Motor up
Elenco delle migliori vendite motor up

San Giovanni Rotondo (Puglia)
Great wall motor steed 5 GREAT WALL MOTOR Steed 5 DC 4WD *PICK UP* la filiale link motors di San Giovanni Rotondo propone bellissimo GREAT WALL MOTOR Steed 5 DC 4WD *PICK UP* il veicolo si presenta in buone condizioni,interni ben tenuti e poco usurati ed esternamente presenta piccoli graffi dovuti a usura e manovre di parcheggio. MANUTENZIONI ORDINARIE:effettuati periodicamente tagliandi ordinari in officine autorizzate,ultimo tagliando effettuato a giugno 2022. MANUTENZIONI STRAORDINARIE:effettuati sostituzione cuffia e testina dei braccetti. DIFETTI:graffi da usura e manovre di parcheggio,piccolo taglio al sedile anteriore. VEICOLO VISIONABILE SU APPUNTAMENTO. PREZZO NEGOZIABILE IN FASE DI TRATTATIVA FINANZIAMENTO DA 12-84 MESI GARANZIA GUASTI ATTIVABILE SU RICHIESTA 12-36 MESI GESTIONE BUROCRAZIA E PASSAGGIO DI PROPRIETA' ASSISTENZA E TUTELA LINK MOTORS Auto in CONTOVENDITA, vista e piaciuta nelle condizioni in cui si trova. VISIONABILE SOLO SU APPUNTAMENTO PRESSO: Link Motors San Giovanni Rotondo Via Verrocchio,18 - 71013 San Giovanni Rotondo(foggia) Ufficio: 0882303990 Cellulare: 350 9110733 Email: ****@****.** (utilizza il modulo di contatto per inviare email) Anno: 2016 Km: 134000 Alimentazione: GPL Cilindrata: 2378 Optional: ABS, Airbag, Airbag Laterale, Airbag Passeggero, Airbag posteriore, Airbag testa, Alzacristalli Elettrici, Antifurto, Antifurto elettronico, Appoggiabraccia centrale, Appoggiabraccia posteriore cen, Appoggiatesta posteriore, Autocarro, Autoradio, Autoradio digitale, Blind spot monitor, Bluetooth, Bracciolo, Cerchi in Lega, Chiave con transponder, Chiusura Centralizzata, Climatizzatore Manuale, Computer Bordo, Controllo Trazione (TSC - ASR), Cruise Control, ESP (Controllo stabilità ), Fari full-LED, Fari LED, Fendinebbia, Impianto audio, Indicatore temperatura esterna, Interni in materiale pregiato, Interni in tinta, Interni Pelle, Isofix, Kit vivavoce, Luci diurne, Luci diurne LED, Marmitta catalitica, Navigatore, Paraurti in tinta, Partenza assistita su pendenza, Schermo multifunzione, Sedile guida regolabile in altezza, Sensori di parcheggio anteriori, Sensori di parcheggio posteriori, Sensori Luci, Sensori Pioggia, Servosterzo, Sistema di chiamata d'emergenza, Sistema di controllo pressione pneumatici, Start e Stop, Sterzo regolabile in altezza, Trazione Integrale, Veicolo non fumatori, Volante in pelle, Volante multifunzione Inserzionista: Link Motors - San Giovanni Rotondo
10.900 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
VOLKSWAGEN up! 1.0 5p. EVO move up! BlueMotion Technology Caratteristiche del veicolo Chilometraggio: 4000 Immatricolazione: 09/2021 Tipo di veicolo: usato Carburante: Benzina Potenza: 48 kW / 65 CV Tipo di cambio: Manuale Marce:5 Colore esterno: Grigio scuro Colore interno: Garanzia: Carrozzeria: 4/5-Porte Cilindrata: 999 Cilindri: 3 Porte: 5 Posti: 4 Equipaggiamenti: ABS, Airbag, Airbag laterali, Airbag Passeggero, Airbag testa, Alzacristalli elettrici, Autoradio, Bluetooth, Cerchi in lega, Chiusura centralizzata, Climatizzatore, Controllo trazione, Cruise Control, ESP, Immobilizzatore elettronico, Park Distance Control, Sedile posteriore sdoppiato, Servosterzo, Sistema di navigazione, Telecamera per parcheggio assistito Descrizione fornita dal venditore: VOLKSWAGEN UP ANNO 2021 1.0 BENZINA CON SOLI 4.000KM UNICO PROPRIETARIO SENSORI DI PARCHEGGIO CON TELECAMERA ADATTA PER NEOPATENTATI DOPPIE CHIAVI POSSIBILITÀ DI GARANZIA VISIBILE SU APPUNTAMENTO Contatti: MOTOR LIKE DI DANILO CARLONI Via Cassanese, 21 - Segrate (MI) Tel: 389 3128774 Cell: Fax: Sito: Email: Telefono: 389 3128774 Comune: Segrate
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Chieti (Abruzzo)
