Marine toilet
Elenco delle migliori vendite marine toilet

Italia (Tutte le città)
The MV Marine Mito 31 (by Pischel) is made by Italian brand MV Marine. This 2021 Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) is the fastest ever built, with two Mercury 450 V8 Racing engines. It is a sporty and stylish boat suitable for recreational use on both inland and coastal waters. The RIB has a modern and streamlined design with clean lines, a T-top and a stepped V-hull, allowing the boat to cut through the water more efficiently and achieve higher speeds with less drag and fuel consumption. The draft is 0.40 meters, making the boat suitable for shallow water as well. In the spacious, open cockpit with seating and a table, you can relax and enjoy boating. There is a 2-burner gas stove and a sink. On the bow there is a sun deck, ideal for a bit of sunbathing when at anchor. Below deck there is a cabin with sleeping accommodation for two and a small toilet. The boat is equipped with several features, including a steering console with navigation equipment, an audio system, a swim platform with swim ladder and several storage compartments for belongings and equipment.
Italiano La MV Marine Mito 31 (di Pischel) è prodotta dal marchio italiano MV Marine. Questo gommone rigido (RIB) del 2021 è il più veloce mai costruito, con due motori Mercury 450 V8 Racing. Si tratta di un'imbarcazione sportiva ed elegante adatta all'uso ricreativo sia in acque interne che costiere. Il gommone ha un design moderno e aerodinamico con linee pulite, un T-top e uno scafo a V a gradini, che consentono alla barca di tagliare l'acqua in modo più efficiente e raggiungere velocità più elevate con meno resistenza e consumo di carburante. Il pescaggio è di 0,40 metri, il che rende la barca adatta anche ad acque poco profonde. Nell'ampio pozzetto aperto con posti a sedere e tavolo, potrete rilassarvi e godervi la navigazione. C'è un fornello a gas a 2 fuochi e un lavandino. A prua c'è un prendisole, ideale per prendere un po' di sole quando si è all'ancora. Sottocoperta c'è una cabina con posti letto per due persone e un piccolo bagno. La barca è dotata di diverse caratteristiche, tra cui una console di guida con apparecchiature di navigazione, un sistema audio, una piattaforma da bagno con scaletta da bagno e diversi vani portaoggetti per effetti personali e attrezzature.
Française Le MV Marine Mito 31 (par Pischel) est fabriqué par la marque italienne MV Marine. Ce bateau pneumatique rigide (RIB) 2021 est le plus rapide jamais construit, avec deux moteurs Mercury 450 V8 Racing. C’est un bateau sportif et élégant adapté à un usage récréatif sur les eaux intérieures et côtières. Le semi-rigide a un design moderne et épuré avec des lignes épurées, un toit en T et une coque en V étagée, permettant au bateau de fendre l’eau plus efficacement et d’atteindre des vitesses plus élevées avec moins de traînée et de consommation de carburant. Le tirant d’eau est de 0,40 mètre, ce qui rend le bateau adapté aux eaux peu profondes également. Dans le cockpit spacieux et ouvert avec des sièges et une table, vous pourrez vous détendre et profiter de la navigation de plaisance. Il y a une cuisinière à gaz 2 feux et un évier. À l’avant, il y a un pont soleil, idéal pour prendre un peu de soleil au mouillage. Sous le pont, il y a une cabine avec des couchages pour deux et de petites toilettes. Le bateau est équipé de plusieurs fonctionnalités, notamment d’une console de pilotage avec équipement de navigation, d’un système audio, d’une plate-forme de bain avec échelle de bain et de plusieurs compartiments de rangement pour les affaires et l’équipement.
Deutsch Die MV Marine Mito 31 (von Pischel) wird von der italienischen Marke MV Marine hergestellt. Dieses Festrumpfschlauchboot (RIB) des Jahres 2021 ist das schnellste, das jemals gebaut wurde, mit zwei Mercury 450 V8 Racing-Motoren. Es ist ein sportliches und stilvolles Boot, das sowohl für den Freizeitgebrauch auf Binnen- als auch auf Küstengewässern geeignet ist. Das RIB hat ein modernes und stromlinienförmiges Design mit klaren Linien, einem T-Top und einem abgestuften V-Rumpf, der es dem Boot ermöglicht, effizienter durch das Wasser zu schneiden und höhere Geschwindigkeiten mit weniger Luftwiderstand und Kraftstoffverbrauch zu erreichen. Der Tiefgang beträgt 0,40 Meter, wodurch das Boot auch für flaches Wasser geeignet ist. Im geräumigen, offenen Cockpit mit Sitzgelegenheiten und Tisch können Sie sich entspannen und das Bootfahren genießen. Es gibt einen 2-Flammen-Gasherd und eine Spüle. Am Bug befindet sich ein Sonnendeck, ideal zum Sonnenbaden vor Anker. Unter Deck befindet sich eine Kabine mit Schlafgelegenheit für zwei Personen und einer kleinen Toilette. Das Boot ist mit mehreren Funktionen ausgestattet, darunter eine Steuerkonsole mit Navigationsgerät, ein Audiosystem, eine Badeplattform mit Badeleiter und mehrere Staufächer für Habseligkeiten und Ausrüstung.
Español El MV Marine Mito 31 (de Pischel) está fabricado por la marca italiana MV Marine. Este bote inflable rígido (RIB) 2021 es el más rápido jamás construido, con dos motores Mercury 450 V8 Racing. Es una embarcación deportiva y elegante apta para el uso recreativo tanto en aguas interiores como costeras. La semirrígida tiene un diseño moderno y aerodinámico con líneas limpias, un T-top y un casco en V escalonado, lo que permite que el barco atraviese el agua de manera más eficiente y alcance velocidades más altas con menos resistencia y consumo de combustible. El calado es de 0,40 metros, lo que hace que el barco también sea adecuado para aguas poco profundas. En la cabina espaciosa y abierta con asientos y una mesa, puede relajarse y disfrutar de la navegación. Hay una estufa de gas de 2 quemadores y un fregadero. En la proa hay un solárium, ideal para tomar un poco de sol cuando se está fondeado. Debajo de la cubierta hay un camarote con capacidad para dos personas y un pequeño aseo. El barco está equipado con varias características, que incluyen una consola de gobierno con equipo de navegación, un sistema de audio, una plataforma de baño con escalera de baño y varios compartimentos de almacenamiento para pertenencias y equipos.
Nederlands De MV Marine Mito 31 (van Pischel) is gemaakt door het Italiaanse merk MV Marine. Deze 2021 Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) is de snelste ooit gebouwd, met twee Mercury 450 V8 Racing-motoren. Het is een sportieve en stijlvolle boot die geschikt is voor recreatief gebruik op zowel binnen- als kustwateren. De RIB heeft een modern en gestroomlijnd ontwerp met strakke lijnen, een T-top en een getrapte V-romp, waardoor de boot efficiënter door het water kan snijden en hogere snelheden kan bereiken met minder weerstand en brandstofverbruik. De diepgang is 0,40 meter, waardoor de boot ook geschikt is voor ondiep water. In de ruime, open kuip met zitje en een tafel kunt u heerlijk ontspannen en genieten van het varen. Er is een 2-pits gasfornuis en een spoelbak. Op de boeg is er een zonnedek, ideaal om een beetje te zonnebaden als je voor anker ligt. Benedendeks is er een hut met slaapgelegenheid voor twee personen en een klein toilet. De boot is voorzien van diverse features, waaronder een stuurconsole met navigatieapparatuur, een audiosysteem, een zwemplateau met zwemtrap en meerdere opbergvakken voor spullen en uitrusting.
Русский MV Marine Mito 31 (от Pischel) производится итальянским брендом MV Marine. Эта жесткая надувная лодка (RIB) 2021 года является самой быстрой из когда-либо построенных, с двумя двигателями Mercury 450 V8 Racing. Это спортивная и стильная лодка, подходящая для рекреационного использования как во внутренних, так и в прибрежных водах. RIB имеет современный и обтекаемый дизайн с четкими линиями, Т-образным верхом и ступенчатым V-образным корпусом, что позволяет лодке более эффективно рассекать воду и достигать более высоких скоростей с меньшим сопротивлением и расходом топлива. Осадка составляет 0,40 метра, что делает лодку пригодной и для мелководья. В просторном открытом кокпите с креслами и столом вы можете расслабиться и насладиться катанием на лодке. Есть газовая плита с 2 конфорками и раковина. В носовой части есть солнечная палуба, идеально подходящая для принятия солнечных ванн во время стоянки на якоре. Под палубой расположена каюта со спальными местами на двоих и небольшим туалетом. Лодка оснащена несколькими функциями, включая рулевую консоль с навигационным оборудованием, аудиосистему, плавательную платформу с лестницей для купания и несколько отсеков для хранения вещей и оборудования.
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
General Information Type Mano' Marine 32 Sport Length overall32' (10m) natante Year of manufacture 2005 Price SOLD 75mila euro refitting 2020 Review Boat has a spacious living accommodation consisting of two separate lock up sleeping cabins, lock up toilet, kitchen and saloon. The outside dining area can also be turned into double sleeping bed. The interior is finished with cherry wood. The galley is equipped with fridge/freezer, hob and plenty of storage. Nothing like it at this price. Mechanical 2 x Kad 43 Volvo Diesel Engines 230bhp with only 500 hours Completely serviced in June 2014 Very economical engines! Cruising Speed: 25 knots Max Speed: 34 knots Tankage Fuel: 400 litre Water: 200 litre Extras and accessories Interior and exterior fridges/freezer Interior and exterior cooking stations (4 x hob gas burners) Electric Toilet including holding tank Life Raft for 8 persons Fenders Two TVs with special antenna GPS/Depth Finder CD player Trim tabs Teak Flooring etc.. visibile italy formia 039 3476104928
74.999 €
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
General Information Type Mano' Marine 32 Sport Length overall32' (10m) natante Year of manufacture 2005 Price SOLD 75mila euro perfect refitting 2020 Review Boat has a spacious living accommodation consisting of two separate lock up sleeping cabins, lock up toilet, kitchen and saloon. The outside dining area can also be turned into double sleeping bed. The interior is finished with cherry wood. The galley is equipped with fridge/freezer, hob and plenty of storage. Nothing like it at this price. Mechanical 2 x Kad 43 Volvo Diesel Engines 230bhp with only 500 hours Completely serviced in June 2014 Very economical engines! Cruising Speed: 25 knots Max Speed: 34 knots Tankage Fuel: 400 litre Water: 200 litre Extras and accessories Interior and exterior fridges/freezer Interior and exterior cooking stations (4 x hob gas burners) Electric Toilet including holding tank Life Raft for 8 persons Fenders Two TVs with special antenna GPS/Depth Finder CD player Trim tabs Teak Flooring etc.. visibile italy formia 039 3476104928
74.999 €
Vista prodotto

Bacoli (Campania)
General Information Type Mano' Marine 32 Sport Length overall32' (10m) natante Year of manufacture 2005 Price SOLD 75mila euro perfect refitting 2020 Review Boat has a spacious living accommodation consisting of two separate lock up sleeping cabins, lock up toilet, kitchen and saloon. The outside dining area can also be turned into double sleeping bed. The interior is finished with cherry wood. The galley is equipped with fridge/freezer, hob and plenty of storage. Nothing like it at this price. Mechanical 2 x Kad 43 Volvo Diesel Engines 230bhp with only 385 hours sbarcati Completely serviced in June 2014 Very economical engines! Cruising Speed: 25 knots Max Speed: 34 knots Tankage Fuel: 400 litre Water: 200 litre Extras and accessories Interior fridges/ Interior and exterior cooking stations (gas burners) Electric Toilet including holding tank Life Raft for 8 persons Fenders Two TVs with special antenna GPS/Depth Finder CD player Trim tabs Teak Flooring etc.. visibile italy formia 039 3476104928
74.999 €
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
De snelste Mito 31 óóit gebouwd. Met twee Mercury 450 V8 Racing motoren bereikt deze RIB een topsnelheid van maar liefst 72 knopen.
De MV Marine Mito 31 (by Pischel) is gemaakt door het Italiaanse merk MV Marine. Deze Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) uit 2021 is de snelste ooit gebouwd, met twee Mercury 450 V8 Racing motoren. Het is een sportieve en stijlvolle boot die geschikt is voor recreatief gebruik op zowel binnenwateren als kustwateren. De RIB heeft een modern en gestroomlijnd ontwerp met strakke lijnen, een T-top en een stepped V-romp, waardoor de boot efficiënter door het water kan snijden en hogere snelheden kan bereiken met minder weerstand en brandstofverbruik. De diepgang is 0.40 meter, waardoor de boot ook geschikt is voor ondiep water.
In de ruime, open kuip met zitplaatsen en een tafel kunt u heerlijk ontspannen en genieten van het varen. Er is een 2-pits gasfornuis en een spoelbak aanwezig. Op de boeg bevindt zich een zonnedek, ideaal om even te zonnebaden wanneer u voor anker ligt. Onderdeks is er een cabine met slaapgelegenheid voor twee personen en een klein toilet. De boot is uitgerust met verschillende functies, zoals een stuurconsole met navigatieapparatuur, een audiosysteem, een zwemplatform met zwemtrap en diverse opbergvakken voor spullen en uitrusting.
De MV Marine Mito 31 (by Pischel) heeft een extra versterkte romp, speciaal ontworpen om achter een (mega)jacht te slepen over lange afstanden. Deze versterkte romp zorgt voor extra duurzaamheid en stabiliteit tijdens het slepen. Daarnaast zijn er twee extra sleepogen toegevoegd aan de boot, zodat deze veilig kan worden vastgemaakt aan het jacht tijdens het slepen.
Navigatie en electronica
De Mito 31 is uitgerust met Furuno navigatieapparatuur, wat zorgt voor betrouwbare en nauwkeurige navigatie tijdens het varen. Furuno is een gerenommeerd merk op het gebied van maritieme elektronica en staat bekend om zijn hoogwaardige navigatie- en communicatieapparatuur. Met de Furuno navigatieapparatuur aan boord kunt u onder andere gebruik maken van GPS-positiebepaling, kaartplotting, dieptemeting, marifooncommunicatie en andere handige navigatiefuncties.
