Italian classes
Elenco delle migliori vendite italian classes

Torino (Piemonte)
Ciao! Sono una traduttrice ed insegnante, madrelingua italiana, laureata in Mediazione Linguistica e specializzata in Traduzione dall’inglese e dal tedesco presso l’Università degli Studi di Torino. Offro lezioni di italiano per stranieri a tutti i livelli. Per qualsiasi informazione aggiuntiva non esitate a contattarmi, sarò lieta di rispondervi il prima possibile. Hi! I’m an Italian native speaker and I work as a translator from English and German to Italian, and teacher as well. I graduated in Lingusitic Mediation and I got a master in Translation at Università degli Studi di Torino. I offer Italian classes for foreign students who want to learn or simply improve their Italian! For any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to answer as soon as possible!
15 €
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Roma (Lazio)
Are you an Expat living and working in Rome, planning to move or just willing to learn Italian? I’ll be happy to tutor you. I am an experienced Italian teacher and have worked at the Embassies of Philippines and Malaysia in Rome. Together we can choose the most suitable method for you. Plus, it will be total fun and very cheap. BE THERE O BE SQUARE! Stefania
8 €
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Roma (Lazio)
Are you an Expat living and working in Rome, planning to move or just willing to learn Italian? I’ll be happy to tutor you. I am an experienced Italian teacher and have worked at the Embassies of Philippines and Malaysia in Rome. Together we can choose the most suitable method for you. Plus, it will be total fun and very cheap. BE THERE OR BE SQUARE! Stefania
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Bologna (Emilia Romagna)
Italian native speaker gives online one-to-one Italian classes. If you need to learn or improve your Italian language, I can help you. I have been teaching both Italian and English language to foreigners for 10 years successfully, using a wide range of training material. This is important for you because my classes will be tailored to your learning needs. You'll find me on Skype!
12 €
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Verona (Veneto)
Learning made Simple. Learning is easier than ever with Students can enjoy a magical learning process based on their own needs and level of expertise. ? My goal is to make it simple and convenient for you to acquire new skills, wherever you are. It’s time for you to take learning into your own hands and expand your potential:) I am a qualified teacher with a lot of experience and passion for teaching and learning. I will help you learn Italian or improve your level! Italian - Such a beautiful language:) in a country that, despite its paradoxes, is really really rich in Beauty:) Spero di poter parlare in italiano con voi molto presto. Do not hesitate to get in touch! Davide;) tel. 0039 346 5217778 ?N.B. LEZIONE DI PROVA GRATUITA (For Free) INCONTRO conoscitivo GRATUITO di circa 40 minuti. Non esitare a contattarmi!:)
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Como (Lombardia)
Experienced teacher for Italian classes to English speaking foreigners, method based on communication - excellent results
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Catania (Sicilia)
Italian language teacher offers classes of conversation and improvement of the italian language, the classes are aimed at foreign people who want to start italian from scratch or improve their level. For more infos please call: 3518112138
10 €
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Firenze (Toscana)
Italian Native speaker available for one-to-one classes. If you are an expat living in Italy and you need to practice your Italian for study or work, drop me a message! I have been teaching Italian to foreigners for five years and I speak English, French, Spanish and Russian: I am able to explain all the grammar rules in your language without misunderstandings and without stress. I am available for grammar and speaking lessons and also conversation sessions. Learn Italian from the comfort of your home!
10 €
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Firenze (Toscana)
Italian native speaker available for one to one online classes. If you are an expat living in Italy and you want to improve your language skills drop me a message! I have been teaching Italian for 5 years to foreigners and ex-pats, both in Italy and abroad, with different methods and strategies. I speak English, French, Spanish and Russian and I can explain all the grammar rules and structures in your language without misunderstandings. Learn Italian from the comfort of your home! 10€ per hour
10 €
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Roma (Lazio)
Italian mother tongue teacher with references, teaching certificate and experience offers one to one lessons and conversations in Italian both beginners, intermediate and advanced levels. Lessons adjusted to level and needs of students. Flexible hours and classes length. Lessons in Prati area, near metro Ottaviano or the possibility to come to yours place or by skype. Didactic materials included in price. Preliminary meeting of 45 minutes + levels test gratis. Price 22€ for 1h. Tel. Eugenio: +393496372110
22 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
Italian Native speaker available for one to one classes. If you are an expat living in Italy and you need to practise your Italian for study or work, drop me a message! I have been teaching since 5 years and gained experience with foreigners, both workers and students and thanks to the knowledge of English, Spanish, French, Russian, I can explain all the rules and the words in your language. 10€ per hour A presto!
