Light up the inside of the boat
Elenco delle migliori vendite light up the inside of the boat

Italia (Tutte le città)
Bateau phare (Light Vessel LV94 de 1939 - initialement au Port d’Amsterdam), transformé en ERP (Etablissement recevant du public - de 4eme cat (300 pax) et en standby sur le Port de SETE (France) Le bateau a été entièrement restauré en 2018 – 2020 (conformité sécurité publique) et a déjà participé au centenaire Georges BRASSENS en 2021 sur la ville de SETE / France. Le dernier sondage coque a été réalisé en Décembre 2016 par la COMEX nucléaire. Les aménagements du bateaux sont neufs. Un restaurant 70 places intérieures + surpont bar évènementiel et restauration 80 pers + Salle de concert 150 places debouts et un bar, terrasse avant bar desserte. Le Bateau RAZZLE est vendu hors équipement cuisine, lumières et son (en loc). Phare, mâts et superstructure terrasse pont démontable Les papiers de conformité sont Français (européen); le bateau phare est visitable sur le Port de SETE, mais en cas d’acquisition, devra quitter le Port. Le bateau a déjà été remorqué d’Amsterdam à Marseille en 2017. Le bateau est toujours sous immatriculation des pays bas et possède tous les papiers règlementaires français pour recevoir du public.
English Lightship (Light Vessel LV94 of 1939 - initially at the Port of Amsterdam), transformed into ERP (Establishment receiving the public - 4th cat (300 pax) and standby on the Port of SETE (France) The boat was completely restored in 2018 – 2020 (public safety compliance) and has already participated in the centenary Georges BRASSENS in 2021 on the city of SETE / France. The last hull sounding was carried out in December 2016 by the nuclear COMEX. The facilities of the boat are new. A restaurant 70 seats inside + overdeck event bar and catering 80 people + Concert hall 150 standing places and a bar, Terrace before bar served. The RAZZLE boat is sold excluding kitchen, lights and sound equipment (in loc). Lighthouse, masts and removable deck terrace superstructure The conformity papers are French (European); the lightship can be visited on the Port of SETE, but in case of acquisition, will have to leave the Port. The boat has already been towed from Amsterdam to Marseille in 2017. The boat is still under registration of the Netherlands and has all the French regulatory papers to receive the public.
Italiano Lightship (Light Vessel LV94 del 1939 - inizialmente al porto di Amsterdam), trasformata in ERP (Stabilimento che riceve il pubblico - 4 ° gatto (300 pax) e standby sul porto di SETE (Francia) La barca è stata completamente restaurata nel 2018 – 2020 (conformità alla sicurezza pubblica) e ha già partecipato al centenario Georges BRASSENS nel 2021 sulla città di SETE / Francia. L'ultimo sondaggio dello scafo è stato effettuato nel dicembre 2016 dal COMEX nucleare. Le strutture della barca sono nuove. Un ristorante 70 posti all'interno + bar per eventi sul ponte e catering 80 persone + sala concerti 150 posti in piedi e un bar, Terrazza prima del bar servito. La barca RAZZLE è venduta esclusa cucina, luci e apparecchiature audio (in loc). Faro, alberi e sovrastruttura della terrazza del ponte rimovibile I documenti di conformità sono francesi (europei); la nave faro può essere visitata sul Porto di SETE, ma in caso di acquisizione, dovrà lasciare il Porto. La barca è già stata rimorchiata da Amsterdam a Marsiglia nel 2017. La barca è ancora in fase di registrazione dei Paesi Bassi e ha tutti i documenti normativi francesi per ricevere il pubblico.
Deutsch Feuerschiff (Leichtes Schiff LV94 von 1939 - zunächst im Hafen von Amsterdam), umgewandelt in ERP (Einrichtung für die Öffentlichkeit - 4. Kat (300 Personen) und Standby im Hafen von SETE (Frankreich) Das Boot wurde in den Jahren 2018 – 2020 komplett restauriert (Einhaltung der öffentlichen Sicherheit) und hat bereits 2021 am hundertjährigen Jubiläum von Georges BRASSENS auf der Stadt SETE / Frankreich teilgenommen. Die letzte Rumpfsondierung wurde im Dezember 2016 von der nuklearen COMEX durchgeführt. Die Einrichtungen des Bootes sind neu. Ein Restaurant mit 70 Sitzplätzen im Inneren + Eventbar und Catering über dem Deck 80 Personen + Konzertsaal mit 150 Stehplätzen und einer Bar, Terrasse vor Bar serviert. Das RAZZLE-Boot wird ohne Küche, Licht und Tontechnik (vor Ort) verkauft. Leuchtturm, Masten und abnehmbarer Deckterrassenaufbau Die Konformitätspapiere sind französisch (europäisch); Das Feuerschiff kann im Hafen von SETE besichtigt werden, muss aber im Falle eines Erwerbs den Hafen verlassen. Das Boot wurde bereits 2017 von Amsterdam nach Marseille geschleppt. Das Boot ist immer noch in den Niederlanden registriert und verfügt über alle französischen Zulassungspapiere, um die Öffentlichkeit zu empfangen.
