Optional extras
Elenco delle migliori vendite optional extras

Italia (Tutte le città)
CENTRAL AGENCY La gamma R10 rappresenta un tender che permette di raggiungere alte velocità in piena sicurezza, gode di ampi spazi interni grazie ad un perfetto layout di coperta. Il suo piccolo bagno interno è rifinito con i migliori materiali, dal marmo di Orosei al rovere sbiancato. Le dotazioni di sicurezza prevedono optional come la termocamera, radar e il sonar per evitare possibili ostacoli in navigazione e tanto altro. Caratteristica unica è la piattaforma per l'accesso in mare posizionata lateralmente, con apertura elettrica, dalla larghezza di ben 60 cm e impreziosita da teak e corredata da scala bagno a 5 gradini e tientibene in acciaio inox. Un tender, o una dey boat, elegante, dalle rifiniture di pregio che sicuramente non vi farà passare inosservati.
English CENTRAL AGENCY The R10 range is a tender that allows you to reach high speeds in complete safety, it enjoys large interior spaces thanks to a perfect deck layout. Its small en-suite bathroom is finished with the finest materials, from Orosei marble to bleached oak. The safety equipment includes optional extras such as thermal imaging camera, radar and sonar to avoid possible obstacles while sailing and much more. A unique feature is the platform for access to the sea positioned laterally, with electric opening, with a width of 60 cm and embellished with teak and equipped with a 5-step bathroom ladder and stainless steel handrails. An elegant tender, or dey boat, with fine finishes that will surely not go unnoticed.
Française ORGANISME CENTRAL La gamme R10 est une annexe qui permet d’atteindre des vitesses élevées en toute sécurité, elle bénéficie de grands espaces intérieurs grâce à un agencement parfait du pont. Sa petite salle de bain attenante est finie avec les matériaux les plus nobles, du marbre Orosei au chêne blanchi. L’équipement de sécurité comprend des options telles qu’une caméra thermique, un radar et un sonar pour éviter d’éventuels obstacles pendant la navigation et bien plus encore. Une caractéristique unique est la plate-forme d’accès à la mer positionnée latéralement, avec ouverture électrique, d’une largeur de 60 cm et agrémentée de teck et équipée d’une échelle de salle de bain à 5 marches et de mains courantes en acier inoxydable. Une annexe élégante, ou un bateau de dey, avec de belles finitions qui ne passeront sûrement pas inaperçues.
Deutsch ZENTRALE AGENTUR Die R10-Reihe ist ein Beiboot, mit dem Sie hohe Geschwindigkeiten in völliger Sicherheit erreichen können, und es verfügt dank eines perfekten Deckslayouts über große Innenräume. Das kleine Badezimmer ist mit den besten Materialien ausgestattet, von Orosei-Marmor bis hin zu gebleichter Eiche. Die Sicherheitsausstattung umfasst optionale Extras wie Wärmebildkamera, Radar und Sonar, um möglichen Hindernissen beim Segeln auszuweichen und vieles mehr. Ein einzigartiges Merkmal ist die seitlich positionierte Plattform für den Zugang zum Meer, mit elektrischer Öffnung, mit einer Breite von 60 cm, mit Teakholz verziert und mit einer 5-stufigen Badezimmerleiter und Handläufen aus Edelstahl ausgestattet. Ein elegantes Beiboot mit feinen Oberflächen, die sicherlich nicht unbemerkt bleiben werden.
Español AGENCIA CENTRAL La gama R10 es una embarcación auxiliar que permite alcanzar altas velocidades con total seguridad, disfruta de grandes espacios interiores gracias a una perfecta disposición de la cubierta. Su pequeño cuarto de baño en suite está acabado con los mejores materiales, desde mármol Orosei hasta roble blanqueado. El equipamiento de seguridad incluye extras opcionales como cámara termográfica, radar y sonar para evitar posibles obstáculos durante la navegación y mucho más. Una característica única es la plataforma de acceso al mar colocada lateralmente, con apertura eléctrica, con un ancho de 60 cm y adornada con teca y equipada con una escalera de baño de 5 peldaños y pasamanos de acero inoxidable. Una elegante embarcación auxiliar, o dey, con finos acabados que seguro no pasará desapercibida.