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione LA MOTOR GROUP E' LIETA DI PRESENTARVI IN VENDITA VOLKSWAGEN UP 1.0 75CV HIGH UP TETTO APRIBILE 2019 ACCESSORI: -CERCHI IN LEGA -VETRI ELETTRICI ANTERIORI -RADIO -BLUETOOTH -VIVAVOCE -USB -AUX -SENSORI POSTERIORI -CLIMATIZZATORE -FENDINEBBIA -HILL HOLDER -CRUIS CONTROL -ISOFIX -VOLANTE MULTIFUNZIONE -ECC.. -Finanziamento in sede e possibilità di assicurazione furto,incendio, rapina E FURTO PARZIALE incluso nel finanziamento. -Tagliandi pre-consegna in sede. -Installazione antifurto, OBD, BlockShaft, antirapina esatellitare. -Installazione impianto gpl specifico per ogni autovetturacon 2 anni di garanzia e primo collaudo in omaggio. -Trasferimenti di proprieta' in sede. -Preventivi autovetture nuove in sede. -Consegna autovetture immediata. Permuta usato con usato. Importo fatturabile Si valutano permute Info# MOSTRA NUMERO #Gennaro: MOSTRA NUMERO #Carmine: MOSTRA NUMERO La nostra sede di Aversa in viale della libertà 147 Aperti dal lunedi al sabato orario continuato
12.990 €
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Mogliano Veneto (Veneto)
Volkswagen up! 1.0 5p. move up! bmt VOLKSWAGEN - Up! - 1.0 5p. move BMT SPLENDIDA UTILITARIA ADATTA ALLA GUIDA DI NEOPATENTATI UNIPROPRIETARIO IN CONDIZIONI PARI AL NUOVO DI INTERNI CARROZZERIA E MECCANICA TETTO PANORAMICO COMPUTER DI BORDO KM CERTIFICATI CRUISE CONTROL VETRI OSCURATI FINO A 36 MESI DI GARANZIA PREZZO ESPOSTO CON FINANZIAMENTO PERSONALIZZATO FURTO/INCENDIO/ATTI VANDALICI/GRANDINE E POLIZZA CRISTALLI COMPRESI PER 36 MESI A PARTIRE DA MENO DI 6,00 EURO AL GIORNO ANCHE CON ANTICIPO ZERO! TAN 6,49 POSSIBILITA' ANCHE POLIZZA CASCO E COLLISIONE CONTATTO WhatsApp 0039.328.21.76.181 Anno: 2018 Km: 27000 Alimentazione: Metano Cilindrata: 999 Optional: ABS, Airbag, Airbag Laterale, Airbag Passeggero, Alzacristalli Elettrici, Appoggiatesta posteriore, Autoradio, Bluetooth, Chiave con transponder, Chiusura Centralizzata, Climatizzatore Manuale, Computer Bordo, Controllo Trazione (TSC - ASR), Correttore assetto fari, Cruise Control, ESP (Controllo stabilità ), Isofix, Sedile guida regolabile in altezza, Sedili posteriori sdoppiabili, Servosterzo, Veicolo non fumatori, Vetri Oscurati Inserzionista: Sartori Motor Srl
9.900 €
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Mogliano Veneto (Veneto)
Volkswagen up! 1.0 5p. evo sport up! bmt VOLKSWAGEN - Up! - 1.0 5p. EVO sport BMT SPLENDIDA UTILITARIA ADATTA ALLA GUIDA DI NEOPATENTATI IN CONDIZIONI PARI AL NUOVO DI INTERNI CARROZZERIA E MECCANICA COMPUTER DI BORDO KM CERTIFICATI CRUISE CONTROL VETRI OSCURATI CERCHI IN LEGA FINO A 36 MESI DI GARANZIA PREZZO ESPOSTO CON FINANZIAMENTO PERSONALIZZATO FURTO/INCENDIO/ATTI VANDALICI/GRANDINE E POLIZZA CRISTALLI COMPRESI PER 36 MESI A PARTIRE DA MENO DI 6,00 EURO AL GIORNO ANCHE CON ANTICIPO ZERO! TAN 6,49 POSSIBILITA' ANCHE POLIZZA CASCO E COLLISIONE CONTATTO WhatsApp 0039.328.21.76.181 Anno: 2019 Km: 45000 Alimentazione: Benzina Cilindrata: 999 Optional: ABS, Adatta ai neopatentati, Airbag, Airbag Laterale, Airbag Passeggero, Alzacristalli Elettrici, Appoggiatesta posteriore, Autoradio, Bluetooth, Cerchi in Lega, Chiave con transponder, Chiusura Centralizzata, Climatizzatore Manuale, Computer Bordo, Controllo Trazione (TSC - ASR), Correttore assetto fari, Cruise Control, ESP (Controllo stabilità ), Isofix, Sedile guida regolabile in altezza, Sedili posteriori sdoppiabili, Servosterzo, Veicolo non fumatori, Vetri Oscurati Inserzionista: Sartori Motor Srl
11.400 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Prachtige motor kotter.
In Juli / Augustus 2021 bij Damen in een volledig nieuw verfsysteem gezet, dek, romp, opbouw en onderwaterschip. Tevens helemaal strak geplamuurd, ze is strakker dan ooit tevoren!
Prachtige Motor kotter 19.95 meter uit 2005. Dit schip heeft werkelijk een fantastich afgewerkt interieur en is volledig vaarklaar. Ze is bijzonder gechikt voor lange, verre reizen. Alle grote installatie zijn hydraulisch uitgevoerd, verder is dit schip voorzien van een boeg/hekschroef, generator, CV, dubbel glas, 3 mooie hutten, twee badkamers en ga zo maar door. Dit schip is volledig up to date en voldoet aan alle moderne eisen, zo is ze voorzien van een CE keur (A), CVO en is er een Lloyds certificering aanwezig.
Bent u opzoek naar een compleet, goed varend, ruim en prachtig ingetimmerd schip? Aarzel dan niet en neem contact op met White Whale Willemstad, bel met +31 (0)168 820 208 of mail naar
Klikt u op: /"Virtuele tour bekijken/" onder de slideshow om de volledige 3D weergave van dit schip te zien.
