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- Questa collana a catena è realizzata in materiale di alta qualità. I materiali leggeri e raffinati possono essere perfettamente abbinati a una varietà di stili di abbigliamento.
- Si tratta di un buon regalo per amici o partner. Il nostro negozio ha una varietà di collane da donna con offerte speciali, benvenuti da visitare.
- Finché avete domande sui nostri prodotti, potete contattarci e risolveremo il vostro problema il prima possibile. La vostra soddisfazione è la nostra più grande felicità.
- Rispettiamo e apprezziamo ogni cliente, se avete domande prima o dopo l'ordine, non esitate a contattarci, facciamo ogni ragionevole sforzo per fornire un servizio che soddisfi le vostre esigenze.
- Collana modello Galaxy con ciondoli rotondi in vetro simboleggiano 8 pianeti del sistema solare.
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- 1.Alta qualità e lavabile Questa bambola di peluche vibrante è realizzata in materiale peluche resistente ed è riempita con materiale di cotone PP di alta qualità. Facile da pulire, usa una piccola quantità di acqua e sapone per rimuovere le macchie e asciuga naturalmente
- 2.Può essere bambole decorative per la casa o bambini che giocano a giocattoli di animali.Ideale per vestire una camera da letto, un salotto o ovunque all'interno della casa per iniettare un po 'di divertimento.
- 3.I peluche sono sempre apprezzati dai bambini. Il giocattolo adorabile e reale può assolutamente catturare gli occhi dei bambini per la prima volta. Scegli il peluche da regalare ai bambini per il Compleanno, il Giorno del Ringraziamento, il Natale e la festa del baby shower, accompagnali a crescere e diventa il loro partner d'infanzia.
- 4.La nostra epidermide di peluche è realizzata in tessuto morbido e traspirante.La lunghezza media di lanugine e piena di imbottitura potrebbe fornirti il tocco migliore adatto a te da coccolare tra le braccia o usarlo come cuscino. forma carina, può darti la sensazione di sicurezza come una madre ripiena di amore e armonia.
- 5. Spremi questo morbido peluche per alleviare lo stress; Può essere utilizzato come cuscino per pisolino / cuscino per abbraccio / cuscino per pisolino per pausa pranzo da ufficio / giocattoli di peluche, soddisfa tutte le tue esigenze.
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Milano (Lombardia)
Siamo uno studio di commercialisti ed avvocati di Milano, a fronte di un ampliamento del core business immobiliare ricerchiamo Partner Operativo Immobiliare, iscritto all'Albo, residente a Milano al fine di avviare una NewCo. Telefono 338 19 13 068
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Catania (Sicilia)
Rossetti Intermedia, Società leader nel proprio settore con affermata professionalità ed esperienza da oltre "35 anni". Ricerca partner/segretaria da inserire nel proprio organico. Intraprendenti, pieni di entusiasmo e capaci di gestire e coordinare in totale autonomia il proprio lavoro. Inviaci La tua candidatura C.V. al nostro ufficio risorse umane.