Россию ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО Линейка R10 - это тендер, который позволяет достигать высоких скоростей в полной безопасности, он обладает большими внутренними пространствами благодаря идеальной планировке палубы. Небольшая ванная комната отделана лучшими материалами, от мрамора Орозей до беленого дуба. Оборудование для обеспечения безопасности включает в себя дополнительные опции, такие как тепловизионная камера, радар и сонар для объезда возможных препятствий во время плавания и многое другое. Уникальной особенностью является платформа для выхода к морю, расположенная сбоку, с электрическим открыванием, шириной 60 см, украшенная тиком и оборудованная 5-ступенчатой лестницей для ванной комнаты и поручнями из нержавеющей стали. Элегантный тендер или лодка с изысканной отделкой, которая наверняка не останется незамеченной.
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Roma (Lazio)
JAGUAR Daimler JAGUAR Daimler 2.5 V8 1964, Cambio automatico, Targa oro ASI, Restauro professionale completo, Targa italiana Proposta di vendita - Jaguar Daimler 2.5 V8 del 1964 Le Daimler 2.5-V8 e V8-250 sono berline quattro porte prodotte dalla Daimler Company Limited, nel Regno Unito, dal 1962 al 1969. Furono le prime Daimler realizzate su un pianale Jaguar, le prime con scocca portante e le ultime a montare un motore Daimler prima del passaggio della compagnia dalla Birmingham Small Arms Company alla Jaguar nel 1960. Il motore è il V8 progettato da Edward Turner ed inizialmente usato nella Daimler SP250 sportiva. La V8-250 fu una versione ridisegnata e ribattezzata della 2.5-V8 e differiva da essa per alcuni piccoli dettagli: paraurti e inserti più sottili (condivisi con le Jaguar 240/340), impianto elettrico con massa negativa, un alternatore al posto della dinamo e doppio filtro dell'aria, un filtro per ogni carburatore. Altre novità erano un'imbottitura sul pannello della strumentazione, imbottitura delle coperture delle portiere, tappezzeria in pelle traspirante, sedili anteriori divisi e reclinabili e lunotto termico. Servosterzo e marcia moltiplicata non erano di serie. MANUTENZIONE: Daimler 2.5 V8,anno d'immatricolazione 1964, 79000 miglia percorse, cambio automatico, interni in pelle verde, targa oro ASI, restauro professionale completo, meccanica in ordine, targa italiana. Freni, frizione e pneumatici al 75%. DIFETTI: nessun difetto da evidenziare. Veicolo visionabile SU APPUNTAMENTO Prezzo Negoziabile in fase di Trattativa. Finanziamento da 12-84 mesi Garanzia guasti attivabile su richiesta 12-36 mesi Gestione Burocrazia e Passaggio di Proprietà Assistenza e Tutela Link Motors Si valutano permute Foto in alta risoluzione sul sito Link Motors NO SCAMBI Sells - 1964 Jaguar Daimler 2.5 V8 The Daimler 2.5 V8 and V8-250 are four-door saloon produced by The Daimler Company Limited in the United Kingdom from 1962 to 1969. They were the first Daimler cars to be based on a Jaguar platform, the first with a unit body, and the last to feature a Daimler engine after the company was bought from the Birmingham Small Arms Company by Jaguar Cars in 1960. The engine is the V8 designed by Edward Turner and first used in the Daimler SP250 sports car. The V8-250 was a minor face-lift and re-naming of the 2.5 V8 saloon and differed in relatively small details: "slimline" bumpers and over-riders (shared with the Jaguar 240/340), negative-earth electrical system, an alternator instead of a dynamo and twin air cleaners, one for each carburettor. Other new features included padding over the instrument panel, padded door cappings and ventilated leather upholstery, reclinable split-bench front seats and a heated rear window. Power steering and overdrive were optional extras. MAINTENANCE: 1964 Daimler 2.5 V8, 79000 miles, automatic gearbox, green leather upholstery, ASI golden plate, professional restored to perfection, good mechanical condition, italian plate. Brakes, clutch ad tires 75%. DEFECTS: no defects to highlight. Vehicle viewable BY APPOINTMENT Price negotiable during the negotiation phase. 12-84 month financing Fault guarantee activated on request 12-36 months Bureaucracy Management and Transfer of Ownership Link Motors Assistance and Protection Exchanges are evaluated High resolution photos on the Link Motors website NO EXCHANGES Mechanical warranty available for 12 or 36 months International deliveries Bureaucracy management for export. Anno: 1964 Km: 79000 Alimentazione: Benzina Cilindrata: 2548 Optional: Bloccasterzo Meccanico, Interni in materiale pregiato, Interni in Radica, Interni in tinta, Interni Pelle, Iscritta ASI e/o FMI Inserzionista: Link Motors - Roma1
25.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
- Barco nuevo a estrenar.