Ankerlier: Quick
De cockpit is voorzien van Flexi teak. Dit synthetische teakdek is bestand tegen weersinvloeden, UV-straling, zout water en slijtage, waardoor het een langdurige en praktische keuze is.
Type interieur: Modern, light;
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Price: plus broker's fee, Condition: very good, Propulsion: shaft drive, Water tank: 1000 ltr
Equipment extractor hood, glass ceramic cook top, sink, dishwasher, washing machine, watermaker, rudder angle indicator, rev indicator, on-board computer, toilet electric, owner cabin, guest cabin, bow cabin, salon, steering position inside, entrance: rear entrance, fire extinguisher system, shore supply 220V, main circuit breaker, radio, sat. antenna auto search, anchor chain, anchor box, suncushion, pressurized water system, warm water system, transom door to bathing platform, teak deck, wetbar, cockpit table, bathing ladder, 220V plugs, underwater paint, holding tank, anchor windlass bow electric, windscreen wiper, bathing platform, gangway electric, cushion cover, trim tabs electric, trim tabs hydraulic, stern shower, flat screen
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Price: plus broker's fee, Condition: as new, Propulsion: shaft drive, Water tank: 1000 ltr
Equipment extractor hood, glass ceramic cook top, sink, dishwasher, washing machine, watermaker, rudder angle indicator, rev indicator, on-board computer, toilet electric, owner cabin, guest cabin, bow cabin, salon, steering position inside, entrance: rear entrance, fire extinguisher system, shore supply 220V, main circuit breaker, radio, sat. antenna auto search, suncushion, pressurized water system, warm water system, transom door to bathing platform, teak deck, wetbar, cockpit table, bathing ladder, 220V plugs, underwater paint, holding tank, anchor windlass bow electric, bathing platform, gangway electric, cushion cover, trim tabs electric, trim tabs hydraulic, stern shower
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
BARCA CON IMPORTANTE REFITTING NEL 2021. SPAZI E SOLUZIONI INTELLIGENTI CONSENTONO UNA VIVIBILITA' OTTIMA CON LA FAMIGLIA BUONE CONDIZIONI GENERALI+COMMISSIONI DI AGENZIA. PER INFO 3204728758 LUCIANO INTERNI: 3 CABINE 3 BAGNI 1 CABINA EQUIPAGGIO 1 BAGNO EQUIPAGGIO 1 Cabina matrimoniale armatoriale di prua con bagno competo di lavabo,doccia,bidet e WC marino elettrico 2 Cabina doppia con letti in piano con relativi bagni completi di lavabo,doccia e WC marino elettrico 1 Cabina equipaggio con 2 letti con bagno completo di lavabo,doccia e WC marino elettrico 1 Cucina esterna completa di BBQ, piastra induzione, lavandino, forno e lavastoviglie 1 Salone esterno completo di divani, tavoli e TV STRUMENTAZIONE: Allarme motore Allarme sentina Ancora Angolo barra Antenna radar Apertura Vano Motore Elettrica Autoclave Altoparlanti Antenna Satellitare TV Aria condizionata Batterie Bussola Boiler Caricabatterie Comando motori elettronico Computer di bordo Contametri catena Clima reversibile Dissalatore Ecoscandaglio Elica di poppa Elica di prua Faro orientabile Flap idraulici GPS Impianto acque nere Impianto TV Inverter Impianto Aria Compressa Indicatori Flaps Lavasciuga Luci di cortesia, Luci subacquee Meccanismo saliscendi per TV Oscuranti Pavimento interno in legno Passerella Piattaforma (RETRAIBILE) Pilota automatico Plotter Pompa di sentina automatica Radar Raddrizzatore Riscaldamento Serbatoio Acque Nere Stereo Salpancora Elettrico Telecamera TV Tromba VHF Winch Elettrico ARMAMENTO: Copripozzetto Cuscineria di poppa Cuscineria di prua Cuscineria Pozzetto Teli copri finestra Telo copriconsolle Tendalino Doccia esterna Pozzetto Teak Presa 220V banchina Presa acqua banchina Scaletta da bagno Tavolo pozzetto Tavolo Salone Abbattibile
English BOAT WITH IMPORTANT REFITTING IN 2021. SPACES AND INTELLIGENT SOLUTIONS ALLOW EXCELLENT LIVABILITY WITH THE FAMILY GOOD GENERAL CONDITIONS + AGENCY COMMISSIONS. FOR INFO 3204728758 LUCIANO INTERIORS: 3 CABINS 3 BATHROOMS 1 CREW CABIN 1 CREW BATHROOM 1 Master cabin in the bow with bathroom with washbasin, shower, bidet and electric marine toilet 2 Double cabin with flat beds with relative bathrooms complete with sink, shower and electric marine toilet 1 Crew cabin with 2 beds with bathroom complete with sink, shower and electric marine toilet 1 Outdoor kitchen complete with BBQ, induction hob, sink, oven and dishwasher 1 Outdoor lounge complete with sofas, tables and TV INSTRUMENTATION: Engine alarm Bilge alarm Still Bar angle Radar antenna Electric Motor Compartment Opening Autoclave Speakers Satellite TV Antenna Air conditioning Batteries Compass Boiler Charger Electronic motor control On-board computer Chain odometer Reversible climate Watermaker Sonar Stern propeller Bow thruster Adjustable lighthouse Hydraulic flaps GPS Black water system TV system Inverter Compressed Air System Flaps Indicators Washer dryer Courtesy lights, Underwater lights Up-and-down mechanism for TV Blackout Wooden interior floor Gangway Platform (RETRACTABLE) Autopilot Plotter Automatic bilge pump Radar Rectifier Heating Black Water Tank Stereo Electric Anchor Windlass Camera TV Trumpet VHF Winch Electric ARMAMENT: Cockpit cover Stern cushions Bow cushions Cushions Cockpit Window covers Console cover Awning Outdoor shower Teak cockpit Socket 220V quay Quay water intake Bathing ladder Cockpit table Folding Living Room Table
Française BATEAU AVEC UN RÉAMÉNAGE IMPORTANT EN 2021. LES ESPACES ET LES SOLUTIONS INTELLIGENTES PERMETTENT UNE EXCELLENTE HABITABILITÉ AVEC LA FAMILLE BONNES CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES + COMMISSIONS D’AGENCE. POUR INFO 3204728758 LUCIANO INTÉRIEURS: 3 CABINES 3 SALLES DE BAINS 1 CABINE D’ÉQUIPAGE 1 SALLE DE BAIN DE L’ÉQUIPAGE 1 cabine principale à l’avant avec salle de bain avec lavabo, douche, bidet et toilettes marines électriques 2 Cabine double avec lits plats avec salles de bains relatives avec lavabo, douche et toilettes marines électriques 1 cabine d’équipage avec 2 lits avec salle de bain complète avec lavabo, douche et toilettes marines électriques 1 cuisine extérieure complète avec barbecue, plaque à induction, évier, four et lave-vaisselle 1 salon extérieur avec canapés, tables et TV INSTRUMENTATION: Alarme moteur Alarme de cale Encore Angle de barre Antenne radar Ouverture du compartiment du moteur électrique Autoclave Haut-parleurs Antenne de télévision par satellite Climatisation Piles Boussole Chaudière Chargeur Commande électronique du moteur Ordinateur de bord Compteur kilométrique à chaîne Climat réversible Dessalinisateur Sonar Hélice arrière Propulseur d’étrave Phare réglable Volets hydrauliques GPS Système d’eau noire Système de télévision Onduleur Système d’air comprimé Indicateurs de volets Laveuse sécheuse Lumières de courtoisie, Lumières sous-marines Mécanisme de haut en bas pour la télévision Blackout Plancher intérieur en bois Passerelle Plate-forme (RÉTRACTABLE) Pilote automatique Traceur Pompe de cale automatique Radar Redresseur Chauffage Réservoir d’eau noire Stéréo Guindeau d’ancrage électrique Caméra TÉLÉ Trompette VHF Treuil électrique ARMEMENT: Housse de cockpit Coussins de poupe Coussins d’arc Coussins Cockpit Couvre-fenêtres Couvercle de la console Auvent Douche extérieure Cockpit en teck Quai de prise 220V Prise d’eau du quai Échelle de bain Table de cockpit Table de salon pliante
Deutsch BOOT MIT WICHTIGER UMRÜSTUNG IM JAHR 2021. RÄUME UND INTELLIGENTE LÖSUNGEN ERMÖGLICHEN EINE HERVORRAGENDE LEBENSQUALITÄT MIT DER FAMILIE GUTE RAHMENBEDINGUNGEN + AGENTURPROVISIONEN. ZUR INFO 3204728758 LUCIANO INNENRÄUME: 3 KABINEN 3 BADEZIMMER 1 MANNSCHAFTSKABIN 1 CREW-BADEZIMMER 1 Masterkabine im Bug mit Bad mit Waschbecken, Dusche, Bidet und elektrischer Marinetoilette 2 Doppelkabine mit flachen Betten mit relativen Badezimmern mit Waschbecken, Dusche und elektrischer Marinetoilette 1 Crew-Kabine mit 2 Betten und Badezimmer mit Waschbecken, Dusche und elektrischer Marinetoilette 1 Außenküche mit Grill, Induktionskochfeld, Spüle, Backofen und Geschirrspüler 1 Lounge im Freien mit Sofas, Tischen und TV INSTRUMENTATION: Motoralarm Bilgenalarm Noch Balkenwinkel Radarantenne Öffnung des Elektromotorraums Autoklav Lautsprecher Satelliten-TV-Antenne Klimatisierung Batterien Kompass Kessel Ladegerät Elektronische Motorsteuerung Computer Kettenkilometerzähler Reversibles Klima Wassermacher Sonar Heck-Propeller Bugstrahlruder Verstellbarer Leuchtturm Hydraulische Klappen GPS Schwarzwassersystem TV-System Wechselrichter Druckluftsystem Klappenanzeigen Waschtrockner Höflichkeitslichter, Unterwasserbeleuchtung Up-and-Down-Mechanismus für TV Verdunklung Innenboden aus Holz Gangway Plattform (EINZIEHBAR) Autopilot Plotter Automatische Bilgenpumpe Radar Gleichrichter Heizung Schwarzwassertank Stereo Elektrische Ankerwinde Kamera TV Trompete UKW Winde elektrisch BEWAFFNUNG: Cockpitabdeckung Heckpolster Bogenkissen Kissen Cockpit Fensterabdeckungen Konsolenabdeckung Markise Außendusche Teakholz-Cockpit Steckdose 220V Kai Wasseraufnahme am Kai Badeleiter Cockpit-Tisch Klappbarer Wohnzimmertisch
Español BARCO CON IMPORTANTE REACONDICIONAMIENTO EN 2021. ESPACIOS Y SOLUCIONES INTELIGENTES PERMITEN UNA EXCELENTE HABITABILIDAD CON LA FAMILIA BUENAS CONDICIONES GENERALES + COMISIONES DE AGENCIA. PARA INFORMACIÓN 3204728758 LUCIANO INTERIORES: 3 CABAÑAS 3 BAÑOS 1 CABINA DE TRIPULACIÓN 1 BAÑO DE TRIPULACIÓN 1 cabina principal en la proa con baño con lavabo, ducha, bidé e inodoro marino eléctrico 2 Cabina doble con camas planas con baños relativos completos con lavabo, ducha e inodoro marino eléctrico 1 cabina de tripulación con 2 camas con baño completo con lavabo, ducha e inodoro marino eléctrico 1 cocina exterior completa con barbacoa, placa de inducción, fregadero, horno y lavavajillas 1 salón al aire libre completo con sofás, mesas y TV INSTRUMENTACIÓN: Alarma del motor Alarma de sentina Todavía Ángulo de barra Antena de radar Apertura del compartimento del motor eléctrico Autoclave Altavoces Antena de TV vía satélite Climatización Baterías Brújula Caldera Cargador Control electrónico del motor Ordenador de a bordo Odómetro de cadena Clima reversible Potabilizadora Sonar Hélice de popa Propulsor de proa Faro ajustable Aletas hidráulicas GPS Sistema de aguas negras Sistema de TV Inversor Sistema de aire comprimido Indicadores de solapas Lavadora secadora Luces de cortesía, Luces submarinas Mecanismo de subida y bajada para TV Apagón Suelo interior de madera Pasarela Plataforma (RETRACTABLE) Piloto automático Trazador Bomba de achique automática Radar Rectificador Calefacción Tanque de agua negra Estéreo Molinete de anclaje eléctrico Cámara TELEVISIÓN Trompeta VHF Cabrestante eléctrico ARMAMENTO: Cubierta de la cabina Cojines de popa Cojines de arco Cojines Cockpit Cubiertas de ventanas Cubierta de la consola Toldo Ducha exterior Cabina de teca Muelle socket 220V Toma de agua en el muelle Escalera de baño Mesa de cabina Mesa de salón plegable
Россию ЛОДКА С ВАЖНЫМ ПЕРЕОБОРУДОВАНИЕМ В 2021 ГОДУ. ПРОСТРАНСТВА И ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНЫЕ РЕШЕНИЯ ОБЕСПЕЧИВАЮТ ОТЛИЧНУЮ ПРИГОДНОСТЬ ДЛЯ ЖИЗНИ С СЕМЬЕЙ ХОРОШИЕ ОБЩИЕ УСЛОВИЯ + АГЕНТСКИЕ КОМИССИИ. ДЛЯ ИНФОРМАЦИИ 3204728758 ЛУЧАНО ИНТЕРЬЕРЫ: 3 КАЮТЫ 3 ВАННЫЕ КОМНАТЫ 1 КАЮТА ДЛЯ ЭКИПАЖА 1 ВАННАЯ КОМНАТА ДЛЯ ЭКИПАЖА 1 Мастер-каюта в носовой части с ванной комнатой с умывальником, душем, биде и электрическим морским туалетом 2 Двухместные каюты с плоскими кроватями и смежными ванными комнатами с раковиной, душем и электрическим морским туалетом 1 каюта экипажа с 2 кроватями с ванной комнатой с раковиной, душем и электрическим морским туалетом 1 Открытая кухня с барбекю, индукционной плитой, раковиной, духовкой и посудомоечной машиной 1 открытая гостиная с диванами, столами и телевизором ИНСТРУМЕНТОВКА: Сигнализация двигателя Трюмная сигнализация Ещё Угол бара Радиолокационная антенна Открытие отсека электродвигателя Автоклав Динамики Антенна спутникового телевидения Кондиционирование Батареи Компас Бойлер Обвинитель Электронное управление двигателем Бортовой компьютер Цепной одометр Обратимый климат Водоприемник Гидролокатор Кормовой винт Носовое подруливающее устройство Регулируемый маяк Гидравлические закрылки Gps-навигатор Система черного водоснабжения Телевизионная система Инвертор Система сжатого воздуха Индикаторы закрылков Стиральная машина-сушилка Любезные огни, Подводные фонари Механизм вверх-вниз для телевизора Затемнение Деревянный внутренний пол Проход Платформа (ВЫДВИЖНАЯ) Автопилот Плоттер Трюмный насос автоматический Радар Выпрямитель Отопление Черный резервуар для воды Стерео Электрический якорный брашпиль Фотоаппарат ТЕЛЕВИДЕНИЕ Труба ОВЧ Лебедка электрическая ВООРУЖЕНИЕ: Крышка кабины Кормовые подушки Подушки для лука Подушки кокпита Оконные крышки Крышка консоли Тент Душ на открытом воздухе Кабина из тикового дерева Розетка 220В причал Водозабор причальной воды Лестница для купания Стол в кабине Складной стол в гостиной
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
NAVIGATION AND ELECTRONICS: Cockpit: Autopilot Autohelm ST7000 Chartplotter Raymarine eSeries hybridtouch - new 2018 Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Saloon: Autopilot Autohelm ST7000 Wind Raymarine ST60+ Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Radar Raymarine - new 2018 ENTERTAINMENT: Radio Alpine, speakers Mac Audio, Fusion speakers in cockpit, TV philips in saloon GALLEY AND WATER SYSTEM: Kitchen: 3 burner gas stove, oven, microwave Bosch, 2x refrigerators, freezer, sink Water heater Shower box in master bathroom 1 x El. toilet (master bathroom) 2 x Marine toilet PROPULSION, POWER AND HEATING: Shaft drive Perkins 88.2kW (120hp) Bow thruster Max Power Generator Westerbeke Battery charget Victron Energy Centaur 24v 60amp Heating SAILS & RIGGING: Genoa hydraulic. furler Mainsail hydraulic. furler Winches cockpit: 3 x Barient 27 3 x Barient 32 2 x Barient 36 - Electric Winches on deck: 3 x Barient 32 1 x Barient 27 MOORING AND ANCHORING: El. anchor windlass Lofrans GENERAL: Teak in cockpit / side passage / deck / stern platform Wooden table in cockpit Sprayhood new 2022 Bimini top new 2022 Shower on stern platform Gangway 2018: The yacht was renovated in 2018: All valves replaced, all pumps renewed, all refrigerators renewed (2 x refrigerators and 1x freezer) All three toilets were replaced Mast and boom were repainted New radar and GPS 2022: Antifouling New bimini and Sprayhood 06-2023: Antifouling New bow thruster New batteries Broker's comission excluded Don't hesitate to call us! We kindly invite you to contact us by e-mail or on our mobile phones bellow for any further information. PARLIAMO ITALIANO, WE SPEAK ENGLISH, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔/ Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Marina - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔/ Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Available from Monday to Saturday 09-13h, 14h-18h Sunday CLOSED --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The visit of the boat is possible with min 3 days previous notice (subject to prior sale) Disclaimer The Company provides the information about this boat in good faith, but cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information and the condition of the boat. The offer of this boat is subject to prior sale, price change or withdrawal of the offer without prior notice.