Español Lightship (Light Vessel LV94 de 1939 - inicialmente en el Puerto de Amsterdam), transformado en ERP (Establecimiento de recepción del público - 4º cat (300 pax) y standby en el Puerto de SETE (Francia) El barco fue completamente restaurado en 2018 – 2020 (cumplimiento de seguridad pública) y ya ha participado en el centenario Georges BRASSENS en 2021 en la ciudad de SETE / Francia. El último sondeo del casco se llevó a cabo en diciembre de 2016 por el COMEX nuclear. Las instalaciones del barco son nuevas. Un restaurante 70 asientos en el interior + bar de eventos sobre cubierta y catering para 80 personas + sala de conciertos 150 lugares de pie y un bar, Terraza antes de bar servida. El barco RAZZLE se vende excluyendo cocina, luces y equipos de sonido (in loc). Faro, mástiles y cubierta desmontable superestructura de terraza Los documentos de conformidad son franceses (europeos); el faro se puede visitar en el Puerto de SETE, pero en caso de adquisición, tendrá que abandonar el Puerto. El barco ya ha sido remolcado de Ámsterdam a Marsella en 2017. El barco todavía está bajo registro de los Países Bajos y tiene todos los documentos regulatorios franceses para recibir al público.
Россию Lightship (легкое судно LV94 1939 года - первоначально в порту Амстердама), преобразованный в ERP (Учреждение, принимающее публику - 4-й кат (300 человек) и резервный в порту SETE (Франция) Лодка была полностью отреставрирована в 2018–2020 годах (соответствие требованиям общественной безопасности) и уже участвовала в столетнем юбилее Жоржа БРАССЕНСА в 2021 году на городе SETE/Франция. Последнее зондирование корпуса было проведено в декабре 2016 года атомным COMEX. Оснащение лодки новое. Ресторан на 70 мест внутри + бар на выезде и кейтеринг на 80 человек + концертный зал на 150 стоячих мест и бар, Терраса перед баром обслуживается. Лодка RAZZLE продается без учета кухонного, светового и звукового оборудования (in loc). Маяк, мачты и съемная надстройка палубной террасы Документы о соответствии являются французскими (европейскими); Маяк можно посетить в порту SETE, но в случае приобретения, придется покинуть порт. Лодка уже была отбуксирована из Амстердама в Марсель в 2017 году. Лодка все еще находится на регистрации в Нидерландах и имеет все французские нормативные документы для приема публики.
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[product name]: vehicle mounted air pump product size]: About12*6.5*16cm[product material]:ABS[product weight]: gross weight (about)0.7kg[power line length]: About285Cm [product packaging]: color box packaging color box size170*80*155mm[MAXAir pressure]:150psi[rated voltage]:DC12(V)[MAXCurrent: less than10A[inflation time]:5-8min[inflation flow rate]:35L/min,[product features]:1This machine is suitable for12VAutomobile tire,2Also suitable for motorcycles, bicycles, ball games, rubber boats, beach floating beds, inflatable toys, etc.3When you go to work on the highway, in the field or in the morning, if the tire leaks suddenly or the tire is injected, it can be used as first aid.4The correct tire pressure can ensure driving safety and save gasoline. It can be used with the car in case of emergency.5It is equipped with a complete set of inflation nozzles, which can be used to inflate tires, rubber boats, air cushions, inflatable toys, balls and other purposes. [instructions for use]:1Insert the air nozzle on the rubber pipe head directly into the tire valve. When the sound of air leakage from the tire is heard, it indicates that the air is in circulation. Continue to tighten the air nozzle, and the air will no longer leak out.2, insertDC12VIn the cigarette lighter3When inflation occurs, the indicator of the meter rises with the saturation degree of the tire. When the pointer reaches the appropriate tire pressure (the tire pressure of general passenger car tire is 0223kpa=35PSI)Take out the plug and air nozzle to complete the work.4Please use the professional ball needle and plastic nozzle equipped with the machine to connect with the air nozzle to inflate the ball and other air equipment. [precautions]:1It is not allowed to inflate the tires of large and overweight vehicles, such as trucks, trucks, container trucks, etc;2When using, please start the car engine to enhance the power without consuming the battery power;3This machine is limited to DC(DC12V)Power supply, do not use household high voltage AC(AC220V)Power supply;4When inflating, please work continuously10Shut down in minutes10Minutes of cooling to prevent damage to the air pump and accessories, and to extend the life of the motor. When the rubber boat is inflated, it can work continuously30minute;5When the general tire is inflated, it is about3-5Minutes away30PSIIf the tire pressure is normal, the large tire will take a longer time; for example, when the inflation starts, the pointer of the meter will quickly rise to50-100PSI, it means that the air is blocked and the air does not enter the tire. At this time, it is necessary to pull off the air nozzle connector immediately and operate again, otherwise the motor and instrument are easy to be damaged.6When using, do not leave the body, pay attention to the tire pressure at any time, and do not be too saturated;7After the machine is used, the air mouth wrench must be straightened to avoid the rubber elasticity fatigue inside;8If the air pump doesn't start, please open the plug to check and replace it10A);9The machine should be protected from dampness, heavy fall and sand and mud invasion, so as to avoid children's playing with it to avoid damage;10The pressure required for each tire is different. Please refer to the label on the side of the tire or ask the manufacturer
21,78 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
New 35GT. She is in a beautiful color anthracite metallic. This boat has a lot of new features and is the perfect day boat. There is also a large cabin for afternoon naps and a separate toilet. Beautiful large aluminum hardtop painted in the same color as the hull with electric sunshade on remote control, large teak table hidden under the bench seat, electr. Table bow, electric grill, 2 fridges, Fusion sound system, LED lighting in cockpit and hardtop, in 4 different colors, C-zone, electric anchor winch with SS anchor. Axius joystick system with skyhook, etc.. The Lumishore LUX LED lighting system adds a whole new dimension to your time on the water. Using the controls at the helm, you can select any color and set it to respond to your music. Multiple zones can light up the inside of the boat.
