Product management
Elenco delle migliori vendite product management

Italia (Tutte le città)
Il Product Manager Valvole (M/F) avrà le seguenti responsabilità: - gestire il portfoglio prodotti interagendo con i dipartimenti aziendali coinvolti (R&D, sales, marketing); - analizzare i trend di mercato, sintetizzandoli in coerenti road map di sviluppo prodotto che incontrino la domanda dal punto di vista tecnico e dei volumi; - identificare i gap di prodotto nella proposta aziendale e colmarli in modo coerente alle richieste di mercato; - gestire in modo autonomo il ciclo di vita dei prodotti (cost reduction, phase-in/phase-out, price positioning, lead time reduction, ecc.); - definizione della road map di sviluppo prodotto a livello interfuzionale, monitorando tempi/goal/ROI.Product Management - Valvole - HVACMultinazionale leader di mercato Il Product Manager Valvole (M/F) ideale è in possesso delle seguenti caratteristiche: - laurea in ingegneria (meglio se meccanica); - competenze strutturate in area product management / platform management; - espeirenza nel settore HVACR; - capacità nell'analisi mercato/trend/specifiche tecniche; - eccellenti capacità comunicative e propensione a lavorare trasversalmente con team interfuzionali; - leadership, capacità di coinvolgimento di soggetti e team di lavoro non-gerarchicamente dipendenti; - Inglese fluente tassativo.Importante multinazionale con sede in Veneto, presente nel mercato mondiale attraverso una struttura a filiali.Ottima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 45.000 /anno a 55.000 /anno
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Piano di Sorrento (Campania)
Primaria azienda operante nel settore parafarmaceutico/health care & Medical Devices è alla ricerca di un Product Manager che seguirà in maniera dedicata una linea di prodotti specifica. La risorsa inserita si occuperà delle seguenti attività: • Ideare, proporre e sviluppare nuovi prodotti in linea con le strategie aziendali e con i consumer trend che emergeranno da analisi di mercato condotte nei paesi prioritari • Coordinare tutte le fasi di sviluppo, dal concept al prodotto finito, inclusa la definizione delle specifiche tecniche e del tipo di packaging, la prototipizzazione, la valutazione produttiva e in caso di produzione esterna, scouting e gestione del fornitore esterni con il coinvolgimento delle altre funzioni aziendali preposte • Controllo del corretto svolgimento delle fasi produttive e delle consegne, nel rispetto delle tempistiche e degli standard qualitativi prefissati • Funzione di driver nei confronti dei vari dipartimenti aziendali coinvolti nella ideazione e finalizzazione del prodotto (marketing, commerciale, produzione, qualità, acquisti) • Coordinare analisi tecnica e di fattibilità e assicurare compliance con le policy aziendali sulla sicurezza e con i regolamenti vigenti e futuri • Promuovere attitudine all'innovazione e assumere ruolo di guida nell'identificare, proporre e implementare nuovi prodotti • Miglioramento della gamma attuale in termini di packaging, di efficienza produttiva o di processo, di costo. • Elaborazione delle schede tecniche per successiva approvazione Profilo ricercato: • Laurea in Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche/Farmacia/Biologia. • Esperienza di 2/5 anni in aziende strutturate del settore nutraceutico e/o cosmeceutico e/o dei medical device. • Esperienza di 2/5 anni nella formulazione di prodotti nutraceutici e/o cosmetici e/o medical devices. • Esperienza nella gestione di attività di product management. • Buona conoscenza degli affari regolatori nei tre ambiti sopra citati. • Esperienza nella gestione dei rapporti con i fornitori. • Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese. • Capacità di problem solving, proattività, forte motivazione, empatia. Sede di lavoro e inquadramento contrattuale: • Inquadramento contrattuale e retributivo commisurato ai massimi standard di mercato attesa l'effettiva esperienza maturata • Sede di lavoro Piano di Sorrento (NA) Inviare CV aggiornato all’indirizzo mail:
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Sviluppare il mercato italiano per la divisione Termoidrauilica e Ferramenta Effettuare analisi di mercato con lo scopo di individuare nuove possibilità di business Ampliare la rete commerciale sul business di riferimento (agenti e/o dipendenti) Effettuare visite clienti affiancando la rete commerciale diretta e indirettaIndividuazione e sviluppo di nuovi clienti (principalmente rivenditori) Attività di Accounting su clienti acquisiti Gestione della rete commerciale sviluppata Sviluppare nuove idee di business Partecipare a fiere e eventi di settore Esperienza pregressa nella vendita di prodotti per termoidrauilica e ferramentaLeader europeo nella produzione e distribuzione di gas refrigerantiLaurea o diplomaEsperienza pregressa nella Vendita/Area Managerment/Product Management di prodotti destinati al mercato dei riveditori di termoidrauilica e ferramenta (e' requisito fondamentale la conoscenza dei principali clienti di riferimento, non è una deterrente l'aver trattato prodotti di natura diversa)Buona conoscenza della lingua ingleseNaturali doti empatiche, proattività e propensione alla creazione e gestione di un teamDisponibilità a svolgere brevi ma frequenti trasferteLeader europeo nella produzione e distribuzione di gas refrigerantiPacchetto retributivo: RAL:40.000/45.000 + importanti bonus al raggiungimento di obiettivi aziendali e personali + auto aziendale ad utilizzo promiscuo + PC e telefono. Possibilità di lavoro in Home Office. Salario da 40.000 /anno a 45.000 /anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Sviluppare il mercato italiano per la divisione Termoidrauilica e Ferramenta Effettuare analisi di mercato con lo scopo di individuare nuove possibilità di business Ampliare la rete commerciale sul business di riferimento (agenti e/o dipendenti) Effettuare visite clienti affiancando la rete commerciale diretta e indiretta Individuazione e sviluppo di nuovi clienti (principalmente rivenditori) Attività di Accounting su clienti acquisiti Gestione della rete commerciale sviluppata Sviluppare nuove idee di business Partecipare a fiere e eventi di settore Esperienza pregressa nella vendita di prodotti per termoidrauilica e ferramentaLeader europeo nella produzione e distribuzione di gas refrigerantiEsperienza pregressa nella Vendita/Area Managerment/Product Management di prodotti destinati al mercato dei rivenditori di termoidrauilica e ferramenta (e' requisito fondamentale la conoscenza dei principali clienti di riferimento, non è una deterrente l'aver trattato prodotti di natura diversa) Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese Naturali doti empatiche, proattività e propensione alla creazione e gestione di un team Disponibilità a svolgere brevi ma frequenti trasferte Leader europeo nella produzione e distribuzione di gas refrigeranti. Pacchetto retributivo: RAL:40.000/45.000 + importanti bonus al raggiungimento di obiettivi aziendali e personali + auto aziendale ad utilizzo promiscuo + PC e telefono. Possibilità di lavoro in Home Office. Salario da 40.000 /anno a 45.000 /anno
