can show the watch only after appointment. call us to make appointment. the photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.for more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. we buy and exchange your watches.
151 €
Vista prodotto

Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio cucchiaini caffè, 12 pezzi,in argento 800,gr 180, con manici intagliati,marchio italiano, realizzati con grande cura nella ricerca dei materiali preziosi e nei particolari del designer, vendo ¤ 110,00,allego scatola e garanzia delle mie gioiellerie. no email. solo chiamate. 136 trusted checkout top review / recensioni top best price/quality for condition world miglior rapporto qualita prezzo per condizioni best price world / miglior prezzo del mondo per condizioni instagram massimiliano_massaro follow me 7800 followers facebook 3 profile two full massimiliano massaro 20000 contacts with gerarda sarni on facebook mother of massimiliano massaro follow us both add us on facebook auction/asta orologi watch gioioielli/jewels massaro 1000 members add members pagina facebook put like follow us 2000 followers like 3 physical store show room 5 on line orogeria massaro chrono 24 349 offers make your best offer/fai la tua offerta massimiliano 3485575362 pagina facebook massaro oro srl instagram massimiliano_massaro welcame paypal il nostro successo il vostro sorriso 3 negozi fisici pescara/ chieti scalo/ chieti 300000 visite mese 1)sito web massarooro sia it che com 2)venditore pro seller orologeria massaro chrono24 +349 offerte di orologi di valore 3)sito web massaro gioiellerie orologerie subito impresa +499 annunci 4)negozio kjjj annunci massaro gioiellerie orologerie +1499 annunci vuoi vendere il tuo orologio o gioiello manda foto con descrizione anno referenza prezzo e corredo e avrai la massima valutazione phone/whatsapp 3485575362 our smile is our success 3 physical stores pescara / chieti scalo / chieti 300000 visit month 1) website massarooro sia it and com 2) seller pro seller watchmaking massaro chrono24 +349 offers of valuable watches 3) website massaro jewelers watchmaking immediately business +499 listings 4) shop kjjj ads massaro jewelers watchmakers +1499 listings want to sell your watch or jewel send photo with description year price reference and kit and you will have the maximum rating phone / whatsapp 3485575362 spediamo in tutto il mondo. per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è solo previo appuntamento. contattateci liberamente. le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono fedelmente l'orologio in vendita. per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. acquistiamo e permutiamo i vostri orologi. we ship worldwide. for safety reasons, we can show the watch only after appointment. call us to make appointment. the photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.for more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. we buy and exchange your watches.
110 €
Vista prodotto

The One Aldwych is London’s Contemporary English Luxury Hotel. For over a century it has welcomed Heads of State, Presidents, World Leaders and Royalty. We aim to set ourselves apart from others with a level of service and attention to detail that is second to none and an atmosphere that can only be described as a home-from-home. We put the guest at the heart of everything we do. One Aldwych Hotel is currently looking to recruit qualified staffs to join a well-established and award winning team at the One AldwychHotel . Job Position: Receptionist Receiving and registering guests as they arrive. Control advance booking and reservations. Receive mails and direct them to the guests in the hotel. Receive the payment for accommodation. Allocation of rooms. Compilation of guest bills. Storage of records. Handling of client taxi requests. Safe keeping of client valuables. Handle guest requests like providing extra beddings or offering a certain kind of food. If you have a passion for challenge and achievement, and a desire to make your career with a company that embraces excellence, then consider what One Aldwych has to offer. Since opening in 1841, One Aldwychis renowned for its service, style and elegance. We provide our guests with a truly memorable experience through personal care and attention to detail. Attracting a dedicated and diverse workforce is one of the keys to our success. We are proud to offer a competitive compensation and benefit plan which includes: Benefits Meals on Duty Childcare vouchers On the job training Discounted gym rates Uniform and uniform care Excellent employee recognition programme Preferential room rates for yourself and family Opportunities for promotion and transfer within the Company If you would like to join the One Aldwychteam, we would love to hear from you! Send in your CV.
