Operation maintenance system
Elenco delle migliori vendite operation maintenance system

Italia (Tutte le città)
Know-How Srl, affermata società di consulenza informatica del gruppo Lutech, che opera nell’ambito di sistemi gestionali ERP, di Business Intelligence e Asset Management, dedicata a grandi aziende e multinazionali, ricerca per la propria sede di Padova CONSULENTE ERP AREA MAINTENANCE e WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT Le figure saranno inserite nell’area dedicata alla GESTIONE DEI PROCESSI DI MANUTENZIONE e LOGISTICA DEL MAGAZZINO in ambito ICT, con conoscenze di: progettazione e pianificazione degli interventi attraverso la raccolta dati dal campo e l’analisi critica degli interventi, applicazione di strategie manutentive, gestione dei ricambi e delle risorse utilizzate, nonché gestione logistica del magazzino, flussi di vendita/acquisto, flussi di inventario e politiche di stoccaggio. Le figure richieste saranno formate in affiancamento a consulenti e tecnici esperti nella definizione delle strategie e nell'implementazione dei processi, disegnando soluzioni informatiche efficienti e gestendo in outsourcing intere aree funzionali, in importanti progetti aziendali di sviluppo organizzativo, di radicale trasformazione e di System Integration. Il/la candidato/a ideale è un laureato in Ingegneria Gestionale (titolo preferenziale) o ad indirizzo Informatico o Statistico, con buona conoscenza della lingua inglese (scritta/parlata) quale requisito essenziale e degli applicativi Office. E’ gradita inoltre la conoscenza del linguaggio SQL dei Sistemi Operativi (Unix + Linux + Windows), Web Development (HTML + Java + JavaScript) e la familiarità con strumenti di Project management. Completano il profilo ottime capacità organizzative, flessibilità e doti relazionali, predisposizione al lavoro in team e disponibilità ad eventuali trasferte formative saltuarie Italia/Estero, domicilio/residenza preferibilmente in Veneto o Nord Italia. Gli interessati di entrambi i sessi (L.903/77) sono pregati di inviare il proprio CV a [email protected]
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AMPLIAMO IL TEAM OPERATION CATANIA! Siamo il Gruppo Telebit (più di 1500 dipendenti e 28 sedi in tutta Italia), operiamo da anni a livello nazionale come SYSTEM INTEGRATOR e SOLUTION PROVIDER NEI SETTORI DELLE TELECOMUNICAZIONI, DELLICT, DELLIMPIANTISTICA TECNOLOGICA e DELL EMOBILITY (dalla progettazione, realizzazione, installazione e manutenzione di impianti) e selezioniamo per il nostro organico in sede CATANIA Un/una SPECIALISTA TECNICO/A IN SISTEMI ANTINCENDIO – FIREFIGHTING SYSTEM TECHNICIAN La persona verrà inserita allinterno di un nuovo progetto aziendale sfidante nellambito Difesa e ricoprirà ruolo tecnico del sistema antincendio occupandosi della manutenzione, ispezione, riparazione e gestione dei sistemi antincendio allinterno delle strutture aziendali del nostro cliente, garantendo il rispetto degli standard e delle normative italiane in materia di sicurezza antincendio. La posizione prevede un ruolo cruciale nel mantenere le infrastrutture sicure e operative in ogni momento. Tra le attività si occuperà di: 1) Manutenzione preventiva e correttiva: - Eseguire ispezioni regolari su sistemi antincendio, compresi sistemi sprinkler, estintori, pompe antincendio, rilevatori di fumo e sistemi di allarme. - Diagnosticare e risolvere malfunzionamenti e guasti. 2) Monitoraggio e gestione dei sistemi: - Assicurare che i sistemi siano conformi agli standard internazionali e alle normative italiane vigenti. - Tenere traccia degli interventi effettuati e delle necessità di manutenzione futura. 3) Riparazioni e aggiornamenti: - Sostituire o riparare componenti difettosi. - Collaborare con il team tecnico per implementare miglioramenti e aggiornamenti ai sistemi esistenti. 4) Documentazione e reportistica: - Redigere rapporti tecnici sulle condizioni dei sistemi. - conservare un archivio aggiornato delle attività di manutenzione. 