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Milano (Lombardia)
Zehus è l'azienda del Gruppo Eldor ( che produce delle innovative Smart Wheel per trasformare le biciclette muscolari in biciclette a pedalata assistita. ( Progettiamo e sviluppiamo questo prodotto con l'obiettivo di rivoluzionare totalmente il mercato delle city bike rendendo l'esperienza della bici più piacevole e intelligente, incentivando così l'utilizzo di questa a discapito dell'automobile. L'app MyBike, comunicando via BLE con la Smart Wheel, permette di vedere in tempo reale tutti i dati della bici e personalizzare l'esperienza di guida; un vero e proprio cruscotto digitale. Product Manager: Zehus è il brand del Gruppo Eldor ( dedicato allo sviluppo e produzione di sistemi powertrain per e-bike ( Cerchiamo uno/a Product Manager per rafforzare il business della divisione attraverso la gestione di un nuovo portafoglio prodotti in sviluppo. Il Product Manager supporta e promuove lo sviluppo di nuove idee in base alla conoscenza del settore, proprie ricerche e contatti con Clienti e attori industriali. La posizione ha la responsabilità di: essere responsabile per il ciclo vita delle caratteristiche in termini di costo, funzionalità in ottica cliente e profittabilità; durante lo sviluppo prodotto fino a Start of Production, partecipa a regolari program reviews gestite dal Program Manager; conduce attività regolari di reportistica e gap analyses, e riferisce al Top Management in caso di rischi di scostamento rispetto agli obiettivi economici e di funzionalità prodotto; durante il ciclo vita post SOP, monitora i risultati in ottica cliente e contribuisce ad idee di miglioramento continuo, pianificazione di nuovi rilasci ed estensione / rinnovamento della linea prodotti fungere da "product owner" e relazionarsi in ottica cliente interno con le aree Sales&Marketing, Technical Field Support, Program Management ed R&D; assicurare una precisa costificazione della BOM; garantire il monitoraggio delle performance di costo; assicurare il corretto consolidamento del budget.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Il Product Specialist è responsabile della messa in esercizio della suite AskMe di prodotti sviluppati da Lascaux; lavora nell’ambito della Business Unit Prodotti e risponde al BU Manager. Il Product Specialist è coinvolto nella definizione delle roadmap, conduce ricerche di mercato e analisi comparative, coordina le attività di testing sui prodotti e collabora nell’individuazione di nuove opportunità di mercato. È responsabile della gestione delle commesse e dei progetti di personalizzazione richiesti dai clienti, delle attività di consulenza ai Clienti sui processi gestiti attraverso la suite AskMe. È inoltre responsabile dell’individuazione, della registrazione e segnalazione di eventuali anomalie segnalate dai Clienti, oltre che della produzione e aggiornamento di tutta la documentazione necessaria per la promozione, vendita, assistenza e formazione dei Clienti relativamente alla Suite AskMe. •Place of work:Firenze •Working time:Full Time •Type of contract:Indeterminato About You: Sei uno specialista di prodotto in ambito digitalizzazione di processi aziendali con spiccate capacità di Project Management e una forte attitudine alla relazione con i clienti? Sei appassionato di tecnologia e digital transformation? Your Technical Background Likely Includes Experience: •Esperienza significativa nel ruolo (almeno 3 anni); •Provenienza preferibilmente da società prodotto in ambito digitalizzazione di processi aziendali •Laurea tecnica •Esperienza di Project Management e conoscenza delle relative metodologie e tool a supporto •Capacità di padroneggiare il linguaggio IT relativamente a software, sistemi operativi, database, applicativi e ambienti di sviluppo; Your Non-technical Background Likely Includes: •Capacità di problem solving e relazione con i clienti •Orientamento all’obiettivo •Pianificazione e Organizzazione
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Modena (Emilia Romagna)
Ricerchiamo per azienda operante nel settore alimentare, in ottica dell’ampliamento organico, un PRODUCT MARKETING SPECIALIST. La risorsa verrà inserita all’interno dell’Ufficio Marketing e in stretta collaborazione con l’Ufficio Tecnico e Commerciale per portare innovazione alle linee prodotto a Brand ed assicurare la massima aderenza dei progetti alle esigenze dei clienti. Responsabilità: • Proporre ed eseguire analisi di mercato per raccogliere informazioni di natura tecnico-commerciale, analizzando la concorrenza e individuando nuovi segmenti di sviluppo o nuovi target; • Organizzare e condurre le attività di sviluppo progettuale di dettaglio dei prodotti coordinando le funzioni coinvolte; • Mantenere la comunicazione e l’aggiornamento sui progetti con i responsabili delle Aree coinvolte; • Monitorare l’intero ciclo di vita del prodotto; • Creare presentazioni volte a condividere la Value Proposition dei prodotti e supervisionare tutta la documentazione tecnica; • Contribuire alla creazione di una strategia competitiva per i prodotti/packaging; • Contribuire alla definizione delle politiche di pricing, di posizionamento dei prodotti e di creazione delle promozioni; Requisiti • Esperienza in analoga mansione, preferibilmente nel settore Alimentare; • Formazione in ambito economico o marketing; • Ottima conoscenza del pacchetto Office365 e conoscenze di software di Project Management e CRM; • Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese (altre lingue verranno considerate un plus); • Spiccata propensione allo sviluppo di nuove idee e soluzioni innovative; • Capacità di lavorare efficacemente in modo trasversale e gestire progetti; • Ottime capacità analitiche e di problem solving. Sede di lavoro: provincia di Modena.
