November 2022
Elenco delle migliori vendite november 2022

Italia (Tutte le città)
Rumpffarbe: weiss Polster: DA-C013 Charcoal, 2 farbig grau Verdecke: schwarz Ausstattung: - DA400 U-Shape Cockpit Einteilung - DA910 Polsterung für Mittelsitz - DA911 Polsterung für Sitz BB - DA912 Polsterung für Sitz STB - DA922 Kabinentisch auch im Cockpit zu benutzen - DAW00 Weekender Sitz - DAW10 Gaskocher - DA520 Badeplattformen mit Badeleiter - DA521 Seadek Paket Badeplattform und Einstiege - DA530 Sonnenpolster Vordeck - DA610 Bimini Top - DA611 Verlängerung für Bimini Top - DA620 Front und Seitenteile für Bimini Top - DA621 Heckteil für Bimini Top - DA670 Cockpitpersenning - DA710 Chemie Toilette - DA715 Luke in der Kabine BB - DA716 Luke in der Kabine STB - DA720 elektrische Schalter extra - DA725 Cockpitbeleuchtung LED blau - DA740 Angelrutenhalter - DA750 Hydraulische Lenkung - DA751 installation Hydraulische Lenkung - DA755 Karnic Lederlenkrad Upgrade - DA780 Elektrische Ankerwinde - Kraftstoffvorfilter - Transportkosten Bremerhaven nach Treis-Karden - Montage Motor und Installation - Inbetriebnahme und Auslieferung Listenpreis: 62.329,- Euro gerne bieten wir Ihnen das Boot mit einem anderen Motor und/oder Trailer an.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
En EXCLUSIVITÉ chez Med' in Boats: ce magnifique Irwin 65 de 1981. Bateau très sûr (coque en polyester renforcée) et comfortable qui propose de larges espaces de vie aussi bien à l'intérieur que sur le pont. Il possède 4 cabines, dont une grande cabine propriétaire à l'arrière, pour 9 couchages au total. Le carré est spacieux et la poupe peut recevoir une grande table pour partager des moments conviviaux en extérieur. Vous aurez le plaisir de préparer vos repas dans une /"vraie/" cuisine tout équipée avec un évier double bacs, un piano 5 feux à gaz, un grand four, un micro-ondes, deux réfrigérateurs et un congélateur. C'est un bateau idéal pour la vie à bord en famille et pour accueillir des amis. Cet Irwin 65 offre une très grande autonomie avec notamment 4000 L d'eau, 2500 L de gasoil et près 1500 W de charge avec 3 panneaux solaires et une éolienne. Tout l'éclairage a été refait en LED. Le carénage et l'antifouling viennent d'être réalisé en novrembre 2022 et le génois est neuf. Le popriétaire actuel, très méticuleux, vit à bord depuis 10 ans et a toujours veillé au bon entretien de son bateau. À noter que la longueur totale (hors-tout) du bateau est de 22 mètres. Sa longueur administrative sur l'acte de francisation est de 19,90 mètres, soit 65 pieds, qui correspond à la longueur de flottaison. Bateau visible en Guadeloupe et prêt à partir. La TVA et l'octroi de mer sont payés. Possibilité d'aide à la prise en main. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus d'information et des photos supplémentaires. Broker: Vincent Vallée +33(0)7 49 42 89 57
English EXCLUSIVELY, Med' in Boats is proposing you this beautiful Irwin 65 from 1981. Very safe (reinforced polyester hull) and comfortable boat that offers large living spaces both indoors and on deck. It has 4 cabins, including a very large owner cabin at the back, for 9 beds in total. The square is spacious and the stern can accommodate a large table to share convivial moments outside. You will have the pleasure of preparing your meals in a /"real/" fully equipped kitchen with a double sink, a piano 5 burner gas, a large oven, a microwave, two refrigerators and a freezer. It is an ideal boat for life on board with family and to host friends. This Irwin 65 offers a very large autonomy with 4000 L of water (1060 Gal.), 2500 L of diesel (660 Gal.) and nearly 1500 W of battery charging with 3 solar panels and a wind turbine. All lightings has been redone in LED. The fairing and antifouling paint have just been realised in November 2022 and the genoa is brand new. The current owner, very meticulous, has lived on board for the last 10 years and has always ensured the proper maintenance of his boat. Note that the total length (overall) of the boat is 22 meters. Its administrative length on the act of francization (ship's french license) is 19.90 meters, or 65 feet, which corresponds to the waterline length. Boat visible in the French West Indies and is ready to go. VAT and dock dues are paid. Possibility of help in the handling. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information and additional photos. Broker: Vincent Vallée +33(0)7 49 42 89 57
Italiano ESCLUSIVAMENTE a Med' in Boats: questo magnifico Irwin 65 del 1981. Barca molto sicura (scafo in poliestere rinforzato) e confortevole che offre ampi spazi abitativi sia all'interno che sul ponte. Dispone di 4 cabine, di cui una grande cabina armatoriale a poppa, per 9 posti letto in totale. La piazza è spaziosa e la poppa può ricevere un grande tavolo per condividere momenti conviviali all'aperto. Avrete il piacere di preparare i vostri pasti in una /"vera/" cucina completamente attrezzata con un doppio lavello, un pianoforte a gas a 5 fuochi, un grande forno, un forno a microonde, due frigoriferi e un congelatore. È una barca ideale per la vita a bordo con la famiglia e per ospitare amici. Questo Irwin 65 offre un'autonomia molto lunga con 4000 L di acqua, 2500 L di diesel e quasi 1500 W di carico con 3 pannelli solari e una turbina eolica. Tutta l'illuminazione è stata rifatta a LED. La carenatura e l'antivegetativa sono state realizzate solo nel novembre 2022 e il genoa è nuovo. L'attuale proprietario, molto meticoloso, vive a bordo da 10 anni e ha sempre assicurato la corretta manutenzione della sua barca. Si noti che la lunghezza totale (complessiva) della barca è di 22 metri. La sua lunghezza amministrativa sull'atto di francizzazione è di 19,90 metri, o 65 piedi, che corrisponde alla lunghezza della linea di galleggiamento. Barca visibile in Guadalupa e pronta a partire. L'IVA e le tasse portuali sono pagate. Possibilità di aiuto nella gestione. Non esitate a contattarci per ulteriori informazioni e ulteriori foto. Broker: Vincent Vallée +33(0)7 49 42 89 57
Deutsch EXKLUSIV bei Med' in Boats: diese prächtige Irwin 65 aus dem Jahr 1981. Sehr sicheres Boot (verstärkter Polyesterrumpf) und komfortabel, das sowohl innen als auch an Deck große Wohnräume bietet. Es verfügt über 4 Kabinen, darunter eine große Eignerkabine am Heck, für insgesamt 9 Betten. Der Platz ist geräumig und das Heck kann einen großen Tisch erhalten, um gesellige Momente im Freien zu teilen. Sie werden das Vergnügen haben, Ihre Mahlzeiten in einer /"echten/" voll ausgestatteten Küche mit einem Doppelwaschbecken, einem 5-Flammen-Gasklavier, einem großen Backofen, einer Mikrowelle, zwei Kühlschränken und einem Gefrierschrank zuzubereiten. Es ist ein ideales Boot für das Leben an Bord mit der Familie und um Freunde zu beherbergen. Dieser Irwin 65 bietet eine sehr lange Autonomie mit 4000 L Wasser, 2500 L Diesel und fast 1500 W Last mit 3 Sonnenkollektoren und einer Windkraftanlage. Die gesamte Beleuchtung wurde in LED erneuert. Die Verkleidung und das Antifouling wurden erst im November 2022 hergestellt und die Genua ist neu. Der jetzige Besitzer, sehr akribisch, lebt seit 10 Jahren an Bord und hat immer für die ordnungsgemäße Wartung seines Bootes gesorgt. Beachten Sie, dass die Gesamtlänge (insgesamt) des Bootes 22 Meter beträgt. Seine Verwaltungslänge nach dem Françisierungsgesetz beträgt 19,90 Meter oder 65 Fuß, was der Länge der Wasserlinie entspricht. Boot sichtbar in Guadeloupe und bereit zu gehen. Die Mehrwertsteuer und die Sondersteuer /"octroi de mer/" werden entrichtet. Möglichkeit der Hilfe bei der Handhabung. Zögern Sie nicht, uns für weitere Informationen und zusätzliche Fotos zu kontaktieren. Makler: Vincent Vallée +33(0)7 49 42 89 57