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Roma (Lazio)
Hello! I am Zainab, a music student in Rome. Children make our world brighter and full of laughter. In Berlin i take care of my two young nephews, i love playing games with them, especiallt outside! I know i dont have alot of professional experience but i think the most important about this job is tolerance, kindness and passion, which i can bring in the house for sure, the rest like chores or specific skills can be learned in my opinion, always stay postive, we are all meant to learn new things! I cant wait to be a babysitter and have children to look after. I live all alone in Rome and can ensure that i am an responsible and hard- working person. My university scgedule is quite empty so i am happy to work as much as you need me to, especially in the afternoon and evenings! Moreover, my italian is level A1-2 but i do understand a lot especially easy basic vocabulary you use everyday. But this might be a good chance for your children to learn English, german or others with me!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione Are you always the local guide, restaurant-picker and hotel connoisseur in your friend circle? Is traveling in your blood? Feels like you and Majorel should have a talk! Is traveling what makes you talk? And on top of that, you love to help people out? Let’s combine spirits and join our team as a travel and tourism success agent! Who we are: We’re Majorel. We design, deliver and differentiate customer experience on behalf of some of the world’s most respected brands. At Majorel we serve customers accross the world. We support them at any time, through every device and in the manner they expect from their brands. We speak their language wherever they are and whatever their culture. At Majorel we combine the best of people, technology and innovation to deliver real value to our clients. We are committed and we believe in equal opportunities between men and women. In the same way, our offered positions are open to people with disabilities. We ensure compliance and all prevention regulations are met, guaranteeing the care for our people’s health and safety both at our facilities and teleworking. Our mission: We create amazing customer experiences that people value and we are proud of. By combining talent, data, and technology. We deliver real impact for our partners. We are driven to go further. Your Responsibilities: •Providing superb support the way you would want to be treated during your vacation! •Inform your customers about the products and services the project provides, and make sure this also includes their policies and processes in a friendly manner •Be aware of current traveling destinations and holiday trends •Evaluate problems and complaints of the callers and provide proper solutions to them (chat, e-mail, phone calls) Your profile: •Excellent communication skills & high focus on customer satisfaction •Excellent language skills (at least C1) in Italian and English, both spoken and written •Customer service-orientated and a high focus on customer satisfaction •Strong administration and organization skills •Keen eye for detail to ensure high accuracy •Very good PC skills •Availability to work on shifts •Team work •A previous experience in Customer Service or similar business is a plus (B2B) Our offer: •Starting paid training path •Continuous improvement and product training •Modern and multinational working environment at an attractive location in Milan with good public transport connection •Excellent reputation as responsible employer •Welcoming and inclusive environment •Shift system (from Monday to Sunday from 7am to 11 pm; festivities included) •Work is performed in our facilities and in teleworking •Belonging to a great international company where you will constantly be learning
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione DESCRIPTION Majorel is now Teleperformance. Together, we can further refine our digital service offerings to help the world's leading brands operate with greater agility and adaptability to master their future. A core Teleperformance commitment is to position top talent for success in this new chapter. We believe that it's the people who make both companies genuinely exceptional and the combined organization will offer significant career development opportunities all around the world. Are you ready to explore a whole new world of vast opportunities? We're glad to meet you. Apply today! For an important partner in the cosmetics industry, L'Oréal Group, we are looking for brilliant resources to be included as