New teak
Elenco delle migliori vendite new teak

Magliano in Toscana (Toscana)
Il C54 Sport Coupé incarna la sintesi tra design, comfort e prestazioni che ci si aspetterebbe da uno yacht di maggiori dimensioni. Questo 16 metri è in grado di esprimere tutta la forza creativa e la competitività del cantiere che, insieme ad una distribuzione generosa degli spazi, ha intelligentemente studiato un salone “chiuso” così da offrire un ambiente accogliente e spazioso. L'immenso prendisole ed il tavolo da 8 posti contribuiscono a fare del ponte principale il vero e proprio fulcro della vita di bordo, mentre, sottocoperta, le 3 cabine di cui una master a centro barca dotata di locale bagno separato e la cucina, spaziosa ed abitabile, assicurano elevati livelli di vivibilità, oltre a far diventare ogni momento passato a bordo una vera e propria esperienza di vita. PREZZO DI LISTINO, NUOVO FATTURABILE + IVA, CONSEGNA 2023, SI VALUTANO PERMUTE INTERNI CABINA PRUA: Letto matrimoniale con gavone sottostante, materasso, guanciali e copriletto - mobile sottoletto in noce - giroletto tappezzato - testata con cornice in wenge lucido e pannelli tappezzati - portaoggetti in wenge lucido - armadi guardaroba in noce - pavimento in moquette con gavone sottostante - luci lettura - faretti led - luci led soffuse - prese corrente - oblò in acciaio inox - passo uomo - accesso diretto al bagno - tende a pacchetto - aria condizionata. BAGNO PRUA: WC marino - doccetta bidet - doccia con carabottino in teak saliscendi, diffusore e miscelatore - porta doccia in plexiglass - pavimento in noce - mobile lavello in noce con corian, lavello in ceramica e miscelatore - pensile con ante a specchio - tenda veneziana in legno - oblò in acciaio inox - doppio ingresso da cabina prua e da disimpegno - prese corrente - faretti led stagni - accessori bagno - aria condizionata. CABINA OSPITI: 2 Letti singoli con gavone sottostante, materassi, guanciali e copriletti - giroletto tappezzato - armadio guardaroba in noce - pavimento in moquette - luci lettura - faretti led - prese corrente - oblò in acciaio inox - tenda a scorrimento - aria condizionata. CABINA ARMATORE: Letto matrimoniale con gavone sottostante, materasso, guanciali e copriletto - giroletto e testata tappezzate - armadi guardaroba in noce nel disimpegno - cassettiera laterale in wenge lucido con top tappezzato - divanetto in tessuto - mobile laterale in noce con vano vanity e top tappezzato - pavimento in moquette - oblò in acciaio inox integrati nelle finestre panoramiche in cristallo - luci di lettura - faretti led - prese corrente - tende a pacchetto - aria condizionata. BAGNO POPPA: WC marino - doccetta bidet - pavimento in noce - doccia con carabottino in teak, saliscendi, diffusore, miscelatore - porta doccia in plexiglass trasparente - mobile lavello in noce con top in corian, lavello in ceramica e miscelatore - pensile con ante a specchio - tenda veneziana in legno - oblò STRUMENTAZIONE VANO MOTORI: Serbatoio carburante 2x1000 l con sonde carburante - impianto di compenso - Pre-filtro carburante VOLVO - filtri con separatore acqua/carburante - elettrovalvole di alimentazione - flaps idraulici - impianto antincendio: estintore ad attivazione manuale e automatica, agente estinguente FM200 non asfissiante e centralina spegnimento motori e generatore - generatore 17.5 Kw - gruppo centrale aria condizionata. IMPIANTO IDRAULICO: Serbatoio acqua 535 l - nr. 2 autoclavi con filtro - boiler da 60 l motori/elettrico 230 V - pompe di sentina elettriche ad azionamento manuale/automatico. IMPIANTO ACQUE NERE: Serbatoio 165 l - svuotamento del serbatoio tramite pompa maceratrice o suzione da banchina con pompa maceratrice di rispetto - carico WC con acqua dolce. IMPIANTO ACQUE GRIGIE: Serbatoio 130 l - svuotamento del serbatoio tramite pompa di scarico. IMPIANTO ELETTRICO: Gruppo 4 batterie per motori 100 Ah / 12 V - gruppo 6 batterie per servizi 100 Ah / 12 V - 1 batteria per utenze 12V e generatore 100 Ah / 12 V - caricabatterie automatico - presa corrente banchina 230 V- staccabatterie elettronici con azionamento manuale in caso d’emergenza. ARMAMENTO HARD TOP: albero segnali con: tromba, luci di via, luce di fonda, portabandiera, antenna GPS e antenna terrestre. COPERTA: Musone di prua - verricello salpancora elettrico - ancora 20 kg e catena in acciaio zincato calibro 12 mm 150 m - passacime in acciaio inox - cavetto di sicurezza ancora - pulpito con draglia in acciaio inox - presa per svuotamento serbatoio acque nere da banchina - bitte a prua, centro barca e poppa in acciaio inox - prendisole di prua con gavone sottostante, tientibene in acciaio inox portapicchieri e altoparlanti radio e remote control - doccetta di prua caldo/ freddo - doppio tergicristallo elettrico con lavavetri. POZZETTO: Rivestimento in teak - Ampio divano trasformabile in un comodo prendisole di poppa - tavolo con top raddoppiabile in teak - Albero segnali con: tromba, luci di via, luce di fonda, portabandiera, e antenna terrestre - accesso cabina marinaio - comandi per luci cortesia pozzetto -porta scorrevole ingresso dinette in cristallo - casse stereo - faretti led con regolazione di intensità - presa banchina 230 V- attacco alta pressione - doccetta caldo/freddo - portello per accesso sala macchine. PLANCETTA: Rivestimento in teak - scaletta bagno in acciaio inox a scomparsa - bitte a scomparsa ormeggio tender....Read full description
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Magliano in Toscana (Toscana)
Oltre 50 anni di esperienza racchiusi in questo innovativo Cross Over che saprà accontentare e rispecchiare i gusti dei clienti mediterranei e dei nuovi mercati d’oltre Oceano. Sessa Marine, infatti grazie all’ esperienza raccolta in questi anni in Asia e nelle Americhe, presenta un prodotto flessibile e adatto ai clienti dalle esigenze più svariate. Sono trascorsi 10 anni da quando Sessa Marine progettò il suo primo 42 piedi, l’ Oyster 42, consentendole di entrare in un nuovo segmento di mercato e di sperimentare nel corso degli anni un prodotto sempre più sofisticato…. C42 è un prodotto di seconda generazione nato dall’ esperienza diretta sui mercati mondiali,che riesce a coniugare estetica, praticità e flessibiltà. PREZZO DI LISTINO, NUOVO FATTURABILE + IVA, CONSEGNA 2023, SI VALUTANO PERMUTE INTERNI CUCINA: Mobile cucina in noce con lavello in acciaio inox e miscelatore, piastra due fuochi a gas, cassettiera e vano pattumiera - pensili cucina in noce e cappa aspirazione - frigorifero 120 l e congelatore 30 l - oblò a filo integrato nella finestra laterale panoramica - tenda veneziana in alluminio - vano sottoscala per alloggiamento lavatrice - faretti alogeni - prese di corrente - pavimento in noce. CABINA PRUA: Letto matrimoniale con piano a ribalta e gavone sottostante - materasso, guanciali, copriletto - mobile sottoletto in noce - giroletto, comodini e testata tappezzati - armadi guardaroba e pensili in noce - pavimento in moquette - luci lettura - faretti alogeni - prese corrente - oblò a filo integrati nelle finestre laterali panoramiche - tende veneziane in legno - passo uomo con pannello oscurante - accesso diretto al bagno prua. BAGNO PRUA: Mobile lavello in noce con top laccato - lavello in ceramica con miscelatore - pensile con ante a specchio - pavimento in noce - tenda veneziana in legno - oblò in acciaio inox - accesso privato da disimpegno cabina - presa corrente - faretti alogeni stagni - accessori bagno - porta doccia in plexiglass - doccia con carabottino in teak, saliscendi, diffusore e miscelatore - WC marino con seduta a ribalta in teak. CABINA POPPA: 2 Letti singoli con materassi, guanciali e copriletti - comodino e testata tappezzati - armadio guardaroba in noce - pavimento in moquette - luci lettura - faretti alogeni - prese corrente - oblò a filo integrato nella finestra laterale panoramica - tende veneziane in legno. BAGNO POPPA: Mobile lavello in noce con top laccato - lavello in ceramica e miscelatore - pensile con ante a specchio - pavimento in noce - tenda veneziana in legno - oblò in acciaio inox - doppio accesso dalla cabina ospiti e dal disimpegno cabine - presa corrente - faretti alogeni stagni - accessori bagno - porta doccia in plexiglass -doccia con carabottino in teak, saliscendi, diffusore e miscelatore - WC marino STRUMENTAZIONE HARD TOP: Hard top con parte mobile in vetroresina e movimentazione elettrica - Tientibene laterali in acciaio inox - albero segnali con: tromba, luci di via, luce di fonda, portabandiera. VANO MOTORI: 2 Serbatoi carburante da 490 l cad. - doppia sonda carburante dialogante con sistema EVC Volvo - impianto di compenso - tiretti manuali intercettazione carburante - filtri VOLVO con separatore acqua/carburante - flaps idraulici - impianto antincendio con attivazione automatica e manuale da consolle. IMPIANTO IDRAULICO: Serbatoio acqua in polietilene capacità totale 350 l - Autoclave con filtro - boiler da 20 l elettrico 230 V - pompe di sentina elettriche ad azionamento manuale/ automatico. IMPIANTO ACQUE NERE: Serbatoio in polietilene 125 l - Svuotamento del serbatoio tramite pompa di scarico o suzione da banchina - carico WC con acqua dolce. IMPIANTO ELETTRICO: Gruppo 2 batterie per motori 100 Ah / 12 V - gruppo 2 batterie per servizi 100 Ah / 12 V - batteria per verricello salpancora e elica di prua - presa corrente banchina 230 V - staccabatterie elettronici con azionamento manuale in caso di emergenza - impianto di bordo a 12V. ARMAMENTO COPERTA: Musone di prua - verricello salpancora elettrico - Ancora 20 Kg e catena acciaio zincato calibro 8 mm 50 m - cavetto di sicurezza ancora - passacime in acciaio inox - pulpito con draglia in acciaio inox e anelli porta parabordi - imbarco serbatoio carburante a dritta e lato sinistro - imbarco serbatoio acqua dolce - presa per svuotamento serbatoio acque nere da banchina - bitte a prua, centro barca e poppa in acciaio inox - ampio prendisole di prua con tientibene in acciaio inox - doppio tergicristallo elettrico con lavavetri POZZETTO: Divano pozzetto a L con gavone, alloggiamento zattere sotto seduta di poppa - portelli in vetroresina vano di poppa - tientibene in acciaio inox - tavolo con top raddoppiabile in teak - comandi per luci cortesia pozzetto e fly - porta scorrevole ingresso dinette in cristallo - faretti alogeni stagni - presa banchina 230 V - attacco acqua alta pressione - doccetta caldo/freddo - accesso sala macchine - gavone portaoggetti lato sinistro - cancelletto di poppa in acciaio inox. PLANCETTA: scaletta bagno removibile in acciaio inox - scaletta di emergenza....Read full description
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La Spezia (Liguria)
A potent combination of Marten Yachts NZ build quality coupled with Farr and Vismara design. This yacht shows them off to their best. Hull in Carbon-Nomex painted in pearl white. Sleeps six guests and two crew. Now in La Spezia where a new owner can keep the berth for a period to be negotiated, free of charge. An absolutely awesome yacht. VAT paid and in excellent order, regularly maintaiined an constantly upgraded.. For further information or inspection arrangements please contact listing broker Hanne Niederbracht at Ancasta Yachts Palma or call - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - Inventory NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT Furuno 10.4 radar Computer for navigation systems Computer for internet VHF (one at navstation and one in cockpit) Inmarsat Sat C Iridium and GSM telephone B&G 20x20 instruments 15" nav station screen 2 Suunto compasses EXTRA INVENTORY Avon RiB 315 Yanmar 15HP outboard engine Gangway Titanium bathing ladder Cockpit cushions Sprayhood Sunshade Sharp LCD 28" TV Linn home theatre Hifi system 5 speakers in dinette 1 sub woofer 4 deck speakers 2 sea anchors (bow and stern) SAFETY EQUIPMENT Two 406 Epirbs Two Autoflug 6 person liferafts 12 Avon safety belt Grab bag Bridge RECENT WORKS INCLUDE: New teak decks New Air conditioning units New Watermaker New Navigation systems computer All new LED lighting CONSTRUCTION The hull is in Carbon-Nomex painted in pearl white The flush deck and low coach roof of the vessel is finished with hand laid teak Steering via two custom carbon Y spoke wheels and Vectran cable system The deck is adorned with no less than 16 custom Marten Yachts carbon flush hatches, providing ample light and fresh air into the interior of the vessel The stern is equipped with a garage for the dinghy and for general storage use The teak deck highlights the typical Vismara design: smooth cabin with ample living space and coamings together with the double cockpit, the after for the helmsman with two wheels and the central one for guests. Hull and deck are built in pre-preg carbon vacuum bagged and cured at 80° with Nomex core, in order to develop an extremely rigid yet light and well insulated structure. To save weight and give the maximum strength to the boat many of the furniture elements, such as the frontals, or the horizontal shelves of the settees are in sandwich of pre-preg carbon with Nomex core. LOA 20.30m LWL 18.24m BEAM 5.00m DRAFT 4.00m DISPLACEMENT 20500kg BALLAST 