Español EXCLUSIVAMENTE en Med' in Boats: este magnífico Irwin 65 de 1981. Embarcación muy segura (casco de poliéster reforzado) y cómoda que ofrece amplios espacios habitables tanto en el interior como en cubierta. Tiene 4 cabinas, incluida una gran cabina del propietario en la popa, para 9 camas en total. La plaza es espaciosa y la popa puede recibir una gran mesa para compartir momentos de convivencia al aire libre. Tendrá el placer de preparar sus comidas en una cocina /"real/" totalmente equipada con un fregadero doble, un piano de gas de 5 quemadores, un horno grande, un microondas, dos refrigeradores y un congelador. Es un barco ideal para la vida a bordo con la familia y para recibir amigos. Este Irwin 65 ofrece una autonomía muy larga con 4000 L de agua, 2500 L de diesel y casi 1500 W de carga con 3 paneles solares y un aerogenerador. Toda la iluminación ha sido rehecha en LED. El carenado y el antifouling se acaban de fabricar en noviembre de 2022 y el génova es nuevo. El actual propietario, muy meticuloso, ha vivido a bordo durante 10 años y siempre ha velado por el correcto mantenimiento de su barco. Tenga en cuenta que la longitud total (total) del barco es de 22 metros. Su longitud administrativa en la ley de francización es de 19,90 metros, o 65 pies, que corresponde a la longitud de la línea de flotación. Barco visible en Guadalupe y listo para partir. Se pagan el IVA y los derechos insulares. Posibilidad de ayuda en el manejo. No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros para obtener más información y fotos adicionales. Agente Comercial: Vincent Vallée +33(0)7 49 42 89 57
Россию ЭКСКЛЮЗИВНО в Med' in Boats: этот великолепный Ирвин 65 с 1981 года. Очень безопасная лодка (усиленный полиэфирный корпус) и удобная, которая предлагает большие жилые помещения как внутри, так и на палубе. Он имеет 4 каюты, в том числе большую каюту владельца на корме, в общей сложности на 9 кроватей. Площадь просторная, а корма может принимать большой стол, чтобы разделить праздничные моменты на открытом воздухе. Вы будете иметь удовольствие готовить свои блюда на «настоящей» полностью оборудованной кухне с двойной раковиной, газовым пианино с 5 конфорками, большой духовкой, микроволновой печью, двумя холодильниками и морозильной камерой. Это идеальная лодка для жизни на борту с семьей и для размещения друзей. Этот Irwin 65 предлагает очень длинную автономность с 4000 л воды, 2500 л дизельного топлива и почти 1500 Вт нагрузки с 3 солнечными панелями и ветряной турбиной. Все освещение было переделано в LED. Обтекатель и противообрастание были сделаны только в ноябре 2022 года, и генуя новая. Нынешний владелец, очень дотошный, прожил на борту 10 лет и всегда обеспечивал надлежащее обслуживание своей лодки. Отметим, что общая длина (габаритная) лодки составляет 22 метра. Его административная длина по закону о франчайзинге составляет 19,90 метра, или 65 футов, что соответствует длине ватерлинии. Лодка видна в Гваделупе и готова к работе. НДС и портовые сборы оплачиваются. Возможность помощи в обращении. Не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам за дополнительной информацией и дополнительными фотографиями. Брокер: Винсент Валле +33(0)7 49 42 89 57
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Hallberg-Rassy 36 MKII is well respected and proven blue water cruiser with good performance and sea kindly motion. Hussar IV is in excellent condition with impressive upgrades and maintenance during 2023 b'&' 2024. All ships papers present and correct including VAT Paid Cert and Builder Cert. Rare to market in this condition. Blink....! and you might just miss this one. MINT!