Eerst uw eigen boot verkopen? Met 11 kantoren door heel Europa helpen wij u daar graag bij. Gewoon vanuit uw eigen ligplaats, tegen een lage courtage, geen start-up kosten, geheel no-cure-no-pay. Én gratis adverteren met uw schip op meer dan 30 internationale websites in Europa, waaronder Vraag ons om een voorstel op maat via U heeft binnen 24 uur een voorstel.
Doorvaarthoogte normaal: min 4.60mtr / max 7.75mtr
Lloyds gecertificeerd / ECB gecertificeerd (Zee, Rijn tot Basel) / CVO
Kooktoestel & brandstof: Keramisch
Motor, electra, water
Draaiuren: ca.
Voortstuwing: 2x Cunial schroef, Amartech, watergesmeerd
Warm water: 2x 70 ltr. boiler
Watertank & materiaal: (2x 2.250 ltr.)
Vuilwatertank & materiaal: 4x 500 ltr (2x zwart / 2x grijs)
Stootwillen, lijnen: Diverse
Zwemtrap: RVS
Zeerailing: RVS
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Italia (Tutte le città)
ISLAND III is a flybridge motor yacht featuring 4 staterooms with VIP stateroom forward of the full beam motor room and galley up. Access to the flybridge is made easy by the custom stairwell from the wheelhouse (cost $20k). The TV in the salon is hidden in the entertainment center with a lift. The vessel is powered w/ Detroit Diesel 12V-71TI main engines/REBUILT about 120 Hrs. and two Onan 20 KW generators. This is the next 70 to sell!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione LA MOTOR GROUP E' LIETA DI PRESENTARVI IN VENDITA: VOLKSWAGEN CROSS UP 1.0 75 CV 2017 ACCESSORI: -CERCHI IN LEGA -VETRI ELETTRICI ANTERIORI -RADIO -BLUETOOTH -VIVAVOCE -USB -AUX -SENSORI POSTERIORI -CLIMATIZZATORE -FENDINEBBIA -HILL HOLDER -CRUIS CONTROL -ISOFIX -VOLANTE MULTIFUNZIONE -ECC.. -Finanziamento in sede e possibilità di assicurazione furto,incendio, rapina E FURTO PARZIALE incluso nel finanziamento. -Tagliandi pre-consegna in sede. -Installazione antifurto, OBD, BlockShaft, antirapina esatellitare. -Installazione impianto gpl specifico per ogni autovetturacon 2 anni di garanzia e primo collaudo in omaggio. -Trasferimenti di proprieta' in sede. -Preventivi autovetture nuove in sede. -Consegna autovetture immediata. Permuta usato con usato. Importo fatturabile Si valutano permute Info# MOSTRA NUMERO #Gennaro: MOSTRA NUMERO #Carmine: MOSTRA NUMERO La nostra sede di Aversa in viale della libertà 147 Aperti dal lunedi al sabato orario continuato
10.990 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For full and up to date details and to contact the seller directly, visit our website: (paste this in your address bar)
This William Osborne Classic motor yacht is one of 4 ever built and is a solid and well built admiralty style motor cruiser. She is a very sea worthy boat having crossed the English Channel on various occasions whilst dealing with large swell. This boat is an incredibly rare find and is lying in Plymouth ready for viewings.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
25.900 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione ###VOLVO EX90 TWIN MOTOR 408 CV AWD ULTRA 7 POSTI Autovettura dotata di: - climatizzatore automatico a 4 zone - fari full led pixel technology - impianto audio Bose - cruise control adattivo - sensore a ultrasuoni lidar - mantenimento della corsia - frenata automatica - sensore angolo cieco - head up display - sensori di parcheggio anteriori, posteriori e laterali - telecamera a 360° - sospensioni pneumatiche - Google Services integrati: Google Maps, Google Assistant e Google Play Store - ricarica a induzione per smartphone - display centrale touch screen da 14,5" - volante riscaldabile elettricamente - sedili anteriori e posteriori riscaldabili - sedili anteriori dotati di funzione massaggio - tetto panoramico fisso - cerchi in lega da 21" PREZZO DI LISTINO € 104.500,00 PREZZO AUTOTREND € 97.150,00 escluso I.P.T. (Imposta Provinciale di Trascrizione), contributo P.F.U. (Pneumatici Fuori Uso) e Vernice metallizzata. Colore di serie: Vapour Grey **Offerta riservata ad Aziende, Medici, Liberi professionisti, Agenti di commercio e Titolari Partite Iva** **Offerta valida a fronte di rottamazione o ritiro del vecchio usato** POSSIBILITA' DI SOLUZIONI FINANZIARIE PERSONALIZZATE. SI VALUTANO PERMUTE. **CONTATTACI ANCHE SU WHATSAPP: MOSTRA NUMERO ** AUTOTREND CONCESSIONARIA UFFICIALE VOLVO A BARI, FOGGIA, TARANTO E MATERA PER INFORMAZIONI E CONTATTO DIRETTO, Tel: 080/5662566
97.150 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
A seriously reduced end of season reduction giving a new owner a fantastic opportunity to own a very spacious well equipped boat.
