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Milano (Lombardia)
Where numbers, innovation and smart people meet. join our finance forward internship program. Who we are Randstad is the global leader in the HR services industry. We support people and organizations in realizing their true potential by combining the power of today's technology with our passion for people. We call it Human Forward. In 2021, we helped nearly two million candidates find a meaningful job with more than 236,000 clients. Since 1999, we are present in Italy with more than 2800 colleagues and 300 branches. finance forward internship program - stage: Finance Forward è il programma di internship creato da Randstad Italia per inserire brillanti talenti in azienda. Ti offriamo un percorso di formazione on the job per farti esplorare le tante sfaccettature del mondo finance e mettere in pratica ciò che hai appreso durante la tua carriera universitaria. In un viaggio di 9 mesi sarai coinvolto in una job rotation che ti permetterà di sperimentarti in 3 dipartimenti finance del nostro Headquarter. Il nostro obiettivo è portarti a bordo, cogli l'opportunità! What we offer Finance Forward is a Randstad internship program. Reach your full potential with a 9 months journey. You will experience a professional path through 3 different key departments with the support of a company buddy who will help you developing both your hard and soft skills. We are looking for out of the box talents to welcome on board and lead our future. You will have the opportunity to put into practice your academic knowledge and live a challenging and business driven environment. Join us on our journey to future proof our finance function in Milan. We're looking for people who Are strongly motivated Are analytical thinkers and with an agile mindset Have a love of learning and innate curiosity Are internationally minded and mobile Possess both excellent Italian and English skills Have engineering or economical background (MSc graduated or graduating) Are ready for a paid internship aimed at possible hiring Apply now!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione Job description For an important partner in the cosmetics industry, L’Oréal Group, we are looking for brilliant resources to be included as Customer Service employees. The ideal candidate has a strong orientation towards the achievement of objectives, excellent interpersonal skills and shows a propensity to manage telephone contact. Responsibilities Main activities: Management of consumer requests relating to Information and Complaints through different channels (i.e. live chat, phone, emails, webforms, Social 1:1) by providing excellent solution, service, product and beauty advice in a professional, precise and timely manner. Requirements Must have • Excellent communication skills, empathy & high focus on customer satisfaction • Customer orientation, problem solving skills, teamwork • Native language skills in English or at least C1 level knowledge • Italian knowledge at least B2 (written, spoken and read) • Good IT skills - required competence and speed in the use of tools to report interactions • Availability to work on shifts Nice to have • Prior experience in Cosmetics and Luxury sector is preferential • Knowledge and experience with digital and social media • Previous experience in Customer Service What we offer Our offer: • Competitive salary and benefits • Flexible shift system • Stable multinational company with interaction between different nationalities and cultures and the possibility of internal growth • Modern and positive work environment • Excellent public transport connections • An international environment employing people from different nationalities and cultures If you like to be part of this great journey and growing opportunities, please join us in a vibrant, multi-cultural city center environment. Explore you careers possibilities and work on your Personal Development. Above all, enjoy the experience of working with this highly prestigious brand L’Oréal Group! Welcome to Majorel! We are a leading customer experience multinational with over 82,000 professionals in 45 countries all over the globe. Our diverse #OneTeam designs and delivers flexible solutions in 70 different languages that make a difference to the customers of many of the world’s most respected brands. Creativity, Excellence and Respect, our fundamental values, drive everything we do. Whether you are an experienced professional or just starting out, we can offer you the right support to help you achieve your goals. Are you also #DrivenToGoFurther? Join us now! Equal opportunities At Majorel we are committed to equal opportunities between men and women. In the same way, our offered positions can be developed by people with disabilities. We guarantee compliance with preventive regulations to ensure the care for the safety and health of workers in our facilities or in teleworking
