Elenco delle migliori vendite organization

Italia (Tutte le città)
Studio CPA, business consulting firm of Bergamo (Accreditation by the Ministry of Labor n.2933), looking for an administrative financial director for a client company based in Brescia: Tasks: Management of tasks and projects for dedicated teams Closely collaboration with Strategy and Development Responsible Italy and Sales Responsible Italy Analyze business potentials and support Italian sales organization Apply regulations and follow-up compliance matters in Italian organization Support collaboration between dedicated teams (internally) and interdisciplinary teams Lead, motivate and enable the dedicated teams Strengthen the Italian administration organization within company Support Sales Team on customer site for Admin related issues. Requirements: University degree and minimum 5 years of job experience in business administration Minimum 3 years of Leadership experience Strong project management experience Broad knowledge of processes of Supply Chain, Finance and Human Resources Good IT knowledge, MS Office (Excel and Power Point) and ERP-system (NAVISION) Fluent in English language Structured working method Ability to think analytically and strategically Assertiveness and ability to cooperate in an international and interdisciplinary network All candidates of both sexes (Legislative Decree 198/2006), in possession of the required requisites, can send their updated CV to [email protected] including authorization for data processing (Legislative Decree 196/2003).
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Italia Direzione Sono a chiedere la massima diffusione presso chi ne fosse interessato della attività che stiamo intraprendendo in Italia a seguito di una visione nuova e diversa del turismo culturale che in Italia trova la sede primaria ed insuperabile. La ns. organizzazione è veterana in Italia per la organizzazione di eventi musicali classici e simili avendo iniziato nel lontano 1978 a programmare ed organizzare concerti, opere liriche,balletti ecc.ecc. E se dovessimo calcolare quante manifestazioni abbiamo realizzato in tutta Italia da allora ad oggi, superiamo le 5.000 unità. Quasi tutte le nazioni europee si sono esibite in Italia grazie alla ns. comprovata ed indiscussa professionalità nel settore. Ora intendiamo allargare il ns. lavoro anche al settore dei gruppi amatoriali musicali ( quelli professionali continueranno il loro percorso trentennale) portando a conoscenza che esiste la opportunità di realizzare in tutta Italia (sia grandi città storiche che in provincia) degli eventi musicali per musicisti amatoriali come: - cori da camera o cori lirici o cori religiosi (qualsiasi entità) -orchestre giovanili (d'archi, da camera,sinfoniche) od orchestre amatoriali, o scolastiche -complessi da camera (solisti, duo, trio ….) (cantanti lirici ….) Tale evento va inquadrato in un ambito anche turistico, abbinando l'aspetto musicale a quello del turismo con il realizzare delle tournèe (su commissione del musicista/i) nei luoghi preferiti in Italia ed nei periodi scelti, curando noi tutto l'aspetto sia musicale (luogo dei concerti,pubblicità,permessi SIAE ed autorizzazioni, affissioni,programma di sala...............) come anche la situazione logistica e dei viaggi (bus, transfert da aeroporto, o stazione ferroviaria,da albergo a sala del concerto......alberghi ,pasti ecc.). I costi turistici sono inferiori ai costi di agenzia Turistica onde compensare i costi organizzativi musicali. Il tutto sotto la ns. consolidata esperienza professionale del settore. E' evidente che tutto ciò ha dei costi (contenuti dalle ns. relazioni trentennali con ambienti concertistici, turistici,logistici....) e quindi forniremo preventivi dettagliati ed articolati , allo scopo di realizzare l'evento musicale unito al momento turistico ed proponendo realizzazioni ove sia l'aspetto concertistico che quello turistico siano amalgamate tra loro, privilegiando la attuazione della vs. richiesta al riguardo. Articolando le località solo in una Regione italiana, od in più regioni; solo in una città o svariate città. Evidenziamo che tra il maggio ed ottobre del 2015 siamo presenti all’Expo 2015 di Milano con una Maratona Musicale ove potremmo inserire se richiestoci altre occasioni musicali. E' gradito avere nominativi od indirizzi email di potenziali gruppi o musicisti che ne fossero interessati, allo scopo di vagliare attentamente la loro richiesta e soddisfarla nel modo migliore. Riteniamo che la fusione tra Cultura Musicale e Turismo artistico ,sia un connubio ideale. Ringraziamo anticipatamente della attenzione che potrà prestare alla ns. iniziativa. Cordialmente MUSICAL DORICA m° Silvano Frontalini Direction They are to seek the widest possible dissemination among those interested in the activities that we are undertaking in Italy as a result of a new and different vision of cultural tourism in Italy is the primary venue and unsurpassed. Ns. organization is a veteran in Italy for the organization of musical events and similar classics having begun in 1978 to plan and organize concerts, operas, ballets etc.etc. And if we were to calculate how many events we have made throughout Italy since To date, we exceed 5,000 units. Almost all European countries have performed in Italy thanks to our. proven and undisputed professionalism in the industry. Now we intend to extend our. also work in the field of amateur music groups (the professional ones will continue their journey thirty years) leading to knowledge that there is opportunity to achieve in all of Italy (both large historical cities in the province) of musical events for amateur musicians as: - Chamber choirs or choruses or choirs religious lyric (any size) -youth orchestras (strings, chamber, symphonic) or amateur orchestras, school or -chamber ensembles (solo, duo, trio ....) (opera singers ....) This event should be seen in a tourist area also, combining the musical aspect to that of tourism to the completion of the tour (commissioned by the musician / s) in preferred locations in Italy and in the periods chosen, taking care of us the whole musical aspect is (place of concerts, advertising, performance permits and authorizations, billboards, theater program ...............) as well as the logistical and travel (bus, transfer from the airport or train station station, from the hotel to the concert hall ...... hotels, meals etc.). The costs are lower than the costs of tourist agency Tourist order to offset the costs of organizing music. All under the ns. established professional experience in the sector. It 'obvious that everything has costs (from our content. Thirty-year relationship with concert environment, tourism, logistics ....) and then we will provide detailed estimates and articulated, in order to realize the musical event when combined tourism and proposing projects where there is the appearance that the concert tour are blended with each other, focusing on the implementation of the vs. request in this regard. Articulating the only resort in an Italian region, or in most regions; only in a city or several cities. We highlight that between May and October of 2015 we are present at the Expo 2015 in Milan with a Music Marathon where we could enter subpoenas if other musical opportunities. And 'welcome to have names or email addresses of potential musicians or bands who are interested, in order to carefully consider their demand and satisfy you in the best way. We believe that the merger of Musical Culture