10 €
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Firenze (Toscana)
Italian Native speaker available for one to one classes. If you are an expat living in Italy and you need to practice your Italian for study or work, drop me a message I have been teaching for 5 years and gained experience with foreigners, both workers and students and thanks to the knowledge of English, Spanish, French, Russian, I can explain all the rules and the words in your language. 10€ per hour A presto
10 €
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Roma (Lazio)
Intensive Italian Course in Rome This Course is aimed towards the immersion in Italian Language from the beginning. Classes are based on a communicative approach so that our students can practice the 4 fundamental functions of the language: reading, speaking, listening and writing. The course allows our students to do a full immersion in Italian language and culture. It is held in the morning from Monday to Friday and you can sign up every Monday. The learning program allows students, who opt for this course, to go deep into the Italian language and culture through interactive and authentic activities that allow them to acquire the basic vocabulary, for the basic levels, and enrich it, for the advanced levels. Role-play, educational games and total immersion in real communicative situations, immediately make our students able to interact with the new context in which they work, live and have fun! Moreover, we organise many social and cultural activities where foreigners can meet local people and learn italian living it. Schedule (60hrs for 4 weeks): group classes 3hrs per day (from 9,30 to 12,30; from 12,30 to 15, 30), from Monday to Friday. Start: every Monday Level: A1, A2, B1, B2 Price: 495 euro + 45 euro TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS: Au-pairs, Religious, Diplomats, Students (in italian Universities), FAO/WFP/IFAD/UN Staff & Spouses pay only 349 euro + 45 euro The registration fee (45 euro) is valid for one year and it includes learning materials, the opportunity to participate in our social and cultural events, rental of books and films in the original language, Koiné card (for discounted prices for shops/gym/pharm/clubs, etc. in partnership with Koiné), Wi-fi, internet point, up to 2 certificates of attendance and the final exam. _____________________________________ Corsi di Italiano per Stranieri a Roma Il corso permette ai nostri studenti di immergersi, fin dall’inizio, nella lingua e cultura italiana. Le lezioni del corso di gruppo di Italiano si basano su un approccio comunicativo grazie al quale i nostri studenti possono praticare le 4 funzioni fondamentali della lingua: leggere, parlare, ascoltare e scrivere. Il programma di apprendimento consente agli studenti che optano per questo corso bisettimanale di immergersi completamente nella lingua e cultura italiana attraverso attività interattive ed autentiche che gli permettono di acquisire il vocabolario di base, per i livelli base, e arricchirlo, per i livelli più avanzati. Role play, giochi didattici e immersioni in situazioni comunicative reali, renderanno subito i nostri studenti capaci di interagire con il nuovo contesto in cui si trovano a lavorare, vivere e divertirsi! Il programma del corso include anche attività sociali extra come film italiani dopo la lezione, aperitivi con amici italiani, tour multi linguistici di Roma, eventi (Opera, Festival, Mostre, ecc…) e degustazione di piatti tipici della cucina italiana con il nostro staff! I opzione Orario (60h – 4 settimane): Corso di gruppo di 3 ore al giorno (9,30 – 12,30, 12,30 – 15, 30), dal lunedì al venerdì Inizio: ogni primo lunedì del mese Livello: A1 – A2, B1 – B2 Prezzo: 495€ + 45€* Programma: Italiano generale, Grammatica italiana, conversazione, scrittura e lettura. **Promo per AU-PAIRS, STUDENTI (in Università italiane), DIPLOMATICI, RELIGIOSI e staff FAO/IFAD/WFP/UN: 349€ + 45€* * La quota associativa (45€) è valida per un anno e comprende materiale didattico, l’opportunità di partecipare ai nostri eventi sociali e culturali, noleggio di libri e film in lingua originale, Koiné card (per i prezzi scontati per negozi/palestre/clubs, ecc… in collaborazione con Koiné), Wi-Fi, internet point, fino a 2 attestati di frequenza e l’esame finale.
