Elenco delle migliori vendite oceanis

Ameglia (Liguria)
Scafo blu, 2 bagni, 3 cabine, motore Volvo 55 cv, 2200 ore, tender 2,50 m, fuoribordo Honda 2,3 cv, randa avvolgibile, tendalino maggiorato, interni bellissimi, ponte in teak, tridata, GPS cartografico in pozzetto e interno, pilota automatico idraulico, ampia cucina a murata, comodissima per 8 persone, max 12 persone, doccia pozzetto, 500 litri acqua, 135 litri gasolio, sempre tagliandata. Lunghezza fuori tutto 12,34 Larghezza 4,00 Pescaggio 1,85 È comodissima, stabile, sicura. È stata...ed è...molto molto amata! ❤
62.500 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2 CABINE, 1 BAGNO, ANNO 2009, Salpa ancore con telecomando, Doccia esterna, Catena 50 mt, Ancora Trefoil 2016, Cappottina, Bimini, Scaletta da bagno, tavolo pozzetto NAVIGAZIONE: Bussola, Gps cartografico Raymarine C80 esterno, Log, Eco, Stazione vento, VHF interno più VHF portatile, Autopilota st 6000 plus IMPIANTO ELETTRICO: Voltaggio 12V, Caricabatterie, 2 Batterie servizi, 1 Batteria motore VELE E RIGGING: Randa Steccata e Genoa Rollabile originali, lazy jack VARIE: zattera non presente, tender bombard 2,40 mt, fuoribordo elettrico, dotazioni di ormeggio
54.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
OCEANIS 321, 1998, FINOT, SCAFO BIANCO, BENETEAU, 1 x 30 HP YANMAR 2013, 800 ORE DI MOTO, ELICA MAX PROP, 3 CABINA/E, 1 BAGNO/I, PANNELLI SOLARi SOLBIAN SU ROLLBAR CUSTOM, RADAR RAYMARINE 2021, BOMPRESSO IN ALLUMINIO, VELE 2010-2021, SARTIAME SPIROIDALE 2012, AUTOPILOTA RAYMARINE 2021, N. 2 AXIOM CHARTPLOTTER CON FISH FINDER ESTERNO/INTERNO 2021, INVERTER, TRATTAMENTO EPOSSIDICO 2019, ANCORA CON 50 MT CATENA 2020, CAPPOTTINA PARASPRUZZI, PULIZIA SERBATOIO GASOLIO, ANTIVEGETATIVA 2024 +39 06 65 22 258/9,+39 3317400783 www.mediaship.it - CODICE ANNUNCIO W143973/V - Entra in MediaShip.it e consulta le Schede descrittive, con oltre 6.000 tra Immagini e Video, potrai prenotare la tua Video Visita a bordo, acquistare e vendere il tuo Posto Barca e riservare le migliori imbarcazioni e Location per le tue vacanze in barca.
Note sul prezzo: IVA Inclusa
English OCEANIS 321, 1998, FINOT, HULL WHITE, BENETEAU, 1 x 30 HP YANMAR, 800 ENGINE HOURS, 3 CABIN/S, 1 WC(S), 2 SOLARS PANELS ON ROLLBAR, RADAR RAYMARINE 2021, ALUMINIUM BOWSPRIT, SAILS 2010-2021, RIGGING SPIRAL 2012, SPRAYHOOD, N. 2 AXIOM CHARTPLOTTER WITH FISH FINDER 2021, AUTOPILOT 2021, CLEANING OF GASOIL TANK,AND ANTIFOULING 2024 +39 06 65 22 258/9 +39 3317400783, www.mediaship.it - AD CODE W143973/V - Check the full brochure, the video and the sea trial on our Web site MEDIA SHIP