and Art Tourism, is an ideal match. Thank you in advance for your attention that you can give to our. initiative. with regard MUSICAL DORICA Maestro Silvano Frontalini Direction Ils sont à rechercher la plus large diffusion possible parmi ceux qui s'intéressent aux activités que nous entreprenons en Italie à la suite d'une nouvelle vision différente du tourisme culturel en Italie est le lieu principal et inégalée. Ns. organisation est un vétéran de l'Italie pour l'organisation d'événements musicaux et classiques similaires ayant commencé en 1978 pour planifier et organiser des concerts, des opéras, des ballets etc.etc. Et si nous étions à calculer le nombre d'événements que nous avons fait dans toute l'Italie depuis À ce jour, nous dépassons 5.000 unités. Presque tous les pays européens ont effectué en Italie grâce à notre. prouvé et incontestable professionnalisme dans l'industrie. Maintenant nous avons l'intention d'étendre notre. travailler aussi dans le domaine des groupes de musique amateurs (les professionnels continueront leur voyage 30 années) menant à la connaissance qu'il ya possibilité de réaliser dans toute l'Italie (les deux grandes villes historiques de la province) d'événements musicaux pour les musiciens amateurs comme: - Chorales ou chœurs de chambre ou lyrique religieuse chœurs (toute taille) -jeunes orchestres (cordes, chambre, symphoniques) ou orchestres amateurs, l'école ou Chambre ensembles (solo, duo, trio ....) (chanteurs d'opéra ....) Cet événement doit être considéré dans une zone touristique également, combinant l'aspect musical à celui du tourisme à la fin de la tournée (commandé par le musicien / s) dans des endroits préférés en Italie et dans les périodes choisies, en prenant soin de nous tout l'aspect musical est (lieu de concerts, de la publicité, des permis et des autorisations de performance, des panneaux d'affichage, programme de théâtre ...............) ainsi que la logistique et Voyage (bus, le transfert de la gare ou l'aéroport gare, de l'hôtel à la salle de concert ...... hôtels, repas, etc.) Les coûts sont moins élevés que les coûts d'agence de tourisme touristique afin de compenser les frais d'organisation de la musique Le tout sous les ns. expérience professionnelle établie dans le secteur. C'est évident que tout a un coût (de notre contenu. Relation de trente ans avec l'environnement de concert, tourisme, logistique ....) et nous fournira des estimations détaillées et articulé, afin de réaliser l'événement musical lorsqu'il est combiné tourisme et de proposer des projets où il ya l'impression que la tournée de concerts sont mélangés les uns aux autres, en se concentrant sur la mise en œuvre de la Vs. demander à cet égard. Articuler la seule station dans une région italienne, ou dans la plupart des régions; que dans une ville ou plusieurs villes. Nous soulignons que, entre Mai et Octobre de 2015, nous sommes présents à l'Expo 2015 à Milan avec un marathon de musique où l'on pouvait entrer assignations si d'autres possibilités musicales. Et «bienvenue à avoir des noms ou adresses e-mail de chanteurs ou groupes qui sont intéressés potentiels, en vue d'examiner avec soin leur demande et de vous satisfaire au mieux. Nous croyons que la fusion de la culture musicale et Art tourisme, est un complément idéal. Merci d'avance pour votre attention que vous pouvez donner à notre. initiative. en ce qui concerne MUSICAL DORICA Maestro Silvano Frontalini
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Responsible for the implementation of the company H&S target zero objectives and program.Responsible for all OHS efforts. These efforts include definition, application and supervision of policies and procedures, and OHS metrics reporting (monthly and annual consolidation and analysis).Provide significant OHS support and execution for global integration-related initiatives.Work effectively across the full range of OHS disciplines and be able to work with the business management team and senior colleagues.Be confident in representing the Company/Sites with regulatory and industry bodies, the wider community and the corporate organization.Influencing & motivating personnel on Safety matters at all levels of the organization, with the ability to take a stand on the critical safety issues.Develop and conduct occupational safety training for various workgroups, including evaluation and modification of programs to meet local legislative requirementsPlan, design, develop, implement, and evaluate occupational safety events.Provide guidance to site personnel with safety briefings and toolbox talks. Ensure that all OHS communications and alerts are translated into Italian for dissemination.Be the Super user on Intelex OHS system.Support Incident recording and reporting.Provide Incident investigation support.Lead internal audits program and execution and participate in cross-audits.To be the custodian of OHS documentation ensuring document storage and version control for policies and procedures are effective.Coordinate and participate in inspections, investigations, and occupational safety activities with sites.Collate and review the balanced scorecard data, identifying the needs for new or modified occupational safety programs.Identify opportunities for improvements in tracking and reporting procedures.Lead and/or participate on teams with safety, technical, management, and other functional teams representing the OHS function as required. Great job opportunity - Energy sector Milano Must possess required knowledge, skills, abilities and experience and be able to explain and demonstrate, with or without reasonable accommodations, that the essential functions of the job can be performed:In depth, up-to-date knowledge of relevant H&S regulations and legislation applicable in ItalyKnowledge of power plant processes with relevant experience in a high hazard utilities environmentMinimum 3 years of experience in OHS managing role, developed preferably at power sector.Be an experienced manager of people in both direct and indirect situations with excellent delegation and team leading skills.Leadership ability and strong management skills.Technical excellence.Organizational skills, particularly in terms of planning, budget development and tracking. Excellent communication (written, verbal and presentational situations) and personnel motivation skills.Professionalism and reliability.Ability to travel. Languages:Fluent Italian & English Travel requirementsWillingness and ability to travel independently to all worksites as needed.Travel expected in the range of 30% to 40%. Our client have a global teams applies our best-in-class technical and management expertise in traditional and innovative technologies to energize local economies and communities around the world.This job offers an excellent opportunity to work in partnership with the business on a range of interesting and challenging initiatives, and to propose and to implement new areas of development.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