495 €
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Siena (Toscana)
FRANCESCO: A professional chef at your services, available for lunch or dinner! Chef, cooking class at home for you events: Italian cook, very reserved, who can cook in your home, farm, agriturismo, boat, weekend house, rental home, beach house or mountain home. At your disposal I can offer my cooking school where to run cooking class pizza party with wood oven and events for guests. A chef at home, to celebrate a birthday, an anniversary, a special occasion. To surprise someone you love. To have a party at your home and enjoy it as if you were a guest! This service can be utilized for an individual event, several days, weeks, or even months. Your chef is available for holidays, baptisms, graduation, bachelor o bachelorette parties, birthday dinner, meal with important guests, family dinner, or just simply a whim, a party, a romantic evening with your loved one, to enjoy the magnificent Italian cuisine. Personalized service, ideal for those who like to organize tastings of refined products. Have a theme meal or event, such as carnival, medieval, rustic, light, carnivores, fish specialties, meat or special diets for celiac, or vegetarians. My school is located in Tuscany at the facility of Villa Vetrichina San Casciano dei Bagni (SI). In the school we run cooking class, wedding events, anniversaries. There is a restaurant that works by reservation. The wood-burning oven to perform cooking class of pasta and pizza party. You can also stay in the main Villa with exclusive rent or rooms. I hope to establish a new working partnership. Appearance cortesement and its confirmation. Thank you. Sincerely. Francesco Falci.
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Foggia (Puglia)
Italian tutor with experience offers Italian classes (online by Skype) for all levels and also for children. Classes (30, 45, 60, 90 minutes) will be on conversation, pronunciaton, grammar and vocabulary. Study material and homework will be provided.
8 €
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Taormina (Sicilia)
- Master ed Alta formazione professionale - corsi di yoga - organizzazione eventi, matrimoni, banchetti - corsi in tutte le lingue straniere; Italian classes - servizio traduzione ed interpretariato - Istituto dei Nativi Americani- Meeting, Ricerca, Spiritualità, Sciamanismo - Agenzia Letteraria per la vendita di diritti e pubblicazioni Italia ed Estero.Settore che si occupa di STESURA TESI e testi in tutte le varie fasi.Servizio on line. in Allegato la locandina da leggere sui nostri servizi ATena sas Atena sas Cell 0039 3493060250 Tel-fax 0039 0942620079 ATENA SAS PROMOZIONI CORSI INGLESE,FRANCESE, TEDESCO, ITALIANO PER STRANIERI, SPAGNOLO, RUSSO, ARABO, GIAPPONESE, CINESE, ECC. TUTTE LE LINGUE (LEGGI LA BROCHURE)
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Venezia (Veneto)
ENGLISH VERSION ON THE BOTTOM Ciao ! Le mie lezioni di lingua italiana sono orientate a renderti presto autonomo ed in grado di comunicare al meglio; ambientarti in Italia e a capire la mentalità locale. Le lezioni sono online (con skype o zoom). Durante i nostri incontri posso aiutarti a tradurre documenti o scrivere curriculum. Spiegarti come la vede un italiano per facilitare i tuoi rapporti personali o lavorativi. Da 3 anni aiuto i nuovi arrivati in Italia ad inserirsi nel mondo del lavoro o stare al passo con i compagni di scuola. Sono consulente di viaggi, amo viaggiare e sono una curiosa appassionata delle culture straniere. Parlo e scrivo fluentemente inglese e spagnolo. - HELLO ! My Italian lessons are tasked with making you independent and able to communicate better as soon as possible; feeling like you belong in Italy and understand the local mentality. I do online classes (skype or zoom). During our meetings I can also help you translate documents or write resumes. I’ll explain Italian social attitude to help your personal or business relationships. For 3 years I have been helping newcomers to enter the italian world of work or keeping up with school programs. I am a travel consultant, a curious traveler and I love to learn about other culture. I speak and write fluently English and Spanish.