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Italia Direzione Sono a chiedere la massima diffusione presso chi ne fosse interessato della attività che stiamo intraprendendo in Italia a seguito di una visione nuova e diversa del turismo culturale che in Italia trova la sede primaria ed insuperabile. La ns. organizzazione è veterana in Italia per la organizzazione di eventi musicali classici e simili avendo iniziato nel lontano 1978 a programmare ed organizzare concerti, opere liriche,balletti ecc.ecc. E se dovessimo calcolare quante manifestazioni abbiamo realizzato in tutta Italia da allora ad oggi, superiamo le 5.000 unità. Quasi tutte le nazioni europee si sono esibite in Italia grazie alla ns. comprovata ed indiscussa professionalità nel settore. Ora intendiamo allargare il ns. lavoro anche al settore dei gruppi amatoriali musicali ( quelli professionali continueranno il loro percorso trentennale) portando a conoscenza che esiste la opportunità di realizzare in tutta Italia (sia grandi città storiche che in provincia) degli eventi musicali per musicisti amatoriali come: - cori da camera o cori lirici o cori religiosi (qualsiasi entità) -orchestre giovanili (d'archi, da camera,sinfoniche) od orchestre amatoriali, o scolastiche -complessi da camera (solisti, duo, trio ….) (cantanti lirici ….) Tale evento va inquadrato in un ambito anche turistico, abbinando l'aspetto musicale a quello del turismo con il realizzare delle tournèe (su commissione del musicista/i) nei luoghi preferiti in Italia ed nei periodi scelti, curando noi tutto l'aspetto sia musicale (luogo dei concerti,pubblicità,permessi SIAE ed autorizzazioni, affissioni,programma di sala...............) come anche la situazione logistica e dei viaggi (bus, transfert da aeroporto, o stazione ferroviaria,da albergo a sala del concerto......alberghi ,pasti ecc.). I costi turistici sono inferiori ai costi di agenzia Turistica onde compensare i costi organizzativi musicali. Il tutto sotto la ns. consolidata esperienza professionale del settore. E' evidente che tutto ciò ha dei costi (contenuti dalle ns. relazioni trentennali con ambienti concertistici, turistici,logistici....) e quindi forniremo preventivi dettagliati ed articolati , allo scopo di realizzare l'evento musicale unito al momento turistico ed proponendo realizzazioni ove sia l'aspetto concertistico che quello turistico siano amalgamate tra loro, privilegiando la attuazione della vs. richiesta al riguardo. Articolando le località solo in una Regione italiana, od in più regioni; solo in una città o svariate città. Evidenziamo che tra il maggio ed ottobre del 2015 siamo presenti all’Expo 2015 di Milano con una Maratona Musicale ove potremmo inserire se richiestoci altre occasioni musicali. E' gradito avere nominativi od indirizzi email di potenziali gruppi o musicisti che ne fossero interessati, allo scopo di vagliare attentamente la loro richiesta e soddisfarla nel modo migliore. Riteniamo che la fusione tra Cultura Musicale e Turismo artistico ,sia un connubio ideale. Ringraziamo anticipatamente della attenzione che potrà prestare alla ns. iniziativa. Cordialmente MUSICAL DORICA m° Silvano Frontalini Direction They are to seek the widest possible dissemination among those interested in the activities that we are undertaking in Italy as a result of a new and different vision of cultural tourism in Italy is the primary venue and unsurpassed. Ns. organization is a veteran in Italy for the organization of musical events and similar classics having begun in 1978 to plan and organize concerts, operas, ballets etc.etc. And if we were to calculate how many events we have made throughout Italy since To date, we exceed 5,000 units. Almost all European countries have performed in Italy thanks to our. proven and undisputed professionalism in the industry. Now we intend to extend our. also work in the field of amateur music groups (the professional ones will continue their journey thirty years) leading to knowledge that there is opportunity to achieve in all of Italy (both large historical cities in the province) of musical events for amateur musicians as: - Chamber choirs or choruses or choirs religious lyric (any size) -youth orchestras (strings, chamber, symphonic) or amateur orchestras, school or -chamber ensembles (solo, duo, trio ....) (opera singers ....) This event should be seen in a tourist area also, combining the musical aspect to that of tourism to the completion of the tour (commissioned by the musician / s) in preferred locations in Italy and in the periods chosen, taking care of us the whole musical aspect is (place of concerts, advertising, performance permits and authorizations, billboards, theater program ...............) as well as the logistical and travel (bus, transfer from the airport or train station station, from the hotel to the concert hall ...... hotels, meals etc.). The costs are lower than the costs of tourist agency Tourist order to offset the costs of organizing music. All under the ns. established professional experience in the sector. It 'obvious that everything has costs (from our content. Thirty-year relationship with concert environment, tourism, logistics ....) and then we will provide detailed estimates and articulated, in order to realize the musical event when combined tourism and proposing projects where there is the appearance that the concert tour are blended with each other, focusing on the implementation of the vs. request in this regard. Articulating the only resort in an Italian region, or in most regions; only in a city or several cities. We highlight that between May and October of 2015 we are present at the Expo 2015 in Milan with a Music Marathon where we could enter subpoenas if other musical opportunities. And 'welcome to have names or email addresses of potential musicians or bands who are interested, in order to carefully consider their demand and satisfy you in the best way. We believe that the merger of Musical Culture and Art Tourism, is an ideal match. Thank you in advance for your attention that