5) Supporto tecnico: - Fornire assistenza e formazione al personale in merito alluso dei sistemi antincendio. - Collaborare con i fornitori per garantire la disponibilità di pezzi di ricambio e materiali necessari. Requisiti - Diploma tecnico in Elettrotecnica, Meccanica o equivalente. - Certificazioni specifiche sui sistemi antincendio (es. NFPA, F-Gas, UNI EN 12845). - Almeno 3-5 anni di esperienza nella manutenzione e gestione di sistemi antincendio. - Conoscenza approfondita di sistemi sprinkler, pompe antincendio, rilevatori di fumo e sistemi di allarme antincendio. - Capacità di lettura e interpretazione di schemi tecnici. - Familiarità con software di gestione della manutenzione (es. CMMS). - Disponibilità e flessibilità operativa - Risiedere a Catania o nellarea della Sicilia Orientale La nostra strategia "Diversity & Inclusion" mira ad abbattere tutte le barriere ed eliminare i pregiudizi. Ci impegniamo a fornire un ambiente di lavoro accessibile, inclusivo, aperto e accogliente per persone con abilità, background, stili di vita, orientamento sessuale, identità di genere, esigenze e aspettative diverse, aiutando tutti gli individui a sfruttare al meglio il proprio potenziale professionale. Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03 Settore: Ruolo:
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Roma (Lazio)
Converger, società di consulenza informatica con trentennale esperienza nel settore, ricerca, per la propria sede di Roma: JUNIOR LINUX SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR Ricerchiamo un sistemista con esperienza di 1 anno nella consulenza di progetti di Infrastructure Technology che verrà inserito in un gruppo altamente specializzato in attività di Operation e Patch Management, Sistema operativo Red Hat Enterprise Linux Skill richiesti:. Diploma di Informatica e/o Laurea in Informatica. Ottima conoscenza del Sistema operativo Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Esperienza anche minima in attività di Patch Management. Buona conoscenza della Lingua Inglese (B2) · Costituirà titolo preferenziale il possesso di certificazioni in corso Gli interessati in possesso dei requisiti richiesti possono inviare il proprio CV indicando: Rif. LX - SYST/AD/jr/RM, attuale situazione contrattuale e retributiva ed autorizzazione ai dati personali ai sensi del D.lgs 196/03 Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03.
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Salerno (Campania)
Per società cliente, con sede a Roma, specializzata nella manutenzione di apparecchiature elettromeccaniche, nella progettazione, gestione e manutenzione di impianti e apparecchiature in complessi edilizi ed infrastrutture di elevate dimensioni e complessità e nel mercato industriale dell'operation&maintenance,ricerchiamo n. 1 giovane diplomato tecnico, con una età compresa tra i 19 e i 29 anni, iscritto al Centro per l'Impiego del Lazio. I candidati devo possedere altresì i seguenti requisiti: non devono essere iscritti a scuola, università, non devono lavorare, non devono essere iscritti a corsi di formazione, non devono svolgere altri tirocini extracurriculari.
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Roma (Lazio)
System Administration piattaforma Unix/Linux AC&D Technologies è alla ricerca di un sistemista linux. Competenze richieste: • Esperienze e conoscenze in ambito System Administration piattaforma Unix/Linux Conoscenze ed esperienze livello medio: • Esperienze e conoscenze in ambito Database e prodotti middleware • Esperienze e conoscenze in ambito SAN, Backup e Storage Virtualization • Esperienze e conoscenze in ambito networking • Esperienze e conoscenze nell’ambito delle tecnologie di virtualizzazione • Esperienze e conoscenze in ambito sicurezza • Esperienze e conoscenze in ambito Operation Management • Esperienze e conoscenze in ambito Service Management" Sede: Roma (zona Termini) Gli interessati, in possesso delle caratteristiche richieste, possono inviare il proprio cv in formato europeo specificando nell’oggetto “lin_Rm” ed indicando la disponibilità e la situazione retributiva e contrattuale attuale.