2x Mercruiser V8 6,2L DTS 350HP SEACORE Bravo III Joystick system
Skyhook - Digital anchor
Charcoal anthracite metallic yachtpaint with black stripe
GT Hard top in hull color with LED lighting, speakers and motorized sun shade
Toffee vinyl interior cockpit - contrast stiching black
2x Multifuction electronics display 10/" with c-zone
Skyhook positioning system
Seakeeper Ride system
Stainless steel anchor with electr. windlass
VHF radio with antenna
Premium upgraded Audio system with subwoofer and upgraded speakers
Cockpit galley with sink, second refrigerator b'&' grill
Battery charger 220volt with shore-power cable
Flooring woven seagrass /"Pebble/"
Macerator pump to empty wastetank
Air compressor with storage rack
Fenderclips 6x
Cockpit b'&' bow cover beige
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The 20m motor yacht ST. ANNA, from Sea Ray popular L650 Fly series, was produced in 2016. Great condition both inside and outside, was used as a day-boat, 2 x Seakeeper stabilizers and a wide range of options. The boat is highly recommended for viewing. The best option on the market!
The main deck aft is a spacious entertainment area with open-air dining shaded by the overhang. Aft is steps lead down either side to a hydraulic swim platform with deck shower.
On the flybridge varied seating arrangements and sunbathing areas create a relaxed lounge. Under the hardtop with a movable section is a spacious outdoor dining table.
There is a relaxing main deck lounge, with huge windows enlarging the space, a well-equipped galley and dining area. ST. ANNA welcomes 8 guests in 4 suites including a full-beam owner’s suite with a dressing room. A VIP bow cabin and two identical twin cabins complete her family friendly accommodation. There is also a crew cabin.
Powered by twin Caterpillar C18 1150hp diesel engines, ST. ANNA has 590 engine hours.
Engines: 2*Caterpillar C18A (1150 HP), Total Power: 2300 HP29kW Cummins Onan marine diesel generator2 x Seakeeper stabilizersWilliams 325 Turbojet tenderBow b'&' Stern hydraulic thrustersAir conditioning / heating upgraded to tropicalHardtop - fiberglass with opening skylightUpgraded navigation equipment, including:Navigation center based Raymarine Axiom x4RadarRaymarine fish finder and network cameras - cockpit b'&' flybridgeFully upgraded safety equipment for 12 persons on board.Windlass system to stern (1 to port b'&' 1 to starboard)Dishwasher, Washing machine + DryerTeak cockpit and side decksElectro-hydraulic passerelle - telescoping envelope styleCrew cabin - twin bedsWood flooringGrill in cockpitUnderwater transom lights x 4Painted hull: Brazilian Brown
Alex Pizano
Phone/WA: +33 6 83 61 18 69
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The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice. Please note this vessel should only be offered for sale on a discreet basis to qualified buyers. Mass mailing, third party brokers websites, advertising, social media or other media publicity are all strictly prohibited.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Beneteau First 40 is a stylish and performance-oriented sailboat, designed for both the passionate racing sailor and the cruising enthusiast seeking speed and comfort. This 12-meter long cruiser-racer combines high-quality materials with excellent sailing characteristics, offering a perfect balance between sporty performance and comfortable cruising. The First 40 is equipped with a well-thought-out rigging and a spacious deck, making her easy to handle, even with a smaller crew. With her modern hull design, developed by Farr Yacht Design, she delivers impressive speed and stability in both light and heavy wind conditions. Inside, you’ll find a sleek and functional interior, with plenty of natural light and high-quality finishes. Accommodating up to six people, she features spacious berths, a well-equipped galley, and a comfortable saloon, ideal for extended voyages. The combination of practical luxury and sailing performance makes this Beneteau an attractive choice for sailors looking for the best of both worlds.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 powered by a Yamaha F150 mechanical control outboard engine.