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Per Cliente internazionale, solida e strutturata realtà operante nel settore metalmeccanico siamo alla ricerca di un: Product Marketing Manager Obiettivo Il/La Candidato/a, riportando e collaborando con il Direttore Commerciale & Marketing, avrà la piena e completa responsabilità del piano di marketing strategico, di prodotto e relativo anche alla comunicazione del Gruppo. Si tratta di un ruolo chiave allinterno dellazienda con elevata esposizione a tutti i progetti strategici condivisi con CEO ed azionista. Principali responsabilità - analisi di benchmarking della concorrenza, pricing ed identificazione dei gap a livello di prodotto. Interagire costantemente con la ricerca e sviluppo, la produzione e il commerciale; - proporre ed implementare progetti ad hoc in accordo con il piano di marketing; - contribuire al lancio di nuovi prodotti attraverso un supporto a 360° per le azioni di marketing mix necessarie e allanalisi delle performance digitali; - monitorare gli investimenti di marketing e dare supporto alle attività di analisi e ricerche di mercato, nel rispetto del budget assegnato e degli indirizzi aziendali ricevuti; - essere di supporto nel corretto posizionamento della linea dei prodotti affidati, di cui gestirà tutte le leve (prodotto, promozione, supporto alla distribuzione e comunicazione); - predisporre listini, cataloghi, brochure aziendali, presentazioni ad hoc sia direttamente che attraverso il coordinamento di altre risorse allinterno della funzione. Costante aggiornamento e mantenimento delle reference list di settore (ad es. marino, O&G, hydro, etc.) - monitoraggio dei KPI della funzione, partecipazione a meeting inter-funzionali, coordinamento delle qualifiche presso key players settore O&G (ad es. Approved Vendor List) - partecipare a fiere di settore o meeting con i clienti strategici; - dare supporto alla realizzazione delle attività di promozione, sponsorizzazione e comunicazione; Requisiti per la posizione - Diploma o Laurea ad indirizzo tecnico (preferibile); - esperienza di almeno 5 anni maturata nel ruolo; - provenienza dal mondo industriale/metalmeccanico B2B da multinazionali di primario standing; - capacità di lavorare in completa autonomia e coordinare risorse; - forte propensione alla proattività, capacità di lavorare fuori dalla comfort zone ed interagire a livello global con le altre aree geografiche ed i rispettivi General Manager/Sales Area Manager - forte orientamento al risultato e al time management; - lingua inglese fluente. Linquadramento sarà commisurato allesperienza pregressa e sarà in grado di soddisfare le candidature più qualificate. Sede di lavoro: Vicenza
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Italia (Tutte le città)
La risorsa sarà inserita nel Team di Sviluppo Prodotti e si occuperà di:Verifica e controllo delle polizze in essereControllo dei fascicoli di polizza e delle relative garanzie e clausoleInserimento in database dei risultati e degli aggiornamentiVerifica e controllo della compliance dei prodotti assicurativiCompagnia AssicurativaProduct SpecialistLaurea in materie economiche o giuridicheAlmeno 1 anno di esperienza in attività di project management maturata nel settore assicurativoConoscenza approfondita delle polizze danni non autoBuona conoscenza dell'ingleseCompagnia AssicurativaSede di lavoro MilanoSalario da 25.000 /anno a 30.000 /anno
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Per azienda cliente, fornitore internazionale di soluzioni software specializzate nella gestione delle performance aziendali, finanziarie e del capitale umano, siamo alla ricerca di un: Presales Corporate Performance Management Obiettivo Il candidato riportando al Managing Director Italia ed al Sales Director CPM, si occuperà di effettuare demo presso i clienti, fungendo da supporto alla vendita del prodotto. Principali responsabilità - effettuare demo e presentazioni commerciali del software CPM presso i clienti; - supportare i Business Partner nella fase di vendita (resellers, integrator); - aggiornamento continuo delle demo in base alle evoluzioni della soluzione ed al cliente /partner di riferimento; - creare POC per i clienti; - confronto con i Sales Manager per organizzare la strategia sulla singola trattativa e per lo sviluppo commerciale; - confronto con i Product Manager CPM per la definizione della road map del prodotto; - coordinamento con lArea Marketing per il lancio di comunicati, per le evoluzioni del sito e la redazione delle brochure; - partecipazione a webinar, eventi per mantenersi aggiornato anche sulla concorrenza. Requisiti per la posizione - Laurea triennale o magistrale preferibilmente ad indirizzo economico; - pregressa esperienza di almeno 5 anni maturata come Presales di applicativi CPM per la gestione del reporting, budgeting e bilancio consolidato; - spiccate doti comunicative, capacità di dialogare con CFO, Direttori Amministrativi, di Pianificazione Controllo e CIO di aziende di medio/grandi dimensioni; - conoscenza completa del pacchetto Office; - necessaria la buona conoscenza della lingua inglese per confrontarsi giornalmente con il Team Internazionale. Punti di forza dellofferta - ambiente giovane, dinamico ed internazionale; - 3 giorni di smart-working; - Ottimo inquadramento contrattuale ed economico. Completano il profilo proattività, voglia di mettersi in gioco, integrità ed etica professionale. Luogo di lavoro: Milano
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Buongiorno vorrei sottoporre alla Vostra cortese attenzione il mio interesse ad un eventuale assunzione nella Vostra azienda. Ho un particolare interesse per l'area Analist Collection, nella quale ho già maturato una prima conoscenza professionale. Se gentilmente potreste darmi il Vostro indirizzo mail Vi mando molto volentieri il mio CV. Parlo fluentemente 5 lingue e ritengo di essere una persona socievole, dinamica, volenterosa e imparo velocemente. Sono disponibile fin da subito anche per un'assunzione a tempo indeterminato o determinato. Spero pertanto che vorrete considerare la mia candidatura. In attesa di poter avere un colloquio con Voi, ringrazio per l'attenzione riservatami e porgo distinti saluti. Lea Bucci P.S. a breve avremo residenza in Abruzzo
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Milano (Lombardia),the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: KEY ACCOUNT SALES MANAGER ATM/BANKING Our client is a multinational company in the automation sector and ask us to search a KEY ACCOUNT SALES MANAGER ATM/BANKING. Job description: ▪ Experience in Key Account Management and Business/Market Development. Ideally some background in Product Management and Marketing for technical products; ▪ Several years in the Italian banking industry with a network to some of the major Italian banks, ideally in the ATM Business. ▪ Sales & Relationship Management to Key Prospects/Customers in the Italian banking industry (Key Account Management). ▪ Develop and establish KEBA as a solution provider at this Prospects/Customers ▪ Enhance and execute the Go-To-Market Strategy and the Business Plan together with the Italian and Austrian Team ▪ Managing the Business relationship to Key Partners in Italy (IT-Centers, SW and local HW Development Companies, …) Skills: ▪ Very good communicative and social skills. ▪ Analytic and strategic thinking / (ideally technical background) ▪ Willingness to travel ▪ English – business fluent Place of work:Milan “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Treviso (Veneto)