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Milano (Lombardia)
Sono un Professionista immobiliare, sto avviando una Società Immobiliare a Milano città. Cerco Partner Operativo Abilitato con solida, dimostrabile e documentabile esperienza nel settore. Attualmente ho in corso operazioni immobiliari importantissime, il partner dovrà avere un analogo portafoglio mandati e clienti al fine di implementare e consolidare lo sviluppo. Telefono 331 44 11 534
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Milano (Lombardia)
Per NewCo Immobiliare di prossima costituzione (febbraio) ricerchiamo Partner Operativo, abilitato con eccellente esperienza settoriale maturata a Milano. Possibile compartecipazione. Telefono 3314411534 Avvocati Associati & Ymmo
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Roma (Lazio)
Vuoi far parte della nuova Sede Centrale di un’Azienda Immobiliare Storica come Agente Immobiliare Esperto? Cerchiamo un Agente Immobiliare Esperto con esperienza di almeno 18 mesi nel settore Immobiliare. Requisiti: - Esperienza di almeno 18 mesi nel settore Immobiliare - Gestione autonoma di tutto il processo di vendita/affitto degli immobili L’Azienda offre: - Alte Provvigioni - Incentivi, Bonus e Premi - Nessuna spesa da sostenere, nessun orario di agenzia e nessun limite di zona - Metodo Rivolta: metodo di lavoro altamente performante, garantito da anni di esperienza - Sala Ricerca per l’acquisizione - Segretarie e Coordinatrici esperte ed efficienti sempre a disposizione - Direttore di Filiale sempre a disposizione - Fotografo professionale specializzato nel settore immobiliare - Team per la comunicazione aziendale, marketing e pubblicità sui più importanti portali immobiliari italiani ed esteri - Gestionale aziendale facile, intuitivo e all'avanguardia - Ampio portafoglio di immobili e richieste - Ufficio Prestigioso - Brand affermato e riconosciuto da oltre 60 anni - Rete per la collaborazione immobiliare più grande d’Italia (MLS REplat) - Associazioni di categoria (FIAIP, FIMAA etc.) - Rapporti diretti esteri per la collaborazione (Londra, New York etc.) - Corsi di formazione e aggiornamento sia interni sia esterni - Supporto tecnico di svariati professionisti come Geometra, Notaio, Avvocato, Commercialista, Architetto, Responsabile Marketing e Grafica, Social Media Manager, Responsabile Comunicazione etc. - Ampia e rapida possibilità di carriera fino ad arrivare ad aprire insieme una Filiale Rivolta - Una Grande Famiglia E molto altro ancora… Chiama Ora la Rivolta Immobiliare dal 1956 al numero 06/36308330
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Milano (Lombardia)
Vuoi diventare Elite Partner: OFFRIAMO - provvigioni sino al 75% del fatturato - NO limiti zonali - pubblicità sui migliori portali garantita (immobiliare/casa/idealista/house24ore/luxuryestate) - esperienza, professionalità, conoscenza del mercato, immagine capacità comprovate - NO orari Se sei un agente immobiliare insoddisfatto dell'ambiente lavorativo nel quale operi e vuoi aumentare il tuo fatturato, chiamaci serenamente. Richiesta esperienza, NO FISSO, no curiosi, no prime esperienze, no segretariato.
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Milano (Lombardia)
New Work Times ricerca per rinomata Azienda dell'hinterland nord-ovest di Milano, attiva nel settore immobiliare, la figura di: Stagista Ufficio amministrazione e contabilità Caratteristiche ideali: Diploma di Ragioneria o Tecnico commerciale; Gradita, ma non imprescindibile, esperienza nel ruolo di 6-12 mesi, maturata preferibilmente in aziende strutturate del settore edile/immobiliare; Attenzione al dettaglio, abilità matematiche, flessibilità e disponibilità; Candidato responsabile, dotato di spirito di iniziativa e con capacità di lavorare con scadenze stringenti; Spiccata capacità di problem solving; persona proattiva e propositiva; Ottime capacità relazionali, comunicative ed organizzative; professionalità e correttezza; Attitudine a lavorare per obiettivi, in tempi ridotti e in multitasking; Persona motivata ad una crescita professionale, matura, fortemente determinata, seria e riservata; Gradita, ma non indispensabile, la conoscenza della lingua inglese; Buona padronanza del pacchetto Office (Word ed Excel); utilizzo posta elettronica; Domicilio a Milano o immediato hinterland. Mansioni da svolgere: Il candidato ideale, inserito nell’ufficio amministrativo, a diretto riporto del Responsabile Amministrazione e contabilità, sarà affiancato nello svolgimento delle seguenti attività: •Fatture fornitore Italia ed Estero (preparazione per inserimento e controllo); •Note spese (controllo e compilazione); •Attività di ciclo passivo e supporto generale alle attività dell’Ufficio; •Archivio; •Fotocopie. Sede di lavoro: Milano nord-ovest Inquadramento: Stage full-time Gli interessati possono inviare il curriculum, previa lettura dell'informativa privacy sul sito New Work Times. Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03. Aut.Min. Prot.39/0007366
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Torino (Piemonte)
New System Telephone srl è partner ufficiale Telecom e Sorgenia. Selezioniamo operatrici call center con esperienza. La risorsa dovrà fissare appuntamenti verso la clientela business per agenti commerciali nel settore energetico/gas. - Si richiede disponibilità immediata. - Contratto di lavoro: Part-time - Fisso garantito