Price notes: Broker's comission excluded
Italiano NAVIGATION AND ELECTRONICS: Cockpit: Autopilot Autohelm ST7000 Chartplotter Raymarine eSeries hybridtouch - new 2018 Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Saloon: Autopilot Autohelm ST7000 Wind Raymarine ST60+ Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Radar Raymarine - new 2018 ENTERTAINMENT: Radio Alpine, speakers Mac Audio, Fusion speakers in cockpit, TV philips in saloon GALLEY AND WATER SYSTEM: Kitchen: 3 burner gas stove, oven, microwave Bosch, 2x refrigerators, freezer, sink Water heater Shower box in master bathroom 1 x El. toilet (master bathroom) 2 x Marine toilet PROPULSION, POWER AND HEATING: Shaft drive Perkins 88.2kW (120hp) Bow thruster Max Power Generator Westerbeke Battery charget Victron Energy Centaur 24v 60amp Heating SAILS & RIGGING: Genoa hydraulic. furler Mainsail hydraulic. furler Winches cockpit: 3 x Barient 27 3 x Barient 32 2 x Barient 36 - Electric Winches on deck: 3 x Barient 32 1 x Barient 27 MOORING AND ANCHORING: El. anchor windlass Lofrans GENERAL: Teak in cockpit / side passage / deck / stern platform Wooden table in cockpit Sprayhood new 2022 Bimini top new 2022 Shower on stern platform Gangway 2018: The yacht was renovated in 2018: All valves replaced, all pumps renewed, all refrigerators renewed (2 x refrigerators and 1x freezer) All three toilets were replaced Mast and boom were repainted New radar and GPS 2022: New bimini and Sprayhood Replaced all batteries (10x) Antifouling 06-2023: Antifouling New bow thruster New batteries Comissione mediatore esclusa Don't hesitate to call us! La invitiamo a contattarci via e-mail o telefonicamente ai numeri sotto riportati per ulteriori informazioni in merito: PARLIAMO ITALIANO, WE SPEAK ENGLISH, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp / Viber) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Marina - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp / Viber) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disponibili dal Lunedì al Sabato ore 09-13, 14-18 Domenica CHIUSO -------------------------------------------------------------------------- La visita dell'imbarcazione è possibile con almeno 3gg di preavviso (salvo venduto). Disconoscimento La Società fornisce le informazioni su questa imbarcazione in buona fede, ma non può garantire l'accuratezza di queste informazioni e le condizioni dell’imbarcazione. L'offerta dell’imbarcazione e’ valida salvo venduto ed è soggetta a modifiche del prezzo o ritiro dell'offerta senza preavviso.
Française NAVIGATION ET ÉLECTRONIQUE: Cockpit: Pilote automatique Autohelm ST7000 Traceur Raymarine eSeries hybridtouch - nouveau 2018 Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Saloon: Pilote automatique Autohelm ST7000 Vent Raymarine ST60+ Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Radar Raymarine - nouveau 2018 DIVERTISSEMENT: Radio Alpine, enceintes Mac Audio, enceintes Fusion dans cockpit, TV philips en berline CUISINE ET SYSTÈME D’EAU: Cuisine: cuisinière à gaz 3 feux, four, micro-ondes Bosch, 2x réfrigérateurs, congélateur, évier Chauffe-eau Cabine de douche dans la salle de bain principale 1 x El. WC (salle de bain principale) 2 x toilettes marines PROPULSION, PUISSANCE ET CHAUFFAGE: Entraînement par arbre Perkins 88,2 kW (120 ch) Propulseur d’étrave Max Power Générateur Westerbeke Charge de la batterie Victron Energy Centaur 24v 60amp Chauffage VOILES ET GRÉEMENT: Gênes hydraulique. Enrouleur Grand-voile hydraulique. Enrouleur Cockpit des treuils: 3 x Barient 27 3 x Barient 32 2 x Barient 36 - Électrique Treuils sur le pont: 3 x Barient 32 1 x Barient 27 AMARRAGE ET ANCRAGE: El. guindeau d’ancre Lofrans GÉNÉRALITÉS: Teck dans le cockpit / passage latéral / pont / plate-forme arrière Table en bois dans le cockpit Capuche de pulvérisation nouvelle 2022 Bimini top nouveau 2022 Douche sur plate-forme arrière Passerelle 2018: Le yacht a été rénové en 2018: Toutes les vannes remplacées, toutes les pompes renouvelées, tous les réfrigérateurs renouvelés (2 x réfrigérateurs et 1x congélateur) Les trois toilettes ont été remplacées Le mât et la flèche ont été repeints Nouveau radar et GPS 2022: Antisalissure Nouveau bimini et Sprayhood 06-2023: Antisalissure Nouveau propulseur d’étrave Nouvelles batteries Commission du courtier exclue N’hésitez pas à nous appeler! Nous vous invitons à nous contacter par e-mail ou sur nos téléphones portables ci-dessous pour toute information complémentaire. PARLIAMO ITALIANO, WE SPEAK ENGLISH, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Marina - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disponible du lundi au samedi 09-13h, 14h-18h Dimanche FERMÉ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- La visite du bateau est possible avec un préavis minimum de 3 jours (sous réserve de vente préalable) Démenti La Société fournit les informations sur ce bateau de bonne foi, mais ne peut garantir l’exactitude de ces informations et l’état du bateau. L’offre de ce bateau est soumise à une vente préalable, à un changement de prix ou à un retrait de l’offre sans préavis.
Deutsch NAVIGATION UND ELEKTRONIK: Cockpit: Autopilot Autohelm ST7000 Kartenplotter Raymarine eSeries hybridtouch - neu 2018 Tridata Raymarine ST60+ UKW Raymarine Ray55E Salon: Autopilot Autohelm ST7000 Wind Raymarine ST60+ Tridata Raymarine ST60+ UKW Raymarine Ray55E Radar Raymarine - neu 2018 UNTERHALTUNG: Radio Alpine, Lautsprecher Mac Audio, Fusion-Lautsprecher im Cockpit, Fernseher Philips im Salon KOMBÜSE UND WASSERSYSTEM: Küche: 3-Flammen-Gasherd, Backofen, Mikrowelle Bosch, 2x Kühlschränke, Gefrierschrank, Spüle Warmwasserbereiter Duschkabine im Hauptbadezimmer 1 x El. WC (Hauptbad) 2 x Marine-Toilette ANTRIEB, LEISTUNG UND HEIZUNG: Kardanantrieb Perkins 88,2 kW (120 PS) Bugstrahlruder Max Power Generator Westerbeke Batterieladung Victron Energy Centaur 24v 60amp Heizung SEGEL & TAKELAGE: Genua-Hydraulik. Furler Großsegel hydraulisch. Furler Winden-Cockpit: 3 x Barient 27 3 x Barient 32 2 x Barient 36 - Elektrisch Winden an Deck: 3 x Barient 32 1 x Barient 27 ANLEGEN UND ANKERN: El. Ankerwinde Lofrans ALLGEMEIN: Teakholz im Cockpit / Seitendurchgang / Deck / Heckplattform Holztisch im Cockpit Sprayhood neu 2022 Bimini Top neu 2022 Dusche auf der Heckplattform Gangway 2018: Die Yacht wurde 2018 renoviert: Alle Ventile ausgetauscht, alle Pumpen erneuert, alle Kühlschränke erneuert (2 x Kühlschränke und 1x Gefrierschrank) Alle drei Toiletten wurden ausgetauscht Mast und Baum wurden neu lackiert Neues Radar und GPS 2022: Antifouling Neues Bimini und Sprayhood 06-2023: Antifouling Neues Bugstrahlruder Neue Batterien Maklerbeauftragung ausgeschlossen Zögern Sie nicht, uns anzurufen! Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, uns per E-Mail oder auf unseren Mobiltelefonen unten zu kontaktieren, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. PARLIAMO ITALIANO, WE SPEAK ENGLISH, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Marina - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verfügbar von Montag bis Samstag 09-13h, 14h-18h Sonntag GESCHLOSSEN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Die Besichtigung des Bootes ist mit einer Frist von mindestens 3 Tagen möglich (Zwischenverkauf vorbehalten) Verzichtserklärung Das Unternehmen stellt die Informationen über dieses Boot nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen zur Verfügung, kann jedoch die Richtigkeit dieser Informationen und den Zustand des Bootes nicht garantieren. Das Angebot dieses Bootes unterliegt dem Zwischenverkauf, der Preisänderung oder dem Widerruf des Angebots ohne vorherige Ankündigung.
Español NAVEGACIÓN Y ELECTRÓNICA: Cabina: Autopiloto Autohelm ST7000 Plotter Raymarine eSeries hybridtouch - novedad 2018 Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Taberna: Autopiloto Autohelm ST7000 Wind Raymarine ST60+ Tridata Raymarine ST60+ VHF Raymarine Ray55E Radar Raymarine - novedad 2018 DIVERSIÓN: Radio Alpine, altavoces Mac Audio, altavoces Fusion en cabina, TV philips en salón COCINA Y SISTEMA DE AGUA: Cocina: estufa de gas de 3 quemadores, horno, microondas Bosch, 2x refrigeradores, congelador, fregadero Calentador de agua Cabina de ducha en baño principal 1 x El. WC (baño principal) 2 x WC marino PROPULSIÓN, POTENCIA Y CALEFACCIÓN: Transmisión por eje Perkins 88.2kW (120hp) Propulsor de proa Max Power Generador Westerbeke Batería cargada Victron Energy Centaur 24v 60amp Calefacción VELAS Y APAREJOS: Génova hidráulica. Furler Vela mayor hidráulica. Furler Cabina de cabrestantes: 3 x Barient 27 3 x Barient 32 2 x Barient 36 - Eléctrico Cabrestantes en cubierta: 3 x Barient 32 1 x Barient 27 AMARRE Y FONDEO: El. molinete de ancla Lofrans GENERAL: Teca en cabina / pasaje lateral / cubierta / plataforma de popa Mesa de madera en cabina Campana de pulverización nueva 2022 Bimini top nuevo 2022 Ducha en plataforma de popa Pasarela 2018: El yate fue renovado en 2018: Todas las válvulas reemplazadas, todas las bombas renovadas, todos los refrigeradores renovados (2 x refrigeradores y 1x congelador) Los tres baños fueron reemplazados El mástil y la pluma fueron repintados Nuevo radar y GPS 2022: Antifouling Nuevo bimini y Sprayhood 06-2023: Antifouling Nuevo propulsor de proa Baterías nuevas Comisión del corredor excluida ¡No dudes en llamarnos! Le invitamos a ponerse en contacto con nosotros por correo electrónico o en nuestros teléfonos móviles a continuación para cualquier información adicional. PARLIAMO ITALIANO, HABLAMOS INGLÉS, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Aleks - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Marina - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disponible de lunes a sábado 09-13h, 14h-18h Domingo CERRADO --------------------------------------------------------------------------- La visita del barco es posible con un mínimo de 3 días de antelación (sujeto a venta previa) Renuncia La Compañía proporciona la información sobre este barco de buena fe, pero no puede garantizar la exactitud de esta información y el estado del barco. La oferta de este barco está sujeta a venta previa, cambio de precio o retiro de la oferta sin previo aviso.