HIN: SE-HRM36-358A797
Boat Category: A – Ocean
Max persons: 9
Fin Keel
Antifouled with Hempel Tiger Extra (True Blue) - March 2024
VOLVO PENTA MD22, 4-cylinder diesel engine 57 HP
Professional service – March 2024
Full professional service inc. water pump b'&' timing belts, idler bearing, tensioner, stop solenoid replaced - March 2023
Freshwater cooled
Volvo shaft seal replaced - November 2022
Classic 17 inch 3-blade MAXPROP feathering propeller with Rope cutter
Prop was reconditioned by Darglow Engineering Ltd - October 2023
Engine lifted and fitted with new engine mounts and bolts – March 2024
Cutlass bearing b'&' housing replaced – March 2024
Prop shaft removed and inspected by fabricator – March 2024
Cutlass bearing replacement – March 2024
Engine realignment – March 2024
Part of exhaust hose replaced – March 2024
Volvo raw water strainer seal and hose tails new – March 2024
2 x Stainless steel fuel tanks – Removed and cleaned 2022
Total capacity 345 litres
Electrics1 x 12v 75Ah battery for engine start.
2 x 12v 150Ah Lithium Sterling batteries for domestic use on board – New 2023
The Lithium batteries are located under the berth in the aft cabin
Charging by
2 x Solbian SR 124 (120 watt each) solar panels mounted on stern to davits – New 2024
Balmar 100A engine driven alternator, MC-618-H Regulator, MC-TS-A b'&' MC-TS-B temp sensor, Victron IP43 12/50 3 output Phoenix Smart charger – New 2024
2 x 120 watt (each) Solbian solar panels with Victron MPPT 100/30 Smart Solar Charge Controller – New 2023
Aft cabin plug also has a Victron Phoenix 12/500 inverter for use while on anchor – New 2023
Full 230v shore power system with earth leakage device, ring main, immersion heater
220v sockets in interior accommodation via ring main12v sockets in cockpit and interior accommodationElectrical switch panel located at the chart table. Fuel and water gauges, voltmeter.
12v sockets at the chart table, forward cabin and in the cockpit along with USB outletsFull 230v shore power system with earth leakage device, ring main, immersion heater
Mast, boom and running rigging from SELDEN.Standing rigging - Replaced 2016Double spreader sloop rig
Backstay tensionerAluminium rigging screw protectionSELDEN Furlex 300 S jib furling and reefing system
Spinnaker pole on track with blocks for stowing pole on mastSpinnaker halyard replaced - New 2024
Steaming light and deck floodlightThe mast is stepped on deck over reinforced bulkhead
Selden bowsprit (removable)
Sail Suite
Fully battened mainsail radial cut from NORTH SAILS with FREDERIKSEN cars - Cleaned b'&' serviced 2022Furling NORTH SAILS radial cut genoa - cleaned and serviced 2022Selden top down furler kit with GENNEKER from NORTH SAILSCruising chute with snuffer
Mainsail and Genoa sheets - New 2023
Bespoke cockpit royal blue Bimini with stainless steel frame - New 2024
Stack pack in royal blue - New 2019Sprayhood in royal blue - New 2019
Electronic Navigations Suite
Raymarine Evaluation Autopilot Kit: EV-200 Sail, with p70s Auto Control Head, ACU-200 b'&' EV1 Sensor Core with new Sea TalkNG cabling kit. – New 2023
Scanstrut Scanpod panel at helm – New 2023
Raymarine p70s Auto pilot control head – New 2023
Raymarine i70 Multifunctional display – New 2023
Icom VHF radio command mic – New 2023
Standard Horizon HX890E DSC Handheld radio – New 2022
Autopilot comes with Raymarine Smart Remote Controller b'&' base station – New 2023
Raymarine Axiom Pro 12 Hybrid Touch 12 inch display with sonar – New 2023
3 x Raymarine i70s multifunction displays mounted over the companionway – New 2023
Teltonika 5G router with QuSpot RUTX50 for longer range of 5G connectivity while out at sea – New 2024
(SIM card not included)
Icom IC-M423GE Fixed DSC VHF radio with built-in GPS. Comes with Command mic that is mounted on the Scanstrut at the helm position – New 2023
Raymarine i70s multifunction display fitted above chart table – New 2023
New Raymarine Sea TalkNG cabling/backbone/connectors fitted throughout
Fusion MS-RA210 Marine Stereo with 2 speakers in galley and 2 speakers in cockpit – New 2023