Customer Service employees. The ideal candidate has a strong orientation towards the achievement of objectives, excellent interpersonal skills and shows a propensity to manage telephone contact. Responsibilities Management of consumer requests relating to Information and Complaints through different channels (i.e. live chat, phone, emails, webforms, Social 1:1) by providing excellent solution, service, product and beauty advice in a professional, precise and timely manner. Requirements Must have * Excellent communication skills, empathy b'&' high focus on customer satisfaction * Customer orientation, problem solving skills, teamwork * Native language skills in French or at least C1 level knowledge * English at least B2 (written, spoken and read) * Good IT skills - required competence and speed in the use of tools to report interactions * Availability to work on shifts Nice to have * Prior experience in Cosmetics and Luxury sector is preferential * Knowledge and experience with digital and social media * Previous experience in Customer Service What we offer * Competitive salary and benefits * Flexible shift system * Stable multinational company with an international and diverse environment * Possibility of internal growth * Work/live in Milan, one of the world fashion cities and gateway to one of the most beautiful countries in the world * Convenient work location with excellent public transport connections * Remote working according to project needs; it is mandatory to be within 100 km from our office in Milan while working from home * Feel Good Program to create a better work environment for our people and focus on their wellbeing and engagement If you like to be part of this great journey and growing opportunities, please join us in a vibrant, multi-cultural city center environment. Explore you career possibilities and work on your Personal Development. Above all, enjoy the experience of working with this highly prestigious brand L'Oréal Group! Equal opportunities At Majorel we are committed to equal opportunities between men and women. In the same way, our offered positions can be developed by people with disabilities. We guarantee compliance with preven
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Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio 3 pezzi posate bambini, 1 forchetta, 1 cucchiaio, 1 coltello, in acciaio con manici lavorati dorate,gr tot 100,7,vendo EURO 70.00.Realizzato con cura dei dettagli e sopratutto nella ricerca del design italiano. Allego scatole e garanzie delle mie gioiellerie, MIGLIOR prezzo WEB. VENDIAMO gioielli, vendiamo orologi, vendiamo parole, vendiamo idee, comunque vendiamo col cuore italiano. CHIAMARE MASSIMILIANO AL 3485575362. NO EMAIL 220 TRUSTED CHECKOUT / CLIENTI SODDISFATTI INSTAGRAM 14K FOLLOWERS massimiliano_massaro TOP REVIEW / RECENSIONI TOP BEST PRICE/QUALITY FOR CONDITION WORLD MIGLIOR RAPPORTO QUALITA PREZZO PER CONDIZIONI BEST PRICE WORLD / MIGLIOR PREZZO DEL MONDO PER CONDIZIONI Spediamo in tutto il mondo. Per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è SOLO previo APPUNTAMENTO. Contattateci liberamente. Le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono FEDELMENTE l'orologio in vendita. Per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. ACQUISTIAMO E PERMUTIAMO I VOSTRI OROLOGI E GIOIELLI We ship worldwide. For safety reasons, we can show the watch ONLY after APPOINTMENT. Call us to make appointment. The photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.For more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. WE BUY AND EXCHANGE YOUR WATCHES AND JEWELS
70 €
Vista prodotto

Chieti (Abruzzo)
Tris servizio da portate, argento 800, gr tot.308,formato da 1coltello lungo 26 cm, 1 paletta lunga 26 cm, 1 forchettone lungo 26 cm, i manici bombati e intarsiati ed intarsi anche sulla base delle posate, vendo EURO 308.00,APPROFITTATE di questa folle offerta perché vendo a soli 1 euro al grammo l'argento 800.NO EMAIL.SOLO CHIAMATE. Realizzato con cura dei dettagli e sopratutto nella ricerca del design italiano. Allego scatole e garanzie delle mie gioiellerie, MIGLIOR prezzo WEB. VENDIAMO gioielli, vendiamo orologi, vendiamo parole, vendiamo idee, comunque vendiamo col cuore italiano. CHIAMARE MASSIMILIANO AL 3485575362. NO EMAIL 220 TRUSTED CHECKOUT / CLIENTI SODDISFATTI INSTAGRAM 14K FOLLOWERS massimiliano_massaro TOP REVIEW / RECENSIONI TOP BEST PRICE/QUALITY FOR CONDITION WORLD MIGLIOR RAPPORTO QUALITA PREZZO PER CONDIZIONI BEST PRICE WORLD / MIGLIOR PREZZO DEL MONDO PER CONDIZIONI Spediamo in tutto il mondo. Per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è SOLO previo APPUNTAMENTO. Contattateci liberamente. Le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono FEDELMENTE l'orologio in vendita. Per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. ACQUISTIAMO E PERMUTIAMO I VOSTRI OROLOGI E GIOIELLI We ship worldwide. For safety reasons, we can show the watch ONLY after APPOINTMENT. Call us to make appointment. The photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.For more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. WE BUY AND EXCHANGE YOUR WATCHES AND JEWELS
