Performance handling
Elenco delle migliori vendite performance handling

Monza (Lombardia)
VOLKSWAGEN Golf GTI Performance 2.0 245 CV TSI DSG 5p. BMT Caratteristiche del veicolo Chilometraggio: 18000 Immatricolazione: 04/2018 Tipo di veicolo: usato Carburante: Benzina Potenza: 180 kW / 245 CV Tipo di cambio: Sequenziale Marce:7 Colore esterno: WHITE ORYX PERLA Colore interno: Nero Garanzia: Carrozzeria: 4/5-Porte Cilindrata: 1984 Cilindri: 4 Porte: 5 Posti: 5 Equipaggiamenti: Fari LED, Volante in pelle, Vetri oscurati, USB, Touch screen, Telecamera Anteriore, Supporto lombare, Sistema di riconoscimento della stanchezza, Sistema anticollisione, Sedili sportivi, Sedile posteriore sdoppiato, Sedile Guida Regolabile in Altezza, Riconoscimento dei segnali stradali, PARKTRONIC, Parabrezza riscaldabile, Monitoraggio pressione pneumatici, Line Assist, Lavafari, Frenata d'emergenza assistita, Fendinebbia a LED, Distronic, Controllo vocale, Controllo elettronico della corsia, Climatizzatore bi-zona, Chiusura centralizzata telecomandata, Cerchi in Lega 19", Bracciolo, Blind spot monitor, AUX, Autoradio digitale, Assistenza Mantenimento Corsia, Airbag testa, Airbag posteriore, Airbag Ginocchia, Adaptive Cruise Control, Active Guard Plus, Start/Stop Automatico, Immobilizzatore elettronico, Cronologia tagliandi, Cerchi in lega, Antifurto, Volante multifunzione, Vivavoce, Sistema di navigazione, MP3, Bluetooth, Autoradio, Tettuccio apribile, Tetto panorama, Telecamera per parcheggio assistito, Specchietti laterali elettrici, Servosterzo, Sensori di parcheggio posteriori, Sensori di parcheggio anteriori, Sensore di pioggia, Regolazione elettrica sedili, Isofix, Controllo automatico clima, Boardcomputer, Alzacristalli elettrici, Sensore di luce, Fari direzionali, ESP, Controllo trazione, Airbag Passeggero, Airbag laterali, Airbag, ABS Descrizione fornita dal venditore: VOLKSWAGEN GOLF GTI 2.0 245 PERFORMANCE DSG 5 anni di garanzia dalla prima registrazione fino a max. 100.000 km Accessori: - Pacchetto "BUSINESS PREMIUM " - Pacchetto INVERNALE:(riscaldamento del sedile anteriore, sistema lavafari, ugelli del lavacristallo riscaldati) - LIGHT & VISION:(arrivo a casa, sensore pioggia, specchio interno auto-oscurante) - Pacchetto TOP - Pacchetto di assistenza alla guida "PLUS" - TECHNIK + SICHERHEIT: telaio adattivo DCC con selezione del profilo di guida; Airbag ABS + ESP / 4x + sistema airbag per la testa + zaino del guidatore; Sistema di allarme con monitoraggio interno; bloccaggio del differenziale anteriore; Sistema Start-stop con recupero dell'energia frenante; Progressive - STEERING MULTIMEDIA: riconoscimento del segnale stradale; Sistema di navigazione radio "Discover PRO da 9.2" con interfaccia CD + SD + USB + AUX-IN + telefono (viva voce); Interfaccia cellulare "Comfort" con funzione di ricarica induttiva; Controllo vocale; App-Connect e "Volkswagen Media Control"; "Guida e informa"; - SISTEMI SI ASSISTENZA EMERGENCY: rilevamento della fatica; Assistente abbagliante "Dynamic Light Assist"; Telecamera posteriore "Vista posteriore"; Traffic Jam Assistant; Sensore "Blind Spot" con Ausparkassistent, incluso Lane Keeping Assist "ACC Regolatore elettronico della velocità adattivo fino a 210 km / h "stop & go" con sistema di monitoraggio ambientale "Front Assist" che include la funzione di frenata di emergenza in città; Sensore di controllo della pressione; Sistema di sterzo del parco con sistema di parabrezza anteriore e posteriore; Sospensioni elettroniche e telaio adattivo DCC (le sospensioni elettroniche DCC rispondono in modo continuo alle variazioni del fondo stradale e delle situazioni di guida, modificando opportunamente la taratura per garantire in ogni momento ol migliore livello di confort e di handling). - INTERNI: 2 zone "Air Care Climatronic" (climatizzatore con filtro antipolline / filtro anti allergeni); Volante multifunzionale in pelle con paddle per cambio DSG; Visualizzazione informazioni attive, multicolore, vari profili info selezionabili; bracciolo centrale anteriore; sedili sportivi superiori regolabili in altezza sulla parte anteriore con supporto lombare; Coprisedili in tessuto "Honeycomb" / micro fleece "ArtVelours"; - ESTERNI: Tettuccio panoramico in vetro apribile; Chiusura centralizzata "Accesso senza chiave"; el. specchietti retrovisori piegabili / regolabili e riscaldati con abbassamento specchietto passeggero; lunotto oscurato (65%); fendinebbia con luce di svolta; Fari a LED per anabbaglianti e abbaglianti, con luci diurne a LED e luci di svolta in curva; illuminazione ambientale; Fanale posteriore a LED con indicatore dinamico, colore rosso scuro; cerchi in lega leggera 19 "OZ" Superturismo con pneumatici estivi 225 / 35R19. Trattamento NANOTECNOLOGICO su carrozzeria e vetri. PAGAMENTI: OFFRIAMO UNA VASTA GAMMA DI PAGAMENTI PERSONALIZZATI, CON LA POSSIBILITA' DI FINANZIARE L'IMPORTO A TASSI AGEVOLATI. PER QUANTO RIGUARDA LE AZIENDE DISPONIAMO LEASING A CANONI CON CONDIZIONI DI SICURO INTERESSE. SERVIZI ASSICURATIVI: DISPONIAMO INOLTRE DI UN SERVIZIO ASSICURATIVO DIRETTAMENTE IN SEDE, SIA RCA CHE INCENDIO E FURTO VALORE A NUOVO FINO A 36 MESI. PRE-CONSEGNA: LE NOSTRE VETTURE SONO CONTROLLATE MINUZIOSAMENTE, TAGLIANDATE E SANIFICATE PRIMA DELLA CONSEGNA PER GARANTIRVI LA MIGLIOR EFFICIENZA POSSIBILE. GARANZIA: GARANZIA DI 12 MESI SU TUTTI I VEICOLI, COME PREVISTO DALLA LEGGE. CON POSSIBILITA' DI ESTENSIONE FINO A 48/60 MESI. Vi ricordiamo che tutte le nostre vetture sono fisicamente presenti e visionabili presso il nostro show room di Monza, in Viale Sicilia, N° 64. SIAMO A COMPLETA DISPOSIZIONE NON ESITATE A CONTATTARCI PER QUALUNQUE INFORMAZIONE. Vi preghiamo di allegare sempre un recapito telefonico alle vostre mail vi richiameremo al più presto CONTATTI: Manuela: 3314018702 Mauro: 3925595879 Gianmaria: 3311458601 Mail: Note: Pur avendo prestato la massima attenzione, le specifiche o gli accessori riportati nell'annuncio, potrebbero erroneamente differire da quelli presenti sul veicolo. I prezzi pubblicati si intendono IVA INCLUSA, ove non specificato diversamente, passaggio di proprietà o immatricolazione non sono inclusi nel prezzo.
32.900 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione [Rif. 18580491] AUTOAZZURRA E AMERICAN DIVISION concessionaria esclusivo per Mantove e provincia dei seguenti marchi: DODGE - RAM - CHEVROLET - CADILLAC - CORVETTE -�� MILITEM Riferimento di contatto: Massimo Negri�� Cell. MOSTRA NUMERO Email: MANDA UNA MAIL WWW.AUTOAZZURRA.IT DOTAZIONE INCLUSA: -��Plus Package��(Cerchi da 20", Interni in pelle Nappa, Sedili anteriori riscaldabili e ventilati, volante riscaldabile, schermo touchscreen 8,4" con sistema di navigazione UConnect, sensori di parcheggio posteriori, illuminazione interna abitacolo) - Driver Convenience Group��(Blind spot e Rear Cross-path detection, fari xenon, accensione veicolo da remoto) -��Harman Kardon audio Group:��impianto audio 18 altoparlanti Harman Kardon con subwoofer -��Performance Handling Group:��Impianto frenante Brembo 4 pistoncini, Dodge Performance pages, Volante tagliato, sospensioni performance, paddles -��UConnect 4C NAV with 8.4" Display:��Android Auto, Apple Car play, 4G LTE Wi-Fi Hot Spot -��Technology group:��sensore pioggia, fari abbaglianti automatici, forward collision warning, adaptive cruise control -��Pinze freni rosse PRONTA CONSEGNA Il Prezzo indicato �� escluso di accessori, Messa in Strada, Kit Approntamento e IPT.
