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Modern tank 50 led

Elenco delle migliori vendite modern tank 50 led

Pescara (Abruzzo)
BMW serie 3 316d F31 Modern 116Cv - 85Kw Anno 23/12/2014 Euro 5B Km 114.050 Bollo pagato 2020 1° Revisione ok del 18/01/19 a km 61661 Service esclusivamente BMW documentati Vettura ufficiale italiana BMW Con garanzia BPS BMW valida su tutto il territorio nazionale Pacchetto BPS BMW premium selection - 48 mesi garanzia BPS BMW Italia-Europa (pacchetto promo attivata da Gennaio 2019 fino a Gennaio 2023) - 5 anni/100000 km di manutenzione pagata BMW oil inclusive Italia-Europa (pacchetto promo attivato a Gennaio 2019 fino a Gennaio 2023 oppure valido fino a 160.000 km percorsi) Tre modalità di guida: Sport (Prestazioni ottimizzate gruppo motore e assetto) Confort (Modalità guida standard) Eco pro (Guida ottimizzata nei consumi,modalità veleggio al rilascio dell'acceleratore sopra i 50 orari) Cambio automatico 8 rapporti Navigatore satellitare Bluetooth telefono integrato BMW connect Interno pelle/tessuto Cruise control Start&Stop Sos chiamata Bi-Xenon + led Doppie chiavi Sensori parcheggio Portellone elettrico Gomme runflat 225/50/17" Cerchi in lega 17" Attualmente monta cerchi Bmw da 19" Anteriore 225/40/19" Posteriore 255/35/19" comprensivi di due treni di gomme estive ed invernali Possibilità di riaverla con cerchi 17" Con gomme 225/50/17" Ad un prezzo inferiore Auto pari al nuovo, vendo per passaggio ad auto aziendale Info Fabio 3395766095
13.800 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
S-Line Sportpaket Plus S-Line Exterieurpaket Businesspaket Navigationssystem MMI Plus LED Scheinwerfer Black Pack Ad Blue Tank mit erhöhtem Füllvolumen Assistenzpaket Toura Adaptiver Fahrassistent mit Notfallassistent Adaptiver Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzer, Effizienz, Ausweich und Abbiegeassistent Multifunktionskamera Audi Smartphone Interface Außenspiegel elektrisch einstellbar, bezheiz und anklappbar, beidseitig aut. abblendend mit Memory Funktion Bang b'&' Olufsen Premium Sound System mit 3D Klang Bedientasten schwarz glänzend mit haptischem Feedback und Aluoptik im Interieur Businesspaket 4 Zonen Klimaaautomatik Audi Phone Bix Adaptive Scheibenwischer mit integrierten Waschdüesen Innenspiegel automatisch abblendend, rahmenlos LTE-Unterstützung für Audi Phone Box Dachreling schwarz Dekoreinlagen Alu matt gebürstet dunkell Fernlichtassistent Head Up Display Kamerabasierende Verkehrszeichenerkennung Kraftstoffbehälter mit erhöhtem Volumen Parkassistent mit Einparkhilfe Plus Privacy Verglasung (Scheiben abedunkelt) Sitzheizung vorne Sportsitze/Leder Stoff S-Line Variable Kopfstützen für die Vordersitze Vordersitze elektrisch einstellbar mit Memoryfunktion Alufelgen 20 Zoll Sportlederlenkrad mit Schaltwippen Digitaler Radioempfang Fahrerinformationssystem mit Farbdisplay Mild Hybrid Quattro Audi Drive Select Audi Pre Sense basic Audi Pre Sense front Progressivlenkung Induktive Ladefunktion für Smartphone Sport
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Houseboat Per direct is een CAMPI 460 beschikbaar (De koper kon zijn financiën niet rondkrijgen). U krijgt 50% korting op de transportkosten vanuit Polen naar uw nieuwe ligplaats. Er kunnen nog wat wijzigingen aangebracht worden indien gewenst.De laatste 4 foto's zijn de foto's van deze Campi 460 op de werf in Polen. Sinds Kort bouwt RIVO de Campi 460. Deze houseboat is vergelijkbaar met de Campi 400. Echter 460 breed in plaats van 4 meter en ze heeft 2 slaapkamers met de mogelijkheid van een tweepersoonsbed van 160 breed. En de mooie trap die zo bekend is van de Campi 400 die zit bij de Campi 460 aan de voorkant van de boot. Zie de tekening (bijlage PDF). De prijs van de Campi is inclusief 2 x 30 PK Yamaha motoren en een flink aantal opties. Zie verderop in deze tekst. U kunt de opties nog uitbreiden of enkele laten vervallen. Eventueel kunnen de zijpanelen nog in een andere kleur gewijzigd worden. De boot is verder compleet inclusief inrichting, zonnepanelen, dakterras etc. Reeds aanwezig opties op deze boot die in de prijs zitten: Plissé voor alle ramen extra deurslot magneet bij deur 3 extra bolders Bescherming motoren met houten zitbank extra walstroom aansluiting aan voorkant boot Horren/muskito's voor ramen Airco extra naast verwarming op gas. Osmosis water filter systeem Teakfoam op dakterras Directe aansluiting met pomp voor op riool. En extra tank met extra pomp dus in totaal 100 liter met pomp aansluiting riool vlaggenstokhouder aan reling buiten extra waterpunt voor douche of waterslang Markize voor op voorterras ter waarde van 550 euro excl. btw. Maar deze optie hoeft u niet te nemen. Een Campi houseboat heeft een stalen frame op Polyetheen drijvers. Houtenskeletopbouw met dubbele glazen ramen. Ze heeft een prima prijs/kwaliteit verhouding. Mooie ruime living met grote keuken. Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met onze houseboat specialist Terry Bos +31 6 41470689. Algemeen Overig: Belangrijke gegevens: • polytheen drijvers in een gegalvaniseerd stalen frame • Dubbele glazen ramen • 8x 220AH-batterijen, meterkast. • 2x brandstof tank: per stuk 40 liter losse tanks • Zoetwater tank: 400 l • Afvalwater tank: 400 l • Aantal motoren: 2 • 2x 30 pk High Trust Yamaha buitenboord motoren • 6x 250 W Zonnepaneel / omvormer 230V, 5kW • vaste trap naar het dak aan de voorkant. • Gasverwarming, CV ketel voor warm water en radiatoren (Merk JUNCKER) • Led verlichting ingebouwd in plafondbeplating • Waterdrukpomp Woonkamer: • Dubbele slaapbank met opbergruimte • Stuurstand (ook buiten plaatsbaar als optie tegen extra kosten) • 4 x camera met kleurenscherm • Draaiende stuurstoel • Radiator • TV met DVB-T antenne • Tafel met vier stoelen Keuken: • keuken kasten en hangkasten • 4 pits gas kookplaat (of inductie) • Koelkast met vriezer (ingebouwd) • Spoelbak met kraan voor koud en warm water Eerste slaapkamer: • Tweepersoonsbed • kledingkast • radiator Tweede slaapkamer: •Tweepersoonsbed of stapelbed • kledingkast • radiator Badkamer: • Douche warm / koud water • Toilet met vermaler • Wastafel met roestvrijstalen kraan • CV ketel (of boiler) • Spiegel Accommodatie Kooktoestel b'&' brandstof: Keuze gas of inductie Motor, electra, water Aantal identieke motoren: 2 Overig: Type interieur: Modern, light;