Россию НАВИГАЦИЯ И ЭЛЕКТРОНИКА: Кокпит: Автопилот Autohelm ST7000 Картплоттер Raymarine eSeries hybridtouch - новинка 2018 года Tridata Raymarine ST60+ УКВ Raymarine Ray55E Салон: Автопилот Autohelm ST7000 Wind Raymarine ST60+ Tridata Raymarine ST60+ УКВ Raymarine Ray55E Радар Raymarine - новинка 2018 года РАЗВЛЕЧЕНИЕ: Радио Alpine, колонки Mac Audio, динамики Fusion в кабине, телевизор philips в салоне КАМБУЗ И ВОДНАЯ СИСТЕМА: Кухня: газовая плита с 3 конфорками, духовка, микроволновая печь Bosch, 2 холодильника, морозильная камера, мойка Водонагреватель Душевая кабина в главной ванной комнате 1 х Эл. туалет (главная ванная комната) 2 х Морской туалет СИЛОВАЯ УСТАНОВКА, МОЩНОСТЬ И ОТОПЛЕНИЕ: Привод вала Perkins 88,2 кВт (120 л.с.) Носовое подруливающее устройство Max Power Генератор Вестербеке Заряд аккумулятора Victron Energy Centaur 24v 60amp Отопление ПАРУСА И ТАКЕЛАЖ: Генуэзская гидравлика. Меховщик Грот гидравлический. Меховщик Кабина лебедок: 3 х Бариент 27 3 х Бариент 32 2 x Barient 36 - Электрический Лебедки на палубе: 3 х Бариент 32 1 х Бариент 27 ШВАРТОВКА И ПОСТАНОВКА НА ЯКОРЬ: Эл. якорный брашпиль Lofrans ОБЩЕЕ: Тик в кокпите / боковом проходе / палубе / кормовой платформе Деревянный стол в кокпите Защита от водяной пыли новинка 2022 года Бимини топ новый 2022 Душ на кормовой платформе Проход 2018: Яхта была отреставрирована в 2018 году: Все клапаны заменены, все насосы обновлены, все холодильники обновлены (2 холодильника и 1 морозильная камера) Все три туалета были заменены Мачта и гик были перекрашены Новый радар и GPS 2022: Противообрастающие Новый бимини и Sprayhood 06-2023: Противообрастающие Новое носовое подруливающее устройство Новые аккумуляторы Комиссия брокера исключена Звоните нам! Мы приглашаем вас связаться с нами по электронной почте или по нашим мобильным телефонам ниже для получения дополнительной информации. PARLIAMO ITALIANO, МЫ ГОВОРИМ ПО-АНГЛИЙСКИ, WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH Алекс - 00385 91 547 0206 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / SLO / HR Марина - 00385 91 911 0130 (WhatsApp ✔ / Viber ✔) ITA / ENG / DE / SLO / HR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Доступно с понедельника по субботу с 09 до 13 часов, с 14 до 18 часов. Воскресенье ЗАКРЫТО --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Посещение лодки возможно с предварительным уведомлением минимум за 3 дня (при условии предварительной продажи) Отказ Компания добросовестно предоставляет информацию об этом судне, но не может гарантировать достоверность этой информации и состояние судна. Предложение этой лодки подлежит предварительной продаже, изменению цены или отзыву предложения без предварительного уведомления.
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
The Hallberg-Rassy 36 MKII is well respected and proven blue water cruiser with good performance and sea kindly motion. Hussar IV is in excellent condition with impressive upgrades and maintenance during 2023 b'&' 2024. All ships papers present and correct including VAT Paid Cert and Builder Cert. Rare to market in this condition. Blink....! and you might just miss this one. MINT!
HIN: SE-HRM36-358A797
Boat Category: A – Ocean
Max persons: 9
Fin Keel
Antifouled with Hempel Tiger Extra (True Blue) - March 2024
VOLVO PENTA MD22, 4-cylinder diesel engine 57 HP
Professional service – March 2024
Full professional service inc. water pump b'&' timing belts, idler bearing, tensioner, stop solenoid replaced - March 2023
Freshwater cooled
Volvo shaft seal replaced - November 2022
Classic 17 inch 3-blade MAXPROP feathering propeller with Rope cutter
Prop was reconditioned by Darglow Engineering Ltd - October 2023
Engine lifted and fitted with new engine mounts and bolts – March 2024
Cutlass bearing b'&' housing replaced – March 2024
Prop shaft removed and inspected by fabricator – March 2024
Cutlass bearing replacement – March 2024
Engine realignment – March 2024
Part of exhaust hose replaced – March 2024
Volvo raw water strainer seal and hose tails new – March 2024
2 x Stainless steel fuel tanks – Removed and cleaned 2022
Total capacity 345 litres
Electrics1 x 12v 75Ah battery for engine start.
2 x 12v 150Ah Lithium Sterling batteries for domestic use on board – New 2023
The Lithium batteries are located under the berth in the aft cabin
Charging by
2 x Solbian SR 124 (120 watt each) solar panels mounted on stern to davits – New 2024
Balmar 100A engine driven alternator, MC-618-H Regulator, MC-TS-A b'&' MC-TS-B temp sensor, Victron IP43 12/50 3 output Phoenix Smart charger – New 2024
2 x 120 watt (each) Solbian solar panels with Victron MPPT 100/30 Smart Solar Charge Controller – New 2023
Aft cabin plug also has a Victron Phoenix 12/500 inverter for use while on anchor – New 2023
Full 230v shore power system with earth leakage device, ring main, immersion heater
220v sockets in interior accommodation via ring main12v sockets in cockpit and interior accommodationElectrical switch panel located at the chart table. Fuel and water gauges, voltmeter.
12v sockets at the chart table, forward cabin and in the cockpit along with USB outletsFull 230v shore power system with earth leakage device, ring main, immersion heater
Mast, boom and running rigging from SELDEN.Standing rigging - Replaced 2016Double spreader sloop rig
Backstay tensionerAluminium rigging screw protectionSELDEN Furlex 300 S jib furling and reefing system
Spinnaker pole on track with blocks for stowing pole on mastSpinnaker halyard replaced - New 2024
Steaming light and deck floodlightThe mast is stepped on deck over reinforced bulkhead
Selden bowsprit (removable)
Sail Suite
Fully battened mainsail radial cut from NORTH SAILS with FREDERIKSEN cars - Cleaned b'&' serviced 2022Furling NORTH SAILS radial cut genoa - cleaned and serviced 2022Selden top down furler kit with GENNEKER from NORTH SAILSCruising chute with snuffer
Mainsail and Genoa sheets - New 2023
Bespoke cockpit royal blue Bimini with stainless steel frame - New 2024
Stack pack in royal blue - New 2019Sprayhood in royal blue - New 2019
Electronic Navigations Suite
Raymarine Evaluation Autopilot Kit: EV-200 Sail, with p70s Auto Control Head, ACU-200 b'&' EV1 Sensor Core with new Sea TalkNG cabling kit. – New 2023
Scanstrut Scanpod panel at helm – New 2023
Raymarine p70s Auto pilot control head – New 2023
Raymarine i70 Multifunctional display – New 2023
Icom VHF radio command mic – New 2023
Standard Horizon HX890E DSC Handheld radio – New 2022
Autopilot comes with Raymarine Smart Remote Controller b'&' base station – New 2023
Raymarine Axiom Pro 12 Hybrid Touch 12 inch display with sonar – New 2023
3 x Raymarine i70s multifunction displays mounted over the companionway – New 2023
Teltonika 5G router with QuSpot RUTX50 for longer range of 5G connectivity while out at sea – New 2024
(SIM card not included)
Icom IC-M423GE Fixed DSC VHF radio with built-in GPS. Comes with Command mic that is mounted on the Scanstrut at the helm position – New 2023
Raymarine i70s multifunction display fitted above chart table – New 2023
New Raymarine Sea TalkNG cabling/backbone/connectors fitted throughout
Fusion MS-RA210 Marine Stereo with 2 speakers in galley and 2 speakers in cockpit – New 2023
2kw Digital Raydome radar scanner mounted on mast
AIS Transceiver
Suunto steering compass on pedestal
Nav6 Navtex
Ocean Signal RescueMe EPIRB1 – New 2023Radar reflector
Navigation Lights
On DeckUltra 21 Stainless Steel Anchor with Ultra Marine Flip Swivel – New 2023
40M – Lofrans Grade 40 DIN766 chain with 30M of LIROS 16MM Octoplait Polyester Spliced to chain equaling 70M total – New 2024
Lofrans Electric anchor windlass winch with wired on deck remote control
Mar Tek 370 Stainless Steel Davitt System with dinghy lifting lines b'&' hooks – New 2023
Side decks, bathing platform and cockpit seats in solid teak laid in rubberToe rail, hand rails and all other woodwork on deck in solid teak.Teak pushpit seats and outboard bracket.Stemhead fitting with twin anchor rollers.Protective brass strips to entry gates and mooring cleats.Sheet winches LEWMAR 48 CST self-tailing.Jammer on toe-rail for furling lineNew Cockpit cushions – New 2023Cockpit table – Refurbished 2023
Upholstery and curtains - New 2024
Mattress toppers - New 2024
Pressurised freshwater system to heads and galley
Insulated calorifier with 230v immersion heaterWEBASTO Airtop 3500 diesel heater, thermostatically controlled
Air outlets in forward cabin, saloon and aft cabin
LED lighting throughout
2 x stainless steel water tanks
Total capacity 355 litres
Galley to starboard
Twin stainless steel sink with pressurised hot and cold water
Large top loading fridge
Refrigeration unit serviced and pressure checked in - December 2022
Eno Gascogne Allure 3 Burner Hob b'&' Oven – New 2023
Ample stowage
Navigation Station to port
Large forward facing navigation table
Navigator seat
Desk light
Desk tidy
Saloon seating to port and starboard. Double as 2 single berths
Large bi-fold teak table
Ample stowage
Hatch to foredeck
Fore Cabin
V-Berth with infill
Hatch to foredeck
Ample stowage
Heads to starboard
Jabsco Marine toilet
40L toilet sewage tank fitted with tank pump out fitting on deck – New 2023
Sink with pressurised hot and cold water
Flojet shower pump - New 2023
Vanity unit with stowage
Hanging Locker to port
Owners Cabin
Large aft cabin with double berth
Light and airy
2 x Hanging lockers at entrance
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Flipper 650 DCMercury 150 HP EFI Package
Standard Specifications- 12V power outlets, 3 pcs- Berths, 2 + 2- Bilge pump, manual and electric- Canopy- Comfort floor (EVA)- Courtesy lights- Cup holders- Cushions, cockpit and bow cabin- Cushions, sunbed- Fender basket- Fire extinguisher- Fixed fuel tank 145 L- Hydraulic steering- Offshore-seat- Rails and fittings stainless, acid proof steel- SmartCraft-instruments (not with Glass Bridge)- Table, cockpit- USB charging, 2 pcs- Ventilation in bow cabin- Washbasin- White hull colour- Windshield wiper, 1 pc- Wireless phone charging, 1 pc PACKAGESX -Sport Package (OPFL650DC059)- Double Battery system- Mercury Active Trim- Drawer Refrigerator- Cockpit Cover for Harbour Use- Simrad Glass Bridge, GO12 + Sonar + VesselView Link + Sensor Bracket- Trim Tabs- Water Ski Pole
ADDITIONS- Shower on Swim Platform (requires Fresh Water System 48 L) (OPFL650DC043)- Marine Toilet + septic tank (OPFL650DC048)- Heater (Wallas 2000t) (OPFL650DC039)- Fresh Water System 48 L (OPFL650DC040)- EFI Pre-rig (OPFL650DC011)
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-Weight 1050 kg + engine-Length 6,74 m-Beam 2,46 m-Fuel tank 145 L-Fresh water tank--Draft 0,70 m-Engine power 150-200 hp / 85-147 kW-Berths 2 + 2-CE-category C-persons 7
Do not let the compact dimensions and low fuel consumption fool you – Flipper 650 DC is a full-blooded day cruiser to the bone, equipped with all the modern conveniences. A spacious design combined with excellent manoeuvrability and modern, Scandinavian structure offer just the right touches of character, style and sporty approach.
Every Flipper boat has a unique Speedhull design that enables higher speeds and sporty driving experience under all conditions. The special double frame construction made with the vacuum technology makes the hull extremely stiff – which again contributes to excellent drivability and less noise in the cockpit.
The unique layout enables using the boat in various ways to have fun on the water. Socializing, dining, sunbathing, water sports, overnighting, camping and other activities take place as conveniently as possible. The back deck and cabin areas suit excellently for resting and sunbathing. The boat is equipped with either a pantry platform or a full pantry. Most Flippers come with an optional or standard marine toilet.
When it comes to boating experience, Flipper boats and Mercury engines are a winning team. Optimizing Flipper boats for Mercury engines already at the design stage is the key for excellent drivability and low sound levels. Handling is as easy as it can get, and the ergonomics excellent. The optional glass bridge plotter enables showing all engine and driving data on one screen. The Mercury active trim ensures the engines are always set on the right level. This saves fuel and makes driving easy and pleasant.