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Italia (Tutte le città)
NEW - OPPORTUNITA DI CARRIERA - EMATOLOGIA ONCOLOGIA - OSPEDALE UNIVERSITARIO Il 1° gennaio 2022 Lucien Neuwirth Cancer Institute e il CHU di Saint-Etienne si sono uniti per formare un unico istituto di sanità pubblica. La struttura ricerca medici specialisti in ematologia e oncologia. Il contratto/stipendio proposto dipenderà dal profilo. Si tratta di contratti di servizio pubblico ospedaliero con una serie di vantaggi: -Una collaborazione a tempo indeterminato nel futuro: -Uno stipendio base lordo compreso tra € 5.000 e € 9000 - Indennità per le cure continuative (guardie) o Ferie retribuite: 25 giorni di ferie annuali e 19 giorni di RTT o Congedo di formazione: 5 giorni o Protezione sociale vantaggiosa: copertura per malattia con mantenimento della retribuzione per 3 mesi poi metà stipendio per 6 mesi o La possibilità di svolgere periodi di lavoro aggiuntivi (straordinari) Ø L'organizzazione del lavoro all'interno del dipartimento è organizzata in 10 mezze giornate settimanali, dal lunedì al venerdì. Non ci sono orari fissi ma solitamente i praticanti sono presenti dalle 8:30 alle 18:30. o Viene inoltre organizzato un servizio di reperibilità settimanale. Consiste nel ricevere chiamate dal servizio nei giorni feriali serali e notturni (di solito poche chiamate) e spostamenti il sabato e la domenica mattina per valutare i nuovi pazienti. A seconda del programma, un praticante è di guardia circa una settimana su sei. o Questa partecipazione è ovviamente retribuita in aggiunta allo stipendio: gli oncologi specializzati esercitano solo nella consulenza e per la supervisione dell'HDJ. Altri professionisti si occupano della gestione quotidiana del reparto convenzionale. L'orario di lavoro a volte prevede consulenze fino alle 17:00. I Chu lavora nel reclutamento e nel finanziamento con il loro partner, la Mutualité française, che li aiuta nel progetto di cancerologia.
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Castelfranco Veneto (Veneto)
Descrizione crewlink ltd Discover life in the sky and join our Cabin Crew Team! Crewlink is the official recruitment partner for Ryanair Holdings PLC which includes Ryanair DAC, Ryanair UK, Buzz, Lauda Europe and Malta Air. We are currently recruiting for Cabin Crew positions across Europe and would be delighted to meet you at one of our Virtual Interviews. Our Cabin Crew roles offer real and exciting career opportunities for ambitious crew members to progress their career while exploring Europe's favourite destinations, sampling new cultures on your days off and meeting interesting people each day, whilst providing our guests with an excellent travel experience. This position offers a highly competitive salary together with amazing staff travel benefits for crew members who excel in this fast-paced, fun and challenging role. Join our Crewlink Cabin Crew Team and make amazing memories with your new colleagues and friends as you take off on your exciting adventure. Our Recruitment Days will look a little different however we still want to make your dreams of becoming Cabin Crew a reality! Apply now to attend a Virtual Interview with one of our experienced Recruiters. We have adapted our recruitment processes to ensure we continue to provide an excellent candidate experience. Some of the amazing benefits of your new career with us include: 1. Free Cabin Crew Training Course 2. Daily Per Diem provided whilst training 3. Security of working for a financially stable airline 4. Free uniform in year 1 5. Sales bonus 6. Depending on country we have Permanent, Contract and Seasonal positions 7. Unlimited highly discounted Staff Travel rates 8. Flexible 5 days on / 3 days off staff rosters 9. Explore new cultures and cities with colleagues on your days off 10. The adventure and experience of a lifetime within our Cabin Crew network REQUIREMENTS 1. Applicants must hold an EU/UK Passport. 2. You must be between 5 "2 (157 cm) and 6" 2 (188 cm) in height. 3. You must be able to swim 25 meters unaided. 4. It helps if you are hardworking, flexible and have an outgoing and friendly personality. 5. Adaptable and happy to work a shift roster. 6. Enjoy dealing with the public and have the ability to provide excellent customer service with a 'can do' attitude. 7. Comfortable speaking and writing in English with ease. 8. A passion for travelling and meeting new people. In order to be considered, please make an Online Application. Careers take off with Crewlink! Click the link below to start your new and exciting career in the sky assistente di volo, hostess, cabin crew, steward, alitalia, assistente, trasporti, aeroporto by
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Italia (Tutte le città)