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Torino (Piemonte)
Intecs, which was founded in 1974, provides the most innovative software&hardware technology, engineering services and products for dependable safety- and mission-critical electronics systems. Intecs designs and develops applications, tools, software, hardware components and products for Aerospace, Defence, Transportation,Telecommunication and Smart Systems markets in cooperation with major European and Italian Industries, Organizations, Universities and Research Centres. Intecs is an international leader in System Engineering, mastering the whole value chain from Prototypes, Simulators, Automated Test Equipment to the finished product. Intecs employs circa 600 professionals. More than 80% of the staff has an university degree in engineering, computer science or other technical disciplines. Our headquarter is in Rome, while other operational sites are located in Pisa, Naples, Milan, Turin, Genoa, Paris and Toulouse. We're looking for EMBEDDED SW DEVELOPER QUALIFICATIONS: •Master degree in Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering or other engineering degree with background in electronics and software development General skills: •Experience in SW development for embedded applications, in industrial or automotive markets •Problem solving •Ability to work in a team and individually •Capability of working towards tight deadlines •Good English language, spoken and written •Availability to travel Technical skills: •Experience in programming and debugging of embedded systems in C language •Knowledge of Embedded Operative Systems (RTOS) •Knowledge of common communication interfaces like I2C, UART, SPI, ecc... •Understand electronic schematics and components datasheets •Knowledge of common lab equipment (oscilloscope, multimeter, …) •Experience with software configuration management tools and defect tracking tools •Knowledge of C++/C# for Windows-based applications •CANLIN Protocols - Vector CANoe and CANalyzer knowledge Typical work includes: •Design and development of software modules from driver layer to application layer •Dealing with sensors and different communications protocols •Dealing with Testing developed software •Integrating existing software modules to work together •Preparation of reports, manuals and other documentation on the status, operation and maintenance of software •Maintaining systems by monitoring and correcting software defects Tools: •Compiler •Debugger •Versioning tools (SVN, Git) •Metrics and bugs detection software •Trace tools on embedded systems and network •Lab equipment Seniority Level: Little-Mid level. Industry: •Automotive •Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing •Information Technology & Services
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Typical work includes: * Customer requirements analysis * Design and development of software modules from driver layer to application layer * Dealing with sensors and modems * Dealing with different communications protocols * Testing developed software, ensuring that it adheres to the standards and to the customer requirements * Integrating existing software modules to work together * Preparation of reports, manuals and other documentation on the status, operation and maintenance of software * Maintaining systems by monitoring and correcting software defects * Assist in the collection and documentation of system and software requirements, timeline estimations and working plans * Working on multiple projects at one time multinational companyFIRMWARE ENGINEER Software engineer need to have: *Experience in SW development for embedded applications, in industrial or automotive markets *Problem solving skills *Autonomy *Attention to detail *Ability to work in a team and individually *Capability of working towards tight deadlines *Fluent English language, spoken and written *Ability to communicate with customers, colleagues and management to explain complex issues clearly and concisely Software engineer must have: *Experience in programming and debugging of embedded systems in C language *Knowledge of Embedded Operative Systems (free RTOS) *Knowledge of most common standard coding rules, such as MISRA rules *Knowledge of common communication interfaces like I2C, UART, SPI, ecc... *Understand electronic schematics and components datasheets *Knowledge of common lab equipment (oscilloscope, multimeter,
) *Experience with software configuration management tools and defect tracking tools *Knowledge of C++/C# for Windows-based applications (preferred) *Knowledge of NI test environments (preferred) Multinationalcompanyspecialized in the R&D, Manufacturingand Sales ofelectronicsystemsanddevicesdirecthiringSalario da 28.000 /anno a 45.000 /anno