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Flipper 700 DC300 HP V8 Package
Standard Equipment12V DC output, 3 pcs Berths, 2+2Bilge pump, manual and electricCanopyComfort floor Winter Grey (EVA)Courtesy lightsCup holdersCushions, cockpit + bow cabinCushions, sunbedFender basket Fire extinguisherFixed fuel tank 188 LHydraulic steeringOffshore-seat, 2 pcsRails and fittings stainless, acid proof steelSmartCraft-instruments (not with Glass Bridge)Table, cockpitUSB charging, 2 pcsVentilation in bow cabinWashbasinWhite hull colourWindshield wiper, port sideWireless phone charging, 1 pc
Optional Equipment FittedDouble Battery System Simrad Glass Bridge, GO12 + sonar sensor + VesselView Link + sensor bracket Windshield Wiper, port sideTrim TabsAntifouling Water Ski PoleCockpit Cover for Harbour Use Fresh Water System 48LShower on Swim Platform (requires Fresh Water System 48 L)Marine Toilet + septic tank
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-Weight 1300 kg + engine-Length 7,17 m-Beam 2,48 m-Fuel tank 188 L-Fresh water tank--Draft 0,75 m-Engine power 225-300 hp / kW-Berths 2+2-CE-category C-persons 7
A perfect combination of Nordic style and performance – Flipper 700 DC knows how even bigger groups can enjoy boating. Whether it is about going out on a day cruise, on a weekend family getaway or just to the other shore for grocery shopping, there is no need to persuade anyone. The trip itself is greater experience than the actual arrival.
Every Flipper boat has a unique Speedhull design that enables higher speeds and sporty driving experience under all conditions. The special double frame construction made with the vacuum technology makes the hull extremely stiff – which again contributes to excellent drivability and less noise in the cockpit.
The unique layout enables using the boat in various ways to have fun on the water. Socializing, dining, sunbathing, water sports, overnighting, camping and other activities take place as conveniently as possible. The back deck and cabin areas suit excellently for resting and sunbathing. The boat is equipped with either a pantry platform or a full pantry. Most Flippers come with an optional or standard marine toilet.When it comes to boating experience, Flipper boats and Mercury engines are a winning team. Optimizing Flipper boats for Mercury engines already at the design stage is the key for excellent drivability and low sound levels. Handling is as easy as it can get, and the ergonomics excellent. The optional glass bridge plotter enables showing all engine and driving data on one screen. The Mercury active trim ensures the engines are always set on the right level. This saves fuel and makes driving easy and pleasant.
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Flipper 800 DC300 HP V8 Package
Standard Specifications-12V DC output, 3 pcs-Berths, 2 + 2-Bilge pump, manual and electric-Canopy-Comfort floor Winter Grey (EVA)-Courtesy lights-Cup holders-Cushions, cockpit + bow cabin-Cushions, sunbed-Fender basket-Fire extinguisher-Fixed fuel tank 188 L-Hydraulic steering-Offshore-seat, 2 pcs-Rails and fittings stainless, acid proof steel-SmartCraft-instruments (not with Glass Bridge)-Table, cockpit-USB charging, 2 pcs-Ventilation in bow cabin-Washbasin-White hull colour-Windshield wiper, port side-Wireless phone charging, 1 pc
PACKAGES- * X -Sport Package: (OPFL800DC047) -Double Battery System -Mercury Active Trim -Drawer Refrigerator 30 L -Cockpit Cover for Harbour Use -Simrad Glass Bridge, GO12 + sonar sensor + VesselView Link + sensor bracket -Trim Tabs -Water Ski Pole
ADDITIONS- * Antifouling- * Marine Toilet +septic tank- * Bow Thruster- * Fresh Water System 48 L
TECHNICAL SPICIFICATIONS-Weight 1700 kg + engine-Length 8,08 m-Beam 2,54 m-Fuel tank 256 L-Fresh water tank--Draft 0,75 m-Engine power 300-400 hp-Berths 2+2-CE-category C-persons 8
This premium day cruiser is agile and reliable to operate even at a faster pace, just as you might expect from a genuine quality boat. A spacious seating area provides comfortable ride even for a larger group, while wide berths turn Flipper 800 smoothly into a great travel boat. Sturdy steps to bow deck add safety to access and exit.
Every Flipper boat has a unique Speedhull design that enables higher speeds and sporty driving experience under all conditions. The special double frame construction made with the vacuum technology makes the hull extremely stiff – which again contributes to excellent drivability and less noise in the cockpit.
The unique layout enables using the boat in various ways to have fun on the water. Socializing, dining, sunbathing, water sports, overnighting, camping and other activities take place as conveniently as possible. The back deck and cabin areas suit excellently for resting and sunbathing. The boat is equipped with either a pantry platform or a full pantry. Most Flippers come with an optional or standard marine toilet.
When it comes to boating experience, Flipper boats and Mercury engines are a winning team. Optimizing Flipper boats for Mercury engines already at the design stage is the key for excellent drivability and low sound levels. Handling is as easy as it can get, and the ergonomics excellent. The optional glass bridge plotter enables showing all engine and driving data on one screen. The Mercury active trim ensures the engines are always set on the right level. This saves fuel and makes driving easy and pleasant.
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
- Barco nuevo a estrenar, en stock en nuestra exposición, para entrega inmediata.
- Precio indicado barco precio base + motor Mercury de 175 CV. (No incluye opcionales).
- I.V.A 21% no incluido.
El equipamiento opcional de la unidad es el siguiente:
Edición Smart:
Mesa de bañera en teka real, nevera, ducha de bañera, mástil de esquí, luces LED de cortesía, Pack Electrónica (GPS/PLOTTER/Sonda 7/" Simrad cruise con transductor HDI y equipo estéreo Fusion con altavoces) y kit de amarre.
Extensión de plataformas de baño.
Solárium Proa.
Asiento abatible de estribor.
Inodoro marino con depósito.
Molinete eléctrico.
Toldo bimini.
Lona de fondeo.
Transporte de astillero a Palamós.
Montaje motor + equipo batería.
Inscripción Marítima en Lista 7ª/Zona 6.
Antifouling + Tratamiento anti-osmosis.
Botadura y entrega.
- Solicite financiación a medida con el sistema de leasing o crédito náutico SYSFINANCE (desde 4 hasta 15 años, con cuota de entrada mínima 30%).
- Brand new boat, in stock in our showroom, for immediate delivery.
- Price indicated boat base price + 175 hp Mercury engine (not including options).
- V.A.T. 21% not included.
The optional equipment of the unit is as follows:
Smart Edition:
Cockpit table in real teak, fridge, cockpit shower, ski mast, LED courtesy lights, Electronics Pack (GPS/PLOTTER/Sonda 7/" Simrad cruise with HDI transducer and Fusion stereo system with speakers) and mooring kit.
Bathing platform extension.
Bow sundeck.
Folding starboard seat.
Marine toilet with tank.
Electric windlass.
Bimini top.
Anchor canvas.
Transport from shipyard to Palamós.
Mounting engine + battery equipment.
Maritime inscription in List 7ª/Zone 6.
Antifouling + Anti-osmosis treatment.
Launching and delivery.
- Ask for tailor-made financing with the SYSFINANCE leasing or nautical credit system (from 4 to 15 years, with a minimum down payment of 30%).
- Bateau neuf, en stock dans notre showroom, pour livraison immédiate.
- Le prix indiqué est le prix de base du bateau + moteur Mercury 175 cv (hors options).
- T.V.A. 21% non incluse.
L'équipement optionnel de l'unité est le suivant:
Smart Edition:
Table de cockpit en teck véritable, réfrigérateur, douche de cockpit, mât de ski, lumières de courtoisie LED, Pack électronique (GPS/PLOTTER/Sonda 7/" Simrad cruise avec transducteur HDI et système stéréo Fusion avec haut-parleurs) et kit d'amarrage.
Extension de la plate-forme de bain.
Bain de soleil à l'avant.
Siège repliable à tribord.
Toilette marine avec réservoir.
Guindeau électrique.
Capote de bimini.
Toile d'ancre.
Transport du chantier à Palamós.
Montage de l'équipement moteur + batterie.
Inscription maritime dans la liste 7ª/Zone 6.
Traitement antifouling + anti-osmose.
Mise à l'eau et livraison.
- Demandez un financement sur mesure avec le système de leasing ou de crédit nautique SYSFINANCE (de 4 à 15 ans, avec un acompte minimum de 30%).
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
The Sealine 360 Ambassador is an extremely spacious sports cruiser that offers great accommodation both inside and out. The 360's quality, reliability and performance endows it with exceptional sea-keeping abilities. It is equally at home short port-hopping or over long passages. This example is powered by a pair of Mercruiser petrol engines, bow thruster and diesel fired cabin heating to name a few. Further specification includes:
Construction: GRP
Hull Colour: White
Drive Type: Z out drive
Maximum Speed: 31 knots (approx.)
Cruising Speed: 25 knots (approx.)
Hull: Planing
2 x MerCruiser 5.7L V8 - 260hp petrol engines with approx 825hrs
Port engine new carb and fuel uplift pump - August 2024
Last out of the water for anti-foul, anode and hull polish - April 2024
Quicksilver throttles
Hydraulic steering
Engines and transom shields removed and transom rebuilt 2022
2 x Windscreen wipers
Side power bow thruster
Eltim trim tabs with gauge
Shore power b'&' cable
Battery charger
Eberspacher diesel fired cabin heating throughout with separate diesel tank
Glomex TV aerial
Large flatscreen TV fitted in saloon
Alpine Radio/CD player with internal and external speakers
Pressurised Hb'&'C water
Cockpit shower
Electric marine toilet to recent TekTank holding tank (with gauge) to overboard discharge or deck suck out
Raymarine RL70C Pathfinder GPS/Radar plotter
Autohlem ST30 speed b'&' depth
Simrad RD68 DSC VHF
Handheld VHF
Navigation lights
Flexi teak bathing platform
Teak effect cockpit flooring
Recent navy bimini and cockpit enclosure with mesh or black out screens
Recent navy windscreen cover
Cockpit sink b'&' storage
Cockpit sunpad conversion
S/s bathing ladder
Stern fender basket on bathing platform
Electric anchor windlass with anchor and chain
Auto b'&' manual bilge pumps
Auto fire extinguishers in engine bay
Jabsco remote searchlight
Warps b'&' fenders
Recent upholstery in saloon 'u' shaped seating
Two deep stainless steel sinks
Three burner hob
Oven and grill
Recent Waeco fridge
Electric marine head
Separate shower
Viewings available by appointment only, please contact Philip on 07766 051455.