67.900 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
Vendo CORVETTE C4 CONVERTIBILE, VERSIONE Z51 PERFORMANCE HANDLING PACKAGE, Full Optional con Clima Automatico con Interni e Sedili Sport Totalmente in pelle regolabili elettricamente con due serie di pulsantiera su ambo i lati di ogni sedile, Ogni cuscino si gonfia e sgonfia in maniera autonoma elettricamente comprese regolazioni, specchietti elettrici riscaldabili, vetri elettrici, chiusura centralizzata a distanza, antifurto, Lievemente aumentata la potenza con Vortex in aspirazione interna (+30cv), filtro aria metallico, upgrade spinterogeno e cavi candele, candele per circa 300cv complessivi, modifica che l'ha resa ancor più fluida e corposa senza intaccare affidabilità, contribuendo a farla andare meglio a tutti i regimi. In mio possesso da 10 anni, quindi da collazione non da "commerciante", ogni componente elettrica, elettronica, meccanica in perfetto stato di funzionamento, audio bose + kit vivavoce. Cerchioni da 18" omologati a libretto REGOLARMENTE scarichi aperti. Doppie chiavi (service book e tagliandi certificati compreso fatture di tutte le componenti sostituite). Fornisco inoltre tutte le componenti originali (cerchioni, dischi, pinze, ecc.). Insieme alla vettura consegno numerosi ricambi nuovi per manutenzione per i prossimi anni. Monta dischi baffati, forati autoventilati con pinze Performance, tubazioni freni aeronautiche (ant e post) e servofreno maggiorato sostituito ad marzo 2019, cambio nuovo (non rigenerato) con due anni di vita (rating fino a 950cv) con 15 frizioni, tutto kevlar, valve body per pressioni ottimizzate massime, servo sulle varie marce per non farle scalare. Meccanicamente PERFETTA DA AMATORE. Utilizzata in diversi spot e Video Musicali. Gomme (4) Cambiate il 27/04/2019. Nessun lavoro da effettuare! Causa necessità di spazio per acquisto altro veicolo vendo a quotazione media di RuoteClassiche. L'auto è esonerata da qualsiasi blocco del traffico essendo registrata, passaggio € 51,60, bollo esente, assicurazione € 80!
26.000 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione [Rif. 16667891] Codice veicolo: 1117034 Totale Listino del Nuovo con Optional & Accessori ?.77650 Sconto del -33,10%! RISPARMIO DI ?.25.700,00 Fissa un appuntamento per provarla insieme; con il TEST DRIVE potrai vivere l'esperienza di guidare la tua nuova automobile. Disponibile tutti i giorni, dal 19/09/2022 FOTO: Tante altre foto e dettagli di particolari disponibili per questa automobile, contattaci immediatamente! Se hai qualsiasi tipo di dubbio o perplessità, non esitare a contattarci! Siamo a tua completa disposizione! AUTO IN PERMUTA: Hai un'auto da decere in permuta? Con noi è possibile effettuare una valutazione comodamente da casa! Contattaci con tutti i dati della tua auto da cedere in permuta! FINANZIAMENTO-LEASING-ASSICURAZIONE: Abbiamo un sistema di brokeraggio Finanziario/Leasing & Assicurativo interno con l'obbiettivo di proporvi la miglior soluzione possibile calcolata su misura delle vostre esigenze! Possiamo proporvi soluzioni All-Inclusive senza alcun anticipo che includono garanzie accessorie quali Furto+Incendio+Rapina+Atti vandalici+Eventi atmosferici+Cristalli oltre che la rassicurante Estensione della Garanzia sull'auto! Abbiamo soluzioni studiate ad hoc per lavoratori dipendenti che godono di una retribuzione fissa mensile sicura e garantita; con Mini-Rate calcolate in base alla vostro salario mensile, perchè l'acquisto della automobile possa risultare una piacevole esperienza e non un impegno che obbliga a dei sacrifici! Altre soluzioni per clienti business che devono sostituire l'automobile ogni 2/3/4 anni, con Mini-Rate e valore futuro garantito, in questo modo avrete tutti i vantaggi di un costo certo mensile unito alla deducibilità dell'auto! CHI E' EURO TARGET: Acquistare un'automobile significa anche scegliere un Concessionaria, è appunto per questo che il nostro punto di riferimento è il Cliente e tutto il nostro operato si focalizza sulla piena soddisfazione delle sue esigenze e necessità! La Euro Target è una Concessionaria Multimarche che in più di 17 anni ha soddisfatto più di 15.000 clienti! Commerciamo automobili "Usate Next Top Quality" (Automobili di massimo 4 anni di vita, rigido processo di controllo qualità, sconti dal 30 al 60%!) di tutte le marche a prezzi imbattibili, le auto esposte sono solo una piccola parte della nostra disponibilità! Seguici sulla nostre pagine Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linked-In, Instagram e cerca i tuoi amici fra le migliaia di clienti che hanno già acquistato da noi! L'automobile è già allestita dei seguenti accessori inclusi nel prezzo: 802-Vernice metallizzata Diamond Black ?.1150 Sospensioni pneumatiche QUADRA LIFT, Kit fumatori, Volante riscaldabile, Tetto elettrico panoramico, Sospensioni pneumatiche QUADRA LIFT, Airbag laterali anteriori, Advanced Brake Assist, Sistema di gestione della trazione SELEC-TERRAIN®, Hill Descent Control (Sistema di controllo velocità in discesa), Airbag ginocchia guidatore, Airbag laterali a tendina, Climatizzatore automatico bi-zona, Cornice cristalli cromata, Gruppi ottici posteriori a led, Proiettori diurni a LED, Sistema di regolazione automatico delle luci, Sedili anteriori riscaldati, 9 Altoparlanti con subwoofer, Sedili anteriori ventilati, Sedili posteriori riscaldati, Specchietti retrovisori con funzione memory, Sedile pieghevole posteriore 60/40, Airbag laterali anteriori, Barre al tetto cromate, Blind Spot Monitoring con Rear-Cross Path Detection, Cristalli posteriori oscurati, Fari Bi Xeno, Fendinebbia a LED, Hill Start Assist (Sistema di ausilio partenza in salita), Lavafari, Maniglie esterne cromate, Pacchetto Memory (sedile guida,, retrov.esterni), Paddle shift per cambio marcia al volante, Parksense anteriore e posteriore con Park Assist, Pomello del cambio in pelle, Portellone posteriore ad apertura e chiusura elettrica, Presa elettrica 12W posteriore, Retronebbia a Led, Rifornimento carburante senza tappo, Ruota di scorta full size, Sedili anteriori con regolazione lombare elettrica, Sedili anteriori reg. elettricamente in 8 posizioni, Sistema Keyless enter N-GO, Sistema UConnect 8,4" Smatouch System, Specchietti colore carrozzeria, Specchietti retrovisori esterni ripiegabili elettricamente, Telecamera posteriore con visualizzazione dinamica, Tergicristalli ant. con sensore pioggia, Volante con comandi radio integrati, Advanced Safety Technology Group, Differenziale posteriore elettronico a slittamento limitato (ELSD), Performance Handling Group, Sedili rivestiti in pelle Nappa, Sistema di trazione integrale QUADRA DRIVE II, Volante in pelle a tre razze con inserti in legno, Adaptive Cruise control con funzione stop, Full Speed Forward collision warning plus, Cruscotto strumenti 7" TFT configurabile, Doppio terminale di scarico cromato, Tetto panoramico Command View, Chiave con transponder, Chiusura centralizzata, Correttore assetto fari, Immobilizzatore, Pretensionatore cinture, Tergilunotto, Appoggiatesta posteriori, Sedile guida regolab
51.950 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Guy Couach Flybridge Motor Yacht, a beautifully crafted 15-meter vessel, is in excellent condition with minimal usage, making it a rare find for yacht enthusiasts. Built with quality craftsmanship and designed for both performance and luxury, this motor yacht seamlessly blends functionality with comfort. It offers an outstanding opportunity for those seeking a reliable and elegant boat for coastal cruising, longer voyages, or simply enjoying life at sea.
**Performance and Engineering**At the heart of this vessel lies a powerful propulsion system. Its **deep V-planing hull** is specifically designed for stability and smooth sailing, even in more challenging conditions. The yacht is equipped with **twin Diesel engines**, driving high-speed **three-blade propellers** through a robust **shaft system**, ensuring exceptional performance on the water. The deep V-hull not only aids in cutting through waves but also provides enhanced speed, stability, and efficiency during cruising, making it ideal for leisurely trips and more exhilarating passages.
For precise manoeuvring, the yacht utilizes **P-brackets near the rudders**, providing optimal control, especially at lower speeds, which can be crucial when docking or navigating through tight spaces. The **power trim tabs** at the helm enhance stability and comfort, particularly in rough seas, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable ride for the captain and guests. These features make this yacht capable of handling diverse sea conditions quickly and gracefully.
**Flybridge and Helm Station**One of the standout features of the **Guy Couach Flybridge Motor Yacht** is its impressive **flybridge**, which offers **360-degree visibility**. This elevated area provides an exceptional vantage point for navigation and relaxation, making it the ideal place for the captain to steer while offering guests a comfortable space to enjoy panoramic sea views. Equipped with **power steering** and precise **engine controls**, the flybridge ensures a seamless handling experience for the captain, making it easy to manoeuvre even in more challenging waters.
Additionally, the flybridge includes a GRP radar arch, which enhances the vessel’s navigational capabilities, and a sunshade, which provides much-needed protection from the sun during long days out on the water. This thoughtful design ensures that the flybridge is functional and a comfortable and enjoyable space for everyone on board.
**Aft Cockpit and Water Access**Safety and ease of access are top priorities on this motor yacht. The spacious aft cockpit is designed with safety in mind, offering a secure environment for passengers while underway or at anchor. This area is perfect for socializing, dining, or simply relaxing while enjoying the sea breeze. The swim platform at the stern provides easy access to the water, whether you want to swim, snorkel, or launch a tender.