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MISSION Allinterno della Funzione Operation, riportando al Senior Asset Manager, la figura che stiamo ricercando di occuperà della gestione ordinaria e straordinaria del parco impianti assegnato, creando valore garantendo il corretto funzionamento degli impianti. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES - Supervisione e monitoraggio di impianti eolici e fotovoltaici - Controllo delle performance ed analisi delle problematiche tecniche - Gestione e risoluzione delle problematiche sugli impianti - Gestione dei contratti di Operation and Maintenance - Gestione dei dati di produzione ai fini della fatturazione fiscale - Controllo periodico degli impianti, gestione manutenzione, e della tempestiva segnalazione di problematiche e sinistri - Controllo dellesecuzione delle attività di manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria - Gestione dei fermi impianto - Gestione dei contratti con gli appaltatori/fornitori, in collaborazione, se del caso, con il Legale - Gestione degli adempimenti autorizzativi vigenti per assicurare lesercizio degli impianti - Gestione e supervisione in sito di attività di costruzione durante lesercizio, incluso il monitoraggio del planning delle lavorazioni - Gestione, per le attività di costruzione, dellottenimento dei nulla osta e permessi necessari - Gestione dei collaudi - Preparazione certificati di collaudo e delle Punch List - Elaborazione di richieste di offerta, dellanalisi tecnico-economica delle offerte ricevute e della selezione dellappaltatore - Negoziazione e predisposizione, in collaborazione se del caso con il Legale, di accettazioni di offerte e/o contratti di fornitura di beni e servizi, in applicazione delle procedure interne - Validazione delle fatture relative ai contratti di fornitura di beni e servizi - Responsabile, per ciascun impianto del monitoraggio delle spese nel rispetto dei budget MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS - Esperienza pregressa nel ruolo di almeno 2 anni nel settore delle energie rinnovabili - Capacità di gestione dei contratti - Ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese (plus) - Disponibilità ad effettuare trasferte (25%) SOFT SKILLS - Attenzione al dettaglio - Problem solving - Organizzazione Settore: Energia Ruolo: Ingegneria/Progettazione Gestisce altre persone: No Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato Inquadramento: Impiegato
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Are you ready to take your career to new heights? At D-Orbit, were pioneering the future of space logistics and transportation. Established in 2011, our company is leading the way in helping businesses profitably and sustainably unlock the full potential of the final frontier. As a member of our team, youll have the opportunity to work alongside a diverse group of highly skilled individuals, all driven by a shared passion for innovation and excellence. Join us in our global mission to push the boundaries of whats possible and take your ambition to new heights. Apply now and join us in shaping the future of space. We are looking for a number of Embedded Software Engineers with different experience levels to join our team. You will become part of a software design group responsible for the delivery of software components across a range of embedded and high performance applications in space. Within a continuous integration environment, you will contribute to the requirements definition, design of SW architecture, coding and testing of mission critical real-time embedded software, running on the D-Orbit latest generation spacecraft. Through these activities and by working with the key stakeholders in the development process you will deliver exciting new features and support spacecraft operations. Tasks and Responsibilities: - Contribute to the entire application lifecycle, focusing on requirements definition, design, coding, debugging and integration with the flight hardware (note that the coding language used during the daily job is mostly embedded C and the software spans multiple layers, ranging from low-level components to middleware and application software) - Preparation of flight software technical documentation - Validation of features including integration with software-in-the-loop and hardware-in-the-loop test suites - Contribute to the continuous improvement of the teams processes and methodologies Additional duties may be assigned as needed by each project, like: - Define software system specifications during co-engineering activities with the system team - Improve and develop new features to shared libraries - Maintenance of existing flight applications - Support to AIV activities and spaceflight operations Required Technical Skills: - Minimum of 1 year experience in embedded software development. - Experience delivering embedded software in any C-family language - Knowledge of any typical embedded communication interfaces such as USART, SPI, I2C, CAN - Experience using and configuring any common build tool chains or similar development environment (such as ANT, WAF, Makefile, Visual Studio etc.) - Familiarity with Git versioning system or any similar DVCS - Ability to communicate technical concepts clearly and effectively - Degree, in