Elenco delle migliori vendite hull

Italia (Tutte le città)
De Vries Lentsch 26 meter steel hull
Several years have gone by since the original conception of the design and the first welding. During the turn of the economics the project was halted due to lack of funds and stored aside. Now owner has decided it is time to part with the project and focus on the business again. This beautiful and timeless classic steel de Vries Lentsch steel hull is now for sale at fraction of replacement cost.
Anyone looking for a De Vries Lentsch design project should visit this hull and discover himself how much of the project is actually already done. For more information please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This Brand New and latest 320 Quicksilver alloy hull RIB lightweight only 62 kg takes up to 20hp s/s motors takes 5 persons comes with davit lifting points all built in, and bow locker all built in our promo deal is only £2699 inc vat,
boat only, engines extra
2 yr warranty, with pump, seat, and oars
we sell a new tohatsu fs 20 hp tiller efi from only £2699
a new trailer to suit from £999
all prices inc vat for collection here
call us today 01392-216420
Bridger Marine Exeter EX2 8DD
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Numarine 26XP Hull #22 is available with a March 2023 delivery.This is an extremely large volume 26m that feels like a much larger yacht due to her large windows and open floor plan.The upper sundeck can be custom configured at the request of the client and can include a davit for carrying a tender & jet skis, jacuzzi, full bar and lounge areas. A large fixed hard top allows for plenty of shade. Standard configuration allows you to carry a tender on the hydraulic swim platform back aft. Her layout sleeps 8 guests in 4 cabins including a full beam master cabin. One of the most impressive features is the 7ft of headroom found throughout the yacht. When looking at this segment of the market and comparing size to price/value/volume the 26XP offers one of the best platforms on the market today.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Available for immediate delivery. VAT and transport not included in the price. FINNMASTER T9 - Combining power, space and passion, the new flagship of the T series, the Finnmaster T9 adds unattainable leadership, safety and unparalleled sailing pleasure. This spacious Daycruise is perfect for active boat owners. The large cockpit has plenty of space for various activities; water sports, social gatherings, meals, and on the lower deck you can spend the night as comfortably as possible. The Finnmaster T9 is designed for today's users with tomorrow's solutions. The sophisticated navigation system guarantees almost unlimited expansion possibilities. Ergonomic steering features make getting to your destination secondary. Climb aboard and free time begins.
Disponivel para entrega imediata. IVA e transporte não incluido no preco. FINNMASTER T9 - Ao combinar potencia, espaco e paixão, o novo flagship da serie T, o Finnmaster T9 adiciona lideranca inalcancavel, seguranca e prazer incomparavel de navegar. Este espacoso Daycruise e perfeito para proprietarios de barcos ativos. O grande cockpit tem muito espaco para diversas atividades; desportos nauticos, confraternização, refeições, e no conves inferior podera pernoitar o mais confortavelmente possivel. O Finnmaster T9 foi projetado para os utilizadores de hoje com as soluções de amanhã. O sofisticado sistema de navegação garante possibilidades de expansão quase ilimitadas. As caracteristicas de direcão ergonomica tornam a chegada ao destino secundaria. Suba a bordo e o tempo livre comeca.
Disponible para entrega inmediata. IVA y transporte no incluidos en el precio. FINNMASTER T9: combinando potencia, espacio y pasión, el nuevo buque insignia de la serie T, el Finnmaster T9, añade un liderazgo inalcanzable, seguridad y un placer de navegación incomparable. Este espacioso crucero de un día es perfecto para propietarios de embarcaciones activos. La gran cabina tiene mucho espacio para diversas actividades; deportes acuáticos, reuniones sociales, comidas, y en la cubierta inferior podrás pasar la noche lo más cómodamente posible. El Finnmaster T9 está diseñado para los usuarios de hoy con las soluciones del mañana. El sofisticado sistema de navegación garantiza posibilidades de ampliación casi ilimitadas. Las características ergonómicas de la dirección hacen que llegar a su destino sea secundario. Sube a bordo y comienza el tiempo libre. Disponible pour livraison immédiate. TVA et transport non inclus dans le prix. FINNMASTER T9 - Alliant puissance, espace et passion, nouveau fleuron de la série T, le Finnmaster T9 ajoute un leadership, une sécurité et un plaisir de navigation inégalés. Cette croisière de jour spacieuse est parfaite pour les propriétaires de bateaux actifs. Le grand cockpit offre suffisamment d'espace pour diverses activités; sports nautiques, réunions sociales, repas et sur le pont inférieur, vous pourrez passer la nuit aussi confortablement que possible. Le Finnmaster T9 est conçu pour les utilisateurs d'aujourd'hui avec les solutions de demain. Le système de navigation sophistiqué garantit des possibilités d'extension presque illimitées. Les fonctions de direction ergonomiques rendent l'arrivée à votre destination secondaire. Montez à bord et le temps libre commence. Sofort lieferbar. Mehrwertsteuer und Transport nicht im Preis inbegriffen. FINNMASTER T9 – Das neue Flaggschiff der T-Serie, das neue Flaggschiff der T-Serie, vereint Leistung, Platz und Leidenschaft und bietet unerreichte Führung, Sicherheit und unvergleichliches Segelvergnügen. Dieser geräumige Daycruise ist perfekt für aktive Bootsbesitzer. Das große Cockpit bietet viel Platz für verschiedene Aktivitäten; Wassersport, geselliges Beisammensein, Essen und auf dem Unterdeck können Sie so bequem wie möglich übernachten. Der Finnmaster T9 wurde für die Benutzer von heute mit den Lösungen von morgen entwickelt. Das ausgefeilte Navigationssystem garantiert nahezu unbegrenzte Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten. Ergonomische Lenkfunktionen machen das Erreichen Ihres Ziels zur Nebensache. Steigen Sie ein und die freie Zeit beginnt.
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Scopri IRIDEA DESIGN GRA-HON-NC750-HRC-RE-BL. Acquista kit grafiche complete e accessori per la tua moto su
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Scopri IRIDEA DESIGN GRA-HON-NC750-BK-OR. Acquista kit grafiche complete e accessori per la tua moto su
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Scopri IRIDEA DESIGN GRA-HON-NC7-HRC2-RE-BL. Acquista kit grafiche complete e accessori per la tua moto su
38 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
HULL #3 of K-Yachts 300-1 is available with an early 2024 delivery. Sister ship to the award winning K-584 can be customized from the interior decor & layout, exterior deck spaces and styling.
K-YACHTS, the innovative range of motor yachts based on the same philosophy and design of K-584, created by Yachting Expertise after 30 years of building experience. Built in steel and aluminum to a design penned by A. Vallicelli & C. Yacht Design, the K-YACHTS sport a “masculine” exterior with “military flavor” and a red stylized “K” towards the bow.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
A. Main Structure:
1. Color hull design.
2. One-piece hull lamination w/ longitudinal
3. Hull, Deck & superstructure are built with
licensed process SCRIMPTM for improved
strength and less weight.
4. Fiberglass solid hull bottom.
5. High-temperature resin and foam cored
construction above water line.
6. Stringers with high density foam coring.
7. Deck & superstructure foam cored
reinforcement for strength.
8. Interior structural components all properly
bonded to hull.
9. Strong reinforced bulkhead structure for
extra safety.
10. International anti-fouling bottom paint, w/
anti-osmosis treatment.
B. Hull & deck exterior general:
1. FRP main deck.
2. High bulwark w/ flush mounted deck lights.
3. Fiberglass cap rail in Fwd. deck area.
4. Teak cap rail from Fwd. Portugal Bridge to
5. Two stainless steel rollers and chain stoppers
for anchor chains.
6. Two vertical Hydraulic anchor winches
7. Two stainless steel ship type 175 Lbs. (80 kgs)
8. Two high tensile 250 feet 1/2” anchor chains.
9. Big pieces of S/S bow protection plates.
10. Two Maxwell Elec. Winches VC2200 in P&S.
11. Heavy-duty S/S #316 2Ç handrail w/ 1-1/2Ç
12. Stainless flag pole on bow rail.
13. Fender lockers in forward deck for 6 fenders.
14. Portugal bridge around the lower helm.
15. One round escape hatch w/ screen in center
of Portugal bridge walkway access from VIP.
16. Heavy-duty 316# stainless steel cleats and
fairlead w/rollers.
17. Frameless recessed windows tinted tempered
safety glass.
18. TREND 2 pane Stainless steel patio door w/
bronze reflective glass for saloon entrance, fix
panel on port side.
19. One water tight door from port side deck to
lazarette, opening to bow.
20. Two mid-ship side boarding gates at main
deck P&S.
21. Stainless steel round port lights w/screens,
12/" CLSR-1200L, 4 units in crew/ lazarette
area, 4 units in master cabin.
22. Stainless steel oval port lights w/screens,
7/"Å~18/"/CLO-0718, 5 units in VIP and guest
23. Stainless steel custom design fix large size
oval port lights 2 units in master cabin.
24. Built-in shower with hot/cold water in
transom area.
25. Manual S/S Swimming ladder.
26. Aft deck seats w/ acrylic drink holders.
27. Two fiberglass dining tables w/ folding piece
in center in Aft deck
28. Trend S/S rub rail around hull deck joint.
29. Stainless steel handrails 1-1/4” Dia. round on
both sides of aft deck stairs.
30. Two zinc anodes on transom.
31. Sunbrella or Vinyl exterior cushions (standard
factory choices.).
32. New design transom integrated with curve aft
deck seat.
33. Two stairs from swimstep to aft deck in port
& stbd side.
34. Comfortable curved stairs from aft. deck to
F/B w/ handrail 1-1/4” in one side.
35. Seamless cover for fuel/water inlets in
recessed boxes.
36. Two vertical cleats #A024h 300 series, at
corner of swimstep P&S.
37. LED white light with 24V DC transformer on
Horizon group logo on P&S radar arch.
38. Beseznoni Hyd. gangway 3.5m. at port side.
39. Garage for tender (Williams 325 type) at stern
Hydraulic fold down garage door.
Elec. tender winch and rollers.
One ventilation fan
One AC outlet
AC/ DC lights
Escape hatch to lazarette.
Fresh water wash down.
Ladder holder for manual swimming
Smoke detector.
*not including tender
For additional information please follow the link
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The STEALTH 46M anti radar vessel is a design that will appeal to a client looking for something very unique. The styling is bold and takes its cues from current naval requirements. The design also allows for class-beating interior volume.
At this stage this is a project form the board of world renowned Naval Architect Peter Bolke who over the years has been behind numerous large power and sailing yacht designs based with the hugely successful Dubois design house.
Principal Dimensions:
o Below 500GRTo Alluminium or Medim Tech Composite construction (not steel)o Semi-displacement form to be efficient at cruising speeds o Restricted installed power for good hull speed efficiency rangeo Maximised running length for efficiencyo Box Dimensions 46.0m x 8.9m x 2.3m
Hull features:o Maximized parallel body for build efficiencyo Underwater – run aft inflected to horizontal F55 – allowing parallel transom platform extension.o Hull bottom inflection maximised to allow low installed shaft angleo Maximise running length for efficiency – full LOAo Thruster openings – hydrodynamic fairing and detailingo Options for zero speed stabilizationo Long keel extent for directional stability o Moderate hull flair forward – small chine knuckle intersecting waterlineo Skin fittings – either above kniuckle in vertical topside or below knuckle in hull bottomo Flat stem
The design incorporates not only a unique styling concept but also attention to detail has been given to the hull form, power train and ancillary equipment to improve efficiency and space for a given size.
The designer and Ocean Team are available to discuss this project in more detail and also offers the new owner significant flexibility and customisation on the interior and options. The build could be achieved here in the UK or at various yards in Europe or Italy.
The interior could also be offered a blank canvas for your interior designer of choice to produce something both spectacular and of course totally unique to you.
In way of lazarette – hull topside platform extends aft far enough to allow walking around the aft quatre butress – so access to the stern steps. No additional steps required.o Platform is also useful to extend beach-club facillity.