For added convenience, the yacht is equipped with a hydraulic passerelle, which makes boarding and disembarking safe and simple, especially when stern mooring in marinas. This hydraulic passerelle also doubles as a practical aid for passengers to safely get in and out of the water, making the yacht even more user-friendly for water-based activities.
**Recent Upgrades and Maintenance**The yacht has been meticulously maintained and comes with several key **upgrades** and recent services. In **2024**, the following updates were completed:- **Engine Turbo**: The system was upgraded, ensuring improved engine efficiency and performance.- **Autopilot**: A new autopilot system was installed, making long-distance navigation more accessible and automated.- **Engine Maintenance**: Oil and filters were replaced in 2024, ensuring the engines ran at peak performance.
Additionally, the yacht was last taken out of the water for routine antifouling in July 2024. During this time, the hull was inspected, cleaned, and treated to prevent fouling, ensuring optimal performance and protection for the boat.
**Flag and Location**This stunning yacht carries a Polish flag, which can offer certain registration benefits. It is currently located in Barcelona, Spain, a vibrant hub for yachting in the Mediterranean. With its prime location, the yacht is ideally situated for easy access to some of the most beautiful cruising grounds in the world, including the Balearic Islands, the French Riviera, and Italy's Tyrrhenian Sea.
**Schedule a Viewing**If you are interested in seeing this beautiful Guy Couach Flybridge Motor Yacht in person, Network Yacht Brokers can arrange viewings at your convenience. Whether you're a seasoned yachtsman or looking to enter the world of luxury yachting, this yacht offers a unique combination of performance, elegance, and practicality.
Don’t miss the chance to own a meticulously maintained and upgraded motor yacht, perfect for unforgettable cruising experiences in the Mediterranean and beyond. Please contact us for more information or to book an appointment.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Cranchi Endurance 2008: A Powerful and Elegant Motor Yacht
The Cranchi Endurance 2008 is a stunning motor yacht that combines power, elegance, and versatility, making it an ideal choice for those seeking both performance and luxury on the water. Known for its superior craftsmanship and seaworthiness, the Cranchi Endurance 2008 is a perfect blend of style, functionality, and comfort. Whether for coastal cruising, day trips, or longer voyages, this yacht offers an outstanding boating experience for families, friends, and serious enthusiasts alike.
Design and Construction
The Cranchi Endurance 2008 features a sleek, modern design that balances aesthetics with practicality. With a length of 12.88 meters (42.3 feet) and a beam of 3.85 meters (12.6 feet), the Endurance 2008 is a mid-sized yacht that offers ample space for its guests without being overwhelming to handle. The yacht’s fiberglass hull is designed for stability and durability, while the lightweight construction ensures excellent speed and fuel efficiency.
Cranchi, an Italian shipyard renowned for its high standards of craftsmanship, has created a vessel that not only looks great but also performs at a high level. The Endurance 2008’s deep-V hull design ensures smooth handling in both calm and rough waters, providing a stable and comfortable ride at various speeds. The yacht's design focuses on maximizing the interior and deck space while maintaining an elegant, streamlined exterior.
Exterior Features
The Cranchi Endurance 2008 offers a well-thought-out exterior with ample deck space for relaxation and entertainment. The aft cockpit is particularly spacious, featuring a large dining area with comfortable seating, perfect for enjoying meals or cocktails while cruising. The cockpit also includes a wet bar with a sink and storage, adding to the yacht’s convenience when hosting guests.
The bow area is equipped with a large sunpad, providing the ideal spot for sunbathing or lounging. It offers ample space for guests to relax and take in the views while cruising. The swim platform at the stern is easy to access, providing direct entry into the water for swimming or watersports. An integrated swim ladder further enhances ease of access when in the water.
For those who enjoy steering from above, the flybridge on the Cranchi Endurance 2008 is an outstanding feature. Equipped with its own helm station, it offers excellent visibility, making it easier to navigate even in challenging conditions. The flybridge also includes seating and a small sunbathing area, providing a great vantage point to enjoy the surroundings and entertain guests.
Interior Layout and Comfort
Step inside the Cranchi Endurance 2008, and you’ll find a thoughtfully designed interior with an emphasis on comfort, luxury, and functionality. The main saloon features a spacious lounge area with a large sofa and a fully integrated entertainment system, including a flat-screen TV and surround sound, creating a perfect space to unwind. The large windows let in natural light and provide spectacular views of the surrounding waters, giving the saloon a bright and airy feel.
Galley: The galley on the Endurance 2008 is fully equipped with modern appliances, including a stove, refrigerator, microwave, and sink. It is designed to allow easy meal preparation while keeping the living areas separate and free from cooking odors. The galley is compact yet functional, with ample storage space for all essentials.
Cabins and Berths: The Cranchi Endurance 2008 offers two spacious cabins: a master cabin and a guest cabin. The master cabin is located at the bow and features a large double berth, wardrobes for storage, and en-suite facilities with a shower. The guest cabin is equally well-appointed, with two single beds that can be converted into a double, perfect for family or friends. Both cabins are designed to offer maximum comfort, ensuring a restful stay on board.
Head and Bathroom: The yacht features a well-equipped head with a marine toilet, sink, and shower, designed for convenience and privacy. The use of high-quality materials and finishes throughout the interior enhances the luxurious feel, making it a welcoming space for everyone on board.
Performance and Handling
The Cranchi Endurance 2008 is powered by twin inboard engines, usually Volvo Penta D6 330 HP engines or similar configurations, providing a combined power of around 660 horsepower. This allows the yacht to reach top speeds of around 35 knots, making it a fast and agile vessel for those who enjoy thrilling rides on the water. At cruising speeds of around 22-25 knots, the Endurance 2008 provides excellent fuel efficiency, making it a great option for longer journeys as well.
The yacht’s deep-V hull and dual engine configuration contribute to excellent handling and stability. It offers smooth, precise steering and is easy to maneuver, even in tight marinas or during docking procedures. The hydraulic steering system further improves the yacht’s responsiveness, ensuring a smooth driving experience for both seasoned sailors and less experienced skippers.
Whether you are cruising at high speeds or enjoying a leisurely day at sea, the Cranchi Endurance 2008 delivers a stable, comfortable, and enjoyable ride. The yacht is also equipped with a bow thruster, making docking even easier and more convenient.
Technology and Amenities
The Cranchi Endurance 2008 is equipped with modern technology and amenities to enhance both the comfort and safety of the onboard experience. Some key features include:
Navigation Equipment: A high-end GPS system, radar, and autopilot provide precise navigation, whether you’re exploring the coastline or venturing into unfamiliar waters.
Sound System: The yacht’s stereo system offers great sound quality, perfect for entertaining or relaxing in the saloon or cockpit.
Air Conditioning: The Endurance 2008 comes equipped with air conditioning to ensure a comfortable indoor environment, even on hot summer days.
Generator: The onboard generator ensures a consistent power supply for appliances and electronics, whether at anchor or underway.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This Nautor's Swan 82 FD /"Grey Goose/" is the perfect combination of performance cruising, easy and safe boat handling with a shorthanded crew and blue water sailing capability. While mostly being used as a fast cruiser, Grey Goose can be easily converted to an aggressive Maxi Cruiser Racer and perform in any race, inshore and offshore. As the current owner is very competitive, he started to improve Grey Goose soon after participating in his first Transatlantic and Swan Maxi regattas. German Frers, the designer of the Swan 82, was tasked to design a new keel, which brought down the center of gravity, improved acceleration, pointing angles and slot keeping dramatically, balancing the boat perfectly in the water. A new rudder was fitted, and the hull was faired with long boards to have the perfect hydrodynamics. The rod rigging was replaced by Future Fibres PBO, standing rigging, which has been replaced by EC6standing rigging in 2012. In 2016 a new Hall Spars high modulus carbon fibre mast (same dimensions as her original mast) has been installed with four low profile spreaders, giving more strength and reducing weight by approx. another 350 kg. Increasing the righting moment significantly, the new mast has made a considerable improvement in upwind and overall performance. To improve safety and performance, the new mast was fitted with easy to operate halyard locks for all headsails and the Main. In September 2017 her mast was stepped down for the 5 year service of the EC6 rigging and fully serviced.
The sail wardrobe has been designed and developed in close cooperation between the North Lofts in Spain and the UK, taking advantage of the deep knowledge of the sailmakers sailing on board. Grey Goose is now a totally different boat, outperforming any other Swan 82 ever built. She demonstrates the real Swan DNA by accomplishing her missions in a perfect manner being comfortable, sea worthy and very fast. She has proven her outstanding performance in several racing events and in numerous family holidays cruises.
Grey Goose is undoubtedly in outstanding mint conditions. Although many upgrades were made to improve the performance, most of them enlarge the fun factor as well in cruising like less pitching, fast acceleration and direct steering.
At the end of the 2012 season, Grey Goose underwent a second extensive refit at Hinckley Yachts, Portsmouth, RI/USA. This included upgrading the standing rigging to Southern Spars EC6 continuous carbon rigging, painting the hull topsides and aft cockpit, upgrading to VSAT satellite communications, a new, fuel saving generator, as well as many other significant upgrades and improvements, including the interior, the audio- and entertainment and navigation systems. Grey Goose has been rigorously maintained by her owner to keep pace with the numerous technological advancements in luxury yacht construction since her launch. Outdated equipment has been replaced and only top of the line gear has been fitted. This gives her a modern, contemporary feel, comparable to the very latest generation of Swan yachts.
