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Oven diesel luftheizung

Elenco delle migliori vendite oven diesel luftheizung

  • OVEN KETO BREAD contiene oltre l'80% in meno carboidrati del pane normale, contribuisce quindi a ridurre il consumo di zuccheri e fornisce molte proteine, con il sapore meraviglioso del pane appena sfornato.
  • SI CUOCE IN FORNO O CON LA MACCHINA PER IL PANE basta aggiungere acqua e lievito, impastare e cuocere nel forno di casa. Se usate la macchina per il pane non servirà impastare, basterà mettere gli ingredienti dentro il cestello della macchina per il pane e azionarla.
  • INGREDIENTI - La farina è fatta solo di ingredienti naturali: glutine di frumento, proteine di soia, proteine di lupini, grani di soia, semi di lino, semi di girasole, farina di soia, farina integrale di frumento, crusca di frumento, fibra di mela, sesamo, sale, farina di malto d’orzo tostato, lecitina di soia. Allergeni: glutine
  • OK BREAD è adatto a chi segue un'alimentazione chetogenica low carb, e che ama il sapore del pane fragrante.
  • Con 200 grammi di farina si preparano circa 300 GRAMMI DI PANE OVEN KETO BREAD.
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  • 2 CONF. Super pulitore forno Scioglie il grasso bruciato
  • OVEN STANHOME Schiuma detergente intensiva per forni 400ml
  • delicata combinazione delle note floreali e dolci comunicano profonda tenerezza
  • Note di Testa: Bergamotto (sono le prime del profumo a essere apprezzate) Note di Cuore: Camomilla (rappresentano l'anima del profumo) Note di Fondo: Iris (danno profondità al profumo
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  • Diesel Fuel For Life Homme Eau De Toilette 125 ml
  • Diesel Fuel For Life Homme Eau De Toilette 125 ml
  • Diesel Fuel For Life Homme Eau De Toilette 125 ml
  • Diesel Fuel For Life Homme Eau De Toilette 125 ml
  • Diesel Fuel For Life Homme Eau De Toilette 125 ml
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This Nimbus Nova 29 is fitted with a single Volvo Penta D6 350hp diesel engine with just 550 hours that gives excellent economic performance. Scandinavian quality through out and renowned for her sea keeping and speed makes her best in class. This example of the ever popular Nimbus Nova 29 has many extras fitted to include, twin raymarine GPS and radar plotter, VHF, bow thruster, separate WC, Fridge, Hob, Teak decks, Covers... Contact Derek or Richard to arrange a viewing today. MECHANICAL 1 x Volvo Penta D6-350hp diesel engine with approx. 550hrs Bow thruster with joystick control Trim tabs ELECTRICAL Shore power & cable Battery charger Pressurised H&C water Calorifer/Immersion heater Radio/CD player stereo with internal and external speakers Microwave oven Eberspacher cabin heating NAVIGATION Raymarine Axiom 7'' GPS plotter Raymarine GPS/HD Radar plotter Raymarine Bidata depth and speed SAFETY Auto fire extinguisher in engine bay Auto & manual bilge pump Remote spotlight Warps & fenders in socks Fender baskets Horn Navigation lights DECK GEAR Electric windlass with S/S anchor and chain Kedge anchor Docking lights Teak cockpit Cockpit cushions Cockpit table Cockpit cover Cockpit lights DOMESTIC TWO BERTHS IN CUDDY CABIN COCKPIT Navy and cream cockpit upholstery Storage lockers Fridge Helm & navigator seats Removable cockpit table INTERIOR V shaped saloon that converts to a double as and when required High gloss table with inlaid compass rose Table retracts to form fwd berth High gloss cherry wood interior Navy upholstery Cream interior headlining Opening portholes & hatches GALLEY Stainless steel sink Electric single hob Microwave oven Storage HEADS Separate head compartment with Jabsco w.c and holding tank Sink with shower head h&c mixer tap Eberspacher cabin heating
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Italia (Tutte le città)
En EXCLUSIVITÉ chez Med' in Boats: ce magnifique Irwin 65 de 1981. Bateau très sûr (coque en polyester renforcée) et comfortable qui propose de larges espaces de vie aussi bien à l'intérieur que sur le pont. Il possède 4 cabines, dont une grande cabine propriétaire à l'arrière, pour 9 couchages au total. Le carré est spacieux et la poupe peut recevoir une grande table pour partager des moments conviviaux en extérieur. Vous aurez le plaisir de préparer vos repas dans une /"vraie/" cuisine tout équipée avec un évier double bacs, un piano 5 feux à gaz, un grand four, un micro-ondes, deux réfrigérateurs et un congélateur. C'est un bateau idéal pour la vie à bord en famille et pour accueillir des amis. Cet Irwin 65 offre une très grande autonomie avec notamment 4000 L d'eau, 2500 L de gasoil et près 1500 W de charge avec 3 panneaux solaires et une éolienne. Tout l'éclairage a été refait en LED. Le carénage et l'antifouling viennent d'être réalisé en novrembre 2022 et le génois est neuf. Le popriétaire actuel, très méticuleux, vit à bord depuis 10 ans et a toujours veillé au bon entretien de son bateau. À noter que la longueur totale (hors-tout) du bateau est de 22 mètres. Sa longueur administrative sur l'acte de francisation est de 19,90 mètres, soit 65 pieds, qui correspond à la longueur de flottaison. Bateau visible en Guadeloupe et prêt à partir. La TVA et l'octroi de mer sont payés. Possibilité d'aide à la prise en main. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus d'information et des photos supplémentaires. Broker: Vincent Vallée +33(0)7 49 42 89 57 vincent@medinboats.fr English EXCLUSIVELY, Med' in Boats is proposing you this beautiful Irwin 65 from 1981. Very safe (reinforced polyester hull) and comfortable boat that offers large living spaces both indoors and on deck. It has 4 cabins, including a very large owner cabin at the back, for 9 beds in total. The square is spacious and the stern can accommodate a large table to share convivial moments outside. You will have the pleasure of preparing your meals in a /"real/" fully equipped kitchen with a double sink, a piano 5 burner gas, a large oven, a microwave, two refrigerators and a freezer. It is an ideal boat for life on board with family and to host friends. This Irwin 65 offers a very large autonomy with 4000 L of water (1060 Gal.), 2500 L of diesel (660 Gal.) and nearly 1500 W of battery charging with 3 solar panels and a wind turbine. All lightings has been redone in LED. The fairing and antifouling paint have just been realised in November 2022 and the genoa is brand new. The current owner, very meticulous, has lived on board for the last 10 years and has always ensured the proper maintenance of his boat. Note that the total length (overall) of the boat is 22 meters. Its administrative length on the act of francization (ship's french license) is 19.90 meters, or 65 feet, which corresponds to the waterline length. Boat visible in the French West Indies and is ready to go. VAT and dock dues are paid. Possibility of help in the handling. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information and additional photos. Broker: Vincent Vallée +33(0)7 49 42 89 57 vincent@medinboats.fr Italiano ESCLUSIVAMENTE a Med' in Boats: questo magnifico Irwin 65 del 1981. Barca molto sicura (scafo in poliestere rinforzato) e confortevole che offre ampi spazi abitativi sia all'interno che sul ponte. Dispone di 4 cabine, di cui una grande cabina armatoriale a poppa, per 9 posti letto in totale. La piazza è spaziosa e la poppa può ricevere un grande tavolo per condividere momenti conviviali all'aperto. Avrete il piacere di preparare i vostri pasti in una /"vera/" cucina completamente attrezzata con un doppio lavello, un pianoforte a gas a 5 fuochi, un grande forno, un forno a microonde, due frigoriferi e un congelatore. È una barca ideale per la vita a bordo con la famiglia e per ospitare amici. Questo Irwin 65 offre un'autonomia molto lunga con 4000 L di acqua, 2500 L di diesel e quasi 1500 W di carico con 3 pannelli solari e una turbina eolica. Tutta l'illuminazione è stata rifatta a LED. La carenatura e l'antivegetativa sono state realizzate solo nel novembre 2022 e il genoa è nuovo. L'attuale proprietario, molto meticoloso, vive a bordo da 10 anni e ha sempre assicurato la corretta manutenzione della sua barca. Si noti che la lunghezza totale (complessiva) della barca è di 22 metri. La sua lunghezza amministrativa sull'atto di francizzazione è di 19,90 metri, o 65 piedi, che corrisponde alla lunghezza della linea di galleggiamento. Barca visibile in Guadalupa e pronta a partire. L'IVA e le tasse portuali sono pagate. Possibilità di aiuto nella gestione. Non esitate a contattarci per ulteriori informazioni e ulteriori foto. Broker: Vincent Vallée +33(0)7 49 42 89 57 vincent@medinboats.fr Deutsch EXKLUSIV bei Med' in Boats: diese prächtige Irwin 65 aus dem Jahr 1981. Sehr sicheres Boot (verstärkter Polyesterrumpf) und komfortabel, das sowohl innen als auch an Deck große Wohnräume bietet. Es verfügt über 4 Kabinen, darunter eine große Eignerkabine am Heck, für insgesamt 9 Betten. Der Platz ist geräumig und das Heck kann einen großen Tisch erhalten, um gesellige Momente im Freien zu teilen. Sie werden das Vergnügen haben, Ihre Mahlzeiten in einer /"echten/" voll ausgestatteten Küche mit einem Doppelwaschbecken, einem 5-Flammen-Gasklavier, einem großen Backofen, einer Mikrowelle, zwei Kühlschränken und einem Gefrierschrank zuzubereiten. Es ist ein ideales Boot für das Leben an Bord mit der Familie und um Freunde zu beherbergen. Dieser Irwin 65 bietet eine sehr lange Autonomie mit 4000 L Wasser, 2500 L Diesel und fast 1500 W Last mit 3 Sonnenkollektoren und einer Windkraftanlage. Die gesamte Beleuchtung wurde in LED erneuert. Die Verkleidung und das Antifouling wurden erst im November 2022 hergestellt und die Genua ist neu. Der jetzige Besitzer, sehr akribisch, lebt seit 10 Jahren an Bord und hat immer für die ordnungsgemäße Wartung seines Bootes gesorgt. Beachten Sie, dass die Gesamtlänge (insgesamt) des Bootes 22 Meter beträgt. Seine Verwaltungslänge nach dem Françisierungsgesetz beträgt 19,90 Meter oder 65 Fuß, was der Länge der Wasserlinie entspricht. Boot sichtbar in Guadeloupe und bereit zu gehen. Die Mehrwertsteuer und die Sondersteuer /"octroi de mer/" werden entrichtet. Möglichkeit der Hilfe bei der Handhabung. Zögern Sie nicht, uns für weitere Informationen und zusätzliche Fotos zu kontaktieren. Makler: Vincent Vallée +33(0)7 49 42 89 57 vincent@medinboats.fr Español EXCLUSIVAMENTE en Med' in Boats: este magnífico Irwin 65 de 1981. Embarcación muy segura (casco de poliéster reforzado) y cómoda que ofrece amplios espacios habitables tanto en el interior como en cubierta. Tiene 4 cabinas, incluida una gran cabina del propietario en la popa, para 9 camas en total. La plaza es espaciosa y la popa puede recibir una gran mesa para compartir momentos de convivencia al aire libre. Tendrá el placer de preparar sus comidas en una cocina /"real/" totalmente equipada con un fregadero doble, un piano de gas de 5 quemadores, un horno grande, un microondas, dos refrigeradores y un congelador. Es un barco ideal para la vida a bordo con la familia y para recibir amigos. Este Irwin 65 ofrece una autonomía muy larga con 4000 L de agua, 2500 L de diesel y casi 1500 W de carga con 3 paneles solares y un aerogenerador. Toda la iluminación ha sido rehecha en LED. El carenado y el antifouling se acaban de fabricar en noviembre de 2022 y el génova es nuevo. El actual propietario, muy meticuloso, ha vivido a bordo durante 10 años y siempre ha velado por el correcto mantenimiento de su barco. Tenga en cuenta que la longitud total (total) del barco es de 22 metros. Su longitud administrativa en la ley de francización es de 19,90 metros, o 65 pies, que corresponde a la longitud de la línea de flotación. Barco visible en Guadalupe y listo para partir. Se pagan el IVA y los derechos insulares. Posibilidad de ayuda en el manejo. No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros para obtener más información y fotos adicionales. Agente Comercial: Vincent Vallée +33(0)7 49 42 89 57 vincent@medinboats.fr Россию ЭКСКЛЮЗИВНО в Med' in Boats: этот великолепный Ирвин 65 с 1981 года. Очень безопасная лодка (усиленный полиэфирный корпус) и удобная, которая предлагает большие жилые помещения как внутри, так и на палубе. Он имеет 4 каюты, в том числе большую каюту владельца на корме, в общей сложности на 9 кроватей. Площадь просторная, а корма может принимать большой стол, чтобы разделить праздничные моменты на открытом воздухе. Вы будете иметь удовольствие готовить свои блюда на «настоящей» полностью оборудованной кухне с двойной раковиной, газовым пианино с 5 конфорками, большой духовкой, микроволновой печью, двумя холодильниками и морозильной камерой. Это идеальная лодка для жизни на борту с семьей и для размещения друзей. Этот Irwin 65 предлагает очень длинную автономность с 4000 л воды, 2500 л дизельного топлива и почти 1500 Вт нагрузки с 3 солнечными панелями и ветряной турбиной. Все освещение было переделано в LED. Обтекатель и противообрастание были сделаны только в ноябре 2022 года, и генуя новая. Нынешний владелец, очень дотошный, прожил на борту 10 лет и всегда обеспечивал надлежащее обслуживание своей лодки. Отметим, что общая длина (габаритная) лодки составляет 22 метра. Его административная длина по закону о франчайзинге составляет 19,90 метра, или 65 футов, что соответствует длине ватерлинии. Лодка видна в Гваделупе и готова к работе. НДС и портовые сборы оплачиваются. Возможность помощи в обращении. Не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам за дополнительной информацией и дополнительными фотографиями. Брокер: Винсент Валле +33(0)7 49 42 89 57 vincent@medinboats.fr