First launched in 2018. Presented in good condition throughout. Well configured with the following specification:
* 2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795.* Yamaha F150 DETX – mechanical control outboard engine (473 hours).* Premiere Pack. (opening roof hatch, aft cockpit cushions, two windscreen wipers, screen wash, sliding side windows, cockpit shower).* Garmin echoMap UHD 95 sv GPS chartplotter and fishfinder* Electric anchor windlass.* Anchor and mooring kit.* U-shaped cockpit saloon with table and sundeck conversion.* Swim platforms with teak.* Bow thruster.* Shore power and battery charger.* Luxury galley with gas hob and gas bottle.* Fridge.* Twin batteries.* Curtains.* Sea toilet.* Antifouling.
Further details and photos to follow.
* National or international delivery available.
* Trade in available - valuations on request.
The Merry Fisher 795 adopts a dynamic and rewarding design, both inside and out. All the innovations of the recent Merry Fisher 695 can be found onboard, plus many more!
With a lot of light, the Merry Fisher 795 combines a new dynamic profile with a large number of innovations to improve on-board comfort and to ensure that it remains the market reference.
Designed with family cruising in mind, the Merry Fisher 795 features a large aft cockpit with plenty of seating arranged in a sociable U-shape with a large central table. Inside the sliding doors there is a wide and accessible walkway down the centre, a dinette with seating for four to the portside and the well-appointed galley to the starboard side.
The helm is well designed with lots of space for the array of electronics and control. The steering is hydraulic and the engine controls are electronic, for simple operation. Included is a 9/" Garmin touchscreen GPS chartplotter and fishfinder, and a Garmin VHF radio with DSC and AIS. To hand are the bow thruster controls, engine display and all other control switches.
In the bow is a good sized heads compartment with a door, sea toilet and sink, forward is a double berth.
BHG Marine are part of the Berthon Boat Company group. Situated within Berthon Lymington Marina on the Lymington River, we have a wealth of services and facilities within our 20-acre site.
Visit our sales office and showroom to see a wide range of new and used powerboats and yacht tenders. Specialising in Jeanneau powerboats, Zodiac and AB RIBs, inflatables and yacht tenders, Linder aluminium boats, Yamaha outboard engines, davit systems, Propguards and much more.
With such a large boatyard and a 300 deep water berth marina, we are well facilitated to not only help you buy your boat, but also find it a home with the best facilities to make ownership simple.
BHG Marine was originally founded in 1947 and has a long-standing, and leading, presence in the outboard-powered powerboat market. Berthon has been synonymous with yacht services and yacht building since 1877, and as a result, we have a combined wealth of knowledge and experience that is rivaled by no other.
With 100 skilled craftsmen, at modern boatyard facilities in Lymington, Hampshire, BHG Marine and Berthon have the ability to deal with all aspects of yacht and motor boat repairs, refits, maintenance and servicing. We also project manage yacht and boat construction or fit-out projects of the highest quality.
At our Lymington boatyard, the dedication to providing the best marine services is key to the yard’s success; we constantly invest in new equipment and carry out very regular lean management exercise to ensure the utmost efficiency as well as operating an award-winning apprenticeship scheme which embraces modern technology whilst allowing many of our craftsmen who have been with us throughout their working life to pass on their skills and best practices.
We pride ourselves on our very comprehensive handovers and training with our own technically skilled boat handlers. We ensure you are confident in handling the boat, as well as using all systems onboard and the correct maintenance.
BHG Marine can also arrange for your boat to be delivered anywhere in the UK and Europe, making sure it's shrinkwrapped and carefully prepared for the journey.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 powered by a Yamaha F150 mechanical control outboard engine.
First launched in 2018. Presented in good condition throughout. Well configured with the following specification:
* 2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795.* Yamaha F150 DETX – mechanical control outboard engine (473 hours).* Premiere Pack. (opening roof hatch, aft cockpit cushions, two windscreen wipers, screen wash, sliding side windows, cockpit shower).* Garmin echoMap UHD 95 sv GPS chartplotter and fishfinder* Electric anchor windlass.* Anchor and mooring kit.* U-shaped cockpit saloon with table and sundeck conversion.* Swim platforms with teak.* Bow thruster.* Shore power and battery charger.* Luxury galley with gas hob and gas bottle.* Fridge.* Twin batteries.* Curtains.* Sea toilet.* Antifouling.
Further details and photos to follow.
* National or international delivery available.
* Trade in available - valuations on request.
The Merry Fisher 795 adopts a dynamic and rewarding design, both inside and out. All the innovations of the recent Merry Fisher 695 can be found onboard, plus many more!
With a lot of light, the Merry Fisher 795 combines a new dynamic profile with a large number of innovations to improve on-board comfort and to ensure that it remains the market reference.
Designed with family cruising in mind, the Merry Fisher 795 features a large aft cockpit with plenty of seating arranged in a sociable U-shape with a large central table. Inside the sliding doors there is a wide and accessible walkway down the centre, a dinette with seating for four to the portside and the well-appointed galley to the starboard side.