Française OCEANIS 321, 1998, FINOT, COQUE BLANC, BENETEAU, 1 x 30 HP YANMAR, 800 HEURS DU MOTEUR, 3 CABINE/S, 1 SALLE/S DE BAIN, N. 2 PANNEAU/X SOLAIRE/S, RADAR, BEAUPRÉ ALUMINIUM, TOILE 2010-2021, GREEMENT EN SPIRALE 2012, CAPOTE DE PROTECTION, RAYMARINE ELECTRONICS 2021:AUTOPILOT, N. 2 AXIOM CHARTPLOTTERS, ANTIFOULING 2024 +39 06 65 22 258/9, +39 3317400783 www.mediaship.it - CODE DE L'ANNOUNCE W143973/V - Consultez le dossier complet, le vid�o et l'essai en mer sur notre site Web MEDIA SHIP
Deutsch OCEANIS 321, 1998, FINOT, RUMPF WEIß, BENETEAU, 1 x 30 HP YANMAR, 700 BETRIEBSSTUNDEN, 3 KABINEN, 1 BADEZIMMER, SONNENKOLLEKTOR/EN, RADAR, BUGSPRIET ALUMINIUM, SEGEL 2010-2021, TAKELAGE SPIRAL 2012, SPRAYHOOD, +39 06 65 22 258/9, +39 3317400783 www.mediaship.it - ANZEIGENUMMER W143973/V - Sehen sie das komplette techinischen broschure, das video und die wassertest, auf unserer website MEDIA SHIP
Español OCEANIS 321, 1998, FINOT, CASCO BLANCO, BENETEAU, 1 x 30 HP YANMAR, 800 HORAS MOTOR, 3 CABINA/S, 1 BAÑO/S, PANEL/ES SOLAR/ES, RADAR, BAUPRÉS ALUMINIO, VELAS 2010-2021, APAREJO ESPIRAL 2012, CAPPOTTINA PARAROCIAR, +39 06 65 22 258/9, +39 3317400783 www.mediaship.it - CóD. ANUNCIO W143973/V - Consulte la ficha completa, el video y la prueba de mar en nuestro sitio Web MEDIA SHIP
Русский OCEANIS 321, 1998, FINOT, HULL WHITE, BENETEAU, 1 x 30 HP YANMAR, 800 ENGINE HOURS, 3 CABIN/S, 1 WC(S), 2 SOLARS PANELS ON ROLLBAR, RADAR RAYMARINE 2021, ALUMINIUM BOWSPRIT, SAILS 2010-2021, RIGGING SPIRAL 2012, SPRAYHOOD, N. 2 AXIOM CHARTPLOTTER WITH FISH FINDER 2021, AUTOPILOT 2021, CLEANING OF GASOIL TANK,AND ANTIFOULING 2024 +39 06 65 22 258/9 +39 3317400783, www.mediaship.it - AD CODE W143973/V - Check the full brochure, the video and the sea trial on our Web site MEDIA SHIP
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Océanis 41
Océanis 41 de 2014, 3 cabines + carré transformable (soit 8 couchages), 2 WC, 2 salles de bain
Ce voilier, toujours très bien entretenu, vous permet d'accueillir jusqu'à 14 personnes à bord. Il se compose de 3 grandes cabines, dont 2 avec WC et salle de bain. Vous avez également à disposition 1 jeu neuf de grand-voile avec foc, encore jamais utilisé. Durant vos virées en mer, vous aurez l'avantage d'un grand écran tactile SIMRAD NSS12 evo3, très intuitif, qui vous permettra d'avoir une vue générale sur votre navigation.
Au mouillage, pour votre confort, vous aurez accès à une grande plate-forme de bain, aussi large que le bateau. Et pour votre sécurité, sachez que le guindeau est neuf.
En ce qui concerne la motorisation, c'est un Yanmar modèle 3JH5E de 2014 révisé avec soin.