2kw Digital Raydome radar scanner mounted on mast
AIS Transceiver
Suunto steering compass on pedestal
Nav6 Navtex
Ocean Signal RescueMe EPIRB1 – New 2023Radar reflector
Navigation Lights
On DeckUltra 21 Stainless Steel Anchor with Ultra Marine Flip Swivel – New 2023
40M – Lofrans Grade 40 DIN766 chain with 30M of LIROS 16MM Octoplait Polyester Spliced to chain equaling 70M total – New 2024
Lofrans Electric anchor windlass winch with wired on deck remote control
Mar Tek 370 Stainless Steel Davitt System with dinghy lifting lines b'&' hooks – New 2023
Side decks, bathing platform and cockpit seats in solid teak laid in rubberToe rail, hand rails and all other woodwork on deck in solid teak.Teak pushpit seats and outboard bracket.Stemhead fitting with twin anchor rollers.Protective brass strips to entry gates and mooring cleats.Sheet winches LEWMAR 48 CST self-tailing.Jammer on toe-rail for furling lineNew Cockpit cushions – New 2023Cockpit table – Refurbished 2023
Upholstery and curtains - New 2024
Mattress toppers - New 2024
Pressurised freshwater system to heads and galley
Insulated calorifier with 230v immersion heaterWEBASTO Airtop 3500 diesel heater, thermostatically controlled
Air outlets in forward cabin, saloon and aft cabin
LED lighting throughout
2 x stainless steel water tanks
Total capacity 355 litres
Galley to starboard
Twin stainless steel sink with pressurised hot and cold water
Large top loading fridge
Refrigeration unit serviced and pressure checked in - December 2022
Eno Gascogne Allure 3 Burner Hob b'&' Oven – New 2023
Ample stowage
Navigation Station to port
Large forward facing navigation table
Navigator seat
Desk light
Desk tidy
Saloon seating to port and starboard. Double as 2 single berths
Large bi-fold teak table
Ample stowage
Hatch to foredeck
Fore Cabin
V-Berth with infill
Hatch to foredeck
Ample stowage
Heads to starboard
Jabsco Marine toilet
40L toilet sewage tank fitted with tank pump out fitting on deck – New 2023
Sink with pressurised hot and cold water
Flojet shower pump - New 2023
Vanity unit with stowage
Hanging Locker to port
Owners Cabin
Large aft cabin with double berth
Light and airy
2 x Hanging lockers at entrance
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione NSU Prinz (N.S.U. 47 Prinz 4) 1965, colore verde e interni grigio, prima serie, 598 cc, targhe originali nere Genova, conservata in ottime condizioni. Libretto a pagine originale più copia foglio complementare a scopo collezionistico, due precedenti proprietari, revisione valida fino a novembre 2022. Visione consigliata. Su richiesta, trasportiamo a destinazione. NSU Prinz (N.S.U. 47 Prinz 4) 1965, green color with gray upholdstery, 598 cc, black plate registered in Italy from new, preserved in good conditions. Authentic logbook, two previous owner, with regular Italian MOT test till November 2022 Inspections are encouraged. On request, we can deliver to European destinations or to the UK. info: MOSTRA NUMERO (Olivotto Gastone) oppure MANDA UNA MAIL
7.900 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
I custom-built this 2015 70' /"PIPE DREAMER/" for a 4 time repeat Viking owner. He is also a NJ resident and spent a lot of time with his captain inspecting his boat every weekend making sure she was built to his exact specifications and nothing was missed. He put his 20 plus years of boating experience into the build along with my personal input as well as one of the senior sales guys at Viking. This one is truly a very special built 70 Viking and has probably one of the prettiest interiors of all the boats I helped build. She is a real head turner and has been captain maintained and serviced at the Viking service center since new. A sleek aggressive look, with a sharp-edged feature line that runs from the front of the house to the cockpit and nearly 100 inches of forward freeboard. She was also one of the /"High Performance/" boats Viking built pulling almost 20k pounds of weight out by using Kevlar parts and deck house. She tops out over 41 knots and is truly a very special sport fish.