9100kg Machinery YANMAR 4JH DTE 125HP DIESEL ENGINE Mastervolt Whisper 8000 generator Spectra watermaker Condaria air conditioning throughout TANKAGE WATER 1250 litre FUEL 1000 litre BLACK WATER HOLDING TANK 250 litre GREY WATER HOLDING TANK 300 litre ELECTRICS 24 volt DC system Chargers 2 x Mastervolt 100 Mastervolt 40, 2020 3500w inverter Generator Mastervolt 8000 whisper Condaria 36000BTU airconditioning GROUND TACKLE Lofrans windlass Delta inox anchor with 12mm chain Spade 15kg kedge anchor 2 floating anchors WATER SYSTEM Hot and cold pressurised water throughout 60 litre hot water boiler Spectra 70 litres Zbrain watermaker Rig SLOOP RIG Six on deck electric Harken winches Frederiksen deck gear blocks The main sail traveller is controlled with a custom under deck hydraulic system. MAST The rotating carbon wing mast can be hydraulically rotated 35º either side of centre, is fully adjustable via hydraulic headstay & inner stay tensioning system, with running backstays connected to Harken electric winches Standing rig of SS rod with full set of Carbon rods for racing SAILS All North Sails 3DL carbon/Kevlar (2203 due for replacement winter 2011/12) Full battened main sail Selection of head sails Fractional gennaker Carbon Main and Jib (2004) Set of Dacron delivery sails Staysail and Storm Jib Accommodation SLEEPS SIX GUESTS IN THREE CABINS AND TWO CREW IN ONE CABIN The layout and the general styling of “Mister A” make the boat particularly comfortable and functional. The standard of finish is SUPERB. The boat is divided into two areas: the crew mess aft and the owner/guests area from amidships forwards. This separation assures mutual privacy, but also takes in consideration the differences between the use of the boat during blue water navigation and in harbour. For this reason there are two galleys, one close to the crew mess and navigation area. The main galley is amidships close to the saloon. The owners suite is located amidships and provided with two separate single berths with desk and office in between. The saloon is very well lit superbly finished and comfortable for socialising. The two guest cabins are upper and lower berths provided and they are forward preceding the sail locker. The furniture design utilises a mix of hitech and traditional styling and materials. Cherry wood is used to face the furniture and the bulkheads. Carbon structures of items, such as the entrance ladder are left bare to remind the owner just what a special yacht this is. The entertainment system in the saloon includes a Linn home theatre Hifi system with 5 speakers and a sub woofer in the dinette and 4 speakers on deck. Sharp LCD 28" TV. Both galleys are equipped with: 4 burner cooker Fridge Oven One also has a dishwasher and freezer...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
IL CAPO is by far the nicest 2004 110' Broward currently for sale world wide. Since purchased she has undertaken a major refit from a full exterior paint job, to a complete interior refit- from soft goods to audio visual equipment. IL CAPO truly needs to be seen to be appreciated. Some key features and highlights are listed below.
Full Exterior paint job June -2018 (Matterhorn White)
Generators Rebuilt- 2018
Caterpillars 3412Es fully serviced -2018 (New pumps, hoses, injectors, Valve adjustment)
Complete Interior Refit 2017 - (Flooring, All soft goods and Audio Visual)
Custom Bar in aft Cockpit with Fridge and freezer- New 32' Flat Screen Port Side
Custom railing on aft bridge- 2017
Digny Davit Rebuilt and serviced- 2018
Windlass Rebuilt and serviced - 2018
New cutlass bearings - 2018
New Bottom Paint - 2018
New Teak on Swim Platform (Compass Ross) - 2018
New Hot Tub Heater/ Pump & Teak steps - 2017
AC Chillers serviced (2 units replaced, new hoses and pumps 2017/2018)
New Carpets -2018
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Italia (Tutte le città)
TOP CONDITIONS. Truly unique unit of the mighty Riva Opera 85 serie. Very few engine hrs. Up/down hydraulic platform at transom realized as a work of art for a more spacey flybridge free from crane astern. Spectacular master cabin amidship out of a 3 guests cabin layout (from origin): the stbd guest cabin area has been split partly as loundry utility room (with washer and dryer with separate units) and partly for master cabin's office. Day toilet on main deck. New teak 2021. New navigation equipment 2023. Privately used from new only, Eu vat paid. Free from lease. Williams 445 jet, on separate negotiation.
English TOP CONDITIONS. Truly unique unit of the mighty Riva Opera 85 series. Very few engine hrs. Up/down hydraulic platform at transom realized as a work of art for a more spacey flybridge free from crane astern. Spectacular master cabin amidship out of a 3 guests cabin layout (from origin): the stbd guest cabin area has been split partly as loundry utility room (with washer and dryer with separate units) and partly for master cabin's office. Day toilet on main deck. New teak 2021. New navigation equipment 2023. Privately used from new only, Eu vat paid. Free from lease. Williams 445 jet, on separate negotiation.
Française CONDITIONS OPTIMALES. Unité vraiment unique de la puissante série Riva Opera 85. Très peu d’heures de moteur. Plate-forme hydraulique montante / descendante au tableau arrière réalisée comme une œuvre d’art pour un flybridge plus spatial sans grue arrière. Spectaculaire cabine principale au milieu d’une disposition de cabine 3 invités (d’origine): la zone de cabine invité stbd a été divisée en partie en buanderie (avec laveuse et sécheuse avec unités séparées) et en partie pour le bureau de la cabine principale. Toilette de jour sur le pont principal. Nouveau teck 2021. Nouvel équipement de navigation 2023. Utilisé à titre privé à partir de neuf uniquement, TVA européenne payée. Libre de location. Jet Williams 445, en négociation séparée.
Deutsch TOP KONDITIONEN. Wirklich einzigartiges Gerät der mächtigen Riva Opera 85 Serie. Sehr wenige Motorstunden. Up/Down hydraulische Plattform am Heckspiegel realisiert als Kunstwerk für eine geräumigere Flybridge ohne Kran achtern. Spektakuläre Masterkabine mittschiffs aus einem 3-Gäste-Kabinenlayout (vom Ursprung): Der STBD-Gästekabinenbereich wurde teilweise als Waschraum (mit Waschmaschine und Trockner mit separaten Einheiten) und teilweise für das Büro der Masterkabine aufgeteilt. Tagestoilette auf dem Hauptdeck. Neues Teakholz 2021. Neue Navigationsausrüstung 2023. Privat genutzt nur neu, EU-Mehrwertsteuer bezahlt. Frei von Leasing. Williams 445 Jet, auf separaten Verhandlungen.