12 €
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Como (Lombardia)
Problemi con l'italiano? Vuoi migliorare la fluenza? Hai problemi con la grammatica? Devi scrivere una tesi? Sono un'insegnante con anni di esperienza con classi e con singoli studenti, molto flessibile e disponibile. Problems with italian? Questions with grammar? Do you want to improve your fluency? I'm a teacher with years of experience with classes and single students. I offer flexibilty and availability.
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Torino (Piemonte)
Ciao English language learners! If you are looking for a new and exciting opportunity to improve your English online with a friendly, supportive and professional native English teacher, then you've come to the right place! I am a fully qualified English Language teacher (CELTA grade A certified) with teaching experience both in the UK and abroad (Peru, Spain and Italy). I have experience working with students of all ages, and from a variety of cultures. With several years experience teaching both adults and children, I have taught General and Business English courses in a variety of settings such as schools, businesses and online, as well as having supported students with KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, TOEFL and IELTS exam preparation. Having trained and qualified as a UK Primary school teacher, I also specialise in children's classes. So if you want to introduce your three or four year old to English through games, songs and interactive learning; develop simple vocabulary and grammar in a fun and engaging way or work towards the Cambridge Starters, Movers or Flyers exams then this is your chance! As a fellow language learner, I speak some Spanish and Italian. This, along with having studied a degree in English and Spanish has enabled me to develop a comprehensive knowledge of English grammar, as well as helping me to empathise with and understand the challenges of learning another language. As a qualified EFL and Primary school teacher, my teaching methods are grounded in and informed by current educational theory and practice. I believe in tailoring lessons to best support and challenge the individual learner's needs, abilities and interests. So whether you're looking for an engaging introduction to English for your children; the chance to enhance your speaking; develop a particular skill or area of English or prepare for an exam, then I am here to help. Online lessons are available via Skype or Zoom. Lessons paid for in advance in packages will receive attractive discounts! See below: Free 30 minute trial lesson!!! (to meet and get to know each other, as well as to identify your needs, interests and objectives). 1 x 40 minute lesson: 20 euros A package of 5 x 40 minute lessons: €95 (€19 per 40 minute lesson) A package of 10 x 40 minute lessons: €180 (€18 per 40 minute lesson) 1 x hour lesson: 30 euros A package of 5 hours of lessons: €140 (€28 per hour lesson) A package of 10 hours of lessons: €270 (€27 per hour lesson) If you are interested in English lessons or have any questions about the courses available, please feel free to contact me directly via email at: Look forward to hearing from you!
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Napoli (Campania)
- Italiano, Spagnolo, Inglese, Tedesco, Portoghese ecc. - Possibili Lezioni a distanza via Skype! Impara le lingue comodamente da casa tua! - TRADUZIONI - Organizzazione VISITE GUIDATE alla scoperta dei tesori nascosti di Vico Equense e della Costiera Sorrentina ONLINE Language Lessons (Italian, Spanish, English etc.) Flexible, Effective and Fun - Wherever you want & when you want - Tailor made classes for your individual needs. GUIDED TOURS: discovering hidden treasures, historical sites and nature between Vico Equense & Sorrento - TRANSLATIONS Clases particulares por SKYPE (Italiano, Inglés etc.) ¡Un método práctico, económico, flexible para practicar idiomas! - TRADUCCIONES VISITAS GUIADAS entre Vico Equense y Sorrento: descubriendo joyas escondidas entre historia y naturaleza. F️remdsprachenunterricht via SKYPE, eine überraschende Alternative! (Italienisch, Spanisch, Englisch usw.) Bequem und effektiv lernen - Zeit & Geld sparen ! - ÃœBERSETZUNGEN
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Roma (Lazio)
Hi there! I am an English tutor with 5 years of experience in teaching. I live in Chiavari (GE) and speak fluent Italian. I offer English language classes for complete beginners as well as for advanced learners (both online and face-to-face). I teach English privately and in groups. I put a lot of focus on speaking skills. For this purpose, I organize speaking clubs for my students, and I also teach international students online. I can tailor my teaching depending on your focus (grammar, writing, speaking) and your level (from absolute beginner to advanced). I'll help you improve your English skills using various materials such as textbooks, audio activities, visual aids, or simply through conversation. I look forward to hearing from you and to helping you cross the language barrier. Please feel free to reach out to me at +39 389 230 72 03 to get more details or/and to schedule a trial lesson. See you!
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