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Monfalcone (Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Briand at his best, with CNB's know-how and, the CNB 66 provides plenty of space, excellent voyaging capabilities and first class elegance, all within a manageable 20 metres. She is an ideal vessel for couples and families alike, and already as popular in the big yacht charter market as she is in the elite of performance cruiser regattas. The hull is designed for speed, making for quick passages, whilst the vertical stem, aft chine and good weight distribution makes the 66 easy to manoeuvre and a joy to helm. Down below, Jean-Marc Paiton has once again created a bright and airy space that is not only luxurious, but superbly practical too. The 270 degree panoramic windows and in hull glazing reveal incredible vistas over the ocean and a magical brightness throughout this spacious interior Inventory DECK GEAR HATCHES, PORTLIGHTS, WINDOWS Eight (8) opening flush tinted acrylic deck hatches in the foredeck Two (2) opening flush tinted acrylic deck hatches in the coach roof Two (2) opening hatches in the cockpit Two (2) opening portlights for the galley Eight (8) fixed portlights 700 mm x 250 mm Two (2) fixed portlights 900 mm x 250 mm Eleven (11) linear meters of windows in pilothouse Teak covered deck hatches for windlass access and lazarette access x 2 SAILING HARDWARE Primary winches - Harken ST 70 Performa Secondary winches - Harken ST 60 Performa Mainsheet winch - Harken ST 60 Performa Halyard/Reef line winches - Harken ST 60 Performa Option to upgrade all winches to Electric Navtec multi-function hydraulic panel Hydraulic boom vang, backstay cylinders, transom hatch TWIN HELM STATIONS Composite steering wheels laquered in black (options for carbon & teak or all carbon wheels) Composite pod with compass CANVAS Sprayhood at companionway TRANSOM Large hatch door opens for access to the tender garage and to create an expansive swim platform (2,90 x 1,30 meters), integrated foldable stairs for cockpit access, detachable swim ladder and access to 3.2m tender storage Gangway hatch to port (hydraulicly deployed gangway or carbon fibre folding gangway are Optional) Engine exhaust and shorepower connection behind louvers to starboard The tender garage is a waterproof monocoque constructed box with no penetrations. So there is no chance of water from the garage entering the boat. ANCHOR 40 kg CQR anchor with 100 meters of 12mm galvanized chain Anchor roller integrated in fixed bowsprit Windlass control in sail locker GALLEY APPLIANCES Miele induction cooking hob Miele Oven/Microwave combined Vitrifrigo 157 liter refrigerator and 75 liter freezer Stainless steel sink w/ tap Bridge LOA: 20,61 m 67.61 ft Hull Length 19,86 m 62.20 ft Length w/ bowsprit 21,36 m 70.07 ft LWL 18,45 m 60.53 ft Max Beam 5,51 m 18.07 ft Draft (standard keel) 2,95 m 9.67 ft Displacement (Light) 31,100 kg 68,500 lb Ballast (standard keel) 9,350 kg 20,600 lb Fresh Water 1,000 liters 132 gallons Fuel 1,200 liters 158 gallons The low profile pilothouse, off center companionway, large cockpit with twin wheels, twin rudders, plumb stem, and powerful hull with chine all reflect the Phillipe Briand and CNB heritage. Built with the exacting process and tolerances of CNB's world class standards the 66 is configured for owners who do not want to sail with professional crew. The CNB 66 is a semi-custom build with a multitude of options available to allow you to configure the boat so it best suits you and your family. The yacht features flush teak decks, only one 12 cm step from the cockpit to the weather decks, gel coat finish topsides and house, flush deck hatches, large hull portlights, large sail locker that can be converted to a crew cabin. Keel Options Standard Option 1 Cast Iron "L" shaped Lead Bulb and steel fin "T" shaped Draft - 2.95 m Draft - 2.40 m Ballast - 9,35 tons Ballast - 9,80 tons Option 2 Option 3 Lead Bulb and steel fin "T" shaped Lead Bulb and cast iron fin "T" shaped Draft - 2.95 m Draft - 3.50 m Ballast - 7,9 tons Ballast - 7,1 tons Machinery MAIN ENGINE Volvo Penta D4-180hp @ 2800 rpm 4 blade 635 mm diameter feathering bronze propeller F16PH 50 mm stainless steel shaft Hydrolube non-metallic cutlass bearings (x2) Engine controls at Starboard Helm Bow thruster in tunnel ELECTRICAL Service Battery Bank 420 A/h 24V Gel batteries Start Batteries 12v x2 one for engine one for generator Battery Charger Victron 24V - 100 A/h Inverter Victron 3000 Watt Generator - Cummins 13.5 kW TANK CAPACITY Water 1000 liters in two tanks Fuel 1200 liters in two tanks Rig STANDARD OPTION: Aluminum mast and boom by Sparcraft, Dyform stainless standing rigging, aluminum spreaders Manual headsail furler Self tacking jib track Harken 26mm switch Battcar system RIG DIMENSIONS: I - 25.00 m J - 7.67 m P - 24.13 m E - 7.80 m LP - 110% 8.30 m SAIL AREA: Mainsail - 112 m² Blade Jib - 103 m² Asymetrical Spinnaker - 330 m² Code 5 Spinnaker - 250 m² Code - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - ² Upwind Sail Area - 215 m² Downwind Sail Area - 440 m² CARBON SPARS OPTION (Performance option) Hall Spars - Standard Modulus Carbon spar and spreaders with clear coat finish Nitronic rod rigging Harken 26mm switch Battcar system V boom with hydraulic outhaul RIG DIMENSIONS: I - 26.15 m J - 7.67 m P - 25.65 m E - 8.00 m LP - 110% 8.30 m SAIL AREA: Mainsail - 120 m² Blade Jib - 107 m² Asymetrical Spinnaker - 355 m² Code 5 Spinnaker - 270 m² Code - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - ² Upwind Sail Area - 227 m² Downwind Sail Area - 475 m² MAINSAIL HANDLING OPTIONS Slab reefing with Harken switch car system In-Mast hydraulic furler with hydraulic outhaul In-boom furling with Hall Carbon V-boom HEADSAIL FURLING OPTIONS Electric headsail furler Staysail rigged on fix stay with running backstays with either a manual or electric furler Accommodation The CNB 66 is a semi-custom yacht and it is here in the interior where you can build a boat best suited to you and your family. Choose from three interior finishes Would you like to turn one cabin into an office? You can. Would like to change one of the four bathrooms into a walk-in wardrobe? You can. Would you like to convert the large port cabin in a game room for the kids? You can. CNB and Ancasta look forward to working with you to create the right boat for you. STANDARD LAYOUT 4 cabin, 4 heads, Owner's cabin forward, galley aft, fixed port lights in all cabins with two meter headroom throughout. The stylish, contemporary interior is finished in "Levanter Ambience" - walnut wood with an open pore finish, light oak floorboards, white overhead and ceiling panels. Saloon cushions in Trojan water repellent fabric ARRANGEMENT Full width Owner's Cabin forward with double berth off centerline to port, to starboard settee and desk with large hanging locker on aft bulkhead. Forward of the cabin is a full width head with separate shower stall, toilet, vanity, mirror and lockers. Aft of the owner's cabin are two guest cabins. Port cabin features a double berth with the berth side cabinet inboard. There is a hanging locker inboard. Forward of the cabin is the ensuite head with shower, vanity, toilet and storage. The Starboard Guest cabin features upper and lower berths, with hanging locker inboard. Forward of the cabin is the ensuite head with shower, vanity, toilet and storage. The heart of the interior is the spacious, light filled, clean contemporary saloon. The panoramic views from the pilothouse windows combined with the large portlights in the hull ensure uninterrupted views of the anchorage. To port is an L shaped settee wrapping around two sides of the table that comfortably seats eight. Aft of the dining table is the bar & navigation area. To starboard is an innovative and comfortable modular settee when fully assembled creates an expansive sofa. Two of the modular "benches" within the settee can be slid across the saloon floor to become seats at the table. Aft of the saloon and down two steps is the modern galley to port, open to the saloon with access to the cockpit as well. The galley features Miele and Vitrifrigo appliances, double bowl stainless steel sink, Corian© counter tops, 12 cupboards and three drawers. To starboard is the fourth cabin with a double berth, hanging locker on the centerline and ensuite head with separate shower stall, vanity, lockers and toilet....Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Botin 65 - King Marine built carbon 65ft racer, like new
Sailing yacht High Spirit is a BOTIN 65 built by Spanish shipyard King Marine and launched end 2015. She was based on the design of sailing yacht Caro. There were no costs spared in building this magnificent racer. Only the best yachting suppliers were involved in this project. From design and yard to B&G Electronics, VMG, Cariboni Carbon, Aramare Ropes, Southern Spars and so on. She is a truly unique symbiosis of 100% racing yacht with a functional, yet stylishly designed interior that can confidently claim to be a new standard in the world of race-cruisers in the range of 60-70 feet. She represents a unique opportunity for the most sophisticated and discerning yachtsmen to purchase a brand new, stylish and fastest sailing yacht in the world without waiting for a delivery period of 18 months. During winter 2015 the yacht was prepared for races, including the mast configuration and rigging setup, optimization of sail control process, making new sails charts, etc. The yacht is now perfect in operation of sails and has stable heading for any wind. Very easily she goes to hydroplaning after 10 knots. On reaching at 25-27 knots boat picks up speed of 20-22 knots. She is based in Valencia and ready for inspection at any time. Appointments can by made through central agent Bach Yachting International.
Carbon built lifting keel racer built by King Marine
NavalArchitecture: Botin & Partners, Spain
Shipyard: King Marine, Spain
Interior Design: Stas Trasevskii, Russia
The hull of the yacht is made of composite materials. Carbon fiber used in the primary shell of the hull, with the Nomex core. The deck is made also with the Nomex core. The yacht was built with materials - prepreg and vacuum-encapsulated laminate. Carbon is used in main structural components, such as plate chains and other areas with high loads.
Hull deck material: Epoxy prepreg carbon fibre with NOMEX core. Female mold.
Hull superstructure: Epoxy prepreg carbon fibre with NOMEX core.
Dark grey hull
Deck material: Teak
Lifting keel max draft 4.80 m - min. draft: 3.00 m
12 berths
Dry locker (port and starboard)
Air Heating system WEBASTO with pipes (port and starboard) x 2
Hidden LED Light RED/WHITE
Individual USB sockets, fans, reading lights on each berth
Navigation table with carbon seat
Flexi teak floors
2 sofas along side with upholstery
2 burner stove cardanic
Watermaker SCHENKER Smart 60 Digital 60l/h
Water Heating system
Freezer/refrigerator WAECO x 2
Motor, electra, water
Engine: Volvo Penta 110 hp
Generator: Volvo Penta 40 hp
Batteries: Mastervolt 750 Amp/h
Fuel capacity: 2 x 110l
Add. delivery tanks: 2 x 100 l
Daily tank: 80l
Fresh water capacity: 2 x 120l
Southern Spars mast and boom
Mast High Modulus Mast Tube TPT with Deflectors. Adjustable Rake
Boom Hybrid truss wing boom
Bowsprit carbon
Custom made by «Cariboni»
Dual System of hydraulic drive generator and batteries.