A great spec boat with a great deal of money spent on her making an ideal quality purchase
Satellite TV
Washing machine
2 fridges and a freezer in the galley and an extra fridge in the saloon
Double galley, ideal for entertaining or long trips away
updated plotters
Props removed and balanced
New Fusion blue tooth up and down
All new covers 2022
new external cushions in 2022
New gas box and system upgrade to new regulations
professionally wrapped in 2021
Kingsman has been well maintained and is a high specification boat.
Discover the exceptional Sealine T46, a prestigious motor yacht that exhibits expertise, innovative design, and versatility in spades. Manufactured in 1999, this grand vessel, measuring 14.02 meters in length and 4.27 meters in beam, is suitably positioned in Ipswich, United Kingdom. A standout feature of this vessel is its unique full-width aft cabin, a rarity in boats of this era, providing additional privacy. Complete with an opulent island bed, adjacent toilet and a generous shower and basin area, the aft bedroom is a sanctuary of comfort. The Sealine T46 also incorporates an aft cockpit for outdoor enjoyment and a flybridge for an unparalleled view of the surroundings. The interior is equally impressive, with the option of an ensuite day head and four potential mid-cabin arrangements, you can customise this yacht to suit your specific needs whether it be extra sleeping quarters, additional storage, or luxury amenities. Uncompromised function and comfort are fundamental to the Sealine T46, even the footwell intrusion into the aft cabin is cleverly designed to offer ample storage while maintaining a spacious bedroom layout. Step aboard the Sealine T46, where grandeur meets functionality.
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Specifications:^#^Made of aluminum alloy and chrome plated surface, durable and corrosion-resistant.^#^It can reduces brake dust build-up on wheels.^#^Circulates air around brakes so as to help heat dissipation.^#^26cm diameter, fit for vehicles with 14" or larger wheels, 4 or 5 bolt patterns.^#^Gives vehicle the appearance of having cross-drilled rotors which are used by racing vehicles.^#^Fitment: Fit for vehicles with 14" or larger wheels, 4 or 5 bolt patterns.^#^^#^Type: Disc Brake Rotor Cover^#^Material: Aluminum Alloy & Chrome Plated Surface^#^Features: Portable, Durable, Easy to Install^#^Diameter: 26cm/10.24"^#^Middle Small Circle Diameter: 7cm/2.76" (Approx.)^#^^#^Installation:^#^1. Raise and securely support vehicle. Remove wheel from vehicle.^#^2. Test fit the disc cover on vehicle's bolts to ensure proper fit.^#^3. Clean the disc cover and wheel hub with brake cleaner, alcohol, or comparable cleaner.^#^4. Remove the backing from one side of the adhesive tape and carefully apply to disc cover while making sure to line up the holes.^#^5. Replace wheel to vehicle.^#^6. Rotate wheel and check for clearance and obstructions.^#^^#^Notes:^#^Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures.^#^Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement.^#^^#^Package Includes:^#^2 x Car Disc Brake Rotor Covers^#^2 x Adhesive Pads
6,76 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This is not your average Yacht, this is PATRIOT from pedigree builder Feadship. Without question PATRIOT represents the quality you would expect from a world-renowned yacht builder. Considered a /"Gentleman’s Sport Yacht,/" PATRIOT is a versatile and stunning yacht that has been incredibly refit by a small group of very experienced yachtsmen and Captains. Traditional with timeless elegance, this Feadship is the perfect one of a kind addition to any fleet.PATRIOT is sure to stand out anywhere with her flawless styling, quality construction and incredible performance. Her current owner has continued to create a work of art with his detailed refits, adding to a perfect harmony of performance, comfort and sophistication. This Feadship is sure to satisfy even the most discerning guests!Unmistakably the owner has created a work of art with his extensive refits. Unrivaled attention to detail and extremely well-designed living solutions provide the utmost in yachting tradition, safety and relaxation. Without the loss of comfort or privacy, this 3 stateroom / 3 head layout can accommodate up to 7 guests with a beautifully remodeled interior and a large updated custom galley.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Lady M has been captain maintained since originally purchased. The boat recently underwent its 1000 hour engine service and all other services are up to date. This is a great opportunity to own a turn-key vessel.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
My Adriatic Escape represents a rare opportunity to acquire a handsome, timelles design with the renowned Burger build pedigre.
The spacious interior accomodates up to 10 guests and 3 crew, with multiple living and entertainment areas. She was rebuilt and refited in 2018/2019, both inside and outside and has been since kept in top working order. The interior has been redesigned and refited accordingly, equipped with new furniture and equipment, lighting, new ceiling, wall and floor covering included. The hull, deck and top have been repainted with new awllgrip paint.
Swimm platform has been extended in full width by additional 2 ft in 2018/2019.
Jacuzzi is installed in 2021 on the bow. New Air Condition (Dometic, inverter) has been installed in 2021. New Wi-Fi implemented in 2019.
She is regularly inspected by Croatian Boat Registry and meets all requirements, and holds all required certificates.In December 2021 latest Certificate of Croatian Boat Registry was obtained.
She is truly special yacht offering great value to her owner and guests for a long time ahead.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
SANTA MARIA is part of the Feadship heritage fleet. The young designer Frits de Voogt flew to New York to meet Henry Ford II, negotiations were held in a plush 5th Avenue apartment overlooking Central Park, and the 32.90m (107'11/") SANTA MARIA was ordered within a fortnight. At that time, the most expensive Feadship ever built.
Her interior was unique at the time, with Ford requesting an old chateau feel, and interior designer Jacques Frank was commissioned to produce the weather beaten effect desired. She accommodates 10 guests over four luxurious staterooms and a spacious master suite. She also accommodates up to six crew.
