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Power card

Elenco delle migliori vendite power card

Power Color GCH-1000 Graphics Card Holder e' un supporto per GPU regolabile e facile da installare. Marca: Powercolor
12,89 €
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Connessa allo slot ExpressCard del computer, la scheda di controllo EXP-CARD-FW400 di Power Star permette di beneficiare immediatamente di 2 porte FireWire-400 con un debito di trasfeirmento di 400 Mbps. Ideale per collegare le periferiche esterne FireWir Marca: Power Star
16,35 €
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Connessa al connettore PCMCIA del computer, la scheda PCMCIA-USB-4P permette di beneficiare immediatamente di 4 porte USB 2.0 esterne per la connessione delle periferiche. Marca: Power Star
15,35 €
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Cagliari (Sardegna)
CPU 8pin to Graphics Video Card Double PCI-E 8Pin(Nuovo prezzo EUR.6,00 CPU 8pin to Graphics Video Card Double PCI-E 8Pin(6Pin+2Pin)Power Supply Cable, Splitter PCI Express Graphics Card Connector PC Power Cable Wire CPU Molex for Graphics Card BTC Mine Nuovo Spedizione a carico dell'acquirente Quartucciu (CA)
6 €
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Aggiunge maggiore connettività al proprio MacBook o a un altro laptop USB-C, con il video 4K, Gigabit Ethernet, due porte USB 3.0 e un lettore di schede SD, e inoltre alimenta e ricarica il computer laptop mentre si lavora La connettività dei computer laptop con tecnologia USB-C è facilmente espandibile. Questo adattatore USB-C multiporta consente di trasformare il computer laptop in una potente workstation praticamente in ogni luogo e di eliminare la seccatura di portare con sé e collegare diversi adattatori. Grazie ad esso, è possibile aggiungere uscita video HDMI Ultra HD 4K, due porte USB 3.0 Type-A, una porta Gigabit Ethernet e uno slot per lettore di schede SD tramite la porta USB-C del computer laptop. È inoltre possibile utilizzare l'adattatore di alimentazione USB-C del computer laptop per alimentare l'adattatore multiporta e il computer laptop contemporaneamente grazie al supporto della tecnologia USB Power Delivery 2.0. È l'accessorio ideale per Dell XPS, MacBook Pro o altri computer laptop con tecnologia USB Type-C, oltre ad essere compatibile con le porte Thunderbolt 3. Una potente workstation subito pronta Abbinato al display del computer laptop, questo versatile adattatore multiporta USB-C facilita la configurazione di una workstation a due monitor ogni qualvolta è necessario. Essendo dotato di una porta HDMI 4K (con audio), si può collegare facilmente un monitor ad alta risoluzione e avere a disposizione più spazio su schermo. Con risoluzioni più elevate è possibile visualizzare più finestre contemporaneamente, con un notevole incremento della produttività. La porta Gigabit Ethernet garantisce un affidabile accesso alla rete cablata, ideale per ambienti con accesso Wi-Fi limitato. Inoltre, due porte USB 3.0 aggiuntive (USB Type-A) consentono di connettere le periferiche esistenti, come il mouse oppure unità di memoria flash. L'adattatore USB-C è dotato anche di uno slot per lettore di schede SD ed è quindi possibile accedere a tutti i contenuti multimediali. Progettato per una portabilità semplificata Questo adattatore multiporta evita la necessità di trasportare più adattatori di alimentazione durante gli spostamenti. Ideale per l'utilizzo in viaggio, è dotato di una porta USB-C che supporta la tecnologia USB Power Delivery 2.0 (USB PD 2.0) e pertanto è possibile utilizzare l'adattatore di alimentazione USB-C del computer laptop per alimentare sia il laptop sia l'adattatore multiporta. Il versatile adattatore multiporta è compatto e leggero, quindi può essere riposto facilmente nella borsa del computer laptop. Poiché riunisce più porte in un singolo adattatore, non è più necessario viaggiare con più adattatori a funzione singola. Il prodotto DKT30CSDHPD è coperto da una garanzia StarTech.com di 3 anni e dal supporto tecnico gratuito a vita. Nota: per garantire la funzionalità completa dell'adattatore, la porta USB-C del computer laptop deve supportare le tecnologie USB Power Delivery e DisplayPort Alternate Mode. The StarTech.com Advantage - Connettività estesa del MacBook Pro, Chromebook, Dell XPS o altro computer laptop con tecnologia USB-C - L'adattatore multiporta e il computer laptop possono essere alimentati contemporaneamente grazie all'adattatore di alimentazione USB-C del computer laptop (supporta la tecnologia USB Power Delivery 2.0). - Fornisce uscita HDMI Ultra HD 4K (3840x2160p), due porte USB 3.0, una porta Gigabit Ethernet e uno slot per lettore di schede SD
104 €
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Telecamera di sorveglianza IP DOME 1 MEGAPIXEL H264, LENS 4mm, 0.3LUX/F1.2, SD CARD, 3 LIVELLI DI GESTIONE ACCOUNT, RJ45, Wifi802.11 b/g/, n10F8 LED lights IR distance: 15m, AUDIO IN/OUT, MOTION DETECTI new Marca: Mach power
171,64 €
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Quando velocit e affidabilit sono tutto scattare come un professionista con SanDisk Extreme schede Pro SDHC UHS-I di memoria. La nuova tecnologia Power Core Controller offre prestazioni pi veloci shot-to-shot (fino a 95 MB / s) e la sua Error Correction Code avanzata (ECC) del motore migliora l integrit dei dati e l affidabilit della scheda durante la lettura e scrittura. Cos quando accade l imprevisto avrete pronto. Pi RAW + JPEG di scatto in modalit raffica continua e catturare video full HD (UHS Speed ​​Class 1) come mai prima. Affidabile. Durevole. Quando ogni scatto importante scegliete SanDisk Extreme schede Pro SDHC UHS-I di memoria per il vostro DSLR o videocamera HD.
39,99 €
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Urbino (Marche)
Se sei un appassionato d'informatica ed elettronica, ti piace stare al passo con la più recente tecnologia senza lasciarti sfuggire nessun dettaglio, acquista Notebook HP ZBOOK POWER 15 G8al miglior prezzo. Informazioni importanti: Questo computer è stato fabbricato per il mercato spagnolo, e pertanto, contiene pertanto i caratteri propri di questa lingua, come la lettera Ñ. Ciò nonostante, la configurazione di Windows consente di cambiare la tastiera dall'interno scegliendo qualunque altra lingua europea. Il sistema operativo è professionale e potrete selezionare la lingua d'installazione. Tra le lingue che consente di scegliere troverete sempre l'INGLESE. Successivamente potrete cambiare facilmente la lingua in quella del vostro Paese. Potete anche installare un sistema operativo gratuito, come ad esempio Linux. Tipo: Fotocamera frontale Tastiera numerica Tastiera completa SSD GDDR6 Paese/regione di produzione: Cinese Donna Colore: Grigio NTSC Caratteristiche: Microfono integrato Retroilluminato 2 Altoparlanti Lettore impronta digitale Adattatore grafico integrato Adattatore grafico discreto Connessioni: HDMI 2 x Microfono 1 x RJ45 USB A 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) x 3 Set uscita cuffie / microfono Relazione di aspetto: 16:9 Memoria interna: 8 GB DDR4-SDRAM Connettività: Bluetooth Bluetooth 5.0 WiFi 6 GHz Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201 Risoluzione: Full HD 1920 x 1080 px Capacità: 4 GB 256 GB Nuclei: 8 Scheda Grafica: NVIDIA Intel UHD Graphics Fonte di Alimentazione: USB Paralume: 15,6" 15,4" Connessione: HDMI x 1 Potenza: 150 W Processore: Intel 64 bits 4.6 GHz Intel Core i7-11xxx Intel Core i7-11800H Tecnologia: IPS Velocità: 3200 MHz Sistema Operativo: Windows 10 Pro Non Include: Tipo di unità ottica Connessione alla rete mobile Dimensioni massime della memory card: 64 GB Ethernet: No Schermo tattile: No Fotocamera: HD Flusso luminoso: 250 Lm Fattore di forma: SO-DIMM Clamshell Batteria ricaricabile al litio: 83 Wh Memoria: 1 x 8 GB WiFi: Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) Tipo di antenna: 2 x 2 Batteria: Polimeri di
964 €
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Cagliari (Sardegna)