/"PIPE DREAMER/" is equipped with 2,600-hp MTU M94 diesels, with extended warranties through November 2022, or 4000hours. Viking’s tough build is as well known as its ability to run fast with the handling of a sports car allows better, sharper turning and responsiveness with superior tracking.
The 70' /"PIPE DREAMER's/" speed will come in handy on tournament day, which this boat was truly built for. From her 206-square-foot cockpit and Release Marine fighting chair to her in-deck live well, mezzanine bait stowage, freezer, and more, this 70' can chase the big ones - anywhere.
Palm Beach Tower; Costa flying-bridge enclosure; in-deck livewell; Release teak helm pod; mezzanine A/C; forward window mask; Side-Power bow thruster; custom hull color paint and ceramic coated in 2020; Sea Recovery watermaker; LCD TVs in guest staterooms; Premier edition upgraded decor package; 600-gal. auxiliary fuel tank; Release helm chairs and fighting chair; Eskimo ice chipper; 46' Outrigger Rupp Big Riggs HD, 4 Spreader, Bridge Release.
With the flying-bridge helm set up, the massive cockpit, and enough speed to get anywhere in a hurry, the 70' /"PIPE DREAMER/" is one of the most complete blue water fishing packages on the market.
Recent upgrades 2021
New Sonar installed by AME
New screens for electronics on Flybridge by AME
New Electro Sea System
Boat Dehumidifier System
New Wallpaper in Heads
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Opal II a RLL 65ft Semi Trad Narrowboat.
Designed in a forward layout, this spacious Narrowboat boasts two cabins, the first cabin is found aft with twin single beds, following through to a day/guest toilet, the master cabin is found midships with a fixed double bed, a bathroom with a pump-out toilet, a galley, L shaped dinette, and the open planned saloon with free standing armchairs are found forward.
Powered by an economical Isuzu four-cylinder diesel engine. Cabin heating is provided by a Adle gas boiler and a multi fuel stove in the saloon. Hot water is supplied by the central heating and engine calorifier. 12V & 240V electrics onboard.
Boat safety certificate valid until April 2026. Engine oil and filters change in 2021, Blacked in November 2022.
A spacious 6 berth Narrowboat that would make an ideal liveaboard or leisure cruiser, offering more space than most apartments on land.
This Narrowboat is ready to view at Pyrford Marina, to arrange a viewing please call Rachel on 01932 340739.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
voormalig in 1911 gebouwd beurtscheepje met een CVO certificaat geldig tot 2022.
Vanwege de leeftijd van de huidige eigenaren te koop dit voormalig in 1911 gebouwde beurtscheepje / historische bedrijfsvaartuig met een CVO certificaat geldig tot 2022. Het schip is basic ingetimmerd en heeft mede door opklapbedden in de kajuit slaapgelegenheid voor 16 opvarenden. Het schip heeft met de huidige eigenaren heel Europa doorkruist.
Foto's zijn van november 2019.
Rompvorm: steilsteven
Besturing: Hydraulisch
Ramen: raamlijsten deels aluminium, hout en rubber
Waterverplaatsing: Maximaal 58,5 ton
Ballast: Betonstenen
Doorvaarthoogte normaal: 7.30 meter met staande mast
Dekuitvoering: staal, isolatie; schuimplaten. Diktemetingrapport augustus 2015 aanwezig.
Slaapplaatsen: lengte slaapplaatsen 2.00 meter
Kooktoestel & brandstof: propaangas
Vloer kajuit: parket/hout, 16 zitplaatsen, led binnenverlichting, Hoekbank, afzuigkap
Motor, electra, water
Brandstoftank aantal: 1 x ca. 200 ltr / 1 x ca. 130 ltr
Koeling: Kielkoeling
Voltage: 4 stopcontacten 220 V
Watersysteem: via aparte pomp
Warm water: via motorwarmte en boiler
Revisie: 2003, Keerkoppeling, Hydraulisch PRM 1:3..