Pour finir, possibilité de place de port.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Océanis 34.1
Offre exceptionnelle 140 ans Beneteau Au prix de 195 000 € ou 797€/mois* au lieu de 237 000 €
Caractéristiques principales:
Moteur YANMAR 3YM30AE 21 kw (29cv) DieselLest fonte GTEVersion 2 cabines 1 Salle d'eau - Alpi Chêne FlotteSellerie Carre Winner Silver 139
Plateforme arrière lattée bois massif
Assises barreur, lattées en teck
1 Sac à drisses (À bâbord)
Douchette de cockpit eau chaude / froide
Cuisine: Cache sur évier en compact avec planche à découper
Hifi Fusion + Haut-parleurs intérieurs b'&' Haut-parleurs extérieurs
Prises USB double port: 1 dans le carré, 2 dans la cabine avant,
1 dans les cabines arrière
Circuit 230 V complet (6 Prises intérieures, 1 Prise de quai)
Chargeur de batterie 40 Ampères
2 Batteries servitudes AGM -100 Ah (en remplacement du standard 75 Ah)
Moustiquaires pour les hublots ouvrants
Carré: Éclairage indirect LED
Cuisine:Réchaud four/grill inox 2 feux sur cardan (en remplacement
du standard)
Guindeau électrique 1 000 W + Télécommande
Protection tableau arrière
Protection d'étrave en inox
Table de cockpit /"/"Luxe/"/" abattants polyester
Support moteur hors-bord
Réservoir eau douce supplémentaire (130 L / 53 US Gal)
Cuisine: Pompe à pied eau de mer avec fonction vidange de la glacière
Carré b'&' Cabines: Ventilateurs
1 Winch manuel de manœuvre tribord (H35.2 STA) + Sac à drisse Cadet
2 Winches manuels d'écoute de génois (H40.2 STA)
Delphinière polyester avec mouillage intégré et sous barbe textile (pour utilisation Code 0 et spi asymétrique)
Gréement de spi asymétrique / Code 0 (Écoutes, Poulies, Drisses)
Génois sur enrouleur, Dacron haute tenacité (en remplacement du foc autovireur standard)
Bloqueurs supplémentaires (sur roof pour drisse ou sur hiloire pour écoute de génois selon pack)
Manoeuvres ramenées au cockpit (sauf balancine de bôme)
Anneaux d'écoutes de génois réglage 3D sur le roof (en remplacement du rail de foc auto-vireur et du chariot)
1 Afficheur i70s, à tribord de la descente
Sonde (Loch, Speedomètre, Température)
Wind Sensor (Girouette, Anémomètre)
Girouette Windex
Lazy bag - lazy jack
Capote Roof Luxe couleur au choix
Amarrage et Mouillage complet premium
Chaumards Arrière
Commande De Guindeau Au Cockpit Avec Compteur De Chaîne
Ouverture De Coupée À Babord Et À Tribord
Sellerie extérieure coussins De Cockpit Dolce 51
Prise Eau Douce De Quai
Marches De Descente En Bois
Capitonnages Macadamia - Carré Et Cabines
Planchers Stratifiés Chêne Brun
Housse Pour Table De Cockpit Luxe
Housses De Barres À Roue
Armement hauturier 6 Personnes Premium
Carte Électronique
Frais D'immatriculation
Transport Usine - Concession
Primaire + 2 Couches D'antifouling
Préparation Mise A L’eau
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour de plus amples informations ou pour fixer un éventuel rendez-vous.Notre équipe dévoué à votre passion vous accompagne dans toute la durée de votre projet nautique en passant par une prise en main complète du bateau.
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Offre de financement possible*
Crédit ou LOA ou LOCASSURANCE: exemple de financement: 797€/mois pour 144 loyers avec 50 % d'apportSous réserve d’acceptation par SGB financeUn crédit vous engage - assurez-vous de pouvoir le rembourser avant de le contracter
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Modern and very well equipped cruiser built by the French yard Chantiers BÉNÉTEAU. In a luxurious owner's cabin, two spacious aft cabins and the huge saloon the Oceanis 60 offers an unusual measure of living space and comfort for long journeys and extended stays on board. Plenty of air and light below decks thanks to numerous hull ports, large coachhouse windows, portholes, deck hatches and a panoramic window in the saloon roof. The Oceanis 60 has modern, tidy and spacious deck layout. The wide cockpit is divided into a rope-free guest area forward with comfortable seats and a large cockpit table and a sailing area aft. From the two helm stations the yacht can be operated practically one-handed. Spacious aft deck and tender garage behind the wide, electric opening swim platform.
