Infrastructure as code
Elenco delle migliori vendite infrastructure as code

Italia (Tutte le città)
ESIS S.r.l., società di Consulenza Informatica e Sviluppo Software attiva dal 1989, ricerca un Cloud Specialist. ATTIVITÀ Inserito nel team Cloud & Operations di un cliente, importante realtà nel settore Multimedia, il candidato selezionato sarà coinvolto nell’esecuzione di progetti Big Data, basati su servizi Google Cloud Platform. In particolare, si occuperà della progettazione e dell’implementazione di soluzioni IaC e supporterà la manutenzione dei servizi già attivi. SEDE DI LAVORO Remoto REQUISITI Esperienza precedente – almeno sei mesi – in mansioni simili. Conoscenza di Google Cloud Foundation e delle best practice legate al suo utilizzo. Esperienza in Bash e Powershell scripting. Competenza nell'implementazione di IaC (Infrastructure as Code) utilizzando strumenti come Terraform e/o Pulumi. Gradite certificazioni Google Cloud (Associate Cloud Engineer o Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer), oppure altre certificazioni in campo Cloud. Disponibilità a tempo pieno, immediata o a breve termine. Completano il profilo: Disposizione ad apprendere nuovi linguaggi e tecnologie; buone doti relazionali; proattività ed orientamento al cliente. OFFERTA Offriamo contratti di assunzione (Tempo Determinato e Indeterminato) e una retribuzione commisurata alle esperienze e alle competenze del Candidato e in linea con il mercato del lavoro.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Nexum, leader nellinnovazione tecnologica, alla ricerca di un DevOps Engineer. Se senti di non riuscire a esprimere appieno il tuo potenziale nel tuo attuale ruolo o ti consideri un outsider nel settore, potresti essere leroe/eroina che stiamo cercando! Unisciti a un ambiente dinamico dove la tua creativit e competenza possono fare davvero la differenza. Descrizione della posizione: Siamo alla ricerca di un Cloud DevOps Engineer altamente motivato e con esperienza per unirsi al nostro team. Il candidato ideale sar responsabile della gestione, implementazione e ottimizzazione delle infrastrutture cloud e dei processi CI/CD. Lavorerai a stretto contatto con i team di sviluppo per garantire che i nostri sistemi siano scalabili, sicuri e altamente disponibili. Responsabilit principali: Applicare i principi di Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) per migliorare laffidabilit, la scalabilit e la disponibilit dei servizi.. Automatizzare la gestione delle infrastrutture utilizzando strumenti di Infrastructure as Code (IaC) come Terraform o Ansible. Gestire e ottimizzare ambienti containerizzati utilizzando strumenti come Docker e orchestratori come Kubernetes. Collaborare con i team di sviluppo e operation per garantire il corretto funzionamento e la continuit dei servizi su piattaforme cloud (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud). Progettare, costruire e implementare pipeline CI/CD per accelerare e automatizzare il processo di sviluppo e distribuzione delle applicazioni. Gestire e rispondere a incidenti dei servizi, risolvendo i problemi in modo rapido ed efficace, e implementare piani di miglioramento per ridurre il tempo di inattivit Competenze Tecniche Richieste: Apply site reliability engineering principles to a service Optimize service performance Implement service monitoring strategies Build and implement CI/CD pipelines for a service Manage service incidents Ottima conoscenza di strumenti di gestione di containers (Architecting with Docker, Kubernetes) Ottima conoscenza dei processi e strumenti di Site Reliability Engineering di Google Cloud o CI/CD di altri cloud provider Ottima conoscenza di strumenti di Continuous Integration (Jenkins o Codeship) e Continuous Delivery Buona conoscenza di uso di architetture Cloud (Google Cloud Platform o AWS o Azure) Buona conoscenza