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Magliano in Toscana (Toscana)
Navetta in acciao costruita dai Cantieri Navali Benetti di Viareggio. Scafo in acciao, ponte coperta in acciao rivestito in teak, sovrastrutture in alluminio, pontatura completa, 4 paratie stagne, plancetta poppiera con piano di calpestio in teak. Nel 1997 eseguiti notevoli lavori di restyling e rinnovo di di impianti ed attrezzature. Nel 2003 sostituzione di parti e inserti di lamiera a scafo, nel 2004 sono stati eseguiti lavori di miglioria. Eseguiti Lavori di pitturazione scafo ed opera morta nel 2007 Impianto di aria condizionata sostituito nel Giugno 2008 Imbarcazione dotata d'impianto elettrico 220V e 24V presa da terra, nel 2008 sostituito una caricabatterie con uno nuovo Matervolt 24V, 100A. Impianto organizzato in modo che tutte le pompe possano funzionare da pompe di sentina e nel 2008 sono state revisionate le pompe di sentina e sostituita la pompa delle acque grigie. Il salpaancora di pruora è stato sostituito nel 2008 Gru di movimentazione del tender, posizionata sul ponte Fly, è stata revisionata nel 2008. All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and / or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for any inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. English Steel shuttle built by Benetti Shipyard in Viareggio. Steel hull, main deck in steel covered with teak, aluminium superstructure, full deck, 4 watertight bulkheads, Stern platform with teak decking. In 1997 performed considerable restyling and refurbishment of plant and equipment. In 2003 replacing parts and sheet metal inserts to hull, home improvement work has been carried out in 2004. Run paint Jobs hull and topsides in 2007 Air conditioning replaced in June 2008 Boat equipped with 220V electrical and 24V taken from the ground, in 2008 replaced a charger with a new Matervolt 24V, 100A. Plant organized so that all pumps can operate from bilge and bilge pumps were overhauled in 2008 and replaced the pump gray water. The windlass by pruora was replaced in 2008 Tender handling crane, placed on flybridge has also been revised in 2008. All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and/or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. Française Navette en acier construit par le chantier Benetti Viareggio. Coque acier, pont principal en acier recouvert de teck, superstructure en aluminium, pont complet, 4 cloisons étanches, plate-forme arrière avec terrasse en teck. En 1997, jouée restyling considérable et remise en état des installations et du matériel. Dans les pièces de remplacement de 2003 et d’inserts de tôle à hull, travaux d’amélioration de l’habitat a été réalisée en 2004. Exécution de peinture emplois coque et superstructure en 2007 Air conditionné, remplacé en juin 2008 Bateau équipé électrique 220V et 24V prise en 2008, du sol, a remplacé un chargeur avec un nouveau Matervolt 24V, 100 a. Plante a organisé afin que toutes les pompes peuvent fonctionner à fond de cale et les pompes d’assèchement ont été révisés en 2008 et remplacé l’eau pompe gris. Le guindeau de pruora a été remplacé en 2008 Grue de manutention tendre, placé sur le flybridge a également été révisé en 2008. Toutes les informations sur ce site concernant les yachts sont uniquement à des fins d’information. Condition de yachts et/ou l’exactitude des informations fournies n’est pas garanti, et il n’y a aucune responsabilité pour les inexactitudes. Toutes les dimensions, capacité, vitesse, etc.. ne sont pas techniquement vérifiés. Doit être clair que toutes les informations concernant l’état des yachts sont soumis à la dégradation commune en raison de l’usure. Nous conseillons donc les clients de soigneusement vérifier et inspecter les yachts, les spécifications et les informations permettant de vérifier leur exactitude à l’aide d’un expert maritime qualifié indépendant avant l’achat qu’il est soumis à des contrôles satisfaisants et essais en mer. Yachts publiées sont proposés à la vente. Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier les spécifications, les prix etc. sans préavis. Nous ne sommes pas responsables pour le résultat de nos publications et les activités qui suivent. Deutsch Stahl-Shuttle von Benetti Werft in Viareggio gebaut. Stahlrumpf, Hauptdeck aus Stahl mit Aluminium Überbau, Volldeck, 4 wasserdichten Schotte, Teak, Heck-Plattform mit Teakholz bedeckt. Im Jahr 1997 durchgeführt erhebliche Neugestaltung und Sanierung von Anlagen und Maschinen. In 2003 ersetzte Teile und Laken-Metall-Einsätze an Rumpf wurde im Jahr 2004 Hauptverbesserung Arbeit durchgeführt. Geführtes malen Jobs Rumpf und Topsides im Jahr 2007 Eine Klimaanlage ersetzt im Juni 2008 Boot mit 220V elektrische ausgestattet und 24V genommen vom Boden, im Jahr 2008 eine Ladegerät mit einer neuen Matervolt 24V, 100A ersetzt. Anlage so organisiert, dass alle Pumpen können aus Bilge und Lenzpumpen wurden im Jahr 2008 überarbeitet und ersetzt die Pumpe grauen Wasser. Im 2008 wurde die Ankerwinde durch Pruora ersetzt. Zärtliche Umgang mit Kran, platziert auf Flybridge wurde auch im Jahr 2008 überarbeitet. Alle Informationen auf dieser Website im Zusammenhang mit Yachten dient nur zu Informationszwecken. Zustand der Yachten und/oder Richtigkeit der zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen kann nicht garantiert werden und es wird keine Verantwortung für Ungenauigkeiten. Alle Abmessungen, Kapazität, Geschwindigkeit, etc.. sind nicht technisch überprüft. Soll klar sein, dass alle Informationen in Bezug auf den Zustand der Yachten die gemeinsame Degradation durch Verschleiß unterliegen. Daher empfehlen wir Kunden, sorgfältig prüfen und überprüfen Sie Yachten, Spezifikationen und Informationen, um ihre Genauigkeit mit Hilfe einer unabhängigen qualifizierten marine Surveyor vor dem Kauf zu überprüfen, die es zufriedenstellende Kontrollen und Probefahrten unterliegt. Veröffentlichten Yachten werden angeboten, verkauft werden. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Spezifikationen, Preisen etc. ohne vorherige Ankündigung. Wir sind nicht verantwortlich für das Ergebnis unserer Publikationen und Aktivitäten, die Folgen. Español Transporte de acero construido por el astillero Benetti en Viareggio. Casco de acero, cubierta principal de acero cubierto con teca, superestructura de aluminio, cubierta completa, 4 mamparos estancos, plataforma de popa con plataforma de teca. En 1997 realizó considerables restyling y remodelación de planta y equipo. En 2003 reemplazando piezas y partes movibles del metal de hoja casco, se ha realizado trabajo de mejoramiento del hogar en 2004. Ejecución de pintura trabajos casco y obra muerta en 2007 Aire acondicionado sustituido en junio de 2008 Barco equipado con electricidad de 220V y 24V extraída del suelo, en el año 2008 sustituye un cargador con un nuevo Matervolt 24V, 100. Planta organizada de modo que pueden operar todas las bombas de sentina y bombas de achique fueron revisadas en 2008 y reemplazado el agua gris de la bomba. El molinete por pruora fue substituido en 2008 Oferta manejo grúa, a Fly también ha sido revisada en 2008. Toda la información en este sitio relacionados con yates es sólo con fines informativos. Condición de yates o corrección de información no es garantizado y no hay ninguna responsabilidad por inexactitud. Dimensiones, capacidad, velocidad, etcetera. técnicamente no son verificados. Es claro que toda la información relativa al estado de los barcos están sujetos a la degradación común debido al desgaste. Por lo tanto, asesoramos a clientes cuidadosamente comprobar e inspeccionar barcos, especificaciones e información para verificar su exactitud con la ayuda de un topógrafo marino calificado independiente antes de la compra que está sujeto a controles satisfactorios y pruebas de mar. Barcos publicados se ofrecen para ser vendidos. Nos reservamos el derecho a modificar las especificaciones, precios etc. sin previo aviso. No somos responsables por el resultado de nuestras publicaciones y las actividades que siguen. Россию Стальной трансфер, построен на верфи Benetti в Виареджо. Стальной корпус, главной палубе в стали, покрытые тик, алюминиевые конструкции, полная колода, 4 водонепроницаемыми переборками, кормовой платформы с тикового настила. В 1997 году осуществляется значительный рестайлинг и ремонт машин и оборудования. В 2003 году замены деталей и вставки листового металла корпуса домашнего улучшения работы были проведены в 2004 году. Выполнения краска работу Халл и верхнее строение в 2007 году Кондиционер, заменил в июне 2008 года Лодка оснащена 220В электрические и 24V, взяты из земли, в 2008 году заменил зарядное устройство с новой Matervolt 24V, 100А. Завод организован так, что все насосы могут работать от льяльных и водооткачивающие насосы были отремонтированы в 2008 году и заменил серый насос воды. В 2008 году был заменен лебедка, pruora Нежная обработки крана, на флайбридже также был пересмотрен в 2008 году. Вся информация на этом сайте, касающиеся яхты является только для информационных целей. Яхты условие и/или правильность предоставленной информации не гарантируется, и есть не несет ответственности за неточность. Все размеры, мощность, скорость и т.д. технически не проверена. Должно быть ясно, что вся информация, касающаяся состояния яхты являются предметом общей деградации вследствие износа. Поэтому мы рекомендуем клиентам тщательно проверить и проверить яхт, спецификации и информацию для проверки их точности с помощью независимых квалифицированных морской сюрвейер перед покупкой, это при условии удовлетворительной проверки и ходовые испытания. Опубликованные яхты предлагаются для продажи. Мы оставляем за собой право изменять технические характеристики, цены и т.д. без предварительного уведомления. Мы не несем ответственность за результат наших публикаций и мероприятий, которые следуют. Categoria di navigazione Senza limiti Accessori aggiuntivi Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione Angolo barra, Antenna radar, 2 Bussola (Sperry + Azimut 1000), Display, Ecoscandaglio (Furuno Ls 6100), Fax, 2 GPS (Furuno GP50 + Lorenz 11''), MeteoFax (Furuno 208), Pilota automatico (Furuno Fap 330), 2 Radio VHF (Icom IC-M127 + Sailor Rt146), SSB (Skanti). Allestimento tecnico e di coperta Allarme motore, Allarme sentina, Ancora, 2 Autoclave, Batterie, Doppia timoneria, Faro orientabile, Gruette per tender su fly, Impianto antincendio, Lavaggio catena, Luci di cortesia, Passerella (Gandola), Piattaforma, Pompa di sentina automatica, Presa 220V banchina, Presa acqua banchina, Tromba. Dotazioni domestiche di bordo Boiler, Dissalatore (Idromar), Impianto acque nere, Prese interne 220v, 4 WC marino elettrico. Intrattenimento Altoparlanti, Stereo. Cucina ed elettrodomestici Cucina, ICE Maker. Tappezzerie Cuscineria completa. Note accessori refittata nel 2004, è stato rifatto l’impianto elettrico nel 2009 ed è stata ripitturata nel 2007 Disclaimer La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione....Read full description
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Fiumefreddo di Sicilia (Sicilia)
All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and / or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for any inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. English All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and/or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. Française Toutes les informations sur ce site concernant les yachts sont uniquement à des fins d’information. Condition de yachts et/ou l’exactitude des informations fournies n’est pas garanti, et il n’y a aucune responsabilité pour les inexactitudes. Toutes les dimensions, capacité, vitesse, etc.. ne sont pas techniquement vérifiés. Doit être clair que toutes les informations concernant l’état des yachts sont soumis à la dégradation commune en raison de l’usure. Nous conseillons donc les clients de soigneusement vérifier et inspecter les yachts, les spécifications et les informations permettant de vérifier leur exactitude à l’aide d’un expert maritime qualifié indépendant avant l’achat qu’il est soumis à des contrôles satisfaisants et essais en mer. Yachts publiées sont proposés à la vente. Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier les spécifications, les prix etc. sans préavis. Nous ne sommes pas responsables pour le résultat de nos publications et les activités qui suivent. Deutsch Alle Informationen auf dieser Website im Zusammenhang mit Yachten dient nur zu Informationszwecken. Zustand der Yachten und/oder Richtigkeit der zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen kann nicht garantiert werden und es wird keine Verantwortung für Ungenauigkeiten. Alle Abmessungen, Kapazität, Geschwindigkeit, etc.. sind nicht technisch überprüft. Soll klar sein, dass alle Informationen in Bezug auf den Zustand der Yachten die gemeinsame Degradation durch Verschleiß unterliegen. Daher empfehlen wir Kunden, sorgfältig prüfen und überprüfen Sie Yachten, Spezifikationen und Informationen, um ihre Genauigkeit mit Hilfe einer unabhängigen qualifizierten marine Surveyor vor dem Kauf zu überprüfen, die es zufriedenstellende Kontrollen und Probefahrten unterliegt. Veröffentlichten Yachten werden angeboten, verkauft werden. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Spezifikationen, Preisen etc. ohne vorherige Ankündigung. Wir sind nicht verantwortlich für das Ergebnis unserer Publikationen und Aktivitäten, die Folgen. Español Toda la información en este sitio relacionados con yates es sólo con fines informativos. Condición de yates o corrección de información no es garantizado y no hay ninguna responsabilidad por inexactitud. Dimensiones, capacidad, velocidad, etcetera. técnicamente no son verificados. Es claro que toda la información relativa al estado de los barcos están sujetos a la degradación común debido al desgaste. Por lo tanto, asesoramos a clientes cuidadosamente comprobar e inspeccionar barcos, especificaciones e información para verificar su exactitud con la ayuda de un topógrafo marino calificado independiente antes de la compra que está sujeto a controles satisfactorios y pruebas de mar. Barcos publicados se ofrecen para ser vendidos. Nos reservamos el derecho a modificar las especificaciones, precios etc. sin previo aviso. No somos responsables por el resultado de nuestras publicaciones y las actividades que siguen. Россию Вся информация на этом сайте, касающиеся яхты является только для информационных целей. Яхты условие и/или правильность предоставленной информации не гарантируется, и есть не несет ответственности за неточность. Все размеры, мощность, скорость и т.д. технически не проверена. Должно быть ясно, что вся информация, касающаяся состояния яхты являются предметом общей деградации вследствие износа. Поэтому мы рекомендуем клиентам тщательно проверить и проверить яхт, спецификации и информацию для проверки их точности с помощью независимых квалифицированных морской сюрвейер перед покупкой, это при условии удовлетворительной проверки и ходовые испытания. Опубликованные яхты предлагаются для продажи. Мы оставляем за собой право изменять технические характеристики, цены и т.д. без предварительного уведомления. Мы не несем ответственность за результат наших публикаций и мероприятий, которые следуют. Categoria di navigazione Senza limiti Accessori aggiuntivi Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione Angolo barra, Antenna radar, Comando motori elettronico, Display. Allestimento tecnico e di coperta Allarme motore, Allarme sentina, Ancora, Autoclave, Autogonfiabile, Batterie, Colorazione speciale (Blu Navy 2011), Flap idraulici, Garage per tender, Hard top, Impianto antincendio, Lavaggio catena, Luci di cortesia, Passerella (Idraulica), Piattaforma (Idraulica affondabile), Pompa di sentina automatica, Presa 220V banchina, Presa acqua banchina, Raddrizzatore, 2 Winch tonneggio di poppa, Winch tonneggio di prua. Dotazioni domestiche di bordo BBQ/ Grill, Boiler, Impianto acque nere, Prese interne 220v, 3 WC marino elettrico. Intrattenimento Altoparlanti, Decoder satellite, Stereo. Cucina ed elettrodomestici Cucina, Frigorifero esterno, ICE Maker, Piastra in vetroceramica. Tappezzerie Cuscineria completa. Disclaimer La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione....Read full description
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Magliano in Toscana (Toscana)
All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and / or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for any inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. English All information on this site relating yachts is for information purposes only. Yachts condition and/or provided information correctness are not guaranteed and there is no responsibility for inaccuracy. All dimensions, capacity, speed, etc. are not technically verified. Is to be clear that all information relating to the state of the yachts are subject to the common degradation due to wear and tear. We therefore advise customers to carefully check and inspect yachts, specifications and information to verify their accuracy with the help of an independent qualified marine surveyor before the purchase that it's subject to satisfactory checks and sea trials. Published yachts are offered to be sold. We reserve the right to change specifications, prices etc. without notice. We are not responsible for the result of our publications and the activities that follow. Française Toutes les informations sur ce site concernant les yachts sont uniquement à des fins d’information. Condition de yachts et/ou l’exactitude des informations fournies n’est pas garanti, et il n’y a aucune responsabilité pour les inexactitudes. Toutes les dimensions, capacité, vitesse, etc.. ne sont pas techniquement vérifiés. Doit être clair que toutes les informations concernant l’état des yachts sont soumis à la dégradation commune en raison de l’usure. Nous conseillons donc les clients de soigneusement vérifier et inspecter les yachts, les spécifications et les informations permettant de vérifier leur exactitude à l’aide d’un expert maritime qualifié indépendant avant l’achat qu’il est soumis à des contrôles satisfaisants et essais en mer. Yachts publiées sont proposés à la vente. Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier les spécifications, les prix etc. sans préavis. Nous ne sommes pas responsables pour le résultat de nos publications et les activités qui suivent. Deutsch Alle Informationen auf dieser Website im Zusammenhang mit Yachten dient nur zu Informationszwecken. Zustand der Yachten und/oder Richtigkeit der zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen kann nicht garantiert werden und es wird keine Verantwortung für Ungenauigkeiten. Alle Abmessungen, Kapazität, Geschwindigkeit, etc.. sind nicht technisch überprüft. Soll klar sein, dass alle Informationen in Bezug auf den Zustand der Yachten die gemeinsame Degradation durch Verschleiß unterliegen. Daher empfehlen wir Kunden, sorgfältig prüfen und überprüfen Sie Yachten, Spezifikationen und Informationen, um ihre Genauigkeit mit Hilfe einer unabhängigen qualifizierten marine Surveyor vor dem Kauf zu überprüfen, die es zufriedenstellende Kontrollen und Probefahrten unterliegt. Veröffentlichten Yachten werden angeboten, verkauft werden. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Spezifikationen, Preisen etc. ohne vorherige Ankündigung. Wir sind nicht verantwortlich für das Ergebnis unserer Publikationen und Aktivitäten, die Folgen. Español Toda la información en este sitio relacionados con yates es sólo con fines informativos. Condición de yates o corrección de información no es garantizado y no hay ninguna responsabilidad por inexactitud. Dimensiones, capacidad, velocidad, etcetera. técnicamente no son verificados. Es claro que toda la información relativa al estado de los barcos están sujetos a la degradación común debido al desgaste. Por lo tanto, asesoramos a clientes cuidadosamente comprobar e inspeccionar barcos, especificaciones e información para verificar su exactitud con la ayuda de un topógrafo marino calificado independiente antes de la compra que está sujeto a controles satisfactorios y pruebas de mar. Barcos publicados se ofrecen para ser vendidos. Nos reservamos el derecho a modificar las especificaciones, precios etc. sin previo aviso. No somos responsables por el resultado de nuestras publicaciones y las actividades que siguen. Россию Вся информация на этом сайте, касающиеся яхты является только для информационных целей. Яхты условие и/или правильность предоставленной информации не гарантируется, и есть не несет ответственности за неточность. Все размеры, мощность, скорость и т.д. технически не проверена. Должно быть ясно, что вся информация, касающаяся состояния яхты являются предметом общей деградации вследствие износа. Поэтому мы рекомендуем клиентам тщательно проверить и проверить яхт, спецификации и информацию для проверки их точности с помощью независимых квалифицированных морской сюрвейер перед покупкой, это при условии удовлетворительной проверки и ходовые испытания. Опубликованные яхты предлагаются для продажи. Мы оставляем за собой право изменять технические характеристики, цены и т.д. без предварительного уведомления. Мы не несем ответственность за результат наших публикаций и мероприятий, которые следуют. Accessori aggiuntivi Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione Angolo barra, Antenna radar, 2 Display, Pilota automatico (ST 6001 Plus). Allestimento tecnico e di coperta Allarme motore, Autoclave, Autogonfiabile, Batterie, Colorazione speciale (Blu Navy), 2 Flap idraulici, Hard top, Impianto antincendio, Lavaggio catena, Piattaforma, Pompa di sentina automatica, Presa 220V banchina, Raddrizzatore (2/220), Tromba, Winch tonneggio di prua. Dotazioni domestiche di bordo Boiler, Impianto acque nere, Prese interne 220v. Intrattenimento Decoder satellite, Stereo. Cucina ed elettrodomestici Cucina, Ghiacciaia, Piastra in vetroceramica. Tappezzerie Tendalino. Disclaimer La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione....Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
I have chosen a marine expert to oversee the sale of my boat and to provide all of the information you require. Built in 2007 but first launched in 2008. I bought this V65 in 2011 and have made many happy memories cruising around Italy. Every year I have made sure I have gone over and above on the general maintenance and servicing to make sure it remains in perfect condition. Last year I completely refurbished the interior including all the alcantara upholstery of the walls and ceilings and all of the floor carpeting and I replaced all of the exterior cushions. The engines have always been maintained by MAN and 2 years ago the axles and propellers were overhauled and balanced. 2 years ago all hydraulic pumps were overhauled as well as bow thruster and stern thruster. Last winter all the external teak was replaced with a 12mm “solid” from bow to stern including gangway and swim platform. The crew cabin has been modified which now houses 2 crew beds. Last winter the insulation of the engine room was completely redone, not only thermal but also acoustic. There is a Williams 325 tender on board with only 10 hours of use. Last year all the electronics were replaced with a complete 16-inch touchscreen Raymarine system, with 2 control cameras, a thermal camera for night navigation, radar, depth sounder and TV antenna (80 cm). To speak directly to the owner and receive clear and transparent information on this Princess v65, go to YachtSmart.comAdditional Equipment
Watermaker Hydraulic platform Reverse cycle air conditioning in all cabins Bose audio system throughout Fusion audio system 2 UHD TVs and sky system Bow and stern thrusters All new navigation al equipment All new interior and exterior upholstery Full service history from authorised MAN service technicians Williams 325 jet rib
The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.
customContactInformation - /"Get on board with the fastest growing community of boat owners”...
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Year: 2022
Length: 25,35 m
Beam: 5,80 m
Engines: 2x MAN V12-1650
Crew 18 persons
Don't miss the opportunity to have a New Galeon 800 Fly, 2022. Configure your boat with us!
A lot of extras available as: Gyro stabilizer, Jacuzzi on flybridge, Generator, Hydraulic Platform, different upholstery choices, personalize the boat according to your taste...
Price is calculated for boat with standard equipment and engines 2x MAN V12-1650.Configuration of options/equipment and engine options is still open to choose.
All prices are VAT excluded.Includes standard equipment.Transport is not included in the price.Ex works factory Galeon.
Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, eine Neu Galeon 800 Fly, 2022 zu haben. Konfigurieren Sie Ihr Boot bei uns!
Viele Extras erhältlich als: Jacuzzi an flybridge, Gyro stabilizer, Generator, Hydraulische Badeplatform, verschiedene Polsteroptionen, personalisieren Sie das Boot nach Ihrem Geschmack...
Der Preis wird für ein Boot mit Serienausstattung und Motoren 2x MAN V12-1650 berechnet.Die Konfiguration von Optionen / Ausstattung und Motoroptionen steht noch zur Auswahl.
Die Preise verstehen sich netto in EURO, ohne Steuern und Abgaben.Beinhaltet Serienausstattung.Der Transport ist nicht im Preis inbegriffen.Ab Werk Galeon.