Español MEJORES CONDICIONES. Unidad verdaderamente única de la poderosa serie Riva Opera 85. Muy pocas horas de motor. Plataforma hidráulica arriba/abajo en el espejo de popa realizada como una obra de arte para un flybridge más espacial libre de popa de grúa. Espectacular cabina principal en el centro del barco de un diseño de cabina para 3 huéspedes (desde el origen): el área de la cabina de invitados stbd se ha dividido en parte como lavadero de lavandería (con lavadora y secadora con unidades separadas) y en parte para la oficina de la cabina principal. Aseo de día en cubierta principal. Teca nueva 2021. Nuevo equipo de navegación 2023. De uso privado desde nuevo solamente, IVA de la UE pagado. Libre de arrendamiento. Williams 445 jet, en negociación separada.
Россию ЛУЧШИЕ УСЛОВИЯ. Поистине уникальный агрегат могучей серии Riva Opera 85. Очень мало часов двигателя. Вверх / вниз гидравлическая платформа на транце реализована как произведение искусства для более космического флайбриджа, свободного от крана на корме. Впечатляющая мастер-каюта на миделе из компоновки каюты для 3 гостей (от начала): зона гостевой каюты stbd была разделена частично как подсобное помещение (со стиральной машиной и сушилкой с отдельными блоками) и частично для офиса мастер-каюты. Дневной туалет на главной палубе. Новый тик 2021. Новое навигационное оборудование 2023. В частном порядке используется только из нового, ЕС НДС оплачивается. Без аренды. Самолет Williams 445, на отдельных переговорах.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Sunseeker Predator 72 has a very open plan design, and offers more luxury and elegance than any other yacht in its class. She has just had new teak fitted, and had 60000 euros spent on her this year, to include
All new external teak
- New external cushions
- Ordinary Hard Top maintenance
- New internal parquet
- Cleaning of all internal woods
- External cleaning of steel and chrome plating
- Ordinary maintenance of the engines
- Ordinary maintenance to the generator
- Ordinary maintenance of the watermaker
- Fuel tank cleaning
- Cleaning of black water tank
- Ordinary air conditioning maintenance
- Bilge pump maintenance
- Antifouling and anode change
- Polishing the whole boat
- Bathroom ladder maintenance
- External table cleaning
- Other etc...
The boat is in excellent condition !!
The owner spent around 60,000 euros.
All documented with invoice
The salon area has very large windows for maximum natural light, Air-Conditioning, and sliding doors that lead to a large aft cockpit, perfectly kitted out for entertaining with wet bar etc. On the fore-deck are huge sun-pads, and aft is a hydraulic swim platform.
This yacht can cruise at 24 knots, giving one a range of approximately 360 nautical miles. The engines have been regularly serviced and she has one owner from new.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Barco de ocasión totalmente restaurado: Teka nueva, tapizados nuevos en interior y exterior. El motor está revisado a fondo con codos y colectores nuevos, transom nuevo.
Los equipamientos principales en la unidad son:
Molinete eléctrico ancla, toldo de sol, plataforma de baño con escalera, teka en plataforma de baño, solárium de proa, nevera en cabina, cocina, fregadero, WC con depósito de aguas negras y lona de fondeo.
El barco se entrega con el material de seguridad obligatorio para zona 6 y la documentación e ITB se encuentran totalmente al día.
El barco se entrega con la revisión de motor recién efectuada, el antifouling pintado y el barco totalmente revisado.
Used boat completely restored: New teak, new upholstery inside and outside. The engine has been thoroughly revised with new elbows and manifolds, new transom.
The main equipment on the unit are:
Electric anchor windlass, bimini, bathing platform with ladder, teak on bathing platform, bow sundeck, fridge in cockpit,, stove, sink, WC with black water tank, mooring canvas.
The boat is delivered with the mandatory safety equipment for zone 6 and the documentation and ITB are fully up to date.
Boat is delivered with service on the engine recently carried out, antifouling painted and the boat completely serviced and inspected.
Bateau d'occasion entièrement restauré: Nouveau teck, nouvelle sellerie intérieure et extérieure. Le moteur a été soigneusement entretenu avec des nouveaux coudes et collecteurs et un nouveau transom.
Les principaux équipements de l'unité sont les suivants:
Guindeau électrique, taud de soleil, plateforme de bain avec échelle, teck sur plateforme de bain, bain de soleil avant, réfrigérateur dans le cockpit, cuisine, évier, WC avec réservoir d'eaux noires et taud de transport.
Le bateau est livré avec l'équipement de sécurité obligatoire pour la zone 6 et la documentation et ITB sont entièrement à jour.
Le bateau est livré avec l' entretien moteur récemment réalisé, l'antifouling peint et le bateau entièrement entretenu et inspecté.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This is a 20,6 meter AB Yachts 68, used yacht for sale in Greece, built in 2005. She is an open yacht with a large panoramic open roof, front and aft sunbeds which enables guests to enjoy the warm summer breezes and feel close to nature. The large open aft deck provides a great spot to dine al fresco or enjoy lounging on the large sun beds.
Equipped with twin 1500 hp MAN which provide to this vessel a great speed and unbelievable silence in navigation. She has a cruising speed of 35 knots, a max speed of 43 knots and a range of 360 nm from her 4,200 lt. fuel tanks. She can accommodate up to 6 guests in 3 spacious cabins.
The AB 68 is ideal for owners who desire speed and luxury. There is also a garage for Zodiac tender in the aft. If you are looking for a nice way to relax, the AB 68 has a spacious living room and dining area with a modern furnishing giving a warm feeling to your guests.
- 1 x Master Cabin
- 1 x VIP Cabin
- 1 x Double Cabin with Pullman Bed
- 3 x Bathrooms
- 1 x Crew - Cabin
- 1 x Crew - Bathroom
Additional Equipment
- New paint at 2014 on AB Yachts shipyard
- New teak on 2014 on AB Yachts shipyard
- New cushions
- Searcher light SASHIN
- Antenna 4G
- Satellite Antenna
- Windshield awning and side cheeks awning
- Electric sunshade in cockpit
- Front and aft sunbeds
- Water jet HAMILTON HM461 transmission
- 2 mooring winch Cabestan
- Electric blind in the cockpit
Deck Equipment
- Anchor(s)Stainless Steel 50kg.