di strumenti di configuration management e provisioning (Ansible, Puppet, Chef) Conoscenza di linguaggi di programmazione (Java,Python, Bash) Conoscenza di (almeno 2 dei prodotti/strumenti elencati): Ottima conoscenza Kubernetes (nello specifico GKE) Ottima conoscenza HELM Ottima conoscenza IaC con Terraform Buona conoscenza delle tecnologie oggetto della migrazione (Varnish, Nginix, Apache, PHP-FPM) Buona conoscenza in ambito Configuration Management (Ansible, AWX,..) Buona conoscenza sistemi Linux Cloud automation & DevOps (Jenkins, Spinnaker, Google Cloud Build) AWS (EKS / ECR / RDS / DynamoDB) NGNIX Redis GitHub Action Cloudwatch DataDog RabbitMQ Codeship Certificazioni preferenziali (nice to have almeno una): AWS: AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Google Cloud: Google Professional DevOps Engineer Azure: Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert Linux Foundation: Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) LPI: LPIC-3 300: Linux Enterprise Professional Certification Cosa offriamo: Nexum investe costantemente nella crescita professionale dei propri collaboratori attraverso il programma Continuous Improvement, uniniziativa che promuove lempowerment tecnico e professionale. Offriamo compensi competitivi, in linea con i pi aggiornati standard del settore IT, inclusi i dati forniti dal Global Knowledge IT Skills and Salary Report. Se ti senti pronto/a per affrontare nuove sfide in un ambiente internazionale e dinamico, e desideri far parte di un team che valorizza leccellenza, candidati ora e diventa parte di Nexum. Il presente annuncio rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, nel rispetto delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91 sulla parit di trattamento lavorativo e contro le discriminazioni di genere. Siamo aperti a candidati di ogni et e nazionalit, conformemente ai decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03. Nexum incoraggia inoltre la candidatura di persone con disabilit, nel rispetto della normativa vigente. Job Type: Full Time Job Location: Hybrid
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Il nostro Cliente è una nota web company con circa 1000 dipendenti, più di 3 milioni di clienti e un fatturato in costante crescita. Per loro siamo alla ricerca di un: DevOps Engineer Senior Obiettivo La persona selezionata verrà inserita nel Team Technology e verrà coinvolta nellintero ciclo di vita dei software e delle piattaforme aziendali. Principali responsabilità - disegnare e sviluppare strumenti di automazione ad uso interno per le fasi di build, test e deploy degli applicativi; - collaborare con i Team di sviluppo per agevolare luso di pratiche cloud-native nello sviluppo software; - collaborare con i partner tecnologici per pianificare ed attuare le evoluzioni infrastrutturali. Requisiti per la posizione - esperienza pregressa nel ruolo per almeno 2 anni; - esperienza con sistemi di versionamento del codice (Git); - conoscenze sistemistiche in ambito Linux (debian, ubuntu); - conoscenza di strumenti di configuration management (ansible); - conoscenza di strumenti di CI/CD (es. jenkins, gitlab-ci, drone..); - padronanza nelluso di sistemi di container (docker) e loro orchestrazione (kubernetes); - conoscenza Infrastructure as Code (es. terraform); - conoscenza di linguaggi di shell-scripting (bash); - conoscenze base di programmazione. Punti di forza dellofferta - Ral commisurata al know how, fondo salute integrativo; - smart working; - possibilità di crescita tecnica, professionale ed economica; - Team altamente competenti e qualitativi; - massima condivisione del know how e miglioramento continuo; - ampia bibliografia e tech blog a disposizione; - budget annuale dedicato alla formazione; - ticket e welfare aziendale. Ral: € 50.000 – € 60.000 Sede di lavoro: Milano (Headquarters), smart working.