Furler -Jib 1 Hydraulic
Forestay 1 Hydraulic
Jib Cunningham 1 Hydraulic
J 4 inner forestay 1 Hydraulic
Jib in/out 2 Hydraulic
Jib up/down 2 Hydraulic
Vang 1 Hydraulic
Main Traveller control 1 Hydraulic, under deck
Main Cunningham 1 Hydraulic
Main Outhaul 1 Hydraulic
Winches Primary 2 Harken 990.3 AD BS HY AAC (Hydraulic)
Winches Pit 2 Harken 990.3 FD HY AAC (Hydraulic)
Winch Mainsheet 1 Harken 990.3 AD BS HY AAC (Hydraulic)
Deflectors 1 Hydraulic
Lifting Keel 1 Hydraulic
North Sails
Square Top Offshore Mainsail 3Di 780 (Dyneema/Carbon) 26,000 Dpi
Square Top Mainsail 3Di 870 (Carbon/Dyneema) 26,000 Dpi
Square Top DeliveryMainsail Dyneema SRP SRP105
Storm Trysail Dyneema SRP SRP95
Jib Light/Medium 3Di 870 (Carbon/Dyneema) 23,800 Dpi
JibMedium/Heavy 3Di 870 (Carbon/Dyneema) 26,000 Dpi
Jib 3 3Di 870 (Carbon/Dyneema) 26,000 Dpi
Furling J-4 w/ Battens 3Di 780 (Dyneema/Carbon) 26,000 Dpi
Storm Jib Dyneema SRP SRP95
Furling Jib Dyneema SRP SRP105
A1.5Asymmetric SuperLite/Kote SK 80 CTDR
A2 Asymmetric SuperLite/Kote SK 80 CTDR
A3 Asymmetric Aramid Laminate T1 CZ 90 DP
A0 Asymmetric Cuben Downwind CN13FC5
A5 Asymmetric Aramid Laminate T1 CZ 90 GP DP
Spinnaker StaysailAramid Laminate T1 CZ 60 DP
Navigatie en electronica
B&G H5000 Hercules processor
B&G H5000 3D Motion Sensor
B&G H5000 Analogue ExpansionModule
B&G H5000 Serial ExpansionModule
FLEX6-D2L-00G-0TR GPS L1/L2 plus, GLONASS L1/L2
GPS-702-GG L1/L2, GPS + GLONASS, kinematic, zero-offset antenna
GPS, 01018649 FlexPak6 breakout cable;
B&G H5000 Graphic display
Display / B&G H5000 Race display x 2
Display / 30/30HV DISPLAY PACK, TRITON/H50000 x 5
10/10HV display pack for H5000
GPS-HEADING / Airmar GH2183 GPS and Heading Sensor
Furuno Integrated heading sensor
HEADING, HEEL, TRIM / B&G Halcyon Gyro Stabilised Compass
HGSC Cable
CS4500 Housing P17 Junction bon & Power Cable
SPEED / H3000 Speed Sensor Plastic Flush
DEPTH / DT800, Plastic, 2m cabl., NO SPD Connection
LOAD CELL / Load Cell Amplifier
LOAD CELL / Custom Load Cell Pin
RUDDER / Cable Transducer SP2-25
WIND / B&G VMHU 1450mm Ocean
wind spare / B&G 213 MHU Pack
Chart Plotter / B&G Zeus²
Barometric / h5000 Barometric pressure sensor
Professional GradeWaterproof Ultrabright LED ComputerMonitor x 2 (steering pedestal)
Alarm / H5000, Audible AlarmModule
Radar / Broadband 4G Radar
AIS / B&G Nais 400 System Class B-AIS w/GPS Ant
Actisense NMEAMUX
VHF Radio / V50 VHF Marine Radio, with AIS and DSC. NMEA2000
Handset / B&G H50 VHFWireless Handset
Antenna / VHF Heliflex Antenna
AIS Squatty Body®
Splitter / B&G NSPL-400 VhfAntenna Splitter Satellite
Satellite KVH TracPhone V3 IP
Satellite KVH FBB 150
Phone / Iridium Extreme Phone x 2
Switch / Shakespeare antenna manual switch
Rudder / RF25N Rudder Feedback Unit
Processor / B&G H5000 Autopilot computer
Controller / B&G H5000 Autopilot controller
Raymarine Tipe 2- 24V Long
WIFI / B&G GoFree Wireless Module
PC / IPC2 i7 Barebone x 2 (1xNavigation, 1xMedia)
PC monitor 23
4G,WIFI, ETHERNET / 4GWireless Router
ETHERNET SWITCH / Industrial Ethernet Switch
USB HUB / 7 ports Usb Hub
Access Point / High Power Access Point
Cmap / Cmap charts
Navionics / Navionics platinum plus MegawideMaditerranean area
Nav Software / Expedition
Nav Software /Maxea Time Zero + Modules
Radio / Simrad Sonic Hub
dock / UNI-Dock para SonicHub® de Simrad
2MP top mast fixed IP Camera
5MP H,264 mini fixed rugged IP Camera x 3 (2 on spreaders, 1 on Radar)
5MP H.264 IR ultra bullet IP camera (stern)
Deck and cockpit Teak decks and teak in cockpit and side decks
Deck hardware HARKEN
2 carbon steering wheels
2 carbon steering wheels
CONTAINER 40 with Shelves, Lockers, work places and large set of tools
Cradle to store the boat on shore
Full set of survival equipment according ISAF Offshore Special Regulations, inc. life raft VIKING x 3 (6 people each)
Emergency Tiller
Spare Rudder
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The SARP Yachts 62m new build 'PROJECT NACRE' can be completed in 24-26 months time and features a fast displacement steel hull designed by Van Oossanen Naval Architects out of Holland with exterior styling by Milan based Hot Lab design studio.The hull & superstructure are completed and ready to be outfitted.Built to ABS, MCA LY3 - 1,150 GRT - 6,500nm range @ 12 knots - full displacement steel hull with aluminum superstructure
She is a large volume 62 meter with a gross tonnage of 1,150GRT with one of the most impressive design elements being the elongated exterior deck spaces and her ground breaking hull design. The streamline design gives her an aggressive fluid feel and with an impressive range of 6,500nm she not only looks gorgeous but is a true global cruiser.
Regarding the Fast Displacement Hull by Van Oossanen, this is a revolutionary design that has been featured on notable yachts like Heesen Galactica Star. The design allows for slender, sharp waterlines but it also allows for the same interior as a traditional hull form yet with increased performance & fuel efficiency. Van Oossanen is credited with the creation of one of the most efficient pieces of engineering the industry has seen in recent decades and SARP is proud to have him play a major role in the design of PROJECT NACRE 62.
Combine the exterior design of well respected Hot Lab and you have a truly inspirational project that is waiting to be customized and delivered in a relatively short time line.
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Mangusta 80 of the Overmarine shipyard was considered the Open par excellence, due to the large outdoor spaces, excellent performance and attractive design that is still relevant today. It offers extraordinary performance in navigation for stability and power, with high-level finishes. Mangusta 80 Open is therefore a complete motor boat; with excellent seakeeping and surprising performance. It has been totally refitted on 2019 - 2022.
TYPE Mangusta 80' open
YEAR 2003
REFIT 2019
IMO 18833
GRP: hull and superstructure
Teak deck
FLAG: Malta
ENGINES:2 x 2,000 1-Ip MTU 16V 2,000 M91
FUEL CONSUMPTION: 550 litres/hour at 36 knots
RANGE+ /- 10 hr / 360 Nm
6+1 x Guests in 3 cabins 1 x Master cabin with ensuite
1 x VIP cabin with ensuite
1 x Twin cabin with ensuite
CREW: 2 x Crew in cabins
FUEL: 6,000 litres / 1,319.81 US gallons
FRESH WATER: 1,300 litres / 285.96 US gallons
HOLDING TANK: litres / US gallons (none)
LUBE OIL: itres / US gallons (none)
DIRTY OIL: litres / US gallons (none)
GREY WATER: 280 litres / 43.99 US gallons (aft) 200 litres / 61.59 US gallons (fore)
BLACK WATER: 380 litres / 83.59 US gallons (aft) 400 litres / 87.99 US gallons (fore)
ENGINES: 2 x 2,000 HP MTU 16V 2,000 M91
As of May 2022: Port: 1,347; Stbd: 1,355
GEARBOX: 2 x ZF BW 2555
PROPULSION: Arneson Surface Drives ASD 15
PROPELLERS: Rolla 45/" x 57/" 6 Bid.
GENERATORS: 2 x 22 kW Mase
GENERATOR HOURS: As of May 2022: Port: 717; Stbd: 738
ELECTRICITY: AC 220 V 50 Hz/DC 12 V/DC 24 V
SERVICE: 12 x 765 A
CHARGERS: Mastervolt: Mass 24/75C + Chargermaster 24-100-3
EMERGENCY: 4 x 750
AIR CONDITIONING: Frigit 43600 Btu inside + 31800 Btu outside
WATER MAKER: Idromar MC2J 130 1/ h
WATER SYSTEM: DAB ecojet 220V+GxR ecojet 24V
SEWAGE SYSTEM: 2 GxR CP 25 + 2 GxR MV 44
FUEL SEPARATOR: 2 E. separ SWK 200011B + 2 Gen. separ SWK 2000
MAGNETIC COMPASS: Riviera White Star
RADAR: Simrad RI 12 HALO -3
GPS: Simrad NSO -3
CHART PLOTTER: 2 x Simrad NSO-3 16/"
SEARCHLIGHTS: Sanshin HR -1012
MISCELLANEOUS: 2 Temp Exhaust Display
Navisystem TV Sat + AxR Data Receiver Antenna
Lofrans Jaguaro 2500 W
Lofrans 2 x Lof 1200 W
1 x 60 Kg Ultra - 14 mm x 100 Mt.
MAIN SALOON: Sonos Sound System, Linn speakers inside and out, Sony TV 55/"
DINING: Sony TV 55/"
SEATING AFT DECK: Linn speakers
SUNDECK: JL speakers
OWNER'S SUITE:Amplifier Linn, Samsung TV 32/"
VIP CABIN: Majestic TV 22/"
TVVIN CABIN:Majestic TV 22/"
CREW: LG TV 28/"
1 x Gaggenau hood
1 x Franke cooktop
1 x Franke oven
1 x Samsung microwave
1 x Coleman Ice maker
1 x Miele dishwasher
1 x Miele washer/ dryer
TENDER: 1 x 3.50m 20 HP outboard Mercury tender
DIVING:Snorkelling equipment
Winter 2019 / Spring 2020:
*New Simrad EVO 3 Electronic Navigation System installed (incl. 2 x touch-screens, autopilot, wind station, Eco sound, controller, radar, GPS antennas, VHF antennas, NMEA processor)
*New electronic throttle installed by MTU
New aluminium/ carbon fiber type panelling installed on helm and dashboard area *New Navisystem Sat TV antenna installed
Outdoor furniture reconstructed (incl. sunbed detailed-varnish paint)
Lights upgraded to LED lights throughout
3 x Underwater spotlights installed
Teak replaced on gangway and swimming ladder
Exterior cushions and cover fabrics reupholstered
Coleman ice maker with filtration system installed
6 x Flat screen TVs and 2 x lifts installed
2 x CCTV cameras and 2 x monitors installed
Sonos Music surround system installed throughout
Wi-Fi installed throughout
Double bimini top installed
All sunbeds equipped with covers
Awning on bow and stern sunbeds installed
New side covers with transparent inserts installed
New windshield sun cover installed
Galley equipped with new appliances
Mattresses replaced on all beds
Linen and towels replaced in all staterooms
Insulated mat installed on inside floors
New carpet installed throughout
Tender replaced
Generators replaced
Exhaust system replaced
Extensive maintenance performed on main engines by MTU Service Camaga Srl
Napoli (including turbo chargers and oil pan gaskets replacement)
22 new Optima batteries purchased
Additional fan on electrical panel installed
2 x Sea water pumps replaced for A/C
New pressurized sea water pump installed for galley faucet
Fresh water maker serviced
Second shower head added on swimming platform
Switches replaced throughout
Vessel electrical wiring partially replaced
New shore power cable replaced
Deckhouse and rollbar repainted
Hull and stainless-steel hardware polished and detailed
All safety device replaced (12 people)
New EPIRB and SART installed
Arneson Drive serviced
Hull cleaned
Bottom painted
Zinc anodes replaced
Winter 2020 / spring 2021:
Autopilot and echosounder upgraded
Data connection between GPS and VHF re-established
Wi-Fi upgraded
New data receiver antenna installed
Windshield wipers overhauled by Speich Srl Genova
Washing machines serviced by Miele STE La Spezia
Electronic system upgraded by MTU Service Macmes Srl La Spezia (included new programs, new screens and electronics cardboard) *Main engines serviced by MTU Service La Spezia
Mase generators service by RMD Srl La Spezia
Icemakeffs seawater pump replaced
A/C seawater pump replaced
Generator's valve overhauled
Main engine's valve serviced
Master toilette: macerator and discharge valve replaced
Twin toilette: macerator replaced
Installed drain system for main fridge
Fresh water maker serviced, 3 x High pressure hoses replaced, UV light replaced
Steering and trimming system overhauled
Arneson Drive serviced (incl. rubber covers replacement)
Anchor and chain replaced
Windlass and winches overhauled
Chain guide pipe built
Chain-locker repainted
Seawater distribution pipe rebuilt
Swimming laddeffs hydraulic hose replaced
Part of port rail fixed
Refrigeration system serviced by H.C. System Genova
Thermostat in secondary fridge replaced
Gas circuit refilled
A/C system serviced by H.C. System Genova
2 x Timer switches replaced
Gas circuit refilled
New stern thruster installed
Spare parts refurbished, tools renewed
Carpet in laundry hallway and VIP room replaced
Waste discharge system replaced in Guest and Master toilets *Life raft serviced
Fire suppression system, extinguishers and fire detection alarm serviced
Hull cleaned
Bottom painted
Zinc anodes replaced
Winter 2021 / Spring 2022:
New monitoring gage system with analog display installed in engines room for fuel and freshwater level
All pipes in master toilets replaced
Fire pump and main bilge pump rebuilt by authorized dealer
All seawater pumps serviced
Macerator pump of forward black water tank replaced
Part of the outdoor sitting area, table and lock covers in the sunbed area revarnished and polished
Damaged vernier in co-pilot seat area rebuilt
New fabric covers installed for cushions and sunbed
Arneson Drive serviced and sealing rings replaced
Main engines serviced by MTU La Spezia
Generators serviced by RMD Srl La Spezia
Engine room overhauled
Fresh water maker serviced *Carpet and comforter dry cleaned
Wiper blade replaced
New LED lights installed under exterior furniture and cabinetry
Fire suppression system, extinguishers and fire alarm serviced
Refrigerator system serviced by H.C. System Genova
A/C system serviced by H.C. System Genova
Tender's outboard engine serviced
Hull cleaned
Bottom painted
Zinc anodes replaced
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Beneteau First 34.7 in ottime condizioni, in pronta consegna e disponibile a visite. N°1 Cabina doppia armatoriale scendendo sulla dx. N°1 cabina ospiti con letto una piazza e mezza,senza porta. ospiti.Bagno completo.Dinette. Cabina armatore configurabile in salone con letto matrimoniale.Cucina equipaggiata con lavello,piano cottura,frigorifero e forno.Tavolo carteggio.Ampio gavone in pozzetto. Albero in carbonio - Punta piedi su consolle - Circuito elettrico 220V completo - Boiler / scambiatore di calore - Unità refrigerante elettrica - 3° batteria 2024 - Caricabasso boma rigido - 2 oblò apribili (gli altri sulla tuga sono standard) - Bimini 2022 (nero)- Telo cagnara 2023 (nero) - Tavolo - Bagno con Wc e doccia con scarico - Passerella in carbonio - Copertura tambuccio ingresso - cuscini esterni - lazy bag nuovo 2022 (nero) - Scafo bianco – Pozzetto in teck - Pompa di sentina elettrica/manuale - Impianto elettrico 12/220v - Caricabatterie - Boiler – Scaletta bagno - Doccia pozzetto fredda – Ancora + catena e cima. Vele nuove 2023 in carbonio North sails nere (randa e Genova). Winches scotta genoa 44, Winches manovra 40, Tangone carbonio + circuito spy, Drizze Dynema.Bussola, Pilota Raymarine 6001, Vhf Raymarine Ray 54 - Pack elettronica 2007. Tapezzeria nuova - tagliandi e manutenzione carena ordinari - Vele nuove - Lucidatura eseguita - Rigging controllato -Drizze nuove. MANUALI DI BORDO, CIME, DRIZZE, PARABORDI, EQUIPAGGIAMENTO DI RISPETTO E DOTAZIONI DI SICUREZZA INCLUSE. -- Beneteau First 34.7 in excellent condition, ready for delivery and available for visits. No. 1 double owner's cabin going down on the starboard side. No. 1 guest cabin with a queen-size bed, without door. guests. Full bathroom. Dinette. Owner's cabin configurable in saloon with double bed. Kitchen equipped with sink, hob, refrigerator and oven. Chart table. Large locker in cockpit. Carbon mast - Footrest on console - Complete 220V electrical circuit - Boiler / heat exchanger - Electric refrigeration unit - 3rd battery 2024 - Rigid boom downhaul - 2 opening portholes (the others on the deckhouse are standard) - Bimini 2022 (black) - Awning cover 2023 (black) - Table - Bathroom with toilet and shower with drain - Carbon gangway - Entrance companionway cover - External cushions - New 2022 lazy bag (black) - White hull - Teak cockpit - Electric/manual bilge pump - 12/220v electrical system - Battery charger - Boiler - Swimming ladder - Cold cockpit shower - Anchor + chain and rope. New 2023 North sails carbon sails in black (mainsail and Genoa). Genoa sheet winches 44, Rigging winches 40, Carbon spinnaker pole + spy circuit, Dynema halyards. Compass, Raymarine 6001 pilot, Raymarine Ray 54 VHF - 2007 electronics pack. New upholstery - ordinary hull services and maintenance - New sails - Polishing done - Rigging checked - New halyards. ONBOARD MANUALS, ROPES, HALYARDS, FENDERS, RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT INCLUDED.