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Unieke en mooi betimmerd passagiersschip met grote salon en zeer ruim achterdek, er is plaats voor maximaal 250 personen. Een zware Deutz dieselmotor van 750 PK en de aggregaten van 105 en 40 kVA zorgen samen met de Kabola centrale verwarming voor een comfortabel gevoel. Ruim kombuis en salon en diverse barretjes zorgen samen met natte cellen voor een schip wat ideaal is om op te feesten. Totaal zijn er 4 toiletten en er is een rolstoellift beschikbaar. Schip heeft nog boekingen die overgenomen kunnen worden, en dit schip zeer geschikt voor een beginnend stel wat de combinatie varend feesten ziet zitten! Vraagprijs is exclusief BTW! Technische specificaties Naam: Partyschip De Rotterdammer Merk: van der Werff Type: 50.00 VS Ligplaats: Rotterdam Bouwjaar: 1954 Werf: van der Werff in Deest Lengte: 50.02 m Breedte: 7.01 m Diepgang: 1.80 m Rompvorm: rondspant Romp: staal geklonken en gelast Opbouw: staal en teakhouten stuurhuis Gangboorden en dekken: staal met antislip Gewicht: ca. 380.000 kG Doorvaarthoogte: 7.50 m Motor: Deutz SBA 12M 816 750 PK diesel 12 cilinder 1979 koprevisie 2023 Snelheid maximaal: ca. 20 km/uur Draaiuren ca.: onbekend Keerkoppeling hydraulisch Reintjes 1979 Hydraulische besturing Boegschroef: Doosan / van Ballegooij 388 PK diesel Vetgesmeerde schroefas Droge uitlaat Beunkoeling 2 Balansroeren Aluminium ramen, enkel glas Bronzen patrijspoorten Brandstoftanks: 2 x 2000 liter en dagtank 400 liter, staal Watertank: 12000 liter RVS Smeerolietank: 200 liter staal Hutten: – Slaapplaatsen: – Verwarming: Kabola met radiatoren op diesel Betimmering: teak, vloeren met mahonie parket Elektrische installatie 12/24/230/380V Acculader Omvormer Walstroom Walstroomkabel Dynamo Accu’s: 8 x 230 Ah Startaccu’s 2 x 230 Ah Startaccu’s aggregaten: 2 x 70 Ah Uitrusting dashboard Temperatuurmeter Oliedrukmeter (akoestisch alarm bij stuurstand) Ampèremeter Marifoons: Sailor RT 2048 en Icom IC-M323G Autopilot: Radio Holland Radar: Radio Holland/ Furuno RHRS-2005RC Dieptemeter: Eagle Ultra II GPS: Furuno GP-37 Intercom op voor- en achterdek: Heftronic 2 Parallel ruitenwissers Startpaneel generatoren Hoorn Navigatieverlichting AIS: Allewijnse Explorer A4 2 x Buitenbesturing Schijnwerper elektrisch verstelbaar Keukeninrichting Oven: Rational CM 201 Wasbak en kraan met RVS blad Afzuigkap Koelkast Vaatwasser: Hydro 857 Droger: AEG Wasmachine: AEG Magnetron: Blokker + hetelucht en grill RVS Vrieskist: Polar Natte cellen 4 Toiletten Urinoir Separate douche met douchecabine Uitrusting exterieur Voor- achterdek en gangboorden met antislip Stalen railing met teakhouten bovenrailing Bolders, staal zeer zwaar uitgevoerd Stalen anker Elektrisch bediende ankerlier Rubber stootkussens Landvasten Stalen radarmast, klapbaar Lenspompen Dekwaspomp Machinekamer Groot achterdek Autokraan voor heffen aluminum gangway Zijdeur naar salon 2 Zijdeuren naar stuurhuis Stalen roeren Gasbun Stootrand: staal Verfwerk van 2020 Onderwaterschip anti-fouling van 2020 Accessoires/extra’s Verwarming: Kabola met radiatoren op diesel Salontafels Brandblussers Isolatie SI tot 15/07/2025 Vluchtluiken Afmetingen Stahoogte salons: 210 cm Stahoogte natte cellen: 210 cm Indeling Achterdek met deuren naar salon, brede gangboorden rondom en salon met stoffen en modern ingerichte stoelen en tafels en banken en ingang naar machinekamer, schip heeft 3 verdiepingen met rolstoellift. Aan bakboord en in het midden de toiletruimtes en in de punt extra salons. Disclaimer De specificaties zijn volgens opgave eigenaar en/of fabrikant, hier kunnen geen rechten aan worden ontleend. The specifications are provided by the owner and/or manufacturer, no rights can be derived from this. Die Angaben beziehen sich auf Eigentümer und / oder Hersteller, hieraus können keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
25 mtr. pleasure yacht in immaculate condition. Completely rebuild/restored in 1991 at Danish Shipyard to extraordinary high standards. Vessel is fully Isolated and performed in a exquisite choice of materials. Accommodation: Under the aft deck the ownersdept. is located with big office/saloon, 2 bed cabin, bathroom with shower and underfloor heating.Fully equipped steeringhouse for the captain and this crew. Below deck you find the roomy and fully equipped pantry and Bar areaMagnificent Saloon with 18 seat at the dining area as well as 18 seat at the “sofa area”. The fore ship area offers 2 cabins with each 2 beds, 2 toilet rooms, and a 4-person cabin. See full list of equipment below. A “must see” vessel !!! Please call for further information. Længde / Length mtr. 25,50 (LOA ca. 30 m.) Bredde / Beam mtr. 5,07 Dybgang / Draft mtr. 2,20 Deplacement / Displacem. Ton. 118 Brændstoftank/Fuel ltr. 2 x 2.000 Vandtank / Water capacity ltr. 4.000 Holdingtanks ltr. 1 x 1.200 + 2 x 150 Hull material: Stål / Steel Engine: 286 HP Volvo Penta TMD120 Marinediesel Diesel with Shaft, freshwater cooled Rigging and sails 2 x wooden mast 2 x Furling Jib system 4 sails with a total of 160m2 Stainless Steel wire rigging 3 x Electrical winches 2 x Boom Cover On-board instruments Radar Cartplotter GPS Autopilot Speedometer VHF Radio, Furuno with DSC VHF, Handheld Depth sounder Furuno FCV581 Eccosounder Compass, Weilbach Magnetic Compass, Silva Fluxgate Windinstruments Navtex, Furono EPIRP SART Technical equipment Bowthruster, 60 HP Hydraulic Elec. Anchorwinch + anchor + chain Generator, Diesel, 12 KW Generator, Diesel, 5 KW Signalhorn Searchlight Windscreen wipers Centralheating Warm water Preassurized water system Shorepower Battericharger Batteries Inverter Stereo 2 x flatscreen TV TV receiver Firepump, Hydraulic Fire detectors in alle rooms Aut. fireexting. in engineroom 3 x Elec. Toilet Washing machine Dryer Various Tools and spareparts Galley Stove with 4 fl., Ceramic Oven Large Refrigerator Freezer Extractor hood Microwave Coffeemachine On Deck Dinghi with engine 35 HP Selva Engine for Dinghi Davits Guard rail Liferaft for 25 persons 25 pcs. lifevests Fenders Moorings Teakdeck, solid planks Steeringposition on aft deck Etc….