you can give to our. initiative. with regard MUSICAL DORICA Maestro Silvano Frontalini Direction Ils sont à rechercher la plus large diffusion possible parmi ceux qui s'intéressent aux activités que nous entreprenons en Italie à la suite d'une nouvelle vision différente du tourisme culturel en Italie est le lieu principal et inégalée. Ns. organisation est un vétéran de l'Italie pour l'organisation d'événements musicaux et classiques similaires ayant commencé en 1978 pour planifier et organiser des concerts, des opéras, des ballets etc.etc. Et si nous étions à calculer le nombre d'événements que nous avons fait dans toute l'Italie depuis À ce jour, nous dépassons 5.000 unités. Presque tous les pays européens ont effectué en Italie grâce à notre. prouvé et incontestable professionnalisme dans l'industrie. Maintenant nous avons l'intention d'étendre notre. travailler aussi dans le domaine des groupes de musique amateurs (les professionnels continueront leur voyage 30 années) menant à la connaissance qu'il ya possibilité de réaliser dans toute l'Italie (les deux grandes villes historiques de la province) d'événements musicaux pour les musiciens amateurs comme: - Chorales ou chœurs de chambre ou lyrique religieuse chœurs (toute taille) -jeunes orchestres (cordes, chambre, symphoniques) ou orchestres amateurs, l'école ou Chambre ensembles (solo, duo, trio ....) (chanteurs d'opéra ....) Cet événement doit être considéré dans une zone touristique également, combinant l'aspect musical à celui du tourisme à la fin de la tournée (commandé par le musicien / s) dans des endroits préférés en Italie et dans les périodes choisies, en prenant soin de nous tout l'aspect musical est (lieu de concerts, de la publicité, des permis et des autorisations de performance, des panneaux d'affichage, programme de théâtre ...............) ainsi que la logistique et Voyage (bus, le transfert de la gare ou l'aéroport gare, de l'hôtel à la salle de concert ...... hôtels, repas, etc.) Les coûts sont moins élevés que les coûts d'agence de tourisme touristique afin de compenser les frais d'organisation de la musique Le tout sous les ns. expérience professionnelle établie dans le secteur. C'est évident que tout a un coût (de notre contenu. Relation de trente ans avec l'environnement de concert, tourisme, logistique ....) et nous fournira des estimations détaillées et articulé, afin de réaliser l'événement musical lorsqu'il est combiné tourisme et de proposer des projets où il ya l'impression que la tournée de concerts sont mélangés les uns aux autres, en se concentrant sur la mise en œuvre de la Vs. demander à cet égard. Articuler la seule station dans une région italienne, ou dans la plupart des régions; que dans une ville ou plusieurs villes. Nous soulignons que, entre Mai et Octobre de 2015, nous sommes présents à l'Expo 2015 à Milan avec un marathon de musique où l'on pouvait entrer assignations si d'autres possibilités musicales. Et «bienvenue à avoir des noms ou adresses e-mail de chanteurs ou groupes qui sont intéressés potentiels, en vue d'examiner avec soin leur demande et de vous satisfaire au mieux. Nous croyons que la fusion de la culture musicale et Art tourisme, est un complément idéal. Merci d'avance pour votre attention que vous pouvez donner à notre. initiative. en ce qui concerne MUSICAL DORICA Maestro Silvano Frontalini
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Milano (Lombardia)
A career at our company is an ongoing journey of discovery: our around 56,000 people are shaping how the world lives, works and plays through next generation advancements in healthcare, life science and performance materials. For more than 350 years and across the world we have passionately pursued our curiosity to find novel and vibrant ways of enhancing the lives of others. Your role: Don’t miss this opportunity to join a leader in the LifeScience business, benefit from our training program and broad career possibilities. Technical support represents a key feature of the Merck offering to our customers. As a Technical Service Scientist in Life Science within our multidisciplinary Team, you will help unpuzzling scientific challenges and answer highly technical product and application questions for our products. You will support our customers and sales on technical inquiries, protocol optimization and complaints on our product range for research and industry labs. As a contribution to our growing business you will qualify leads and cross-selling opportunities from incoming customers' calls and/or promotional activities. Who you are: - Master's Degree Chemistry or Biology with a proven laboratory experience or PhD - Fluent in Italian and Spanish plus a good level of English are mandatory. - Customer oriented with high listening and communication skills as well as strong ability to identify customer needs. - Enthusiastic to build-up expertise in new technologies. - Creative, solutions oriented and good at doing product analysis and technical comparison for optimal customer experience. - Enjoys working with other people within an international Team and in a dynamic environment What we offer: With us, there are always opportunities to break new ground. We empower you to fulfil your ambitions, and our diverse businesses offer various career moves to seek new horizons. We trust you with responsibility early on and support you to draw your own career map that is responsive to your aspirations and priorities in life. Join us and bring your curiosity to life!