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Milano (Lombardia)
ESIS S.r.l., soluzioni IT e software dal 1989. Nata come software house, Esis S.r.l. si è affermata negli anni come un’affidabile società di consulenze IT a 360°, un partner versatile per attività di analisi, test e sviluppo di prodotti informatici, rivolti ad aziende e pubblica amministrazione. La nostra mission è offrire sempre soluzioni innovative e di alta qualità, grazie alle solide competenze professionali e alla forte dinamicità dei nostri specialisti, con un focus sui seguenti servizi: realizzazione di soluzioni di system integration, sviluppo e customizzazione di prodotti software, erogazione di servizi di consulenza specialistica, sviluppo di web e mobile application, formazione ed addestramento. Su richiesta di una prestigiosa azienda cliente, operante in ambito Telecomunicazioni, siamo alla ricerca di uno Junior DevOps Engineer su Milano. Inserita in un team agile presso il cliente, la risorsa selezionata dovrà manutenere e migliorare, in un ambiente Google Cloud, sia l'infrastruttura di rete sia quella per elementi di storage e computing. Verrà inoltre coinvolta nella gestione della CI/CD, per garantire il corretto rilascio delle nuove feature di sistema prodotte. Ai candidati si richiede: Precedente esperienza in ambito Operations; Forti competenze di gestione di sistemi operativi Linux e di Bash scripting; Capacità di gestione di Linux Container e di Infrastructure as a Code (es. Terraform); Buona conoscenza di strumenti di automazione e testing CI/CD (ad esempio Jenkins, GitLab etc.); Conoscenza concetti di networking (ISO/OSI, load balancing, VPN etc.); Disponibilità a tempo pieno, immediata o a breve termine. Completano il profilo: disposizione a lavorare in un’ambiente sfidante ed altamente innovativo, autonomia, elevate capacità di problem solving, ottima propensione al lavoro in team. Sede di lavoro: Milano Verranno valutati profili con diverse seniority. Le tipologie contrattuali saranno discusse in
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Italia (Tutte le città)
ESIS S.r.l., soluzioni IT e software dal 1989. Nata come software house, Esis S.r.l. si è affermata negli anni come un’affidabile società di consulenze IT a 360°, un partner versatile per attività di analisi, test e sviluppo di prodotti informatici, rivolti ad aziende e pubblica amministrazione. La nostra mission è offrire sempre soluzioni innovative e di alta qualità, grazie alle solide competenze professionali e alla forte dinamicità dei nostri specialisti, con un focus sui seguenti servizi: realizzazione di soluzioni di system integration, sviluppo e customizzazione di prodotti software, erogazione di servizi di consulenza specialistica, sviluppo di web e mobile application, formazione ed addestramento. Su incarico di una nota azienda cliente, attiva nel settore bancario, siamo alla ricerca di un DevOps Specialist su Milano. Inserita in un team agile presso il cliente, la risorsa selezionata sarà incaricata di gestire e ottimizzare elementi di storage e computing, posti in un ambiente Google Cloud. Si occuperà inoltre di disegnare soluzioni CI/CD, per garantire il corretto rilascio delle nuove feature di sistema prodotte. Ai candidati si richiede: - Precedente esperienza – anche di breve durata – in ambito Operations; - Forti competenze di gestione di sistemi operativi Linux e di Bash scripting; - Capacità di gestione di Linux Container e di Infrastructure as a Code (es. Terraform); - Buona conoscenza di strumenti di automazione e testing CI/CD (ad esempio Jenkins, GitLab etc.); - Conoscenza concetti di networking (load balancing, VPN etc.); - Disponibilità a tempo pieno, immediata o a breve termine. Completano il profilo: disposizione ad imparare nuove tecnologie e metodologie di lavoro, capacità di lavorare in team, buone capacità di problem solving, flessibilità. La Ns. Società offre: - Formazione tecnica costante e opportunità di sviluppare nuove competenze; - Inserimento in progetti ad alto contenuto d’innovazione. Sede di