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Dragonfly 32 Swingkeel Supreme-Version2 previous owners - in absolut TOP condition - location Baltic SeaWith the following optional equipment:2 cabins / 1 headsaloon berth- Coppercoat on all three hulls, rudder and centerboard- Painting of all three hulls and beams with polyethane paint- Metallic colors and ultra-hard clear coat- Modern Esthec type “Teakwood” on cockpit seats with gray stripes- Teak floor in saloon, varnished, with white stripes in cabin and toilet- Jefa wire wheel system- Exit” 1200 carbon wheel- Inboard engine 20 hp, 3-cylinder Yanmar diesel with saildrive- 3-blade folding propeller (Gori)- Evolution rudder blade (deeper a new aerodynamic design)- 60L diesel tank- Shore power 220V with Fl fuse system- Automatic 25A charger- Shore connection with 25 m cable with CE plug- Additional 220V socket and additional 12V plug- 2x solar panel (2 x 48W) one on each float, incl. charge controller- 1x Liontron Smart Bluetooth 200Ah 12V LiFePO4 lithium battery- 1x VARTA 53Ah battery- 2x VARTA 79Ah AGM batteries- Victron Orion DC-DC converter, optimized charging technology- Swing Thruster, 2,2 KW electric bow thruster, 25kg. incl. extra 70A battery- Eberspächer heating D2, diesel with exhaust in aft cabin, mid cabin and toilet room- Hot water boiler 15L via 220V and motor- Shower in the toilet, with gulper pump directly into the sea and curtain- Shower at the stern- Refrigerator 65L on the port side of the centerboard with normal 12V cooling unit- Isotherm 2010 with compressor- Oven integrated in the cupboard above the galley (gas)- 2-burner stainless steel stove (gas)- 4x cockpit floor lights- Indirect LED lighting- CARBON MAST, painted black- CARBON TREE, painted black- LED Lopolight tricolor lantern incl. anchor light- Steamer lantern- Deck light- FM/VHF antenna in masthead- Raymarine 218 VHF - with control panel- Raymic handset on base- Log + sounder transducer- Raymarine ST70 Wind- 4x Raymarine i 70 Extra color display- Raymarine Axiom Pro 9 color plotter multifunction display at the helm NEW 2024- Stainless steel bracket and box at helm for plotter- Raymarine Evolution under deck mounting- Raymarine p70 display/control unit- Jefa Pilot Drive autopilot- Bb'&'G GPS 7” ZEUS 2 plotter, multi-touch on bracket at navigation table- elect. Panel 2 x extra- Raymarine RD418HD radar in mast- Raymarine active AIS and splitter- Sony radio/CD with loudspeaker in the cabin- Sony loudspeaker in cockpit- VHF loudspeaker in cockpit- WIB4S weather receiver- Portlight (window) in the freeboard in the bow cabin- 1x larger opening porthole in the aft cabin- 2x extra hatches in the side float incl. closure in the hull, each (SB)- Curtain in the center cabin (Ocean Air Shade)- Roll-up curtain with mosquito blind for deck hatch in mid-cabin and bow- 2x Andersen 46 deck winch with self-tensioning system- 1x electric Andersen 46 deck winch- 2x Andersen ST 18 winch on the cockpit edge for spinnaker and other line operation- Barber hauler system for genoa and spinnaker, incl. 2 clamps, 8 blocks and clamp preventer system (bull waist for mainsail) 1:3- Blocks and spinnaker sheets + eyelets- Blocks Code-0 Dyneema sheets and blocks- Bowsprit 2.0 m in carbon incl. “tack-line” operable from the cockpit- Elvström sail package- Asymmetric spinnaker 110 m2, trioptimal (Supreme version)- Spinnaker sock- Code-0, incl. endless line furler in Elvström Epex with Technora Black 66 m2- Sprayhood in light gray- Sprayhood with NEW windows 2021 and cockpit tent with NEW windows 2021 (only fits with sprayhood)- Back padding on the pull-pit- Mainsail cover, light gray pearl- Headsail UV protection for genoa light gray pearl- 1 extra folding stainless steel cleat on each float- Electric anchor winch below deck 1000 W- Stainless steel fitting for anchor, with rollers- Delta anchor, 16 kg- 50 m anchor line (14 mm line), with lead retraction and swivel- Anchor pot with hook for quick installation- 4x “crash bags” in the cockpit- 2 pcs. Holder for winch handle (cockpit + pedestal)- Wooden cockpit table with Laguna mounting system- Clock, barometer and thermometer with Dragonfly logo- Lifting gear for crane (4 in total)- Fenders and mooring lines- Anchor ball and travel cone- Original winter storage rack/trailer from Qourning- Spare anchor, various accessories- Maintained by shipyard, always stored in indoor winter storage
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Liegeplatz: Mittelmeer Mallorca Einrichtung & Aufteilung: Achterkabine Marinerokabine: Achterschiff Salon Ruderhaus Innenfahrstand Innenfahrstand 2 2. Steuerstand auf Fly 2. Steuerstand auf Achterdeck Pantry Dunstabzugshaube Backofen Anzahl Kochplatten: 4 Herdplatten: Ceran Feld Kühlschrank Tiefkühler Mikrowelle Nautik Echolot Sumlog Kompass Gegensprechanlage Autopilot Kartenplotter GPS UKW Seefunk Radar Navtexdekoder Windmessanlage Bord Telefon Persening Persening Salon Front Technische Ausrüstung Landanschluss: 220 V Generator: ONAN Generator mit Schallhaube Treibstoff Generator: Diesel Anzahl Ladegeräte: 5 Spannung Ladegeräte: 24 V Spannungswandler Volt von: 24 Volt Bordspannungsnetz: 24 Volt Anzahl Lichtmaschinen: 2 Positionslampen See Positionslampen Anker Zubehör Löschanlage Motorraum Anzahl Feuerlöscher: 5 Anzahl Bugankerwinden: 2 Druckwasseranlage Waschmaschine Boiler Heckdusche Seewasseraufbereitung Anzahl Klimaanlagen: 3 Satelliten Antenne Anzahl CD-Player: 5 Anzahl CD-Player: 0 Fensterrahmen: in Nirosta Seereling Holzrandlauf Seereling Material: in Nirosta Hecktuer Badeplattform Trimmklappen Typ: Benett Berth: Mittelmeer Mallorca Interiors & Cabin Layout: Aft cabin Crew cabin: Achterschiff Salon Wheelhouse Driver cabin Driver cabin 2 2. fly helmstand 2. helmstand at afterdeck Pantry Exhaust hood Oven Number of hot plates: 4 Hobs: Ceran Feld Fridge Freezer Mikrowave Nautik Depth-sounder Sumlog compass intercom Autopilot Map plotter GPS UKW marine communications Radar Navtex decoder Wind measuring system Bord telefon Persening Persening salon front Technical Equipment Shore power: 220 V Generator: ONAN Generator with sound hood Fuel generator: Diesel Values chargers: 5 Voltage chargers: 24 V Voltage converter from: 24 Volt Board voltage network: 24 Volt Numbers alternators: 2 Positionlamp see Positionlamp anchor Appendix Extinguishing system engine Number fire extinguisher: 5 Number bug winding armatures: 2 Water compressive system Clothes washer Boiler Stern shower Seawater treatment Number air conditioner: 3 Satellite antenna Number CD player: 5 Number CD player: 0 Window frame: in Nirosta Guardrail wood edge over Guardrail material: in Nirosta Tailgate bathing platform Balance assy typ: Benett commission number: DY21317
Vista prodotto
Fara in Sabina (Lazio)