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Passagiersschip dat is gebouwd in 2010 volgens de allernieuwste eisen voor de Rijnvaart. Het is een direct leverbaar schip. Op dekniveau bevinden zich de ruime salon met panorama zicht die middels 2 zijdeuren toegankelijk is, de hoofdbar, het kombuis, de toilettengroep en is de trap naar boven waar een 2de salon met bar en de stuurhut zijn gesitueerd. Hiervandaan kan men ook naar buiten. Het is een unieke boot die de gasten in de gelegenheid stelt om via het bovendek en het voordek veilig naar de hoofdsalon te gaan. Rondom is er getint dubbel glas aangebracht. Het is een zeer goed te manoeuvreren schip met een 360° draaibare krachtige boegschroef. Er zijn 2 generatoren geplaatst en een moderne John Deere diesel voor de voortstuwing. Ze is gecertificeerd voor de Rijnvaart wat haar een zeer groot vaargebied geeft. Met wat aanvullend ballasten kan ze ook naar de Donau worden gevaren waar ze dan gewoon weer in te zetten is. De volledige informatie van dit schip vindt u op www.doevemakelaar.nl of als u gelijk de volledige informatie van dit schip wil bekijken door hier te klikken. Certificaten: Certificaat van Onderzoek (CvO) open zee tot Basel Is gelijk aan: EU zone 3 & 4 geldig tot: 01-2025 200 passagiers Geschikt voor / als: passagiersschip restaurant gastronomie pannenkoeken restaurant beroepsvaart Bouwwijze: 9 waterdicht(e) schot(ten) berghout dichte bolderkasten Ramen: dubbel glas getint glas aluminium buiten deuren Isolatie: ja Davits: aanwezig Kombuis / keuken: langsscheeps professioneel uitgerust kombuis Kooktoestel: 2-pits kooktoestel inductie afzuigkap roestvast staal Werkblad: roestvast stalen werkblad Wasbak: roestvast stalen wasbak Waterkraan: mengkraan met warm & koud stromend water Afwasmachine: 1 Winterhalter doorschuif-vaatwasser Besturing: hydraulisch stuurbekrachtiging weg afhankelijk sturen & joystick = noodbesturing Navigatie apparatuur: Radio Zeeland Sigma 500 rivier automatische piloot Radio Zeeland Sigma 100 roerstandaanwijzer Radio Zeeland Sigma 300 bochtaanwijzer 2x Radio Ocean RO4700 marifoon met DSC Heftronic HT120 intercom Cruiser echolood / dieptemeter ComNav Voyager X3 Automatisch Identificatie Systeem (AIS) ruitenwisser blauw bord met knipperlicht hoorn navigatieverlichting camera systeem Betimmering: diverse materialen zijn gebruikt modern interieur tapijt op de vloer(en) systeem plafonds zie foto's Badkamer: douche thermostaat kraan wasbak met mengkraan en warm & koud stromend water Aanvullende informatie: 2x roestvast stalen friteuse 2x koffiemachine 4x bier tap inventaris Reling / Preekstoel: reling rondom bovendek Bijboot: kunststof Veiligheid: volgens de certificering-eisen 200 reddingsvesten 7 reddingsvesten (opblaasbaar) 7 reddingsboei(en) 9 brandblussers 2x automatische brandblusinstallatie in motorruimte brandblusdeken brandalarmsysteem Mast: lantaarn mast aluminium Strijkbaar: ja elektrisch Stroomvoorziening: 24 / 230 / 400 Volt 400 Volt walstroom aansluiting professioneel geinstalleerd systeem Aanvullende informatie: 200 dag passagiers De gebruikte technieken zijn afkomstig uit de beroepsvaart. Zeer geschikt om de Europese kanalen en rivieren te bevaren. voorpiek Drinkwatertank (ca.): 10000 liter 1 stalen tank(s) Vuilwatertank (ca.): 10000 liter 1 stalen tank(s) Entertainment: omroep/muziekinstallatie Aanvullende informatie: 2x aluminium loopplank dekverlichting stuurstoel zonnedek Keuringsrapport van het onderwaterschip is aanwezig (11-2019) Waterdruksysteem: hydrofoor Gas systeem: geen gas aan boord Aanvullende informatie: LED verlichting lucht compressor Hobalt elektrisch motorbedienings systeem
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Monfalcone (Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Briand at his best, with CNB's know-how and, the CNB 66 provides plenty of space, excellent voyaging capabilities and first class elegance, all within a manageable 20 metres. She is an ideal vessel for couples and families alike, and already as popular in the big yacht charter market as she is in the elite of performance cruiser regattas. The hull is designed for speed, making for quick passages, whilst the vertical stem, aft chine and good weight distribution makes the 66 easy to manoeuvre and a joy to helm. Down below, Jean-Marc Paiton has once again created a bright and airy space that is not only luxurious, but superbly practical too. The 270 degree panoramic windows and in hull glazing reveal incredible vistas over the ocean and a magical brightness throughout this spacious interior Inventory DECK GEAR HATCHES, PORTLIGHTS, WINDOWS Eight (8) opening flush tinted acrylic deck hatches in the foredeck Two (2) opening flush tinted acrylic deck hatches in the coach roof Two (2) opening hatches in the cockpit Two (2) opening portlights for the galley Eight (8) fixed portlights 700 mm x 250 mm Two (2) fixed portlights 900 mm x 250 mm Eleven (11) linear meters of windows in pilothouse Teak covered deck hatches for windlass access and lazarette access x 2 SAILING HARDWARE Primary winches - Harken ST 70 Performa Secondary winches - Harken ST 60 Performa Mainsheet winch - Harken ST 60 Performa Halyard/Reef line winches - Harken ST 60 Performa Option to upgrade all winches to Electric Navtec multi-function hydraulic panel Hydraulic boom vang, backstay cylinders, transom hatch TWIN HELM STATIONS Composite steering wheels laquered in black (options for carbon & teak or all carbon wheels) Composite pod with compass CANVAS Sprayhood at companionway TRANSOM Large hatch door opens for access to the tender garage and to create an expansive swim platform (2,90 x 1,30 meters), integrated foldable stairs for cockpit access, detachable swim ladder and access to 3.2m tender storage Gangway hatch to port (hydraulicly deployed gangway or carbon fibre folding gangway are Optional) Engine exhaust and shorepower connection behind louvers to starboard The tender garage is a waterproof monocoque constructed box with no penetrations. So there is no chance of water from the garage entering the boat. ANCHOR 40 kg CQR anchor with 100 meters of 12mm galvanized chain Anchor roller integrated in fixed bowsprit Windlass control in sail locker GALLEY APPLIANCES Miele induction cooking hob Miele Oven/Microwave combined Vitrifrigo 157 liter refrigerator and 75 liter freezer Stainless steel sink w/ tap Bridge LOA: 20,61 m 67.61 ft Hull Length 19,86 m 62.20 ft Length w/ bowsprit 21,36 m 70.07 ft LWL 18,45 m 60.53 ft Max Beam 5,51 m 18.07 ft Draft (standard keel) 2,95 m 9.67 ft Displacement (Light) 31,100 kg 68,500 lb Ballast (standard keel) 9,350 kg 20,600 lb Fresh Water 1,000 liters 132 gallons Fuel 1,200 liters 158 gallons The low profile pilothouse, off center companionway, large cockpit with twin wheels, twin rudders, plumb stem, and powerful hull with chine all reflect the Phillipe Briand and CNB heritage. Built with the exacting process and tolerances of CNB's world class standards the 66 is configured for owners who do not want to sail with professional crew. The CNB 66 is a semi-custom build with a multitude of options available to allow you to configure the boat so it best suits you and your family. The yacht features flush teak decks, only one 12 cm step from the cockpit to the weather decks, gel coat finish topsides and house, flush deck hatches, large hull portlights, large sail locker that can be converted to a crew cabin. Keel Options Standard Option 1 Cast Iron "L" shaped Lead Bulb and steel fin "T" shaped Draft - 2.95 m Draft - 2.40 m Ballast - 9,35 tons Ballast - 9,80 tons Option 2 Option 3 Lead Bulb and steel fin "T" shaped Lead Bulb and cast iron fin "T" shaped Draft - 2.95 m Draft - 3.50 m Ballast - 7,9 tons Ballast - 7,1 tons Machinery MAIN ENGINE Volvo Penta D4-180hp @ 2800 rpm 4 blade 635 mm diameter feathering bronze propeller F16PH 50 mm stainless steel shaft Hydrolube non-metallic cutlass bearings (x2) Engine controls at Starboard Helm Bow thruster in tunnel ELECTRICAL Service