This Oceanis 60 is a fully kitted out, hardly used first-hand owner's yacht. Hull in blue-grey and Targa arch also painted in blue-grey. A new hull paint-job according to the buyer's colour-choice is included in the asking price. 3 cabin layout with three heads and optional skipper cabin in forepeak. Extensive technical specification including big diesel generator, airconditioning, bowthruster, four electric winches and complete BROOKS & GATEHOUSE navigation instruments (including a total of four chart plotters). The yacht is continuously maintained and serviced by a professional skipper.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2017 Beneteau Oceanis 41 - Maupiti 1
BUILDERS REMARKS: The Oceanis 41/ Moorings 42.3 represents the heart of the Beneteau Oceanis range with a yacht of incomparable volume and a design with elegant taut lines. Her new generation hull promises comfortable, fast sailing. The mainsail arch enables you to sail in complete safety and at the same time gives you more space in the cockpit. Designed by Finot-Conq architects and Nauta Design she features 3 cabins, 2 heads and plenty of space for you and your family and guests. Generous capacities for water and fuel, as well as personal gear and food storage, mean increased comfort and autonomy on the water. Also adding to her comfort is shore power air conditioning.
BROKERS REMARKS: MAUPITI 1 has spent its life cruising between St Lucia and Grenada, hence it has no hurricane history. Ideal location to start an adventure from. This is a great value deal for this yacht.
AVAILABILITY: Awaiting to phase out.
*Note: Photos are of a sistership.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2007 Beneteau Oceanis 40 – Preveza, Greece
The Beneteau Oceanis 40 is a versatile and stylish sailing yacht, offering a spacious layout, solid performance, and practical onboard comfort. Designed for effortless coastal cruising, she features a well-thought-out deck plan, a large cockpit for easy sail handling, and a bright, welcoming interior.
This one-owner yacht has been well maintained since new, with air conditioning for year-round comfort. Powered by a Yanmar 40HP engine with shaft drive, she cruises smoothly at 6 knots and reaches a max speed of 8 knots.
Why This Beneteau Oceanis 40?
One Owner Since New – Carefully maintained and never chartered.
Well-Maintained Condition – Reliable systems, updated equipment, and ready to sail.
Spacious b'&' Comfortable Layout – Two guest cabins, a large saloon, and a functional galley.
Air Conditioning – Ensuring comfort in all seasons.
Practical Sailing Setup – Electric windlass, Harken winches, and Raymarine navigation suite.
Self-Sufficient Power – Solar panels, inverter, and a portable generator.
A fantastic opportunity for those looking for a comfortable and reliable cruising yacht, perfect for both leisure sailing and extended trips.
Contact us today for more details or to schedule a viewing!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Voilier BENETEAU OCEANIS 440 (1993)
La plus séduisante façon de changer de décor.
Avec l'Océanis 440, découvrez la liberté sans limite qu'il vous procure tout naturellement, très confortablement, pour autant de temps que vous le souhaitez. Vivez heureux avec la mer pour témoin et le ciel bleu jusqu'au fond du cœur.
3 cabines - 2 salles de bains - Version propriétaire avec sa grande cabine avant. Equipé hauturier - Grand voile sur enrouleur, Génois sur enrouleur, Trinquette, spi asymétrique avec bout dehors - Voiles de 2005. Gréement changé en 2015. Boiserie et sellerie d'origine en excellent état. Une soute technique est présente entre la baille à mouillage et la cabine avant.
Équipements et Confort:
Ce voilier, conçu par Bruce Farr, est très marin et confortable à la navigation. Il offre tout le confort nécessaire avec ses 3 cabines, ses 2 salles de bain, une cuisine équipée, eau chaude, douche de pont,.... Parfait pour la navigation en haute mer, il est équipé d'une éolienne et de panneaux voltaïques, d'un desalinisateur rendant le bateau autonome en eau et en énergie.
Electronique récent
Cockpit: large cockpit avec capote de roof récente et bimini pour une protection optimale.
Portique arrière: accueillant panneaux solaires, éolienne, une annexe avec moteur (3,5 CV, 4 temps).
Moteur: Perkins Prima 60 cv, entretenu annuellement, presse-étoupe changé en juillet 2024.
Entretien et Historique:
Le bateau a eu deux propriétaires et a toujours été bien entretenu. Stable et fiable, l’Oceanis 440 est prêt à naviguer, testé en Méditerranée et Atlantique. Le propriétaire se sépare à contrecœur de son bateau pour des raisons d'âge.
