Of the property is fair
Elenco delle migliori vendite of the property is fair

Albanella (Campania)
Terreno da vendere; 1-) 11000m2 vendo a 25 euro a m2 si trova vicino a l'autostrada Fier.Levan(Albania) 4km dal mare, 2km lontano da Apolonia(muzeo archeologico) Per avere più informazione scrivetemi al indirizzo Contact: agustinmiraka@hotmail.com Tel 0682666140 +355672263375 Property to sell Shtyllas, Municipality of Levan, Fier, Albania This land property is 4 km away from the beach and 2 km away from Apollonia the archeological museum of Fier. The surfaces to be sold are: 1) The surface of 10.800 m2 is 10 m away from the road has a price of 25 /m2. The properties have full legal and correct certificates. Contact :agustinmiraka@hotmail.com + 355672263375 Grundstück zu verkaufen Shtyllas, Gemeinde Levan, Fier, Albanien Das Grundstück ist ca. 4 - km vom Strand und 2 km vom archäologischen Museum Apollonia in Fier entfernt. Die zu verkaufenden Grundstücke sind: 1) das Grundstück mit einer Fläche von 10.800 m2 ist 10 m von der Hauptstraße entfernt und hat einen Preis von 25 /m2. Die Grundstücke besitzen gesetzliche korrekte Zertifikate. Kontakt: agustinmiraka@hotmail.com +355672263375 Shitet toka Kjo tokë ndodhet 4 km larg bregdetit, gjithashtu eshte 2 km afër Apollonis, Muzeut Arkologjik ne Fier Albania . Sipërfaqja të cilen e kam në shitje po i paraqes me poshte: Toka me sipërfaqe 11000 m2 kushton 25 Euro m2 Cmimi i diskutueshem.Ka dalje në rrethrrutullimin qe lidh detin dhe Apollonin muzeun Arkologjik . Janë me çertifikata pronësie të rregullta. Nëse jeni të interesuar kontaktoni: Cel 0682666140 agustinmiraka@hotmail.com
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Isola del Gran Sasso d Italia (Abruzzo)
Surface area: 450 m2 Floors: 3 Entrance: 2 Living rooms: 2 Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Balconies Panoramic rooftop terrace Year built: 1896. Original architectural elements. The building need partial restoration. The 1st floor is divided into residential and commercial zones: large hall, ceiling height 6.5 m, kitchen, room, guest toilet; boutique and cafe. 2nd floor: living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms with balconies, bathroom, terrace. 3rd floor: panoramic rooftop terrace. The property is located in the historic center of Arucas.
580.000 €
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Isola del Gran Sasso d Italia (Abruzzo)
Surface area: 365 m2 Floors: 4 Living rooms: 3 Kitchen: 2 Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 4,5 Balconies Panoramic rooftop terrace Entrance: 2 Four Car Garage The property is located in the historic center of Las Palmas, 15 minutes walk to ocean.
580.000 €
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Montecastrilli (Umbria)
Vendita residenziale Classe Energetica: 2015-F IPE: 189.00APPARTAMENTO di CHARME denominato MORAIOLO finemente ristrutturato con vista panoramica, è uno degli otto appartamenti del PALAZZO NOBILIARE FRANCISCI sito nel centro storico di Collesecco. Disposto su due livelli per circa 115 mq, vi si può accedere sia dalla Piazza del paese, che dal Piano Giardino, esternamente alla cinta muraria. Il piano terra rialzato è composto da un ampio locale adibito a cucina-soggiorno, un bagno, due camere ed un disimpegno. Attraverso una scala interna con ringhiera artigianale in ferro battuto, si sale al secondo piano dove si trova il soppalco con parquet e lucernario “velux”. La proprietà è stata completamente ristrutturata e combinando sapientemente un design moderno e finiture di alto livello con il ripristino dei materiali originali e tipici umbri: quali la pietra di San Terenziano ed il parquet per i pavimenti, le antiche travi in legno per i solai intervallate dalle pianelle ed anche i marmi in travertino. Si è conferito così all'immobile un aspetto molto elegante che si sposa con lo stile classico della struttura generando un'atmosfera di grande charme. Le finestre di ampie dimensioni garantiscono luminosità in tutti gli ambienti. Completano la proprietà il posto auto riservato e la piscina ad uso esclusivo degli otto appartamenti del complesso. La posizione dell'immobile è ideale sia per chi lo sceglie come abitazione principale fuori dai centri urbani, sia per chi lo sceglie come casa per le vacanze. Nelle immediate vicinanze si trovano Casteltodino (4 km), Montecastrilli (7 km) ed Avigliano Umbro (12 km) con tutti i loro servizi. La superstrada E45, invece, dista 7 km e permette di raggiungere sia Terni che Todi in 25 minuti, Spoleto in 40, Perugia in 50 mentre l'aeroporto di Sant'Egidio, Orvieto, ed Assisi in un'ora. Per raggiungere Roma, invece, occorrono 1 ora e 30 minuti, mentre occorrono circa 2ore per gli aeroporti di Ciampino e Fiumicino............... APARTMENT of Charme denominated MORAIOLO finely renovated with panoramic views, is one of the eight apartments of