- Precio indicado barco precio base + motor Mercury de 150 CV. (No incluye opcionales).
- I.V.A 21% no incluido.
El equipamiento opcional de la unidad es el siguiente:
Color exterior casco /"WHITE/" – Fondo color NEGRO.
Tapizados “DUNE” Captains package
Formado por: Mesa redonda de teka, colchoneta relleno de proa, toldo de sol bimini top, clips de defensa y lona de fondeo.
SeaDeck en plataforma de baño “BROWN”
SeaDeck en bañera “BROWN”
Iluminación LED – azul
Ducha en popa.
Inscripción Marítima en Lista 7ª/Zona 6.Transporte hasta Palamós.Imprimación anti-osmosis y pintura antifouling.Batería Suplementaria.Botadura y entrega (incluye material de salvamento básico).
Solicite financiación a medida con el sistema de leasing o crédito náutico SYSFINANCE (desde 4 hasta 15 años, con cuota de entrada mínima 30%).
- Brand new boat.
- Price indicated boat base price + 150 hp Mercury engine (not including optional extras).
- V.A.T. 21% not included.
The optional equipment of the unit is as follows:
Exterior hull colour /"WHITE/" - BLACK bottom.
Upholstery /"DUNE/".
Captains package
Consisting of: Round teak table, padded bow cushion, bimini top sun awning, fender clips and anchor canvas.
SeaDeck in bathing platform /"BROWN/".
SeaDeck in cockpit /"BROWN/".
LED lighting - blue
Shower at stern.
Maritime inscription in List 7ª/Zone 6.
Transport to Palamós.
Anti-osmosis primer and antifouling paint.
Supplementary battery.
Launching and delivery (including basic salvage material).
Ask for tailor-made financing with the SYSFINANCE leasing or nautical credit system (from 4 to 15 years, with a minimum down payment of 30%).
- Bateau neuf.
- Le prix indiqué est le prix de base du bateau + moteur Mercury 150 cv (hors options).
- T.V.A. 21% non incluse.
L'équipement optionnel de l'unité est le suivant:
Couleur extérieure de la coque /"BLANC/" - fond NOIR.
Sellerie /"DUNE/".
Pack Capitaine
Composé de: Table ronde en teck, coussin de proue rembourré, taud de soleil bimini, clips de pare-battage et toile d'ancre.
Pont de mer dans la plate-forme de bain /"BROWN/".
Pont de mer dans le cockpit /"BRUN/".
Eclairage LED - bleu
Douche à l'arrière.
Inscription maritime dans la liste 7ª/Zone 6.
Transport à Palamós.
Apprêt anti-osmose et peinture antisalissure.
Batterie supplémentaire.
Mise à l'eau et livraison (y compris le matériel de sauvetage de base).
PRIX BATEAU À L'EAU 63.346 € + 21% TVA.
Demandez un financement sur mesure avec le système de leasing ou de crédit nautique SYSFINANCE (de 4 à 15 ans, avec un acompte minimum de 30%).