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Il Velvet 90 è l'evoluzione del Velvet 83' Questa versione offre maggiori spazi abitativi grazie all'estensione sia in lunghezza che in larghezza, pur rimanendo sempre nella categoria delle Imbarcazioni da diporto. SOSTITUITI I MOTORI E IL GENERATORE A SETTEMBRE 2020 QUINDI 0 ORE E IN GARANZIA INTERNI: 2 CABINE matrimoniali di cui 1 armatoriale e 1 VIP 1 CABINA con letti doppi in piano 3 BAGNI completi di lavabo,doccia e wc marino elettrico 2 CABINE EQUIPAGGIO 1 BAGNO EQUIPAGGIO 1 Cucina completa di lavandino, frigo, lavastoviglie,congelatore, piastra vetroceramica e micronde 1 Salone completo di divani, tavolo e TV STRUMENTAZIONE: Bussola Angolo barra Antenna radar Radar Comando motori elettronico Computer di bordo Contametri catena Contamiglia VHF Ecoscandaglio Elica di prua Indicatori Flaps Plotter con antenna GPS Raddrizzatore Log Antenna Satellitare TV TV Decoder satellite Aria condizionata Clima reversibile Riscaldamento Dissalatore Telecamera Inverter Impianto acque nere Batterie Caricabatterie Flap idraulici Salpancora Elettrico Tromba ARMAMENTO: Bimini Copripozzetto Cuscineria completa Frigorifero esterno ICE Maker Teli copri finestra Tendalino Ancora Doccia esterna Garage per tender Hard top Lavaggio catena Passerella Piattaforma Porta ingresso Pozzetto Teak Scaletta da bagno Winch tonneggio di poppa
English The Velvet 90 is the evolution of the Velvet 83' This version offers more living spaces thanks to the extension in both length and width, while always remaining in the category of recreational boats. REPLACED THE ENGINES AND GENERATOR IN SEPTEMBER 2020 THEN 0 HOURS AND UNDER WARRANTY Interior: 2 DOUBLE CABINS of which 1 owner and 1 VIP 1 CABIN with double beds on the floor 3 BATHROOMS complete with sink, shower and electric marine toilet 2 CREW CABINS 1 CREW BATH 1 Kitchen complete with sink, fridge, dishwasher, freezer, ceramic glass plate and micronde 1 Lounge complete with sofas, table and TV Instrumentation: Compass Bar angle Radar antenna Radar Electronic motor control On-board computer Chain odometers Contamiglia, S. Contamiglia Vhf Sounder Bow propeller Flaps indicators Plotter with GPS antenna Rectifier Log TV Satellite Antenna Tv Satellite decoder Air conditioning Reversible climate Heating Deassalator Camera Inverter Black water system Batteries Charger Hydraulic flaps Electric Salpancora Trumpet Armament: Bimini Little Cover Complete cushioning External refrigerator ICE Maker Window cover sheets Awning Still Outdoor shower Garage for tender Hard top Chain washing Walkway Platform Entrance door Teak Cockpit Bathroom ladder Winch aft tonneggio
Française Le Velvet 90 est l’évolution du Velvet 83' Cette version offre plus d’espaces de vie grâce à l’extension à la fois en longueur et en largeur, tout en restant toujours dans la catégorie des bateaux de plaisance. REMPLACÉ LES MOTEURS ET LE GÉNÉRATEUR EN SEPTEMBRE 2020 PUIS 0 HEURES ET SOUS GARANTIE Intérieur: 2 CABINES DOUBLES dont 1 propriétaire et 1 VIP 1 CABINE avec lits doubles sur le sol 3 SALLES de bains avec évier, douche et toilettes marines électriques 2 CABINES D’ÉQUIPAGE 1 BAIN D’ÉQUIPAGE 1 Cuisine complète avec évier, réfrigérateur, lave-vaisselle, congélateur, plaque en verre en céramique et micronde 1 Salon avec canapés, table et télévision Instrumentation: Boussole Angle de barre Antenne radar Radar Commande de moteur électronique Ordinateur de bord Odomètres à chaîne Contamiglia, S. Contamiglia Vhf Sirène Hélice d’arc Indicateurs des volets Plotter avec antenne GPS Redresseur rapport Antenne satellite TV Tv Décodeur satellite Climatisation Climat réversible Chauffage Deassalator Caméra Onduleur Système d’eau noire Piles Chargeur Volets hydrauliques Salpancora électrique Trompette Armement: Bimini Petite couverture Amorti complet Réfrigérateur externe Glaçons Feuilles de couverture de fenêtre Auvent Encore Douche extérieure Garage pour appel d’offres Haut dur Lavage à la chaîne Passerelle Plate-forme Porte d’entrée Cockpit en teck Échelle de salle de bains Winch aft tonneggio
Deutsch Die Velvet 90 ist die Weiterentwicklung des Velvet 83' Diese Version bietet mehr Wohnräume dank der Erweiterung in Länge und Breite, während immer in der Kategorie der Freizeitboote bleiben. MOTOR UND GENERATOR IM SEPTEMBER 2020 ERSETZT, DANN 0 STUNDEN UND UNTER GARANTIE Innere: 2 DOUBLE CABINS davon 1 Besitzer und 1 VIP 1 CABIN mit Doppelbetten auf dem Boden 3 BADEZIMMER komplett mit Waschbecken, Dusche und elektrischer Marinetoilette 2 CREW CABINS 1 CREW BAD 1 Küche komplett mit Spüle, Kühlschrank, Geschirrspüler, Gefrierschrank, Keramikglasplatte und Mikronde 1 Lounge komplett mit Sofas, Tisch und TV Instrumentation: Kompass Balkenwinkel Radarantenne Radar Elektronische Motorsteuerung Computer Ketten-Odometer Contamiglia, S. Contamiglia Vhf Echolot Bogenpropeller Klappen-Indikatoren Plotter mit GPS-Antenne Gleichrichter Protokoll TV-Satellitenantenne Tv Satellitendecoder Klimaanlage Reversibles Klima Heizung Deassalator Kamera Wechselrichter Schwarzwassersystem Batterien Ladegerät Hydraulische Klappen Elektrische Salpancora Trompete Bewaffnung: Bimini Little Cover Komplette Dämpfung Externer Kühlschrank ICE Maker Fensterabdeckungsblätter Markise Noch Außendusche Garage zur Ausschreibung Hartes Oberteil Kettenwäsche Gehweg Plattform Eingangstür Teak-Cockpit Badezimmerleiter Winch acht ernässt
Español El Velvet 90 es la evolución del Velvet 83' Esta versión ofrece más espacios de vida gracias a la ampliación tanto en longitud como en anchura, manteniéndose siempre en la categoría de embarcaciones recreativas. REEMPLAZÓ LOS MOTORES Y EL GENERADOR EN SEPTIEMBRE DE 2020 Y LUEGO 0 HORAS Y BAJO GARANTÍA Interior: 2 CABINAS DOBLES de las cuales 1 propietario y 1 VIP 1 CABINA con camas dobles en el suelo 3 baños completos con lavabo, ducha y aseo eléctrico marino 2 CABINAS DE TRIPULACIÓN 1 BAÑO DE LA TRIPULACIÓN 1 Cocina completa con fregadero, nevera, lavavajillas, congelador, placa de vidrio de cerámica y microda 1 Salón completo con sofás, mesa y TV Instrumentación: Brújula Angulo de la barra Antena de radar Radar Control electrónico del motor Computadora de a bordo Odómetros de cadena Contamiglia, S. Contamiglia Vhf Sonda Hélice de proa Indicadores flaps Trazador con antena GPS Rectificador Registro Antena satélite de TV Tv Decodificador satelital Aire acondicionado Clima reversible Calefacción Deassalator Cámara Inversor Sistema de agua negra Baterías Cargador Flaps hidráulicos Salpancora Eléctrica Trompeta Armamento: Bimini Little Cover Cojín completo Refrigerador externo Hielo Hojas de cubierta de ventanas Toldo Todavía Ducha al aire libre Garaje para licitación Tapa dura Lavado de cadenas Pasarela Plataforma Puerta de entrada Teca Cockpit Escalera de baño Winch a popa tonneggio
Россию Бархат 90 является эволюция бархат 83 ' Эта версия предлагает больше жилых помещений благодаря расширению как в длину и ширину, в то время как всегда оставаясь в категории рекреационных лодок. ЗАМЕНЕНЫ ДВИГАТЕЛИ И ГЕНЕРАТОР В СЕНТЯБРЕ 2020 ГОДА, ЗАТЕМ 0 ЧАСОВ И ПО ГАРАНТИИ Интерьер: 2 DOUBLE CABINS, из которых 1 владелец и 1 VIP 1 CABIN с двуспальными кроватями на полу 3 BATHROOMS в комплекте с раковиной, душем и электрическим морским туалетом 2 КАЮТЫ ДЛЯ ЭКИПАЖА 1 ЭКИПАЖ БАТ 1 Кухня в комплекте с раковиной, холодильником, посудомоечной машиной, морозильной камерой, керамической стеклянной пластиной и микронде 1 Лаундж в комплекте с диванами, столом и телевизором Инструментария: Компас Угол бара Радиолокационная антенна Радар Электронное управление двигателем Бортовой компьютер Цепные одометры Контамилья, С. Контамилья Vhf Эхолот Лук пропеллер Индикаторы закрылков Плоттер с gps антенной Выпрямитель Журнала Телевизор Спутниковая Антенна Телевизор Спутниковый декодер Кондиционер Реверсивный климат Отопление Деассалатор Камеры Инвертор Черная система водоснабжения Батареи Зарядное устройство Гидравлические закрылки Электрический Салпанкора Труба Вооружения: Бимини Маленькая обложка Полная амортизация Внешний холодильник Льда Листы оконной крышки Тент Еще Открытый душ Гараж на тендер Твердый верх Цепная стирка Дорожки Платформы Входная дверь Тик Кокпит Лестница ванной комнаты Винч афт тоннеджио
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Italia (Tutte le città)
As with all /"Approved Advantage/" stock boats, this boat will come season ready, having gone through a vigorous 300 point check and operation of all systems, fresh antifouling, new anodes, hull & top sides polished and waxed, Engine & drive serviced at point of delivery, full set of fenders and warps, shore power lead, 1 day full handover & tuition, preferential allocation of 12 months berthing agreement in the UK's only 5 star marina, 3 months engine and drive warranty with opportunity to extend and include boat ancillaries plus much much more.
A rare opportunity for a 2 owner from new /"stock boat/" Grandezza 27OC with a good level of specification boasting 4 berths,(2 Doubles), Sliding sports hard top, Large Raymarine Plotter, Bow Thruster, Single Volvo D4 260 EVC with low hours (371) and service history. New cockpit canopy fitted January 2023. Full season preparation completed for 2023 season.
A great Sports boat package presented in turn key condition ideal for UK & European waters.
Part exchange and finance facilities available.
Warranty provided with opportunity to purchase extended cover.
Shore Power Inlet
2 batteries
12v Battery Charger Trident 25A-3
Volvo Computer Depth & Speed Log
Raymarine Large Touchscreen Plotter
Fusion Radio - MS-RA205
2 Cockpit Speakers
2 Cabin Speakers
Single VOLVO D4 260 EVC
Bow Thruster
Electric & Manual Bilge pumps
Pressurised Hot & Cold Water
Waeco Cockpit Fridge
Wallas twin burner hob
Webasto cabin heating
Electric Marine Toilet
Teak Cockpit Floor & Bathing Platform
LED Lighting throughout
Seafire Engine Fire Suppression System
Cockpit Shower
Cockpit Upholstery In Matte grey
Bathing Platform Ladder
Cockpit table in Teak
Electric Engine Hatch Opening & Close
Sliding Hard Top Sun Roof
Electric Windlass Operated From The Cockpit
Roof Mounted Search Light
Cockpit Fire Extinguisher
4 x Fenders
2 x Mooring Lines
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Technohull Sea DNA 999 is a used power boat for sale in Greece, a best-selling high performance RIB for adventure seekers that will not compromise comfort.
With a length of 11.4 meters and a beam of 2.8 she can take you anywhere you wish around Greece. With her inboard Volvo Penta 230 hp she performs excellent due to the overall design of Sea DNA.
The RIB comes on plane just at 2600 rpm, at speeds that vary in a range from 15 to 43 knots just at 3500 rpm, despite the heavy loads of the rib.
This is an excellent performance that every rib would envy and every pilot would want, especially in long journeys. At these speeds indeed there is the lower fuel consumption, thus increasing the autonomy.
The design of the ergonomic console allows the comfortable passageway from both sides giving easy access fore ‘n’ aft, while its interior houses the marine toilet.
The helm seats offer good lateral support and efficient holding of the body in all driving positions. At the stern behind the helm seats there is a sofa seating comfortably any passenger. The inboard engine, gives an extra-large sun-bathing area above the engine room. A classic solution whose strength is its convenience.
This boat is perfect for traveling around the Greek Islands and will enable you to live the thrill of cruising. The quality of construction and attention to details are clearly part of the package Technohull put together and should provide years of fun for any purchaser.Additional Equipment
- Fresh water shower
- Usb -AuxDeck Equipment
- Anchor(s)
- Anchor Chain
- Winch(es)
- ShowerEntertainment Equipment
- Stereo Sound SpeakersGalley & Laundry Equipment
- Refrigerator(s)Mechanical & Electrical Equipment
- Engines: 1 x 230 HP Volvo Penta
- Shore Power
- Trim TabsNavigational Equipment
- 1 x VHF
- 1 x GPS Chart Plotter
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Capelli Tempest 900 Open new 2023! Superbe configuration équipé de 2x250cv YAMAHA NSB2 Blanc direction électrique, du Joystick de manœuvre et du pilote automatique. T-Top avec toile d'ombrage, douchette, cuisine extérieur et WC marin dans la console. Sono FUSION
Capelli Tempest 900 Open of 2023. Superb configuration equipped with 2x250cv YAMAHA NSB2 White electric power, joystick and autopilot. T-Top, shower, outside kitchen and marine toilet. Fusion sound system
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Italia (Tutte le città)
JEANNEAU LEADER 8 de 2010 équipé d'un moteur Essence VOLVO 5.7L GXI DP de 320 CV.(758h). 1 cabine, 4 couchages, salle d'eau avec wc marin, cuve à eau noire et douche, cuisinière 2 feux gaz, frigidaire, four micro-ondes. Propulseur d'étrave, guindeau électrique, GPS/Sondeur,.. Entretien sérieux chez concessionnaire Volvo. Révision coudes/Collecteurs en 2023 Pavillon Français TVA Payée. DAFN: 1.290 Euros/an
English JEANNEAU LEADER 8 from 2010 equipped with a 320 HP VOLVO 5.7L GXI DP petrol engine. (758h). 1 cabin, sleeps 4, bathroom with marine toilet, black water tank and shower, 2-burner gas stove, fridge, microwave oven. Bow thruster, electric windlass, GPS/Sounder,.. Serious maintenance at Volvo dealership. Elbow/Manifold Overhaul in 2023 French Pavilion VAT paid. DAFN: 1.290 Euros/year
Italiano JEANNEAU LEADER 8 del 2010 equipaggiato con un motore a benzina VOLVO 5.7L GXI DP da 320 CV. (758h). 1 cabina, 4 posti letto, bagno con wc marino, serbatoio acque nere e doccia, fornello a gas a 2 fuochi, frigorifero, forno a microonde. Elica di prua, salpa ancora elettrico, GPS/Ecoscandaglio,.. Manutenzione seria presso la concessionaria Volvo. Revisione gomito/collettore nel 2023 Padiglione Francia IVA pagata. DAFN: 1.290 Euro/anno
Deutsch JEANNEAU LEADER 8 aus dem Jahr 2010, ausgestattet mit einem 320 PS starken VOLVO 5.7L GXI DP Benzinmotor. (758 Stunden). 1 Kabine für 4 Personen, Badezimmer mit Marinetoilette, Schwarzwassertank und Dusche, 2-Flammen-Gasherd, Kühlschrank, Mikrowelle. Bugstrahlruder, elektrische Ankerwinde, GPS/Echolot,.. Ernsthafte Wartung beim Volvo-Händler. Überholung des Winkels/Verteilers im Jahr 2023 Französischer Pavillon Gezahlte Mehrwertsteuer. DAFN: 1.290 Euro/Jahr
Español JEANNEAU LEADER 8 de 2010 equipado con un motor de gasolina VOLVO 5.7L GXI DP de 320 CV. (758 horas). 1 camarote, capacidad para 4 personas, baño con inodoro marino, tanque de aguas negras y ducha, estufa de gas de 2 quemadores, nevera, horno microondas. Hélice de proa, molinete eléctrico, GPS/Soda,.. Mantenimiento serio en el concesionario Volvo. Revisión de codo/colector en 2023 Pabellón de Francia IVA pagado. DAFN: 1.290 Euros/año
Nederlands JEANNEAU LEADER 8 uit 2010 uitgerust met een 320 PK VOLVO 5.7L GXI DP benzinemotor. (758 uur). 1 hut, 4 slaapplaatsen, badkamer met scheepstoilet, zwartwatertank en douche, 2-pits gasfornuis, koelkast, magnetron. Boegschroef, elektrische ankerlier, GPS/sirene,.. Serieus onderhoud bij Volvo-dealer. Revisie elleboog/spruitstuk in 2023 Frans Paviljoen BTW betaald. DAFN: 1.290 euro/jaar
Русский JEANNEAU LEADER 8 с 2010 года выпуска оснащается бензиновым двигателем VOLVO 5.7L GXI DP мощностью 320 л.с. (758 ч). 1 каюта, 4 спальных места, ванная комната с морским туалетом, баком для черной воды и душем, газовая плита с 2 конфорками, холодильник, микроволновая печь. Носовое подруливающее устройство, электрический брашпиль, GPS/эхолот,.. Серьезное техническое обслуживание в дилерском центре Volvo. Капитальный ремонт колен/коллектора в 2023 году Французский павильон НДС уплачен. DAFN: 1.290 евро/год
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Demo Boat ready for delivery. 2 engine hours
- Comfort trim level, 4762- Standard upholstery version cruising- Pack electronic, 1935- Pack sound, 1029- Mooring-anchoring kit, 682- Foldable side cockpit seat, 980- Benchseat back to the bay std, 1352- Polyester bathing platforms, 1476- Cockpit sunpad standard, 1352- Bow thruster, 2945- Water heater 25L 230V and shower in head, 818- Complete 220V electrical system, 1662- Luxury galley with gas stove, 1122- 49 Liters refrigerator, 1600- Additional berths standard upholstery, 360- Mattress in storage area, 310- Marine toilet + holding tank, 1097- Electic flaps, 1891- Sliding wheelhouse hatch with blackout curtains, 980- Benchseat back to the bay standard, 1352- Cockpit sunpad standard, 1488- Pre-rig Yamaha, 2590- Rahti, 4000
Engine: Yamaha F225 XCB6KK-1000476
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Cranchi Endurance 2008: A Powerful and Elegant Motor Yacht
The Cranchi Endurance 2008 is a stunning motor yacht that combines power, elegance, and versatility, making it an ideal choice for those seeking both performance and luxury on the water. Known for its superior craftsmanship and seaworthiness, the Cranchi Endurance 2008 is a perfect blend of style, functionality, and comfort. Whether for coastal cruising, day trips, or longer voyages, this yacht offers an outstanding boating experience for families, friends, and serious enthusiasts alike.