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Nexum, leader nellinnovazione tecnologica, alla ricerca di un Multicloud Security Engineer. Se senti di non riuscire a esprimere appieno il tuo potenziale nel tuo attuale ruolo o ti consideri un outsider nel settore, potresti essere leroe/eroina che stiamo cercando! Unisciti a un ambiente dinamico dove la tua creativit e competenza possono fare davvero la differenza. Descrizione della posizione: Siamo alla ricerca di un Multi Cloud Security Engineer appassionato di concetti come apprendimento continuo, sicurezza in ambito cloud e multi cloud, best practices di design e performance. Il candidato sar responsabile della progettazione e implementazione volte alla protezione delle risorse Cloud, utilizzando tecnologie avanzate per proteggere infrastrutture enterprise. Contribuir a garantire la sicurezza di sistemi criticiti e scalabili, adottando approcci innovativi per prevenire e mitigare le minacce in ambienti cloud. Responsabilit principali: Progettazione e implementazione di strategie di sicurezza per ambienti cloud, protezione di dati, applicazioni e infrastruttura. Esecuzione di audit di sicurezza e valutazione dei rischi per lidentificazione di vulnerabilit.. Integrazione dei sistemi con un monitoraggio delle minacce come Prometheus e Grafana e utilizzo di soluzioni SIEM. Progettazione ed implementazione di patch di sicurezza attraverso luso di CI/CD, IaC e Configuration as Code (es Ansible) Realizzazione di report, definizione di policy e best practice di sicurezza Competenze tecniche richieste: AWS Azure Google Cloud Cloud Security IAM Encryption CISSP, CCSP Security Vulnerability Management Certificazioni preferenziali (Nice to have, almeno una): AWS: AWS Certified Security Specialty Google Cloud: Google Professional Cloud Security Engineer Azure: Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate Linux Foundation: Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) LPI: LPIC-3 Security Splunk: Splunk Core Certified User Splunk Core Certified Power User Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin Splunk Enterprise Security Certified Admin Splunk Certified Cybersecurity Defense Analyst CCSK CCSP Vault Associate (002) (001) (003) Cosa offriamo: Nexum investe costantemente nella crescita professionale dei propri collaboratori attraverso il programma Continuous Improvement, uniniziativa che promuove lempowerment tecnico e professionale. Offriamo compensi competitivi, in linea con i pi aggiornati standard del settore IT, inclusi i dati forniti dal Global Knowledge IT Skills and Salary Report. Se ti senti pronto/a per affrontare nuove sfide in un ambiente internazionale e dinamico, e desideri far parte di un team che valorizza leccellenza, candidati ora e diventa parte di Nexum. Il presente annuncio rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, nel rispetto delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91 sulla parit di trattamento lavorativo e contro le discriminazioni di genere. Siamo aperti a candidati di ogni et e nazionalit, conformemente ai decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03. Nexum incoraggia inoltre la candidatura di persone con disabilit, nel rispetto della normativa vigente. Job Type: Full Time Job Location: Hybrid
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Italia (Tutte le città)
In partnership with the company's CIO and senior management team, you will responsible to enhance Trendy's technology capacity/solution and service on the company's existing strong retail business and brand equity of Trendy and to ensure the planning, development, implementation and transformation of IT infrastructure, enterprise system, IT best support and deliverable that link with business needs and growth.Support the company IT strategy, provide technological guidance within an organisation, be capable to envision & influence business & technology, change to use technology as enabler for advancing quality, effectiveness, convenience & efficiency.Work closely the Chief Digital Officer to establish the best strategy to approach the digital transformation and the omnichannel strategy of the Group.Cross fertilisation will be a key to set a new vision and a cross functional approach with all the divisions and business units of the company.You will identify opportunities and risks for business, including identification of technology trends, opportunities for innovation, and assessment of marketplace obstacles and technical hurdles to the business success.You will establish and supervise the software development process, setting short-term and long-term objectives and assessing progress as defined by the selected software development methodology.Direct development and execution of an enterprise-wide information security plan that protects the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the company's data and servers.Direct development and execution of an enterprise-wide disaster recovery and business continuity plan. Aligning the IT strategy with the overall business strategy of the organisation, you will manage the day-to-day operations of the information technology department, ensure IT operations, implementation, restructuring, innovation and service link with the needs from the various units of an organisation (such as accounting departments, risk management, HR, design, marketing, digital, retail