Key features:
• Part of the Feadship Heritage Fleet
• Built for Henry Ford II as the most expensive Feadship of its time
• Continuous refit program including new engines, generators b'&' Zero Speed stabilisers
• Ample sun deck with Jacuzzi
• Accommodates 10 guests across five cabins
• EU VAT paid
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Elegantly designed inside and out by Bannenberg and Rowell, MOON SAND benefits from both the iconic lines of her predecessor and the modern flair of her own design, which provides an abundance of volume. She is packed with exceptional amenities, on her sun deck aft she features a brand new jacuzzi lined with sun pads, a sit up bar, an al fresco dining area and lounge seating. On the main deck is the star of the show, the aft deck pool which features a counter current system. With a retractable covering, this enables this area to serve multiple functions, offering a stunning setting to either work out, or relax and unwind sitting by the pool on one of her many seating options. Steps at either side lead down to a swim platform, providing direct access to the water and serving as a launch pad for her toys and tender. Inside, MOON SAND is sumptuously decorated, with rich, tactile fabrics, cool module seating and bespoke one-off pieces of furniture from Pollaro, Silverlining and Linley creating a contemporary yet cosy atmosphere, all bathed in natural light thanks to the huge windows. She can accommodate 10 guests across five flexible double cabins, which can be combined to create double suites. MOON SAND comes complete with a Pascoe guest tender and a broad selection of water toys.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione [Rif. 21977968] Vettura disponibile nella sede di Rho in Via Verbano 4/6. Per informazioni: Aldo MOSTRA NUMERO Le nostre Auto sono la Vera alternativa al nuovo, sono sottoposte a procedure di controllo attente oltre che a un regolare programma di manutenzione, per garantirti solo il meglio dell'usato: KM CertificatiAttestato manutentivoVeicoli senza sinistriCheck up Tecnico con oltre 80 controlliFinanziamenti personalizzati con esito immediato In caso di permuta, indica: marca, modell, colore, mese ed anno di immatricolazione, chilometri, accessori principali, cambio, KW/CV e stato della vettura (meglio se con foto allegate). Con queste informazioni potremo risponderti più velocemente. NOTE: Prestiamo molta attenzione alla stesura di ogni singolo annuncio ma decliniamo ogni responsabilità per eventuali incongruenze che si dovessero verificare fra la descrizione qui presente e la vettura in oggetto. Le fotografie inserzionate sono reali della vettura proposta, non sono foto dimostrative. Nonostante il nostro impegno nella descrizione delle vetture e considerando il grande numero di annunci inseriti, alcuni accessori potrebbero differire o non essere presenti nella vettura in oggetto
14.800 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Price from 91.250€ with a 225 HP YAMAHA. Up to 250 HP !
Style and comfort. A modern 7.3m/24ft big inflatable boat with motor up to 250HP. Aesthetically pleasing in design and rich in options, G750 is a large offshore center console inflatable boat with a highly functional and well-thought layout.
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Avellino (Campania)
TM RACING 250 4T FI MX ES KYB RP TM SCARICO TWIN./r/n32 ore, pari alla nuova./r/n/r/nAccettiamo permute con moto//scooters//auto, anche di maggior valore, consegniamo in tutta Italia./r/nPer qualsiasi altro chiarimento potete contattarci ai numeri: 328-1706369 (Alberto), 345-3931802 (Michele), 0825-780851 (Motor up), oppure via email
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Motor Yacht Mondomarine 41 Legenda built in Italy by Mondo Marine and delivered in 2009, has previously been known as Alexander Two and got its second name after a comprehensive refit in 2016. This 41-meter yacht is the 56th vessel by a renowned Italian shipyard. Exterior and naval architecture of this semi-displacement yacht were designed by Cor D. Rover Design. Fully completed from aluminium, its snow-white superstructure and a well-balanced grey hull create an exquisite contrast attracting observer’s attention to its impeccable elegance.
LUCA DINI Design & Architectur have designed a sumptuous interior with the elements of Classical empire in the surface finishes. The birch tree used in abundance and variety of interpretations is complimented with a dynamic ensemble of marble and soft carpets to create an atmosphere of a comfortable splendour accentuated by a skilful selection of design elements and furniture in the saloons and cabins.
Spaciousness is provided by the 8,1 m width of the yacht that accommodates up to 10 guests in its four guest suites and the Master cabin and 7 crew. Guest suites and crew accommodation are found on the lower deck. The main saloon with the dining area and Master cabin is located on the main deck, whereas the top deck beholds a cosy saloon.
Legenda features an ample outdoor area for entertaining with a bow sundeck area in front of the helm and a well fitted sun deck with a bar, barbecue, dining area, sunroom and a jacuzzi.
The open deck at her stern offers a low outdoor lounge area on the main deck and a dining and cocktail area for 8-10 guests on the top deck.
The yacht features an impressive collection of amenities for relaxing and entertaining. These include a comprehensive selection of water toys, a modern home cinema and jacuzzi on the sundeck which make Legenda ideal for the socialisation and entertainment with friends and family.
Equipped with two especially adapted for long cruising MTU 396-seria diesel engines of 1680 kW (2280 HP) each, she develops a speed of up to 19 knots with a cruiser speed of 14 knots; distance of 3000 miles with a comfortable speed of 11 knots.
