Learn italian improve communication
Elenco delle migliori vendite learn italian improve communication

Como (Lombardia)
Do you want learn Italian? Or do you need to improve your language fluency? I am at your disposal for Italian Lessons, to improve your communication skills in both spoken and written. No matter what your level of Italian now, or the reason (either for business or pleasure and leasure). I am a professional teacher and translator with many years of experience. In addition to that, I had been working in companies as an export manager, hence I can offer you my expertise in the field of business. Do not hesitate and contact me! Together we'll plan the best learning path and strategies for you. Cristina
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Firenze (Toscana)
Italian native speaker available for one to one online classes. If you are an expat living in Italy and you want to improve your language skills drop me a message! I have been teaching Italian for 5 years to foreigners and ex-pats, both in Italy and abroad, with different methods and strategies. I speak English, French, Spanish and Russian and I can explain all the grammar rules and structures in your language without misunderstandings. Learn Italian from the comfort of your home! 10€ per hour
10 €
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Roma (Lazio)
Hi, do you want to learn or improve itallian language? You need to use it at work or school? Are you looking for an italian native speaker teacher who can help you about correct grammar, sintax and pronunciation online without any world wide geographical restrictions during Covid19 era? I can be the right person. I'm an italian Advertising Copywriter who use italian language to sell business through writing respecting all grammar rules requested by this idiom, and in addition, I've gained experience in oral communcation field developing public speaking skills. My lessons are totally online via Skype, addressed to anyone want to learn this beautiful language in every corner of world! For any further information, such as lesson price and hour availability, don't hesitate to contact me through this web site. I wait for you!
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Roma (Lazio)
I am an Italian mother tongue teacher with over 6 years experience in teaching Italian to foreign students, in international schools in Italy and abroad. You will learn Italian through a personalized course plan with customized and interactive lessons. Very flexible schedule including weekends and late noon lessons. Contact me for more information via mobile - Vanessa +39 347 2730078 I will help you improve your language proficiency during social encounters with locals and your overall speaking, grammar, and reading skills!
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Roma (Lazio)
If you need to learn Italian quickly and easily rely on me. Whatever your level you will improve your Italian without even noticing. Lessons are online, the rate is 10euros for 1 hour and half. If you work don't worry, I'm available in the evening and also saturday and sunday.
10 €
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Torino (Piemonte)
Would you like to learn or improve Italian? I'm an Italian Language teacher and I'm waiting for you! Ciao!
20 €
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Torino (Piemonte)
Ciao! Sono una traduttrice ed insegnante, madrelingua italiana, laureata in Mediazione Linguistica e specializzata in Traduzione dall’inglese e dal tedesco presso l’Università degli Studi di Torino. Offro lezioni di italiano per stranieri a tutti i livelli. Per qualsiasi informazione aggiuntiva non esitate a contattarmi, sarò lieta di rispondervi il prima possibile. Hi! I’m an Italian native speaker and I work as a translator from English and German to Italian, and teacher as well. I graduated in Lingusitic Mediation and I got a master in Translation at Università degli Studi di Torino. I offer Italian classes for foreign students who want to learn or simply improve their Italian! For any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to answer as soon as possible!
15 €
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Bologna (Emilia Romagna)
Italian native speaker gives online one-to-one Italian classes. If you need to learn or improve your Italian language, I can help you. I have been teaching both Italian and English language to foreigners for 10 years successfully, using a wide range of training material. This is important for you because my classes will be tailored to your learning needs. You'll find me on Skype!
12 €
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Firenze (Toscana)
Ciao My name is Irene, I was born, and I live in Florence. Tutoring is my passion and job. Improve your Italian with a qualified and experienced native Italian teacher. I would be happy to help you in learning Italian language and culture with a positive, stress-free and friendly approach. I'm very patient and motivated. I develop tailor made lessons on your personal needs and difficulties. Become easily conversational, put grammar into practice, start learning from real life. No worries, together we will learn Italian quickly and easily without any boredom:-) I can guide my students in a step-by-step discovery of Italy and Italian. You can choose the frequency and program's length based on your goals. I can also support you for your exam CELI/CILS or your Italian driving license test. Teaching materials are included in the price of the lesson. I use a wide range of different materials: from language books extracts to cards, toys to grammar units, audio, video, songs, pictures... everything that can help you to speak Italian fluently. I also develop teaching materials by my-self, in order to really tailor the lesson on my students. Don't hesitate to ask me for references about me from my previous students. A presto
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Verona (Veneto)
Learning made Simple. Learning is easier than ever with Italiano.corsi.online. Students can enjoy a magical learning process based on their own needs and level of expertise. ? My goal is to make it simple and convenient for you to acquire new skills, wherever you are. It’s time for you to take learning into your own hands and expand your potential:) I am a qualified teacher with a lot of experience and passion for teaching and learning. I will help you learn Italian or improve your level! Italian - Such a beautiful language:) in a country that, despite its paradoxes, is really really rich in Beauty:) Spero di poter parlare in italiano con voi molto presto. Do not hesitate to get in touch! Davide;) tel. 0039 346 5217778 italiano.corsi.skype ?N.B. LEZIONE DI PROVA GRATUITA (For Free) INCONTRO conoscitivo GRATUITO di circa 40 minuti. Non esitare a contattarmi!:)
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Milano (Lombardia)
Ciao a tutti, sono Sabrina! Sono un'insegnante di Italiano e lingue straniere laureata in Lingue, Culture, Letterature Moderne Europee e specializzata in Lingue Moderne per la comunicazione e cooperazione internazionale. Offro supporto linguistico a studenti ed adulti che vorrebbero imparare italiano o sostenere corsi finalizzati alle certificazioni linguistiche. Hi everybody, I'm Sabrina! I'm an italian teacher for erasmus and foreign students that want to improve and learn italian language.