the PALAZZO NOBILIARE FRANCISCI located in the historic center of Collesecco. Arranged on two levels for about 115 square meters, it can be accessed either from the village square or from the Garden Floor, outside the city walls. The raised ground floor consists of a large room used as a kitchen-living room, a bathroom, two bedrooms and a hallway. Through an internal staircase with handcrafted wrought iron railing, you go up to the second floor where there is an attic area with parquet floors and b'"'veluxb'"' skylight. The property has been completely renovated and skillfully combining modern design and high-level finishes with the restoration of the original and typical Umbrian materials: such as San Terenziano stone and parquet for the floors, the ancient wooden beams for the ceilings interspersed with the cotto tiles and also travertine marble. This has given the property a very elegant look that goes well with the classic style of the structure, generating an atmosphere of great charme. Large windows ensure brightness in all rooms. The property is completed by a reserved parking space and a swimming pool for the exclusive use of the eight apartments in the complex. The location of the property is ideal both for those who choose it as their main home outside urban centers and for those who choose it as a vacation home. In the immediate vicinity are Casteltodino (4 km), Montecastrilli (7 km) and Avigliano Umbro (12 km) with all their services. The E45 highway, on the other hand, is 7 km away and makes it possible to reach both Terni and Todi in 25 minutes, Spoleto in 40, Perugia in 50 while the airport of Sant'Egidio, Orvieto, and Assisi in an hour. Reaching Rome, on the other hand, takes 1 hour and 30 minutes, while it takes about 2 hours to Ciampino and Fiumicino airports. Riferimento: AT25VRG 115 mq. 4 vani 1 servizi Todi Via Angelo Cortesi 22 (PG). Totale piani: 3 Riscaldamento: autonomo IPE: 189.00 kWh/mb'/xc2/xb2' Anno: 2011 Dimensione: 115 mq Piano: 2 Condizione: nuovo Stanze: 4 Bagni: 1 Inserzionista: Todi
130.000.280 €
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Firenze (Toscana)
Ubicato al pian nobile di uno splendido palazzo nobiliare del 1570, interamente restaurato con affreschi e dipinti di artisti molto noti nel periodo di Cosimo I dei Medici. L'architetto Bartolomeo Ammannati, concepì questa perla architettonica del tardo rinascimento fiorentino,il cui committente era il rappresentante di una famiglia amica ed alleata di Cosimo I. Ed è.'proprio su questo piano che venne realizzata la " Stanza dei Medici", capolavoro artistico ed architettonico di rara bellezza rinascimentale, dove i ritratti dei membri della famiglia Medici circondano tutto il perimetro della sala principale e sono affiancati da splendidi dipinti e dagli incredibili affreschi che ricoprono la volta della grande sala. I ritratti originali vennero realizzati dal grande pittore di corte Agnolo Bronzino, oggi ospitati nel museo degli Uffizi. Quelli presenti oggi sono le bellissime copie realizzate nel 1600. Ed è proprio in questo unico contesto di bellezza che proponiamo la locazione di Uffici di grande rappresentanza, indicati come sedi di studi notarili e professionali, di scuole ed università straniere alla ricerca di una sede nel centro storico piu' importante di Firenze, quello che vide la nascita del Rinascimento fiorentino; infatti è proprio di fronte, nell'ex convento dei Vallombrosiani,dove Cosimo il Vecchio, accompagnato da Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola ed i filosofi del Rinascimento, portava i figli Lorenzo e Giuliano a discutere di Arte e di Politica, a diventare dei grandi mecenati! A pochi passi incontriamo la Rotonda del Brunelleschi e la Sua inimitabile cupola del Duomo, apprezzabile da questi splendidi uffici. Un bellissimo giardino di gusto Barocco con particolarissima fontana dove viene proposto il tema del Titanismo, e che è una vera opera d'arte. In accordo con la proprietà, il giardino potrebbe essere utilizzato per le pause lavoro o per eventuali incontri culturali L'ufficio, affrescato,ampio e silenzioso, si compone di 8 grandi sale di cui la principale e già menzionata,"Sala dei Medici",ha una galleria, quadri e statue, oltre ad 1 soppalco, 3 bagni e 2 splendide terrazze che guardano la limonaia ed il giardino. Alti soffitti, grandi finestre e pavimenti in cotto antico originale e restaurato. completano questo immobile unico di grande rappresentanza.Inoltre tutto l'immobile, che occupa l'intero piano nobile del Palazzo, ha 3 ingressi separati ed indipendenti. La superficie totale dell'immobile è di circa 500 mq. La richiesta di canone di locazione è di E 15000 mensili, mentre le spese condominiali si attestano intorno ai 1.200 E mensili. Vi è anche la possibilità di affittare dei posti auto nel garage del Palazzo - collegato con ascensore ai piani. ENGLISH TEXT: Located on the noble floor of a splendid noble palace of 1570, entirely restored with frescoes and paintings by well-known artists in the period of Cosimo I dei Medici. The architect Bartolomeo Ammannati conceived this architectural pearl of the late Florentine Renaissance, whose client was the representative of a family, friend and ally of Cosimo I. And it is precisely on this floor that the "Medici Room" was built, an artistic and architectural masterpiece of rare Renaissance beauty, where the portraits of the members of the Medici family surround the entire perimeter of the main room and are flanked by splendid paintings and incredible frescoes that cover the vault of the great room. The original portraits were made by the great court painter Agnolo Bronzino, now housed in the Uffizi museum. Those present today are the beautiful copies made in 1600. the offices have 3 separate and independent entrances. The total area of the property is approximately of 500 square meters. The request for the rent is E 15,000 per month, while the condominium expenses are around E 1,200 per month. There is also the possibility of renting parking spaces in the garage of the building - connected by lift to the floors.
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Milano (Lombardia)
For sale in Abbiategrasso (MI) in Via Fra Pampuri n. 9-11 and 13-15., Two production buildings, built on two different plots of land adjacent to them.Mapp. 119: independent shed on four sides with attached low building. The internal distribution includes a production area, with adjoining accessory compartments such as: staff refectory, changing room with attached services and showers, storage room. Upstairs, accessible by internal staircase for office use, dining area, toilets, another internal staircase connecting with the production, two archive rooms. The low building located on the north side of the property is divided into seven rooms all for warehouse use, with an adjoining open canopy.Mapp. 183: independent shed on four sides. The internal distribution includes a production area, with adjoining accessory compartments such as: changing room with adjoining services and showers, and storage rooms. Upstairs, accessible by internal staircase for office use, dining area, toilets, another internal staircase ofconnection with the production, two archive rooms.Year of construction: 1973 renovation 2007Total commercial area: 3,674 square metersShed area sub 119: 1.889 sq.m.Shed area sub 183: 1749 sqmArea of ??relevance: 4,871 square metersProcessing area (h = 10 m),Storage area (h = 8 m)Full ownership:D / 1 (CF): Sheet 25 - Particle 119 and 183;F / 1 (CF): Sheet 25 - Particle 333, 335, 338;T (CT): Sheet 25 - Particle 84, 313, 296, 331, 301, 294 The price is to be understood excluding VAT (typically a rate equal to 22%). The property becomes available for the application of the VAT reverse charge.Any discrepancies hindering the transfer will be regularized by the property. Superficie: 3674 mq Agenzia: NEPRIX S.r.l. Telefono: 0289741561
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Brindisi (Puglia)
TRULLO SEMI RISTRUTTURATO A 3KM C.DA GENOVESE A circa 3km da Ceglie Messapica direzione Ostuni, in C.da Genovese, abbiamo riservato per voi un trullo a tre coni semi-ristrutturato circondato dal verde. Un vialetto di circa 100m ne impreziosisce l’ingresso, rendendo il contesto molto appetibile. A vialetto terminato, notiamo subito l’importanza che il trullo subisce, avendo attorno a sé il terreno composto in prevalenza da alberi d’ulivo su 8809mq. La soluzione interamente con pietra a faccia vista presenta un ampio cono centrale, con una piccola alcova frontale e due coni laterali. La pulizia della pietra rende più facile immaginare il futuro dell’immobile in base alle proprie esigenze. Punto di forza dell’immobile è senza dubbio la tranquillità della zona in cui è posizionato. L’immobile è anche su Facebook “Gruppo Tecnocasa studio Ceglie Messapica”, e clicca MI PIACE. Per vedere i video delle nostre proposte immobiliari, cerca su Youtube il nostro canale “Studio Ceglie Messapica” ed ISCRIVITI. TRULLO SEMI RESTORED TO 3KM C.DA GENOVESE About 3km from Ceglie Messapica towards Ostuni, in C.da Genovese, we have reserved for you a three-cone trullo semi-renovated surrounded by greenery. A driveway of about 100m embellishes the entrance, making the context very attractive. At the end of the driveway, we immediately notice the importance that the trullo undergoes, having around it the land composed mainly of olive trees on 8809mq. The solution entirely with exposed stone has a large central cone, with a small front alcove and two side cones. The cleaning of the stone makes it easier to imagine the future of the property according to your needs. The strength of the property is undoubtedly the tranquility of the area in which it is located.