English Beneteau First 34.7 in excellent condition, ready for delivery and available for visits. N°1 Owner's double cabin going down to the right. N°1 guest cabin with a queen-size bed, without a door. guests. Full bathroom. Dinette. Configurable owner's cabin in the saloon with double bed. Kitchen equipped with sink, stove, refrigerator and oven. Chart table. Large cockpit locker. Carbon mast - Toe tip on console - Complete 220V electrical circuit - Boiler / heat exchanger - Electric refrigeration unit - 3rd battery 2024 - Rigid boom low loader - 2 opening portholes (the others on the deckhouse are standard) - Bimini 2022 (black) - cover 2023 (black) - Table - Bathroom with toilet and shower with drain - Carbon gangway - Entrance companionway cover - External cushions - lazy bag new 2022 (black) - White hull - Teak cockpit - Bilge pump electric/manual - Electrical system 12/220v - Battery charger - Boiler - Bathroom ladder - Cold cockpit shower - Anchor + chain and rope. New 2023 black North sails carbon sails (mainsail and Genoa). Genoa sheet winches 44, Manoeuvring winches 40, Carbon spinnaker pole + spy circuit, Dynema halyards.Compass, Raymarine 6001 pilot, Vhf Raymarine Ray 54 - Electronic pack 2007. New upholstery - ordinary hull servicing and maintenance - New sails - Polishing performed - Controlled rigging - New halyards. ON-BOARD MANUALS, ROPES, HALYARDS, FENDERS, SPARE EQUIPMENT AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT INCLUDED. -- Beneteau First 34.7 in excellent condition, ready for delivery and available for visits. No. 1 double owner's cabin going down on the starboard side. No. 1 guest cabin with a queen-size bed, without door. guests. Full bathroom. Dinette. Owner's cabin configurable in saloon with double bed. Kitchen equipped with sink, hob, refrigerator and oven. Chart table. Large locker in the cockpit. Carbon mast - Footrest on console - Complete 220V electrical circuit - Boiler / heat exchanger - Electric refrigeration unit - 3rd battery 2024 - Rigid boom downhaul - 2 opening portholes (the others on the deckhouse are standard) - Bimini 2022 (black) - Awning cover 2023 (black) - Table - Bathroom with toilet and shower with drain - Carbon gangway - Entrance companionway cover - External cushions - New 2022 lazy bag (black) - White hull - Teak cockpit - Electric/manual bilge pump - 12/220v electrical system - Battery charger - Boiler - Swimming ladder - Cold cockpit shower - Anchor + chain and rope. New 2023 North sails carbon sails in black (mainsail and Genoa). Genoa sheet winches 44, Rigging winches 40, Carbon spinnaker pole + spy circuit, Dynema halyards. Compass, Raymarine 6001 pilot, Raymarine Ray 54 VHF - 2007 electronics pack. New upholstery - ordinary hull services and maintenance - New sails - Polishing done - Rigging checked - New halyards. ONBOARD MANUALS, ROPES, HALYARDS, FENDERS, RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT INCLUDED.
Française Beneteau First 34.7 en excellent état, prêt à être livré et disponible pour des visites. N°1 Cabine double propriétaire descendant vers la droite. Cabine d’invités n°1 avec un lit queen-size, sans porte. Invités. Salle de bain complète. Dinette. Cabine propriétaire configurable dans le salon avec lit double. Cuisine équipée d’un évier, d’une cuisinière, d’un réfrigérateur et d’un four. Table à cartes. Grand coffre de cockpit. Mât carbone - Embout sur console - Circuit électrique complet 220V - Chaudière / échangeur de chaleur - Groupe frigorifique électrique - 3ème batterie 2024 - Remorque surbaissée à flèche rigide - 2 hublots ouvrants (les autres sur le rouf sont de série) - Bimini 2022 (noir) - Housse 2023 (noir) - Table - Salle de bain avec WC et douche avec vidange - Passerelle carbone - Couverture de descente d’entrée - Coussins extérieurs - lazy bag neuf 2022 (noir) - Coque blanche - Cockpit en teck - Pompe de cale électrique/manuel - Système électrique 12/220v - Chargeur de batterie - Chaudière - Échelle de salle de bain - Douche froide dans le cockpit - Ancre + chaîne et cordage. Nouvelles voiles North noires 2023 voiles carbone (grand-voile et génois). Treuils d’écoute de génois 44, Winchs de manœuvre 40, Mât de spi carbone + circuit espion, drisses Dynema.Compas, pilote Raymarine 6001, Vhf Raymarine Ray 54 - Pack électronique 2007. Sellerie neuve - Entretien et maintenance ordinaire de la coque - Voiles neuves - Polissage effectué - Gréement contrôlé - Drisses neuves. MANUELS DE BORD, CORDAGES, DRISSES, DÉFENSES, ÉQUIPEMENT DE RECHANGE ET ÉQUIPEMENT DE SÉCURITÉ INCLUS. -- Beneteau First 34.7 en excellent état, prêt à être livré et disponible pour des visites. N°1 cabine double propriétaire descendant à tribord. N°1 cabine d’invités avec un lit queen-size, sans porte. Invités. Salle de bain complète. Dinette. Cabine propriétaire configurable en carré avec lit double. Cuisine équipée d’un évier, d’une plaque de cuisson, d’un réfrigérateur et d’un four. Table à cartes. Grand coffre dans le cockpit. Mât carbone - Repose-pieds sur console - Circuit électrique complet 220V - Chaudière / échangeur de chaleur - Groupe frigorifique électrique - 3ème batterie 2024 - Hochage rigide descendant - 2 hublots ouvrants (les autres sur le rouf sont de série) - Bimini 2022 (noir) - Couverture d’auvent 2023 (noir) - Table - Salle de bain avec WC et douche avec vidange - Passerelle carbone - Couverture de descente d’entrée - Coussins extérieurs - Nouveau lazy bag 2022 (noir) - Coque blanche - Cockpit en teck - Pompe de cale électrique/manuelle - 12/220v système électrique - Chargeur de batterie - Chaudière - Échelle de bain - Douche froide dans le cockpit - Ancre + chaîne et cordage. Voiles carbone neuves 2023 North sails en noir (grand-voile et génois). Treuils d’écoute de génois 44, Treuils de gréement 40, Mât de spi carbone + circuit espion, drisses Dynema. Boussole, pilote Raymarine 6001, pack électronique VHF Raymarine Ray 54 - 2007. Sellerie neuve - Prestations et entretien ordinaires de la coque - Voiles neuves - Polissage effectué - Gréement vérifié - Drisses neuves. MANUELS DE BORD, CORDAGES, DRISSES, DÉFENSES, ÉQUIPEMENT RESPECTIF ET ÉQUIPEMENT DE SÉCURITÉ INCLUS.
Deutsch Beneteau First 34.7 in ausgezeichnetem Zustand, bereit zur Auslieferung und für Besichtigungen verfügbar. N°1 Eigner-Doppelkabine nach rechts hinunter. N°1 Gästekabine mit einem Queensize-Bett, ohne Tür. Gäste. Komplettes Badezimmer. Dinette. Konfigurierbare Eignerkabine im Salon mit Doppelbett. Küche mit Spüle, Herd, Kühlschrank und Backofen ausgestattet. Diagramm-Tabelle. Großer Cockpitschrank. Carbon-Mast - Zehenspitze an der Konsole - Kompletter 220-V-Stromkreis - Kessel / Wärmetauscher - Elektrisches Kühlaggregat - 3. Batterie 2024 - Starrer Ausleger-Tieflader - 2 zu öffnende Bullaugen (die anderen am Deckshaus sind Standard) - Bimini 2022 (schwarz) - Abdeckung 2023 (schwarz) - Tisch - Badezimmer mit WC und Dusche mit Abfluss - Carbon-Gangway - Abdeckung des Eingangsniedergangs - Externe Kissen - Lazy Bag neu 2022 (schwarz) - Weißer Rumpf - Teakholz-Cockpit - Bilgepumpe elektrisch/manuell - Elektrik 12/220v - Batterieladegerät - Boiler - Badeleiter - Kalte Cockpitdusche - Anker + Kette und Seil. Neue 2023 schwarze North Sails Carbon-Segel (Großsegel und Genua). Genua Schotwinden 44, Manövrierwinden 40, Carbon Spinnakerbaum + Spionageschaltung, Dynema Fallen.Kompass, Raymarine 6001 Pilot, Vhf Raymarine Ray 54 - Elektronisches Paket 2007. Neue Polsterung - gewöhnliche Wartung und Instandhaltung des Rumpfes - Neue Segel - Polieren durchgeführt - Kontrolliertes Aufriggen - Neue Fallen. BORDHANDBÜCHER, SEILE, FALLEN, FENDER, ERSATZAUSRÜSTUNG UND SICHERHEITSAUSRÜSTUNG INKLUSIVE. -- Beneteau First 34.7 in ausgezeichnetem Zustand, bereit zur Auslieferung und für Besichtigungen verfügbar. Nr. 1 Doppel-Eignerkabine, die auf der Steuerbordseite absenkt. Nr. 1 Gästekabine mit einem Queensize-Bett, ohne Tür. Gäste. Komplettes Badezimmer. Dinette. Die Eignerkabine kann im Salon mit Doppelbett konfiguriert werden. Küche mit Spüle, Herd, Kühlschrank und Backofen ausgestattet. Diagramm-Tabelle. Großer Schrank im Cockpit. Carbon-Mast - Fußstütze auf der Konsole - Kompletter 220-V-Stromkreis - Kessel / Wärmetauscher - Elektrisches Kühlaggregat - 3. Batterie 2024 - Starrer Ausleger-Niederholer - 2 zu öffnende Bullaugen (die anderen am Deckshaus sind Standard) - Bimini 2022 (schwarz) - Markisenabdeckung 2023 (schwarz) - Tisch - Badezimmer mit Toilette und Dusche mit Abfluss - Carbon-Gangway - Abdeckung des Eingangsniedergangs - Externe Kissen - Neue Lazy Bag 2022 (schwarz) - Weißer Rumpf - Teakholz-Cockpit - Elektrische/manuelle Bilgenpumpe - 12/220v Elektrik - Batterieladegerät - Boiler - Badeleiter - Kalte Cockpitdusche - Anker + Kette und Seil. Die neuen North 2023 segeln mit Carbonsegeln in Schwarz (Großsegel und Genua). Genua-Schotwinden 44, Takelagewinden 40, Carbon-Spinnakerbaum + Spionageschaltung, Dynema-Fallen. Kompass, Raymarine 6001 Pilot, Raymarine Ray 54 VHF - 2007 Elektronikpaket. Neue Polsterung - gewöhnliche Rumpfwartung und -wartung - Neue Segel - Polieren durchgeführt - Takelage überprüft - Neue Fallen. BORDHANDBÜCHER, SEILE, FALLEN, FENDER, ENTSPRECHENDE AUSRÜSTUNG UND SICHERHEITSAUSRÜSTUNG INKLUSIVE.