Battery Bank 420 A/h 24V Gel batteries Start Batteries 12v x2 one for engine one for generator Battery Charger Victron 24V - 100 A/h Inverter Victron 3000 Watt Generator - Cummins 13.5 kW TANK CAPACITY Water 1000 liters in two tanks Fuel 1200 liters in two tanks Rig STANDARD OPTION: Aluminum mast and boom by Sparcraft, Dyform stainless standing rigging, aluminum spreaders Manual headsail furler Self tacking jib track Harken 26mm switch Battcar system RIG DIMENSIONS: I - 25.00 m J - 7.67 m P - 24.13 m E - 7.80 m LP - 110% 8.30 m SAIL AREA: Mainsail - 112 m² Blade Jib - 103 m² Asymetrical Spinnaker - 330 m² Code 5 Spinnaker - 250 m² Code - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - ² Upwind Sail Area - 215 m² Downwind Sail Area - 440 m² CARBON SPARS OPTION (Performance option) Hall Spars - Standard Modulus Carbon spar and spreaders with clear coat finish Nitronic rod rigging Harken 26mm switch Battcar system V boom with hydraulic outhaul RIG DIMENSIONS: I - 26.15 m J - 7.67 m P - 25.65 m E - 8.00 m LP - 110% 8.30 m SAIL AREA: Mainsail - 120 m² Blade Jib - 107 m² Asymetrical Spinnaker - 355 m² Code 5 Spinnaker - 270 m² Code - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - ² Upwind Sail Area - 227 m² Downwind Sail Area - 475 m² MAINSAIL HANDLING OPTIONS Slab reefing with Harken switch car system In-Mast hydraulic furler with hydraulic outhaul In-boom furling with Hall Carbon V-boom HEADSAIL FURLING OPTIONS Electric headsail furler Staysail rigged on fix stay with running backstays with either a manual or electric furler Accommodation The CNB 66 is a semi-custom yacht and it is here in the interior where you can build a boat best suited to you and your family. Choose from three interior finishes Would you like to turn one cabin into an office? You can. Would like to change one of the four bathrooms into a walk-in wardrobe? You can. Would you like to convert the large port cabin in a game room for the kids? You can. CNB and Ancasta look forward to working with you to create the right boat for you. STANDARD LAYOUT 4 cabin, 4 heads, Owner's cabin forward, galley aft, fixed port lights in all cabins with two meter headroom throughout. The stylish, contemporary interior is finished in "Levanter Ambience" - walnut wood with an open pore finish, light oak floorboards, white overhead and ceiling panels. Saloon cushions in Trojan water repellent fabric ARRANGEMENT Full width Owner's Cabin forward with double berth off centerline to port, to starboard settee and desk with large hanging locker on aft bulkhead. Forward of the cabin is a full width head with separate shower stall, toilet, vanity, mirror and lockers. Aft of the owner's cabin are two guest cabins. Port cabin features a double berth with the berth side cabinet inboard. There is a hanging locker inboard. Forward of the cabin is the ensuite head with shower, vanity, toilet and storage. The Starboard Guest cabin features upper and lower berths, with hanging locker inboard. Forward of the cabin is the ensuite head with shower, vanity, toilet and storage. The heart of the interior is the spacious, light filled, clean contemporary saloon. The panoramic views from the pilothouse windows combined with the large portlights in the hull ensure uninterrupted views of the anchorage. To port is an L shaped settee wrapping around two sides of the table that comfortably seats eight. Aft of the dining table is the bar & navigation area. To starboard is an innovative and comfortable modular settee when fully assembled creates an expansive sofa. Two of the modular "benches" within the settee can be slid across the saloon floor to become seats at the table. Aft of the saloon and down two steps is the modern galley to port, open to the saloon with access to the cockpit as well. The galley features Miele and Vitrifrigo appliances, double bowl stainless steel sink, Corian© counter tops, 12 cupboards and three drawers. To starboard is the fourth cabin with a double berth, hanging locker on the centerline and ensuite head with separate shower stall, vanity, lockers and toilet....Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
We present this stunning Azimut Fly 47 FOR SALE in excellent condition, well maintained and serviced - READY TO SAIL. MY SKYFALL is modern 3-cabin motor yacht, which can accommodate up to 6 people in 3 cabins, one double and two cabins with a twin beds. The yacht has 2 bathrooms with a shower.Yacht is fully equipped with radar, generator, GPS plotter, grill on the fly and bimini top, flat screen TV, heating, air conditioning, audio system and some more additional features. Equipment: Yacht controller Electronic commander Digital multifunctional display for engine datas and systems Bow thruster Trim flaps Yacht GPS plotter Raymarine E 80 at salon dashboard Raymarine E 80 on Flybridge Radar Overlay Raymarine E 80 Autopilot Raymarine Tridata Raymarine VHF Raymarine Navtex SAT antenna Raymarine SAT TV in salon and cabin HiFi systems for salons and outdoor areas LED lighting salon and flybridgee Search light Anchor winch Big table and chairs in cockpit Teak in cockpit Hydraulic extendable gangway Opacmare as tenderlift Stern shower Sun bed on bow Flybridge with huge dining area and sun bed Wet bar, fridge and BBQ on flybridge Huge salon in modern design Electric side window Huge couch extendable to bed Ceramic cooking top Microwave / grill combination Fridge 120 l including freezer Ice maker Electric toilet system Tecma with black water tank Air condition 40.000 BTU in salon and all cabins adjustable 2 large bathrooms separate showers and refined details Guest cabin with single beds and optionally as a double bed Lots of storage space in the saloon and cockpit 1 x generator Kohler 11 KW Cockpit covers Sun cover for cockpit Sun covers windows Viewing of SKYFALL can be arranged with appointment, contact us to get more details.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
SHIPYARD: BAYLINERMODEL: 2452 CIERA EXPRESSSPANISH FLAGLAST REVISION ITB: 2022 NEXT REVISION ITB: 2027LENGHT: 7.14mSLEEVE:2.54mMATERIAL: FIBERGLASSENGINE: MERCRUISER 5.0 220HP INBOARD GASOLINE FUELSPEED CRUISING AND MAXIMAN:20 - 30knotsENGINE HOURS: 170 HOURSFUEL TANK CAPACITY: 250 LWATER TANK CAPACITY: 80 LWC SEWAGE TANK AND EXTRACTION PUMP CAPACITY: 10 people. EQUIPMENT: 1 double cabins with 2 bunk beds with white leatherette upholstery, kitchen, Sink, Large Bathtub, Electronic windlass with 50 meters chain, Double battery with charger and position selector, Trim regulation, one bow bilge pump and two stern pumps, Ladder and swimming Platforms Usb connectors and smartphone charging, LED Lights, Fire extinguishers, Awning, Bimini awning(summer and winter). ELECTRONICS: GPS TRANSDUCER GARMIN, COMPASS,RTF VHF COBRA, RADIO WITH TOUCHSCREEN AND SOUND EQUIPMENT, TV LED 24/" HDMI-USB 12V,THERMO HOT WATER AND SHOWER, FRIDGE,MICROWAVE, INVERTER 12V TO 220V 1000W,HEADLIGHT OF 360º HIGH POWER MOTORIZED OUTFOOR NIGHT LIGHT.ADDITIONAL: Mercury outboard auxiliar engine 9.8HP Gasoline Fuel, Tank auxiliar of 30L and stern support to adapt it.