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
- Barco nuevo a estrenar.
- Precio indicado barco precio base + motor Yanmar de 110 CV. (No incluye opcionales).
- I.V.A 21% no incluido.
El equipamiento opcional de la unidad es el siguiente:
Hélice de proa.
Mesa de bañera.
Toldo de sol doble con Rollbar.
Transporte de astillero hasta Palamós.
Inscripción Marítima en Lista 7ª/Zona 6.
Botadura y entrega en Palamós (incluye material salvamento básico).
- Solicite financiación a medida con el sistema de leasing o crédito náutico SYSFINANCE (desde 4 hasta 15 años, con cuota de entrada mínima 30%).
- Brand new boat.
- Price indicated boat base price + 110 hp Yanmar engine (not including optional extras).
- V.A.T. 21% not included.
The optional equipment of the unit is as follows:
Bow thruster.
Cockpit table.
Double sun awning with rollbar.
Transport from shipyard to Palamós.
Maritime inscription in List 7/Zone 6.
Launching and delivery in Palamós (includes basic salvage material).
- Ask for tailor-made financing with the SYSFINANCE leasing or nautical credit system (from 4 to 15 years, with a minimum down payment of 30%).
- Bateau neuf.
- Le prix indiqué est le prix de base du bateau + moteur Yanmar 110 cv (hors options).
- T.V.A. 21% non incluse.
L'équipement optionnel de l'unité est le suivant:
Propulseur d'étrave.
Table de cockpit.
Double taud de soleil avec arceau de sécurité.
Transport du chantier naval à Palamós.
Inscription maritime en liste 7/zone 6.
Mise à l'eau et livraison à Palamós (comprend le matériel de sauvetage de base).
PRIX BATEAU À L'EAU 94.940 € + 21% TVA.
- Demandez un financement sur mesure avec le système de leasing ou de crédit nautique SYSFINANCE (de 4 à 15 ans, avec un acompte minimum de 30%).
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
- Barco nuevo a estrenar.
- Apto para licencia de navegación.
- Precio indicado barco precio base + motor Mercury de 100 CV. (No incluye opcionales).
- I.V.A 21% no incluido.
El equipamiento opcional de la unidad es el siguiente:
Edición Smart: Toldo Bimini, equipo estéreo Fusión con altavoces, mástil de esquí y kit solárium proa.
Extensión plataformas de baño.
Kit extensión lateral solárium proa.
Kit de amarre.
Funda consola y asiento estándar.
Transporte de astillero a Palamós.
Montaje motor + equipo batería.
Inscripción Marítima en Lista 7ª/Zona 6.
Antifouling + Tratamiento Anti-osmosis.
Botadura y entrega (incluye material salvamento básico)
- Solicite financiación a medida con el sistema de leasing o crédito náutico SYSFINANCE (desde 4 hasta 15 años, con cuota de entrada mínima 30%).
- Brand new boat.
- Suitable for sailing licence.
- Price indicated boat base price + 100 hp Mercury engine (not including optional extras).
- V.A.T. 21% not included.
The optional equipment of the unit is as follows:
Smart Edition: Bimini top, Fusion stereo system with speakers, ski mast and bow sundeck kit.
Bathing platform extension.
Bow sundeck side extension kit.
Mooring kit.
Console cover and standard seat.
Transport from shipyard to Palamós.
Mounting engine + battery kit.
Maritime inscription in List 7/Zone 6.
Antifouling + Anti-osmosis treatment.
Launching and delivery (including basic salvage material).
- Ask for tailor-made financing with the SYSFINANCE leasing or nautical credit system (from 4 to 15 years, with a minimum down payment of 30%).
- Bateau neuf.
- Convient pour le permis de navigation.
- Le prix indiqué est le prix de base du bateau + moteur Mercury 100 cv (hors options).
- T.V.A. 21% non incluse.
L'équipement optionnel de l'unité est le suivant:
Smart Edition: Bimini, système stéréo Fusion avec haut-parleurs, mât de ski et kit bain de soleil avant.