You will:Leverage the expertise of organization design and knowledge of business needs to design and implement an effective organization structureActs as a champion of a coaching culture and drive employee advocacy, while being an internal coach for leadersExecute long-term employee / labor relations strategy with regard for applicable laws and regulations that ensure fair and consistent treatment of all associates while securing the company's competitive advantageProvide counseling opportunities and consult leaders and associates to maximize experience and potentialDrive the succession planning process and talent management agenda, including capability building, talent assessment, and acquisitionAs a part of change management, create an open and transparent communication platformPartner with the leader to champion associate engagement activities and build a high performing, inclusive cultureImplement consistent HR policies that support business needs while advocating associate's best interests.Champion Shared Service to ensure positive associate experienceAnalyze trends and indicators in partnership with HR group to deliver solutions to the businessImplement Total Reward policies and practices in the most fair, competitive and cost-effective manner Challenging OpportunityMultinational CompanyTo join our team you will need:University Degree (Bachelor) - MA desiredAt least 7 years of working experience, of which minimum 2 in a generalist HR RolePrevious experience in a sales and marketing environment desired.Successfullybalancing multiple prioritieswithintheorganizationwhilemaintainingemployeeengagementandsatisfactionExperience in driving Talent Management strategy through matrix organizationsEmployee / Labor Relations experience in Italy. Experience with works councils in Italy is important.Experience with addressing business risks and opportunities effectively and efficiently Our client is a Multinational Company.Interesting job position in an international environment.Contract of full-time employment with appealing employment conditions,Great career development opportunities in one of the world's largest companies with global footprint and recognition. We can offer Temporary contract: 12/18 months as Freelance Salary: 80/90.000 Location: Assago (Mi) Salario da 80.000 /anno a 90.000 /anno
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Milano (Lombardia)
Are you almost 18 and looking for a smart activity as ambassador? If you speak English and are friendly with high school teachers and students who believe in the wonderful opportunity of study exchange, send your application to become an authorized inteviewer and to see yout pocket money growing up! International Experience (iE) is a student exchange organization. We send high school students throught the world. iE has been specializing in personalized student exchange programs worldwide for many years. We search for committed and outgoing, freelancers who actively support our iE team - and like to act as ambassadors of our exchange organization in Italy. We are looking for all Italy.
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Mantova (Lombardia)
For our Client, an important Company, operating in the Welding Industry, working with international customers from Agricultural, Construction, Paving and Lifting sector, we are selecting the Welding Coordinator ISO 3834 Welding Quality Assurance The position reports to the Quality and Development Manager and will be part of a strategic project referring to the achievement of ISO 3834. The Welding Coordinator will be responsible for the internal welding processes qualification and welding operators training, he will: • Approve the feasibility studies of new products and the preliminary welding process design • Co-develop quality strategic plan and execution on products and manufacturing processes • Collaborate with the Quality Manager in the definition of the quality KPI • Supervise the activities of the quality team ensuring their correct execution • Share the related results and information with the Quality Manager producing analytical reports • Cooperate with Suppliers in order to coach and improve their quality culture The ideal candidate has: • An IWE (International Welding Engineer) or IWT (International Welding Technologist) or IWS (International Welding Specialist) documented certification as per the IIW (International Institute of Welding) or EWF (European Welding Federation) • Technical background developed in manufacturing industries • Good knowledge of ISO 9001:2015 quality system, writing and control of quality system documentation • Good knowledge of ISO 3834, Welding Quality Assurance • Significant experience within Quality Management system preferably as Supplier Quality Specialist • Ability to use technical tools and equipment for quality assurance • Knowledge of Quality Methodologies (DFMEA, PFMEA, APQP) • Knowledge of Problem Solving tools (8D, Ishikawa, 5why’s, Defect Pareto, X-Y matrix) • Strong analytical and communication skills, trainer skills • Good communication skills in English, both written and spoken – knowledge of German will be considered a plus. • Strong analytical and communication skill The position requires availability to travel across Europe. The Company offers: • A challenging and strategic job in a dynamic and growing organization. The candidate will be a member of the team dedicated to develop the Quality Culture • Permanent contract • Salary commensurate with previous experience Work Location: Provincia di Reggio Emillia INFORMAZIONI PER SEGNALARE LA SUA CANDIDATURA Si prega di creare, o aggiornare, il Suo Profilo K&P allegando CV aggiornato e breve Lettera di Presentazione, indicando il riferimento “Rif. 270/19 IWC" Il Profilo K&P è il documento che ci autorizza alla gestione dei dati oltre a permettere una conoscenza piu completa della candidatura. In una prima fase è possibile inviare mail a, indicando il riferimento successivamente è obbligatorio, completare i dati on line sul sito Per eventuali ulteriori informazioni, siamo disponibili al Tel. 0522 512067. Si chiede di esplicitare l'autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs196/03). K&P Consulting Srl, iscritta all'Albo delle Agenzie per il Lavoro, Prot. n° 39/0002041, invita i candidati ambosessi (L. 903/77) a leggere l'Infomativa sulla Privacy (art. 13 D.Lgs. 196/2003) sul sito
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Torino (Piemonte)
Intecs, which was founded in 1974, provides the most innovative software&hardware technology, engineering services and products for dependable safety- and mission-critical electronics systems. Intecs designs and develops applications, tools, software, hardware components and products for Aerospace, Defence, Transportation,Telecommunication and Smart Systems markets in cooperation with major European and Italian Industries, Organizations, Universities and Research Centres. Intecs is an international leader in System Engineering, mastering the whole value chain from Prototypes, Simulators, Automated Test Equipment to the finished product. Intecs employs circa 500 professionals. More than 80% of the staff has an university degree in engineering, computer science or other technical disciplines. Our headquarter is in Rome, while other operational sites are located in Pisa, Naples, Milan, Turin, Genoa. We're looking for SENIOR SW ENGINEER C++/QT We are looking for passionate Qt and C++ experts to work with our customers to help them succeed with their Qt projects. Our consulting engineers provide many services including design, code development, architectural reviews, training and troubleshooting. As a software engineer you would primarily focus on the technology back-bone that drives our software applications and have a major impact on the success of our current and future products. Your qualification: • Have suitable education, e.g. BS or MS in Software Engineering • Excellent C++ programming skills • Have experience with resource-constrained devices in the embedded or mobile space • Know your way around in Linux on desktop and embedded • Experience with Windows and MacOS desktop environments • Good understanding of complex software systems • Software architectural design skills • Are curious and creative by nature • Strong spoken and written communication skill in English • Capability to work with customers to understand their requirements • Can work closely with other parts of the organization, and with the Qt community Perhaps you • have some graphics and OpenGL development experience • have worked with QNX, Yocto, embedded Linux, Android, or iOS • have experience with open source communities and development Why join us: • A chance to work with highly talented embedded software engineers • Ability to contribute to the cutting-edge technology and product • A family friendly, diverse, sociable workplace where learning is valued Site: TORINO