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For sale is a Baltic 55 DP modified for exploration from 1989 GRYNING is hull #9 and as such, the last of the popular Baltic 55's built. GRYNING was expertly outfitted for short handed passage making when built. She has primarily been captain maintained and constantly upgraded.  In 2015 she was converted/upgraded for Polar Explrations and sailed into the most difficult weather conditions in the North Sea, Med and North Atlantic Ocean, without any issues. With her shoal draft wing keel and user friendly deck layout, she is a perfect world cruiser. GRYNING was extensively refit during winters 1999/2000, 2000/2001, 2003/2004, 2005/2006 and 2013 at the BALTIC YACHTS SHIPYARD. During the winter of 2013 she was at a Baltic yard where a lifecycle service was done.  GRYNING is a truly fast and comfortable passage maker. A lot of the upgrades, such as larger engine with matched propeller, carbon fiber rudder, carbon fiber pocket boom, carbon fiber mast and other sail handling equipment she has received over the past few years have further enhanced her speed and ease of handling.Under power she has a cruising speed of 8 knots at 2,200 rpm and 9+ knots at 85% engine power. At 6 knots she has a range of 1000 Nm under engine.She was 1st in class and second overall in the Marblehead-Halifax Ocean Race 2003, 3rd in class and third overall 2005 and 2nd in class in the Newport-Bermuda Race 2008. IRC measured weight 45,930 Ibs (20,834 kg). She is compliant with OGR 2023 specifications, with minor parts to be replaced. While from 1989, she is a unique yacht in several ways and has a number of features that are usually found on much more modern yachts. Main of these unique features are: Teak deck removed and filled with Epoxy and International paint (2023) Hull repainted (2023) New Rod Standing Rigging (2023) New Hydraulic Ram for Autopilot (2023) Mainsail Hydranet by Incidence Sails (2022) Carbon fiber mast, Carbon fiber “canoe” boom, Carbon spinnaker pole and bowsprit (2006) Carbon fibre rudder redesigned to provide 16% improvement in effort needed for steering (2005) Higher horsepower diesel engine with low engine hours and high torque Wing keel with only 2.18m draft Hydraulic Reckmann roller furler for the Genoa driven by a Lewmar Commander power pack which has spare parts; new Hydraulic motor, more powerful, has been fitted in 2018. This plant also power the windlass and the port halyard winch Electrical Powered primary and mainsheet winches Very sheltered central cockpit with rigid hood professionally build in 2016 by Loïc BAYZE in Bandol, France All ceilings insulated with TRI Wool system REFLEKS stove/heater with independant 25l diesel tank EBERSPÄCHER D8L diesel cabin heater (new 2019) New WEBASTO dual energy 50 litre water heater (2021) AGM 24 V/DC service batteries 500 Ah (2019) - 10 batteries AGM 12 V/DC starting battery 120 Ah (2019) B&G forward scan sonar with 8’’ Hercules screen (2018) New 2018 B&G Autopilot fully connected to instruments with hydraulic drive and course computer. Wired to sail to wind functions (2018) CENTRAL AGENT Full exposé on request. For further information do not hesitate to contact us. Your judel/vrolijk & co – brokerage team.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The sleek lines of the 740 ProLine from Seapro need to be appreciated up close. She is truly a craft of beauty and discerning elegance. However don’t let that beau facade fool you, under the gorgeous tactile exterior is a genuine thoroughbred and when you open the taps in the rough stuff she picks up her skirts and makes that deep V hull come to life. On deck your will find all of the creature comforts that you should expect from a luxury RIB, beautiful British made heavy duty matte finish fabrics, deep blue LED lighting, powerful Bluetooth music system, modern LED nav and data screens, T Top, ski pole, tactile EVA deck, cup holders for days! If you are looking for a boat in this size range you really need to consider the Seapro 740PL, she will blow you away. Fully stacked turn-key package deal including:  225hp honda drive by wire Console and seat cover Foam teak package – Brown Foam teak – full floor – Brown S.S Rod Holder Removable table – Wood Nav. Lights set SS Ladder S.S. Cleat T-Top in Fiberglass with Aluminum legs – Black legs and GRP Shower System – with 32 Liter tank Cup holder – Stainless steel – with blue lights Hydraulic piston for hatch covers Electric outlet socket Console Pocket – Large Deck led lights (Blue) – Extra light Main battery switch – Double Retractable stainless steel ski pole Extreme 1300kg super roller trailer
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Melegnano (Lombardia)
BMW Serie 3 BMW 318 318d Gran Turismo Modern Vuoi fare un TEST DRIVE della vettura o ricevere foto e video? CHIAMA ORA per fissare un appuntamento. M-M Motors è una società d?intermediazione di auto tra privati, la nostra mission è di offrire a chi vende la possibilità di realizzare il giusto prezzo ed a chi acquista di averla ad un prezzo vantaggioso rispetto ai canali tradizionali, offrendo le stesse garanzie di una concessionaria! PERIZIA DELL ESPERTO: Oggi presentiamo la spaziosissima berlina di casa BMW 318D GRAN TURISMO in questa versione GRIGIO METALLIZZATO con interni in mista pelle BEIGE - allestimento MODERN CAMBIO AUTOMATICO DIESEL EURO 5B DA 143 CV Auto acquistata da concessionaria BMW nel 2014 con appena 160km e utilizzata fino ad oggi sempre dalla stessa persona (2 proprietari: bmw + 1 privato) OTTIME CONDIZIONI ESTERNE - CARROZZERIA OK Interni un pò opacizzati essendo di colore chiaro ma comunque ben tenuti, qualche segno alle maniglie anteriori delle portiere. CERCHI IN LEGA 18'' AL 50% ANTERIORI 225/45 POSTERIORI 225/40 CLIMA AUTOMATICO BIZONA NAVIGATORE SENSORI PARCHEGGIO ANTERIORI/POSTERIORI BLUETOOTH BAGAGLIAIO ELETTRICO EVENTUALI BARRE AL TETTUCCIO ORIGINALI BMW VERO AFFARE (AUTO DI LISTINO 2013 51.000?) DISPONIBILE VISIONE E TEST DRIVE SU APPUNTAMENTO. CHIAMARE PRIMA DI RECARSI IN SEDE. VETTURA: Interni: DISCRETE CONDIZIONI Esterni: BUONE CONDIZIONI Volante: BUONE CONDIZIONI Gomme: ESTIVE 19'' 50% DOCUMENTAZIONE: Libretto Service: DISPONIBILE Libretto uso e manutenzione: DISPONIBILE Bollo: 06/2022 Revisione: 01/2024 MANUTENZIONE: Ultimo tagliando: in compilazione Km ultimo tagliando: in compilazione Tagliandi: UFFICIALI + FIDUCIA Cambio: AUTOMATICO - OK Frizione: --- Freni: BUONE CONDIZIONI -GARANZIA 12 MESI ESTENDIBILE; -FINANZIAMENTI IN SEDE AI MIGLIORI TASSI SUL MERCATO; -ASSICURAZIONI FURTO E INCENDIO PER TUTTA LA DURATA DEL FINANZIAMENTO; -SI VALUTANO EVENTUALI PERMUTE; CONDIZIONI DI VENDITA Tutte le informazioni nel nostro annuncio sono state compilate con la massima precisione e cura. Tuttavia, possono contenere degli errori. M-M Motors Srl declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali non conformità relative a dati inseriti quali optional, omologazioni anti inquinamento e altri dettagli inerenti all'automobile. Anno: 2013 Km: 118000 Alimentazione: Diesel Cilindrata: 1995 Optional: Bracciolo, Cruise Control, Portellone posteriore elettrico, Sensori di parcheggio anteriori, Sensori di parcheggio posteriori, Start e Stop, Volante in pelle, Volante multifunzione, Autoradio digitale, Bluetooth, Lettore CD, Cerchi in Lega, Portapacchi, Airbag, Airbag Laterale, Airbag Passeggero, Antifurto, Chiusura Centralizzata, Fari Xenon, Fendinebbia, Isofix, Luci diurne, Luci diurne LED, Servosterzo, Sistema di controllo pressione pneumatici, Veicolo non fumatori Inserzionista: m-m motors MILANO sud