Español Beneteau First 34.7 en excelentes condiciones, listo para su entrega y disponible para visitas. N°1 Cabina doble del armador que baja a la derecha. N°1 camarote de invitados con cama de matrimonio, sin puerta. Huéspedes. Baño completo. Comedor. Camarote de armador configurable en el salón con cama doble. Cocina equipada con fregadero, estufa, refrigerador y horno. Tabla de gráficos. Amplio armario en bañera. Mástil de carbono - Punta de la punta en la consola - Circuito eléctrico completo de 220V - Caldera / intercambiador de calor - Unidad de refrigeración eléctrica - 3ª batería 2024 - Góndola de pluma rígida - 2 ojos de buey que se abren (los demás en la caseta son estándar) - Bimini 2022 (negro) - Cubierta 2023 (negro) - Mesa - Baño con inodoro y ducha con desagüe - Pasarela de carbono - Cubierta de escalera de entrada - Cojines externos - Lazy bag nuevo 2022 (negro) - Casco blanco - Bañera de teca - Bomba de achique eléctrico/manual - Sistema eléctrico 12/220v - Cargador de batería - Caldera - Escalera de baño - Ducha fría en bañera - Ancla + cadena y cuerda. Nuevas velas North negras 2023 de carbono (vela mayor y Génova). Cabrestantes de escota Génova 44, Cabrestantes de maniobra 40, Pértiga de spinnaker de carbono + circuito espía, Drizas Dynema.Brújula, Raymarine 6001 piloto, Vhf Raymarine Ray 54 - Paquete electrónico 2007. Tapicería nueva - Revisión y mantenimiento ordinario del casco - Velas nuevas - Pulido realizado - Aparejo controlado - Driza nueva. MANUALES DE A BORDO, CABOS, DRIZAS, DEFENSAS, EQUIPO DE REPUESTO Y EQUIPO DE SEGURIDAD INCLUIDOS. -- Beneteau First 34.7 en excelentes condiciones, listo para su entrega y disponible para visitas. Nº 1 camarote doble del armador que baja por el lado de estribor. Nº 1 camarote de invitados con cama de matrimonio, sin puerta. Huéspedes. Baño completo. Comedor. Cabina de armador configurable en salón con cama doble. Cocina equipada con fregadero, vitrocerámica, nevera y horno. Tabla de gráficos. Amplio armario en la bañera. Mástil de carbono - Reposapiés en consola - Circuito eléctrico completo de 220V - Caldera / intercambiador de calor - Unidad de refrigeración eléctrica - 3ª batería 2024 - Botavara rígida de bajada - 2 ojos de buey que se abren (los demás en la caseta son estándar) - Bimini 2022 (negro) - Funda de toldo 2023 (negro) - Mesa - Baño con inodoro y ducha con desagüe - Pasarela de carbono - Cubierta de escalera de entrada - Cojines externos - Nueva bolsa perezosa 2022 (negro) - Casco blanco - Bañera de teca - Bomba de achique eléctrica/manual - 12/220v sistema eléctrico - Cargador de batería - Caldera - Escalera de baño - Ducha fría en bañera - Ancla + cadena y cuerda. Las nuevas velas North 2023 son de carbono en color negro (vela mayor y Génova). Cabrestantes de escota Génova 44, Cabrestantes de aparejo 40, Pértiga de spinnaker de carbono + circuito espía, Drizas Dynema. Brújula, Raymarine 6001 piloto, Raymarine Ray 54 VHF - Pack de electrónica 2007. Tapicería nueva - Servicios y mantenimiento ordinarios del casco - Velas nuevas - Pulido realizado - Aparejo revisado - Drizas nuevas. MANUALES DE A BORDO, CUERDAS, DRIZAS, DEFENSAS, EQUIPO RESPECTIVO Y EQUIPO DE SEGURIDAD INCLUIDOS.
Nederlands Beneteau First 34.7 in uitstekende staat, klaar voor levering en beschikbaar voor bezichtiging. N°1 Dubbele eigenaarshut die naar rechts naar beneden gaat. N°1 gastenhut met een queensize bed, zonder deur. Gasten. Volledige badkamer. Dinette. Configureerbare eigenaarshut in de salon met tweepersoonsbed. Keuken voorzien van spoelbak, fornuis, koelkast en oven. Grafiek tabel. Grote kuipkast. Carbon mast - Teentip op console - Compleet 220V elektrisch circuit - Boiler / warmtewisselaar - Elektrische koelunit - 3e accu 2024 - Stijve giek dieplader - 2 open patrijspoorten (de andere op het dekhuis zijn standaard) - Bimini 2022 (zwart) - deksel 2023 (zwart) - Tafel - Badkamer met toilet en douche met afvoer - Carbon loopplank - Entree kajuit hoes - Externe kussens - lazy bag nieuw 2022 (zwart) - Witte romp - Teak kuip - Lenspomp elektrisch/manueel - Elektrisch systeem 12/220v - Acculader - Boiler - Badkamerladder - Koude kuipdouche - Anker + ketting en touw. Nieuwe 2023 zwarte North sails carbon zeilen (grootzeil en Genua). Genua schoot lieren 44, Manoeuvreerlieren 40, Carbon spinnaker paal + spion circuit, Dynema vallen.Kompas, Raymarine 6001 piloot, Vhf Raymarine Ray 54 - Elektronisch pakket 2007. Nieuwe bekleding - gewone service en onderhoud van de romp - Nieuwe zeilen - Polijsten uitgevoerd - Gecontroleerde tuigage - Nieuwe vallen. HANDLEIDINGEN AAN BOORD, TOUWEN, VALLEN, FENDERS, RESERVE-UITRUSTING EN VEILIGHEIDSUITRUSTING INBEGREPEN. -- Beneteau First 34.7 in uitstekende staat, klaar voor levering en beschikbaar voor bezichtiging. Nr. 1 dubbele eigenaarshut die aan stuurboordzijde naar beneden gaat. Nr. 1 gastenhut met een queensize bed, zonder deur. Gasten. Volledige badkamer. Dinette. Eigenaarshut configureerbaar in salon met tweepersoonsbed. Keuken voorzien van spoelbak, kookplaat, koelkast en oven. Grafiek tabel. Grote kast in de kuip. Carbon mast - Voetsteun op console - Compleet 220V elektrisch circuit - Boiler / warmtewisselaar - Elektrische koelunit - 3e accu 2024 - Stijve giek downhaul - 2 openslaande patrijspoorten (de andere op het dekhuis zijn standaard) - Bimini 2022 (zwart) - Luifeldoek 2023 (zwart) - Tafel - Badkamer met toilet en douche met afvoer - Carbon loopplank - Entree kajuithoes - Externe kussens - Nieuwe 2022 lazy bag (zwart) - Witte romp - Teakhouten kuip - Elektrische/handmatige lenspomp - 12/220v elektrisch systeem - Acculader - Boiler - Zwemtrap - Koude kuipdouche - Anker + ketting en touw. Nieuw 2023 North sails carbon zeilen in het zwart (grootzeil en Genua). Genua schoot lieren 44, Tuigage lieren 40, Carbon spinnaker paal + spion circuit, Dynema vallen. Kompas, Raymarine 6001 piloot, Raymarine Ray 54 marifoon - 2007 elektronica pakket. Nieuwe bekleding - gewone service en onderhoud aan de romp - Nieuwe zeilen - Polijsten gedaan - Tuigage gecontroleerd - Nieuwe vallen. HANDLEIDINGEN AAN BOORD, TOUWEN, VALLEN, FENDERS, RESPECTIEVELIJKE UITRUSTING EN VEILIGHEIDSUITRUSTING INBEGREPEN.
Русский Beneteau First 34.7 в отличном состоянии, готов к доставке и доступен для посещения. N°1 Двухместная каюта владельца, спускающаяся вправо. 1 гостевая каюта с кроватью размера «queen-size», без двери. Гости. Полностью оборудованная ванная комната. Обеденный уголок кухни. Конфигурируемая каюта владельца в салоне с двуспальной кроватью. Кухня оборудована раковиной, плитой, холодильником и духовкой. Таблица диаграмм. Большой рундук в кокпите. Карбоновая мачта - Носок на консоли - Комплектная электрическая цепь 220В - Котел / теплообменник - Электрическая холодильная установка - 3-я батарея 2024 - Жесткая стрела низкого погрузчика - 2 открывающихся иллюминатора (остальные на рубке стандартные) - Бимини 2022 (черный) - чехол 2023 (черный) - Стол - Ванная комната с туалетом и душем со сливом - Карбоновый трап - Чехол входного трапа - Внешние подушки - ленивый мешок новинка 2022 (черный) - Белый корпус - Тиковый кокпит - Трюмный насос электрическая/ручная - Электрическая система 12/220 В - Зарядное устройство - Бойлер - Лестница в ванной комнате - Душ в холодном кокпите - Якорь + цепь и веревка. Новые 2023 черные северные паруса карбоновые (грот и генуя). Шкотовые лебедки Genoa 44, Маневренные лебедки 40, Карбоновый спинакерный шест + шпионская цепь, Dynema halyards.Compass, Raymarine 6001 pilot, Vhf Raymarine Ray 54 - Electronic pack 2007. Новая обивка - обычное обслуживание корпуса - Новые паруса - Выполнена полировка - Управляемый такелаж - Новые фалы. В КОМПЛЕКТ ВХОДЯТ БОРТОВЫЕ РУКОВОДСТВА, КАНАТЫ, ФАЛЫ, КРАНЦЫ, ЗАПАСНОЕ ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ И СРЕДСТВА БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ. -- Beneteau First 34.7 в отличном состоянии, готов к доставке и доступен для посещения. Двухместная каюта владельца No 1, опускающаяся по правому борту. Гостевая каюта No1 с кроватью queen-size, без двери. Гости. Полностью оборудованная ванная комната. Обеденный уголок кухни. Каюта владельца конфигурируется в салоне с двуспальной кроватью. Кухня оборудована мойкой, варочной панелью, холодильником и духовкой. Таблица диаграмм. Большой рундук в кокпите. Карбоновая мачта - Подставка для ног на консоли - Комплектная электрическая цепь 220 В - Котел / теплообменник - Электрическая холодильная установка - 3-я батарея 2024 - Жесткая тяга стрелы вниз - 2 открывающихся иллюминатора (остальные на рубке стандартные) - Бимини 2022 (черный) - Тентовый чехол 2023 (черный) - Стол - Ванная комната с туалетом и душем со сливом - Карбоновый трап - Чехол на входном трапе - Внешние подушки - Новый ленивый мешок 2022 года (черный) - Белый корпус - Тиковый кокпит - Электрический/ручной трюмный насос - 12/220 В Электрическая система - Зарядное устройство для аккумулятора - Бойлер - Лестница для плавания - Душ в холодном кокпите - Якорь + цепь и веревка. Новые паруса North 2023 года с карбоновыми парусами в черном цвете (грот и генуя). Шкотовые лебедки Genoa 44, Такелажные лебедки 40, Карбоновый спинакерный шест + шпионская цепь, Фалы Dynema. Компас, пилот Raymarine 6001, Raymarine Ray 54 VHF - комплект электроники 2007 года. Новая обивка - обычное обслуживание и обслуживание корпуса - Новые паруса - Полировка сделана - Такелаж проверен - Новые фалы. БОРТОВЫЕ РУКОВОДСТВА, КАНАТЫ, ФАЛЫ, КРАНЦЫ, СООТВЕТСТВУЮЩЕЕ ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ И СРЕДСТВА БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ ВКЛЮЧЕНЫ В КОМПЛЕКТ.