Extension de la plate-forme de bain.
Kit d'extension latérale du bain de soleil avant.
Kit d'amarrage.
Housse de console et siège standard.
Transport du chantier à Palamós.
Kit de montage moteur + batterie.
Inscription maritime en liste 7/zone 6.
Antifouling + traitement anti-osmose.
Mise à l'eau et livraison (y compris le matériel de sauvetage de base).
- Demandez un financement sur mesure avec le système de leasing ou de crédit nautique SYSFINANCE (de 4 à 15 ans, avec un acompte minimum de 30%).
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Regency’ is an excellent example of the classically elegant Manhattan 74 flying bridge yacht. The Sunseeker Manhattan 74 exhibits a fine turn of speed and attention to detail.
The, ever-popular, Sunseeker Manhattan 74 is one of the most impressive crafts in her class and boasting providing luxury, comfort and speed. She accommodates up to 8 guests in 4 stunning cabins
Regency offers four luxuriously furnished cabins making her perfect for both family trips in comfort and style. Featuring vast amounts of social space including a large master cabin with separate access for privacy and three further cabin to forward with en-suite facilities.
Fitted with the renowned MAN 1300 Diesel engines and including a host of optional extras including; Airconditioning, Bimini Cover to Flybridge, full external teak flooring, Hydraulic bathing platform, updated navigation equipment and a water maker to name just a few.
Contact us today for more information and buy with confidence through Sunseeker Brokerage.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione [Rif. 17460108] Proposta di vendita - Jaguar Daimler 2.5 V8 del 1964 Le Daimler 2.5-V8 e V8-250 sono berline quattro porte prodotte dalla Daimler Company Limited, nel Regno Unito, dal 1962 al 1969. Furono le prime Daimler realizzate su un pianale Jaguar, le prime con scocca portante e le ultime a montare un motore Daimler prima del passaggio della compagnia dalla Birmingham Small Arms Company alla Jaguar nel 1960. Il motore è il V8 progettato da Edward Turner ed inizialmente usato nella Daimler SP250 sportiva. La V8-250 fu una versione ridisegnata e ribattezzata della 2.5-V8 e differiva da essa per alcuni piccoli dettagli: paraurti e inserti più sottili (condivisi con le Jaguar 240/340), impianto elettrico con massa negativa, un alternatore al posto della dinamo e doppio filtro dell'aria, un filtro per ogni carburatore. Altre novità erano un'imbottitura sul pannello della strumentazione, imbottitura delle coperture delle portiere, tappezzeria in pelle traspirante, sedili anteriori divisi e reclinabili e lunotto termico. Servosterzo e marcia moltiplicata non erano di serie. MANUTENZIONE: Daimler 2.5 V8,anno d'immatricolazione 1964, 79000 miglia percorse, cambio automatico, interni in pelle verde, targa oro ASI, restauro professionale completo, meccanica in ordine, targa italiana. Freni, frizione e pneumatici al 75%. DIFETTI: nessun difetto da evidenziare. Veicolo visionabile SU APPUNTAMENTO Prezzo Negoziabile in fase di Trattativa. Finanziamento da 12-84 mesi Garanzia guasti attivabile su richiesta 12-36 mesi Gestione Burocrazia e Passaggio di Proprietà Assistenza e Tutela Link Motors Si valutano permute Foto in alta risoluzione sul sito Link Motors NO SCAMBI Sells - 1964 Jaguar Daimler 2.5 V8 The Daimler 2.5 V8 and V8-250 are four-door saloon produced by The Daimler Company Limited in the United Kingdom from 1962 to 1969. They were the first Daimler cars to be based on a Jaguar platform, the first with a unit body, and the last to feature a Daimler engine after the company was bought from the Birmingham Small Arms Company by Jaguar Cars in 1960. The engine is the V8 designed by Edward Turner and first used in the Daimler SP250 sports car. The V8-250 was a minor face-lift and re-naming of the 2.5 V8 saloon and differed in relatively small details: "slimline" bumpers and over-riders (shared with the Jaguar 240/340), negative-earth electrical system, an alternator instead of a dynamo and twin air cleaners, one for each carburettor. Other new features included padding over the instrument panel, padded door cappings and ventilated leather upholstery, reclinable split-bench front seats and a heated rear window. Power steering and overdrive were optional extras. MAINTENANCE: 1964 Daimler 2.5 V8, 79000 miles, automatic gearbox, green leather upholstery, ASI golden plate, professional restored to perfection, good mechanical condition, italian plate. Brakes, clutch ad tires 75%. DEFECTS: no defects to highlight. Vehicle viewable BY APPOINTMENT Price negotiable during the negotiation phase. 12-84 month financing Fault guarantee activated on request 12-36 months Bureaucracy Management and Transfer of Ownership Link Motors Assistance and Protection Exchanges are evaluated High resolution photos on the Link Motors website NO EXCHANGES Mechanical warranty available for 12 or 36 months International deliveries Bureaucracy management for export.Optionals: Bloccasterzo Meccanico, Interni in materiale pregiato, Interni in Radica, Interni in tinta, Interni Pelle, Iscritta ASI e/o FMI
25.000 €
Vista prodotto

Italia (Tutte le città)
Brand New Bavaria C38 Available March 2023 - Beat the lead times!
2023 Bavaria C38 fitted with upgraded Yanmar 40hp engine and sail drive. She will be fitted with an extensive list of optional extras including bow thruster, in-mast mainsail reefing, full navigation package etc.
Call Ben Nichols on 07825 747 652 or email ben@clippermarine.co.uk for further details.
Part exchange welcome.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The flagship of the Protector Chase range - everything is bigger whilst keeping the sure-footed pedigree expected of the advanced hull design.
No compromise on performance, with the most versatile large rib on the market. The proven hull will take on the most demanding of conditions.
As used over the years by many Americas cup teams and the NZ Coastguard. The true 4x4 rib of the sea.
Comprehensive standard specification and optional extras produce an exciting top-of-the-range Protector, you can even specify the tube colour, but why stop there? The 410 Chase is ideally suited for a fully custom high-performance commuter or superyacht tender, where even in this competitive market she'll turn heads.
Part Exchange and Finance Options available - please enquire.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. The Sunseeker 76 Yacht lifts expectations to another level thanks to an all-new hull and superstructure boasting a vast expanse of glass. The influence of the owners interior design with the wonderful gloss Black American Walnut Wood Finish Interior throughout increasing the luxurious feel. Also she benefits from the larger engine option with tops speeds of 34 knots. Along with an extensive selection of optional extras this is a fantastic example of a 76 Yacht.
From the pier through the gangway, you will reach the large Cockpit area with a seating area on the Port side at the back. Looking into the salon, you'll see the spacious layout with low-level furniture on either side. The open-plan galley is on the starboard side, across from an elegant round dining table. A step up leads to the helm deck, featuring a cozy corner sofa. On the Port side of the salon, a 55/" TV is available alongside a comfortable lounge area for family evenings. Large windows on both sides provide views of the sea and fill the space with natural light, creating a spectacular environment with a nearly 360-degree perspective. The combination of ‘antique brown’ and ‘white’ granite work surfaces and plush carpet adds to the spacious feel. Descending to the lower deck via the wide staircase, you turn right to the owner's cabin and find the VIP and Guest cabins on