- Anchor Chain80m
- Gangway Pincraft
- Swimming Ladder
- Sunbathing Area
- Bimini Electric
- Floor Teak
- Garage Door
- Side Window(s)Electrics
- Wet Bar
- Winch(es)Lowfran 2kw
- Windlass(es)
- Hard Top Electric
Entertainment Equipment
- Radio CD Player Sony
- 1 x TV Sony 40'' on lift
- 1 x TV Samsung 32''
- 1 x TV Sharp LCD
Galley & Laundry Equipment
- Refrigerator(s)
- Freezer(s)
- Cooking Plates: Miele
- Dishwasher: Miele
- Microwave - Oven
- Mini Bar
- Ice Maker(s)
- Coffee Machine
Mechanical & Electrical Equipment
- Engines: 2 x 1500 HP MAN
- Generator: 1 x 17,5 Kw Onan
- Generator Hours: 1350 (2/17)
- Air conditioning
- Bow Thruster: Vetus
- Bilge Pump
- Battery Charger
- Shore Power
- Engine Hours: 550
- Black Water Tank
- Boiler
- Electricity: 12V, 24V, 230V
- Engine Controls: Electronics
- Fresh Water Pump
- Fuel: Diesel
- Joystick
- Propulsion: Jet Drives
- Trim Tabs: with indicators
- Water Maker: Idromar 120lt./hr.
- Inverter
Safety Equipment
- Liferaft(s)Arimar 12prs.
Tenders & Toys
- Tender Zodiac Projet 3.5m.
Navigational Equipment
- 1 x VHF: Raymarine 240E
- 1 x GPS Chart Plotter: Raymarine E120
- 1 x Autopilot: Navionicontrol AP3003 Gold
- 1 x Depthsounder: Raymarine I50
- 1 x Compass: Zenith
- 1 x Radar: Raymarine E120
- 1 x AIS
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The 24.5m motor yacht PIK II was built by Millennium to a design by Mulder in 2004 in the Netherlands, refitted in 2019. She features a semi-displacement aluminium hull and aluminium superstructure, with teak decks.
She can accommodate up to 6 guests overnight in 3 cabins and up to 3 crew members in 1 cabin to ensure a relaxing luxury yacht experience.
Powered by 2 Caterpillar (C30) 1,550hp diesel engines, PIK II is capable of a top speed of 21 knots, and comfortably cruises at 10 knots. Her fuel tanks are 10900 litres and water capacity is 3000 litres.
You will feel like home aboard this yacht. The decks are on one level, + there is a high-grade galley, washer, dryer, watermaker, stabilization, satellite TV, and much more!
– Interior decorated with natural leather– Freezer 250 liters and a fridge with freezer compartment– Bose music system (Premium package)– TV satellite system with active antennas– Fin stabilizers– Hydraulic gangway– Raymarine navigation system with motion sensors– Watermaker– LED lights on all decks– Hydraulic swim platform with 600 kg lifting capacity
– Flybridge modification
– Nozzles replacement three years ago
– Swim platform installation
– Repairs of air conditioning compressors
– Installation of additional air conditioner in the master cabin
– Replacement of seawater cooling pump
– Repairs of mounted generators
– Repairs of sanitary pumps
– Repairs of grey water pump
– New teak installed on the flybridge deck
– All propeller shaft bearings replaced
– Bow and stern thrusters repaired
– New anchor capstans installed
Alex Pizano
Phone/WA: +33 6 83 61 18 69
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The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.
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Porto Viro (Veneto)
Malu’ is a rare and excellent example of a vintage yacht in perfect conditions. She was designed by Sparkman& Stephens and built at the highest standards under the direct survey of the RINA director of Livorno harbor. After a life as cruiser racer Malu’ received the most accurate and respectfull restoration and she is better than ever. Sailing Malu’ is just like diving in the past and her elegant lines and details are highlighted by new rigging, new sails, new engine and systems, new closets and interior furniture and new tapestry.The hull was completely emptied to provide a general refit and to protect her from the risk of osmosis (she had no osmosis anyway) the hull was treated with epoxy resin. The restoration was surveyed by one of the best known Italian expert, and in our experience of hundreds classic yachts to offer to demanding customers we have been amazed reading his survey. Every analized matter and item on board is rated at the top. Survey available. Original drawings available. ACCOMMODATIONS: Malù is a very comfortable boat with elegant and functional accommodations. 3 cabins one of which with double bed,saloon, one bathroom, galley,chart table. Sleeps 5 guests in the cabin and 2 in the saloon. Description: From the entrance to the left a cabin with single, comfortable bunk and the wide chart table. On the right the L shaped galley. After the half bulkhead there is the saloon with L shaped settee on the left side and a lifting table.A wide settee/ bunk on the right. Half bulkhead ahead there is a well type fridge with wide pantry storage and oil skins closet. The bathroom in front on the right side. You enter now in the double cabin with separate beds with wide storage space, and the owners cabin with V shaped double bed. The anchor chain storage is ahead and reachable trough a watertight opening RESTORATION: The boat was purchased in 2009 by the actual owner and moved by truck to the shipyard Cantieri Pier 12 in Marina di Ravenna. The plan was to make her perfect and beutifull. No energy was spared. Between 2010-13 The boat was emptied completely to bare hull and treated with epoxy resin outside and inside. The deck was relaminated with void technology before fitting a new teak deck. New beams set under the deck and cabin. The accommodations and furniture completely restored or rebuilt where some imperfection was found. New closets, drawers, and storage spaces. New systems, new tapestry,new winches, new sails. Perkins engine 50 HP completely overhauled 250 hours New propeller shaft Albero motore e baderna 2013 + cuffia Volvo New exhaust and muffler system and + sifon break 2013 All Harken deck fittings 2013 (bozzelli, golfari, trasto) New haluards and sheets Gottifredi brand in Dyneema old fashion Deck stainless steel Winches 2013 Andersen Mast Winches Lewmar 45 Genoa furler Bamar 2013 Staysail stay in spectra 2015 c New mast and rigging 2016 New stanchions 2016 Original Goiot deck opening with double opening with new anodyzation and new plexiglass Mainsail One sail dacron full batten 2013 with Antal track – 2 reefs Genoa One sail dacron 130% 2013 Staysail One sail 2017 Teack deck 2013 10mm thick vacuum glued. Never sanded yet Custom made Sprayhood e Bimini 2016 Led lights in cockpit and on the mast Full owning 2016 Tender Silver Quick 2019 Outboard tender motor Yamaha malta 3cv Licenced over 50 miles from coastlines Webasto heating system everywhere 2013 Electric system and panel 2013 Water system 2013 Boiler Quick 25 liters 2013 Ready to fit radar, generator and watermaker Battery charger Quick 2013 2 bilge pumps 2013 Sea water pump for water in the galley and deck Water tanks stainless steel 500 lt 2013 Well type fridge with double opening 2013 Malu' a top class Sparkman& Stephens sloop Malu’ is a rare and excellent example of a vintage yacht in perfect conditions. She was designed by Sparkman& Stephens and built at the highest standards under the direct survey of the RINA director of Livorno harbor. After a life as cruiser racer Malu’ received the most accurate and respectfull restoration and she is better than ever. Sailing Malu’ is just like diving in the past and her elegant lines and details are highlighted by new rigging, new sails, new engine and systems, new closets and interior furniture and new tapestry.The hull was completely emptied to provide a general refit and to protect her from the risk of osmosis (she had no osmosis anyway) the hull was treated with epoxy resin. The restoration was surveyed by one of the best known Italian expert, and in our experience of hundreds classic yachts to offer to demanding customers we have been amazed reading his survey. Every analized matter and item on board is rated at the top. Survey available. Original drawings available. Declinazione di responsabilità La Società pubblica i dettagli di questa imbarcazione in buona fede e non può pertanto avvallare o garantire l'esattezza di tale informazione...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
After being purchased by her current owner in 2016 CARTOUCHE underwent a $4MM USD refit from 2016-17 in Palma, Mallorca which essentially transformed her into a completely new vessel.