For more informations please contact:
Bukovžlak 65d, 3000 Celje, Slovenia
Web page:
F: atalnautica
In: atalnautica
GSM: +38651395222
Exclusive distributor for a brands: Beneteau, Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo Yachts, Galeon, Greenline, Chaparral, Galia with complete service and support for our clients on Adriatic Sea.
The Company is not responsible for the accuracy of information provided by the yacht owner (images, technical specification, list of installed equipment,engine hours, questions of legal registration). Engine hours are valid at the time of ad placement, and Company do it's best to update this information on a regular basis. The exact parameters and characteristics could be provided on request, as well as indicated in the Sales Contract.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Year: 2023 Length: 18.95 m Beam: 5.41 m Displacement: 28 500 kg Engines: 2x MAN I6-730 HP diesel Fuel tank capacity: 2x 2000 L Water capacity: 840 L ----------------------------------------------- Built for exceptional cruising, unique expeditions and unforgettable experiences, the new Grand Trawler 62 is a practical and spacious boat with considerable cruising range. Based on the ultra-successful Swift Trawler line, the Grand Trawler 62 takes the humble Trawler to a whole new level, putting Beneteau’s experience in producing luxury boats to excellent use. A lot of extras available as: Generator, hydraulic swimming platform, different upholstery choices, personalize the boat according to your taste... Available visits of the boat! Contact us and book your appointment. Price is calculated for boat with standard equipment and engine 2 X MAN I6-730 HP DIESEL. Configuration of options/equipment and engine options is open to choose. All prices are VAT excluded. Includes standard equipment. Transport is not included in the price. Ex works factory Beneteau. ----------------------------------------------- Der Grand Trawler 62 wurde für außergewöhnliche Kreuzfahrten, einzigartige Expeditionen und unvergessliche Erlebnisse gebaut und ist ein praktisches und geräumiges Boot mit beträchtlicher Reichweite. Basierend auf der äußerst erfolgreichen Swift Trawler-Linie bringt der Grand Trawler 62 den bescheidenen Trawler auf ein ganz neues Niveau und bringt Beneteaus Erfahrung in der Herstellung von Luxusbooten zu einem hervorragenden Einsatz. Viele Extras erhältlich als: Generator, hydraulische Badeplatform, verschiedene Polsteroptionen, personalisieren Sie das Boot nach Ihrem Geschmack... Verfügbare Besuche des Bootes! Kontaktieren Sie uns und buchen Sie Ihren Termin. Der Preis wird für ein Boot mit Serienausstattung und motor 2 X MAN I6-730 HP DIEZEL berechnet. Die Konfiguration von Optionen / Ausstattung und Motoroptionen steht noch zur Auswahl. Die Preise verstehen sich netto in EURO, ohne Steuern und Abgaben. Beinhaltet Serienausstattung. Der Transport ist nicht im Preis inbegriffen. Ex works factory Beneteau. ----------------------------------------------- For more informations please contact: ATAL Nautica d.o.o. Bukovžlak 65 d, SI - 3000 Celje, Slovenia Tel.: +386 51 395 222 E-mail: Webpage: Languages: ENG/DE/SLO/SRB/CRO/CZ/SK Exclusive distributor for a brands: Beneteau, Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo Yachts, Galeon, Greenline, Chaparral, Galia The Company is not responsible for the accuracy of information provided by the yacht owner (images, technical specification, list of installed equipment,engine hours, questions of legal registration). Engine hours are valid at the time of ad placement, and Company do it's best to update this information on a regular basis. The exact parameters and characteristics could be provided on request, as well as indicated in the Sales Contract.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Baia 70 is a very elegant sports cruiser, she is capable to run with extra ordinary performances and has a top speed in excess of 50 knots, cruising speed at 47 knots!. She has a very aggressive and sporty look which hides the comfort of a much bigger yacht in the living spaces. I am owner is keen to sell and open to sensible offers. To speak directly to the owner and receive clear and transparent information on thisBaia 70, go to
The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.
customContactInformation - Get on board with the fastest growing community of boat owners…
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Rarely offered Danish one-owner Najad 505 CC NEXT GENERATION with everything in equipment! Here you have a Najad 505 CC NEXT GENERATION with a large number of updates and improvements everywhere on the yacht. The Najad shipyard is known for building top quality yachts, and this Najad 505 CC NEXT GENERATION is no exception.
A new teak deck will be installed on the boat - early 2025 in Sweden. Price 500,000/700,000 DKK.
The yacht is based on Najad's core principles; quality, performance, safety, comfort and excellent sailing. The result is a fantastic long-distance cruiser that offers comfort and sailing performance combined with modern style. The safe and well-protected center cockpit layout continues to be one of the characteristics of the Najad 505 CC NEXT GENERATION.
This one-owner yacht has two cabins and two baths and WC - hence there is plenty of space everywhere on this beautiful ship. It is also worth mentioning that the carbon mast alone costs at least 200,000 EUR, and the furlerboom costs at least 40,000 EUR.
Updates in 2023-2024:
- New sails 2024
- All interior upholstery has been changed to light gray alcantara 2024
- A new wind instrument and new autopilot 2024 have been installed
- Likewise, all interior lighting has been changed to LED, and a new radar has been purchased
- Minor repairs of minor damage to the freeboard and the deck have been continuously carried out- It was most recently primed in the spring of 2023- The cockpit has been painted at the end of 2023- Winter cover is renovated in February 2024
The boat has been Danish-owned from new.
VAT paid documentation is included.
Please contact Yachtbasen for further information on this Najad 505 CC NEXT GENERATION.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Double ended RO-PAX open type Ferry Built 2017 under INSB. Powered by 4 x Caterpillar main engines with total 4000hp. 4 x auxiliary gensets. Four rudder propeller VETH system. Oil-water separator. 13.5 knots service speed. 140 European type cars on main deck OR 24 trucks of 12m - and 44 cars on lower deck. Height of main garage is 4.95m. Total cars capacity 182 and passengers 800. Passengers elevator from garage to saloon. Air-conditioned throughout.