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Motor Bike Car Tyre Tire Valve Wheel Lamp LED Light,Blue^#^Quantity: 2^#^Color: RGB^#^When your wheels start to move, they automatically flash light up creating a solid disk of light that appears to hover above your wheels. When you stop they will switch off to save battery power.^#^Make your Bike/Car/Motorbike looks beautiful.^#^Increases nighttime and bad weather visibility for safety^#^Bring more engjoyment to your drive.^#^Powered by 3 replaceable AG10 button batteries (included)^#^Package Include:^#^2 x Tire led^#^Notice:Please pull out the plastic cover from cells before use it.^#^^#^NOTE:There is only one color,it's colorful^#^ ^#^ Package include^#^ 2 Car/Bike wheel LED lights^#^6 x Button batteries
3,61 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This Baron 31 is a 31mts motor yacht built by KaiserWerft from Germany in 2003. The superyacht has a beam of 6.8m, a draft of 1.85m and a volume of 155 GT. Full beam salon for extreme volumes, so for each of the 4 staterooms, with the master cabin up on main deck. Viewings are highly recommended.
English This Baron 31 is a 31mts motor yacht built by KaiserWerft from Germany in 2003. The superyacht has a beam of 6.8m, a draft of 1.85m and a volume of 155 GT. Full beam salon for extreme volumes, so for each of the 4 staterooms, with the master cabin up on main deck. Viewings are highly recommended.
Française Ce Baron 31 est un yacht à moteur de 31 mètres construit par KaiserWerft d’Allemagne en 2003. Le superyacht a une largeur de 6.8m, un tirant d’eau de 1,85 m et un volume de 155 GT. Salon pleine largeur pour les volumes extrêmes, donc pour chacune des 4 cabines, avec la cabine principale sur le pont principal. Les visites sont fortement recommandées.
Deutsch Diese Baron 31 ist eine 31mts Motoryacht gebaut von KaiserWerft aus Deutschland im Jahr 2003. Die Superyacht hat eine Breite von 6.8m, einen Tiefgang von 1,85m und ein Volumen von 155 GT. Fernlichtsalon für extreme Lautstärken, also für jede der 4 Kabinen, mit der Masterkabine auf dem Hauptdeck. Besichtigungen werden dringend empfohlen.
Español Este Baron 31 es un yate a motor de 31mts construido por KaiserWerft de Alemania en 2003. El superyate tiene una manga de 6.8m, un calado de 1,85 m y un volumen de 155 GT. Salón de vigas completas para volúmenes extremos, por lo que para cada uno de los 4 camarotes, con la cabina principal en la cubierta principal. Las visitas son muy recomendables.
Россию Это Baron 31 - моторная яхта длиной 31 мт, построенная KaiserWerft из Германии в 2003 году. Суперяхта имеет ширину 6.8m, осадку 1,85 м и объем 155 GT. Полный свет салона для экстремальных объемов, так что для каждой из 4 кают, с мастер-каютой на главной палубе. Просмотры настоятельно рекомендуются.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Esta embarcación Faeton 630 Sport del año 2000 es una embarcación de recreo de 5,98 metros de eslora y 2,5 metros de manga, con capacidad para hasta 6 personas. Esta embarcación en particular se encuentra en buen estado y está equipada con varios extras tales como un toldo bimini para protegerse del sol, un motor Mercruiser 3.0 de gasolina, un equipo de música para disfrutar de la música mientras navegas, y camarote para pernoctar.
Año: 2000
Eslora: 5,98 metros
Manga: 2,5 metros
Calado: 0,5 metros
Peso: 1.500 kg
Motor: Mercruiser 3.0 Gasolina
Potencia: 135 CV
Capacidad de combustible: 100 litros
Capacidad de agua: 50 litros
Material del casco: Fibra de vidrio
Equipamiento: toldo bimini, equipo de música con 4 altavoces, solárium en proa, mesa, plataforma de baño, ducha, VHF, GPS, Molinete eléctrico, equipo seg 5 millas.
PRECIO: 12.000€
Embarcación espaciosa y versátil para hasta 6 personas “walk around”
Toldo bimini para protegerse del sol y arco
Motor Mercruiser 3.0 de 135CV potente y fiable
Equipo de música para disfrutar de la música mientras navegas
Solárium en proa y en popa para tomar el sol
Plataforma de baño para nadar y bucear
Contacto: (+34) 644 712 047/ (+34) 617 165 087 o
This Faeton 630 Sport from the year 2000 is a pleasure boat with a length of 5.98 metres and a beam of 2.5 metres, which can accommodate up to 6 people. This particular boat is in good condition and is equipped with several extras such as a bimini top for protection from the sun, a Mercruiser 3.0 petrol engine, a stereo system to enjoy music while you sail, and a cabin for overnight stays.
Year: 2000
Length: 5.98 metres
Beam: 2,5 metres
Draft: 0,5 metres
Weight: 1.500 kg
Engine: Mercruiser 3.0 Gasolina
Power: 135 hp
Fuel capacity: 100 litres
Water capacity: 50 litres
Hull material: Fibreglass
Equipment: bimini top, music system with 4 speakers, bow sundeck, table, bathing platform, shower, VHF, GPS, electric windlass, 5 mile seg. equipment.
PRICE: 12.000€.
Spacious and versatile boat for up to 6 people «walk around».