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Porto Viro (Veneto)
Malu’ is a rare and excellent example of a vintage yacht in perfect conditions. She was designed by Sparkman& Stephens and built at the highest standards under the direct survey of the RINA director of Livorno harbor. After a life as cruiser racer Malu’ received the most accurate and respectfull restoration and she is better than ever. Sailing Malu’ is just like diving in the past and her elegant lines and details are highlighted by new rigging, new sails, new engine and systems, new closets and interior furniture and new tapestry.The hull was completely emptied to provide a general refit and to protect her from the risk of osmosis (she had no osmosis anyway) the hull was treated with epoxy resin. The restoration was surveyed by one of the best known Italian expert, and in our experience of hundreds classic yachts to offer to demanding customers we have been amazed reading his survey. Every analized matter and item on board is rated at the top. Survey available. Original drawings available. ACCOMMODATIONS: Malù is a very comfortable boat with elegant and functional accommodations. 3 cabins one of which with double bed,saloon, one bathroom, galley,chart table. Sleeps 5 guests in the cabin and 2 in the saloon. Description: From the entrance to the left a cabin with single, comfortable bunk and the wide chart table. On the right the L shaped galley. After the half bulkhead there is the saloon with L shaped settee on the left side and a lifting table.A wide settee/ bunk on the right. Half bulkhead ahead there is a well type fridge with wide pantry storage and oil skins closet. The bathroom in front on the right side. You enter now in the double cabin with separate beds with wide storage space, and the owners cabin with V shaped double bed. The anchor chain storage is ahead and reachable trough a watertight opening RESTORATION: The boat was purchased in 2009 by the actual owner and moved by truck to the shipyard Cantieri Pier 12 in Marina di Ravenna. The plan was to make her perfect and beutifull. No energy was spared. Between 2010-13 The boat was emptied completely to bare hull and treated with epoxy resin outside and inside. The deck was relaminated with void technology before fitting a new teak deck. New beams set under the deck and cabin. The accommodations and furniture completely restored or rebuilt where some imperfection was found. New closets, drawers, and storage spaces. New systems, new tapestry,new winches, new sails. Perkins engine 50 HP completely overhauled 250 hours New propeller shaft Albero motore e baderna 2013 + cuffia Volvo New exhaust and muffler system and + sifon break 2013 All Harken deck fittings 2013 (bozzelli, golfari, trasto) New haluards and sheets Gottifredi brand in Dyneema old fashion Deck stainless steel Winches 2013 Andersen Mast Winches Lewmar 45 Genoa furler Bamar 2013 Staysail stay in spectra 2015 c New mast and rigging 2016 New stanchions 2016 Original Goiot deck opening with double opening with new anodyzation and new plexiglass Mainsail One sail dacron full batten 2013 with Antal track – 2 reefs Genoa One sail dacron 130% 2013 Staysail One sail 2017 Teack deck 2013 10mm thick vacuum glued. Never sanded yet Custom made Sprayhood e Bimini 2016 Led lights in cockpit and on the mast Full owning 2016 Tender Silver Quick 2019 Outboard tender motor Yamaha malta 3cv Licenced over 50 miles from coastlines Webasto heating system everywhere 2013 Electric system and panel 2013 Water system 2013 Boiler Quick 25 liters 2013 Ready to fit radar, generator and watermaker Battery charger Quick 2013 2 bilge pumps 2013 Sea water pump for water in the galley and deck Water tanks stainless steel 500 lt 2013 Well type fridge with double opening 2013 Malu' a top class Sparkman& Stephens sloop Malu’ is a rare and excellent example of a vintage yacht in perfect conditions. She was designed by Sparkman& Stephens and built at the highest standards under the direct survey of the RINA director of Livorno harbor. After a life as cruiser racer Malu’ received the most accurate and respectfull restoration and she is better than ever. Sailing Malu’ is just like diving in the past and her elegant lines and details are highlighted by new rigging, new sails, new engine and systems, new closets and interior furniture and new tapestry.The hull was completely emptied to provide a general refit and to protect her from the risk of osmosis (she had no osmosis anyway) the hull was treated with epoxy resin. The restoration was surveyed by one of the best known Italian expert, and in our experience of hundreds classic yachts to offer to demanding customers we have been amazed reading his survey. Every analized matter and item on board is rated at the top. Survey available. Original drawings available. Declinazione di responsabilità La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Ausstellungs und Demo-Boot Ausstattung: Salon, - Zubehör: Optional equipment: Generator17 kwas Stern Thruster Wetbar in cockpit with BBQ and Ice Maker 4 Lights under water 2 Dummy domes on arch 1 Aft capstan winches Gangway turnable, lifting capacity 350 kgs Sofa Salon on Leather Saloon table convertible into bed Beschreibung: (BR) Weitere Informationen auf Anfrage. Neue Polserung im Bentley Stil. Neues Sound-System. Neuer Victron 2000 Watt Inverter. Neue LED´s zur Treppe zur Fly (12 x). Neue high power Unterwasser LED´s (3 Stück). Neue Navigation 22 inch GPS Plotter. Neue DVB-T high-end Antenne. Neue LED TV´s in allen Kabinen und im Salon. Neue Teppiche und Teak-deck. Neue Batterien. Rumpf und Aufbau wurden poliert und gewachst. Neuse Antifouling, Tanks wurden vorsorglich gesäubert und antibakteriell behandelt. Komplett-Service der Motore und des Generators Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr!
Preis Notizen: MwSt. nicht enthalten
English Fixtures & Cabin Layout: Salon, - Description: New upholstery in Bentley style, New sound system troughout New Victron 2000 Watt inverter. New LED´s at cockpit staircase (12x). New high power underwater LED´s (3 units). New navigation 22 inch GPS plotter. New DVB-T high-end antenna. New LED tv´s in all cabins and saloon. New carpets, new teak-deck. New batteries. Polished and waxed hull, polished and waxed superstructure, polished propellers, shafts and rudders. New antifouling, new sacrifice anodes. Tanks preventive cleaned and anti-bacteria treated. Full service on engines. Full service on generator.
Italiano Installazioni e ripartizione: Salone, - Descrizione: New upholstery in Bentley style, New sound system troughout New Victron 2000 Watt inverter. New LED´s at cockpit staircase (12x). New high power underwater LED´s (3 units). New navigation 22 inch GPS plotter. New DVB-T high-end antenna. New LED tv´s in all cabins and saloon. New carpets, new teak-deck. New batteries. Polished and waxed hull, polished and waxed superstructure, polished propellers, shafts and rudders. New antifouling, new sacrifice anodes. Tanks preventive cleaned and anti-bacteria treated. Full service on engines. Full service on generator.
Française Équipement & disposition: Salon, - Description: New upholstery in Bentley style, New sound system troughout New Victron 2000 Watt inverter. New LED´s at cockpit staircase (12x). New high power underwater LED´s (3 units). New navigation 22 inch GPS plotter. New DVB-T high-end antenna. New LED tv´s in all cabins and saloon. New carpets, new teak-deck. New batteries. Polished and waxed hull, polished and waxed superstructure, polished propellers, shafts and rudders. New antifouling, new sacrifice anodes. Tanks preventive cleaned and anti-bacteria treated. Full service on engines. Full service on generator.
Español Equipamiento y división: Salón, - Descripción: New upholstery in Bentley style, New sound system troughout New Victron 2000 Watt inverter. New LED´s at cockpit staircase (12x). New high power underwater LED´s (3 units). New navigation 22 inch GPS plotter. New DVB-T high-end antenna. New LED tv´s in all cabins and saloon. New carpets, new teak-deck. New batteries. Polished and waxed hull, polished and waxed superstructure, polished propellers, shafts and rudders. New antifouling, new sacrifice anodes. Tanks preventive cleaned and anti-bacteria treated. Full service on engines. Full service on generator.
Россию обстановка и обшивка: салон, - описание: New upholstery in Bentley style, New sound system troughout New Victron 2000 Watt inverter. New LED´s at cockpit staircase (12x). New high power underwater LED´s (3 units). New navigation 22 inch GPS plotter. New DVB-T high-end antenna. New LED tv´s in all cabins and saloon. New carpets, new teak-deck. New batteries. Polished and waxed hull, polished and waxed superstructure, polished propellers, shafts and rudders. New antifouling, new sacrifice anodes. Tanks preventive cleaned and anti-bacteria treated. Full service on engines. Full service on generator.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
She is a long-range motor yacht (4000 nm) built for comfortable, economical and extensive family cruising. She has been very little used since delivered and kept in excellent condition with permanent crew.
The Yacht is designed as an Explorer type twin screw motor yacht for both offshore and worldwide cruising, with full displacement hull. The hull and superstructure are built according to Lloyd’s Register Regulation.
The hull and main deck are built in steel, including the floor of the Upper deck.8mm steel above water line.10mm steel below water line.16mm steel stabilisers through hull plates.The bulb is used as a trim/ballast.The hull is fitted with integral watertight double bottom structures for:Fuel tanksFresh/grey/black water tanks.Lubrication/waste oil tanks.Bilge separator tank.The transom garage doors are in Aluminium.There are 5 watertight bulkheads:Forepeak / chain locker.Crew quarter / guest quarters.Guest quarter / engine room.Engine room / aft peak / water sports store.