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Develop, execute, analyze and optimize digital marketing campaigns with Amazon Advertising (affiliate, display, search), A/B testing and experimenting various solutions Oversee activities of junior Marketing Specialists and the campaign performance of top client accounts, focusing on keyword selection, weekly and monthly budget performance, KPIs such as ACOS/ROI, CTR and Conversion Provide recommendations to top clients on keyword opportunities, campaign structuring, targeting, and other aspects of paid search in accordance with client goals. Have mindset to scale, optimize and improve operational efficiency within the team, leading the thinking from business side on the internal adtech project Communication to team and management on project development, timelines, and results. Potentially manage a team of 1-2 people (depending on people management experience of the candidate) Analyze campaign and overall client performance by looking at multiple data sources such as web analytics platforms, external data sources, market research and proprietary tools Pure start-up player Digital/E-CommerceRole with high visibilityBachelor's degree or equivalent experience2+ years of hands-on experience in SEM/PPC marketinGGoogle Adwords Certification Ability to build and deliver integrated marketing campaignsAbility to interpret data and make business recommendationsAbility to work in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial environment and manage multiple, competing priorities simultaneouslyPassion for online advertising and a track record of delivering outstanding resultsExcellent presentation, organization and project management skillsMeticulous attention to detailProficient with Excel and PowerPoint / Google Slides (Google Data Studio, Tableau or Power BI experience is preferred) Our client is a leading digital companyCompetitive Salary Package
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Reporting to the Head of Software Quality, this position will join a team of talented Engineers that build and maintain the company's cloud platform by helping them with quality assurance, test automation, test-driven development. The primary responsibilities are:Own, maintain, and evolve existing test automation tools, scripts, and suites; review and analyze requirements, specifications, technical design documents, and technical documentation to define test automation strategies and provide timely feedback; develop detailed, comprehensive, and well-structured test plans and test cases; develop an automation strategy including effort, scope, and timeline; identify and report issues found, then verify that issues are resolved and perform constant regression testing and code quality verifications002. International Hi Tech OrganisationModenaThe Ideal Candidate:Proven work experience in software quality assurance. Excellence in at least one test automation tool is highly desirable;knowledge of a range of testing methodologies, tools, and processes: functional, regression and integration testing using automated approaches;strong understanding of the Software Development Life Cycle. Experience in testing cloud products is highly desirable; Our client is International Leading Organization in customer communication management (CCM) solutions. They support the customer experience with innovative technologies to ensure the best client engagement.Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Asset Management Director will:Assist the dedicated Project Management team and the external consultants (master planner, local architects, town planning lawyers, etc.) for the strategic review of the existing masterplan and the implementation of a revised town planning agreement and remediation plan Manage the relationship with the current land owner during the pre-development phase in order to ensure the feasibility of the envisaged business plan and maximize the expected returns for further lots to be potentially developed Finalize the onboarding of the institutional investor, already scouted for the development of the first lot, through the signing of investment agreements, joint venture agreements, advisory mandates, etc. Manage, in coordination with the dedicated Project Management team, the relationship with the asset management company, monitor its team activity in order to ensure the implementation of the business plan Support the dedicated Project Management team in defining the strategical design of each asset to maximize efficiency, attractivity for prospect tenants and target highest revenues and returns Successfully lease up the assets, coordinating third party brokers for offices, retail and hospitality buildings Keeping the ownership of the business plan with the goal to maximize the returns of the business plan coordinating the disposal process Manage the preparation of Teasers (portfolios presentations) to investors Develop the dedicated team through personal development planning and coaching Advise as in further lots development and roll ups with investors Manage relationship with investors and European Top Management Asset Management DirectorImportant global real estate investment firmIn terms of skills this function requires in-depth knowledge of real estate asset management activities, including legislation and licensing of assets. It also entails a having a strong commercial focus and strong expertise in keeping institutional relationship. Above all, this is a management function requiring ability to manage teams and people, keeping them focused and oriented to work by objectives. Must:Have 10+ years experience in the real estate sector, especially in the asset management field Have a Master Degree in Economics or technical degree Achievement & Drive - tenacity and focus as well as flexibility in executing ideas Self-Starter - ability to organise own workload and identify what needs to be done Communication - strong verbal and written skills both in Italian and English, capable of liaising with multiple levels within an organization Excellent relationship management skills - working with the Executive/ Management Team, internal and external stakeholders and clients Team management - ability to manage matrix team structure and get all relevant people involved in generating ideas and decision-making Prioritisation - able to meet deadlines under multiple competing priorities Working Together - Flexibility - engaging with people and gaining their buy in to the changing plans Judgement - consider a range of complex, interrelated variables that underlie superficial problems Creativity - interpret/evaluate information critically, challenging suggestions and assumptions The client will act as a Development Advisor, for the overall strategic design and the review of current town planning and environmental scheme, and as Principle through co-investment in the lots to be developed. Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Plant/Industrial Controller will have the follow responsibilities:To ensure cost center accounting and standard costs are accurate To ensure inventories (count and valuation) are accurate To support plant organization for more cost effective operations To provide timely detailed production variance analysis To provide product cost calculations for purchased or manufactured products as needed To forecast plant result according to group processes and rules To support working capital management (inventories) To provide investment analysis, including actual pay-back of closed projects To identify cost savings opportunities To support continuous improvement programsMultinational Company near TurinPlant/Industrial ControllerQualifications:Minimum of four years of relevant work experience in cost accounting and standard costing in manufacturing company. Bachelor's degree in Business/Economics or equivalent Knowledge of IT systems (HFM, SAP R/3, OrderPlan, Microsoft office tools etc.) High level of initiative and independence in managing responsibilities Excellent analytic skills and ability to challenge business decisions at a plant level Able to manage the details while being able to discuss business issues Fluent written and oral English Good written and verbal communication skills as well as teamwork skillsMultinational company, leader in Manufacturing and Production sector and located near Turin, looks for a Plant/Industrial Controller to insert inside its own structure. As a Plant/Industrial Controller (m/f) you will need to be able to evaluate, control and interpret the product costs and profitability of the division products ideally combined with a good technical understanding in this field. Location: Cintura ovest di Torino Ral: 45k-50kSalario da 45.000 /anno a 50.000 /anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Main Accountabilities: Support the Key account Manager AO (EMEA + APAC) in the implementation of the customer strategies (prepare operative sales plans, lost order analysis, review contracts to ensure that the negotiated terms are followed and fulfilled, prepare and maintain the relevant documentation) Provide an ongoing support to the customers as regards all technical issues and ensure high quality customer service (follow-up of orders, customer visits, cost/revenue analysis in cooperation with the project controlling, prepare and conduct the customer presentations) Support the KAM AO in the liaison between the customers and the internal departments, processing the customer complaints and initiate improvements (e.g. initiation of new product concepts in the R&D department). Provide support in preparation of the price/cost analyses as well as the operational sales planning Provide support to KAM in the preparation of the price negotiations for the new projects, in cooperation with the project controlling during the offer/development phase. Support the customer projects from a technical as well as commercial perspective from the initial phase until delivery in regards to budget, deadlines, respect of payments due dates, etc. Support in preparation of the negotiations regarding the product modifications and prices during the production phase within given limits. Support the KAM AO in the market researches of the competitors´ activities and products Support KAM in performing timely invoicing/billing for the prototype samples, tools, etc. Multinazionale leader del settore industriale ricerca un Key Account Junior OE Job Requirements: University degree or equivalent education in the field of Engineering. Customer orientation, organization and coordination skills, self-initiative and ability to work under pressure communication skills Relevant IT tolls (MS Office, SAP, etc.) Fluency in English. The knowledge of German language is also appreciated. Availability to travel Sales orientation Multinazionale leader del settore industrialeOttima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 30.000 /anno a 40.000 /anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Process Engineering Specialist brings operations-expertise to help the organization in order to optimize production processes and realize substantial efficiency and cost saving. Act as a strategic partner, providing value-added solutions, developing and implementing hands-on measures in order to realize the required process improvements and ultimately improve margins; Drive changes and efficiencies by recommending new ways to operate, contributing actively to their actual implementation and providing feedbacks; Build realistic and comprehensive action plans to reduce cost, increase quality and improve service level; Participate at meetings with Automation department in order to define the technical requirement specifications for new equipments considering R&D, QA and Operations requests; Define, execute and validate the production process of new product in collaboration with R&D; Define, write and update production manual (MOP) and guarantee the quality for the entire process; Transfer production process; Execute process changes related to: methods, parameters and material changes; Execute Operational Qualification (OQ) and Performance Qualification (PQ); Execute equipment and production validation using statistical tools such us Gage R&R, Capability analysis, DOE, Regression, Hypothesis tests and others. Promote process improvements using Lean Six Sigma Approach.Medical DevicesGreat growth opportunityGood English level (B1 Level) Management of the validation documents necessary for the process control and improvement and deep knowledge of validation strategy (IQ - OQ - PQ); Knowledge and experience with statistical tools: DOE study, Gage R&R, Capability analysis (Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk), sampling size definition preferably by means Minitab sw. Green Belt Certification will be a plus Degree in Engineering At least 4-5 years of experience holding position in process engineering dept.Multinational Company leader in medical devicesGreat growth opportunity
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Este (Veneto)
Le nostre aziende partner hanno richiesto una figura di “ADDETTO SHOWROOM JUNIOR”, con la finalità d’inserimento lavorativo. Cerchiamo persone motivate e disponibili ad intraprendere un percorso di “Work Experience Giovani”. Con metodologie didattiche attive, saranno sviluppate competenze adatte per collaborare alla gestione dei clienti e alla vendita on line, capacità tecniche di elaborazione di un progetto di arredamento d'interni e un preventivo, la gestione di aspetti logistici e di magazzino, utilizzando i principi di lean organization e rispettando gli standard di sicurezza. Formazione gratuita di 200 ore e tirocinio di 3 mesi con indennità di frequenza. Sede: Este (Padova). Requisiti: L'iscrizione al programma "GARANZIA GIOVANI" nella Regione Veneto è requisito fondamentale ed imprescindibile. E' richiesto inoltre diploma quinquennale oppure laurea di indirizzo attinente (geometra, architetto, ingegnere, artistico), o con esperienza di lavoro in studi di progettazione o aziende di arredamento. Ti senti pronto? Mandaci il tuo CV!
