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Location manager face

Elenco delle migliori vendite location manager face

  • Questo è un regalo perfetto per un Manager che ama giocare e si considererebbe un giocatore, per festeggiare l'inizio di un nuovo lavoro o carriera
  • Questo dice: Manager Livello sbloccato. È un regalo perfetto per qualcuno che sta iniziando un nuovo lavoro o ha ottenuto una promozione che ama il gioco e funziona come Manager
  • 241 g, taglio classico, collo rinforzato con nastro in twill
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  • Face Lift Tape Invisibile: traspiranti e delicati sulla pelle, pieni di elasticità e il nastro è impermeabile e resistente al sudore, nessun carico sulla pelle. Il nastro per il lifting del viso è progettato per sollevare istantaneamente la pelle cadente intorno al viso, sollevare e rassodare efficacemente il viso, snellendo il mento e il viso.
  • Face Lifting Adesivi: il nastro per il lifting del viso è invisibile e traspirante, il che potrebbe segretamente cambiare il tuo viso con un effetto meraviglioso. È completamente invisibile e sicuramente non noterai il tuo nastro.
  • Instant Face Lift Stickers: il nastro per il lifting del viso è progettato per fornire un sollevamento istantaneo delle imperfezioni della pelle intorno all'area del viso. Farà un sollevamento istantaneo del tuo viso e renderà anche il contorno del tuo viso più evidente.
  • Facile da Usare: assicurati che non ci sia trucco sul viso prima dell'uso. Un lato adesivo viene quindi applicato su due punti della pelle a tua scelta per unirli finalmente, ottenendo un effetto tensore.
  • Buona Scelta: puoi indossarlo a matrimoni, lavoro, feste, modelli, scattare foto, ecc. Quando partecipi ad occasioni importanti. Gli effetti viso snello durano tutto il giorno.
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  • Materiale di alta qualità: Traspirante e delicato sulla pelle. Pieno di elasticità e il nastro è impermeabile e resistente al sudore, nessun peso per la pelle.
  • Beautiful face contour: Il nastro per il lifting del viso è progettato per fornire un sollevamento istantaneo sulle imperfezioni della pelle intorno all'area del viso. Farà un sollevamento istantaneo per il tuo viso e renderà anche più evidente il contorno del tuo viso.
  • Adesivo invisibile: Il nastro per il lifting del viso è invisibile e traspirante, che potrebbe cambiare il tuo viso segretamente con un effetto meraviglioso. È completamente invisibile e sicuramente non noterà il tuo nastro.
  • Facile da usare: Assicurati di non avere il trucco sul viso prima dell'uso. Mantenere il viso pulito e asciutto prima di utilizzare il nastro lifting sul mento. Quindi, un lato adesivo applicato a due posizioni della pelle a tua scelta per avvicinarle alla fine, ottenendo un effetto tensore.
  • Buona scelta: Quando partecipi a occasioni importanti, a patto che lo metti segretamente sul viso prima di truccarti, solleva immediatamente la forma del viso, crea il viso a forma di V, ti fa diventare più affascinante.
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Bergamo (Lombardia)
Manager information tecnology cerca hostess, ragazze immagine, modelle e fotomodelle anche non professioniste da inserire in un sito on line gratuitamente per proporre via web social (facebook, instagram, pinterest, tik tok, linkedin,snapchat ecc) ad agenzie, locali, aziende su tutti il territorio nazionale ed estero. Cerca inoltre fotografi per foto studio e location luxury.