any relevant area such as computer engineering, electronic engineering, aerospace engineering, robotics or automation. - Full professional proficiency of English language is mandatory. Nice-to-have skills: - Good understanding of SW design and testing lifecycle in regulated environment (ideally ECSS standard) - Knowledge of real-time operating systems (such as RTEMS or FreeRTOS) and/or operating systems targeted for embedded applications (such as any embedded Linux) - Experience in debugging embedded software using standard laboratory equipment - Basic understanding of Assembler language - Experience in defining software system specifications and software requirements - Knowledge of Python - Familiarity with using any Linux based distribution and appreciation of application development - Familiarity with typical software development methodology and release versioning processes - Familiarity with OBDH and TMTC architectures used in space systems - Capability of working in autonomy Language: This role requires professional proficiency in English. At D-Orbit, diversity and inclusivity are not just values, they are integral to our mission and the way we operate. We are committed to fostering an environment where all individuals are respected, valued, and celebrated for their unique backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. We believe that a diverse and inclusive workplace is not only the right thing to do, but it also leads to better decision-making, innovation, and overall success. We actively strive to build a culture where everyone can bring their authentic selves to work, and where all voices are heard and valued. We are dedicated to creating a workplace where everyone feels safe, supported, and empowered to share their ideas, and where everyone is given equal opportunities to grow and excel. We believe that our differences make us stronger, and we will continue to work diligently to create an inclusive culture at D-Orbit that reflects this belief. Settore: Industria aerospaziale Ruolo: Ingegneria/Progettazione Gestisce altre persone: No Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato Inquadramento: Impiegato
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Channel Manager wins, maintains, and expands relationships with channel partners. The Channel Manager is responsible for achieving channel sales, profitability, and partner recruitment objectives. * Responsible for quality, safety and reliability of Data Center offering through the indirect channel * Bid and tender management, providing technical point to point answers, commercial terms and conditions, preparing all the support documentation * Business development and offers definition together with partners * Solution development together with partners * Data base maintenance & CRM reporting * Continuous training to partners and budget management with partners * Sales proposal definition and Sales channel management of the Italian Indirect market * Sales plan definition and management towards the most effective commercial strategy in the indirect channel with System Integrators and Agents * Contribution to clients through Sales delivery up to date methods and deep knowledge of Data Center Industry * Proactively recruits new qualifying partners. * Establishes productive, professional relationships with key personnel in assigned partner accounts. * Meets assigned targets for profitable sales volume and strategic objectives in assigned partner accounts. * Proactively leads a joint partner planning process that develops mutual performance objectives, * Proactively assesses, clarifies, and validates partner needs on an ongoing basis. * Sells through partner organizations to end users in coordination with partner sales resources. * Leads solution development efforts that best address end-user needs, Sales Channel Manager - DatacenterInternational Dartacenter * Professional background developed in Technology Vendors, Colocation Services and System Integrators * Educational background in technical sciences, information technology * Fluent English * Strong Sales culture into the indirect channel market * Solid planning skills combined with structured approach to manage an indirect network * Previous experience (at least 5 years) in the management of indirect channelsInternational DatacenterOttima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 50.000 /anno a 70.000 /anno
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Milano (Lombardia)