A full overview of all work completed are outlined in the brochure & an itemized work list is available upon request.
A few key items completed during this refit include (but not limited to):
complete rewiring of the entire vessel
new audio visual systems throughout
new navigation equipment
reconfiguring of the main salon layout, exterior deck spaces, and upper deck
new carpentry on the interior
refinishing of the hull
exterior paint on the hull & superstructure
new teak decks
new tender
new stone in bathrooms
new windows on the superstructure
new insulation & ventilation systems
new jacuzzi
removal & reinstall of mast with new rigging/wiring
new sails
new crew cabins (complete refinish)
new lighting on the interior & exterior
new satellite communications & antennas
If you are looking for a turn key large catamaran then CARTOUCHE offers that platform.
CARTOUCHE comfortably sleeps 8 guests in 4 cabins and up to 6 crew in two cabins which includes a separate captain's cabin + cabin with queen berth and bunks.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
We are the Central Agency and invite You to take the 3D Virtual Tour available in this Add
Complete Overall b'&' Refit 2020/2021; Owner spent 650K€ (invoices available)!
Really unique Features, all invoices available to prove the huge investment made by the Owner.
- Engines overall;
- New Hull + super structure painting;
- New Teak side decks + Cockpit floor + AFT Platform + Flybridge floor + Bow floor;
- New covers;
- New Passerelle;
- New FUSION Audio system + Satelite Tv System with 4K Tv's;
- New interior + exterior furniture; Interior Designer Personal project;
- New electrical circuit + LED Ilumination system;
- New Generators + Air-conditioning system + Watermaker;
- New electric tables;
- New electric helm-station seats;
- New firefighting system;
- New sound insulation appliances;
And much more to be shared with Potential Buyers;
Complementary Information + pictures + vídeos upon request.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
OFFERS ARE WELCOME AND WILL BE CONSIDERED BY THE SELLER. Realy nice and well maintained Sunseeker 70 in top condition.Owners has taken good care of the boat, and you will find this boat in top condition and refurbished over the last 3 years for a large amount.This boat is in Northern Denmark and can be delivered all over Europe by ship from Kiel or Bremerhaven.This boat is worth a visit, the nearest airport is Aalborg 45 minutes from the boat. Please contact us for further information and pictures on this boat.
Hydraulic Bow and Stern truster, Sidepower• 230v Diesel generator 23 kwh 3200 Hours• 230v Diesel generator 13 kwh 2100 Hours• Air-condition all over with cooling/Heating• 1 x Webasto hot air Heating 2022• Central water heating connected with Aircondition 2021• New teak on hole boat in 2022• Blue hull paint with Allgripp 2021• New Garmin Navigation with 7 screens, Radar and 5 cameras.• New bottom valves and hoses all over the bottom 2021• New cockpit Canvas and seat covers flybridge 2022• New Bemimi 2021• New upholstery in cockpit and flybridge in 2022• New fridge in cockpit and flybridge 2022• New batteries all over 2023• New chargers 2024, 3 x Mastervolt• 2 x Dockmate yachtcontrollers• New fire extinguisher system in 2021/23• Satellite dummy x 2, AIS 2021• Deck access dors in Starbord and Port sides• Full engine service June 2023• Underwaterligths from 2021• Flybridge wet bar with grill and cooling box• Dishwasher b'&' Laundry center• Electrical Toilets with new hoses in 2021• TV and entertainment in salon with Bose and TV in cabins.• Hi/Low hydraulic bathing platform• 4 Cabins + Full Crew cabin• Underwaterhull blast with new primer and Antifouling in 2024• Ready to inspect a any time• Complete polish 2024 with coating on top.• Coppercoat treadment on underwaterhull 2024
If you have specific questions or would like more information about the boat, please contact us.
The boat can be viewed by appointment with Yacht Trade Denmark.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
refit 2016: modern interiors, up/down extended platform astern, new teak. ARG gyro stabilizer, EU vat paid. Tip top conditions throughout.
English refit 2016: modern interiors, up/down extended platform astern, new teak. ARG gyro stabilizer, EU vat paid. Tip top conditions throughout.
Française refit 2016: intérieurs modernes, plate-forme étendue haut / bas à l’arrière, nouveau teck. Stabilisateur gyroscopique ARG, TVA européenne payée. Des conditions optimales tout au long.
Deutsch refit 2016: modernes Interieur, nach oben/unten verlängerte Plattform achtern, neues Teakholz. ARG Kreiselstabilisator, EU-Mehrwertsteuer bezahlt. Tip Top-Bedingungen überall.
Español refit 2016: interiores modernos, plataforma extendida hacia arriba / abajo astern, teca nueva. Estabilizador giroscópico ARG, IVA de la UE pagado. Propina las mejores condiciones en todo.
Россию refit 2016: современные интерьеры, вверх/вниз удлиненная платформа кормой, новый тик. Гироскопический стабилизатор ARG, НДС ЕС оплачен. Опрокидывайте лучшие условия во всем.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
/"EYE/" is a truly unique and impressive example of the iconic Sunseeker 108 Predator. Designed for optimum performance, “EYE” is capable of 40 knots with Triple Arneson Drives. With its sleek and aggressive profile, she underwent a major refit in 2020-2021 including new generators, new teak decks throughout, new upholstery, new interior decoration, new tender, new navigation equipment, new Sat-com and TV cable domes.Approximately € 1 Million has been spent on her refit, she is showing in pristine condition both cosmetically and technically. Vast entertaining space and lounging areas from bow and to stern, this vessel is one of the versatile boats built by Sunseeker. Unique interior and exterior finishings, and a vast specification to match, this vessel offers her potential new owner great value for money. Built to impress, “EYE” will not disappoint, this is an opportunity not to be missed.Viewings are highly recommended.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Four cabin version Princess 65 with renewed teak deck, serviced and 2023 yard period completed! Classic white hull and light cherry wood interior. Near flawless interior joinery, cream leather upholstery, and beige fitted carpets. Open plan saloon, galley, interior stairway to flybridge and lower command station with side door to deck. Spacious flybridge with bar including grill, white vinyl upholstery to seating area and solarium.