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Acerra (Campania)
FutuurEnergy S.r.l., Azienda Energetica Nazionale, seleziona ed assume per propria filiale di Napoli. Manager Store. Che in concomitanza con l'azienda, definisca location e staff per nuova apertura Store. Il candidato ideale, deve avere le capacita di formare una rete vendita per lo Store, che possano far conoscere, la nostra azienda, sul territorio di interesse. Condividendo strategie e obbiettivi con l'azienda. Network: Che in concomitanza con l'azienda, definisca location e staff per nuova apertura Ufficio. Il candidato ideale, deve avere le capacita di formare una rete vendita per l'ufficio, che possano far conoscere, la nostra azienda, sul territorio di interesse. Condividendo strategie e obbiettivi con l'azienda. Coach: Che in concomitanza con il Network, sia in grado una rete vendita. Il candidato ideale, deve avere le capacita di formare e gestire, sul campo, una rete vendita per l'ufficio. Proponendo, i nostri prodotti, sul territorio di interesse. Condividendo strategie e obbiettivi con il Network. Agenti: Che in concomitanza con il Coach, siano in grado di proporre, i prodotti aziendali, sul territorio di interesse. Condividendo strategie e obbiettivi con il Coach. Avendo, in questo modo, serie opportunità di crescita. Avviandosi ad una carriera, interna, di vero successo, sia professionale che economica. Si richiede: - Esperienza pluriennale nelle vendite di beni e servizi - Esperienza nella gestione - Capacità di analisi di costi - Visione e orientamento al business Si offre: - Store di prestigio - Prodotti e servizi attesi dal mercato - Guadagni di sicuro interesse - Formazione e affiancamento nella fase di Star-up e continuo L'esistenza di una rete commerciale già strutturata assumerà carattere di referenziale.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_PAYROLL_TEAM_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_175567520.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_PAYROLL_TEAM_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_175567520.htm SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Padova (Veneto)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln TO APPLY: gramazio(at)modulogroup.com The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Milano (Lombardia)
Are you: passionate about managing teams? Leading people within a growing project and company? Excited to provide exceptional customer service by motivating your team? If your answer is Yes, then Apply now! For our business in Milan we are currently looking for a Team Manager (male/female), for our e-commerce partner. You’ll join a well-established and high performing project looking to achieve success on our long term strategy. As a Team Manager you’ll be responsible for leading your team to deliver exceptional support to the clients. You will do this by motivating and leading from the front, developing effective measures of coaching, supervision and training regarding the development of your staff. Ensuring optimal compliance with agreements while always putting people first and performing the necessary day to day tasks. Requirements: • Excellent language skills in Italian (C2) and English (C1) • Work experience in team management, ability to motivate and coach team members • Knowledge and experience in customer service (preferably in Outsourcing companies) • Strong administration and organization skills • Very good PC skills - proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office (especially Excel) • Very good analytical skills, productivity with a keen eye for detail • Excellent communication skills & high focus on customer satisfaction • Availability to work on shifts, 5 days a week, Monday to Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Offer: • Excellent reputation as responsible employer; • Modern working environment at an attractive location in Milan with good public transport connection; • A welcoming and inclusive environment; • A team ready to help you develop and grow; • A multinational environment, different nationalities and cultures to work every day. Join us in a vibrant, multi-cultural city center environment. Explore your career possibilities and work on your Personal Development. Above all, enjoy the experience of working with highly prestigious brands! At Majorel, we guarantee compliance with preventive regulations to ensure the care for the safety and health of workers in our facilities or in teleworking. This job opportunity is addressed to both sexes, in accordance with Laws 903/77 and 125/91.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Lead HR point of contact to the Italian business for all operational issues across all departmentsWork closely with all business leaders and HR Corporate TeamLead the recruitment for MilanTo drive the implementation of organization-wide HR initiatives across the businessPoint of escalation for complex disciplinary/grievance and other ER issues, with a deep understanding and experience of managing complex ER situations Coaching business leaders on team management, providing guidance and advice on development, performance management, recruitment, and other people issues.Managing talent and succession planning.Managing Payroll and Benefits for the Italian populationSupport the Reward & Benefits Manager on the annual compensation review process.Oversee all updates to HR policies and ensure they are updated in line with current employment law legislation. Challenging opportunityMultinational CompanyAt least 10 years of experience. Strong interpersonal skills with ability to build relationships/stakeholder managementAbility to work independently and a willingness to learnUtmost discretion when dealing with all sensitive and confidential informationResults and achievement oriented to high standardsCommitted, motivated and passionate Fluent English both oral and writtenOur client is one of the leading global group in the sector.We offer 10 months contract Location: Milan Gross Salary: 60.000-80.000€Salario da 60.000 €/anno a 80.000 €/anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Work on new cloud solutions with IT team and other departments Articulate the benefits of the cloud based architecture to IT team as they move to transform their business Work to balance various aspects of the project, from safety to design Research advanced technology regarding best practices in the field and seek to find cost-effective solutions Responsible for designing systems with company-wide impact Work