Caractéristiques Techniques:
Architecte Naval: Bruce Farr
Chantier: Bénéteau
Pays: France
Longueur de la coque: 13.16 m
Longueur à la flottaison: 11.9 m
Largeur: 4.25 m
Tirant d'eau: 1.75 m
Poids: 9 300 kg
Lest: 3 100 kg
Tirant d'air: 19 m
Voilure: 100 m²
Grand voile: 42 m²
Génois: 58 m²
Spi: 110 m²
Catégorie: 1
Jauge: 19.6 Tx
Moteur: Perkins Prima 60 cv (révisé annuellement)
Matériau: Polyester
Cabines: 3
Couchettes: 7
Hauteur sous barrot: 1.94 m
Capacité d'eau: 550 L
Capacité carburant: 200 L
Montez et partez !
Pour plus d'informations ou pour organiser une visite, veuillez nous contacter.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The new Oceanis 46.1 is more than a worthy successor to the bestselling Oceanis 45. Her hull, more bluff at the bow than her predecessor, frees up huge amounts of interior space without altering her pedigree performance under sail.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
BENETEAU OCEANIS 473 de 2002, équipé d'un générateur, éolienne, panneau solaire, pilote automatique, grand voile full-batten, propulseur avant. REPRISE POSSIBLE, FINANCEMENT ET PLACE DE PORT POSSIBLE ! Contact Clément +33611186371
. Information complémentaires: Grand voile full-batten, Trinquette sur enrouleur, Lazy bag, Lazy jack, code O sur emmagasineur, propulsion motorisée ligne d'arbre, nombre de moteurs: 1, guindeau manuel, ancre, anémomètre, girouette, GPS, VHF, loch, speedomètre, pilote automatique, propulseur étrave, radar, sondeur, traceur, compas, batteries, nombre de cabines: 2, nombre de couchettes: 4 personne(s, panneau solaire, éolienne, équipement audio, Bimini, chargeur de batteries, cuisinière, système de désalinisation de l'eau, équipement 220V, four, réfrigérateur, micro onde, prise de quai, douchette de cockpit, plateforme de bain, échelle de bain, table de cockpit, réservoir eaux noires, capote de roof, état de l'item nautisme: occasion, pont en polyester, coque en polyester
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Italia (Tutte le città)
With sleek lines, a new stepped hull and a stylish deck plan, the Oceanis 51.1 is the first of a new generation. Easy to shorthand, comfortable and smart, she offers more than seven hundred combinations of customizations, ensuring there is an Oceanis 51.1 for every sailor’s requirements.Ultra Spirit herself is equipped as personnal boat for and from Beneteauexpert and optionally specified in so called First Line version with more rich and sized deck gear, longer mast with 3 spreaders with Dyform rigging and North Sails sailing wardrobe.Std Mainsail and Furling Genoa, plus furling staysail and furling gennaker are included.Also in another direction, Ultra Spirit have Panda Generator (5.5 Kw), aircondition in saloon, heating, watermaker 120l/h capacitiy, sollar cells and extra diesel tanks.Idea is to have very modern cruiser with high level of sailing performaces even in light summer wind as ussuall Med conditions together with complet luxury set without necessity to enter in marinas for long period.Boat is partially used in summer charter vovayges with proffesional skipper permanently on bord thankfuly to fifth crew cabin in a bow.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
EXCLUSIVITE MY BATEAU OCEANIS 41 de 2013, 1ère main, Yanmar 40cv 621H. Equipé semi-hauturier, 2 cabines, 1 SDB. Enrouleur de GV, plateforme électrique...REPRISE, FINANCEMENT ET PLACE DE PORT DISPONIBLE. Contact: Frédéric:
. Informations complémentaires: Enrouleur de génois, Génois de 2013: 50% d'usure, Bande anti-UV 2024, Enrouleur de GV, Grand voile Tri radiale de 2013: 50% d'usure, Spi Code D sur emmagasineur, Trinquette, propulsion motorisée Sail-drive, nombre de moteurs: 1, guindeau électrique, ancre, anémomètre, girouette, GPS, VHF, loch, speedomètre, pilote automatique, propulseur étrave, radar, sondeur, traceur, compas, batteries, nombre de cabines: 2, nombre de couchettes: 4 personne(s, équipement audio, Bimini, taud, chargeur de batteries, congélateur, cuisinière, système de chauffage de l'eau, dispositif d'éclairage, four, pompe cale, réfrigérateur, douchette de cockpit, plateforme de bain, échelle de bain, table de cockpit, coussins de cockpit, éclairage de cockpit, réservoir eaux noires, capote de roof, grand-voile, spi, état de l'item nautisme: occasion, pont en polyester, coque en polyester
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Beneteau Oceanis 38A beautiful Beneteau Oceanis 38 (2016) is now available. The boats comes with 3 double bed cabins, a spacious Owner's forward cabin, two aft cabins a bathroom and a separate shower compartment.