Bimini top for sun and bow protection
135hp Mercruiser 3.0 engine, powerful and reliable
Music system to enjoy music while sailing
Bow and stern sunbathing solarium for sunbathing
Bathing platform for swimming and snorkelling
Contact us:
Contact: (+34) 644 712 047/ (+34) 617 165 087 or
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Italia (Tutte le città)
H is a 34.16m / 112ft SX112 Motor yacht motor yacht built in 2022 by Sanlorenzo. The yacht's interior has been designed by Studio Lissoni and has exterior styling by Zuccon.This Luxury motor yacht has a grp hull with a grp superstructure a beam of 8m / 26ft, a draft of 1.49m / 5ft and 2 decks made from teak.ACCOMMODATIONH offers accommodation for up to 10 guests in 5 suites comprising 1 owner cabin, 2 VIP cabins,1 double cabin and 1 twin cabins with a pullman bed. She is also capable of carrying up to 5 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.PERFORMANCE + CAPABILITIESH has a cruising speed of 20 knots, max speed of 23 knots and a range of 1600 nm @10 knots from her 18800-litre fuel tanks.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Recent een nieuwe Raymarine 16/" plotter ingebouwd. Kabola centrale verwarming en 7kW generator. Romp nieuw gespoten in gewenste kleur!
Elling E4 Ultimate
Lengte over alles 14.95 m
Breedte 4.25 m
Doorvaarthoogte 3.45 m (met geklapte radarbeugel)
Diepgang 1.20 m
Brandstoftank 1410 ltr
Watertank 700 ltr
Vuilwatertank 150 ltr (zowel met afzuig op het dek als met elektrische pomp te legen) Exterieur CE Oceaan Categorie A
Dek: wit
geïntegreerde dekwaterafvoeren
geïntegreerde steps aan beide zijden van het schip
Entrée achter middels comfortabele met teak verbrede steps
Zitbank op achterdek met veel opbergruimte
2e zitbank op achterdek, geïntegreerd in de railing met bergruimte erin.
Teak op zwemplatform RVS zwemtrap
brede RVS schuurlijsten op de berghouten
800 mm hoge robuuste reling
Rvs hekje in hekreling
6 RVS bolders
RVS vlaggestokken
Flexi teak op dek en gangboorden
geïntegreerd zonnedek
geïntegreerde, wegklapbare zitbank voor
spatzeil rond zeereling
geïntegreerde berging voor 6 persoons reddingsvlot en / of lijnen
geïntegreerde berging voor schoonmaakartikelen en / of vuilnisbak
electrisch bediende maststrijkinstallatie
warm en koud water douche op het zwemplatform
Meerlijnen en fenders
Technische specificaties Boegschroef Vetus 80kgf
Hekschroef Vetus 80kgf
Electrische ankerlier, bedienbaar vanaf 2 locaties
Ankerketting 30 mtr
kathodische bescherming
Elektrisch bedienbare trim interceptors
Vuilwatertank 150 liter met pomp en afzuigmogelijkheid op het dek
Veiligheid en Comfort Dubbele beglazing in deksalon
getint veiligheidsglas
Venetian blinds in deksalon
twee vluchtluiken
10 patrijspoorten (met muggenhorren)
Elektrisch te openen voorraam in deksalon
te openen achterraam in deksalon
groot electrisch bediend schuifdak met pneumatische afdichting
automatische brandblusser in machinekamer
brandalarm in machinekamer
brandalarm in leefruimte
2 automatische bilgepompen
water alarm
geïntegreerde motorfundatie in de romp voor extra stijfheid en maximale
Uitstekende Machinekamerisolatie bestaande uit - hout - rubber - schuim - rubber - schuim - aluminium - silicone - aluminium - schuim Aandrijving en stuurinrichting high efficiency roer
RVS schroefas 50 mm
4 blad schroef
water gekoelde uitlaatdemper
hydraulische besturing Electrische specificaties Invertor Mastervolt 220 V 2500 W
Mastervolt Acculader 24 V 75
walaansluiting met 15 mtr. Kabel
24 Volt boordnet
automatische overschakeling van walaansluiting naar invertorbedrijf en
Gescheiden service batterijen en start batterijen
4 x 210 Ah batterijen
2 x 52 Ah start batterijen
2 x 52 Ah exide batterijen voor de boegschroef
Schakelmogelijkheid om te starten op de service batterijen
diverse 220 Volt stopcontacten door de gehele boot
Automatische zekeringen op alle 24 V en 220 V groepen tot 50 A
Smelt zekeringen voor alle overige groepen
Centrale hoofdschakelaar
Interieur Algemeen
Wanden, deuren en meubelen in mat kersenhout
Stuurstoel in leder, mechanisch geveerd en op vele manieren instelbaar drie ruitenwissers met intervalschakelaar
luxe houten stuurwiel
geïntegreerd motorinstrumentenpaneel
een handel motorbediening
uitgebreid schakelpaneel met alle zekerings automaten
half ronde bank met ingelegde kersenhouten tafel
halogeenverlichting met dimmer (deels vervangen voor LED)
luidsprekers voor de radio
instrumentatie, bestaande uit: - Led controle paneel
- Roerstandaanwijzer - waterniveau meter - brandstofniveau meter - alarmen - Navigatie instrumenten Benedensalon
Halogeen verlichting met dimmer
indirekte verlichting
twee schemerlampen (Freivokh design)
kastjes rondom
grote half ronde bank met een ingelegde kersenhouten tafel
twee luxueuze fauteuils
breedbeeld televisie, weggewerkt in meubel met TV (pop up tv)
luidsprekers Voorcabine
Twee enkele bedden
Halogeen verlichting
indirekte verlichting
grote hangkast
Eigenaars hut
Bed in lengterichting
Halogeen verlichting (deels vervangen voor LED)
indirekte verlichting
Twee persoons bed met uitstap aan beide kanten
een grote hangkast
twee legkasten
twee kleine kastjes
grote spiegel
Deur naar badkamer met douche, wc en wasbak.