closely with the IT team to drive projects, design and ensure best practices are applied Improvement/Robustification/Architecture Design of the onboard solutions Development of test protocols and analysis of system results Implementing potential new features Interessante realtà leader nel suo settoreProgetto internazionaleEssential - Degree or bachelor qualified preferably in IT sciences Preferred experience in Retail/GDO Market or in consultancy industry used to work with retail Market Be passionate and proficient in digital cloud Knowledge of applications for the Enterprise Market Experiences in Digital, e-commerce and traditional Market Knowledge of Cloud applications and solutions Ability to think strategically and evaluate options in the short, medium and long term Good technical knowledges Analytical thinking Strategic thinking Communication at all levels Location: Nord MilanoOur client is an important multinational company active in Retail/GDO Market. For an important international project, we are looking for a: Solution Engineer - Temporary Contract Manager Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Technical Architect will be involved in responsibility for designing complex systems within IT from concept to strategy in alignment with business needs. Brings forward innovative and leading technical ideas that fit the Company strategy. Role:Defining micro services Defining and developing message driven workflow Working collaboratively with multidisciplinary teams with a focus on delivery Translate business and feature requirements into technical specifications Communicating complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders Building effective relationships with a wide range of technical peers Evaluating technologies for their appropriateness to proposed solutions, including assessing their strategic and/or tactical benefit to the product or wider department Managing relationships and team working Interessante realtà leader nel suo settoreProgetto internazionaleEssential - Degree or bachelor qualified preferably in IT sciences Preferred the TOGAF certification Preferred experience in Retail/GDO Market or in consultancy industry used to work with retail Market Ability to think strategically and evaluate options in the short, medium and long term Good technical knowledges Analytical thinking Strategic thinking Communication at all levels Location: Nord MilanoOur client is an important multinational company active in Retail/GDO Market. For an important international project, we are looking for a: IT Technical Architect - Temporary Contract Manager Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
You will:Leverage the expertise of organization design and knowledge of business needs to design and implement an effective organization structureActs as a champion of a coaching culture and drive employee advocacy, while being an internal coach for leadersExecute long-term employee / labor relations strategy with regard for applicable laws and regulations that ensure fair and consistent treatment of all associates while securing the company's competitive advantageProvide counseling opportunities and consult leaders and associates to maximize experience and potentialDrive the succession planning process and talent management agenda, including capability building, talent assessment, and acquisitionAs a part of change management, create an open and transparent communication platformPartner with the leader to champion associate engagement activities and build a high performing, inclusive cultureImplement consistent HR policies that support business needs while advocating associate's best interests.Champion Shared Service to ensure positive associate experienceAnalyze trends and indicators in partnership with HR group to deliver solutions to the businessImplement Total Reward policies and practices in the most fair, competitive and cost-effective manner Challenging OpportunityMultinational CompanyTo join our team you will need:University Degree (Bachelor) - MA desiredAt least 7 years of working experience, of which minimum 2 in a generalist HR RolePrevious experience in a sales and marketing environment desired.Successfullybalancing multiple prioritieswithintheorganizationwhilemaintainingemployeeengagementandsatisfactionExperience in driving Talent Management strategy through matrix organizationsEmployee / Labor Relations experience in Italy. Experience with works councils in Italy is important.Experience with addressing business risks and opportunities effectively and efficiently Our client is a Multinational Company.Interesting job position in an international environment.Contract of full-time employment with appealing employment conditions,Great career development opportunities in one of the world's largest companies with global footprint and recognition. We can offer Temporary contract: 12/18 months as Freelance Salary: 80/90.000€ Location: Assago (Mi) Salario da 80.000 €/anno a 90.000 €/anno
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Milano (Lombardia)
Administration Assistant Location: Via Fabio Filzi, 2, 20124 Milano MI Salary: Attractive salary and benefits package including full training and development Contract: Part Time, Monday to Friday, 20 hours per week permanent. About the role You will work closely with the customers to delivery end to end customer service whist achieving set in new account set ups, customer invoicing, reports and dispute resolution. To apply for this opportunity you will need - • A precise attention to detail • Strong IT skills - Micro soft office • Excellent communication skills with focused customer service ability and skill • Can do attitude and an abundance of energy and willingness to learn • Ability to continually develop - this role carries an apprentice opportunity in Business/Finance levels • Team player and excellent communication skills • Desirable - an understanding of the waste and resource management industry Main Responsibilities • Responding to customer queries whether it be email, telephone or face to face within agreed service levels • Deliver end to end customer service on all administration functions for both existing and new client accounts • First point of call for all disputes on customer accounts • Maintain and use our reporting tool (internal) - including processing sales • Produce accurate customer reports on a monthly basis • Any other duties as required by Finance Manager If you feel you have the skills and experience to be successful in this role then apply today!