14.300 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Mangusta 80 of the Overmarine shipyard was considered the Open par excellence, due to the large outdoor spaces, excellent performance and attractive design that is still relevant today. It offers extraordinary performance in navigation for stability and power, with high-level finishes. Mangusta 80 Open is therefore a complete motor boat; with excellent seakeeping and surprising performance. It has been totally refitted on 2019 - 2022. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS TYPE  Mangusta 80' open HULL NO°  48 BUILDER OVERMARINE YEAR 2003 REFIT  2019 CALL SIGN 9HB6541 IMO 18833 CLASSIFICATION BV + AI AMS CONSTRUCTION GRP: hull and superstructure Teak deck CREW:  2                                                           FLAG: Malta ENGINES:2 x 2,000 1-Ip MTU 16V 2,000 M91 DISPLACEMENT: 57  MAXIMUM SPEED: 43 knots CRUISING SPEED: 36 knots FUEL CONSUMPTION: 550 litres/hour at 36 knots RANGE+ /- 10 hr / 360 Nm  ACCOMMODATION:  6+1 x Guests in 3 cabins 1 x Master cabin with ensuite 1 x VIP cabin with ensuite 1 x Twin cabin with ensuite  CREW: 2 x Crew in cabins FUEL: 6,000 litres / 1,319.81 US gallons FRESH WATER: 1,300 litres / 285.96 US gallons HOLDING TANK: litres / US gallons (none) LUBE OIL: itres / US gallons (none) DIRTY OIL: litres / US gallons (none) GREY WATER: 280 litres / 43.99 US gallons (aft) 200 litres / 61.59 US gallons (fore) BLACK WATER: 380 litres / 83.59 US gallons (aft) 400 litres / 87.99 US gallons (fore) ENGINES: 2 x 2,000 HP MTU 16V 2,000 M91 ENGINE HOURS As of May 2022: Port: 1,347; Stbd: 1,355 GEARBOX: 2 x ZF BW 2555 PROPULSION: Arneson Surface Drives ASD 15 PROPELLERS: Rolla 45/" x 57/" 6 Bid. RUDDER ANGLE: VDO/ Arneson STEERING SYSTEM: BCS/ Arneson SI 315 STABILISERS: No BOWTHRUSTER: BCS BP 013 STERN Max Power CT 225 GENERATORS: 2 x 22 kW Mase GENERATOR HOURS: As of May 2022: Port: 717; Stbd: 738 ELECTRICITY: AC 220 V 50 Hz/DC 12 V/DC 24 V SHORE POWER: AC 220 V 50Ah BATTERIES: Optima TYPE: AGM MAIN ENGINE START: 4 x 1000 A SERVICE: 12 x 765 A GENERATOR START: 2 x 1000 A CHARGERS: Mastervolt: Mass 24/75C + Chargermaster 24-100-3 EMERGENCY: 4 x 750 HYDRAULICS: BCS AIR CONDITIONING: Frigit 43600 Btu inside + 31800 Btu outside WATER MAKER: Idromar MC2J 130 1/ h WATER SYSTEM: DAB ecojet 220V+GxR ecojet 24V TOILET SYSTEM: TECMA SEWAGE SYSTEM: 2 GxR CP 25 + 2 GxR MV 44 FUEL SEPARATOR: 2 E. separ SWK 200011B + 2 Gen. separ SWK 2000 6, NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT MAGNETIC COMPASS: Riviera White Star AUTOMATIC PILOT: Simrad AP 48-3 ECHO SOUNDER: Simrad NSO -3 RADAR: Simrad RI 12 HALO -3 GPS: Simrad NSO -3 CHART PLOTTER: 2 x Simrad NSO-3 16/" LOG                                                    WIND INSTRUMENTS: Simrad NSO -3 SEARCHLIGHTS: Sanshin HR -1012 CAMERA(S): Comelit AHCAM634ZA MISCELLANEOUS: 2 Temp Exhaust Display COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT SATCOM : VHF - SSB - LOUDHAILER - TELEPHONE EXCHANGE - INTERCOM DECK EQUIPMENT: ANCHOR WINDLASSES AFT WARPING CAPSTANS ANCHORS ANCHOR CHAINS BOAT CRANE & DAVITS PASSERELLE SIDE BOARDING LADDER SIDE BOARDING GANGWAY Navisystem TV Sat + AxR Data Receiver Antenna Lofrans Jaguaro 2500 W Lofrans 2 x Lof 1200 W 1 x 60 Kg Ultra - 14 mm x 100 Mt.  SWIMMING PLATFORM             Yes  AWNINGS                                   Yes ENTERTAINMENT EQUIPMENT MAIN SALOON: Sonos Sound System, Linn speakers inside and out, Sony TV 55/" DINING: Sony TV 55/" SEATING AFT DECK: Linn speakers SUNDECK: JL speakers OWNER'S SUITE:Amplifier Linn, Samsung TV 32/" VIP CABIN: Majestic TV 22/" TVVIN CABIN:Majestic TV 22/" CREW: LG TV 28/" GALLEY & LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT GALLEY:  1 x Gaggenau hood 1 x Franke cooktop 1 x Franke oven 1 x Samsung microwave 1 x Coleman Ice maker 1 x Miele dishwasher LAUNDRY 1 x Miele washer/ dryer TENDERS & WATERSPORTS EQUIPMENT TENDER: 1 x 3.50m 20 HP outboard Mercury tender DIVING:Snorkelling equipment REFIT NOTES Winter 2019 / Spring 2020: *New Simrad EVO 3 Electronic Navigation System installed (incl. 2 x touch-screens, autopilot, wind station, Eco sound, controller, radar, GPS antennas, VHF antennas, NMEA processor) *New electronic throttle installed by MTU New aluminium/ carbon fiber type panelling installed on helm and dashboard area *New Navisystem Sat TV antenna installed Outdoor furniture reconstructed (incl. sunbed detailed-varnish paint) Lights upgraded to LED lights throughout 3 x Underwater spotlights installed Teak replaced on gangway and swimming ladder Exterior cushions and cover fabrics reupholstered Coleman ice maker with filtration system installed 6 x Flat screen TVs and 2 x lifts installed 2 x CCTV cameras and 2 x monitors installed Sonos Music surround system installed throughout Wi-Fi installed throughout Double bimini top installed All sunbeds equipped with covers Awning on bow and stern sunbeds installed New side covers with transparent inserts installed New windshield sun cover installed Galley equipped with new appliances Mattresses replaced on all beds Linen and towels replaced in all staterooms Insulated mat installed on inside floors New carpet installed throughout Tender replaced Generators replaced Exhaust system replaced Extensive maintenance performed on main engines by MTU Service Camaga Srl Napoli (including turbo chargers and oil pan gaskets replacement) 22 new Optima batteries purchased Additional fan on electrical panel installed 2 x Sea water pumps replaced for A/C New pressurized sea water pump installed for galley faucet Fresh water maker serviced Second shower head added on swimming platform Switches replaced throughout Vessel electrical wiring partially replaced New shore power cable replaced Deckhouse and rollbar repainted Hull and stainless-steel hardware polished and detailed All safety device replaced (12 people) New EPIRB and SART installed Arneson Drive serviced Hull cleaned Bottom painted Zinc anodes replaced Winter 2020 / spring 2021: Autopilot and echosounder upgraded Data connection between GPS and VHF re-established Wi-Fi upgraded New data receiver antenna installed Windshield wipers overhauled by Speich Srl Genova Washing machines serviced by Miele STE La Spezia Electronic system upgraded by MTU Service Macmes Srl La Spezia (included new programs, new screens and electronics cardboard) *Main engines serviced by MTU Service La Spezia Mase generators service by RMD Srl La Spezia Icemakeffs seawater pump replaced A/C seawater pump replaced Generator's valve overhauled Main engine's valve serviced Master toilette: macerator and discharge valve replaced Twin toilette: macerator replaced Installed drain system for main fridge Fresh water maker serviced, 3 x High pressure hoses replaced, UV light replaced Steering and trimming