Fully equipped with everything needed for enjoyable cruising and sailing performance. New Roller main sail, new roller genoa, electric anchor winch, hot water, Bow-thruster, GPS/Plotter inside and on deck, Solar Panel, Automatic life rafts, dinghy with outboard motor, autopilot, new sprayhood, new bimini, deck shower, radio-CD player, cockpit speakers, full set of electronic instruments, complete safety b'&' galley equipment, swimming platform.The boat is in excellent condition, very well kept by her Owner.
For more information please contact us.
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Lavagna (Liguria)
Barca a vela - Vela Beneteau Oceanis 281 Barca a vela - Vela Id: 93249 Anno: 1995 Dimensioni: 8.70mt x 2.86mt Motorizzazione: Volvo Penta 1 x 10 HP - Diesel DESCRIZIONE: Bella linea e ottima abiltabilità per questo classico del cantiere francese. Grande cabina matrimoniale a poppa e matrimoniale a prua. Dinette trasformabile, cucina con lavello e fuochi, frigorifero. Inserzionista: yacht4web
22.000 €
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Lavagna (Liguria)
Barca a vela - Vela Beneteau Oceanis 400 Barca a vela - Vela Id: 93219 Anno: 1996 Dimensioni: 11.80mt x 3.93mt Motorizzazione: Volvo Penta MD22L 1 x 50 HP - Diesel DESCRIZIONE: Eccellente abitabilità unite a belle linee d'acqua fanno di questo 40 piedi una delle barche più interessanti della categoria. 1 cabina con letto alla francese e divanetto, bagno privato a prua, 2 matrimoniali e bagno a poppa. Enorme dinette e cucina a murata, carteggio. Genoa nuovo in dakron triradiale. Riser e scambiatore rifatto. Cime e drizze nuove. Luci a led sostituite.Plotter Raymarine Axiom. Oltre 15.000,00 euro lavori e migliorie nel 2020! Inserzionista: yacht4web
55.000 €
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Ancona (Marche)
Barca a motore - Gommone con cabina rigida Solemar 28 oceanis Barca a motore - Gommone con cabina rigida Id: 93723 Anno: 2010 Dimensioni: 9.80mt x 3.17mt Motorizzazione: YAMAHA F350AETU 1 x 350 HP - Benzina DESCRIZIONE: BATTELLO VERAMENTE IN ORDINE, POCHE ORE DI NAVIGAZIONE, BEN ACCESSORIATO. INTERNI: Internamente completo di cuscineria e moquette Dinette con tavolo in cabina; Letto matrimoniale di prua e letto a poppa, Radio fusion con comandi interni e esterni; Locale separato con WC marino elettrico e serbatoio acque nere, doccia e lavandino; Luci interne a led Angolo cottura con fornello a gas, lavello. Impianto stereo STRUMENTAZIONE: Manetta elettronica, Ecoscandaglio a doppia sonda con visione laterale, Plotter cartografico Lowrance, dati motore su strumento plotter, Timoneria Elettro-idraulica, Doppio Serbatoio carburante con doppio strumento indicatore livello e selettore alimentazione carburante elettronico, Bussola, Motore con power lift, Carica batterie. Elettronico ARMAMENTO: Scala bagno, faro proiettore, telo chiusura camper, cuscinerie nuove, verricello elettrico catena circa 70 mt, prendisole di prua nuovo, copri vetrate, teak in pozzetto, divano a ‘U’ poppiero con tavolo pranzo a completamento letto, impianto pannello fotovoltaico 100W, Frigorifero elettrico esterno a pozzetto maggiorato con vano frezeer, plancette di poppa maggiorate e rivestite in flexiteak, Roll bar in VTR con luci di via e asta luce/portabandiera pozzetto a led regolabili in intensità blu e bianche, luci led pavimento blu, 2 batterie nuove (luglio 2020), Radio fusion con comandi interni e esterni, Parabrezza fumé, check panel elettronico, Doppia pompa di sentina automatica e manuale. Inserzionista: yacht4web