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Firenze (Toscana)
DESCRIZIONE Joy Fundraising S.r.l., azienda leader nell'ambito del dialogo diretto dal 2012, organizza campagne di raccolta fondi su stand per importanti clienti del settore No Profit a Firenze e dintorni, in Lombardia e in Piemonte. CHI CERCHIAMO? Un Responsabile / Team Leader face to face per l’area di Firenze Esperienza di almeno 6 mesi come dialogatore nella raccolta fondi face to face NON è un lavoro porta a porta o street - NO partita iva COSA OFFRIAMO? Lavoro full time 5 giorni/settimana festivi esclusi Attività su stand posizionati in location selezionate e di qualità Fisso mensile netto a partire da € 900.00 (offerta personalizzate in base all’esperienza) + interessanti provvigioni Rimborsi spese per gli spostamenti da Firenze Inserimento diretto a scopo assunzione Ottime prospettive di crescita professionale ed economica COSA GARANTIAMO? Formazione settimanale in aula Seminari periodici presso le sedi dei nostri Clienti Manuale di formazione esclusivo e materiali aggiornati Tablet aziendali Ambiente giovane e dinamico PRINCIPALI MANSIONI Gestione di un gruppo di dialogatori dal punto di vista sia strategico-formativo sia operativo Formazione delle nuove risorse Perseguimento dell'obiettivo del Team Confronto costante con ufficio eventi e coordinamento
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Yeswenet seleziona un/una: Addetta vendita per inserimento in store facente parte di un noto brand del settore borse/valigeria. Siamo alla ricerca di candidati che abbiano maturato esperienza nella mansione e che siano motivati ad intraprendere un interessante percorso di crescita professionale fino al raggiungimento del ruolo di Store manager. PROFILO RICERCATO: - Provenienza dal settore moda; - esperienza nel ruolo, possibilmente con compiti di coordinamento di altre risorse; - Capacità di analisi e interpretazione dei Kpi di vendita. Sulla base delle effettive competenze maturate nel corso del proprio percorso lavorativo, alla risorsa saranno affidate le seguenti responsabilità: - Coordinamento del team - Organizzazione dei turni di lavoro - Monitoraggio dei KPI di vendita e applicazione di opportune strategie di sell-out - Vendita assistita - Allestimento del punto vendita e gestione del magazzino Completano il profilo: standing curato, spiccate doti comunicative, entusiasmo, dinamicità e forte passione per il settore moda. Si richiede disponibilità immediata. Monte ore: Part time 38h su 6 giorni lavorativi. Ti riconosci nella nostra ricerca? Segui il nostro iter di selezione, bastano 4 minuti! I candidati selezionati dopo uno screening dei cv pervenuti, saranno invitati ad effettuare a stretto giro un videocolloquio on demand su Visiotalent e successivamente invitati, se in possesso di requisiti di presentazione, motivazione e pertinenza, ad effettuare un colloquio face to face in sede.
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