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Bologna (Emilia Romagna)
Azienda organizzatrice di Eventi in pista (G.S.A. Organization s.r.l. by Rosso Corsa), settore motociclismo, cerca impiegata/o di ufficio, con competenze grafiche e mansioni da Social Media Manager. La risorsa principalmente si occuperà di attività di segreteria generale (backoffice, prenotazioni, registrazione clienti, disbrigo pratiche di ufficio ecc.). Dovrà inoltre seguire i nostri canali Social (Facebook – Instagram - YouTube), creare contenuti grafici, sponsorizzazioni, e gestire la newsletter. I candidati dovranno avere i seguenti requisiti: - residenti zona Bologna e provincia; - conoscenza lingua inglese / spagnolo; - disponibilità allo spostamento nei vari circuiti internazionali italiani e all'estero; - disponibilità a lavorare durante i week end durante le manifestazioni; - competenza nei programmi di grafica (illustrator, photoshop) - Naturale interesse per il mondo del Web marketing e di tutte le tematiche online inerenti - buona conoscenza di tutti i social media e delle loro funzionalità - capacità di creazioni dei contenuti - capacità di scrittura e di comunicazione - familiarità con MailUp o altri tool di gestione newsletter SARANNO INOLTRE CONSIDERATE POSITIVAMENTE: - conoscenza piattaforme Wordpress - esperienza nella creazione di campagne pubblicitarie sponsorizzate sui canali social Facebook e Instagram Allegare dettagliato curriculum vitae con espressa autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali all’indirizzo e-mail
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Lecce (Puglia)
Position Overview Key Responsibilities •Ensure the organization, scheduling, implementation and monitoring of the project RAMS and V&V activities and ensure compliance with project budget, schedule and quality requirements; •Lead and coordinate the different railway safety contributors working on the Program or Project for the relevant scope; •Represent the company and the project towards third parties for the RAMS related topics; •Ensure the system safety and reliability requirements being responsible and accountable for design solutions against safety objectives; •Ensure the proper RAMS competence project staffing including staff provided by third parties such as consultants; •Ensure and be accountable for the execution, verification, submission and approval of all project RAMS and V&V activities and deliverables, interfacing the main project stakeholders including subcontractors, suppliers, internal departments, and third parties; •Ensure the execution and the sharing of communication to the project team of the following activities: •Workload management with periodic workload updates and analysis of deviations; •Critical path management and alignment of RAMS schedule with project master schedule, to avoid unplanned interruption of activities in RAMS stream; •Proactive risk management for early detection of cost, schedule, technical and resource issues and proposal of recovery plans; •V&V activities and the definition of the relevant budget; •Ensure the safety assessment (ISA) certification. •Support preparation of offers and proposal related to RAMS activities. •Ensure the provision of schedule and cost constrains to relevant Product, Required Knowledge & Skills •Bachelor degree in electric or electronic engineering; •More than 8 years of experience as RAM, Safety and Verification and Validation engineer; •Must have proven work experience within unconventional resources and have a thorough understanding of all aspects within man
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Genova (Liguria)
Ho sempre vissuto il lavoro come un’opportunità e le criticità come un test di se stessi e perciò mi ritengo una donna fortunata. Fortunata di avere avuto la possibilità di acquisire una profonda conoscenza in un determinato settore, grazie ai diversi ruoli ricoperti per differenti tipologie di Aziende, tutte con attività attinenti il mondo scientifico-medico-sanitario. Inizialmente ho ricoperto il ruolo di responsabile ufficio gare e appalti pubblici per un’azienda produttrice di apparecchiature biomedicali. Questa lunga e proficua esperienza mi ha consentito di esprimere e misurare sia le mie capacità organizzativa che le mie capacità relazionali (staff e commerciale); una volta compreso che le mie caratteristiche personali potevano esprimersi al meglio in una tipologia di lavoro ad alto impatto relazionale, ho deciso di fondare la mia società, Provider ECM e di gestione società scientifico-mediche, con Il passaggio da dipendente ad imprenditore è l’esperienza più entusiasmante che abbia vissuto. In pochi anni la mia azienda, di cui ero AD e seguivo direttamente le attività di marketing, si è posizionata ad un ottimo livello di visibilità e fatturato. L’esigenza di aumentare l’impegno di capitale per essere competitiva mi ha portato ad accettare l’offerta di acquisto da parte di un noto PCO (Professional Congress Organizer) e, grazie all’esperienza acquisita mi sono messa a disposizione, cosa che sto facendo anche in questo momento, sia per una CRO (Contract Research Organization) che per una Cooperativa di Medici di Medicina Generale su scala regionale. Desidero proporre la mia collaborazione alla Vs Spett.le Azienda in quanto, sono convinta, di essere in grado di portare valore aggiunto grazie alle mie esperienze professionali. Non nascondo, comunque, che le criticità attuali e prospettiche derivanti dalla pandemia, possano mettere in difficoltà il settore in cui opero e quindi mi vedo obbligata, come penso tantissimi operatori/imp
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Milano (Lombardia), the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: TENDER OFFICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of TENDER OFFICE MANAGER. Job Purpose: the TOS is responsible for the preparation of documentation for tenders, offers, registration to authorized suppliers list and for subsequent forwarding to the customer. The profile is also responsible of the orders review. Key Duties and responsibilities: Daily analysis of calls for tender (calls for tenders release, electronic platforms, reading dedicated e mail on shared mailbox) to define potential business opportunities. Collect the relevant documentation of potential business opportunities. Share of potential business opportunities with Sales & Marketing departments to collect the final decision on tender participation. Analysis and the preparation of administrative documentation required for participation in public tenders (self-certification, bank guaranty, ANAC contributions, etc.). Collect technical documentation and directives (such price, product specification, product configurations etc.) from Sales & Marketing departments. Write the tender quotation to submit to the customer. Tender submission to the customer using the dedicated platforms (MEPA, Sintel, Intercent ER, Empulia, Sardegna Cat etc…). Classification and archive of the tender/offer. Biannual electronic platform qualification renewal. Personal qualities: Degree, or equivalent, in economics o laws Excellent Good knowledge of the Tenders Code. Public procurement platform knowledge. Stress management capability. Accuracy. Multitasking attitude. Organization skills. Strong propensity to problem solving. Work in team attitude. Experiences: previous background and work experience in the role (at least 3 years) IT Skills: Good knowledge of Microsoft Office programs
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Milano (Lombardia)
Are you: passionate about managing teams? Leading people within a growing project and company? Excited to provide exceptional customer service by motivating your team? If your answer is Yes, then Apply now! For our business in Milan we are currently looking for a Team Manager (male/female), for our e-commerce partner. You’ll join a well-established and high performing project looking to achieve success on our long term strategy. As a Team Manager you’ll be responsible for leading your team to deliver exceptional support to the clients. You will do this by motivating and leading from the front, developing effective measures of coaching, supervision and training regarding the development of your staff. Ensuring optimal compliance with agreements while always putting people first and performing the necessary day to day tasks. Requirements: • Excellent language skills in Italian (C2) and English (C1) • Work experience in team management, ability to motivate and coach team members • Knowledge and experience in customer service (preferably in Outsourcing companies) • Strong administration and organization skills • Very good PC skills - proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office (especially Excel) • Very good analytical skills, productivity with a keen eye for detail • Excellent communication skills & high focus on customer satisfaction • Availability to work on shifts, 5 days a week, Monday to Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Offer: • Excellent reputation as responsible employer; • Modern working environment at an attractive location in Milan with good public transport connection; • A welcoming and inclusive environment; • A team ready to help you develop and grow; • A multinational environment, different nationalities and cultures to work every day. Join us in a vibrant, multi-cultural city center environment. Explore your career possibilities and work on your Personal Development. Above all, enjoy the experience of working with highly prestigious brands! At Majorel, we guarantee compliance with preventive regulations to ensure the care for the safety and health of workers in our facilities or in teleworking. This job opportunity is addressed to both sexes, in accordance with Laws 903/77 and 125/91.