On behalf of our client we are seeking the services of an experienced Java Technical Leader who will lead the development and deployment of a set of our application related to a portfolio of our products. As Java Technical Leader, you will take the lead of a development team which is in charge of developing, testing and deploying a set of application related to a portfolio of our products. The team is composed of 16 developers working on 3 Agile Scrum streams. You will participate with the Product Owner and the Scrum Master to the development roadmap of these application and will lead the team in an Agile mindset to execute this roadmap. you will be responsible for: Provide support (non-functional requirements, architecture, capacity) to Product Owner to elaborate product roadmap Lead the Development team regarding architectural and technical choices Align the technical dependencies of the 3 Scrum streams Owns the Technical and technological stack for its product Programming languages, frameworks, data storages, libraries, monitoring solutions…) Software development and deployment automation (CI/CD frameworks – Git, Jenkins, Ansible…) Technical documentation Owns the Software development methodology Align effort with velocity Drive the definition and estimation of the tasks Drive the scope of an iteration (allow for CRs, manage Bugs, manage impediment…) Challenge and improve the operation of the team, improving their performance and capabilities. Be the Application Owner of applications developed by his team Ensure cost effective and qualitative Architecture and solution Ensure maintenance with his team of its application Manage Capacity of his development teams People management Your skills: You have a proven experience of at least 5 years as a SW Technical Leader. This experience covers a.o. following technical skills: 5+ years experience of software development and support of complex J2EE applications Experience in managing a SW development team (international experience is a plus) Previous practical experience with JIRA, Git, Jenkins, SonarQube, Nexus/Artifactory Previous practical experience with Ansible, Docker, Linux, Spring Boot, ReactJS is an advantage Proven experience in an Agile Scrum framework Good knowledge of Agile (SCRUM) processes and methodology Strong analytical and communicative skills Strong people management skills Experience in working with distributed teams. Your Profile: Good problem solving skills and analytical mind-set You’re fast and eager learner English (very good in reading, writing, speaking) is a must Computer Sciences, IT, or comparable. Length: 3-6 months + possible extensions. Location: Home working whilst offices is closed due to the pandemic then onsite in Brussels and will require frequent travel to Ukraine. Best regards, D&T S.r.l.
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The Company Planet Smart City is a leading, innovative proptech company that designs and builds smart, affordable neighbourhoods around the world. Out unique proposition combines our digital know-how and strong sense of social responsibility to build sustainable, connected communities to improve the lives of residents today and in the years ahead. With a global footprint in the affordable housing sector across emerging and development markets, our expertise in smart solutions integration, digital technologies, services and social innovation enhances residents quality of life. Embracing digital transformation, we place our communities at the heart of company activities and create sustainable value for shareholders. Our smart and socially inclusive neighbourhoods are supported by the unrivalled services of the Planet App, the front-end of Planet Smart Citys proprietary digital platform, which enables residents to engage which each other and their neighbourhood. In tackling the global housing deficits, we focus on generating positive social impact and have created an innovative format for smart developments that can be replicated worldwide. Responsibilities The candidate will join the HR Team, reporting to the CHRO, and will oversee personnel data and HRIS management, and partner with country HR to lead the rewards & performance processes. Main activities - Understand the various employment pay and benefits components - base pay, social contributions, pension, variable bonus, commission etc across Italy, Brazil, India, and the UK. - Liaison with local country HR partners, business leaders and their teams, finance team members, ESG team etc. to collect, maintain and analyse personnel data including people costs, and generate relevant reports with detailed actionable insights. - Create an effective companywide personnel cost plan together with the CHRO. Perform a monthly variance analysis to focus on the budget v actual and the forecast. Provide an oversight on the hiring impact and recommend actions to optimize costs. - Create and provide hourly standard costs and support project teams in maintenance and transition of HR related timesheets activities - Manage Stock Options movements and related data. - Support the CHRO with scenario planning of personnel costs during business review discussions. - Perform calculations for relevant bonus payments and salary increases and share the provisional and actual data with relevant teams. - Manage the HRIS platform centrally. Update the key changes in the organization structure, changes in function/BU, cost centers, pay structures etc. on a timely basis. Ensure people data is timely updated in the HRIS and perform audits and checks with