Sofia Ilia-Salvanou at De Valk Corfu is your go-to contact for any questions. Feel free to give us a call.
We provide only a selection of key information on this platform. For complete details, please visit our website, where you'll find:
- full yacht specifications, with over 20 details
- 45 more pictures
- 29 pages downloadable brochure
With offices across Europe and 782 other yachts for sale we are never away!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Double ended RO-PAX open type Ferry Built 2017 under INSB. Powered by 4 x Caterpillar main engines with total 4000hp. 4 x auxiliary gensets. Four rudder propeller VETH system. Oil-water separator. 13.5 knots service speed. 140 European type cars on main deck OR 24 trucks of 12m - and 44 cars on lower deck. Height of main garage is 4.95m. Total cars capacity 182 and passengers 800. Passengers elevator from garage to saloon. Air-conditioned throughout.
Sofia Ilia-Salvanou at De Valk Corfu is your go-to contact for any questions. Feel free to give us a call.
We provide only a selection of key information on this platform. For complete details, please visit our website, where you'll find:
- full yacht specifications, with over 20 details
- 45 more pictures
- 29 pages downloadable brochure
With offices across Europe and 786 other yachts for sale we are never away!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Double ended RO-PAX open type Ferry Built 2017 under INSB. Powered by 4 x Caterpillar main engines with total 4000hp. 4 x auxiliary gensets. Four rudder propeller VETH system. Oil-water separator. 13.5 knots service speed. 140 European type cars on main deck OR 24 trucks of 12m - and 44 cars on lower deck. Height of main garage is 4.95m. Total cars capacity 182 and passengers 800. Passengers elevator from garage to saloon. Air-conditioned throughout.
Sofia Ilia-Salvanou at De Valk Corfu is your go-to contact for any questions. Feel free to give us a call.
We provide only a selection of key information on this platform. For complete details, please visit our website, where you'll find:
- full yacht specifications, with over 20 details
- 45 more pictures
- 29 pages downloadable brochure
With offices across Europe and 795 other yachts for sale we are never away!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Double ended RO-PAX open type Ferry Built 2017 under INSB. Powered by 4 x Caterpillar main engines with total 4000hp. 4 x auxiliary gensets. Four rudder propeller VETH system. Oil-water separator. 13.5 knots service speed. 140 European type cars on main deck OR 24 trucks of 12m - and 44 cars on lower deck. Height of main garage is 4.95m. Total cars capacity 182 and passengers 800. Passengers elevator from garage to saloon. Air-conditioned throughout.
Sofia Ilia-Salvanou at De Valk Corfu is your go-to contact for any questions. Feel free to give us a call.
We provide only a selection of key information on this platform. For complete details, please visit our website, where you'll find:
- full yacht specifications, with over 20 details
- 45 more pictures
- 29 pages downloadable brochure
With offices across Europe and 808 other yachts for sale we are never away!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Double ended RO-PAX open type Ferry Built 2017 under INSB. Powered by 4 x Caterpillar main engines with total 4000hp. 4 x auxiliary gensets. Four rudder propeller VETH system. Oil-water separator. 13.5 knots service speed. 140 European type cars on main deck OR 24 trucks of 12m - and 44 cars on lower deck. Height of main garage is 4.95m. Total cars capacity 182 and passengers 800. Passengers elevator from garage to saloon. Air-conditioned throughout.
Sofia Ilia-Salvanou at De Valk Corfu is your go-to contact for any questions. Feel free to give us a call.
We provide only a selection of key information on this platform. For complete details, please visit our website, where you'll find:
- full yacht specifications, with over 20 details
- 45 more pictures
- 29 pages downloadable brochure
With offices across Europe and 806 other yachts for sale we are never away!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Boat is in good condition, regularly serviced and maintained. More information on e-mail.
Blue hull
Cockpit speakers
Raymarine GPS
Bow thrusterLenco trim tabs
Sunbathing cushions on bow
Teak on cockpit floor
Refrigerator in cockpit
Gas stove
Cockpit shower
Stern platform
Cockpit table
Cockpit aft closing
Anchoring kit
Mooring kit
Safety equipment
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Highfield Sport SP330 Available now!
This Ex-Demo New Highfield Sport SP330 is newly listed and available to take away today. The all Highfield Sport SP330 RIBs are easy to tow, launch and recover due to their light weight and integrated davit lifting eyes. Your sport will not delaminate or absorb water over time, retaining the same agile performance in 10 years as the day you collected it. The Sport 330 offers a stylish and smart yacht tender configuration, suitable for the smartest of luxury yachts. Whether stowed on deck, from davits, on the platform or in the garage, the Sport 330 will not be out of place carrying you and your family or guests to the beach, the marina or the yacht club whilst also offering an exciting turn of speed with a transom rated to 30 horse-power. Great lines, smart colour scheme and good trim finish this Highfield Sport SP330 to a great standard that you can be proud of. Fitted with a new and unused 30hp Yamaha outboard.
Contact us now to arrange a viewing or for further information on this sport rib.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Este magnífico yate es un Montefino 68 de 1998 y sin duda, uno de los yates máscómodos y lujosos Kha Shing lanzados en su tiempo. Ha sido construido con una atención exhaustiva a los detalles y muchas características únicas.Totalmente equipado y con especial atención al mantenimiento, siempre realizado por servicios oficiales, este Montefino presenta una condición excelente. Dotado con hélice de proa y de popa, con una velocidad de crucero de 12 nudos y una máxima de 18, tiene una autonomía de 1.200 mn. Tiene un camarote de marinería a proa con dos literas y baño. La potabilizadora tiene una capacidad de 300 litros/hora. La tapicería se ha cambiado recientemente y luce impecable. Disponible para ser visitado previa cita.