operation, e-commerce, BUs and so on). Ensure that IT infrastructure and digital assets are working efficiently and effectively as well as technology standards and best practices are maintained across the organisation. You will maintain up-to-date knowledge of technology standards, industry trends, emerging technologies, and software development best practices and share knowledge, mentor, and educate the management, staffs, partners, customers, and stakeholders with regard to the company's technological vision, opportunities, and challenges. Collaborate with the appropriate departments to assess and recommend technologies that support company organisational needs. Ensure company technical problems are resolved in a timely and cost-effective manner. Develop, track, and control the development and deployment annual operating and capital budgets for purchasing, staffing, and operations. Temporary Omnichannel Project Challenging IT Transformation Program University degree or above in the field of engineering, computer science, information technology.A Master/PHD or MBA degree is preferred.A minimum of 10 years related working experience with at least 5 years in IT/ CIO position or a similar managerial role.Deep knowledge and substantial experience of designing/developing IT systems and planning IT implementation, project management in a leading sizeable Multinational companies.Proven leadership ability. Strategic thinking combined with strong capability in execution. A temporary manager with a specific focus on the business, someone able to convey a vision, with strategy and management skills and diplomatic approach. Monitoring in which way the ICT/Digital is impacting the company, in terms of sales, internal mood and brand awareness. Ability to set and manage priorities judiciously. Self-motivated and directed as well as service orientation mind-set. Superior analytical, evaluative, and problem-solving abilities. Excellent interpersonal skills, with the ability to motivate in a team-oriented, collaborative environment. Excellent written and oral communication skills.Fluency in Italian and English is required. Our client is a leading International retail group. Great career opportunity within multinational environment.
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Cuneo (Piemonte)
We are seeking a System Engineer with passion for technology and developing reliable, scalable state of the art software systems. The ideal candidate is motivated to help continue automating and building infrastructures with a strong desire to test, implement, change and growth. This person will have opportunities to experiment with and implement new technologies across entire architectures. Must be comfortable working in a fast-paced environment, be open-mind to find solution and try new technologies. Open position in Turin Responsibilities • Working with internal team and clients to gather requirements, prototyping, architecting, implementing/updating solutions, building and executing test plans, performing quality reviews, managing technical operations, and triaging and fixing operational issues • Enable our clients to adapt to changing needs, improve their time to live, and deliver better solutions • Keep the lights on (day-to-day administration) • Ability to recognize technical needs and recommend suitable technologies • A systematic problem-solving approach, coupled with a strong sense of ownership and drive • Be and work as part of the team and communicates to ensure the eco-efficiency and team wellness Qualifications • Experience and knowledge of Red Hat Linux environment. Solid understanding of networking and communication protocols • Experience of automating end-to-end deployment processes, configuration and knowledge of associated tools (Ansible) • Knowledge of Containers (Docker), Container Orchestration (Kubernetes) and possibly Openshift • Ability to code your way out of problems and automate using the shell and at least one system-scripting language (Python/Perl/Go/..) • Provision, deploying, maintaining data and web infrastructure (Hadoop/Spark/SQL/MySQL/MongoDB/ELK/Apache/.. etc.) • Degree in Computer Science or related fields may be helpful. But attitude and practical experience with the skills above are our priorities • The ideal profile will be involved full-time and he/she must have gained an experience of at least 2 years in this role. Good relational and team work skills, dynamic autonomy, flexibility and a great desire to get involved are fundamental requirements. The contractual hiring form, remuneration and any benefits will be discussed during the job interview and will be parameterized with the actual skills of the candidate. We are waiting for your applications!!