Toegang naar machinekamer
Zij cabine
Kantoor (bureaublad kan matras opgelegd worden, zit er bij)
bedleeslampjes (indien bed of bureau aanwezig)
toegangsluik tot motorruimte
kluisje (onder vloer) Badkamer voor (BB zijde)
halogeen verlichting
halogeen verlichting op werkblad
separate douche
Douchedeur in veiligheidglas
electrisch bediend toilet
diverse badkameraccessoires
handdoekradiatior (watergevuld
Laminaatvloer met teak motief (waterbestendig)
thermostaatkraan op douche
mechanische ventilatie
corian werkblad met wastafel Keuken
twee grote werkbladen aan beide zijden
dubbele spoelbak
vier pits kookplaat ceramisch
afzuigkap (naar buiten)
oven / magnetron combi
dubbeldeurs koelkast 180 ltr/ 40 liter vriesvak
wijnkelder in de luiken onder de vloer
krasvrije laminaatvloer met teak motief
diverse kastjes aan beide zijden
Ultimate pakket:
-hekschroef Vetus 80 KGF
-Flexi dek
-generator 7 kW @ 1500 rpm
-keramische kookplaat
overige opties voor de Elling E4 zoals besteld bij de nieuwbouw:
-Kleur: Romp gespoten in Flag Blue met witte striping
-centrale verwarming met radiatoren in ieder vertrek
Kabola HR 400 Combi, wij vullen de radiatoren met anti-vries)
- Bimini top
- Sprayhood Motor
-435 PK Volvo Penta 6 cylinder common rail Diesel motor (inclusief Aquadrive voor zeer laag geluids- en trillingsniveau)
- zeer economisch, 7,5 knp met 7 ltr per uur
Rompvorm: Halfglijder
Besturing: X
Doorvaarthoogte normaal: met geklapte radarbeugel 3,45 mtr
Materiaal, kleuren: kersenhout in hoogglans
TV: pop up systeem in de salon
Motor, electra, water
Draaiuren: nog in gebruik
Verbruik: 7 liter per uur bij 7 knp!
Dynamo: 80 ah via diodebrug naar diverse accu's
Watersysteem: Jabsco
Warm water: Via de Kabola HR400
Strijkinstallatie: Radarbeugel elektrisch klapbaar
Overig: X
Type interieur: Classic, warm;kersenhout in hoogglans
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Custom Boutique Cruise Ship for sale 1996.
Custom Boutique Cruise Ship for sale 1996 is in good condition.
Minerva is a boutique cruise vessel, tastefully decorated and impeccably finished, that can accommodate 300 guests on six decks. Her wide range of accommodation includes spacious balcony suites, deluxe outside cabins and comfortable inside cabins. You can relax in the conservatory-style Shackleton Baror in the 5,000-volume Library, before taking a stroll on the Promenade Deck.
Enjoy a game of bridge in Card Room, work out in the Gym, pamper yourself in the Wellness Centre or take a dip in the pool on Bridge Deck. ACCOMMODATION The vessel has a total of 190 suites and cabins spread over four decks. Between Sun Deck and Bridge Deck, there are 44 suites with balconies measuring from 28 sq.m. to 34 sq.m, each. All suites are equipped with mirrored vanities and chairs, adequate drawer and hanging space, safes, mini-fridges, TV, telephones, bathrobes and hair dryers. Voltage is 220 with British-style sockets, adaptors are available. All suites on the port side have glass-enclosed bathtubs, while those on the starboard side have glass-enclosed showers. On Aegean Deck, there are 56 cabins, each one with a window, and on Baltic Deck there are 44 cabins with an average area of 13 sq.m. and 2 portholes each. There are 46 inside cabins on these two decks. All cabins are equipped with shower rooms. In all suites and cabins there are twin beds that can be converted to a double bed. RESTAURANTS b'&' LOUNGES Minerva offers many spacious lounges to reflect your mood: quiet corners to read a book and enjoy a cup of tea, do a puzzle, play a board game or relax and listen to music. Enjoy meeting your friends in Orpheus Lounge, which offers panoramic view and can accommodate up to 145 guests. The two restaurants cover all guests’ needs with meals freshly prepared by a team of renowned chefs.
SPECIFICATIONS L.O.A: 135.10m Beam: 20m Draft: 6.11m Cruising Speed: 14Knots
Builder: Okean Nikolaev – Mariotti Genova Build: 1996
LIFE BOATS Tenders / Life Boats: 2 Type: Motor lifeboat / Partially enclosed Capacity: 117 persons in each as tender and 150 in each as lifeboat Life Boat: 1 TENDER water toys Zodiac / Inflatable boat: 1 Capacity: 15 persons including driver
The engines of Custom Boutique Cruise Ship for sale 1996: YAMAHA Outboard motor “50” HP VIPER / Tender boat: 1 Capacity: 10 persons including driver Engines: 2 X YAMAHA Outboard motor “200” HP STORM 498 / Tender boat: 1 Capacity: 6 persons including driver Engines: YAMAHA Outboard motor “50” HP Type: Motor lifeboat / Partially enclosed Capacity: 150 persons Rescue Boats: 2 Type: Motor lifeboat / Open Capacity: 6 persons
each Engines: 2 Total Power 6920 KW
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