Se sei un appassionato d'informatica ed elettronica, ti piace stare al passo con la più recente tecnologia senza lasciarti sfuggire nessun dettaglio, acquista Notebook HP ZBOOK POWER 15 G8al miglior prezzo. Informazioni importanti: Questo computer è stato fabbricato per il mercato spagnolo, e pertanto, contiene pertanto i caratteri propri di questa lingua, come la lettera Ñ. Ciò nonostante, la configurazione di Windows consente di cambiare la tastiera dall'interno scegliendo qualunque altra lingua europea. Il sistema operativo è professionale e potrete selezionare la lingua d'installazione. Tra le lingue che consente di scegliere troverete sempre l'INGLESE. Successivamente potrete cambiare facilmente la lingua in quella del vostro Paese. Potete anche installare un sistema operativo gratuito, come ad esempio Linux.Tipo: Fotocamera frontaleTastiera numericaTastiera completaSSDGDDR6Paese/regione di produzione: Cinese DonnaColore: GrigioNTSCCaratteristiche: Microfono integratoRetroilluminato2 AltoparlantiLettore impronta digitaleAdattatore grafico integratoAdattatore grafico discretoConnessioni: HDMI2 x Microfono1 x RJ45USB A 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) x 3Set uscita cuffie / microfonoRelazione di aspetto: 16:9Connettività: BluetoothBluetooth 5.0WiFi 6 GHzIntel Wi-Fi 6 AX201Risoluzione: Full HD1920 x 1080 pxMemoria RAM: 16 GB1 x 16 GBCapacità: 4 GB512 GBHard Disk: 512 GB512 GB SSDNuclei: 8Scheda Grafica: NVIDIAIntel UHD GraphicsFonte di Alimentazione: USBParalume: 15,6"15,4"Connessione: HDMI x 1Potenza: 150 WProcessore: Intel64 bits4.6 GHzIntel Core i7-11xxxIntel Core i7-11800HTecnologia: IPSVelocità: 3200 MHzSistema Operativo: Windows 10 ProNon Include: Tipo di unità otticaConnessione alla rete mobileDimensioni massime della memory card: 64 GBMemoria interna: DDR4-SDRAMEthernet: NoSchermo tattile: NoFotocamera: HDFlusso luminoso: 250 LmFattore di forma: SO-DIMMClamshellBatteria ricaricabile al litio: 83 WhWiFi: Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)Tipo di antenna: 2 x 2Batteria: Polimeri di litioInclude: JumpStart HPSSD x 1Colori: 45Compatibile: PCI Express, NVMe
1.514 €
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Agrigento (Sicilia)
Se sei un appassionato d'informatica ed elettronica, ti piace stare al passo con la più recente tecnologia senza lasciarti sfuggire nessun dettaglio, acquista Notebook HP ZBOOK POWER 15 G8al miglior prezzo. Informazioni importanti: Questo computer è stato fabbricato per il mercato spagnolo, e pertanto, contiene pertanto i caratteri propri di questa lingua, come la lettera Ñ. Ciò nonostante, la configurazione di Windows consente di cambiare la tastiera dall'interno scegliendo qualunque altra lingua europea. Il sistema operativo è professionale e potrete selezionare la lingua d'installazione. Tra le lingue che consente di scegliere troverete sempre l'INGLESE. Successivamente potrete cambiare facilmente la lingua in quella del vostro Paese. Potete anche installare un sistema operativo gratuito, come ad esempio Linux.Tipo: Fotocamera frontaleTastiera numericaTastiera completaSSDGDDR6Paese/regione di produzione: Cinese DonnaColore: GrigioNTSCCaratteristiche: Microfono integratoRetroilluminato2 AltoparlantiLettore impronta digitaleAdattatore grafico integratoAdattatore grafico discretoConnessioni: HDMI2 x Microfono1 x RJ45USB A 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) x 3Set uscita cuffie / microfonoRelazione di aspetto: 16:9Memoria interna: 8 GBDDR4-SDRAMConnettività: BluetoothBluetooth 5.0WiFi 6 GHzIntel Wi-Fi 6 AX201Risoluzione: Full HD1920 x 1080 pxCapacità: 4 GB256 GBNuclei: 8Scheda Grafica: NVIDIAIntel UHD GraphicsFonte di Alimentazione: USBParalume: 15,6"15,4"Connessione: HDMI x 1Potenza: 150 WProcessore: Intel64 bits4.6 GHzIntel Core i7-11xxxIntel Core i7-11800HTecnologia: IPSVelocità: 3200 MHzSistema Operativo: Windows 10 ProNon Include: Tipo di unità otticaConnessione alla rete mobileDimensioni massime della memory card: 64 GBEthernet: NoSchermo tattile: NoFotocamera: HDFlusso luminoso: 250 LmFattore di forma: SO-DIMMClamshellBatteria ricaricabile al litio: 83 WhMemoria: 1 x 8 GBWiFi: Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)Tipo di antenna: 2 x 2Batteria: Polimeri di litioInclude: JumpStart HPSSD x 1Colori: 45Compatibile: PCI Express, NVMe
1.406 €
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Quando velocit e affidabilit sono tutto scatta come un professionista con SanDisk Extreme schede Pro SDHC UHS-I di memoria. La nuova tecnologia Power Core Controller offre prestazioni pi veloci shot-to-shot (fino a 95 MB / s *) e il suo Error Correction Code motore avanzato (ECC) migliora l integrit dei dati e l affidabilit della scheda durante la lettura e scrittura. Cos quando accade l imprevisto avrete pronto. Pi RAW + JPEG di scatto in modalit raffica continua e cattura video full HD (UHS Speed ​​Class 1 **) come mai prima. Affidabile. Durevole. Quando ogni scatto importante scegliete SanDisk Extreme schede Pro SDHC UHS-I di memoria per il vostro DSLR o videocamera HD.
58,99 €
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Telecamera IP Dome 4K 8MP Ottica Varifocale 2.7-13.5mm PoE IP67 IK10 Dahua DH-IPC-HDBW2831R-ZS-S2 > 8MP, 1/2.7" CMOS image sensor, low illuminance, high image definition > Outputs max. 8MP (3840 × 2160) @15 fps, and supports 2688×1520 (2688 × 1520) @25/30 fps > H.265 codec, high compression rate, ultra-low bit rate > Built-in IR LED, max IR distance: 40 m > ROI, SMART H.264+/H.265+, flexible coding, applicable to various bandwidth and storage environments > Rotation mode, WDR, 3D NR, HLC, BLC, digital watermarking, applicable to various monitoring scenes > Intelligent detection: Intrusion, tripwire > Abnormality detection: Motion detection, video tampering, no SD card, SD card full, SD card error, network disconnection, IP conflict, illegal access, voltage detection > Supports max. 256 GB Micro SD card > 12V DC/PoE power supply > IP67, IK10 protection Camera Image Sensor 1/2.7" 8Megapixel progressive CMOS Max. Resolution 3840 (H) × 2160 (V) ROM 128 MB RAM 256 MB Scanning System Progressive Electronic Shutter Speed Auto/Manual 1/3 s-1/100,000 s Min. Illumination 0.008 Lux@F1.5 S/N Ratio >56 dB Illumination Distance 40 m (131.2 ft) Illuminator On/Off Control Auto/Manual Illuminator Number 2 (IR LED) Pan/Tilt/Rotation Range Pan: 0°-355° Tilt: 0°-67° Rotation: 0°-355° Lens Lens Type Motorized vari-focal Mount Type f14 Focal Length 2.7 mm-13.5 mm Max. Aperture F1.5 Field of View Horizontal: 113°-31° Vertical: 58°-17° Diagonal: 138°-36° Iris Type Fixed Close Focus Distance 0.8m-0.8m (2.62 ft-2.62 ft) DORI Distance Lens Detect Observe Recognize Identify W 85.3 m (279.9 ft) 34.1 m (111.9 ft) 17 m (55.8 ft) 8.5 m (27.9 ft) T 280 m (918.6 ft) 112 m (367.5 ft) 56 m (183.7 ft) 28 m (91.9 ft) Smart Event IVS Tripwire; intrusion Video Video Compression H.265; H.264; H.264B; MJPEG (only supported by the sub stream) Smart Codec Smart H.265+/ Smart H.264+ Video Frame Rate Main stream: 3840 × 2160 (1 fps-15 fps) 2688 × 1520 (1 fps-25/30 fps) Sub stream: 704 × 576 (1 fps-25 fps) 704 × 480 (1 fps-30 fps) Stream Capability 2 streams Resolution 3840 × 2160 (3840 × 2160); 3072 × 2048 (3072 × 2048); 3072 ×1728 (3072 × 1728); 2592 × 1944 (2592 × 1944); 2688 × 1520 (2688 × 1520); 3M (2048 × 1536); 2304 × 1296 (2304 × 1296); 1080p (1920 × 1080); 1.3M (1280 × 960); 720p (1280 × 720); D1 (704 × 576/704 × 480); VGA (640 × 480); CIF (352 × 288/352 × 240) Bit Rate Control CBR/VBR Video Bit Rate H.264: 32 kbps-8192 kbps H.265: 12 kbps-8192 kbps Day/Night Auto(ICR)/Color/B/W BLC Yes HLC Yes WDR 120 dB White Balance Auto/natural/street lamp/outdoor/manual/regional custom Gain Control Auto/Manual Noise Reduction 3D NR Motion Detection OFF/ON (4 areas, rectangular) Region of Interest(RoI) Yes (4 areas) Smart Illumination Yes Image Rotation 0°/90°/180°/270° (Supports 90°/270° with 3840 × 2160 resolution and lower.) Mirror Yes Privacy Masking 4 areas Alarm Alarm Event No SD card; SD card full; SD card error; network disconnection; IP conflict; motion detection; video tampering; tripwire; intrusion; illegal access; voltage detection; safety exception Network Network RJ-45 (10/100 Base-T) SDK and API Yes Cyber Security Video encryption; firmware encryption; configuration encryption; Digest; WSSE; account lockout; security logs; IP/MAC filtering; generation and importing of X.509 certification; syslog; HTTPS; 802.1x; trusted boot; trusted execution; trusted upgrade Protocol IPv4; IPv6; HTTP; TCP; UDP; ARP; RTP; RTSP; RTCP; RTMP; SMTP; FTP; SFTP; DHCP; DNS; DDNS; QoS; UPnP; NTP; Multicast; ICMP; IGMP; NFS; PPPoE; Bonjour Interoperability ONVIF (Profile S/Profile G/Profile T); CGI; P2P; Milestone; Genetec User/Host 20 Storage FTP; SFTP; Micro SD Card (support max. 256 GB); NAS Browser IE Chrome Firefox Management Software Smart PSS; DSS; DMSS Mobile Phone IOS; Android Certification Certifications CE-LVD: EN62368-1 CE-EMC: Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU FCC: 47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart B UL/CUL: UL60950-1 CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60950-1-07 Power Power Supply 12V DC/PoE (802.3af) Power Consumption < 7.4W Environment Operating Conditions -30°C to +60°C (-22°F to +1