The helm is well designed with lots of space for the array of electronics and control. The steering is hydraulic and the engine controls are electronic, for simple operation. Included is a 9/" Garmin touchscreen GPS chartplotter and fishfinder. To hand are the bow thruster controls, engine display and all other control switches.
In the bow is a good sized heads compartment with a door, sea toilet and sink, forward is a double berth.
BHG Marine are part of the Berthon Boat Company group. Situated within Berthon Lymington Marina on the Lymington River, we have a wealth of services and facilities within our 20-acre site.
Visit our sales office and showroom to see a wide range of new and used powerboats and yacht tenders. Specialising in Jeanneau powerboats, Zodiac and AB RIBs, inflatables and yacht tenders, Linder aluminium boats, Yamaha outboard engines, davit systems, Propguards and much more.
With such a large boatyard and a 300 deep water berth marina, we are well facilitated to not only help you buy your boat, but also find it a home with the best facilities to make ownership simple.
BHG Marine was originally founded in 1947 and has a long-standing, and leading, presence in the outboard-powered powerboat market. Berthon has been synonymous with yacht services and yacht building since 1877, and as a result, we have a combined wealth of knowledge and experience that is rivaled by no other.
With 100 skilled craftsmen, at modern boatyard facilities in Lymington, Hampshire, BHG Marine and Berthon have the ability to deal with all aspects of yacht and motor boat repairs, refits, maintenance and servicing. We also project manage yacht and boat construction or fit-out projects of the highest quality.
At our Lymington boatyard, the dedication to providing the best marine services is key to the yard’s success; we constantly invest in new equipment and carry out very regular lean management exercise to ensure the utmost efficiency as well as operating an award-winning apprenticeship scheme which embraces modern technology whilst allowing many of our craftsmen who have been with us throughout their working life to pass on their skills and best practices.
We pride ourselves on our very comprehensive handovers and training with our own technically skilled boat handlers. We ensure you are confident in handling the boat, as well as using all systems onboard and the correct maintenance.
BHG Marine can also arrange for your boat to be delivered anywhere in the UK and Europe, making sure it's shrinkwrapped and carefully prepared for the journey.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 powered by a Yamaha F150 mechanical control outboard engine.
First launched in 2018. Presented in good condition throughout. Well configured with the following specification:
* 2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795.* Yamaha F150 DETX – mechanical control outboard engine (473 hours).* Premiere Pack. (opening roof hatch, aft cockpit cushions, two windscreen wipers, screen wash, sliding side windows, cockpit shower).* Garmin echoMap UHD 95 sv GPS chartplotter and fishfinder* Electric anchor windlass.* Anchor and mooring kit.* U-shaped cockpit saloon with table and sundeck conversion.* Swim platforms with teak.* Bow thruster.* Shore power and battery charger.* Luxury galley with gas hob and gas bottle.* Fridge.* Twin batteries.* Curtains.* Sea toilet.* Antifouling.
Further details and photos to follow.
* National or international delivery available.
* Trade in available - valuations on request.
The Merry Fisher 795 adopts a dynamic and rewarding design, both inside and out. All the innovations of the recent Merry Fisher 695 can be found onboard, plus many more!
With a lot of light, the Merry Fisher 795 combines a new dynamic profile with a large number of innovations to improve on-board comfort and to ensure that it remains the market reference.
Designed with family cruising in mind, the Merry Fisher 795 features a large aft cockpit with plenty of seating arranged in a sociable U-shape with a large central table. Inside the sliding doors there is a wide and accessible walkway down the centre, a dinette with seating for four to the portside and the well-appointed galley to the starboard side.
The helm is well designed with lots of space for the array of electronics and control. The steering is hydraulic and the engine controls are electronic, for simple operation. Included is a 9/" Garmin touchscreen GPS chartplotter and fishfinder. To hand are the bow thruster controls, engine display and all other control switches.
In the bow is a good sized heads compartment with a door, sea toilet and sink, forward is a double berth.
BHG Marine are part of the Berthon Boat Company group. Situated within Berthon Lymington Marina on the Lymington River, we have a wealth of services and facilities within our 20-acre site.
Visit our sales office and showroom to see a wide range of new and used powerboats and yacht tenders. Specialising in Jeanneau powerboats, Zodiac and AB RIBs, inflatables and yacht tenders, Linder aluminium boats, Yamaha outboard engines, davit systems, Propguards and much more.
With such a large boatyard and a 300 deep water berth marina, we are well facilitated to not only help you buy your boat, but also find it a home with the best facilities to make ownership simple.
BHG Marine was originally founded in 1947 and has a long-standing, and leading, presence in the outboard-powered powerboat market. Berthon has been synonymous with yacht services and yacht building since 1877, and as a result, we have a combined wealth of knowledge and experience that is rivaled by no other.