Per azienda nel settore MOTORSPORT per il potenziamento del proprio organico, ricerchiamo: JUNIOR MARKETING & MERCHANDISING SPECIALIST – MOTORSPORT – TREVISO Il candidato avrà in gestione la ricambista, la linea di accessori e abbigliamento brandizzato dovendo altresì sviluppare il MARKETING del POSTVENDITA della rete dei concessionari ufficiali sia in Italia che all’estero. La risorsa inserita farà parte del team di after sales. La passione per il mondo delle DUE RUOTE è fondamentale. È preferibile una minima esperienza di almeno due anni maturata nel mondo del marketing o del product management. Necessaria la conoscenza della lingua Inglese, residenza in nelle vicinanze di Treviso, conoscenza avanzata di office. COMPITI E RESPONSABILITA’: •Definire gli standard della rete di assistenza (competenze-immagine-attrezzature) e tutti i prodotti atti allo scopo •Definire e gestire la linea di prodotti Accessori •Definire e gestire la linea di prodotti Abbigliamento e Merchandising •Definire campagne di vendita per ricambi •Definire i kit di ricambi di primo equipaggiamento REQUISITI FONDAMENTALI: •Ottima conoscenza della lingua INGLESE •Leadership e problem solving •Laurea in ingegneria •3/5 anni di esperienza in ambito di accessori e/o nel post vendita moto/biciclette SEDE DI LAVORO: TREVISO COSA OFFRIAMO: inserimento a tempo indeterminato, impiegato, RAL 23/25k PER CANDIDARSI: I dati saranno trattati e conservati esclusivamente per finalità di selezioni presenti e future, garantendo i diritti di cui al GDPR 679/2016. Gli interessati/e sono invitati a leggere sul sito l’informativa sulla Privacy GDPR 679/2016. La ricerca è rivolta a persone di entrambi i sessi L.903/77. MODULO Group Autorizzazione Ministero del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale ai sensi GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298/MA0
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Italia (Tutte le città)
L'ACCOUNT MANAGER GDO si occuperà di:Assicurare la corretta esecuzione delle linee guida stabilite dalla Direzione CommercialeSvolgere analisi di mercato e di settoreDefinire gli obiettivi di sell-in insieme alla direzione commercialeGestire le vendite dirette, formulando piani di vendita sui territori assegnatiGestire il rilevamento assortimento, prezzi, facing e promozioniOttenere il miglior posizionamento sugli scaffali di categoria/visual merchandisingOttenere un'alta visibilità dei prodotti tramite strumenti espositivi Gestire la stock rotation Garantire controllo qualità e aumento delle referenze / presa d'ordine diretta con i responsabili dei punti vendita Piattaforma e-commerce leaderAccount Manager GDOIl candidato ideale è in possesso dei seguenti requisiti:Laurea in Economia o affiniEsperienza di 2/3 anni in ruoli di Account e/o Brand e/o Category e/o Product Management presso primarie realtà del mondo GDO, GDS o FMCGSpiccate doti commerciali e ottima dialetticaOttima conoscenza della suite MS Office, in particolare di ExcelAttitudine all'analisi numericaBuona conoscenza della lingua ingleseDisponibilità a trasferte quotidiane su tutta ItaliaDoti di autonomia operativa, forte proattività, orientamento agli obiettivi Piattaforma e-commerce leader nel mercato dell'elettrodomestico, elettronica di consumo e high-tech.La tipologia di contratto e la retribuzione saranno commisurate al livello di esperienza e alle competenze del candidato selezionato.Salario da 25.000 /anno a 32.000 /anno
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Roma (Lazio)
Per un Gruppo multinazionale nel mondo heating e confort termico stiamo ricercando il Pre Sales Engineer per Lazio, Campania e Sardegna. Il ruolo, a riporto del Pre Sales Manager, sarà responsabile delle seguenti attività: - Preparare offerte commerciali per impianti di riscaldamento (pompa di calore, chiller, caldaie) collaborando con il team di product management; - Progettare e dimensionare impianti di riscaldamento; - Monitorare e gestire i progetti in tutte le fasi: dall'offerta alla messa in servizio degli impianti tecnici, coinvolgendo terze parti/fornitori esterni; - Effettuare visite periodiche a clienti, agli studi di progettazione, agli studi termotecnici; - Organizzare sessioni di formazione e incontri di promozione tecnica; - Predisporre strumenti di vendita per supportare gli Area Manager nella valorizzazione dei prodotti; - Organizzare e gestire le strutture di supporto all'installazione sul campo, in collaborazione con i Service Manager; - Gestire le attività con strumenti di CRM. Il lavoro è in home office
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Role purpose: The National Account Manager (NAM) will manage the local customer relationship for a portfolio of Enterprise accounts across the group operating companies, affiliates and partners and drive profitable revenue contribution and increased market share from integrated product, IT service and solution offerings.Leads account planning and strategy development for a defined portfolio of Enterprise accounts supporting and aligned to the global account plan (as defined by the Global Account Manager, Regional Account Manager and customer)Drive accelerated revenue growth by identifying potential markets for new and existing products and servicesIdentify and pursue sales opportunities and leads which may come from meetings, clients, other sales force, vendors and others. Maximises internal network to get results for customers and to ensure effective problem resolution and problem management Introduces new innovations and concepts to key decision makers within the customer through relationship and stakeholder management of CEO's and Sales Directors within all key clients. Understands up front through engagement at the right business level the customer's strategic and operational issues. Oversees new products, services and mobile solutions of account. Works in partnership with Customer fulfilment and pre and post sales areas to ensure seamless introduction of new product services and solutions to accounts Key performance indicators: New business contract value Yearly revenue Customer retention National Account Manager - Vendor multinazionale leader nel mercato IT Vendro multinazionale leader nel settore ICTCore competencies, knowledge and experience:Maintain expertise of internal procedures and systems (e.g. SFDC) for resigns and acquisitions and managing the progress of quotes through commercial processes to contract production To have the ability to manage own time to ensure market and product knowledge is up to date Ensure sales and churn targets are achieved every month. Experience in solution sales and relationship management (track record of global accounts/enterprise solution selling) within multi-national companies. Knowledge of ICT development and operations, and a technical sales background preferableExperience of identifying customer requirements and developing creative and innovative customer-centric solutions with an international context. Demonstrated understanding of important financial concepts, the IT&T environments, purchasing practices and industry specific aspects of corporate customers An understanding of corporate governance in complex organisations. Demonstrated success in networking at senior levels amongst industry leaders with strong relationship management skillsAccount management with full P&L responsibility for around 20 accounts with combined worth of 5M International IT vendor company - one of the Top 10 companies in the world.Ottima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 50.000 /anno a 68.000 /anno
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Milano (Lombardia)