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Telecamera IP Dome 4MP Ottica Varifocale 2.7-13.5mm PoE IP67 Dahua DH-IPC-HDW2431T-ZS-S2 > 4MP, 1/3" CMOS image sensor,low illuminance, high image definition > Outputs 4MP (2560 × 1440)@25/30 fps, max. supports 4MP (2688 × 1520)@20 fps > H.265 codec, high compression rate, ultra-low bit rate > Built-in IR LED, max IR distance: 40 m > ROI, SMART H.264+/H.265+, flexible coding, applicable to various bandwidth and storage environments > Rotation mode, WDR, 3D NR, HLC, BLC, digital watermarking, applicable to various monitoring scenes > Intelligent detection: Intrusion, tripwire > Abnormality detection: Motion detection, video tampering, no SD card, SD card full, SD card error, network disconnected, IP conflict, illegal ac- cess, voltage detection > Supports max. 256 GB Micro SD card > 12V DC/PoE power supply > IP67 protection Camera Image Sensor 1/3" 4Megapixel progressive CMOS Max. Resolution 2688 (H) × 1520 (V) ROM 128 MB RAM 128 MB Scanning System Progressive Electronic Shutter Speed Auto/Manual 1/3 s-1/100000 s Min. Illumination 0.008 Lux@F1.5 S/N Ratio >56 dB Illumination Distance 40 m (131.23 ft) Illuminator On/Off Control Auto/Manual Illuminator Number 2 (IR LED) Pan/Tilt/Rotation Range Pan 0°-360° Tilt: 0°-78° Rotation: 0°-360° Lens Lens Type Motorized vari-focal Mount Type f14 Focal Length 2.7 mm-13.5 mm Max. Aperture F1.5 Field of View Horizontal: 104°-27° Vertical: 55°-15° Diagonal: 124°-31° Iris Type Fixed Close Focus Distance 0.8 m-0.8 m (2.62 ft-2.62 ft) DORI Distance Lens Detect Observe Recognize Identify W 64 m (209.97 ft) 25.6 m (83.99 ft) 12.8 m (41.99 ft) 6.4 m (21.00 ft) T 220 m (721.78 ft) 88 m (288.71 ft) 44 m (144.36 ft) 22 m (72.18 ft) Smart Event IVS Tripwire; intrusion Video Video Compression H.265; H.264; H.264B; MJPEG (only supported by the sub stream) Smart Codec Smart H.265+/ Smart H.264+ Video Frame Rate Main stream: 2688 × 1520 (1 fps-20 fps) 2560 × 1440 (1 fps-25/30 fps) Sub stream: 704 × 576 (1 fps-25 fps) 704 × 480 (1 fps-30 fps) Stream Capability 2 streams Resolution 2688 × 1520 (2688 × 1520); 2560 × 1440 (2560 × 1440); 2304 × 1296 (2304 × 1296); 1080p (1920 × 1080); 1.3M (1280 × 960); 720p (1280 × 720); D1 (704 × 576/704 × 480); VGA (640 ×480); CIF (352 × 288/352 × 240) Bit Rate Control CBR/VBR Video Bit Rate H.264: 32 kbps-6144 kbps H.265: 12 kbps-6144 kbps Day/Night Auto(ICR)/Color/B/W BLC Yes HLC Yes WDR 120 dB White Balance Auto/natural/street lamp/outdoor/manual/regional custom Gain Control Auto/Manual Noise Reduction 3D NR Motion Detection OFF/ON (4 areas, rectangular) Region of Interest(RoI) Yes (4 areas) Smart Illumination Yes Image Rotation 0°/90°/180°/270° (Supports 90°/270° with 2688 × 1520 resolution and lower.) Mirror Yes Privacy Masking 4 areas Alarm Alarm Event No SD card; SD card full; SD card error; network disconnection; IP conflict; motion detection; video tampering; tripwire; intrusion; illegal access; voltage detection; safety exception; Network Network RJ-45 (10/100 Base-T) SDK and API Yes Cyber Security Video encryption; firmware encryption; configuration encryption; Digest; WSSE; account lockout; security logs; IP/MAC filtering; generation and importing of X.509 certification; syslog; HTTPS; 802.1x; trusted boot; trusted execution; trusted upgrade Protocol IPv4; IPv6; HTTP; TCP; UDP; ARP; RTP; RTSP; RTCP; RTMP; SMTP; FTP; SFTP; DHCP; DNS; DDNS; QoS; UPnP; NTP; Multicast; ICMP; IGMP; NFS; PPPoE; Bonjour Interoperability ONVIF (Profile S/Profile G/Profile T); CGI; P2P; Milestone; Genetec User/Host 20 Storage FTP; Micro SD card (support max. 256 G); NAS; SFTP Browser IE Chrome Firefox Management Software Smart PSS; DSS; DMSS Mobile Phone IOS; Android Certification Certifications CE-LVD: EN62368-1 CE-EMC: Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU FCC: 47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart B UL/CUL: UL60950-1 CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60950-1-07 Power Power Supply 12V DC/PoE (802.3af) Power Consumption < 6.4W Environment Operating Conditions -30°C to +60°C (-22°F to +140°F)/less than = 95% RH Storage Temperature -40°C to +60°C (-40°F to +140°F) Protection IP67 Struc
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Telecamera IP Bullet 1080P 2MP Ottica Varifocale Motorizzato 2.8-12mm H.265+ PoE OSD IP67 Slot SD HiWatch HWI-B620H-Z 1/2.8" progressive scan CMOS1920 × 1080@30fps2.8 mm to 12 mm motorized varifocal Motozoom lensH.265+, H.265, H.264+, H.264Dual streamDigtal WDR (Wide Dynamic Range)3D DNR (Digital Noise Reduction)Up to 30 m IR rangeBuilt-in micro SD/SDHC/SDXC card slot, up to 128 GBPoE (Power over Ethernet)IP67CameraAppearanceBullet Image Sensor1/2.8" Progressive Scan CMOS Min. IlluminationColor: 0.01 Lux @(F1.2, AGC ON), 0.018 Lux @ (F1.6, AGC ON) Shutter Speed1/3 s to 1/100, 000 s, support slow shutter Slow ShutterYes Auto-IrisNo Day & NightIR cut filter Digital Noise Reduction3D DNR WDRDigital WDR Angle AdjustmentPan: 0° to 360°, tilt: 0° to 90°, rotation: 0° to 360° LensFocal Length2.8 to 12 mm ApertureF1.6 FocusAuto Angle of viewHorizontal field of view: 98° to 34°, Vertical field of view: 51° to 19°, Diagonal field of view: 115° to 40° Lens MountF14 IRIR RangeUp to 30 m Wavelength850 nm Compression StandardVideo CompressionH.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264 H.264 TypeBaseline Profile/Main Profile/High Profile H.264+Main stream supports H.265 TypeMain Profile H.265+Main stream supports Video Bit Rate32 Kbps to 8 Mbps Smart Feature-SetRegion of Interest1 fixed region for main stream and sub-stream ImageResolution2MP Main Stream Max. Frame Rate50Hz: 25fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 60Hz: 30fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) Sub-stream Max. Frame Rate50Hz: 25fps (640 × 480, 640 × 360, 320 × 240) 60Hz: 30fps (640 × 480, 640 × 360, 320 × 240) Image EnhancementBLC, 3D DNR Image SettingSaturation, brightness, contrast, sharpness, AGC, white balance adjustable by client software or web browser NetworkAlarm TriggerMotion detection, video tampering alarm, network disconnected, IP address conflicted, illegal login Network StorageSupport micro SD/SDHC/SDXC card (128G), local storage and ANR ProtocolsTCP/IP, ICMP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, RTP, RTSP, RTCP, NTP, UPnP™, SMTP, IGMP, 802.1X, QoS, IPv6, UDP, Bonjour General FunctionOne-key reset, anti-flicker, heartbeat, mirror, password protection, privacy mask, watermark APIONVIF (PROFILE S, PROFILE G), ISAPI Simultaneous Live ViewUp to 6 channels User/HostUp to 32 users 3 levels: Administrator, Operator and User ClientiVMS-4200 Web BrowserIE8+, Chrome 31.0-44, Firefox 30.0-51 InterfaceCommunication Interface1 RJ45 10M/100M self-adaptive Ethernet port On-board storageBuilt-in micro SD/SDHC/SDXC card slot, up to 128 GB Reset ButtonYes GeneralOperating Conditions-30 °C to 60 °C (-22 °F to 140 °F), humidity: 95% or less (non-condensing) Power Supply12 VDC ± 25%, 5.5 mm coaxial power plug PoE (802.3af, class 3) Power Consumption12 VDC, 0.9 A, max. 11 W; PoE: (802.3af, 36 V to 57 V), 0.4 A to 0.2 A, max. 12.9 W Ingress Protection levelIP 67 MaterialMetal DimensionsF 105 mm × 244.4 mm (F 4.1" × 9.6") WeightCamera: approx. 1015 g (2.2 lb.) With package: approx. 1540 g (3.4 lb.)