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Milano (Lombardia)
WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU - STARTING IN JULY! ABOUT US roadsurfer is Europe's largest outdoor travel expert currently focusing on campervan rentals, abo & sales. We are an international, ambitious and rapidly growing team including more than 250 roadsurfers with great team spirit! We hold together while combining high quality standards with having fun at work! For our #roadsurferfamily we are looking for motivated and highly dedicated roadsurfers who want to join us on our journey! OUR MISSION Preparation and handing over the vans to our customers, which includes a proper introduction and briefing of the vehicles Coordinate the vehicle take-back as well as check-up for any damage and ensure its documentation Full preparation of the vehicles for the next costumer which includes cleaning/washing them Support the station manager with the consultation of our customers concerning every matter (including the vehicle itself and recommendations for roadtrips/campgrounds for example) If necessary you will act as a substitute for our station manager in his/her absence YOUR PROFILE You have a friendly and professional appearance as well as an service-oriented nature Work experience within branch structures / rental business is a plus You are absolutely hands-on and communicative You are a reliable problem solver and enjoy new challenges Italian and English fluent, German and French knowledge of advantage Driving license class B WHY US? We have great team spirit, flat hierarchies and we are motivated and open-minded We think employee appreciation is one of the most important things to do! We offer individual development opportunities and continuous support - professionally and personally We have regular team events You have a big advantage renting our Vans CONTACT You are made for the job? Then we are looking forward to your application! If you have any questions, please contact our recruiter Louisa at any time: (+49) 89 21093386 Arbeitsstunden: 20 pro Woche Job Types: Part-time, Temporary, Contract
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Italia (Tutte le città)
At Cross Border Talents We are recruiting Customer Service Representatives for the German Team to work across different locations: in Portugal, Greece, Malta or Bulgaria. Relocation is mandatory! Our mission is to connect the Best Promising Talent with Top Employers. Our clients are leading companies within customer experience journey! Please be aware that in order to apply for this position, you should have an EU passport / ID! Your Role: Engaging with Customers: Interact seamlessly with German-speaking customers, ensuring inquiries are addressed with excellence and satisfaction. Leveraging Language Skills: Utilize fluent German skills to facilitate clear and effective communication, fostering positive interactions. Requirements: Native or Fluent in German English B2 level EU Passport or valid Permit to Stay in Portugal, Greece, Malta or Bulgaria Ability to deal with sensitive content What we offer: Competitive Salary Recognition: Reap the rewards of a competitive salary aligned with your role and expertise. Assistance with relocation International Atmosphere Experience (some benefits may change based on the country) Feel free to apply even if you don’t meet all the requirements, we may have some other open positions that suit you best (as long as you have an EU passport or local Residence Card).
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione DESCRIPTION Majorel is now Teleperformance. Together, we can further refine our digital service offerings to help the world's leading brands operate with greater agility and adaptability to master their future. A core Teleperformance commitment is to position top talent for success in this new chapter. We believe that it's the people who make both companies genuinely exceptional and the combined organization will offer significant career development opportunities all around the world. Are you ready to explore a whole new world of vast opportunities? We're glad to meet you. Apply today! For an important partner in the cosmetics industry, L'Oréal Group, we are looking for brilliant resources to be included as Customer Service employees. The ideal candidate has a strong orientation towards the achievement of objectives, excellent interpersonal skills and shows a propensity to manage telephone contact. Responsibilities Management of consumer requests relating to Information and Complaints through different channels (i.e. live chat, phone, emails, webforms, Social 1:1) by providing excellent solution, service, product and beauty advice in a professional, precise and timely manner. Requirements Must have * Excellent communication skills, empathy b'&' high focus on customer satisfaction * Customer orientation, problem solving skills, teamwork * Native language skills in French or at least C1 level knowledge * English at least B2 (written, spoken and read) * Good IT skills - required competence and speed in the use of tools to report interactions * Availability to work on shifts Nice to have * Prior experience in Cosmetics and Luxury sector is preferential * Knowledge and experience with digital and social media * Previous experience in Customer Service What we offer * Competitive salary and benefits * Flexible shift system * Stable multinational company with an international and diverse environment * Possibility of internal growth * Work/live in Milan, one of the world fashion cities and gateway to one of the most beautiful countries in the world * Convenient work location with excellent public transport connections * Remote working according to project needs; it is mandatory to be within 100 km from our office in Milan while working from home * Feel Good Program to create a better work environment for our people and focus on their wellbeing and engagement If you like to be part of this great journey and growing opportunities, please join us in a vibrant, multi-cultural city center environment. Explore you career possibilities and work on your Personal Development. Above all, enjoy the experience of working with this highly prestigious brand L'Oréal Group! Equal opportunities At Majorel we are committed to equal opportunities between men and women. In the same way, our offered positions can be developed by people with disabilities. We guarantee compliance with preven
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