Very good condition, ready for new owner to enjoy General Other: Sails Jibs 1 x Jib 1 (2018) – 34 m2, 85%, Carbon Technora 1 x Jib 2  (2015) – 31 m2, 60%,  polyester 1 x Jib 3 (2015) – 25 m2, 70%, polyester 1 x Jib 5 (2015) – 15 m2, 100%,  Dacron 1 x Code 0, 70 m2 with furler, 90%, taffetta (2015) 1 x stay sail and wind seeker, nylon (2018), 95%, with Lufftech furler, closed loop sheet 1 Storm Jib – 5 m2, 100%, Dacron  Mainsails 1 x 40 m2, Carbon Technora for racing (2018), 85% 1 x 36 m2, laminated for cruising (2018), 50% 1 x storm main sail, 12 m2, Dacron (2015), 100%  Asymmetric Sails 1 x A2 113 m2, nylon (2018), 90% 1 x A1 108 m2, nylon (2018), 90% 1 x A 1.5 116 m2, nylon (2015), with funnel, 100% 1 x A0 70 m2, ZL02 (2018), with Scamo furler, closed loop sheet, antitorsion cable, 95%% 1 x A0 65 m2, ZL02 (2018), with Karver furler, closed loop sheet, antitorsion cable, 90% Accommodations Sleeps 6 2 cabins  with double berth 2,00 m / 6’7’’ long, mattresses with removable fabric covers, 1 large port opening into the cockpit per cabin, 2 fabric hanging lockers in each cabin, complete access to engine compartment, access to battery switches, cabin doors of the same fabric as the hanging lockers, holding tank. 2 x antirolling sheets Mattresses for cruising (grey) and additional light weight mattresses for racing mode (black)  Head at bow with shower, sink and toilet. 1 x 100l holding water fabric tank Table with folding leaves + fabric made folder 2 bench seats with back rest 2,00 m / 6’7’’ long, Storage under bench seats and behind back rests Fixed ports along coachroof 1 opening deck hatch Cushions and back rests have removable covers - Sunbrella Taupe Removable floorboards Watertank 100L under saloon seating Chart table to port with storage within desk Panel for mounting electronics, designed to be compatible with a laptop and tablet computers 2 x ergonomic seats for racing mode Hot and cold running water Galley L-galley to starboard Storage with countertop Stainless steel sink Pressurised cold water tap Seawater foot pump Storage for flatware and rubbish bag mount Fixed port above galley Fridge/coolbox 60L 1 burner stove with oven Electrics USB plug 220V socket Electrical panel for “Offshore” use 12 V plug Voltmeter for house battery bank Tricolour LED navigation lights on masthead. 1 x Battery 75Ah for engine 4 x Battery groups 120 A/h (total 480 A/h house group) – new 2019 1 x Hydrogenerator Watt&Sea 600 W with two propeller sizes. 1X Solar panel 50W – new 2019 1 x Water Heater 1 x Fridge 12 V 1 x Shore Power connector 1 x Battery monitor display Deck and Cockpit Mainsail traveller track on cockpit floor Harken deck hardware Line jammers on coachroof for halyards and control lines 2 turning blocks for genoa sheets 2 tracks for genoa lead cars on sidedecks Chainplates for shrouds on side of hull and for backstay Deck Step for mast with blocks Handrails on coachroof Swimming ladder Tiller steering 2x Pockets in cockpit for storage Winch handles Hiking protection 2 x winches Harken Performa 46 2 x winches Harken Quattro Performa 40.2 1 x additional pad eye for wind seeker and stay sail 2 mooring cleats without fairleads aft (on deck edge) and 2 forward (on deck edge) Anchor locker Rigging Deck-stepped mast, 2 levels of pushing spreaders - 19/20 fractional Stainless steel Dyform® shrouds Adjustable backstay with returns to each helm Forestay with hardware for hanked-on sail 2 x Carbon bow sprit for asymmetric configuration (1 length 70 cm for IRC, one 110 cm optimized for ORC certificate) Rigid boom vang. Lazy bag for cruising Lazy bag for racing Running rigging All sheets are in Dyneema and have been renovated in 2018 by Armare. 2 x halyards for asymmetric sails + Tylaska 1 x halyard for head sail + Tylaska – new 2019 (Gottifredi Maffioli) 1 x halyard for stay sail + Tylaska 1 2:1 halyard for main sail with Tylaska block (new 2019). Ubi Maior block for spare 1 x back stay 2 x sheets for gennaker + Tylaska 2 x sheets for A0/C0 + Tylaska 2 x sheets for stay sail 2 x sheets for barbers + blocks 1 x sheet to be used as uncontrolled jibe preventer Engine Diesel engine Yanmar 3YM20C - 21 HP Saildrive SD20 transmission 125 A alternator 2-blade folding propeller Flex-o-Fold Electronics and Navigational Gear 4 x B&G TRITON 4 1 multifunction display 2 x B&G Maxi displays at mast 1 x B&G ZEUS T7 GPS multifunction with WIFI router at the cartography table 1 x ASTRA multifunction display in the cockpit with cartography and boat performance analysis, useful for routing without getting down to the cartography table 1 x PC with Windows 1 x wifi keyboard for the PC 1 x B&G AC42 autopilot (hydraulic) 1 x B&G Autopilot remote controller 1 x BG AIS 400 transponder 1 X SIMRAD VHF RS12 1 x satellite phone IRIDIUM 9555 with USB cable and external antenna 1 x wifi antenna with international SIM card to access internet when sailing near the coast 1 x Radar B&G 4G Safety Fire extinguisher Fenders Liferaft  Plastimo Offshore 4 person, more than 24 hours 1 x lifejacket Spinlock with automatic firing system 3 x lifejacket Marinepool with automatic firing system Various torches, also waterproof Manual water evacuation pump Additional electric bilge pump with 3m length pipe EPIRB (new 2019) Emergency and safety tools without limits from coast 1 x Personal AIS 1 x Personal PLB (new 2019) Additional Italian flag. Maintenance up to date. Engine spares (filters, belts, etc) onboard...Read full description
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Fara in Sabina (Lazio)
Very good condition General Other: Trimaran La Gioia Design: John Shuttleworth Draft: 70 cm, with daggerboard 320 cm Rudder 150 cm (hinged) Weight 5.5 tons Empty Tankage Water 600 L Diesel 300 L Engine Speed ​​Engine 8 Kn 2 blade folding prop Vetus Peugeot 50HP engine Sails Speed sails up to 30 Kn North Sails Main 3 DL 100 m2 jib 50 m2 selftacking Gennaker 180 m2  Electronics B & G (Hercules)  AIS (B + G) MOB Log, speed, depth, wind Autopilot VHF B + G Board computer: (tsunami navigation) GPS: Furuno Epirp Deck and cockpit Winches: Harken Tiller steering Seat at helm Windlass Cockpit shower Interior Saloon with table and roundsit White upholstery 3 clocks Chart table with seat 2 double beds 1 cabin with one bed Head with toilet: Vacuum and Shower, Grey watertank  Desalinator Galley Pressured water + hot water Sink Refrigerator Oven: Smeg Gas cooker 3 burner stove Construction Hull: Western System Cedar + Carbon + Epoxy Deck: Carbon Foam Bulkheads, Stringer: Carbon Daggerboard, Rudder: Carbon, Foam All epoxy vacuuming Rigging Mast rotating (45 ° - 45 °) wing 22 mx 70 cm Carbon Carbon boom Electrics Batterycharger: Mastervolt Shorepower with cable Additional 2 anchors Dinghy with outboard engine Covers for winches...Read full description
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La Spezia (Liguria)