2 x MAN V8 engines
Onan generator
New teak in 2017
Bimini to flybridge
Stern winches
Williams 325 Jet Tender
Servicing work 02/23 - Engine service by official agents, all new cutlass bearings, antifouling & anodes
Viewing is highly recommended!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
27 m Steel hull motor yacht. Built in 2002 by BUGARI Italy.
In 2020 – 2022 Went through major refit job. SEE LIST BELOW.
Designed for lang range with heavy duty Caterpillar main engines, Trac Stabilizers and Lots of Fuel.
She has 4 cabins for 8 guests with two additional pullman beds she will sleep 10 guests.
Accommodation for 4 crew in two cabins.
Main Features
Length overall (LOA) 27 m /
Beam 6.40 m /
Draft 2.0 m /
Shipyard BUGARI, Italy.
Year 2002
Construction Hull -Steel FE 430 / Superstructure – Aluminum 5083 H111
Main Engine 2 x 925 hp Caterpillar 3421E
Max Speed 14 knots
Cruising Speed 12 knots
Classification Hull was built to RINA rules
Refit 2020 – 2020 / Main Features
New Teak Decks
New Hull and Superstructure Paint
All windows has been removed. Checked and re installed.
New Hard Top on the flybridge
New Crane installed in the aft Garage / Beach Club
Garage converted to Beach club.
New SIMRAD Chartplotter and GPS
New 2 X 100-liter Boilers
Main Exhaust piles has been changed to under water discharge.
All Pumps been serviced.
All tanks Opened cleaned and serviced.
All Piping system has been taken out, checked clean and painted.
New water maker
New Charges and Inverters
*Additional Information Available.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This Vilm 41 deck saloon from 1st owner is in excellent condition. The deck saloon concept has been implemented very well here: slightly sporty lines on the outside with a deck saloon that is not too high, but nevertheless good headroom inside and a good view outside. Very ergonomic cockpit with good visibility past or above the deck saloon. Also good single-handed suitability with a mainsheet traveller in cockpit, electrical sheet winches within reach of the helmsman and a self-tacking jib. Extensively equipped and lovingly maintained yacht in high-quality construction. Judel / Vrolijk Design, very good sailing characteristics. Please ask for all details. Viewing by appointment.08-2024: Major engine inspection with valve clearance adjustment etc., Saildrive boot and all valves (True Design) replaced. Further renewed: sewage tank pump, 2-way valve, check valve and various hoses, inspection of the anchor winch with new chain stopper, new teak cockpit floor and teak care, other minor work, a total of around 20,000 euros have been invested since August 2024.
Diese Vilm 41 Decksalon ist in 1. Hand und befindet sich in hervorragendem Zustand. Das Decksalon-Konzept wurde hier sehr gut umgesetzt: leicht sportliche Linie außen mit nicht zu hohem Decksalon, trotzdem gute Stehhöhen innen und gute Sicht nach draußen. Sehr ergonomisches Cockpit mit guter Sicht am Decksalon vorbei oder darüber. Außerdem gute Einhandtauglichkeit mit Großschot-Traveller im Cockpit, elektrische Schotwinschen in Reichweite des Steuermanns und Selbstwendefock. Umfangreich ausgestattete und liebevoll gepflegte Yacht in hochwertiger Bauweise. Judel / Vrolijk Design, sehr gute Segeleigenschaften. Baujahr 2011, Modeljahr und Erstwasserung 2012. Besichtigung nach Vereinbarung.08-2024: Große Motorinspektion mit Einstellung des Ventilspiels usw., Saildrive-Manschette und alle Ventile (True-Design) ersetzt. Weiter erneuert: Fäkalientankpumpe, 2-Wege-Ventil, Rückschlagventil und diverse Schläuche, Inspektion der Ankerwinde mit neuem Kettenstopper, neuer Teak-Cockpitboden und Teak-Wartung, weitere kleinere Arbeiten, insgesamt wurden ab Juli 2004 rund 20.000 Euro investiert.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This Moody 64 was commissioned for the Mediterranean, and is the perfect blue water cruiser. Offering comfort, stability in rougher weather and performance, she is a fast passage-maker. She has the space and high quality living quarters that one expects from the Moody Yard, and is perfect for extended stays aboard. With her dark blue hull she is a very attractive looking yacht. She was antifouled in April 2022, new filters, new timing belt, has had new teak laid two years ago, a new mainsail in 2019, a new water-maker (2019), new gel batteries fitted for 2022. Air Conditioning, ONAN 13.5 KW Generator and even has intercom hand sets below decks.
She can be sailed short-handed with the help of electric winches, and easily reefed main. This particular Moody 64 is in super condition both inside and out, and must be seen. She has been sailed mainly in gentler winds, and has never been sailed hard or in extreme conditions, The rigging was also inspected recently and was reported as being in good condition.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This 1984 Yachtig France Jouet 950 is a 31.5 foot cruiser racer located in Ciutadella de Menorca, Spain. With a 9.5 meter length and 3.35 meter beam, this boat has had a number of upgrades over the years, including a new interior ceiling and linings, winches serviced, anchor winch serviced, engine serviced, and AGM batteries. Additionally, the boat features a Highfield Ultralight aluminium hull rib with new davits and a copper-coated hull, new standing rigging, new teak cockpit, Bb'&'G wind, depth, speed and 9/" plotter, new stanchion posts and bases, guard rails, new 12v wiring and more.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Rarely offered Danish one-owner Najad 505 CC NEXT GENERATION with everything in equipment! Here you have a Najad 505 CC NEXT GENERATION with a large number of updates and improvements everywhere on the yacht. The Najad shipyard is known for building top quality yachts, and this Najad 505 CC NEXT GENERATION is no exception.
A new teak deck will be installed on the boat - early 2025 in Sweden. Price 500,000/700,000 DKK.
The yacht is based on Najad's core principles; quality, performance, safety, comfort and excellent sailing. The result is a fantastic long-distance cruiser that offers comfort and sailing performance combined with modern style. The safe and well-protected center cockpit layout continues to be one of the characteristics of the Najad 505 CC NEXT GENERATION.
This one-owner yacht has two cabins and two baths and WC - hence there is plenty of space everywhere on this beautiful ship. It is also worth mentioning that the carbon mast alone costs at least 200,000 EUR, and the furlerboom costs at least 40,000 EUR.
Updates in 2023-2024:
- New sails 2024
- All interior upholstery has been changed to light gray alcantara 2024
- A new wind instrument and new autopilot 2024 have been installed
- Likewise, all interior lighting has been changed to LED, and a new radar has been purchased
- Minor repairs of minor damage to the freeboard and the deck have been continuously carried out- It was most recently primed in the spring of 2023- The cockpit has been painted at the end of 2023- Winter cover is renovated in February 2024
The boat has been Danish-owned from new.