This magnificent yacht is a 1998 Montefino 68 and without doubt, one of the most comfortable and luxurious Kha Shing yachts launched on its own time. She has been built with many unique features with impeccable attention to detail and numerous of its features are normally found on a yacht closer to 30m in length. Fully equipped and always maintained for professional services this Montefino presents a perfect condition. The upholstery has recently been changed and looks incredible new. With a cruising speed of 12 knots and a maximum of 18, it has a range of 1,200 nm. She she is available for viewings upon request. Please contact us for further information on this very special yacht!
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Feature:^#^^#^100% brand new, high quality^#^^#^Color as shown^#^^#^Material: aluminum metal^#^^#^Features: waterproof, dustproof, rustproof^#^^#^Outer diameter: as shown^#^^#^Self-adhesive tape for easy installation and removal (with hair dryer)^#^^#^Scope of application: applicable to all car door and window metal stickers^#^^#^^#^^#^Note: Please ensure compatibility before purchasing, thank you!^#^^#^^#^^#^Package Included:^#^^#^1 metal sticker^#^^#^^#^^#^feature:^#^^#^Made of high quality metal.^#^^#^Clean the target surface before use.^#^^#^100% weatherproof^#^^#^Self-adhesive, peel and paste, easy to put in your car^#^^#^Perfect decoration to protect your car^#^^#^^#^^#^Welcome to our store for more information on car parts^#^^#^Need more auto parts information^#^^#^Please go to the huachen store to view
1,80 €
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Al (Sardegna)
For Sale: Project Versilcraft 102 28.5Metre 6.1Metre Stand since 2014 on dry dock. must be seen for an offer. Location: Italy Flag: English (Isle of Man) More information on request...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Elysium is a 2018 Sunseeker 131 Yacht and without doubt, one of the most custom-built Sunseeker Yachts launched to this day. She has been built for a very experienced repeat Sunseeker owner with many unique features as a result of direct feedback from the owner and his family. Elysium’s outstanding build quality and unique features resulted in her being shortlisted as a finalist in the 2019 World Superyacht Awards thanks to her impeccable attention to detail and numerous features, which are normally found on a yacht closer to 50m in length. Elysium represents a fantastic opportunity to beat the current waiting list and she is now priced substantially under replacement value. She is available for viewings in Menorca over the winter period, please contact us for further information on this very special and unique 131 Yacht.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Twin Caterpillar C32-ACERT (2x 1622hp) Diesel engines • White hull • 4 Cabins accommodating 8 Guests plus 2 Crew • Teak cockpit and side decks • Hydraulic platform • Hardtop on flybridge • Gangway • Swim ladder • Stern and bow thruster • 2x Cummins Onan Generator's • Air-conditioning/heating • Dishwasher • Washing machine
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Simply unmistakeable, the Hanse 675 shows to have personality across the board. A huge selection of customization options makes each individual Hanse 675 absolutely unique. Innovative extras and technical features of the highest level turn this yacht into a space of well-being for the luxury class.
Outstanding performance of the Hanse 675 comes from having a steep stern and a straight stem. This intelligent design provides an optimal, long waterlines at any heeling angle - and superior speed for you on all courses.
Standard boat to be built upon request to Hanse. Base Price - does not include additional equipment, taxes and transport.
Malta offers excellent fiscal incentives if one buys and registers this yacht in Malta. Full information on request.
Finance available.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
BRIG Navigator 24
This boat is for sale as an ex-demonstrator and is in excellent condition with just 60 engine hours.
- With warranties
- PX welcome
- Huge saving on new!
This boat is very highly optioned with the following included in the package:
- Custom Hull Gel Coat Colour
- Black ORCA Hypalon Fabric Impression Tubes
- Luxury Black b'&' Grey Contrast Silvertex Uphostery
- Black SeaDek Non-Skid Decking
- GRP Tube Side Pads
- SeaDek for Tube Side Pads
- Swim Platform with S/S Boarding Ladder
- Garmin GPS
- Garmin VHF
- Fusion Stereo and Speaker System
- Suzuki DF250 APX Four-Stroke Outboard
Trailer not included in this package. Add SBS Trailer R4/2600EL +£5,900
Please call The Wolf Rock for further information on this boat.
Part exchange welcome.
Delivery arranged.
BE WATER READY - make the call today
01548 855751
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Italia (Tutte le città)
New BRIG Eagle 6.7 in the 'Classic' colourway powered by Suzuki DF200 APX available now!
Prices start from £59,978 inc. VAT for a standard spec'd BRIG Eagle 6.7 powered by a Suzuki DF150 APL.
This Water Ready package is priced at £71,923 inc. VAT and includes:
- Suzuki DF200 APX
- SeaDek Non-Skid Decking
- Custom Hull Gel Coat Colour
- Bimini Suntop
- BRIG Overall Cover
- BRIG Console b'&' Aft Seat Cover
- Garmin GPSMAP 723xsv MFD b'&' Transducer
- Garmin 115i DSC VHF Radio b'&' Antenna
- Fusion Apollo RA670 Stereo b'&' 2x Fusion Signature Speakers
Trailer is not included in list price. Add SBS R2/1900EL trailer: +£4,645
Upgrade to Suzuki DF200 APX: +£3,365
Please call The Wolf Rock for further information on this or other BRIG Boats.
THE WOLF ROCK WAYAs with all our new boat packages, this craft will be assembled at our premises in South Devon by our experienced in-house team of expert marine engineers with only the best quality marine products and fittings.
Package available with trailer and with alternative engine sizes
Part exchange considered
BE WATER READY - make the call today, be on the water tomorrowTo arrange a demo call - 01548 855751
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Italia (Tutte le città)
New BRIG Eagle 6.7 in the 'Classic' colourway powered by Suzuki DF200 APX available now!
Prices start from £59,978 inc. VAT for a standard spec'd BRIG Eagle 6.7 powered by a Suzuki DF150 APL.