Grey Goose has always been maintained by a highly professional, experienced and dedicated crew, insuring that she was always ready to take her whenever the owner wanted to sail. Her safety equipment has been updated this season, new life rafts, have been bought. There are several EPIRBS on board as well as Personal EPIRBS and PLB’s for a full racing crew, as the owner never compromises on safety. The boat comes with a 40Ft Container with workshop and storage capacity, a matching 30ft Dariel Tender with 600HP Mercury outboard engines can be purchased separately.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
An exceptional, fully equipped Hanse 460 delivered in winter 2023 and never used. This yacht features a spacious 3-cabin owner’s layout, complete with a fully outfitted utility room. With a sleek hard top, performance sails, second forestay with a 145% reacher and advanced handling features, it’s designed for both comfort and speed. It’s equipped with a Fischer Panda 10000i generator and solar panels for extended, off-grid cruising. Ready for immediate handover at ACI Marina Rovinj.
List of options and packages added to the standard equipment:
LAYOUT: 3 cabins with utility room, 2 headsENGINE: Yanmar 80 HP with 3-blade folding propeller
Furniture - Canadian ChestnutFloorboard - AcaciaUpholstery - Florence (Oyster)
Bb'&'G Navigation Package2 instrument pods (1 per helm station)2 Bb'&'G Triton² multifunction displays in cockpit, incl. transducer (wind/depth/speed/temperature)2 Bb'&'G Triton² multifunction displays, 1 per helm stationBb'&'G VHF V60 at chart table, incl. wireless remote handset H60 Bb'&'G Zeus³S 9/" chart plotter at helm station, stbBb'&'G Autopilot with Triton² control unit with WR10 remote control and Precision 9 compassWireless charging at helm station (waterproof)VHF preparation with antenna and splitter for FM and AIS
Upgrade - 12'' chart plotterBb'&'G Zeus³S 12/" chart plotter at helm station, stbBb'&'G Zeus³S 12/" chart plotter at helm station, ps
Cruising PackageTeak on cockpit bottomTeak on cockpit benchesTeak on bathing platformHelmsman footrests (free mountable)2 additional cleats, midship (1 each side)Anchor windlass, electrical, 1000 W, automatic fuse, remote controlDelta-anchor 20 kg, galvanized with 60 m galvanized chainCockpit portlight, aft cabinsMyHanse safety cloud with 24 months subscription and device installed on boardBattery set, capacity: 1x 90 Ah + 2x 160 Ah AGMDeep charge protection for service batteriesShower unit in cockpit on port, warm-/coldwaterWater akku for pressure equalizationWind indicatorFlagpole6 fenders4 mooring linesAdd. winch handleMast stepsHANSE maintenance kit
Upgrade - stainless steel anchor with chainDelta-anchor 20 kg, stainless steel, with 'Ultra swivel' swivel and 100 m stainless steel chain
Upgrade - Anchor windlass 1500 WCombined mooring/anchor windlass, electrical, 1500 W, automatic fuse, remote control with chain counter (only with XH1001 or XH1005)
Upgrade - Battery set Lithium-IonBattery set, capacity: 1x 90 Ah + 6x 105 Ah Li-Ion
Upgrade - 4 enlarged cleats4 enlarged cleats - bow and stern, retractable and 4 standard size cleats, retractable - midship (2 each side)
Performance Package2 GRP steering wheels, Y-spoke QUANTUM AC5 performance sails - full battened, triradial main and jibDyneema halyards for main and jibSelden MDS mainsail slider system
Gennaker PackageQUANTUM Gennaker Squeezer for GennakerGennaker package incl. halyard, 2 sheets, 2 blocks and padeyes
Comfort PackageCourtesy lights in cockpitCourtesy lights at companionway2 vents for coach roof hatchesCourtesy lights in saloonIndirect lights in saloon and cabinsLED overhead lights in saloon and cabins, dimmableSLS - Scenario light system - touch screen controller and dimmer in saloon and fwd cabinCockpit cushions (colour selection)Blind set with flyscreens for deck hatchesBlinds for hull windowsBlinds for side coach roof windows
Flagship PackageLeather covered handrailsSoft material covered bulkheads in the saloonLuxury upholstery with multifunction backrests
LAYOUT b'&' INTERIORB2: Saloon with full functional U-galley and chart table on stb and dining area with bar on port Converted utility room in C1 layoutDay head door for head in saloon on port side Saloon table electrically lowerable with cushions, convertible into double berth
DECK b'&' OUTSIDE EQUIPMENTGateway stanchion2 LEWMAR 50 EVO manual secondary winches w.reinforcement plateAutomatic fold-out for standard bathing platform with remote controlStainless steel ladder for gateway exit, foldable Air compressor for tender4 underwater lights below transomHelmsman seat incl. 75l refrigeratorComposite bowsprit with integrated anchor and forestay fitting with double mooring roll incl. 2nd forestay and gennaker eye
RIG b'&' SAILSMast, anodized aluminium with manual inmast furling systemSecond forestay with second furler, manual, incl. tracks GRP hard top for cockpit with canvas sliding roof - outside surface, colour: White ELVSTRØM SPS performance sails - for second forestay, vertical battens, triradial, Reacher 145% Spreader lights, LED, 4 up and 4 downNAVIGATION b'&' INSTRUMENTSBb'&'G Zeus³S 9/" chart plotter at chart tableMyHanse Safety Cloud hardware with 30 days free trial subscription and an interior light, switchable by APPBb'&'G AIS Class B transponder Bb'&'G forward looking sonar
PROPULSIONEngine (Diesel, approx. 80 hp) - saildrive, 3-blade folding propellerBowthruster, 24 V, retractable, incl. batterySternthruster, 24 V, retractable, incl. battery (only with XG3101)Throttle control on instrument pod (helm station, stb)
EQUIPMENTDeep charge protection for service batteriesSolar panel integrated in hard top (only with GRP hard top)Generator 10000i, 8,0 kW / 0 - 9,0 kVA incl. maintenance kitInverter/charger, 12 V / 2600 W - 100 A, incl. AC panel (only with XH1001 or XH1005)Electric toilet with sea water flush - cabin layout A1 or A2Electric toilet with sea water flush - cabin layout C1 or C4Additional fridge in cockpit 75lDishwasher in galley (not with XH5100 and XH5121 - only with XH1001 or XH1005)Washing machine with dryer function, front opening, in utility room - cabin layout C1
Additional components:Safety and interior equipment (deck, safety, navigational, galley, bedlinen…)Reinforcements pack
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This 2005 Falcon 90 is a luxurious and meticulously crafted motor yacht that epitomizes elegance, performance, and comfort. Built by the renowned Italian shipyard Falcon Yachts, this vessel is a testament to Italian design excellence and engineering prowess. Measuring approximately 27.5 meters (90 feet) in length, the Falcon 90 offers a perfect blend of style, functionality, and seaworthiness, making it an ideal choice for discerning yacht enthusiasts.
Exterior Design:
The Falcon 90 boasts a sleek and timeless exterior design, characterized by clean lines, a low profile, and a sporty yet sophisticated silhouette. Its deep blue hull and gleaming white superstructure exude a sense of understated luxury, while the expansive deck spaces provide ample room for relaxation and entertainment. The yacht features a spacious flybridge with comfortable seating, a sunpad, and a wet bar, perfect for enjoying panoramic views and alfresco dining.
Interior Design:
Step inside, and you are greeted by a refined and inviting interior that showcases the finest materials and craftsmanship. The Falcon 90's interior is designed to offer a warm and welcoming atmosphere, with rich wood finishes, plush furnishings, and tasteful decor. The main salon is spacious and bathed in natural light, thanks to large windows that offer stunning views of the surrounding seascape. The layout is thoughtfully designed to maximize comfort and functionality, with a seamless flow between indoor and outdoor living spaces.
The Falcon 90 can comfortably accommodate up to 8-10 guests in 4-5 luxurious staterooms, including a full-beam master suite, VIP cabins, and twin guest cabins. Each stateroom is elegantly appointed with en-suite bathrooms, premium linens, and ample storage space. The master suite, located amidships, is a true retreat, featuring a king-sized bed, a sitting area, and large windows that provide breathtaking views.
Performance and Engineering:
Powered by twin MTU engines, the Falcon 90 delivers impressive performance and a smooth, stable ride. With a top speed of around 28-30 knots and a cruising speed of 24-26 knots, this yacht is perfect for both short coastal trips and longer offshore voyages. The advanced hull design ensures excellent seaworthiness and fuel efficiency, while the state-of-the-art navigation and control systems make handling the yacht a breeze.
Amenities and Features:
The Falcon 90 is equipped with a wide range of amenities to enhance the onboard experience. These include a fully equipped galley, a spacious dining area, a swim platform for easy access to the water, and a tender garage for storing water toys and tenders. The yacht also features advanced entertainment systems, air conditioning, and modern safety equipment to ensure a comfortable and secure journey.
The 2005 Falcon 90 is a masterpiece of Italian yacht design, offering a perfect combination of luxury, performance, and comfort. Whether you're cruising the Mediterranean, exploring exotic destinations, or simply enjoying a weekend getaway, the Falcon 90 provides an unparalleled yachting experience. Its timeless design, exceptional craftsmanship, and impressive capabilities make it a standout choice for those seeking the ultimate in luxury and style on the water.