Design and Construction
The Cranchi Endurance 2008 features a sleek, modern design that balances aesthetics with practicality. With a length of 12.88 meters (42.3 feet) and a beam of 3.85 meters (12.6 feet), the Endurance 2008 is a mid-sized yacht that offers ample space for its guests without being overwhelming to handle. The yacht’s fiberglass hull is designed for stability and durability, while the lightweight construction ensures excellent speed and fuel efficiency.
Cranchi, an Italian shipyard renowned for its high standards of craftsmanship, has created a vessel that not only looks great but also performs at a high level. The Endurance 2008’s deep-V hull design ensures smooth handling in both calm and rough waters, providing a stable and comfortable ride at various speeds. The yacht's design focuses on maximizing the interior and deck space while maintaining an elegant, streamlined exterior.
Exterior Features
The Cranchi Endurance 2008 offers a well-thought-out exterior with ample deck space for relaxation and entertainment. The aft cockpit is particularly spacious, featuring a large dining area with comfortable seating, perfect for enjoying meals or cocktails while cruising. The cockpit also includes a wet bar with a sink and storage, adding to the yacht’s convenience when hosting guests.
The bow area is equipped with a large sunpad, providing the ideal spot for sunbathing or lounging. It offers ample space for guests to relax and take in the views while cruising. The swim platform at the stern is easy to access, providing direct entry into the water for swimming or watersports. An integrated swim ladder further enhances ease of access when in the water.
For those who enjoy steering from above, the flybridge on the Cranchi Endurance 2008 is an outstanding feature. Equipped with its own helm station, it offers excellent visibility, making it easier to navigate even in challenging conditions. The flybridge also includes seating and a small sunbathing area, providing a great vantage point to enjoy the surroundings and entertain guests.
Interior Layout and Comfort
Step inside the Cranchi Endurance 2008, and you’ll find a thoughtfully designed interior with an emphasis on comfort, luxury, and functionality. The main saloon features a spacious lounge area with a large sofa and a fully integrated entertainment system, including a flat-screen TV and surround sound, creating a perfect space to unwind. The large windows let in natural light and provide spectacular views of the surrounding waters, giving the saloon a bright and airy feel.
Galley: The galley on the Endurance 2008 is fully equipped with modern appliances, including a stove, refrigerator, microwave, and sink. It is designed to allow easy meal preparation while keeping the living areas separate and free from cooking odors. The galley is compact yet functional, with ample storage space for all essentials.
Cabins and Berths: The Cranchi Endurance 2008 offers two spacious cabins: a master cabin and a guest cabin. The master cabin is located at the bow and features a large double berth, wardrobes for storage, and en-suite facilities with a shower. The guest cabin is equally well-appointed, with two single beds that can be converted into a double, perfect for family or friends. Both cabins are designed to offer maximum comfort, ensuring a restful stay on board.
Head and Bathroom: The yacht features a well-equipped head with a marine toilet, sink, and shower, designed for convenience and privacy. The use of high-quality materials and finishes throughout the interior enhances the luxurious feel, making it a welcoming space for everyone on board.
Performance and Handling
The Cranchi Endurance 2008 is powered by twin inboard engines, usually Volvo Penta D6 330 HP engines or similar configurations, providing a combined power of around 660 horsepower. This allows the yacht to reach top speeds of around 35 knots, making it a fast and agile vessel for those who enjoy thrilling rides on the water. At cruising speeds of around 22-25 knots, the Endurance 2008 provides excellent fuel efficiency, making it a great option for longer journeys as well.
The yacht’s deep-V hull and dual engine configuration contribute to excellent handling and stability. It offers smooth, precise steering and is easy to maneuver, even in tight marinas or during docking procedures. The hydraulic steering system further improves the yacht’s responsiveness, ensuring a smooth driving experience for both seasoned sailors and less experienced skippers.
Whether you are cruising at high speeds or enjoying a leisurely day at sea, the Cranchi Endurance 2008 delivers a stable, comfortable, and enjoyable ride. The yacht is also equipped with a bow thruster, making docking even easier and more convenient.
Technology and Amenities
The Cranchi Endurance 2008 is equipped with modern technology and amenities to enhance both the comfort and safety of the onboard experience. Some key features include:
Navigation Equipment: A high-end GPS system, radar, and autopilot provide precise navigation, whether you’re exploring the coastline or venturing into unfamiliar waters.
Sound System: The yacht’s stereo system offers great sound quality, perfect for entertaining or relaxing in the saloon or cockpit.
Air Conditioning: The Endurance 2008 comes equipped with air conditioning to ensure a comfortable indoor environment, even on hot summer days.
Generator: The onboard generator ensures a consistent power supply for appliances and electronics, whether at anchor or underway.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Details: New TR6, the trimaran that comes to complete the fleet of our shipyard together with the TR5, TR8 and TR12. With an overall length of 6.95 m thanks to the engine bracket and the bowsprit, it has a hull length of 5.95 m and offers multiple customization options on deck. With central console, wide and functional, with access to its interior where a marine toilet is installed. With double homologation, with Design Category B and C. The motorization includes two outboard powers of 115 or 150 CV of XL tail Main technical specifications: overall length: 6.95 m Hull length: 5.95 m...
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Italia (Tutte le città)
[ES] Jeanneau Merry Fisher 895 del año 2020 en condiciones excelentes, IVA y matriculación pagados. El amarre 8m x 3m disponible para la venta.
Ofrece una luminosidad incomparable gracias a los grandes ventanales del asiento del conductor, para momentos de compartir a bordo que cada vez son más cómodos. La cabina está equipada con una sala de estar en forma de L, respaldos reclinables y reposabrazos personalizables con portavasos. Tanto en el interior como en el exterior, los respaldos son giratorios, por lo que puede ajustar los asientos a voluntad. Este Merry Fisher está equipado con una puerta estanca, una pasarela entrelazada y una gran capacidad de almacenamiento. La cabina principal, muy ventilada, está equipada con un baño con ducha y aseo marino.
[EN] Jeanneau Merry Fisher 895 built in 2020 in excellent condition VAT paid,. Mooring 8m x 3m available for sale. German Flag.
It offers an incomparable luminosity thanks to the large windows of the driver's seat, for moments of sharing on board that are becoming more and more comfortable. The cab is equipped with an L-shaped lounge, reclining backrests and customisable armrests with cup holders. Both inside and outside, the backrests swivel, so you can adjust the seats at will. This Merry Fisher is equipped with a watertight door, an interlocking gangway and a large storage capacity. The airy main cabin is equipped with a bathroom with shower and marine toilet.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 powered by a Yamaha F150 mechanical control outboard engine.
First launched in 2018. Presented in good condition throughout. Well configured with the following specification:
* 2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795.* Yamaha F150 DETX – mechanical control outboard engine (473 hours).* Premiere Pack. (opening roof hatch, aft cockpit cushions, two windscreen wipers, screen wash, sliding side windows, cockpit shower).* Garmin echoMap UHD 95 sv GPS chartplotter and fishfinder* Electric anchor windlass.* Anchor and mooring kit.* U-shaped cockpit saloon with table and sundeck conversion.* Swim platforms with teak.* Bow thruster.* Shore power and battery charger.* Luxury galley with gas hob and gas bottle.* Fridge.* Twin batteries.* Curtains.* Sea toilet.* Antifouling.
Further details and photos to follow.
* National or international delivery available.
* Trade in available - valuations on request.
The Merry Fisher 795 adopts a dynamic and rewarding design, both inside and out. All the innovations of the recent Merry Fisher 695 can be found onboard, plus many more!
With a lot of light, the Merry Fisher 795 combines a new dynamic profile with a large number of innovations to improve on-board comfort and to ensure that it remains the market reference.
Designed with family cruising in mind, the Merry Fisher 795 features a large aft cockpit with plenty of seating arranged in a sociable U-shape with a large central table. Inside the sliding doors there is a wide and accessible walkway down the centre, a dinette with seating for four to the portside and the well-appointed galley to the starboard side.
The helm is well designed with lots of space for the array of electronics and control. The steering is hydraulic and the engine controls are electronic, for simple operation. Included is a 9/" Garmin touchscreen GPS chartplotter and fishfinder, and a Garmin VHF radio with DSC and AIS. To hand are the bow thruster controls, engine display and all other control switches.
In the bow is a good sized heads compartment with a door, sea toilet and sink, forward is a double berth.
BHG Marine are part of the Berthon Boat Company group. Situated within Berthon Lymington Marina on the Lymington River, we have a wealth of services and facilities within our 20-acre site.
Visit our sales office and showroom to see a wide range of new and used powerboats and yacht tenders. Specialising in Jeanneau powerboats, Zodiac and AB RIBs, inflatables and yacht tenders, Linder aluminium boats, Yamaha outboard engines, davit systems, Propguards and much more.
With such a large boatyard and a 300 deep water berth marina, we are well facilitated to not only help you buy your boat, but also find it a home with the best facilities to make ownership simple.
BHG Marine was originally founded in 1947 and has a long-standing, and leading, presence in the outboard-powered powerboat market. Berthon has been synonymous with yacht services and yacht building since 1877, and as a result, we have a combined wealth of knowledge and experience that is rivaled by no other.
With 100 skilled craftsmen, at modern boatyard facilities in Lymington, Hampshire, BHG Marine and Berthon have the ability to deal with all aspects of yacht and motor boat repairs, refits, maintenance and servicing. We also project manage yacht and boat construction or fit-out projects of the highest quality.
At our Lymington boatyard, the dedication to providing the best marine services is key to the yard’s success; we constantly invest in new equipment and carry out very regular lean management exercise to ensure the utmost efficiency as well as operating an award-winning apprenticeship scheme which embraces modern technology whilst allowing many of our craftsmen who have been with us throughout their working life to pass on their skills and best practices.
We pride ourselves on our very comprehensive handovers and training with our own technically skilled boat handlers. We ensure you are confident in handling the boat, as well as using all systems onboard and the correct maintenance.
BHG Marine can also arrange for your boat to be delivered anywhere in the UK and Europe, making sure it's shrinkwrapped and carefully prepared for the journey.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795 powered by a Yamaha F150 mechanical control outboard engine.
First launched in 2018. Presented in good condition throughout. Well configured with the following specification:
* 2017 Jeanneau Merry Fisher 795.* Yamaha F150 DETX – mechanical control outboard engine (473 hours).* Premiere Pack. (opening roof hatch, aft cockpit cushions, two windscreen wipers, screen wash, sliding side windows, cockpit shower).* Garmin echoMap UHD 95 sv GPS chartplotter and fishfinder* Electric anchor windlass.* Anchor and mooring kit.* U-shaped cockpit saloon with table and sundeck conversion.* Swim platforms with teak.* Bow thruster.* Shore power and battery charger.* Luxury galley with gas hob and gas bottle.* Fridge.* Twin batteries.* Curtains.* Sea toilet.* Antifouling.
Further details and photos to follow.
* National or international delivery available.
* Trade in available - valuations on request.
The Merry Fisher 795 adopts a dynamic and rewarding design, both inside and out. All the innovations of the recent Merry Fisher 695 can be found onboard, plus many more!
With a lot of light, the Merry Fisher 795 combines a new dynamic profile with a large number of innovations to improve on-board comfort and to ensure that it remains the market reference.
Designed with family cruising in mind, the Merry Fisher 795 features a large aft cockpit with plenty of seating arranged in a sociable U-shape with a large central table. Inside the sliding doors there is a wide and accessible walkway down the centre, a dinette with seating for four to the portside and the well-appointed galley to the starboard side.
The helm is well designed with lots of space for the array of electronics and control. The steering is hydraulic and the engine controls are electronic, for simple operation. Included is a 9/" Garmin touchscreen GPS chartplotter and fishfinder. To hand are the bow thruster controls, engine display and all other control switches.
In the bow is a good sized heads compartment with a door, sea toilet and sink, forward is a double berth.