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Magliano in Toscana (Toscana)
Navetta in acciao costruita dai Cantieri Navali Benetti di Viareggio. Scafo in acciao, ponte coperta in acciao rivestito in teak, sovrastrutture in alluminio, pontatura completa, 4 paratie stagne, plancetta poppiera con piano di calpestio in teak. Nel 1997 eseguiti notevoli lavori di restyling e rinnovo di di impianti ed attrezzature. Nel 2003 sostituzione di parti e inserti di lamiera a scafo, nel 2004 sono stati eseguiti lavori di miglioria. Eseguiti Lavori di pitturazione scafo ed opera morta nel 2007 Impianto di aria condizionata sostituito nel Giugno 2008 Imbarcazione dotata d'impianto elettrico 220V e 24V presa da terra, nel 2008 sostituito una caricabatterie con uno nuovo Matervolt 24V, 100A. Impianto organizzato in modo che tutte le pompe possano funzionare da pompe di sentina e nel 2008 sono state revisionate le pompe di sentina e sostituita la pompa delle acque grigie. Il salpaancora di pruora è stato sostituito nel 2008 Gru di movimentazione del tender, posizionata sul ponte Fly, è stata revisionata nel 2008. All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and / or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for any inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. English Steel shuttle built by Benetti Shipyard in Viareggio. Steel hull, main deck in steel covered with teak, aluminium superstructure, full deck, 4 watertight bulkheads, Stern platform with teak decking. In 1997 performed considerable restyling and refurbishment of plant and equipment. In 2003 replacing parts and sheet metal inserts to hull, home improvement work has been carried out in 2004. Run paint Jobs hull and topsides in 2007 Air conditioning replaced in June 2008 Boat equipped with 220V electrical and 24V taken from the ground, in 2008 replaced a charger with a new Matervolt 24V, 100A. Plant organized so that all pumps can operate from bilge and bilge pumps were overhauled in 2008 and replaced the pump gray water. The windlass by pruora was replaced in 2008 Tender handling crane, placed on flybridge has also been revised in 2008. All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and/or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. Française Navette en acier construit par le chantier Benetti Viareggio. Coque acier, pont principal en acier recouvert de teck, superstructure en aluminium, pont complet, 4 cloisons étanches, plate-forme arrière avec terrasse en teck. En 1997, jouée restyling considérable et remise en état des installations et du matériel. Dans les pièces de remplacement de 2003 et d’inserts de tôle à hull, travaux d’amélioration de l’habitat a été réalisée en 2004. Exécution de peinture emplois coque et superstructure en 2007 Air conditionné, remplacé en juin 2008 Bateau équipé électrique 220V et 24V prise en 2008, du sol, a remplacé un chargeur avec un nouveau Matervolt 24V, 100 a. Plante a organisé afin que toutes les pompes peuvent fonctionner à fond de cale et les pompes d’assèchement ont été révisés en 2008 et remplacé l’eau pompe gris. Le guindeau de pruora a été remplacé en 2008 Grue de manutention tendre, placé sur le flybridge a également été révisé en 2008. Toutes les informations sur ce site concernant les yachts sont uniquement à des fins d’information. Condition de yachts et/ou l’exactitude des informations fournies n’est pas garanti, et il n’y a aucune responsabilité pour les inexactitudes. Toutes les dimensions, capacité, vitesse, etc.. ne sont pas techniquement vérifiés. Doit être clair que toutes les informations concernant l’état des yachts sont soumis à la dégradation commune en raison de l’usure. Nous conseillons donc les clients de soigneusement vérifier et inspecter les yachts, les spécifications et les informations permettant de vérifier leur exactitude à l’aide d’un expert maritime qualifié indépendant avant l’achat qu’il est soumis à des contrôles satisfaisants et essais en mer. Yachts publiées sont proposés à la vente. Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier les spécifications, les prix etc. sans préavis. Nous ne sommes pas responsables pour le résultat de nos publications et les activités qui suivent. Deutsch Stahl-Shuttle von Benetti Werft in Viareggio gebaut. Stahlrumpf, Hauptdeck aus Stahl mit Aluminium Überbau, Volldeck, 4 wasserdichten Schotte, Teak, Heck-Plattform mit Teakholz bedeckt. Im Jahr 1997 durchgeführt erhebliche Neugestaltung und Sanierung von Anlagen und Maschinen. In 2003 ersetzte Teile und Laken-Metall-Einsätze an Rumpf wurde im Jahr 2004 Hauptverbesserung Arbeit durchgeführt. Geführtes malen Jobs Rumpf und Topsides im Jahr 2007 Eine Klimaanlage ersetzt im Juni 2008 Boot mit 220V elektrische ausgestattet und 24V genommen vom Boden, im Jahr 2008 eine Ladegerät mit einer neuen Matervolt 24V, 100A ersetzt. Anlage so organisiert, dass alle Pumpen können aus Bilge und Lenzpumpen wurden im Jahr 2008 überarbeitet und ersetzt die Pumpe grauen Wasser. Im 2008 wurde die Ankerwinde durch Pruora ersetzt. Zärtliche Umgang mit Kran, platziert auf Flybridge wurde auch im Jahr 2008 überarbeitet. Alle Informationen auf dieser Website im Zusammenhang mit Yachten dient nur zu Informationszwecken. Zustand der Yachten und/oder Richtigkeit der zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen kann nicht garantiert werden und es wird keine Verantwortung für Ungenauigkeiten. Alle Abmessungen, Kapazität, Geschwindigkeit, etc.. sind nicht technisch überprüft. Soll klar sein, dass alle Informationen in Bezug auf den Zustand der Yachten die gemeinsame Degradation durch Verschleiß unterliegen. Daher empfehlen wir Kunden, sorgfältig prüfen und überprüfen Sie Yachten, Spezifikationen und Informationen, um ihre Genauigkeit mit Hilfe einer unabhängigen qualifizierten marine Surveyor vor dem Kauf zu überprüfen, die es zufriedenstellende Kontrollen und Probefahrten unterliegt. Veröffentlichten Yachten werden angeboten, verkauft werden. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Spezifikationen, Preisen etc. ohne vorherige Ankündigung. Wir sind nicht verantwortlich für das Ergebnis unserer Publikationen und Aktivitäten, die Folgen. Español Transporte de acero construido por el astillero Benetti en Viareggio. Casco de acero, cubierta principal de acero cubierto con teca, superestructura de aluminio, cubierta completa, 4 mamparos estancos, plataforma de popa con plataforma de teca. En 1997 realizó considerables restyling y remodelación de planta y equipo. En 2003 reemplazando piezas y partes movibles del metal de hoja casco, se ha realizado trabajo de mejoramiento del hogar en 2004. Ejecución de pintura trabajos casco y obra muerta en 2007 Aire acondicionado sustituido en junio de 2008 Barco equipado con electricidad de 220V y 24V extraída del suelo, en el año 2008 sustituye un cargador con un nuevo Matervolt 24V, 100. Planta organizada de modo que pueden operar todas las bombas de sentina y bombas de achique fueron revisadas en 2008 y reemplazado el agua gris de la bomba. El molinete por pruora fue substituido en 2008 Oferta manejo grúa, a Fly también ha sido revisada en 2008. Toda la información en este sitio relacionados con yates es sólo con fines informativos. Condición de yates o corrección de información no es garantizado y no hay ninguna responsabilidad por inexactitud. Dimensiones, capacidad, velocidad, etcetera. técnicamente no son verificados. Es claro que toda la información relativa al estado de los barcos están sujetos a la degradación común debido al desgaste. Por lo tanto, asesoramos a clientes cuidadosamente comprobar e inspeccionar barcos, especificaciones e información para verificar su exactitud con la ayuda de un topógrafo marino calificado independiente antes de la compra que está sujeto a controles satisfactorios y pruebas de mar. Barcos publicados se ofrecen para ser vendidos. Nos reservamos el derecho a modificar las especificaciones, precios etc. sin previo aviso. No somos responsables por el resultado de nuestras publicaciones y las actividades que siguen. Россию Стальной трансфер, построен на верфи Benetti в Виареджо. Стальной корпус, главной палубе в стали, покрытые тик, алюминиевые конструкции, полная колода, 4 водонепроницаемыми переборками, кормовой платформы с тикового настила. В 1997 году осуществляется значительный рестайлинг и ремонт машин и оборудования. В 2003 году замены деталей и вставки листового металла корпуса домашнего улучшения работы были проведены в 2004 году. Выполнения краска работу Халл и верхнее строение в 2007 году Кондиционер, заменил в июне 2008 года Лодка оснащена 220В электрические и 24V, взяты из земли, в 2008 году заменил зарядное устройство с новой Matervolt 24V, 100А. Завод организован так, что все насосы могут работать от льяльных и водооткачивающие насосы были отремонтированы в 2008 году и заменил серый насос воды. В 2008 году был заменен лебедка, pruora Нежная обработки крана, на флайбридже также был пересмотрен в 2008 году. Вся информация на этом сайте, касающиеся яхты является только для информационных целей. Яхты условие и/или правильность предоставленной информации не гарантируется, и есть не несет ответственности за неточность. Все размеры, мощность, скорость и т.д. технически не проверена. Должно быть ясно, что вся информация, касающаяся состояния яхты являются предметом общей деградации вследствие износа. Поэтому мы рекомендуем клиентам тщательно проверить и проверить яхт, спецификации и информацию для проверки их точности с помощью независимых квалифицированных морской сюрвейер перед покупкой, это при условии удовлетворительной проверки и ходовые испытания. Опубликованные яхты предлагаются для продажи. Мы оставляем за собой право изменять технические характеристики, цены и т.д. без предварительного уведомления. Мы не несем ответственность за результат наших публикаций и мероприятий, которые следуют. Categoria di navigazione Senza limiti Accessori aggiuntivi Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione Angolo barra, Antenna radar, 2 Bussola (Sperry + Azimut 1000), Display, Ecoscandaglio (Furuno Ls 6100), Fax, 2 GPS (Furuno GP50 + Lorenz 11''), MeteoFax (Furuno 208), Pilota automatico (Furuno Fap 330), 2 Radio VHF (Icom IC-M127 + Sailor Rt146), SSB (Skanti). Allestimento tecnico e di coperta Allarme motore, Allarme sentina, Ancora, 2 Autoclave, Batterie, Doppia timoneria, Faro orientabile, Gruette per tender su fly, Impianto antincendio, Lavaggio catena, Luci di cortesia, Passerella (Gandola), Piattaforma, Pompa di sentina automatica, Presa 220V banchina, Presa acqua banchina, Tromba. Dotazioni domestiche di bordo Boiler, Dissalatore (Idromar), Impianto acque nere, Prese interne 220v, 4 WC marino elettrico. Intrattenimento Altoparlanti, Stereo. Cucina ed elettrodomestici Cucina, ICE Maker. Tappezzerie Cuscineria completa. Note accessori refittata nel 2004, è stato rifatto l’impianto elettrico nel 2009 ed è stata ripitturata nel 2007 Disclaimer La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione....Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
In today’s competitive market it is crucial to stand out from the crowd. The Pearl 75, from the drawing board of British naval architect Bill Dixon, was built to be fitted with Pod Drives - in this case a pair of ZF 4000-series units, coupled to 1,250-HP MTU Diesels. Along with the computer-controlled manoeuvrability that this system offers, it also allows the engines to be mounted well aft in the hull to make space for exceptionally roomy accommodation below decks. Mono-deep V hull, Semi displacement, add to that advantage the fact that the yacht has been designed with an unusually beamy hull. The hull boasts a clear 8 to 9 inches more beam than a similar length, which makes a significant difference to interior volume. The cabins with their pertinent beds are massive, the headroom is pretty generous in most areas, and the cabins are sensibly laid out with plenty of unobstructed floor space. The saloon seems so big as there is no formal dining table to sit down at. Either in the cockpit or up on the flybridge are a generous table where you can accommodate all your guests.
The Pearl 75’s practical, modern, and spacious rectilinear layout, with its subtle use of contrasting tones and textures adds intrigue to various restful shades of grey. Leather and fabric join forces on locker fronts and panelling, echoing the combinations of marble and hardwood used for key floor areas. Dark and light woods add visual depth while high-gloss, white-lacquered deckheads provide a reflective sense of spaciousness.
The lacquered wood trim lends a sense of solid quality. Surprising details include areas of flooring picked out in stainless steel. Crocodile-embossed leather bed bases communicate in their faux-reptilian way with ostrich-effect steel locker handles, which in turn provide tactile opposition to the soft leather used for drawer handles. Thick woollen carpet provides a reassuring sense of luxury. This is a case where an interior design sets a boat apart.Do not miss the opportunity! Please contact me for more information.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
AB Inflatables Lammina 9.5 AL - ORCA CSM / Hypalon (Boat Only)Amazingly tough and lightWhen a full-sized, but light, hard-bottomed open tender is needed, the Lammina AL excels. The amazingly tough RIB features an aluminium hull for weight reduction and rugged durability.Features:
Large Square Transom Aluminium Reinforced Base
More Payload Capacity
More Internal Area
Aluminium Removable Rowing Seat
New Chrome Free - Advanced Pre-treatment and Powder Coating Technology
Ultra High Quality Welding
Bow U bolt and lateral towing eyes
Single Solid Rubrail
New Heavy Duty Keel Protector
/"V/" Hull
ORCA (CSM) Coated Fabric
Sunbrella Fabric Dinghy Chap Available
Sunbrella Fabric Boat Cover Available
Reinforced Aluminium Lifting Eyes with SS Rings
Internal Aluminium Plate with Security Lip
Reinforced (CSM) Fabric Handles
Non-skid Rubber Floor
Reinforced Aluminium Transom Towing Eyes w/ SS Rings
Reinforced Aluminium Transom Tie Downs w/ SS Rings
Overall length: 9' 6/" / 2.90 m
Overall Beam: 5' 6 /" / 1.68m
Inside Length: 6' 11/"/2.11 m
Inside Beam: 2' 6/" / 0.76m
Tube Diameter: 17/" / 0.43m
Number of Chambers: 3
Person Capacity: 5
Weight: 95lb / 43kg
Recommended HP: 8 hp/ 6.0 kw
Maximum HP: 15 hp / 11.2kw
Shaft length: 15/" / 38.1 cm
RDC Design Category: C
Hull Thickness 0.090 in / 2.28mm
Standard Equipment:
Deep “V” Marine Grade Aluminium Hull
Heavy Duty Transom Knee
Stringer System Welded Under Aluminium Deck
Non-Skid Rubber Floor Panels
Plastic External Transom Plate
Aluminium Internal Transom Plate with Security Lip
Aluminium Bow Eye
3-4 Aluminium Davit Lifting Points
Aluminium Transom Tie Down b'&' Towing Rings
Deck Drain with Plug
Orca (CSM) Five Layer Coated Fabric
Raised Single Rub Rail
Push Push Plastic Non-Corrosive 2 Stage Inflation Valves
1 Front b'&' 2 Side Orca (CSM) Fabric Handles on Tubes
2 Inside Bow Sets of Double Orca (CSM) Fabric Handles on Tubes
2 Inside Stern Single Orca (CSM) Fabric Handles on Tubes
Removable Rowing Seat
Oarlock Base
Telescopic Oars with Aluminium Shaft
Paddle Holders
Hand Pump
Maintenance Kit
Owner's Manual
3 Layers Reinforced Seams
Rubber Protector on Full Length of Keel
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Motor - Sailer
1 Owner Cabin
2 Guest Cabin
Paint is new 2024 (hull and Deck)
EVERYTHING on the boat have been fully refitted by professionals in France in 2012, directed and followed by a professional survey Inspector. There is a report in french that explain the whole refit. the hull is 18m and the total length is 24m.