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Telecamera IP Bullet 1440P 4MP Ottica Varifocale Motorizzato 2.8-12mm H.265+ PoE OSD IP67 Slot SD HiWatch HWI-B640H-Z 1/3" progressive scan CMOS2560 × 1440@20fps2.8 mm to 12 mm motorized varifocal Motozoom lensH.265+, H.265, H.264+, H.264Dual stream120 dB WDR (Wide Dynamic Range)3D DNR (Digital Noise Reduction)Up to 30 m IR rangeBuilt-in micro SD/SDHC/SDXC card slot, up to 128 GBPoE (Power over Ethernet)IP67CameraAppearanceBullet Image Sensor1/3" Progressive Scan CMOS Min. IlluminationColor: 0.01 Lux @(F1.2, AGC ON), 0.018 Lux @ (F1.6, AGC ON) Shutter Speed1/3 s to 1/100, 000 s, support slow shutter Auto-IrisNo Day & NightIR cut filter Digital Noise Reduction3D DNR WDR120 dB Angle AdjustmentPan: 0° to 360°, tilt: 0° to 90°, rotation: 0° to 360° LensFocal Length2.8 to 12 mm ApertureF1.6 FocusAuto Angle of viewHorizontal field of view: 98° to 28°, Vertical field of view: 51° to 16°, Diagonal field of view: 115° to 32° Lens MountF14 IRIR RangeUp to 30 m Wavelength850 nm Compression StandardVideo CompressionMain stream: H.265/H.264 Sub-stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEG H.264 TypeBaseline Profile/Main Profile/High Profile H.264+Main stream supports H.265 TypeMain Profile H.265+Main stream supports Video Bit Rate32 Kbps to 8 Mbps Smart Feature-SetRegion of Interest1 fixed region for main stream and sub-stream ImageResolution4MP Main Stream Max. Frame Rate50Hz: 20fps (2560 × 1440), 25fps (2304 × 1296, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720) 60Hz: 20fps (2560 × 1440), 30fps (2304 × 1296, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720) Sub-stream Max. Frame Rate50Hz: 25fps (640 × 480, 640 × 360, 320 × 240) 60Hz: 30fps (640 × 480, 640 × 360, 320 × 240) Image EnhancementBLC, 3D DNR Image SettingSaturation, brightness, contrast, sharpness, AGC, white balance adjustable by client software or web browser Day/Night SwitchAuto, scheduled NetworkAlarm TriggerMotion detection, video tampering alarm, network disconnected, IP address conflicted, illegal login Network StorageSupport micro SD/SDHC/SDXC card (128G), local storage and NAS (NFS,SMB/CIFS), ANR ProtocolsTCP/IP, ICMP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, RTP, RTSP, RTCP, NTP, UPnP™, SMTP, IGMP, 802.1X, QoS, IPv6, UDP, Bonjour General FunctionOne-key reset, anti-flicker, heartbeat, mirror, password protection, privacy mask, watermark APIONVIF (PROFILE S, PROFILE G), ISAPI Simultaneous Live ViewUp to 6 channels User/HostUp to 32 users 3 levels: Administrator, Operator and User ClientiVMS-4200 Web BrowserIE8+, Chrome 31.0-44, Firefox 30.0-51 InterfaceCommunication Interface1 RJ45 10M/100M self-adaptive Ethernet port On-board storageBuilt-in micro SD/SDHC/SDXC card slot, up to 128 GB GeneralOperating Conditions-30 °C to 60 °C (-22 °F to 140 °F), humidity: 95% or less (non-condensing) Power Supply12 VDC ± 25%, 5.5 mm coaxial power plug PoE (802.3af, class 3) Power Consumption12 VDC, 0.9 A, max. 11 W; PoE: (802.3af, 36 V to 57 V), 0.4 A to 0.2 A, max. 12.9 W Ingress Protection levelIP67 MaterialMetal DimensionsF 105 mm × 244.4 mm (F 4.1" × 9.6") WeightCamera: approx. 1035 g (2.3 lb.) With package: approx. 1550 g (3.4 lb.)
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione PERFORMANCE Processore: Intelb'/xc2/xae' Coreb'/xe2/x84/xa2' Ultra 7 165H, 16C (6P + 8E + 2LPE) / 22T, Max Turbo fino a 5.0GHz, 24MB Grafica: NVIDIAb'/xc2/xae' RTX 3000 Ada Generation 8GB GDDR6 Chipset: Intelb'/xc2/xae' SoC Platform Memoria: 32GB LPCAMM2 LPDDR5x-7467 Memoria Slots: 1x LPCAMM2 connector, dual-channel Max Memoria: fino a 64GB (1x 64GB LPCAMM2), upgradable Storage: 1TB SSD M.2 2280 PCIeb'/xc2/xae' 4.0x4 Performance NVMeb'/xc2/xae' Opal 2.0 Storage Support: fino a 2x unitb'/xc3/xa0', 2x M.2 SSD b'/xe2/x80/xa2' M.2 2280 SSD fino a 8TB, 4TB each b'/xe2/x80/xa2' RAID 0/1 support Storage Slot: 2x M.2 2280 PCIeb'/xc2/xae' 4.0 x4 slots RAID Preset: No Card Reader: SD 7.0 Card Reader Audio Chip: High Definition (HD) Audio, Realtekb'/xc2/xae' ALC3306 codec Speakers: Stereo speakers, 2W x2, Dolby Atmosb'/xc2/xae' Camera: 5.0MP + IR with Privacy Shutter and Human Presence Detection Microphone: 2x, Array Battery: Integrated 90Wh Power Adapter: 170W Slim Tip (3-pin) DESIGN Display: 16'' WQXGA (2560x1600) IPS 500nits Anti-glare, 100% sRGB, 165Hz, Tb'/xc3/x9c'V Low Blue Light Touchscreen: No Color Calibration: Factory Color Calibration Keyboard: Backlit, Italian Case Color: Black Case Material: Aluminium (Top), Aluminium (Bottom) Dimensions (WxDxH): 354.4 x 241.2 x 17.05 mm Weight: 1.82 kg SOFTWARE Operating System: Windowsb'/xc2/xae' 11 Pro Bundled Software: Intelb'/xc2/xae' Connectivity Performance Suite CONNECTIVITY Ethernet: No WLAN + Bluetooth: Intelb'/xc2/xae' Wi-Fib'/xc2/xae' 7 BE200, 11be 2x2 + Bluetooth 5.4 WWAN: No SIM Card: No NFC: No Standard Ports:b'/xc2/xa0' - 1x USB-A (USB 5Gbps / USB 3.2 Gen 1), Always On - 1x USB-Cb'/xc2/xae' (USB 10Gbps / USB 3.2 Gen 2), with USB PD 3.0 (135W input) and DisplayPortb'/xe2/x84/xa2' 1.4 - 2x USB-Cb'/xc2/xae' (Thunderboltb'/xe2/x84/xa2' 4 / USB4b'/xc2/xae' 40Gbps), with USB PD 3.0 (135W input) and DisplayPortb'/xe2/x84/xa2' 2.1 - 1x HDMIb'/xc2/xae' 2.1, fino a 8K/60Hz - 1x Headphone / microphone combo jack (3.5mm) - 1x SD Express 7.0 card reader - 1x Security keyhole Docking: Various docking solutions supported via Thunderboltb'/xe2/x84/xa2' or USB-Cb'/xc2/xae' SECURITY b'&' PRIVACY Smart Card Reader: No Security Chip: Discrete TPM 2.0 Enabled Fingerprint Reader: Touch Style, Match-on-Chip, Integrated in Power Button Physical Locks: Kensingtonb'/xc2/xae' Nano Security Slotb'/xe2/x84/xa2', 2.5 x 6 mm Other Security:b'/xc2/xa0' - IR camera for Windowsb'/xc2/xae' Hello (facial recognition) - Ultrasonic Human Presence Detection for IR camera - Camera privacy shutter - Bottom cover tamper detection MANAGEABILITY System Management: Intelb'/xc2/xae' vProb'/xc2/xae' Enterprise CERTIFICATIONS Green Certifications:b'/xc2/xa0' - ENERGY STARb'/xc2/xae' 8.0 - EPEATb'/xe2/x84/xa2' Gold Registered - RoHS compliant - TCO Certified 9.0 Other Certifications:b'/xc2/xa0' - Intelb'/xc2/xae' Evob'/xe2/x84/xa2' Platform - Tb'/xc3/x9c'V Rheinlandb'/xc2/xae' Low Blue Light Mil-Spec Test: MIL-STD-810H military test passed