308 €
Vista prodotto

Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio da frutta e dessert argento 800,con forchettine 12 pezzi,lunghe cm 17, e coltelli 12 pezzi, con lama acciaio, lunghi cm 18, cucchiaia pezzi 6 da dolce lunghi cm 16 e due posate da portata,1 cucchiaione ed 1 paletta, gr tot.866, un servizio regale per una tavola elegante, vendo EURO 866.00,APPROFITTATE questa folle offerta perché vendo a soli 1 euro al grammo l'argento 800.NO EMAIL.SOLO CHIAMATE.Realizzato con cura dei dettagli e sopratutto nella ricerca del design italiano. Allego scatole e garanzie delle mie gioiellerie, MIGLIOR prezzo WEB. VENDIAMO gioielli, vendiamo orologi, vendiamo parole, vendiamo idee, comunque vendiamo col cuore italiano. CHIAMARE MASSIMILIANO AL 3485575362. NO EMAIL 220 TRUSTED CHECKOUT / CLIENTI SODDISFATTI INSTAGRAM 14K FOLLOWERS massimiliano_massaro TOP REVIEW / RECENSIONI TOP BEST PRICE/QUALITY FOR CONDITION WORLD MIGLIOR RAPPORTO QUALITA PREZZO PER CONDIZIONI BEST PRICE WORLD / MIGLIOR PREZZO DEL MONDO PER CONDIZIONI Spediamo in tutto il mondo. Per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è SOLO previo APPUNTAMENTO. Contattateci liberamente. Le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono FEDELMENTE l'orologio in vendita. Per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. ACQUISTIAMO E PERMUTIAMO I VOSTRI OROLOGI E GIOIELLI We ship worldwide. For safety reasons, we can show the watch ONLY after APPOINTMENT. Call us to make appointment. The photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.For more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. WE BUY AND EXCHANGE YOUR WATCHES AND JEWELS
866 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
Hello! My name is Vida and currently, I am a student at Politecnico di Milan doing the master thesis. I love children. They give me energy and make me separated from my usual life to a totally new world. I really cannot get enough of this world! I started working with children 5 years ago as a piano tutor, then my passion about them made me more engaged; therefore, beside teaching piano, I started babysitting kids in my country as a side-job. I encountered children from 3 to 15. I get along with them easily and they usually like me very soon. I can teach English to children as well. Since I am working on my Italian language, I also can communicate in Italian but as an amateur. Well let's say your kids gotta teach me speak Italian better in exchange of me teach them English:)
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Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio cucchiaini caffè, 24 pezzi, in argento 800, lunghezza 11,5 cm,gr 279, con manici intagliati, per degustare un caffè su di una tavola regale,vendo EURO 279.00,APPROFITTATE di questa folle offerta perché vendo a soli 1 euro al grammo l'argento 800.NO EMAIL.SOLO CHIAMATE. Realizzato con cura dei dettagli e sopratutto nella ricerca del design italiano. Allego scatole e garanzie delle mie gioiellerie, MIGLIOR prezzo WEB. VENDIAMO gioielli, vendiamo orologi, vendiamo parole, vendiamo idee, comunque vendiamo col cuore italiano. CHIAMARE MASSIMILIANO AL 3485575362. NO EMAIL 220 TRUSTED CHECKOUT / CLIENTI SODDISFATTI INSTAGRAM 14K FOLLOWERS massimiliano_massaro TOP REVIEW / RECENSIONI TOP BEST PRICE/QUALITY FOR CONDITION WORLD MIGLIOR RAPPORTO QUALITA PREZZO PER CONDIZIONI BEST PRICE WORLD / MIGLIOR PREZZO DEL MONDO PER CONDIZIONI Spediamo in tutto il mondo. Per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è SOLO previo APPUNTAMENTO. Contattateci liberamente. Le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono FEDELMENTE l'orologio in vendita. Per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. ACQUISTIAMO E PERMUTIAMO I VOSTRI OROLOGI E GIOIELLI We ship worldwide. For safety reasons, we can show the watch ONLY after APPOINTMENT. Call us to make appointment. The photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.For more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. WE BUY AND EXCHANGE YOUR WATCHES AND JEWELS