This Water Ready package is priced at £71,923 inc. VAT and includes:
- Suzuki DF200 APX
- SeaDek Non-Skid Decking
- Custom Hull Gel Coat Colour
- Bimini Suntop
- BRIG Overall Cover
- BRIG Console b'&' Aft Seat Cover
- Garmin GPSMAP 723xsv MFD b'&' Transducer
- Garmin 115i DSC VHF Radio b'&' Antenna
- Fusion Apollo RA670 Stereo b'&' 2x Fusion Signature Speakers
Trailer is not included in list price. Add SBS R2/1900EL trailer: +£5,061
Upgrade to Suzuki DF200 APX: +£3,365
Please call The Wolf Rock for further information on this or other BRIG Boats.
THE WOLF ROCK WAYAs with all our new boat packages, this craft will be assembled at our premises in South Devon by our experienced in-house team of expert marine engineers with only the best quality marine products and fittings.
Package available with trailer and with alternative engine sizes
Part exchange considered
BE WATER READY - make the call today, be on the water tomorrowTo arrange a demo call - 01548 855751
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This sturdy Colin Archer 1500 built by Bronsveen is an all weather type of blue water sailingyacht and a fine combination of excellent sailing characteristics, comfort and classic style. A large deck saloon and galley and spacious sitting area, together with 2 large, double bed cabins and separate bunk beds makes her ideal for living on board or a trip around the globe. A tasteful and beautifully finished teak interior with fine paneling and a rich upholstery will make you feel at home instantly. With her new sails from 2016 and recently renewed navigation equipment 'Stor' is ready to go.
Hans Visser at De Valk Hindeloopen is your go-to contact for any questions. Feel free to give us a call.
We provide only a selection of key information on this platform. For complete details, please visit our website, where you'll find:
- full yacht specifications, with over 169 details
- 79 more pictures
- 28 pages downloadable brochure
With offices across Europe and 790 other yachts for sale we are never away!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The design of the BAVARIA S29 tells you that this is a yacht with a great deal of power and sporting ambitions. She is ideal for drivers who like to go fast on the water and has an ergonomic helmstand with a clean layout. Together with a bow thruster she is easy to maneuver. Gasoline expensive? No, considering the much higher purchase price of a diesel version. These engines are quiet, cleaner and more powerful. This Bavaria S29 is moored in the south of The Netherlands and is ready for a new adventure!
Joris van de Rijt at De Valk Sint Annaland is your go-to contact for any questions. Feel free to give us a call.
We provide only a selection of key information on this platform. For complete details, please visit our website, where you'll find:
- full yacht specifications, with over 107 details
- 67 more pictures
- a virtual tour
- 30 pages downloadable brochure
With offices across Europe and 790 other yachts for sale we are never away!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Available for delivery March 2026!!
Brand New soon to be built Absolute 52Fly - The Absolute 52 Fly has an exclusive combination of user-friendliness, functionality and Italian fashion with terrific outdoor entertaining and lounging 'stations' from flybridge to cockpit, bow to stern and luxurious overnight accommodations for 6 plus crew.
It has walk-around decks, an impressive AV system with a BOSE home entertainment system, retractable 40” TV in saloon and TV in the master cabin. Major sports events, the stock market, breaking news and music videos are at your fingertips 24/7.
With a bimini over the bridge, lunching is an option in the cockpit around the spacious teak table, while the six-stacker cockpit access doors create a seamless transition from cockpit to open-plan saloon. Up front, the bow sunbathing cushions create another zone.
The Absolute 52 Fly has a flowing layout with abundant seating and zones that function as executive entertaining areas, whether cruising or in the Harbour.
The Absolute 52 has a very generous accommodation plan with one of the most spacious forward VIP cabins on the market. The three-cabin and two-bathroom layout boasts a great finish and upmarket ambience The master stateroom also includes a leather sofa, walk-in wardrobe and romantic night lighting.
Standard boat to be built. Base Price - does not include additional equipment, taxes and transport. You are able to choose your own options and customise this boat. Get in touch today.
Malta offers excellent fiscal incentives if one buys and registers this yacht in Malta. Full information on request.
Finance available b'&' Trade in available
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Anybody looking for a long passage maker will have heard about the incredible capacity of the Tayana 37. As a double ender it can handle swells of 8m plus with ease. This one has been prepared to even venture to high latitudes with 8 bulkheads and a re-enforced bow with 3stringers on each side. A windvane steering and a Raymarine autopilot as backup. A wind generator and solar panels for autonomy. She had a major refit in 2006/07 for serious longdistance crossings and now in the yard in Lagos. The ideal boat for safe sailing across any ocean.
Reinoud Bicker Caarten at De Valk Portugal is your go-to contact for any questions. Feel free to give us a call.
We provide only a selection of key information on this platform. For complete details, please visit our website, where you'll find:
- full yacht specifications, with over 176 details
- 8 more pictures
- 26 pages downloadable brochure
With offices across Europe and 793 other yachts for sale we are never away!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
AXOPAR 37 XC CROSS CABINE modele 2022 dernier slot disponible.Dossier complet sur demande nous consulter votre interlocuteur pour ce bateau Stéphane DELFINO.
place de port possible
AXOPAR 37 XC CROSS CABIN new boat available last slot full information on request your contact Stéphane DELFINO DOLPHY SERVICES.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
PRINCESS F55 de 2019. Proposer a un prix tres competitif.Toutes options. 3 cabines + 2 salles de bain + cabine marin.Gyro Seakeeper NG9/ 3 postes de commande avec Joystick. Plateforme hydraulique. Climatisation reversible complete avec generateur ONAN 17,5kW. Teck complet. Bateau en parfait etat. Dossier complet sur demande votre interlocuteur pour ce bateau Stephane DELFINO.
PRINCESS F55 is immediately available at a very competitive price! Fully equipped in excellent condition with all desired options. Stunning interior in light Oak with Timber Flooring in Galley and Saloon. Full Teak Deck, Seakeeper NG9 Gyro Stabilization, 3x Joystick Control, Hydraulic Bathing Platform, Air Conditioning and 17,5 kW Onan Generator. Launched in 2019 and approx. 250 engine hours only. In 2021 new high-speed Antifouling, Prop-speed, new Service and Engine Batteries as well as 2,5 kW Inverter for all sockets and Remote for aft Platform.Full information on request your contact Stephane DELFINO. Need to be view.
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