We are looking for an experienced sales leader to manage the growth in Italy. As Italy Sales Manager, you will act as an entrepreneur to acquire many new clients and lead a team to achieve your objectives. Your main responsibilities will be: Identify target accounts and proactively acquire new clients in the Italy (from hunting plan setting & execution to deals closing & new clients on boarding). Exceed sales and revenue targets by effectively managing quarterly sales goals. Accountable for client retention and new profitable revenue growth. Recruit, manage, and develop a highly driven team of sales, customer sucess managers and Marketing Manager. Lead by example: as an individual contributor, by hitting your own sales quota; as a manager by helping your team progress and reach their targets. Develop and maintain a personal network with clients and partners, predominantly at senior executive level. As a member of the sales management team, participate in the implementation of the global strategic sales objectives and contribute in identifying and implementing continual process and practice improvements. Ensure accurate sales reporting, metric analysis, sales recognition, and other ad-hoc sales operations support activitiesSales Manager Italy - Multinazionale settore HRMultinazionale settore HR - Talent5+ years experience in new business acquisition sales, including 2+ years of management roles HR industry experience & personal network in HR Previous experience of selling B2B SaaS solutions is a plus Strong operational leader with demonstrated success in driving growth, getting tangible results, and improving sales KPI Positive and creative, with strong willingness to win despite all challenges, thrives in a fast paced entrepreneurial and competitive environment Familiar with CRM systems ( ideally) Outstanding communication, negotiation, persuasion, and interpersonal skills with a natural ability to build relationships Data-driven, results-oriented, and accurate Italian native speaker, Fluent EnglishOur Partner is an international company who helps HR professionals provide a unique candidate and employee experience while liberating them from low added-value tasks. Their Talent Experience Platform, delivering a chatbot, interview scheduler, AI-driven video interviewing, language assessments and career management solution, allows their customers to optimize and digitalize their hiring, internal mobility and employee career development.Ottima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 50.000 /anno a 70.000 /anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Channel Manager wins, maintains, and expands relationships with channel partners. The Channel Manager is responsible for achieving channel sales, profitability, and partner recruitment objectives. * Responsible for quality, safety and reliability of Data Center offering through the indirect channel * Bid and tender management, providing technical point to point answers, commercial terms and conditions, preparing all the support documentation * Business development and offers definition together with partners * Solution development together with partners * Data base maintenance & CRM reporting * Continuous training to partners and budget management with partners * Sales proposal definition and Sales channel management of the Italian Indirect market * Sales plan definition and management towards the most effective commercial strategy in the indirect channel with System Integrators and Agents * Contribution to clients through Sales delivery up to date methods and deep knowledge of Data Center Industry * Proactively recruits new qualifying partners. * Establishes productive, professional relationships with key personnel in assigned partner accounts. * Meets assigned targets for profitable sales volume and strategic objectives in assigned partner accounts. * Proactively leads a joint partner planning process that develops mutual performance objectives, * Proactively assesses, clarifies, and validates partner needs on an ongoing basis. * Sells through partner organizations to end users in coordination with partner sales resources. * Leads solution development efforts that best address end-user needs, Sales Channel Manager - DatacenterInternational Dartacenter * Professional background developed in Technology Vendors, Colocation Services and System Integrators * Educational background in technical sciences, information technology * Fluent English * Strong Sales culture into the indirect channel market * Solid planning skills combined with structured approach to manage an indirect network * Previous experience (at least 5 years) in the management of indirect channelsInternational DatacenterOttima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 50.000 /anno a 70.000 /anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Process Engineering Specialist brings operations-expertise to help the organization in order to optimize production processes and realize substantial efficiency and cost saving. Act as a strategic partner, providing value-added solutions, developing and implementing hands-on measures in order to realize the required process improvements and ultimately improve margins; Drive changes and efficiencies by recommending new ways to operate, contributing actively to their actual implementation and providing feedbacks; Build realistic and comprehensive action plans to reduce cost, increase quality and improve service level; Participate at meetings with Automation department in order to define the technical requirement specifications for new equipments considering R&D, QA and Operations requests; Define, execute and validate the production process of new product in collaboration with R&D; Define, write and update production manual (MOP) and guarantee the quality for the entire process; Transfer production process; Execute process changes related to: methods, parameters and material changes; Execute Operational Qualification (OQ) and Performance Qualification (PQ); Execute equipment and production validation using statistical tools such us Gage R&R, Capability analysis, DOE, Regression, Hypothesis tests and others. Promote process improvements using Lean Six Sigma Approach.Medical DevicesGreat growth opportunityGood English level (B1 Level) Management of the validation documents necessary for the process control and improvement and deep knowledge of validation strategy (IQ - OQ - PQ); Knowledge and experience with statistical tools: DOE study, Gage R&R, Capability analysis (Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk), sampling size definition preferably by means Minitab sw. Green Belt Certification will be a plus Degree in Engineering At least 4-5 years of experience holding position in process engineering dept.Multinational Company leader in medical devicesGreat growth opportunity