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Roma (Lazio)
Subject of this sale is the ½ FEE of full ownership of a car garage located in Rome (RM), with access to Via Festo Avieno 202. The building unit, marked with the interior 6 is located in the basement of a residential building reachable by vehicle ramp. Access to the garage is protected by a metal shutter. Internally it is presented with a single environment that allows the stationing of two cars. From the main room is accessed through a door directly to a bathroom with a window and through a ladder to a loft that covers only modestly the surface of the box. The state of conservation of the property is good with an electrical and water system.Commercial area: 110 square metersMezzanine surface: 32 sqmMaximum height: 4.15 mMinimum height: 2.14m Visita l'immobile: www.realestatediscount.it/aste-immobili/quota-di-ampia-autorimessa-6439/
36.635 €
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Roma (Lazio)
Subject of this sale is the ½ FEE of full ownership of a car garage located in Rome (RM), with access to Via Festo Avieno 202. The building unit, marked with the interior 6 is located in the basement of a residential building reachable by vehicle ramp. Access to the garage is protected by a metal shutter. Internally it is presented with a single environment that allows the stationing of two cars. From the main room is accessed through a door directly to a bathroom with a window and through a ladder to a loft that covers only modestly the surface of the box. The state of conservation of the property is good with an electrical and water system. Commercial area: 110 square metersMezzanine surface: 32 sqmMaximum height: 4.15 mMinimum height: 2.14m Visita l'immobile:.
32.972 €
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Roma (Lazio)
Questo immobile viene venduto tramite asta online. Subject of this sale is the ½ FEE of full ownership of a car garage located in Rome (RM), with access to Via Festo Avieno 202. The building unit, marked with the interior 6 is located in the basement of a residential building reachable by vehicle ramp. Access to the garage is protected by a metal shutter. Internally it is presented with a single environment that allows the stationing of two cars. From the main room is accessed through a door directly to a bathroom with a window and through a ladder to a loft that covers only modestly the surface of the box. The state of conservation of the property is good with an electrical and water system.Commercial area: 110 square metersMezzanine surface: 32 sqmMaximum height: 4.15 mMinimum height: 2.14m Visita l'immobile: www.realestatediscount.it/aste-immobili/quota-di-ampia-autorimessa-6439/
29.674 €
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Brindisi (Puglia)
PINETA CON TRULLO A DUE CONI A circa 4km da Ceglie Messapica, proponiamo un trullo a due coni con deposito, e terreno di circa un ettaro. Il trullo presenta il classico prospetto della zona di San Michele: una pietra più antica e scura, non sbiancata dalla calce. Punto di forza dell'immobile è indubbiamente la pineta che incornicia il tutto donando una sensazione di privacy invidiabile e che, mediante un vialetto, ci ospita al piazzale del trullo. Facendo accesso alla soluzione, ci troviamo in un monolocale con un'alcova frontale ed una laterale più piccola sulla destra. Affiancato al trullo vi è una lamia utilizzabile come box auto o deposito, in base alle esigenze; è presente la cisterna sul piazzale. Il terreno è per maggioranza composto da pini, ed in quantità minori da ulivi e qualche albero da frutto. L'immobile è anche su Facebook 'Agenzia tecnocasa studio Ceglie Messapica', e clicca MI PIACE. Per vedere i video delle nostre proposte immobiliari, cerca su Youtube il nostro canale 'Studio Ceglie Messapica' ed ISCRIVITI. PINEWOOD WITH TRULLO WITH TWO CONES About 4km from Ceglie Messapica, we propose a trullo with two cones with storage, and land of about one hectare. The trullo has the classic façade of the area of San Michele: an older and darker stone, not whitened by lime. The strength of the property is undoubtedly the pine forest that frames everything giving a feeling of privacy enviable and that, through a driveway, hosts us to the square of the trullo. Accessing the solution, we are in a studio with a front alcove and a smaller side alcove on the right. Next to the trullo there is a lamia that can be used as a garage or storage, according to needs. The land is mostly composed of pines, and in smaller quantities of olive trees and some fruit trees.