670 000 $ have been invested in total. The survey Inspector estimated officially the market price at 560 000 $ and we priced it at 170 000 € in order to sell fast.
Panama's Flag
Hull is fully rebuilt
Engine is new (Baudoin 185 HP)
Generator is new
All the Equipement and furniture is new and high class.
rigging is new
sails are new and many more.
ANTIFULLING APRIL 2024, hull maintenance, new transmission, new prop.
The boat is registered in Panama ready to go, Ideal for a live-aboard project, world tour or a charter management program.
For more informations, please Contact Tristan Yribarren at +33 6 08 90 39 13
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Italia (Tutte le città)
A2 was originally launched in 1983 and then entirely rebuilt in 2012 with the goal of transforming the vessel into one reflective of modern design and technology. The yacht arrived at Pendennis in the spring of 2011 with the initial task being the complete removal of the vessel’s interior and systems leaving the base steel hull and aluminium superstructure. The owner appointed New York based Peter Marino Architect to design the contemporary and luxurious Owner and Guest areas. Naval Architects BMT Nigel Gee worked alongside the technical team at Pendennis which has extensive experience of stern extensions on vessels. A2’s hull was extended by almost 5 meters to 47m across all three decks, and the superstructure modified to incorporate an impressive full beam master cabin. This exterior transformation was complemented by her striking blue hull making her completely unrecognizable. A2 left the yard in July 2012 with not only her appearance enhanced but her performance significantly upgraded. She has always been enjoyed privately and maintained in absolutely first class order with long standing crew since her rebuild.
In 2021, A2 began her 10-year survey and she re-launched in January 2022 with the latest navigation equipment, a major engine room systems service, guest and crew interior upgrades, air conditioning upgrades and an exterior refurbishment including full deck re-caulk and a re-paint of the hull. A new Ribeye RIB tender was also added to complement the previously added 2018 custom Hodgdon Limousine tender. She is presently having two new generators installed to ensure she is in a ready to go anywhere condition for the foreseeable future. Above all, A2 is a timeless, classic, elegant Feadship that has been very tastefully rebuilt that will age very well
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Italia (Tutte le città)
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Italia (Tutte le città)
27 m Steel hull motor yacht. Built in 2002 by BUGARI Italy.
In 2020 – 2022 Went through major refit job. SEE LIST BELOW.
Designed for lang range with heavy duty Caterpillar main engines, Trac Stabilizers and Lots of Fuel.
She has 4 cabins for 8 guests with two additional pullman beds she will sleep 10 guests.
Accommodation for 4 crew in two cabins.
Main Features
Length overall (LOA) 27 m /
Beam 6.40 m /
Draft 2.0 m /
Shipyard BUGARI, Italy.
Year 2002
Construction Hull -Steel FE 430 / Superstructure – Aluminum 5083 H111
Main Engine 2 x 925 hp Caterpillar 3421E
Max Speed 14 knots
Cruising Speed 12 knots
Classification Hull was built to RINA rules
Refit 2020 – 2020 / Main Features
New Teak Decks
New Hull and Superstructure Paint
All windows has been removed. Checked and re installed.
New Hard Top on the flybridge
New Crane installed in the aft Garage / Beach Club
Garage converted to Beach club.
New SIMRAD Chartplotter and GPS
New 2 X 100-liter Boilers
Main Exhaust piles has been changed to under water discharge.
All Pumps been serviced.
All tanks Opened cleaned and serviced.
All Piping system has been taken out, checked clean and painted.
New water maker
New Charges and Inverters
*Additional Information Available.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2017 Jeanneau Cap Camarat 7.5 WA Series 2 – Powered by a Yamaha F300 outboard engine.
Supplied with the largest engine available, the 4.2 litre V6 Yamaha F300 with electronic controls.
An ever-popular sportsboat, with a two berth cuddy cabin, separate heads compartment with sea toilet and holding tank, galley with sink, pressurised running water and 12v fridge. Everything required for a comfortable weekend away.
On deck is a large console, with a Lowrange GPS chartplotter, Fusion stereo system, digital Yamaha engine display, Yamaha electronic engine controls, Zipwake automatic trim tabs, two swivelling and adjustable helm seats, cockpit table, and wraparound aft cockpit seating and aft sunbed conversion.
On the bow is a large sunbed with lifting backrests and cupholders, an electric anchor windlass and sturdy pulpit rails.
The boat also features a ski frame for towing waterskiers and wakeboarders, an auxiliary engine bracket, and a nearly new overall cover. In 2019 the boat was upgraded with new Zipwake automatic trim tabs, a new anchor windlass and a new Sidepower bow thruster.
BHG Marine have carried out an annual engine service, polished the hull and topsides and reantifouled the hull, end of October 2024.
Note: Gearbox removed as the photos were taken mid-service.
Yamaha F300 outboard engineYamaha digital engine displayZipwake automatic trim tabsSidepower bow thrusterElectric anchor windlassFusion stereoLowrance GPS chartplotterCockpit tableCockpit sunbedBow sunbed with lifting backrestsCabin cushions with double berth conversionFridgeSink and pressurised water systemTransom showerSea toilet with holding tankAuxiliary outboard engine bracketSki frameOverall cover (nearly new) and original console cover
Works carried out by BHG Marine, end of October 2024:
Full annual engine service New water pump kitNew anodes Hull and topsides polish New antifouling Complete detail valet throughout
Manufacturer Provided Description
Already the reference in the 7-metre boat category, and based on the magnificent streamlined hull by M. PETERS, the CAP CAMARAT 7.5 WA Série 2 boasts a distinctly young, dynamic and sporty style.
At the helm of the all-new American-style cockpit, you will experience exhilarating speeds. The spacious saloon and cabins provide for unforgettable evenings, while the fore and aft sundecks allow you to enjoy every instant of being at sea. Unforgettable moments await you aboard this family sport boat!
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Fara in Sabina (Lazio)
Special version of Beneteau hull and deck of vinilester infusion not solid like other First 40 standard. General Other: Farr project with ORC 2016 optimization by cossutti. • New Carbon Rudder by Cossutti. • Carbon spinnaker pole • T Lead keel • GPH 577.5 READY TO RACE Asking price excludes brokers commission, which will be added on top of the sales price. REFIT New ball bearing rudder Jefa 2019 2 batteries services 110 amp 2020 hull to zero epoxy and antifouling new carbon bowsprit 2019 new tuff luff harken 2019 new spi halyard 2019 Gennaker 144mq, jib 2 43,71 mq, new mainsail 53,40 mq new 2019. full engine service 2020 new antifouling speed carbon 2020 This is a special First 40 with optimization of keel, carbon rudder, hull infusion of vinilester etc. Accommodation Other: 3 cabins • Head with shower, toilet and sink • Watertank 200L Galley • 2 burner stove with oven • refrigerator Engine, electrics, water Other: Yanmar Electrics • Boiler 25L • Electric bilgepump • 12/220V • Battery charger • Batteries Rig and sails Other: Spinnakers • 1 VMG 2017 • 1 run 2017 Jibs • JIB 1-2-3-4 CARBON WITH BATTEN 2016 • STORM JIB Mains • MAINSAIL 2016 • STORM MAINSAIL SAILS FOR TRANSFER • 1 MAINSAIL DACRON • 1 LIGHT JIB Navigation and electronics Other: • Compass • Log, speed, wind • Barometer • Chart plotter • Autopilot • GPS • VHF • 3 JUMBO AT MAST • 2 COCKPIT DISPLAY, 1 VELOCITEK, 1 ASTRA PERFORMANCE UNIT Equipment Other: • Electric windlass • Cockpit shower Rigging • Alu mast • Rod rig • Removable carbon bow sprit • All Halyards Dyneema with Tylaska • Genoa and spi sheets all dynema with tylaska Additional • Bruce anchor with 50m chain • 4 mooring lines • 6 fenders • Folding 2 blade propeller...Read full description
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La Spezia (Liguria)
A potent combination of Marten Yachts NZ build quality coupled with Farr and Vismara design. This yacht shows them off to their best. Hull in Carbon-Nomex painted in pearl white. Sleeps six guests and two crew. Now in La Spezia where a new owner can keep the berth for a period to be negotiated, free of charge. An absolutely awesome yacht. VAT paid and in excellent order, regularly maintaiined an constantly upgraded.. For further information or inspection arrangements please contact listing broker Hanne Niederbracht at Ancasta Yachts Palma or call - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - Inventory NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT Furuno 10.4 radar Computer for navigation systems Computer for internet VHF (one at navstation and one in cockpit) Inmarsat Sat C Iridium and GSM telephone B&G 20x20 instruments 15" nav station screen 2 Suunto compasses EXTRA INVENTORY Avon RiB 315 Yanmar 15HP outboard engine Gangway Titanium bathing ladder Cockpit cushions Sprayhood Sunshade Sharp LCD 28" TV Linn home theatre Hifi system 5 speakers in dinette 1 sub woofer 4 deck speakers 2 sea anchors (bow and stern) SAFETY EQUIPMENT Two 406 Epirbs Two Autoflug 6 person liferafts 12 Avon safety belt Grab bag Bridge RECENT WORKS INCLUDE: New teak decks New Air conditioning units New Watermaker New Navigation systems computer All new LED lighting CONSTRUCTION The hull is in Carbon-Nomex painted in pearl white The flush deck and low coach roof of the vessel is finished with hand laid teak Steering via two custom carbon Y spoke wheels and Vectran cable system The deck is adorned with no less than 16 custom Marten Yachts carbon flush hatches, providing ample light and fresh air into the interior of the vessel The stern is equipped with a garage for the dinghy and for general storage use The teak deck highlights the typical Vismara design: smooth cabin with ample living space and coamings together with the double cockpit, the after for the helmsman with two wheels and the central one for guests. Hull and deck are built in pre-preg carbon vacuum bagged and cured at 80° with Nomex core, in order to develop an extremely rigid yet light and well insulated structure. To save weight and give the maximum strength to the boat many of the furniture elements, such as the frontals, or the horizontal shelves of the settees are in sandwich of pre-preg carbon with Nomex core. LOA 20.30m LWL 18.24m BEAM 5.00m DRAFT 4.00m DISPLACEMENT 20500kg BALLAST 9100kg Machinery YANMAR 4JH DTE 125HP DIESEL ENGINE Mastervolt Whisper 8000 generator Spectra watermaker Condaria air conditioning throughout TANKAGE WATER 1250 litre FUEL 1000 litre BLACK WATER HOLDING TANK 250 litre GREY WATER HOLDING TANK 300 litre ELECTRICS 24 volt DC system Chargers 2 x Mastervolt 100 Mastervolt 40, 2020 3500w inverter Generator Mastervolt 8000 whisper Condaria 36000BTU airconditioning GROUND TACKLE Lofrans windlass Delta inox anchor with 12mm chain Spade 15kg kedge anchor 2 floating anchors WATER SYSTEM Hot and cold pressurised water throughout 60 litre hot water boiler Spectra 70 litres Zbrain watermaker Rig SLOOP RIG Six on deck electric Harken winches Frederiksen deck gear blocks The main sail traveller is controlled with a custom under deck hydraulic system. MAST The rotating carbon wing mast can be hydraulically rotated 35º either side of centre, is fully adjustable via hydraulic headstay & inner stay tensioning system, with running backstays connected to Harken electric winches Standing rig of SS rod with full set of Carbon rods for racing SAILS All North Sails 3DL carbon/Kevlar (2203 due for replacement winter 2011/12) Full battened main sail Selection of head sails Fractional gennaker Carbon Main and Jib (2004) Set of Dacron delivery sails Staysail and Storm Jib Accommodation SLEEPS SIX GUESTS IN THREE CABINS AND TWO CREW IN ONE CABIN The layout and the general styling of “Mister A” make the boat particularly comfortable and functional. The standard of finish is SUPERB. The boat is divided into two areas: the crew mess aft and the owner/guests area from amidships forwards. This separation assures mutual privacy, but also takes in consideration the differences between the use of the boat during blue water navigation and in harbour. For this reason there are two galleys, one close to the crew mess and navigation area. The main galley is amidships close to the saloon. The owners suite is located amidships and provided with two separate single berths with desk and office in between. The saloon is very well lit superbly finished and comfortable for socialising. The two guest cabins are upper and lower berths provided and they are forward preceding the sail locker. The furniture design utilises a mix of hitech and traditional styling and materials. Cherry wood is used to face the furniture and the bulkheads. Carbon structures of items, such as the entrance ladder are left bare to remind the owner just what a special yacht this is. The entertainment system in the saloon includes a Linn home theatre Hifi system with 5 speakers and a sub woofer in the dinette and 4 speakers on deck. Sharp LCD 28" TV. Both galleys are equipped with: 4 burner cooker Fridge Oven One also has a dishwasher and freezer...Read full description
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