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Act as a strategic partner, providing value-added solutions, developing and implementing hands-on measures in order to realize the required process improvements and ultimately improve margins; Drive changes and efficiencies by recommending new ways to operate, contributing actively to their actual implementation and providing feedbacks; Build realistic and comprehensive action plans to reduce cost, increase quality and improve service level; Participate at meetings with Automation department in order to define the technical requirement specifications for new equipments considering R&D, QA and Operations requests; Define, execute and validate the production process of new product in collaboration with R&D; Define, write and update production manual (MOP) and guarantee the quality for the entire process; Transfer production process; Execute process changes related to: methods, parameters and material changes; Execute Operational Qualification (OQ) and Performance Qualification (PQ); Execute equipment and production validation using statistical tools such us Gage R&R, Capability analysis, DOE, Regression, Hypothesis tests and others. Promote process improvements using Lean Six Sigma Approach.Multinational Company leader in medical devicesGreat Growth OpportunityGood English level (B1 Level) Management of the validation documents necessary for the process control and improvement and deep knowledge of validation strategy (IQ - OQ - PQ); Knowledge and experience with statistical tools: DOE study, Gage R&R, Capability analysis (Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk), sampling size definition preferably by means Minitab sw. Degree in Engineering Green Belt Certification will be a plusAt least 2-3 years of experience holding position in process engineering dept.Multinational Company leader in medical devicesGreath Growth Opportunity
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WFP seeks candidates of the highest integrity and professionalism who share our humanitarian principles. Selection of staff is made on a competitive basis, and we are committed to promoting diversity and gender balance. ABOUT WFP The United Nations World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. The mission of WFP is to help the world achieve Zero Hunger in our lifetimes. Every day, WFP works worldwide to ensure that no child goes to bed hungry and that the poorest and most vulnerable, particularly women and children, can access the nutritious food they need. ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT The HR Policy & Compliance Branch ("HRMOP") is a small specialized team that provides advice to WFP globally on the interpretation and application of HR policies. The team is specialized and technical in nature, and requires a combination of analytical, legal and policy drafting skills, and a legal understanding of the implications of policy changes on the regulatory framework. The P3 HR Policy Officer ("HRPO") will report to the Chief of the HR Policy & Compliance Branch ("HRMOP"), and work under the overall guidance of the Director of HR. JOB PURPOSE The HRPO will provide advice and guidance to HR partners, staff and managers on the interpretation and application of WFP's HR policy framework and the FAO Staff Regulations & Rules, on the basis of formal rules and guidelines, practice and precedents, rulings and opinions of the Legal Office. The HRPO will contribute to the design, development and formulation of HR policies and procedures in line with the objectives outlined in the HR strategy, UN General Assembly resolutions, decisions made by the International Civil Service Commission and in response to organizational changes and reforms. To inform the direction of the policy design and formulation phase, the HRPO will carry out research on best practices and conduct benchmarking with other UN organizations. The HRPO will also monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of HR policies and procedures and identify potential policy gaps and areas where further guidance is required. In addition, the HRPO will monitor compliance with the HR policy framework and promote consistent implementation across WFP offices in the field and across functional divisions at HQ. The HRPO will also contribute to the effective roll-out of new or revised policies by participating in HR policy briefing sessions, communications, and awareness raising activities. The HRPO may be called on to represent the HR Division in inter-agency working groups and task forces established to review specific HR policy matters of common interest. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES (not all-inclusive) At WFP, we are looking for a talented Human Resources Officer hired at a P3 level to join the Human Resources Policy and Compliance Branch in Rome, Italy. Under the guidance of the Chief, Human Resources Policy and Compliance Branch, and together with other Policy Branch colleagues you will: - Draft WFP policies and procedures papers to support the organization's goals and strategic plan while ensuring consistency with GA resolutions, ICSC decisions as well as other UN Common System group (CEB, HLCM, HR Network, etc.) - Coordinate consultations with all stakeholders (e.g. HR community, staff associations, senior management) on any new policy development to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of existing or coming HR policies. - Provide interpretation and advice on HR policy matters and prepare recommendations to the Chief, HRMTP, for senior leadership, HRM Directorate or other senior managers as well as HR chiefs on waiver requests. - Develop an appropriate communication strategy to inform HR communicate and staff concerned on policy changes; Contribute to the effective roll-out and implementation of new or revised HR policies by conducting/participating in HR policy briefings, communications, and awareness-raising activities, including visits to HR teams in the Regions and Country Offices. - Assist with leading and influencing inter-agency matters, including preparation of position and concept papers. - Represent WFP's interests at inter-agency working groups or meetings where designated by the Chief HRMTP (e.g. HR Network Standing Committee on Field Duty Stations (Field Group) - Build networks and engage with counterparts in other UN agencies on the above matters and share experiences and best practices. STANDARD MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Education: Advanced university degree in Law, Human Resource Management, Public or Business Administration, International Relations, or similar relevant fields, or First University degree with additional years of related work experience or trainings/courses. Experience: Typically five years or more of postgraduate progressively responsible professional experience in Human Resources with an interest in international humanitarian development. Experience of managing small teams of staff with related areas of expertise. Languages: Fluency (level C) in oral and written English with an intermediate knowledge of another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish) or Portuguese (one of WFP's working languages). OTHER SPECIFIC JOB REQUIREMENTS - Specific experience developing HR Policies, procedures and guidelines is required. Policy and legal experience within the UN system would be highly desirable. - Knowledge and understanding of the legal processes of the UN common system (including the tribunals) and/or International organizations; Sound theoretical understanding of HR concepts and principles with a broad knowledge of best practices, techniques and processes. - Knowledge of common business principles and processes and the ability to quickly assimilate UN/WFP specific processes and systems. - Good knowledge of the conditions of service for International civil servants as regulated by the ICSC is highly desirable. - Good communication skills with the ability to persuade, influence and adapt communication style to different situations and individuals; ability to draft complex and detailed policy documents and clear concise reports or rationale for human resources decisions. - tailored to different audiences are required. - Strong organizational skills with an ability to plan, anticipate requirements, problems and obstacles and an ability to juggle competing priorities successfully, and to work with tight deadlines. - Ability to establish priorities, and to plan, coordinate and monitor own work plan and those under his/her supervision. - Ability to lead, coach and motivate a team. - Ability to partner with a wide range of people at all levels and across different cultures and to act with credibility and diplomacy. - Ability to build and maintain effective work relationships with human resources counterparts, managers and staff within HQ/regional/country office. - Ability to work independently. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Non-Rotational Nature: mobility is and continues to be a core contractual requirement in WFP. This position is however classified as "non-rotational" which means the incumbent shall not be subject to the regular reassignment process unless the position is reclassified as rotational. WFP offers an attractive compensation and benefits package, including basic salary, post adjustment, relocation entitlement, travel and shipment allowances, 30 days' annual leave, home leave, an education grant for dependent children, pension plan and medical insurance. ________________________________________________________________________ This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. - When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support. This service is offered free of charge to Swiss nationals. Interested in a career with multilateral institutions? Read more: Working with the United Nations Working with International Financial Institutions For Swiss nationals ____________________________________________________________________________________
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