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La Spezia (Liguria)
"Less fat, more speed" was the ethos taken when designing and building KUKA LIGHT. This is a special machine, crafted by a very talented and passionate team, with a pure focus on creating a boat that delivers performance and enjoyment in equal measures. The boat was designed to be the fastest 40 footer in the world and excel on offshore races with a small crew. "High spec" is an understatement with this boat and for those looking to go places fast on a very stable and manageable platform, this one is for you! Inventory MACHINERY: Engine: Lombardi LDW1003 M TMC 60 A 30 HP Propeller system two blade propeller, fully retractable into carbon casing. Fuel capacity 60 lt Diesel. Throttle control in cockpit. STEERING: Twin rudder steering with single central tiler arm. Fully integrated kick up rudder system (180deg) KEEL: Solid carbon keel fin, with canting Cariboni system. 1000 kg bulb on 3.5m fin. Twin retractable dagger board system. Canting keel fin safety systems installed. SAFETY ISAF CAT 3 compliant. Bilge and manual pumps to match category A CE regs Life raft and life jackets. Emergency steering tiller arm Bridge Kuka Light was built to be the fastest boat ever built in it’s class (40-42 feet) for offshore races. The full-carbon autoclave built yacht is designed and engineered to be raced in long distance races by a small crew of 6. The super light boat (3.4 tons displacement) has demonstrated to be as fast as the best 50 and 60 footer in races like Giraglia and Middle Sea Race. Equipped with a canting keel and a rotating mast, Kuka-Light has been constantly developed during the last few years and has highlighted her pedigree under ORC. The boat has been professionally maintained and serviced throughout the years. Every year the carbon fin and the structural parts of boat and mast have been checked by QI-Composite with ultra sound testing. All hardware of the boat has been checked and replaced during every winter. Specs: Length - 12.80 mt (with bowsprit 15.00 mt) Width - 4.60 mt Draft - 3.50 mt Displacement - 3.400 kg Designer - Schickler/Tagliapietra Yacht Design Builder - Marstrom Composite/ Soleri boatyard Built year - 2012 Hull type - Carbon composite Keel - full carbon fin with lead bulb. Canted with single ram with electric pump (Cariboni) CE-certificate CIN SCSSMK42E213 The interior of the yacht is fully stripped out with a typical race boat, minimalist layout. 6 bunks (3 each side) are installed, with a simple galley and WC arrangement. The boat is very open plan with no full bulkheads between companionway and bow, allowing for a big open space to move around in. The cockpit area was designed with reduced crew numbers in mind and all sail handling and trimming can be controlled without going forward of the mast. The huge beam ensures a very large working space in the cockpit, but with some protection for the crew in the form of a dog house. Since launching the boat has been consistently upgraded and tweaked with simply blistering results. No doubt this boat will thrive under distance racing, particularly those races geared towards reaching and downwind conditions. Machinery INSTRUMENTS NKE with regatta processor and 3D sensor. Portable computer with nav. software Ais system Radio VHF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 24 Volt with 240 Amp at 24 Volts by European Batteries. Auto-pilot system HYDRAULICS Cariboni canting keel ram system with locking track system for safety. Hydraulic mainsheet adjustment. Hydraulic outhaul Hydraulic Vang Rig High modulus, rotating carbon wing mast from Marstrom Sweden. Built in an auto clave, from pre-preg carbon construction. Single spreader on diamond shrouds. Deck stepped arrangement. PBO standing rigging and running back stays. Dyneema and PBO running rigging package with assorted spares. Mast head wand and windex. Fixed, solid bowsprit with single and 2:1 tackline arrangements. All control lines lead back to cockpit area and sail handling manageable with 2-3 persons. Accommodation All regatta sails from North Sails 3Di construction throughout. Mainsail - 3 reef, square top, fully battened with cars. Jib 1 on soft hanks Jib 2 on soft hanks Jib Top - on furler, flying mid-bowsprit. A1 - VMG runner A2 - VMG runner. Reacher - Masthead Code 0 flown off bowsprit. Drifter Staysail Storm Jib + delivery sail...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione [Rif. 21849351] Se cerchi una berlina dall'animo sportivo la Nostra Alfa Romeo Giulia con motore 2.2 Diesel è il modell che fa per te. Con il suo motore 2.2cc da 136 cavalli, offre un equilibrio perfetto tra potenza e consumi contenuti, ideale sia per la città che per i lunghi viaggi. Condizioni Ottime L?auto è stata mantenuta con estrema cura dal precedente proprietario, un nostro cliente storico e affezionato, che ne ha preservato ogni dettaglio per assicurarti un?auto in ottime condizioni. Performance e handling di guida senza eguali La Giulia rappresenta una vera rinascita per Alfa Romeo, con un?esperienza di guida che unisce comfort e sportività. Il suo handling preciso e la trazione posteriore ti regalano emozioni da vera berlina sportiva, in grado di soddisfare anche i guidatori più esigenti. Accessori principali: Infotainment Center con 3,5" display a colori Infotainment-System: UConnect Nav (schermo a colori 6,5") viva voce Bluetooth incl. Audio-Streaming, presa AUX-IN, porta USB kit riparazione pneumatici luci stop con Funzione di emergenza (accensione automatica lampeggiatori emergenza) Sistema assistenza guida: Avviso collisione frontale (FCW) Sistema assistenza guida: avviso superamento involontario linee carreggiata (Lane Departure Warning) Sistema assistenza guida: controllo frenata in curva (Controllo carreggiata attivo) Business cambio automatico - (8 rapporti) climatizzatore automatico 2 zone portaoggetti con funzione raffreddamento programma stabilizzazione rimorchio (TSA) regolatore antibloccaggio in decelerazione motore (MSR /EDC) regolazione antislittamento trazione (ASR) retrovisore est. a regolazione elettrica, riscaldabili e pieghevoli retrovisore est. pieghevole elettr. ? AUTOLAND: Accanto a chi guida da oltre 45 anni! ? Foto e dettagli su ? Seguici sui social: Instagram: @Autoland_srl / Facebook: @Autoland Plurimarche ? Scopri la nostra community su YouTube: Autoland ? Più di 5.000 iscritti!
16.900 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For Sale: 2003 Bavaria Cruiser 49 - Spacious and Well-Equipped - VAT Paid
This 2003 Bavaria Cruiser 49 offers an excellent combination of comfort, performance, and space, making it ideal for family cruising. Located in Preveza, Greece, this yacht has been well-maintained and is equipped with modern features to ensure safe and enjoyable sailing. With ample room across five cabins and three heads, it’s ready for its next adventure.
Key Features:
Engine: Powered by a reliable Volvo Penta TMD 22 78 HP inboard engine, the yacht offers smooth and efficient cruising. It is equipped with a shaft drive for dependable handling.
Spacious Accommodation: This yacht features 5 guest cabins and 3 heads, comfortably accommodating up to 10 people. The forward owner’s cabin has a double bed, while the aft cabins also feature double beds, all equipped with new mattresses (2024) for a comfortable stay. The saloon has a convertible sofa and a folding dining table for added space and convenience.
Modern Galley: The galley is fully equipped with a refrigerator, a small freezer, and a 3-burner gas oven (2024), making meal preparation at sea easy and efficient.
Length Overall: 14.95 m (49 ft)
Beam: 4.46 m
Max Draft: 1.80 m
Displacement: 11,000 kg
Fuel Capacity: 320 liters
Water Capacity: 650 liters
Holding Tank: 80 liters
Deck and Sails:
Deck Layout: The deck is designed for ease of use, featuring 6 Harken winches with 2-speed self-tailing and an electric windlass for easy anchoring. The cockpit is spacious, equipped with cockpit cushions (2024), a cockpit table, and a cockpit shower for added comfort.
Sails: The yacht is equipped with a furling genoa (70 sqm) and a furling mainsail (46 sqm), both replaced in 2019. The sail handling system is efficient and designed for easy control from the cockpit.
Solar Power: The yacht features solar panels (2024) mounted on an arch, providing sustainable energy for off-grid cruising.
Power and Electrical Systems:
Inverter: A Power Master 2200W inverter is onboard, ensuring you have access to power when needed.
Battery Setup: Equipped with 3 Varta service batteries (140Ah) and a starter battery (100Ah), the yacht's power system is reliable. It also includes a Victron Energy Smart Solar Charge Controller with Bluetooth functionality for easy monitoring.
Navigation and Electronics:
Navigation Equipment: The yacht is equipped with modern navigation tools, including a Raymarine ST6002 autopilot, Lowrance HDS7m GPS/plotter, AIS (2024), and a Raymarine ST60+ tridata for easy sailing and navigation.
Communication: A Raymarine RAY49E VHF provides reliable communication at sea.
Safety and Tender:
Safety Equipment: This Bavaria Cruiser 49 is fully equipped for safe cruising with a liferaft, life jackets, a lifebuoy, and other essential safety gear.
Tender: Includes an Arimar tender (2024) with a 5 HP Hidea outboard engine, perfect for easy access to shore.
Additional Features:
Comfort: The yacht comes with a bimini top and sprayhood for sun and weather protection, ensuring comfort during extended voyages.
Bow Thruster: A Vetus bow thruster with a dedicated battery makes docking and maneuvering much easier.
Entertainment: Enjoy your time onboard with the JVC Bluetooth radio (2024) connected to both interior and exterior speakers.
This Bavaria Cruiser 49 is a well-equipped, spacious yacht ready for extended cruising or comfortable living aboard. Its modern systems and generous accommodation make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking adventure on the water.
Contact us today to arrange a viewing or for more information!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
1991 Amel Super Maramu – Well-Equipped Bluewater Cruiser in Preveza, Greece
The Amel Super Maramu is a renowned bluewater cruiser, designed for safety, self-sufficiency, and long-range comfort. Built in 1991 and privately used over the years, she remains a reliable and capable yacht, ready for extended offshore passages or leisurely coastal cruising.