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione PERFORMANCE Processore: Intelb'/xc2/xae' Coreb'/xe2/x84/xa2' Ultra 7 155H, 16C (6P + 8E + 2LPE) / 22T, Max Turbo fino a 4.8GHz, 24MB Grafica: NVIDIAb'/xc2/xae' RTX 500 Ada Generation 4GB GDDR6 Chipset: Intelb'/xc2/xae' SoC Platform Memoria: 2x 16GB SO-DIMM DDR5-5600 Non-ECC Memoria Slots: 2x DDR5 SO-DIMM slots, dual-channel capable Max Memoria: fino a 96GB (2x 48GB DDR5 SO-DIMM) Storage: 1TB SSD M.2 2280 PCIeb'/xc2/xae' 4.0x4 Performance NVMeb'/xc2/xae' Opal 2.0 Storage Support: 1x unitb'/xc3/xa0', fino a 2TB M.2 2280 SSD Storage Slot: 1x M.2 2280 PCIeb'/xc2/xae' 4.0 x4 slot Card Reader: No Audio Chip: High Definition (HD) Audio, Realtekb'/xc2/xae' ALC3287 codec Speakers: Stereo speakers, 2W x2, Dolby Audiob'/xe2/x84/xa2' Camera: 5.0MP + IR with Privacy Shutter and Human Presence Detection Microphone: 2x, Array Battery: Integrated 75Wh Power Adapter: 135W USB-Cb'/xc2/xae' Slim (3-pin) DESIGN Display: 16'' WUXGA (1920x1200) IPS 300nits Anti-glare, 45% NTSC Touchscreen: No Color Calibration: No Keyboard: Backlit, Italian Case Color: Black Case Material: Aluminium (Top), Aluminium (Bottom) Dimensions (WxDxH): 361.5 x 248.6 x 21.13 mm Weight: 1.82 kg SOFTWARE Operating System: Windowsb'/xc2/xae' 11 Pro Bundled Software: No CONNECTIVITY Ethernet: 100/1000M (RJ-45) WLAN + Bluetooth: Intelb'/xc2/xae' Wi-Fib'/xc2/xae' 6E AX211, 11ax 2x2 + Bluetooth 5.3 WWAN: No SIM Card: No NFC: No Standard Ports:b'/xc2/xa0' - 1x USB-A (USB 5Gbps / USB 3.2 Gen 1) - 1x USB-A (USB 5Gbps / USB 3.2 Gen 1), Always On - 2x USB-Cb'/xc2/xae' (Thunderboltb'/xe2/x84/xa2' 4 / USB4b'/xc2/xae' 40Gbps), with USB PD 3.0 and DisplayPortb'/xe2/x84/xa2' 2.1 - 1x HDMIb'/xc2/xae' 2.1, fino a 4K/60Hz - 1x Headphone / microphone combo jack (3.5mm) - 1x Ethernet (RJ-45) - 1x Security keyhole Optional Ports (configured):b'/xc2/xa0' - 1x Smart Card Reader Docking: Various docking solutions supported via Thunderboltb'/xe2/x84/xa2' or USB-Cb'/xc2/xae' SECURITY b'&' PRIVACY Smart Card Reader: Smart Card Reader Security Chip: Discrete TPM 2.0 Enabled Fingerprint Reader: Touch Style, Match-on-Chip, Integrated in Power Button Physical Locks: Kensingtonb'/xc2/xae' Nano Security Slotb'/xe2/x84/xa2', 2.5 x 6 mm Other Security:b'/xc2/xa0' - IR camera for Windowsb'/xc2/xae' Hello (facial recognition) - Ultrasonic Human Presence Detection for IR camera - Camera privacy shutter - Bottom cover tamper detection MANAGEABILITY System Management: Non-vProb'/xc2/xae' CERTIFICATIONS Green Certifications:b'/xc2/xa0' - ENERGY STARb'/xc2/xae' 8.0 - EPEATb'/xe2/x84/xa2' Gold Registered - RoHS compliant - TCO Certified 9.0 Mil-Spec Test: MIL-STD-810H military test passed
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione PERFORMANCE Processore: Intelb'/xc2/xae' Coreb'/xe2/x84/xa2' Ultra 7 155H, 16C (6P + 8E + 2LPE) / 22T, Max Turbo fino a 4.8GHz, 24MB Grafica: NVIDIAb'/xc2/xae' RTX 500 Ada Generation 4GB GDDR6 Chipset: Intelb'/xc2/xae' SoC Platform Memoria: 2x 16GB SO-DIMM DDR5-5600 Non-ECC Slot Memoria: 2x DDR5 SO-DIMM slots, dual-channel capable Max Memoria: fino a 96GB (2x 48GB DDR5 SO-DIMM) Storage: 1TB SSD M.2 2280 PCIeb'/xc2/xae' 4.0x4 Performance NVMeb'/xc2/xae' Opal 2.0 Storage Support: 1x unitb'/xc3/xa0', fino a 2TB M.2 2280 SSD Storage Slot: 1x M.2 2280 PCIeb'/xc2/xae' 4.0 x4 slot Card Reader: No Audio Chip: High Definition (HD) Audio, Realtekb'/xc2/xae' ALC3287 codec Speakers: Stereo speakers, 2W x2, Dolby Audiob'/xe2/x84/xa2' Camera: 5.0MP + IR with Privacy Shutter and Human Presence Detection Microphone: 2x, Array Battery: Integrated 75Wh Power Adapter: 135W USB-Cb'/xc2/xae' Slim (3-pin) DESIGN Display: 14.5'' WUXGA (1920x1200) IPS 300nits Anti-glare, 45% NTSC, 60Hz, Eyesafeb'/xc2/xae', Tb'/xc3/x9c'V Low Blue Light Touchscreen: No Color Calibration: No Keyboard: Backlit, Italian Case Color: Black Case Material: Aluminium (Top), Aluminium (Bottom) Dimensions (WxDxH): 325.5 x 227.6 x 18.5 mm Weight: 1.61 kg SOFTWARE Operating System: Windowsb'/xc2/xae' 11 Pro Bundled Software: No CONNECTIVITY Ethernet: 100/1000M (RJ-45) WLAN + Bluetooth: Intelb'/xc2/xae' Wi-Fib'/xc2/xae' 6E AX211, 11ax 2x2 + Bluetooth 5.3 WWAN: No SIM Card: No NFC: No Standard Ports:b'/xc2/xa0' - 1x USB-A (USB 5Gbps / USB 3.2 Gen 1) - 1x USB-A (USB 5Gbps / USB 3.2 Gen 1), Always On - 2x USB-Cb'/xc2/xae' (Thunderboltb'/xe2/x84/xa2' 4 / USB4b'/xc2/xae' 40Gbps), with USB PD 3.0 and DisplayPortb'/xe2/x84/xa2' 2.1 - 1x HDMIb'/xc2/xae' 2.1, fino a 4K/60Hz - 1x Headphone / microphone combo jack (3.5mm) - 1x Ethernet (RJ-45) - 1x Security keyhole Optional Ports (configured): 1x Smart Card Reader Docking: Various docking solutions supported via Thunderboltb'/xe2/x84/xa2' or USB-Cb'/xc2/xae' SECURITY b'&' PRIVACY Smart Card Reader: Smart Card Reader Security Chip: Discrete TPM 2.0 Enabled Fingerprint Reader: Touch Style, Match-on-Chip, Integrated in Power Button Physical Locks: Kensingtonb'/xc2/xae' Nano Security Slotb'/xe2/x84/xa2', 2.5 x 6 mm Other Security:b'/xc2/xa0' - IR camera for Windowsb'/xc2/xae' Hello (facial recognition) - Ultrasonic Human Presence Detection for IR camera - Camera privacy shutter - Bottom cover tamper detection MANAGEABILITY System Management: Non-vProb'/xc2/xae' CERTIFICATIONS Green Certifications:b'/xc2/xa0' - ENERGY STARb'/xc2/xae' 8.0 - EPEATb'/xe2/x84/xa2' Gold Registered - RoHS compliant - TCO Certified 9.0 Other Certifications:b'/xc2/xa0' - Eyesafeb'/xc2/xae' Certified 2.0 - Tb'/xc3/x9c'V Rheinlandb'/xc2/xae' Low Blue Light Mil-Spec Test: MIL-STD-810H military test passed
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione PERFORMANCE Processore: Intelb'/xc2/xae' Coreb'/xe2/x84/xa2' Ultra 7 155H, 16C (6P + 8E + 2LPE) / 22T, Max Turbo up to 4.8GHz, 24MB Grafica: NVIDIAb'/xc2/xae' RTX 1000 Ada Generation 6GB GDDR6 Chipset: Intelb'/xc2/xae' SoC Platform Memoria: 2x 16GB SO-DIMM DDR5-5600 Non-ECC Slot Memoria: 2x DDR5 SO-DIMM slots, dual-channel capable Max Memoria: Up to 96GB (2x 48GB DDR5 SO-DIMM) Storage: 1TB SSD M.2 2280 PCIeb'/xc2/xae' 4.0x4 Performance NVMeb'/xc2/xae' Opal 2.0 Storage Support: Fino a 2 drive, 2x M.2 SSD b'/xe2/x80/xa2' M.2 2280 SSD up to 4TB, 2TB each Storage Slot: 2x M.2 2280 PCIeb'/xc2/xae' 4.0 x4 slots RAID Preset: No Card Reader: SD Express 7.0 Card Reader Audio Chip: High Definition (HD) Audio, Realtekb'/xc2/xae' ALC3287 codec Speakers: Stereo speakers, 2W x2, Dolby Audiob'/xe2/x84/xa2' Premium Camera: 5.0MP + IR with Privacy Shutter and Human Presence Detection Microphone: 2x, Array Battery: Integrated 90Wh Power Adapter: 170W Slim Tip (3-pin) DESIGN Display: 16'' WUXGA (1920x1200) IPS 300nits Anti-glare, 45% NTSC Touchscreen: No Color Calibration: No Keyboard: Backlit, Italian Case Color: Black Case Material: PC-ABS (Top), PC-ABS (Bottom) Pen: No Support Dimensions (WxDxH): 365 x 262 x 24.66 mm Weight: 2.22 kg SOFTWARE Operating System: Windowsb'/xc2/xae' 11 Pro Bundled Software: No CONNECTIVITY Ethernet: 100/1000M (RJ-45) WLAN + Bluetooth: Intelb'/xc2/xae' Wi-Fib'/xc2/xae' 6E AX211, 11ax 2x2 + Bluetooth 5.3 WWAN: No SIM Card: No NFC: No Standard Ports:b'/xc2/xa0' - 1x USB-A (USB 5Gbps / USB 3.2 Gen 1), Always On - 2x USB-Cb'/xc2/xae' (Thunderboltb'/xe2/x84/xa2' 4 / USB4b'/xc2/xae' 40Gbps), with USB PD 3.0 and DisplayPortb'/xe2/x84/xa2' 2.1 - 1x HDMIb'/xc2/xae' 2.1, up to 8K/60Hz - 1x Headphone / microphone combo jack (3.5mm) - 1x Ethernet (RJ-45) - 1x SD Express 7.0 card reader - 1x Security keyhole Optional Ports (configured): No Docking: Various docking solutions supported via Thunderboltb'/xe2/x84/xa2' or USB-Cb'/xc2/xae' SECURITY b'&' PRIVACY Smart Card Reader: No Security Chip: Discrete TPM 2.0 Enabled Fingerprint Reader: Touch Style, Match-on-Chip, Integrated in Power Button Physical Locks: Kensingtonb'/xc2/xae' Nano Security Slotb'/xe2/x84/xa2', 2.5 x 6 mm Other Security:b'/xc2/xa0' - IR camera for Windowsb'/xc2/xae' Hello (facial recognition) - Ultrasonic Human Presence Detection for IR camera - Camera privacy shutter MANAGEABILITY System Management: Non-vProb'/xc2/xae' CERTIFICATIONS Green Certifications:b'/xc2/xa0' - ENERGY STARb'/xc2/xae' 8.0 - EPEATb'/xe2/x84/xa2' Gold Registered - RoHS compliant - TCO Certified 9.0 Mil-Spec Test: MIL-STD-810H military test passed
Vista prodotto
Cuneo (Piemonte)