A potent combination of Marten Yachts NZ build quality coupled with Farr and Vismara design. This yacht shows them off to their best. Hull in Carbon-Nomex painted in pearl white. Sleeps six guests and two crew. Now in La Spezia where a new owner can keep the berth for a period to be negotiated, free of charge. An absolutely awesome yacht. VAT paid and in excellent order, regularly maintaiined an constantly upgraded.. For further information or inspection arrangements please contact listing broker Hanne Niederbracht at Ancasta Yachts Palma or call - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - Inventory NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT Furuno 10.4 radar Computer for navigation systems Computer for internet VHF (one at navstation and one in cockpit) Inmarsat Sat C Iridium and GSM telephone B&G 20x20 instruments 15" nav station screen 2 Suunto compasses EXTRA INVENTORY Avon RiB 315 Yanmar 15HP outboard engine Gangway Titanium bathing ladder Cockpit cushions Sprayhood Sunshade Sharp LCD 28" TV Linn home theatre Hifi system 5 speakers in dinette 1 sub woofer 4 deck speakers 2 sea anchors (bow and stern) SAFETY EQUIPMENT Two 406 Epirbs Two Autoflug 6 person liferafts 12 Avon safety belt Grab bag Bridge RECENT WORKS INCLUDE: New teak decks New Air conditioning units New Watermaker New Navigation systems computer All new LED lighting CONSTRUCTION The hull is in Carbon-Nomex painted in pearl white The flush deck and low coach roof of the vessel is finished with hand laid teak Steering via two custom carbon Y spoke wheels and Vectran cable system The deck is adorned with no less than 16 custom Marten Yachts carbon flush hatches, providing ample light and fresh air into the interior of the vessel The stern is equipped with a garage for the dinghy and for general storage use The teak deck highlights the typical Vismara design: smooth cabin with ample living space and coamings together with the double cockpit, the after for the helmsman with two wheels and the central one for guests. Hull and deck are built in pre-preg carbon vacuum bagged and cured at 80° with Nomex core, in order to develop an extremely rigid yet light and well insulated structure. To save weight and give the maximum strength to the boat many of the furniture elements, such as the frontals, or the horizontal shelves of the settees are in sandwich of pre-preg carbon with Nomex core. LOA 20.30m LWL 18.24m BEAM 5.00m DRAFT 4.00m DISPLACEMENT 20500kg BALLAST 9100kg Machinery YANMAR 4JH DTE 125HP DIESEL ENGINE Mastervolt Whisper 8000 generator Spectra watermaker Condaria air conditioning throughout TANKAGE WATER 1250 litre FUEL 1000 litre BLACK WATER HOLDING TANK 250 litre GREY WATER HOLDING TANK 300 litre ELECTRICS 24 volt DC system Chargers 2 x Mastervolt 100 Mastervolt 40, 2020 3500w inverter Generator Mastervolt 8000 whisper Condaria 36000BTU airconditioning GROUND TACKLE Lofrans windlass Delta inox anchor with 12mm chain Spade 15kg kedge anchor 2 floating anchors WATER SYSTEM Hot and cold pressurised water throughout 60 litre hot water boiler Spectra 70 litres Zbrain watermaker Rig SLOOP RIG Six on deck electric Harken winches Frederiksen deck gear blocks The main sail traveller is controlled with a custom under deck hydraulic system. MAST The rotating carbon wing mast can be hydraulically rotated 35º either side of centre, is fully adjustable via hydraulic headstay & inner stay tensioning system, with running backstays connected to Harken electric winches Standing rig of SS rod with full set of Carbon rods for racing SAILS All North Sails 3DL carbon/Kevlar (2203 due for replacement winter 2011/12) Full battened main sail Selection of head sails Fractional gennaker Carbon Main and Jib (2004) Set of Dacron delivery sails Staysail and Storm Jib Accommodation SLEEPS SIX GUESTS IN THREE CABINS AND TWO CREW IN ONE CABIN The layout and the general styling of “Mister A” make the boat particularly comfortable and functional. The standard of finish is SUPERB. The boat is divided into two areas: the crew mess aft and the owner/guests area from amidships forwards. This separation assures mutual privacy, but also takes in consideration the differences between the use of the boat during blue water navigation and in harbour. For this reason there are two galleys, one close to the crew mess and navigation area. The main galley is amidships close to the saloon. The owners suite is located amidships and provided with two separate single berths with desk and office in between. The saloon is very well lit superbly finished and comfortable for socialising. The two guest cabins are upper and lower berths provided and they are forward preceding the sail locker. The furniture design utilises a mix of hitech and traditional styling and materials. Cherry wood is used to face the furniture and the bulkheads. Carbon structures of items, such as the entrance ladder are left bare to remind the owner just what a special yacht this is. The entertainment system in the saloon includes a Linn home theatre Hifi system with 5 speakers and a sub woofer in the dinette and 4 speakers on deck. Sharp LCD 28" TV. Both galleys are equipped with: 4 burner cooker Fridge Oven One also has a dishwasher and freezer...Read full description
Vista prodotto
La Spezia (Liguria)
A potent combination of Marten Yachts NZ build quality coupled with Farr and Vismara design. This yacht shows them off to their best. Hull in Carbon-Nomex painted in pearl white. Sleeps six guests and two crew. Now in La Spezia where a new owner can keep the berth for a period to be negotiated, free of charge. An absolutely awesome yacht. For further information, listing broker David Routledge Ancasta Palma Inventory NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT Furuno 10.4 radar Computer for navigation systems Computer for internet VHF (one at navstation and one in cockpit) Inmarsat Sat C Iridium and GSM telephone B&G 20x20 instruments 15" nav station screen 2 Suunto compasses EXTRA INVENTORY Avon RiB 315 Yanmar 15HP outboard engine Gangway Titanium bathing ladder Cockpit cushions Sprayhood Sunshade Sharp LCD 28" TV Linn home theatre Hifi system 5 speakers in dinette 1 sub woofer 4 deck speakers 2 sea anchors (bow and stern) SAFETY EQUIPMENT Two 406 Epirbs Two Autoflug 6 person liferafts 12 avon safety belt Grab bag Bridge CONSTRUCTION The hull is in Carbon-Nomex painted in pearl white The flush deck and low coach roof of the vessel is finished with hand laid teak Steering via two custom carbon Y spoke wheels and Vectran cable system The deck is adorned with no less than 16 custom Marten Yachts carbon flush hatches, providing ample light and fresh air into the interior of the vessel The stern is equipped with a garage for the dinghy and for general storage use The teak deck highlights the typical Vismara design: smooth cabin with ample living space and coamings together with the double cockpit, the after for the helmsman with two wheels and the central one for guests. Hull and deck are built in pre-preg carbon vacuum bagged and cured at 80° with Nomex core, in order to develop an extremely rigid yet light and well insulated structure. To save weight and give the maximum strength to the boat many of the furniture elements, such as the frontals, or the horizontal shelves of the settees are in sandwich of pre-preg carbon with Nomex core. LOA 20.30m LWL 18.24m BEAM 5.00m DRAFT 4.00m DISPLACEMENT 20500kg BALLAST 9100kg Machinery YANMAR 4JH DTE 125HP DIESEL ENGINE Mastervolt Whisper 8000 generator Spectra watermaker Condaria air conditioning