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Bergamo (Lombardia)
We are seeking a System Engineer with passion for technology and developing reliable, scalable state of the art software systems. The ideal candidate is motivated to help continue automating and building infrastructures with a strong desire to test, implement, change and growth. This person will have opportunities to experiment with and implement new technologies across entire architectures. Must be comfortable working in a fast-paced environment, be open-mind to find solution and try new technologies. Open position in Milan and Bergamo. Responsibilities • Working with internal team and clients to gather requirements, prototyping, architecting, implementing/updating solutions, building and executing test plans, performing quality reviews, managing technical operations, and triaging and fixing operational issues • Enable our clients to adapt to changing needs, improve their time to live, and deliver better solutions • Keep the lights on (day-to-day administration) • Ability to recognize technical needs and recommend suitable technologies • A systematic problem-solving approach, coupled with a strong sense of ownership and drive • Be and work as part of the team and communicates to ensure the eco-efficiency and team wellness Qualifications • Experience and knowledge of Red Hat Linux environment. Solid understanding of networking and communication protocols • Experience of automating end-to-end deployment processes, configuration and knowledge of associated tools (Ansible) • Knowledge of Containers (Docker), Container Orchestration (Kubernetes) and possibly Openshift • Ability to code your way out of problems and automate using the shell and at least one system-scripting language (Python/Perl/Go/..) • Provision, deploying, maintaining data and web infrastructure (Hadoop/Spark/SQL/MySQL/MongoDB/ELK/Apache/.. etc.) • Degree in Computer Science or related fields may be helpful. But attitude and practical experience with the skills above are our priorities • The ideal profile will be involved full-time and he/she must have gained an experience of at least 2 years in this role. Good relational and team work skills, dynamic autonomy, flexibility and a great desire to get involved are fundamental requirements. The contractual hiring form, remuneration and any benefits will be discussed during the job interview and will be parameterized with the actual skills of the candidate. We are waiting for your applications!!
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Brindisi (Puglia)
Duty station: Valencia, Spain Application Deadline: 21 May 2020 * THIS IS A LOCAL POSITION FOR WHICH ONLY APPLICANTS WHO ARE SPANISH OR EUROPEAN UNION CITIZENS OR APPLICANTS WHO POSSESS A VALID RESIDENCE AND WORK PERMIT IN SPAIN ARE ELIGIBLE FOR CONSIDERATION * This is a position in UNOPS for supporting projects carried out for the United Nations Secretariat. The incumbent of this position will be a staff member of UNOPS under its full responsibility. Within the Enterprise Application Center (EAC)/ America programme, this post will report to the Information Systems Officer or his designate in the Web Services Development Group in architecting and developing Drupal websites. S/he will assist with customization or development, as well as maintainance of Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 modules and libraries; will assist with the requirements gathering and review; assist with the migration of existing websites from a variety of WCMS platforms to UN standards based Drupal 7 and 8 websites; will assist with incident and problem resolution with Drupal websites. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Under the overall supervision of UNOPS Senior Programme Manager, the incumbent will directly work under the Information Systems Officer or his designate in New York and will be responsible for the following duties: Assist with the development and the maintenance of full-life cycle implementations of Drupal-based solutions providing support to a focus on maintainability, reliability, scalability, security, and performance. Assist the Manager with the performance of site-building activities, including assistance with creating and modifying views, contexts and blocks to match functionality specified in wireframes and designs. Provide assistance to the theme of responsive websites using Drupal version 7 and 8, and applications as per UN branding, accessibility, and multi-lingual standards. Help the Information Associate with the work related to the evaluation of user requirements, designs, and wireframes during the design and user experience phase. Support the preparation of technical documentation. Perform other duties as may be reasonably required and in line with the incumbent’s scope of services above. Impact of Results This initiative will help support the development of a continuously maintained and enhanced Drupal UN platform with a common core. It will also support the rapid delivery of new low cost features and enrich departmental websites in an Enterprise hosted environment. The initiative will also track UN website standards compliance KPI’s as part of the ICT strategy and the website governance project. Education/Experience/Language requirements Education: Completion of secondary education (High School diploma); University Degree (Bachelor's or Master's) is desirable and may substitute for some of the required number of years of experience. Required: A minimum of five years of experience in providing assistance in the design, development, implementation and maintenance of Drupal websites with a high school degree. A minimum of two years of experience in providing assistance with the development and support of Drupal 8 websites. Experience in assisting with the development of responsive websites using frameworks such as Bootstrap. Proficiency coding in PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript and other web development tools. Desirable: Proficiency in using Git for source control management. Experience with Agile project development and product delivery. Experience with REST API integrations Experience with MySQL and MariaDB databases. Ability to use wire-frame and modelling tools like Visio and UML. Knowledge in automated testing, automated deployment processes, and continuous integration. Knowledge of Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). Knowledge of project management methodologies such as PRINCE2. Language: Fluency in English is required for this post. Knowledge of one or more official UN languages will be considered an asset. Contract type: Staff Contract level: G5 Contract duration: One year initially, renewable subject to satisfactory performance and funding availability'