the local HR partners for this smooth operation. Act as the expert to resolve any escalated employee queries related to the HRIS. - Continue the work related to job architecture relevant to the existing company structure. - Performance management cycle management: Drive OKR goal setting, mid-year review, annual review, ratings calibration, and feedback process as per the policy. - Rewards: Advise on compensation changes subject to annual appraisals, role changes, promotions etc. aligned with internal parity and market benchmarking data. - Optimise costs and efficiency of activities within HR and between HR and different departments. Experience and Education - 5 to 8 years of experience in handling HR Operations or people data in the HR and/or other departments. Technical and Soft skills - Proficient in Italian. Basic level of English speaking required. - Proficient in MS Excel reporting, formulas, and dashboards. Knowledge of Macros or running queries to manage database is a plus. - Ability to integrate smoothly different data sources: manual spreadsheets, HRIS data etc. - Strong work ethic, plan work deliverables independently and solution mindset. - We intend to train the role holder to manage performance and rewards as well. Hence, willingness to learn these areas is necessary. Settore: Agenzie immobiliari Ruolo: Risorse umane Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato
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Planet Smart City The Company Planet Smart City is a leading, innovative proptech company that designs and builds smart, affordable neighbourhoods around the world. Out unique proposition combines our digital know-how and strong sense of social responsibility to build sustainable, connected communities to improve the lives of residents today and in the years ahead. With a global footprint in the affordable housing sector across emerging and development markets, our expertise in smart solutions integration, digital technologies, services and social innovation enhances residents quality of life. Embracing digital transformation, we place our communities at the heart of company activities and create sustainable value for shareholders. Our smart and socially inclusive neighbourhoods are supported by the unrivalled services of the Planet App, the front-end of Planet Smart Citys proprietary digital platform, which enables residents to engage which each other and their neighbourhood. In tackling the global housing deficits, we focus on generating positive social impact and have created an innovative format for smart developments that can be replicated worldwide. Responsibilities The candidate will join the HR Team, reporting to the CHRO, and will oversee personnel data and HRIS management, and partner with country HR to lead the rewards & performance processes. Main activities - Understand the various employment pay and benefits components - base pay, social contributions, pension, variable bonus, commission etc across Italy, Brazil, India, and the UK. - Liaison with local country HR partners, business leaders and their teams, finance team members, ESG team etc. to collect, maintain and analyse personnel data including people costs, and generate relevant reports with detailed actionable insights. - Create an effective companywide personnel cost plan together with the CHRO. Perform a monthly variance analysis to focus on the budget v actual and the forecast. Provide an oversight on the hiring impact and recommend actions to optimize costs. - Create and provide hourly standard costs and support project teams in maintenance and transition of HR related timesheets activities - Manage Stock Options movements and related data. - Support the CHRO with scenario planning of personnel costs during business review discussions. - Perform calculations for relevant bonus payments and salary increases and share the provisional and actual data with relevant teams. - Manage the HRIS platform centrally. Update the key changes in the organization structure, changes in function/BU, cost centers, pay structures etc. on a timely basis. Ensure people data is timely updated in the HRIS and perform audits and checks with the local HR partners for this smooth operation. Act as the expert to resolve any escalated employee queries related to the HRIS. - Continue the work related to job architecture relevant to the existing company structure. - Performance management cycle management: Drive OKR goal setting, mid-year review, annual review, ratings calibration, and feedback process as per the policy. - Rewards: Advise on compensation changes subject to annual appraisals, role changes, promotions etc. aligned with internal parity and market benchmarking data. - Optimise costs and efficiency of activities within HR and between HR and different departments. Experience and Education - 5 to 8 years of experience in handling HR Operations or people data in the HR and/or other departments. Technical and Soft skills - Proficient in Italian. Basic level of English speaking required. - Proficient in MS Excel reporting, formulas, and dashboards. Knowledge of Macros or running queries to manage database is a plus. - Ability to integrate smoothly different data sources: manual spreadsheets, HRIS data etc. - Strong work ethic, plan work deliverables independently and solution mindset. - We intend to train the role holder to manage performance and rewards as well. Hence, willingness to learn these areas is necessary. Settore: Agenzie immobiliari Ruolo: Risorse umane Tipo di occupazione: Contratto a tempo indeterminato