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Palermo (Sicilia)
La nostra agenzia immobiliare affiliata a Frimm ricerca agenti immobiliari preferibilmente con esperienza nel settore, in un mercato che è in completa evoluzione, se vuoi avere il giusto supporto, la migliore formazione sul mercato immobiliare della make money Organization. Non resta altro che contattarci e iniziare un percorso insieme. Inviaci la tua candidatura
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Ricercamy, innovative company Research and Selection of Personnel for advanced methodology and technology infrastructure, is seeking: Performance & Reward Manager - Italy and Balkans Our client, is a global leader in the elevator and escalator sector, classified as one of the most innovative companies in the world, has commissioned us to search for a Performance & Reward Manager, Italy and Balkans. Skills required: - Minimum 5 years experience in the job, in the management of bonuses / wages and benefits, preferably coming from a structured multinational; - Experience in driving compensation, benefits, recognition and performance management, policies and processes across an organization; - Fluent knowledge of the English language; - Possess good leadership skills and ability to involve and collaborate with the various stakeholders; - In possession of excellent analytical skills, capable of having a strategic vision with a practical approach Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. Place of work: Pero (Mi) The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Milano (Lombardia)
PERSONNEL ORGANIZATION è una società di selezione del personale. (Autorizzazione Min. del Lavoro Prot. 13/I0019212 del 05/10/2009). Per conto di una società di installazione impianti elettrici civili e industriali, con più di 30 anni di attività e che è oggi in fase di espansione grazie alla qualità dei suoi lavori, a una mission chiara e attenzione per i suoi dipendenti, siamo alla ricerca di un: ELETTRICISTA CIVILE Sede di Lavoro: Milano zona Nord (e zone limitrofe su cantieri) Cerchiamo un elettricista con esperienza in attività di cantiere Il possesso dei seguenti requisiti costituirà carattere necessario: - Esperienza nell'installazione, manutenzione o revamping di impianti civili ad uso domestico o fabbriche, uffici, strutture commerciali, edifici pubblici - Esperienza nell'allacciamento di sistemi di illuminazione, elettrodomestici, impianti domotici, citofoni, impianti di condizionamento e termoidraulici, antifurto e telecamere di videosorveglianza, impianti per l'automazione di cancelli, antenne - Conoscenza delle norme sul rischio elettrico - Preferibile la conoscenza base della domotica - Lettura del disegno elettrico - Esperienza in cantieristica - Residenza nella zona di Milano e dintorni - Automunito CARATTERISTICHE PERSONALI - Capacità di confrontarsi e interagire con figure diverse (operai e tecnici presenti in cantiere come muratori, idraulici e geometri) - Si richiede, motivazione, dinamicità e capacità di lavorare in team - Disponibilità a trasferte giornaliere - Capacità di gestione delle priorità · Patente B e AUTOMUNITO · Completano il profilo rapide capacità di apprendimento e di inserimento, precisione, proattività, ottima capacità di mantenere rapporti interpersonali di qualità Offriamo un ambiente di lavoro serio e sicuro, dove è possibile crescere e migliorare! Sarà offerto un contratto di assunzione diretto e una retribuzione in linea con l'esperienza dimostrabile. Ringraziamo sin da ora tutti coloro che risponderanno a questo annuncio inviando la propria candidatura.
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Catania (Sicilia)
GIOCAMONDO is a Tour Operator focused on the organization of study trips for young people in different italian destinations (you can see them on our website). GIOCAMONDO is looking for a NATIVE ENGLISH TEACHER for working during italian vacations. The English Teacher will work with children aged 6 to 19 years planning games, excursions and many activities speaking English. The requirements for the role are: - English mother tongue - Minimum age 23 years old - Availability to travel and to work with the young people - Skills to arrange activities in English - Teaching experience - Interpersonal and communication skills - Availability to accomodate with the children (in hotel) for consecutive weeks - Availability from the 22th of June to the 31th of August In addition to salary, travel expenses for board and lodging are charged to the company. To subscribe your application, please send your cv stating in the mail object “APPLYING FOR ENGLISH TEACHER”. The present job announcement is aimed at both men and women of all ages and nationalities according to the laws 903/77, 125/91 and 215/03, 216/03.
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Bari (Puglia)
GIOCAMONDO is a Tour Operator focused on the organization of study trips for young people in different italian destinations (you can see them on our website). GIOCAMONDO is looking for a NATIVE ENGLISH TEACHER for working during italian vacations. The English Teacher will work with children aged 6 to 19 years planning games, excursions and many activities speaking English. The requirements for the role are: - English mother tongue - Minimum age 23 years old - Availability to travel and to work with the young people - Skills to arrange activities in English - Teaching experience - Interpersonal and communication skills - Availability to accomodate with the children (in hotel) for consecutive weeks - Availability from the 22th of June to the 31th of August In addition to salary, travel expenses for board and lodging are charged to the company. To subscribe your application, please send your cv to stating in the mail object “APPLYING FOR ENGLISH TEACHER”. The present job announcement is aimed at both men and women of all ages and nationalities according to the laws 903/77, 125/91 and 215/03, 216/03.