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Full Stack Developer – Communications Agency Up to €35,000 (Depending on Experience) – Padova This leading communications agency based in Padova is looking for a talented Full Stack Developer to lead its small but extremely skilled Developers team. As a Full Stack Developer, you will work on a large number of projects across a eclectic range of sectors including Sports, Entertainment, Tourism and Retail at both national and international level. You will have fantastic PHP Object Oriented programming skills, as well as strong knowledge and previous experience in utilising HTML5, CSS3 – SCSS (Tailwind), Javascript, Jquery and Webpack (with related plug-ins). Your great communications and relationship-building skills will allow you to play a pivotal role within the team, as well as managing projects end-to-end, making sure that they are all delivered in time and with excellent standards. Experience Required: - Bachelor Degree in IT or similar. - Previous working experience in a Full Stack Developer role of at least 3 years. - Strong expertise in PHP Object Oriented programming. - Knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 – SCSS (Tailwind). - Knowledge of MySql and other relational databases. - Knowledge of bootstrap and/or Foundation. - Code versioning experience utilising git, svn or similar. - Knowledge of Magento, Silvrestripe, Laravel, VueJs and NodeJs. - Team & project management experience. - Fantastic communications skills. - Strong level of English. - Knowledge of Ruby on Rails will be a strong plus. Dont miss out on the opportunity to enter a brilliant and ever-growing communications agency that aims to improve its services for its clients across the globe. This is your chance to establish yourself as a leader of a skilled and highly talented team. Send your CV through now!
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Milano (Lombardia)
To qualify for this position you need to master iOS (ObjC, Swift) and Android (Java) native development. In addition, you have proven and significant expertise with delivery of mobile solutions based on multiplatform languages such as ReactNative, NativeScript, Kotlin. You are familiar with several open source technologies as well as OO and TDD principles. Fluency in English is mandatory, German a plus. At Ex Machina we leverage the excellence of our staff. The added value of innovation and quality comes from our company's culture as well as from the talents and commitment of our team members. If you are passionate for software engineering, care about robustness and elegance of the code you craft, and you think you can add skills and enthusiasm to our team, then we want to hear from you! We only accept direct applications for permanent positions in staff. No profiles from recruiting agencies please. No freelance please. No off-shoring please. Only direct applications please.
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Padova (Veneto)
At present for a very challenging and complex project in Padova, we are looking for Master | Senior | Expert | Junior Java developer profiles to hire. We are looking for dynamic and smart people who want to share experiences and skills in a stimulating environment. Availibility requested as soon as possible. Qualifications • Java language (deep knoledge) • PCF (Suite Pivotal Cloud Foundry) • SpringBoot 1.5 • Rabbit • MongoDB, GreenPlum e Gemfire • Docker • Scripting Bash • Maven • Repository Git Good relationship and teamwork skills, dynamism autonomy and flexibility are very appreciated requirements. The position will be full time, preferably in Padova, Italy area. Remuneration and benefits will be refined according to the candidate's actual experience. We evaluate both direct hiring and freelance collaborations. Our company guarantees a continuous path of professional growth by using its internal Academy, supporting its employees in the acquisition of certifications and also organizing courses available on our website. ABOUT US: For 35 years our company has operated in the IT sector collaborating with market leading multinational companies and offers itself as a strategic partner in the designing, management and development of IT infrastructure. Through a culture of service, more than 30 years at the side of our partners (with whom we share the passion for organisation and innovation) and the independence from Hw or Sw vendors. We are able to offer a clear approach that allows us to create VALUES with IT. • Through the use of on-site hybrid and remote 7×24 services desk/Competence Centre based on ISO20000 (ITIL) • With a “holistic” horizontal approach on all problems that renders costs clear and transparent. • With a proactive and collaborative attitude towards the internal IT staff of our partners, maintaining and strengthening governance of services. • With the best consultants in advisory phases, who also have the responsibility to implement solutions. • With transversality and a wide technological portfolio that guarantees the “best of class” in integration services.The strategic partnership proposal, through the offering of our services, helps the client positively marry the factors of cost/quality/agility with a MADE IN ITALY approach, recognised worldwide. We have centralised 90% of the activities of the Service Desk/24×7 (ISO20K certified) in Europe (Italy, Spain, UK, Germany, France, Poland & US), while 10% of the remote day to day activities, and the onsite components (Staff Augmentation Services) remain local, and are managed entirely in the countries in which we operate. For this reason, our challenge for the next few years will be to open an operational site in every European country & in US, which will include software Architects, Advisors for clients, and technical experts who can resolve the most critical problems locally, interacting with local partners with an understanding of cultural and technical dynamics. WE ARE WAITING FOR YOUR APPLICATIONS!