Her sturdy ketch rig, deep keel, and protected center cockpit provide a safe and stable sailing experience, while modern upgrades ensure functionality and ease of handling. Featuring a spacious interior, a practical layout, and an impressive set of cruising equipment, this 1991 Amel Super Maramu 53 is a great opportunity.
Why Choose This 1991 Amel Super Maramu?
Proven Bluewater Cruiser – Designed for safe, long-distance sailing with a solid hull and ketch rig.
Self-Sufficient b'&' Equipped for Offshore Voyages – Solar panels, LiFePo4 house batteries, diesel heater, and Victron energy system.
Reliable Performance – Yanmar 100HP engine (2,300 hours), Onan 8.13 kVA generator, and a well-maintained propulsion system.
Well-Equipped for Handling b'&' Comfort – Electric winches, EV-400 autopilot, Raymarine navigation suite (2019), and downwind sail options.
High-Quality Sail Inventory – All white Ullman Offshore sails (Dyneema hybrid cloth, new 2017), including downwind options with Amel ballooner and asymmetric gennakers.
Safety b'&' Redundancy – EPIRB (2023), liferaft, inflatable life vests, survival suits, and multiple anchor systems (Mantus 2023).
With a well-thought-out design, upgraded systems, and a track record of offshore reliability, this 1991 Super Maramu 53 is an great choice for those looking to explore the world under sail. Whether you dream of crossing oceans, embarking on extended coastal voyages, or enjoying life at anchor in remote destinations, this yacht is equipped to take you there with confidence, safety, and ease.
Contact us today for more details or to arrange a viewing!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Introducing the 2020 Karnic SL602, a sleek and versatile small boat that promises an exhilarating experience on the water. With its cutting-edge design and powerful 175hp V6 Mercury outboard engine, this vessel is the epitome of performance and style!
The spacious and well-designed cockpit offers comfortable seating and smart storage solutions, ensuring you have all your essentials within reach. The helm station is thoughtfully laid out with modern instrumentation, putting you in control and making navigation a breeze!
With the 175hp Mercury outboard engine, the Karnic SL602 delivers impressive speed and acceleration, allowing you to zip across the water with ease. The responsive handling and reliable performance of this setup will have you gliding smoothly even in rougher waters!
The hull design of the Karnic SL602 is optimised for stability and efficiency, providing a smooth and enjoyable ride. Whether you're slicing through waves or anchoring for a relaxing break, this boat excels in both performance and comfort!
Step forward to the bow, and you'll find a spacious sunbathing area where you can soak up the sun's rays or enjoy a picturesque view of the horizon. The swim platform at the stern makes water access a breeze, inviting you to take a refreshing dip or engage in watersports activities!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2010 Fairline Targa 38 – Corfu, Greece
The 2010 Fairline Targa 38 is a stylish sport cruiser, offering a perfect balance of performance, comfort, and practicality. With her sleek design, spacious cockpit, and well-appointed interior, she is ideal for coastal cruising, weekend getaways, or extended stays on the water.
Low engine hours, limited used and underwent her last dry dock in July 2024.
The spacious cockpit with a teak deck and wet bar, combined with the comfortable two-cabin layout, makes her an excellent choice for families or entertaining guests. Powered by twin Volvo D6 370HP engines, she delivers impressive performance with a smooth and stable ride.
Why Choose This 2010 Fairline Targa 38?
Sporty b'&' Practical Design – A sleek exterior, spacious cockpit, and ergonomic helm station for an exciting driving experience.
Well-Appointed Accommodation – Two comfortable cabins, a spacious saloon, and a fully equipped galley.
Performance b'&' Handling – Twin Volvo D6 370HP engines with stern drive propulsion for agility and power.
Reliable Systems – Onan 7kW Generator, Air Conditioning, and Trim Tabs for comfort and efficiency.
Whether you're looking for a sporty day cruiser or a comfortable weekender, this 2010 Fairline Targa 38 is a fantastic opportunity to own a well-maintained and feature-packed yacht.
Contact us today for an exclusive viewing!
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Riviera 40 (2001) is a versatile and well-crafted sportfishing yacht designed by the renowned Australian boat manufacturer, Riviera. It is a perfect combination of performance, luxury, and functionality, making it an ideal choice for both serious anglers and leisure cruisers.
Design b'&' Build:
The Riviera 40 features a sleek, timeless design with a deep V-hull that ensures excellent stability and handling, even in rough conditions. Its length of 40 feet (12.19 meters) offers ample space, while the flybridge enhances visibility and provides a commanding view for navigation. The boat is built using high-quality materials and precise craftsmanship, making it both durable and easy to maintain.
Powered by twin diesel engines (typically Caterpillar or Cummins), the Riviera 40 offers reliable performance with a cruising speed of 22-26 knots and a top speed of 30 knots. This power and efficiency allow it to cover significant distances quickly, ideal for offshore fishing trips or weekend getaways.
Fishing Capabilities:
As a sportfisher, the Riviera 40 is equipped with all the essentials for a successful fishing adventure. It boasts a spacious cockpit with rod holders, a live bait tank, a fish box, and ample storage for tackle and gear. The wide swim platform also provides easy access to the water.
Interior b'&' Comfort:
Inside, the yacht offers luxury and comfort with a well-appointed salon, a fully-equipped galley, and comfortable seating. Below deck, it features two staterooms that can comfortably accommodate up to four guests, along with a modern bathroom. The layout is designed to maximize space and offer a relaxed environment, whether you’re at sea or docked.
The Riviera 40 (2001) is a versatile, well-balanced yacht that excels in both sportfishing and cruising. Its blend of power, comfort, and fishing prowess makes it a favorite for those seeking both adventure and relaxation on the water.
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Monfalcone (Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Briand at his best, with CNB's know-how and, the CNB 66 provides plenty of space, excellent voyaging capabilities and first class elegance, all within a manageable 20 metres. She is an ideal vessel for couples and families alike, and already as popular in the big yacht charter market as she is in the elite of performance cruiser regattas. The hull is designed for speed, making for quick passages, whilst the vertical stem, aft chine and good weight distribution makes the 66 easy to manoeuvre and a joy to helm. Down below, Jean-Marc Paiton has once again created a bright and airy space that is not only luxurious, but superbly practical too. The 270 degree panoramic windows and in hull glazing reveal incredible vistas over the ocean and a magical brightness throughout this spacious interior Inventory DECK GEAR HATCHES, PORTLIGHTS, WINDOWS Eight (8) opening flush tinted acrylic deck hatches in the foredeck Two (2) opening flush tinted acrylic deck hatches in the coach roof Two (2) opening hatches in the cockpit Two (2) opening portlights for the galley Eight (8) fixed portlights 700 mm x 250 mm Two (2) fixed portlights 900 mm x 250 mm Eleven (11) linear meters of windows in pilothouse Teak covered deck hatches for windlass access and lazarette access x 2 SAILING HARDWARE Primary winches - Harken ST 70 Performa Secondary winches - Harken ST 60 Performa Mainsheet winch - Harken ST 60 Performa Halyard/Reef line winches - Harken ST 60 Performa Option to upgrade all winches to Electric Navtec multi-function hydraulic panel Hydraulic boom vang, backstay cylinders, transom hatch TWIN HELM STATIONS Composite steering wheels laquered in black (options for carbon & teak or all carbon wheels) Composite pod with compass CANVAS Sprayhood at companionway TRANSOM Large hatch door opens for access to the tender garage and to create an expansive swim platform (2,90 x 1,30 meters), integrated foldable stairs for cockpit access, detachable swim ladder and access to 3.2m tender storage Gangway hatch to port (hydraulicly deployed gangway or carbon fibre folding gangway are Optional) Engine exhaust and shorepower connection behind louvers to starboard The tender garage is a waterproof monocoque constructed box with no penetrations. So there is no chance of water from the garage entering the boat. ANCHOR 40 kg CQR anchor with 100 meters of 12mm galvanized chain Anchor roller integrated in fixed bowsprit Windlass control in sail locker GALLEY APPLIANCES Miele induction cooking hob Miele Oven/Microwave combined Vitrifrigo 157 liter refrigerator and 75 liter freezer Stainless steel sink w/ tap Bridge LOA: 20,61 m 67.61 ft Hull Length 19,86 m 62.20 ft Length w/ bowsprit 21,36 m 70.07 ft LWL 18,45 m 60.53 ft Max Beam 5,51 m 18.07 ft Draft (standard keel) 2,95 m 9.67 ft Displacement (Light) 31,100 kg 68,500 lb Ballast (standard keel) 9,350 kg 20,600 lb Fresh Water 1,000 liters 132 gallons Fuel 1,200 liters 158 gallons The low profile pilothouse, off center companionway, large cockpit with twin wheels, twin rudders, plumb stem, and powerful hull with chine all reflect the Phillipe Briand and CNB heritage. Built with the exacting process and tolerances of CNB's world class standards the 66 is configured for owners who do not want to sail with professional crew. The CNB 66 is a semi-custom build with a multitude of options available to allow you to configure the boat so it best suits you and your family. The yacht features flush teak decks, only one 12 cm step from the cockpit to the weather decks, gel coat finish topsides and house, flush deck hatches, large hull portlights, large sail locker that can be converted to a crew cabin. Keel Options Standard Option 1 Cast Iron "L" shaped Lead Bulb and steel fin "T" shaped Draft - 2.95 m Draft - 2.40 m Ballast - 9,35 tons Ballast - 9,80 tons Option 2 Option 3 Lead Bulb and steel fin "T" shaped Lead Bulb and cast iron fin "T" shaped Draft - 2.95 m Draft - 3.50 m Ballast - 7,9 tons Ballast - 7,1 tons Machinery MAIN ENGINE Volvo Penta D4-180hp @ 2800 rpm 4 blade 635 mm diameter feathering bronze propeller F16PH 50 mm stainless steel shaft Hydrolube non-metallic cutlass bearings (x2) Engine controls at Starboard Helm Bow thruster in tunnel ELECTRICAL Service Battery Bank 420 A/h 24V Gel batteries Start Batteries 12v x2 one for engine one for generator Battery Charger Victron 24V - 100 A/h Inverter Victron 3000 Watt Generator - Cummins 13.5 kW TANK CAPACITY Water 1000 liters in two tanks Fuel 1200 liters in two tanks Rig STANDARD OPTION: Aluminum mast and boom by Sparcraft, Dyform stainless standing rigging, aluminum spreaders Manual headsail furler Self tacking jib track Harken 26mm switch Battcar system RIG DIMENSIONS: I - 25.00 m J - 7.67 m P - 24.13 m E - 7.80 m LP - 110% 8.30 m SAIL AREA: Mainsail - 112 m² Blade Jib - 103 m² Asymetrical Spinnaker - 330 m² Code 5 Spinnaker - 250 m² Code - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - ² Upwind Sail Area - 215 m² Downwind Sail Area - 440 m² CARBON SPARS OPTION (Performance option) Hall Spars - Standard Modulus Carbon spar and spreaders with clear coat finish Nitronic rod rigging Harken 26mm switch Battcar system V boom with hydraulic outhaul RIG DIMENSIONS: I - 26.15 m J - 7.67 m P - 25.65 m E - 8.00 m LP - 110% 8.30 m SAIL AREA: Mainsail - 120 m² Blade Jib - 107 m² Asymetrical Spinnaker - 355 m² Code 5 Spinnaker - 270 m² Code - Clicca per visualizzare il numero di telefono - ² Upwind Sail Area - 227 m² Downwind Sail Area - 475 m² MAINSAIL HANDLING OPTIONS Slab reefing with Harken switch car system In-Mast hydraulic furler with hydraulic outhaul In-boom furling with Hall Carbon V-boom HEADSAIL FURLING OPTIONS Electric headsail furler Staysail rigged on fix stay with running backstays with either a manual or electric furler Accommodation The CNB 66 is a semi-custom yacht and it is here in the interior where you can build a boat best suited to you and your family. Choose from three interior finishes Would you like to turn one cabin into an office? You can. Would like to change one of the four bathrooms into a walk-in wardrobe? You can. Would you like to convert the large port cabin in a game room for the kids? You can. CNB and Ancasta look forward to working with you to create the right boat for you. STANDARD LAYOUT 4 cabin, 4 heads, Owner's cabin forward, galley aft, fixed port lights in all cabins with two meter headroom throughout. The stylish, contemporary interior is finished in "Levanter Ambience" - walnut wood with an open pore finish, light oak floorboards, white overhead and ceiling panels. Saloon cushions in Trojan water repellent fabric ARRANGEMENT Full width Owner's Cabin forward with double berth off centerline to port, to starboard settee and desk with large hanging locker on aft bulkhead. Forward of the cabin is a full width head with separate shower stall, toilet, vanity, mirror and lockers. Aft of the owner's cabin are two guest cabins. Port cabin features a double berth with the berth side cabinet inboard. There is a hanging locker inboard. Forward of the cabin is the ensuite head with shower, vanity, toilet and storage. The Starboard Guest cabin features upper and lower berths, with hanging locker inboard. Forward of the cabin is the ensuite head with shower, vanity, toilet and storage. The heart of the interior is the spacious, light filled, clean contemporary saloon. The panoramic views from the pilothouse windows combined with the large portlights in the hull ensure uninterrupted views of the anchorage. To port is an L shaped settee wrapping around two sides of the table that comfortably seats eight. Aft of the dining table is the bar & navigation area. To starboard is an innovative and comfortable modular settee when fully assembled creates an expansive sofa. Two of the modular "benches" within the settee can be slid across the saloon floor to become seats at the table. Aft of the saloon and down two steps is the modern galley to port, open to the saloon with access to the cockpit as well. The galley features Miele and Vitrifrigo appliances, double bowl stainless steel sink, Corian© counter tops, 12 cupboards and three drawers. To starboard is the fourth cabin with a double berth, hanging locker on the centerline and ensuite head with separate shower stall, vanity, lockers and toilet....Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Silver Color
Pershing 72 high performance motor yacht - striking design and presence combined with a powerful + 40 knot performance and exhilarating handling are the true characteristics that make Pershing so special.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Azimut 62, launched in 2005, is a stunning blend of luxury and performance, perfect for discerning yacht enthusiasts. Powered by twin Caterpillar C18 engines, this vessel delivers an impressive cruising experience with a top speed of around 32 knots, ensuring exhilarating journeys on the water.
The shaft drive system enhances reliability and efficiency, offering smooth handling and exceptional maneuverability. The spacious layout features a sleek, modern interior with rich materials and elegant finishes, providing a comfortable retreat for family and friends. Accommodating up to six guests in three well-appointed cabins, each with en-suite facilities, the Azimut 62 epitomizes luxury living.
The main salon boasts large windows that flood the space with natural light, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere. The galley is equipped with top-of-the-line appliances, making it ideal for entertaining. Outside, the expansive flybridge offers ample seating, a wet bar, and a sunbathing area, perfect for enjoying sunny days at sea.
With its timeless design, exceptional performance, and luxurious amenities, the Azimut 62 stands out as a premier choice for those seeking adventure and comfort on the water. Whether cruising along the coast or anchoring in serene bays, this yacht promises unforgettable experiences for all on board.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
2019 JEANNEAU SUN ODYSSEY 479 - Phat Dolphin
BUILDERS REMARKS: Benefiting from the most recent innovations, the Sun Odyssey 479 has inherited the best qualities of the line. Created by the Philippe Briand design cabinet, her elongated hull lines and moderate freeboard lend the Sun Odyssey 479 an attractive aesthetic and deliver an exceptional performance at sea. Available with three to four cabins, offers the perfect balance between performance, on-board comfort and ease of handling.
BROKERS REMARKS: PHAT DOLPHIN is the youngest of the 479's that we have for sale and the last of the line. Very spacious 3 cabin owners layout with large master cabin in the bow is one of the main highlights. Plenty of space below decks and storage space. Fold down swim platform also works nicely as a boarding step when stern too in the marina as well. Strong reliable Yanmar engine and she sails great too. Photos are currently of a sistership but will be updated of the vessel as soon as possible.
AVAILABILITY: Left fleet. Currently in St Lucia awaiting refit. Please enquire for details.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
The Sunseeker Superhawk 40 is the epitome of luxury and performance, designed for those who demand both speed and sophistication. With its sleek, aerodynamic lines and deep-V hull, this sports yacht delivers an exhilarating ride, effortlessly reaching speeds of up to 40+ knots while offering unmatched stability and handling.
Step aboard and discover a world of refined elegance. The open cockpit features ample seating, a wet bar, and sun pads, perfect for entertaining or soaking up the sun. Below deck, the luxurious interior boasts a master cabin, en-suite bathroom, and a fully equipped galley, ensuring comfort and convenience for extended cruises.
Whether you’re hosting guests or enjoying a weekend escape, the Superhawk 40 combines thrilling performance with luxurious living, making every journey unforgettable.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Die BENTE39 beeindruckt durch ihre sportliche Performance, hohe Seetauglichkeit und innovatives Design. Mit einer Länge von knapp 12 Metern und einer eleganten Linienführung punktet die BENTE39 sowohl optisch als auch funktional. Das klare, aufgeräumte Decklayout sorgt für einfache Handhabung und ermöglicht selbst Einhandsegler komfortable Manöver. Das breite Heck bietet viel Platz für geselliges Beisammensein sowie sportliche Aktivitäten auf dem Wasser. Unter Deck überrascht der Segler mit einem großzügigen, lichtdurchfluteten Innenraum. Dank hochwertiger Materialien und einer cleveren Raumaufteilung bietet das Boot ausreichend Stauraum und eine komfortable Wohnatmosphäre. Ob sportliche Regatten oder entspannte Törns - die BENTE39 überzeugt durch Vielseitigkeit, Innovation und ein herausragendes Segelerlebnis.
The BENTE39 impresses with its sporty performance, high seaworthiness and innovative design. With a length of almost 12 meters and elegant lines, the BENTE39 scores both visually and functionally. The clear, clean deck layout ensures easy handling and allows even single-handed sailors to maneuver comfortably. The wide stern offers plenty of space for socializing and sporting activities on the water. Below deck, the yacht surprises with a spacious and light-flooded interior. Thanks to high-quality materials and a clever room layout, the boat offers plenty of storage space and a comfortable living atmosphere. Whether for sporty regattas or relaxed cruises - the BENTE39 impresses with its versatility, innovation and an outstanding sailing experience.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Lagoon 560 (2012): Sophisticated Performance and Design
The Lagoon 560, designed by Marc Van Peteghem b'&' Vincent Lauriot Prevost, is a 17.7m catamaran that blends innovative design with effortless performance. Powered by twin Yanmar 110HP engines with just 856 hours and a 17.5Kw ONAN generator, it delivers reliability and efficiency for any voyage.
Step into a refined interior featuring four en-suite cabins, air conditioning throughout, and a fully equipped galley with dual refrigerators, a dishwasher, and a deep freezer. Navigation is seamless with the advanced Raymarine Axiom 2 Pro system and comprehensive electronics suite.