Nuovo MAIBENBEN Laptop XiaoMai 5 15.6, 8gb/480ssd GeForce 940mx 1GB Cheap Gaming. Consegna in 5-7 giorni. 1 anno garanzia. Specifiche: Brand: MAIBENBEN Battery Type: 3950mAh / 10.86V Li-ion Built-in MIC: Supported Speaker: Built-in Dual Speakers Hardware Caching: 3MB Core: 2.3GHz, Dual CPU Core: Intel 4415U CPU Brand: Intel Graphics Type: Dedicated Graphics Graphics Capacity: 1G Graphics Chipset: NVIDIA GeForce 940MX OS: Windows 10 Power Consumption: 15W Process Technology: 14nm Usage: Business, Office Memory RAM Type: DDR4 RAM: 8GB Maximum RAM Capacity: 32GB Hard Drive Interface Type: M.2 Hard Drive Memory: 458G SSD RAM Slot Quantity: Two Network Bluetooth: 4 LAN Card: No Support Network: Wi-Fi WI-FI: 802.11 a / b / g / n wireless Internet WLAN Card: yes Screen Screen size: 15.6 inch Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080 (FHD) Camera Camera Type: Single Camera Connectivity 3.5mm Headphone Jack: yes Audio Jack: Earphone / Mic Interface Card Reader: yes DC Jack: yes HDMI: yes RJ45 connector: yes Type-C: yes USB Host: Yes (2x USB 3.0 Host) Multimedia formats MS Official Format: Excel, PPT, Word Music Format: MP3 Image Format: BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG Video Format: MP4 Languages Languages: Windows OS is built in Chinese and English, and other languages ??need to be downloaded from Wi-Fi. Package Contents Chinese Manual: 1 Notebook: 1 Power Adapter: 1 Power Cable: 1 Mouse: 1 Others: 1 x Mouse Pad Dimensions and weight Product weight: 1.7900 kg Package weight: 3.3500 kg
470 €
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Riser card interface PCI Express 3.0 x16 2.5″ SSD unit positions 2 (height limitation 10.5mm) Expansion slots 2 Front ports 2x USB 3.0, Audio in/out, Power button with LED (white) Position Can be placed both vertical and horizontal position Total fan mounts 2x 120 mm in graphics card chamber Dust filters 3 (CPU, GPU & PSU) Compatibility Power supply type SFX (up to 130 mm long) Motherboard compatibility Mini ITX GPU max dimensions (LxHxD) 310x145x47 mm CPU cooler max height 56 mm Dimensions Case dimensions - Horizontal (WxHxD) 377 x 82 x 330 mm PSU Compatibility SFX PSUs up to 130 mm long Case dimensions - Horizontal, with feet/protrusions/screws (WxHxD) 377 x 88 x 332 mm Case dimensions - Vertical, with feet/protrusions/screws (WxHxD) 125 x 385 x 332 mm Volume 10.2 litres Net weight 3.5 kg Package dimensions (WxHxD) 145 x 463 x 388 mm Package weight 4.0kg Volume 10.3 Liters Other Package contents Node 202 computer case, accessory box, user manual, vertical stand & riser card for graphics card
Vista prodotto
Roma (Lazio)
Scheda grafica GeForce GTX 780: Core CUDA 2304 Clock di base (MHz) 863 Clock boost (MHz) 900 Fill Rate delle texture (miliardi/s) 160.5 Specifiche di memoria di GTX 780: Velocità di clock della memoria 6.0 Gbps Configurazione standard della memoria 3072 MB Interfaccia di memoria GDDR5 Ampiezza dell'interfaccia di memoria A 384 bit Banda di memoria (GB/s) 288.4 GTX 780 GPU Engine Specs: 2304CUDA Cores 863Base Clock (MHz) 900Boost Clock (MHz) 160.5Texture Fill Rate (billion/sec) GTX 780 Memory Specs: 6.0 GbpsMemory Speed 3072 MBStandard Memory Config GDDR5Memory Interface 384-bitMemory Interface Width 288.4Memory Bandwidth (GB/sec) GTX 780 Support: GPU Boost 2.0, PhysX, TXAA, NVIDIA G-SYNC-ready, SHIELD-readyImportant Technologies 3D Vision, CUDA, Adaptive VSync, FXAA, NVIDIA Surround, SLI-readyOther Supported Technologies 4.3OpenGL PCI Express 3.0 Bus Support YesCertified for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, or Windows XP Yes3D Vision Ready Yes3D Gaming Yes Blu Ray 3D Yes3D Vision Live (Photos and Videos) YesNVIDIA PhysXâ„¢ Technology 12 APIMicrosoft DirectX Display Support: 4096x2160Maximum Digital Resolution1 2048x1536Maximum VGA Resolution One Dual Link DVI-I, One Dual Link DVI-D, One HDMI, One DisplayPortStandard Display Connectors 4 displaysMulti Monitor YesHDCP YesHDMI InternalAudio Input for HDMI GTX 780 Graphics Card Dimensions: 4.376 inchesHeight 10.5 inchesLength Dual-slotWidth Thermal and Power Specs: 95 CMaximum GPU Temperature (in C) 250 WGraphics Card Power (W) 600 WMinimum Recommended System Power (W) One 8-pin and one 6-pinSupplementary Power Connectors
100 €
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
Usata molto poco, solo 30 euro Modem UMTS per computer portatile, si inserisce nello slot pcmcia si collega in umts, gprs, spedisce/riceve sms, si collega in Wi-Fi info: Velocità di trasmissione UMTS:Download 384 Kbps Upload 64 Kbps GPRS: Download 48 Kbps Upload 24 Kbps (CS2) WLAN: Download/Upload IEEE802.11b: 11 Mbps; IEEE802.11g: 54 Mbps Requisiti minimi di sistema e compatibilità Windows XP Pro, WIN2000, W98SEType II PCMCIA card slot Spazio libero su hard disk:100 Mbyte Memori32 Mbyte RAM minimo, 64 Mbyte consigliati. Fire Card UMTS - UMTS: 2100 MHz, Power Class 3 (+24 dBm), Supporto QoS e CS (PPP), PS (IP); - GPRSDual band operation EGSM 900/DCS 1800 MHz, Multislot Class 10 (4 slot in ricezione, 2 slot in trasmissione, fino a un massimo di 5 slot simultaneamente attivi), GPRS Class B; - WLANIE EE802.11b, IEEE802.11g, frequenza 2.412-2.462Mhz, Output power 19,5 dBm (max) - Security: 64/128 bit WEP, WPA, 802.1x security (WLAN)NDIS 5.1 compatible WLAN interface - 3G Smart Card Reader: Supporta lo standard EAP-SIM (3GPP TS 23.234) - SMS: Invio ricezione SMS con editor e notifica over GSM e GPRS/UMTS - Phonebook Editor: Editing contatti SIM e MS Outlook Specifiche tecniche Firmware aggiornabile tramite tecnologia Flash Memory Cardbus 32 Bit 3,3 Volt operation 2 LED indicatori di stato (WLAN, UMTS/GPRS) Antenna integrata UMTS/GSM/WLAN (switched diversity) Connettore esterno di antenna (GSM/GPRS/UMTS) Dimensioni: Lunghezza 125,3 mm; Larghezza 54 mm; Spessore esterno: 12,5 mm ? Peso: 56 g Condizioni di utilizzo: da -10 C a +75 C
30 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione PERFORMANCE Processor Intel Celeron N4020 (2C / 2T, 1.1 / 2.8GHz, 4MB) Graphics Integrated Intel UHD Graphics 600 Chipset Intel SoC Platform Memory 4GB Soldered DDR4-2400 Memory Slots Memory soldered to systemboard, no slots Max Memory 4GB soldered memory, not upgradable Storage 256GB SSD M.2 2242 PCIe 3.0x2 NVMe Storage Support Up to two drives, 1x 2.5" HDD + 1x M.2 2242/2280 SSD • 2.5" HDD up to 1TB • M.2 2242 SSD up to 512GB • M.2 2280 SSD up to 512GB Card Reader 4-in-1 Card Reader Optical None Audio Chip High Definition (HD) Audio Speakers Stereo speakers, 1.5W x2, Dolby Audio Camera 0.3MP Microphone Mono Battery Integrated 35Wh Max Battery Life MobileMark 2014: 6 hr (35Wh) Power Adapter 45W Round Tip Wall-mount DESIGN Display 15.6" HD (1366x768) TN 220nits Anti-glare Touchscreen None Keyboard Non-backlit, Italian Case Color Iron Grey Surface Treatment Texture Case Material PC + ABS Dimensions (WxDxH) 362.2 x 251.5 x 19.9 mm (14.26 x 9.9 x 0.78 inches) Weight 1.85 kg (4.08 lbs) SOFTWARE Operating System Windows 10 Home 64, Italian / English Bundled Software Office Trial CONNECTIVITY Ethernet None WLAN + Bluetooth 11ac, 2x2 + BT5.0 Standard Ports 1x card reader 2x USB 3.1 Gen 1 1x USB 2.0 1x HDMI 1.4b 1x headphone / microphone combo jack (3.5mm) 1x power connector SECURITY & PRIVACY Security Chip Firmware TPM 2.0 Fingerprint Reader None SERVICE Base Warranty 1-year, Depot Included Upgrade None CERTIFICATIONS Green Certifications ENERGY STAR 8.0 ErP Lot 3 RoHS compliant