system overhauled Arneson Drive serviced (incl. rubber covers replacement) Anchor and chain replaced Windlass and winches overhauled Chain guide pipe built Chain-locker repainted Seawater distribution pipe rebuilt Swimming laddeffs hydraulic hose replaced Part of port rail fixed Refrigeration system serviced by H.C. System Genova Thermostat in secondary fridge replaced Gas circuit refilled A/C system serviced by H.C. System Genova 2 x Timer switches replaced Gas circuit refilled New stern thruster installed  Spare parts refurbished, tools renewed Carpet in laundry hallway and VIP room replaced Waste discharge system replaced in Guest and Master toilets *Life raft serviced Fire suppression system, extinguishers and fire detection alarm serviced Hull cleaned Bottom painted Zinc anodes replaced Winter 2021 / Spring 2022: New monitoring gage system with analog display installed in engines room for fuel and freshwater level All pipes in master toilets replaced Fire pump and main bilge pump rebuilt by authorized dealer All seawater pumps serviced Macerator pump of forward black water tank replaced Part of the outdoor sitting area, table and lock covers in the sunbed area revarnished and polished Damaged vernier in co-pilot seat area rebuilt New fabric covers installed for cushions and sunbed Arneson Drive serviced and sealing rings replaced Main engines serviced by MTU La Spezia Generators serviced by RMD Srl La Spezia Engine room overhauled Fresh water maker serviced *Carpet and comforter dry cleaned Wiper blade replaced New LED lights installed under exterior furniture and cabinetry Fire suppression system, extinguishers and fire alarm serviced Refrigerator system serviced by H.C. System Genova A/C system serviced by H.C. System Genova Tender's outboard engine serviced Hull cleaned Bottom painted Zinc anodes replaced  
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Fara in Sabina (Lazio)
Very good condition, ready for new owner to enjoy General Other: Sails Jibs 1 x Jib 1 (2018) – 34 m2, 85%, Carbon Technora 1 x Jib 2  (2015) – 31 m2, 60%,  polyester 1 x Jib 3 (2015) – 25 m2, 70%, polyester 1 x Jib 5 (2015) – 15 m2, 100%,  Dacron 1 x Code 0, 70 m2 with furler, 90%, taffetta (2015) 1 x stay sail and wind seeker, nylon (2018), 95%, with Lufftech furler, closed loop sheet 1 Storm Jib – 5 m2, 100%, Dacron  Mainsails 1 x 40 m2, Carbon Technora for racing (2018), 85% 1 x 36 m2, laminated for cruising (2018), 50% 1 x storm main sail, 12 m2, Dacron (2015), 100%  Asymmetric Sails 1 x A2 113 m2, nylon (2018), 90% 1 x A1 108 m2, nylon (2018), 90% 1 x A 1.5 116 m2, nylon (2015), with funnel, 100% 1 x A0 70 m2, ZL02 (2018), with Scamo furler, closed loop sheet, antitorsion cable, 95%% 1 x A0 65 m2, ZL02 (2018), with Karver furler, closed loop sheet, antitorsion cable, 90% Accommodations Sleeps 6 2 cabins  with double berth 2,00 m / 6’7’’ long, mattresses with removable fabric covers, 1 large port opening into the cockpit per cabin, 2 fabric hanging lockers in each cabin, complete access to engine compartment, access to battery switches, cabin doors of the same fabric as the hanging lockers, holding tank. 2 x antirolling sheets Mattresses for cruising (grey) and additional light weight mattresses for racing mode (black)  Head at bow with shower, sink and toilet. 1 x 100l holding water fabric tank Table with folding leaves + fabric made folder 2 bench seats with back rest 2,00 m / 6’7’’ long, Storage under bench seats and behind back rests Fixed ports along coachroof 1 opening deck hatch Cushions and back rests have removable covers - Sunbrella Taupe Removable floorboards Watertank 100L under saloon seating Chart table to port with storage within desk Panel for mounting electronics, designed to be compatible with a laptop and tablet computers 2 x ergonomic seats for racing mode Hot and cold running water Galley L-galley to starboard Storage with countertop Stainless steel sink Pressurised cold water tap Seawater foot pump Storage for flatware and rubbish bag mount Fixed port above galley Fridge/coolbox 60L 1 burner stove with oven Electrics USB plug 220V socket Electrical panel for “Offshore” use 12 V plug Voltmeter for house battery bank Tricolour LED navigation lights on masthead. 1 x Battery 75Ah for engine 4 x Battery groups 120 A/h (total 480 A/h house group) – new 2019 1 x Hydrogenerator Watt&Sea 600 W with two propeller sizes. 1X Solar panel 50W – new 2019 1 x Water Heater 1 x Fridge 12 V 1 x Shore Power connector 1 x Battery monitor display Deck and Cockpit Mainsail traveller track on cockpit floor Harken deck hardware Line jammers on coachroof for halyards and control lines 2 turning blocks for genoa sheets 2 tracks for genoa lead cars on sidedecks Chainplates for shrouds on side of hull and for backstay Deck Step for mast with blocks Handrails on coachroof Swimming ladder Tiller steering 2x Pockets in cockpit for storage Winch handles Hiking protection 2 x winches Harken Performa 46 2 x winches Harken Quattro Performa 40.2 1 x additional pad eye for wind seeker and stay sail 2 mooring cleats without fairleads aft (on deck edge) and 2 forward (on deck edge) Anchor locker Rigging Deck-stepped mast, 2 levels of pushing spreaders - 19/20 fractional Stainless steel Dyform® shrouds Adjustable backstay with returns to each helm Forestay with hardware for hanked-on sail 2 x Carbon bow sprit for asymmetric configuration (1 length 70 cm for IRC, one 110 cm optimized for ORC certificate) Rigid boom vang. Lazy bag for cruising Lazy bag for racing Running rigging All sheets are in Dyneema and have been renovated in 2018 by Armare. 2 x halyards for asymmetric sails + Tylaska 1 x halyard for head sail + Tylaska – new 2019 (Gottifredi Maffioli) 1 x halyard for stay sail + Tylaska 1 2:1 halyard for main sail with Tylaska block (new 2019). Ubi Maior block for spare 1 x back stay 2 x sheets for gennaker + Tylaska 2 x sheets for A0/C0 + Tylaska 2 x sheets for stay sail 2 x sheets for barbers + blocks 1 x sheet to be used as uncontrolled jibe preventer Engine Diesel engine Yanmar 3YM20C - 21 HP Saildrive SD20 transmission 125 A alternator 2-blade folding propeller Flex-o-Fold Electronics and Navigational Gear 4 x B&G TRITON 4 1 multifunction display 2 x B&G Maxi displays at mast 1 x B&G ZEUS T7 GPS multifunction with WIFI router at the cartography table 1 x ASTRA multifunction display in the cockpit with cartography and boat performance analysis, useful for routing without getting down to the cartography table 1 x PC with Windows 1 x wifi keyboard for the PC 1 x B&G AC42 autopilot (hydraulic) 1 x B&G Autopilot remote controller 1 x BG AIS 400 transponder 1 X SIMRAD VHF RS12 1 x satellite phone IRIDIUM 9555 with USB cable and external antenna 1 x wifi antenna with international SIM card to access internet when sailing near the coast 1 x Radar B&G 4G Safety Fire extinguisher Fenders Liferaft  Plastimo Offshore 4 person, more than 24 hours 1 x lifejacket Spinlock with automatic firing system 3 x lifejacket Marinepool with automatic firing system Various torches, also waterproof Manual water evacuation pump Additional electric bilge pump with 3m length pipe EPIRB (new 2019) Emergency and safety tools without limits from coast 1 x Personal AIS 1 x Personal PLB (new 2019) Additional Italian flag. Maintenance up to date. Engine spares (filters, belts, etc) onboard...Read full description