throughout TANKAGE WATER 1250 litre FUEL 1000 litre BLACK WATER HOLDING TANK 250 litre GREY WATER HOLDING TANK 300 litre ELECTRICS 24 volt DC system Chargers 2 x Mastervolt 100 Mastervolt 40, 2020 3500w inverter Generator Mastervolt 8000 whisper Condaria 36000BTU airconditioning GROUND TACKLE Lofrans windlass Delta inox anchor with 12mm chain Spade 15kg kedge anchor 2 floating anchors WATER SYSTEM Hot and cold pressurised water throughout 60 litre hot water boiler Spectra 70 litres Zbrain watermaker Rig SLOOP RIG Six on deck electric Harken winches Frederiksen deck gear blocks The main sail traveller is controlled with a custom under deck hydraulic system. MAST The rotating carbon wing mast can be hydraulically rotated 35º either side of centre, is fully adjustable via hydraulic headstay & inner stay tensioning system, with running backstays connected to Harken electric winches Standing rig of SS rod with full set of Carbon rods for racing SAILS All North Sails 3DL carbon/Kevlar (2203 due for replacement winter 2011/12) Full battened main sail Selection of head sails Fractional gennaker Carbon Main and Jib (2004) Set of Dacron delivery sails Staysail and Storm Jib Accommodation SLEEPS SIX GUESTS IN THREE CABINS AND TWO CREW IN ONE CABIN The layout and the general styling of “Mister A” make the boat particularly comfortable and functional. The standard of finish is SUPERB. The boat is divided into two areas: the crew mess aft and the owner/guests area from amidships forwards. This separation assures mutual privacy, but also takes in consideration the differences between the use of the boat during blue water navigation and in harbour. For this reason there are two galleys, one close to the crew mess and navigation area. The main galley is amidships close to the saloon. The owners suite is located amidships and provided with two separate single berths with desk and office in between. The saloon is very well lit superbly finished and comfortable for socialising. The two guest cabins are upper and lower berths provided and they are forward preceding the sail locker. The furniture design utilises a mix of hitech and traditional styling and materials. Cherry wood is used to face the furniture and the bulkheads. Carbon structures of items, such as the entrance ladder are left bare to remind the owner just what a special yacht this is. The entertainment system in the saloon includes a Linn home theatre Hifi system with 5 speakers and a sub woofer in the dinette and 4 speakers on deck. Sharp LCD 28" TV. Both galleys are equipped with: 4 burner cooker Fridge Oven One also has a dishwasher and freezer...Read full description
Vista prodotto
Fara in Sabina (Lazio)
Very good condition Algemeen Overig: Trimaran La Gioia Design: John Shuttleworth Draft: 70 cm, with daggerboard 320 cm Rudder 150 cm (hinged) Weight 5.5 tons Empty Tankage Water 600 L Diesel 300 L Engine Speed ​​Engine 8 Kn 2 blade folding prop Vetus Peugeot 50HP engine Sails Speed sails up to 30 Kn North Sails Main 3 DL 100 m2 jib 50 m2 selftacking Gennaker 180 m2 Electronics B & G (Hercules) AIS (B + G) MOB Log, speed, depth, wind Autopilot VHF B + G Board computer: (tsunami navigation) GPS: Furuno Epirp Deck and cockpit Winches: Harken Tiller steering Seat at helm Windlass Cockpit shower Interior Saloon with table and roundsit White upholstery 3 clocks Chart table with seat 2 double beds 1 cabin with one bed Head with toilet: Vacuum and Shower, Grey watertank Desalinator Galley Pressured water + hot water Sink Refrigerator Oven: Smeg Gas cooker 3 burner stove Construction Hull: Western System Cedar + Carbon + Epoxy Deck: Carbon Foam Bulkheads, Stringer: Carbon Daggerboard, Rudder: Carbon, Foam All epoxy vacuuming Rigging Mast rotating (45 ° - 45 °) wing 22 mx 70 cm Carbon Carbon boom Electrics Batterycharger: Mastervolt Shorepower with cable Additional 2 anchors Dinghy with outboard engine Covers for winches...Read full description
Vista prodotto
Fara in Sabina (Lazio)
Very good condition, ready for new owner to enjoy Algemeen Overig: Sails Jibs 1 x Jib 1 (2018) – 34 m2, 85%, Carbon Technora 1 x Jib 2 (2015) – 31 m2, 60%, polyester 1 x Jib 3 (2015) – 25 m2, 70%, polyester 1 x Jib 5 (2015) – 15 m2, 100%, Dacron 1 x Code 0, 70 m2 with furler, 90%, taffetta (2015) 1 x stay sail and wind seeker, nylon (2018), 95%, with Lufftech furler, closed loop sheet 1 Storm Jib – 5 m2, 100%, Dacron Mainsails 1 x 40 m2, Carbon Technora for racing (2018), 85% 1 x 36 m2, laminated for cruising (2018), 50% 1 x storm main sail, 12 m2, Dacron (2015), 100% Asymmetric Sails 1 x A2 113 m2, nylon (2018), 90% 1 x A1 108 m2, nylon (2018), 90% 1 x A 1.5 116 m2, nylon (2015), with funnel, 100% 1 x A0 70 m2, ZL02 (2018), with Scamo furler, closed loop sheet, antitorsion cable, 95%% 1 x A0 65 m2, ZL02 (2018), with Karver furler, closed loop sheet, antitorsion cable, 90% Accommodations Sleeps 6 2 cabins with double berth 2,00 m / 6’7’’ long, mattresses with removable fabric covers, 1 large port opening into the cockpit per cabin, 2 fabric hanging lockers in each cabin, complete access to engine compartment, access to battery switches, cabin doors of the same fabric as the hanging lockers, holding tank. 2 x antirolling sheets Mattresses for cruising (grey) and additional light weight mattresses for racing mode (black) Head at bow with shower, sink and toilet. 1 x 100l holding water fabric tank Table with folding leaves + fabric made folder 2 bench seats with back rest 2,00 m / 6’7’’ long, Storage under bench seats and behind back rests Fixed ports along coachroof 1 opening deck hatch Cushions and back rests have removable covers - Sunbrella Taupe Removable floorboards Watertank 100L under saloon seating Chart table to port with storage within desk Panel for mounting electronics, designed to be compatible with a laptop and tablet computers 2 x ergonomic seats for racing mode Hot and cold running water Galley L-galley to starboard Storage with countertop Stainless steel sink Pressurised cold water tap Seawater foot pump Storage for flatware and rubbish bag mount Fixed port above galley Fridge/coolbox 60L 1 burner stove with oven Electrics USB plug 220V socket Electrical panel for “Offshore” use 12 V plug Voltmeter for house battery bank Tricolour LED navigation lights on masthead. 1 x Battery 75Ah for engine 4 x Battery groups 120 A/h (total 480 A/h house group) – new 2019 1 x Hydrogenerator Watt&Sea 600 W with two propeller sizes. 1X Solar panel 50W – new 2019 1 x Water Heater 1 x Fridge 12 V 1 x Shore Power connector 1 x Battery monitor display Deck and Cockpit Mainsail traveller track on cockpit floor Harken deck hardware Line jammers on coachroof for halyards and control lines 2 turning blocks for genoa sheets 2 tracks for genoa lead cars on sidedecks Chainplates for shrouds on side of hull and for backstay Deck Step for mast with blocks Handrails on coachroof Swimming ladder Tiller steering 2x Pockets in cockpit for storage Winch handles Hiking protection 2 x winches Harken Performa 46 2 x winches Harken Quattro Performa 40.2 1 x additional pad eye for wind seeker and stay sail 2 mooring cleats without fairleads aft (on deck edge) and 2 forward (on deck edge) Anchor locker Rigging Deck-stepped mast, 2 levels of pushing spreaders - 19/20 fractional Stainless steel Dyform® shrouds Adjustable backstay with returns to each helm Forestay with hardware for hanked-on sail 2 x Carbon bow sprit for asymmetric configuration (1 length 70 cm for IRC, one 110 cm optimized for ORC certificate) Rigid boom vang. Lazy bag for cruising Lazy bag for racing Running rigging All sheets are in Dyneema and have been renovated in 2018 by Armare. 