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione PC Notebook Lenovo Essential V15-IGL 82C3003GIX - Processore N4020 - Ram: 4GB - Archiviazione: 256 GB SSD - 15.6" - W10 Home   PERFORMANCE Processor Intel Celeron N4020 (2C / 2T, 1.1 / 2.8GHz, 4MB) Graphics Integrated Intel UHD Graphics 600 Chipset Intel SoC Platform Memory 4GB Soldered DDR4-2400 Memory Slots Memory soldered to systemboard, no slots Max Memory 4GB soldered memory, not upgradable Storage 256GB SSD M.2 2242 PCIe 3.0x2 NVMe Storage Support Up to two drives, 1x 2.5" HDD + 1x M.2 2242/2280 SSD • 2.5" HDD up to 1TB • M.2 2242 SSD up to 512GB • M.2 2280 SSD up to 512GB Card Reader 4-in-1 Card Reader Optical None Audio Chip High Definition (HD) Audio Speakers Stereo speakers, 1.5W x2, Dolby Audio Camera 0.3MP Microphone Mono Battery Integrated 35Wh Max Battery Life MobileMark 2014: 6 hr (35Wh) Power Adapter 45W Round Tip Wall-mount DESIGN Display 15.6" HD (1366x768) TN 220nits Anti-glare Touchscreen None Keyboard Non-backlit, Italian Case Color Iron Grey Surface Treatment Texture Case Material PC + ABS Dimensions (WxDxH) 362.2 x 251.5 x 19.9 mm (14.26 x 9.9 x 0.78 inches) Weight 1.85 kg (4.08 lbs) SOFTWARE Operating System Windows 10 Home 64, Italian / English Bundled Software Office Trial CONNECTIVITY Ethernet None WLAN + Bluetooth 11ac, 2x2 + BT5.0 Standard Ports 1x card reader 2x USB 3.1 Gen 1 1x USB 2.0 1x HDMI 1.4b 1x headphone / microphone combo jack (3.5mm) 1x power connector SECURITY & PRIVACY Security Chip Firmware TPM 2.0 Fingerprint Reader None SERVICE Base Warranty 1-year, Depot Included Upgrade None CERTIFICATIONS Green Certifications ENERGY STAR 8.0 ErP Lot 3 RoHS compliant
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione PC Notebook Lenovo Essential V15-IGL 82C3003GIX N4020 4GB - Archiviazione: 256 GB SSD - 15.6" - Windows 10 Home PERFORMANCE Processor Intel Celeron N4020 (2C / 2T, 1.1 / 2.8GHz, 4MB) Graphics Integrated Intel UHD Graphics 600 Chipset Intel SoC Platform Memory 4GB Soldered DDR4-2400 Memory Slots Memory soldered to systemboard, no slots Max Memory 4GB soldered memory, not upgradable Storage 256GB SSD M.2 2242 PCIe 3.0x2 NVMe Storage Support Up to two drives, 1x 2.5" HDD + 1x M.2 2242/2280 SSD • 2.5" HDD up to 1TB • M.2 2242 SSD up to 512GB • M.2 2280 SSD up to 512GB Card Reader 4-in-1 Card Reader Optical None Audio Chip High Definition (HD) Audio Speakers Stereo speakers, 1.5W x2, Dolby Audio Camera 0.3MP Microphone Mono Battery Integrated 35Wh Max Battery Life MobileMark 2014: 6 hr (35Wh) Power Adapter 45W Round Tip Wall-mount DESIGN Display 15.6" HD (1366x768) TN 220nits Anti-glare Touchscreen None Keyboard Non-backlit, Italian Case Color Iron Grey Surface Treatment Texture Case Material PC + ABS Dimensions (WxDxH) 362.2 x 251.5 x 19.9 mm (14.26 x 9.9 x 0.78 inches) Weight 1.85 kg (4.08 lbs) SOFTWARE Operating System Windows 10 Home 64, Italian / English Bundled Software Office Trial CONNECTIVITY Ethernet None WLAN + Bluetooth 11ac, 2x2 + BT5.0 Standard Ports 1x card reader 2x USB 3.1 Gen 1 1x USB 2.0 1x HDMI 1.4b 1x headphone / microphone combo jack (3.5mm) 1x power connector SECURITY & PRIVACY Security Chip Firmware TPM 2.0 Fingerprint Reader None SERVICE Base Warranty 1-year, Depot Included Upgrade None CERTIFICATIONS Green Certifications ENERGY STAR 8.0 ErP Lot 3 RoHS compliant
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Cagliari (Sardegna)
Privato vende ricambi originali per portatile Acer Aspire 5553G propongo tutti ricambi a solo 35 euro + S.S. oppure vendo singoli ricambi: + FLAT LCD XTEDD0ZR7LC110100422 ZR7 LCD CABLE per Acer Aspire 4820 5553 5625G 5745 5820T: 15 euro + S.S. + HINGE FBZR8005010 FBZR8004010 + BRACKET SET + supporti telaio: 15 euro + S.S. per Acer Aspire 5553 5745 5741G 5740DG 5742G 5820TG ZS-ZR8-R SZS-ZR6-L + WiFi Card 802.11BG T77H047.31 LF AR5B93 802.11BGN BGN Draft-N Standard "N" 300MBPS: 15 euro + S.S. Features: * Single-chip, 802.11n draft compliant wireless LAN client solution with integrated MAC, baseband and 2.4 GHz radios * Based on third-generation 802.11n draft compliant technology * Support for 1x2 MIMO * Conserves power with 1x1 downshift using Dynamic MIMO Power Save * Enables PHY rate of up to 300 Mbps on downlink * Compliant with IEEE 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11d, 802.11e, 802.11i, and draft 802.11n * Lead-free RoHS compliant Specifications: Compact Half-Mini Card form factor. Frequency Band 2.4 GHz Network Standard 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n Modulation Technology OFDM with BPSK, QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM; DBPSK, DQPSK, CCK FEC Coding Rate 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6 Hardware Encryption AES, TKIP, WEP Quality of Service 802.11e Communication Interface PCI-Express Peripheral Interface GPIOs, LEDs Memory Interface EEPROM Supported Data Rates IEEE 802.11b 1 - 11 Mbps IEEE 802.11g 6 - 54 Mbps IEEE 802.11n 6.5 - 300 Mbps disponibili altri ricambi a 10 euro l'uno + S.S. come: + Eject button board DA0ZR8PI8B0 DA0ZR8PI8B0 REV:B + POWER BUTTON DAZR8PI18C0 REV:C per Acer Aspire 5625 5625G 5553 + USB BOARD DA0ZR8TB8B0 REV:B per Aspire 5553 5745 5625 series * Garantita massima serietà, spedizione rapida e imballo efficace
35 €
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Introducing Teranex Mini the next generation 12G-SDI converters with award winning Teranex quality and support for all SD HD and Ultra HD formats up to 2160p60! All Teranex Minis include an internal AC power supply professional XLR analog and AES/EBU audio connections and an ethernet connection for remote management and PoE alternate power! Teranex Mini features a user upgradable front panel that includes a color display and user controls so you can quickly monitor video and change settings right from the front of the converter! You get all of the same great features of regular mini converters and so much more. Use Anywhere. The world’s most versatile converters. The all new Teranex Mini converters make building facilities and supporting all different types of video equipment easier than ever before. Teranex Mini is perfect for broadcast installations because they can be rack mounted and the optional front panel lets you see what’s being converted on the screen! They can even be remote managed over ethernet. Their compact size makes them great for portable racks at live events or in broadcast trucks plus they have professional XLR audio connections for connecting to mixers and other audio gear! You can even use them in editing and color grading suites to drive big screen displays and projectors. Reinventing the Mini Converter. The first mini converter you don’t have to hide. Teranex Minis are so small that you can use them like regular mini converters such as hiding them in cable ducts behind equipment and attached to televisions for monitoring. Teranex Mini’s new flexible design lets you use them on the desktop where you can see them or rack mount them in larger broadcast systems. Unlike regular mini converters you get full size professional XLR audio connections built into the converters plus each converter has an ethernet connection so they can be administered remotely. You get mini switches so you can change settings instantly or when you’re doing mission critical work you can add the optional front panel to see exactly what you’re converting. Rack Mountable. The world's first 12G-SDI rack mount converters. Card based rack converters are expensive cannot handle high SDI speeds such as 12G-SDI and you have to buy an entire rack chassis even if you only want to install one converter. Teranex Minis can be rack mounted in combinations of one or more and you can take them out and use them non rack mounted whenever you need! You get built in AC power and ethernet on every converter so there’s no single point of failure. Unlike card based converters you can walk up and change settings from the front panel monitor the video going through each converter and you can also manage them remotely over ethernet! Because they’re so small you can mount them in the front or the rear of an equipment rack or road case.