On behalf of our client we are seeking the services of an experienced Java Technical Leader who will lead the development and deployment of a set of our application related to a portfolio of our products. As Java Technical Leader, you will take the lead of a development team which is in charge of developing, testing and deploying a set of application related to a portfolio of our products. The team is composed of 16 developers working on 3 Agile Scrum streams. You will participate with the Product Owner and the Scrum Master to the development roadmap of these application and will lead the team in an Agile mindset to execute this roadmap. you will be responsible for: Provide support (non-functional requirements, architecture, capacity) to Product Owner to elaborate product roadmap Lead the Development team regarding architectural and technical choices Align the technical dependencies of the 3 Scrum streams Owns the Technical and technological stack for its product Programming languages, frameworks, data storages, libraries, monitoring solutions…) Software development and deployment automation (CI/CD frameworks – Git, Jenkins, Ansible…) Technical documentation Owns the Software development methodology Align effort with velocity Drive the definition and estimation of the tasks Drive the scope of an iteration (allow for CRs, manage Bugs, manage impediment…) Challenge and improve the operation of the team, improving their performance and capabilities. Be the Application Owner of applications developed by his team Ensure cost effective and qualitative Architecture and solution Ensure maintenance with his team of its application Manage Capacity of his development teams People management Your skills: You have a proven experience of at least 5 years as a SW Technical Leader. This experience covers a.o. following technical skills: 5+ years experience of software development and support of complex J2EE applications Experience in managing a SW development team (international experience is a plus) Previous practical experience with JIRA, Git, Jenkins, SonarQube, Nexus/Artifactory Previous practical experience with Ansible, Docker, Linux, Spring Boot, ReactJS is an advantage Proven experience in an Agile Scrum framework Good knowledge of Agile (SCRUM) processes and methodology Strong analytical and communicative skills Strong people management skills Experience in working with distributed teams. Your Profile: Good problem solving skills and analytical mind-set You’re fast and eager learner English (very good in reading, writing, speaking) is a must Computer Sciences, IT, or comparable. Length: 3-6 months + possible extensions. Location: Home working whilst offices is closed due to the pandemic then onsite in Brussels and will require frequent travel to Ukraine. Best regards, D&T S.r.l.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Main Job Scope:Economical and functional main responsibility for all respective programs throughout the entire product life cycle (from pre-acquisition through end of production). Implementation of agreed project goals and responsible contact person to all external and internal costumers Key ResponsibiltiesAttainment of all agreed project goals according to defined criteria (Deadlines, Costs, Quality)Implementation (concept, quoting, program award, product development, supplier selection, launch, post-production performance, & lessons learned) of all supported programs according to Company Program Management System and according to all Program Management related standardized methods and proceduresPlanning and Coordination of all concerned Company locations and of all project tasks related to the following process steps: offer phase, series development phase and series production phase (if applicable).Ongoing controlling and reporting of progress regarding the current programs (Deadlines, Costs, Quality). In case of deviation, definition and implementation of corrective action.Ongoing documentation on program progress and reporting to management. Global Automation brandVery interesting job opportunityRequirements, Qualifications & Competencies:Degree of a Technical University, University of Applied Sciences or Polytechnic Engineering.Several years of relevant experience in the area of Program Management (processes, planning and mentoring of programs)Leading experience in lateral guidance in a matrix environment: drive results and decisions, self-initiative, team orientation, orientation on solutions, communication skills, assertiveness, motivating, people, conflict-solving skills, multi-frame and multinational collaborationMethodological skills: analytical competence, planning and implementation methods, moderating and presentation skills, mentoring and controlling skillsProfound customer orientation and relationship building skills: Keen listener, eloquence both to internal and external costumers on different hierarchical levels, credibility, ability to create trust and commitmentKnowledge of relevant automotive quality standards (GQS, APQP/VDA 6.3, PPAP) Global automotive brand, leader in electro-mechanical componentsVery interesting career opportunity
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Consumer & category insightsDefines and sizes the target of the brand, taking into account the consumption and social trendsTransforms the deep consumer & shopper understanding into insights and opportunities at brand / range levelDefines the direct and indirect competition and the key sources of growth for the brandTransforms the deep category understanding into insights and opportunities at brand / range levelFeeds the sales department with relevant category insights at a brand / range level Category and Brand strategyDefines an exhaustive diagnosis at a category, brand and range levels: drivers and barriers, key marketing activities that worked and didn't workDefines the brand positioningLeverages the brand vision and the brand purpose in all brand activitiesBuilds and sizes the yearly marketing plan in line with brand strategyRecommends relevant KPIs Product innovation & renovationBuilds differentiated innovation /renovation concepts in response to insightsAssesses the ideas / concepts vs business opportunities, brand strategy, R&D constraints, trade, supply constraints, expected profitabilityRecommends and implements actions on product (formula) and packaging to reach the best mixPuts in place research to test innovation/renovation ideas with CMI department Pricing strategyRecommends a price and format strategy considering the brand positioning, other products of the brand, competitive set, elasticity, potential cost of goods evolution and global profitabilityRecommends adjustments if necessary on the global price and format strategCo-defines trade promotion strategy with Sales department: promotional mechanics, relevant format, visibility strategy, seasonality Brand ExperienceWrites a clear integrated communication brief based on the brand ideaAligns internal partners & agencies on the brief, timing, roles & responsibilitiesDefines the overall touch points orchestration for the campaign: roles of the claim / play / talk and prioritization of the touch point planRecommends the right budget for each touch point including the media planDefines the right KPIs for each touch point and for the overall campaignFinancial managementRecommends the brand / range budget aligned with yearly marketing planManages and controls the brand /range budget aligned with defined priorities Communication and Digital leader Transversal responsibilities:Lead and coordinate Communication and Digital strategies with MD and another BMLead and coordinate Communication Digital transversal processes with communication agenciesImplementation and assessment of digital performance toolsInspire the team with updated external digital knowledgeCollaborate with MD, GM and HR in the Company´s digital transformation process FMCG Multinational CompanyInteresting & Challenging OpportunityUniversity Degree and ideally Master in Business, MKT or DigitalMinimum of a 5 years' experience in MKT brand management in multinational environments dealing with Headquarters, media/communication, and digital oriented agencies. FMCG ideallySolid in Digital environments to challenge agencies and inspire local teams: Strategy, content, Social Media, data management, media planning (on line video, programmatic, youtube, facebook, etc.). influencersExperience and knowledge on agile methodologiesExperience in product developmentBusiness holistic approach: MKT, trade, financeStrong analytics strengths: market trends, consumer understanding, media and digital performance, etcStrong communication and persuasive skillsHigh level of English and ItalianUser level computer skills. Databases (SAP; Nielsen; internal computer programs).Solid Social Media and digital tools knowledgeIT skills: daily user of IT tools (SAP, windows, internet) FMCG multinational company guided by a sense of purpose and responsibility and respect for the world. Fast-growing FMCG Company High internal exposure