The deck is built for versatility, with a hydraulic platform, teak cockpit, Canoe Carbon boom, and HARKEN electric winches for effortless handling. With a 280L/h water maker and a powerful dinghy with a 50HP Honda engine, this yacht is ready to explore.
A striking balance of precision engineering and timeless elegance, the Lagoon 560 redefines modern sailing.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Immediately Available - VAT Paid - Plenty of Upgrades
This elegant sailing yacht offers the perfect blend of comfort, performance, and luxury. Featuring three spacious cabins, two bathrooms, and a generously sized galley, it ensures a smooth and enjoyable sailing experience for all onboard. The deck saloon bathes in natural light, providing panoramic views, while the cockpit invites relaxation and effortless socializing.
Designed for optimal handling and speed, the yacht boasts twin steering positions and delivers impressive cruising performance, both under sail and power. It comes fully equipped with premium features, including a staysail, stainless steel davits, Raymarine electronics, air conditioning, a watermaker, and much more.
Meticulously maintained and in immaculate condition, this yacht represents an exceptional opportunity for those seeking an unforgettable sailing adventure with all the comforts of modern living at sea.
Key Features:
All through hull valves replaced (2024)
New handmade stainless steel exhaust elbow (2023)
Water Maker 60L
Contact us for more information.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
These boat details are subject to contract. Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered. The Grand Soleil 39 is a timeless yacht known for its good performance and structural integrity, making it highly sought after by sailing enthusiasts. Combining elegant design with exceptional craftsmanship, this vessel delivers outstanding sailing ability, allowing for both exhilarating speed and smooth handling. Maintaining its value remarkably well, the Grand Soleil 39 has garnered a loyal following, thanks to its enduring appeal and proven reliability. Notably, this yacht completed an Atlantic crossing in 2020, showcasing its readiness for bluewater adventures and long-distance cruising. Whether you're looking for a performance cruiser or a classic that stands the test of time, this Grand Soleil 39 is sure to set sail again.
Visit our website for the full specifications of this boat with up to 100 photos, videos, and virtual reality images.
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Misano Adriatico (Emilia Romagna)
The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice. Strumentazione elettronica di navigazione: Angolo barra, Antenna radar, Comando motori elettronico, Computer di bordo, DSC vhf, Ecoscandaglio (FURUNO FI 50), Pilota automatico (FURUNO NAVPILOT), Plotter con antenna GPS (FURUNO NAVNET 3D MULTI), Radio VHF (SIMRAD RS87). Allestimento tecnico e di coperta: 2 Allarme motore, Allarme sentina, Doccia esterna, Faro orientabile, Flap elettrici, Garage per tender, Hard top, Indicatori Flaps, Luci di cortesia, Luci subacquee, Passerella (Electrohydraulic), Piattaforma (Electrohydraulic with up & down system), 4 Pompa di sentina automatica, 4 Pompa di sentina elettrica, Pompa di sentina manuale, Pozzetto Teak, Presa 220V banchina, Salpa Ancore Elettrico (Upgraded to 2 Kw power with 90 mt. of chain (12 mm)), Scaletta da bagno, 2 Winch tonneggio di poppa. Dotazioni domestiche di bordo: BBQ/ Grill, Boiler, Cassaforte, Clima reversibile, Impianto acque nere, Prese interne 220v, 2 Telecamera (Aft deck + Engine room), 3 WC marino elettrico. Intrattenimento: Altoparlanti, Home Theater, Stereo (Bose Sound System). Cucina ed elettrodomestici: Cucina, Frigorifero esterno, ICE Maker, Lavasciuga, Lavastoviglie, Piastra in vetroceramica. Tappezzerie: Copripozzetto, Cuscineria completa, Teli copri finestra. Note accessori: Princess V62 Performance equal to her looks. With her sleek, dynamic profile, class-leading handling and exceptionally spacious interior – she epitomises everything that is V Class. With generous seating, a wetbar with barbecue and large central sunbed, the expansive cockpit is a wonderful space for you to entertain or relax in. The garage can accommodate a 3.25m rigid inflatable, while the electro-hydraulic bathing platform ensures she is also perfectly equipped for water sports and swimming. Accommodation beyond her class. The main deck saloon is the perfect respite from the heat of the.....Read full description
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Cervo (Liguria)
For sale is the most advanced full-carbon Daysailer ROLJACK by Multiplast and judel/vrolijk & co The jv36 ROLJACK is custom project by the well respected and experienced Jack Setton in collaboration with Americas Cup designer Rolf Vrolijk. Both icons worked together on this unique project to create the “perfect daysailer”. After having built many one-off yachts among others also the 60ft Daysailer CIAO GIANNI Mr. Setton had very specific requirements for ROLJACK. Foremost easy handling and easy maintenance followed by excellent sailing performance and comfort. The boat boasts a lot of features to make it as single-hand capable as possible. Therefore she is equipped with self-tailing rewindable winches and controls from stb and port, Autopilot, furling self-tacking jib, single point mainsheet and a narrow cockpit for optimal balance. The cockpit is covered by a large bimini with carbon poles. For easy maintenance and no drag while sailing an outboard engine (20hp) was installed instead of an conventional inboard diesel engine. ROLJACK was commissioned in December 2015 and has been meticulously maintained by professional crew since then. Immediately available in very good condition! Price New more than 560.000 €. VAT not paid. Please do not hestiate to contact us for any further questions or to arrange a viewing. Your judel/vrolijk & co - brokerage Team! Disclaimer The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice. customContactInformation - Clicca per contattare -...Read full description
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Features: 1. High quality material: durable screwdriver group made of CRV steel and PP, non-toxic and durable, hardness can be used for a long time. two Multi-in-one design: 115 in 1 precision screwdriver group includes more tools to meet all the necessary tools for all kinds of work to meet your different needs. 3. Suitcase: attached suitcase for storage and easy handling. It is easy to carry and easy to carry, and you can put it in a travel bag, car or toolbox. 4. Wide range of uses: ideal for repairing tablets, laptops, mobile devices, watches and glasses, as well as other electronic devices. 5. Screwdriver group: the screwdriver head is magnetic and can easily tighten the screw, which helps to improve performance and save your time and effort. 6. Flexible shaft: including flexible shaft, very suitable for difficult to obtain electronic equipment. Notes: 1. Due to manual measurement, please allow the difference in 1-3mm, thank you! 2. Due to differences between different monitors, note that the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item.
18,14 €
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Cervo (Liguria)
Iconic Daysailer Baltic 43 ICE for sale! It is not uncommon for owners of larger yachts to commission smaller sailing boats for easy, short- handed day sailing. ICE is such a yacht, a fully custom, high performance day-boat. Her simplicity and stunning looks set her apart. Her large, open-transom cockpit provides a perfect working area for two and with no backstays or runners, a single point mainsheet, powerful rig, high aspect ratio appendages and a hydraulically-powered lift mechanism for the keel she was designed for really easy handling. Built in carbon vacuum bagged sandwich with nano-epoxy to increase laminating properties. The accommodation provides shelter with a clean, modern, minimalist design touch. KEY FEATURES • Daysailer Optimized for single-hand Sailing • Lifting Keel 2,30 m / 3,20 m • Full Carbon Sandwich Construction • Magic Trim for Mainsail and Jib • No Backstay or Runners • Head in Forecastle • Comfortable Saloon with Galley and Fridge • Navigation Area • Vast Cockpit Area • Custom Cradle RECENT UPGRADES • New Sails, 2021 • New Hall Spars Future Fibres EC three Rigging, 2020 • New Batteries, 2020 • North Sails 3Di Square Top Main and Jib, 2020 • E-Sail Technora Carbon Main with 2 reef and Jib 2021 • Magic Trim Serviced, 2021 • Engine Service, 2021 • Mooring Winch (Capstan) installed, 2021 • All clear coat Carbon parts varnished, 2021 • New Engine Control panel with all functions, bow thruster and keel control, 2021 • New Floorboards, 2021 • Bimini with carbon poles, 2021 • Teak Deck refit, 2021 • New Raymarine Chartplotter in cockpit, 2021 • New interior Upholstery, 2021 • Mainsheet attachment point moved aft in cockpit and on boom, 2021 • Backrests for helmsman installed, 2021 • Autopilot Piston replaced, 2021 For more information or to arrange a viewing please contact us. Your judel/vrolijk & co - brokerage Team! CENTRAL AGENT Disclaimer The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice. customContactInformation - Clicca per contattare -...Read full description
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Galeon 680 FLY: MED (2022 v3)
The 680 FLY debuted in 2019 and join the latest, 4th Generation of Galeon Yachts and introduce some exciting new features to the segment. With a lightweight construction taking advantage of carbon technologies its powerful, yet elegant frame will offer commendable performance and great handling.
Outside, the guest will be able to find respite in several leisure areas on the top deck, bow and in the cockpit. Up front, the sundeck feature can be transformed into a seating area with a touch of a button, so it can be used even during light cruising. The vast flybridge is sure to impress and accommodate even a dozen guests, all protected by the carbon bimini top – smart!
On board the 680, passengers will find incredible volume, a bright and welcoming interior and a highly customizable, luxurious finish. A large saloon with a designated entertainment area and two separate stairways leading down below to four guest cabins were designed to ensure comfort and privacy.
A selection of powerful engines and a comprehensive list of additional equipment will allow future owners to create their perfect yacht that will turn heads in amazement and become a benchmark for others to follow.
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