2 x halyards for asymmetric sails + Tylaska 1 x halyard for head sail + Tylaska – new 2019 (Gottifredi Maffioli) 1 x halyard for stay sail + Tylaska 1 2:1 halyard for main sail with Tylaska block (new 2019). Ubi Maior block for spare 1 x back stay 2 x sheets for gennaker + Tylaska 2 x sheets for A0/C0 + Tylaska 2 x sheets for stay sail 2 x sheets for barbers + blocks 1 x sheet to be used as uncontrolled jibe preventer Engine Diesel engine Yanmar 3YM20C - 21 HP Saildrive SD20 transmission 125 A alternator 2-blade folding propeller Flex-o-Fold Electronics and Navigational Gear 4 x B&G TRITON 4 1 multifunction display 2 x B&G Maxi displays at mast 1 x B&G ZEUS T7 GPS multifunction with WIFI router at the cartography table 1 x ASTRA multifunction display in the cockpit with cartography and boat performance analysis, useful for routing without getting down to the cartography table 1 x PC with Windows 1 x wifi keyboard for the PC 1 x B&G AC42 autopilot (hydraulic) 1 x B&G Autopilot remote controller 1 x BG AIS 400 transponder 1 X SIMRAD VHF RS12 1 x satellite phone IRIDIUM 9555 with USB cable and external antenna 1 x wifi antenna with international SIM card to access internet when sailing near the coast 1 x Radar B&G 4G Safety Fire extinguisher Fenders Liferaft Plastimo Offshore 4 person, more than 24 hours 1 x lifejacket Spinlock with automatic firing system 3 x lifejacket Marinepool with automatic firing system Various torches, also waterproof Manual water evacuation pump Additional electric bilge pump with 3m length pipe EPIRB (new 2019) Emergency and safety tools without limits from coast 1 x Personal AIS 1 x Personal PLB (new 2019) Additional Italian flag. Maintenance up to date. Engine spares (filters, belts, etc) onboard...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
In 2010 geheel omgebouwd tot een schp met vele mogelijkheden. Zowel te gebruiken als horeca schip, maar ook te gebruiken als kantoor, atelier, studio, werkplaats, oefenruimte, cultuur en evenementen schip o.i.d. Geldig CVO tot 2027. Algemeen Besturing: Handmatig sturen met twee roeren Overig: Het dakterras is 40 vierkante meter. De stuurhut functioneert goed en is authentiek. Naast het ruim is er ook een schipperswoning met eigen opgang. Deze woning is in 2018 verbouwd tot een moderne woning. Deze is ook geïsoleerd en heeft dubbelglas. De woning bestaat uit een woonkamer, slaapkamer, douche, toilet en een keuken. Accommodatie Verblijfsruimtes: Hoofdwoning: ruim verbouwd tot zaal van 65 m2 met podium en complete open restaurantluiken, hal met twee slaapkamers (in totaal twee slaapplaatsen) met eigen sanitair. Voorwoning: de roef achterop is geheel vernieuwd, opnieuw geïsoleerd en voorzien van dubbelglas. Indeling bestaat uit: de woonkamer, keuken, slaapkamer en badkamer. Overig: De toiletten worden met oppervlakte water gespoeld. De oven, het fornuis, de bakplaat en de frituur zijn flessen gas gestookt. De vaatwasser en de steamer staan op 3 fase stroom. Voor de verwarming en het hete water staat er een combi-ketel op diesel. Voor de elektra is er een hele installatie aangelegd, zodat het schip zichzelf kan voorzien. Er is een accu bank van 54.4 V met een capaciteit van 840 Ah. De zonnepanelen en de generator kan gevoed worden met 1 of 3 fase walstroom. De stroom komt via de drie omvormers van Victron Energie en een verdeelkast in de groepenkast, deze verdeelt het over andere 1 of 3 fase groepenkasten. Luiken: geïsoleerd houtendak met daarboven een aluminium damwandprofiel. Luikenwagen: een schuifluik. Buikdenning: geïsoleerde vloer met daarop Azobe. Motor, electra, water Bouwjaar: Met refit: 1996 Overig: SI-keuring tot september 2027. Uitrusting Overig: Autkraan: 7 meter, 1000 kg met lier.
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Accommodation - 1 x Master Cabin - 1 x VIP Cabin - 1 x Double Cabin - 2 x Twin Cabins Additional Equipment Deck Equipment - Anchor(s) - Anchor Chain - Winch(es) - Gangway - Bathing Platform - Swimming Ladder Entertainment Equipment - Radio / CD Player Galley and Laundry Equipment - Refrigerator(s) - Freezer(s) - Cooking Plates - Microwave - Oven(s) Mechanical and Electrical Equipment - Engines: 2 x 290 HP Caterpillar - Airconditioning - Generator: Caterpillar 2 x 37.5 kW and Onan 3 kW - Stabilizers: Naiad - Bow Thruster: HPS - Fuel: Diesel Safety Equipment - Fire Extinguisher(s) - Lifejackets Tenders and Toys Navigational Equipment - 1 x VHF - 1 x GPS Chart Plotter - 1 x Depthsounder - 1 x Autopilot
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Italia (Tutte le città)
MY Wisting reist durch ihr moderenes Diesel-Elektrik-Antriebssystem sehr leise und verbrauchsorientriert. Sie kann bei einer Reisegeschwindigkeit von ca 6kn eine Reichweite von nahezu 7.000 nm erreichen. Liegeplatz: Mittelmeer Mallorca Einrichtung & Aufteilung: Marinerokabine: Vorschiff Ruderhaus Innenfahrstand Pantry Dunstabzugshaube Backofen Anzahl Kochplatten: 4 Herdplatten: Elektro Tiefkühler Nautik Echolot Sumlog Kompass Autopilot Kartenplotter GPS UKW Seefunk Radar Windmessanlage Technische Ausrüstung Landanschluss: 380 V Anzahl Ladegeräte: 2 Spannung Ladegeräte: 24 V Bordspannungsnetz: 24 Volt Anzahl Lichtmaschinen: 3 Positionslampen See Positionslampen Anker Suchscheinwerfer: elektrisch Zubehör Löschanlage Motorraum Anzahl Bugankerwinden: 2 Druckwasseranlage Trockner Boiler Deckdusche Seewasseraufbereitung Fensterrahmen: Alu Seereling Holzrandlauf Seereling Material: Alu Hecktuer Badeplattform MY Wisiting's mordern diesel electric drive system enables her to cruise in a very quite and fuel efficient manner. She is able to reach a range from nearly 7.000nm on an slow cruising at app 6 knots. Berth: Mittelmeer Mallorca Interiors & Cabin Layout: Crew cabin: Vorschiff Wheelhouse Driver cabin Pantry Exhaust hood Oven Number of hot plates: 4 Hobs: Elektro Freezer Nautik Depth-sounder Sumlog compass Autopilot Map plotter GPS UKW marine communications Radar Wind measuring system Technical Equipment Shore power: 380 V Values chargers: 2 Voltage chargers: 24 V Board voltage network: 24 Volt Numbers alternators: 3 Positionlamp see Positionlamp anchor Searchlight: elektrisch Appendix Extinguishing system engine Number bug winding armatures: 2 Water compressive system Dryer Boiler Deck shower Seawater treatment Window frame: Alu Guardrail wood edge over Guardrail material: Alu Tailgate bathing platform commission number: DY20990
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