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Fara in Sabina (Lazio)
Very good condition, ready for new owner to enjoy Algemeen Overig: Sails Jibs 1 x Jib 1 (2018) – 34 m2, 85%, Carbon Technora 1 x Jib 2 (2015) – 31 m2, 60%, polyester 1 x Jib 3 (2015) – 25 m2, 70%, polyester 1 x Jib 5 (2015) – 15 m2, 100%, Dacron 1 x Code 0, 70 m2 with furler, 90%, taffetta (2015) 1 x stay sail and wind seeker, nylon (2018), 95%, with Lufftech furler, closed loop sheet 1 Storm Jib – 5 m2, 100%, Dacron Mainsails 1 x 40 m2, Carbon Technora for racing (2018), 85% 1 x 36 m2, laminated for cruising (2018), 50% 1 x storm main sail, 12 m2, Dacron (2015), 100% Asymmetric Sails 1 x A2 113 m2, nylon (2018), 90% 1 x A1 108 m2, nylon (2018), 90% 1 x A 1.5 116 m2, nylon (2015), with funnel, 100% 1 x A0 70 m2, ZL02 (2018), with Scamo furler, closed loop sheet, antitorsion cable, 95%% 1 x A0 65 m2, ZL02 (2018), with Karver furler, closed loop sheet, antitorsion cable, 90% Accommodations Sleeps 6 2 cabins with double berth 2,00 m / 6’7’’ long, mattresses with removable fabric covers, 1 large port opening into the cockpit per cabin, 2 fabric hanging lockers in each cabin, complete access to engine compartment, access to battery switches, cabin doors of the same fabric as the hanging lockers, holding tank. 2 x antirolling sheets Mattresses for cruising (grey) and additional light weight mattresses for racing mode (black) Head at bow with shower, sink and toilet. 1 x 100l holding water fabric tank Table with folding leaves + fabric made folder 2 bench seats with back rest 2,00 m / 6’7’’ long, Storage under bench seats and behind back rests Fixed ports along coachroof 1 opening deck hatch Cushions and back rests have removable covers - Sunbrella Taupe Removable floorboards Watertank 100L under saloon seating Chart table to port with storage within desk Panel for mounting electronics, designed to be compatible with a laptop and tablet computers 2 x ergonomic seats for racing mode Hot and cold running water Galley L-galley to starboard Storage with countertop Stainless steel sink Pressurised cold water tap Seawater foot pump Storage for flatware and rubbish bag mount Fixed port above galley Fridge/coolbox 60L 1 burner stove with oven Electrics USB plug 220V socket Electrical panel for “Offshore” use 12 V plug Voltmeter for house battery bank Tricolour LED navigation lights on masthead. 1 x Battery 75Ah for engine 4 x Battery groups 120 A/h (total 480 A/h house group) – new 2019 1 x Hydrogenerator Watt&Sea 600 W with two propeller sizes. 1X Solar panel 50W – new 2019 1 x Water Heater 1 x Fridge 12 V 1 x Shore Power connector 1 x Battery monitor display Deck and Cockpit Mainsail traveller track on cockpit floor Harken deck hardware Line jammers on coachroof for halyards and control lines 2 turning blocks for genoa sheets 2 tracks for genoa lead cars on sidedecks Chainplates for shrouds on side of hull and for backstay Deck Step for mast with blocks Handrails on coachroof Swimming ladder Tiller steering 2x Pockets in cockpit for storage Winch handles Hiking protection 2 x winches Harken Performa 46 2 x winches Harken Quattro Performa 40.2 1 x additional pad eye for wind seeker and stay sail 2 mooring cleats without fairleads aft (on deck edge) and 2 forward (on deck edge) Anchor locker Rigging Deck-stepped mast, 2 levels of pushing spreaders - 19/20 fractional Stainless steel Dyform® shrouds Adjustable backstay with returns to each helm Forestay with hardware for hanked-on sail 2 x Carbon bow sprit for asymmetric configuration (1 length 70 cm for IRC, one 110 cm optimized for ORC certificate) Rigid boom vang. Lazy bag for cruising Lazy bag for racing Running rigging All sheets are in Dyneema and have been renovated in 2018 by Armare. 2 x halyards for asymmetric sails + Tylaska 1 x halyard for head sail + Tylaska – new 2019 (Gottifredi Maffioli) 1 x halyard for stay sail + Tylaska 1 2:1 halyard for main sail with Tylaska block (new 2019). Ubi Maior block for spare 1 x back stay 2 x sheets for gennaker + Tylaska 2 x sheets for A0/C0 + Tylaska 2 x sheets for stay sail 2 x sheets for barbers + blocks 1 x sheet to be used as uncontrolled jibe preventer Engine Diesel engine Yanmar 3YM20C - 21 HP Saildrive SD20 transmission 125 A alternator 2-blade folding propeller Flex-o-Fold Electronics and Navigational Gear 4 x B&G TRITON 4 1 multifunction display 2 x B&G Maxi displays at mast 1 x B&G ZEUS T7 GPS multifunction with WIFI router at the cartography table 1 x ASTRA multifunction display in the cockpit with cartography and boat performance analysis, useful for routing without getting down to the cartography table 1 x PC with Windows 1 x wifi keyboard for the PC 1 x B&G AC42 autopilot (hydraulic) 1 x B&G Autopilot remote controller 1 x BG AIS 400 transponder 1 X SIMRAD VHF RS12 1 x satellite phone IRIDIUM 9555 with USB cable and external antenna 1 x wifi antenna with international SIM card to access internet when sailing near the coast 1 x Radar B&G 4G Safety Fire extinguisher Fenders Liferaft Plastimo Offshore 4 person, more than 24 hours 1 x lifejacket Spinlock with automatic firing system 3 x lifejacket Marinepool with automatic firing system Various torches, also waterproof Manual water evacuation pump Additional electric bilge pump with 3m length pipe EPIRB (new 2019) Emergency and safety tools without limits from coast 1 x Personal AIS 1 x Personal PLB (new 2019) Additional Italian flag. Maintenance up to date. Engine spares (filters, belts, etc) onboard...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Recent gebouwd passagiersschip dat uiterst geschikt is voor rondvaarten, feesten en partijen maar ook zeer goed als restaurant. Er is een professionele keuken waar een kok hoogwaardige gerechten kan bereiden. De binnen- en buiten bar zijn beiden zeer goed uitgerust. Het interieur is zeer ruim opgezet met onder andere 2 panorama salons en een riant bovendek. Met de in hoogte verstelbare stuurhut is de minimale doorvaarthoogte ca. 5,50 m. Hierdoor kan ze vanaf haar huidige ligplaats naar het Rijn stroomgebied maar ook op de Donau komt ze goed tot haar recht. Het schip is gebouwd voor milieuvriendelijke exploitatie, met onder andere een diesel/elektrische jet aandrijving. Het benodigde vermogen wordt automatisch gekozen. Een zeer goed gebouwd schip dat per direct beschikbaar is. In onze ogen een uitgelezen kans om een nieuw schip te verkrijgen voor beduidend minder dan de huidige nieuwbouwprijs. De volledige informatie van dit schip vindt u op www.doevemakelaar.nl of als u gelijk de volledige informatie van dit schip wil bekijken door hier te klikken. Certificaten: Communautair Binnenvaartcertificaat voor Binnenschepen (CBB) zone 3 zone 4 niet/not/nicht/ne pas Emmerich tot open zee/till open seas/biss offenen Meer/jusqu'au large zone R (Rijn) geldig tot: 10/2022 Geschikt voor / als: beroepsvaart passagiersschip restaurant pannenkoeken restaurant Algemene informatie: Levering