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Bologna (Emilia Romagna)
Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. FIELD TECHNICIAN Report to: GM Europe Purpose of the role: the purpose of the Field Technician is to support the commercial operations department to implement the activities associated with project execution, delivery and customer support post project completion. This should be completed to a high standard in line with contractual obligations and with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role is based in Northern Italy and the focus will be on assisting local Italian clients. In addition to this, some travel may be required to other European countries to provide installation and service support. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities • Ensure projects are installed and delivered on time in accordance with Company Standards and with a focus on customer satisfaction • Inquisitive mind, able to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. Able to think proactively about how to resolve/mitigate any potential issues during product installation, commissioning and support. • Documentation of all key data required for gate/meter selection, product installation and commissioning as agreed/signed by customer and/or engineering firm Technical Skills · Willingness to perform aspects of masonry work subsequent to proper training · Able to understand engineering data and plans/drawings · Mechanical and electrical skills as pertaining to but not limited to: o Assembly and disassembly of product o Replacement, programming and support of RTU, instrumentation, solar power systems and motor drives o Replacement of gearboxes o Steel cable tensioning and replacement IT Knowledge · Ability and experience with PLC, SCADA and RTU systems as it pertains to but not limited to: · Data table adjustment/entry · Knowledge of I/O as it pertains to floating point registers and digital points · Communication protocol knowledge Other Skills/Knowledge · Basic understanding of electronics · Knowledge of the agricultural irrigation industry · Occupational health and safety · Knowledge of control theory is beneficial · Strong customer service skills Language Skills: fluent in Italian and strong in English; other languages are beneficial (Spanish, French, Romanian, Arabic) Skills and Qualifications: technical trade qualification; valid driving licence; 2 + years of experience Attribute: Demonstrated effective matrix skills (crosses geography’s and departments) Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders (internal/external) Results oriented, motivated, reliable and trustworthy working style Excellent interpersonal skills. Able to communicate with ease at different levels and with people in different locations Excellent written and verbal communication skills Business minded, logical, analytical, good strategist and implementer Well organized, quick thinker Able to work independently and as part of a team Employment type · Full-time · Permanent contract · Salary will be discussed with the selected candidate · Benefits: Company car, PC, mobile phone, company credit card, tools, etc Starting date expected: mid January 2021 Location: Mantova – Bologna – Reggio Emilia The selection is open at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality is guaranteed KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: AUTORIZZAZIONE MINISTERIALE A TEMPO INDETERMINATO Prot. 39/0003074 / MA004.A003
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Ferrara (Emilia Romagna)
Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. FIELD TECHNICIAN – ITALIAN PLANTS WATER TREATMENT - FERRARA Report to: GM Europe Purpose of the role: the purpose of the Field Technician is to support the commercial operations department to implement the activities associated with project execution, delivery and customer support post project completion. This should be completed to a high standard in line with contractual obligations and with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role is based in Northern Italy and the focus will be on assisting local Italian clients. In addition to this, some travel may be required to other European countries to provide installation and service support. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities • Ensure projects are installed and delivered on time in accordance with Company Standards and with a focus on customer satisfaction • Inquisitive mind, able to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. Able to think proactively about how to resolve/mitigate any potential issues during product installation, commissioning and support. • Documentation of all key data required for gate/meter selection, product installation and commissioning as agreed/signed by customer and/or engineering firm Technical Skills · Willingness to perform aspects of masonry work subsequent to proper training · Able to understand engineering data and plans/drawings · Mechanical and electrical skills as pertaining to but not limited to: o Assembly and disassembly of product o Replacement, programming and support of RTU, instrumentation, solar power systems and motor drives o Replacement of gearboxes o Steel cable tensioning and replacement IT Knowledge · Ability and experience with PLC, SCADA and RTU systems as it pertains to but not limited to: · Data table adjustment/entry · Knowledge of I/O as it pertains to floating point registers and digital points · Communication protocol knowledge Other Skills/Knowledge · Basic understanding of electronics · Knowledge of the agricultural irrigation industry · Occupational health and safety · Knowledge of control theory is beneficial · Strong customer service skills Language Skills: fluent in Italian and strong in English; other languages are beneficial (Spanish, French, Romanian, Arabic) Skills and Qualifications: technical trade qualification; valid driving licence; 2 + years of experience Attribute: Demonstrated effective matrix skills (crosses geography’s and departments) Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders (internal/external) Results oriented, motivated, reliable and trustworthy working style Excellent interpersonal skills. Able to communicate with ease at different levels and with people in different locations Excellent written and verbal communication skills Business minded, logical, analytical, good strategist and implementer Well organized, quick thinker Able to work independently and as part of a team Employment type · Full-time · Permanent contract · Salary will be discussed with the selected candidate · Benefits: Company car, PC, mobile phone, company credit card, tools, etc Starting date expected: mid January 2021 Location: Zona CENTO - FERRARA The selection is open at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality is guaranteed KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: AUTORIZZAZIONE MINI
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Lucca (Toscana)
Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. FIELD TECHNICIAN – ITALIAN PLANTS WATER TREATMENT - LUCCA - TOSCANA Report to: GM Europe Purpose of the role: the purpose of the Field Technician is to support the commercial operations department to implement the activities associated with project execution, delivery and customer support post project completion. This should be completed to a high standard in line with contractual obligations and with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role is based in Northern Italy and the focus will be on assisting local Italian clients. In addition to this, some travel may be required to other European countries to provide installation and service support. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities • Ensure projects are installed and delivered on time in accordance with Company Standards and with a focus on customer satisfaction • Inquisitive mind, able to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. Able to think proactively about how to resolve/mitigate any potential issues during product installation, commissioning and support. • Documentation of all key data required for gate/meter selection, product installation and commissioning as agreed/signed by customer and/or engineering firm Technical Skills · Willingness to perform aspects of masonry work subsequent to proper training · Able to understand engineering data and plans/drawings · Mechanical and electrical skills as pertaining to but not limited to: o Assembly and disassembly of product o Replacement, programming and support of RTU, instrumentation, solar power systems and motor drives o Replacement of gearboxes o Steel cable tensioning and replacement IT Knowledge · Ability and experience with PLC, SCADA and RTU systems as it pertains to but not limited to: · Data table adjustment/entry · Knowledge of I/O as it pertains to floating point registers and digital points · Communication protocol knowledge Other Skills/Knowledge · Basic understanding of electronics · Knowledge of the agricultural irrigation industry · Occupational health and safety · Knowledge of control theory is beneficial · Strong customer service skills Language Skills: fluent in Italian and strong in English; other languages are beneficial (Spanish, French, Romanian, Arabic) Skills and Qualifications: technical trade qualification; valid driving licence; 2 + years of experience Attribute: Demonstrated effective matrix skills (crosses geography’s and departments) Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders (internal/external) Results oriented, motivated, reliable and trustworthy working style Excellent interpersonal skills. Able to communicate with ease at different levels and with people in different locations Excellent written and verbal communication skills Business minded, logical, analytical, good strategist and implementer Well organized, quick thinker Able to work independently and as part of a team Employment type · Full-time · Permanent contract · Salary will be discussed with the selected candidate · Benefits: Company car, PC, mobile phone, company credit card, tools, etc Starting date expected: mid January 2021 Location: Zona LUCCA - TOSCANA The selection is open at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality is guaranteed KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: AUTORIZZAZIONE MINISTERIALE A TEMPO INDETERMINATO Prot. 39/0003074 / MA004.A003
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Milano (Lombardia), the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST. Job Purpose: the CSS is the Customer reference point being responsible for order management – from incoming order to the invoicing – ensuring satisfaction through timely product delivery. Key Duties and responsibilities: Order management in the ERP system. Sending of purchase orders to vendors (intercompany or third parties) Delivery time monitoring interacting with vendors (by e mail, calls) Monitoring and managing deliveries to the customer. Sales orders invoices creation and support in solving e-invoicing issues. Support to finance department for solving issues linked to purchase orders and sales orders. Support to the Customer Service Manager for the monthly Net Sales forecast. Manage any product return process following the reverse process from customer to the warehouse. Skills: Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening Familiar with CRM systems Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively Adaptability Ability to Work Under Pressure Positive Attitude Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. Temporary contract is offered. The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Milano (Lombardia), the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST. Job Purpose: the CSS is the Customer reference point being responsible for order management – from incoming order to invoicing – ensuring satisfaction through timely product delivery. Key Duties and responsibilities: Order management in the ERP system (SAP) Knowledge of goods handling systems (MB51, MB04, MMBE) Sending of purchase orders to vendors (intercompany or third parties) Delivery time monitoring interacting with vendors (by e mail, calls) Monitoring and managing deliveries to the customer. Sales orders invoices creation and support in solving e-invoicing issues. Support to finance department for solving issues linked to purchase orders and sales orders. Support to the Customer Service Manager for the monthly Net Sales forecast. Manage any product return process following the reverse process from customer to the warehouse. Skills: Excellent knowledge of SAP Good english, written and spoken Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening Familiar with CRM systems Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively Adaptability Ability to Work Under Pressure Positive Attitude Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. Temporary contract is offered. The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Milano (Lombardia), the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST. Job Purpose: the CSS is the Customer reference point being responsible for order management – from incoming order to invoicing – ensuring satisfaction through timely product delivery. Key Duties and responsibilities: Order management in the ERP system (SAP) Knowledge of goods handling systems (MB51, MB04, MMBE) Sending of purchase orders to vendors (intercompany or third parties) Delivery time monitoring interacting with vendors (by e mail, calls) Monitoring and managing deliveries to the customer. Sales orders invoices creation and support in solving e-invoicing issues. Support to finance department for solving issues linked to purchase orders and sales orders. Support to the Customer Service Manager for the monthly Net Sales forecast. Manage any product return process following the reverse process from customer to the warehouse. Skills: Excellent knowledge of SAP Good english, written and spoken Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening Familiar with CRM systems Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively Adaptability Ability to Work Under Pressure Positive Attitude Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. MEMBERSHIP IN PROTECTED CATEGORIES WILL BE PREFERENTIAL Temporary contract is offered (3 months) The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Cerco lavoro in ambito: Area Manager, Supporto Rete Vendita e Marketing. Cerco azienda disposta a farmi iniziare un nuovo percorso commerciale con relativa formazione. SETTORE: biomedicale, dentale, metalmeccanico, alimentare e edilizia. ESPERIENZA: 10 anni in ambito commerciale biomedicale, ricoprendo diversi ruoli: Product Specialist, Product Manager e Area Manager, e Sales e Rappresentative. Sviluppato fatturati e incrementati. COMPETENZE: sviluppato marketing mix e analitico, gestione progettazione formazione rete agenti e supporto alla rete vendita. FORMAZIONE: Laurea in Economia e Management Imprese di Servizii, Master in Sales&Trade Marketing Management, Certificazione di Project Manager presso ISIPM di Roma. TIPOLOGIA CONTRATTO: tutte le forme contrattuali, si a contratto NO P.IVA. MOBILITA’: a livello nazionale preferibilmente centro nord dell’Italia.