279 €
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Chieti (Abruzzo)
Servizio posate argento 800, con mestolo pavé tot 37,il servizio ha i manici intagliati, è composto da 6 forchette e 6 forchette da dessert,6 coltelli e 6coltelli dessert, con lame in acciaio inox,12 cucchiaia, 1 mestolo, gr tot.servizio 2,566, APPROFITTATE di questa folle offerta perché vendo a soli 1 euro al grammo l'argento 800.NO EMAIL.SOLO CHIAMATE. Vendo EURO 2.566.00.Realizzato con cura dei dettagli e sopratutto nella ricerca del design italiano. Allego scatole e garanzie delle mie gioiellerie, MIGLIOR prezzo WEB. VENDIAMO gioielli, vendiamo orologi, vendiamo parole, vendiamo idee, comunque vendiamo col cuore italiano. CHIAMARE MASSIMILIANO AL 3485575362. NO EMAIL 220 TRUSTED CHECKOUT / CLIENTI SODDISFATTI INSTAGRAM 14K FOLLOWERS massimiliano_massaro TOP REVIEW / RECENSIONI TOP BEST PRICE/QUALITY FOR CONDITION WORLD MIGLIOR RAPPORTO QUALITA PREZZO PER CONDIZIONI BEST PRICE WORLD / MIGLIOR PREZZO DEL MONDO PER CONDIZIONI Spediamo in tutto il mondo. Per ragioni di sicurezza la visone è SOLO previo APPUNTAMENTO. Contattateci liberamente. Le foto e le descrizioni ritraggono FEDELMENTE l'orologio in vendita. Per ulteriori specifiche tecniche dell'orologio si prega di fare riferimento alla referenza scritta qui e riportata sul sito del costruttore. ACQUISTIAMO E PERMUTIAMO I VOSTRI OROLOGI E GIOIELLI We ship worldwide. For safety reasons, we can show the watch ONLY after APPOINTMENT. Call us to make appointment. The photos and descritpions show exactly the watch for sale.For more details of the clock, you can check the reference on the producer website. WE BUY AND EXCHANGE YOUR WATCHES AND JEWELS
2.566 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione Job description For an important partner in the cosmetics industry, L’Oréal Group, we are looking for brilliant resources to be included as Customer Service employees. The ideal candidate has a strong orientation towards the achievement of objectives, excellent interpersonal skills and shows a propensity to manage telephone contact. Responsibilities Main activities: Management of consumer requests relating to Information and Complaints through different channels (i.e. live chat, phone, emails, webforms, Social 1:1) by providing excellent solution, service, product and beauty advice in a professional, precise and timely manner. Requirements Must have • Excellent communication skills, empathy & high focus on customer satisfaction • Customer orientation, problem solving skills, teamwork • Native language skills in English or at least C1 level knowledge • Italian knowledge at least B2 (written, spoken and read) • Good IT skills - required competence and speed in the use of tools to report interactions • Availability to work on shifts Nice to have • Prior experience in Cosmetics and Luxury sector is preferential • Knowledge and experience with digital and social media • Previous experience in Customer Service What we offer Our offer: • Competitive salary and benefits • Flexible shift system • Stable multinational company with interaction between different nationalities and cultures and the possibility of internal growth • Modern and positive work environment • Excellent public transport connections • An international environment employing people from different nationalities and cultures If you like to be part of this great journey and growing opportunities, please join us in a vibrant, multi-cultural city center environment. Explore you careers possibilities and work on your Personal Development. Above all, enjoy the experience of working with this highly prestigious brand L’Oréal Group! Welcome to Majorel! We are a leading customer experience multinational with over 82,000 professionals in 45 countries all over the globe. Our diverse #OneTeam designs and delivers flexible solutions in 70 different languages that make a difference to the customers of many of the world’s most respected brands. Creativity, Excellence and Respect, our fundamental values, drive everything we do. Whether you are an experienced professional or just starting out, we can offer you the right support to help you achieve your goals. Are you also #DrivenToGoFurther? Join us now! Equal opportunities At Majorel we are committed to equal opportunities between men and women. In the same way, our offered positions can be developed by people with disabilities. We guarantee compliance with preventive regulations to ensure the care for the safety and health of workers in our facilities or in teleworking
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