12 €
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Torino (Piemonte)
Would you like to learn or improve your Italian? I'm an Italian Language teacher and I'm waiting for you!
20 €
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Salerno (Campania)
Hai necessità o voglia di imparare/ migliorare l'italiano? Se cerchi una persona preparata e con esperienza nell'insegnamento della lingua sono a tua disposizione! Svolgo da anni lezioni a studenti di diverse lingue madri (francese, inglese, russo, rumeno, ecc.), personalizzando le lezioni e il percorso in base ad esigenze e ritmo di apprendimento di ognuno! Non esitare a contattarmi! KEEP CALM AND....IMPARA TRANQUILLO L'ITALIANO! Do you need to learn / improve Italian? If you are looking for a person trained and experienced in teaching I am here to help you! I have been teaching students of different native languages ??(French, English, Russian, Romanian, etc.) for years, customizing the lessons according to everyone's needs and way of learning! Do not hesitate to contact me! KEEP CALM AND.... LEARN ITALIAN!
13 €
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Parma (Emilia Romagna)
Ciao! Mi chiamo Arianna e sono un’insegnante di italiano madrelingua. Puoi contattarmi se vuoi imparare o perfezionare il tuo italiano oppure se devi preparare esami o certificazioni linguistiche, e desideri svolgere lezioni personalizzate stando comodamente a casa. Ti offro infatti la possibilità di svolgere lezioni a distanza (tramite Skype, Zoom o altra piattaforma a tua scelta). Ho conseguito a pieni voti una laurea triennale in Mediazione Linguistica Interculturale (Università di Bologna) e una laurea magistrale in Linguistica (Università di Padova). Ho più di cinque anni di esperienza come insegnate di italiano per stranieri (adulti), inoltre ho lavorato per un anno scolastico come lettrice di italiano in una scuola spagnola (media e superiore). Ho esperienza nella didattica a distanza e in presenza. Sono disponibile per lezioni a distanza, individuali o a piccoli gruppi. Parlo anche inglese, francese e spagnolo. Possiamo concordare prezzi scontati per gruppi e/o pacchetti di lezioni. Non esitare a contattarmi per ulteriori informazioni (solo mail o Whatsapp). ________________________________ Hello! My name is Arianna and I teach Italian language. I have a 5 years’ experience in this field. You can contact me if you want to learn Italian or improve your knowledge. I can offer you online customized lessons (on Skype, Zoom…). Contact me for more details! ________________________________ Salut ! Je m'appelle Arianna et j’enseigne l’italien. J’ai une expérience de 5 ans dans le secteur. Tu peux me contacter si tu as envie d'apprendre l'italien ou si tu désires progresser. Je te propose des cours en ligne personnalisés (sur Skype, Zoom…) N’hésite pas à m'écrire pour plus d'informations ! ________________________________ ¡Hola! Me llamo Arianna y enseño italiano. Tengo 5 años de experiencia en este campo. Puedes contactarme si te gustaría aprender el italiano o mejorar tu conocimiento. Te propongo clases en línea personalizadas (en Skype, Zoom…). Si quieres más informaciones, ¡escríbeme!
20 €
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Roma (Lazio)
Lezioni di Inglese online, individuali o in gruppo di un ora. Madrelingua Inglese, Sud Africana. Migliora il tuo inglese o inizia ora ad imparare con delle buone basi con un metodo facile. Le lezioni saranno affiancate da materiale semplice da capire, esercizi di scrittura e molta pratica. Buon livello di Italiano se necessario. English lessons online. I am a native English speaker. Fluent in Italian. Would you like to learn or improve your English? Learning made easy with lots of written, listening and speaking practice.
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