68.000 €
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Imperia (Liguria)
Barca a vela - Vela Beneteau Oceanis 31 limited edition Barca a vela - Vela Id: 94145 Anno: 2011 Dimensioni: 9.30mt x 3.39mt Motorizzazione: YANMAR 3 YM 20 1 x 21 HP - Diesel DESCRIZIONE: 2 Cabine serie limited edition riscaldamento webasto gps pilota automatico eco vhf randa steccata elica tripale imbarcazione periziata ad ottobre 2019 ulteriori fotografie disponibili. Inserzionista: yacht4web
65.000 €
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Imperia (Liguria)
Barca a vela - Vela Beneteau Oceanis 43 Barca a vela - Vela Id: 94363 Anno: 2008 Dimensioni: 12.75mt x 4.12mt Motorizzazione: YANMAR 1 x 54 HP - Diesel DESCRIZIONE: 3 Cabine unico proprietario 500 ore di moto 3 winch elettrici elica di prua gennaker mai usato elica max prop gps radar pilota automatico barca in ottime condizioni. Inserzionista: yacht4web
120.000 €
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Imperia (Liguria)
Barca a vela - Vela Beneteau Oceanis 41.1 Barca a vela - Vela Id: 94606 Anno: 2016 Dimensioni: 11.97mt x 4.20mt Motorizzazione: YANMAR 4 JH45 1 x 45 HP - Diesel DESCRIZIONE: Millesimo 2017 unico proprietario 3 cabine 2 bagni, 184 ore di moto, elica di prua gps autopilota vhf randa steccata, gennaker usato una volta, strallo di trinchetta con vela nuova appena montata, la barca é pari al nuovo fotografie supplementari disponibili La barca é disponibile da subito antivegetativa maggio 2021. Inserzionista: yacht4web
177.000 €
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Magliano in Toscana (Toscana)
BENETEAU OCEANIS 34 DEL 2010 IN OTTIME CONDIZIONI vele nuove 2018 Accessori Vele Randa full-batten dacron triradiale 2018, Genoa dacron triradiale 2018, Randa e Genoa di rispetto 2010, Avvolgi Fiocco, Lazy Jack 2020, Lazy Bag 2020. Le revisioni effettuate sul motore sono (oltre al tagliando annuale): Raiser (2019); Scambiatore e circuito girante (2020); Alternatore e aspiratore vano motore (2021); - ancora NUOVA (Mantus 2018 catena 50 mt) + Ancora di rispetto; - 2 Batterie servizi + 1 Batteria motore (NUOVA) Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione: Ecoscandaglio (Raymarine). Allestimento tecnico e di coperta: Allarme motore, Ancora (NUOVA (Mantus 2018 catena 50 mt) + Ancora di rispetto;), Autoclave, 2 Batterie (1 NUOVA), Pannelli Solari, Piattaforma, Pompa di sentina manuale, Pozzetto Teak, Presa 220V banchina, Salpa Ancore Elettrico, Sartiame spiroidale, Scaletta da bagno, Tender, 3 Winch. Dotazioni domestiche di bordo: Boiler, Prese interne 12v, WC marino elettrico. Intrattenimento: Stereo. Accessori vele: Avvolgi Fiocco, Lazy Bag (2020), Lazy Jack (2020). Cucina ed elettrodomestici: Cucina. Tappezzerie: Cuscineria completa, Telo copriconsolle, Tendalino (+ Sprayhood). Note accessori: Boccole timone (2020); Presa a mare cucina (2021)...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2021 Beneteau Oceanis Yacht 62 fitted with a Yanmar 4LV (170hp) on shaft drive. /"Penultimo/" benefits from a huge specification including air conditioning, generator, watermaker, washer/dryer, hydraulic passarelle, bow & stern thrusters, teak cockpit and side decks, Williams 285 JetRib - even a built-in vacuum cleaner system!!