VAT paid documentation is included.
Please contact Yachtbasen for further information on this Najad 505 CC NEXT GENERATION.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
T-TOP (END OF 2022), New electronic, New Stainless steel Chain and anchor, new teak joint
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Classic elegance, style and timeless appeal...
Superior build quality and excellent performance, designed by Germán Frers - the centre cockpit design provides comfort, safety, and seaworthiness, making it ideal for long-distance cruising or luxurious coastal adventures.
You will not find a better example with new teak decks, new air-conditioning, new navigation equipment, new tender (and bow launching system), renewed hydraulic backstay and vang, sliding cockpit bimini, painted mast and boom and more...
Immaculately maintained with EU tax paid and Matriculation tax.
*We are using photos Courtesy of Hallberg-Rassy
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Italia (Tutte le città)
RIVAL 41 C ‘TEXION’The Rival 41C was designed by Peter Brett and built by the Southern Boatbuilding Company (Southampton, UK) to the highest quality and safety standards, Lloyds 100A1 class.The sail area versus displacement ratio suggests that the Rivel 41C will, in the right conditions, readily approach her maximum hull speed and satisfy the sailing performance expectations of cruising sailors.The ballast versus displacement ratio means that the Rival 41C will stand up well to her canvas in a blow, helping her to power through the waves. A displacement vs length ratio tells us the Rival 41C is a heavy displacement cruising boat, you can load her down with all your cruising gear and equipment, and it will hardly affect the waterline.The comfort ratio of the Rival 41C in a seaway is excellent. Her motion through the waves is slow and predictable. The heeling is such that the decks stay dry, except for some splash water in caseof heavy seas. The capsize screening formula tells us that the Rival 41C is very safe for ocean passage sailing. The keel is incorporated in the S shaped bottom hull, which is a very safe design.To the owner’s experience, the best sailing performance of a Rival 41C is close to the wind,approx. 30°. In a blow of 7 Beaufort, with a reef in the main sail, she ploughs through the waves at the speed of 7,5 knots. Half-wind and downwind sailing with a backstay wind is very comfortable, with good speed and easy steering. Cruising downwind at 180°, she needs at least 10 knots of apparent wind to keep the course steady with the wind vane. Sailingdownwind in very light airs requires some attention, but the Code Zero sail will keep the yacht moving. It is the owner’s experience that a few degrees off course steering in this particular condition makes passage-making comfortable and easy.The present owner, for 28 years, made passages of more than 200 miles per day in a force 8-9, with speeds through the water between 6-11 knots in big waves. The steering remained very easy by hand, using the electronic autopilot or the wind vane. Despite high breaking waves, no water was coming on the deck, even not behind the aft cabin. She was not running off the rudder. There was no condition where the yacht couldn’t keep her course.Like a train on the tracks, the yacht remained on her rump line.The present owner bought the Rival 41C in 1995 from an English surgeon who maintained her meticulously. Since he acquired the yacht, he has made yearly investments in maintenance to the highest standards and upgrades: (1) new teak deck (2013), (2) new rigging and stow away mast (2013), (3) 220V generator, (4) complete set of Raymarine instruments and communication system, (5) all the electrics, wiring, switches and dashboard have been replaced, (6) a new Mitsubishi engine was installed in 2014 and again rebuilt in 2022, replacing all the gaskets and pumps, (7) an electric cooker was installed as well as (8) a 3-bladed feathering* VarioProp (9) a powerful bow thruster was installed and (10) new upholstery of the cushionsand seats.
Every winter season, the yacht has been placed out of the water on the hard. All the cushions, sails, and ropes have been stored in a dry room during winter.This Rival 41 c is now berthed in Antwerp - Belgium.
The Rival 41C Texion is very easy to sail; all the lines to manipulate the main sail and foresails are let to the cockpit. Unrolling and reducing sail area can therefore be done easily and safely.The Rival Texion sailed the Mediterranean, went around the UK, crossed the Atlantic Ocean,and sailed the last four years between the nine islands of the Azores. She was sailed back to Antwerp, without trouble from the Azores during summer 2024.The main remarkable aspects of the yacht are the safe cockpit, her beautiful shear lines, together with the quality of the gel coat of the rump, the cockpit and the deck without cracks. She looks great. When moored in a harbour, the yacht gets a lot of attention from sailors and people walking close by because of her immaculate state.
A full specification sheet and a file with 87 photos are available upon request.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Mint Condition.
Refitting 2011 and 2016/2017/2018/2019/2020
New teak 2018
New instrument Raymarine 2018
Big Service KaMeWa 2018
Main Deck New Interior 2021
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This spectacular, Italian designed, 27m Bugari has all the luxury, style and amenities of a brand new superyacht due to an extensive refit between 2014 and 2016.
The refit included brand new teak decks, a cocktail bar, stern thrusters, zero speed stabilisers, new upholstery throughout, and lengthening the aft deck to enable the storage of a 6 meter tender in the garage.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
∗A new NYB listing∗
2 x Twin Caterpillar 3406 Engines low fuel consumption: 60L ph Serviced 2021
April 2021 Antifouling, Anodes, Generators and Engines serviced (Engines are being painted to original colour)
Nov 2021 new Teak 10 m2
2021 Hull painted Awlgrip (Roll and Tip)
Fire system updated April 2022
Aircon pumps and other various pumps serviced/painted
New Batteries Service/Engine
Good hull condition from the Keel Up due to recent refitting/painting
LEDs throughout the interior
Would benefit from a cosmetic refit of the interior
More info and photos to come...
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Refitted with subtle re-styling and uniquely maintained to the highest standard... this light wood-interior example will not fail to impress.
- Accommodation for up to 10 guests in 4 cabins + crew- Only 1400 engine hours on her MTU engines with full official service history- New teak to main deck, new carpets, new upholstery and covers- Official length 23.9m - Present / 2nd owner since 2004
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Italia (Tutte le città)
SUNSEEKER PREDATOR 72 YEAR 2006 Built & 2007 Registered
White with black boot top line
All instrumentation Raymarine upgrade 2015 (touchscreen)
New carpet throughout the boat (2015)
Outdoor cushions new (2015)
New teak (2016)
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This Valkkruiser Devotion 19.00 has an enormous amount of living space and comfort. With her new Kabola heating and new airco's she is well suited to live aboard for extended periods. And with a minimum air draft of 3,40m she can also cruise the French canals! She is easy to handle and manoeuvre with twin Vetus Deutz diesel engines with electronic engine controls and a powerful bow thruster. She has lots of renewings like a new teak imitation deck and a paintjob of the hull and superstructe in 2019. Why not book a viewing? She might well be the yacht for your next adventure!
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