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Bologna (Emilia Romagna)
Skills needed are - really good relationship skills - good self organization - graphics and productivity tools - minimum B2 English if possible - capacity to work fast and pro- actively The Team is very collaborative and the working atmosphere very positive
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione Are you always the local guide, restaurant-picker and hotel connoisseur in your friend circle? Is traveling in your blood? Feels like you and Majorel should have a talk! Is traveling what makes you talk? And on top of that, you love to help people out? Let’s combine spirits and join our team as a travel and tourism success agent! Who we are: We’re Majorel. We design, deliver and differentiate customer experience on behalf of some of the world’s most respected brands. At Majorel we serve customers accross the world. We support them at any time, through every device and in the manner they expect from their brands. We speak their language wherever they are and whatever their culture. At Majorel we combine the best of people, technology and innovation to deliver real value to our clients. We are committed and we believe in equal opportunities between men and women. In the same way, our offered positions are open to people with disabilities. We ensure compliance and all prevention regulations are met, guaranteeing the care for our people’s health and safety both at our facilities and teleworking. Our mission: We create amazing customer experiences that people value and we are proud of. By combining talent, data, and technology. We deliver real impact for our partners. We are driven to go further. Your Responsibilities: •Providing superb support the way you would want to be treated during your vacation! •Inform your customers about the products and services the project provides, and make sure this also includes their policies and processes in a friendly manner •Be aware of current traveling destinations and holiday trends •Evaluate problems and complaints of the callers and provide proper solutions to them (chat, e-mail, phone calls) Your profile: •Excellent communication skills & high focus on customer satisfaction •Excellent language skills (at least C1) in Italian and English, both spoken and written •Customer service-orientated and a high focus on customer satisfaction •Strong administration and organization skills •Keen eye for detail to ensure high accuracy •Very good PC skills •Availability to work on shifts •Team work •A previous experience in Customer Service or similar business is a plus (B2B) Our offer: •Starting paid training path •Continuous improvement and product training •Modern and multinational working environment at an attractive location in Milan with good public transport connection •Excellent reputation as responsible employer •Welcoming and inclusive environment •Shift system (from Monday to Sunday from 7am to 11 pm; festivities included) •Work is performed in our facilities and in teleworking •Belonging to a great international company where you will constantly be learning
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Completes a broad variety of administrative tasks for the President & CEO including: managing an extremely active calendar of appointments; completing expense reports; composing and preparing correspondence that is sometimes confidential; arranging complex and detailed travel plans, itineraries, and agendas; and compiling documents for travel-related meetings. • Plans, coordinates and ensures the CEO's schedule is followed and respected. Provides "gatekeeper" and "gateway" role, creating win-win situations for direct access to the CEO's time and office. • Communicates directly, and on behalf of the President and CEO, with Board members, donors, Foundation staff, and others, on matters related to CEO's programmatic initiatives. • Researches, prioritizes, and follows up on incoming issues and concerns addressed to the President, including those of a sensitive or confidential nature. Determines appropriate course of action, referral, or response. • Provides a bridge for smooth communication between the President's office and internal departments; demonstrating leadership to maintain credibility, trust and support with senior management staff. • Works closely and effectively with the CEO to keep him/her well informed of upcoming commitments and responsibilities, following up appropriately. Acts as a "barometer," having a sense for the issues taking place in the environment and keeping the President updated. • Provides leadership to build relationships crucial to the success of the organization, and manages a variety of special projects for the President, some of which may have organizational impact. • Successfully completes critical aspects of deliverables with a hands-on approach, including drafting acknowledgement letters, personal correspondence, and other tasks that facilitate the CEO's ability to effectively lead the company. • Prioritizes conflicting needs; handles matters expeditiously, proactively, and follows-through on projects to successful completion, often with deadline pressures.
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Roma (Lazio)
Completes a broad variety of administrative tasks for the President b'&' CEO including: managing an extremely active calendar of appointments; completing expense reports; composing and preparing correspondence that is sometimes confidential; arranging complex and detailed travel plans, itineraries, and agendas; and compiling documents for travel-related meetings. • Plans, coordinates and ensures the CEO's schedule is followed and respected. Provides b'"'gatekeeperb'"' and b'"'gatewayb'"' role, creating win-win situations for direct access to the CEO's time and office. • Communicates directly, and on behalf of the President and CEO, with Board members, donors, Foundation staff, and others, on matters related to CEO's programmatic initiatives. • Researches, prioritizes, and follows up on incoming issues and concerns addressed to the President, including those of a sensitive or confidential nature. Determines appropriate course of action, referral, or response. • Provides a bridge for smooth communication between the President's office and internal departments; demonstrating leadership to maintain credibility, trust and support with senior management staff. • Works closely and effectively with the CEO to keep him/her well informed of upcoming commitments and responsibilities, following up appropriately. Acts as a b'"'barometer,b'"' having a sense for the issues taking place in the environment and keeping the President updated. • Provides leadership to build relationships crucial to the success of the organization, and manages a variety of special projects for the President, some of which may have organizational impact. • Successfully completes critical aspects of deliverables with a hands-on approach, including drafting acknowledgement letters, personal correspondence, and other tasks that facilitate the CEO's ability to effectively lead the company. • Prioritizes conflicting needs; handles matters expeditiously, proactively, and follows-through on projects to successful completion, often with deadline pressures.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione DESCRIPTION Majorel is now Teleperformance. Together, we can further refine our digital service offerings to help the world's leading brands operate with greater agility and adaptability to master their future. A core Teleperformance commitment is to position top talent for success in this new chapter. We believe that it's the people who make both companies genuinely exceptional and the combined organization will offer significant career development opportunities all around the world. Are you ready to explore a whole new world of vast opportunities? We're glad to meet you. Apply today! For an important partner in the cosmetics industry, L'Oréal Group, we are looking for brilliant resources to be included as Customer Service employees. The ideal candidate has a strong orientation towards the achievement of objectives, excellent interpersonal skills and shows a propensity to manage telephone contact. Responsibilities Management of consumer requests relating to Information and Complaints through different channels (i.e. live chat, phone, emails, webforms, Social 1:1) by providing excellent solution, service, product and beauty advice in a professional, precise and timely manner. Requirements Must have * Excellent communication skills, empathy b'&' high focus on customer satisfaction * Customer orientation, problem solving skills, teamwork * Native language skills in French or at least C1 level knowledge * English at least B2 (written, spoken and read) * Good IT skills - required competence and speed in the use of tools to report interactions * Availability to work on shifts Nice to have * Prior experience in Cosmetics and Luxury sector is preferential * Knowledge and experience with digital and social media * Previous experience in Customer Service What we offer * Competitive salary and benefits * Flexible shift system * Stable multinational company with an international and diverse environment * Possibility of internal growth * Work/live in Milan, one of the world fashion cities and gateway to one of the most beautiful countries in the world * Convenient work location with excellent public transport connections * Remote working according to project needs; it is mandatory to be within 100 km from our office in Milan while working from home * Feel Good Program to create a better work environment for our people and focus on their wellbeing and engagement If you like to be part of this great journey and growing opportunities, please join us in a vibrant, multi-cultural city center environment. Explore you career possibilities and work on your Personal Development. Above all, enjoy the experience of working with this highly prestigious brand L'Oréal Group! Equal opportunities At Majorel we are committed to equal opportunities between men and women. In the same way, our offered positions can be developed by people with disabilities. We guarantee compliance with preven
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