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Torino (Piemonte)
Job purpose Software development in C# for MS Windows Desktop App Key Tasks & Responsibilities His/Her main task is to develop software for Ceast Instron material testing software products. Capability in operarting in all layers of the software is required, from Ul to business logic to low level communication with the instruments. He/She will comply to the coding standards and software architecture and will give contribution to their enhancements. He/She will perform integration and testing of the software with instruments and devices whenever required. He/She will be resposbile for writing and maintaining unit test for the code implemented. He/She will provide support for Escalation and ESR whenever required by the manager. Key Competencies (includes skills) He/She has at least 1-year experience in software development and Object Oriented Progamming in C# (.NET Framework or.NET Core) or Java. Experience with Task Asynchronous Programming, Microservices or inter-process communications technologies, such as gRPC, is a plus. Experience with Microsoft Azure DevOps and CI/CD Pipelines is a plus, and experience with Git is welcome. He/She is familiar with some design patters OR depency injection framework OR asynchronous programming. Test Driven Developent is a plus; Agile methodologies and Team working experience are a plus; experience in UI design in any technology (such as Android o IOS) is a plus. He/She is a skilled PC user and in capabile of maintain his/her own workstation, configuring and installing the tool chain. He/She has a basic knowledge of physics, electronic devices, and communication technologies (such as TCP-IP sockets). He/She is fluent in English and is capable of iteracting with English-speaking team members and colleagues. Qualifications He/She has at least a bachelor degree in Software Engineering (or equivalent) or Physics or Computer Science and at least 3 years experience as a software engineer. Key Experiences None required.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
To strengthen its team and for specialist consultancy activities, AC&D Technologies is looking for a Python Developer living in Rome, to join our engineering team and help us develop and maintain various software products. Python Developer responsibilities include: • Writing effective, scalable code • Developing back-end components to improve responsiveness and overall performance • Integrating user-facing elements into applications Python Developer responsibilities include writing and testing code, debugging programs and integrating applications with third-party web services. To be successful in this role, you should have experience using server-side logic and work well in a team. Responsibilities • Write effective, scalable code • Develop back-end components to improve responsiveness and overall performance • Integrate user-facing elements into applications • Test and debug programs • Improve functionality of existing systems • Implement security and data protection solutions • Assess and prioritize feature requests • Coordinate with internal teams to understand user requirements and provide technical solutions Requirements and skills • 2 years of work experience as a Python Developer • Good knowledge of Linux systems (mainly RHEL and alike) and experience developing for Unix platforms. • Excellent knowledge of Git • Knowledge of object-relational mapping (ORM)Team spirit • Good problem-solving skills • BSc in Computer Science, Engineering or relevant field. Good to have • Familiarity with front-end technologies (like JavaScript and HTML5) and Python web frameworks (Django or FLask) • Experience with cloud development (Azure or AWS) Fluent English Smart working (Rome)
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