BHG Marine are part of the Berthon Boat Company group. Situated within Berthon Lymington Marina on the Lymington River, we have a wealth of services and facilities within our 20-acre site.
Visit our sales office and showroom to see a wide range of new and used powerboats and yacht tenders. Specialising in Jeanneau powerboats, Zodiac and AB RIBs, inflatables and yacht tenders, Linder aluminium boats, Yamaha outboard engines, davit systems, Propguards and much more.
With such a large boatyard and a 300 deep water berth marina, we are well facilitated to not only help you buy your boat, but also find it a home with the best facilities to make ownership simple.
BHG Marine was originally founded in 1947 and has a long-standing, and leading, presence in the outboard-powered powerboat market. Berthon has been synonymous with yacht services and yacht building since 1877, and as a result, we have a combined wealth of knowledge and experience that is rivaled by no other.
With 100 skilled craftsmen, at modern boatyard facilities in Lymington, Hampshire, BHG Marine and Berthon have the ability to deal with all aspects of yacht and motor boat repairs, refits, maintenance and servicing. We also project manage yacht and boat construction or fit-out projects of the highest quality.
At our Lymington boatyard, the dedication to providing the best marine services is key to the yard’s success; we constantly invest in new equipment and carry out very regular lean management exercise to ensure the utmost efficiency as well as operating an award-winning apprenticeship scheme which embraces modern technology whilst allowing many of our craftsmen who have been with us throughout their working life to pass on their skills and best practices.
We pride ourselves on our very comprehensive handovers and training with our own technically skilled boat handlers. We ensure you are confident in handling the boat, as well as using all systems onboard and the correct maintenance.
BHG Marine can also arrange for your boat to be delivered anywhere in the UK and Europe, making sure it's shrinkwrapped and carefully prepared for the journey.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Nautor Swan 76 uit 1980 te koop!
Nautor Swan 76 uit 1980 te koop!
Ontworpen door Amerika's meest vooraanstaande scheepsarchitecten Sparkman & Stephens en gebouwd door Europa's beste producent van jachten Nautor Swan of Finland.
Voorbeeld van ongeëvenaarde uitmuntendheid in bouw en prestaties, een bevestiging van de traditie van de bouwer van kracht, snelheid en comfort. De rompvorm weerspiegelt de jarenlange ervaring van de ontwerper met grote zeiljachten, en als zodanig past de Swan 76 zich goed aan voor zowel wereldwijde cruising als racen.
De Swan 76 is een sterk jacht, gebouwd van glasvezel met veel gebruik van langsverstijvers en interieurconstructies. Ze werd geleverd met een Llooyds' Register Hull Construction Certificate.
Flush deck uitvoering met traditioneel Swan dek profiel, masttop ketch getuigd!
De indeling bestaat uit een grote eigenaarshut met een tweepersoonsbed en een eenpersoonsbed en een eigen grote badkamer, drie extra hutten met elk een eigen badkamer, bemanningsverblijven voor drie personen, een ruime kombuis en royale bergruimten door het hele jacht. De stuurstand is midscheeps.
Het jacht is zeer goed uitgerust met teak dek, generator, radar, deels hydraulische / elektrische lieren, onderwater verlichting, Watermaker HP UC70 RP Tronic, elektrische oven, ijsmachine, wasmachine, vaatwasser, Digital Yacht 4G Connect etc.
Voorzien van een Wizeman Marine WM-240W dieselmotor met 256Hp/188kW vermogen en een Hundested variabele spoed schroef met feathering positie.
ORC Club Certificaat vanaf 2020 beschikbaar op aanvraag!
Neem contact met ons op voor meer details of om een bezichtiging te regelen.
Bouwer: Nautor, Oy Wilh Schauman Ab, Pietarsaari, Finland
Designer: Sparkman & Stephens Inc. (#2331)
Romp nummer: 76/002 (juni 1980)
Type: Mastkop ketch
Totaallengte (m.): 23,26 (76,31).
Lengte van de waterlijn: 18,70 (61,33)
Bundel: 5.80 (19.03)
Draft: 3,60 (12,00)
Verplaatsing (lichtschip): 44770 Kg (98700 lbs)
Verplaatsing (halve belasting): 49800 Kg (109700 lbs)
Balast: 10886 Kg (24000 lbs)
Antifouling gebied: 110 m2 (ca. 20 liter)
Wizeman Marine WM-240W, 24V (256Hp/188kW bij 2500rpm)
Serienummer: 402900 000 170919
Twin disc hydr. rev./red. gear 2,5:1
Driebladige LH 33, Hundested variable pitch propeller met gevederde positie
Bereik onder vermogen 1700 Nm of 300 uur bij 5,6 Knopen
Topsnelheid: 10,6 knopen
Propeller draait links
Watertankinhoud (l): 3800 (1004 US Gal), in 8 tanks
Brandstoftankinhoud (l): 2100 (555 US Gal), in 4 tanks
Watermaker HP UC70 RP Tronic
U-vormige salonbank met salontafel (opklapbaar) met opbergruimte en aan de tegenoverliggende zijde L-vormige salonbank met tafel met opbergruimte en salonbar
Eigenaarsachterkajuit met tweepersoonsbed en een eenpersoonsbed aan stuurboord, hangkasten
Starboord midscheepshut met tweepersoonsbed, hangende kluisjes
Starboard-voorkajuit met eenpersoonsbed, hangende kluisjes
Portugese voorkajuit met stapelbed, hangende kluisjes
2 Koppen met douche, handmatig toilet Jabsco en wastafel & lamp; 2 Koppen met handmatig toilet Jabsco en wastafel
Gevangenheid van de kapitein
U-vormig kombuis
Koelkast 380L
Vriezer 180L + 480 L
Ijs kubusjesmaker
Elektrische oven
Stove met 4 branders en oven
2 Roestvrij stalen wastafels
Veel opslagruimte
Digital Yacht 4G Connect WiFi + IKonnekt (om alle informatie van de instrumenten digitaal en draadloos weer te geven)
Radar Furuno 1830
Autopilot B&G Hydra Pilot
GPS Grafiekplotter B&G Zeus Z12 ROW
2x B&G Hydra 2000 (Snelheid, diepte, wind)
Diepgaand netwerk B&G
VHF: Sailor 6222 DSC/GMDSS
VHF: 3x Handheld ICOM IC-M23/IC-M88 en Plastimo SX-200
AIS Garmin 600
SSB Skanti TRP 7200
Generator Cummins Onan 17,5kW
Elektrische lier Lofrans Titan 2000W 24V
Servicebatterijen 24 V 480 Ah
Startbatterijen 24 V 120 Ah
Alternator Mastervolt 24 V 150 Ah
Batterijlader Mastervolt 24 V 80 Ah
TV in salon
Elektrische waspomp
Kuststroomaansluiting 240 V
Teak deck
Steering wheel
Winches (hydraulisch/elektrisch en handmatig)
Anker met ketting
2 Aluminium masten, dubbele spreiders
Rod rigging
Slab reefing
Volledig doorgelat grootzeil
Roll genua
3 Gennakers
Zwemladder voor rompzijde
Fenders (Opblaasbaar)
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2017 Jeanneau Cap Camarat 7.5 WA Series 2 – Powered by a Yamaha F300 outboard engine.
Supplied with the largest engine available, the 4.2 litre V6 Yamaha F300 with electronic controls.
An ever-popular sportsboat, with a two berth cuddy cabin, separate heads compartment with sea toilet and holding tank, galley with sink, pressurised running water and 12v fridge. Everything required for a comfortable weekend away.
On deck is a large console, with a Lowrange GPS chartplotter, Fusion stereo system, digital Yamaha engine display, Yamaha electronic engine controls, Zipwake automatic trim tabs, two swivelling and adjustable helm seats, cockpit table, and wraparound aft cockpit seating and aft sunbed conversion.
On the bow is a large sunbed with lifting backrests and cupholders, an electric anchor windlass and sturdy pulpit rails.
The boat also features a ski frame for towing waterskiers and wakeboarders, an auxiliary engine bracket, and a nearly new overall cover. In 2019 the boat was upgraded with new Zipwake automatic trim tabs, a new anchor windlass and a new Sidepower bow thruster.
BHG Marine have carried out an annual engine service, polished the hull and topsides and reantifouled the hull, end of October 2024.
Note: Gearbox removed as the photos were taken mid-service.
Yamaha F300 outboard engineYamaha digital engine displayZipwake automatic trim tabsSidepower bow thrusterElectric anchor windlassFusion stereoLowrance GPS chartplotterCockpit tableCockpit sunbedBow sunbed with lifting backrestsCabin cushions with double berth conversionFridgeSink and pressurised water systemTransom showerSea toilet with holding tankAuxiliary outboard engine bracketSki frameOverall cover (nearly new) and original console cover
Works carried out by BHG Marine, end of October 2024:
Full annual engine service New water pump kitNew anodes Hull and topsides polish New antifouling Complete detail valet throughout
Manufacturer Provided Description
Already the reference in the 7-metre boat category, and based on the magnificent streamlined hull by M. PETERS, the CAP CAMARAT 7.5 WA Série 2 boasts a distinctly young, dynamic and sporty style.
At the helm of the all-new American-style cockpit, you will experience exhilarating speeds. The spacious saloon and cabins provide for unforgettable evenings, while the fore and aft sundecks allow you to enjoy every instant of being at sea. Unforgettable moments await you aboard this family sport boat!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This boat is something out of the ordinary, a fully-fledged racer that also functions perfectly as a cruising boat. The boat is equipped so that the family can enjoy it in a pleasant and practical way while also being the ultimate racing boat.
Facts:Length: 12.20 metersBeam: 3.80 metersDraft: 2.22 metersWeight: 6.9 tons
When it comes to sailing, most people know that the J122 offers extremely high performance. This boat has the /"best of the best/". Perfect for Shorthand as this boat was ordered with 350 kg extra weight in the keel. This work was carried out by J-Boats when the boat was ordered.
The boat has 2 cabins, 6 berths, 1 toilet. Carbon fiber mast from Hallspars, Rodriggar. Aluminum boom. Standing rigging replaced approximately 6 years ago. The boat comes with 2 very nice mainsails of good quality, perfect for racing. The boat and most of the sails come from Holland. The work from 2023 is manufactured by Doyle. The boat came 3rd in the Fastnet Race on Shorthand. Measurement certificates are available for ORCI, not updated, as well as SRS. Sail numbers applied for and approved. SWE 50. The boat was originally sponsored by Raymarine, so the boat is well-equipped with marine electronics for sailing and instruments. Some parts have been updated, for example, a new Axiom 9” plotter mounted with a quick-release at the helm. 2 new Axiom 7” at the companionway, new wind sensor 2023. Three Raymarine i70 instruments are also mounted on the mast to display desired data. (Wireless) (Complete Raymarine Microtalk Racing system) Also new in 2023 are 2 new Lighthouse sea charts covering the entire Northern Europe.
Sails: 2 high-quality racing mainsails. 1 self-tacking jib 2023 (Cruising) 1 Genoa 4 3 staysails 3 gennakers, 2 A2 and 1 A3. 2 socks 1 Code 0 of very good quality. Most of the sails are made in Holland by local sailmakers, Jib from 2023 is from Doyle. Assessment for sails is that existing sails maintain good quality for racing. See attached pdf. What needs to be supplemented is a racing headsail. Currently, there is a Furlex below deck mounted, but extra forestay / Rod is included. Upgrades: 2022 - New retractable bow thruster with hand control – Sleipner. 1 electric winch from Seldén i40. New clutches from Spinlock expanded to 4x3. 5 new Gel batteries Stackpack Jib cover - Headsail protection Hanging straps Fenders with fender covers Mooring lines All halyards and trim lines such as sheets, etc., have been replaced. (Reef lines replaced) New toilet from Jabsco New lights in the forepeak LED with USB C port. 2023 Selden self-tacking rail. Can easily be removed with 4 small rig bolts. See picture. Headsail for self-tacking rail (perfect for cruising) 2 Axiom 7” plotters at the companionway 2 Lighthouse charts for the whole of Northern Europe 1 new wind sensor at the masthead, Raymarine wireless. 1 extra gas cylinder 1 Windex 1 New deck light in the mast with integrated lantern. LED. 1 new lantern, led starboard / green 1 new engine room fan. For the holiday/cruise. The boat is perfect even for the family. With its 40 feet, it offers generous space. 2 cabins. In the salon, all amenities are available such as extra thick mattresses in the forepeak. Heater, good size of the water tank, new toilet seat 2022. To make holiday sailing easy, we installed a track for the self-tacking jib in 2023 and developed a new jib for the purpose. Canvas from Dimesion Polyant. (DCX Clean Text) Stackpack for easy handling of the mainsail. The headsail is easily rolled in with a mounted winch. Same with hoisting the mainsail, which is a 2:1 fall. Here the Selden E40i winch does a good job. In summary, the boat becomes very easy to sail for the family. In addition to the specifications, it comes with an anchor with chain, a life raft that must be inspected, and other equipment required for the Fastnet Race. Radar reflector, EPIRB, MOB bracelet, anchor (arm) mounted at the bow. Sea mattresses, etc.
* This text is auto-translated. The translation may contain errors.
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Al (Sardegna)
PERFORMANCE 807 PICTURES WITH NEW INTERIOR SOON AVAILABLE... Fastest Performance Marine boat ever built. - 2 x Mercury Racing HP500 engines - Mercury Racing Bravo 1 XR z-drives - Drive showers - Marine Machine Hydrolic steering - Kiekheafer Heavy Duty Racing Trim Tabs Options: - New Fusion Marine Sound System - USB, Bluetooth, Remote,... - New custom interior (white leather) - New cockpit cover - New custom winter cover - Custom paintjob by Performance - New polish for delivery - Fridge with freezer - Stainless Achor with windlass - Swimplatform with swimladder - Cabin with 2 persons bed - Toilet (electric) with mirror ans sink - Bucket seats for driver and front passenger - Cockpittable - Cockpit 3 pers sunbed - Concept 3500 trailer (road legal EU) -... New price over 350 000 euro incl tax Asking price: 99 000 euro incl tax...Read full description
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