She has been used in a luxury charter fleet and maintained regardless of cost. The replacement cost of this boat is now in excess of €1,500,000 ex TAX.
Contact Ben Nichols on 0044 7825 747 652 or email ben@clippermarine.co.uk for more information
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Italia (Tutte le città)
De Oceanis Yacht 60 is leverbaar voorjaar 2023. Prijs op aanvraag. Meer info? De koffie staat klaar!
Price JANUARY 2023, including 21% VAT
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Oceanis 51.1 is not only incredibly comfortable and much faster than any of her forerunners, but also bang on trend and the most versatile cruising yacht on the market.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Very well maintained Beneteau Oceanis 44cc.
3 cabins layout + 2 bathroom.
Good size salon with table and sofas at port side an good chart table at starboard.
In the bow peak, big cabin with double bed and cabinets. At port cabin with 2 bunk beds and cabinet. At starboard complete bathroom with sink, shower and toilet.
In the passage for the aft, long galley with stove, oven, 2 fridges, freezer.
In the aft, spectacular cabin with central double bed, cabinets and a big bathroom, with toilet, sink and bathtub.
Central cockpit with steering wheel, electronic equipment, cockpit teak, sprayhood, bimini, davits and solar panels.
Electronic equipment:
Radar, gps/plotter, Depth-sounder, Speed/log, Autopilot, VHF with DSC, AIS emitter (2023), Wind Station (2021), NAVTEX (2022), EPIRB, Life-raft.
Deck Equipment:
Hidrovane autopilot, teak deck and cockpit, crane for outboard engine, electric windlass + chain, 1 Electric winch + 3 manual winches.
Electric equipment:
Solar panels, Inverter 1500W, Shore power, Battery Charger, 3+1 batteries
Interior equipment/ comfort
Gas Stove + Oven, Microwave, fridge + Freezer, large Freezer, radio with CD player, black water tank.
Sails and Covers
Furling Main Sail HYDE (2024), Furling Genoa, Stay sail HYDE (2023), Storm Jib (2023), Gennaker with Sock, Old Furling Main sail. Sprayhood (2024), Bimini (2022)
Dinghy 2,50mts with Outboard engine 4Hp.
Boat in excellent condition.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Oceanis 30.1 is easy to sail lively at the helm and promises new experiences and thrills. This robust little smart cruiser is small enough to access the small beaches b'&' calas of Mallorca with a short keel, as well as coastal sailing and high sea adventures.
Call or Whats App Patrick Harrison on 00 34 636477448 for further information b'&' free consultation.
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Magliano in Toscana (Toscana)
Cuccette 6+2 Cabine 3 VELE DEL 2008 - GENNAKER NUOVO Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione: Ecoscandaglio (Raymarine), Pilota automatico (Raymarine), Radio VHF (Raymarine). Allestimento tecnico e di coperta: Allarme motore, Autoclave (2017), 3 Batterie (2+1 100 amp/h), Caricabatterie (da banchina), Doccia esterna, Passerella (manuale), Pompa di sentina automatica, Porta ingresso, Pozzetto Teak, Presa 220V banchina, Presa acqua banchina, Salpa Ancore Elettrico, Sartiame spiroidale, Scaletta da bagno, 4 Winch (due per le scotte e due per le drizze). Dotazioni domestiche di bordo: Boiler (elettrico), Prese interne 220v, WC marino elettrico. Dotazioni di sicurezza: Barometro, Dotazioni di sicurezza entro 50 miglia, Zattera di salvataggio (revisionata 2021). Intrattenimento: 2 Altoparlanti (interni), Radio AM/FM. Accessori vele: Attrezzatura Gennaker (mai usato), Avvolgi Fiocco. Cucina ed elettrodomestici: Cucina (due fuochi), Forno (a gas). Tappezzerie: Cuscineria completa, Tendalino....Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
3 cabin / 2 heads, AC on aft cabins, Yanmar 40 HP, arch with solar panels, Lithium batteries, dinghy + OB, bow thruster,...Owner's boat, well maintainedPerfect conditions
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Boat is in good conditions. Available for pick up at end of October 2023 or with sold charter for season 2023.
Payments available in CRYPTO and FIAT
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