With 100 skilled craftsmen, at modern boatyard facilities in Lymington, Hampshire, BHG Marine and Berthon have the ability to deal with all aspects of yacht and motor boat repairs, refits, maintenance and servicing. We also project manage yacht and boat construction or fit-out projects of the highest quality.
At our Lymington boatyard, the dedication to providing the best marine services is key to the yard’s success; we constantly invest in new equipment and carry out very regular lean management exercise to ensure the utmost efficiency as well as operating an award-winning apprenticeship scheme which embraces modern technology whilst allowing many of our craftsmen who have been with us throughout their working life to pass on their skills and best practices.
We pride ourselves on our very comprehensive handovers and training with our own technically skilled boat handlers. We ensure you are confident in handling the boat, as well as using all systems onboard and the correct maintenance.
BHG Marine can also arrange for your boat to be delivered anywhere in the UK and Europe, making sure it's shrinkwrapped and carefully prepared for the journey.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Boat location: Wanssum / The Netherlands
This VAT paid April 2000 delivered Riva 70 Dolce Vita comes fully packed with exceptional options for an even more exceptional price and in good condition. Many upgrades after purchase by her second owner.
This just is a spectacular yacht and most likely the only example sailing the Dutch waters. Due to her location she benefits of having rare extra’s as a completely new (2020) Kabola HR central water heating system that has been seamless integrated with her full air-conditioning system. Furthermore a large Victron Quattro 24/5000/120 inverter/charger combination with digital remote control.
This last option enables you to limit the shore power to any desired value.
Once you have foot on deck you instantly sense the quality and feeling only a brand like Riva can produce. Her saloon provides ample space and light throughout, a very comfy dinette is placed on starboard opposite of the luxurious helm position with teak flooring preventing dirt entering when coming from deck trough her huge side-door.
Behind you find the large saloon with crème leather upholstery and a on starboard side placed cabinet packed with storage, tv, bose sound system etc. A large cabinet with the original Riva cutlery and crockery is found directly near the corridor that leads to her full beam super huge galley.
The accommodation on board is a typical 6 plus crew layout in a king size double and super-sized double twin with en suite facilities.
Twin large electric stern winches are covered by a full teak cover that also can be used as stern side seats. A 350kg Besenzoni hydraulic crane is found under an electric operated lid that also houses the electric powered cable drum for the Riva’s shore power cable and little storage for cleaning items. Furthermore you find a hydraulic Besenzoni gangway in a cassette that slides nearly invisible below deck. Solid teak decks, original Riva wooden table and foldable super sturdy polished Riva chairs can convert her cockpit to a dining for eight.
Under the starboard cockpit seat is the entrance to a very fancy crew cabin with twin beds, a large shower, sink and own head. In 2020 a new Waeco fridge has been installed for the comfort of her permanent crew.
Owners cabin:
The owners cabin has been refitted with new alcantara headliners just weeks ago and for her king size bed a special mattress was produced.
Beautiful lighted lockers are found throughout the master and a very comfortable make up table is integrated.
En suite a very large head with all facilities as shower compartment, wash basin, toilet and bidet are found with the last two beautiful hidden under a grp Riva design lid.
In between Master and guest cabin the central connecting corridor is placed and also functions as super large storage for appliances as for example a vacuum cleaner and other householding items.
Guest cabins:
On both port and starboard there are two ample sized guest cabins, both with own en-suite heads and identical facilities as the Dolce Vita’s Master head.
Optionally the guest cabin twin berth layout can be changed to a double or even two double guest cabins.
Helm position:
On starboard a very well equipped helm station gives you full control of this beautiful Riva, a very nice feature is the remote control that enables full control from wherever you are. Quad digital interfaces powers the MAN engines as well as bow and stern thrusters.
Although the navigation systems are a little outdated the systems work fine and give you all information you need.
Imagine this Riva 70 with all new black flush mounted touch screen panels…
The enormous fully airconditioned and full beam galley is found on the Riva’s full beam and the entrance is located on her starboard side with only 4 steps down.
Very large L-shaped Avonite® worktop with double integrated stainless steel sinks with hot/cold mixer tap and a separate salt water sink and salt water tap.
Bosch 4 zone ceramic HOB
Bosch full size dishwasher
Bosch extractor fan
Bosch full size oven
Bosch 5kg washing machine
Bosch dryer
Bosch R-Class refridgerator American supersize with left opening door
Bosch R-Class refridgerator American supersize with right opening door
Bosch R-Class 3-zone freezer American supersize with left opening door
Bosch R-Class 3-zone freezer American supersize with right opening door
Candy microwave
Literally tons and tons of storage lockers and drawers.
If you can’t make it in this galley, you just can’t cook…!
Fly bridge:
The fly bridge comes with identical instruments as the lower helm position and is furthermore equipped with a wet-bar with sink, fridge and grill.
It also accommodates a large L-shaped settee and sun chairs on the back of her fly.
A complete set of covers as well as a Bimini comes with the yacht.
Forget about the exterior staircase as you find far more comfortable stairs to the fly from inside.
Engine room:
The true masterpiece is found below deck, her engine room!