the left. The entire lower area is fully carpeted, showcasing discreet, minimalist furnishings. The owner's cabin has a lounge, dressing area, large wardrobes, and an en suite bathroom at the back, along with a 55/" TV by the king-size bed. Moving forward, there's a generous Double Guest Cabin with en suite on the port side and a stylish Twin Guest Cabin convertible to a double on the starboard side, also with en suite. At the bow is the Forward VIP Guest Cabin with en suite, designed for spacious simplicity. All cabins feature large windows that bring in plenty of natural light, creating a welcoming atmosphere. She is ready to go for her next owner. Viewing is highly recommended.*PLEASE NOT THE TENDER ISN'T INCLUDED*
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Siena (Toscana)
FIAT 500X Fiat 500X 1.0 T3 120 CV Urban * PACK COMFORT (Appoggiab. anteriore,.Terzo POG.TEST., Cargo Floor, Sovratappeti anteriori e posterio, * CITY (316 videocamera posteriore, 07N sensori di parcheggio anteriori, 508 sensori di parcheggio pos, * PNEUMATICI MAGGIORATI (EXTRAS), * Uconnect LIVE 7'' con Carplay/Android Auto,VERNICE METALLIZATA 1, * RUOTA DI SCORTA DIMENS. NORMAL *,RUOTE IN LEGA EXTRASERIE * 35,DIGITAL AUDIO BROADCAST Anno: 2020 Km: 10 Alimentazione: Benzina Cilindrata: 999 Optional: Climatizzatore Automatico, Sedili posteriori sdoppiabili, Alzacristalli Elettrici, Airbag, Airbag Laterale, Chiusura Centralizzata, Airbag Passeggero, Antifurto elettronico, Cerchi in Lega Inserzionista: Autoeuropa Srl
19.800 €
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BMW X1 In vendita a Vittorio Veneto (Treviso), usata, Optional: veicolo non fumatori. Descrizione: Deze BMW X1 X-Line combineert luxe, sportiviteit en praktisch gebruiksgemak. Altijd goed onderhouden bij BMW, met volledige onderhoudshistoriek en Carpass ter inzage. De X-Line uitvoering biedt tal van mooie extras die zorgen voor een premium rijervaring en maken deze SUV een echte blikvanger.Btw aftrekbaar voor zelfstandigen Opties volgens onderstaande lijst: Steptronic met versnel.bak met dub.kop. X Line Widescreen Display Comforttoegang Grootlichtassistent Voorbereiding Driving Assistant Plus: ZO WERKT DE DRIVING ASSISTANT PLUS.COMBINATIE VAN MEERDERE BESTUURDERSASSISTENTFUNCTIES.De afstandsregeling houdt tussen 30 en 180 km/h de gewenste snelheid en de afstand tot de voorligger. Je BMW remt en accelereert zelfstandig. De afstandsregeling kan voor bochten ook bij te hoge snelheid reageren. De Steering & Lane Control Assistant houdt tot 180 km/h het midden van de rijstrook aan. Indiv. exterieurlijn alu. gesatineerd Adaptieve LED-koplamp BMW LM-velg Aerodynamik Stoelverwarming bestuurder/passagier Connected Drive Services Privacy Glass Zwarte voorgrill Binnenspiegel, automatisch dimmend Specifieke accessoires X Active Guard Actieve voetgangersbescherming Teleservices Dakreling aluminium glanzend Connected Package Professional Parkeerhulpsysteem LUXURY DASHBOARD Storage tray wireless Charging Interieurstrips hoogglanzend zwart Alarmsysteem Diefstalbeveiliging Kinderstoeltjebevestiging Bandenspanningsweergave DAB-ontvangermodule Tot 3 jaar garantie mogelijk. Wij nemen ook uw huidige wagen over. Wettelijke garantie inbegrepen in de verkoopsprijs. 100% ongeval vrije wagens. Carpass Km certificaat gewaarborgde kilometers. Onafhankelijk diagnoseverslag. Eigen naverkoop dienst/diagnose/onderhoud Vrije keuze voor onderhoud naverkoop. Wordt verkocht met 2dehandskeuring met keuringsverslag op 98 controlepunten + carpass (gewaarborgde kilometerstand). U kan ook terecht voor service na verkoop bij ons. BEL voor meer info en testrit: 0468/48.20.51 of mail info@knokkecars.be Kijk op www.knokkecars.bevoor meer info en alle fotos Visitez www.knokkecars.be pour tout info/ photos Wij zijn niet verantwoordelijk voor fouten in de advertentie..
38.900 €
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