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This role is responsible for the management of Production and Materials Planning, Inventory Control and Planning, Sales and Operations Planning, Warehouse Operations and Logistics. This position will work with Manufacturing, Quality, Finance, Sales & Project management and other relevant functional teams at the site. The Supply Chain Head must be able to negotiate and implement lean processes by developing creative solutions and forward-looking strategies and must have demonstrated ability to lead through influence. In collaboration with site teams, develop processes and Key Performance Indicating metrics, utilizing the ERP system to provide timely visibility and tracking of materials and finished goods status across the supply chain. The main responsabilities are:Direct the work of the Master Schedulers, providing expertise and assisting functional leads in identifying risks and evaluating capacities required to support production, storage and other capacities.Maintain best practice KPI metrics and dashboard(s) to measure site execution, customer service and performance of Supply Chain processes.Ensures the management of the introduction and obsolescence of materials throughout product life cycle. Positively affects cash flow and cost of goods by consistently maintaining costing accuracy, supporting the order execution process and managing inventories.Continual and transparent communication with peers to determine the status of assigned projects. Expedites operations, including all functional groups, to prevent delay of schedules. Alters schedules through the Sales and Operations Planning to meet unforeseen conditions.Utilizes a collaborative and consensus approach to ensure customer needs are well represented and met.Manage the team providing professional guidance in terms of performance appraisals and team empowermentPerforms other job duties as required. Supply Chain Head - Multinational API companysupply chain - multinationalTo perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Education and/or Experience Minimum 5 years' experience in turning around supply chain organizationsDegree required: Bachelors, preferred: Masters or MBA focused in Supply Chain, Business Management, Finance, EngineeringFamiliarity with Supply Chain concepts, Import/Export rules, transportation and warehousing requirementsMust be organized, possess time management skills, have the ability to deal with ambiguity and be able to manage changing priorities. Leads, motivates, and develops direct reports and peers.Possesses excellent communication, analytical, problem solving and decision making skills.Ability to perform work under general direction and normal business pressuresVery good English Knowledge Preferred ExperienceKnowledge/experience with SAP ERP system or comparable ERP systems.Previous process manufacturing and planning experience.Pharmaceutical environment or similarAPICS certification & Lean Six Sigma Certification as a plusClear understanding of Supply Chain Best PracticesAbility to work and succeed in a global environment and people management Our client is an important American multinational company that deals with active pharmaceutical ingredients. We are looking for 2 Supply Chain Head figures for 2 Italian sites in the north-west Milan area and south-west Milan.Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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Lecce (Puglia)
Position Overview Key Responsibilities •Ensure the organization, scheduling, implementation and monitoring of the project RAMS and V&V activities and ensure compliance with project budget, schedule and quality requirements; •Lead and coordinate the different railway safety contributors working on the Program or Project for the relevant scope; •Represent the company and the project towards third parties for the RAMS related topics; •Ensure the system safety and reliability requirements being responsible and accountable for design solutions against safety objectives; •Ensure the proper RAMS competence project staffing including staff provided by third parties such as consultants; •Ensure and be accountable for the execution, verification, submission and approval of all project RAMS and V&V activities and deliverables, interfacing the main project stakeholders including subcontractors, suppliers, internal departments, and third parties; •Ensure the execution and the sharing of communication to the project team of the following activities: •Workload management with periodic workload updates and analysis of deviations; •Critical path management and alignment of RAMS schedule with project master schedule, to avoid unplanned interruption of activities in RAMS stream; •Proactive risk management for early detection of cost, schedule, technical and resource issues and proposal of recovery plans; •V&V activities and the definition of the relevant budget; •Ensure the safety assessment (ISA) certification. •Support preparation of offers and proposal related to RAMS activities. •Ensure the provision of schedule and cost constrains to relevant Product, Required Knowledge & Skills •Bachelor degree in electric or electronic engineering; •More than 8 years of experience as RAM, Safety and Verification and Validation engineer; •Must have proven work experience within unconventional resources and have a thorough understanding of all aspects within man
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Plant/Industrial Controller will have the follow responsibilities:To ensure cost center accounting and standard costs are accurate To ensure inventories (count and valuation) are accurate To support plant organization for more cost effective operations To provide timely detailed production variance analysis To provide product cost calculations for purchased or manufactured products as needed To forecast plant result according to group processes and rules To support working capital management (inventories) To provide investment analysis, including actual pay-back of closed projects To identify cost savings opportunities To support continuous improvement programsMultinational Company near TurinPlant/Industrial ControllerQualifications:Minimum of four years of relevant work experience in cost accounting and standard costing in manufacturing company. Bachelor's degree in Business/Economics or equivalent Knowledge of IT systems (HFM, SAP R/3, OrderPlan, Microsoft office tools etc.) High level of initiative and independence in managing responsibilities Excellent analytic skills and ability to challenge business decisions at a plant level Able to manage the details while being able to discuss business issues Fluent written and oral English Good written and verbal communication skills as well as teamwork skillsMultinational company, leader in Manufacturing and Production sector and located near Turin, looks for a Plant/Industrial Controller to insert inside its own structure. As a Plant/Industrial Controller (m/f) you will need to be able to evaluate, control and interpret the product costs and profitability of the division products ideally combined with a good technical understanding in this field. Location: Cintura ovest di Torino Ral: 45k-50kSalario da 45.000 /anno a 50.000 /anno
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Ferrara (Emilia Romagna)
Per azienda operante nel settore IT in forte crescita siamo alla ricerca di un: TIROCINANTE SVILUPPATORE SOFTWARE Il/la candidato/a dovrà occuparsi di Sviluppo sistemi software in area Product Lifecycle Managment. La risorsa inserita verrà inserite nel reparto Ricerca e Sviluppo e verrà formato con l'obiettivo di Sviluppare competenze relative ai sistemi PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) con particolare riguardo alla loro integrazioni con applicativi CAD e alla realizzazione di interfacce WEB, verrà inoltre formato in i tecniche di programmazione avanzate. Il candidato/a si occuperà di: Analisi e prototipizzazione di miglioramenti ed estensioni per i prodotti software sviluppati dall'azienda proponente. Requisiti: Conoscenza almeno di base di uno o più linguaggi di programmazione tra: C#, Javascript, C++. Completano il profilo intraprendenza, capacità di adattamento e buon livello di conoscenza della lingua Inglese
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