678,90 €
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Introducing Teranex Mini the next generation 12G-SDI converters with award winning Teranex quality and support for all SD HD and Ultra HD formats up to 2160p60! All Teranex Minis include an internal AC power supply professional XLR analog and AES/EBU audio connections and an ethernet connection for remote management and PoE alternate power! Teranex Mini features a user upgradable front panel that includes a color display and user controls so you can quickly monitor video and change settings right from the front of the converter! You get all of the same great features of regular mini converters and so much more. Use Anywhere. The world’s most versatile converters. The all new Teranex Mini converters make building facilities and supporting all different types of video equipment easier than ever before. Teranex Mini is perfect for broadcast installations because they can be rack mounted and the optional front panel lets you see what’s being converted on the screen! They can even be remote managed over ethernet. Their compact size makes them great for portable racks at live events or in broadcast trucks plus they have professional XLR audio connections for connecting to mixers and other audio gear! You can even use them in editing and color grading suites to drive big screen displays and projectors. Reinventing the Mini Converter. The first mini converter you don’t have to hide. Teranex Minis are so small that you can use them like regular mini converters such as hiding them in cable ducts behind equipment and attached to televisions for monitoring. Teranex Mini’s new flexible design lets you use them on the desktop where you can see them or rack mount them in larger broadcast systems. Unlike regular mini converters you get full size professional XLR audio connections built into the converters plus each converter has an ethernet connection so they can be administered remotely. You get mini switches so you can change settings instantly or when you’re doing mission critical work you can add the optional front panel to see exactly what you’re converting. Rack Mountable. The worlds first 12G-SDI rack mount converters. Card based rack converters are expensive cannot handle high SDI speeds such as 12G-SDI and you have to buy an entire rack chassis even if you only want to install one converter. Teranex Minis can be rack mounted in combinations of one or more and you can take them out and use them non rack mounted whenever you need! You get built in AC power and ethernet on every converter so there’s no single point of failure. Unlike card based converters you can walk up and change settings from the front panel monitor the video going through each converter and you can also manage them remotely over ethernet! Because they’re so small you can mount them in the front or the rear of an equipment rack or road case.
678,90 €
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Introducing Teranex Mini the next generation 12G-SDI converters with award winning Teranex quality and support for all SD HD and Ultra HD formats up to 2160p60! All Teranex Minis include an internal AC power supply professional XLR analog and AES/EBU audio connections and an ethernet connection for remote management and PoE alternate power! Teranex Mini features a user upgradable front panel that includes a color display and user controls so you can quickly monitor video and change settings right from the front of the converter! You get all of the same great features of regular mini converters and so much more! The all new Teranex Mini converters make building facilities and supporting all different types of video equipment easier than ever before. Teranex Mini is perfect for broadcast installations because they can be rack mounted and the optional front panel lets you see what’s being converted on the screen! They can even be remote managed over ethernet. Their compact size makes them great for portable racks at live events or in broadcast trucks plus they have professional XLR audio connections for connecting to mixers and other audio gear! You can even use them in editing and color grading suites to drive big screen displays and projectors! Teranex Minis are so small that you can use them like regular mini converters such as hiding them in cable ducts behind equipment and attached to televisions for monitoring. Teranex Mini’s new flexible design lets you use them on the desktop where you can see them or rack mount them in larger broadcast systems. Unlike regular mini converters you get full size professional XLR audio connections built into the converters plus each converter has an ethernet connection so they can be administered remotely. You get mini switches so you can change settings instantly or when you’re doing mission critical work you can add the optional front panel to see exactly what you’re converting. Card based rack converters are expensive cannot handle high SDI speeds such as 12G-SDI and you have to buy an entire rack chassis even if you only want to install one converter. Teranex Minis can be rack mounted in combinations of one or more and you can take them out and use them non rack mounted whenever you need! You get built in AC power and ethernet on every converter so there’s no single point of failure. Unlike card based converters you can walk up and change settings from the front panel monitor the video going through each converter and you can also manage them remotely over ethernet! Because they’re so small you can mount them in the front or the rear of an equipment rack or road case Teranex Mini converters feature cutting edge multi rate 12G-SDI technology that’s 8 times faster than regular HD-SDI. 12G-SDI is multi rate so it will automatically detect and change between all SD HD and Ultra HD video formats instantly so you can connect Teranex Mini to all of your existing SD and HD equipment. 12G-SDI supports high frame rate Ultra HD up to 2160p60 on a single BNC cable so you can work in Ultra HD and keep your high frame rate production workflow for fast moving sports and action programming. Teranex Mini features an innovative thermal design with crossflow cooling that keeps them running perfectly even when rack mounted side by side and in tough environments! An intelligent thermal subsystem and internal heat pipe assist with cooling and keeps the air flowing at all times while minimizing noise. When rack mounted side by side each Teranex Mini works together to pull air through the rack keeping them all cool and providing redundancy for each converter.
666,20 €
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