Natte uitlaat.
Schroefas 65 mm
Navigatie en electronica
Barometer (2x), Kaarten, klok
Zeerailing: touw rondom
Bijboot: kunsstof
Aanwezig: Dekwaspomp, waterslang ca. 100 meter, ruitenwissers, scheepshoorn, schijnwerper
Gasbun met afvoer: 2 x
Aanwezig: waterdicht schot voor
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
SOLD! Similar Boats Required on Brokerage!
Inkling – a luxury 2014 69ft Narrowboat built by renowned Colecraft Boat Builders and fitted out by Aqua Narrowboats to an exceptionally high specification. Featuring a modern Semi Cruiser Stern which is an adaptation of a Semi-Trad, giving more effective cockpit space, ideal for socialising while retaining storage.
Inkling has a unique layout that combines the best of both reverse and forward designs accommodating 6 berths making full use of the 69ft length. The galley is found aft boasting light coloured granite worktops, followed by a Pullmans style dinette, the master cabin is located midships which leads through to a spacious walk-through bathroom. The large saloon is found forward with direct access onto the well deck.
Powered by a modern Beta Marine 50hp 4-cylinder diesel engine with a PRM hydraulic gearbox. Central heating is provided by a Webasto diesel fired system and Morso Squirrel stove located in the saloon. Hot water is supplied by the engine calorifier, and an immersion when connected to shore power. 240V & 12V electrics on board.
Full engine service March 2022, Blacked in November 2020, Boat Safety Scheme Certificate valid until June 2026.
A spacious, well maintained, 6 berth vessel that would make an ideal leisure cruiser, fully equipped to accommodate both family and friends or indeed a live a aboard this boating season.
Presented in great condition both inside and out, this unique Narrowboat is available to view at Pyrford Marina!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione [Rif. 17699787] Auto nazionale, 1 precedente proprietario, km cerificati, manutenzioni eseguite regolarmente presso officine autorizzate, garanzia 12 mesi (estendibile a 24 mesi), possibilità di finanziamento. Telaio auto n.VF30EBHZTGS307218 Prezzo Mastercar Euro 9900? DOPPIE CHIAVI PRESENTI OPT: Quota a carico Utilizzatore CGT Edilizia Panzeri Tinta metallizzata Due sedili in terza fila (5008 9 SERVICE: July 17, 2018 Tagliando 25.484 2 December 20, 2018 Tagliando 50.837 3 June 12, 2019 Tagliando 77.659 4 January 8, 2020 Tagliando 104.686 5 November 18, 2020 Tagliando 130.048 6 June 18, 2021 Tagliando 154.250 7 February 24, 2022 Tagliando 179.004 Possibilita' di FINANZIAMENTO NON OBBLIGATORIO Es: anticipo Euro 1000,00 rate mensili n. 60 da Euro 220,00 Es: anticipo Euro 1000,00 rate mensili n. 84 da Euro 170,00 N.B. Essendo gli annunci inseriti, anche tramite programmi automatici, vi invitiamo a contattarci per verificare l'esattezza di dei dati inseriti, i quali non hanno alcuna valenza contrattuale. E' prevista la pulizia del veicolo prima della consegna Consegniamo il veicolo in tutta Italia a partire da Euro 250,00. Mastercar Srl tel. 0431/909042 o 0432/689136, dal 2004 al servizio dei nostri Clienti
9.900 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Beneteau 49 was built in Marion, South Carolina, USA. 1st owner sailed her from Charleston, USA to the Caribbean (US virgin islands). In between seasons, it was kept on dry (from late April until November), the 2nd owner bought it at the beginning of 2021, updated it and crossed the Atlantic ocean with the ARC in May. In the Summer of 2021 and 2022, it sailed in the Mediterranean sea. Now the boat is 20 minutes from the centre of Barcelona, Spain and 10 minutes from the International Airport of Barcelona. The boat is sold through Network Yacht Brokers, if you wish to make a view please book an appointment with us.
Vista prodotto