35.000 €
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Pisa (Toscana)
Appartamento in vendita a Pisa zona San Francesco: a pochi passi da Borgo stretto in posizione centralissima disponibile bilocale inserito in piccolo condominio a due passi da tutti i servizi, ideale come investimento essendo collocato a due minuti dalle principali università di Pisa. L'appartamento si compone da ingresso tradizionale, cucina abitabile, camera matrimoniale e bagno-wc con finestra. Lo stato dell'immobile è buono ma in parte da rivedere. Subito disponibile. Per informazioni e visite chiamare in agenzia. Pisa historic center: two-room apartment inserted in a small condominium in the historic center of Pisa a stone's throw from the major services, ideal as an investment being located two minutes from the main universities of Pisa. The apartment consists of a traditional entrance, kitchen, double bedroom and bathroom-toilet with window. The state of the property is good partly to review. Immediately available. For information and visits call the agency.
145.000 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
The subject of this sale is a portion of an artisanal building located in Arluno MI, via Arturo Toscanini n. 17, The property is located in a peripheral area for industrial / handicraft use, easily reachable from the Arluno motorway exit. The shed is made up of a building on the ground floor that is spread over a footprint of approximately 675sqm. The property has two open sides, with a fenced courtyard, and part of the appurtenant area is outside the fence, and is for public use, including the roadway in via Toscanini. Internally it has a large room in which a small volume for office use made of plexiglass has been created. To make up for the lack of bathrooms, a mobile toilet module in insulated sheet metal was also positioned. The building was built in 1974 and has a roof made of asbestos-cement slabs. The electrical system is almost entirely removed and needs to be redone, exposed heating system in good condition featuring air heaters, fire-fighting system in need of overhaul. The property has some discrepancies as better clarified in the attached appraisal. Overall it is in a fairly good state of conservation.Energy class: G.Overall GFA area: 675mq,Total area of ??fenced lot: 1400sqm,Area of ??external relevance, for public use: 250sqmC / 3 (CF): Sheet 15 - Map 165 - Subaltern 702 stapled with map 736F / 1 (CF): Sheet 15 - Map 734The price is to be understood excluding VAT (typically a rate equal to 22%). The property becomes available for the application of the VAT reverse charge. Superficie: 675 mq Agenzia: NEPRIX S.r.l. Telefono: 0289741561
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Macerata (Marche)
The subject of this sale is a plot frustule. The property is located in Montecosaro (MC), with access place on Via Aldo Moro. The lot is located in a residential area located approximately 2 km from the center of the country. The land is used as a garden, and covers an area of about 528 square meters. Access by road is carried out after passing through the courtyard of a residential building owned by others. The frustule has a rectangular shape and flat lying, along the escarpment that separates it with the road that runs along the north side. The garden is covered with trees of various species that are irrigated with underground pipes. The property is in good repair and conservation.The property is occupied by the owner of the building.The sale of the remaining portion of the garden will always be done on this site: 879 AUCTION Visita l'immobile: www.realestatediscount.it/aste-immobili/giardino-830/
2.687 €
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Macerata (Marche)
The subject of this sale is a plot frustule. The property is located in Montecosaro (MC), with access place on Via Aldo Moro. The lot is located in a residential area located approximately 2 km from the center of the country. The land is used as a garden, and covers an area of about 528 square meters. Access by road is carried out after passing through the courtyard of a residential building owned by others. The frustule has a rectangular shape and flat lying, along the escarpment that separates it with the road that runs along the north side. The garden is covered with trees of various species that are irrigated with underground pipes. The property is in good repair and conservation.The property is occupied by the owner of the building.The sale of the remaining portion of the garden will always be done on this site: 815 AUCTION Visita l'immobile: www.realestatediscount.it/aste-immobili/quota-12-di-giardino-piantumato-894/
2.389 €
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