Once you enter from her electric operated entrance you will notice that time stood still.
After 20 years it is still as it was delivered by Riva. It was just kept very well and very tidy.
All is original except for the 2020 Kabola central heating and the new superheavy Victron Quattro 24/5000/120 inverter/charger.
This Riva 70 Dolce Vita is ready to go anywhere!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Very nice Princess V48
Offered for sale, this very beautiful Princess V48 from the year 2004!
The Princess V48 meets all the requirements of a modern sport cruiser; large cockpit, sun beds fore and aft, dinghy garage, hardtop with sunroof, powerful diesel engines, spacious accommodations inside and out and much more. She offers great performance, easy handling and excellent seaworthiness.
This vessel is fully equipped, including generator, air conditioning, microwave, 2 refrigerators, autopilot, radar, LED TV. The interior of the V48 is spacious and luxurious, with a large salon with seating for up to eight people, a galley with full, stove and refrigerator/freezer. At the forward end is a full-width master cabin with en suite bathroom. There is also a guest cabin that offers seating and a separate bathroom.
Would you also like to sell your boat? White Whale Yachtbrokers has 11 offices in Europe. We sell your boat simply from your own berth, or from 1 of our sales locations, always at a low brokerage fee. Free advertising on the 30 most relevant and leading websites in Europe including No start-up costs, always no-cure-no-pay and always transparent agreements with no small print!!! Ask us for a proposal for your own yacht without any obligation.
Type interieur: Modern, light;
Kleur stoffering: Grey
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Stock #283867 -
Only 80 photos shown. All 127 photos available on
This 2008 Lakeview is absolutely beautiful, very well maintained and easy to operate with twin engines and a bow thruster that can be controlled from either of the downstairs or flybridge controls
Inside the living area has a very confrontable L-shaped sofa across from the entertainment center with flat-screen TV and soft rope lighting all around
The galley area is spacious and well equipped with a wet bar area with ice maker, dining table and chairs, stove with oven, microwave, fridge/freezer, dishwasher, pantry, plenty of cabinets and counter space
Then the rest of the boat is 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths and a washer/dryer
Up either th... [click /"Watch the video/" under Resource Links to visit our website for full description]
This listing has now been on the market a couple months. Please submit any and all offers today!
Reason for selling is upgrading.
Pop Yachts is a 5-star dealership, consistently given the highest ratings in customer service. Pop Yachts sells more than 1,700 boats/year, through word of mouth, customer referrals and good customer service. Contact Pop Yachts today, describe the perfect boat for you or your family, and you'll see why they are considered the best.
We have several active listings for Sea Ray, Custom, Gibson, and Chris-Craft. If you're in the Hot Springs, Benton, Bryant, or Hot Springs Village areas, please use the form on this page to let me know what you're looking for and I'll get back with you today about any other house boat options we have locally that may meet your needs.
You have questions? We have answers. Call us at (941) 914-9217 to discuss this boat.
Selling your boat has never been easier. At Pop Yachts, we literally sell thousands of units every year all over the country. Call (855) 201-8801 and we'll get started selling your boat today.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
If you’re looking for the perfect day boat, this Quicksilver Activity 555 Open is speedy, stable and a fun option for spending time on the water.
A slightly tinted windshield helps the driver to keep a clear view. For passengers, access to the boat and to the water is smooth and safe. They easily enter the boat from the bow and slide into the water from the large swim platforms at the stern. On the boat, intelligent design and a high freeboard enhance safe circulation.
At the back of the boat, a reclining seat optimizes the available cockpit space and makes it possible to tilt the engine entirely.
The bow’s sun lounge converts into a dining area with an external table in no time. And once you turn off the boat’s engine, you give the pivoting pilot seat a spin to face the rest of the crowd and join in on the conversation. Unless you prefer sports, of course. In that case, mount the ski pole and have fun.
There’s dedicated storage for the ski mast, the stern navigation light and the sun lounge side extensions. Personal belongings can be stored safely underneath the seats. On the bow, there’s permanent access to a console storage, even with the extended sun lounge deployed. The storage with premium finish on the inside protects the exterior table and the cushions from bad weather conditions.
All round she is a well thought out big-little-boat and perfect for a family looking for adventurous days out!
Viewings welcome by appointment in Torquay, Devon, UK
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Bavaria Cruiser 46 /"Pimpinella/"
This Bavaria Cruiser 46 is a smart, comfortable yachtand a pleasure to sail. You are guaranteed an idealmixture of safety, fun and comfort aboard this purposeful46-foot yacht.
The Pimpinella is a 4-cabin sailing yacht Bavaria Cruiser 46 from 2015 for sale near Athens, Greece. S/Y Pimpinella was built in 2015 and is docked in the Olympic Marina of Lavrio (Athens), close to the International Airport.
/"Pimpinella/" is a well-maintained cruiser owned by a Swedish family. They had her in charter management in Athens, Greece. It's the family's second boat in such aprogram. Since day one, the boat has been professionally maintained.