in overleg. niet door ons geinspecteerd van eerste eigenaar Bouwwijze: 13 waterdicht(e) schot(ten) dichte bolderkasten rubber stootrand roestvast stalen bolders boeiing / verschansing bakdek berghout rondom bulbsteven Ramen: aluminium raamprofielen dubbel glas aluminium buiten deuren Isolatie: ja Davits: elektrisch Kombuis / keuken: professioneel uitgerust kombuis Kooktoestel: 2x 4-pits kooktoestel elektrisch 1x Sous Vide kantelbare braadpan Werkblad: roestvast stalen werkblad Wasbak: 2x roestvast stalen wasbak Waterkraan: 2x mengkraan met warm & koud stromend water Afwasmachine: Winterhalter doorschuif-vaatwasser Besturing: elektrisch hydraulische besturing binnen en buiten stuurstand noodbesturing stuurbare straalbuis Navigatie apparatuur: Alphatron JRC daglicht radar Furuno GPS echolood / dieptemeter Nauticast A2 Automatisch Identificatie Systeem (AIS) camera systeem Alphacall MF intercom Radarpilot 720 kaartplotter rivier automatische piloot 2x Sailor 6210 marifoon EBF bochtaanwijzer 2x zoeklicht blauw bord met knipperlicht navigatieverlichting fluitlicht hoorn 4x ruitenwisser /" roerstandaanwijzer /" Betimmering: diverse materialen zijn gebruikt luxueuze interieur 2x bar met complete uitrusting professioneel uitgevoerd brandvertragende betimmering zie foto's Badkamer: bemanningsverblijf: douchecabine mengkraan met warm & koud stromend water wasbak koud stromend water Aanvullende informatie: buffet lift 2x rolstoellift bier tap Siemens wasmachine Siemens wasdroger 2x roestvast stalen friteuse grillplaat koffiemachine snijmachine postmix machine centraal luchtverversing systeem Volledige charterinventaris is aanwezig. warmkast Reling / Preekstoel: roestvast stalen zeereling Bijboot: kunststof Yamaha buitenboord motor Veiligheid: 12 brandblussers volgens de certificering-eisen brandalarmsysteem automatische brandblusinstallatie in motorruimte 500 reddingsvesten 7 reddingsboei(en) Sprinklerinstallatie in de verblijven (automatisch) Mast: radarmast roestvast staal & antennebeugel aluminium Strijkbaar: ja elektrisch Stroomvoorziening: mainmaster control 12 / 24 / 230 / 400 Volt 400 Volt walstroom aansluiting professioneel geinstalleerd systeem omschakel automaat Laadstroomverdeler (scheidingsdiode): laadstroomverdeler (scheidingsdiode) Scheidingstransformator: scheidingstransformator Aardlek schakelaar: aanwezig Aanvullende informatie: 500 dag passagiers De gebruikte technieken zijn afkomstig uit de beroepsvaart. Zeer geschikt om de Europese kanalen en rivieren te bevaren. Veel roestgevoelige plaatsen uitgevoerd in roestvast staal. voorpiek met kettingbak Opgegeven bouwjaar is toen het schip in de vaart is genomen. Drinkwatertank (ca.): 2x 4000 liter kunststof tank(s) Vuilwatertank (ca.): 2x 6700 liter kunststof tank(s) Entertainment: Intellian zelfzoekende satelliet antenne omroep/muziekinstallatie WIFI repeater Aanvullende informatie: hydraulisch bedienbare aluminium loopplank dekmeubelen set dekverlichting stuurstoel zonnedek Waterdruksysteem: hydrofoor Dekwaspomp: aanwezig Gas systeem: geen gas aan boord Aanvullende informatie: 2x brandbluspomp LED verlichting lucht compressor
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Voormalig binnenvaart vrachtschip dat volledig is omgebouwd tot een comfortabel en luxe hotel / passagiersschip. Het schip verkeert in een goede staat van onderhoud waardoor ze direct inzetbaar is. Ze is ook zeer geschikt om in gebruik te nemen als Bed & Breakfast accommodatie of als Varend Woonschip (of een combinatie daarvan). Er zijn in totaal 9 gasten hutten met elk een en-suite badkamer en tevens zijn er 4 nette bemanningshutten (2019 gerenoveerd). De ruime salon is zeer licht en geeft een goed zicht naar buiten. De professioneel uitgeruste keuken misstaat niet en geeft de chef alle mogelijkheden om zijn magic toe te passen. Er is een dek terras op de achterroef gesitueerd. In onze ogen een uitgelezen kans om, eventueel met begeleiding van de verkoper, in deze wereld geïntroduceerd te worden of een uniek Varend Woonschip te bemachtigen dat ook nog eens makkelijk te bevaren is. De volledige informatie van dit schip vindt u op www.doevemakelaar.nl of als u gelijk de volledige informatie van dit schip wil bekijken door hier te klikken. Certificaten: Communautair Binnenvaartcertificaat voor Binnenschepen (CBB) zone 2 Nederland zone 3 zone 4 Waal, Lek & NL Rijn geldig tot: 10-2023 Geschikt voor / als: beroepsvaart binnenvaart geschikt voor charter & geschikt voor bewoning Algemene informatie: Know-how en informatie over de vaargebieden kunnen worden doorgegeven. Overname van de huidige exploitatie is bespreekbaar. Verkopers zijn eventueel bereid tot deel financiering. Levering in overleg, charter contracten dienen te worden nageleefd. Bouwwijze: geklonken nieuw staal is gelast berghout rondom achterroef wide body opbouw 6 waterdicht(e) schot(ten) Ramen: aluminium raamprofielen aluminium patrijspoorten bronzen patrijspoorten dubbel glas in stuurhut Isolatie: steenwol Kombuis / keuken: U-vorm kombuis Kooktoestel: 6-pits kooktoestel op gas roestvast staal in combinatie met de oven afzuigkap Werkblad: roestvast stalen werkblad Wasbak: roestvast stalen wasbak Waterkraan: warm & koud stromend water Afwasmachine: afwasmachine Besturing: hand hydraulische besturing & stuurbekrachtiging stuurwiel & joystick Navigatie apparatuur: 2x Debeg 6448 marifoon Comnav Voyager X3 Automatisch Identificatie Systeem (AIS) PC Navigo kaartplotter computer Furuno GPS intercom roerstandaanwijzer blauw bord met knipperlicht 2x ruitenwisser hoorn navigatieverlichting bluetooth headsets Betimmering: diverse materialen zijn gebruikt in goede staat van onderhoud zie foto's Badkamer: 9x gastenhut: En Suite douche thermostaat kraan wasbak warm & koud stromend water in 1 ruimte tezamen met het toilet bemanningsverblijf: douche thermostaat kraan hutten met wasbak met mengkraan Aanvullende informatie: koffiemachine wasmachine wasdroger Volledige charterinventaris is aanwezig. Reling / Preekstoel: reling rondom bovendek Bijboot: kunststof Veiligheid: reddingsboei(en) brandblussers brandalarmsysteem reddingsvesten reddingsvesten (opblaasbaar) volgens de certificering-eisen Mast: lantaarn mast roestvast staal Strijkbaar: ja handmatig Stroomvoorziening: 12 / 24 / 230 / 400 Volt 400 Volt walstroom aansluiting Aardlek schakelaar: aanwezig Aanvullende informatie: De gebruikte technieken zijn afkomstig uit de beroepsvaart. 18 hotel passagiers max 24 50 dag passagiers Rompvorm is geschikt om mee droog te vallen. voorpiek met kettingbak Zeer geschikt om de Europese kanalen en rivieren te bevaren. Drinkwatertank (ca.): 14000 liter 2 stalen tank(s) gecementeerde tank(s) Vuilwatertank (ca.): 1x 2000 liter 1x 1000 liter Entertainment: stereoset flatscreen TV omroep/muziekinstallatie Aanvullende informatie: aluminium loopplank dekmeubelen set dekverlichting Keuringsrapport van het onderwaterschip is aanwezig (10-2017) zonnedek stuurstoel Waterdruksysteem: elektrische waterpomp Dekwaspomp: elektrische pomp Gas systeem: aanwezig gaskeur certificaat Aanvullende informatie: 300 liter smeerolietank (ca.) LED verlichting
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