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Main Job Tasks and ResponsibilitiesLeads the statistical analysis of a clinical study in compliance with the analysis plan and protocol Provides high quality statistical support direct to our clients whilst managing projects Provides statistical and methodological input for sample size calculation and protocol development Develops a detailed statistical analysis plan and related mock shells Performs quality control and senior review of the tables, listings, figures, datasets, inferential analysis and statistical text Leads Data Review Meetings Writes statistical reports and/or sections for the integrated study report, reviews the draft study report, and ensures that all data presented is correct Responsible for project scope, efficiencies, milestones and budgets and completing work according to CRO SOPs Expert person, central reviewer of ADaM datasets, deliverables and processes, keeping abreast with all regulatory developments within CDISC Contribute to the development, implementation and maintenance of the quality system and suggests process improvements Assists in providing input into RFPs and bid defense meetings BiostatisticoCRO internazionaleEducation and ExperienceAdvanced Degree in sciences, with substantial statistics component At least eight years of experience as a statistician in life science/pharmaceutical/CRO environment Proven organizational and problem solving/decision making skills Expert knowledge of the applicable regulatory guidance Proficient in SAS software Proficient in Microsoft Office (e.g. Word, Excel, Outlook) Fluent in English and local language(s) Good communication skills Advantageous, project management and leadership skills An international, full service CRO, is looking for an experienced Statistician to join our team in Europe. We are looking for an experienced statistician to support our growing team of statisticians and programmers. You will work on varied therapeutic areas, be given the opportunity to work on a group of studies for a single client (leading to increasing responsibility and implementing efficiencies), providing analysis and expertise and as a key study team member you will have direct contact with our clients. There will also be opportunities to support the Management Team in organising and executing the departmental process initiatives and may also be the opportunity to act as the Project Lead Statistician on groups of customer studies. Additional, you may also have the opportunity to train and develop less experienced Statisticians and Programmers. Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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Milano (Lombardia)
Sorint.Lab, company with more than thirty years of experience as a 360 ° IT consultant for national and international customers, is looking for a network system engineer expert to hire in Milan, with a permanent contract. The ideal candidate (Network expert profile with experience on the technologies listed below), must be able to perform both configuration operations, ordinary maintenance and upgrades. The candidate will have to be able to manage the following technologies: • Switching: o Cisco Catalist Access Layer (2960, 3650, 3850); o Cisco Catalyst Core (4500, 6500.6800) o Cisco Nexus • Wifi: o Cisco WLC • Router o Cisco Router • Security: o Palo Alto Firewall, o Cisco ISE Required technical skills: • Skills Layer2 (very good) • Dynamic routing protocols (good) • Wifi - Experience on centralized, preferred Cisco WLC systems • Access Control (Radius / Tacas / ACS / ISE) (good) • Stateful Firewalling (very good) • Application Firewalling - Next Generation (good) • Incident management & Monitoring Appreciated certifications: • CCNA R&D or proven equivalent certificate; • CCNA Security (appreciated); • CCNP (welcome); softskills: The ideal candidate is a graduate or has a degree in Technical Disciplines, has a good knowledge of English and has some years of experience in the mentioned role. Good relational and teamwork skills, autonomy and flexibility are fundamental requirements. The contractual hiring form, remuneration and any benefits will be discussed during the interview and will be commensurate with the actual skills of the candidate. We evaluate both, direct hiring or freelance cooperation. Our company guarantees a continuous path of professional growth through its own internal academy.
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