Pimpinella is an excellent boat for a family that wishes to have arguably one of theeasiest and most comfortable cruisers on the market to operate short-handed and tomaintain. Pimpinella is in good condition and has a favourable position and interest in the charter market should you choose to keep her in charter ownership./"
Pimpinella can accommodate up to 10 people in 4 double cabins and a saloon with 2 extra beds and offers 3 toilets with a shower.
This Bavaria Cruiser 46 is ready for you to go! Want to try before you buy? You can also charter her! Just send us a request with the week you want to sail her, and we’ll make you an offer!
Boat equipment includes a rolling mainsail, a sprayhood and bimini, a bow thruster, a new Gennaker from 2022, and deck hardware. The boat also boasts an audio system with outside and inside speakers. The fully equipped galley includes a freezer, oven, cooker, sink, and kitchen utensils.
Key Highlights
ONE OWNER – professionally maintained.
Spacious interior, offering a comfortable living area and amplestorage space
Comfortable accommodation for a larger crew on extendedstays
Good sailing performance and handling characteristicsHigh-quality materials and craftsmanship ensure durability.and longevity
Large cockpit with ample seating and easy access to sailcontrols
For full details about the boat and equipment and more images, please visit our website and download the full brochure here:
Viewing b'&' Pre-SurveyOnline viewing will be possible, and a physical tour can be scheduled by appointment.More Images and Videos on request!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 33i (2012)
Possibility Berth in Saint Laurent Du Var, South of France
A spacious and high-performance sailing yacht that is comfortable both at sea and in port, this 33i (i for injection) offers stylish accommodation inside and out. Fast and seaworthy, this sailboat is a real pleasure to sail with light, reactive steering. Thanks to the cockpit layout, with lines coming back to the cockpit, she is easy to manoeuvre and delivers an exhilarating sailing performance.
Inside, the comfort of the Sun Odyssey 33i shines through a contemporary design brilliantly combining wood and stainless steel. She also boasts high-quality finishes with a functional galley, a real chart table, a welcoming and comfortable saloon as well as a large well-equipped bathroom. Each cabin offers large storage compartments and numerous portholes with sea view.
Only two owners, and meticulously maintained annually. Haul out for Antifoul and anodes June 24.
She is powered by a well-maintained Yanmar 21hp diesel engine with only 600 hours.
The cockpit bimini and dodger offers great shade in the Mediterranean Sun. (Dodger requires new isoglass, canvas work would benefit some new stitching)
A great example not to be missed, the berth is available, a rare opportunity to own a boat with a berth in the South of France...
Voilier spacieux et performant, confortable aussi bien en mer qu'au port, ce 33i (i pour injection) offre un style élégant à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur. Rapide et sûr, ce voilier est un vrai plaisir à conduire, avec sa barre légère et réactive. Grâce au grément centralisé dans le cockpit, le bateau est facile à manœuvrer et offre des performances de navigation exhilarantes.
A l'intérieur, le confort et le design contemporain du Sun Odyssey 33i resplendie avec une alliance de brio entre le bois et l'acier. Le bateau bénéficie également de finitions de qualité avec une cuisine fonctionnelle, une véritable table de navigation, un carré accueillant et confortable ainsi qu'une grande salle de bain bien équipée. Chaque cabine offre des grands rangements et des nombreux hublots avec vue mer.
Deux propriétaires depuis neuf, méticuleusement entretenu annuellement.
Carénage et anodes juin 2024.
Propulsée par un moteur diesel Yanmar de 21 ch avec seulement 600 heures.
Le bimini et le cagnard du cockpit offrent un bel ombrage du soleil méditerranéen.
Pack Bateau et Place de Port possible, très belle opportunité à ne pas manquer, une place de port sur la Cote Azur...
Barca a vela spaziosa ed efficiente, comoda sia in mare che in porto, questo 33i (i per iniezione) offre uno stile elegante degli interni e degli spazi esterni. Veloce e sicura, questa barca a vela è un vero piacere da guidare, con il suo timone leggero e reattivo. Grazie alle manovre centralizzate nel pozzetto, la barca è maneggevole facilmente e offre prestazioni veliche esilaranti.
All'interno, il comfort e il design contemporaneo del Sun Odyssey 33i risplendono con una brillante combinazione di legno e acciaio. La barca gode inoltre di finiture di qualità con una cucina funzionale, un vero tavolo da navigazione, un salone accogliente e confortevole oltre ad un ampio bagno ben attrezzato. Ogni cabina offre ampi ripostigli e numerosi oblò con vista sul mare.
Due proprietari da nuova, mantenuta meticolosamente ogni anno.
Antivegetatie anodi giugno 2024.
Alimentato da un motore diesel Yanmar da 21 CV con sole 600 ore.
Il bimini e il dodger del pozzetto offrono una bellissima ombra dal sole del Mediterraneo.
Possibilità di un pacchetto Barca e Posto Barca, una rara opportunità di possedere una barca con posto barca in Costa Azzurra...
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